14 THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, DECE3IBER 12, 1920 WANTED MISCELLAyEOUS. SPOT CASh FOR DIAMONDS. I PAY SPOT CASH AND THE HIGH ?XIARKKT VALCB FOR DlA ?D,SNO AMOUNT 13 TOO LARGrt FOR ME TO HANDLE. I AM COM MISSIONED BY A LARGE DIAMON I" 0-SRNT0 BUY ALL THE DIA ilONDS OFFERED. MX" LOCATION IS DOWNTOWN AND CONVENIENT ALL BUSINESS IS STRICTLY CONFI DENTIAL. ERNEST DEEDS, 340 WASHINGTON ST MAIN 3173 12.50 TO $25 FOR SECOND-HAND SUITS AND OVERCOATS, i CALL MEYER, THE TAILOR. He pays more than anyone in the clt for Euits. overcoats and shoes. Call Marsha t 1229 or 203 Madisoa st . m Pear 3d st. Will call day or evening. J8.50 UP TO $25. GOLDSTEIN, THE TAILOR. PAY highest cash prices for men i SUITS AND OVERCOATS, SHOES, ETC 33 ROAD WAY 3932. 245 BURNSIDE CALL ME BEFORE A N X SOD X ELSIi BETWEEN 2D AND 3D. UP TO $35 FOR MEN'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS We pay any price for men's clothes. OREGON CLEANERS AND TAILORS. 117 2d St.. N. W. cor. Wash. Main W34-I V'E MUST have 500 men's suits and top coais to ship out of town; we are in big demand for used clothing', we are a till paying the highest prices for high-price clothing. Call at 1C7 First St., near Morrison. Tailor establishment. Tel Main 738. PUPPIES WANTED We want at once Scotch collie, fox terrier. Spitz or any email breeds. Give number, sex, age and lowest prices in first letter. Write, or phone Main 172. KoutleUge Seed Co., 145 Second St., Portland. ."WANTED Men to have their suits pressed for 45 cents; French dry cleaned and pressed for $1.25, about tiu.lt what others charge. We do not call and deliver, that's the reason. Joy the Tailor, 104 4th. near Stark. Four stores. FURS. FURS. F UR3, Low Rent and Low Prices. Remodeling and Repairs. LA FRANCE? FUR MFG. CO Main 0529 163 W. Para. UP-TO-DATE BUYER, X pay the highest prices Tor second Xiand furniture, tools, rags, old clothing and all kinds of Junk. Call Main 73 4 and I WILL CLEAN UP YOUR HOME (OUR SPECIALTY Is buying men's cast-off clothing; highest cash prices paid; wi.i call day or night. PEOPLE'S SECOND-HAND STORE, Marshall 3225. 209 Madison. WANTED Several tons of clover, timothy or oat hay; must be first class and baled ; state price and ' where hay is stored. K 17, Oregonian. WANT timber for wood, close to good road or highway, within 20 miles of Portland. Address B. C Board man. K F. D. 1, city. WANTED RIFLES. SHOTGUNS. Highest cash price paid for your rifle, shotgun and kodaks. Hochfeld, 85 3d - st. Main 35S1. TRADE .22 Colt police positive; .32 spe cial ; high-class mandolin lor .22 Colt automatic or 33-0 Remington automatic. m Geo. R. Herd, H43 Couch st. Bdwy. 3U43. SHOTGUN3 AND RIFLES BOUGHT. SOLD. RENTED AND EX CHANGED. MAIN 4405. l2o FIRST. NEAR ALDER. WANTED Half-horsepower A. C. motor; must be bargain ; also small air com pressor. Victor Inventions Co., 232 Rus- ntu si. aui. o-ia-u. WANTED to buy Exchange short-length, cash difference, lor full-length army overcoat, size 38. M 258, Oregonian. WE BUY DIAMONDS. OLD GOLD, OLD Jewelry for cash; name your price. Brins or mail. 323 Wash., bet. 0th and Bdw WANTED Blacksmith tools, anvil, screw p ates, vise, drill .etc. Geo. E. Hmton, E. 2ith and Alder. WANT second-hand truck; must be in good condition and very reasonable wardrobe preferable. F Oregonian. WANTED An old beaver fur; I alsohave 2 good overcoats for sale, size 33. Call Woodlawn 3057. WANT Encyclo. Britannica, 11th ed.. "Book of Knowledge" complete. Phone Main 9137. WILL pay good price for combination wood and gas range. Must be perfect condition. East b538. WAN TED A new or second-hand adding machine to be paid for in monihlv pay ments. Claude Boone. Aumsviile. Or. THREE furnished housekeeping rooms, 4-11 East 12th, cor. Sherman. No small chil dren. WANTED Will pay cash. 2 wagons, 3 and 3, 2 double harnesses for horses weighing 1500 lbs. O 73, Oregonian. WANTED To buy for cash, good second' hand Vega tenor banjo. rhone Main 3362. 