' j ' ' ?'- ? .-. -:s '.-- ' - - 11 THE STJND AT OREGONIAN,' PORTLAND, DECEMBER 26, 1920 'J-.-. ' - s n . i . i ' ' :r.t . , - ;.' ' . 1 BCSEN'ESS OPPORTUNITIES. MECHANIC WANTED "WITH $2500 TO 50o0. 8PLEJTOID OPENING FOR YOU 13 PERMANENT, HIGHLY PROFITABLE OPERATING MANUFACTURING K- TERPRISE. COMFORTABLE HEALTH FUL WORKING CONDITIONS. PRE- 1PER MAM EXPF.RIEN'CED IN CABI . NET OR ELECTRICAL OR MACHINE WORK OR INSIDE FINISHER. COULD PLACE GOOD FURNITURE FINISHER OR CASE WORKMAN AT GOOD w a n pprmavent WORK. AD- DRESS MANAGER. AM 231. OREGO- NIAN. CARD ROOM. SOFT DRIJTK AND If t'CTl I'D 1'T Brick bldir.. cheap rent; must b olt, mnna mt fixtnrAA and stock : fine large, lisht and clean room: all going lor JijOO; can arrange terms. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. SOS Oak St. II1KI VVA HE. A fine clean stock of hardware In large brick building, run Dasemeni ant It in rininr a sulendid daily business reasonable rent, long lease. The stock will invoice about 1SO00. Weston Co. 1215 N. W. Bank bids. HALF INTEREST in auto repair shop food MUiDDKnt. nartnpr fitia mechanic; low rent; a little money and mechanical ability alia needed; work to ao; very cheap if taken at once; good reason for selling, ask for Burt. Monaay. o to o clock, N. 11th. Bdwy. 314. CLEANING AND PRESSING. ' Two Rinjrfr machines, buck boarda. fiillv MiuinnMi nlare. livina room and kitchen, aii furnished, very fine; all for JtXlO.uo. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 3i. Oak St. WAXTEn Trains ntirA or Dractical woman with xnerlpnce In care of th sick, having or capable of procuring a piace for sanatorium; a gooa propoitiu.i for an ambitious, progressive, honorable business woman if qualiiicationa are sat isfactory. AK 2-1 u. Oregonian: xinvTMn.pir'TTTRIi; HOUSES. tvwl fnr a mnii miburban movie, mak ing monev. and another at $4500 that can be made a winner; aiso a string of houses for -'0,000. If you are in tne mar. ket come In and get all the latest news. Weston & Co.. 1-'15 N. W. Bank bldg. UiBTVKR WANTED. A miulftrn rnnrrpte eara?B! full Of torage; sell gas. oils, tires, etc., and Dientv reoair work: steady reliable man can buy equal half interest with a me- ciranic; nall investment reymuM. Room Wl, jueKum OiQS- nnm STOKH RIGHT DOWNTOWN. On account of sickness will sacrifice my cigr store, fixtures, atocn anu goou "RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 305 Oak St. J,ODGE OFFICERS ONLY 80O0 death oi.im. naid 1IHW) lodges. 45 states, 28 vfjirs: 140 vOO Daid one lodge; 2c monthly for $2M certificate; operates exclusively by mail, write u. iiun- lip. Secretary. St. Louis. Mo. A PARTNER WANTED. AhIa tfin hiisiness. auto Daintlng. etc. xi.-ijia Y.nva ential haf interest with an xmriencVd Dartner: a solid business clearing I3S0 to 4O0 month for each partner. Call Room 401, Petiim bldg. unrinitYmk-EBS ATTENTION. State of Oregon rights to manufac ture patented counterbalanced device for cabinet ironing Doarus anu. muucu bles. B 2, Oregonian. WILL rent completely equipped cloak and suit or blouse department in specialty shop located in heart of shopping dis trict of Tacoma. Address J. Ricnaras, 111S Broadway, Tacoma! tiwtn UAPTVR'H WANTED. Owner truck garage needs interested help; will sell half interest to reliable man at actual invoice; pa -iuv mouii. Room 511, Railway Exchange. GARAGE; 50 CAR STORAGE. Modern concrete garage; 3-year lease ii nila tilrea. etc.: profits lurge for sale at what the equipment will actually Invoice. Room 401, Dtkum bldg. CAUTION BUYERS Before closing a deal of so-called interest in established real estate business, get advice of Portland Reaity Board, 4J1 Oregon uuituius. Broadway 1902. TOR HIJ.I.IARD. Dool tables, card table bar fixtures, showcases, cash registers and store fixtures, see w. J. wuigiey, 8t6 Hawthorne ave. Phone East 12J Easy payments. . n A ir.n PARTTVER WANTltTD. Owner of west side garage will sell half interest, has large storage, low rent 1000 down will handle it. Room 611. Railway hxcnange. GARAGE FOR SALE. -d inntinn in Portland, full of re pair work and storage, or will sell half inteiefii . ......... , . .. - v s. 231, Oregonian. HALF Interest in going retail and whole sale fruit, nut and confection business; ales increasing daily; heart of office district; no near competitor; $750 cash required. AC 274, Orc-gonian. AUTO TIRE STORE. In a live country town, auto tires, vul canizing, etc; I20O to $2.50 month clear profit; will teach buyer the business; $700 required. Room 401, Dekum bldig. CASH grocery: good location; sacrifice stork and fixtures $1000; rent $20: liv ing rooms. Call room SIS Cham, of Com. bldg. , WANT reliable man for management of commercial manufacturing concern; in vestment, required, fully secured. In quire 212 Railway Exchange bldg. GROCERY and confectionery, good loca tion and trade, 7 living rooms, rent $35; bargain at $1100, leaving city. Sell. 33S8. BUTCHER SHOP for sale in good live sawm-ill town; doing good business; other business to attend to; must 6el AV S5T. Oregonian. FOR SALE First-class blacksmith- and machine shop including a new Erie steam hammer and best of equipment. good location. AV 847. Oregonian. CANDY FACTORY, fully equipped; ma chinery in good shape. A good chance to get in the game at a small figure. See Keipper, 248 Stark. To Buy, 6eH or Exchange a Business, any kind, any-where, see A. J. DeFOREST & CO. SI0-3:i Henry B:dg., Bwdy. 5590. IF you are alive and looking for best lo cation in this city for soft drink, card room, lunch counter, fruits and cigars, here Is your chance. Apply 243 Couch St. WE WILL build a garage for you on west side, 100x100 or on 70x100 east; both close In. Call Main 7931 or East 7504. 301 Rallwsv Exch. SICKNESS compels me to sell my grocery, over $50 per day cash; will give terms on part; give phone number and ad dress. AV 840, Oregonian. TIRE and vulcanizing store on west side, full equirmrent of machinery and stock, profit $500 month. Price $2700, Room 511 Railway Exchange. SHOE SHOP FOR SALE. Will sell Lf sold at once in a good town, three sawmills; plenty of work the only shop in town. O 205, Oreyonian WOOD AND COAL. Partner wanted for wood a.nd coal yard; doing cash business; $2000 re quired. Room 41. Dekum bldg. IF YOU are in the market to buy a good restaurant business, see me quick; big money-maker. Gibson. 208 Stark. Mar shall 12. REAL ESTATE business for Sale, estab lished 12 years: equipment and large listings, city and country. AE 260, Oregonian. WEST SIDE grocery, cash trade $45 day business, has living rooms; owner wiil sell at invoice. Room 511, Railway Ex change. A CASH GROCERY. Cash and carry business clearing $225 .month; has living room; $375 handles it. Room 401. Dekum bldg. WANTED Can use aoout 12 people In. our business; one with small capital pre ferred Main 95i0 before noon. CONFECTIONERY and grocery, west side; living rooms; doing good business. See K ei pper. 248 Stark st. RESTAURANT, high-grade, old estab lished trade: good business. Owner must sell. See Smithpeter. 248 Stark St. GARAGE. HALF OR WHOLE INTEREST , ONE OF THE BEST; FINE TRADE. B. 0. OREGONIAN. ' OR SALE Cash and carry grocery at 75 Sandy blvd. and 23d st. Will invoice or lump. Phone East 2444. POOL ROOM Can sell you the best-paying business in city for $3500. See Smith- peter. 248 Stark. CASE auto bargain. $300, like new; will trade tor barber shop or supplies. 9(18 Ajbina ave. CONFECTIONERY tor sale cheap: leaving city; must go at once. 833 Mississippi avenue. ON ACCOUNT of sickness must sell cigar and candy store; lease, cheap rent; liv Ing rooms. Care 111 Killinssworth ave. FOOL, billiards, 10 tables, clearing $500 per month: big payroll, long lease. Price $41)0;.6O5'.i Main St., Vancouver. Wash. POOL HALL t tables, good location, money maker. $1400. Call 301 Railway F.xehange. Main 7931. . CASH grocery; $(10 a day; no fixtures to buy; 4 living rooms: rent $30. Call room 518 Chamber of Com, bldg. FIRST-CLASS garage, central location . Will sell "4 Interest or all. 301 Railway Exchange. Main 7931. ADVERTISIS Rate book mailed free. Standard Advertising Agency. 