The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, December 19, 1920, SECTION FIVE, Page 3, Image 71

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Harlot Asqulths An Autobiography.
Illustrated, in two volumes. Volume
two. Georc H. Doran Co., New York
The first volume of this brilliant
and unusual book the frank records
and confessions of a singularly gifted
woman whose husband was recently
prime minister of England was re
viewed in The Oregonian of a recent
date. ,
Volume two records Mrs. Asqulth's
later cUiys, particularly her married
life amd the parts played b- her hus
band and hereelr In helping to shape
English politics of this generation.
The message contained in this sec
ond volume has the same fascination
and frankness in narrative that dls
tinguished its predecessor. Indeed, so
frank and unafraid are Margot's com
ments on English men an,d women
many of whom are living that one
wonders if these eminent ones are ex
periencing present uneasiness over
the caustic revelations.
Margot treats her readers to flash
lng, fiery sidelights on the lives and
sayings of such English notables
as Gladstone. Tennyson, Balfour,
Symonds. Morley, Henry James, etc.
' But most of all the reader will be
deeply interested in what Margot has
to say of that brilliant society of
- Intimates, the "Souls" the great
Inner circle who flourished Jn what
they called the "yellow nineties. It
seems that those who attended meet
ings of the "Souls" included not only
jockies and actors, but ambassadors
d politicians of opposite parties. At
.4Be of these historic meetings, G-lad-
on and
Randolph Churchill met.
The "Souls'' group was a protest
against the fashionable or what was
vaguely called the "smart set.
Of the "Souls" Margot says:
-We did not play bridge or bac
carat, and our rather intellectual ana
literary after-dinner games were
looked upon a9 pretentious. . . . .
What Interests me most on looking
back now at those years is the loyalty,
devotion and fidelity which we
showed to one another and the plea
sure which we derived from friendV
ships that could not have survived a
i ween naa tney Deen accompanies, oy
' gossip, mocking or any personal pet
f tirtess Most of us had a depth of
feelitrg and moral religious ambition
i which are entirely lacking in the
4 clever young men and women of to
day." y Margot continues her "Souls" reve
' latlons by stating who belonged to
i that much talked of "Souls" group:
Arthur Balfour, Lord Curzon, God-'
J, frey Webb, St. John Brodrick, George
r Wyndham, the Duchess of Sutherland,
Lady de Grey, Lionel Tennyson,
Harry Cast ".nd Lady Wemyss.
Arthur Balfour is estimated as the
most distinguished of the "Souls;"
Lord Curzon "a remarkably intelli
gent person in an exceptional genera
tion. He had ambition and what he
claimed for himself in a brilliant
des-cription, middle class method";
Godfrey Webb "a man of parts whose
wit healed more than, it cut"; St.
John Brodrick "one of those rare
people who tell the truth. Some
people do not lie but have no truth
to tell"; Pembroke and Wyndham
"the handsomest of the Souls"; Lady
Brownlow, a Roman coin: the Duch
ess of Rutland, a Burne-Jones
Medusa; Lady Ripon, a court lady;
Lady Windsor, an Italian primitive;
Millicent. duchess of Sutherland
whom Margot calls a Scotch ballad;
and Lady Desborough "who had
eternal youth and was alive to
everything in life except Its irony."
It is amusing to read Margofr
Intimate revelations concerning that
eminent English poet. Alfred Lord
The hours kept at .Aid-worth
(Tennyson's home) were peculiar;
we dined early and after dinner the
poet went to bed. At 10 o'clock he
came downstairs and, if asked, would
read his poetry to the company till
past midnight.
I asked him to read out loud to me.
Tennyson: "What do you want me
to read?"
Margot: "Maud"
"Tennyson: "That was the poem I
was cursed for writing! When It
came out no word was bad enough
for me! I was a blackguard, a ruf
fian and an atheist! You will live to
have as great a contempt for literary
critics and the public as I have, my
While he was speaking. I found on
the floor, among piles of books, a
small copy of Maud, a shilling vol
ume, bound in blue paper. I put it
into his hands and, pulling the lamp
nearer him. he began to read.
There Is only one man a poet
also who reads as my host did; and
that is my beloved friend. Professor
Gilbert Murray.
Tennyson's reading had the lilt, the
tenderness' and the rhythm that
makes music in the soul. It was
neither singing, nor chanting, nor
speaking, but a subtle mixture of the
three; and the effect upon me was
one of haunting harmonies that left
me profoundly moved.
When be had finished, he pulled
zne onto his knee and said:
"Many may have written as wen
as that, but nothing that ever
sounded so well!" ,
He then told us that he had had an
unfortunate experience with a young
lady to whom he was reading Maud.
"She was sitting on my knee," he
said, "as you are doing now, and
after reading.
Birds in the high Hall-gardea
"When twilight was falling,
Maud, Maud, Maud, Maud,
They were crying and calling,
"I asked her what bird Bhe thought
I meant. She said, 'A nightingale.'
This made me so angry that I nearly
flung her to the ground. "No, fool!
