- . - ' 10 THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, DECEMBER 19, 1920 ..r '-.2 -'.I Si r-1 BKAL ESTATE. 8nbnrban Homes. SOME 11 .VE SUBURBAN BUYS. SMALL CHTCKE.V RANCH, H ere, with 4 -room, cottage, new and modern chicken house 30x60; won darful little orchard of large bear fruit tree; all the fruit and berries yon want; located on rood macadam rtreet, just eat of city lunlta; ISuOi easy terms. S-ACRK HOME WITH MOD ERN BUNGALOW, 5 rooms, tire- ' place, Xutch kitchen, bath, elec tricity, Raraga located 10 milea from center of city, on fine hard curfaced atreeL Tba entire tract Ls ImproTed with loganberries, rasp berriee. blackberries and family - orchard, except for tba little creek that prattle through one corner of the place, A wonder ful little home for $3750; rood term. 1 ACRE ON" HIGHWAY 7-room bungalow, facing the highway, noar Aloha station, on the Red Klectrlc line; a fine new home that will be seld for le than cost, as the owner must have money at once I 95000. ACRTC WITH MODERN , BUNGALOW- Choice bearing fruit treea, 8 cherry, 10 apple. 3 prunes, 2 plums, grapes, raspberries, gooseberries; good clean i- room bun aa low wfth Dutch kitchen, cement basement, nice large ga rage; basem&nt full of wood goea along; izZoQ; located close to car. ' aey terms. The prices on theee are low and anyone buying will realize a. hand some profit by spring. ( OFFICE OPEN SUNDAT AFTER 10 A. M. CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO., ' Board of Trade Bids;. 34 ACRE Good four-room house, chicken house; near car; Just outside city limits: 1:. $1000; $30 cash, $25 pel month. 1 ACRE rDandy 5-room cottajf-, splendid shape; fruit; chicken house; close to car fn city limits; $1500; very easy terms. hi ACRE Modern 5 -room bunga t low; plenty bui It-ins, fireplace; cement base ment; garage, chicken . ". house; close to car; Just outrode city limits; HOUSE ON EITHER OF ABOVE COHT MOHU THAN PRICHJ ASKED. SOREN PETERSON, 1102 N. W. Bank Bid. Alain S73L SPLENDID INVESTMENT. 3 Acres. 22850. Here's a chance to realize $2000 on your Investment next spring. 3 fine acres, located 11 miles from postoffice, -t-".s mile from Base Line road, 2 acres In strawberries (16.000 plants), which " "will bring UH)u per acre next season; Bo healthy fruit trees, loganberries, com fortable 4-room house, fine well, wood shed, barn, garage. 2 chicken houses. This level land Is the finest berry soil In the country. V mile electric line, 1 mile school, stores. This is a sure bar- " pain and money-maker. Owner needs money and has hard -times price for - quick sale. Terms. T"' Let us show yon. ,-: GEO. T. MOORE CO., 1007 Yeon Bldg. 1 SUBURBAN HOME AND INCOME. Good 5-room bungalow, completely furnished, woodshed and bam; 7 acres la high state of cultivation, fenced wltr woven wire, family orchard, over two acres of strawberriesi 2 acres clover. IJQO lopanberry plants to set out, 60.000 . rtrawberry plants to sell, potatoes, car rota, 10 gals, kraut, all kinds of canned iru and vegetables, picKies ana apples. woon, nog, cnicKens ana rarming lxnp.e- . jnent too numerous to mention. Pur- chaser can rent 89 acres Joining this place for $103 per year. This is a rare bargain and demands quick action, owing to ill health. Price $3500, $1700 cash R. H. CONFRET, BITTER. LOWE A CO.. 201-8-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. REAL ACREAGE BARGAIN. Five acres, located on macadamized - road, 1 mile from station. Oregon City line. Four acres under cultivation. 1 acre pasture with creek; no gravel or : rock: beartnr orchard of apples, plums. prunes, logan and strawberries and 50 peach trees: 1 acres seeded to clover; rood new 4-room plastered bungalow with attic; all the built-in; front and - rear porches screened In. Chicken house 14x40; fruit and vegetable cellar with double walls -and filled with sawdust be- tween woodshed 12x18. With the place; - goes 3 tons clover hay In barn, hi acre kale and cabbage, cream separator. chicken and garden too. a. Price $3100, $ltOf cash. Weil worth $4000. JOHN FERGUSON. Oerlinrer bldg. - "CLOSE-IX SUBURBAN HOME." 4 acres In high state of cultivation. ,. A-room modern house, 47 bearing fruit trees, 3 English walnut trees, small fruit. fine chicken eoulDment. city water, good barn, on macadam road, close to electric line; about 20 minutes from center of city. This ls an Ideal srihurbsn home, or would cut u-p nicely Into small tracts. Price tlO.ooO: S30OO cash, lorz time on -, . bal., or will take home In city to $3000 --"and some casn as tirst payment. - R. M. OA TE WOOD CO.. 1S5 4 4th St. ;;v; i blocks to car. - 1 acre, close In, rood plain house, 7 I rooms, bath, chicken house and runway, ell kinds fruit, fancy varieties, apples, . pears, peaches, plums, prunes, cherries. loganberries, blackberries and grapea Jf it Is small acreage you want, this one will suit you. Trice s.wOO. $2500 cash. i. Evening East Mr. Kissler. GEO. E. ENGLEH ART CO., Broadway 5173. . 624 Henry Bldg. "4 ACRES, located 9 miles from center of I Portland, south, on fine graveled road. ""-- Moek from Oregon Electric station, I 3 diooks to scnooi; attractive O-room pongaiow, electric iignt. oest of dumb ing, cement basement, young orchard. Ji acre strawberries, logan and rasp- I oemes; garage, cnicuen house, l an, I L ' fine ereekwon the place and some creek bottom land; gas engine, 50 chickens I ana some raDDits; oiiered at a oar- I gain- John rerguson, Gerllnyir nldg. -7 EILAN A PARKH1LL. " 219 Lumbermen's Bldg. 5th and Stark. . BIG ACRE AND 5-ROOM PLASTERED HOUSE. n' Chicken house, frutt bouse, place Is on-ly mile from, Portland city limits. oear pavea rnao. trice ITS A SNAP. KEILAM A PARKHTT.T. 219 Lombcrmens Bldg. 5th and Stark St ONE ACRE, west side: mile from Shat- tuck station, Multnomah county, within I - the ft-mlle circle: 7-room tlastere1 house I with plumbing, gas engine and pressure I .. . lazuc; Darn, cnicwen nouse, lot of fruit. I View property.. Price $2800, half cash. personally inspected. Additional land can be had joining I " ; JOHN FERGUSON. Gerlinger bldg. - ONE ACRE. 10 miles south of Portland. - M mile from electric station. All under! eultivatton; 18 young bearing fruit trees. Good S-room bungalow with Tiiitoh kitchen; $500 barn, chicken house, ga-I -" ' ran. Inclnded with place la 3800 worth I of oak furniture and bras bed. Price 1 fZ3u, ii"i casn. JOHN FERGUSON, CerTlngcr bldg. Mnia 8529. WANT CITY HOME. Have 8 acres near Oregon City, all In . nigh state or cultivation, mm. berries. good set of buildings, garage, fine well. chickens, cows, horse, wood, everything ... -for Ideal home; ready to move Into. ' Clear, worth $500; will trade or sell on easy terms. fc.ast ootW. FOR SALE $2000, part cash My home 5 miles from Vancouver, near electric car " -line and on good road; consists of seven ""'sjcres excellent soil, comfortable four- .joom bouse; also barn. Address L. M. - : hi tiler. Route 6, Box 176, Vancouver, Wash., or call Tabor 6462. $4540 BUYS A MODERN 5-rm. bungalow ! with large tract of highly developed j (rwun grouna, piantea to rruit, grapes, t. .. berries and flowers. One of the nicest places around Miiltnomah on the Oregon .: Electric. i'ou must see It to appreciate ,n It. Good terms. For particulars call at - 4H PL ATT -UL.iXi. 127 Fark street. "1 ACRE. 4 blocks from station close In. all under cultivation, young onchard, all tJ" kind of berries and currants, 3-room j . house, new garage, gas In houre, Tr. place ! furnished, fine ran range, tools ' and equipment; price $2200 for every- thing, mx casn, oaiance at 4 per cent. jotia rerguaou, uerunge-r oiag. ",-7?. A dandy" buy f4 acre with new cottage for only I $1200; lies on rock road near 8. P. elec-I "trie, Oswego lake; piped water and elec- I trio light available: very small payment! '' gives possession, call ouu concord bldg., t Second and Stark. """"" JUST WHAT YOU NEED. " BEAUTIFUL 3-a era, 6-room home. close in on Laurel av., near Powell I valley; gas. phone, water, garage; best buy in the district; s 4000. Term, owner. - f uregonian. CHOICE SUBURBAN HOMES and acreage, well located, near carline. ,lf from $1800 up; Inquire 3d house north xusivy via wuua on t-ruguA vil-y CSUT- Hat. Mis "AWe Brook." . . BEAL ESTATE. Suburban Homes. 