The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, December 26, 1920, Section One, Page 3, Image 3

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Japanese Immigration Row Is
Said to Be Unsettled.
CaHfornlan Says Xlpponese Gave
. Out Story to Allay Effect or
' Alien Land Law.
SACRAMENTO, Cal.. Dec 25. Re
eently published reports that the state
department at Washington had come
to an understanding with Japan re
rarding- Japanese immigration into
the United States, which appeared in
uoKio. in Japanese language news
papers along the Pacific coast and
afterward were given general publi
cation throughout the United States,
were erroneous, according to V.
McClatchy, Sacramento publisher, who
told today of his conferences at the
national capital as the official repre
tentative of the Japanese Exclusion
league and of the Los Angeles County
Anti-Asiatic association.
Mr. McClatchy, during his Washing
ton visit, had conferences with Act
Ing Secretary of State Davis. Ambas
eador Morris, who is temporarily in
this country from his post in Toklo,
and with the California delegation in
congress. He also conferred with
members of the senate and house com
mittees concerned with the subject
of immigration and foreign relations.
Invrtfgratlra to Be Made.
According to Mr. McClatchy, Am
bassador Morris has been commis
sioned by the statj department to act
for It on a careful examination of all
the facts having to do with immi
gration, and to make a report which
may serve as a basis for negotiations
to 'be had with the representatives of
Japan looking to abrogation or modi
fication of the present "gentlemen's
agreement," and the outlining of
terms for a new treaty covering im
migration. In this connection, Mr.
McClatchy said, Mr. Morris has had
with Japanese Ambassador Shidehara
at Washington an unofficial inter
change of views creating no obliga
tion on either side, and held for the
purpose of clearing, so far as that
can be done, the ground for the
official negotiations to follow.
"Mr. Morris has not as yet sub
mitted his report to the state depart
ment," Mr. McClatchy declared, "and
as a matter of fact has not yet com
pleted it. so that any statement to
the effect that the terms of a treaty
have been agreed upon, is entirely
without foundation."
, Statement Declared Roue.
The statement was circulated in
Japan evidently for the purpose of
making a better public feeling there I
prior to the California election," Mr. j
McClatchy declared. "It was gener
ally conceded tnat the California alien
land law was passed by a large ma- j
jorlty. and the Japanese public was
Induced to accept that result philo
ophically on the theory that the
Japanese ambassador had already ar
ranged with our state department the
terms of a treaty under which the
effect of the California law would be
nullified. That would seem to be the
incentive for the statement as pub
lished in Japan."
It is probable that the Johnson
exclusion bill, -which would exclude
all immigration for a period of one
year, and which has passed the house
and Is now In senate committee, will
be the only immigration measure be
fore the present session of congress.
Mr. McClatchy said.
Japan Looking Forward to New
Treaty With United States.
TOKIO. Dee. 24. Addressing pre
liminary meetings of the diet here to
day. Viscount Uchida, thes foreign
minister, expressed the opinion that a
new Japanese-American treaty win
be concluded leading to nullification
of the California land law. He said
he expected such action to result from
the negotiations which have been In
progress at Washington between Am
bassador Shidehara and Roland S.
Morris, United States ambassador to
The ambassadors; he said, were
making efforts to obtain an under
standing with the senate to secure
passage of the treaty. Me announcea
that in view of the sincerity with
which they are endeavoring to solve
the problem, Japan has refrained from
protesting against the California law,
but that if the negotiations fail a
formal protest would be lodged.
Answering interpellations, viscount
Uchida said that the negotiations
were proceeding on the understanding
that such a treaty would override the
state laws. -
Foreign Minister Withholds Reply
Until Formal Session of Diet.
TOKIO, Dec 24. When questioned
today at a preliminary meeting of
the diet regarding discrepancies be
tween the reports of missionaries and
those of the military as to whether
massacres had occurred at Chlen-Tao,
Manchuria, Viscount Uchida, the for
eign minister, announced that he
would withhold his reply until the
formal session of the chamber.