. . . Rook!" said L"
Of decided interest to Americans is
Margot's description of the circum
stances under which she first saw
and met Mr. Asquith, now her hus
band. At the time be was a married
manand apparently be and his wife
lived happily together, but curiously
enough shortly after Mr. Asquith and
Margot had met, the first Mrs. As
quith died suddenly. Margot thus
tells the story:
I met my husband for the first
time In 1891, at a dinner given by
- Peter Flower's brother Cyril. I had
never heard of him in my life, and
I sat next to him. I was tremend
ously impressed by his conversation
and his clean Cromwellian face. He
was different from the others and
. although abominally dressed, had so
much" personality that I made up my
mind at once that here was a man
who could help me and would under
stand everything.
My husband's mother, old Mrs.
Asquith, I never knew; my friend
Mark Napier told me that she was a
brilliantly clever woman but an in
valid. She had delicate lungs which
obliged her to live on the south
coast; and, when her two sons went
to the city of London school, they
lived alone together- in lodgings in
Islngton and were both poor , and
Although Henry's mother was an
invalid she had a moral, religious
and intellectual influence over .her
family that cannot be exaggerated.
After my husband's first marriage
be made money by writing, lecturing
and examining at Oxford. When be
was called to the bar success did not
come to him at once.
He had no rich patron and no one
to push him forward. He had made
for himself a gfeat Oxford reputa
Uoni he was a fins . scholar and
B-r Joseph Kmswueen.
Bam News.
H. H. Aaqnlth. named In Marctrt
Asquith; an Autobiography
lawyer, but socially was not known
by many people.
Lord James of Hereford was attor
ney general, overburdened with a
large private practice tat the bar;
and, wlfen the great Bradlaugh case
came on, in 1883, it was suggested
to him that a young man living on
the same staircase might devil the
affirmation bill for him. his was
the beginning of Asquitb's career.
When Gladstone saw the brief for his
speech, he noted the fine handwrit
ing and asked who -had written it.
Sir Henry James brought the young
man to him. From that moment
both the attorney general and the
prime minister marked him out for
distinction; he rose without any
Intermediary step of an under-secre-taryship
from a back-bencher to a
cabinet minister; and when we mar
ried in 1894 he was home secretary
It should be remembered, however,
that Mr. Asquith was not Margot's
only lover, prior to the time she
first met him. She frankly tells who
her various lovers were, how they
adored her and how she adored them
Space is not now available to make
any more copious extracts. It is
agieable to note that as one dips
more into this second volume, that
Margofs revelations grow quieter
and more settled, and that her mar
ried life had a restraining influence
over her.
It is informing to read Margofs
thoughts of happy life in the Asquith
family, among her step-children and
her -own children. Margot is at her
best in her touching description of
Raymond Asquith, who was killed
fighting against the Germans before
his regiment had been in action 10
minutes, September 15, 1916.
England After the War. by Frank Dilnot,
Doubleday, Paso & Co Garden City,
Mr. Dllnot deserves credit for writ
ing such a courageous, earnest mes
sage about the "new" England and
"new" English people that -have
emerged since the world war started
in 1914. He has not presented hos
tile criticism, but intelligent com
ment of a constructive, optimistic na
The Ensrland that Mr. Dllnot writes
about so thoughtfully, according to
his interpretation, means the little
island of England Scotland and
Wales. Especially since 1914, this
view is fact and correct. He says that
the "United Kingdom" "Britain"
would be more strictly accurate, but
"England" is in common use to ex
press the- nation In general. Disser
tations abroad are sometimes made,
but they do not trouble any of us.
Five of the principal members of the
"English" cabinet are Scotchmen, and
the prime minister who presides over
it is a Welshman." Mr., Dllnot gives
his address as London, England.
The pages are 332. and the chap
ters 22. Notable chapters are: "A
country in transition." "The mood of
the people." "The governance- of Eng
land." The Invasion by labor." "Ire
land." -"England and America."
"Btftain overseas." "Where England
leads," and "New programmes of life."
Mr. Dllnot thinks that Ireland must
be kept contented as a good neighbor
to Englandi and that the best method
to effect this is to grant home rule
to Ireland "as nearly as English judg
ment can decide the kind of home
rule that ' Ireland (north and south)
desires" (p. 331).
Mr. Dilnot is an English writer and
editor- of distinction. During the war
he was president of the war corre
spondents in America. For many
years he was one of the principal de
scriptive writers- of the London Daily
Mail, and for that newspaper under
took many foreign missions Later lie
organised and edited the journal of
the labor movement,' the Dally Citi
zen, which, under hie control, reached
a circulation of more than 300.000
copies. He received from the French
government for his international serv
ice during the war the decoration of
the Legion of Honor. f
Mere Truth Than Poetry.' by Janus J. Mon
tague. ' Oeora M. Uoijx Co, New Tork
In a preface to this book of poems
by Mr. Montague, who is a former
member of the editorial staff of The
Oregonian a preface written by
Irvin S. Cobb the latter says some
thing like this: That Mr. Montague
turns out a column mainly .verse
which is printed nearly every day in
newspapers all over America, and that
hundreds of thousands of people read
it and like it, and say: "Give us this
day our daily Montague." Mr. Cobb
gives the solemn warning that if Mr.
Montague or as he calls him "Jim"
quit answering their prayer a roar
of protest reaching from coast to
coast would go up.
There are 72 of these Montague
poems in this book of 162 pages, and
these poems are so uniformly excel
lent and tuneful that one need - not
go far to find a suitable Oregon
product as a Christmas present for
waiting friends. The hint, it is
hoped, is obvious.
