THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, DECEMBER 19, 1920 19 Bf BIX ESS OI'PORTrNITIES. Mncka and Bonds. HOSXKR & HOBNER, IN" v. dealers. OFFER. . WJOO Alaska Coal & Pet. bid. - Cremona Phonograph, 7 per cent preferred bid. 5 Norther Livestock A Loan bid. 1 Pacific States Klre bid. WANTED. . IT. S. Oil A: Gas stock offer. Rose City Park club bonda offer. MHln 4KL'3. o MuKav Ride. n 1HI TVAN TED Rose t'itv Purk i-lub bonds: Timet be cheap. P. O. box 4'1. Hotels and Rooming IIoumc HOTBr, MEN. ATTENTION. "We have for sale in one of the best towns in Idaho, hotel bide., completely furnished, doing a business netting ' above all expens-a $-fSO0 monthly. There are 10U rooms, 57 with bath connection, besides 9 public baths, tiled floor in of fice and barber shop, elevator, all mod ern conveniences. This fireproof build in and furniture "can be bought at a price m.iwi) legs than its value on easy terms. Full particulars In our office. See -Mrs. Keller. Ct.rt. T. MOORE CO. UMI7 Teon Bldr. OXK OF PORTLAND'S BEST HOTELS. I'3 rooms, Rood lease, elevator, private baths. beautiful cround floor lobby, well furnished throughout, making a net ifiuiji ji.iuu montn. This is worth I vestlgating-. Price I27.IMI0. See .Mrs. Keller. , ' CEO. T. MOORE CO. 1WI7 Yeon Bldg. Siinnn nnw West side residential hotel: brick bid. prime Dams; high-class furnish Ings and all in fine condition: clear profi ner n..u per month. A real Investment. 3--3;4 KaihnB BI'Ik.. 3d and Wash. e do not misrepresent." Jlll.L KKS1DE.NTIAL HOTEL, rooms, clean and well furnished large lobby; hot and cold water in all rooms. Rent $;.". with R-vear lease: clears JoOU month. Price JH.UUO; tolKiO SHE MRS. IIAUG. .11.' Henry Hide. Udwy. 34S7. look. i.uuk: look: 'Jut ot the best-paying apartment houses' in the city, close in. and always lull: look this up at once, as it will KEUABLK J N V'KriTMBXT CO. 3r. OAK ST. onys iN-room H. K. apartment: just tninK or only fb.Zb per room; clearing tl niontn; jo-ng lease, and one of vuo locations in Portland; terms. KELIAB1.B IWKSTMENT CO, ... OA K ST. KEAI, CLASSY. 9 rooms, some furniture, first class, hardwood floors, sloping porch, furnace heat, net profit $Su month: 4900 will handle it. SKK MRS. jl Al'G. 512 Henry BIdff. Broadway 5487. a.mj income over $U1) a month income with suite for owner; modern, furnished, close-in. west side home' tfti0 cash handles. Small balance to suit MUM1"" Thia U S0d' Cali today- Main O. IT. SKOTHEIM COMPANY. ..-t--t.t. Kailway Exchange! Building. FIRST TIME nv l i n l- fc'T Apartment house, 53 rooms, rent 9'200 lease, 3- apis., mostly 2 and 3-room apts "J -4 roums. cream of locations, ateam heat, net profit about $300. Price IIJ.OuO, easy terms. -See Mrs. Keller. ft CT-.P. T. Moork CO. Hm7 Yeon Bldtr. tliHHl V KT I'PlU'iT 72-room hotel, one of the best loca tions, mostly transient, well furnished, private baths, steam heat, hot and cold water in all rooms, splendid ground floor lobby; $15,000 rash will handle. s'e Mrs- Keller. OKQ. T. MOOKB CO. KM.7 Yeon Bldir. 15-RMf tT A,3 0utF!de rooms, with good lease, rent .) per month; houe all full and term- cIea,n. making money. $1500. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO. 305 OAK ST. ANOTHER ONE. fl rooms, all housekeeping, best west in location, rent $150, nets $325. Price t-foUO; JP2 ." cash SKK AIRS. HAUfl, l'l i;oo.ia. PRICE ONLY $.150. Rent only $;,(; Income. $64 Owner Cccupifs 2 rooms; l. months lease ANCHOR I VV'KjiTM fc VP r-i-i 405 Panama Md?. . Main 0404 4:;-ROOM modern brick hotel, rent $300. , line weot side Ioa tlon. ground j-MM.y, auiomaiic elevator, 9 nri aie naths. etc. An exceptional bar- atn ml terms. Yates. 24 rourth st. 42-ROOM transient hotel; splendid furni- iuie, steam neat, n. and c. water in al the rooms; center of downtown district rm. poou iPa.e; net monthly earn Ings $.-Mirt. pnr $7Soo; $6Ki0 down WOODCOCK. 327 Henry Bids. KINK LITTLE APT. HOUSE. NOB HILL DISTRICT. lear $hmi mo. and your apt. It's inuuurn anu you 11 HKe It. Kent only $40. Price $ I :f.o. Some terms. B. F. KELLY, 715 S WETLAND BLDG. 10 ROOMS. PRICE ONI.V Rent only $:to, nc me $64; owner oc- -.uLfit-n - rooms; j .i nmnthsr lease. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO.. 40.. Panama Bide. Main 9404. CLAY STREET BA RGA IN Close-in and" nets nearly a hundred ; fine furniture n-i lease. ii.i cash handles. See this TODAY. Call Sunday. Main 5199. w. ,i. nixuiii r-l.M tUM PA.N V, 32-333 Railway Exchange Building. 2'-ROOM MODERN APARTMENT lne location and rent onlv n loase; investigate this before you buy B. F. KELLY. 71.l" SWETLAXD BLDG. a i a it A K(jA IN 10 rooms beautifully An n. iv. rnorouchly mod M-n. central. Incorrte Sl.i.V). Rnt $60. This place s clean and first-class. t.n tJfr. .M ,lin -". RCOMINO house lo rooms. fin l.u.inn w-st side. Modern place, rent $50. Well fui I.I3MCU, c.ean, good money maker. Rooms always rntd. Price $i;KiO Other harKains. H. W. Garland. 201 3d. LARGE w?t side apartment. Good fur niture, long lease. Income. Old rates. $1250 monthly. Consider some exchange. CaSy termfL phoue oHTier. UP-TO-DATE furniture of a 7-room flat lovely home with income; close in; $1000 will hand). SEE MRS. HAUfl. - M- Henry Bide. Bdwy. 5487. 22-ROOf H- itKU-.K m v. Stove heat, rent only clears $175 per month; prlc $2.V0: terms RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO. 305 OAK ST. ROOMING HOUSE. Eijrht housekeeping rooms, wel-l-fur-nlshed; rent $25 month; close-in location Room 51t Railway Exchange. 80 ROOMS All housekeeping; clean, elec tric lighta good location; nets over $200 month; reasonable rent; price $2750: tArms. f-nU 3S7 Tavlor St. I WANT a rooming house or apartment on west side, something showing good in come; can pay $S00 cash and balance monthly. AE 2S1. Oregon ian 20-ROOM hotel. Board and room, nice modern house. Steam heat, fine loca tion, all good furniture, a snap for $1200 If. W. Garland. 201 3d. 65 HOUSEKEEPING rooms, nice and clean good location, brick bldg.. lease; $3500 win handle. Frice $5500. 401 Stock Kxch. bldg. 1 WANT to buy direct from owner, the furnishings and lease of a rooming or apartment house. Sell wood 2552. Sun day all day. 63-ROOM hotel, brick, close in, west side lease, over $400 net every 30 days: $5500 part H. K.; $3500 down. J. EUGENE HEDGES. 201 W. PARK MODERN APARTMENT HOUSE. $18 000, Basy terms: clears $S50 per month. All new furnishings. Rent Suhi BRUCE GODDARD. 501-2 Couch bldg. 10 ROOMS, good furniture, hot and cold water in apts., furnace heat; JtOOO cash or $r50 terms, with $000. Call East 55K2. GODDARD CAN SELL YOU OUT "When all others fail. 501-2 Couch bldg. Main 4"7. TWO BEAUTIFUL flats, one $1250, one $1000. terms; lovely furniture. J. KUUE.VB HEDGES. 201 W. PARK. HOTEL. 44 rooms, steam heat. H. C. water In all rooms, brick bldg.. good furniture; S3.-Q0 will handle. 401 Stork Kxch. bldg. 20 6 NICELY furnished rooms, clean as can be. rent very reasonable; close in, west side. Call East S tlfl. 3 ROOMS, for $2500. downtown location, bldg. Reut $50. . lease ; 401 Stock Exch. ANYONE having a good place of from 12 to 20 rooms and wants to sell, call Min MKT. Owners only. ELEGANTLY furnished front room in swell private home, suitable for 2 young in en ; i .i muntn. it i riniiy piac. 17-ROOM hotel on highway, furnlnhed and equipment. $1ooo. rent $30. lease. Law- READ MY BULLETIN BOARDS. THEN STEP INSIDE FOR FACTS. J. EUGENE HEDGES. 201 W. PARK. I WANT a clean, well-paying rooming house, $1500 to $20O0. See me Quick. 295 ' Montgomery st. Aut. 514-71. 10 ROOMS 3 kitchenettes, completely fur nished; close In west side, $1250; terms. Call Marshall 60 ROOMS, boarding and H. K. ; low rent, lease; big money maker; $3200, terras. Stee this soon. J, EUGENB HEDGES. 201 W. PARK. