0 TJIE SUNDAY OREGOXIAN, PORTLAND, DECEMBER 26, 1920 I i Ml i - A FOR SAI.F AITOMOBITES. HEKB ARC SOME EXTRA GOOD . BARGAINS. Ford roadster ...... Ford roadster ....... Ford touring ford touring ........ Maxwell ............ Hudson Overlund roadster ... Overland touring .... Overland touring ... Chevrolet B6 Chevrolet BtJ Jleo 4 Heo 4 Keo 4 Chalmers roadster .. Cole roadster ....... Cole touring Cole touring- vole touring. Aeru 8. Cole. 4-pass.. Aero 8. Mnrmon, 3-pa.ss. .... Alarmoo. 4-p.iaa J.MI 3.-.0 S2T " i it 330 CuO o.")fl 450 r,.- 500 6t J 200 1 500 1200 1400 2J00 2200 2."."0 2700 TRUCKS. P era! good buy In light delivery cars and trucks. NORTHWEfP ATJTO COMYANT. lSth. and Alder sts. Bdwy. 14G0. riT.URRfi ROADSTER. Late model Chalmers wire wheel road- ter. This one will make a real ennst nrni in vmir wife or any one. This is a beautiful running car with wire wheels and one extra wheel and tire. It s sure a classy looking car with plate glass in rear and side curtains ana many other extras, such as seat covers, spot light and fender tail light: you will like this one and the price is low. with only $200 down and bal. long terms. A-l AUTO WORKS & PAINTING CO., li2S Aider St. Rl'IPk- Rrt-aTER LIGHT SIX THIS IS THE LATE MODEL, AND THIS ONE HAS SIX TlilKS ami TITHES. SEAT COVERS AND SPOT LIGHT and full set tools and side cur tains ready for this stormy weather. Car has been refinished and looks and runs i new. We have low price and will take victory bonds at full value. Open Sun days all day. Sixteenth and Alder streets. MTRPHT MOTOR CAR COMPANY MAKE OFFKR SMALL CAR AND CASH ON HIGH-CLASS WINTON (FAMILY CAR) IN PERFECT CONDI TION. NEW PAINT JOB JUST COM PLETED. THIS CAR AN "ABSOLUTi. BARGAIN" AT J17.10. CONSIDER SMALL CAR FIRST PAYMENT. BALANCE YOUR OWN TEMRS. AD DRESS OWNER. AH 2S2. OREGONIA.V l'J OAKLAND TOURING This car Is like new every way and we will show you the finest running late model car that you will find in a day s travel We have a low price on this one and will take J2Si down. baL easy monthly payments and take victory bonds at full value. Come and try it. Open Sundays at Sixteenth and Alder "mURPHY MOTOR CAR COMPANY BUCK FOUR TOURING This Is the most popular four that Is old on this market and one tnat you can very seldom get. This one is I t' class condition every way and will stand any trial that you wish to give it. Lib eral terms, low price and take ..N) dewn, bal. monthly. Victory bonds full value Sixteenth and Alder streets. Ml-RPHY MOTOR CAR COMPANY tit-ri-I.- L'rii: ROADSTER IS This is the finest four on the market and we will show you the smartest four that is in this city for sale. It has lots e-uraa and runs and looks like it is ready fur the auto show. Come and try it. Open Sundays. Low price and we will take 1300 down, bal. easy. Sixteenth and Mu'rPhT'mOTOR CAR COMPANY CLUB ROADSTER. 18 MODEL Here Is one with wire wheels, five of them, all with new' tires and tubes and the car is in fine condition every way. We nave low price of I625.. With $200 down. bal. easy monthly payments and will take late model Ford in trade. Open Eundavs at Sixteenth and Alder streeta MURPHY MOTOR CAR COMPANY 18 DODGE TOURIXO a- the low price of $725. with $230 down, bal. easy and will take late model car m trade If prloe is right and make. This Dodge is in first class-shape every war and has cord tires. Come and try it. Open Sundays at Sixteenth and Alder 8MURPHY MOTOR CAR COMPANY BUICK TOURING. $050 with $200 down, bal. monthly and we will take Victory bonds at full value. This car is first class every way and ou can try it any way you like. Has icme extras and will please you If you want a Buick. Open Sundays, sixteenth and Aider streets. MURPHY MOTOR CAR COMPANY OLDS TOURING EIGHT Here Is the finest light eight on the market and this one will speak for it self Has cord tires and one extra and will run to please you. Cdme and try it. Open Sundays at Sixteenth and Alder MURPHY MOTOR CAR COMPANY 1 18 FORD TOURING t the low price of $:t50 with $150 down, bal. easy and we will give you a ride in the finest running Ford on this row. Has some extras and will please you. Open Sundays at Sixteenth and Alder treets. t rrr-o n x-"V 1919 CHEVROLET, wire wheels and one extra and the car can t be told from a new one and the price is less than half of the new price with its extra equipment; $495. Small payment down and bal in ten equal monthly payments. A-l AUTO WORKS & PAINTING CO.. 1U17 BUICK little ti touring car fine finish, new battery. Pantasote top. 7 tires and tubes and two extra rims; will sacrifice for $850. Own-r. Phone Broadway 3393. KOADSTBR Valve-in-head motor, new battery, good tires, fine condition, spot light? lots of pep and power, r.ln i per fect: need money badly. $125, $j0 down, balance easy. Thompson. Main 4013. 1020 FORD sedan in A-l condition, equipped with shock absorber, oversize steering wheel, speedometer, extra tire, etc.: terms If desired. Phone B. 4041. r,::i m.der street, bdwy isr.2 BUICK TOURING, light 6. fine condi tion, must be sold at once: $9o0. 5.10 ALDER STREET ' BUICK 1920. like new, 3 new tires, 3 others In good shape; extra equipments must e sold at once. 630 ALDER STREET FORD SEDAN, used short time as dem onstrator; extra power and pep; fine lot of extras. Call Odgers, Bdwy. 321 or Marshall 2C0. ; .. FORD COUPE, like new; average tires, very powerful and snappy; can't be told from new cjirs. Call Odgers, Bdwy. 821 or Marshalr 20. - " AUTO OWNERS' SALES ROOM. You wish to eeM your car? Can get quick acHon at 168 King st. Main 184 BUICK delivery, J150; 2-ton Kelly Spring field truck. $350; Packard roadster, ISOO Enst 1T05. 404 E. Morrison. 1917 FORD, demountable rims, shock ab sorbers spotlight and speedometer, for sale cheap 168 King street. FOR SALE Ford touring car, 1918, ex tras, fine condition. Bond or mort gages. Tabor 2454. . MAXWELL TOURING, new top, good upaolsterlr.g. refinished. $450. 530 AL-DER 8TREET lSl OAKLAND 6 touring, like new. $S00. Will take Ford in trade E 4376, 10 Union avenue. ' 12 jsaXWELL roadster, like new; ex tras: $675. Will take Ford in trade. E. 4376. 150 Union avenue. PODGE touring. $675, good condition. Mar shall 4192. 589 Montgomery. 191ft DODGE roadater. 6 tires, good shape, $750. E 4376. 150 Union avenue. 1919 MAXWELL for sale by owner; bargain for quick sale. Tabor 1772. DODGE touring car, good condition. 1013 E. Irving st. Price $800. Tabor 2903 1918 $490 CHEVROLET TOURING CAR. A snap. Phone Woodlawn 1878. YOU CAN tuv a used car for leas than its mortgage value. 168 King st. 1920 FORD Coupe, good shape, $750. take touring In trade. E 4376. Will 1'0 FORD TOURING, good shape, $4S5. B. 4376. 