In the present crowded condition
of The Oregonian's review page, it
is not possible to quote any of these
Montague poems in extenso. Suffice
It to say that these 1920 poems of
this Portland-New Tork poet have
the same infinite charm that they
always had reflecting the quiet
loved pleasures of home, simple lives,
wholesomeness, kind thoughts, sleepy
time, dreams, children, puppy-dogs,
Peter Pan, a; fond farewell to John
Barleycorn, and oh. a host of others.
Mr. Montague exalts American
poetry by his ,own verses. .
The Baby Homes One Hundred Dollar Club.
BylnKton mnuni wijr.
Particularly of Interest to Oregon
readers, this little book is a sympa
thetic and well written appeal to
people who have the money, to pay
S100 and join a new helpful club,
which has as its object the erection
of a new building of the Baby Home,
this city. That the latter Institution,
r...... .................
J V yay'3yjj" ' i I
of -
I 'l v t
7 .
needs money and deserves it, no, one
In the preface written by Laurie
M. Sheppard, she states: 'That we
have not reached our highest Ideals
Is true, but that the Baby Home has
earned And received an admirable
reputation, no reasonable person
denies. The unavoidable expenses
are increasing. We have no reserve
fund. It is not endowed. The Baby
Home has received support from
Portland and the surrounding cities,
and the home has given what it
could in return. If this high stand
ard is maintained, money must come
for the new building. Will you ijoln
our Hundred Dollar club?"
This appeal Is addressed to all
interested, and it is hoped that at the
approaching season of Christmas
gifts that the number of donors will
be laree.- - .
The copy of the book now under
review has been loaned by a friend
of the Baby Home.
How to Beduce and How to Gain, by Will
iam 8. Sadler, M. D.. and Lena K. Sadler,
M. D. Illustrated. A. C HcClurg & Co..
. Cnicago. 9 .
Dr. ,'W. S. Sadler is ' professor of
therapeutics in the post-graduate
medical school of Chicago and Dr. L.
K. Sadler is associate director of the
O.hlrjLern Theraneutic institute. -
Records show that for- the last
dozen years or so these authors have
treated several thousand patients for
obesity, emaciation and other disor
ders of human nutrition. In this book
of 271 pages they put en record the
benefits of such medical experience
for the benefit of t the army of men
and women who, unfortunately, suf
fer from disorders of metabolism or
other errors in nutrition. These pa
tients have either suffered from be
ing too thin or too fat, and it ia, a
risk or dangerous to fast and act
upon preventive measures from the
viewpoint of the amateur.
Wise advice is given in this valua
ble message, which is part of a na
tional crusade, or it ought to be.
Some chapters are: How much you
should weigh; How' we get fat; From
table to tissues; Food values, or what
is a caloric? The daily food require
ment, with food tables or schedules;
The philosophy of reducing; exercise
in relation to reducing; Baths and
bathing; Auto-intoxication in rela
tion to obesity; Why folks are thin;
The fattening regime; The fattening
dietary; The special fattening diet
etc. " "
The Nervous Housewife, by Abraham My
erson, M. D, Little, Brown & Co., Bos
ton. A veteran physician said recently
that he feared to accept a nervous
woman as a patient, because: The
disease is quite difficult' to cure, it
calls for a specialist, and the patient
too often becomes impatient and; goes
away, half cured, to try her luck with
another medical adviser or accepts
teachings of a new fad. - .
Dr. . Myerson shows both courage
and ability in writing a learned book
on such a subject and he discusses it
in an intelligent and sympathetic
manner in writing along the line of
cures. In several instances, he is
too sympathetic, and it is to be
feared that some Ul-'patancea ones.
reading such a kindly message, may
become mors difficult to Influence for
good. -..
Abraham Lincoln, Man of God. by John
Wesley Hill. e. F. i-utnam'B sons, ew
Tork city .j
There are several biographies of
Lincoln that for keen analysis of
character and research and fair pre
sentation of historical data, win the
reader's respect. This book, written
by the chancellor of Lincoln memo
rial university, is one of these es
teemed biographies that, even at this
late hour, furnishes an estimate of
Lincoln that is worth treasuring.
Dr. Hill shows the mingled good
ness, nobility and greatness of Lin
coln, with due appreciation also of
the mystical and spiritual elements in
that life. The pages are 416. with
The Great Game of Bnslnem, by J. George
Frederick. D. Appleton & Co., New York
Mr. Frederick is president of the
business bourse, a sales engineer and
councilor, and treasurer and governor
for the Sales Managers' club all of
New Tork city.
He thinks that business is a great
game, and in this book of 175 pages
he presents reasons and rules of this
business game, in order that the stu
dent may succeed and win. He talks
of the truths that good business men
believe in as gospel; the rules that
make men work well . together to
secure business results; how men
push the -'drones aside; the aims of
profit-getting, etc
Without Mercy, by John Goodwin. G. P.
Putnam's Bona, New York city.
Told with all the gripping realism
of a moving picture- representation,
this English novel has the red-letter
stamp of excellence.