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. llo'cla and Haioming House. ONE OF PORTLAND'S BEST. A strictly modern up-to-date commerciaj hotel, furniture, car pets and bedding is of the very best, one of the choice location of Portland, 12-year lease, it requires a good hotel man with -f.iO.OO-u, for further particulars call; at of fice. GOOD HOTEL. BUY. Beet transient street in the city, ' fine corner modern brick bldg, large lotby, elevator, now running, over 30 per cent transient, l well furnished and always full; net profits over 1(K per month. Price $18.OO0. 42-ROOM HOTETL 42. Strictly modern and exceedmg-Iy we!I-furnfshed, lease at $225 per month. This is a good buy if you have $7000. ( 73-ROOM HOTEL. Beautiful lobby, fine brick bide., modern furniture and carpets . are good; center of west side busi ness district; It takes $14,000 to do business. 44 ROOMS 44. Now, If you are looking for big action on $4O0O, call and see a modern brick with running water, both hot and cold, in every room, also steam heat, furniture is good, plenty of bedding, lease for 3 years at $225 per month. F. RIERDON. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 2-1.1-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. WE WRITE ALL. KINDS OF INSURANCE. FOR LEASH 100-room hotel with ground floor office and lobby; well established buiness; good corner. North 3d at. Very reasonable terms can be had on furniture or you may refurnish to suit yourself. We give you the lease and you may . make your own arrangements for furniture. A great opportunity to get a well-paying business without paying a premium for it. For fur ther information call at 28 North Second sU MAGOOX & SPENCER. , 620 Cham, of Con. Bldu. Main 6127. MODERN APT. HOUSE. Rent $4.00 per room. bi rooms, 20 aptsi. Four-year lease. Net income $60U. AND THIS ONE. Rent $llo per month, oil rooms (11 apts. ) MODERN TRANSIENT HOTELS. Rent $150 per mo., 30 rooms. 2-year leae Rnt S2."0 oer month. 44 rooms, new lease. Rent $000 per month, 124 rooms, long lease. HOI'KEK KEPIN'G APTS. 26 rooms, rent $100, gro. income $400. 22 rooms, rent $, gro. Income $;(O0. 34 rooms, rent $0U. gro. income $170. 9 rooms, rent $10, gro. income SUBURBAN HOTEL. More than 50 rooms in good Industrial center, good furniture, steam heat, well equipped kitchen and oinm-poom. liooq lease. This is offered very reasonably. with winter fuel included. $u000 will handle. 27 rooms in housekeeping suites, vo boarding, also offered at extremely low price. 700 will handle. Mrs. Aioaugn with John, rerguson, (Jerllnfjer Didg. GO-ROOM apartments, close in; clears $500, rood lease. 42 h. k. apts., close In, clears $250; good terms, very modern. 44-rooin brick hotel, clears $500; close in. eoou terms, good lease. 25 h. k. rooms. $2500; good terms; clears ilbo: close in. 15 h. k. rooms, rent $35; clears $115 easy. Have others, also cieun iiats. BARNEY JOHNSON. 170 Tenth Street. Main 3160. 16 ROOMS, 2 -room housekeeping suites; 2 baths, running water in most, ciean and neat, half of the furniture new clears near!y $100. 6 -room Hat. entirely modern, com pletely furnished with new furniture and draDeries: attractive home, wli h very reasonable rent, ia good residence aisirict. Airs, viuaugn, wim uuiiu x-ei- guson. Oerlinger blag. REST" HOTEL BUY IN TOWN. 75 rooms, fireproof building, strictly modern, with around-floor lobby, ele vator and lots of private baths; lorn? lease; clears $1200 a month profit; price $d5,000; terms. We Buy Chattel Mortgages. A. J. De FOREST & CO.. 320 Henry BIdx. SPECIAL BARGAIN. 23 two and 3-room apartments', close In, west side brick corner; rent .t.u, lease, income $1100; no court apart ments; completely furnished and abso lutely clean ; just the place for lone woman. If sold before Christmas, price only $13,500; $9000 to handle. Yates, 245 Fourth st. M. E. LENT COMPANY. 523-4-5 NORTHWESTERN BANK BLDG LEADING HOTEL AND APART MENT HOUSK AGENCY. IP YOU WISH TO BUY OR SELL. COME IN AND TALK IT OVER; 14 YEARS IN THE BUSINESS IN PORT LAND ENABLES US TO LOCATE YOU RIGHT. LITTLE MONEY-MAKER. 52 rooms, mostly housekeeping, clean as wax, never have an idle room, clears -over all expenses about $500 month. Fine place for man to run, no work. Price $5500. liberal terms. See Mrs. Keller. GKO, T. MOORE CO. 1007 Yeon Bldg. tW-KUOM APARTMENT HOUSE. Northwestern steam heat, elevator. 3 years' leae; fair rent: clearing $100 per month; price $12,000, some terms, a reaj buy. ' RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 3 to OAK ST. A REAL BUY. . COUNTRY HOTEL. 30 rooms, tile and concrete const.. 50x 100. 3 stories, completely furnished, steam heat, onlv $17,500 takes the build ing and furniture, about $5000 cash. See Rock, 4Q3 Couch bldg HOTEL. 62 rooms, hot and cold water in all rooms, ground floor lobby, elevator, fine downtown location, good lease, net prof it about $0OO. Price $15,fKH. See Mrs. Keller. GEO. T. MOORE CO. 10417 Yeon Bldg. IF YOU VwSH TO BUY OR SELL business, hotel, room or apartment bouiie of any kind, anywhere, see F. Rlerdon. RITTER. LOWE & CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. We write all kinds of insurance. 40-ROOM modern hotel, west side, good lease, paying better than $400 a month. Price $0500; terms. WE BUY OHATTET, MORTGAGES. A. J. DeFOREST & CO.. 320 Henry Bldjr. NOB HILL DISTRICT. 1 5-room housekeeping, steam heat. electric Lights-; house all full; making money; price i2.fH. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 305 OAK ST. BY OWNER Hotel and 'grocery, modern flreproor Diinaing in spienaia town; new stock and fixtures, new furniture; cash-and-carry grocery: business can be dou bled. Address quickly; terms. K. A. Hail, Chehalis. Wash. FOR- SALE The Lincoln hotel, cor. 1st and Ellis sts.; large kitchen; dining room and library, with 28 large outside rooms; steam heated; price $1500, with 5-yr. lease. Address Vlahakls & Nickas, Raymond, Wash. 16 ROOMS, atl completely and well fur nished for housekeeping, net profit sioo month, can be more; $1500 will five you possession. See Mrs. Keller. GEO. T. MOORE CO. 1QQ7 Yeon Bldg. 7-ROOM FLAT, rent only $30, all outside zooms, exceptionally well furnished, a real home. Price $1100. See Mrs. Keller. GEO, T. MOORE CO. 1007 Yeon Bldg. TEN ROOMS, elegant house, iarge yard; rent $50; nice home for family and good income; price $i50. $000 down. . A. J. DeFOREST & CO., 320 Henry Bldg. 76 APARTMENTS to lease for 5 or 10 years, west side location; furnishings for sale; $l6,0vK: reasonable terms. A. J. DeFOREST & CO.. 320 Henry Bid. - ROOM rooming house. $1700; some terms, clearing $180 to $100 per month, $11,500. $7OO0 cash. 2-year lease, rent $250; 40 rooms, clearing $400 per month. 320 Artisan bldg. YOUR REAL ESTAT.E BOND. Send In your application so that It can he taken care of right awav. ANYTHING IN THE BONDING LINE. SMITH -WAGONER CO.. STOCK EXCH. LIST your rooming houses and hotels and apartment houses with us. We have buyers. Anderson & Clark, 163 Vi West Park st. APARTMENTS Income $14,000; big bar gain; $50,000; cash, terms. R. W. Cary, Main 1643. TOTTR opportunity See under houses to rent, or call Main 6127. 105 ROOMS, 48 apts, 5-year lease, clears Nver $500 a month. $7000 handles. Aut. 522-57. 406 Broadway bldg. NINE housekeeping rooms, close In. west side, electric lights, rent $15. net income $75: $Q0. terms. 228 Harrison. B I FURNITURE and lease 7-room fiat. $750. Aut. G22-C7. BrsixKss oppoRTvymEs. Hotels and Rooming Houses. A FEW APARTMENT HOUSES. Apartment house, 62 rooms, fine place, lease, $250 month, $7000 handles. List 204. , Apartment house, nice home, 15 apart -, meutH. rent $175y lease, $5000 handles. List 205. A partment house, modern brick, 1 1 apartments, rent $115, lease, $4000 han dles. List 203. Apartment house, 30 apartments, fine . brick, clears about $800 month, good lease, $350 per month, $9000 cash han dles. List 219. SOME GOOD COUNTRY HOTELS. 53-room modern commercial hotel, do ing large business, $16,000, terms. List 06. 42-room hotel, eastern Oregon, $5500, terms, lease $100 month. List 62. 