6 to 8 P. M. WANTED Diamond, around karat, for cash; must be good color and a bargain, A 2Q4. Oregonian. HIGHEST SPOT CASH prices paid for dia monds. Dan Marx A Co., 283 Wash, st GIRL'S bicycle cheap for cash. O 241 Oregonian. WANTED Doll buggy, Woodlawn 4405 Phone mornings. Furniture Wanted. MARSHALL 59SL GEVTRTZ FURNITURE CO. WE BUY YOUR HOUSEHOLD FUR SSITURB FOR SPOT CASH. ALL CALL'S ATTENDED TO SAME DAY; HIGHPST PRICES PAID. WE ARE THE OLDEST MOST RELIABLE HOUSE OF OUR K.I.ND IN PORTLAND. GEVTJRTZ FURNITURE CO The Big Store. All under one roof. No branch sto-es 185 FIRST ST. Remember, 2 doors from Yamhill. CALL MAIN 309 IMMEDIATELY WE PAY THE HIGHEST C ASH PRICES EVER PAID BY ANYONE IV THE CITY FOR FURNITURE. CAR PETS. ETC. YOUR CALL WILL BRING THE BUYER WITH THE MONEY. KLINE FURNITURE CO. 102 FIRST ST.. NEAR TAYLOR. MAIN 300. CASH FURNITURE CASH We need used furniture, stoves, ranges tc, to ship out of town. Will pa; higher prices than other local dealers Cail us up for one article or a house fu" and a courteous, competent buyer wti call. Mam 7714. Kosenoerg'a urnitur Exchange. BE SURE AND LET US SEE your furniture and household goods be fore you sell. We are in the market fo same and will pay highest prices. Portland furniture exchange 2q3 first st main 7723 CALL MAIN SS73. We pay the highest prices for used furniture. See us before you sell CALL UNITED FURNITURE STORS 8S73 MAIN. WANT TO BUY furniture for 5-room house; also second-hand rugs, whole o by piece; pay highest prices. Phone Main 4197. WE NEED SECOND-HAND FURNITURE of any description; have the ready cash f none touuy. .main im or mti First st REDUCED FREIGHT RATES to 11 point on household goods. Pacific Coast For warding Co., Otn and Hoyt. Bdwy. 703 IT IS TO YOUR ADVANTAGE and benefit to sell your furniture to ua Call Mar Bhail 26H3. Crown Furniture Co. BUFFET, combination book and writing desk, give auto., repair tools. SeUwood l!C.5. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE WANTED CELL us your furniture and rugs. Reliab Furniture Co.. 203 2d at. Main 730A. WANT second-hand brown leather or leatn erette overstuffed chair. Call 612-44. WILL pay cash for furniture or piano East 6704. 217 Washington at. "WANTED Gas oven, also chiffonier from private owner. Phone Main 6105. WE BUY used furniture. For beat rsulta call East 2405. EDUCATIONAL. RAILWAY mail clerk examination. r-nm ing; hundreds of men and women over 17 wanted. $1800-2300 year. Write for list. rrank tin institute. Dept. 372-J. S?t OB. IDEAS Photoplay plots ac cented any form : revised. rmhltiH.i copyrighted, sold, advice tree. lTnivr; l Scenario Corp., 700 Western Mutual Life Diug., i-.os Angeles. U. S. GOVERNMENT wants hundreds women, gir.s, as uie cierKs; 1340 year Particulars free. Answer immediately A V 506. Oregonian. WANTED Names Portland men. 18 to 45. wishing to become mail carriers; .(1400 nrsL year. Answer av wo, oregonian. WANTED Address of men and womn desiring government positions. AB 2?h. ure?oman. IATES-FISHER Teachers' Agency Free registration, jiain o.'4. htroanway bldg. FISK Teachers' Agency Journal bldg Main 4835. Teaching positional free re GRADE teacher wanted, large town; sal ary $1200. Call Mr. Welles, Main 8276. MAN to learn vulcanizing business tuition iree. jz. ciay st. EDUCATIONAL. FOR BIG PAY. Get Into the Auto or Aviation Business. You're right! No other line of worc offers the employment opportunities and big pay that the automobile and aviation business does. The 'quick and satisfactory way to learn this business and get into it is through the help of that man "Adcox," whose school holes the world's record for graduating the largest percentage of students who make good in a big. commanding way. Toda scores and scores of men who less than a year ago knew absolutely nothing about automobiles are earning as expert "gas engineers" double to treble what they ever before made. Adcox trained the in in 12 to 16 weeks. You may ba skepti cal say it can't be done but it actually is being done; and. if you will give "Ad cox" a chance to talk with you a few minutes or write or call for a tree copy of this big, dollar book, describing his school and his methods, you will quickly be convinced