The heroine is Mrs. Garth, a London
genius of finance, who, under the
name and disguise of a Madame Vam
pire, assumes a different personal
ity and heads Gordon's, limited, a
oowerful and rich money-lending in
stitution. Onee a bad man tries to
marry Mrs. Garth's daughter and the
manner in which Mrs. Garth merci
lessly exposes and punishes him is a
decided revelation" of finesse and
The Law of Hemlock Mountain, by Hugh
Lundsford. W. J. Watt A Co, New York
This has all the marks of a fine
American novel of out-of-doors and
adventure, and decidedly worth read
ing. " , .
Scenes are first set In the Philip-
Paradise Bend''
by .WilKaim Patterson White
Author of "Bidden Trattsif'Xgneh lawyers " itc
when men
werejpiick t
draw, the
law feeble
and outlaws
NOUM-M. jr f VP 'mmfm
Doubleday. - V -"-
pines, wher.e Lieutenant John Spur
rier, his nerves torn by climatic con
ditions,, gambles, and is erroneously
blamed for killing a soldier. Spurrier
is set free because of conflicting
evidence, and goes to the Kentucky
mountains to look after oil interests
for a business magnate. Here hs
finds suspicion and stern opposition
from the mountaineers, but he meets
Glory eappcze, and they fall in love.
Trouble follows, and out of it comes
peace, also vindication foj Spurrier,
who had been blamed unjustly in the
Philippines incident. v. -
McCorniiok. Hareeort, Brace A Howe,
New York city.
It is stated that upon assuming
command of the American army m
France, General Pershing caused pur
author then Major Mccormick to
be mustered into the federal serv
ice and assisraed to his staff, "the
only national guard officer deslg-
natail fnr Biwh dtltv."
Our author served on staff and
combat duty in that war, and with
brilliant distinction.
Out of his wealth of military ex
periences gained 'over there" Colonel
McCormick presents a faithful record
of war events connected with .our
army . leminently worth while and
unique for honesty of observing
power and skill to record the same.
One of the able and expert books of
the war period. -
The pages are 276 and the chapters
13. The dedication Is a significant
one 1o Out Dead."
Potter! Km, by Rose Macaulay.
Liveright. New York City.
Boui A
Rose Macaulay, the young English
novelist, already has fairly won the
title of "great" from the English
, "Potterism" Is Rose Macaulays lat
est success, and It is as shrewdly and
philosophically written as its prede
cessors. It is a clever panorama) of
disturbed social conditions in Eng
land, largely after the declaration of
the armistice, in November, 1918. The
Potter family occupies in the novel
the center of the stage, with the
spotlight turned ona good deal..
Mr. Potter, , the father, owns and
operates several newspapers and. the
social' doctrines they advocate aid In
keeping England stirred up.
Trade - strikes, social upheavals,
love-seeking and tragedy make the
plot a lively one.
Five Books for Small Children, IHnwt ra
tions in color. fenry Ait emus Co., FM1
adelphia. Just in time for the Christmas gift
season, these small treats in print.
amusing and told in fanciful prose
and poetry, were received December
16. Late enough. '
The titles are: "Grunty Grunts and
Smiley Smile Indoors," "The Cock, the
Mouse anta the Little Red Hen." "The
Little Puppy That Wanted to Know
Too Much," "Little Mousie Mouslekin"
and "Little Bunnie Bunniekin." Each
book measures 6H inches by 4s
inches and contains about 62 pages.
Motor Vehicles and Their Engines, by Ed
ward S. F-raaer and Ralph B. Jones. 78
Illustrations. I. van Nostrand- Co New
York city.
These authors are two recognized
motor repair and operating experts
who are connected with weli-Rnown
auto concerns in the east. Their book
is a superior one a practical band
book on the care, repair and man-,
agement of motor trucks and autos.
It is designed for truck and auto own
ers, chauffeurs, garage proprietors
and mechanics, and for workers In
auto schools.
Tbe Strategy on the Western Front. 1914
1918, by Herbert Howl&nd Sargent, Uetz-tenant-colonel
TJ. S, army, retired. A. C
McClurg & Co., Chicago.
Written in easily understood com
mon sense style, this book, with ex
cellent and well-defined maps. Is a
careful -and educative study of strat
egy on the western front of France
during the war period f 1914-1918.
German mistakes are pointed out by
an expert, and reasons given showing
how Germany lost.
Paris In Shadow, by "Lee Holt John Lane
Co, New York citfr.
Written in terms of kindly appre
ciation, and in the form of a dairy,
ofapHnvIn Or f -.Vmi t- 1 'i i fi fhn Tnnnlr Ha.
scribes graphically and with attractive
charm war events and dally inci
dents in Paris, France, written by an
American observer who has lived in
France most of his life.
The Aesthetic Nature of Tennyson, by
Jean Pauline Smith. A B.. A M. an
appreciation of the spiritual quality of
Tennyson's poems, ana, tie aestne-tio varus
he gives to tne different senses, with many
appealing quotations as examples (James
T. White A Co, N. Y.).
Mooncalf, by Floyd Den, an attractto-e
flovei dealing with the younger ge-nerativi
in America growing up in the middle west
The hero baa adventures in love, quixotic
and unusual, and he blunders amusingly
and painfully through them; Hunger, by
Runt Hamsun, with an introduction by
Edwir Bjork-man, a pathetio and humor
ous story of tbe experiences--of a hard-u)
neW0DaDor man of Christian ia. Norway,
r&nd Letters of a Javanese Princess, by Ba
den Adjeng Karunl, presenting a vivia
picture of Javanese life, and redolent with
the bone that they be freed from oppres
sion and the women enlightened as ts
modern ideals and education (Alfred A.