150 Union. FORD COUPE, finish like new. sleet, starter. $050, B. 4376. ' FOB 8A1.E ACTOMOBILKS. AT TUB COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY PLANT. The buying public today la carefully studying the disposition of the used-car dealer. They have set themselves up as Judge and jury, analyzing the willing ness and conscientiousness with which he Is rebuilding and reflntshing his cars. We have ever insisted on lair, honest dealing, permitting absolutely of no mis representations, and through the manj tars of concentration on this one point of our policy, we find the public more interested and willing to buy the used ca1-- we- have for sale than at any com parative period in the past. We hv the hearty approval of our efforts In the gratifying proportions of our sales. DODGE BROTHERS MOTOR CARS. We have a complete line of. rebuilt and refinished lil-17-18-J9-20 cars In touring, roadster and sedan models. Prices at this time are unusually at tractive. lU.'O HUDSON Speeds ter. Grussl shock absorbers $2300 lma Ht"Lsnx Touring, in excellent shape 1750 1913 HUDSON Six, model 54. wire wheels, cord tires, priced only 600 1920 MAXWELL Touring, good condition 50 1917 MAXWELL Touring 323 1918 D O D O E BROTHERS Panel Delivery 1050 1914 OVERLAND Delivery, a good one 275 1920 FORD Coupe 750 rj!)10 FORD Touring. '17 radiator.. 2.".0 lilli PAIGE Touring, a fine car... 1300 1915 CHEVROLET Touring, excel lent shape 500 1914 FORD Roadster, rebuilt Body 200 The following cars are at the Broad way Used Car Branch, 2S-30 N. Broad way: 1U18 STUDEBAKER, Westlnghouse equipped S2000 1914 STUDEBAKER Touring, snap 450 J!19 FRANKLIN Touring, a beauty 2ooo 11I1S CHANDLER Touring 1000 J1S CHEVROLET Delivery, .a... 650 -1U18 CHEVHOLET Roadster, nice - shape, specially priced tor a few days at 53o 1918 FORD Sedan, newly painted.. 600 1919 Model 90 OVERLAND, reduced to too , CADILLACS. Our. determination to dispose of. as many cars as possible prior to Inventory the first of January, places us in a po sition whereby we will give serious con sideration to any reasonable proposition. One type 57 four-passenger Cadillac is finished and we solicit your Inspection. It Is in such fine condition, both me chanically and In appearance, that no doubt It will appeal to you as a most ex cellent buy, $::ooo. We also have one seven - passenger type 57 that will fill the need of some one needing a large car. $3000. We Are Open Sunday. COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY, Washington St. at 21st. Main 6244. BROADWAY USED CAR BRANCH. 28-:i0 N. Broadway. Main 6244. BUY A TJSED FORD. Largest Stock In the West. Look them over before you buy. Some of them are listed, herewith. J914 Ford touring ? 1914 Ford touring L;u 1014 Ford touring i 1!14 Ford light delivery 1"5 li(14 Ford light delivery 1 1915 Ford roadster delivery liU 1915 Ford light delivery J 1915 Ford light deiiver Jto 1915 Ford roadster lo- l!li Ford chaeees W 1910 Ford light delivery lij 1!10 Ford roadster delivery -'2- 1910 Ford light delivery j2j 191U Ford touring - llflO Ford touring -"J 1917 Ford light delivery J'o 1917 Ford light deHvery ISo 1917 Ford roadster delivery lu 1917 Frd touring -:5 1917 Ford roadster 1917 Ford touring 7. 19IS Ford light delivery Ilia 1915 Ford liKht delivery 13 1916 Ford light delivery -- 1918 Ford touring... 2t.. 1918 Ford roadster 1918 Ford touring 3 ;0 1918 Ford rosdster 3fo 1918 Ford touring 395 14,1 t Vnrri wjrm truck chassis 450 1919 Ford touring 290 luin PnrH rndslfr ........... . l!19 Ford light delivery 3:15 1919 Ford touring, starter, etc 4 1tl4 ITnrri tnlirifie 4 1!1 Ford touring 4"3 1!19 Ford touring, starter, etc 4IM 1919 Ford chassis 2 1 ikl ft Vnrrl worm rtiirk chassis 3 1010 Fnrd worm truck express body 4S5 1920 Ford worm truck with cah 490 11120 Ford worm truck, cord tires.. 4.i0 1920 Ford touring 495 525 550 5S5 1!20 Ford roadster, starter, etc.... 1920 Ford touring, atarter, etc 1919 Ford sedan, starter, etc.-v 2919 Ford coupe, starter, etc 1920 Ford coupe, starter, etc 1!20 Ford coupe, starter, etc 1920 Ford coupe, starter, etc Several Ford bugs, $250 to $475. EASY TERMS. Store Open Sunday. UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE. Used Fords Exclusively. Grand Avenue and East Yamhill. Large Stock Genuine Ford Parts. 675 65 735 750 WHEN IS A USED CAR A BARGAIN T - A used ear, regardless of purchase price, is a bargain only when it proves that It Is capable of rendering the kind of service the buyer expects of it. We realize that this is the true angle as regards used cars, and our policy is to put the used cars which we take in trade in good serviceable condition, over hauling them in our own shops and re painting when necessary. Here is a partial list of carB at remarkably low prices, quality considered: 1916 Briscoe, 5-passenger ". .$ 400 1915 Mitchell, 5-passenger 350 Willys-Knight, 5-passenger 800 1 11 J 7 Dodge, 6-passenger 850 1917 Mitchell, 5-passenger 850 1917 Mitchell, 7-passenger 700 1918 Mitchell, 5-passenger 1100 And we also have a few Victory model Mitchells and two Jordan Silhouettes on which we give factory guarantees and service. Deal with a house of recognized sta bility. 38 years In business In Portland. We bundle our own notes and do not charge for brokerage. MITCHELL. LEWIS ft ST AVER COMPANY. BROADWAY AT EVERETT. I'honre, Broadway 4675. 40 UEBD CARS. We have over 40 used cars in our stock, consisting of almost every well known standard make and models. Every car Is dependable and ready to take you any place. These cars go on a ten-day sale at surprisingly low prices, at least 25 per cent less than their actual value. If you are considering buying a car don't fail to see this immense stock before buying. Pick out the car that you think will suit you and name your terms and we can soon get together and make a satisfac tory deal. FORDS. BUICKS, SAXONS. MAX WKI.I.S. CHALMERS. GIANT SIX. PAN AMERICANS. PREMIERS, PATTER SON SIX, VELIES. OAKLAND8. CHEV ROLETS, OVERLANP3, PULLMANS, STUPE BAKERS, CHANDLERS, LEX INGTONS. We will guarantee every car as repre sented and nothing different. It will be well worth your time to visit us and look them over, whetner you buy or not. A-l AUTO WORKS Sc PAINTING CO., 525 Alder St. ATTENTION, TOURIST; HAVE 7-PAS-SENGEIt FAIRFIELD MODEL 6-CYL-INDER PAIGE TOURING CAR IN GOOD ORDINARY RUNNING CONDI TION STORED IN KANSAS CITY. MO. WANT TO TRADE FOR CAR HERE OR WILL CONSIDER VACANT LOTS IN PORTLAND. WAKEFIELD, BROAD WAY 8596.' CAR OWNERS. ATTENTION! OVERHAUL YOUR OWN CAR UN DER OUR SUPERVISION. WE FUR NISH SHOP. TOOLS AND EXPERI ENCE AT A REASONABLE CHARGB. PHONE BAST 7207. FRED DAY MO TOR CO., E. 7TH AND ANKENY. AM GOING east, will sell 1920 Buick six, very reasonable; will give demonstration if you mean business. AH 278. Orego- nian WILL sell my privately-owned Chevrolet, model 1918, touring car at a bargain price: will give terms to right party; Inquire W. K. Xix. Corbett, Or. DODGE. I can show you a bargain In a Dodge Bros, touring car. Phone Main 64S4, evenings. 1920 PORD touring, starter and plenty of extras. Call room 24, 82 Grand ave. $500 takes it. DODGE, best mechanical condition, $750; better than new cheap car. 225 Henry bldg. $450 TAKES this model 90 chummy, new tires, wire wheeia and fine condition. 