The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, December 12, 1920, SECTION TWO, Page 15, Image 39

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sales manager,
experienced. highly successful
Can handle advertising,
clean record. best references.
Will consider only high-class proposi
tion. Available January 1st. BD 203,
IS THERE a merchant, wholesale or retail,
who needs an experienced general mer
chandise man, either managing, taking
full charge, or on the selling end. if so
I can fill the bill; will go anywhere;
etate in first letter full particulars, also
salary you will pay; reference ei
changed. J 254, Oregonian.
YOUNG man of good character desire
permanent employment with some cor
poration; have had but little experience
at clerical work., but willing to learn;
have had considerable experience on
gas and steam machinery; good driver.
P. O. box 3732, city.
AIRULANE pilot, considerable sales ex
perience with trucks, tractors, automobiles-
and airplanes; well known in city
and state; have automobile best local
references. "What have you to offer? G
207, Oregonian.
"WANTED Hauling contract for a-ton
Packard truck; gravel, rock, wood, lum
ber or anything (no salesman). Will go
any place, Stenstroin Bros. Main 7167.
207 Broadway.
STEAM ENGINEER 12 years machine
shop and engine-room experience ; elec
tric, sawmill or mine power house op
eration, open for position. BJ 259. Ore
gonian. YOUNG man direct from Switzerland, ex
perienced pastry baker, -European style,
desires positiun as heiper to learn Amer
ican style of baking ; good references.
Horand, phone Broadway 3421.
CEMENT finisher and concrete foreman
wants work by day or labor contract;
20 years' experience in all kinds of
cement and concrete work and rein
forced concrete and paving. Tabor 13-'..
NIAN. THOROUGHLY experienced farmer and
horticulturist wishes position as fore
man or superintendent; if necessary can
board men. G 218, Oregonian.
W ANTE D By experienced traveling
salesman, several lines to sell on com
mission; 15 years' experience. BD 281,
GET MY prices on painti-g that new bun
galow, and all Interior work, 25 years'
experience. Call before 9 and after 6.
Har:ow. East SO.
RELIABLE young man. 19. wishes place
with retail or w holesale house with
chance to start at bottom and learn the
business. H 213, Oregonian. t
TWO NEAT appearing young men desire
farm work, experienced farmers, capable
of handling stock, operating trucks or
g 3 tractors. W 214. Pcegonian.
ROOKS repaired at any time, rain or
shine, ail work guaranteed; eave troughs
cleaned. Portland Roof Repair & Paint
Co. Main 0320.
PRUNING of trees and shrubs, garden
work, of all kind; fertilizing: now is the
proper time to do It. Call up Woodlawn
FIRST and second cooks or cook and'
waiter, all around cooks and bakers. Call
Broadway 3011, ask for C H. C. 500
Hoyt st. '
ATTORNEY, experienced, desires 4 hours
work daily; mortgage or finance cor
poration ; reasonable salary. BF 208,
YOUNG man, 23, desires position with
chance for advancement ; will accept
anything; good references. E 201, Ore
gonian. -SITUATION wanted by janitor; mida le
ased man; references given ; 30 years
experience. Phone East 5019. William
C. Marchael.
EXPERIENCED pruning of ail kinds and
landscaping; have your work done right
Best of references. Main 1692. Res.. Main
013 evenings.
WANTED By man 34 years of age with
family, in electrical or plumbing busi
ness: will accept position on reasonable
terms. AL 243, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED milker wants position,
certified dairy preferred. C 231, Orego
nian. AUTOMOBILE salesman would like a po
sition wirh auto firm in or out of town;
best of references. L 276, Oregonian.
WANTED Carpenter work, big or small,
new or old jobs; good workman and fast.
Call Woodlawn 772.
HAVE a Ford touring car. general busi
ness experience, know the city; what
have you? AB 237, Oregonian.
HAVE 3-ton truck, want long job haul
ing, gravel or wood contract. Write E
C. Boardman, Portland, Or.. R .F. P. 1.
BAKER Good all around man, also good
pastry cook, wants work in the city or
out of town. BD 2Q4. Oregonian.
LET A practical mechanic overhaul your
car In your own garage. Estimates
given cheerfully. Phone Main 7099.
"WOOD CUTTER wants contract to cut
cord wood, over 3000 cords. Address H.
Y. Katoo. 50 N. 4th st., Portland.
JAPANESE school boy wants work in a
nice family. Phone 517-51. 9 North
MARRIED man. 28, wants worK on farm or
poultry ranch ; will consider anything.
AC 205, Oregonian.
JAPANESE young boy wants position as
housework or schoolboy. AB 239, Ore
gonian. ;
FIREMAN. engineer, factory heating
plant ; Al references; married. Main
24S9. apt. 2.
wants' relief work or steady. Call East
242S, evenings.
MIDDLE-AGED man, handy with tools,
can do carpenter, cabinet maker and
plumber Jobs. B 205. Oregonian.
WANTED Hauling for a 2-ton truck, by
day or contract; experienced driver. Ad
dress 527 Cedar St., McMinnville. Or.
ROOMS tinted $1 to $5; all kinds car
penter work; roof fixing. Woodlawn
CARPENTER contracts building or altera
tions save you money. Manny, Sell
wood 2421.
YOUNG MAN. experienced grocery clerk,
wants position, city or nearby; references
given. Caii Broadway 3783.
EXPERIENCED general mdse. man wishes
position, good country store, single, with
good references. BD 260, Oregonian.
WANTED Work by H. S. boy after school
and on Saturdays: mechanical or elec
trical work preferred. Caii Main 4SB.
EXPERIENCED meat boner would like to
learn the market trade, city references.
N 270. Oregonian.
SALESMAN, with new car. wants position;
- if It's straight commission don't an
swer. AK 24.1. Oregonian.
YOUNG man. age 21, wants job of any
kind : experienced on farm and dairy.
AV 915, Oregonian.
CARPENTER, builder, remodeling and
buflt-in work; prices reasonable. Tabor
JAPANESE couple wish position as cook
and housekeeper. ;.UU4 Division st.
YOUNG man, 10. position at anything; can
drive car. Broadway 331, ask for Ben.
WOULD like to earn $20 a week; middle
aged man. X 282. Oregonian.
JAPANESE wants position any kind of
wotk. r . V J. DO X vw.
LUM BER tallyman, 3 years' experience,
wants position. AK 244. Oregonian.
Reasonably estimates. Auto. 522-08.
JAPANESE wants position as school boy
AC 200. Oregonian.
ROO.M tinted. S3 and J4; good work and
ftansi action, rnone .iain oes.
INSIDE painting, tinting, refinishlng. Res
idence, Automatic 614-43.
CARPENTER, contracting, building, re
pairing, job work. Phone Sellwood 1507.
ELDERLY man wants position a janitor
or nouseman. n -jo, oregonian.
PLUMBING done reasonably by hour or
jod at ngnt pnee. taoor liio. .
PAINTING, papering and tinting. L&dd-
HOUSE painting, decorating of all kinds,
FOR CEMENT WORK, brick. Ule or frame
garagya, can t-aa i :, n
EN HELP 293 Mi STARK ST. M. 1548-
- x ivo v--voo friiuuiuer solicits your
piu-iwiiit, -nywnere. .cast 4ST2,
JAPANESE wants position, housework In
yi - iw.y. .iu, oregonian
.-O WOODCUTTERS want to cut cord
vood. T 225. Oregonian.
ACETE YLENE welder wants work In city
or out of town. BC 263. Oregonian.
WE TINT your rooms at bargain prices
material furnished Bdwy. 3523.
PAINTING, tinting and' papering. Call
.iain i uo.
ELECTRICIAN, 20, married, wants steady
u " itn-. -v-x, srv soman.
GOOD milker or farm hand wishes" posl
tion. BJ 243. Oregonian.
ANY KIND of roof repairing at any tim
FIRST-CLASS bl ark smith - r, - ZTZZTT
city ox out o town. BC 252, Oregxinia-
WANTED Short jobs trimming trees,
shrubs and painting. Automatic 622-31.
PAINTING, papering, kalsominlng by day
or contract. Phone East 2512.