Knopf, N. Y.). .
Bits of Life, by an anonyraous author
and addressed to: "My Dream Wife." In
140 pages, the author writes a aeries o(J
cbarmingly-woraea, cnougntxui essays,
written in the hope that they will herp
someone Ln ad understanding of life CBren
taho'a, N. Y.).
100: The Story of a Patriot, by Upton
Sinclair, a novel of protest by a sensa
tional novelist aad reflecting largely upon
current social relations. Tbe story it
printed In black type on brown "papor,
making the print difficult to read. Paper
covers, 829 pages (Upton Sinclair. Pasa
dena, Cat).
aiadrigal English Verse. 158S-1S32. edited
from the original song books, by B. H.
Fellowes and divided into two parts, the
madrigalista and the lutenists a scholarly
achievement and a labor of love in pre
senting again many charming
poems lost in the dust of ages (The Ox
ford Clarendon Press, N. Y.).
Number Thirty, by Edward A. Jonas, a
powerful novel- oy a new author of marked
talent, a novel interestingly written, and
dealing- mainly wHa conditions ln the Eng
lish Jewry (Stewart A Krdid Co. Cincin
nati, O.). -v
A Bachelor Husband, by Rtyby M. Ayree,
an astonishing and sensational Bnglish
novel, depicting strange . adventures of
married life, and with a heroine who thinks
she can love two men at the same Umt
(W. J. Watt 4 Co.. N. Y.).
The .afagdalene aad Other Verses, by
Dolf Wyllarde, 86-9oema. many of them
exquisite and moving reflecting qulto a
variety of scenca; and The Watch-Dog of
the Crown, by John Knipe. a fine hlstor
lea! novel of England In the reign of Ed
ward VI (John Lane Co., N. Y..
The Spell of Brittany, by Ange M. Ko
sher, a charraingly presented series -of
word picturpa, 'about scenes, people and
historical events, etc., in the province of
Brittany, Francs, 212 pages, a suitable
gift book for a woman (DuffieW A Co.,
N. r.). ,
Exporting to the World, by A A Pre
ciado. former director of United States
igovermnent committee in the republic of
Chile, illustrated, with maps, diagrams,
charts, sample documents ,etx. 430 pages
with index. Valuable tram a business
point of view and containing practical ex
port information for all who are interested
or engaged in foreign trade (The- James A
McCann Co.. N. Y.).
Pipeful la, 6y Christopher Morley, wrth
-46 drawings by Walter Jack Duncan, 274
pages of charmingly written essays on
subjects of current Interest, but the mes
sage would be better if it were fashioned
In shorter paragraphs; and Live and Be
Young, by Vance Thompson, 173 pages of
essays, containing good advice ln cheer
fulness and optimism (Doubleday. Page A
Co., Garden City, N. Y.).
Tns World's Illusion, by J. Wassei inarm,
two volumes, a powerfully-written, sledgehammer-blows
novel, depleting wants in
the wealth and culture of our age, and re
flecting Ufa of the upper classes of Euro
pean society, and also shim life. Mr.
Wasserman la one- of the usw authors of
Lh-e French school of realism, and his
reading audience is large and Interna
tional (Harcourt, Brace A Howe, in.
Captain Lucy's Flying Ace, by Aline
Havard, aa attractive storyfor girls from
10 to IS years, depleting what happened
In France 'In recent war times, especially
after the armistice was announced; The
Marines Have Landed, by Lieutenant-Colonel
Giles Bishop Jr., for boys from 12 to
17 years, an exciting story of the United
States marines' doings in Nicaragua; Don
Hale With the Yanks, by W. Crispin Shep
pard. a dramatic story of an American
airman. In the wan In France, and written
Cor boy from 10 to 15 years; and. The
Gingerbread House, by Ruth Brown Mac
Arthur, niustra-ted by Hattle Longatreet
Price, 277 pages, a fine Christmas gift
book for a lucky boy, depicting a cheerful,
sturdy American boy who faces obstacles
and overcomes them, with scen-es In Cali
fornia' (Penn Publishing Co, Philadelphia,
Pa. ).
The Control of Parenthood, edited by
James Marchant, 222 pages of declarations
and opinions, courageously expressed, on,
the reduction of population and birth con
trol: On the Art of Reading, by Sir Arthur
Quiller-Couch, professor of Bnglish liter
ature in the University of Cambridge, 12
lectures, educative and informing ;Ameri
can Liberty Enlightening the World, by
Henry Churchill Semple. 8. J., moderator
of theological conferences of New Orleans,
a thoughtful and well-written moral basis
of a league for peace. Intimate Golf
Talks, by Elon Jessup and John Duncan
Dunn, 82 Illustrations. Mr. Jessup is as
sociate editor of Outing, and Mr. Dunn Is
associated with -the Los Angeles (Cal.)
Country club. A commons nee, friendly
book on golf and playing golf, with views
of the game from many angles a charm
ing message of out-of-doors. Head -of the
Lower School, by Dorothea Moore, a splendidly-
written story for young girls, being
views of a boarding school for girls ln
Lincolnshire, England (G. P. Putnam's
Sons, N. Y.l.