as hundreds of men and young men before you have been. To prove the value of his course to yon. he will let you attend his school four weeks free and. If you find anything misrepresented he will pay .you 50 cents for each hour In attendance at his sciioo. He even will go further! If. after visit ing his school or carefully going through his catalog, you truthfully can say that anywhere in the west you have seen another auto school with as much equipment who graduates as large a per centage of successful students or gives you as much for your money, he wiii make you a present absolutely free of his complete Auto. Battery and Electri cal course, valued at $200. If the train ing he offers were just the ordinary kind, this offer would be suicidal would put htm out of business in less than three month.. Just the dav this announcement was written, a prospective student said, "Adcox, I thought you were bluffing with your free tna. and other offers, but you win! 1 have visited some half dozen other auto schools and yours makes them all look like a rusty dime." Only a different unquestionably superior school could make such offers as "Adcox" does. There is no red tape to his offers, either he is willing to depend entirely upon the honesty and good Judgment of any ambitious fel low. You're as good a man as the next fellow prove it go after the big money awaiting you in the automobile and aviation business it's one line where there is no age limit and no entrance examinations are required of these en tering the Adcox School. Simply go there if you half try. you can't help but make good. The state pays Oregon ex service men ?25 per month while attend ing school. Tear out this announce ment ngnt now see "Adcox" or get a copy of his book. No. 5. at once. The address is. ADCOX AUTO & AVIATION SCHOOL, PORTLAND. OR. MEN! If yon want to attend an AUTO and TRACTOR school where you get the most complete training, and the best value, then attend HEMPHILL'S TRADE SCHOOL. We have just installed a large quantity of new electrical equip ment. We have also placed in the school for your benefit a brand new VULCAN IZING department with all the latest and best equipment available. Now is the time to enroll and get ready for that big job next spring. The demand for trained men will be great. Let us guid you on the road to success. The HEMP HILL schools graduate thousands of successful students each year; you can be one of them this year. You take the tools in your hands and get the actual practict whop experience on all makes of cars. We combine practice and theory in all courses which is the only way to get a satisfactory training. If you are desirous of learning the automobile business or any branch of it, better in vestigate the HEMPHILL school first. State aid to Oregon ex-service men. THE SCHOOL OF SATISFACTION. In formation and catalogue upon request. HEMPHILL'S TRADE SCHOOL. INC.. ' 7u7 Hawthorne Ave., Portland.' Or. Downtown office. 3:il Oak. St,, near Broadway. EE A CERTIFIED automotive or auto- electrical expert and earn a big salary. A few weeks' training in our big. prac tical shops qualities you for good posi tion as automobile or ignition expert, tire repairman, tractor engineer, ma chinist or storage battery expert. Men of any age eligible. No previous ex perience required. Splendid working conditions. Earn board and room while learning. Unusual opportunities to lo cate in California. Ideal climate. 20 years' experience and the most modern equipment and expert' graduate Instruc tors. No other training will qualify you as quickly or thoroughly. FREE em ployment service. Write TODAY and get 72-page illustrated catalogue telling how you can earn big money In this business. Book costs $1, but is sent FREE on request to men interested. National Automotive School, 818 S. Fig ueroa, Los Angeles, Cal. FREE FARE TO TACOMA. " Hemphill Brothers big new State Auto and Gas Tractor School In Tacoma. oc cupying the big new school building built by the city of Tacoma. is offering as a special inducement your fare free and a special low rate for the first 