32-room commercial hotel, good Wash ington town, on highway, right man can do big business here; building, ground and furnishings mut be sold, big sacrifice, easy terms. Make offer. List S2. 30-room hotel, rood oav roll town. $2500, half cash, 5-year lease, $60 month; snap i or mau ana wile. List ol. SOME GOOD CITY HOTELS. 39 -room modern brick, fine location. 72-room fine transient hotel, doing large business, dandy lobby, $12,000 cash nanuies. jisi ij-i. 60-room hotel, brick corner, fine, clean piace, weii iurnisnea, clears ovtr soou, - lease, iu,uuu, terms. List 119. 54-roora fine brfek. private baths. clears over $650, lease, $10,000 cash nanuies. Jasc Uo. . We have a large and carefully selected list of attractive buys In hotels and I apartment houses. Come and see us. i NORTHWEST HOTEL NEWS COM- fANJ, INC., 714 COUCH BLDG. 74 APARTMENTS, containing 2. 3 and 4 room apartments, steam heat and hot and cold water in every apartment; near Montgomery Ward & Co. and American tan Co.; known as LDshur aoartments: all apartments full. Will give five-year ease on building; price lor the furniture $10,000. Party buying this must have executive ability and references; no trades. See Mr. Ballis or Mr. Hodson. W A JvUir 1JS LD, FRIES & CO., 85 Fourth Street. HEADQUARTERS FOR HOTELS AND ROOMING HOUSES. APART- -MENT HOUSES. S3-room apartment house, modern DriCK. Sl.UOO. 50-room hotel, modern brick, $15,000. 1 1 -room n. k. House, rrame, $-iVJ0. 22-room h. k. house, frame. $2500. 3 7-room rooming house, frame. $2000. i-'-room n. k. nouse. rrame. sitSuv. These are all good buys and close-in locations. Call West Park st. We win place you right. Anderson & Clark. 8 ROOMS, close in, on east side, Holladay addition, furnace or stove heat, gas, electricity. Rent reasonable and income will more than pay expenses. $450 cash. 0 rooms, Irvington; fine yard, with fruit trees and shrubbery. Price in cludes rent until March 1 a-nd fuel for winter. Attractive home with income enough to more than pay expenses. Mrs. Al-baugo, with John Ferguson, Gerlinger Didg. IS H. K. ROOMS, west side. opp. park blocks, netting about $200 month: owner having city ; wonderful opportunity for man ana wire; price only s.itio, $uooo cash. ANOTHER smaller one of 8 rooms, located on West 2.'td St.; income $105, rent only $o5, corner location, walk ing distance: real snap combining; fine home with good income besides. Price only $1000. McCORMIC, 242 Washing- ion st. wain ao. 10 ROOMS, 2-room housekeeping suites, 2 baths, ru-nning water in most; clean and neat; half of the furniture new. Clears nearly $100. o-room flat, entirely modern, com pletely furnished with new furniture and draperies. Attractive home with very j reasonable rent. In good residence dis- 1 trict. Mrs. Albau-h, with John Fergu son, ue ringer Diog. 48 TWO, three and four-room apartments, I waiKing oistance, west side, modern fire proof blug. with all modern conven iences; in wonderful condition ; 5-year lease; very low rent; clears over fiuou per mo; will stand rigid inspection; $12,000 required to handle. Yates Realty c;o., 4; rourtn st. 5.'t-ROOM BRICK'. A &3-room - worklngman's apartment house, 3 years' lease, goor location; this place Is absolutely clearing $450 per month ; owner must sell It owing to otner business. rrice terms. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 305 OAK ST. 90-ROOM MODERN APT. HOUSE. Fine west side location, well t ranged apartments, brick bldg., with I elevator; long lease at $350; clears over I KHO a mnnth- CVUUUl V. a nri loo I We Buy Chattel Mortgages. A. J. DeFOREST & CO.. 320 Henry Bldg. COZY LITTLE HOME.. We have' a beautiful 5-room flat and sleeping porch just lots of furniture, must be seen to be appreciated, lovely location. See Mrs. Keller. GEO. T. MOORE CO. 1007 Yeon Bldg. SNAP NOB HILL LOCATION. 11-room house, completely furnished. sleeping and housekeeping rms., includ ing piano ana ora bug, all for $2250, some terms. See Mrs. Keller. GEO. T. MOORB CO. 1 07 Yeon Bldg. FOR SALE West side. 4 rooms, furnished I home, walking distance, electric lights J and gas and bath, white Ivory dressers and good furniture, all light rooms, and yard for children; close to a good school; rent $10 a month; no agents'; $4O0 cash. Hroadway HHb. HOTEL AND DINING ROOM. 14 bedrooms, dining room and kitchen: frame building; house all full; rent $40.1 I'rice I k. jtyiHj aown. balance easy.. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 305 OAK ST. FOR QUICK SALE. List your hotel, apartment and room ing houses with us, your interests will always be projected. See Mrs. Keller. GEO, T. MOORE CO. 1007 Yemt Bldg. 23 H. K. ROOMS, rent $00, west side lo cation, electric lights, furnace, hot and coia water in an suites; goon furniture. clears $135 per mo. Frice $2500, terms, j i aces, z-io r ourin si. APARTMENT HOUSE AND FURNITURE. 13 apts., brick. Tot 45xlO0. Price $25,000. Half cash. See Spencer. 626 Cham, of Com. bldg. Main 6127. TODAY'S SPECIAL. 1 0-room, heart ot west side; cheap rent ; running w-ater in rooms; steam heat; price $10&5. terms. Peters, 15 N. 5th st. 20 ROOMS 26. Transient, all on one Ooor; lease: best money-maker in city, close to Union depot; for -40.i. easy terms. PETERS. 15 N. 5th St. 17 ROOMS, rent $00, right down town. clears over $100 per mo., a chance for a big resale profit: will stand Investiga tion. Price $1S00, terms. Yates, 245 Fourth st. SWELL 11 -room house, brand new fur niture, rooms xnted all the time, clears $100 month. Price $2100. some terms. See Mrs. Keller. GEO. T. MOORE CO. 10Q7 Yeon Bldg. bMALb Aft. -tiuufen,, tine location, close to cars and town, furnace heat. Income average $215 per month; no agents. Main 2850. OWNER will sell furnishings of 22 rooms. walking distance, clears 160 month; price $2500. $1800 down. Rent on buiid- ings S4Q; lease, ah jiw. oregonian. WANTEr 12 to 16 rooms, H. K., White h . -Tempi a district: must be steam or fur- mice heat; nust be & bargain; owners oe!y. Main 7044. 5 ROOMS, rent $22.50; clean, well fur nished, income about $75; price $500, part terms, snow house Sunday. Broad way 1740. - 60;ROM hoiel and. housekeeping, clears $450 mo., 5-year lease, low rent, good furniture, terms or part trade. Charles Rlngler & Co., 225 Henry bldg. SICKNESS compels me to dispose of one of the best paying rooming houses, walk- T ing distance, in city; nets $00 per month; $1000 will buy It 395 Sixth st. OWNER will sell 44-room modern hotel, absolutely at a bargain; I really want to sell ; my price will prove It. The Royal, cor. East 3d and Morrison. WILL pay cash for a small rooming house on the west side; have buyers for large ones. rei. .j-iain rw. $850 CASH, fine little rooming house, can't be beat, nice for lady alone or elderly couple. Owner, East 1908. BY OWNER, 20-room hotel. Fine loca tion; nice place and lease. 91)4 N. Broadway. - Call 517-61. WANT Buy furnishing apt. house, brick bldg. Mrs. Lawson, Main 867. 416 Chamber of Commerce." FOR BEST bargain In apartment boas see members of the Realty Board. Yates Realty Co.. 245 Fourth at. Y OWN ER, 13 rooms, nice f umi ture ; makes very pretty home. 846 College st, WANT good rooming house, 10 or mors 3638. B I'M IN ESS OPPORTUNITIES. Hotels and Rooming Houses. - M E LENT COMPANY. Hotels, Rooming and Apartment Houses. od--4 is,, w. iiank Bldg. Phone Main S5tiu for ADuomiment If you wish to buy or sell, come In and talk it over; 14 years in this busi ness enables us to give you salisiactory service. APARTMENT HOUSES. 34 APARTMENTS. - Here is your oDnortunitv to Ket place unequaied In location., ideaiiy ar ranged lor renting to desirable tenants close in on west side; requires $11,000 casn; price on application. tfO-ROOM APARTMENT HOUSE. Corner building, hardwood doors, au tomatic elevator; clearing over $050 per month; can be had on terms; $10,000 nrst payment; price $17,000. :1U APARTMENTS Best buy on the market; corner brick Dui.uing. automatic elevator; arrange a in two and three-room, each with bath and dressing room: requires $10,000 casn; special price for quick sale as owners art leaving ine cuy. 50 ROOMS. Small apartment, brick building, close in, . west side location; good for $G00 month the year around; line for man and wife; special price for quick sale, $10,000. 