Mobilization of the Sugar Industry, by
Joshua Bernhardt, of the United States
sugar equalization board, 272 pages, paper
covers, a valuable trade document, being
a painstaking account of the United States
food administration and the United States
sugar equalization board, inc.; and. With
the Doughboy in France, by Edward Hun
gerford, a human-Interest, skillfully-written
acount of the work of the Red Cross in
France during tine late war (Tho MacMil
lan Co, N. Y.). ,
The Skyline ln English Literature, by
L. W. Smith and E. V. Hathaway, fine
work ' done by two American educators,
in presenting a vivid and highly authori
tative, brief history of English literature
from the earliest times down to our day;
Recreations of a Psychologist, by G. Stan
ley Hall, 336 pages, eight essays, stories
and sketches written by this distinguished
psychologist In his lighter moments; and
The American Engineers ln France, by
William Barclay Parsons, late colonel. 11th
United States engineers, 439 pages with
index. Illustrated a splendid book-written
hv the man beet qualified to write K
ibeing an account of the American en
gineers ln tne great war, in ino cootriiu
tion of ports, building and operation or
railways, water supplies, camouflage, etc.
(D. Appleton Co., N. Y.)
An American's London, by Louise Closser
Hale, an agreeably written appreciation of
the social sides of the new London that li
growtog out of the old. 849 pages: Momma
and Other Unimportant People, by Rupert
Hughes an amusing, cleverly written story
of a mother, who, after years of hard
work, came to New York and had a Joy
time buying new clothes, hats, etc.: and
The Secret Springe, by Harvey (VHiggtns,
written in sympathetic psychological fash
ion. This is a wise message on ve and
marriage, health, childhood, dreams, re
ligion, etc. (Harper's. N. Y.).
A Garden of Peace, by F. Frankfort
Moore, illustrated, an intimate, friendly
series of family conversations, depicting
English life of culture and natural beau
ties of England: and Memmo, by Joseph
Spencer Kennard. a finely finished novel,
picturing a baokground of modern Venice
and Italian romance generally (Doran Co,
N. X.).
Sands Yield Much Oil.
EDMONTON, Alt a. When the prob-"
lem of 'separating oil from the oil
sands lying to the north of Edmonton
has been solved, oil in sufficient
quantities to supply the world for 600
years will" be released, according to
the estimates of the principal of Al
berta university, who has made a spe
cial study of them. Solution of the
problem of successful separation la
expected soon. --
l)ristma$ Joys
"The road is broad, the road la long,
And picturesquely planned, -
And- the cars are free to you and me.
That run to Story land." '
. It is imagination that makes childhood a splendid
adventure and it is by way of stories that imagination
most often steals into the nursery and turns snubby
nosed Christopher into Robin Hood, or another Roose
velt tracking lions in Afnc&i '
New lands, strange seas, the delightful secrets of ,
animal and plant life, fine thoughted men and chests
of Spanish doubloons are all conjured up. out of books
to put radiance into the lives of children."
' ' How joyous the spirit of anticipation, thrilling and
making youthful the heart of him who passes through
those Magic Portals crimson holly-wreathed and gay
that lead into -
t3l) !&oys' anb Girls' Own
where there are fanciful pictures, little tables and
chairs for short legs, beautiful books for all ages and .
tastes. AU invite but best of all is the spirit of real si
service that inspires our trained Juvenile Salespeople 1
with this working ideal. R
Not Just a Book But the Right Book
The J. K. Gill Co.
Third and Alder Sts.
Director of Training Class Library Associa
tion oi rortiauo , ,
ENRT HOLT & CO, publishers,
have just made two Important
additions to their staff, Robert
Cortes Holliday of "Walking-Stick
Papers" fame has Joined their com
pany under an arrangement which
leaves Elm time free for creative
writing. Mr. Holliday knows the
book business thoroughly, having
been Illustrator, salesman "oa the
floor," reviewer, assistant literary
editor of a New -Tork newspaper and
associated as "reader" and advertis
ing copy and publicity writer for two
New York publishing houses.
The' other addition to the staff Is
Robert Frost, who will act aa literary
adviser, particularly ln the matter of
poetry manuscripts. His "North of
Boston" and "Mountain Interval" are
too well known to need more than
mention here.
Keith Preston, of the Chicago Dally
News book page, . says that H. L.
Mencken, of Smart Set, reminds him
of the pearl oyster. "No less than
this bivalve, he requires some pres
ent irritation to provoke him to pearl
building and the harper, the more
poignant this irritation, tbe more
lustrous will be the resultant gem of
criticism." Mr. Mencken's second
volume of "Prejudices", has recently
been published.
- "
Lew Sarett likes H. H. Knlbbs' new
book "Songs of the Trail," there is no
doubt about It- But be doesn't say
so just like that He says: "If you
like weak tea with milk or lemon,
or caramel parfalt garnished with a
pickled cherry, or hot chocolate with
a ladyflnger, pass this book by; but
it you want a long, deep do-ink of
cold mountain water helj) yourself."
Do you get the flavor?