CARPENTER, contracting. remodeling;
reliable mechanic. Broadway 2487.
K ALSO MINING, painting, plaster patch
ing; reasonable. Main 2805.
CARPENTER, ximv or repair work; estl
mates cheerfully given. Blaco, Main 1665.
WANTED Job driving truck or team In
or out town. Phone Main 6G02, apt. 4.
FILER or sawyer wishes position. Broad-
way 3502, Room 10. 48 N. Ninth st.
JANITOR, married, no children,
shall 677.
CESSPOOL dug, sewers connected. and
cement work. Call Main 1818, Miller.
TWO BOYS, 17, want job on farm; wages
no object. -AE 278, Oregonian.
FOR ALL kinds of masonry, brick, stone
or cement work call East 796S.
FOR CARPENTER and cement , work,
call Main 7805. Reasonable.
Bookkeepers, Stenographers. Office.
Young: ' man, 38 years old, with
years' Portland experience, wants 'to
connect with progressive and responsi
ble concern where experience, Initiative,
shouldering of responsibility and pep
will merit proportionate reward.
Experienced In 'advertising". corre
spondence, credits, accounting, system
atlzing and selling. Can handle any de
partment of your business, your entire
office or your branch.
t Put me anywhere. Have always held
executive position but can and will scrub
floors if by so doing 1 can benefit my
employer better than by getting It done.
' Not looking for a snap. Have plenty
of pep and want to use it to our mutual
CA PABLE executive wishes connection
with wholesale or manufacturing con
cern where experience in management,
correspondence, credits and accounting in
all Its branches is of value. Am mar
ried, own property and have traveled
extensively. Prefer to make small in
vestment in near future. G 2u3. Ore
gonian. YOUNG married man with several years'
experience as bookkeeper, general office
and' xtenocrapher, would like to hear
from a firm desiring the services- of a
reliable man; permanent. AJ 259. Ore
gonian. YOUNG man of good education dealres
permanent position with established
wholesale house or manufacturing con
cern; salary and opportunity to advance
are equal factors. H 215. Oresonian.
POSITION wanted by efficient. wide
awake young man. as an accountant;
hve good sales ability; can make my
self useful in any capacity. Best of
references. AC 208, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED lumber stenographer and
bookkeeper will be open for place De
cember 15; young man; permanent lofa-1
tlon; will consider out town offer. BC
24tf. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper, typist and
general office man, age 32. wants per
manent position in or out of city. Call
McEwen, Main 678S.
Al LOGGING and lumber accountant would
likts position January 1. Accurate oper
ating costs. Svstematlzing. References.
AV 777. Oregonian.
tangled accounts quickly reconciled. Get
reedy for income tax reports; rates rea
sonable. Main 217S.
EXPERIENCED accountant desires per
manent position; can take some dicta
tion. AJ 254, Orelfonian.
BOOKKEEPING or other clerical work;
competent; extensive experience - In or
out city. A 282, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper would like
small set of books to keep evenings.
v ;, oregonian.
STENOGRAPHER, young man, experi
enced general office worker, desires em
ployment. AP 206, Oregonian.
TELEPHONE operator, married, wants-
position, 6 years' experience. G 279. Ore
gonian. FIRST-CLASS cook, cafeteria, hotel or
camp, in or out of city. BD 270. Ore
nw. Will call. East 8518
RELIABLE young woman would like po
sition as nurse tor cniidren; good refer
ences. Phone Tabor 0246.
YOUNG C. S. lady, employed, best refer
ences, wishes positlpn as companion in
C. 9. home. Phone East 2515.
TEN YEARS' experience, doctor or dentist.
need position immediately; AE259, Ore
gonian. EXPERIENCED business woman desires
connection with high-class real estate
firm. AE 272, Oregonian.
COMPETENT office assistant or house
keeping: small salary acceptable. AE
258. Oregonian.
TYPEING and clerical work wanted by
experienced of rice lady for half time.
Sunday Columbia 605. Main 571.
RESPONSIBLE woman will take care of
children afternoons and evenings. Au
tomatic 519-49.
WANTED A position with undertaker as
attendant or to assist with work; ex
perienced. O 2T(6. Oreeonlan.
LAUNDRESS wants washing 6 to 8 hours.
nings. Bdwy. 1842.
VERY EXPERIENCED woman wants all-
arounn nay work. Expert laundress.
East 2034.
WOULD like position in home, good plain
cnok. serves well; have no company and
no phone calls. G 2ft3. Oregonian.
WOMAN wants day work, washintr. Iron
ing, cleaning. Auto. 620-50. Mrs. E.
STOUT, hearty woman, washing, ironing.
cleaning; experienced : best reference.
Marshall 806.
MIDDLE-AGED lady will care for children
atternoons and evenings, while mother
is absent: best references. Tabor 1530.
EXPERIENCED cashier or clerical work.
iirst-ciass reierences. BC 247, Orego
nian. LADY wishes charge of gentleman's home
wun a cniiaren: more reiinea Home than
wapes. Mar. 2514.
EXP. WOMAN wants day work, house
work and cooking or laundry work.
Ka?t 1532.
EXPERIENCED woman wants day work.
L-emi uuur. xnone xsawy. lb-Ks. room
CURTAINS home laundered. 446 E. Ank-
eny. i-none ttast ausa.
CLOTHES rough dried in fresh air.
ironed, at home. Main 9132.
GIRL wishes to car for child after school
nnurs. ar. .m.
COLORED woman wants da,y work. Wood
GRADUATE piano teacher will teach at
your name: lessons 7o cents. Main 4506.
GIRL, employed, wants to work nights and
mornings ior room ana noara. Main 413.
laui . experienced, would like work, city
or country. mj z-h, uregonian,
LADY will take care of children during
day and cook. EasT 877.
WOMAN wants day -work, by hour, car
fare. Woodlawn 5S67.
EXPERIENCE) lady wants to do cleaning
etc. can jviain tzdi, apartment 3.
LADY wants hounecleaning. washing, oth-
er worn; qo gooq worn, woodlawn 6305.
WOMAN wants work by hour. 966 East
20th st. North. Woodlawn 566S.
CLEANING, window washing, laundry, 50c
an nour anu car iare. Alain 1 J J.
WANTED Work by day or hour. Mrs
o j v m u 1 1 . .ityj .wornacin. .narsnaii ioa
RELIABLE woman for chamber work or
ffpn era 1 h niicwnrli n-n A "-i-
WOMAN wants day work for Friday and
EXPERIENCED lady wants day work
EXPERIENCED colored girl would like a
gw imuia m. uity cnamoer Work. E. 830?.
WANTED Work by the hour by clean.
WOMAN wishes
day work. Automatic
SWEEP, dust, iron, '"Tuesday,
preferred. Tabor 5703.
Rose City
RELIABLE cateress serves dinners. Call
ail week. Bdwy. 5072. Apt 42.
tv i a'ueu ay neat, capable
CAPABLE colored woman wishes house
or laundry work by hour. Mar. 630.
FIRST-CLASS cook., meat or pastry, cafe
teria, city. v urcgonsan.
EXPERIENCED, laundress. best refer
ences, waufcft uay wor. aaw 2t7.
LAUNDRY work and cleaning, also taking
RELIEF nurse cares for the sick through
tne cay, cnuuren evenings. Mar. 349,
WOMAN wants day work;
perlenced. Main 3179.
DAY work. East lt964.
neat and ex-
WOMAN- wants work by day. Wd.ln. 79$.
HAVE up to $5000 to invest with working
interest in a good going business ; or
' will buy business outright. Am young
woman with business training, college
education, ambitious and willing to
work. Give full particulars in first re
ply. AC 258. Oregonian.
BY ELDERLY lady, companion to elderly
lady, care of convalescent or light house
work for e'derly people; good home and
salary. Phone Monday morning. Sell
wood 1700.
AM A WOMAN of good, honest moral
character; want a place of same char
acter in a quiet home In small family,
home most of my object; am glad to
earn It; well able. AP 203, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED woman wants hitch en
work during the noon hour in nice res
taurant or - cafeteria. Call Tabor 7007.
