- . . - v t THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, DECE3IBER 19, 1930 " "-. 1 1 -If HELP WANTED-FEMALE. BXPKR1BXCED naleawoman having gen eral selling experience; must furnish lo cal references. Apply Employment Of- lice Deiore ju:su. UP.UAN", WuLFE & COMPANY. EXPERIENCED SECRETARY FOR EM PLOVilK.VT OFFICE IN LOCAL. DE PARTMENT STORE. MUST HAVE EXECUTIVE ABILITY. Beat references required. Permanent position and ex cellent opportunity. WrUe to poa toff ice box stating experience, etc. WANTED. GLOVE BUYER One of the Jargci department stores of California hua a i cuenint; for a :. rut-class, ag gressive basement giove buyer; good salary and future. Box E, Uregonian, i4J Market St., San Francisco. WANTED 3 or 4 ladies of education and culture to interview mothers on the mo ml training of children. Will pay $40 a week to '.nose wuo quality, .rrererence itiven to ladies over 30. Apply 3lrt Cor- Uett Oldg. EXPERIENCED demonatrator food pro duct. Christmas week; if Huccessful, po sition prubabiy permanent: give reler enceti, experience and salary expected una tele p none number. K zlt ureyo- tnan. WANTED Exoerienced waitress Lo work Chrixtmaa week -end and New Year's week-end. A nswer at once, stating waves wanted by the day with room and board. Hotel Seaside Resort, Sea side, or. WANTED Lady lo work in bakery and wait on trade; must be of pleasing diS' toition and Eood uersonality. Statu experience if any and salary desired to start with. AN uregonian. WOMEN wanted to work In cannery; good wage, pleasant work ; car fare paid to And from Portland to factory at Van couver Wash. AudIv East tiU96 or Ore con Packing Co.. Vancouver, Uth and Hill sts. EXPERIENCED comptometer operators wanted: BtenotrraDher (female), eood sal ary; stenographer (female), out of city; double entry bookkeeper, city tlVmale). Apply ! to 10:30 A. M. Monday, 4J-A.ru WOMEN'S frotct.re Divibioo. located room 303 Police Headquarters, -U and Oak sis., will furnish information, give protection and assistance free to women WANTED A school girl to assist with binisewnrk for board and room and Mnall wages; will be treated as one of lainily and have good home. Phone Auto. 314-1S. TOUNG lady stenographer wanted. One with some experience preferred, but no ohiection to eood beirinner; position per manent; wtate experience and salary de sired, f 2H1, orefionian. W. NTED Lady to keep house and care for 3 children, must be of kind dispo sition lo children. in workmeman's home; pay small wages. Mr. Baxter, 7! Olisan st. "WANTED An elderly lady who rwill appre ciate good home more than large wages; no laundry, very little to do. Address G. C Bear, Ml S. Keliosg, SL Johns Dial. 'o!. i:.s:i. PRACTICAL NURSE, must be strong and willing; small family: all modern con veniences; patient is bed ridden. Apply afternoons M'J Johngon HoCSEIC KEEPER; must fo to the coun try; i-mall wanes; 2 to cook for. Address L. W . Do w nt, Men "s Jtesort, 4th and Hurnside sts. WANTED Thoroughly experienced beauty parlor oinrator; Marinel'o preferred; good salary and commission. Apply Feme Beauty Parlor, ulympia. Wash. YOUNG GIRL to assist with light house work, or hih school girl with studies arramrpd until noon: good home Irving lon. 540 E. 14th N. East 74X. COM PETE NT bookkeeper and stenogra plier. Take charge of office in auto parts accessory house. Apply 34 N. Kmart way. ' A i'it ACTICAL nurse wanted for night duty, small hospital. Call ail day Sun day or after o P. M. week days, lain 281. CASHIER and wrapper, experienced. Em porium. 1-4 Sixth street. WANTED Nurse for private case ; must b- cheerful and competent; able to give massage; mention price wanted and experience. AV 132. Oregonian. WANTED At once, girl or woman for dining room and kitchen help in small country hotel. For particulars write Mrs. J. Manning, Silver Lake. Or. HOUSEKEEPER for gentleman with boy 15 yearn old. someone who is Jn need of a home more than wages. R UiM, Oreponlan. bTENoGK Al'ilr-K Good permanent po sition for girl with ability; state ex perience and references. L 217, Ore frouian. ' ANY GIRL .n need of a friend apply to - the Salvation Army Rescue Home. May lair and Alexander streets, phone Main 34o0. DM car. WANTED Names, women, over 17. wish ing government railway mail office po sitions; $135 month. Answer immediately. AV MS. Oregonian. POWER machine operator wanted. One who has had experience on canvas. Co- Uimbia Awning & Shade Co., 188 2d st. WANT stenographer, one experienced In legal work; give references and experi ence. BF 180, Orgontan. HEAT young ladis for sales work; no experience necessary. 51 Chamber of Commerce. ttTENO-BuuK KEEPER, experienced, fire insurance, $75 per month. Address AG Oregonian. LABORATORY worker wanted for physi cian's office; do not apply unless expe rienced. AF 274. Oregonian. WANT lady to care for children one eve ning each week for piano lesson by ac- v credited teacner. til) 2ui, Oregonian. WANTED Laay to care for 3 little girls during day white mother works. 4D00 03d ave. and 4tnh. EXPERIENCED CASHIER. Must furnish best references. LIPMAN, WOLFE & COMPANY. THE FLORENCE Crlttenton Home is ready to help any girl in distress. UOo East Gilsan. "ilV" car. East 31tf. LADl to care for 2 children, some work. i or ooara ana room; small wages,. 14 iast 01st street bourn. WANTED Lady lor branch office, 421 u Washington st. Apply between 12:30 nnd a P. W anted Domes tics. G1KL for general housework ; must be good cook; 3 adults in family. 1H7 N. 25tn. Marshall 4107. COMPETENT maid for cooking and Ken eral housework, not over 35 years; wages tiu; references required, iast mst. WANTED Girl to housework. Will enced. Wages $23. assist with general train one inexpert Automatic 517-84. WANTED Reliable girl for general house work, private room and bath. l 120, Oregonian. WANTED Girl to do cooking and gen eral housework. No washing or ironing. 4 adults. 70'J Flanders. Main 708. HIGH SCHOOL girl to stay with2 chil dren Christmas week. M5 E. 35th S., get off on 34th, go south to Holgate. GIRL to assist with housework and care of children. Good home and wage& Call Tabor 428b. WANTED Middle-aged or elderly house keeper, comfortable home, light wont; moderate ' wages. AP 203. Oregonian WIDOWER wants housekeeper, good plain cook, kind and trustworthy with chil dren. AP 204. Oregonian. WILL give home and aiuall wages for el derly lady to heip yrith housework in small family. Tabor 7034. 4u E. 72d N. MEN AND WOME N to serve at the coun ter. Coffee Cup Lunch Room, Broadway and Washington st. See Mr. Larson, Mgr. GIRL for general nousework; small family; uages $50. pply 450 Eaat 22d N. Phone East 6320. , WANTED Competent girl for ganeral housework and cooking. Call Marshall 3750. ' WANTED Gt work. 02V oU girl eidier for general nouse a i. Pnune .at 8758. EXPERIENCED girl for general house- work. 4 in famiiy. E. 634l. OoO Knott. GOOD girl for general housework, good wages. Call East 3000. REFINED, clean woman to work for good home. N 72, Oregonian. WANTED Good housekeeper. Inquire of J. E. Simpson. West Limn. Or. COMPETENT maid for general housework. Good wages. East 5432. WANTED Girl for general housework; good home. Call Tabor 2821. MAID for general housework; must like children. 534 E. 17-th N. Irvlngton car WANTED Girl to assist with housework in small family hotel. East 8080. MIDDLE-AGED widower with boy wants housekeeper. AR 218, Oregonian. COMPETENT maid for general housework, small fa m 1 1 y. East 03 6. GIRL for general housework; pay well it competent: teach if willing. East 4085. GOOD girl for general housework. Phone Wdln. 1213. 