90 Vlc toria. St. Louis; VB GRIND everrthinif. razors, shears, etc. f aitlaud Cutlery Co, 86 6th. st, nr. taiKj BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. $20,000 HUSTLING MAN AND WIFE - with executive ability can secure high class apartment house; furniture and grocery In connection; acquire the real ' estate, occupy own 5-room beautiful apartment, rent the others (with in dividual baths); $300 per month cash rentals besides Income from grocery; good neighborhood, close In, on Port land's best car line. SEE BRECK, THE LOGANBERRY MAN, about this fine proposition. 384 E. ja st. N. . Tabor 2U78. Kindly call week days. DO YOTJ WANT TO SETA YOUR BUSINESS T If you ilst it with us, it Is sola. We handle ail kinds of business opportunities, hotels, rooming houses, restaurant grocery store, etc ; we are Ihr largest dealer on the coast, and have lots of buyers. If your business has merit, call or see Mr. Marshall, with FRANK L. MoGUIRE. Ablngton Bldg, Main 1068. SOLE DISTRIBUTOR WANTED By factory manufacturing highest grade, absolutely guaranteed . STANDARD NITROGEN LAMPS, Prices of which are low enough to meer. any and all competition. This is an unusually advantageous proposition. , , Qualifications are: Financial respon sibility, successful record. Applications must contain full particulars thereof, otherwise ignored. ACME LAMP WORKS. 55 Cambridge Ave.. Jersey City. N. J. FpR SALE A BUSINESS. NETTING $2500 A YEAR. Requiring Initial payment bat no further capital; well estauiisnea com mercial business, nice, clean proposition, nti-H.,Iarlv ftuitahlA for VOmUL 1I i 1-" j Oregonian. THE PINE LODGE at Seaside, a large 12-room house and 3-room ns'""' comprising block of ground. 1 block from ocean, 2 blocks from Broadway, equipped with 18 beds and first-class new bedding, large dining room, f "re; places, bath and z snower umo. n.i.ni tniit laundrv travs and tenni court, a splendid location for apartment house or small cottages; price $o00 in cluding furniture and complete equip ment. nox zz, aeasiae. r. tnni. room (TOR SALE. 1A r;,r-lafB hilMnrd and Pool tables. card tables big soda' fountain, good cigar fixtures and first-class equipment, best city in Washington, 35.000: ground floor, brick building; steam heat; long lease and cheap rent; taking in from $4500 to JuOOO per montn; ivw t.u, balance easy payment; this is a snap. I am going In other business. A. J. DE FOREST & CO.. 320 Henry Bidg. Bdwy. 5a90. AITTO REPAIR BUSINESS. Want honest, hard working partner -j-iru i .... . V, fnr Vtatf interest in best equipped shop, west side; $200 to $350 per week clear. Auto repairing, buy anu sell used cars, welding and brazing, bat tery charging, etc. Will teach you the business. Do not answer unless you will get in and work with me. I am good mh.mV- ViflVA nlentv work. ITOOd credit and fine 'shop and good name; all the references you want, r 2M. uregunmii. SWELL CONFECTIONERY AND LIGHT LUNCH. Old-estahHsheri hrick on cor., free trial let you take off your coat and go to work; am doing u per uay average good fivtures, Mock and swell location all for $3000; some terms. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. S05 Oak St. ' . S3.15II. SOME TERMS ESTAi3LI3rlc.l GROCERY on car line, rour diocks irom competition; good delivery car included; present owner sick: fine proposition for man and one or two boy neipers aiicr school and Saturdays. For this and other eood buvs. SEE BRECK. THE LOGANBERRY JUICE MAN, Tabor 217S (except Sunday). FOR SALE Restaurant or cafeteria, both in good location, good first-class ix titre chean rent: have two places; un able to handle both, must seil one, not particular which one I sell; win laae it cash, balance terms; also have-one good steam table, one dish sink and some other restaurant fixtures for sale cheap. Main 1023. $3500 FOR A DRUG STORE on best car line and neignoornooo; ii you wa.o professional and business ability. It's a little gold mine that one man and boy can run. SEE BRECK, THE LOGANBERRY MAN. Tabor 2678 (except Sunday). ON ACCOUNT other business will sell complete bakery outfit, including stoca of flour, sugar, light groceries, cigars, candy, and many things too numerous to mention; good brick oven; also large living room; will sacrifice -for a cash price of $1250. If Interested call i Williams avenue. SWELL CONFECTIONERY OLD ESTABLISHED. If you want a real business and lo cation, fine fixtures; good stock, doing average $00 and up; trial, giveu, for $3iiOO; some terms. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., .. 305 Oak St. frt flflO HARDWARE. Located ten miles from Seattle: stock of hardware, paint, house lurnisnings. etc.; established 11 years: modern brick building, prosperous community, four paved roads entering town. Sales this year $3U,0UU; no agents. Hardware, box 2ih. rjotneu, vvasn. TAKE a chance with me. I offer for your consideration tile best speculative in vestment now on the market. It is one genuine chance in a lifetime to make big money on a small but timely Investment. II interested can or write me today; not a stock proposition. Jos. R. Foltz. 216 Stock Exch. bldg. WANT partner to buy in with me to man ufacture the best selling foro acces sories made. I am doing good now, want to sell half interest and enlarge; $3000 cash required; can give all the refer ences you want as to my honesty, etc.; we can make $40,000 next year. N 257, Oregonian. GET STARTED. Vulcanizing plant and tire shop $1300. Truck and transfer business $4000. Drug store, Waffle house, many others. A. Gordon Ross INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO. Broadway 4751 410 Henry Bldg FOR SALE Pool hall soft drink and lunch busi ness; all furniture tor 5 rooms: rent for living rooms and store room, 127.50; lease. Take Sellwood car get off at Powell street. 570 MILWAUKIE STREET. WE ARE THE LEADERS FOR POOL Halls, in town and out of town; ranging from $1000 to $5000; come in and let us show you. where you can make some money. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 3o5 Oak St. SAWMILL, 40.000 feet daily capacity, with sufficient timber for ten years operation and more available; can operate prof- s itably on low market; will sell out en tirely on reasonable terms or sell inter est; good proposition. AL 23S. Oregonian. AUTO REiPAIR SHOP. A cash business; excellent location on the west side; clearing $400 month now for 2 men; big profits in the sum mer months; $7-50 handles it- Call Room 401, Dekum bidg. FOR SALE General merchandise business stock, about $6000; S. P. electric ticket office, postoffice and express office in connection; two saw 'mills in operation . and only store in town. Further par ticulars apply box AV 844. Oregonian. CONFECTIONARY. ' Now is the time to get into the busi ness; good clean stock, fountain, show case, right up to date; $2500 cash will handle it. Weston & Co.. 1215 N. W. Bank bldg. DOUGHNUT SHOP, start one. big profits, small Investment, make doughnuts In window by turning crank with dough nut machine. Price and information, Dixie Equipment Co.. 111B East Bth st. N. WANTED Ever man or woman looking for an opportunity to better their pres- . ent position or income, write for "LOOK ING AHEAD." Address THE PACIFIC CHIROPRACTIC COLLEGE. Park and Yamhill, Portland. Or. WANTED Mfg. and Jobbers' lines for the hardware and furniture trade com mission cases for southern Oregon and northern California territory; experience and reference. AV 935. Oregonian. 10 SHARES Portland Texas Co. stock for sale. $37.50 per share. 10 dividend paid in November, stock now earning over 2& a month (need the money). Oregon or gp.nlzation. F 213. Oregonian. SEND NOW FOR FREE BOOKLET, "How to Be Successful in the Real Es tate Business." State present occupa tion. Macdonald Co-operative Rea.ty Co., San Diego, Cal. CONFECTIONERY and grocery near large school, low rent, a pretty place. 