531 Alder. '20 BUICK roadster, private party. Call for particulars Monday afternoon. Mar. 2766. CLASSY BUG for sale; will take motor cycle or graphophone as part payment 291 Russell street. WE PUT steel teeth in your old flywheels, crankshaft turning. H. B. Black, ma chine shop. 534 Alder st. Bdwy. 2881. $225 CASH- first-class, good tire and paint, AWar. : 631 FOB SALE ACTOMOBILKS. BUY A USED FORD. Largest Stock in the West. Look Them Over Before You Buy. Some of Them Are Listed Herewith. 1914 Ford Touring. $150.00 1914 Ford Touring 150.00 1914 Ford Touring : 1B5.00 1914) Ford Light Delivery. ....... 175.00 1914 Ford Light Delivery 1S5.00 1915 Ford Roadster Delivery 150.00 1915 Ford Light Delivery. 1115.00 1915 Ford Light Delivery. 15.00 1915 Ford Roadster. 105.00 1916 Ford Chassis. 100.00 1916 Ford Light Delivery. 175.00 1916 Ford Roadster 225.00 1916 Ford Roadster Delivery .... 225.00 1916 Ford Light Delivery 225.00 1016 Ford Touring. 235.00 1917 Ford Light Delivery 165.00 1917 Ford Light Delivery 185.00 1917 Ford Roadster Delivery. .... 195.00 1917 Ford Touring 235.00 1917 Ford Roadster. 205.00 1917 Ford Touring 375.00 1918 Ford Light Delivery. 165.00 1918 Ford Light Delivery jsa.uu 1918 Ford Light Delivery. 225.00 1918 Ford Touring. 205.00 1918 Ford Roadster. 275.00 1918 Ford Touring.' 350.00 1918 Ford Roadster. 385.00 1918 Ford Touring 395.00 1918 Ford Worm Truck Chassis.. 450.00 1919 Ford Touring 290.00 1919 Ford Roadster. 325.00 1919 Ford Light Delivery 335.00 1919 Ford Touring, starter, etc. 425.00 1919 Ford Touring. 425.00 1919 Ford Touring. 435.00 1919 Ford Touring, starter, etc... 490.00 -J919 Ford Chassia . . 275.00 1919 Ford Worm Truck Chassis.. 325.00 1919 Ford Worm Truck, Express Body 4S5.00 1920 Ford Worm Truck, with Cab 490.00 1920 Ford Worm C h-wm a Is, Cord Tires. 450.00 1900 Ford Light Delivery 375.00 1920 Ford Touring. 395.00 J920 Ford Touring 495.00 1920 Ford Roadster, starter, etc.. S2.VU0 1920 Ford Touring, starter, etc.. 650.00 1919 Ford Sedan, starter, etc.... 6S5.00 1919 Ford Coupe, starter, etc 675.00 1920 Ford Coupe, starter, etc. ... 685.00 1920 Ford Coupe, starter, etc 735.00 1920 Ford Coupe, starter., etc 750.00 Several Ford Bugs, $250 to $475. EASY TERMS. Store Open Sunday. UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE, Used Fords Exclusively, Grand Ave. and East Yamhill St. Large Stock Genuine - Ford Parts. 1917 HUDSON, wire wheels $1100 1920 Chevrolet 700 1920 Oldsmoblle, like new... 1150 1918 Studebaker. 7-pass 400 1919 Liberty, a real buy 1155 Fierce 36, 6-pass 1000 Model D55 Buick. 7-pass 700 1912 Packard, 7-pass, S00 1918 Buick rdndster, 6 tires 900 . We are selling these cars at the right price. Come in and look them over. PORTLANT MOTOR CAR CO.. 10th and Burnside. Broadway 521. SLIGHTLY USED OAKLAND TOURING AND ROADSTER. GOOD AS NEW, WILL BE SOLD AT LARGE SAVING. ROADSTER HAS WIRE WHEELS AND FULL LIST OF ACCES SORIES. NEW CAR SELLS FOR $1625 PLUS $100 FOR WIRB WHEELS. EITHER OF THESE CARS WILL BE SOLD AT LEAST $300 UNDER NEW PRICE. WILLAMETTE MOTORS CO., BROADWAY AT FLANDERS. BROADWAY 4184. FORD GWXcF.S. CHEVROLET OWNERS. Motors overhaualed Rear axle overhauled Vaives ground, carbon removed Magneto recharged Ve hand-:ap pistons, scrape bearings. etc., which insures a periect-running mo tor. Genuine Ford parts only useo. All work guaranteed. THE REASON the Ford engine starts hard and fh lights are dim is because the MAGNETO is weak. Have it Kix-UAKiimiJ a EXPERTS. ' UNIVERSAL AUTO REPAIR CO.. 210-212 Jefferson. Main 7644. $2350 SACRIFICED FOR $1600 CASH A holiday buy; 5-pass. Essex touring car, 6 cord tires in good condition, one never on ground, driven about. 2500 miles on pavements, better than when new, with spotlight, front and rear bumpers. spring oilers, fire, .theft and liability insurance; valued at delivery few months ago approximately Z23o0, will be saen ficed for $1600 cash or bankable paper must ha'e money immediately. Mr. Johnson. Main 3504 or Aut. 320-62. SEDAN TIME. Enjoy a sedan. We have a real buy in an Elgin sedan priced below the ma- .. $14O0. t j.ER MOTOR CO.. Washington at 15th St. HAVE 5-PASSENGER 1915 STUDEBAKER IN GOOD ORDER, HAS ELECTRIC LIGHTS, STARTER. PAINT AND UP HOLSTERING GOOD, WANT LATER KtrYWEL ANY STANDARD CAR, WOULD CONSIDER 6-CYLINDEU 7-PASSEN GER, HAVE SECURITIES AND SOME CASH OR ASSUME. WAKEFIELD, BROADWAY 3590. 1917 CHEVROLET DELIVERY. Electric starter, good mechanically a snap at $375; will take a Ford In trade. TALBOT r CASEY, INC.. Grand Ave. and K. Ankenr. East 8113. LATE 1919 Haynes. 4-pass. olub roadster. A-l shape, painted beaver brown, with black lenders, good .12x4? cord tires will take $1400. Bdwy. 1614. East 1515. 1918 VELIE touring; wire wheels, gool tires, one etxra; a snap for $825, will take a Ford in trade. TALBOT & CASEY, INC., Grand Ave. and E. Ankeny. East SI 18. W'K CARRY a full line of auto accesso ries, tires, tubes. Ford parts, light globes. to. Also do towing. Open day and night. LONG & SILVA. Phone East 6S40. 462 Hawthorns. FOR SALE Stanley steamer mountain wagon. 12-passenger. good for stage run: we ask $500 cash and worth three times this amount it you can nanaie it; tn good condition. Goldendale Garage, Uoldendale, Wash. A SNAP for someone. Auburn Beauty Six sedan demonstrator; never been off the Davemeut: cord tires all around; out-of- town dealer. For demonstration, call Hillsboro phone 2921; price $27o0. AUTOMOBILE RADIATORS. Broken, leaky, bent and wrecked radi ators repaired ana maae like new at reasonable price;, all work guaranteed. Portland Auto Radiator Shop, 535 Alder. Broadway 041. . BORD COUPE BARGAIN. 1920 model, better than new. run 2700 miles, lots of extras, all tires including spare like new; Dig sacrince, Atar, ?37, Monnay. 1918 FORD delivery. $2ti0: will take road ter or touring and pay difference Ford delivery body cheap; will exchange for touring or roaaster ana oouy. j. i.ang, 351 Bumgide. BIG STOCK USED CARS PRICKS RIGHT. No Misrepresentation. COVEY MOTOR CAR CO. MOTORS, gears, bearings, wheels, axles. We wreck ail makes of car and sell their parts at half price. David Hodes Auto Wrecking Dept.. 1Q5-7 N. Ilth st CHANDLER DISPATCH 1019 with 5 wire wheels.- Worth $2500 new. Will sacri fice tfiT $1500 and give terms. Mr. Argo. Bdwy. S2S1, BIG SACRIFICE. OAKLANDBIX, LATE 1920 MODEL. In perfect .condition, price $S50. Call Mar. 1950. Apt. 46. LATE Ford touring car. brand new tires, never run, foot throttle and speedometer. A-Kcond4t'on- Laue-Davis Drug Co., 173 Third st WILL sell my private owned Hupmoblle, model 1920 touring car, at a bargain price of $1250; will give terms to right party. Inquire 1248 E. Morrison at. "TOPS 'EM ALL." Tops recovered, $25 and up. Oregon Auto Top Co.. 14th and Couch sts. Bdwy. 1408. 1018 4-CYLINDER ROADSTER. Standard make, fine condition, fine salesman's car, $675, terms. Mr. Argo. Broadway 3281. ' 1918 PAIGE light 6. appraised at $1350; sacrifice $1000, terms. Dr. Browning. Have new Paige; particulars. See Argo. Broadway 3281. 