Premier Hara announced at the
meeting legislation which he is Intro
ucing in order to establish the Jury
Soldier Hero and Wife of Few
Hours Blow Out Gas on Retiring.
NEWARK, N. J, Dec. 25. A small,
dark-eyed girl, who arrived -here yes-
rday from Naples, Italy, and her
soldier hero, Rocco Bruillo, whose
bride she became a few hours later,
ere found dead from asphyxiation
today in their snug Academy avenue
apartment. A month 'ago in Italy,
Carmalla received money for steam-
hip fare and with it a note: "Come
to me, my sweetheart, and we will
be married at Christmas time."
After the simple wedding at Ellis
land yesterday, relatives of Bruillo
feasted the veteran and his bride. The
celebration lasted into the early hours
this morning. When the coirple
tired, it was believed, Carmalla,
ho at home was used to oil lamps.
blew out the gas.
Between, 300 and 400 Families In
Portland) Provided For Scouts
and Others Assist.
Between 300 and 400 families in
Portland owed their joyous Christmas
to the efforts of workers in the pub
lio welfare bureau. Friday was a
busy day at headquarters in the
courthouse, where boy scouts and a
motor squad from the -Knights of
Pythias lodge directed distribution of
donations of food, clothing and toys
at comes ot me needy.
With the exception of 15 families
all were taken care of at dinner yes
terday by private individuals and
churches. The few left over received
baskets from -the welfare bureau.
Probably $5000 was spent yesterday
through outside sources for enter
tainment and dinners given in private
homes. The bureau itself spent little
from its own fund, which has been
devoted mainly to the relief of chil
dren and purchase of needed clothing
between December' 1 and Christma
day. A. R. Gephart, head of the or
ganization, said he ' believed every
one under his observation bad been
amply clothed.
Money was still coming in yester
day and Mr. Gephart found 162.50 in
his mail in the morning.
Admiral Keller Will Not Accept
Decoration From Constantine.
ATHENS. Dec 25. All of the news
papers devote one or. more columns
of comment to the recent incident
when Admiral Kelley, head of the
British naval mission here, declined
the decoration of the Grand Order of
the Royal Order of the Savior ten
dere-d him by Constantine.
The Athinie remarks that it Is
comic to observe the grave ministers
fn the local foreign colony, "playing
like little girls at a dance." Khronos
says solemnly that the Greek people
are perfectly calm and dignified and
ignore the insult which it says was
intended by the British. ,
second lieutenant in the 6th field ar
tillery division, charged with desert
ing - his command at Coblens, Ger
many, in June, 1919, taking with him I
about 148,000 of his company's funds,
was arrested) last night and turned
over to department of justice agents.
The government agents said that
the prisoner would be taken to Fort
Leavenworth, Kan., tomorrow for
trial ,
Gottenkiene's arrest was brought
about by Sanford T. Pomroy of this
city, who served as a color sergeant
in the same regiment with him. Pom
roy recognized Gottenhiene and noti
fied a policeman.
Gottenkjene was arrested in Ger
many shortly after he deserted and
brought to Camp Taylor, Ky. He
escaped last February.
All Mail Orders Carefully Filled Same Day
as Received.
Agents for the Butterick Patterns and De-
S5 lineator. All new styles now showing.
Plants Xot Already Closed Down
Are Idle During Holidays.
CENTRALIA. Wash.. Dec 25. (Spe
cial.) Lewis county sawmills, not al
ready closed down as a result of mar
ket conditions, have suspended opera
tions for the holidays.
The Carlisle-Penneil mill at On-
alaska closed Thursday night. The
camp will resume Monday and the
mill on January 3. The Guerrler mill,
near Forest, closed Wednesday. A
Christmas entertainment was held
Wednesday night by the Guerrler employes.