5-ACRE suburban home, located on. nsved i . highway between ReedviJie and Hills boro and right at the electric station; good 6-room bungafow ; gas and water in the, street; plenty of full-bearing iron trees ana some bearing walnuts; idea! location for your country home or chicken ranch. A real bargain for only $.00; good terms. LISTEN! We have some wonderful bargains In suburban homes of from 1 to 20 acres. Let us tell you what we have to offer. McCormic Co., 242 Washington sL Main S220. ONLY 1500 for this attractive little sub urban home, close In on the west side In Capitol hill, on the boulevard, only 3 blocks from the station, 1 block from oitychool. A large lot with a 4-room Bungalow, 2 or tne rooms are plastered. This bungalow has city water and gas. It is a very convenient home for a very low price. About $000 cash will han- M. J. CLOHESSY. ABINGTON BLDG. ONLY $2835 for 8 big acres of land, prac tically on tne iase ..ne road. There are 2 acres of strawberries, only 2 years old, loganberries In an Immense quantity Just coming into full bearing. All varie ties of large fruits coming Into bearing. There is a house of 5 .rooms, barn, ga rage and chicken house. The best berry lund to be found; everything goes for -rto. ensn win handle ft. M. J. CLOHESSY, ABINGTON BLDG. ONLY $35S0 for one big acre of land, all or it fronting on the davmI nt&rhwav. The location is right at the station, close in to tne Dustiness center or this city on the Oregon City .carline. Every kind of fruit, including 0 big English walnut trees In full bearing. With the land you get a very substantial 7-room plastered house which has such conveniences as city water, elentric lights, gas, bath and toilet. The plumbing is not one yeaf old. all new. The price of this property ls not the prise of the land, say nothing ox tnis 7-room house. Half cash will handle It. AL J. CLOHESSY, ABINGTON BLDG. ONLY $3700 for a new 6-room modern bungalow, every room plastered, full basement, fireplace, all of the city con veniences. With the bungalow goes hi acre of land with all 'kinds of fruit in full bearing. This place Is only 4 blocks from the carline and station. It la offered at a great sacrifice and loss to the owner for the purpose of getting cash. The price must be all cash or j nearly so. M. J. CLOHESSY, ABINGTON BLDG. ONLY $5500, and this place Is on the an ay nouievara, tne paved nignway or which is to become famous. There are 1'4 acres of land fronting on this high way, every foot of. It in cultivation, very . rich soil and with the land this place is distinguished for Its large poultry nouses, naving a capacity or more man room for 3000 chickena It la an up-to-date modern construction and especially planned to get the best results from poultry. With tne land and the, chicken houses you also ret a new 4-room bun galow with a sleeping porch. The rooms are all plastered and the house has all of the city conveniences such as city water, gas and electric lights. This Is a close-In location, only a short distance bryond Rose City Park. About half cash will handle it. AL J. CLOHESSY, ABINGTON BLDG. ONLY $1C00. on the west side,, out the apitoi nignway. acre or tana witn an abundance of fruit in full bearing. With the land you get a new 3-room house, comfortable and cozy. The house ; has such conveniences as city water, gas, etc.; you drive the entire distance over paved highway and hard-surface streets. .About si ooo cash will handle it. 11. J. CLOHESSY, ABINGTON BLDG. ONLY $1800 for H acre of land, ail fn garden and fruit. The location Is on the west side, only 4 blocks from the Kyan Place station. This place fronts on a hard-surface street. The house is new but not entirely furnished, although it Is comfortable .to live In notwithstand ing. It has cfty water, gas and elec tricity. Half cash will handle It. M. J. CLOHESSY. ABINGTON BLDG. NOW IS THE TIME to provide yourself witn a close-in suDuroan Home in tne right locality. We are offering paved street frontage or river frontage in what is known as fe-acre tracks at one-half the price for which- land adjoining or ccross the street can be oougnt tor. rne I location of the large homesitps are on j the Oreteoa City carline. 2 blocks from i Courtney station; everything around here is building up with attractive suburban homes. Call at the office and learn of the fact that you can buy one of theue laige Jiomesites for $600 with payments I very easy. There are only so many to be sold at the lowest price in this loca tion: large similar size 'suburban home- Bites could not be obtained at any time I within the last ten years. This happens to be an exceptional offering at prices j less than hair lor a suuuroan nomesite in this location. Look at RIVER VILLA ACRES, on the paved highway. You will know it from the large sign on tne property. $300 MAPLEWOOD STATION, close to Muiuiomah; u-room bungalow i and sleeping porch plasLered, gas, eloctricity, chicken house garage, city water, city car. I phone. 100x100 corner plot, lo cated n a good gravel road : cash $5o, balance small monthly payments. $5S00 MULTNOMAH STATION: nice tv-room. li -story Duocaiow, Dutch kitchen, built-in, pi as- I tered, full cement basement. I electricity, gas, city water, city car, phone. scree oed chicken ho u se, H of an ac re. 12 t u 1 1 -bearing fruit trees, concrete hot- house, berries and grapes. On stone road, near Capital high way. Onjy 3 mimites to station. . Cash $10t0; balance like rent. $20O TTGARD STATION1 $4200. Almost 04 acres of rich, deep soil In I a high state of cultivation; 6-room plas tered house, big oar a. garage. COM MERCIAL ORCHARD which produced $-00 in apples this year; also 10 crates I or loganberries, strawberries, a big, lull- I bearing Royal Ann cherry trees, splen did well, located on good stone road in I Tigard; onjy lu minutes' walk to sta tion: cash 12000. This ls a genuine bar gain and far below market value. Let I u show you. We have a well-chosen list of subur ban homes; some excellent values. Seel us before you buy. OFFICE OPEN 1 SUNDAY. . M.B. DE JOICJS company. 221 Heury Bldg. Broadway 1631. ALL THE COMPORTS OF HOME. This artistic home shows more good features than one would think could be crowded Into it. There Is warm hos pitality speaking from every rffora, and ?or convenience it ls par excellent, and it couldn't be much cosier. It has the very best of plumbing, light, airy bed room, kitchen with lots of built-ins, deep weu witn automatic water pressure sys tem and tne nnesi Kin a ox water; elec tricity throughout the house and In the parage; beautiful grounds, consisting of one acre, paved road, less than 9 miles from courthouse; positively the best value to be found In a suburban home near tne city, i-or quick action $400fc terms; lurmture ior paie. R . H. CONFRET, RITTER, LOWE & CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. MODERN COUNTRY' HOME. Six-room bungalow on hk acre of eUrndosrnPnaV?ftvr0wi t htm 2I?rAn?5fi k-LS? B atation. full cement basement fire- place, white enamel plumbing, gas, pri vate water system, nice garage, cement I ariveway irom pavement to garage in cluded with Dlace. aas anere. water . heater, window shades and screens, elec tric xixtures, etc.; siuou casn. oaiance easy, terms 6 per cent, or consider small er cash payments to responsible people. John Fergusln, Gerlinger bid. Main 8529. FIVE acres. 7 blocks from station: 7 mile from center of Portland, 5 miles west of Gresham. Ail under cultivation. 8 acres in (run. ail kin da. and berries mile to school; good 6-room plastered house, cement basement, best of while I enameled plumbing; 2 chicken houses. garage, barn. $2500 cash, balance month ly payments at 6 per cent. Inspected by Aiaione. JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger Bldg. TEN ACRES, 3 miles 8. E. city limits, on - good graveiea roaa. an xiuaoie and cul tivated, first-class loam soH, 1V4 acres bearing orchard, variety fruit; 5-room I plastered bungalow. All fenced. Here I j a place only 20 minutes drive to city I limits. Price $4200, $1000 cash, balance J long time at 6 per cent int. Mr. Jesse, with Ralph Ackley Land Co.. 627 Cor bett bldg. ' FIVE ACRES. Within City limit of Gresham; highly Improved, modern house of six rooms, furnace, laundry trays, ga. Bull Run water, electric light, three chicken houses, barn, garage, one block from electric depot. Phons Mrs. Cruikshank afternoon Marshall 801. Mail address R. 4, box 7, Gresham, Or.