1920 BUICK roadster, almost -a brand new car; 5 good tires and a spotlight. $000 under the price of a new one; will give terms. Phone Tabor 8064. FOR 6ALF 1013 Cadillac for $250. nly Covey Motor Car Co. Ap. 1918 FORD sedan, $400 cash; new license. Col. 677 after 6 P. M. CHEVROLET roadster. $450; will take dia mond for part, ac 2Ba. uregonian FOR SALE Good bug. Call Columbia 227, or can be seen at 630 Lombard. 1920 HUDSON speedster, $1500;' must ba -casta. S 279, Oregonian. FOB SAI.B A PTOMOBILES. THI3 IS THE TIMB TO BUT. YCjU GET t t BARGAINS PRICES SAFETY - SATISFACTION ALL BECAUSE! We are selling used automobiles with a standard factory warranty, or are giving ten days', free trial subject to their being returned and full credit given on any other used automobile. During the last four years we hT? rebuilt Hudson automobiles ana resutu them with a warranty the same as a factory warranty on a new car. It pays for us to sell and you to buy a used automobile that you can rely upon. We have opened a new store for the sale of used cars at 40-46 N. Broadway. which is open until 8 P. M. 2 1917 Maxwell automobiles, flna .nniKlinn irnnA linu rnaintnd. $400 and' .' 450 8 1918 Maxwell automobiles (to elct frninl all in first-ClaSS condition 550 675 1919 Maxwell, like new 650 Model 90 Overland chummy, road- Hter. all In fine condition, wire wheels, good tires 600 Oakland 6, fine condition 700 Model 90 Overland sedan, very good condition, witn good tires.. ESSEX BARGAINS. 1919 Essex touring car. all gone' over In our shop, thoroughly overhauled and repainted; sold with a warranty the same as given on new automobiles..... 1275 Late Essex model, like new and with warranty; great .buy.... 1919 Ford truck, good condition CHALMERS BARGAINS. 1350 625 1919 Chalmers condition ... roadster. in fine 1050 1919 Chalmers light 6, with hot snot, overhauled and repainted: all in fine condition 1230 1920 Buick roadster, almost new.. 1400 Chandler chummy, in fine condi tion riina like a new car. has been repainted 1050 Chandler sedan, overhauled and repainted: a very good buy 1500 HUDSON BARGAINS. 1917 Hudson Super 6. has been rebuilt, is being repainted: will look and run like new. Will sell with a warrantv the same as given on new automobile.. 1200 1920 Hudson Super 6, overhauled and now being refinished; will be hard to tell it from the latest new car. Will sell with a war rantv same as given on new automobiles 1950 Hudson sedan, has been rebuilt by us, now In the paint shop; will be like new and sold with war ranty the same as given on new automobiles. Best sedan buy in the "town ". 1750 OUR STORE FOR THESE USED CAR BARGAINS AT 40-46 UROADWA. WHICH IS BKUAUWAI AJN1 COUCH STS. C. L. BOSS AUTOMOBILE CO. V FIFTY DOLLARS SECURES YOU A CAR. Come In and select your car, de posit $50 and we will reserve it for you until next spring. Here are a few of our good buys: 1920 Chandler, only $15l0 Hudson super-six, only looo Oakland six, only 650 1920 Elgin "six. only 1650 Paige Linwood, only 950 Maxwell touring, only 450 1919 Chevrolet, only 650 Ford touring, Al condition, only 375 WELLE R MOTOR COMPANY, Washington and 15th sts. USED RADIATORS for all makes of cars. All radiators are carefully gona over and made tight before sold. BURN ESS & MARTIN, lilh and Everett Sts. . 191S MAXWELL TOURING. New tires, new battery, tine mechani cally; $375. Will take a Ford In trade. TALBOT & CASEY. INC., Grand Ave. and E. Ankeny. East 8118. HUDSON super-six. late 1920. used pri vateiv less than three months: guaran. teed In perfect condition; five cord tires. lots of extras. If you want a good car see thiB. Might trade; garage 43d and nawtnorne ave. SPORT MODEL PAIGE. Larchmont sports model Paige, worth $2780. now (or $1500; car in fine condi tion; only run 7600 miles. Needs $600 cash, balance ;ernu. Mr. Argo, iiroad- way a-ist. MUST saui'ifioe mp 1918 7-passenger Studebaker; perfect mechanical condi tion; 4 new cord tires; also 1 2-ton truck, guaranteed A-l condition. Must be sold Jointly. $2500 cash. Hawthorne Fuel Co. yard. Hta and Hawthorne. I NEED THE MONEY And will sacrifice my 1918 Lexington for $925; new tires and battery; need $325 cash. Mr. Bowman. Sea Mr. Argo. nroaqivny a-oi. - $200.' BUICK ROADSTER. Car in nice shape, will demonstrate to I yu. See car at 430 Burnside st., Mr. Jones. FOR SALE Premier 6. 7-Daasenaer 1 Just the rlgnt car ior stage; A-l condi tion; o cora tires, apuuignc ana mirror, 1 full set of tools and other extras go with car; win give terms, pan aell. 4bH. LATE model Chandler chummy roadalcr. This oar is in fine condition; good tires. car look Just like new and is a big sacritice. will give terms, pnona East 1962. 1619 CHANDLER DISPATCH. In first-elass condition. five wire wheels, bumper, motomoter and wind deflectors, at a sacrifice, by owner, BC ZU. oregoiuan. SAVE $51) ON NEW CHEVROLET. I have $100 deposited on a new Chev. rolet and cannot take same; give me $50 and take 11, f'lione Boynton, Sell wood 75. PUT YOUR WIFE'S NAME ON THIS NEW MODEL OVERLAND SEDAN. SAME AS NEW. SAVE 7O0. 82 EAST 44TH ST. NORTH. 1918 DODGE for sale or exchange, good condition, tor rora car and pay differ ence. AL -'-i. oregonian. TOURING bodies, delivery bodies, truck bodies, new ana aecona nana. Ropln&on Smith Co.. oth and Madison. 11(18 MITCHELL 6 chummy roadster, spe- cual speea gear; H laae old car OI lot as part payment. Automatic 328-52 FORD touring, in good condition, for sale, a bargain. Pacific Garage, 88 11th st. Main ion: 1819 CHEVROLET, driven 6300 .miles. looks ana runs line new; cheap, wita easy terms, pnone owner, Bdwy. 132. BUICK roadster. 4 cylinder., mechanically right, una urea; must sen. Automatic 32S-52. 1918 FORP delivery, can hardly be told I from new; owner must sell. 1425, terms. East 43o9. . WILL sell my 102U Chevrolet at a reason- able figure, pnone peiiwooa 3071. after B P. m. . 7-PASS. CHANDLER TOURING. Worth $1200; sell for $800, terms. Get busy on this. Mr. Argo. Broadway 3281 FOR SALE Bargain, late 1919 Nash 6. Will consider late Ford sedan and bal- ance caBh. Phon East 7775. CHEVROLET Royal Mall roadster: Just OVerUUUlVU, 4111a uwnumuU, u lilt anu extras. sjtfo. r.ast sus. 1918 MAXWELL 5-PASS. " Nice little car and only $400; part time. See Jones at 430 Burnside t AUTO for sale. Cole 4, Al condition; must sell. Call E,ast 1 in su poutn. OVERLAND 4-90, at a bargain: see car at 10J. I, ii"1 ragm jjruauway o. FOB 9ALK AUTOMOBIIES. USED CAR SHOW. ' Every day Is a used car show with ua as our customers tell us we have th finest assortment of just new cars ever displayed in this city, where you get value and satisfaction for your money. The cans we are showing are Judged by experts in the used car business, and put Into very best of condition in every way, all ready in appearance and service for yon to drive away. You will find most anything you want In the list following: 1918 Hudson, refinished as new...$160 1917 Hudson, fine condition 12O0 - 1919 Oakland. like new. new tires.. 