We say we are a hard-headed, prac
tical nation who wants facts and not
poetic romanefngs. Yet they tell this
story of one of the Illinois papers and
Ben Hecht It was a hanging which
Mr. Hecht was to report and ha sent
In a preliminary account positively
Dostoevsklan in Its absolute realistic
detail. He received a telegram read
ing, "Leave out gruesome details
ours Is a fam'ly paper." His reply
was: "Win make hanging cheerful as
Harriet Monroe chose a very sig
nificant sentence for use on the back
cover of her magazine "Poetry." It
reads: "To have great poets there
must be great audiences, too."
s s
Is there any subtle psychology of
cities to be derived from these two
letters received' by a Chicago book
reviewer concerning one of the
threatened coming "best sellers"? A
man from New Tork wrote: "I have
just finished reading Sinclair Lewis'
'Main Street' and am rejoicing in .the
discovery of a real American novel
of first rank. Didn't it give you a
thrill?' At about the same time this
letter from a Boston man came: "I
have just finished reading 'Main
Street,' by Slncair Lewis, one of the
great American novels, or I miss my
guess. Certainly no one since Dos
toevsky has succeeded ln making the
reader so anxious to go out and hang
himself when he put down the book."
So now you know what constitutes
the "great American novel" you
should want to go out and hang your
self after reading it. Or, perhaps,
that letter only reveals to us how the
great American reading public re
sponds to a great novel wants to lie
down anddie on the Job. because it
looks hard. Well, anyway, if you
find the novel "depressing" dont
blame us we told you so.
William Dean Howells, "one of our
two greatest novelists of the half
century," died possessed of an estate
valued roughly at 20u,ouu. certain
of the items are interesting. Stocks
and fconds were appraised at $81,942
rcslv and buildinj? stock (118.700. Be
sides $1,216 in personal effects, $3000
insurance and $9600 in cash, he owned
a library of 2000 books, which was
valued af $3001 Baseer on me royar
ties received during the last five
years from Harper & Bros. (ouj
anrl Hontrhton. Mifflin & Co. ($4112),
the future royalties from all his books
were valued at sio.ouu.
Arnold Bennett says that so far as
he"'knows "short stories with serious
pretentions to greatness are not be
ing written now, either ln France,
Russia or England. And If they are
not being written in France. Russia
or England they are not oeing written
anywhere." What about us. Mr. Ben
nett, aren't we on your short story
map at all?
H. O. Wells brings back from Rus
sia many tales of. the heroic way ln
which Russian scientists, often ema
ciated from hunger, are proceeding
with their investigations and expen-
ments for the benefit of all mankind.
Since the beginning of the revolution
they have been cut off from the out
side world, but men like Professor
Manuchin are still searching for the
cure of the great white scourge and
Professor Pavlov Is investigating the
mentality of animals There is almost
an element of comicality, if you can
ge around to the angle of vision
where you can see it, ln this absorbed
attention of these matters when that
most terrlbje scourge of war was
devastating the world .and when the
fact of any considerable development
of mentality ln mankind seems de
c'dedly open to questions. And yet It
is of such devotion to an idea that
the very stuff of heroism Is made. The
British and the soviet governments
have given their consent to a plan
fathered by -he Royal soe'ety to send
to these devoted workers books for
which the Russians have been hun
gering for .years and ot which Mr.
Wells has brought back lists of titles.
Rafelndranatn Tag-ore must be a
great trial to his American entertain
ers. He absolutely will not be im
pressed. Even the Tale-Princeton
football gameleft him unawed. He
says that they have biger crowds at
the Indian football association games
nay, even twice as big. He was in
terested in the color and the organ
ization of the crowd, though. But
you can see he doesn't admire us
that la. doesn't admire those things
that we particularly effect rush and
bustle and noise and "things doing"
and mere bigness and expensivenees,
and be keeps all the time judging us
from the basis of those things which
he really esteems. He says we have
no calm, we don't really know our
selves, and we know almost inothing
about the ultimate values. It is all
most .annoying when a fellow simply
won't consider one at one's own esti
mate. e
Henry Arthur Jones, dramatist, has
joined the corps of scenario writers.
He has oome over to this country and
signed up with Jesse Lasky for his
last unnamed unfinished play as well
as for the film rights. Mr. Jones says
that the time is not favorable for
serious dramatic thought ln England
why not, I wonder? It certainly
seems significant that Mr. Jones, Mr.
Sbaw and J. M, Barrle should all be
over here and all Interested in moving-picture
activities. Are we "about
to see a real artistlo development In
the screen drama? May it be sol The
time is Indeed ripe even over-ripe,
s s
Here's a good bit of publicity for
the book trade. Do you know that in
1919 America spent $510,000,000 for
cigars, $800,000,000 for cigarettes,
$800,000,000 for tobacco, $1,000,000,000
for candy, $8,000,000,000 for perfume,
$8,000,000 for chewing gum. Total.
$4,710,000,000. In this expenditure she
leads the world. Thirty three mil
lions for books! In this expndlture
she stands next to China. Does this
concern you? Are you going to do
anything about It?
V., S. Health Survey Finds Good
x Incomes Check Disease.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 1$. Poverty
and pellagra go hand in hand, the
United States publlo health service
concludes after a three-year study of
the disease ln the cotton mills of
South Carolina.