- SUBURBANITES! We ha.e hundreds" of penionally In tpcted suburban home. In .very outly ing district In Portland. We'r. open every evening and Sunday. If yon want m suburban home, fee F. C. Marshall with FRANK L. McGUIKK, Ablngton Building-. Main 1088. , 2 ACRES, 1 clear, ST fruit trees. 4-room modem bouse, 9ivoo cash will handle. Wilson, with Interstate Land, Co.. 218 fit&rJK at, alii &-U8. REAL ESTATE. Suburban Homes. FURNITURE, EQUIPMENT, WOOD. 1 acre, 9 mite sohth Portland, on fine road, near Oswego station, 9c fare; bear ing orchard, good 8-room bungalow, ce ment basement, electric lights, chicken house, barn; included with place: one cow, l horse, harness. 1 buggy, plow. garaen tools. 0 cords weoa. etc. com plete line of good furniture, including a $100 range. Price for everything $2000, $000 'cash, balance $15 month. 6 per cent. Personally Inspected, photo at oirice, JOHN FERGUSON, Gerllnffer Building. FOUR ACR&3. 2 blocks from electric sta tionr fine macadamized road 12 miles from center of Portland; west; 3 acres unaer cultivation, i acre pasture. ah can be cultivated. Place fenced with woven wire, fine plastered 4-room Dun galow, piped for plumbing. electric lights; chicken house, fruit room; GO . bearing fruit and nut trees; some berries. - Price $3750. $1000 cash, bal. 6 per cent. inspected dv 31 a! one. rnoto at omce. JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger bldg. 10 ACRES, between Portland and HHIs- boro; right at electric station, 9 acres under cultivation; all can be cultivated. .. New 7-room plastered bungalow; barn, chicken house: young orchard beginning to bear!' berrisa 1 mile to high and grade school ; exceptionally fine place. Price $5000. $2500 cash. Personally in- spected.' John ferguson. Gerlinger bldff. Main 8529. 11 hi ACRES, on paved highway; 11 miles from courthouse of Portland. All can be cultivated. 5 acre under cultivation; 1 acre loganberries. 40 bearing fruit treest hi miie to school; station In front of house: 6-room house; bam 20x30, chick en house. Price $-00, $1100 cann, or make big discount for all cash. Yes, sir, ' right on the paved road and good land near Clackamas. Malone, wJth JOHN FERGUSON. Gerlinger bldg. $2500 hk ACRE--$250O. Just outside City limits. 6-cent car . fare, only 2 blocks off paved road; mod ern 4-room plastered bungalow, chicken house and fruit trees. Don't fail to see tuts. $200 cash, balance monthly. Smith-wagoner co., stock Exch. 2V ACRES. $300. Partlv cultivated, small cabin, level splendid buy for. the money; terms. Call rum concord bldg., second and atara. For Snle Acreage. A CHRISTMAS GIFT. 5 ACRES TUALATIN RIVER BOTTOM. 13 miles from Portland; only few rods to Tualatin river. Small clearing, some brush land and aooul 200 cords or wooa, mostly old growth, worth $5 per cord cut on the land. Wood alone will pay for the land when cut. This is a snap but must be sold this week. Only 3200 per acre, all cash. Make this your wife's Christina gift. A. W. ESTES. 905 Chamber of Commerce. - Auto. 514-63. TWO ACRES, near Powell Valley road, on fine graveled road; 14 fruit trees, some berries; good &-room plastered house; garage, chicken house for 300' chickens. With the place go 30 chickens and good Jersey cow. Prioe $3100, $1100 cash. Inspected by Ma rulers. This is close-in property. JOHN FERGUSON, Gerling-er bldg. CHOFCB SMALL FARM 15 acres, only 4 miles from city limits. with- paved road nearly all the way, all in high state of cultivation; perfect drainage: good house, fine barn with ce ment floor; family orchard; near school and stores, frice siooo; good terms, LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, 913 Chamber of Commerce. FIVE acres, hit mile south Base Line road, west oi Kocttwooa; all can be cultivated: 2hk acres under cultivation. Nice level land. County, road In front of property. Price $-100, $200 cash. Balance $25 mo. at 7 per cent. Personally inspected. JOHN FERGUSON. Gerlinger bldg. Main S529. Over 500 small places close to Portland 30 ACRES IMPROVED. AH under cultivation, with some build Ings. Within a few miles of city limits and close to main highway. The lanu is rich and the price is very low, $300 per acre. Aart casn, balance at 6. STRONG & CO.. 634 Chamber of Commerce Building. TWENTY ACRES NEAR GRESHAM. Located on the Hogan road, close to school, half in cultivation, land is all tillable and lies fine; fair house, barn. chicken house, family, orchard, living water, some timber; this is an excep tionally fine buy for $3800, K RIDER & ELKINGTON, Gresham, Or. 20 ACRES. EASY TERMS. 14 MILES CENTER OF PORTLAND. At Damascus, main highway, rocked to paving, viev Mount Hood; 17 acres cleared, 8 acres orchard, spring, fine soil, no gravel, south slope, ideal for . fruit and berries; $4000, terms. J. C. t'UKBIN CO., SOo-Q-7 lewis UIQg. STOP THAT RENT. Nearly an acre, ML Scott district, all cleared. Bull Run water, city gas. Small payment down $i0 per month. Owners may provide building for de sirable purchaser. Inquire. D. J. O' Conner. East 92d and Wood stock ave. Phone Aut 626-75. ONE ACRE IN GRESHAM. All good soil, In cultivation. 3-room house, front and bsck porch, city water, sink, pantry, wood house, chicken house, 3oung fruit trees; price $1200; will take Ford car as part payment. KRIDER & ELKINGTON, Gresham, Or. $100 CASH, $12.50 MONTHLY. 20 acres of land Just beyond Sher wood; gravel road, 1 of a mile to electric station; 3 acre in cultivation, balance small fir and brush: good spring; total price $2000. Fred W. Ger man Co., 7Js Cham, of com. HOME-SEEKERS' REWARD. 5-room modernised bungalow, garage, chicken house, on good road, close to Mr- 1U, apTPi All -nit? ftTiiUlfl: miltahle 'terms. "Sfe Schmidt, - INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO., Bdwy. 4751. 410 Henry Bldg. WHERE CREEK MEETS CHEEK. There is a delta of 10 acres, rich, al most level land, half in cult.; some buildings, fruit. Implements, etc. on Johnson creek and O. W. P., near Hoover's. J. B. Labor, Broadway bldg. Main 769. 16 ACRES LARGE 4-ROOM HOUSE. Good barn; land all fenced; all in cul tivation; 14 acres bea verdant, on paved highway. Price $7500; cash. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO 305 Oak SL a bargain! Attractive 2-acre tract with 6-room house, barn, fruit trees and berries at Hubbard, Or.; price $2500; $1500 cash, bal. terms. Phone Tabor 915. or write W. J. MORTON, Hubbard. Or. $1850 A SNAP $1850. 10 acres, all In cultivation, 2 dwell ing bouses, 1 barn and other outbuild ings, 2 acre loganberries, close to car and scnooi; nair casn. BROWN. 410 Railway Exch. Bldg. HIGH-CLASS acre,, about 35,000 sou feet, facing on Hawthorne carline. ail covered with all kinds choicest varieties of fruit, i years old, run bearing; all kind fine prune; will seU for $30tr0. terms. aj ivi, uregonian. 1 ACRE near electric cars and hard-sur face road, just east of city limit; $700, very easy .terms. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 8787. 3 ACRES. Va mile from Oregon Cltv. rood house, barn, chicken house, fruit, ber- - ries, a oanay uttie piace. win trade for Portland home or $750 down. 401 Stock Exch. bldg. Main bass. $50 DOWN, $15 MONTHLY buys 8.76 acres of land, all cultivated, in the Beaverton-Reedvllle district; small shack; price $400 per acre. Fred W. German Co., 732 Cham, of Com. ONE ACRE, Garden Home, three-room nouBe- chicken house, gas, water, elec- trif,it'. mflnv kinds of herinn-' fruit tricity: many kinds of bearing fruit: $2000; easy .terms. Main 6882, Main &4S6. 18 ACRiJS BASE LINE ROAD. Will subdivide Into IS one-acre tracts. each fronting on first -class road, with eheetnc line at rear, price 700U. HENRY W; GODDARD. 243 Stark St. SO ACRES near Junction City; house; 17 acres cultivated; loo acres adjoining can be homestead ed; splendid grazing country, trice ciouu; e-uuu win nanaie. nuu-tuch, ah j-tenry meg. nwvER , u hnmm 7ZT77 f55rl?. l.JL. hoViu berries, outside city limit. SHOO. 1400 dwn $io a month at 6 per cent interest. E 254, Oregon ian: 2 Mi ACRES fine cultivated land near Oak txrove station, uregon city line; ga and electricity; $850 per acre; will show by appoin tment. Phone Wood lawn 4314. 10 ACRES, close in, improved, rood house. oarn, otner outDuiiainga, stock and equipment. Sure cheap; some term. T 271, Oregon ian. 20 ACRES logred-off land near Goble; some cleared; small payment or trade for house equity. Mr, Brand. 