4 nice living rooms, good business for only $1000. Room. 511. Railway Exchange. . OLD-ESTABLISHED grocery: $100jo $150 a day business: 6 living rooms: rent $05. west side. Call room 518 Cham, of Cum. MILLINERY store for sale, very reason able, excellent business. Call Main 1073. or M 279. Oregonian. , GOOD bakery and conf. for sale. Call room 518 Cham, of Com. HAVE two barber shops; will sell one. Call room 51S Cham., of Com.' COMPLETE vulcanizing outfit for sale cheap. Call or write 1135. K. ISA st. N. BUSINESS OPPOKTTJN1TIKS. "BUSINESS MAN'S" CHANCTB (MOKE SECURE). 1000 TO 1 BETTER' THAN MERCANTILE PURSUIT. WILL DIVIDE A FORTUNE WITH YOU. BARE OPPORTUNITY QUICK - RESULTS BIG PROFIT. NEED ABOUT $10,000 ($2000 CASH, $S000 APRIL NEXT) FOR SPECIAL WORK REQUIRED BEFORE SALE OR OPERATION. AN EQUIPPED OPER ATIVE FREE GOLD MINE (NOW A MINE). LARGE TONNAGE ORE. READY FOR MILL. ADDRESS FOR INTERVIEW OWNER. E 217, ORE- tiOXNAAIN. BUSINESS MAN WITH A LITTLE CASH TO JOIN ME IN A HIGHLY PROF- ITABLE ENTERPRISE (NOT A LAT ENT OR GAMBLE). WILL SHARE A FORTUNE WITH YOU. WILL GUAR ANTEE RETURN OF YOUR INVEST MENT OUT OF FIRST NET INCOME. LET ME TELL YOU ABOUT THIS. (A RARE OPPORTUNITY). "100 TO 1 BETTER THAN ANY MERCANTILE PROPOSITION. BANK REFERENCES. ADDRESS OWNER, CARE AJ 24U, OREGONIAN. LARGE manufacturing corporation wants capable man to open branch olfice manage salesmen; $3O0 to $2000 neces sary; handle your own money; exclusive rights: patented article, money making possibilities unlimited; will pav expenses to iialtlmore it you quaury. mr. uem mer, Sales Manager, 603 N. Eutaw st. Baltimore, Md. . PARTNER wanted who can invest three to live tnousana uonars in iiuei-iwi, freight and passenger line through new territory, as yet no railroad or boat eomnetifion: eountrv beine raDidly set. teled and must be ready to handle spring traffic. Address P. O. box dlA Portland. CAFETERIA In industrial center, 1 block from ship yards, searing capacity for 50. A money-maker, $500; terms; cheap rent. Main ilea. Business Opportunities "Wanted. I WANT rooming houses, garages, small groceries and confectioneries ; making a specialty of this line, have customers now ; so if you have one of these to sell list it with me. Phone iuarsnau o-a 401-2 Swetland bldg. CASH CLIENT WANTS GROCERY, about $3000; might consider $5000 if good value; write full details to secure at tention. BRECK, THE LOGANBERRY MAN. 3S4 E. 42d N. A CASH BUYER. To sell your business, quickly, quietly, and without publicity, see or wnite ALLISON & BILLBNGS. 401-2 Dekum Bldg. Established 1904. EASTERN druggist with the coin wants good store (with living apts. preierred). State best price and particulars. R 127, Oregonian. SPOT cash for grocery or location, for small store. A J 213, oregonian. Hotels and Rooming Houses. WONDERFUL BARGAIN NO. 1. 20 rooms with Northwestern heat: close to Portland hotel; rent very low with lease; clean as can be; almost all new furniture throughout; clearing $230 month above every expense besides providing good home for owner; $2000 down and easy payments. J. BRUCE GODDARD. 501-2 Couch bldg. M E. LENT rOMPANT. 523-4-5 NORTH WESTERN BANK BLDG LEADING HOTEL AND APART MENT HOUSE AGENCY. IF YOU WISH TO BUY OR SELL. COME IN AND TALK IT OVER: 14 TEARS IN THE BUSINESS IN PORT LAND ENABLES US TO LOCATE YOU RIGHT. LITTLE MONEY" -MAKER. 52 rooms, mostly housekeeping;' clean as wax; n-ever have an idle room; clears over all expenses about $5O0 month; line place for man to run; no work. Price $0000, liberal terms. See Mrs. Keller. GEO. T. MOORE CO., 1007 Yeor Bldg. 66-ROOM APARTMENT HOUSE. CLOSE TO PORTLAND HOTEL. Elevator, electric lights, N. W. steam heat; house always full; clearing $450 per month; 3 years' lease. Price $11,500, terms. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 305 Oak St. FIRST TIME ON MARKET. Apartment house, 53 rooms; rent $200; lease; 23 apts., mostly 2 and 3-room apts.. 2 4-room; cream of locations, steam heat: net profit about $500; price $12,000. easy terms. See Mrs. Keller. GEO. T. MOORE CO., I0O7 Yeon Bldg. BRUCE GODDARD CAN SELL YOU OUT. Call Main 4557 and he will give you Immediate attention. You are always assured of a square deal and ho after trouble when selling or buying through him. - - - COZY LITTLE HOME. -We have a beautiful 5-room flat and sleeping porch, just lots of furnflure. must be seen to be appreciated; lovely . location. See Mrs. Keller. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon Bldg. FOR SALE at a sacrifice, ten furnished housekeeping apartments In White Tem ple district; nets better than $150 a month. Must be sold immediately as sickness necessitates change of climate. Phone Marshall 1079. - A GOOD BUY. 41 rooms, 10 apartments: fine brick building, clean and well furnished. Price $5S00; terms. SEE MRS. HAUG, . 513 Henry bldg. Bdwy. 54ST. THE SEASON'S GREETINGS to all my friends and patrons. I hope the coming year will be your best and our friendly relations will continue. I am at your service, command me. J. BRUCE GODDARD, 501-2 Couch bldg. A SNAP. Up-to-date furniture of a seven-room -lovely home with income close In; $1000 will handle. SEE MRS. HAUO, 512 Henry bldg. Bdwy. 54S7 START 1921. WITH THIS. 73 rooms, steam heat, mostly H. K-. row rent, long lease, nice bldg. This place has big future, worth at least SiOOO, wnen dolled up; s-tuuo. nair casn. J. EUGENE HEDGES. 201 W. PARK. 14 ROOMS 14. Hotel with dining room; always full well located; rent only $40. restaurant worth $850; if sold at once all goes for $995; your own terms, i-eters, lo i. 5th st. 30 ROOMS 30. Location - where rooms are always rented; located where you have thou sands of working men to draw from; rent only $35, with lease; always full; all for $1305. Peters. 15 N. 5th st. NOB HILL DISTRICT. 10 rooms, swell furniture, furnace heat; walking distance: cheap. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 305 Oak St. ROOMING HOUSE OWNERS. I have cash and want a rooming house from 10 to 30 rooms, must be located by Wednesday: no agents. AF 206, Ore gonian AFTER XMAS BARGAIN. 10 rooms, modern; high grade furni ture; best residence sec., west side, year lease: only $700 down; this is classy. J. EUGENE HEDGES. 201 W. PARK. 7-ROO.V1 flat, rent only $:i0; ail outside rooms; exceptionally wen iurnisnea; a real home. Price $1100. See Mrs. Keller. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon Bldg. STRICTLY MODERN APARTMENT. NEARLY 100 ROOMS. GREAT BIG INCOME. $15,000. HALF CASH. J. EUGENE HEDGES, 201 W. PARK. HOTEL AO rooms, terms or part trade; some housekeeping, close in, brick building, long 1-ease, low rent; clears $450. Chas. Ringler & Co., 223 Henry bld " " A LOVELY SMALL PLACE. $950. Clean and well furnished, close in on west side, terms. This is a nice place for the money. J. BRUCE GODDARD. 501-2 Conch bldg. 44-ROOM modern hotel,- brick building; rent $o00 with 2-year lease; clears $jO0 per month: $6000 will handle. SEE MRS. HAUO. 512 Henry bill Broadway 5487. FOR SALE 15-room hotel; all new furni ture. 4o commercial St., Astoria, Or. Call for information Woodlawn 2183. Mrs. Woods between 7 end 12 A. M. CALL Main 2500 and I will come right out and inspect your place ana try hard to sell it. J. EUGENE HEDGES. 201 W. PARK. 10-ROOM well-furnished, furnace heat electric lights, gas; rent $60; clears $6v; price $1900. easy terms. WOODCOCK, -327 HE-NRY BLDG. 10 ROOMS, splendid furniture, choice Nob Hill location;. Deautltul nome and good income; by owner; no agents. L-V43. Ore gonian. 10 ROOMS, good furniture, hot and cold water in apts.. furnace heat; $900 cash or 1050 terms, with $600. Call East 5582. N READ MY BULLETIN BOARDS. GET PARTICULARS INSIDE. J. EUGENE HEDGES. 201 W. PARK. WILL buy about $S00O apartment; have $4000 mortgage due six months and cash. AG 261. Oregonian. Rou.MING house, 12 to 16 rooms, stove heat, electricity. W. R. Harris. 