24 APARTMENTS 2-ROOM APTS. Beautifully furnished corner brick; very ciean ; clearing $500 per month ; $MJ00 cash required; price $11,500. 30-KOOM HOTEL. White pressed brick corner building; steam heat, hot and cold water and large closet in every room; clearing $400 per month, rooms rented by the mouth; price $750O. 00-ROOM HOTEL. Large, ai ry rooms, pri va t e bath, e le vator, downstairs lobby; Northwestern heat; long lease; clearing $700 per mo. Price $14,000. 52 APARTMENTS. j Close in. white tiressed brick corner building; rent $700 per month; long lease; this place is netting over $1200 per month; requires $15,000 cash to handle this; don't miss this opportunity. 30 APARTMENTS. Rent $400; automatic elevator; near Washington street: 4-year lease, clear ing $IH per month; $12,000 cash, bal ance easy terms. 46 APARTMENTS. Rent $500; close in on west side: will sell furniture for $13,00l; requires $0000 cash, balance as you make it. ROOMING HOUSES. This department is under the personal management of MRS. McCLAIN. A small place clearing $100 a month; rent only $25 for corner in best location; fine rug-s. brass beds, silk floss mat tresses; price $1050 .terms. This is beau tifully clean; read yto move into at owe. 9 rooms and sleeping porch ; income $25; nice place to live the year around, with ail your expenses paid. $350 gives' possession; full price $S50. a room rioarinir S35. besides nice apt. for owner; rent $20; price $0u0, cash to handle $250. 11 beautiful rooms, corner home and garage; dandy furnace, elect, and fire places, best of plumbing; furniture in good condition; selling for quick sale at $1750, with easy terms to reliable party. Will take Ford car as part payment or trade in a Buttk. 55-room brick hotel, h. k. and sleep ing rooms; transient; elec- stoves, nice clean white kitchen: living quarters for owner; clearing $450 a month. Price $rjmj. witn terms'. THESE BARGAINS CAN'T BE BEATEN. I'LL GUARANTEE ANY OF THEM. 21 rooms, furnace, hot and cold water, rent $00, very nice furniture. Many places no better than this others ask $4500; my price for it all is $2500, less for cash. This place clears $140 month, besides providing good home. It's clean, 20 rooms. Northwestern heat, close-in, steady, transient and H. K. rooms; rent lowest in Portland on lease; clears $230 month and makes good home besides; couldn't be cleaner.. New and homelike; I-'I mo will handle this. ' 28 rooms, tjeam heat, hot and cold water in every apt., gas ranges, heat is furnished by owner o bldg. This place can be bought for $2000 on terms, cleaned up and sold for $3500 easily. 10 very nicely furnished rooms, well located on west side; $1000 at $500 down will buy it. This is first time offered and is an exceptional buy. Hurry! 9 rooms, clean, $850, terms. 8 rooms, $050; a good one. Exclusively for sale through J. BRUCE GODDARD, 501-2 Couch bldg. 4 ROOMS, White Temple location, tur- nace heat, electric lignts, goou rurnuure; 1 private and 1 public bath; will clear $100 and apartment; $1800, $1200 han dles. 15. mns. rent $40: stove heat, elec- trfc lights: clears $125 per month; best White Temple location; $1000 handles. 10 rooms, tenants furnish own heat and gas; electric lights; neta $8i; neat and clean; price $1350, terms. 8 rooms, furnace heat, electric lights. very best furniture In fine condition ; near Washington and Ella streets; make lovely home. Price $1200. terms. MAIN 3038. C. E. BOW DEN CO.. 815 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. DON'T MISS THIS. " 90-room modern pressed brick cor. bldg.. all 2 and 3-room apts., witn private baths and phones, completely furnished, including all gas ranges and rpfrigerators, clearing over all expenses $800 month, besides your own 3-room apt. This is the best buy on the mar ket. $15,000. See Mrs. Keller. GEO. T. MOORE CO. 104)7 Yeon Bldg. WHERE YOUR MONEY EARNS LAR GEST NET Suppose we offered you a hundred per cent investment. You would take it. Here it is: juoaern apartment house, walking distance: about 50 rms. Nets $375. $3200 cash handles. Small balance to suit you. Must Be sold this wee'k. Open Sundny. O. H. SKOTHEIM COMPANY, , 332-333 Railway Exchange Building. C. & H. INVESTMENT. S15.000 cash down will handle one of the largest and best furnished west side apartment houses; strictly modern in every way; shows a net prom or over $14,000 per year. No trades considered. tuuvKti v nui-iviAw, 322-3-4 Failing Bldg., 3d and Wash. We do not misrepresent. 17 ROOMS 17. No hill district, close to Wash. St. running water in apts.; furnace heat, well furnished, clean as a Pin: people on wail ing list; clears $150. besides your own room; price ov win uaiiuiu. PETERS, 15 N. otti St. 35 ROOMS H. K. Steam heat, rent $50, ease. Nets i-'s.. frice suu. main oii LOST AND FOUND. LOST A valuable diamond ring in the huH newa section or I'ortiana, saiuraay will describe to finder and pay liberal reward. AH 300, Oregonian. LOST On Jefferson st., bet. 12th am i:;th. about noon Thursday, one- iaay red' fox fur. If found callMiss Blossom Rasmussen, Main .-. LOST Large bunch of keys on 2 rings between 3d and Broadway or between postoffice on 6th to Stark. .Reward. Kast - nil. t.ost Den 3. in do wn town section or Hawthorne car. oid gold garnet oar pin. valued as keepsake. Kewara. Au tomatic 218-71. LOST BY WORKING GIRL ON E. 11TH ST. . SOUTH. SMALL COIN rUKSaJ CONTAINING $11 IN" BILLS. KEYS AND RINGS. CALL EAST 520. STOLEN The 2 girls who took the purses from Muriark's hall last Saturday nignt, return same by next Saturday night and avoid trouble. SMALL silk purse containing child's .lost in Meier & Christmas money Frank's or 15c store. Phone Sellwood 054, ' LOST Between Woodstock and Hawthorne hridee. mans navy blue sailor coat. Tools and pearl beads in pocket. Re ward. Sellwood 1683. LOST Fox fur on Morrison between 6th and Broadway, about 8 o clock Friday morning. E 26, Oregonian. t party who found tire at Third and Oak please return to Western Union; re- wara. jee tiarmon. LOST Tuesday evening, a small brown purse containing about $15. Phone Bdwy. 423 Monday. Reward. LOST or strayed from Ainsworth st., near Ockley Green school, small Guernsey .heifer? Finder please call Woodlawn 21. LOST Gold and pearl handle Aimbrella, with name Mrs. W. G. Upson oji end of handle. Phone Woodlawn 2786. LOST Man's pocketbook in Simon's store. $25 in bills, some change. C. H. Gulians, 1703 E. 11th S.. Sellwood. Reward. LOST Eng'ish setter , do?, w hite, black ana tan, new oiacK coiiar on. rnone c.. L. Taylor. Main f.w Monday. Reward. FOUND Sum of money, Dec. 4; loser must Identify. Call at Schweitzer & Eagin, 502 Columbia bldg. Mar. 11)37. POCKETBOOK containing $10 check and some currency; $5 reward. 550 Market. Main 5552. - ' FOUND Small purse with money; owner may have by paying for. this ad. Call Main 4354, office hours. LOST From 60 E. 24th st. North, black and white female fox terrier. Phone East 1909. LOST Black and white long-haired pup. Phone Tabor 5391. LOST Fox terrier ; answers Bud. Reward. East 187-5. to name of FOUND-r-Wrist watch on Broadway. R. P. BerryABenson hotel. LOST Gold pin, pearl center, " valued as he epsake. Reward. Auto. 310-7 7. FOUKD A pawa ticket. East 0176. LOST AND FOUND. THE FOLLOWING articles were found on cars of the P. K., L. & P. Co. Dec. 17: s purses, 1 pr. glasses, 2 pins, 1 bunch of keys, school tickets, 2 pr. gloves, 1 g I. glove, 2 boukd, 1 rubber, sweater, hat, pr; trousers, 7 packages,, market bag, thermos bottle, 2 lunch boxes, o suitcases, la umbrellas. Owners may obtain property at First and Alder sts, LOST Liberal reward will be paid ' to anyone giving information which will lead ta the recovery of a suitcase and contents left by Merton D. Sackett in some hotel or lodging house in Portland curing tne month , of August, ivzv. Notify B. F. Manley, attorney at law, Harvard. Illinois. WILL party who picked up package con taning 3 pictures and 2 frames on Friday afternoon at Meier & Frank's re turn same to lost and found desk at Meier & Frank's. Pictures of no use to anyone else but valuable to owner. LOs'l' in iner, 5 pieces launching tim ber, 12x30 each 30 to 40 feet long; suitable reward for location and return of same. Northwest Bridge & Iron Co., footof Sheridan strefct. 