- a. . . J Remarkable Savin in Christmas Gifts for Men All Men's Gloves . at Reduced Prices THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, DECEMBER 19, 1920 W II V '-. -.'5 " ' v .V MEN'S NECKWEAR 1500 Men's $2.50 Ties Extra Special $1.55 1000 Men's $1.50 Ties Extra Special 95c KNITTED SILK TIES Regularly $4 and $5 Extra Special $2.95 All Men's Pajamas at Reduced Prices MEN'S SHIRTS Men's Woven Color Madras and Russian Cord SHIRTS for which you have paid $5 Vi Price $2.50 MEN'S SILK SHIRTS $10 and $12.50 Silk Shirts Extra Special $6.95 -Three for $20 Traveling Bags and Suit Cases $15 Bags now only $11.85 $20 Bags now only $15.85 $25 Bags now only $19.85 $30 Bags now only $24.85 $50 Bags now only $39.85 Men's Bath Robes $ 8.50 Bath Robes $ 6.40 $12.50 Bath Robes $ 9.40 $15.00 Bath Robes $11.95 $20.00 Bath Robes $15.00 $30.00 Bath Robes $22.50 Men's Mufflers $ 3.00 Mufflers now $2.25 $ 5.00 Mufflers now $3.75 $ 7.50 Mufflers now $5.65 $12.50 Mufflers now $9.40 A MOST REMARKABLE BARGAIN IN BOYS' OVERCOATS Boys' All-Wool Overcoats in All Sizes 6 to 18 Years Regularly Priced $16.50 the Garment Extra Special $9.85 The best values you have seen since the war Shop for Men in a Man's Store Avoid the crush of the department stores - shop here in comfort BEN SELLING ill ; Kf s 5 mm ii i I' NOW PLAYING 'ALLAN DWAN PRODUCTION TUn II .JLffr'W Iff it sr coxier A picture that has everything one expects in a really big drama men who are men men who are not women wonderful in their love and women pitiable in their frailty. COLUMBIA PICTURE PLAYERS V. C Knowle Director PfiSTflR, QUITS PULPIT WAR HAS CHANGED VIEWS OF FASHIONABLE PKEACHER. commencing their duties last year these women have to their credit al most $1000. Christians Found as Good Outside of Church as Members of Congregation. 1 .rarti'ir'n T. 19 SnoMalA Rev Frank E. R.' Miller. Dastor ot the First Baptist church, one or tne most iaen ionable in the city, yesterday re onri withdrew from the mln istry. The war and service among soldiers destroyed his former ideal of r-hri.iianitv. he said, so after 20 . - o r- m Y,o nllttR. i iiiv romp to believe." he ex- JllftlUCU, itioi 1 1 " i strictions that other wholesomely re ligious men do not have to coniena with. There are sta-ndards of Chris tianity in the church that I believe purely fictitious.. I cannot bring my self to think that because a man plays cards, dances and goes to the theater he is pagan and that If he does not do any of those things ne is a v-nn- ly the orthodox belief of the deity of Jesus. I believe the deity of Jesus is based on character more than on ,.cin ktpih T think thprA are con tradictory accounts of the birth of Jesus in Matthew. I could not oeneve in the supreme importance of the D.niiuta Tun lonz-pr can e:o along with the evangelists who say that those who live accoraing io nie.i tenets will go to heaven and those who do not will go to hell. "For some time past I have been conscious of a repugnance toward evangelistic methods and the super ficial standards of the church. I have found Just as good Christians outside the church as Inside." CHURCH TO BE DEDICATED Methodists Are Busy .Remodeling Building Recently Purchased. . OREGOX CITY, Or., Dec. 18. (Spe cial.) The work of remodeling the building purchased by the Methodist church, formerly owned by C. H. Cau fleld. at Eighth and Center streets, is progressing rapidly. It is expected to have the dedication of the church about February 1. The first floor will be devoted to a Sunday school room, workroom of the Indies' Aid society, kitchen and pan try. The second floor will be devoted to a church auditorium. The windows will be left as they are and, with the installation of clusters of electric lights, there will be an excellent lighting system. The grounds sur rounding the building are to be beau tified. The members of the calendar com mittee of the Ladies' Aid society have worked untiringly during the last year to help defray the expense of remodeling the building and for pay ins on . tne . church. property. Since HOME TRAINING IS sBA0 Half Inmates of State School Get! Poor Start, Is Statement. WALLA WALLA. Wash., Dec. 18. (Special.) Half the boys at the state training school at Chehalis were from "bad" homes, according to Tom Horn, superintendent of the school, who spoke before the Rotary club yester day. There are 300 boys in the school. The efforts of the officers have been directed toward training the boys along educational fines rather than merely to "herd" the in mates, as was formerly, the policy, said Mr. Horn. "Keep the boys busy and half the battle is won," . he declared. The boys raised J14.000 worth of produce last year, and in addition excavated a large canal for drainage