Unlike most mills in this vicinity,
the tie plant near Onalaska, operated
by H. C. Jorgenson, has been work
ing three shifts in order to fill a con
tract for ties that has a time clause
attached to it.
Patients Hear Music.
Members of the Community Service,
led by Walter Jenkins, sang yester
day morning for patients of the Port
land sanitarium, .. Twelve persons
comprised the chorus. Warren's Ves- j
per orchestra gave a concert before .
the patients of the Pierce Banitarium.
The Christmas decorations of both in
stitutions were conceived by Mrs. Ja
cob Kamm.
Widow of Late Lord Mayor Enter
tained by Walsh Family.
CLINTON, Mass., Dec. 23. Mrs
Muriel MacSwiney, widow of the late
lord mayor of Cork, his sister. Miss
Mary MacSwiney, were Christmas
guests at the home of David I. Walsh,
United States senator.
They arrived last night, accom
panied by Harry Boland. secretary to
Eamonn De Valera, and were enter
tained by the senator's brother, Major
Thomas L. Walsh and his sister, Miss
Mary Walsh.
Ex-Lieutenant Also Accused of
Stealing $48,000 Funds.
PITTSBURG, Dec. 25. John C. Got-
tenkiene, alias David L. Gordon, ex-
Fire Destroys Automobile.
CENTRALIA, Wash.. Dec. 25. (Spe
cial.) While driving to his home in
Winlock, from Napavine, the automo
bile of Roy Wall caught fire from a
short circuit and was destroyed. Wall
and Herman Rhodes, who was in the
car with him.-'tried to extinguish the
blaze with mud but abandoned their
efforts when it appeared that the
easoline tank would explode.
236 Claim Lost $5 Bill.
BERKELEY, Cal., Dec. 25. A five
dollar bill was advertised as found by
the Berkeley police department yes
terday. In two days 236 persons have
claimed ownership, according to Ser
geant Charles Becker. None was able
to identify the bill to his satisfaction.
He still holds it. 9
Sew Gulf Line to Open. .
HAMBURG, Dec. 25. The gulf line
is open to a new steamship service
from Hamburg to all ports on the
west coast of South America, by way
of the Strait of Magellan.
Minister Presents Credentials.
RIO JANEIRO, Dec 2o. George Al
fred Plehn, the new German minister
to Brazil, presented his credentials to
President Pessoa Friday.
on every dollar's worth of merchandise in the store
near broadway
331 Washington st.
30 off
on all hats and caps
$6.00 hats now $4.20
$7.00 hats now $4.90
$8.00 hats now $5.60
$10.00 hats now. $7.00
$12.00 hats now. $8.40
$15.00 hats now $10.50
$20.00 hats now ...$14.00
$27.00 hats now $18.90
$30.00 hats now .$21.00
$4.00 caps now $2.80
$5.00 caps now $3.50
30 off
all shirts, including
$2.00 shirts now. ..... .$1.40
$3.00 shirts now .$2.10
$4.00 shirts now $2.80
$5.00 shirts now. $3.50
$6.00 shirts now .$4.20
$8.00 shirts now. ..... .$5.60
$10.00 shirts now $7.00
$12.50 shirts now.. $8.75
$15.00 shirts now $10.50
3O0 off
underwear, including
vassar, cooper and
30 off
on all neckwear
$1.00 ties now.
$1.50 ties now.
$2.00 ties now.