Mrs. A. Smith, before 4 P. M.. except
REFINED, educated woman, fully respon
sible and experienced in care and feeding
of small children, wishes position as
child's nurse. For personal Interview
write P. O. Box 6b4. city.
B. C. STUDENT wants situation whers she
is free after 2 P. M. Good, economical
cook and1 housekeeper; also seamstress.
N 2S4, Oregonian.
UNINCUMBERED refined .woman would
like to go to California with someone
for winter and give light services for ex
penses. Call Broadway 47(H).
NORWEGIAN lady wants day work. S
hours a day. 5-0 cents an hour; good
worker. Main 1075. Call mornings and
evenings after .7.
WANTED A position as nurse-companion
for elderly person; good traveler; will go
any place in U. S. Salary reasonable.
W 1Tj, Oregonian.
WOULD like to have a good home for a
clean young Bohemian girl; speaks Ger
man; wishes to learn English. AB 220,
REFINED middle-aged lady wishes posi
tion as housekeeper for widower with
one or two children. 240 Park aL Phone
Automatic 517-52.
REFINED young lady would like to travel
or live in California; willing to do any
kind of work; "must have good pay. AC
20S, Oregonian.
SITUATION wanted in small, piain family
by middie-aged lady; can do good plain
cooking; $25 per month; references.
F 280, Oregonian.
POSITION, reliable middle-aged woman,
good plain cook. No objection to coun
try if modern. Write M. E., 1S3 W.
13th st. $50.
YOUNG lady, experienced telephone ex
change work and dentist assistant, de
sires position, reference. . Phone Wood
lawn 2344.
WOMAN of refinement and intelligence
wishes position as managing housekeep
er in apt. house or small hotel. Ref
erences. AF 208, Orogonian.
XuUiVG lady working part of day would
like board and room for services morning
and evening. West side preferred. BD
2SU, Oregonian.
WANTED-vPosltion on private board ex
change, hotel, hospital or business
house. Experience and references, AP
210, Oregonian.
YOUNG woman -ants housekeeping room
or apartment for self and husband In
exchange for services. AH 2u4, Ore
gonian. LADY wants day work ; washing and
ironing preferred. Call Aut. 317-62 from
1 P. M. to 6 P. M. Sunday.
WANTED Position in doctor's office, ex
perience and references. AP 2uy, Orego
nian. YOUNG lady wishes place where she can
look after children evenings in exchange
for rooTn in gQoa home, x -!0u, 'Jrego.nau
WANTED A place to take cai e of chil
dren evenings while mother js away;
references. Woodlawn 1611.
WANE ED Knitting, reasonably done for
old and young. Phone I6-lo, or address
4."3 East 40th st. North.
Bookkeepers, Stenographers. Office.
BOOKKEEPER and stenographer; young
lady, permanently located in Portland,
wishes steady position. Over six years'
varied local experience ; accustomed to
handling entire office work. Mar. 5S33.
POSITION WANTED Can do all work
required In a one-person office includ
ing keeping books and attending to cor
respondence. Main 4080. AK 225, Ore
gonian. COMPETENT bookkeeper wishes position.
eight years experience In bookkeeping
and general office work. Call Bdwy.
WANTED Position as typist, general
clerical work; eight years' experience.
Tabor 2176.
ten years experience, desires secretarial
position or other responsible work.
Woodlawn 3050.
A-l STENOGRAPHER. 8 yrs.' experience.
wants position witn a iuture; depenaaoie,
best references. X 280, Oregoninn.
YOUNG lady desires- position as stenogra
pher; can xurnisn reierence. s ore
gonian. YOUNG lady capable of stenography and
general office work desires position. Mar.
GRADUATrSipf comptometer school wlsM-a I
position in oiiice; two vris eAucnouto
in office work. AH 28i. Oregonian.
LADY with years of experience wishes
rooming or apartment house to manage;
best of references. G 217, Orenonian.
CAPABLE stenographer with experience
in general of lice workt ana iuing ; oest
of references Phone Auto. -13-44
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper-stenographer
wants work in or out of city. Marshall
STENOGRAPHER. with several years'
talking experience, desires position im
mediately. Call Marsh. 588!
EXPERIENCED stenographer desires posi
tion at once. Marshall avia.
EXPERIENCED stenographer desires tem
porary work. Main 503.
COMPTOMETER operator wishes position.
Wdln. 2753.
EXPERIENCED stenogra-pher desires per
manent or temporary work, laoor nsv.
GREGG shorthand teacher wishes position.
Best references. A 25o, Oregonian.
BEGINNING stenographer wishes position.
A 'lot, Oregonian.
TYPIST desires substitute work during
Christmas week. .ast 0EJ, Apt. iz.
PAST and accurate Elliott-JTI-cher blller
wants position. AK uJ, Oregonian.
Dirssmak e rs.
Dressmaking afternoon and evening
cowns a specialty. jtemoaeling. Aloa
erate prices. Phone Main 5354 (except
Sundays). iui uawy. omg.
WANTED by January 1 position as house
keeper by refined, miadle-aged widow,
alone, dependable: full charge preferred:
not in domestic c lasts: references. AL
21". Oregonian.
ENGAGEMENTS in homes; remodel, em-
brolder gowns Into new ones; references.
M-rshali 1097.
SUITS, coats, dresses, alterations of all
kinds; old suits made tver. Mrs. Kelly,
752 Vancouver ave. Auto. 316-00.
DRESSMAKING and remodeling, all work
guaranteed. Mrs. c iticnaras. 07 'lay
lor street. Phone Marshall 18S3.
ENGAGEMENTS by day by thoroughly
experienced dressmaker; remodeling rea
sonable. Bdwy. 1567.
DRESSMAKING, ladies' evening gowns s
specialty. 247 N. 12th and Marshall sL,
apt 8. Broadway 5038.
DRESSMAKERS Experienced dressmak
inc by day; alterations; reierences. n,ast
7605. -
DRESSMAKING, alterations, by day or
home. ,403 Main, itoom tj. juarsnali
3342. - J
TAILORESS and dressmaker by day;
references. Call Tabor 3043.
FIRST-CLASS dressmaking and tailoring
by day.. Call Tabor au.
WANTED Plain sewing, per day, $2.50.
Phone Woodlawn 63S9.
A-l DRESSMAKER, out by the day. Phone
Marshall 104S.
dren's clothes;
ladies' tailoring, chil-
reasonable. , East 2478.
EXPERIENCED dressmaker. S3. 50
Call Tabor 6205. Sundays and evenings.
EXPERIENCED dressmaker wishes sew
Ing by day. East 587.
DRESSMAKING, family sewing of all
kinds at home or by day. Marshall 5046.
OLD SUITS made new in your home, em
broidered. Kererences. .-narsnaii auis,
WANTED by middle-aged lady with girl.
14. position as housekeeper for one or
more gentlemen. tan aiain i-t:iu.
PRACTICAL nurse, maternity or other
cases; will ao some nousework. Tabor
GRADUATE nurse (registered) would like
cases, best reference; reasonable rates.
Phone Main 8145.
PRACTICAL nursing wanted by day or
ween: any Kina oi a case. Mar. 2553.
GRADUATE nurse wants case; reasonable.
EXPERIENCED nurse wishes position in
drugiess pnysician s omc. East 3S31.
HOME for 1 small child with graduate
nurse. taut bi.
EXPERIENCED practical nurse with ref
erences desires case. Auto. 223-08,
CHILD'S NURSE Neat reliable young
woman, understands care and feeding,
capable of caring for Inia,nt. would take
personal interest In the home: does not
go out at night. AJ 257. Oregonian.
UNDERGRADUATE nurse wishes day or
night duty, small hospital, or will take
any kind of cases: some housework If
needed ; reasonable; ready Monday. AL
251. Oregonian.
SPECIAL infant nurse with long experi
ence, best of references, wants perma
nent position to take care of only bne
baby. R 109, Oregonian.
REFINED lady wants position as prac
tical nurse or companion ; will travel;
.references. Phone 9 to 12 A. M., Main
REFINED lady would like position taking
care of invalid or as housekeeper in
gentleman's home. Can give the best
. of references. Call Woodlawn 1S07.
PRACTICAL nurse will take maternity
case at her 4ome; best of care; refer
ences; reasonab.e. AB 23-4, Oregonian.