806 Jis Oakland, rebuilt and repainted oui 1920 Chevrolet, just about brand new 750 1917 Chevrolet, rebuilt and repainted 4O0 1918 Chevrolet 400 delivery, fine buy 600 191.8 Studebaker 6, excellent shape 650 1918 Buiek 6. couldn't be better... 1200 1917 Buick 6, original finish 800 1918 Buick 4 deHvery. cheap at ... 600 1917 Hup., verv latest model N lOoO 1916 Hup, rebuilt, runs perfect.... 800 1917 Reo 4, one for $000, one for. .. 750 1918 National six. worth double the price , 140 1020 Paige. 7-pass.. like brand new 180 1116 Overland Vpass. coupe, Al shape 600 1919 Essex roadster, special price.. 1200 1917 Ford bug, very classy car.... 450 1918 Ford touring, a first-class buy 800 1919 Dodge delivery. K new 975 High-speed bug with top and fenders 300 Gary one-ton truck, snap at 750 Chevrolet 1-ton truck with 21-pass. body, cost $3200, selling half price 1606 Pierce-Arrow 6-36, rebuilt to the - last word in up-to-the-minute car, starter, new body, new cord tires, well worth $2500. for 1600 Our many satisfied customers give sufficient evidence that our cars and price are right. Why not Join in the happy family? We give you a written guarantee. . LIBERAL TERMS AND A SQUARE DEAL. CONLEY'S USED CAR CENTER, Conley & Arbuckie, Props.. 86 Tenth st., bet. Stark and Oak sta. Phone Bdwy. 1424. LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED. YOU BUY OR SELL AN AUTOMO BILE. WE FURNISH THE MONEY. OUR SERVICE WILL PLEASE YOU OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO., 2118 SELLING BLDO., 2D FLOOR. 19 DODGE TOURING Here is the kind and this one Is the class. Has new tires and one extra, one mounted; also spot light and car is Just as new and runs as fine as a car could Low price and will take late model car in trade or take $350 down, bal. easy monthly payments. Open Sundays at Sixteenth and Alder streets. MURPHY MOTOR CAR COMPANY SAXON TOURING. LATE MODEL Runs fine and looks better and has good tires and one extra mounted. This is fine light six and we have low price and will take $200 down, bal. monthly end will take bonds full value if Vic tory. Open Sundays at Sixteenth and Alder streets. MURPHY MOTOR CAR COMPANY Antomnnites Wanteo. POSITIVE SACRIFICE. FORECLOSURE PRICE. 7-PASS. "WTNTON LIMOUSINE." FAMILY CAR. HAS HAD SPECIAL CARE (IN GOOD ORDER). NEW JOB "HIGH-CLASS" PAINTING JUST COMPLETED. THIS CAR MORT GAGED AND MUST BE SOLD; LET ME SHOW YOU THIS CAR. PRICE $1250. (WOULD BE CHEAP AT $2000). TERMS IF DESIRED. INQUIRE FOR OWNER, 302 SELLING BLDG. LUTO WASTED GOOD RUNNING ORDER. ABOUT $200 CASH AND GOOD WATER WORKS "PREFERRED IN COME STOCK," $100 PER SHARE, FOR AUTO IN GOOD MECHANICAL CONDITION, UNDER $1000. (PAINT DON'T MATTERJ; NO JUNK PHONE MAIN 1130. CASH FOR BUICKS I WILL PAY CASH for Buick touring and roadster. Want IS but will consider 17 if the latest model. Must be cheap for all cash. Open, Sundays. Sixteenth and Alder streets. MURPHY MOTOR CAR COMPANY WANTED Will buy one second-hand truck of 1919 or 1920 moaei; price must be reasonable and truck in good con dition. AL 220. Oregonian. . AUTO WANTED. Want Chandler, Hudson or Buick In good condition, as part payment on house or farm. AO 272, Oregonian. FRANKLIN. 4 cylinder, with sloping hood. Must, be cheap for casn. a 212, orego nian. WANTED Ford, Dodge or Buick sedan. must be In good condition and oheap; state particulars. 1 2t9. Oregonian. WANT a car, trade set of molds and teach vou the Trade. Grays crossing vui- canislng shop. 6010 S2d st. S. E. BUG BODY, call and see samples; also built to order. Prices rlgnt. 2 111 Russell. East 8522 and ask for Shaw. CASH for all makes ot cam; condition no GOOD Chevrolet touring, will trade for Ford delivery or roaaster. l.'n llilh St. WILL PAY cash for Ford; must be a bar gain: no dealerB. Ar 213. Oregonian. WANTED Chevrolet touring body, late mod el. I will pay cash, bi. 4370. WANTED Ford bug .body. Will trade je-n-ft touring Pony. 4itl. WANT Fo;d truck. Call Main 5430. Sietten. Motorcycle, MOTORCYCLES. All makes at reduced prices. See Bur bargains. Easy Terms. STRINE CYCLE CO. 4th nd Taylor .Sts. Main 1101. BICYCLES FOR CHRISTMAS. . We ' have many kinds and can meet the price you wish to pay. SEE OUR STOCK. INDIAN MOTORCYCLE BICYCLE CO. Main 6139. 204 3d st. MOTORCYCLES and parts, a.l makes East Side Motorcyoie Co., 44-46 Gland avenue FOR MOTORCYCLE'S AND BICYCLES 1 III U a. x. M-it.i udh. HARLEY-DAVIDSON motorcycle for sale, 1917 model, isv ft ooucn st. i-nce sou. Auto Tires and Accessories. U. S. GOVERNMENT wants railway mail clerks. $1.10-1:10 nionin. lains, women. over 17. Portland examination Jan. 10. Common education eumcient. sample queations free. write immediately, Franklin Institute, Dept. 702 X, Roch ester, N. x. MOTOK1TST rDrive in safety, in rain, fog. snow; Aliens winasnieia ciotn keeps glass clear; trial else 10c silver. J W. Foley, 1306 So. Hill, Los Angeles, Cal. y 8TUTS5. owners; have 4 new wire wheels for 32x4 ft tires tnat win tit your car, $25 each. East 1705. 404 Vt East Morri son st. NEW 32x3i cord tire cheap. 126 Whitaker St., Soutn r-ortiano. Automobiles for Hire. AUTOS FOR HIRE, with or without drivers. Day or night service. COUCMMAIN liAnAUS. 19th and Couch. Bdwy. 3896. Remember our number, Broadway 8696. KEW AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS, QVERLANDH. UUUSUSH LOWN3DALE GARAGE. BROADWAY 2408. 13TH AND WASH. - AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS. New 1920 models, reasonable rate. 132 12th St., between Washington and Alder Broadway e. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS FOR H1R-E. L I. SULLIVAN H UAfcMlUA liAHAua. Mar. 232. 10TH AND YAMHILL. AI236 ALTHOF 4 BENNETT. CARS FOR HIRE ' miTuniiT nnrwn.Q A rut r.mir.R THIRD AND TAYLOR. MAIN 1687. 1920 5-PASS. BUICK FOR HIRE. WITH DRIVER. BROADWAY 8547. FOR SAMS TRUCKS AXD TRACTORS. Hi -TON GRAJlM-liUKXVSiliiliM truck on pneumatic tirea; bwu Dwuy, ciecins lights anu generavur. must nen si oner very low price. opencer nros., ener. wood. Or., or call Auto. 825-29. Portland. WHY BUY a used truck when you can buy a new 2-ion true tor icss man s-uvu; easy larma. Fourteenth. U M, . FOR SALE TRUCK AND TRACTORS. THE DOPE" from the council fire of the wise men In the east is that prices nave hit the bottom, that people are about over their scare and that we are soon to see the dawn of an era of renewed confidence, buying activity and pros perity more solid and substantial than any yet experienced. To start the good movement we have made startling re ductions In prices and terms on all used trucks and have extended our usual liberal guarantee to an almost unheard of degree. We have used trucks of all makes and sizes. Come in and look them over. WENT WORTH A IRWIN. INC., 200 Second St., cor. Taylor. . THE CONFIDENCE! of the public Is priceless, therefore we do not hold so called auction sales but have gone through our stock of used trucks and established an unheard-of low price. Come in and go over our list and be convinced. 