155 16th Bt- -. ; : BY OWNER Always full house. 22 rooms, heart of city. Main 2065. READ business opportunity column lor jfood investment at Seaside. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. Hotels and Rooming Houses. FEW APARTMENT HOUSES. Apartment house, 62 rooms, fine place, lease $250 month; $7000 cash handles. List 204. Apartment house, nice home, 15 apart ments, rent $175, lease; $5000 cash han dles. List 205. , Apartment house, modern brick, 11 apartments, rent $115, lease; $4300 han dles. List 203. Apartment house, 80 apartments, fine brick, clears about SROO month: lease $350 per month; $9000 handles. List 219. SOME GOOD COUNTRY HOTELS. 42-room commercial hotel, good town near Pendleton; lease and furnishings $5500, rent $100 month; take good auto or bungalow as part, payment, balance cash or terma Taking railroad position compels sale. List 62. 32-room commercial hotel, good Wash ' Ington town on highway. This property must be sold, building, ground and fur nishings. Make offer. Easy terms to reliable party. Good proposition. List 52. JO-room hotel, good payroll town, new building; fine proposition for man and wife, make permanent home and good ' money. Stop paying rent, be your own landlord. Buy this place. Sickness com pels sale. Building, ground and fur nishings $7500; easy terms to reliable party. List 57. FEW GOOD CITY HOTELS. 72-room fine transient hotel, doing large business, dandy lobby; 12,00P cash handles. List 134. 60-room hotel, brick corner, fine clean place, well furnished, clears over $600. Lease $10,300, terms. List 54-room fine brick, private baths, clears over $650. Lease. $10,000 cash handles. List 135. 89-room modern brick, tine location; $5500. Lease. List 111. We have large listing of fine city and country hotels for sale; also some very attractive propositions in apartment houses. If your place of business is for sale, or lf you want to buy business of any kind, come and see us. NORTHWEST HOTEL NEWS COM PANY, INC., 714 COUCH BLDG. FINE HOTEL, f One of the best commercial ho Jtels in the city, furnishings are of I the very best. Loug lease can be 'arranged. It requires $45,000 to do business. TRANSIENT HOTEL. Modern corner brick bldg., over 70 rooms, fine lobby, elevator and city heat. Will require $17,000. 44 ROOMS 4. If you have $3700 you may get this modem brick hotel; furniture and carpets are good; 2-yr. lease. $225 per mo. Call before Jan. 1, 1921. APT. HOUSE. 25 well furnished 3-room apts., good west side location, strictly modern brick bldg. Good lease . and can be handled with $10,000. 60 ROOMS 60. All housekeeping, 1, 2 and 3 rooms each. Good lease at $150 per mo., close in location, west side. Furnishings are very good and can be handled with $5000. F. RIERDON, HITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. EAST SHB SNAPS. 17 rooms all on one floor. 2-room sutltes, good close-in location, $750, some terms; 10 rooms, nice yard, running water in roomaentireJy modern, easy walking distance, $y04, terms; 8 rooms, also7 modern, rent only $30; price $400 casn; v rooms, 2 baths, fine yard, ever -thing first class, fuel in and rent paid to March 1. Mrs. Aibawgh, with John Ferguson, uerunger bldg. WE HAVE for sale in one of tiie best towns in laano hotel bldg., completely furnished, doing a business netting above ali expenses $2500 monthly; there are 100 rooms, 57 with bath connection, be sides 9 public baths; tiled floor in office and barber shop, elevator, all modern conveniences. This fireproof building and furniture can be bought at a price uu.uuo less tnan its value, on easy terms, l-'un particulars in our office. . ,, See Mrs. Keller. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon Bldg. GET READY FOR THE NEW YEAR. Rooming house and apartment house business was never better than now and it will be as good for years to come or until hundreds of new buildings are built in Portland. There is nothing so safe and sane as a business. Come in and talk It over with me. I have places 01 merit. lor the man with a few hundred dollars or the one with thou sands. ' J. BRUCE GODDARD. 501-2 Couch bldg. HOTEL. 62 rooms; hot and cold water in all rooms; ground floor lobby, elevator; fine uowntown location, good lease; net proiit aoout $ouv. .rrice tlo.uuu. See Mrs. Keller. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon Bldg. IF YOU WISH TO BUY OR SELL business, hotel, room or apartment house of any kind, anywhere, see F. Rierdon, RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. We write all kinds of insurance. ISOO OW NER has 9 H. K. rooms for sale west side, close in. 4. blocks to Washing ton street; newiy papered, and clean white ivory dressers and good furniture. all light rooms, electric lights, place for a machine, Cheap rent, X27.&0 a month. "oonsioer terms, no agents. Bd-wy. 1040. 93 ROOMS, good lease, elevator, private baths, beautiful ground floor lobby, well furnished throughout; making a net profit $1500 month. This is worth inves tigating. See Mrs. Keller. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon Bldg. THOMSON A THOMSON, HOTEL AND APARTMENT HOUSE BROKERS. Whether you wish to invest $1000 or lau.uuo, we can locate you rignt. uoine in ana go over our lists. 620-21 HENRY BLDG. BDWY. 48S0. 15 ROOMS ALL OUTSIDE- ROOMS. TWO YEARS' LEASE RENT $45. Good furniture, house all full, good lo cation, old estaonsned; win sell all for $1500; some terms. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. . 305 Oak St. aKAP NOB HILL LOCATION. 11-room house, completely furnished; sleeping and housekeeping rooms, in cluding piano and Ford bug, all for $2250, some terms. See Mrs. Keller. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon Bldg. CORNER BRICK 53 ROOMS. All nice apartments, good lease, fair rent, clearing $4oo per mo., walking dis tance; house always full. Price $5500; some terms. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., . 805 Oak St. FOR QUICK SALE list your Hotel, apartment and rooming houses witn us; your interests win ai ways be protected. See Mrs. Keller. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon Bldg. 7-ROOM flat close in $1250. 7- room flat, close in, $1200. 8- room house, only $700 cash. 10 rms.. part H. K.. $950, half cash. Others equally as easy and good. J. EUGENE HEDGES. 201 W. PARK. 16 ROOMS, alt completely and well fur nished for housekeeping; net profit $100 month; can be more; $1500 will give you possession. See Mrs. Keller. GEO. T. MOORE CO., 1007 Yeon Bldg. SMALL MODERN APT. HOUSE. NOB HILL DISTRICT. $100 per month and your apt clear. Rent only $40 month. . . ' Price this week $1950. B. F. KELLY. 715 SWETLAND BLDG. 16 HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. Eight 2-room apartments, close in .and always full, price S1650, half cash. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 305 Oak St. WORKINGMAN3 BOARDING HOUSE. 60 rooms, best industrial dist.. west side, let me explain to you; $3200 part trade, some cash. bal. time. J. EUGENE HEDGES. 201 W. PARK. SWELL 11-room house, brand jiew fur niture, rooms rented all the time; clears $100 month. Price $2100; some terras. See Mrs. Keller. GEO. T. MOORE CO. 1007 Yeon bldg. T4 buy or sell, a HOTEL, ROOMING OR AP"T HOUSE, A. J. UBf UttUCsX SI I. U. S20-3-21 Henry Bldg.. Bwdy. 550 WE BUY CHATTLE MORTGAGES WILL take auto, or other trade on this small hotel; 16 rooms, easy rent: good dining room if you want to run it. Price $1250. with $750 cash. J. EUGENE HEDGES, 201 W. PARK". FURNISHINGS for 10 rooms, very pleas ant home, with incomej close to Lincoln high BChool. good leases. Main 4337. FOR BEST bargain In apartment bouse see memban ot ths Realty Beard. Iim Realty Co, 245 Fourth, et, . . BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. Hotels and Rooming Houses. THOMSON & THOMSON, 620-21 HENRY BLDG. BDWY. 4880. -CLEARS $SO0. SI arta ' modern brick bldg.. good lease, low rent; oil burner; "Very clean ana extra well furnisneu, easily man aged; sib,uw, nan cash. OVER inn ROOMS Good modem apt. house in very best location; long lease to good tenant; 011 burner; everything in first-class- condl- lion; priced right; half cash. MODERN TTOTPT. In finest location: furnished with tb very best, clean and in perfect condi tlon; the net income will surprise you io,uuu win Dandle. 