TRAINED nurse wifhes position; does not
object to some housework. Mrs. Hoff
man, phone East 73w8. 225 Russell st.
BOARD old people and nurse invalids,
reasonable price. 472 Sellwood blvd.,
cor. East 9th street .
GRAD. nurse, going to California, will
care for invalid or child en route. East
7719. '
PRACTICAL nurse with experience, best
of references. Phone 1l ast .i JC-.
PRACTICAL NURSE wishes case, some
housework. Main 0003, after 9 A. M.
RESPECTABLE woman with 3 children,
5. 9 and 11 years, wants place as house
keeper; country preferred, and good
home. Write Mrs. H. KT Downey, Gas
ton, Or.
WANTED Housekeeping for widower or
working adults; have 2-year-old rirl;
wages ?30. Addrwss Mrs. Grace Carna-
han. 815 W. Fourth st., Vancouver, vvasn
ELDERLY lady would keep house In wid
ower's familv or would cook for few
men. Call 207 Sixth St.. second floor.
Room 5.
WANTED A position as housekeeper for
elderly widower or bachelor; services
A-l; reasonable wages. Will leave city.
O 235, Oregonian. .
ft it ft xr r nan t middle-aired woman Je
sires h. k. position; widower's home with
1 or 2 children; decent home more than
wages. G 2o0, Oregonian.
YOUNG lady would like position in good
home, has nursing certificate ; house
keeper's position preferred. V 2C6, Ore
HOUSEKEEPING by widow for widower.
No objection to child. Phone Main 275t
ai ter iu a. m.
WANTED By middle-aged lady, position
as housekeeper in gentleman's home.
Good cook. AB 217. Oregonian.
WANTED Position as manager and
housekeeper by reliable woman ; prefer
place on rancn. s jo, uregoni an.
YOUNG widow, 22, with 2-year-old boy.
wishes position as housekeeper for one or
two reTmea men. j uregonian.
ELDERLY woman will keep house tn
widower's home for small wages-. A 200,
GOOD housekeeper and economical cook
wants position. N 2i6, oregonian.
DRESSMAKING. Mrs. Peck. 560 E. Morn-
son st. Phone evenings. E. ibtd.
MIDDLE-AGED woman wants place as
housekeeper. Tabor 470.
cH (UHEKEEPING In city; must be clean;
fair wages. East 502, room 7oa.
vV'IDOW wants position ajs housekeeper
for widower witn cniui. x ie, oregonian
WIDOW with child 10 wants housekeeping
in city or country. 200 Market.
BY MIDDLE-AGED woman, capable; fond
of children ; housekeeping. i aoor ouyw.
EXPERIENCED woman as cook and
downstairs work, wishes position, no
waiting on table; wages $70 to $75. V
207, Oregonian.
GIRL, experienced, wishes housework or
second worit, reierences. acj v, ore
gonian. RYPRRIEN'fED fnmilv cook desf rs po
sition : only kitchen work. w ages to.
Call Broadway 'Jtur.t.
COMPETENT nurm maid wants work by
hour or day; references. Main QUO.
COOK. Scandinavian, cook ing and dining
room on v: City rer. c si, oregonian
I COOK and serve Sunday and special
dinners: references. Marshall S06.
Ho us r cleaning.
House cleaning, .window washing.
carpet cleaning by expert workmen,
floors waxed, furniture polished
183 Chapman st. Phone Main 11Q7.
FOR A FIRST-CLASS house cleaner call
Main 7803.
Informatton and
Rental Bureau.
Reliable, up-to-date lists of desirable
vacant houses, apartments and flats
with definite Information pertaining to-
Newcomer to Portland will find" this
bureau of great valuu 'in helping them
get properly and quicKiy i oca tea
Eighth Floor.
WANTED To lease large, well-appointed
house. suitable lor exclusive lamny
hmei hv rfsnnnsThle Darty now con
duo tine successful business; must be
strictly modern in every detail and de
sirable location. East 804jtf.
w a N'T J." I Bnrnished house. 4 -fr 6 rooms,
in good condition, good district, paved
street; about $2400. Will pay .00 cash,
balance 3u montniy anu miereau wn
ers only. AK s.tu, oregonian.
wa STED To lease, west side modern
hnm Af ft tn S moms, furnished or un
furnished, 3 bedrooms: best of refer
ences. R. F. Bryan, 509 Cham, of Com.
Main 1903.
MCiTiTr.wz fi-room or larger, well furnished
house in iirst-ciass neignuomuuu ,
adults only; will rent for long term and
not less than a montns. Aauress jo,
Oregonian. z
"WA XTED To lease, modern 5 or 6-room
unfurnished house In good location near
street car line; only adults In family;
satisfactory references furnished. Phone
Tabor 8897.
DOCTOR and wife, no children, will take
charge or your nome ior o inou iu oi
tti-p whilft von are enloying your south
ern tnin: best of references. AB 233,
Oregon! wn.
WANTED by young married couple;
hiirirpn Unfurnished 5 or 6 rooms,
house or flat, not too far out. Rent not
over $3Q. Call fliain ems. .
wiVTir.n 'tn rent from owner, moderatel
priced S or 6-room bungalow in Rose
wa ntrd Rv reliable couple, with girl
11, furnished house in Rose City or
Irvinirton district, near school. Call
Tabor 3434.
wantrd January 1. small well-fur-
nished house or bungalow with garage
Ior D or O montns; preiciauij cbi oiuo
3 aduts. rei. aiarsnan oa.
7 TO -ROOM furnished house, clean and
modern; will - buy good furniture; $200
down and balance monthly; give an par
" ticulars. M oregonian.
MOTHER and grown daughter will tak
the best of care of your home while you
are away during the winter; oest orrei
erences. fciast
r WANTED To rent or lease for long
period six-room modern oungaiow in
good location; best references and good
care Euarameru.
WANTED On or before March 1. 5 or
rtnrrt unfurnished modern house by tw
adults; 50x100 lot, east side; will lease
re f e rences given. c Z4i. oregonian.
rkhpoKNIRLE couole. with girl of 10,
wish furnished house or apt., best of
references. Tabor -----
WANTED By the first of year, 8 or 10
mom House, suiiaoie tor roomers. as
2-0. Oregonian.
A SMALL cottage or flat. coe to Aldr
and UrDQ ; rent must d reasonaois.
Phone E.- 4S37 Sunday.
WAVTED To rent from owner, S or 6-
room "bungalow m Rose City with option
of buying, c lz, oregonian.
WANTED to rent, 4 or 5 -room modern
house by January t; must p reasons Die
AK 241, Oregonian. x
BIX OR seven-room house in modern dis
trict; win pay gooa rental;, can JM.r,
iirice, main ouo or :i-yi
MARRIED COUPLE wish 3 or 4-room
. bouse or nai; -o to aiw iu, ore
JAN. 1 About 5-room house or fiat
adults. Tabor 6330.
WANTK.D io rent modern house. perraa
nent. beat care taxen. call ii-ast 6834,
WANTED BY JAN. 1 10 or 12-room va
can house, close in. East 727.
MODERN house, no objection to surbur-
ban with acreage. Broadway 4730.
WANT rent about 4-room home; may buy
later, raoaa seuwooa it,
DO YOU prefer to g-et high rental and go
awaj worriea or leavq your nome in ino
hands of a careful couple who will give
references, pay 92U0 in advance and set
tle damages, it any; homo must be Well
furnished and reasonable. We are ac
customed to the best. P. O. box 444
WANTED To rent, a small furnished
outside apartment or housuk.eeping
rooms. Call Main 2010 between 2 and 4
P. M.
WANTED A 3-room unfurnished apart
ment by January 1; permanent. Call
Main 4717.
NICELY furnished apartment. One room.
kitchenette and bath preferred. X 20,
BY REFINED couple, employed, furnished
room, uucuenettM, or win snare larger
apartment with refined people; walking
distance essential. BF 200, Oregonian.
BY QUIET business girl, private room In
moaern apt., best reierences. morion.
Main 7300.
YOUNG business man wants room with
private family, walking distance, west
side. O 242, Oregonian.
Rooms With Board.