420 Henry building. - 20 ACRES N VIL.I.A- AVENUE. Good elevation with fine view for miles; fine soil. $250 per acre. -H'JBXRY W. GODDAM), 243 Starlt 8t. (3 ACRES for -ale or ejM-hango, 10 mile. irom conriaDUH, di, oarn; no house. Tbone East 7150. House Ko. 400 JdorrLs St. East HKR1S ia a real buy, 20 acres good land, about a mile from a good town below Portland on Columbia river at 160 per acre. A 15. Oregonlan. $1000 10 ACRES, level, good soil, garden, mostly big 2d growth timber; 1800 cash. m.'-. w. McFurland. Failing bldg: tt aCmc4 Oswego,- small house, real snap; 1300. Call Mala TU81. GET A CITY acre for lot price, easy Urma .Call 2S Salmon. . REAL ESTATE. For Sale Acreage. NEAR OREGON CITY. Splendid 12 -acre farm within walk Ins distance of Oregon City or Glad stone, on graveled road; 10 A. under , plow, 2 hit In pasture with everlasting sprin.g. splendid soil, no gravel, 4. A. commercial apples, also peaches, cher ries, grapes, berries. Good 6-room house, wood shed, fruit cellar, good barn, hen houses, plenty of cut wood.- Phone in; house. A good Christmas present for you. Only $5500; $2500 cash. This Is positively a money maker, but owner is a widow and cannot handle. Have a look at this. 12 acres, aH under plow, good, deep soil, no gravel, located on graveled road, 4 miles of Oregon Cfty. 2 miles of Glad stone; good family orchard, grapes; comfortable 6-room house, large barn ; other outbuilding; only $4000; one-third .cash. A mighty good buy for this money. 12H aores on Pacific highway. 21 mlleasouth of Portland. 4 blocks of a town, schools and stores; all in high state of cultivation, being rich, eandy loam, fine potato, garden- or loganberry land; fine family orchard, berries. NIcp plastered 6-room cottage, wood shed, wagon shed, bam. witi plenty of feed ior extra cow, rine norse, hog. cntckens, all kinds farm implements. This farm adjoin town: good business Location, also sell an you grow at door. Price $G0OO. half cash. . 10 beautiful acres on the banks of the Tualatin river, 12 miles of Portland via uswego, h mil of carline. school and stores. Splendid fruit ; H acre black caps, l acre strawberries,- 1H acre raspberries. Nice 6-room house, e-arajre. barn, hen house, plenty of feed on hand ior norse and fresh cow and chicken Farm Implements and tools. Price for Tew days only. $5S00; will take part j-oruano. property as first payment. O. E. FREYTAG. Gladstone, Oregon. On Oregon City Car nne. inor.e Oregon City - TOTAL PRICE $1600. 5 acres, 2 miles from Mlddleton, Red r. i metric station; a acres under cultiva tion, 4 acres can be cultivated, balance timber; creek through place, H prune trees, pears, a appies, Z cherries, bear ing, some young trees. Rural route. 5 room box house, shed barn, work shop. hi mile to school, hk mile dirt road, 20 miles south Portland; $600 canh. bal ance for 2 years. Inspected by Malone. juujs I'ifittUUBON, Gerlinger Building, 10 ACRES, 5-room bouse, barn, 6 head cattle, 1 horse' and some hav. 2 wells. about 30 bearing fruit trees, a few goose- oerries, currants, raspberries, strawber ries and blackberries, about 5 acres in 'meadow, balance in pasture. There are a tew fir trees, wood enough now cut for one year; GO W. L chickens, 2 cows, 1 horse and cream separator. This ls tipland.4 miles from Tacoma, Vk mile irom interurban and 1 mile from school. For price and terms write to Ephraim u. jviins, pox tHZ, .fuyaaup, wash. BERRY LAND. $15 PER ACHE. 4H miles north of Cathlamet. Wash, macadam road to tract. R. F. D.. run nfng water, fine soli: few scattering stumps, plant berries between the stumps ana make good; cannery will be put up close; 10O0 acres to select from: 20 acres. $300. 350 down. SjO every months, 6 per cent. 226 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. SEA-WOOD REALTY CO FIVE acres, located 3 miles from HllUboro. on dirt road. All under cultivation ; hi acre strawberries. logan. raspberries, hi mile to grade school : 6-room house. barn, chicken house, woodshed with 8 cords of wood. With the place go "60 pullets, L'4 hens. 1 cow, 1 horse. 2 hogs. 2. tons of hay, small tools, cultivator and $150 worth -uf lumber. Price 32675, $1550 cash. Bal. $75 per year at 6 per cent. iirooKs. witn .7QHN' FERGUSON, Gerlinger bldg.. YOUR CHANCE. $300 down buys 5 acres close to pave ment and elec. line; $1000. $500 down buys 5 acres in prunes, elec. station on place; $1500. $700 down, 18H acres, 73 prune, pear and apple trees, runnmg water, buildings: $2r00. We advertise, but a few call In. A. GORDON R-05S. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. Broadway 4751. 410 Henry Bldg. RESIDENTIAL PARK. A beautiful natural park of rare rural beauty, consisting of 7 acres of splendid soil, all level, convenient to paved Powell Valley road and only 3 miles east of the city, for $350 per acre, on terms. Buy now, build In the snrlng. R. H. CONFREY, RITTER, LOWE & CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 10 ACRES, 10 miles from center of Port , land; 4 miles south of city limits. Five acres unaer cultivation, an can ne cul tivated. 100 young fruit trees, 6 bearing trees. 4 rows red raspberries; 80 young prune trees; box house of 2 rooms; barn, chicken house and yard; h mile to school. Price $2500. $10O0 cash. Per sonally Inspected. Photos at office. JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger -bldg. MAKE YOUR DREAM COME TRUkT Enjoy the great outdoors, out where iiic ii ia j nuja huici "line unu rest 'neath the shade of Oregon's tall irs, where all Is peace and harmony; 1 big acre for $350. terms. R. H. CONFREY, ' RITTER, LOWE A CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. CLOSE IN BARGAIN. 1 hi acres near station, 2 blocks from school; 4-room bungalow, not finisned; city water and gas; hnrd surf'tre street: splendid location. Price $1503, - $300 down, balance $25 pr month. See Mr. Schmidt. INTERSTATE INVEHTMENT CO., ' Broadway 4751. 410 Henry Bldg. 10 ACRES joining the town of Monroe, Or. all under cultivation; 400 apple trees, 12' pt-ach trees 6 cherry trees, 6 pear tveei tearing and In good shape; .good 4-room brt-eaiow. other buildings. gimd Income - from the orchard; place ctos to high ard grade schools; price niwj ?2.tH earn, joun Ferguson, tier IHger biiig., 2d and aider sta. BEAUTIFUL POWELL VALLEY ACRES. Drive out today, you will see our signs, 3 miles east of city limits, walk in over the tract, note the fine soil then see us for special terms of partic ular parcels; J350 per acre. R. H. CONFREY, RITTER, LOWS & CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. FOR SALE LOGGED-OFF LAND. Write for map of Westerp Washington showing location, price and terms. Over 10JM)0 acres sold last year at our low price. Easy payment offeied to actual settlers. WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER CO., TACOMA, WASH. FOR SALE 55 acres of as beautiful land and good apil as lies out of doors, mile from electric R. R. station, fine spring water, 7 or 8 acres under culti- ' vation, near store, church and school; good gravel road: trade for house and lot .or sell easy terms: ls a beauty. W. G. Kerns, Eagle Creek, Or. GOING AT $350. One big acre, ideal country homeslte. near hard-surface Powell Valley road, and on easy tretns. R. H. CONFRET, RITTER, LOWE A CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. TWO ACRES, located one mile south of Stanley station; best of loam-soil; 7 miles from center of Portland, city water and gas in street; fine graveled road. Price $1050, tSOO cash. Inspected by Marsters, with JOHN FERGPSON. Gerlinger bldg. 18 ACRES 0?BASE LIN'B ROAD. - Will subdivide into IS one-acre tracts, each one fronting on first-class road with electric line at rear. $400 per acre, lnclvdinff water shares. - HENRY W. UOPUAKU. Z43 STARK ST. FIVE acres beautiful grove, maple, fir and cedar, corner facing on 2 roads, fine soli, no gravel; this is close to Glllls station, on Bull Run electric: price omly $1375 easy terms. See Mr. Boehm, 20 Oregon bldg. Broadway looa. 80 ACRES TIMBER NEAR REEDVTLLE. Fine-soiL and good cordwood proposi tion; easy down-hill haul; pries $95 per acre. 'HENRY W. GODDARD, 243 Stark St. SEVENTY acres, one mile from electric line, 12 miles irom fortlana, near Llnn ton road. First and second growth fir . wood, about n acres clear. $Ko per acre, terms if desired. VG 263, Oregonlan. 