'lei. Main UJ3. LOST Between Kenton church and 3509 Elmore St., October 20. brown linen table runner embroidered in white water lily. Call Wood lawn 2116. LOST Black and white bull pup, stub tail, on Foster road, aoout 72d St.; an swers to name Tex, Notify Sellwood 2125 lor reward. LOST On Glisan and Broadway, cameo oroocn, aoout b o clock lourauay morn ing; wanted more as a keepsake. 7l)5 Minnesota ave. WILL the party who found draft made out to i,ucitie Kathlon please return same to manager at Bab's restaurant, 320 Stark St.? No questions asked. LOST Friday P. M., in Roberts' store, a swack bag fastened with rubber; can describe fully. Call Tabor 1'JLtS. Liberal reward. SPECIAL NOTICES. FOR QUICK and reliable service bring your stenographic work to Helen E. Gil breath, public stenographer. U18 Pla; umg. .nam tj a. NOTICE to hunters: Bring your game to us ana we win aress it tor you. bam ( tary Poultry Market. u2M .Waahat Proposals Invited. NOTICE OF BOND SALE. Sealed bids will be received until the hour of 10 o'clock A.' M. the 15th day of January, 1121, by the undersigned, and immediately thereafter publicly opened by the County Court of Jefferson County, Oregon, at the office of said 'ourt In the County Courthouse Madras, Oregon, lor the purchase 4 bond of said County issued for the building of permanent roads therein the sum of $50,000, same being a por tion of any authorized issue of $100,000, same being in denominations of $1000 cacti, numbered from 1 upwards, dated January. Ir 1921, and maturing January l, iy4i (without option of prior re' demption , said bonds to bear interest at six per cent (6) per annum, pay able semi-annually on . January and July first, principal and interest pay able in United States gold coin at the Fiscal Agency of the State of Oregon in New l ork city. Said bids must be accompanied by a certified check for 6 per cent of the amount bid and must be unconditional, , The approved legal opinion of Messrs. Teal, Minor & Win tree of Portland Oregon, will be furnished any successful bidders. The Court reserves the right to re ject any or ail bids. S. D. PERCIVAL, Clerk. SEALED bids will be received until De cember 23, 1020, for a stock of groceries located at Rainier, Or., Inventory of which can be seen at t41 Pittock block Portland, Or. The right is reserved to reject any and all nidH. Hlus must be accompanied by a certified check of 10 per cent of the amount offered and pay able to i. vv. ivenuaii, trustee. WANTED Bids for wrecking house No. 105 Tenth st. For further Information apply room 222 Filed ner bldg. Miseellaneont. NOTICE TO NAVIGATORS. Notice is hereby gfven that The Pa cific Telephone & Telegraph Company. a corporation, has erected on the shores of the Columbia river at a point mile north or con in rocK, on tne Oregon siae. and also at approximately 1300 feet north of the mouth of the Ka4ama river on the Washington side, to monuments. nameiy, aignooaros set on poais in plain view, bearing the words "Cable Crossing. The Pacific Te eohone & Tele graph Company," which said signs mark the landing place on the shores of the Columbia river of an additional sub aqueous telephone and telegraph cable, approximately 2418 feet in length, which on October 15, 1920, was laid across said river in a general easterly direction from the said landing as the Oregon eide of said Columbia river and between the termini above described: said cable being laid at the same approximate location as two formerly existing cub aq ueous cables w h ich cross the said Columbia river between the same ter mini and the. landing places of which are marked by the same signboards as above described. This notice is published for the pur pose of in'orming all navigators of the oescrlption and purpose of the monu ments aforesaid, and of the general course, landings and termini of the cable aforesaid. THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE ft TELEGRAPH COMPANY. By H. J. Tlnkham, Division Superintendent of Plant. NOTICE TO NAVIGATORS. Notice is hereby given that The Pa cific Telephone & Telegraph company, ' a corporation, has erected on the shores of the Yaquina bay at a point 100 ft. west of the government's rtar range sign on the north side and also at tne county road dock on the south side of the said Yaquina bay, two monuments, namely, stgnbeprds set on posts in plain view, and bearing the words "Cable Crossing. The Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Com pany," which said signs mark the landing places on the shores of the Yaquina bay oi a certain subaqueous telephone and telegraph cable, 2250 ft. in length, which on November 23, 1920, was laid across saio bay in a general southerly direc tion from the said landing on the norta era e to tne sata landing on the soutn side of the said Yaquina bay and be tween the termini above described. This notice is published for the pur pose of .Informing all navigators of thr description and purpose of the monu ments aforesaid, and of the general course, landings and termini of the cable aforesaid. THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE A TELEGRAPH COMPANY. By H. J. Tlnkham, Division Superintendent of Plant. NOTICE OF MEETING OF LANDOWN ERS OF M U LTNOM A H COUN T Y DRAINAGE DISTRICT NO. 1. Notice is hereby given that the board of supervisors has called a meeting of the owners or land in Multnomah county drainage district No. J, to be heid on Wednesday, the 20th day of December, 1020. at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Swiss hall (No. 283 1-3 Third street, near Jefferson street), in the city of Portland, Oregon, at which time and place such owners shall meet for the purpose of selecting one supervisor who shall hold his office for three years or until his successor Is elected and quali fied. At said meeting each owner shall be entitled to one vote in person or by proxy for each acre of land owned by him in such district. Dated this 10th day of December. 1020. J. O. ELROD. President Board of Supervisors. Attest: D. C. POWELL, Secretary. NOTICE. Mrs. C. H. Saunders having left her home and board at Newberg, Or., to live In the city of Portland, her husband will not be responsible for any bills incurred by her. FROM this date I will not be responsible for any debts contracted by my wire. LESLIE L. SAVAGE. FINANCIAL. WANTED THREE CLEAR-HEADED, PROGRESSIVE BUSINESS OR PRO FESSIONAL MEN ON THE BOARD OF DIRECTOS TO DECIDE FUTURE DEVELOPMENT OF COMPANY PRO DUCING NECESSITY OF WORLD WIDE DEMAND. WRITE BOX BD 259 OREGONIAN. WOULD you hesitate to buy wheat at one cent a bushel, or coal at a cent a ton or any other salable necessity at this price? Have lust such an investment that can be demonstrated. Now yielding higher-sreturns than any regular Invest ment. Write or call for information, 401 Railway Exchange bldg., Portland. MONEY TO LOAN on surplus stocks of merchandise placed In storage with us. Phone Broadway 8715. Security Storage & Transfer Co.. 3 4th street, corner of Pine. Y0TJR REAL ESTATE BOND. Send in your application so that it can be taken care of right away. ANYTHING IN THE BONDING LINE. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EX. IS YOUR MORTGAGE FORECLOSED? If your mortgage is foreclosed don't Just quit and lose ouL I will give you a good trade for your equity. S 166, Oregonian. ; CASH paid for mortgages and sellers' con tracts on real estate in Washington, Ore gon. H. E. Noble. 