201 Ainsworth ave. WILL give good home to elderly woman. Main 5752. WANT E D A good and 460 Holla day ave. economic cook. HELP WANTED FEMALE. Wanted Domestics. REFINED UNINCUMBERED MIDDLE i AGED WOMAN IN PERFECT HEALTH TO CARF FOR ll-MONTHS-OLD BABY BOY; NEED NOT BE A TRAINED NURSE BUT MUST BE EXPERIENCED WITH THE CARE OF CHILDREN; MUST BE WILLING TO GIVE ALL HER TIME WITH ONE WEEK DAY OFF; SMALL FAMILY AND A GOOD HOME FOR RIGHT PARTY WllU GOOD SALARY. APPLY C. S. JENSEN, LI E'ERT Y THEATER BLDG. REFINED UNIMCUMBERED MIDDLE AGED WOMAN IN PERFECT HEALTH TO CARE FOR 1U-MONTHS-OLD BABY BOY; NEED NOT BE A TKAliN ciu NURSE BUT MUST BE EXPERIENCED WITH THE CARE OF CHlLDKUi-N MUST BE WILLING TO GIVE ALL HER TIME WITH ONE WEEK BAY OFF; SMALL FAMILY AND A GOOD HOME FOR RIGHT PARTY WITH GOOD SALARY. APPLY C. S. JENSEN, LIBERTY THEATER BLDG. MAGAZINE SALESMAN with Ford car. Need a man in. every fruit district of Oregon, Yv asm n Eton. Idaho and Aion tana full or part time. Pays $50 to $8(1 per week. With good local reference you cam' secure this job. AMERICAN FRUIT GROWER, 317 Board of Trade, hortiana, or. HOUSEKEEPER for lumber com pany's family; out of town ; fare refunded; $55 per month, room and board. -35 Burnside. WANTED By widower and three boys, all school age, a good neat lady for house keeper, will give best of references, no laundry, good pleasant home and email wage for right one. Write J. A. Seline, Montesano, Wash. EXPERIENCED girl Tor cooking and downstairs work, best wages; references required. Phone Main 188. Mrs. James Rosenseld. WANTHD Thoroughly competent girl for general nouse work; family adults; good home, stato wages, give reference. F, 300 uregonian. WOMAN, over 3.", for responsible position. with permanent branch house. Largest uusiness or tne Kind In the world. Hot office. AC ZSif. O.regonian. WANTED Maid experienced in cooking ana serving, for a week or less, com mencing Dec. 24; references required, Marshall S,4. GENTLEMEN wish to engage competent woman for housekeeping position in the country; give brief personal aetails. AV a.4, uregonian. WANTED Someone to care for my two boys, 3 and 5 years old, or will share nouse iree or rent ror care of children. Phone Mar. 37:17. ttuli Sherman st. W A N T E D Lady to keep house, good nome. very little work, no children. Ap ply after 1 P. Al., 310 Clay street, or phone Main 330(1. HELP WANTED WITH INVESTMENT. WANTED Steady, capable, reliable man with toaiti or auto to sell and deliver Kawieign products; Z good counties avai lable In w estem Oregon ; big op portunity; right man can make $3000 to $0000 a year above expenses. Cajl or write the W T. Rawleigh Co., 917 Union avc, Portland. Or. WANTED Salesman to visit mills, fac tories and machine shops. You can make $5(o or more per month. Invest ment necessary to cover goods placed in your hands. Call Monday after '1 P. M. 3!o4 Morrison st., room 110. PARTNER in mail order business, either sex, sparfc or full- time. I know the business; $1'50 needed, which will be fully secured. C Oregonian. - WANTED Automobile mechanic; give experience and wages expected. Prefer someone who will take half interest in business. Box 274, Banks. Or. WANTED 2 or 3 energetic salesladies or salesmen with experience. Apply J. R. Bentieid, os Alder st., room 3. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. HAVE POSITION TO OFFER RIGHT MAN OR WOMAN. Are you satisfied with your present position? Is your present income entire ly in accord with your desires? If you wish to become associated, with an in stitution that n.akes a specialty of han dling first-class investments, if you are looking for a permanent connection with a live and growing concern and have the self-confidence and ability to fill a first ciass selling position, I would suggest that you call and see rrie at your earliest convenience, concerning an opening that I am now In position to offer the right person. A. B. Chrlstenson, INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. Bdwy. 4751. ' 410 Henry Bldg. WANTED Vocal and instrumental enter tainers. Special acts. Dancers, etc. 011 Eilers building. 11 to 4 P. M., except Simday. WANTED Names men over 17. wishing become government railway mail clerks; $ 135 month. Answer immediately. AV 817. Oregonian. PERFORMERS for dramatic show; perienced. Main 3!3lt, 10 to 4. SOLICITOR for cleaning and pressing on commission. Apply 110 Killingsworth. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. YOUNG married man, 3C, perfect health, active and with business education, in cluding ten years traveling over United States. Good talker and mixer. Have car. Willing to leave Portland; In fact, will take any kind of position that will "PAY THE MONEY." Nothing under $300 per month consid ered. This ' must be regular salary. No commission wanted. Can obey orders Implicitly and use own judgment in emergency. In representing you in any line of business can be trusted to fulfil your orders tcr the letter and in detail. Now under bond, which is considered all ref erence needed. All communications treat ed confidential strictly. Address A 25, Oregonian. ORCHAKD1ST, farmer, poultry and stock man, up-to-date in each line; good man ager and business man; many years' experience, with references, wants place iu luii, saiary or saare oasis. .M 24. Oregonian. W E REPAIR and paint roofs and fire- escapes, clean gutters, waterproof base ments, brick or concrete. Pre-war prices. worn guaranteed, floor security, inc., 220 Board of Trade bldg. Main 571. Residence. M. 5044. HAND 1 man will repair anything about ma nuuse or y arc ; iirsi-ciass eave trough and roof repairing; quick serv Ice; reasonable. Woodlawn 5554. YOUNG man would llKe position as assis tant building superintendent; can do carpenter work, plastering, kalsomining auu panning k; uregonian. ROOF ATTENTION. Does your roof leak? For shinglers can vtoouiawn jo-jo. v EXPERIENCED fireman wants place as fireman or truck or- machine cleaner in city. References. Marshall C155. FOR GOOD family, young man will work for board and room. AF 207, Ore gonlan. FIREPLACES, mantels, bathrooms re paired or new work by expert tile setter. Automatic 014-30. DO YOU need licensed electrician to Install those base plugs, bracket lights, etp? Best references furnished. East 58S5. KALSOMINING, papering, signs, cold water painting, with machine. Bdwy. osy. CARPENTER contracts for building or re pairs. a ve you money. Manny, SelL 2421. HOLLY TREE trimming by a reliable florist. Well buy the berries If you wish. Main 1T62 today. PRUNING of all kinds; have your work Main done by an experienced pruner. 1002. Res.. Main 013. TREES AND SHRUBS trimmed reason able by experienced man, lawns fertil ized. - Auto. 022-31. YOUNG man, 23, living at home, wants temporary or permanent work. A 24, Oregonian. AUTO mechanic, 10 years' experience. will Call wora on your car xor 10c per nour. Tabor 1231. PAINTING, tinting contractor; durability eu.i aiitKcu , i eaaunauie. Auto. 01-4-4J. MARRIED man wants work, will consider anything: ref ere nces. M arshal t 677. FOR BRICK MASON, mantels, chimneys, tile and cement work, call East 7068. GOOD car repairing and overhauling, $1 nour. atn-.MCJ-.augnnn. senwood 1530. JANITOR, married, no children. Mar- hail Oi i. ROOMS tinted, $3 and 4; good work and satisfaction. Alain 0588. YOUNG man wants work for board, room and laundry. At "t oregonian. EXPERIENCED painter wants work anything. A J lfri. uregonian. TRAP DRUMMER If you need a good one call wain. ivoo. MAN HANDY with tools, repairing and painting, wanta position. Tabor 27o. ROOMS tinted. $l-$3, and Woodlawn 6084. roof fixing, good. PAINTING, tinting, work reasonable. Wil- son. M aln 3 7VV. EXPERT TREE PRUNING. PHONE EAST 6002, MARRIED man needs work, handy at my work. .Broadway SdOX Apt. IV. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. BUSINESS MANAGER, Young man, high-grade, competent business executive, thoroughly familiar with modern methods of doing business, desires connection with reputable con cern as manager or retail store or stores, or in executive capacity. Now employed but desires change, location being no ob ject, where desirability and future of connection can be shown. References. Confidential. AN 80, Oregonian. ABLE-BODIED Christian Canadian (re cently bought Portland home) wants Job, not "position" ; not highly skilled mechanic, but can drive any car; give me a "try-out" at any honest labor, you set the wages. Refer by permission to F. A, Breck. mfr. Breck's loganberry Juice. Morgensen, Taoor 2678. YOUNG married man with 8 years expe rience in structural work wants position with some contracting concern. Can lay out work and handle men. Have had some technical training in structural en gineering. Will go anywhere; in for eign fields if jiocessary.;' Notify AV 813, Oregonian. i WANTED Honest and useful work of any kind by man 30 years of age: can speak Engtin, uerman aua tne jugo-siav itm spaces: can furnish bond If desired; ped dling and canvassing agencies please save your stamp. H. Maley, G. && lem. Or. W ANTED Position by a man of 33: good education and varied experiences, with concern whern Entrlish. German. Rus sian and all Slav languages will be of 1 advantage; best of references given. AH 201, oregonian. S3. Rooms tinted $3, $4; woodwork cleaned. satisfactory work ; painting and paper ing. Broadway 60 -a. $4. WANTED Position as Janitor in apart ment house.. Can give references. Un derstand ateam boilers and oil burners. Write 351 East 37th st. or call Auto matic 230-23. EXPERIENCED storekeeper, factory cost accountant and timekeeper desires pe: munent onvition with cu Ills' concern am looking for an opportunity; willing to leave the city. A 10, uregonian. MARRIED MAN wanlji work of anv kind aood mechanic and repair man; will work half or all day: can drive any kin of car; have had some grocery experi ence. K 208, Oregonian. BAKER'S helner with about 1 year's ex perie ce around ovens mostly, can also drive delivery: will take any kind of work around bakery; will leave town. AV 825, Oregonian. ARCHITECTURAL DRAUGHTSMAN thor oughly experienced and capable of tak' ing charge; knewieage or reiniorcea con crete and structural steel designing. 204. Oregonian. YOUNG man wants dairy work, milking or retailing; can give best of references. Will consider any kind of dairy work. What have you to offer? AV 820. Ore- jronian. I HAVE the ambition, wisn to earn tuition and expenses through business college have excellent references; have you tlv job? Glenn A. Grant. 203 Second st. city. ROOFS repaired at any time, rain or shine, all work guaranteed; eave troughs cleaned and repaired. Portland Roof Re pair & Paint Co. Main 0320. FOUR expert cement men and garage builders, sidewalks and foundations. Hire no help, consequently Duud at nan price. Phone Bdwy. 38. A YOUNG ex-soldier, colored, with some mechanical ability, desires position chauffeur in private family or garage. Call Marshall 3838. CHAUFFEUR, mechanic, wants job in private family or truck driver: willing to do housework; Japanese AP 231, Oregonian A YOUNtf' ex-soldier, colored, with some mechanical ability, desires position chauffeur In private family or garage. Call Mars-hall PASTRY COOK Bread or pastry cqok wants position. Has been employed by one of the leading cafeterias In town. C 226, Oregonian. MARRIED man, experienced truck driver. knows how to take care of a truck, aiso knows the city, wishes position. Call Woodlawn 50ti7. EXPERT accountant will do your counting, bookkeeping and maKe financial reports in spare time. 214, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED auto mechanic wants po eition. familiar Ford car and battery work, too; also. furnish references; Jap anese. AF 203, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED groceryman and mercan tile man wants position;-12 years' ex perience, with best of references. Phone East 1211. CHAUFFEUR. 24 years, married, 6 years experince driving, wishes private driv ing; am good mecnanic and Know cuy; beat references in city. H 211). Oregonian. EXPERIENCED man wishes to take charge of farm or dairy; married, no children. Write Dundee, Or., R. F. D. 1 Box 79. PRUNING of trees and shrubs, garden work of all kind; fertilizing; now is the proper time to d-o it. Call up Woodlawn 2941. WANTED By man and wife, work on farm ; am experienced In farm work Write E. W. Shields. 100 N .18th at,, phone Broadway 1707. 1ST AND 2d cook wants wont in country or city or work a3 cook and waiter. Broadway 3011. C. H. C. WANT to do some firing in exchange for room rent or cnores ror smaii wages; experienced, reliable. AM 215, Oregonian. Ri-::ifiTERED pharmacist, wants position, young man, single. 10 years' experience. Koom 3d-, namapo uulci. YOUNG married man wants farm and dairy work; no children. Main C2S7 W rite Otto Repp, 241 13th st. South. EXPERIENCED Japanese wishes position at housework, have reference. H 208, O re gonian. HIGH school boy wants to work before and after school for board room and small wages, ruuuc YOUNG Japanese wants job to do house work; had experience; also furnish ref erence. AR 35, Oregonian. vni-c man who can handle delivery in or out of town. What have you? AV 827, Oregonian. YOUNG man with Ford car wishes steady employment, witn or wunout car; can furnish references. AV 828. Oregonian. A YOUNG colored man desires position as porter in barber shop or store. Call M ars-h a 1 1 3838. HHAUFFEUR wants position, 5 years' ex peri ence, can furnish references. Call Alder Hotel, room 41S. OFFICE, rough carpenter or general. What have you for married man 01 ur w xxi. O re gonian. , p.ROCERYMAN. experienced wholesale and retail. In need of work, will consider a n y thi n g. D 204. Oregonian. GOOD steady handy man wants any kind of work in city or on rancn. am. aio, Oregonian. EX-SERVICE man. 26. married, wants work of any kind; will go anywhere. D 203. Oregonian. ' wanted Work with 1-ton Ford truck. model l'J20, well equipped. Will give ' reference. Woodlawn 3o0. JAPANESE wants job as schoolboy in small family; understands cooking. G 201. Oregonian. WANTED by battery expert work in bat tery shop. Phone Marsnaii do-, asa for Hentnes. MARRIED man wants work; will consider anything, best ox references, lei. uroaa- way oadu. MAN AND WIFE, Swiss, want work on farm; good workers. Add. Joe Ander egg, box 883. R. A.. Portland, Or. MAN WITH 2-ton truck wants hauling contract of anv kind; reasonable rates. X 207, Oregonian. BUTLER wishes position, absolutely first class and reliable; A-l references. X 211. Oregonian - BY YOUNG married man, a job in garage. ft323 71st st. S. E. CHAUFFEUR wishes private driving. Phone Taoor l 1, evenings a-nu gunaay. JAPANESE, experienced cook, desires po sition in gmau iamuy. u -iv, uregonian. I HAVE $300 and services to Invest good proposition. D 201. Oregonian. JAPANESE wants work as porter or dish washer, .'oo, ureispnia.u. ALL-AROUND young colored man wishes steady JOO. Droauwny .iooo, room 111, A RELIABLE young Japanese wants Job, understand n,ngun. 1 jpi. ureftonian. YOUNG married man wants work, good truck and tractor man. Woodlawn 4810. MARRIED man wishes work as baker's helper In city. Woodlawn 1234. MAN WITH two-ton truck wants any haul- ing: reasonaoie prices, wooaiawn 4iu. PAINTING, tinting; work guaranteed; prices reasooauie. j.aoor ovi 1, STEADY, reliable man will work for board and room. v xo, vregunian. ELDERLY man wants position as Janitor or houseman, ab zuj. uregonian. CARPENTER, contracting, building, re pairing, Job work. Phone Sellwood 1507. PAINTING, papering and tinting. Willis A Co. Woodlawn 2497. Lapp- HOUSE painting, decorating of all kind signs; 26 years experience Tabor 200. . . SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. ARE YOUR PLANS COMPLETE T Have you made your plans and budget arrangements for the work you are to do for the coming year? Have you any reconnalsance work to beydone? How mates? about preliminary esti- Engineers -can do this work now better than later on, when you will have other .things to worry about. . There are a number of good en gineers now available. Later they will be grabbed up. The matter Is worthy of your consideration. The Oregon Chapter. American Association of Engineers' will be glad to assist you to locate an en gineer adapted to your particular needs. , American Association of Engineers. Oregon Chapter. 