72 ROOMS Modern hotel; N. 1 W. heat; rent $500 can have lease: best transient location good lobbv, automatic elevator; $12,000 will handle. STRICTLY MODERN 52-ROOM HOTEL. 100 fireproof bldg.; 5 years lease rent $500: central location; well fur nished, always full: net income aver $SK)0; will take $12,000 down, balance 77c ROOMS. PARTLY RLEPTPING. Rent $35; furnace or stove heat; first class furniture: "Wilton rugs; 4 rooms for self; price $1250. some terms. 19 HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. Good comer; rent $110; very clean good iurniture; good income Desldes ow apt.; price $2650. $1500 down. REAL BARGAIN FOR CASH. 20-room hotel, one floor. 4 years' lease rent low; steam neat; brick oitig.. tran. stent location; money-maker; $4000. We have many others, all sizes, prices and locations. IT what we nave adver tised does not meet your requirements, call and look over our lists.- MRS. THOMSON, 620-21 HENRY BLDG. APARTMENT HOUSE. Eight 5-room ap-artmente com pletely furnished, close-in on west 'side, will sell furniture for $1,600 and give 3-year lease, private baths in all apartments. See Hodr son. - Wakefield, Fries & Co.. 85 Fourth St. HEADQUARTERS FOR HOTELS AND ROIOM1NO HOUSES. APART- V MENT HOUSES. 85-room apartment house, modem brick. 112.000. 50-room hotel, modem brick. $16,000. 27-room h. k. house, frame, $3N00. . 22-room h. k. house, frame. $2500. - 17-room rooming house, frame. $2000. 12-room h. k. house, frame. $1300. - These are all good buvs and close-in locations. Call IBS West Park st. We will place you right. Andereon I'lark, TREMENDOUS BARGAIN NO. 2. THE BEST OFFER MADE IN YEARS. APARTMENT HOUSE OF HIGHEST MERIT. 108 rooms furnished complete and new; long lease at $5 per room. In White Temple district; lovely modern apartments that rent for $50 to $75 each and Is clearing $850 per month above every expense; $10,000 la price hair cash. J. BRUCE GODDARD. 501-2 Conch bldg. DON'T MTSS THIS. 90-room modern pressed brick comer bldg.,-all z and s-room apts.. wltn pri vate baths and phones, completely fur nished, including all gas ranges and re frigerators; clearing over all expenses JSOO month, besides your own 3-room apt. This is the best buy on the mar ket. - See Mrs. Keller. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon Bldg. MAGOON &. SPENCER, 626 Cham, of Com." Bldg. Main 6127. Hotel and Apt. House Brokers. SPECIAL MENTION. 90-rm. apt. All modern. Rent $350. Net Income about $000. 90-rm. hotel, steam heat, hot and cold water, rent $200. Net income $450. 18-rm. H. K., well furnished, rent- $60, near W. Pk. and Columbia. CLEAN THIS UP AND CLEAR $1000 FOR YOUR TROUBLE. CAN BE DONE IN ONE MONTH. 27-rooms with steam heat, furnished, under a rental of only $75 per month. Gas ranges, electric meters, gas meters and hot and cold water sinks in every apartment. Whole price $2600, ou easy terms. J. BRUCE GODDARD. 501-2 Couch bldg. 8 ROOMS close-in on east side; Holladay addition, furnace or steam heat, gas, electricity; rent reasonable and Income will more than pay expenses, $400 cash: 9 rooms, Irvington, fine yard with fruit trees and shrubbery: price Includes rent until March 1 and ruel for winter. At tractive hnmp with income enough t more than pay expenses. Mrs. Albaugh, with John Ferguson. Qerllnger B.dg. BOARDING HOUSE. Splendidly located small residential hotel: will 'accommodate 20 to 25 board ers; comer buildings, attractive appear ance and fully furius-hed-; full au tne time; rent reasonable and makes fine Income. Mrs. Albaugh, with John Fer- guson, Gerlin-ger Bldg. SEE THIS- ONE. 22 rooms, all housekeeping, right downtown, neat and clean: good Iurni ture; nice piano goes with It; rent $75; net better tnan $20011 mo. always iuh Price $3000. $2000 cash. SEE MRS. HAUG, 512 Henry bids. Bdwy. 5487. $1000 NET PROFIT. 72-room hotel, one of the best loca tions: mostly transient; wen iurnisnea; private baths, steam heat, hot and coid water in all rooms; splendid ground floor lobby. $10,000 casn win nanuie. See Mrs. Keller. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 10" Yeon Bldg. NOB HILL RESIDENTIAL HOTEL. 40 rooms, clean and well furnished, large lobby, hot and cold water in all rooms; rent $250, with 5-year lease; clears $500 month: $7000 will handle it. SEE MRS. HAUO, 512 Henry bldg. Broadway 5487. $1800 CHATTEL mortgage, payable $75 mo. int. 1. Will trade for rooming house and pay cash difference. Hedges, Main 2590. LOST AND FOUND. WILL the one who removed sliver handled umbrella from elevator in uucnanan building Friday night return to 301 Bu chanan as same was priceless gift. Dr. Carick, 301 Buchanan bldgj LOST On Friday evening, roughly carved stqre watch lob on brack ntroon; vaiueo as keepsake. Address for reward, BF 247, Oregonian. LOST 'Between U. S. National Bank and Court House, Liberty Bonds. winder please return them to 834 Benton st, and receive liberal "reward LOST Indian bag containing purse, change and two elk teetn valued as keepsake; reward. Return to Oregonian office. LOST Butterfly brooch, keepsake; reward three times value given, can uuo Ever ett st. or phone Bdwy. 5284. Miss M ickey FOUND Wrist watch: owner can recover same toy Identliying watcn, stating where lost and paying tor this adver tisement. CSS Irving st. LOST at postoffice Friday morning, purse containing money ano signet ring witn Initials M. A. J. Return ring to 414 Morris st. and keep money. MAC PLEASE return my overcoat which you got by mistake in oriental restau rant and get yours. Geo. G. Hart, Haw thorne bldg. Mar. M0. LOST Near E. 14th and Clinton, wallet containing private papers and currency. Reward for return to 548 E. 14th. Phone Sellwood 2220. LOST Fraternity pin set with pearls. Owners name on base. Reward. Main 7422. LOST Spits dog, white, answers to name Penny; 4 years; reward, u. jr. eenroouer, 418 Ross St. East 256J LOST Elk charm, engraved .328 Rose- burg S. R. J. Notify (132 Marshall. Broadway 2207. Liberal reward. FOUND Umbrella in courthouse; owner can Claim same oy caning at true n. iin coin st. LOST Small package addressed Wales Adding Machine co., Seattle, itewaro. Broad way ioiir. LOST Male Airdale dog ten months old. Kllckatat county tag. uoerai reward. Woodlawn .5591. JaOST Fur piece In front of electric store. 12Stt Tenth St. Reward. Mrs. Bcneetx, Forest Grove. LOST Chi Omega fraternity pin, name and ohapter engraved on under side. Phone Marshall 4266. Reward. LOttT Pair of - gold rim-med spectacles. double lens; in staples case, ioerai reward. Tabor 2034. ijOST Fox terrier on Arlington Heights. Owner J. l narnopp, jnam jtte ward. LOST English setter dog, white, black and tan; answers to - name or spot. Phone Main 8724 or Wdln 3544. Reward-. SMALL purse containing keys and small change, r riday on xamniu st- rtewara. Main 5937. ' . LOST Pearl necklace. Reward. Bdwy. 1510. LOST Male bulldog with large scar across shoulder; reward, woodlawn 28S. LOST Black bag bearing the initials of jj. jj. ij. can aaam yam. rtewarq. $50 REWARD for return of black bull puppy lost nun ann virant. on rntn st. CREAM-COLORED baby coat In Yamhill marltet; return, oix to. st. LOST AND FOUND. LOST On highway between west end Thurman st. and Scappoose. tan travel ing bag, personal effects. Finder please notify Mrs. J. Sundland, Mist, Or. Re ward. LOST Suit case containing lady's cloth ing and gifts, en Dec. 24, on Main, Sixth or Boulevard sts. Address of owner on one package. Return and receive re ward. Phone East 4009. LOST Night robe In vanity fair box. 6th floor Meier Ac Frank's Thursday after noon. Finder please notify and receive reward. AF 208, Oregonian. 