60 students who enroll to learn Automotive Engineering. Tractor Engineering, Igni tion, ' Vulcanizing, Oxy-acety lene Weld ing and Battery Work. Write today for big free illustrated catalog and full par ticulars to the Hepmhill State Auto and Tractor School, 26th and East C streets. Tacoma, Wash. LEARN AVIATION FROM THE FIRST AND ONLY EXCLUSIVE AERONAUT ICAL SCHOOL IN THE NORTHWEST. A SCHOOL WHICH HAS 2O0U MORE PUPILS THAN ANY OTHER SIMILAR SCHOOL IN THIS TERRITORY. Big demand if you are a qua.ified man In aeronautics. ALL COURSES ARE FREE TO FED ERAL VOCATIONAL TRAINING MEN THE STATE OF OREGON ALLOWS $25 PER MONTH TOWARD EDUCATION AL PURPOSES TO OREGON EX-SERVICE MEN. CATALOGUE ON REQUEST. DUD RE Y AIRCRAFT COMPANY. Portland. 824 Morgan Bldg., Oregon. AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL Of course, you wish the best possible training. Tha'. means that you will investigate this school, where you get thorougn labora tory training and practical repair ex perience under experts. One high-grade Instructor per each 12 students. Auto mobiles, tractors, vulcanising, machine training. Ex-service men get Oregon financial aid. Address Automotive Schoois, Oregon Institute of Technology Sixth and Main sts.. Portland. YOU CAN LEARN WELDING. COMPETENT WELDERS are more scarce th?n any other craftsmen In the metal trades. By our method of indi vidual instruction under experienced teachers WE WILL TEACH VOL' WELDING OF ALL METALS more thoroughly and In less time than can be done in any other manner. Apply, da or evening, at 427 E. 9th sPVnear Grant, COMMERCIAL SCHOOL OF WELDING BEHNKE-WALKER. West's largest business college. As sures every graduate a position. All business courses including comptometer training. Enroll any time; duy school, night school. WRITE FOR FREE CATALOGUE. Fourth'' near Morrison. Phone Main 500. BUSINESS SCHOOL giving personal and individual attention; prepares young men for business, stenographic, private secre tarial and bookkeeping positions; stand ardized with business schools in 100 dif ferent cities; day or night. Inquire of Mr. Clark, dean. Main 8700. Oregon In stitute of Technology. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE will teach you the trade in 8 weeks, furnish a set of tools to you, and give some pay while learning; positions secured; former ex service men receive state aid while at tending our school. Write or call for catalogue and particulars. 234 Burnside. U. S. GOVERNMENT wants railway mail clerks, women, over li ; beginners get $135 month ; common education suffi cient; Influence unnecessary ; list posi tions open free. Franklin Insltiute, Dept. 72-K. Rochester, N. Y. OREGON BARBER COLLEDE will teach you the trade in S weeks; scalp and face massage specialty; tools free; positions guaranteed, pay while learning; tuition reduced this term. 233 Madison. PORTLAND Barber College teaches the barber trade in eight weeks, pays while learning: good set of tools given; posi tions secured; tuition reduced. 38 N. 2d st WANTED A young woman to do educa tional welfare work; splendid opportu nity for disengaged teachnr; 'may travel If desire. AR 216, Oregonian. START a business of your own; learn weld ing from an ex-army instructor. 546 East oaK st. ROCKY MT. Teachers' Agency. Enroll free Frank K. Welles, ex-asst. state supt , mgr.. N. W. Bank bldg. Main 8276. LEARN TELEGRAPHY Railway Tele graph Institute. 434 Railway Exchange bldg. Night classes. LESSON'S given in grammar grade studies. Backward pupils a specialty. Marshall 9S1. MRS. HANNUM'S SCHOOL, shorthand, typing. 