214 ACRES, mile Oregon City car: part cleared; shack, ehlcken house, spring . water; price $900, $200 down. AF 167, Oregonlan. LET ME SHOW YOU . acreage. Alberta car. City water each tract. $10 payments. R. W. Cary, Main 1643. $10 DOWN Acreage. Opening Stokes fins farm, 42d and Simpson. No city as sessments or frravel: $10 month. R. w. ' Cary. 1219 N. W. Bank bldg. FOR SALE Reasonably, 10 acres in Washington county, or. AV 831, Orego nlan. LEVEL, wooded tracts at. Ruby Junction, liw per n.,.1 o. uown ana es.ou per month. Strong ft Co.. 634 Cham, of Com. EXCELLENT LAND AT $110 PER .ACRE. lAuvCAKr.nnnonM t- r 63S N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 8TS7. FOR SALE 15 acres two miles south of Keeaviiie. ror particulars address C. Sorenson, Beaverton, Route 4, box 85. 160 ACRES. 13 miles of Portland, 60 acres in cultivation. fc,aat moo. HALF ACRES Acres, $10 month. Alberta car. B. M- C0 1219 fy. W. iBank bldf. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Acreage. CHOICE) ACREAGE. - We are placing on the market our 'large tract of land on the south side of the Clackamas river and only half mile from the city; this we have subdivided Into five-acre tracts, fac ing a 40-ft. road. This road ls now being graded and is to be graveled and planked the entire length, making the property tne most aesiraoie of any yet shown In the vicinity of Estacada. The maloritv of these tracts are level with no rocks and with a soil that is particularly aaapieu tor iruic its picturesque lano scape beauty with several snow-capped mountains, including Hood and St. Hel ens, in signt, ana with plenty or the purest mountain water to be had by eimpiy tapping me water main that passes your door, making each and every on of thee tracts a home to be envied. During the holiday season these tracts will be sold very cheap, with a small ca&n payment; you have 6 years to pay the balance and a low rate of interest. We fcave placed this tract of land within reach of ail, especially the party with small amount of cash, so do not delay, as about 30 per cent have already been sold and the price will be raised if any are left after January 15. CART REAL ESTATE CO., Eatacada, Or. YAMHICL COUNTY RANCH. ' 80 acres north of Sheridan, county road, R. F. D spring, -fenced, all very near level, no waste land, about 60.006 ties, piling, and cord wood; $5000, $500 downK balance 6 per cent: 53 acres at Amity, running water, fenced, very near level, county road, about 100 cords of wood to the acre, market for the wood on the place; $4000, $50O down, balance as you sell the wood. 226 Chamber of Commerce bldg. ( SEA-WOOD REALTY C0. FINE LOGANBERRY LAND. Nearly 7 acres. 2 miles east of city, on paved road. 3 tlncks from electric station; all under cultivation. 120 bear ing fruit trees, pet.rs, prunes, apples, citi?rr:es, etc.; H acre logan and straw berries, email b-rnoiit house, barn, ga rage, 2 ch.cken bouses: orice S4300. CI 100 rash Crt-ek Ly piace. Personally inspected. JOHN FERGUSON, Geriinger Building. STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. 23 acres, all In cultivation except acres, which are easily cleared: 4 a. I clover, 1 a. in kale;x5-room house, mod' ern barn, 6 chicken houses, l brood bouse equipped. 2 good wells, all kind of berries and gropes, 400 white leghorn hens, l 7-year-oin 14u-id hore. l Jer sey cow, all machinery and feed., righ in small town 20 ml. from Portland, $6000, easy terms. ' L. O. GERBER, 715 'Swetland bldg. 10 ACRES. 14 miles from courthouse. acres under cultivation, all can be cul tivated: fenced with barb wire, 400 cord, of wood on land not under cultivation, 3 acres of bearing fruit, 8 -room house which could be made into 4 or 5 rooms barn, chicken house; 2 miles from Ore con City line; price $28V). $750 cash 60 sacks potatoes and 2000 cabbage with D ace. Personally inspected. JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger Bulldln. ONE BIG ACRE FOR $350. Out Powell Valley road, covered with beautiful grove of native trees. Don't worry about the money; If you are the kind who win make tne oest ot oppor tunity we will make the money ques tton easy. A few dollars a month will pay for the land. R. H. CONFREY, RITTER, LOWE A CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 20 ACRES IS cleared; 3 seres of assorted orchard and other fruit; miles from Estacada; has a 6-room houe. Urge barn and other good Improvements. Price $4000; half cash, balance low rate of in terest. CARY REAL ESTATE CO., ' Estacada, Or. OREGON CITY LINE. 3 acres, 1-3 mile from station. 15c commutation fare; 2H acres cultivated, nil mn be cultivated, macadamized road, 32 bearing fruit trees, some logan, rasp and strawberries; price ziuv, iw casn. .email furnished house on place. in nnpeted hv Malone. JOHN FERGUSON. Gerlinger Building. TJirnR TS ROME FINE ACREAGE. 10 acres, bench land, near Newberg, 4-room house, spring, all under culti vation, rolling land, some trees, new building; $3dOO, easy terms, iisi m. Shi acres, fruit and berries,- garage. v. mile from 'I igara, j enua. Will take in small house. List 19. NORTHWEST HOTEL NEWS, 714 Couch Bldg. JUST THINK! $4000 for 17 seres rich river bottom, z mues irom jicMinnvure, nit imnroved: house, barn, 2 chicken houses; full set farm tools; near high way; terms. Come in. Better see -Ui before you buy. J. A. WICKMAN CO., "Shortest Way Home," 264 Stark St. Main BS3 and 1094. 10 ACRES, near Washington county line, 6 miles from Timber, 1 mile to school, graveled road; 7 acres under cultivation, balance in timber: all can be cultivated; uwi cnii s-room box bouse, barn, chick en house, blacksmith shop, 15 bearing fruit trees, 10 years oia; price S600 cash, balance $100 per year, 6 per cent. Nelson, with JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger Building. 10 ACRES NEAR TUALATIN. $2700. A choice tract; 9 acres cultivated; 4000 berry plants, 75 fruit trees, 2 acres good onion land; small buildings; per sonal property is included; this is only a few blocks from station. D. McCHESNEY, 304 H Oak St. Bdwy. 266. 5, 10 OR 20 ACRES. 20 acres, all under cultivation. Will sell the place at $500 per acra or will sell half at $550, or 6 acres at $b00. This is close to carline and the paved Base Line road.. It is fine soil, now In clover. STRONG & CO., 6H4 Chamber of Commerce Building. MULTNOMAH ACRE SNAP Only 11500 for my acre near Multnomah; located on hard-surface road: fine view and all fn cultivation; gas. electricity and Bull Run water accessible. Adjoining prop erty sold for more than double this price his season: half cash will handle. Bee McCormic, owner. 242 Washington St. Main B-'o. . lO ACRKS FOR $50 DOWN. T.ore-ed-off land, located 80 miles from Portland, near R. R. station; all .itiahi. when cleared: good -soli: grow ing community. Price $650; terms $50 cash and $10 monthly. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, 013 Chamber of Commerce. YOU CAN'T GET AHEAD BY LnntriNfl ON. ti,i nn acre out Powell Valley road building a little bungalow among the beautiful trees; only ,iso. R. H. CONFREY, RITTER, LOWE A CO.. 201-S-S-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 3ACRES FOR $25 DOWK. AnA tm month: located near elec .-i - ..Atiifi . nrl naved road: lies level: some nice timber; ideal suburban home- site: fine tor cnicaens, uerriea, u- Price jJjjgj-jDEMANN COMPANY. 913 Chamber of Commerce. AdREAfiE BARGAIN. 18 acres, 8 acres in cultivation, good 5-room house, good barn, chicken house ftnd outbuildings, lino iainny n:iiiu, all kinds of berries, woven wire fenced and cross-fenced. 8 mi. from Oregon City on good road, $2600, term a L. O. Ger- ber, 713 awenanq piug. MOMK.RHEKERS' REWARD. 5-room modernised bungalow, garage, chicken house, on good road, close to car; 114 acres, all cult.; $5000. Suitable terms, see ocnmini, INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO., Bdwy. 4761 410 Henry Bldg. ONE FULL ACRE. $425. It Is the last one left In this tract and, to close out before Christmas, you can make your own terms on it- It is close to the carline and paved Base Line road. Strong A Co., 634 Chamber of Commerce. ONE-HALF acre, 1 block from St. Johns car: 4-room house with large attic; 4 blocks to school, city water, gas and electric lights In street, $300 oash, baL $15 month at o per cent. JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger bldg. Main 8529. on A ORES ON BARR ROAD. West of Buckley ave.' 6 acres has been cultivated; rest easily cleared; B. R water, electric lights. Price $400' per acre. Inaiuuing water marcs. JIENRY W. GODDARD. 