407 Tilford Bldg. Phone Broadway lOSO. NEWSPAPERS. TAKE NOTICE! Have you ever had the opportunity to employ a real display advertising man ager, a man who can write copy for the advertisers which will mean more busi ness for your paper, a man who can handle men and show them how to han dle the advertiser In securing more business for your paper, a man who can raise your advertising rates at tne proy r timA with nn f losinir the advertiser, f man with a system, full of pep and nerve? If not, I would like to hear from some growing newpaper that has competition. Will be open to accept position January 1. 1021. Address AM 1 4S, Oregonian . BUSINESS EXECUTIVE, thoroughly ex perienced business man, accustomed to executive responsibiliey. desires connec tion with hieh arrade concern January 1 competent manager of business, branch or department; twenty years sales and executive experience; highest local ref erences. AB 200. Oregonian. A LAWYER, who for ten years has made a specialty of real estate, probate and pummprrial law. wanta to make a con nection with & firm or corporation where he can devote his time to handling these branches of the law. AP 171, Ore gonian. ' w axtrd Position hv vounu married man ; 10 years' experience 111 structural work; well quauneo ror maintenance engineer, tool designer or architectural draftsman, can handle men. AN 220, Oregonian. YOUNG man wishes position, good coun try general merchandise store; thorough ly experienced, a hustler, age 27, single; reierences last, employer. ai wiu gonian. '' WANTED Position by painter who has IS years' experience. Capable of taking charge of job any size. Will work oy month or year. For appointment call Wdln. 2407. AiTTOMORTLE man at liberty January 1 high grade salesman and executive; ten years' experience; extensive acquaint ance: best local references. AB ill, Or egonian. EXPERIENCED cook's helper and dixh- washer wants job. restaurant, notei, camp or mill boarding house; go any where; $5 bonus to anyone getting me a. three. months job. AJ 244, Oregonian. ATTORNEY Experienced, desires connec tion with mortgage or financial corpor ation, reasonable salary. AG 207, Ore gonian. YOUNG man with experience in store and office wants position; a good woraer; will consider anything; excellent refer ences. Call Bdwy 3783. . SITUATION wanted Druggist of long ex perience, but not or recent years; can easily come back. Address C, 704 Wash ington street, Vancouver. Wash. ; STEADY, reliable, middle-aged man. has had many years experience, wouiu 11 work to care for chickens;, wages shares D 22S. Oregonian. EDUCATED young married man, speaking four languages, witn a Knowiecge oi law. wishes Dosltion with a firm where same can be utilized. A ami. Oregonian., WAXTKD Position by settled couple, now employed; cook, garaener, cnauiieur; city or country, or ranch. AV S41, Ore go nian. JANITOR work, wanted by reliable middle- aged man, in apartment nouse, nan naa some experience; reasonable wages. AJ Oregonian. - IfOUXG man, several years' experience as sawmill stenograpner, oooKKeper. wants work at once; permanent; out of town preferred. AG 211. Oregonian. YOUNG man would like position in music store; can teacn steel guitar auu uau lele. AN -US, Oregonian. ; YOUNG man wants some work for ni room and board and small wages, tail Monday. Main 5Sli. CARPENTER, good mechanic; alterations. repairs; day or - contract; reasonaoie. Wilson. U N. 3d. TRUCK driver ' ants Job driving .tractor have much experience. or big truck; East (SI I'H. SITUATION wanted on stock ranch or farm' dj thoroughly exper:cnceo man, capable manager. T 2S'J, Oregonian. ADVERTISING man, an executive, seeks opening; experienced. Ac Jbi, ore gonian. WANTED By young married man, work of any kind: can drive a car or uorse. P. O. box 1U12, City. A YOUNG Japanese boy wants position as school boy. Address oi uria iolii. Phone Automatic 515-60. GARDJNER wants steady place, middle ,.. i.l. ...Illi.,,- hul,.h H HEe. uanuy wiui iuum, wuiuih "-- 218. Oregonian. THOROUGHLY experienced groceryman (28) wants position in or out oi cuy. D 03, Oregonian; KXPERIEXCED middle-aged man wants position as grocery ciera. a.x Oregonian. PAINTING, tinting and paperhanglng by experts for reasonable nays wages. r.asi 8708. PRACTICAL and scientific baker wishes to locate. In nortnwest; snop or muura tory work. AV 842. Oregonian. WANTED Position by married man with years of experience in seea ana iieiu. Will go anywhere. K 285. Oregonian. PAINTING, paperhanging and kalsomin ing; prices right; an worn guarauieeu. East 4118. -. . EXPERIENCED man and wife want to take charge of hotel or rooming nouse. BC 170. oregonian; WOULD like hauling for 2 -ton truck; prefer contract. rnone aiarsuaii - to-, Mr. Alger , DRAFTING MECHANICAL OR MAPMAKING. D 05, OREGONIAN. NIGHT watchman wishes job to watcn oa patrol; have had military experience in that line. East 8126. GRADUATE chemical engineer desires po sition, preieraoiy witn mauuiautuiios establishment. N 275, Oregonian. MAN AND wife want Job on ranch; ex perienced, f rank noDson. -u i,uiiiniu at., city; ' ELDERLY couple wants Janitor work; good references ir preterrea ; expenenceu. Columbia 428. HAVE motorcycle and know East 7318. city well. What have yon ' SHINGLE R If you want .shingling, call Woodlawn 3508. roofs repaired YOUNG married man must have work of any kind. Main Uov. LAUNDRY MAN, all-around man, wants position Jan. 1st. city or country, auu. AF 250, Oregonian. Al CARPENTER builds i and remodels cheap by contract, vvoouiawn -o. COOKS' HEADQUARTERS AND KITCH EN HELf S03 S CI Antt. OA. JO. AtfTP PAINTING, tinting, papering; good work. reasonable, oeuwooa uoo. SHINGLERS When you want reshlngling or new work done, wooaiawn o-soo. STEADY man. age 50, work for board and room. AP 168. uregonian. WANTED Janitor work of any kind. Ask for Sam. nasi vati. CARPENTER, builder, repairing; builtln work. iaoor ii-io. ALL-AROUND printer-operator wants steady position. Af us, uregonian. Bookkeepers, Stenographers, Office. Al LOGGING and lumber accountant would like position January i. Accurate oper ating casts. Systematizing. References. AV 777, Oregonian. . EXPERIENCED office man wants work In the city as assistant ooOKKeeper. sten ographer or general office work; married; permanent p.ace. aij zoo, uregoman. EXPERT ACCOUNTANT Books audited, tangled accounts quicaiy reconcaea. ei ready for Income tax reports; rates rea sor.able. Main 2178. , BEFORE hiring a bookkeeper, phone me about keeping your - oooks properly tor less money. Automatic -823-08. FIRST-CLASS bookkeeper and typist wlsne permanent position, m or out oi city, -.lialn 678 ask tor McEwen. SITUATIONS WANTED M.4XK. ' Bookkeepers. Btenograptiera. Offle. YOTTNl. MAN. 35. rood correspondent, pur chasing agent, understand stenography and law, will be open for position first of year; moderate salary. T ure gonian. " OFFICE, or clerical work, temporary or permanent, required at once; references glen; used to meeting general puoiic X oregonian. BOOKKEEPING or other clerical work: competent, extensive experience, in out city. A 2S2, Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER-STENOGRAPHER. with several years' of experience. Woonlawn 36j0. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. WOMAN would like place on tarm where she can milk and care for milk house and do other light chores; can do any kind of work on a dairy farm: am a neat housekeeper and can furnish best of references. Address i3ox nv. iteu mond, Oregon. Minm.E.AGED ladv who is neat, excellent housekeeper and good dressmaker, wishes position In private nome or notei tor ur-sel-f and husban-ds board and room: husband will care for .furnace night and morning If desired. J 219, Oregonian MIDDLE-AGED woman, experienced in cafeteria." hotel and restaurant, dining room work; would like situation either ' short hours or full time. Phone tast oSo. Apartment 3. PRIVATE tutor, English lady, desires dailv or resident position in refined family; teaching usual English subjects, music and French (Paris). Address V. T 1100 22d Ave. N.. Seattle. Wash. MIDDLE-AGED lady, experienced, wants housekeeping In widower s home; no in cumbrance: or will take care of old couole. in or out of city. Mrs. M, 38 Jersey st. situation wnn-ted bv middle aged worn an in small family of adults. Good plain cooking and light housework. $25 per month. References. AG 2U2, Orego nian. . RESPONSIBLE ELDERLY WOMAN WILL WORK r OK HKK hUAKD Aftu IN PLAIN FAMILY. ON WEST SIDE. MUST HAVE WOliK. AP 230. OREGO NIAN. TRUSTWORTHY young lady, employed. would care for baby or cntldren eve nings when mother is out, for a room. AM 214, Oregonian. may AN exoerienced children's story teller help you entertain the little folks through the holidays? "or lurtner par ticulars, write AE 267, Oregonian. U'AKTEIl liv refined ladv andhusband. free rent of rooms in exenange tor housekeeping services; excellent refer ences. AG 258, Oregonian. llil YOIT want a. deuendable housekeeper? One who takes interest in worn r Am witlow, middle-aged and alone; refer ences. Mrs. Willetts. 715 Everett at. COMPETENT tracer wishes immediate employment. 3 years' experience witn local shipyard; references. C 217, Ore gonian. r REFINED young girl wants to travel or live in California. Is file sewer and very artistic. Willing to do any work. F 270. Oregonian. YOUNG lady desires position in printing office where she can finish trade; pre fer opportunity to learn linotype. Miss A. Powers, Gen. Del Portland, Or. MODISTE, recently from N. Y., will make gowns and street frocks at reasonaoie prices. Phone Main 3164 for appoint ments. REFINED young lady with three years experience in practical nursing wouiu like position in doctor's office. AB 232, Oregon ian. EXPERIENCED feeder and folder: first- class ironer; steady work. At juj, ore gonian. EXPERIENCED telephone operator desires position on private switchboard, can a. so do filing or clerical work. East 1542. PASTRY cook wants position: has been working In one of the leading cafeterias In town. T 2S0, Oregonian. LACE AND SILK SCRIM AND MAR QUISETTE CURTAINS done up nut new. Will call. East 8318. MIDDLE-AGED lady will care for children afternoons and evenings while mother is absent; best references. Tabor 1530. SALESLADY Experienced in .jewelry, suits, wvtsts and hats, wants position. Main 41SS. WOMAN wants work by hour. Tues., Wed., Thur., Fri. This week, c uui, urego nian . GIRL with some experience wants work in confectionery. Ice cream or ngni lunch establishment. Sellwood 2041. CHILDREN cared for by the hour, day or evening; reierences it needed, rnone Automatic r:!7-oa . WANTED Two or three hours' work in mornings or evenings in cafeteria or res taurant. Main t)a2EK YOUNG woman wishes employment, sev eral hours atternoons ana evenings, aj 24S. Oregonian. LADY wants house cleaning, washing or other work; good work guaranteed. Woodlawn 6305. ELDERLY woman will keep house for widower with one child lor nome ana small wages. O 18, Oregonian. DEI'ENDABI.I' nurse cares for children evenings, tlic sick tnrougn tne aay. Aiar. 340. LADY wishes charge of gentlemen's home with 2 children; more rerined nome tnan wages. Marshall 2544. RKl.IAULE woman will take care of chil dren afternoons ana evenings. Auto. 610-48. RELIABLE married woman wants rooms In apt. in exchange lor work. Ail zy Oregonian. LADY, fond of children, will care for them al ner nome auruig uay. 11 oasi 8th st. Phtwe East 5448; kvphhtevoeD ladv will care for chil dren afternoons and evenings. Call East 40H4, between . 9 and 3. CHAMBERMAID, quick and experienced will take charge 23 to 35 rooms. $1( week. Main 266, room 6. F.I.IiKRI.Y ladv would like to keep hou or cook for small crew of men. Box 102, Vancouver, wash; WANTED To take charge of rooming house Mrs. Elliott. Phone fcast 628. EXPERIENCED telephone operator wishes to do P. B. A. worn, uau iapor wio. WAITRESS wishes work, nlan. AK 184. Orego- WANT work by day or hour, matlc 211-61. Phone auto- BY RELIABLE woman, place as helper 1 to 3 days Christmas. G 300, uregonian. BY RELIABLE unincumbered lady, posi tion as housekeeper. .V zzi. uregonian. WANTED Day work, call Auto. 317-62. 40c and car fare; GRADUATE piano teacher will teach at your home; lessons la cents, aiain -aooa. EXP. WOMAN wants general housework, laundry work, by the day. East 1532. COLORED woman wants work by the day or hour. Call Wdln. 4330 qn SundayN WANTED Work capable woman. by the hour by clean. Phone 236-33. DAY' WORK, washing. Ironing, cleaning. Mra. E. Steffe. Auto 620-50. SCANDINAVIAN woman wants chamber work from to 3. Tabor 7069. - JAPANESE coupfe want situations of any kind, country or city. D 208. Oregonian. GOOD worker needs any kind day work. Broadway 3502. Apt. 10. FINNISH woman wants day work. Phone Woodlawn 1383. MARRIED couple wish to look alter apt, house for apts. giast an, Apt, n. EXPERIENCED woman wants day work Mon.. Wed., Sat. Sell. 614. WOMAN , 32S-63. would like day work. Phone Bookkeepers. Stenographers, Office. Al EXPERIENCED stenographer and bookkeeper wants permanent position. Very accurate and neat in all work. Can furnish best of references. Phone Broadway 2438 Sunday or write AB 230, Oregonian. , STENOGRAPHER OF EXECUTIVE ABIL ITY AND INITIATIVE UbSlKtva POSI TION OF RESPONSIBILITY; EM PLOYED AT PRESENT; BEST OF REFERENCES. W 230. OREGONIAN. COMPETENT bookkeeper and stenogra pher, capable of taking run cnarge ox office, will be open for permanent po sition January 1, AF 271, Oregonian. POSITION by experienced bookkeeper with knowledge of genersl ortlce work and management. References furnished. AB 202. Oregonian. WANTED Position outside of Portland by - stenographer In abstract office: 7 years' experience; good references. AV 823. Oregonian; EXPERIENCED, dependable bookkeeper stenographer accustomed to detail office work wants position in or out of city. Marshall 3443. COMPETENT stenographer, law and lum ber experience, desires position. Several years" experience. X 200. Oregonian. DON'T you need a college girl In-your of fice for clerical work during Xmas va cation? AV 830, Oregonian. COLLEGE student wishes clerical work; 3 years' business experience. F 200, Oregonian; EXPERIENCED stenographer, temporarily employed, desires position. Tabor 1150. EXPERIENCED lumber stenographer de sires, position. Reierences. . alar. 1132. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Dressmaker. RELIABLE dressmaking, all kinds of alteration. 375 Taylor or call Tabor 84K2. after 6 P. M. ENGAGEMENT by day by thoroughly ex perienced dressmaker; remodeling; rea sonable. jdwy. looi. ANY KIND of famllv sewinK done at home or by the day. Per day. $2.-50. Phone Wdln. 8389. EXPERIENCED dressmaker, 3.50 a day Call Tabor 62U5 Sundays and evenings. DRESSMAKING reasonable. 311 Central bldg., luth and Alder. Main 3403. OLD SUITS made new In homes; em broidered holiday; rate. Marshall 2(118. EXPERIENCED dressmaker, by day; rea sonable; alterations. East 7605. Nuraee. SPECIAL Infant nurse with long experi ence, best of reference, wants perma nent position to take care of only one baby. i Z-a, uregonian. NURSE Companion to invalid or elderly person by middle-aged widow of refine ment; can cook and assist light house work if necessary. D 1)4, Oregonian. PRACTICAL nurse wants case; will do some housework. 825 Albina ave. Miss, ave car, off at Failing st; , NURSE with 8 years' experience with mental and insane cases would like pa tient in own home. Woodlawn 8H34. DENTAL assistant, chair, tray, laboratoiy. typing records; references. Apt. 28, Main 4122. - . UNDERGRADUATE nurse wants nursing by the day or hour. Will do night work. Wdln. 4170. ' NEAT, kind lady would go to California as companion; reasonable wages. Tabor 3266. BOARD 'old people and: nurse invalids, reasonable price. 472 : Sellwood blvd.. cor. East th street . EXI'EKI ENCED nurse takes all kinds of cases by hour, day or week; reasonable. M rM.nl 34!. M;KSli will care tor patient or Inlant in . her own heme. Tabor 5733. PRACTICAL nurse wishes case; housework If needed. Main 6h3. NURSE will exrhaneo services for fare south. Broadway 340(1, Wellington Court. NURSING by practical nurse, confinements preferred. East W14. NURSE wishes Institutional position or hourly nursing, massage. East 3851. A FIRST-CLASS practical nurse would like a position January 1. Main 10H1. PRACTICAL nurse with experience, best of reference. East 33."i2. IIousekeeiHTH. WIDOW with 2-year-old girl wishes posi tion as housekeeper in country home for widower or bachelor. Experienced. Capable taking full charge, managing home and cooking. Will go out right after Christmas. Anywhere hi Orenon or Washington. Good wages and perma nent place desired. AG 203. Oregonian. REFINED, intelligent woman wishes posi tion as housekeeper" women in business 9 to . or widower with grown children; capable of buying, taking full charge, made one of family. Broadway 1251. Room 426 between ft and 1 1 A. M. REFINED woman, with girl 4. desires housekeeping, after Christmas, in modern home in city, Alameda or Irvlngton preferred; best of services for best wages. F 276. Oregonian. CONGENIAL middle-aged, unincumbered widow of experience seeks position as housekeeper In motherless- home; good .cook. Ab" 265, Oregonian. WANTED By woman of 45, position as housekeeper; preferably for elderly gentleman. Give particulars when writing. Lock box 32s. Lcwlston. Idaho. COUPLE, employed, or respectable widower with children, can secure retlnea chris tian housekeeper reasonable. 0W7 Haw thorne ave. WIDOW will lake charge of gentleman's home in exchange for board and room of self and daughter employed; refer ences. Call Monday Bdwy. 1640 MIDDLE-AGED woman would like house keeping In family of adults. i., isu W. 13th st. . POSITION as housekeeper-caretaker or 7 apartment house; have chld 8 years old. East 502, room 20-7 YOUNG widow with baby, wishes position as housekeeper ror widower in fort land. 4712 05th st. S. E Portland. Or. MIDDLE-AGED woman, good housekeeper. wants to keep houce tor man owning own home preferred. BO 277, Oregonian YOUNG woman wishes position as house keeper, home or. rooming house, Wdln. 6226. DRESSMAKING and remodeling, by day 586 or at home. sa. .Broadway iu. Gilsan street. Domestics. YOUNG marries couple want congenial hump, whi-re wife can assist with house work and husband (employed) can make himself generally useiui out oi worn hours. Home not wages all object. Write A H 2lS. Oregonian. KXPfORIENCED alii wants housework would assist with children, Sleep nome nights, Sundays Included. Phone labor 7025, apt. 17. EXPERIENCED girl wishes position. hou.sework, plain cooking; good wages F 273, Oregonian. DETAINED in Portland ono week, would like work cooking or Housework, xiroaa way 660. room 334; Housecleanins;. HOUSE CLEANING. House cleaning. window washing, carpet cleaning by experi workmen. floors waxed, furniture polished CITV HOUSE CLEANING SERVICE!. 1 188 Chapman at. phone Main 1157. WOMAN needs work, cleaning, etc., for Monday. Tuesday, Wednesday. Phone Main 5237, apt. 3. WINDOWS washed1, house cleaning, short Jobs of any kind. Automatic 622-31, Sunday only. DRESSMAKING. Mrs. Peck. 560 E. Morn son si. l'hone evenings. E. 1663. FOR A FI RST-CL ASS house cleaner caii Main 7801? WOMAN wants day cleaning preferred. work by the hour. Marshall 3672. DAY WORK, cr catering, experienced wom an. Iffererice. Sellwood 322. DAY WORK Cleaning. Call East 2064. WANTED TO BENT. EXPERIENCED man wants to rent chick en or amall fruit ranch on snares. J. Al. Teague. 428 Tenth St.. city. . Houses. MEIER ft FRANK' 3 Information and Rectal Bureau. 'Reliable, up-to-date lists of desirable vacant bouses, apartment and flats with definite Information pertaining each. Newcomers to Fortland will find this bureau of great valu-d In helping them get properly and quickly located. Eighth Floor. COUPLE want 6 or 7-room modern house. unfurnished, no children; wouia par year's rent In advance; prefer west side no objections to Irvlngton or Laurel hurst. Call Davidson, Imperial hotel. 3 OR 4-ROOM house or flat, partly fur nished: adults only nave own rugs, dishes and cooking utensils; references If wanted. Call evenings or Sunday East 5741. WANTED Furnished house, hve room ne more: not over l-o rent, i-ail Jars. Brown. East 1136. any time atter 10 Sunday. WANTED To rent 4 or 5-room modern house with garage, near scnooi; must do reasonable. Call or write 644 E. Salmon st.. city. Col. 040. WANTED On or before March a, o or 6- room unfurnisnea moaern nouse Dy two adults; 50x100 lot, east side; will lease; references given. BC 241. Oregonian. RELIABLE family of four, two girl, 12 and 3 years, aeeire turnisneu or un furnished bungalow or house, deslrablt location, near school. J 227, Oregon is n. BUSINESS man wishes to rent a 6 or 7- room moaern nouse an ist nua witn garage; willing to purchase later if house is satisfactory. Call Bdwy. 3170. BUSINESS man wishes to rent a 6 or 7 room modern house on west side; willing to purchase later if house is satisfac tory. Call Monday. Broadway 3170. WANTED 3 or 4-room unfurnished cot tage, apartment or flat by January 1. BC 160, Oregonian. WANTED By responsible people, no children, flat or house, close in; refer ences. Mar. g806. WANTED To lease Feb. 1,. for 6 months or more. 5 or 6-room bungalow, desirable residential district. L 277. Oregonian. WANTED Furnished house by responsi ble parties, not less than 4 rooms. 1287 East Washington. WANTED 5 or 6-room furnished house, can give best of references. C 225, Oregonian. I ' YOUNG COUPLE desires 5 or 6-room fur nished bungalow, Sunnysld or Haw thorne district; references. East 6884. WANTED Furnished houae or flat sult ableVfor three adults, closs in. Alain 7168. ' WANTED TO BENT. llousea. 4 OR i-KUOAI lunilli.d liuurt, not more than 2D or 30 minutes from town: pre fer Mississippi ave. district. Leave d dress and price at Y. M. C. A. M. W. Bendall. . 