230 Tillamook st., corner Ganten- bein. bast PRIVATE French lessons given evenings by Madame Olitt, graduate of Nancy university. ranee. rast rfOai. SPECIAL course in commercial illustr&t Ing and advertising art. European art ist. Aiarsnau -u. FOR SALE Behnke-Walker certificate. ox rtarnsDurg. oregon. LEARN aeroplane construction, gas engine or iiying. v opaiuing Diag. OREGON law school. Allsky bldg.. 3d and Aior. w. Kicnaroson. sec. Main 977 IF YOU WANT to learn the vulcanizing viuiucm vaui xo xj. jDiuau w ay. EDUCATIONAL. BE A DOCTOR CHIROPRACTIC. The chlrooractic profession offers the most ud usual opportunities of any fie 14 in the wor'd today. Know' about Its great opportunities before deciding your career, or if you are dissatisfied in your present position in life or its earning capacity is not what you would like it to be. investigate the great opportuni ties offered in this greaiObt of ail pro fessions CHIROPRACTIC. A most ex ceptional opportunity to stud v chiro practic and to become a envropractic physician is offered at this time by our college: bath day and night course ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND chiropractic physicians needed In the United States today to supply the de mands of the millions who have turned to this great method of healing their ilia. , INVESTIGATE Augmented Curriculum. Able Faculty, Clinical Faculties Unexcelled. For particulars address Dr. Oscar W. Elliott, president. PACIFIC CHIROPRACTIC COLLEGE. Park and Yamhill. Main 10X4. Portland, Or. Tou cannot learn any part of this pro fession through correspondence. WE reach yoo how to preserve your valu able teeth If tbey need repilr we fll bridge, crown, remove nerves and ex tract teeth without pain by tne modea cerve-blortcing method. DR. A. W. KEEN E. DR. E. H. FREHN Majestic Theater Bldg., 351 '4 Washington st. WANTED At once, two men to learn vul canizing and retreading. 432 HawHhome. HELP WANTED MALE. MEIER & FRANK COMPANY requires the services of a candy maker, experienced in the manufacture of hard candy; per manent work. Apply Employment Bu reau, sixth floor, Meier & Frank Co. WELL; established! business- Intends open ing children's hair cutting department. Permanent work, good wages. Write stating full particulars of experience, etc. L 203, Oregonian. WANTED A few hustlers who have had selling experience, for rural work; men with cars preferred; magazine and sub scription men will do well to investi gate; salary $40 a week with some ex pense. See Mr. Wylie, 603 Oregonian bldg. EXPERIENCED young man for posting machine bookkeeper. BENTON COUNTY BANK, Corvallis, Or. bank BOY Not over IT years, to learn pipe fitting and general repairing; board, room, laundry and all expenses; $5. per week to -start; fare to San Francisco paid; give full description of self in answering this ad. Address J. McQuaide, 4145 24th St., San Francisco, CaL AN OLD established wholesale house with sample rooms In Portland has vacancy for experienced road salesman for Wil lamette valley and coast territory; knowledge of dry goods or general lines essential: splendid opening for ener getic man. R 35. Oregonian. AMBITIOUS writers, send today for free, valuable. Instructive book, containing many helpful suggestions on writing, selling photoplays, short "stories, poems. Atlas Publishing company, 1217. Cin cinnati. WANTED Driver for Republic truck; must be experienced furniture man and know the city well; unless thoroughly competent do not apply: married man preferred. Feldsteln Furniture Co., 171 First st. WANTED Middle-aged or elderly man to do chores on small dairy farm; no milk ing: board and room and small wnges; state age and wage expected. Write, phone or call on S. J. MeKe-e. Inde pendence. Or. Phone F 1223. - WE HAVE a good opportunity for a stenographer with some knowledge sim ple bookkeeping; steady position, good salary and chance for advancement; give age, phone and references. AG 289, Oregonian. WANTED Intelligent young man familiar with railroad construction or track work, either steam or electric: must have good clerical ability; state age, education, ex perience and salary expected. G 245, Ore gonian. WANTED A good, reliable man with Ford touring car. to do demonstrating; commissions paid; best paying business In city; guaranteed. See M. N. Jenkins at Hotel Madras. Sunday bet. 0 A. M. and 1 P. M. WANTED An Installment collector with motorcvele or light automobile: only those with good references need app.y; ask for Mr. Marlow. The Wiley B. Allen Co., Morrison st. at Broadway. WE WANT a couple who will board 1 to 2 men on stock farm, furnish