243 Stark St fiRKSHAM DISTRICT. 10 acres, mostly in clover. 1 acre or chard, new barn, small house, good road, rood berry land. $3209;, will exohange for house in suburbs. 8 P. Osburn, 610 McKay bldg 1014 ACRES I-ROOM HOUSE, a acres cleared; close to school and church; good roads; 18 miles from court house. Price $1600. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO- 305 Oak St. 8.04 ACRES ON CARLINE. Close to Ruby station. Only t,wo pieces left in this tracts To close out this year have priced this at $375 per acre. $50 down and $12 per month- Strong at Co.; 614 Chamber of Commerce. BIG. BARGAIN 5 to 50 acres, Columbia bfvd, near 42 d. Itaia . SEAL fcSTATK. For Sale Acreage. $250 CASH, balance easy monthly payments, buy 5 acres near Jen nings Lodge, Oregon City line. Price only $1650. See Mr. Fame worth, with H. A. DRYER "THE ACREAGE MAN" 608-9 Lewis Bldg. Brdwy. 608 L 4R ACHES. 87 in cultivation, 2 acres bearing nmiiM! fair bullrlinrs: stocked and I equipped; 7 head good cows, team; 150 1 chickens, etc; l mile irom town ami PnrtlAtii -McM nnv e highway; Sl'DUU. Terms very easy, or will consider 6-room I nouse to aoout S4uuu. RUM M ELL A RUM M ELL, 274 Stark Street. 90 pwn Arnvt for good land. 160 acres, located within SO miles of I Portland and hi mile from station ana i school, about half rood tillable land, bal ance fine pasture; good spring and trout j stream on place; several acres creek bot-I torn land; settled community. This is I best buy anywhere around Portland. I Price $3000; term $1000 cash, balance I to aut. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY. 913 Chamber of Commerce. 7 ACRES. 16500; LIBERTY BONDS ATI 1 Alt RANCH OR COBDWOUU OPPORTUNITY. miles couth of Oregon City, main road. IK miles electric station. 4V. Can-by; 7 acres cleared, cruised 4000 ! cords of wood; stream, cheap 5-room I house, barn, weil. With power- saws one I should clear $14,000 from the wood, have I ranch remaining; $1500 will handle. J. C. CORB1N CO., 3l5-6-7 Lewis Bldg. FINE CHICKEN RANCH. 1 acre. 14 mile from station, 72d street. ureanam car: city water, gas, gooa o- room house, garage, chicken house, I woodshed; $.100 cash, balance monthly I payments, o per cent; wo commutation i tare. JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger Building. CHICKENS AND" BERRIES. Splendid 5-acre tract, all In culti vation; neat 4-room house with fire place, chicken house and other build ings; acre strawberries; located on I gravel road 6 miles northeast ot Van couver. Wash.. 1 miles from the elec tric tine. This ls an absolute sacrifice I at $11150: $10O0 cash. Fred W. Ger-1 man Co., 732 Cham, of Com. i ACRES. S1400. An Ideal countrv homeelte, the finest berry land outdoors, raise chickens, grow your own garden, enough wood can be taken- off the tract to last for years. Buy now. don't wait until you are old. then it may be too late; term. R. tt. t:urrticx, RITTER, LOWE A CO.. 201 --&-! Board of Trade Bid g. NO CASH PAYMENT DOWN. 40 acres cut-over land, dep rich soil, SUITABLE FOR INTENSIFIED farm ing, near transportation, accessible to good road, oniy a few miles to store, postoffice, etc. Price only $30 per acre. We will accept labir for all of the first payment. The balance may be paid on the easy payment plan. Ask for Mr. Dodson. 633 N. W. Bank bldg. in ACRES, all In cultivation and under a good fence; i mile rrom scnooi, store and railroad; R. F. D. mall: black loam I soil, good roada and only $125 per acre; half cash. . CARY REAL ESTATE, CO, . Jjlstacada, Or. 7',-i ACRES, house, spring, 1 ml. sta.; xifliHi. .Mchnrtqnn. - railing Ding. 0 AOKtiS, Oswego, small house; real snap. $l.lio. tall Mam THitt; Homesteads. Relinquishments. SEVERAL hundred selected homestead tracts to choose from, coveting Oregon s best farming and tinvbered lands. We cruised and classified these lands for the government and will locate you without wasting your time and money Most complete land records in the state. Copy government map to date showing more than 1000 open claims, $1. M. J. Anderson, SSI Railway Exchange bldg.. Portland. - 800,000,000 ACRE3 government land In United States. Mend tor rree descrip tive circular of our 100-page book, "The Homeseeker"; tells where good farm, timber, graslag land Is; or send $2.00 for book direct The Homeseeker. dept 8. Los Angeles. Cal. CHEAPER THAN HOMESTsfAD. 160 acres, 50 miles from Portland in Yamhill CO.; 40 acres good level land, 2 creeks, cabin; considerable fir and cednr timber. $5 per acre, $500 cash. A. W. Est'-s. 005 Chamber of Commerce. CAN LOCATE you on good homestead In I Portland or Koseburg districts. farm I or timber tract. I also have some good relinquishments. E. W. HELM. 817 Board of Trade bins. IMPROVED homestead. 1U0 ares. cheao: bouse, barn, furniture. strTc-k and tools go with place. Writs for particulars. box 32. Merlin. Or. - CLAIMS with beautiful timber worth $8000 each; high-class sugar pine, $.100 each it taken quick. 301 uortifit Hiog. fruit Lands for Sale or Bent. IMMEDIATE INCOME. .80 A. 12-year-old cherries and wal nuts In proven district Trees In fine condition snd Just coming Into heavy bearing. This Is part of a large plant ing and has always had expert super vision. Will net 20 per cent on valua tion of $50i) an acre. Absentee owner must sell and offers this for $3G an A. Good terms. 5 A. bearing apples and 5 A. young logans, right at station on O. E.. 25 miles from Portland. Best or soli and tract In fine condRlon. Worth $tA0 an A.: priced at $250, Vj cash. For details of these and other bargains write PEARCY BROS.. Salem. Or. 8 ACRES, fine for fruit, nuts or berries, 20 miles couth, near paved highway, J I acres, clear, 2000 cords wood, no rocK. fine spring, school, milk and mall route, (SO per acre. A bargain. Sea Willis, tax dept., courthouse UMPQ.UA VALLEY, "Ths Sunny Italy of America," 10-year-old pear ana sppie orchards, $200 an acre. Owner, 633 E. 24th st. N. - $24,000 APRICOT ORCHARD Annual Income, $10,000; near town: fully equipped, full details, photos.. Farm & Forest Co.. vvatsonviiie. uai. For Rale Farms. SALEM. OREGON. THE AGRICULTURAL AND IN DUSTRIAL CENTER OF THE WILLAMETTE VALLEY. ' FINE INCOME FARM. 55 acres of fruit and berries, located 1 mils from good town; 80 acres bearing prunes and 20 acres bearing loganberries, balance of place ls for garden, family or chard, etc. ; 6-room house, barn, chicken house, etc; camp houses for berry pickers. This is a fins Income property and will soon pay for Itself. Ffics $600 per acre; fins terms. 60 ACRES $7000. 20 acres cultivated and fcalanc ls pasture with tim-ber. Estimate more than 2000 cords fine, straight fir and about 1000 cords oak. 6 ' room house, barn, etc. Fins stream ' of water In pasture. This Is tn a fine fruit section and there la fruit on two sides; also fine for ' strawberries and logans. A bar gain at $7000. Will exchange equity of $3500- for stock of gro ceries, confectionery or income property. 100-ACRB DAIRY. EQUIPPED. Partly tldelands near ths coast, close to railroad; 5-room house, large barn, chicken house, machine shed, etc.; fine spring water at bouse, electric lights In houss and barn, 8 cows. 2 horses, about 100 chickens, 25 ducks, plows, harrows, cultivator and other im plements are included with the farm. Price $10,000; very beat ot terms. 814 ACRES IN POLK COUNTY. About 114 miles to station and ls close to west side highway. 190 acres, cultivated and balance Is pasture with some timber. Wov. en wire fencing In good condition, fine 9-room bungalow, compara tively new;- fine barn 40 by 60 three floors), chicken house, ma chine shed, etc. ; good spring wa ter piped to house and barn. A dandy place with fine improve ments. Pries $40,000. Will acoept soms good Income- property as part payment. KINNEY SMITH. P. O. Box 264. 8AAVEM. OR. I 99 ACRES, located In Linn county, two miles from town, 1 miie to scnooi, gravel road, good- 5-room house, barn, and othor buildings; 5 acres under cultiva tion, 80 acres can bs cultivated; over SOCK) cords of good fir wood on the place, close to market; prlco' $55 per acre; $2000 cash. John Ferguson. Gerlinger bids. Over 2000 farms tor sals. HEAL ESTATE. For Sale -r arm. No, 1 MARION COUNTY FARMS. Here's a SO-acre tract, all tn cultivation. 