"As the income fell the disease was
found to increase and to affect more
N the choice of books for Christxrias one .
should seek not only to select in good taste, but
books which will bring joy to the hearts of their
readers. Those listed below contain these quali
ties in the highest degree without being expensive.
. , Selected especially fir Christmas gifts."
No finer gift, for young or cU, than crtoic srfirion of
the greatest book, Oxford edition ax almost inhnit aa
I their variety and pries. Send for Ii.
E&tedbyW. H. Hadow . J3.40
Gem of th purest water in an exquuit setting. A beauti
fully produced reprint of th first edition of 1609.
"By Thomas A Kempis Net fLTS
, Edith CsveU, sentenced to death, choss this book to read.
Her own copy, with her note written ia th margin is bar
exactly reproduced, A nisssag to th heart, of consolstioo
and hope.
"By Guy Dickins Net 3.00
A picture of th Golden Age of Grasr through her art,
' done by a scholar and illiiirnitarl with many beautiful plate.
Selected by Sir Arthur Quiixer-CouCM Net 4.00
' - Ton ha tested th tru worth of this book, It friend
ar 11900, its enemies Don. W bake yea wiS find it on
' of the most sxtiifyiraj coilecbcm of posry m th language,
JSy Izaac Walton and C Cotton Net fL75
Th lure of the rod was first told in this book and so wefl
that it should b the first book ia svary tru sportsman's
Heme aa cAccvunt of tbe Life 6 iLsrmerf cfhis o4re
2 ol. Net
A wonderful picture of H a k used to be. ,
cAJapttdbyYL W. and F. G. Fotfixr Net fUi
For practical nefulneM nothing ourt ooal good
dictionary. Th Concis Oxfd,lad on th great Oxford
Dtcrjonary now nearly cornplstrd, S) sytrptsd as standard
wherever English is spoken.
S7 A. Sera Prirxb-Pattisom Net $150
Thij brilliant essay csso ia light into tha somswhsc somhee
' ' shadow of modern philosophy. A book for th thmkar
and seeker attar truth.
Th rollicking bsrd of Scotland in a hsiKlsoms cost of
maroon .lJ To ty it i on of th Oxford Post
to speak volume for the qualify of its text.
2j David Nichol Smith Net fl.0Q
1 A book of striking and powiful character tetih , mU
lowed and ennched by age. wprodiicsd in th isoatnc spsi
hng and styl of th penod.
Translated by W. N. PORTER Net flJO
Curious and out of th way! this record of Oriental
thought wuiuea esrJy in th fourteenth century. A fasci
nating subject daintily prodursd with ssvetal Japan
tyil aR booksellers or from At publishers. ' -
ivmpn Rfinirc
standard of.textmf exeellenre. Jj
& via W4 Vbi ZZTZZZW .
and more other members of the same
family," says an announcement by
the service. "As the Income rose the
disease decreased and was rarely
foound ln families that enjoyed the
highest incomes, even though this
highest was still quite low.
"Differences among families with the
same incomes are attributed by the
report to differences In the expendi
tures for food. Intelligence of the
housewife and ownership of cows,
gardens, etc Differences among vil
lages which were aconomclally simi
lar are attributed to differences In
the availability and condition of food
in local markets.
"A recent statement by .one of the
largest life insurance companies in
the United States Indicates that the
food standard of southern wag
earners must have improved remarka
bly of late, for the death rate from
pellagra has fallen- frnsi (.7 par 100,
000 ln V15 t 1 J ln I "
Petitions Ask for Reclamation Serv
ice to Undertake Project. .
Contract by which the United Slates
reclamation service would undertake
construction of a $2sO,000 drainage
system on the Sun River irrigation
project, has been proposed by the de
partment of Interior at Washington.
Petitions are now being circulated In
this vicinity to secure sufficient sig
natures. Of the 14,700 acres along the Pun
river watered by the $470,000 recla
mation project, about 2400 acres have
been affected by see page. The eon
tract proposes deferring payments
until the annual charges on the recla
mation cost have boon completed,
after which the drainage construc
tion charges would be pro-rated over
a number of years.
Prohibition Association to Meet'ln
Chicago December 30, 1111.
CHICAGO. Dec. 18. Recommenda
tions regarding the future activity of
American college students In behalf
of prohibition ln European college
and universities will be mads to the
Inter-collegiate Prohibltloa associa
tion's board here December 20 and 21.
Tbe association's board of director
will then hear a report from their
educational secretary, Harry S. War
ner, on eight month' observation ot
the college situation abroad.
A recommendation that the nam
of the organisation be changed to
Inter-colleglat Clvlo association will
be taken up. The question of aa en
larged and broadened programme In
volved ln such a cbang will be con
sidered. Alien to Be Denied Work.
RAYMOND, Wash. AH lumbering
plants In the Wlllapa harbor district
have decreed that alien employe must
at once take steps to become American
citizens. On mill released seven men
who refused to declare lntestlon to
become Americans. 'After January 1
all employes who bav not started to
ward, citizenship will bdropped.
Chicago Draws Alberta Cattle.
CALGARY, AKa. Four hundred
carload containing 1000 head of Al
berta cattle are now on thir way
to the Chicago market. Th axchang
rat offset th freight charge over
the long haul and further large hlp
ments are expected hortly.
. -