REFINED young married couple desirwa
room witn oruaKiast ana ainner in strict
ly private modern home, west side pre
ferred ; must be reasonable ; state lull
particulars in reply. Y 229, Oregonian.
WANTED Good home for girl 6 years
old near public school, C. a. preierrea.
State charges and location. BJ 251.
REFINED young married couple, em
ployed, desires room and board. A meals;
must be modern; also reasonable. West
side preferred. Mar. 2S77.
WANTED Board and room by young
woman in private home on west side,
where can be one of family. Must b
reasonable. S 220, OregoniarK
GENTLEMAN wishes very nice room In
private family and near Jenerson o.
The best of references. A 202, Orego
YOUNG girl employed wants room and
board m private iamuy wnere mere a.r
no other boarders. M zro, oregonian
WANTED Home In Khattuck school dis
trict for a girl .12 years oia. a. -ii,
Housekeeping K-ooms,
WORKING woman with girl 7 wants
lioiiKHkHoulntr room in private iamwjf,
whore girl will be cared lor when not in
school. Must be reasonable. Mrs. Nel
son, Wood Jaw n 5737.
Maw age 35. wants housekeeping room
furnished or unrurniBhea. warning ui
tunce, west side. Address C. C, care
Elks' club.
WANT to rent private garage near Union
avenue and Fremont st. r-ast ino.
Furnished Rooms.
Tourt np mnm l.rH eleeant rOOIJll with
bath 'between. In a second floor fat
aL 301 Holladay ave., three blocks from
at 301 Holaday. ave, three blocks from
thn tel bridere: to adult fl oniy : rea
fmnable rent: can be seen Sunday. East
PLEASANT front room. In apartment 10,
Trinity Place Apartment; warning un
tance; plenty 6f heat; use of shower
bath, for one of two gentlemen. Phone
Marshall 520.
112 N. Sixth, 2 blocks of depot.
$1 per day. $5 per week and up
Hot and cold water, steam heat.
Free phone and bath.
j- r hnii nil new and modern, tran
sient rooms. Singi wr ea nun.-, -rim
without private baths; rates to per
manent guests. Broadway and Ankeny
st. Tel. Bdwy. 3400.
East Morrison st. at East Sixth.
The principal east side hotel, digni
fied and refined; $1.25 per d-ay and up.
$6 per week and up.
CHEAP refit, 5 rooms, furnished, to some
one wno win iet my - .
of 12 stay with them. Apply before 12
M. Phone Wdln.
Fifth and Washington's.
Attractive, rates to permanent guests.
Commodious suites for tamiiies.
Morrison and Park Streets. '
fimnroof and modern.
Special rates to permanent guests.
MEN. WHY pay exorbitant prices ? Clean
sleeping rooms, quiet, wbii-uc.l-u vwu.
1. U--.u per wet-. .-. -m
ROOM for man and wife, steam heat,
walking distance. ooia uiau at-., tur
ner 17th street.
ST. PAUL HOTEL. ISO 4tn, su oiean.
respectable, motieru, iiaoio-u -
Rates io permanent
-ri i? knt Two furnished rooms with
bath, suitable ior tnree auuius, vr wui
rent Bingiw. jiinau '.
miTKi. Moinson at Tenth
Rates 1 a cay up; weaiy, uy. .m
phone ana oatns,
ONE FRONT room, nicely furnished,
steam-neateu, -u a moutu. w. wuuu
nough bids- .
$1 DAY, $2.5 week up; clean, baths free.
WARM, clean sleeping rooms. 208 17th st.
West side.
BEAUTIFULLY furnlched room. Call Sun
day, 12 to 4. inurman st.
STEAM-HEATED sleeping room. 460V
Jefferson st. Jeanette apt.
NICELY furnished room, disappearing bed.
private bat li. 14 J in. .ja.
Vnfurnished Rooms.
paw r'TT'VT' Larep unfurnished rooms and
hall for rent. xo. oewuw. -
EXCEPTIONALLY beautiful front room,
Call Sunday. to t numum ay
Furnished Rooms in. Frivate Family.
CI OSE-IN very desirable room and break
fast for gentleman. All the comforts
a real home. 400 Clay. Main ra. -
r a ir-c twn-nt frtnm In nrivats family
suitable for 2 ladies or gentlemen. 46
Ui.ion ave. in.
TWO FURNISHED housekeeping rooms
on first floor; also 2 rooms on second
floor. 4D union ave. .
FURNISHED front room, reasonable,
walking distance. 401 Montgomery, be
tween 14th and lain.
NICELY furnished sleeping room, heat.
phone ana Data; cioao in, wcr-i -n-.
Mlil st. Main -ino.
T-rir-v.i.v furnished room In beautiful home,
steam heat, walking distance. 215 I4tfa
DESIRABLE large front room for two. also
single; all conveniences. o xxw. At
tic room cneap.
LARGE front room, heated; electric lights,
bath, nhone. uentiesnen oniy. is,
21st st. Phone Broadway 3083.
evi it.i. frnnt room for 1 Person, privi
leges extended, fine residence, cheerful
Burrounaings, w--tv. m-u -uo,
LARGE front bedroom, heat, light, gas
and phone; also private garage. ov tu.
Oak st. -
FURNISHED room for business man or
woman. iutn st.
NICELY furnished large room for two
running water, ooi iui at..
381 12TH ST. Room for gentleman. $10
per month.
DESIRABLE, large front room, well heat
ed; gentlemen. 4iV coiumoia. t
GE rfronl
ise iV. w
est side, furnace. Main 0303,
WELL FURNISHED sleeping room near
hospital. 700 Lovejoy sc. Main pup.
LARGE front room with fireplace for
young men. lu jsiortn aist st.
FURNISHED room for rent.- 870 Van
couver ave. Phone East 7072.
NICE .newly furnished room with stove
on overton st. near ziac. .main quid. t
FURNISHED rooms, 674 Johnson. Broad
way 4683.
FURNISHED room in home with mother
and daughter. Taoor jaw.
TWO furnished rooms in private family,
rplntlv mnei- t ffK In F.Rt firi.lO
NICELY furnished room in private family,
close tn, Mar. 2U51.
BEAUTIFULLY furnished front room.
East 5S14.
348 COLUMBIA street.
Neat sleeping room.
Marshall 2335,
354 MONTGOMERY, clean front sleeping
room, gentremen oniy.
LARGE front room, suitable for one or
two gen tie nn. sellwood 157.
girl emji,-
with home privileges to
r? r V, n 1 i o-o .
sonable. . ioms in modern home, rea'
East 0061.
NICELY furnished room, close In,
aide. Aut. 526-21.
SLEEPINGToom, close in, east side, for
2 gentlemen, f 340 Holladay ave.
NICE front S-oom, lower floor, walking
distance. iwo ionee st. Mam wbi,
TWO clean front rooms, men preferred.
x-ivtik lota iumi, ttwui,
Famished Rooms in Private Family.
WILL give a room in my home In
Laurelhurst to a respectable lady who
Is employed during day in exchange
for companionship some evenings Call
Sunday morning or Monday. Tabor
NICELY furnished rooms, well heated".
within walking distance of business cen
ter; suitable for one or two in a room;
all conveniences. 703 Nprthrup street,
between 21st and 22d sts. Phone 524-35.
LARGE front bedToom, large clothes
closet, freshly tinted walls, warm, new
furniture, Hobs mattress, privilege to
phone and bath, on carline; gentlemen
only. Call Automatic 230-07.
NICE, large front room, suitable for two;
also single room, breakiast iz aesirea;
walking distance; near east approach
Broadway bridge; rent reasonable. Auto.
WELL-FURNISHED room, furnace heat.
suitable for gentleman, within 8 min
utes' walking distance business center.
Marshall 1007.
FURNISHED room, private family. 1 larg
frnnl rnnm mil abl a for 1 or Z Eeniie
men, east side, walking distance. 2S3
Wheeler. Rhone Automatic io.
NICELY furnished room for lady, em
ployed; steam-heated apartment, west
side, walking distance. Call Sunday .or
evenings. Tdarshau vno.
NICELY furnished
lar;e bedroom, light
, suitable for 2 young
kitchen privilege
iadies employed.