4 OR 5-ROOM furnished house, close Iu. all adults. Broadway 21 2. room 243 Apartments. COUPLE, no children', wish to rent three room furnished apartment for S month Must be close In. Beat references. Lock Box 540. Portland. COUPLE wllh girl three, want unfurnished .five or six rooms on one floor; garage prefersad; reasonable. Main 7743 Mon day. WANTED by a young, clean couple, be fore January 10. a healed, furnished v apartment, reasonable. A 20, Orego nian. BUSINESS woman wants living room and kitchenette on west side, near park blocks. Phone Main 3825 from 6 to :30. WANTElWTo rent' by Dec. 31, smai: fur nished aparfnient; call Main 23tf week days, between V and 5. YOl'NW couple desire furnished apartment or nousekeeulnc rooms. Close iu. a Oregonian. WANTED To rent furnished three-room apartment. Call Sellwood 2Q.-U. FOLK or live-room furnUhed aparunen 1287 East viasn. Rooms. W'AN'TKli Bv elderly aentleman. unfur nished room with kltchenele and prl vafft hnth in aulet house with or n garage: permanent If suited; references exchanged: answer with phone numbci AN 166, Oregonian. rni:vi: hninf-M tnan wants roiim wii nrivn. rutnilv- n uther roomers: walk in if distance, west side. D 02, Orego nian. . iA.-Av-Ti.-n Tl w. rntnns where lady havn nverMlFhf nf Well-trained Chlldfe evenlnit, while mother woks. Automatic 237-13. a i i i.-. i.-. i I x t ; rtim in Drlvate residence l reflne-l vounu couple: references. U 40, Oregonian. WANTED By lady, walking distance. warm, sunny room East 2'.I06. RKK1NED vounr lady wishes room wit respectable family. II 206. Oregonla Rooms Willi Hoard. WANTED By December 2it. place board, girl 14. boy 8; mother going i ,.un,ti in work: (-an only Pay I n..r month at Present: girl will hel with housework and cooklns. l'hone write 15 N. Hth st. Bdwy. 3W.fl. room i.aiiv ileMlres room and board with fined people in private house or apart ment. Personal snu uaiifv Irvington or west side preferred, 27. Oregonian. YOUNG man, ill 111) service, desires t.rra mum Mil d board, not too far o n..nn,gll,inil tllS fll'St Of til iftit. A 270. Oregonian. 'iiUMl!; for atti active U-year-oid girl, fined family. (1 2N1. Oregonian. COUPLE want first In private family. class room and board A B 207. Oregonian w . v"t u.uii nr.f urniMhcd. healed flat sot. on west side by Jan. I. All 210, Oregonian. FOR KENT. Furnished Rooms. TrrAvTi.-.n t o,(w rnnni.mate: steatn-heate furnished roum, ga plate to cook break fa-i n.i eiinner: close-in. nice and ctea'i r r...,Mi i-Ml or HO per month each i ..u.n.e we lo take care of room ,-ti l,.rl,u.l Dol during th d:iv or Mar. 445 evenings or Sunday HOTEL BARR. 112 N. Sixth. 1 blocks of depot $1 per day, 5 per week and up. Hot and cold walor, steam heaL Free phone and bath. RECTOR hotel, all new and modern, trail urn rooms, single or en auiie. witn miihour urlvalo baths; rates to per manent guests. Broadway and Anken St. Tel. Bdwy. 3460 HOTEL CLIFFORD. i.,rrii,in at. at East Sixth Tki mlnrinal eat side hotel, dlgnl fied and refined; 1.25 per dy and up. $6 per week and up. PERKINS HOTEL. Fifth and Washington St. Attractive rates lo permanent guests. r-nmnioriiOUS SUltCS lor lainiiie.. FOR RENT 1 large room, furnn.he.1, oi ..nr..rniuli.l. for cenllemrn or laui employed; I newly furnished sleepin room. ! 12th st. RITZ HOTEL. Morrison and Park Street. jew. flreDroof and modern. Special rates to permanent guests. 1 HAVE large, light furnished rooms, close 111, walking distance, name commits a convenience. 35s i.arrabee st. E. 21 Kl ST. PAUL HOTEL. 130 4in st. respectable, moderu; transieQL Rales to permanent guegts. CI. i up YOUNG MAN wants room. mate, fine largo housekeeping room, vicinuy oi aowi anu Market. Low r"iit. i 2'iil, oregonian 11...1..1. tu:Kl.KV. Aloir.son st Team Rates tl a day up; wtekiy, (5 up, Ires phone and balhs. . riimk nice furnished rooms with good heat al 1S041 E. 10th si. . Phone Aut 214-40. Nli'KLY furnished rooms, sleeping and hiiuxukeeulnic. every convenience and close in. 5Ml Couch street. Full RENT Extra nice sleeping rvoma for rent at 6'.Vs t.llsan St. Noll HILL district. 2 newly FURNISHED ROOMS Main 4.111; vli'l-'.l.v furnished front room with board if desired. 474 E. Ash. East 727. ivk- i. Alicia front Mleeolna In mod home ; rent reasonable. ('ail East 2-o.Y NICE furnished room with good heal, l.1 a month. 147 21st St. Noun, nam i-a I nfumislird Room. vi-uv litrire unfurnished room, neat, unfurnished light, plenty not water, inuway in line and irvlngton; coupie rmpiujvu Vi ferred ; references. East 324. ITNFITUNISHED large room 111 steam- heated ai.artinont to business woman. T 282. Oregonian. Furnished Kmiiii in Private Faiiilly vi:hs:imhkI front sleeping room, rea sonable; walking distance. S73 V Culuiu hla it. k.-i,-i.'i.v furnlKhed room In private f.iml In Ladd's addition. Breakfast and din ner If preferred. Sellwood ;lu.lo. f.u ii vvt A !eeu na- room In me Irani, heaullluliy lurnisneu. uhui h close In. Phone SellwQ" IW I.ADY. alone, will rent room In modern apt. to Imslners girl. East iOS4. i i vi k-i tu'l-A ill.e: from . room, gentleman. Hit mnntniv waiaiim miuto, uv,, privileges Marshall 3205. i-i i-niCTI.V furnished front room In swell private home. suitable for 2 young men. ! montii. i i' J NIOELi" Itliiilshed room in private modern Irvlngton nome lor sentieinwn , ences. East 04 FRONT room, refined congenial family 23d and 181 oreen ave.. a Washington. Mar. FURNll-HEIi room in small private fam batli and phone; ref lly; furnace neat, Fast 1.15 v-i.-L'l V fnrniahed TOOin ill private family, r.u,,n-,ll,: WaiKlIlE UloimiLU, ,- gomery st. BEAUTIFULLY FURNLSrit-D large room. Two large winnows; luinm nri. . i - Ins distance, tteierences. lainnaii o-,-. i Auciir ft-., nt room for two in modern home, sooa oosru; -a mwi w-., u, Ft. Marshall 3011. DANDY sleeping room, goou 2:id i Main for 1 cm ployed, eee mi unw. car. 106 22d North. D. M. -rvu r.ESTI.Kll AN. bath, phone, pltuity hot water, nicely luriimucu uw. ww Hill. C 222. Oregonian. vwfcM.v furnished room In prlvale mod ern Irvlngton nome ior sculwwku, ref erences. tast o-- fO RENT Rooms in private family, close to nipyaras, wu quire at 620 4th St. Take IQlh St. car. LARGE, coxy front room: private batll. dose in, remwiiBuig. "-"' - noons or evenings. ROOM for gentleman or lady In strictly private jewisn isiuur, c-ti-.-.-,.. -way 1782. LARGE front bedroom suitable lor irnt emen: an toinciiicu- . " - distance: also garage. 510 K. Oak st. LARGE or single sleeping rooms, new. neonle employe'!, o-ti FL-'KMSHbD rooms very uslrsbl. Dear Montgomery o ream. CHOICE furnished room for genllemun; references. cast VERY desirable furnished rooms, walking distance ; employed people. 121 N. 2:ld. STEAM-HEATED rooms, bath. 07 Commercial st. Phone Woodlawn 4.V45. NICE upstairs rooms, nealty furnished, ltn;. adults, loop K. Wash. Tabor MS82. LARGE corner room, tuitauia ior u. 674 Johnson, unwiwn? LARGE front sleeping room, walking dis tance, pu jn. tst ,i. iu PLEASANT, cosy housekeeping room. 414 nn aaay avenu. ii ?.Ln at. NICELY furnished room, five minutes' walk from postotiice. i"i vm; FUlt-NISHiii) room to relit. UOJ . Aiusr. FOB RENT. Furnished Rooms III I'rlvale t-'smlly. BEAI'TIFUU lr rooms, aswly fur nished, suitable lor 2 or S goiitlemon; (win beds, parlor, piano, hardwood lluort, fireplaces, home conveniences; 10 m.n Utrs' walk from pustutTlce; Also ymmg man wishes roommate. 61 N. Isih, lH'ondwsy 2721; IN IRVI.N'llTON. close In. one nicely fur nished room wllh sleeping porch, fur 1 or 2 business men, wllh or without ' meals: references required. Call Sunday or evenings after I'. M. Knsl 3'."