8PECIA1, NOTICES. NOTICE to hunters: Bring your game to us and we will dress it for you. Sanl tary Poultry Market. 528 Wash. St. - Proposals Invited. NOTICE OF BOND SALE. Sealed bids will be received until the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. the 15th day of January, 1921, by the undersigned, and immediately thereafter i-ablicly opened by the County Court of Jefferson County, Oregon, at the office of said Court in the County Courthouse in Madras, Oregon, for the purchase of bonds of said County issued for the building of permanent roads therein in the sum of $50,000, same being a por tion of any authorized Issue of $100,000. same being in denominations of $1000 each, numbered from 1 upwards, dated January 1, 1921, and maturing January 1, 1941 (without option of prior re demption), said bonds to bear interest at six per cent (6) per annum, pay able semi-annually on January , and July first, principal and interest pay able in United States gold coin at the Fiscal Agency of' the State of Oregon in New York city. Said bids must be accompanied by a certified -check for 5 per cent of the amount bid and must be unconditional. The approved legal opinion of Messrs Teal. Minor & Wintree ot Portland, Oregon, will be furnished any successful biddera The Court reserves the right to re ject any or all bids. S. D. PERCIVAL, Clerk BIDS WILL be received until Wednesday Dec. 29. P. M., for two small stocks of groceries and fixtures; a check, pay able to the Adjustment Bureau, of 10 per cent of amount ortered must company each bid; inventory can be seen at 641 Pittock block. Miscellaneous. NOTICE TO NAVIGATORS. Notice is hereby given that The Pa elfic Telephone & Telegraph Company. a corporation, has erected on the shores of the Columbia river at a point 14 mile north of Coffin rock, on the Oregon sloe and also at approximately 1300 feet north of the mourn of the Kalama river on the Washington side, two monuments. namely, signboards set on posts in nlain view, bearing the wordi "Cable Crossing, The Paciiic Telephone ft Tele- grapn company, wnicn said signs mars the landing place on the shores of the Columbia river of an additional sub aqueous telephone and telegraph cable, auproxlmately 2418 feet In length, which on October 15, 1920, was laid across said river lu a geneial easterly direction from the said landing as the Oregon side of said Columbia river and between the termini above described; said cable being laid at the same approximate location as two formerly existing suo aqueous cables which cress the said Columbia river between ths same ter mini and the landing places of which are marked by tn same signboards as above described. This notice is published for the pur pose of Informing aU navigators of the description una purpose 01 tne monu ments aforesaid, and ot the general course, landings and termini of the C.ble aforesaid. THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE TELEGRAPH COMPANY. ' By H. J. Tlnkham, Division Superintendent of Plant. NOTICE TO NAVIGATORS. Notice is hereby given that The Pa cific Telephone & Telegraph company, a corporation, has erected on the snores or the xaqutna pay at a point luu ft. west of the government's rear range sign on the north side and also at tne county road dock on the south side of the said Yaquina bay, two monuments, namely. signboards set on posts in plain vie and bearing the words "Cable Crossing, The Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Com pany," which said signs mark the land.ng places on tne snores ot me laquiua by 01 a certain sunaqueous telepnone and telegraph cable, 2250 ft. in lengtn, which on November 23. 1920, was laid across said bay In a general southerly direc tion from the said landing on the norta side to the said landing on the south side of the said Yaquiua bay and be tween the termini above described. This notice is published for the pur pose of informing all navigators of the description and purpose of the monu meuts aforesaid, and uf the general course; iandings and termini of the cable aforesaid. THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE TELEGRAPH COMPANY. By H. J. Tlnkham, Division Superintendent of Planr- NOTICE OF MEETING OF LAN DO W N ERS OF MULTNOMAH COUNTY DRAINAGE DISTRICT NO. 1. Notice is hereby given that the board of supervisors has called a meeting of the owners of land in Multnomah county drainage district No. 1, to be held on Wednesday, tne 2tn day 01 ueuemoer, 1920. at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Swiss hall (No. 283 1-3 Third street, near JefferBon street). In the city of Portland. Oregon, at which time and place such owners shall meet for the purpose ot selecting one supervisor who hall hold his office for three years or until his successor Is elected and quali fied. At said meeting each owner shall be entitled to one' vote in person or by proxy for eaca. acre of land owntd by him in such district. Dated this 16th day ot December, 1820. J. O. ELHOD, President Board of Supervisora Attest: 13. C. POWELL. Secretary. MRS. W. H. MEYER, having-left her home and board at wasco, or., to live in ron land, I will not be responsible for any bills contracted by her. W. H. Meyer, Wasco, Or. FINANCIAL. LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED. YOU BUY OR SELL AN AUTOMO BILE. WE FURNISH THE MONEY, OUR SERVICE WILL PLEASE YOU. OREGON BOND MORTGAGE CO. 208 SELLING BLDG., 2D FLOOR. MONEY TO LOAN on surplus stocks of merchandise placed In storage with us. Phone BroadwaX 3715. Security Storage & Transfer Co., 5S 4th street, corner of Pine. CASH paid for mortgages and sellers' con tracts on real estate in w asnington, vr gon. H. E. Noble, 316 Lumbermen bldg. BUY bonds, notes, contracts, mortgages. F. H. Lewis, 302 Lewis bldg.. tn sr osit. Motley to Loan un Heal Katute. FARM LOANS. Insurance company money to loan at lowest current rates on Willamette val ley farms; nu commission, no delays. DEVEREAUX MORTGAGE COMPANY, 87 Sixth St., Portland, Or. MORTGAGE LOANS on farm or city property. Prompt and helpful service. Liberal repayment priv ileges. Lowest rates. WESTERN BOND & MORTGAGE CO., SO Fourth St.. Portland. Or. MORTGAGE LOANS. FARM AND CITY PROPERTY. 6 AND 7 PER CENT. INSTALLMENT LOANS. No Commission, UNION ABSTRACT CO., 83 4th ST.. HENRY BLDG. MORTGAGE LOANS. Any amount, low rates, promptly closed. Attractive repayment privileges. A. H. BIRREI.L CO., 217 Northwestern Bank bldg. Marshall 4114. A 411. $00,000 TO LOAN in sums to suit on city, suburban and farmsa Building loans a specialty. WILLIAM O. BECK, 215-216 FAILING BLDG. THIRD AND WASHINGTON; MORTGAGE LOANS on Improved farms and city property, favorable repayinv privileges: no commission or delay. THE OREGON MORTGAGE CO., LTD., 309 Piatt bldg. Main 5371. $500, $40, $5O0, $000, $800. $1000. $1200, $150, $20000 and up, lowest rates, quick actton; pay off $100 or more at any In terest Of te, uoraom Mortgage Co., 631 Cham. or c 2om. bldg. Main 1370. MONEY TO LOAN ON 1MPK0VKD REAL ESTATE. OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO.. 208 SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1800 TO LOAN $2000 or part. ,6 per cent; glv, location, ot security in iirsi letter, M 218, Oregon-Ian. MONEY to loan on real estate security at going rate of interest. Otto A Uarkson - Realty Co., 413 Cham, of Osm. $11,000 IRRIGATED farm mtg., 8 per Cent, IUI lo, yieam v VigiUB ian. , , $300, $400, $500. $750, $1000 AND UP Low rates, quick action. Fred W. Ger man Co.. 732 Cham, of Com. Main H44B. HAVE $4500 and $1000 to loan on real property in the city. Inquire 425 Yeon bldg. . MORTGAGE LOANS, and 7 per cent I.ouia yaioman nr Co.. ii neiung ouig. MONEY to loan on real estate, 7 per cent Geo. P. Lent, 714 Corbett bldg. SUB OREGON 1NV. MORTGAGE CO 222 Ch&m. ot Com., 4th and titark. FINANCI.M, Muney to l-ium on Keol tLataf. RESIDENCE LOANS. T per cent, five-year period. Too mat pay $100 or any multiple thereof account principal semi-annually and reduce in terest on loans unner s.vhhj. IKSTAl.I.MKXT I.OAKS Will loan 60 per cent value houe and lot at 7 per cent. You Day one-half of 1 per cent account principal monthly. For example. $20tK loan, you pay $10 month ly and Interest; you have privilege of paying $100 or any multiple thcree mommy, interest reaucea accoruingiy, NO COMMISSION. BUSINESS LOANS. Five-year period, 6 per cent. Excellent repayment privileges. MORTGAGE LOAN COMPANY. Main K303. 