purposes, RECALL OF JUDGE SOUGHT ROAD CONDITIONS IX POLK COUNTY START MOVEMENT. Rcbekabs Hold Rollcall. SEASIDE, Or., Dec 18. (Special.) Last Monday evening the members of Ramona Rebeka lodge held' their annual rollcall, about 60 members be ing present. Following- the business session old-fashioned games were played and as the members gathered around the banquet table letters were read from a number of the members who are in other localities. It is in tended to make this rollcall a feature of every year. Phone your want ads to The Ore- e-onian. Main 7070. Automatic 560-95. A Phonograph All the latest models to choose from. The Ideal Christmas Gift Special Xmas Terms Payments Only $5 a Month . OREGON EILERS MUSIC HOUSE Eilers Music Bldg. 0 Entrance 287 Wash. St Take Elevator to 2d Floor Attempt to Oust Asa B. Robinson as Head of Court Is Made at Sleeting at Dallas. DALLAS, Or., Dec. 18. (Special.) Proceedings toward the recall of Asa B. Robinson, county judge of Rolk county, were instituted this afternoon at a meeting in the circuit court room when J. F. Ulrich. 'a farmer of the Airlie precjnet. was selected to run on the ticket at the recall election. The meeting was not attended by very large delegations from the var ious precincts, as a large number of the county residents are not in favor of the recall. , The feeling is bitter against Judge Robinson in some parts of the county owing to the condition of the roads which have been made barely pass able by the hauling of lumber and other heavy loads by trucks. Judge Robinson has closed several roads to truck hauling, and at present is en gaged in repairing roads throughout the county. The inability of the county court to repair the roads sooner was on account of the lack of road building machinery and the money with which to purchase the equipment. r That the recall, when it comes to election, will be defeated is the opin ion of a large majority of the vot-s as they-hold that the county court and Judge Robinson are not to blame for the condition of the highways. It is estimated that Judge Robinson's support in the cities of the county will far outnumber the vote in the rural districts at the election, should the proceedings go that far. Woodmen Plan Lodge Hall. HALFWAY. Or., Dec. 18. (Special.) The local cump of the Modern Woodmen of America is planning to build a lodge hall and will probably decide the (natter next week at its regular meeting. The plan is to com bine a community lodge hall and have something that can be used for any purpose The Woodmen will do much of their own work if the building is constructed, and will start getting out logs for the lumber within a short time. s Phone your "want ads to The Ore gonian. Main 7070. Automatic 560-95. -RELIEF From Its Dreadful Pains and Aches, Stiffness. Soreness Is properly to be sought tn a good blood medicine, because authorities say rheumatism is a blood tilsease acid -has entered the blood, settling in the muscles and joints. That's what makes the sharp, sudden, shot like pains, causing you to jump and cringe in agony. Hood's Sarsaparilla comprises rem edies that every physician prescribes for rheumatism, combined with other blood-purifying, tonic and strength building ingredients in a formula vastly superior in make-up and in curative power. It does give positive relief. Thousands say so. So will you. For a fine laxative take Hood's Pills. Adv. m. sichel 331 Washington st unusual men's gifts TO. xmas gifts for men you will enjoy superior service while selecting useful gifts in this exclusive men's shop. i a few suggestions from america's and europe's best makers. ' N dent's and brad's gloves; onyx, interwoven and imported wool hose; . silk and wool mufflers; golf coats; suit cases and bags; jewelry nov elties; -silk pajamas; umbrellas and canes; smoke coats. , '.: , if in doubt give a gift certificate. . . ,.. "30 discount on all shirts 20 discount on silk hose. 15 discount on siHc robes. open evenings until xmas. Jjj mail orders solicited. men's furnisher and "hatter. exclusive but not expensive. 331 Washington street, near broadway . : . ' I iM : Kimball Pianos Victrolas Fine Violins, Martin Guitars, Vega Tu-ba-phone and YVhyte Laydie Banjos, Orpheum Banjos, Washburn Guitars, Ukuleles, Music Rolls, Ludwig Drums, Machine Tympani, Deagan Marimbaphones, Bells and Xylophones, Leedy Drums - Our Music Department Is the Most Complete in the City Make it a mu sical present. 'Our stock is very complete and we can supply you with every thing in the music line. Buescher Saxophones Ask the best profes sional saxophone players in Portland what they use. They , will tell you Buescher. We have a few in stock. Records ra csx Portland's Big Music Store H$ r I . r. i) fh