4-ton Packard, Just the thing for wood hauling. It la In excellent shape throughout $2000 4-ton Kissel Kar, good tires, over- t hauled throughout 1200 2-ton Nash, ' eleotrlo lights and starter, new tires. Truck is only one year old and has been over hauled throughout 1300 2-ton Wilcox, In good condition and a good hauler; cab, platform body 450 Say! Here's Could use i couple: a "Yellow Chassis?" 2-ton with cab. 2-ton with cab. Presto lights, etc. MACK-INTERNATIONAL MOTOR TRUCK CORPORATION, 10th and Davis Sts. Broadway 690. TRUCKS! TRUCKS! ALL SIZES AND MAKES THE FOLLOWING ARE TYPICAL OF OUR STOCK Olds Economy speed wagon, flat body, suitable for general haul ing 11150 -ton Republic overhauled and guaranteed 575 2-ton OMC, In fine shape, suitable for wood haul . 1000 2-ton Traffic, as good as new. Best buy in the city 750 1-ton Republic. A bargain 850 These are only part of our stock. We have a truck for every possible purpose. It will pay you to investigate before buying. GRANNING A- TREECE, Alder St., cor. 17th. Bdwy. 541 FOR SALE V, 1-ton delivery truck. eletric equipped; one with body com plete, one chassis only, complete; cheap for cash. Call after Monday. K. 7lh st. N. MUST sacrifice my 1918 7-pasenger j Studebaker; perfect mechanical condi tion; 4 new cord tires: also 1 2-ton truck, i guaranteed A-l oondition. Must b sold Jointly. $2500 cash. Hawthorn Fuel I Co.. yard. 9th and Hawthorn. I AUlli&L 51 . l'li-ton Federal truck; one of the most economical and serviceable I trucks ever built; price low and terms! liberal. William L. Hugahon Co., 60 N. Broadway. Phono Hdwy. H21. FOR SALE-One-ton I'aa-Amorlcan truck, pneumatic cord tires, A-l condition. Jurd the truck for farmer or light delivery. Address I. K. Howltt. 20 East t0lh N. phone Fields, Auto. 325-29. TRUCKS on well established freight run for sale; good opportunity for Individual truck man; investigate this at once; 1 am not a denier. BF 245, oregonlun. Folt SALE or trad for roadster, one Stewurl 41 -ton truck, on 1-ton Ford truck. Broughlon Motor Truck Co., 129 1.i:t N". loth t. WILL take touring car of any niak or equity in house as payment on new 1',4-ton high-grade motor truck. E, L. King. 328 Pine. " 1-TON G. M. C. tru k. platform body, good shape, $1250. 160 Uniou ave. East 4376. NEARLY new Cleveland tractor bargain. Hast 1T05. 404 'i K. Morrison St. 1-TON FORD truck, 1919, body and cab, I $120. l-.ast ,i 10, FOR SALE Ford ton truck; will gut terms. Call Wdln. 5288. GARACK!. LARGE private automobile stall. 24th and llulsey. ruone K. BUl. WANTED MISCCIXANEors. WE A1UST have 500 men's suits and top coata to ship out of town; we are in big demand for used doming, we are sun paving the highest prices for high-priced clothing. Call at 167 First st., near Morrison. Tailor eslabllahmenL Pliont Main 739. UP TO $35. FOR MEN'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS. We pay any price for men's clothes. OREGON CLEANERS AND TAILORS. 117 2d St., N. W. cor. Wash. Main 9314. UP-TO-DATE BUYER. I pay the highest prices for second hand furniture, tools, rags, old clothing and all kinds of Junk. Call slain 731 and I WILL CLEAN UP YOUR HOME. FURS. FURS. FURS. Low Rent and Low Price Remodeling and Repsfring. LA FRANCE FUR MFG. CO., ' Main 6120. 163 W. Park. MANUFACTURERS and Jobbers. What have you in dry goods or clothing lines on commission for territory Eugen to Klamath Falls, for experienced sales man'.' References. AV 034. Oregonian. OUR SPECIALTY' is buying men' cast-off clothing; highest cash prices paid; will cll day or night. VEOPLE S SECOND-HAND STORE. Marshall 8225. 209 Madison. WANTED RIFLES, SHOTGUNS. Highest cash price paid for your rifle, hotguu and kodaka Hochfeld, 85 3d st. Main 6581. -WANTED, diamond. If you need money and have a diamond 01 good color around 44 -karat, answer conliuenllal. Al ut, ' Oregonian. WANTED. Mangel, beets, turnips, ruotabagas snd carrots: state price and location. Answer Care Ol r -J-, oirguumn. WIGHRST CASH PRICE PAID PRICE FOR lnriofJHA HHS AND RECORDS. NEWMAN'S RECORD EXCHANGE, 128 Plrsl. Tabor 6798. Main 4195. WANTED Cordwood timber or cordwood, will pay gooa price tor guou quamy. sis Board of Trade. Main 4154. WISH to purchase two second-hand Radio Fumerous gas' radiators, or o section Broadway 2506. WANTED One dosen 7 or 8-lnoh,. z-foot second-hand wooa rona. s.-u uasco oiag. MarjiOTH 793. Wl&H to purchase two second-hand Radio fumeless gas raaiaiors, or 9 section. Broadway 2506. INCUBATORS 200 eggs or more state kind, pne ana term jr o, uio gonian. WE BUY DIAMONDS. OLD GOLD, OLD Jewelry ror casn; nam your price, nrm or mall, 323 wash., bet, bin ana nowy HIGHEST SPOT CASH price paid for dia monds Dan Marx A Co.. 2S3 Wash, st. gAFE-WH! psy cash for good second- hantt oir.ee lair, lj -.--., vies""'"- WANTED Second-hand equipment for malt bakery. Phon Columbia 81A WANTED A good set of carpenter tools, will pay cseh. 8 203. Oregonian. V H. P. A. C. MOTOR, cash for bargain! East 4250. WANTED Farradio Battery, s.xe. Care Oregonian. physician' WANTED Used range and heater, sonabl. Pliuii Mar. 2U1J. VANTKI M ISCF. I.l-A N KOI' S. SPOT CASH FOR DIAMONDS. 1 PAY SPOT CASH AND THE HIGH KST MARKET VALUE FOR DIA MONDS. NO AMOUNT IS TOO LA KG K FOR ME TO HANDLE. I AM COM MISSIONED BV A LAKGIC DIAMOND CONCERN TO BUY ALL THE DIA MONDS OFFERED. MV LOCATION 18 DOWNTOWN AND CONVENIENT ALL BUSINESS IS STRICTLY CONKl. DEXTIAL. ERNEST DEKl'S. ,10 WASHINGTON STf MAIN 317$. 12.50 TO $25. FOR SECOND-HAND SUITS AND OVERCOATS. CALL MEYER, THE TAILOR. He pays more than anyone in the crt for suits, overcoats and fhoes. Call Marshall 1229 or 258 Madison IU near 3d at. Will call day or evening WANTED Second-hand Graflex or English Reflex camera, slse UK 4. Write full details and pries wanted to auto editor. Urugonlan. $8.60 UP TO $25. GOLDSTEIN, THE TAYLOR. PAT HIGHEST CASH PRICES FOR MEXS FUIT8 AND OVERCOATS. SHOES. ET.. BROADWAY .1932. 245W HUK.NSIDB. CALL ME BEFORE AM BODY ELSb. BETWEEN 2D AND 3D. WANTED Men to have thilr suits pressed for 45 cents: Prunrh dry cleaned and pressed for $1.23, about half what others charge. We do not call and deliver, that's ths reason. Joy the Tailor, 104 4th. near Stark. Four stores. WANTED Used office counter 6 feet long Phone S308. Furniture Wanted. MARSHAL! 59S1. CEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. WE BUY YOUR HOUSEHOLD FUR KITURE FOR SPOT CASH. ALL CALLS ATTENDED TO SAME DAY. HIGHEST PRICES PAID. WK ARE THE ol.DKST. MOST RELIABLE HOUSE OF OUT. KIND IN PORTLAND. GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO.. The Big Store. All under one roof. No branch store. 1S3 FIRST ST. Remember, 2 doors from TamhllL CALL MAIN 309 IMMEDIATELY. WE PAY THE HIGHKST CASH PRICES EVER PAID BY ANYONE IN' THE CITY FOR FURNITURE. CAR PETS. ETC. YOUR CALL WILL BRING TUP BUYER WITH THE MONEY. KLINE FURNITURE CO,. 