."l. LoYKl.Y newly furnished large front rooms, modern, suitable for two; cioe In. on car line; reasonable, with or without break'it. 7u.l Norlhrup sl.sil. Automatic 5J4-:t.". ONE side bedroom, heat, ugnis, batX phone, 1 or 2 gentlemen; also one 2-room spt. partly furnished; working coup.e dpli-td. INK N. 2Ut St., walking dinlnn'1 LARGE front room, connecting wlln ,'ron' porch; Hadianl and inrnai's hsl; sta tionary wajitt bsiiiii, erv laise diss' U" of piano, letruis. klleh. pilv Mar, 27- BEAUTIFUL ROOMS. WITH OH WITH OUT SLKKflNG I'liRCH, KXi'KPTH'S AL BOARD. I.Al'NI'RV Till VlLKGtS GAR AGE. EAST IHH.V LAUGE Imnt room, t-uniiecling with ul porch: Radiant and fuens'-e heal; sis ttonary wash basin, very large r;os,.t. of piano. Vietrois. klti h. pny. Mar. 27 H .Sli'H clean rooms for gentlemen era ployed; all convenl'-ncepi; walking die trance, writ side. 604 Everett su Mali 478. NICELY furnished front room lo one two gentlemen; all modern conveniences reasonable to rinlit psrtles; garage aS" If d sired. Talior 134 it. EXOKI.l.KNT rooms, reasonable; all con veniences; gentlemen preferred. Ilosi City car; 26th end Sundr. 145 Lawreso l'hone East 707.V LA KG si front room for I or 2 gentlemen employed: walking distance; heat, bat'l and phone; good i lean, homey place, slil 14th. Automatic 621-64. DhlSlKAItLE front room on lower ftoor. modi rn conveniences. nice lnrtoi . walking distance; no other roomers. 4c (..liege st. Main '.I'M. NEW1.V tuititelied ftont room, belli an I phone, suitable for two. with klleliei- ami laundry privileges. Marshall l.:7i' 2 NICE furnished front rooms for scull' men. rlose In, In prlvats family. ' Ross St. East MiM. NICE room suitable for 2: rlnM In; rese onahle rent. 5'1'I Ito.lm-v ave Room Willi Hoard. CAMPBELL IIOTKI.. I3D AND MUiT 8 'I'll K PITS. 741 WASIUNGTON HTHKKT hotels on the Pacific coast. American plan, with or without hath, f2.5u a day up, rates by day or moiitn. M'-a's served to tianslenls JEANNE I,' A In Furnished room wlin or without board for businc girts at 4 lady tourists, permanent or trnt. , Special features wtlhln the llinilstii of Cie minimum wage earner; IJ f -r we--k and up. 2C 14lh si. Main 4UI. NoltTOMA HOTEL, Portland' downtnwt. high-class family hotel; rooms en suite or sliiaic. with or without board, la families snd' business m n slid womi n W e give you sll tti comforts of a hoo It'-asons ble rate. UK A N i AUkE. hotel, (lie working in a a I home; II you appreciate good holm cooking, give us a trial, rules raoa sole. 334 Grand Ave. S. Ksat 400I. THE MARTHA WASHINGTON. 80 Tenth t. For -business kirl am students: n-asonaole rates. Alar. 1251. ROOM snd board for business girls; a! modern conveniences, walking distance 15 per week. Auto. 210-74. 12 E.7th st DESIRABLE single room In exclusive fain lly hotel: home cooking: all coiivcuttm For appointment, fall East 8ON0. MEN WANTED (o Join club, hlie Iioi.m and housokHcpcr. share living cxpun a AE 2'M, uregonian. CONGENIAL young lady, share ritn board: residential hotel. Main 373, a Sheflle. STEADY boarders wanted. 153 K. K h Broad wny 4lo:i, S'i'KADV board. -r wanled. Broadway 4403. Kimiiiis W llh Itonrd In lril I smll -. NTchTblK rooms, steam li.-al, electric Ha n(. hot water, ph.. Il and full privilege, ol comfortable big home, especially S It able lor students or couples. 400 Ho. -a iliiy ave. TWO CLEAN, i Olllfortal.ie. larse, lis-.lv furnished looms, furnace heal, two mi i.s If desired, walking distance; pr-v.sr prices, l'hone Sll-iil 4HQ .Mill t. NICELY iurnlehed room, hot snd old wali r, well healed; excellent li nl board, walking distance, i.l) Marshall. Meals served to transients. WANTrTb To beard 2 children, scl .! age preferred; In good reliable faitii.). no oilier children; prices reason. ! A il I n. 614-24. SUITE of clean, well-healed rooms illi beard lsl-clsss: also lahls board i ir nlshed lo outside rooineis. Mam 4-.'. I 714 Overton st. LA KG E comfortable rnifm w ith encU -.1 sleeping porch for two or inres po home 1'i'lv 11,-ges; walking distance ide. l'hone Mar. 4.! LADY "living alone, laige lidj.dsomely I ui lushed home, would Ilka one or too business pi-opla lo loom and bo .id. o.Hllawn 3"3I. iOl .NG lady will shale pleasant r. oui Willi a refined congenial girl; tins' m- sle and home privileges; moderate ra.i" Mi's Gilsan, Broadway 24.1V TWO LARGE r us. sing e or douhls. II s. - class tal-le bnard, every Home conn.. it men preferred; references xihani.d 1101 East Taylor. 1..WU.K room Willi closet, modern veiilencca, sjltsbie ror I or a ciiipit.u people, exreilt lit hems cooking, walking d I sri ni-e. Il.l vv 2-"4. LARGE, handsome, well-lieal.'d lion! ivoln In beautllul Irvlngton nome: perps.i.a. hot waler, separate phone, gaisau, um Mock Ir.un llios-lway. I.ast 12imj LADV it ou want our roum alKl la.aru In a snia' iamuy in firnni n.r a in..--assmt.ince In houeework. ca.l Aillo 321 .al HAI'l'Y LAND collage specialises In Of sril and care of children, ecu. i'w. i :. S K. Ill KIM and board In private Iamuy. n privilege, good poaro, J" nnnuir, wain from bns.ntss cent, r. 273 14'tl St. tv LARGE li out room Willi board. ni e.y lui- niched, modern; suitai'i ior i, wi ,s Ing distance, line lncatu.n Ka't 87 1. CoUI'LE with no children would board girt Iron! n lo in years, nsar soou scuoui AG 20.'.. uregonian. Ni ELY furnished room, meals If desli ed use of pnune ami piano, goou louii.i: . ( all Woodlawn 31711 Fl UNISHED rooms, with or wits u.i board; heal; walking Distance. v-u Everett St. WANTED Couple to hoard and ivmiai: nodern bunffalow; horns privileges, t.a.1 ellwood 2270. LOVELY front parlor with or without board, use of phone, geivuomen praiwxieu 300 .la.'ksi.n. WIDOW wi.hes lo board 2 Hills g.rls be near I'snlliSJia Iwern-I and 10 eais; school. W I. 41.'l.'i. NEATLY Iiirntshed room, board, geat'e-pilvale.- .,01 men; wa.klng instance; Hoyt. Broadway IP1!. AKGE front room for two in Uiod. in home, good boar.l; 2d door ? (Jib an st. Mnrshall mill. two NICE .Y turn. Ii. k. loom., a 'I: walking nisinnce. none auivjiHoit' 511-1 o. 61 Oililllhy S tre el. NICELY furnished steam-heated ro-.m with board, nol ana co.u water, waisnis distance. 3:12 l"1h slrist BOARD and room for two men who s room logetner anu live ss at noin. t... West Broadway or Mar. 572. jOul) room snd bin ird, couple, etnpluyi i. Wdln. 2.HU. or single; hotnellki ROU.M and board in private rsmily, ,w side; home privileges; ior young la I'nrtlculars phone Main 7032. CHILDREN will receive good rare i suburban nome oi rxuncu, renpunsio woiran. Sellwood 2703. . Gill ID home snd children, snysg-i biot of tare for Marshall IT.S2. AilVATE home lor children by uay -monlh. Mar. 2162. DESIRABLE room and board, ft niinuts ' wnlk lo shipyards. 7oQ 1st St. Main 4.m. CHOICE room. 2 meals If desired, horn- privileges, wslKing uisiancw. r.art -.m. IRST-CLASS hoard slid room In privaf. family. $0-110 per week. Woodlawn 21 ROOM and hoard, private family. 053 E Couch st. Phone r.v. CHILD under 7 to car for In my. horns 623-T3. - WANTED Children to care for by montii 160 Mississippi ave,, rv-mpn car. MEN ONLY- -Homo comforts, fiirnsre, reaponsble. Fast 44.1. phone. bstn, 1R8T-C1-ASS ROOM AND BOA It L. WALKING D1STANCR; MAR. .1.74. CHILD lo room and board, any age. Phone Tsbor 6446. ROOM, board, private home, oil Larch st. .Land auq. cost pop.. WANTHD A child lo care for by day. w eek or montn. s-ni- r.. rann at. WANT children to board; gonil 570 "nil home snd plenty, or mux. moor HI1.DRKN cared for In my home he th hour, day, weal- or mourn . iat ssu. r -. r . iv I- : I. - .'-: :. '-v.- - - v :-'-.-?f ' --..'".-.v---'.''.-. .. I. "::- y :-r. ' . . - . - .- - -.