house, milk and wood; prefer man who can ride horse and help with cattle. Write J. H. Richter, Deer Island. Or. rtrtpf.r and finisher for work on auto mobiles. Steady year-round work for first-class mechanic. i-ena tun particu lars to Sunset Motor Company. Seattle. Washington. WANTED In steamship office man with either railroad or steamship claim clerk exnerience: state ouaiuications vnu ta. ary; must be good correspondent. Oregonian AB SALESMAN Visiting manufacturing con fectioners and chocolate dippers; nave good article; priced right; good commis sion. Regina Products Co., 10 Lexington ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. THOROUGHLY EXPERIENCED REALTY SALESMAN WITH ALIO. MUSI h.NUW CITY. APPLY SUNDAY ONLY. BET. 10 AND 1 0 G.'c. fiOLDENBERG. ABINGTON BLDG JANITOR to care for furnace mornings. wife day times, in smau apt. nouse in return for rent of unfurnished apt.; small wage. Ormonde, 650 Flanders. WANT man to work on farm, milk cows and clear land; wages u per monm with board and room; write or phone T. E. Bledsoe. Beaverton, Or. WANTED Experienced apartment-house janitor, minaie-agea ana inarrieu. Familiar with boiler, ordinary repairs and good worker. AG 257. Oregonian. WANTED Responsible truck drivers and auto mechanics ; must De tnorougn fy competent. Apply room 8. 012 Main St., Vancouver. Wash. WANTED AUTOMOBILE TRIMMER; ONLY EXPEKIt.NLtO XI A.N L APPLY. UNIVERSAL BODY CORP., 900 SANDY. WANTED Boy, not over IS years of age. with mechanical aoiiiiy. woo nas at tended high school, to learn trade. Will start at SS50 a month. V 20S. Oregonian. ATTRACTIVE proposition to experienced house-to-house canvassers. Appiy i-ori-land Broom Co., after 4 P. M. 045 Sandy blvd'. WANTED SHEETMETAL WORKER AND 1 1' I-' -1 r v- ; 1 n-ir ii.rt -i 1 - - -i 1 L A-N UO BUI n. i wni.uv.n.i. SOLICITOR for quick-selling auto neces sity; Dig returns, canj 111 ii-nc ... nj ex perience necess.-i.ry. X 2S1, Oregonian WANTED To assist with light house keeping. Jap Doy attenainp etnogi; mce home, wages. j mono Jaat w-v. SALESMAN familiar with men's clothing or tailor ing. Apply Nicoii tne lauor, xub aa at. wt psT.rr,ASS can try man and assistan for out-of-town hotel. Phone East 2234 for appointment. FIRST-CLASS machinest; do not apply unless you can quality. a. uavis Eiectr:c Co., 75 Front st., corner Oak. DRUGGIST, registered in Oregon, give ref erence and salary wanted. Geo. C. Blake ley & Co.. The Dalles, Or. BARBER wanted; must be fir-class; noie other need apply; guaranieea. o. t . Thomas, Wallowa. Or. RELIABLE collection agency desires men to solicit accounts: gooa money ior hustlers. AL 218. Oregonian. wa vted First-class general blacksmith and horseshoer; state full particulars first letter. AH 736, oregonian. w a 'TRD Sheet-iron worker, with tools, for blower pipe repair work. Henry McCleary Timber oo., MCOieary, wasn, BOOKKEEPER at once; must be experi enced in railroad construction, account ing. G 206, Oregonian. DEPARTMENT store, Boise, Idaho, wants experienced dry gooas man, capaoie 11 ing head position. Phone East 3280. WANTED Machinist capable of looking after plain and special machine in a shirt factory. xo, oregonian. LIVE young man for salesman. 517 Chamber of Commerce. "WANTED Plasterer for Monday; must furnish all tools. 1-10. ADVERTISING representative, 507 Lewis bids, PERFORMERS and musicians wanted. Call Broadway 4b 16. SALESMAN, experienced or inexperienced by manufacturing company. 626 N. 23d MAN TO fire furnace at 6 every morning, 12 r. tn st. BL'SHELMAN and presser wanted. Cal Sunday, id4 ureeiey. wood lawn 600. WANTED First -class coatmaker. C. P. Barret te, tne tailor, ranama bldg. WANTED CASH BOYS, BEN SELL1NU, HELP WANTED MALE. , MEN AND BOY3 SEEKING EMPLOYMENT. The place best equipped to assist yon In finding employment is the Y. M. C. A. Employers go there for help because they know the "Y" appeals to the best type of men and boys. Many firms have standing orders there for men with cer tain qualifications; perhars you are fit ted for one of these places. Advisory and employment eervlc is absolutely