1 mile from Oregon Electric station and town, on a good road, $125 per acre, H cash, bal. 6 years at 6 per cent, or will sell tn 10-acre tracts if desired. Here's your chance to get a good farm at the right price. 216 acres, 120 In cultivation, VH acrea In timber and pasture. This Is all 1 list-class land; no building, but owner has building on adjoin ing land which he would let the buyer use. Price only $!0 per acre, one-third cash, bal. ft years, V per cent. A GOOD BUT. 1S1 acres, 120 acres in cultiva tion, bal. timber and pasture; good 8-room house with sleeping porch, hot and cold water, elec trio lighted; barn 8040, granary and other outbuildings. This ia a good-lying farm; has running ater oh it. Would make a good grain or dairy ranch. Price $115 per acre, one-third cash, baianco o per cent. , J. 1 GROFF. DONALD, OR. STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. 94 acres, ii miles from Portland: eat of Gresham; good rocked road, H mile from electric station; 74 acres can be cultivated. 2S acres Minder cultivation: woven and barbed wire fencing: fine large young orchard, bearing: lots of berries; small house, barn 50xrA: hog house, root house; with the place go cnickens, brood sow. cow, horse and harness, ducks, 10O sacks grain. 10 tons hays hay slings and fork and complete line of machinery. Price for everything $T3M, half cash. Good land In a dis trict of well-Improved farms. John Fer- gueon. ticrnnger blog. 115 ACRES RAROAIV This farm of 115 acres la located Join ing town in Yamhill Co.. land la all practically level bottom land; about 00 1 acres under plow, about 6 acres of or-1 chard, besides family orchard, berries' ior xamuy use; o-room bourn with an I city conveniences, such as city water. electric lights and sewer. nathand toi let: large bern. silo, granary, straw hed. full of straw; machinery shed, ce- ment floor mllkhouae, Fordson tractor,! plows, harrow, team. 6 cows. hsv. etc.: this is a fine ranch, with paved street I in iront; price only i-M imu. some terms. r. Li. r.uui, RITTER. LOWE A CO.. 201-8-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg A REAL FARM 173 acres of nne soil, 110 acre under I cultivation. 5 acres of timber, no waste I land: new modern T-roora house. ! barns. 2 granaries, ft Holsteln cows, fresh: 1 bull, 4 yearling heifers, 0 calve These I are all thoroughbreds: some Berkshire I nogs; noghouse for so hogs, modern i chicken house, plenty of hay and grain; family orchard: all kinds of farm imple ments: 2 running springs on plsce. all I wire fenced; located 25 miles from Port land: all this for $JO.noo: might con- aider a small farm of 40 acres as part I payment. For further Information see I Mr. Boehm. 200 Oregon bldg. Udwy. 18..S. JUST A NlfR LITTLE HOME. THAT'S ALU a 25 acrea all good level land, with 4- room house, falr-sised barn; lying 8 miles from Lebanon on good county I road, with furniture and some equip ment, for quick, sale $.100. Terms on parr. C. I. LEAVEN GOOD Lebanon, Or. 8S ACRKS. 3 miles from town, on good road. 5.S miles from Portland: 1g acres under cultivation, 33 acres can be culti vated: lols of pasture: 2"i acres cher ries, plums, berries, etc. Free transpor tation -to high school. Grade school on place: good w-room house, bam, garage. 2 chicken houses, woodshed, storo room. With the place 2 cows, team, buggy. plow, harrows, harness, cream separator and 400 laying hens Place plowea ana seeded to crop which is Included: s,so feed. Price $4."00; large cssh payment. JOHN FERGUSON, tierllnger ni.ng, STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. 57 acres. 35 acres In cultivation. 8-rm. furnished house, good brn 54kAO, good outbuildings, 13 head cows, l nellere, l Holste n hull. 1 team noraes and har ness, 60 hens. 1 brood sow, 4 large shoats, all farm machinery and small tools. 1 cream separator. 10 tons hay. 100 sacks spuds, all kinds of vogc ta bles; this Is on main highway near elec tric sta.: sn ror siouu, terma L. O. GERBER, 715 Ewetlanrl bldg. FARMS FOR SALE. Have a large number of splendid bar gains In farm lands If you are looking for a farm In any part of Oregon at a price that ls more than reasonable. It win nv vou to come and see me at once. These farms are going fast be cuse they are bargains First corns. first served. M. J. MBI.CHIOR. 531 Rallw ay Rxcha n ge Building. SEND POSTAL for list of California farms, near million oonu ation. good c imate. excellent irri gation system, water, rail and- electric I transportation. especially adapted alfalfa, corn, potatoes, beans, beets. I grapes, peaches, figs, olives, wnlnuls. almonds; also excellent dairy, poultry and hog ranches: 5 acre up; especially easy terms. PAUL. KOS31ER, BTOCK- TON, CAU BUT FARM land in south along sea board for the Interest many pay on mortgages; market gardeners and fruit growers count on netting $500 to $1000 per acre:crops every month; rich feeds grow amasingiy; pork, peer ana mitk made at lowest cost. Writs J. M. Jones. General Development Agent. Seaboard Air Line, Room 5,0, Royaler blog.. Nor- fok. Vi. READY MADE FARMS. Wastesn Washington Irrigated berry land; 10-acre farms; all lands either under plow or ready for plow; no stumps; tnnd location: unusiuil DroDoslllon of- ft-red to msrried merf with farming ex perience. Write today for furtmr us- tatla, Address Land Dept. UcKENNA LUMBER CO. McKKNNA. WASH. A HIGH CLASS FARM. In Yamhill county, Joining the liveliest town In ths valley; 2O0 acres deep rich soil, highly cultivated; good bullillnus. orchard etc. One of the best farms in Yamhill oounty. Pries $160 an aero, abd I t.ijr leiui.. ALLISON A BILLINGS, 401-402 Dekum Hldg. 80 ACRES for sals or trade by owner, 6 or 7 acres under cultivation, sver one million feet of good timber: family or chard, spring and good black soli for strawberry snd loganberries, close to 8 canneries, 7 miles from Creswell. 15 miles from Eugene, 114 miles from school; price $l0O: free from sit In- curabrance. Anna t'amtTon, creswell, or. HAVE YOU CONSIDERED . That ws can placs a good renter on your Jlacs that will Insurs you an Income rom lease and pay cash on personal property? If not. ses ns at once, as ws speciaius along these lines, F. L. EDDY. RITTER. LOWE CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trads Bldg. LOGANBERRY LAND. 61 acres, 1 K , miles from Woodbnrn. or. AU under cultivation, on main rocked road: power line In front of DroDertv. Best of black loam soli; woven wire fencing. Price $15 pw acre, JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger bldg, 2d and Alder sta FINE FARM NEAR BCAPPOOSB. 200 acres on rock road. 14 ml!e from paved highway; all level land: sO acres under cultivstlon; living water; house, bam and other buildings; no finer piece of land anywhere down ths river; price JO,ow, terms, v LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, 913 Chamber of Commerce. FOR BALE-no acres on county road, un limited outrange ior stock. enough cedar to pay ror place if worked into I shingles or shakes: good cabin, barn and other outbuildings: 8 seres cleared and part fenced. Phons Marshall 217. or writs Roomer. 90 Texas SL. Portland. Oregon r-rtce ooo. 1114 ACRES near Mt. Hood Electric line: all euiu, black loam sou; 1 acre prunes. cherries ana apples; gooa well water: 4 , room bouse, good fences snd on county road; price only $2000. easy terms ttee Mr. Brubsker with Ralph Ackley Land Co.. D.S7 corostt Diag. HOP YARD. 92 acres best Willamette river bot tom land, 64 acres hops, good contracts. $400 per acre. J. K. cooper estate, In dependence, Oregon. 30 ACRES of the Clonlnger farm, 114 miles north ox ucappooss, auv yaros or 1 oium bla highway on place; no buildings .all under cultivation; crops now In. Mrs. Cordelia Clonlnger, Bcappooss. Or. j-OK SALE! Good alfalfa ranch. . near . . -1 ... . -sll-.,l OUK ----- 1 buildings, electric lights snd running wster in house; pries $17,000, good terms. Box 45. pnneviuo, ur. CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES Vi ' .. . i-A ,. tAO near r-ernwui, .v . - .... , terms, best coil: farms for sa.s. all sixes McFsrlsnd. 208 tailing bldg. LOGGED-OFF lands and small farms; run ning waier, sow, sum, mw iwi ,,. provsments; terms. J. R. Sharp. 8314 d. $30 AN ACRE WILL HANDLE. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 33 N. W. Bank bids. bain 1787. nr.At rsTATit far tan -Karma CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY LAND your last orhorlunltyi In central Gil berts and Saskatchewan are rn n r lamia open prairie ready for the p-. Interaperred itb trees, hlcn allord e Calient shelter for stock. Mere grain growing, dairying and livestock raising are being carried on successfully. The country Is Ideal for mlied farming. The Canadian Pacific railway Is oitermg a large area of these fertile lands In Lloydmlnster and Hatlieford districts, ' This fertile lend will become te heme of thousands of prosperous farmers on similar land Seag.r Wheeler grows the world's prise wheat. N'r I.loyumin ster the world's prise oais have b-n grown and butter of the highest quailiy Is made. A man can soon become Inde- fiendent an a farm in this district. Thrse nds can be bought now at an av.rsne of about $1 per acre. Tou pay down 10. no further payment of principal until end of fourth year, then 14 annual payments Interest is at. M. K. Thorn ton, supt. of colonisation, CanaJlan I'a einic railway, llv .Ninth ave. fc Calgary, Albnria. CONSIDER OARAGE EQU1PMUS f. SO acres, all tinder eoultlvation : fenced with woven wire; all plow td, art seeded: all rural conveniences, telephone; good u-ruoiu house, large burn, 2 i-hli k en housea, granary, silo, fine f.mlly orchard, located on main highwuy be tween Newberg and Hslem; 1 mile to 9th grade school; Included with place are 8 otiws, 1 sow snd pigs, 71) chickens, ail necessary farm equipment Including m-w rordson tractor, feed and seed. Price !IOOU. ir.ooo cash. Consider clear I'ort- lnr.d house up to 3Ul0 or garage ..qu:p ment to $40uo. Juhn AVergUMon. ueriuia r Hldg. ' RICH. IlKKI" HOIl,. We are selling partly improved farms within. a radius of uu mlUa of AiiKil liKliN'and HOOI'IA.M, to very pr..s prus cities, from $',0 to $10 an at-re, rcaesnable terms. The soil is rich slid dcp and produces enornions crops for which the market Is unltmllsd here on QHAY8 HAKHdR, Vnllupr,ed land can be bought at $20 to 140 i-er a,--e on remarkably easy lerma, namely $10 down and $10 a month at a p ,r tent. Olaya Harbor la on verge of atrlitl.lg rl. 1'ere la your opportunity, do dot d- lev. For further InCuimstion, write at mwi WASHINGTON STATU Cnl.uNISA. Tlii.N CO., INC. AHfclKPWhiN, WArilf. NOW, THIS IS THE F.F8T BUY OF THE bKASON. ti acres lying J miles N. R. of Lebanon, extending to bantlam river, with some bottom land. r-st Is levrl. and about H under plow, with crop In. Nearly new ft-rooom house ami fair barn, with all stiM-k, Including $ rows and I horsoa. hogs and goata. Imple ments and equipment, all for $?Mi, cash, balance ft years at ft per cent, C I. I.RAVKNrtOOD Lebanon, or. MODERN COUNTRY HOME. 10 seres 1H miles from Newb.rg. on line graveled ros'l; l ai r 1 under cul tivation. 1 acre fir timber; nne ehe1 tret-s; t4 scree prunes, 2 acres apples, 8 acres bngllah walnuts. 1 Mi seres euaw berrlrs. US seres black caps: good, nearly new plastered house with mm- liele plumbing; barn, garage, elileken muss, fruit house; gas engine snd pressure tank. This r re Is sleeked and equipped. Price flOisaj. $4su ensh. John Ferguson. Gerlinger bldg. Uer 2ono farms for sale. $0 ACRES 1 "4 miles from county se.t town; 1 mile to high and grade school; good graveled road, wire fencing; ten acres of food commercial orchard: five acres for potatoes snd grln; ems II house, barn 20x41k chicken hour, snpis houi-e; Int-luiled with place are hmsr, wagon, harneaa, cow, pig, rsblilta. power orcliard sprayer, plow. harrow, elc Price $''1sk), without equipment. $",.0 with stock and equipment; lo"0 iss, easy terms on balance st 6 per cent; 64 miles from Portend, east: will con. strirr house or rooming hcute. John Fergueon. Gerlinger Mcig. 84-ACRE FARM, IIP TO DATE. 50 acrea In a high state of cultivation. S acrea prunes and familf oreherd, bel. pasture and large limber. Spring brook, 8-room house, new plastered house, large bank barn, '4 mile to school, '.'.I miles south of Tortland. Auto r"a,l; sn Ideal home. Take soms tlado. $12, 600, easy terms. F. B. MADISON. 2I 7T1I BT. OREGON CITY. V 20 ACRES. 1 mils from Canby. Or Fine rocked road; all can os riiiuvaieo ; f seres under cultivation. balance fond pasture, fine spring, young orchard, be ginning to bear of 26 trees, pears, ap ples, prunes, cherries, etc. Good new fi rm, psnelod bungalow, fireplace; l.srn 40 x50 with stanchions for 15 cows; chicken hnu.ie l!ilx3U; buildings all on concrete foundation: 1 mile to fine high and grails school; Included with place, cows, team, creum separator and com- flete line of machinery: harm as and ii1 Pr'ce IS.10. $11150 cash. JOHN FFIIUIIN', tlerllngee TtMa, 127 ACRES. 8TOCKTCD 1?T acres, with 25 or 80 acres tinder cultivation. 50 acrea bottom lann. si acre strawberrlee. -j.io otner nusn ries, an. anil: o-room home, barn 3n:v; place Is localed neor Gaston; all farm equipment, horses, cows, chickens, crop; certainly a good buy at only $U-kiu. ItooO cash. v r. 1.. mum, RITTKU. IXDvYK CO.. 201-8-5-7 Board of Tra'le llMg 100 ACRES Owner says all or no acres 01 bottom lana. tooui were, m ., free water to Irrigate, good bullillnk-s and fences, on railroad, on hlghwav. mile to good school. Price Is $ll,0Oii. Owner save livestock, machinery end hay and grain worth 2ooo. UulldlnKS snd fences worth $2oo. If y..u will figure this out you will say It Is Ml bargain. Near Arlington. Oregon. Mill take horns In city ss part payment Mcc'liire ft Srhmaucb Co.. 806 HallwaJ Exchange bldg. 40 ACRES, 24 ml'es from I'nrt.ano. on graveled road; S seres unaer riiin.s tlon: all can be rnuivated: 14 mile is srhool; smsll family orchard. Hiaek loam soil: 8-room house, double ehlck house, root cellar; barn and ssrage. Price $4700 wllh disc plow, cultivator, imno caah. balancs easy terms. In spected by Nelson, with JOHN lEK'H wf iiemnsT ,.. f 22 ACRES, all In eu!llatlon: o-room houae, large nam, ano. ruiv-.-ii -for 1000 chickens, garage; right e county road, prosperous thickly eel tied district; fruit and berries.; f.nred It h woven wire sno cmsi ii-nrr,!, mils to station, store, postoiiics inj hool. Price stum, lorme. c-w i" . Kennedy. Ralph Ackley Land 10. -J Cnrbett blilg. 'WHEAT RANCH." 10-ra .er.. 110O A. In cron. ITS A. bunch grass, good buildings of all klnd env anuimi.,1 w ith machinery and tools. sltusted Sutler Fists, 12 miles Ar.lnglo.i Gilliam Co. Or ; 414 mil's Ry. 'rics $-7 per acre: i:i4.4r,t, erms, . o caao. $v00 two years. 122.im In 4 years. This Is s golmt ranch ana is a para-wit R. M. OATKVUrull e 40 ACRES. 20 miles from Portland; n. Ctllt., hal. pasture woo limner. ItHKI Corns 01 wooa. r sir nu harm 8 miles from railroad ana town. Price $$000, $10011 casn, uai. umm per cent r TNTTcnUTATK INVKXTM'TNT "A Ilroadw.y 4751. 410 Henry HI.1S. 640-ACKR stock and grain ranch. 8. seres unnsr cultivation. hf .i rr. an adjudicated free water right.' J acres sowed- to rye, 100 acres to wheat; stock snd farm Implements go with ths plsee-. price $'-'O.INMI; ens-third cash, balance 6 per cent Irlterest. Ownsr. Lock Box 545. lleupner. Or. . CAN'T YOU "ELI.r it we why not sell your persons! property and lease your farm. Ws havs many clients with esh for personal property and raaji rent. RTTTEIt. I3WH CO. Jfl-3-V7 Hoard of Trade HMg 20 ACRE. GHF..SHAM, $2.MH). mll.a from station, good road, per fect-lying trsct, bsst S"ll; 8-room bouse snd outbuildings; small orchard, pos session st once; $800 cash, bslancs ft years, per cent. nroaoway .to WATKRFORO. Cal. Waterford Irrigation district oners opponuniiie. ir in. nnme seeker and Investor unequa'.d elsewhere. Write for Information, eerretsry Water ford Community Association, VYatarlord. Cal. . KHAR HILI.KHORO. TO acres: 00 In cultivation: l-rrmm plsstsred house, good bam, msln county .road; team mares, full equipment, farm machinery; price $SooO. easy terms 7S2 Patton road. Main "0. $4 ACRHd. 80 a. high stats of cult., 4 a. pasture, nest mac n'" 111 eon, e-rnnm house, barn snd outbids--, ; lies level and on main road. Price $.130 per acre HENRY W. tiUliPAKU, xs.T ruai-g rt, GOOD paying farms, sixes snd terms ts suit, wun stock sna impiemer.ia v. .1. Culllson Real Estate Co., U0) kurrl ton st. Write fur list. ORANGE snd garden Isnd. level, fm- proved, lrrigateo. near city. .-o acre: range hind, $1: otner Daraauia, ail prices. Box SIX, Red.Hng. Cal. CALIFORNIA farms near Sacramento for ssle, asy terms; writs -tor uau tit. it, Walts, fihawnsc, OUa, ts A ' i . ' i ." J- - '''jZ.--.