The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, December 26, 1920, SECTION THREE, Image 31

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    Editorial and Doings
in Realm of Society
Pages 1 to 10
vol. xxxix.
jj All Charge, Purchases Made Tomorrow and Remainder of This Month Go on January Accounts Payable Feb. 1st, 1921 Double Stamps on Jan. 1st Bills if Paid in Full by Jan. 10th
Men's Sweaters
V2 Price
Main Floor Special lines of Men's
Sweaters in slip-on, ruff-neck and
coat styles all desirable colors; $5
to $17.50 grades $2.50 to $8.75
Novelty Beads
V2 Price v,
Main' Floor All Novelty -r Bead
Necklaces are included. Jet, amber,
coral, amethyst, etc. Assorted styles
-1$2 to $9 Beads at $1 to $-1.50
The Standard Store of the Northwest
Boxed Stationery
y2 Price
Main Floor B o x e d Stationery
slightly soiled from handling good
assortment to select from; 50c to
$5.00 boxes now at 250 to $2.50
Boys' Sweaters
i2 Price
Main Floor Odd lines of Boys'
Sweaters in the popular stylrs and
colors. fSizes 24 to 32; $8.50 to
113.50 Sweaters at $1.25 to $0.75
Olds, Wortman & King
Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods . , -
I 5 Days' CLEAN - UP SALES All Over 'the Store
Misses' Furs at Yi Price
Scarfs and Sets
Second Floor Clean-up sale of misses' and
children's Furs 6tarts Monday morning.
This season's best styles. Dont overlook
this opportunity to buy quality Furs at half.
Misses' and Children's
Fur Sets
Misses' Fur Sets of Coney, Mole, Beaver,
Red Fox, Skunk, Opossum, Natural Opos
sum, Stone Marten and .White Coney
regular $12.50 to $57.50 sets in the clean
up sale priced at $6.25 to $28.75
Children's Fur Sets of White Angora,
White Coney, Australian Coney. Taupe and
White Coney. Regular $4.50 to $18.50 sets,
now are selling at $2.25 to $9.25
$2 Sale of Furniture
v Clean-Up of Many Odd Lines
' -
Fourth Floor Positively no telephone or mail orders accepted for any ar
ticle in this sale on account of quantities being limited. In the assortment
there are Ferneries, Tabourettes and Umbrella Racks. Very appropriate for
gift giving or for your own home. Plan to be here early for first choice.
Articles in This Lot Formerly Priced to $8.50
Your Choice Monday $2
"Housekeeper's Week
Great 5 Days' Clean-Up Sale
Main Floor The Aisle of
Cottons will feature many
special offerings this week
the thrifty housewife will
take quick advantage of, for
every item means a saving.
Pillow Cases
Bleached Pillow Cases of
good quality.. Size 45x36
inches. On sale at way below
actual cost. S00 dozen in this
special offering. On OE?
SDeclal sale at. each
Large Sheets, Special $1.95
rmov7; luoing, oyzc id.
In Vlnnr TCloanTiaY Cliaatc in nnA t f nfn T21nl..J T 11 rn -
Main Floor Bleached Sheets in one
of our best standard makes. Splen
did heavy quality. Not more than
six to a customer on account of
limited quantity. Three J- Qf?
yards long. Special at 0AD
Main Floor Bleached Pillow Tubing
of good firm quality and heavy
weight. Choice of 42 or 45-inch
widths. Lay in a good supply rjfZn
of this. Special , 2 yards for It)'
We give S. & H. Green Stamps.
Bleached Sheeting, 48c Yd.
Robe Patterns, $3.95
Main Floor Heavy quality Bleached
Sheeting 72 inches wide. Limit
ten yards to a customer. A Q
Priced SDecial. a vard at Ol
72-inch Unbleached Sheet
ing. Special, a yard at
Main Floor Bath Robe Patterns
and Lounging Blankets in the fa
mous "Beacon" and "Esmond"
makes. Large assortment of designs
in latest colors. Special (gQ QK
price for Clean-Up Sale tDtJ5IO
Clean-Up Sale of Remnants
Main Floor Remnants of Outing Flannels in eood useful lentrths rem
nants of White Goods Percales Devonshire Cloth Shirtine-s G
and various other materials at just half former selling prices by the yard.
Don't fail to take advantage of this opportunity to buy materials for
epnng sewing, onop eany m tne aay: Kemnants at ONE-HALF PRICE'
White Outing Flannels 19c.Yard
Clean-up Sale of Women's Apparel
Women's Suits .