free to ex -service men. All men seeking employment In cler ica.. technical and commercial lines ana those who are ambitious to better their condition should 3ee the Y M. C A. employment b?cretary. room 807. -WHHTRK THERE IS ALWAYS DB- MAN D FOR CAPABLE MSN." WANTED By the largest corporation of 11s Kina on tne Pacific coast, young man from 25 to 35 who has pep and ability to meet people and willing to work hard. Best ' opportunity for advancement to men to prove their ability. We will give you necessary training and put you in a position where you can earn $500 a week. If you are men with confidence In yourselves, we want you. Call 404 Spalding bldg., Monday and Tuesday otter 10 A M. Aak for Mr. Starnahan. 100 PLUMBERS wanted for southern Cali- rorma to work on bungalows. Only high graUe workmen are desired. Steady work the year around for expert mechanics. Top wages. This advertisement Is being run by an old established plumbing and heating company now employing more tha 400 men and has been operating on the open shop .basis for the past ten years without a strike. THOMAS HAV ERTY CO., Eighth and Maple. Los An geles. BECOME A MOTOR TRUCK SALESMAN ttanieu, men, everywhere, spare time, to assist district sales managers and learn motor truck business ; experience not necessary ; splendid opportunity to attain positions paying 300 to $500 month. EQUITABLE AUTOMOTIVE SALES CO 786 Mission St.. San Francisco, Cal. SALESMEN WANTED. We offer you an opportunity to asso ciate yourself with one of the fastest selling plans in Portland. If you posses? a talesman's qualifications we want you. Call Motor Loan -association. 201 Arti san's bldg. Help Wanted -Salesmen. LIVE SALESMEN. We want a genuine producer of good address and with some executive ability. We have placed over $206,000 of our stock In Oregon in the last few months and it's going stronger every week. Any good salesman can make at least $1000 per month with us. Some of our men are doing much better. We are arrang ing to open several offices in California and have an opening for several men to manage them who can prove their ability In Oregon in the next few weeks. The personnel of our company Is com posed of some of the best known finan cial men In Portland. It's a genuine opportunity for you. State your ex perience and qualifications. X 1,37, Oregonian. WIDE-AWAKE SALESMEN. We want you and you need us;- a local company offering the highest grade investment security ever placed In the northwest, ably financed and backed by Portland financial men, prominent attorneys, bankers and stock men; if you have selling experience we can teach you our line .nd make you successful and more money than you Tiave ever made before; our organiza tion Is expanding rapidly and to men who can make good we will advance as fast as you demonstrate ability and can show you can assume responsibili ties; call after 10 A. M. Second floor Gordon bldg., over Peoples bank, 4th and Stark. Ask for Mr. Rainey. HAVE an unusual business proposition to mane a real salesman; am ractory representative for, large auto accessory house; have exclusive sales rights for Oregon and an established business that will net $10,000 this year: am. taking eastern territory and my business here. Including stock on hand, agency, sub agency, contracts, etc., can be taken over by a salesman capable of convinc ing factory of ability to handle the territory; requires about $800. J 93. Oregonian. MY FACTORIES make three biggest value cabinet nhonncraphs. retail at $50. $75 and $09.50. These prices 50 oer'cent less than mail order houses. Dealer makes handsome profit. I carry installment ac counts fo- dealer and send samples to you on 30 days' trial if you Qualify. State trritnrv references first letter. NAT K A WIN. The Phonogranh Man. Great Eastern Manufacturers Co.. ' 316 S. Wabash ave.. Chicago. AUTOMOBILE saleFman wanted to sell Kord cars and trucks: must furnish own Ford car: liberal commission with draw ing account to man of ability; splendid chance for a type or saipman with an old established firm: Portland and ad jacent