316 Lumbermens bldg. WILL sell $15,000 worth of sellers' con tracts at a liberal discount; need money to build. Tabor 2740. BUY bonds, notes, contracts, mortgages. ,F. H. Lewis, 802 Lewis bldg., 4th ft Oak. FINANCIAL, EXCLUSIVE DISTRIBUTORS County and regional, including ' states, make largp profits on permanent contracts "iiiiiH r r-1 1 1 1 t uniuniT irr ci'sr closed chamber intensif !er built riefdly Into the head of the plug delivers 5O0O more vol is than ordinary straijcht-roeo pIuks. Penn nlues fire in oil and mvt fuel. Insulators won't break in use. Penn plugs are marketed under positive ruar- antee to be the best constructed and I most efficient spark plug. Contracts covering sale of one-half million Jiow in force. Capital required In proportion to area and population of territory taken. Penn Manufacturing Company, Kansas City. Mo. ' LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED. YOU BUY OR SELL AX AUTOMO BILE. WE FURNISlf THE MONEY. OUR SERVICE WILL PLEASE YOU. OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO., 20 SELLING BLDG., 2D FLOOR. PRIVATE party will buy contract of sale , or real estate mortgage, labor Money to Loan on Real Estate. RESIDENCE! LOANS. 7 per cent, five-year period. You may pay $100 or any multiple thereof account principal semi-annually and reduce in- J teres t on loans under $M)00. INSTALLMENT LOANS. Will loan 60 per cent value house and lot at 7 per oenc You pay one-half of 1 per cent account principal monthly. For example. $2000 loan, you Day S10 month ly and Interest; you have privilege of payinir $100 or any multiple thereof I rnontniy, interest reduced accordingly. KO COMMISSION. BUSINESS LOANS. Five-year period, 6 per cent. Excellent repayment privilege. ' MORTGAGE LOAN COMPANY. Main 308. 407 Yeon Bdg. CITY LOANS. NO COMMISSIONS On improved property, or for improve men t purnoses. The best and easiest method of paying a loan is our monthly payment plan. $32.26 per month for 36 months, or $21.24 per month for 00 months, or $15.17 per month for 06 months pays a loan or tiuuu ana interest. Loans of other amounts In same pro portions. Reoavment nrf vlleareM EQUITABLE SAVINGS A LOAN ASSN. L'la stark St.. Portland. Or. NO DELAY UUICK ACTION- REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE LOANS. On imp. city property or Willamette Valley farms or for itnrv nnrr, All amounts. $1000. $15uo. $20O0 aud up. oemT3 contracts purcnascd. F. H. PES HON, U5 Chain, of Com. bldg MORTGAGE LOANS. On real estate security, any amount iioui uo up on improved ctty or farm THE LAWRENCE COMPANY. 205 Corbett Bldg. Main 6915 A 2815. REAL ESTATE .MORTGAGES. AMOUNTS j-i.-wi to l :.oo We can tell you on Inspection whether we can make your loan or not. We have on hand any reasonable amount of money tor tins size loans. SMITH-WAGONER CO., STOCK EXCH. MORTGAGE LOANa. FARM AND CITY PROPERTY. 6 AND 7 PER CENT. INSTALLMENT LOANS. NO COMMISSION. UNION ABSTRACT CO., 83 4th ST. HENRY BLDG. on.iu vs i uua l -we loan monrv on real estate; no commission. 0 and 7 per cent I on choice loans, long time, short time; I monthly payments, pay as you can; sums to suit; contracts. 'd mortgages; liberty bonds bought. 725 Gasco bid., fith and Atuer. lA-nars-.Muritm so. MORTGAGE LOANS on farm and city property. Prompt and helpful service! Liberal repayment priv ileges. ioest WESTERN BOND & MORTGAGE CO., ou rouru si., rornana. or. MORTGAGE LOANS. Any amount, low rates, promptly closed. attractive repayment privileges. A. 11. LIRRELL CO.. 217 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114. a. 41 IS. $00,000 TO LOAN In sums to eult on eitv. uuuruan auu tarnis. nuiiaing Joans a fcpeciauy, WILLIAM G. BECK. 1:15-218 FAILING BLDG. THIRD AND WASHINGTON. FARM LOANS. Insurance company money to ioan at lowest current rates on wmamette val ley rartns; no commission, no delays. DEVE 1EAUX MORTGAGE COMPANY, hi Sixth st.. Portland. Or. MORTGAGE LOANS on Improved farms ana city property, ravora Die repaying privileges; no commission or delay. THE OREGON MORTGAGE CO., LTD. 309 Piatt bldg. Main 5371. $300. $400. $500, $000, $ti00, $1000. $1200, fiiuu, s-'uuu ana up, lowest rates, quica action, pay on iuo or more at any in terest date. Gordon Mortgage Co., til inam. oi com. uiag. Aiain iiu. MCNEYTO LOANON IMPROVED " REAL ESTATE. OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO.. 20S SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1800. $300. $400. $500. $750. $1000 AND UP Low rates; quica action, r rea w. tier man Co., 732 Cham, of Coin, Main 6445. TO LOAN, $20O0 or part on improved city property, at 7 per cent. Private parties only, j i'ir, tiregoninn. MUNE1T to loan on real estate securit at going rate of interest. Otto & liaiKsoa Realty Co., 413 Cham, of Cora. MORTGAGE LOANS. 0 and 7 per cent Louis Saloman Co., 40a selling piflg. MONEY to loan on real estate, 7 per cent Geo. P. Lent, 714 Corbett bldir SEE OREGON INV. MORTGAGE CO., 222 Cham, of Com., 4tn ana stara. TO LOAN $1000 to loan on city prop erty; private party. all taoor o.iu Money to Loan Chattela and Salaries. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN. MONEY AT 2 PER CENT. ESTABLISHED BY PORTLAND B&SINES3 MEN TO PROTECT BOR ROWERS. ' LOANS MADE ON DIA MONDS. WATCHES. JEWELRY. VIC TROLAS. PIANOS. LIBERTY BONDS AND FURNITURE. 394 'STARK ST.. NEAR 10TH CARRIE MYERS HERMANN. Mgr. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN. DO YOU NEED MONEY AT LEGAL RATES. QUICK SERVICE? YOU CAN GET IT TODAY. LOANS MADE ON AUTOMOBILES. FURNITURE. PTANOS. VICTROLAS, REAL ESTATE. BONDS. ETC. If your payments are too large on your automobile or furniture contracts, we will pay them up and advance you more money if iieeded. We make a spe cialty of these loans and leave the se curitl In your possession, and you can repay us in small monthly payments WE ALSO MAKE SALARY LOANS to salaried people on their own notes. Rates reasonable. Private offices. All busi ness strictly confidential. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY. (LICENSED.) 306-307 Dekum bldg. Marshall 28. S. W cor. Third and Washington. CHRISTMAS MONET. WE LOAN MONEY to salaried and working men oa their personal note. NO MORTGAGE NO TNDORSEJt. NO PUBLICITY. ' ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. We also loan on household furniture, pianos, etc., without removal. CALL AND SEE US TODAY. Investigate our modern money-lending methods. It will cost you no more now than it you wait until a few days before CHRISTMAS. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY LICENSED. " 218 Failing Bldg. S. E. corner Third and Washington Sts. MONEY TO LOAN on aiamonas, waicnea, jewelry and bonds, legal rates; all goods held l year. V l.NtS J Cj VV L K I Cl U Kb, 114-116 Third st., corner Washington. MAIN C040. MONEY TO LOAN on goods placed In storage with us. We can save you money. Low interest rates. Phone Broadway 3715. Security Storage A Transfer Co., 53 4th street, corner of Fine. QUICK money to salaried people on un secured note. Confidential inveatlna- ' tton. 310 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Licensed. MONEY TO LOAN on diamonds, jewelry, legal raten, articles held a year; estab lished 1888. Dan Marx Co., 2h3 Wash. HATHAWAY Loans on pianos and furni ture; legal rates. 