Tabor 850.
1441 i. Morrison.
ICELY furnished front room in private
hnmA for on or two cent emen: break
fast if desired. Tabor 2176, or 818 E.
Salmon st.
FURNISHED room in private family; no
other boarders; oreakrast it aesireu,
references required. Willamette Heights.
O 2KB, oregonian.
COMFORTABLE front room for business
in iL n ; nome priv nvgwn , u-u.- -i iuu"m
club. Marshall 3205 Sunday and even
THOROUGHLY modern furnished room in
modern home; suitable ior man ana wne,
good laundry privileges; or 2 gentlemen.
Main tiisi. Tim n.t&rny.
FOR RENT Nicely furnished front room
for one of two gentlemen; an conveni
ences, close in and reasonable. Garage
also If desired, nbor 1340.
NICELY furnished outsvde room, heat,
ii-ht bath, walkinc distance, housekfep.
ing privileges If desired. Phone Main
THREE sleeping rooms, newly furnished.
modern home, reasonable. uo bacra
men to. East 7181.
NEATLY furnished front room, modern,
final, walking distance, reasonable, fnone
East 37e4. 420 East Harrison.
2 UNFURNISHED rooms, strictly clean, in
eluding lights, phone anu water, jnain
LARGE ROOM with porch; very attrac
tively furnished; walking distance; rei
erences required. Marshall 3042.
BHAiItifuLLY furnished room In private
modern Irvington home for business man
or woman; references. rnone c.
FURNISHED bedroom for gentleman, all
home comforts, breakfast opttonaL
Phone East 2560.
NICELY furnls-hed room. 22d and Kearney,
1 5 per month. 70U V Kearney. Aiar
shall 1524.
LARUE front parlor In clean, modern
home, for two adults; good table boara.
2a aoor. oj oiisan. aiar. own.
NICELY furnished front suite of rooms for
working lady; walking distance; $Ji mo,
rr5 Madison st. E. oioo.
OR RENT 3 clean furnlehed rooim for
man and wife or two In rooms: ro chn
dTen. Wdln. 5272. 907 Commercial st-
WILL FORM club, men only, hire house
and housekeeper; divide expenses. V
256, Oregonian.
TO BUSINESS woman, comfortable room
with use of electric gnu ior break last,
Woodlawn 4420. .
CLEAN room, all modern conveniences
west side; gentlemen preierrea;
Broadway 22 (4
FURNISHED rooms, will arrange for light
housekeeping if desire a; walking dis
tance. East Z7W.
PLEASANT front room, furnished, for
one or two gents. - 402- 23d st. north.
Marshall 17Ek.
LA ROE bedroom, modern conveniences,
Hawthorne district, reasonable, to re
fined gentlemen. Call Automatic 230-07,
ROOM with garage: east side, close In.
iirp-SKrast ir nesirea. is-asi s-ios.
ROOM for gentleman; conveniences; rea
sonable, -tsa tnirteentn street.
Rooms With Board.
Two of the best-known residential
hotels on the Pacific coast.
- American nlan. with or without bath.
$2.50 a day up; rates by day or month.
Meals served to transients.
NORTONIA HOTEL, Portland's downtown
high-class family hotel: rooms en suite
or single, with or without board, for
lamiues ana business men ana women.
We give you all the comforts of a home.
Reasonable rates.
JEANNE D" ARC Furnished rooms with
or without boara, tor business gir.s and
lady tourists, permanent or transient.
Special features within the limitation
of the minimum wag earner; $2 per
week and up. 2Q5 14in st. Main 4110.
Meals served to transient. Mar. 3374.
DESIRABLE room with sleeping pore
in exclusive family hotel: excellent tabi
board; shown by appointment only,
East 80S II.
380 Tenth st. F6r business girls an
students; reasonable rates. Mar. ib.
HT.-RF.pnRD hotel. 733 Hoyt st.: lovel
front room with bath today. Good room,
Dec. 16. -
1 piirn'ISHED slepeing room with doubl
bed for one or two gentlemen; board.
300 E. Schuyler st. E. 6710.
t? now and hnn rrJ for business crirls:
modern conveniences, walking distance
$5 per week. Auto. 219-74. 12 E. 7th St.
WILL FORM club, men only, hire house
j i t .,,. -.--o.--.-. r
20, Oregon Ian.
Booms With Board in Private Kajmlly,
BOARD and room for boy in country, near
school and car, ! per zuontn. av o,
Oregonian. !
HAPPYLAND cottage, specializes In board
and care oi cniiaren. beiiwooa -ooo.
52d st. S. E.
MOTHER'S care given children, day or
hour; private nome, io x-veretx. auio
matte o-u.
room and board for two young men: a
comforts- of a modernhome. 028 E. 67th
st. N, Tel. -wooaiawn .:-.u.
T.ARfiK furnished rooms suitable for
persons, with board 785 Kelly, west side.
010-o. lake oouin ronianq car.
two LARGE rooms and best of board 1
private home; men perf erred; refer-
ence exchanged. Auto. 236-21.
WIDOW, owning home in Laurelhurst. hoe
a desirable room, suiiaoie ior coupie o
man witn cniia. uaoor -.
VACANCY for 2 young men. choice prlva
boarding home, near Multnomah club
large room, oeas. aaam .
WANTED A little girl to board. Goo
home near school, school age. 880 E.
Davis. East 2001.
iron SINGLE room boarder or two 'I
room; close In; walking distance. 283
14th st. Main 1816. -
KiP.E room with board for gentleman,
walking distance; west side, close in.
WANTED 2 children to board; school age
preferred. No other cniiaren.
pt.easa MT room in nrivate home, use
phone with or without board, gentlemen
preierrea. ou j season.
A CHILD to care for, from 1 month up.
Tabor 0440.
CHILDREN receive good care in home o
refined, responsible woman. Sell. 2793
HOME for 1 small child with graduate
nurse. East S186.
ROOM and board for 2 people. 405 Clay.
Main 0421.
ROOM, board, private home. 371 Larch
at., Ladd s aaa. &. puu.
BOARD and room reasonable in well
furnished private nome.' labor 4375.
LARGE, Clean room, light and gas: c;oe
in; working coupte. o-u nassaio st.
WANT child under 3 years to care for.
Phone us-va.
LARGE front room suitable for 2, waft
lng distance, inc location. QJia.
CHOICE rooms, 2 meals if desired; horn
privileges: warning cutance. a.. aq:
ROOM and board, 574 Ladd ave., near E.
12th ana nawtnome. cast dh.-.
GOOD room and board, couple employed
or single; nomeime. v uin, it.iy,
ROOM and board in privatefamlly ; horn
privileges. vooaiawn i-tj.
CHRISTIAN mother will care for one or
two cniiaren, near scnooi. laoor .ujis.
WILL care for babyJ Marshall 2295.
FOR ROOM and board phone Aut. 332-18.
Rooms With lioard is Private family.
ANUARY 1st will giv room and board
in my modern home to two scnooi
teachers: Targe front room, 2 single beds,
furnace heat, home advantages, excellent
table. Call Tabor 474S after 4 o clock.
BEAUTIFULLY furnished rooms; board
if desired, or use of kitchen ; reason
able; block to good Samaritan hospital,
walking distance Montgomery-Ward. 244
N. 24th st.
IN BEAUTIFUL Irvington home, large.
well-heated front room, 2 exposures,
mahogany furniture, perpetual hot
water, garage, small adult family; ne
block from Broadway. East J 200.
SLEEPING PORCH. 1, 2 Olt a fiO
NICELY furnished room, well prepared
meals, one or two ladies employed, pri
vate family, Rose City Park; real home
privileges. r zbz. oregonian.
Ci.F!AX pomfftrtable. large, newly fur
nlshed rooms, furnace heat, two mraio
if desired, walking distance; pre-war
prices. Phone 518-76. 4W aiui st.
roiTTT.w -.-f -r.rl Come and be enn-
vinceu oi goon room -ana uiiiu n
vate home. 4S7 E. B4th ot boutn. xiicu-
mona canine.
LARGE east room, furnace heat, stationery
washstand; , walking distance; wiwi ci
without breakfast and dinner. Mat rled
couple or 2 ladit-s. Main 1100.