192 FIRST ST., NEAR TAYLOR. MAIN 3011 , OFFICE FURNITURE WANTED. ' GOOD OAK DFSK, CHAIRS AN D 4 Oil 6 STRAIGHT OFFICE CHAIRS AND GOOD HUG.' ONLY REAL BAR GAIN CONSIDERED. MIST HE IN' GOOD CONDITION. ADDRESS E 219, OHKGONIAN. CASH FURNITURE CASH. We need used furniture, stoves, ranges, etc.. to ship out of town. Will pay higher prkts than other local dealr. Cull us up for one article or a house full; and a courteous, competent buyer t call. Main 7714. Roasnberg's Furnltun Exchange. BE SURE AND LET US Sl'.E vour furnituie and household good be for you sell. W ar in the market for same und will pay .highest prices. PORTLAND FURNITURE KXCHANOe" 20S FIRST ST. MAIN 772S CALL MAIN R7li. We pay the highest prines for used furniture. See us before you sell. CALL UNITED FURNITURE STORE. MAIN K7". WANT TO BUY furniture Tor house: ao second-hsnd rugs. t.y piece; pay highest prices, .Main 41 97. 5-room hoi or I' lions WE NEED SECOND-HAND FURNITURE of any description; huve th ready cash Phone today. Maln462T or 106 First st REDUCED FREIGHT RATES to sll points on household goods. Pacific Coast For wsrdlngCo.,Uth and Hoyt. Bdwy. 7o. IT IS TO YOUR ADVANTAGE and benefit to sell ynur furniture to ua call Mar shall 2(193. Crown Furniture Co. SELL us your furniture and ruse. It Furniture Co., 2t3 2d st. Main T.'l elllldl :10a. WK BUY ued furniture. For best results call Esst 2405. I HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE WANTED WILL PAY CASH. MAIN' 3:132. KDICATIONAL. HI A DOCTOR CHIROPRACTIC. The chlronractic profession offer fh most unusual opportunities of any field In th woru luday. Kuow about us great opportunities befor deciding your career, or if you ar dissatisfied in your present poritma in Ufa or 111 earn'sg capacity is not what you would Ilk it to b. Investigate th ial opiiortu:i$ ties offered in this grustal of a l pro fessions CH I llOI'B AC'i lC. A musl -repiloiial opportunity 10 study chlr pracuo and ta Uecoin a cnirnpraj.'lc physician is otfertd al this llm by ur coUere; both day and nlshl course. ONM HUNUIILU TUOt'SAND chiropractic physicians nettled la United States today lo supply th de mand, of the mlillors who hav turned to tupgreat method of hoaling tbairlli INVESTIGATE Augmented. Currii-umm, h! Faculty. Clinical Faculties l'ni'lld. For partuulurs addict Dr. oscar w. ' K1I lot t, president, pacific ciuiiorn cTir. coLLKas, Park and Yaiuhl'l. Main 10U. Portland. Of. Yoj cannot learn any part o' thi pr- frssion through corrspjiienc;M BE A CERTIFIED automotive or auio eluctrlial ekpett and earn a big sularv. A lew week' training In our big, prac tical shops qualllle ou lor good posl. Hon a auliiinolille or Ignition expert, tire repairman, tractor engineer, ma chinist or slorag battery expert. Men of any age eligible. No pruvlous em poriums required. Splendid working condition Earn board and mom alillu learning. Unusual opportunities lo lo cale la California. Ideal climate. ail years' emporium' and the most modern liilpmi'iit and export graduate Instruc tor No other training will qualify you as quickly or thoroughly. FREE tin- plnyment service. Wrilo TODAY and get 12-page Illustrated ratalngu telling how you can earn big money In tins buslneaa- ltook costs $1, but is sent FREE on request to men Inlaresled. National Aulomollv School, 61 a. Klg- ueroa, I.os Angeles, (.al. FREE FARE TO TACOMA. Hemphill Brothers big new State Aulo and Gas Tractor School in Tavjoma. oc cupying the big new school building built liy the city of Tueonis. Is oifeting as a special Inducement your fare Iree and a spetinl low rata for the first fit) students who enroll to learn Autoniotlvi Engineering. Tractor Engineering, Ian! Hon Vulcanising. OK V-acot V leli Welti Ing and Battery Work. Writs today for big (Pre illustrated catalog anu tun par ticular to the Hepiiihill Ktut Auto nnd Tractor School, 2lilh and East C atrl Tacoina. VVi.li. WANTED Logging tamp foreman who can got logs, handle luun and plan Ills work aheud for large Columbia river niiprutlon near Portland: iiiu.tt be 1 perlcliccd and fully qualified. Htatn full particulars and experience in lirat leuor. AV hit, Oregonian. 'HO V E R NaTEN T JOHS" Hook leillng how to get U. S. government positions; send youi nanie for free sample ropy. Frankjliu Institute, Dept. 371 K. Roch ester, N. Y. OREGON BARBER COLLEGE; will leach you the trade in n weens; scaip ana luce massage specialty; tools free; position, guaranteed, pay while learning; tuition reduced this term. 233 Madison. PORTLAND Barber College teaches th barber trade in atgtn weeivs, pays wntte learning; good set of tools given; posi tions u-i 'i; tuition reduced, as N. 2d st GERMAN teacher wanted lo give equiva lent of nrst year conege ijerman irom text book; cvsnlngs. Phono Sell, god after P. M. TEACHERS reeded, Intermediate. at II3-U; srienc ai , tiiuv, air. niiin, Main 827. ROCKY MT. Tearhers' Agancy. Enroll fre Frank IV. nenri. ax-asav. siair eupu, mgr., N. W. Bank bldg. Main S278. LEARN TELEGRAPHY Hallway Tele- grapn institutj. im nauway cacnaug bldg. Night classes. PRIVATE French lessons given evenings hy Madams 011x1, srau-unta pi Ancf university, France. Easl 3na7. MRS. H AN M'Jl a hcliooi shorthand. Type. writing. -TO ittiaiiiooK n cttr, uauten beln. East 3UtKV WANTED Address of men and women desiring government positions. AO 21B, negonlan. F1SK Teachers' Agency Journal bldg. Main 4X.I.L -learning positions, tree reg. Y ATES-F1SH Elt Teachers' Agcnry f'r.. registration, stain a-n. xvioauway DlOg. WANTED At once, Iwo men to learn vul canising nu retr-auios. -- nawinornc.' LEARN aeroplun construct Inn, ga ngln or nying. pi" mow. IF YOU WANT to learn inn vulcanising business can ion r.. prnatiwar. OltalGoN law School, Allsky bldg , 3d and Mtir. VV, Ft rviciiartieon, pen, sia.n VI I, Ll'IARN Akron, OMo, niethoej In viitcaa. laipf aaa rtf tain,, waai e oiara rnrcATiotf, MEN! T-earn the automobile and tractor business In America's largest and line, t sti'in of ptaetlcal aufu s-hla, THi; HKMI'IIILI. HCIIooljJ Ti ns' HI T MORE SUCCE.-SKl I. liMADUATKH every year than moM all other si hnils put togelhrr. Expert Instmrtnra. the best In the buslnee, are em lf fd lo teaeh the different trades ws oiler. Wa list Just lntalled a large qtisntllr of NEW ELECTRICAL KQ1 I I'M K N T, ! last word In tip-to-oato unit modern Ig nition and starling and Uahllng systems. We specialise on ignition sad all rl"' trical work. Our cures tn more rea sonable In prlr and more complete la detail than moet eehonle, and the In terests or our students are furemitat la our minds al all time,. Yo take tl tools In your hsnds and get the sctual firaetlrsl st-hnol experience W hsve al-o nslalled a l.rand new M'1-i'iM.IN'l DEPARTMENT for teaching all branrliea of tire work, arid an liisiM-ctiun of tMa department will prove that we has procured the most modern equipment available, pick out one of th IoIUimiiis: trades, the one in wlileh you are inter ested, and writ or rail for further In formation and catalogue. Automobile wnd Traotor Mechanical eotirs. rlpucial Battery and lanltlon cnure. Tlra li- Italrlng and Retreading. Welding and Irasing. Slate aid to Oregon rt-aiMO men. Better enroll early, as our eh,d Is filling up rapidly. Par and eteiilu clauses. Our downtown office la romeii. lently located at 331 Oak street, nar Broadwav. School at 707 Hawthorne ave. HEMPIIII.1.8 Al'ToMORl l.i; M TRACTOR SCHOOL, 1'OJU'LA.NP, till. 11.80 "ROAD TO rccr.38-' HOOK HIKE. If yon r Interested In ImpmilM your condition mnl to earn on to a month, phone, write or cn at the Ad. ox Auto anil Avlltlon Imnl lor a copy of their big new $!.