$2.50 ties now
$3.00 ties now
$4.00 ties now
$5.00 ties now
. 70c
30 discount on hand
kerchiefs by the dozen
30 off
hosiery, including inter
woven and onyx
50c hose now 35c
75c hose now......... 53c
$1.00 hose now 70c
$1.25 hose now......... 87c
$2.00 hose now. $1.40
$3.00 hose now :..$2.10
$3.50 hose now $2.45
30 discount on all vests
underwear. .
underwear. .
underwear. .
underwear. .
underwear. .
underwear . . .
underwear. . .
underwear. . ,
, .$2.10
. .$2.80
, .$4.20
30 discount
on bags and leather goods
dent's and brad's
gloves and gauntlets
$4.00 gloves now ... .$2.80
$5.00 gloves now. ..... .$3.50
$6.00 gloves now $4.20
$10.00 gloves now $7.00
$17.50 gloves now $12.25
42 discount on all overcoats
2 . TL. Ti
"The Store That
Undersells Because
It Sells for Cash"
Parcels Post Packages Prepaid on Five
Dollar Purchases.
The new Delta Chart with the new Bntterlck
Patterns la meeting with universal (avor.
The Year's Greatest Values in This
Our annual event that thousands of prudent women from past experiences have learned to look
forward to as the great value-giving period of the 'entire year a time when all odds and ends,
small lots, surplus stocks and merchandise more or less soiled or mussed during the holiday period
are all especially displayed and marked at
Prices That Run Up to One-half Former Selling Figures
Just glance at this list then come to the store and see for yourself what remarkable savings
are possible here:
Drastic Price Reductions in
Knit Underwear, Hosiery
Through this timely sale we announce a low price adjustment immediately f;
on present stocks of Women's Knit Underwear and Hosiery that will prove
of great importance to those who can arrange to attend. Below we list a
few of the special offerings just see for yourself what splendid savings now
accrue to you.
Wool-Mixed Vests and Pants at 98 Pair
Women's non-shrinking Wool Mixed Vests and Pants. Vests
are low neck, sleeveless, Dutch neck and1 elbow sleeve, Dutch
neck and cap sleeve. Sizes 34, 36, 38 and 42. Pants in both
knee and ankle length., Sizes 34, 36, 38, 40 and 44.
Wool-Mixed Union Suits at $2.98
Women's non-shrinking Wool Mixed Union Suits, made with
Dutch neck and elbow sleeve, high neck and long sleeve, low
neck and sleeveless. All are ankle length. Sizes 34 to 44
Heavy Fleeced Vests and Pants at 69 Gar.
Women's heavy fleeced Vests and Pants. Vests with high
neck and long sleeves. Sizes 34, 36 and 33. Tights are ankle
length, in size 36 only.
Fleeced Union Suits at 79
Women's fleece-lined Union Suits, made with high neck and
long sleeves. An exceptionally good bargain at this unusual
Silk Hose at 79Pr.
Women's Silk Hose made with seamed
back, seamless foot, reinforced heels
and toes, in black only. Sizes 8, 9
and . '
Cashmere Hose at 69 Pr.
Women's outsize Cashmere Hose,
made seamless with reinforced heels
and toes. Black only. Sizes 8 to
Sport Wool Hose, $1.39 Pr.
Women's Wool Sport Hose in plain and
drop stitch, made seamless, with rein
forced heels and toes, in brown and
green, heather mixed. Sizes 8V4 to 10.
Crepe de
Women's Stylish Stout Dresses
In Satins 1 "D.,
Taffetas 71 LllCS
" Sizes From 42 'j to 48 Vt Only
.Colors Are Taupe, Navy, Black, Plum
Women's Coats in a Great Underpricing
$11.95, $17.95, $27.95, $32.95
To the woman who would purchase a splendid new coat In
this season's styles there is ample opportunity for selec
tion from the above, especially underpriced offerings. In-,
eluded are all popular materials and all desirable colors.
Here are most remarkable values, for cost has not been con
sidered in this great stock-reducing sale.
Women's Flannelette Wear
$12 Vi Price V
Just 40 dozen hlgrh-irrade Amoskeair. Datsr Cloth and Scotch
Flannel Gowns to be closed out at just one-half price. Re
gardless of loss or former sellinn prjees, we will dispose of
the cream of our new outing wear at this ridiculous quota
tion. Remember all high-grade, standard materials, all full,
cut and fell seamed, all reputable makes of unquestioned
merit. We have over 20 styles of these well-trimmed and
tailored gowns, all to go at 11.79 each.