208 Washington bldg. Loans Wanted. WANTED $3000 on new bungalow In Rose City farK. o. J. Johnson, 318 Henry bldg. SEE OREGON INV. ft MORTGAGE CO.. 222 Cham, of Com.. Fourth and .Stark. $9000. -7 on double residence, Irvington, income oo montn. Kst tia.'a. $475 sellers contract; 157 discount. $25 per mo. AR. 103 Oregonian. WANTED From private party, $2000 on rorusma aome tui uasco, jiaia w FINANCI l. losuis Wanted. I ARE YOU SATISFIED WITH 7 OR 8 ? Certainly not. You would like to make more if you believed your fund were as naie as ir tny were piareu on ral etat mortgages. We can otter you the opportunity to receive lo'4 at minimum in our company, seeu reu iy cah collateral, with excellent prospects to make 20V or mora teldeit. iiankers, at tnrnrys and prominent business men have placed their funds after thorough in vwt lira tlon. AN uregnnmn. LOANS WANTED. $2OO0 on modern reld'nce, east tide, valued by owner. IM00. $3000 on new modern residence clow In. east side, valued I7.VM). rxinv ma ww. tkphsit a trust Co.. BONDS, MORTGAGES. SAFETY BOXES 24 (tk, bet. 4th and -nth sts. FRANK L. McGUlKK. with his years of experience and expert knowledge or values, is In a position to safeguard your every interest in loaning four money. Hundreds of applications (or loans. Office of personal service. Let us loan your money. See J. Logle Richard son, manager of loan department, Ab Ington bldg. Main 10,03. HERMAN MUELLER, 1025 Gasco Bldg; 125,000 on $70,000 property, 7 per cent. $i)000 on $22.5oo property. 7H per cenL BETTER THAN BONDS. HERMAN MOELLER, 1025 Gasco BUlg. WE HAVE some good rea (estate contracts ana mortgages in amounts or mu ana above, payable In monthly Installments ana bearing 7 per cent Interest, whicn we win aiscount o per cent. ta. ow man & Co.. 210 Cham, of Com. bldg, I a. n i sio,im on ral improved Portland property aiut-U at $45,000. good moral hsk ; win pay 7 per cent. RITTER. LOWE & CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Building. $400 AT 8 PER CENT. $450 at 8 ner cent .s.o at 8 per cent; securities offered are homes in Portland and vicinity and we recommend them. Fred W. German Co., 7IJ hamper of Commerce HIdg. $10.iHH) LOAN wanted, to be secured by nrst mortgage on brick buxlneFs build ing, present mortgage $20.0O0, which I will pay down to the amount wanted After Tuesday call at 025 Henry bldg. nroauway fiN.iM. LAUKELHl liST loan of $1500 wanted irom private party on building loan; will pay 'p and give you the be ne tit of the broker's! 2 commission; positively no agents. an j4, Oregon Ian. LOAN WANTED $f.-,no Repayable at $lo0 per month Portland Heights, large lot; fine new nnmtt insurance $0mh. SMITH-W AGONER CO., STOCK KXCIf. PRIVATE party has first mortgage, $.hhh interest o , ptiyabie semi-annually, so cored by a farm which sold lor $.!5,0o0 casn. min is a safe, sane investment. i -Jt. urcgonian. Di S )l N T 20 per cen t, $25,000. 6 per cent nrst mortpago, given Tor d years, 2 years 10' month yet to run. 42iM A Eastern Oregon land. AR 214, Oregonian, WANTED From private party, $1500 frr six months at 10 per cent; security $00u worth of fine household furniture. No -agents. G 2!0. Oregonian. $120O LOAN WANTED. 10. ONE YEAR, M K :i J it I T V 4 TO 1 I I N SI K 15 1 M ) 1..IIOO, ADDRESS AM 222. ORKGONIAN f.VH WANTED. Wanted. S5oo for IH das. for buinef purpot-: will Day 10 per cenL AN 2oJ. Oregonian. -,1 h i RVl.GTo N. Three years at 7 Per cent; COxlOO lot and nice home. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK E X C If. FOR GILT-EDGE 7 and e mortgage Donas in local concerns see Oregon in vestment St Mortgage Co., 22U Chamber ot Commerce bidg. $35O0 LOAN on flrt mortgage on im proved farm near Hillsboro, 3 to o years, h'i ; only lenders answer. AN-JUU. Ore gonian. WANT $30,000. 7 per cent, 1st mortgag. west side; income property ; rerurity 5 to 1 : no siren is or commission. Owner. AK 13, Ort-Koman. WANT To borrow $700 on modern lltlie home ; private party preferred. Trea Jacobs. 03uJ 94th st., Lents station. Ml S-ott car. WA NTKI) $700 loan on good security. Plume todnv 237-28. Cal Monday 4o7 E. Morrison or phone 21tt-o3. SELLERS contract $1500. well located res. deuce property, discount reasonable Hiiiount. K 251, Oreifnnian. flooo WANTED from principal direct on nrst niorifcufte at excellent security. ax nw. Oreiconian. $25oo AT 7 PER CENT on nice residence Ht Mt. Tabor with large lot. value $M00. H. I.KK PAGET. 022 Corbett HUlr. LOA N wanted, $sooo, on eastern ' egn wheat land ; private Party preferred. P 20O.' Oregoninn. VV A NTKI) $i0 KOil ONE YEAR. GM. SECURITY: WILL PAY S PER CENT AND $25 BONDS. AK 2. OKKGOMAN. WANTED $10H) at 7 per cent, second by o-room noiiHfl in Hawthorne dlatrict. ('all 417 Chamber of Com. Main 5250. W A NT to borrow from private Individual 9"'HJ on bungalow near Alberta street. AN 1 10, Oregonian. WANT $100 down on So acres under irri gation project, w. r. Wilson, r4 B. 2Uth it., Portland, Or. Phone K. 1 752. GILT-EDGE FIRST MORTGAGED. MADE AND HOLD. F. H. DESIION, 615 CH A. OF COM. PG. AM OFFERING a couple of good first mortgages Ht 7 4 per rent discount. Charles Hntick. 032 Chnmber of Corn. WANTED $2uo0 Hood River orchard property. Chas. A. Ganoe, Route 1, Hood River. $00. K9r on 10 acres Columbia highway. vale I25QO. East 3 20. I'RIVATE party, $I2MI. new bune.ilow, for 3 years. La wson t o.. Main su. $1000 AT 7 PER CENT from private party on none tuy nnngn row. i nnnr 7 1 74. $i:oo ON HOUSE and 2 full teres in Roue City rarK dtatrict. Tttttor 5.W. $ 150i 8',e on new bungalow m ar Sandy Blvd. Kat K.I2H. rKRSONAL. MAGNETIC OR DRUGUESS HEALING. The Weltmer method, as practiced by Professor Pcasley, will cure 05 per cent or the so-cn lied Incurable diseases a fter 10 years practice can show over .t.iiM) cases of stomach, bladder, kidney. nervous trmihies and female dlseusee in all the forms cured without a slnxle failure, after more than i.i per cent had been given up by the bet medical skill. We cure all chronic dlseaacH. No case will be taken unless positive nf a cure. The Weltmer method of healing lias been passed on by the 1 ntted State courts, the highest In the land, and de dared sound and legitimate and lawful. Can be sen In any law office or publlo library. American School of Magnetic Healing, 1H7 U. S. vs. MTnuUy. Prof. I'easlcy is located ai ai orrison ar. Hev-lanr! ants., rooms 0 and 10. Mar st.till 200. Hours 7 to 0 50 A. M.. 12 to , R:R P. M.. Portland. ANY REA I ER of thia paper nurferlng from itoiter (big neck) can get postOv Information on how to cure it at home without the least trouble or dlKcomrort. There ia a pleasant surprise In store for vou If you will write: no han whatsoever: tell others. It will help ua all. Dr. Rock, Box A-737, Milwaukee, WH. TO PROVE what rejuvenating of niaa sage and electricity will do for weak or tired nerves, inflammation or Indige tion, will give treatments of 1 hour for $1 each. Thia offer good for 1 month. 8 215, Oregon Ian. GOITRE and enlara-ed elands; curs your self; no knife, no drugs, no pain; unique process; external use only ; references lurnis nea. t'avia m. r arner, eucccaeor to A. It. Strachan, 517 Chamber of Com merce bldg. Phone Main 4X77. DR. G. KING, PHYSICIAN, Dr. King treats atl kinds of chronic diseases; hours 9 to 5 and 7 to 9 P M. for the worklnr people. Main 3277. t0NU Allrky bldg. 3d and Morrison. Drug lea methods. 31 years' experience. THE POWDER PUFF SCIENTIFIC SCALP AND FACIAL WORK. HAIR PRESSING AND MANICURING. SUITE 637 MORGAN BLDG. AUTO. A2H-3, OPEN TUESDAY AND FRIDAY EVES. MRS. HANSEN WANTS HELP. People, please help Mrs. Unnifn; she has three children; she needs clothes, rood and money. Room 28. 213" Kirt near Salmon. WANTED For adoption, baby Rirl from 2 to 4. blue eyue: rmin unroriunate sin preferred: no questions asked. W 225, Oregonian. flL.ES tun b permanently cured without opi-atlon. Call or writ. Dr. De.n, b.c- ond and Morrison. CAST YOUR OWN HOROSCOPK. Complete at of book, on aatrolnfy cheap. Kaat C'lH). WANT to hear from yonnir muslrl.n. who df-alr. (tn play in touring cluuio orchea. tra. Tabor ai'HV COVPI.B With no children would board Klrl from to 10 yeara, nut lood achooL AO y."