NICE, comfortable room with two single
k.i- Kro-.tfi.ct unii rtmncr: easv wag
ing distance; bath, telephone; line for
two men. rnotie wain
ROOM and board for 2 gentlemen in
Laurelhurst home. it you are looking
for something out of the ordinary see
this. 1002 E. Flanaers. aulo.
Board and room, furnace heated room
suitable for two people. iiarnai .(-:
reasonable rates.
CLOSE-IN very desirable room and break
fast, for gentleman; an tne conuoru '
a real home. 400 CVlay. Mam
TWO GIRLS or boys to board, beautiful
mirnirliM.-. noma. best OI care. au.uui
mp iti.v fiim i Vi .(1 rnnm. board, gentle
man: wa king distance; private.
Hoyt. Broadway I'JaQ-
urRviyuKri . t-nnm in nrivate home wl th
meals; also garage; Alberta district, i-s-
East J 5th North.
DESIRABLE room with board in private
family near liroaaway ana i.rvm.ui
car. Esst 73 JS.
Furnished Apartments.
EMPt-Vi m nH rn'.umliia StretS.
Pive minutes' walk to Meier & Frsnk's
mtnrm,- ffnnd surroundings, strictly moa
ern, 2 end 3-room furnished apts., out
side, with rrencn aoors auu. wu.
Permanent and transient
FOR RENT Beautifully furnished i-room
apartment, large private oam, pnun
electricity, heat; adults only; employed
ni.nia nro(.rrKl: tenant luminh ow:i
silver and linens. $45 per month. M0
Union ave. Nortn. Bet. Beech and ran
rAmfnriahlA :'..rnfim. furnished apt
with, 2 disappearing beds. Call Main 383
Adults only, Ji5 up.
Tn IT u I .KTDcairab orivateiy iur
nfifl four-room aDarimeni. - " '
o.irinriv counle: S05: references; west
side. AK l!48. Oregoniaru
3-ROOM apartment with bath, electric
lights ana gas, to party uuywg u",
S350 cash. Rent J37.S0. 331 llth st.
Main C032. . .
TWO FURNISHED rooms for hoi.sekeep-
i iMoi nn nni can uk-vis uc
day. St. Johns car. 1717 Poitsmouth
ave. i
9-ROOM residence, piano. Victrola. sewing
macnin. completely iui uiautii, .....,
laundrv: a vol a nign rent. 1 1 y tum
munity plan. Ladies only. Mar. 2789.
Til P V l." mnma fnr two aQUltS only mOU
ern and nicely iurnisnea. iu-rt -jc
ave. cor. Alberta.
LADY to share nicely furnished 5-room
apt., or will rent oearoom; waiaiu. uit
tance. Call Broadway 3493.
FURNISHED 2 -room apartment suitable
for two people, also sleeping room-.
1578 E. Giisan. Taoor io-o.
wnu yj pmninved will share her horn
with one or two congenial peopie. ya.ii
after 4 o'clock, r-ine st.
rN: ir nnnv and kitchenette. 135: 2 -room
apt-, 40; steam neat; auuHs omy.
nni T pc-.p 3 -nnm Bifidflrn. newlv for
nlshed, wasking distance, xmru
and College. Marshall aooo.
iTTnirTHT. nnartrnm. norch. " fire
place, unfurnished or partly furnished
walking aiatance. -diai. ii.
thrfik.ROO'M modern apartme'nt.
fersonian apts. 614 Jefferson. Phon
TUT - I 'r.A 1
ih tr. .1ESTERY 2-room furnished ante.
?17 per nonthv comer Russell and Ker-
oy sts. rnone r.cigi c-z .
UNKN AVE. and Killingsworth. $23.60.
all complete; concrete ummfr
BACHELOR apts.; rooms taken care of.
711 Kearney, ivey iu. .num .
FOR RENT Large, well furnished 4-room
apartment by 14th. Automatic ij.-iu.
4-ROOM nicely furnished apt., $S0. Bdwy.
2553. 255 N. 10th St.
FURNISHED 2-room apartment; privat
entrance, close in. w . rarK.
FOR RENT 3-room furnished apt. For
information, call aiam 4iii.
COMFORTABLE 3-room furnished apt.,
close In. Jliain4om
APT., MODERN, west side, walking dis
tance. Mar. 34UU.
ONE ROOM and kitchenette, walking dis
tance, a-n Mia, near ui uuu w v-y .
FURNISHED apt., 2 roomaand bath, cor,
ram anu nan,
Unfurnished Apartoienf.
Ti-t ftnihpd. beautiful 5-room apt
white enamel woodwork, hardwood
floors, tile bath, high elevation beau
tiful view of the mountains ana .city
price $85 and up.
FOUR new apartments, combination large
living ana aining room, large khuicu,
-- hont S22.SO and S25 Dor mo. 553
Dekum ave., Woodlawn. Call 318 Board
of Trade. Main 74u-i.
n - r r m unfurnished aots.. with
diaaDDearini beds. Price $60. Call
Main 38S3.
a -RnnMS a unfurnished, kitchen fu
nihfd. hath. electricity. Radiantfin
heat. 1201 Kerby st. Phone Broad
way 4617.
wahwtma ant 164 24th N. : moder
large, light, airy apt.; sleeping porch
two disappearing me as.- some larau
if required. Main 356.
4-ROOM unfurniBhed apartment, 51$. 1209
Kellv st. Take Fulton car to Flower st.
2 ROOMY, clean, .airy, garage if wanted,
47 in . aist St. w a. J --.j.-.
-tvk-ROOM modern, 10 minutes' walk to
buainess center. 561 G'.iwn street.
6 LIGHT rooms and bath, 10 min. walk to
oos tor lice: aauits. ovo .mn.ui o
3 AND 4-ROOM fiats, unfurnished, for
rent; adults only. 71 East 22d.
6-ROOM flat for rent and furniture for
sale cheap, aeii. oo-.
989 y SAVIER ST. 5-room flat, light and
airy; uesirauie. t- ---.
Furnished Flats.
5-ROOM upper, light, clean, stoV heat,
electricity, gas, good range, free water,
garbage; to aauits, no uuv v.ii lci-
noon or evening. ""t;
PORTLAND nursery In Irvington, on su
ti.rvi.inn nf Graduate nurae. boards chil
dren by week or day; also cares by the
hour. East i iw- ,
COMPLETELY furnished 5-room flat No
win riitric.t for rent to party buying m,
practically new furniture; $660 cash.
700 Giisan st.
EAST ALDER and 18th. 5-room modern
flat, rent o, ll you uy tne luruuuio.
Rrice complete uu. - iwain
vtf, u v isHED 5-room modern flat for
adults, $75 ; piano, furnace, fireplace,
walking distance. E. 3114.
CHOICE 6-room flat near 23d and Kear
ney. - SfU ; manogany iuruiture. diar
shall 6070.
BUSINESS woman will share cosy 4-room
flat with pleasant woman or congenial
couple. vv oouiawn o.
5-ROOM Hat. 711 Kearne. and 22d.
? 13 Kearney. Call afternoons.
MODERN 3-rm. furnished flat. $20.
Cable; no children. Main 3476.
5-ROOM lower flat, adults only, refer
ences required, inquire lUYt ntn
FOR RENT Furnished 2-room fiat an
kitchenette. 251 Fargo st. i
TWO FLATS for rent and furniture
sale. 248 Stark .at.
4-ROOM flat for rent. 573 E. Burnside. $30
per month.
4-ROOM furnished flat for rent. Call .8:
5iROOM furnished flat, vacant Dec. 15.
S0S Belmont. Tabor9130.
eTbOOM fUt7il Kearn-y and 22d. Key
713 Kearney. Call afternoons.
Furnished Flats.
It means money to you; efegant new
furnishings of a beautiful modern 7-room
fli.t for sale; choice location, w. s. ; ."0
phonograph, 75-piece dinner set. floor
lamp, etc. Nothing reserved. Immefii
ate possession. $1000; $100 will handle.
Phone owner, Automatic 510-54, for ap
pointment. FOR RENT 4-room furnished flat, all
outside rooms, built-in cupboards and
wash trays, private bath and toilet, on
carline. Tabor 200, or call 116 E. 47th
N., cor, E. Glisan.