407 Yeon Bldg. CITY LOANS. NO COMMISSIONS. On Improved property, or for Improve ment purnosea The best and easiest method of paying a loan is our monthly payment Plan. $32.26 per month for OO months, or $21 24 per month for 60 months, or $15.17 i ir month for 96 months pays a loan or $1000 and interest. Loans of other amounts In same pro portions. Repayment Privileges. EQUITABLE SAVINGS & LOAN ASSN. 242 Stark St., Portland, Or. MORTGAGE LOANS. On real estate security, any amount from $500 up on improved city or furm property. THE LAWRENCE COMPANY, 2ui Corbett Bldg. Main 6915 A 2816. NO DELAY QUICK ACTION. REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE LOANS. On Imp. city property or Willamette Valley farms or for imp. purposes. All amounts, $1000, $1500, $2000 and up. Sellers' contracts purchased. F. H. DESHON. 615 Cham, of Com. Bldg. SEE L'S TODAY We loan money on real estate; no commission, 6 and 7 per cent on choice loans, long time, short time; monthly payments, pay as you ran: sums to suit; contracts, 2d mortgagee; liberty bonds bought. 725 Gasco blug., 5th and Alder. Cellsra-Mitrton Co. Money to Loan L uatlnls and Kalurles. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN. MONET AT 2 PER CENT. ESTABLISHED BT PORTLAND BUSINESS MEN TO PROTECT BOR ROWERS. LOANS MADE ON DIA MONDS. WATCHES, JEWELRY. VIC TROLAS. PIANOS. LIBERTY BONDS AND FURNITURK. 394 STARK ST, NEAR I0TH. CARRIE MYERS HERMANN, Mgr. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN. . DO YOU NEED MONET AT LEGAL RATES. QUICK SKRVICEt YOU CAN GET IT TODAY. LOANS MADE ON AUTOMOBILES. FUKNITVltB. PIANOS VICTROLAS. REAL ESTATE. BONDii ETC. If your payments are too large en your automobile or furniture contracts, we will pay them up and advance you more money if needed. We make a spe cialty of these loans and leave the se curitl In your possess. on, and you can repay us In small monthly payments WE ALSO MAKi SALARY LOANS to salaried people on their own note. Kates reasonable. Private offices. All busi ness strictly confidential. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY, (LICENSED.) 30ti-307 Dekum bldg Marshall 328. S. W. cor. Third and Washington. SALARY. IX) AN 3. CHATTEL WE LOAN MONEY! On short notice to salaried or working men on their own notes; weekly, semi monthly or monthly psvments, each transaction strictly confidential. NO MOKTilAviK NO 1NDOP.8ER. ABSOLUTE LT NO SIXTRITY We a, so loan on household goods, pianos, etc. CALL AND INVESTIGATE. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT- COMPANY. (LICENSED.) 218 FAII.INU Blll.Pl.Vrl MONEY TO LOAN on goods placed in storage with ua. W can save you money. Low intereet ratea. Phone Broadway 3715. Security Storage : Transfer Co., 5J 4th elreel, corner of Pine. MONEY TO LOAN, on diamonds, watches. Jewelry and bonds, legal rates; All goods held 1 year, VINES JEWELRY STOKE. 114-116 Third st., corner Washington. Main (IK III. QUICK money to salaried people on un secured note. Confidential Investiga tion. 316 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Licensed. MONEY TO LOAN on diamonds. Jewelry, legal rates, articles held a year; estan li)ed 1XK8. Unn Morx Co.. 2S3 Wash. HATHAWAY Loans on pianos and furnl- ture; legal rates. 20f Washington bldg. l.nnn Wsnfetl. 11. LKM I' Ali WT. $1300 at 70 Five-room bungalow on corner lot and on car line. $1500 at 7'ir Good five-room house with full lot. $1(100 at 7 Bight acres with Im provements on Kewberg highway. $2500 at 7 Two residence properties, worth $10,000. $7000 at 7 Handsome residence on Heights value $25,000. $7000 at 7 7oo-acr farm, worth $42,000. $10,500 at 7 Deautiful home, valua tion $35,000. B. T.BB PAGET, 622 Corbett Bldg. Mnln 8230. FRANK L. McUUIRE. with lus yours of experience and expert knowledge of val ues, is In a position to safeguard your every interest in loaning your money. Hundreds ot applicationa for loans. Of fice of personal service. Let us loan your money. See J. Logle Richardson, managor of loan department, Ablngton Ditijr. Main num. WANT to borrow from private party IH.tw at 7 per cent on well Improved security appraised at twenty-six thou sand dollars; this Is an unusually de sirable loan. Phone Main &uui or call at 1 Third St. WE HAVE some good real estate contracts and mortgages in amounts or .010 and above, payable in monthly Installments and bearing 7 per cent Interest, which we win discount a per cent, r . IS. Bow man & Co.. 210 Cham, of Com, bldg. WANT $12,01111, 79o. 3 yrs., on high-class. improved Portland properly. Reason able value, $40,000. RITTER, LOWE CO.. 201-8-5-7 Hoard of Trade Itidg. WANTED To borrow $13,000 for term of years on well improved wheat farm; will pay 8 per cent Interest, W 47, Oregonian. FOR GILT-EDGE 1 and K mnrtgaM bonds in local concerns see Oregon In vestment A Mortgage Co., 222 Chamber 01 commerce bldg. WANT $2000 from private psrty on reel denes, 7 tier cent, no commission : inter est monthly lf desired. AV 845, Ore- gonian. WANT $2000 on residence; private party prererreu; 7 per cent, no commission (live address and phone number. AV N.iO. Oregonian. WANTED To borrow $25.oiui 6n wall im- proved wheat farm fur term of years, will pay 8 per cent Interval. li e7, Oregonian. UlLD-UIKih! FlitST M OUTRAGES. MADE AND SOLD. F. H. DE.-tHON, 6IB CHA. OF COM. 1H1. WILL HAVE $10,000 to loan Jan. 15. 1921 Call Uaat 7504. Address 627 Hancock st.. Portland, or. $Ol WANTKD (SV par cent, mort.) 011 10O acres near Portland; value $12,000 annual rent icoo. A'l '-'71, uregnnlan. WAjNTIlD $5000 and $15,0i on cioae-ln acreage, a: one-fourth valuation; pri vate property. J3C 292. Oregonian. $3000 TO LOAN, 7 per cent, on Portland Improved roal estate and acreage. M H57, Oregonian. WANTED 1250 on 80 acres of land over looking Columbia river. F 54, Orego nian. $fjci(t0 8 PER CENT on Irvington rl dence property, value $20,000. East 6:1 20. BEd OlliilioN i.NV. .HollTGACiK CO., 222 Cham, of Com.; Fourth and Stark. WANTED $4000 new colonial house In Irvington. C. J. Johnson. 31-1 Henry bldg. $;:uo AT 7 PER CENT on Alameda Park ' home. 621 Gasco Building, Main (16. $1)008 PER CENT on 10 acres Columbia High way, vs I tl e $2500. East 63 M WANTE1 $5(Mi0 on City bank stock; pri vate. DC 294, Oregonian. PERSONAL. WHAT Is wealth if you have lout jour health t I can demonstrate to you. In lews than 10 days, that magnetic or drui less healing, the Weltmer Method, will cure 05 per cent of the so-called In curable diseases. Over ftoo.ooo cases of so-called incurable diseases have been cured in the last 23 ft-ears by this method. 73 per cent of thess were given up hy the best M. D.'s. We make a specially of rheumatism, stomach, kidney, blad der, nervous and female disease In all its forms. Am successful on all chronic diiKease. Is It worth trying?' Prof. Peasley, 490 Morrison St. Marshal 200. Rooms 9210 Hyland apts., Portland. B. M. F. Mother wants you bum y-, Write Aunt Alice. Ut rr.RHONAu OET WFI.L. rnr.K. frkb rum. Every day, from 10 A M te I I' M.. end evenings from to ft, and Sundaye from 10 to 12. THOUSANDS OF SUFFERERS WHO HAVE FAILED te get relief In any ether way are Invited to Investigate Chlroprartlo method, which are permanently eurlng hundreds every day. thk urst of rrimopRACTlo DIAGNOSTICIANS will thoroughly examine yott. make a complete diagnosis of your case and dl rect your treatments WITHOUT ANY COST TO TOO WHATEVER. CHIROPRACTIC Is the set. MS, sure and modern science ef wuring ana preventing disense. CHIROPRACTIC will pornunently cure H.I per cent ot all diseases. CHIROPRACTIC removes lb cause health returns. The above service Is all froe te yo st the college building and may be toad la private If desired PRIVATE TREATMENTS may also be had In college building by members o( the faculty, by either lady sr aa prsc titlonera. PACIFIC CHIROPRACTIC COLLEGER Corner of l ark and Yamhill. Tel Main 1014. HOSPITAL In connection with college. Will hsndle out-of-town patients at a nrnt reason- 3 hie rate In order te show what Cblre lactic can do. UK. O. W. KI.UOTI. President. 