Blankets at Yi Regular Prices
About 250 Pairs in This Sale Formerly Selling From $3.23 Up to $20.00, to Close at
$1.63 to $10.00 Pair
All-Wool, Wool-Mixed and Cotton Blankets
You have choice from white, gray, tan and plaid styles samples odd lots and slightly soiled blankets that have been
on display but we tell you that if you wish to participate in this great saving sale COME EARLY. The lot will not
Wonderful Offerings at H Prices in Fancy Goods Section
Novelty Ribbons Half Price!
Beautifully woven and embroidered Metal and Silk Ribbons
in wide widths; an extensive variety of patterns to select
from. All on sale at HALF PRICE.
Boudoir Caps at Half Price!
Beautiful Boudoir Caps in silk and lace combinations, in all
colors. All that remain after the Xmas rush to close at
Laces at Half!
Odds and Ends Short bolts and broken sets in all sorts of
desirable narrow laces to close this sale at HALF PRICE.
Turkish Towels
at 25 Ea.
Fine bleached Turkish Tow
els with hemmed ends, 18x3G
inches. Just about one-half
former price.
Honeycomb Towels
3 for $1.00
White Honeycomb Towels,
hemmed and with blue bor
der, 20x40 inches. Just about
one-half former price.
JBisr Heavy Bath Towels at 982 Each
Full bleached and 24x48 inches a wonderful value in an
exceptionally fine Towel.
Hundreds of Wash Cloths at 10 Each
AH of good size and quality. They come with pink, blue,
helio and yellow border.
Handkerchiefs at Half Price!
Women's Handkerchiefs, slightly soiled or mussed during
the Xmas rush. Linen, Lawn, Swiss, Silk, embroidered, etc.
All to go at HALF PRICE.
Box Handkerchiefs at Half ! -
All novelty boxed Handkerchiefs iy women and children,
initialed or embroidered, to close this sale at HALF PRICE.
Women's Neckwear Half Price
A great after Xmas cleanup of women's up-to-the-minute
Neckwear, Collars, Sets and VesteeB in all desirable mate
rials; some slightly soiled; others fresh and clean. All on
sale at HALF PRICE.
All Remnants to Close at Half Price
ERIES AND RIBBONS. A wonderful assortment
from which many prudent women will find satisfac
tory selection and save one-half on their purchases.
Nainsook Finish Longcloth at 29 Yd.
Almost one-half former selling price.
A fine, soft Nainsook-finish Long Cloth, full 30 inches wide.
A limited quantity to sell at this special price.
Zephyr Ginghams at 30 Yd.
Exactly one-half former selling price.
A standard quality, 32-inch Zephyr Gingham, shown in a
full variety of pretty plaid styles; also in plain colors and
neat checks. None sold to dealers at this sale price.
New Aeroplane Natural Linen 75 Yd.
A new shipment just received at the new low mill price.
Come full 36 inches wide and Is a most exceptional valuo at
75 cents.
Housekeepers Will Welcome These Timely
Underpricings in
Standard Quality Sheetings
2-yard width Bleached. This sale at, yard 500
294 -yard width Bleached. This sale at, yard" .V)t
2-yard width Bleached. This sale at, yard 00
3 for $1.00
Well-made, good, durable
bleached Pillow Cases, 42x36
inches. This sale at 3 for
$1.00 or 35c each.
at $1.25 Ea.
Fine seamless Sheets, neatly
trimmed, size 81x90, at f 1.39
each,: and ' size 72x90, this '
ale at $1.25 each.
Our Store
Now Opens
at 9 A.M.
. Store Closes
at 5:30 P.M.
at 6 P. M. '
g r
EH t
men's furnisher and hatter exclusive but not expensive
33 1 Washington st. near broadway
The Most in Value The Best in Quality