THRKE-ROOM downstairs flai with large
nan; wen lurnisnea; gas radiator lor
heating. Woodlawn 1053. 706 Vancou
ver ave.
400 CASH 5-room furnished flat, rent
12. 3W7V8 21st st. N.
jlouwekee ping Rooms.
FOR RENT Nicely furnished front room
ana kitcnenette. Electric lights and
gas furnished for $20 a month. Take
SftWwood car to 832 Mllwaukie t. Get
off Cora ave.
Front room, large windows on 2 sidws,
clothes clottet. furnuce hiut. hot and
cold water, etc. Main 316
House has basement and furnacp.
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, spart-
niKni or n?t, between Uroaaway , aiid
teel bridge, close in. young married
couple. M 125. Oregonian.
THE BEAVER, 12th and Marshall Fur
nished h. k. rooms. 15 up. including
hot water, electric lights, laundry room.
Trunks, baggage delivered downtown
districts, 25;. Sun. service. Bdwy. 2445.
0-RoOM hourte, buth. gaH, electri-'ity.
clan, west side, walking distance. Kent
M. Main 602. 328 Lincoln st.
LOO It them over; two laofe, clean, we.t-
lurnisnea ; private entrance ; first floor;
near courthouse. 30S Salmon.
ONE FURNISHED housekeeping room.
suitable for couple or bachelor, near
shipyards. 206 Hall st.
2 FURNISHED H. K. rooms, employed
coupte, gentiemen preferred. 510 Vista
flven we. Main 7017.
LhlHT housekeeping rooms, partly fur-
ninnea, on grouna lioor. iyJ4 Corbett St.,
Ukb N. & S. car.
NICELY furnished 2-room housekeeping
apartment; also a sleeping room, Juani
tuu." ul 13th st.
WILL FORM club, men only, hire house
ana nouKeeptr; divide expenses. V
25 0, Oregonian.
$5 WEEK. comple'.eiy furnished h. k. "
suites l he Cadillac, 3d near Jefferson.
SLEEPING rooms for $2.50 week and up;
Fleam heat in every room. Bd w y . 1 54 6.
CLEAN, attractive H. K. suite, 2 rooms;
couple or bachelor. Rufselt fct.
Wutn. 1604.
ladies only.
K. rooms; reasonable.
7!t.j First st.
HOUSEKEEPING 2-room apt- newly pa
pered, paintea; reasonable. ooU Coucn.
LARGE, clean room, light and gas; close
in ; working coupie. d40 Hassaio street.
2 HOUSEKEEPING rooms, suitable for
couple working. 140 E. 34th st.
TWO NICE front rooms, hot water al
ways for bath. laundry. 655 Flanders.
CLKAN, cosy housekeeping rooms.
VYiiilams ave , cor. Bdwy.
CLEAN, furnished housekeeping rooms.
clrse In. 281 hi Larrabee st; -
TWO-ROOM suite, telephone, bath. 67
North 20th st. Bdwy. 4123.
2 UNFURNISHED housekeeping rooma
635 E. 0th st. Sellwood 1400.
2 COMFORTABLE housekeeping rooms for
bachelors. ouo aixtn st.
ONE SINGLE H. K. room with steam heat.
:03 Stanton. Wd-m. 40M.
UPPER 5-room furnished flat. Tabor 023.
Housekeeping Rooms In Private Family.
$35, good modern S-room. in Sellwood
district; 003 Harold avenue. See
To Rent Your Home.
Abln gt on Bidg. Main 1008.
TWO FURNISHED housekeeping rooms in
private family, everything moaern, con
genial surroundings, walking distance;
references required. 329 Grand ave.
Phone Eaet 2143.
2 LARGE front rooms, downstairs, fire
place, separate entrance, $rfo; 500 jei
ferson st., near 14th St.; aiso very nice,
large housekeeping room second floor.
Main 62S.
WANTED Carpenter or electrician to
work in exchange for rent of furnished
housekeeping rooms. Protestant. No
children. References required. Phone
Col. 677.
WI LL share with business woman 9
room residence, piano, Victrola, sewing
machine, linens furnished and laundered.
Community plan. Mar. 27S9. - ,
NICELY furnished outside rooms, walking
distance. Phone, heat, light, fine sur
roundings." 120 E. loth and Aldfer. East
7714. - .
TWO NICELY furnished housekeeping
rooms, in private family, suitable for
iran and wife ; working people pre
ferred. Mar. 3576.
PARLOR and bedroom, well furnished,
with kitchen privilege, in nice home near
23d street; heat, phone, litfht and cook-,
ing gas; rent $45. Main 605.
TWO DESIRABLE, light, airy housekeep
ing rooms; electric lights, stove heat;
adults only, $30 per month. Call
2s 4 Main st.. corner Fourth.
TWft LARGE iT Kl rooms, every con
venience ; walking distance; workings
people preferred. 469 E. Oak st.
LARGE unfurnished room, kitchenette,
employed couple; heat, cooking gas,
walking distance. 67 Ella.
TWO OUTSIDE housekeeping rooms. $4.50
per week; also one single ouisiue n.
room, $2.50 per week.
291 llth street.
2 NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms
in private, family. &36 E. Couch. East
60S. ;
2-ROOM S. water, gas stove, wood heater.
partly furnisnea, iu. u-att ou
NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms. 71
N. 22d St.
FURNISHED room, with use of kitchen.
401 Montgomery, between 14th and 15th.
WANT small cafeteria or restaurant; will
pay cash. BD 278, Oregonian.
SINGLE 1. hskpg. room, gentleman.
E. Yamhill, cor. --tn.
6G9 MARKET ST. DRIVE 2 large light
rooms for housekeeping.
FOR RENT 3 large housekeeping rooms.
687 Northrup at
FOR RENT One large housekeeping room
at 173 21st St. .
WEST SIDE Housekeeping privileges;
for 1 or 2 ladies. Main 7719.
THREE housekeeping rooma East 2700.
Walking distance "
NICELY furnished housekeeping room,
close In. Main 4546.
TWO UNFURNISHED housekeeping rms.
147ft East Glisan.
TWO partly furnished housekeeping rooms,
reasonable, walking distance. 872 14th.
HOUSEKEEPING and sleeping rooms 233
Tenth st. and Main.
4-ROOM house, not modern, 3 nice lota
suitable for chickens or cow, $12.50. 231
Morrison St., room 18.
NEW 5-ROOM, up-to-date bungalow, liv
ing'and dining room combined, with ga
rage; ad-lt only. Tabor 4265.
FOR SALE Unfurnished 5-room modem
bungalow; garage, turnace and fire
place. Sellwood 1703.
7 ROOMS, furniture for sale, $S50. Good
location. Can rerent rooms. Everything
in good shape.
Phone Auto. &37-9
FOR RENT Six-room house, hardwood
floors, furnace, fireplace: $35; Beau
mont district. Sellwood 892. t
BEST equipped for iocai and long-distance -hauling
and moving. Green Tr. Co.
202 Alder st- Main 126L
MOVING Piano, furniture and long-dls- "
tance hauling a specialty. O. & W. Tniclc
Service Co.. 40 2d st. Phone Bdwy C12L
7-ROOM house, bath, cement basement,
lovely neighborhood, $55 per month. East
5- ROOM modern house, newly caiso mined.
East side. Bdwy. 3407.
HOUSE for rent. 4857 99th st. S. E. East
. ,
6- ROOM house for rent. Call at 875 Pin
after 6 P. M.
MODERN 7-room house, gasco furnace. 4
lots, plenty of fruit. Phone Sellwood 194.
91n EAST YAMHILL, house for rent, 5
nice rooms including piano. -
1 35 5-ROOM modern cottage. Inquire 527
Market street.
FOUR-ROOM SHACK, near Flrland sta-
0 ROOMS and bath, 43 N. 23d st. ; $25.
Inquire 4U geuing omg.
EIGHT-ROOM house for rent. 1424 Mult
r.orrah ft . nr. 52d st. Tabor 1177.
LOST Child's new tan gloves, in Bush &
Lane building. Phone E. 143X