!. Oreironlnn. JUNICIDE will cur. rheumauim or mon.i back. 4t8 Dekum bldg. RUPTURE CAN BE CURED without an operation. Free booklet. P. O. Bo 110J. MACK, pleas come back; am left .Ion, on writ, to me. same plac. Florence. E. W. COL.L.TNS CALL. AT OFF1CK. 447 MORGAN JjLDG., AT OMCK URGENT. I'IKHON AL GET WKLU rnr.K. khp. mkh Every dsy, from J0 A. M. to A p. l.. end evenings from C to ft, and Uundne from 10 tn 12. THOUSANDS Oir PPrrFREKS WHO HAVE FAILED lo rt relief m any oihr way are tnvlt4 to InveNtlgate Chlrnprariio methi. whlrb are permanently curing hundreds very day. THIS BEST OF CHIROPRACTIC 1H AGNOHTIC1ANM will thoroughly examine yon. mahe a complete dingnonta of your case end dl rect your treatments WITHOUT ANY COT TO TOU WH A TKVKR. CHIROPRACTIC U the fe. sure and modern clnc of curing and preventing Alwmmm. CHIROPRACTIC win permenently Cure t. pr cent of all ilitieaara. CHIROPRACTIC riliiuvn tb fKlM , -health returns. The above service is all free to yen at the college building and mar be bd te private If desired . PRIVATE TREATMENTS mmy aleo he nd In college building by member of the faculty, by aUbur lady or muit prac titioners. PACI FIG CH IROpR ACTIO. C Ll.KG C Corner of park and YatnhuL Tel. MHln lol4 Hospital in connection wlih coin ge Will hanrii out-of-towc; patu-iita at a nmpt n.n ble rate In order lo show wuat Lbu practlo can do. Lit. o w. ELLIOTT. President. 100 CM I HOP R CT1C M M KM Cam0Uflajt and adjuncts loie.rfrt f this Principe only add tune and noma aiat expend lo ji.r d.-hptr ( Dr. Mi Mahnn, Maclia bidg , IVm land, chiropractor of t perit n. c. a Met amateur, a Ho per cent hiropct(r specie, Int. with hlithtut (-m Inioiua a imm patients from Miiirn statm. r.unhUr with the bent ; aeo lioni stera an J local patients having unfortunuiei) Ui le than loo per t-nt ih:roprnic rise where, wiih. of c"iire, (.'orn'poiiuina dlaappoln linen t In del ed relief. Mii and women are iAtojf l1 with my loo per cent rhlmpi t m philosophy, long eipemnce and superior skill demonsi rated in eoimuiiatiou, u . ininatlons, ey, careful atljuaiiuritt, rau-s, and finally renulis. Kleventh year lit this rltT Chronic rur. one or two, taking time, ii mliuitnu-nti, $-5. Patient lmprn mi, hut slowly, i. tended tune. iil at iu.lim nts, $15, Acute caaea, lever, lumbago. inr doubting Thomases, etc., Ivs liiue, .- expense. Phone, call. wlr. writ M.un Offlie. 4th and Waah. New Home. H7 Kawt Salmon ft PREVENT DISEASE OF CT'MS. Do you know that tarur waka. Im- ftetfect fitting crowns mnl brlilvea, oer. lanatns fillinca. Irritating guma. aU contribute to pyorrhea, pua of soma, in flammation of guniA, o',-niMK (f lel f and finally o ((f teeth 7 I anertliae m first-claha dentistry; X rav eittinuaUore. IR, A. W. KKKNK. Mnjewfle Theater HMg . ;t;.i Wah cinnornACTip body mahhagf. . " I " " MA I I IN, KI.KtTII It: AND VI -HRATION TREATMENT MAKKS fHK I'HOI'LK WELL. Itl O VINCI .D, START TODAY. t'Ol'ItHKM K TMEAT MENT CAN UK HAD AT It I" A H N A It I . M RAT Ka. CALI- IN AND TALK Tills" OYER. DR. MARGARET 11 A k N 1 1. 2I HWKTLAND BLDG. DR. Eflf.KU!. PHYSirrAN. I t;ike pleasure to armmim: te th rlenco urn a druKlee plija.nan. Treat a l public that I hae U 2.1 ears' nn klndn of thrnnic dlaap-a. Hiira A to S and 7 tn 9 P. M. for working people Main 3J77. :ts U A. laky bidg., 8U and Morrf.tnn nt reel a. DIVINE MEALING Ar- ymi i k. Inei everything without any lnip? 1 am ile. voting my life hHp.njr huoiaii.'tv If need help, come to tny of lire. .o7 A'IUT bldg., 3d and irrloil at- t ft ire hours 0 to 12. I to 3, 7 tn u P. M. I r appoint ment. Dr. J. Smith. D. T. NETTIE M. HEN'SoN, D P - S t uropa i h t aietn.ida ued on NKRVOUH tn1 CHRONIC dlaeaea; traction cures km backa; mineral etemn bat ha, elert ne violet ray and scientific maaruse rlaa the syalem and hulld It up; both treated Alain 7iNt, .Hit I'vklnn bide W HITH aong poem love, mot her, bonm. comic or any eub)n( (; riiioM nnHir, guarantee pubhi-atlon; ltd wnrda to. dy. Edward Trent, 7!H Reaper 11cm k. Chicago. lb' Vol; are tired and ni voua ..u . i rejuvenate your ner voua cnte a an 4 Knur circulation by having a a'lennne. ody niHBa.iue. Dr. vil, Larnt (or. merly al 4.'7 Morgan bldg . ia now i rated at :H Motsan bldg Main 1 :!'! ft KM h to ua n n In doubt, leaiihiiMia commissions fulfilled; mail or tHephoti prlvlW-B extended ; wo put a peiooHl loucn in your .v 1. Iultifa H KUKIC. tielteral ftcrvlce- Murrau. 21 Fifth Ave.. Dept. II., New ork City, STAMP collector ami p h lie i e hat"aT"W eraT ry a fine line of Mump, a hima an ) tv pllea; stampa and bouaiii al sold; open eventnas. fl In ; Kun.Ut I to 4 Columhia Htamp i n Di NoHtl lttth street. I'hona IMv. 2019 T A K A R K ANTISEPTIC POWDK IX u " cleansing, healing grrmtrld and tnvls orating douelie, a crm Mi f,,ma disorders; Mo and $1 pr box. Port.anJ Hotel Pharmacy. FOR XMAH. Kodak enlargements colored n oiii Your favorite ?ne. tualit r work reasonable priei-e. Mls Mackenxi' AUtotTIRlIC o t-IH, T. i'' GALLS I ON KH Free book te?U of proved method of treatitig Inf amtnn t xt, of gall bladder and lHt dix-ia. today. Dr. Paddock, box lHj.'ol! Kausai City. Mo ALL the latent reined tea 'sold at Ilia t'lrn.. enaon Drug Co.. 2oo Morrison at , M Charles hotel corner. At thia drug; !..: you get in at what ou call lor. V 4 have no stihstltuip. FKRVKT IIANKHUT, leadln wig and toupe tnakera; fluent stock hum an ha if rood aj permnnent and marcel wnvintf Hcwlp treatment? Bill Alder. Main Mrt NKKTL.h; prin.nnt hntr .vin.. nln .1. b-'huty work by ex irl.n'ril oiM-.rr. Jtui ;iol bldg , llm .nil Wn.Uin.iun Fhnne Hly, 4II11 (jit AM ATfcJ chlroin.ljsf, niRnii url-l, h. pt-rMunim Imtr I'fi mum tn ly rintuv.rl, r.i'p, .ralp Hi.fl,lli.t : l.fll.'N anil kiiii-m-n. '.Ml S All"ly blilK . ,'lcl .ml M. rrl on UK. K. A. CHIKKITII. I) IV E.rt m. ..UftC, ,t.m b.lh, vlbr.tlnn, r.ri.l .ml r.lp tre.l mrntH. 1.11...' j.atron.M-. pr.. l.rrid. 4W-4IN 1 UKT.1 both fort fUi'd Up at I r. Kati.n ( tho CHIHl'I'lHH.ST ami AUCII BriJtT. who il'in t hurt you; H jra. hro; rin. frr. OlobB bll IKho: Wi.h H, y. jvl lNHKOWIXtJ nalla or hllhin in. curr.l. rrirn'iH'' trial; quirk r ilrf. Write tuiien. Kaloo. olt. ir;. n.lirluii. firr.on. rn l.l'X K M ASSAHK.M 41.1 BIM'liANAN 111.111. MAIV 11 10 A. M TO V P. M. ; AI.Mi .pl.N SfNDAYS AM Hol.lDAtH IdllAi'CO or anuff ha 111 1 riirnl or no II If ciirnl lli' ..nt on in.i, prrha Co. W. ail, Hull lin..ri-. M.1 Vr.KT HOHKt fr Pr. Klhr a. Knrrv. p.tllclirma an-i mani.-ur ink ill A M to n r. m. m.'i iiiiii imi i.i.iir m,,-. 3-7,1 VIT l Nr.T .valm-lir ir.nn-mmn,. Vlt awt-m or aal 417 Morran bll. Mnln .Hi... BUI.I'"l'K tm bath niiai. vioi.i ray .nil yinraior, y " v.i.y. Main K:iO 10 A. M to ! M STKAM bath, with hncr al I,, ,,,. bom rwrm, wllu guflijaiii, in HtlHn1 bd. Vi'll.l, Mlaa Dorothy Mart plra.r al at Poaini'""' ' , "' ',""r. lor hr mallT Oonta Hanlor. lT-o-NKT awi-at balha, lol. t trat- tnonla. oooy i-""p". ' t. ai . 10 a ( M. dally. Morgan bi.ia M,n i-,rn MAHhAGK. b4lha, lrliira. con.npatina. rh.Umaiiai" i'r. r.ioa phithwii, UltiB. l.a phya. n" Tanana Mog M.i KO CUKK. "O I'; ''ll" hair, dmlrutr. hair Blown on vi nriui, iaair, or "nl M Maclfay bid. SlIPEKKLL'OL'S hair, molia. .aria rmn4 by l.l''"i"" ii.ioo.i, iriai ir.. J. a Flnlry. 41.1 Ttiiah l.ana bul V.ln . ;ih GRADUATK nura. treaia lumbago, rtr Hour, a 51 i i'i"'ininirni. 1'Dona Main 104" Offlr. i-C Third ,t WANT to. adopt a boy or girl, J in f jeara; nav. a ni- num.. aj 42. re - aonlan. ul'AI.INK hl'MMKIIS' i.nir,1i.a fr eaaa oi womio; piiiiv. rfiH'i; fvrllic or write 24H Union. Main IMT'l. LIPA JACKSON, eaprrl man, i ur n,. f . cial. a- a.p trcatmenn Ml ii.,rii.,in pi ., room K. H tsSAUK lna!innl. phone Ih- iti n . a ln.ol. Main 7 Tub) Til hnX and tn.ia bl)l'R"l-L''t,,'', n,lr f'moye.l foiever ly multlptene,'dle method, y"! HwrVmntt hb . PH1MKUA HAI.M. formerly ra'l.d Haim" Flra. "44 K, 1'ld. Hll I.'IJI motmnra DOKSN'T Tom. Ilrk or Harry pay jfmTt Be. Vlereck. collection., liekum b'fl. El.KCTRIC CAHIN4CT KATH.H. Dr. Ironaldr, H"-I4 Uroadvray b.nM'n PERKINS National Herl. .-,iioria. building Talephon. Main Mi...1 OolTKK, .nlara-ed gianni; rnr. youraeir. A. R. Strachan. rout. 5, Hiluhoro. tr P1I.K.S CAN RK CliKK.D .Ithoul operation Free booklet. P. O. Hot Una EYES tealed tree; aperlaclea iinrant4. Pr. Balding, 243 Ald.r aU alala iwii Is'' I r fcv. " "V- - . f 1