,12 Price '
Second Floor Special lines of Women's
and Misses' high grade Suits in the
Clean-Up sale at just half prjce. ' Fur
trimmed, braided, embroidered and nov
elty styles also a good selection of tai
lored models. Developed' in Duvet de
Laine, Yalama, Velour, Evora, Silver
tone, Tricotine and Serge materials.
Black, navy, gray, taupe, brown and
many other desirable colors. High-class
garments from our own regular stock.
Suits ranging in price' from $39.50 to
$275.00, now $19.75 to $JS7.50
Women's Coats
12 Price
Second Floor Beautiful Coats for after
noon and evening wear. Of Chiffon
Velvet, Duvetyn, Peach Bloom, Bolivia,
Corduvel, Taffeta and Georgette Crepe.
Dolman effects and many smart belted
models. Also ruffled and draped styles.
Some have fur collars and cuffs. Splen
did range of light and dark colors.
$70 to $300 Coats, now $33 to $130
Garment Salons
Second Floor
Women's Dresses
Vfe Price
Second Floor A wonderful opportunity
to choose from a large selection of
beautiful Dresses at half regular prices.
Tricolette, Georgette Crepe, Taffeta,
Crepe Meteor and Silk Poplin materials.
Excellent range of this season's best
styles, including draped and tunic ef
fects. Many are exquisitely embroidered
or trimmed with beads. Several exclu
sive models in this offering. Large as
sortment of styles, suitable for street
and evening wear.. Dresses selling here
tofore in regular stock at $37.50 to
$135.00, now at $18.75 to $67.50
Women's Gowns
12 Price
Second Floor Exclusive Gowns for
evening and dinner wear. Beautiful
models developed in Chiffon Velvet and
Lace Velvet and Tulle Brocaded Satin
Georgette Crepe and many other de
sirable fabrics some in combination of
two or more materials. Many are trim
med with fur, others are embroidered
and beaded. All the wanted shades.
Regular $135.00 to $350.00 Gowns.
Priced special at $67.50 to $175.00
Clean-up Sale of Silks at $1.59 Yd.
Lines Formerly Priced to $3.50
Center Circle, Main Floor 2500 yards of high-grade Silks in the Clean-Up Sale
a a.sacrifice price. Every yard is of standard quality. In the sale there are
Striped Taffetas, Figured Crepes, Plaid Poplins, Striped Shirtings, Printed Lining
Satins, Plain Taffetas and Messalines, Black Taffetas and Messalines. Silks suitable
for dresses, blouses, skirts, lining, etc. Broken lines remaining after a very busy
season. Nearly every wanted color in the sale. Silks selling heretofore fTO
up to $3.50 are now specially priced for Clean-Up Sale at the yard Xtlt
$1.75 Wool Serge $1.10
Dept. Main Floor A clear saving of 65c on every yard of this splendid serge you
buy! Shown in navy, brown, plum and copen. All pure wool. Very desirable
for dresses, skirts, etc. Here is a bargain you cannot afford to miss. 1j
Regular $1.75 Storm Serges specially priced for the Clean-up Sale at, yard DXX
' 36-Inch Lining Satins
Special $1.98 Yard
Dept. Main Floor Brocaded Lining Satin of excellent quality also plain Lining
Satin. Full assortment of all the wanted colors. Full 36 inches wide.' 1- QQ
It will pay you to buy for months ahead. Priced special a yard only tDxt0
REMNANT pieces of high
grade Linoleums suitable for kit
chens, bath rooms and toilets, on
sale at big reductions. Bring in
your exact measurements.
Regular $3.00 Inlaid J- QO
Linoleums, snuare vard tDX0
Regular $2.50 Inlaid
Linoleum, square yard
Regular $2.25 Inlaid
Linoleum, square yard
Regular $2.50 Granite
Inlaid Linoleums . at
Remnants of $1.50 - and $1.65
Printed Linoleums 98 sq. yard.
Third Floor
Cedar Chests
To Clean-Up our remaining
stock of Cedar Chests we offer
them, beginning Monday morning,
at 1-3 off regular selling prices.
Regular $39.75 Cedar IOC Kft
Chests, priced special tDU.tiVf
Regular $42.50 Cedar flOQ Jfl
Chests, priced special tDiO.rtU
$47.50 Cedar Chests for $31.65
$50.00 Cedar Chests for $32.70
$55.00 Cedar Chests for $36.75
$62.50 Cedar Chests for $40.70
$65.00 Cedar Chests for $43.30
Third Floor
Special Sale of
Fireless Cookers
For ONE WEEK we place on sale exactly
27 No. 6 Thermatic Fireless Cookers at a very '.
low price and special easy terms. This is one y
of the best . styles made, but we are over- :
stocked on this number, hence the sale. Regu
lar $48.30 Cookers at $37.45 and very easy
terms $1 DOWN arid $1 A WEEK. A Ther
matic Cooker is a household necessity like the
washing machine , or vacuum cleaner.