& red book, wlinh shoos through fh'-t, pletura and testimonial how hundreds of men ai.d roung men hv rllmlied out of th rot nto Hie big pay cl-iea, leiuest nig Hits bonk does not cost ntl ai.ylhlng nor obligate you In any way and It Is nv likely tn show III war to a brlnht and piosperous future for you Just as U ha lor hlllldreila of othera Jit-t address tli Adenx Aula and Aviation athool, comer of rtnou sw ims and Wasoo street, and ask for a live copy of their $i.i0 rt'd book, No, $- CHRISTMAS CHECK 1 llfc.lv. To all students nm!Mnr for sn course at the Ading Auto and Aiatmii iiimiI un or hefnio .Linuitt y in. n reserve the right lo wltiuliaw tin efler b' fore Januitiy lit If nil clu-ses si filled to cap.irlty l.efor-. tliitt dte. Don't run thw risk of missing an oppoi . t II li I ty lo invn f.'i tiulka npi'llrntion to day. Our $-'. tllei k nnd lug lO-pak cotaloKU will be limited (lee to snv sdiiress. call or writ at one lor book No. 5. UAIIN AVIATION FROM 1IK riant AND ONLY KXCMTSIVK AERONAUT ICAL SCHOOL IN Tlii: NORTH WK.S r, A SCHOOL WHICH HAS 2o alOKKl PUPILS THAN ANY Ollll.ll SI MILAM fcCHO.lL IN THlsj TERRITORY. Big demand if you ar a quadilad mat In aeronautic ALL COURSE" ARE FRF.rC TO FFn KRAI. VOCATIONAL TRAINING MI.N THE STATE OK OIUJCON ALLOWS . I'ER MONTH TOWARD EDI I A Tlt"N AL PURI'OSKH TO OREGON LX-l-KltV. li'iC JISX CATAl.tail li ON l:KUULdC, IltlUREr AIRCRAFT COMPANY. Portland 2Morgn Hlg . orro AlTo.'.loTilLK bVilooI. of i'iioisc, ou wish Hie best pusstM training. Tl'al means that you Kill lnietii.afe this school, wher you get ttinroofili labora tory naming and practical repair riin, rience under experls. One lilHtl'ginda Instructor P' r each IJ students. Auto mobiles, tractors, vuIcniiixhik. inncliina training. Ki -service men got Oregon financial eld. Addrc Automotiv St bonis, Oregon Institute of Technology. Sixth anil M.itnns., Port'nnd. "" i'lVl' l AN I.KA ivT CLUING. competent ui:i,iu in mm scarce than any other rrallsnien In the Incial trades. Ilv our method of Indi vidual Instruction under ex perlrnccl teachers WE WILL 'TEA' H toll VF.LIHN'H OF ALL MKill.S mot thoroughly arid in less time dsn can l-s dune In any oilier mentor. Appli. day or evening, et 4-7 E. Hill si , n- ur Omul. COM M l-.Rl'l A I. Si'llool, 11F Wl I.M.S'I. WK teach roa how to prsserva yiur TS'. sole tea 1 h If they need repur w f.i.. bridge, rrown, remove nerves snd at tract teeth Wlthou. pain by tn mod; r.erv-bioklng method. UK. A. W. KF.K.NK. Hit. E It. THEHM, Majertlo Theater 11 laj 35i WasliitiKton it ihThnkk -WALK lilt. West's lalgest Imi.iii.'ss t oil, e. A, sure every giaduate a posiilon. All business eoiiri.es, including nipiomet i f tiaining. Khruli any tune; day achui.l, night school. WHITE l-olt 1'REi: CATALOGUE. Fourth, pear .lom.oii. I'lione Ma n .'.mi. jXt"sl N I'.Hef sk II1111I, alvlim personal und Individual attention; 'i'li' 0101. s n., 11 lor Purdues. stcnoKiapliic, nluie s-ct. . tarUI and booaUeepiiig positions, stanu-ar-llsetl with loteincss schools III I 'i ilit crept cities; day or tni'l't. Inquire of Mr. Clark, iIohh. Msio sioil. Oregon In. s'llute ot T-rlin'Oov. a. MoV.KR-ilAiilli;R t't iLLIi'ik a ill l ad! Mill I he) Hade III weeks, illl,lh ei t ot tools to ou. and alve .otti psv a tiii learning; position e-cur.-.l; f ,,t in-r . -seivlcit men receive alata aid ahlU ai- ! toting our Sit I. Utile or call lor catalogue and punciilHt. 254 Hut ii-i'lt. Hr l P M ANTI IV MAI E. wntV.' -tiikkm MII.I.U lll'lllls I 'ok HtWMILL AMI I'l.ASIMI MH.I. l,l!k; Ml ST UK I'M'Lltl K.S' i:l AND II t 1: Tool s Kol.k ol r 1 '' T' 1 v V m-:.ii Portland apply ii7 t lon IlLI'G.. .MoNHtV MORN I VI W ' N ThD-s-l.ogsil.g super, Plentiful 1 r latge, up 1. t i iii opftailoii; Hunt te thorough V expeiletn'i d III t sl c.s.i ruilros,! logsmg HI Touch totintie; s.sl'" eft t.erletiee, r-ler fv,(). 1 it ..jiotilnn. relicas ant sa.Hi). ' II.-II'V t.. s, Tiiis ll.t Ills. -ei. an exceptions! business, offlic to I' eslahlisl-eil throughout C'e slate, ttrlia K J Cooper, noniuses Trust u lit t 01 -porallon ol America, .l.l Post,! si.. Sn Francisco t . PI:,t K sad cos Iv, ' l"t" I '' lianrtv.iro or inacliinei v line; must xtl s good hand, a' cur. ite ert' . steadv and riilil. Applv in can . writing, elating qu.illti. .iiiotn and wmr rapt-t ltd. AK :- ineg.iiiinii HOI. li'lfoR WANTED. General represent I iv tn Oregon for advertising and oln tlln 'ton in autotooiiii" liatle insgaxlne. Liberal lt o(n 11 ion. Address Pactfltt I'osst Automotive VA ot l-l, floli tan Nf ave. Sun Fraud oil. I 'n h W A N'TF.I -- A live, w7. IgelKI riff .i..is nan to manage tlep.irt itienl stort : a a I Pf isltlon for tlte ItKht man inai sn niak .itr.il, App'y, with 1 r ft-rent es, i AV Mil Orego III fl SPLENDID ol'porl unit y tox.ttn mon. y Mo llis clerital Inline rnork, spare or ahola Ilill. Write Chautauqua llus liesa Itiniil ets MI5 East St colid at., Jamestown, N. Y. RAILWAY MAIL t'l.l.llixS needed; begin $133 month; travelinu cwtciiar puul, specimen question free. Columbus lu- stltute. O ft Coluinttiis. Ohio WANTE1 1 Sale -ma u c.ililim oil tonf.-, -tlnnery trade to take on si.lc Una alil'il will net $i't per day. Sc Mr, liatlley, 314 Wilcox hjtlg. CLEAN, Itonast young man to a oik It.r room and board by milking cow ami do ing light j'liort. Mrs Himces'n, Gnu morcull hol'll. Vv aslniuynl. Wash, VY A N T F. 1 1 on elderly man 10 lent! fur nace anil do light work around prlvitla home; referenda required. 414 Market st., corner 1 1 1 h. Uk'NTIST W A N'i'KH, re!sti red in (n. -gon; must l good all around man; pie for one used to advertising oftli. Call Tahor 2574. yy'AN T m.ddie-atteil mall lo aura on Linn. mlik cows anu near lanu; aag-s 110 u month, with room and hoard. Wrila or phone P K. H.e.lsol, lieavrrtnn. Or-gon. FuKD PAl.tCli.VtAN W A N 1 K i M u wl fur- niwh own nr; pitmiia oiMming ir en erni'tlc man. Apply I- M, Hotiion- Li VK uuiik iimti f'r Mlrni.n, rm t- ( oni nifrfe, OKK1CM y titml by lUlfmir Uuthii i'n MUhC 1 'Ilv. initrlltHcni fcti'l willing. Apply SM i'ik wl. WANTKI Aulo nirrhnta pprtitii- ... lrn lit 1- 1 rsi unticr apcnriitui nt ?hntn. Kml 7,'"T. VVAN"TK Jn nit nr fr iiintifi-i unnic houa; muni urn i-tprnnT'i inn m.i. . jtlvy gooi. rvfrrrn .'E. A.l .'7,r' c ' h. tilli E ftii.o-ntltkitt nil li J n.uiK U wnffi- nri1 HlntitfT htn- r AlKN WANT iil to p. (Mm ti-uiniiy and lilVK. ANH vTlSl FANVV M M TtAili- VU. AP Urt, OH Km 'MAS bHoK Mlfe-miin wunT-)!: A n-ut n.Ar.) WANTICO l.th m.ll jLMI.i'.toy VUDi OH LCI, kU i C'H y 'i.4.14. r.. ' a r 1 v s ' ; ' 4 ' "i t V ' ; . ," .: - - e , '. ' - . " ' .-'. v ;'- ; ;.. ... . .. 'Jv .-,'." "