100 CHIROPRACTIC SYSTEM. 'Camouflage and adjuncts Uireinn te this principle only add time and imme diate expense to later drapalr.) Dr. McMahon, Macleay blilg.. Port land, a chiropractor of experirnrc, a pat amateur, a 100 per cent ihlroprscuo specialist, with highest txntlmoma.s from patients from eastern stales, familiar with the best; also from estern and local patients having unfortunately had les than 100 per cent cllinipractlo else where, with, of course, corresponding disappointment in delayed relief. Men and womeo are fully sattsld with my Kmi per cent rhiroprstio philosophy, long experience snd superior skiii (Vemonatritted In consultation, animations, easy, careful adjusuuania, rates, and finally results. Eleventh year In Oils city Chronic cases, one or two, taking time, SI adjustments, $25. Patients improving, but slowly, ex tended time. 31 adjustments, $15, Acute cases, fevsr. iumbaso. any doubting Thomases, etc, less tims. iara expense. Phone, call, wire, write Main Office. 4th and Wantl. New Home. 047 East Salmon st. ANY READER of this paper suffering from goitre (big neck) can gel positive Information on how to cure It at borne without least trouble or discomfort. There Is a pleasant surprise In store for you If you will write. No chars what soever. Tell others. It will he p ua a.l. l'T. Hock, box X-7.IT. Milwaukee. Wla. Ilt. F.HI.KKM. I'lllKllK.V. I take pleasure to announce to the public that I have 25 yrats' experience aa a druk'loM physician. Trrat all klnils of chronic d,t-afs. Iloiira 9 to 5 ard 7 to H p. M. ror working people. .Vain 8277. .HIH-K Allaky bldg., d and lur rlpon streets WliEKE are the dead? Explained In lec ture No. 2 by one who has Bnrt-halid knowledge. I.eriure No. 4 ahoaa dan gers of inediuinahip and hypnotism, a.aii expialna alrvp, dreanui, trance comll tiona and Insanity. Lectuie 10 i-nis encu. ltoalcrucian Fellowship, OcranalUi, tn. ACCOM I'l.lHIIKD A T LAbT. Palnleas denilMry by the nrr e-blnck- Ing miMhnd. without after effei-te. make X-ray anamination of teeth. t specialise in nrst-clara dentirtry at rea sonable fcea. Ladv attf rxlanl. Mar. iioit. M(. A. W KKKNK, Msj tic Thnj-r HHr, r.l u; Wsah. I'll. KM I, Kit., rllVHU'lAN. I take plraaure In announce Is the public that 1 have 25 yenre' experln-e aa a druglcs phalclan. Trent ail kiliiia of chronic di-ar-a. Iloiira w to 5 sml T to I) P. M. for working people. JHaln $277. lii4) Allaky bldg., Jd and Mor r.ioti ats. lilt tlbll). K I i. I IV, tre.tla r limi ma t,MI. . heart dleeaa, nervnuant-aa, ilka.-aMa of wirmcn and children; apt-ria.lat rn tumors; ti Imnniee from those airvadt cured; consultation frte, houra u to $ p. m., 3W0-U Ahaky llUlg., Id and Mur rli'n. IIATIlri AND M AhHAtlK. Graduate nurwe glvca body maaaaga, steam baths, vibratory and ele.-trle mnaK, lN-cond floor Swetland bids , room 21.1. Mnln 17H-Y Open evrnlnra till W o'clock. Phone for evening appoint ment. NET-lTu M. IIESHciN. ll. IV Naturopathy AtothoitM u-fil on NKilVol'rt and CHItONIC diseases; traction curta weak backs; mineral steam hatha, elrclric iolot rny and arli-ntiftc niaanagoa el'an the system and t,tilld It lip; both skra treated. Main 770, 804 lifkum lil.tg. IF YOU are tired and nervous ynu can rejui-enate your nervoua tenters and poor rlrctllnlion by having a ailenlilie body maasNKe. Dr. Ovldta Lara-n. for merly st 421 Moritan bldg, is now l cmed at Morgan bldg Main 1W'I. STAMP collertora and philatelist; W car ry a fine line of stamps, a huriia and sup plies; stamps and collections bought and sold; opvn evenlnna, 6 Jlo to 9, sundats 1 1 to 4 Columbia Stamp Co. 94 North Kith street. Phone lldwy, 2t'l. N1'V YllllK graduate rh IropodIM, super fluous hair permanently removed; ninrn curiMt. face and scalp specialist, ladles and gentlemen. Room 2(Vi 4 Allaky bldg.. Third and Morrison als GA Ll.S'l ON l-.S Free nook telle of im proved method of treating int lamuiat i,-n of gall bladder and blla ducta. Write today. Ir. Paddock, box Vw-01. Kansas Ci I y ,M u. TAKARA ANTISEPTIC l'DW'IiKIl la a cleansing, healing germicide and Invig orating douche, a great aid In femala disorders; 5ue and $1 per box. Portland Hotel I'hnrmnry. WHITE song. poem, love, mother, home, ccmlc or any subject. I compose music, guarantee publication. end words to day. Edward Trent, 792 Reaper block, Chicago. ALL the luteal remedies sold st the cleii. enann Drug Co.. 200 Morrlaon at., t. Charles hotel corner. At thla drug store you get Just what you call for. We have no substitutes. FEU VET A H ANRIil'T, leading wig and tnupn makers: fineat atnrk human hair gnoda; permanent and marcel waving. Scalp treatment. 849 Alder. Main MM. DE l.UXE MASSAGES. 416 BI CMANAN 111.(1. MAIN "M. 10 A. M. TO P. M : ALSO OPEN SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS DU. li. A. Glllr1 l-'l'l'II, 1. I'. liixpeit niaa aeuae, ateam bath, vihrallon, facial sml scalp tlcatmentH. Ladlea' patronage pre ferred. 4I7-41H Pwetlnnd bldg. 1 OUTS both feet fixed up at It, Eiiton s the CHIROPODIST and ARCH HI'I.HT. who doesn't hurt you: 8 yra. here; exaitu free, tlluoe bldg., 11th and Wash. Ildy. 2S24; jK s TI.K permanent hair waving; aleo all bautv work by experienced operators. 8115 Globe lildi , 1 1 lit and Washington. Phone lldwy. 401(1 VIT-O-NET sweat baths for colda: violet ray treatments 'or neuritis: body ma- suge; ' " a . Moritan M'' M. to a P, M. daily. 450 Main 73711. TvtlltOWIMJ nails or ihlllnatia cured, l.mcdlea sold on trial; yul.k re, let. Write Eugcue Eaton, dept. 21. Baodoe, Ore son. km P H I ' It aleani bath massage, violet ray and vibratory lrelmnl. 426 Clay. Main '"? 111 A. V. t 8 I. M. MAKHAOM ballia, kidneys. rhcumati.m. Dr. eoiiatlpatinn. rnn, urn. lepiiyaj 308 Panama Mils Main osil. NO Cllitr, no pay, lenioa "ii, uniiiiiuii. hair grown on held heads, ladles ut gents. J1"'1!LJ: 'r "j Ki'PKitFLl'ol'8 half- molea. waria removed bv l()-needlea method; (rial Ire.. J... jl-ielev. 415 Huah I. ana bldg Main fl.tiia, TTT-ToT'll EYEH fltol lll.K Vol T Ik a.i". KFK 1 Dlt. K. L CIIK.Wt. KVK r'PKCIAI.. 1ST 427 MORGAN" Hl.l"! MAIN .Ito" TotlACCU or snufl baun mreJ oriiu pav. 11 If cured. Ilemeuy aeni on trial, su- 314, Kaltitnore Md, OPALINE f-UM.Mrnov rememes tor ills- eaaea 01 w.o... - or write 240 l.nicoin. Main VA la. vvnt't.I) adopt a boy or girl; have nice home, American family. V .29, ure- gontan. rVrrKIl written Oregonian Dee. 12, aUned Adam, liuldandale. Write C .81, or-- aonlat tKAUUATt nurae traals lunibaso, ato. Hours 2 to 5 or by appointment. 1'huea julnlQ4 Office $U-C Third at. uaMMAGM traatin.nta. phon. the masaaMe school. Main T7MI, 711 Swetland bids. ntTPHRFLl'OUS hair removed forever I7 multiple-'"'"'!, m.tliod. 604 Hwetland hid pHlMJilDA BALM, formerly called Halm ot Flga. S44 SI. ael. c-en. - i DoEfiN'T Tom. 1'lik or Harry pay you; (l.e virrem, cni-vu"-, ..-.,. a. "vni Ui-THll' CAIUNKT llATIIrt. rr. Ironside. 3(11)14 Hroadway building JL'NICIDH w ill cure rheumallain or uiuitey back, a in 1 .fun,. IU PTUKK CAN UK CURKD without ar, operation. Free b.uealel. P. O. H.. 1 1 or. Pll KH CAN HE I'UUliD without upi-raliwu. Free booklet. P. (. bos !'". RYBS tested free; spectacles guaranteed. Dr. Belding. 2454 Alder .1 Mam HM. L1DA JACKSON, manicuring, facial, aialp .feaimenis, rB aavicvM ovw m. I , I . ' . K i ' ' fV.V- .- i-V- IV.'. I . ' , I . ' ). .. r 1,. I '. I i."-'; rv' h