25 Discount
On Wood Frame Serving Trays. t
On Casseroles with Nickel Frames.
On mahogany Nut Bowl Sets.
On Auto Lunch Kits. -
Heating Appliances 20 Off
Andirons, Fire Sets, at 20 off.
Spark Guards, Screens 20 off.
Gas Air Heaters, now 20 off.
$5.50 Wood Baskets, now $4.38
Heating Stoves on sale 20 off.
Stoves Reduced
Jewel Gas Ranges at 10 off.
Jewel .. Combinations 10 . off.
Wood, Coal Ranges 10 off.
Garland Gas Water Heaters
$1 Down and $1 a Week
Special Terms and Price
for This Week Only
If the service pipes are at the boiler and you live in Port
land there will be no additional ; charge for plumbing as
this special price includes connections in your home.
Garland Water Heaters are nationally-known as the peer
if not the best tank water heater made. Fully guaranteed
to give satisfactory, service: .
Regular $36.75 Water 7C
Heaters Priced Special at x I O
Sale of Knit Underwear
Bargain Circle, Main Floor
Special purchase and sale of Carter's
Knit Underwear for Women. Discontinued
style numbers and "irregulars" with slight
imperfections. Every garment is made of
fine soft yarns. Light, medium and heavy
weights. ' All popular styles in the sale.
$3.25 Underwear $l7
$7 Grade $4.67
Union ' Suits
Union Suits
Union Suits
now $4.34
now $4.07
Clean-Up Sale of Footwear
All Shoes, Pumps, Oxfords Reduced
Main Floor Unrestricted choice of all
men's and women's Shoes, Pumps and O
fords at substantial price concessions. Con s
to the Shoe Dept., select the pair you want
and we will present you with splendid
saving. All styles, all leathers, all sizes.
Sale Prices
All $ 9.50 Shoes now priced at $ 7.00
All $12.00 Shoes now priced at $ 0.(10
All $11.50 Shoes now priced at $ 0.20
All $10.50 Shoes now priced at $ H.40
All $13.50 Shoes now priced at $10.80
All $15.00 Shoes now priced at $12.00
$2.48 Felt Spats
Main Floor Women's Felt Spats in
brown, taupe, fawn, white, gray and
khaki. These are of good (J" QO
quality. $2.48 values. Pair DA0
Women's Shoes
Broken lines of Women's Shoes.
Many different styles and leathers.
Not all sizes in each style. OH A pT
Values to $18.00. Special O I MO
China, Lamps, Silverware
20 Discount
The Housewares Store announces a great Discount Sale of Home Needs
the most important event of its kind Portland has seen in years. The wise
shopper will be on hand promptly Monday morning. Choose from the largest
and finest stock in the entire northwest.
Lamps and Shades
20 Discount
Choose from our entire stock or Lamps of every
description from the large Floor Lamps to the
dainty Desk or Boudoir Lamps. AH of our silk
Shades, Candle Sticks and Book-Ends included.
Smokers' Articles
20 Discount
Never was there such a showing of Smokers'
Articles in Portland as will be found at this store.
Smoking Sets Smoking Stands Humidors Ash
Trays Tobacco Jars Etc., Etc. Many styles.
All Fancy China
20 Discount
Nothing reserved! Just think what this sale
means! Here you may choose from an immense
showing of Fancy China Cake Plates, Cups and
Saucers, Berry Sets, Tea Sets, Cake Sets,
Sugar and Cream Sets, Etc., at 20 per cent off.
Art Pottery 20 Discount
Select any piece you wish and deduct one-fifth from the regular price.
Even our very latest European importations which have just arrived are
included in this sale. All Art Pottery 20 off.
Paris Bronzes 20 Discount
Imported direct from France. You will recognize many familiar subjects.
Pre-war prices prevail and you get a discount of 20. Large selections.
Rich Cut Glass 20 Discount
Think of buying the richest of Cut Glass in Libbey and Hawkes makes at
such a splendid saving. Every piece of deep cut glass on sale at 20 off.
Silverware 20 Discount
This sale applies only to hollow ware such as Tea Sets, Casseroles, Coffee
Sets, Sandwich Trays, Baskets, etc, and does not include Gorham plate.
Housewares Dept, Third Floor
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