territory. Address giving full pauticulars as to experience. length of residence in Portland, etc. Address 96, Oregonian. All communications btriftiy coiiiiuiiiiui. EASTERN shoe polish factory wants spe ciaity salesman: sinne; permanent po sition: acaualnted with all-class re tail and grocery trade: Portland as headquarters, mnking surrounntng ter ritory; salary s:i- pr week ana com mission. A V 805, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED drv goods salesman wanted by The Mode; Boise. Idaho Tntervipw Saturdav or Sundav may b arranged by calling Main 53!6 Saturday or East 32S0 Saturday evening or sun day. JANUARY 1 Advertising salesman, ex clusive territory, expenses advancen. nn eral commissions, experience not essen tial. Give ace. height, weight, business experience, three late business references. Rtanfnrd-Crowell Co., Ithaca. N. Y. SALESMEN WANTED. Three experienced phonograph pales-, men. with auto; unusually liberal com missions. Oive references as to ability In first letter. AC 2R6. Oregonian. PEANUT vending machines; salesmen call ing on candy, cicrar ana a rug trace to pell our world's- best penny vending ma chines; 14 cash commission. reisentnai Candy Co.. dept. 217. Louisville, Ky. SALESMEN of proven aDiiity, acquainted with work garment traae. to sen ie- unionalls, overalls, work shirts, etc Ap pjv by letter only, stating qualifications ann re 1 ere 11 i-t--1. j. i m, wirguuiau SALESMAN owning Ford sedan or coupe to represent manuiacturer in Oregon. Exclusive sale of automobile accessory line. inMunm g auto heater, com. basis. E. T. Ward Mfg. Co., Oak Park. III. DISTRIBUTER wanted In every town for Soeedoline: $300 to ssoo per month: ex elusive territory: automobile free to workers. SPEEDOL1NE CO., Dept. HO, Dallas, Texas. SALESMEN calling on general stores; side line, fast-selling, special boys overall. One sample. Big commission, repeat or- - ders. Cincinnati overall- Manufacturing Co., Cincinnati. Ohio. WANTED Salesman to work outside ter ritory selling tires for a d'ire-ct factory branch: good proposition for right party Experience and references, required. V 167, Oregonian. SALESMEN Catholic, capable of handling an approved proposition; $.K) per week; unusual opportunities for advancement. 8-!:30 and 4:30-0. '719 Spalding bldg. WANTED Salesman to handle line o f;rst-class motor trucks, exclusive terrl tory. for the right man. Broughton Motor Truck Co., l29-i:3 N. loth si. SALESMAN for high-grade hand-made loggers' and sportmnen's boots for west ern wasnmgton; rine opportunity; com mission basis. AV 808. Oregonian. UNIQUE new household novelty, a- won derful Christmas present, sells on sight: bitr commissions. Call 9 to 10 A. M., Worcester niag. WANTED Salesmen handle men's leather working gloves as a side line, celling to retailer? ann loDbers1. Reliable Ulove Co 304! Charleston st., Chicago. SALESMEN Inexperienced or experienced cltv or traveling, write ror list of lines Full particulars. Nat'l Salesmen's Tr, Assn., dept. 4. k. nicago. xn. SALES M E N having house-to-house ex perience to sell electric appliances; we help you E. L. Knight & Co., 449 Washington s-t. ADVERTISING- Falesmen. two high-class propositions; oniy real solicitors wanted For two men of this caliber we have c money-maker. 206 Third street. HAVE best proposition to offr several real salesmen, NOT HOUSE TO HOUSE work. 33Q tnamper or commerce bldg. SALESMAN, energetic young man, commis sion basis . Room 118 Caples Hotel, 3 to 6 P. M. EXPERIENCED broom salesman, no other need apply ; country territory. Portland Broom Co.. alter r. x. w.- sandy blvd TWO neat appearing young men with some sales acuity. can spaiding bldg., 3:30 to 5 P. M. Monday. SALESMEN", experienced or inexperienced bv manufacturing company. -Call 62 W N 2:1 d st. WANTED Experienced Ford salesman to work the city business; liberal propo sition, f ora ucaier, ine Jaues, jr. l.'I.ESMEN WondTfui opportunity, ta come tnfu ranee (SO! Corbet t bldg. EXCELLENT opening for life insurance salesman. AN z.id, Oregonian. WANT an experienced business chance agent; must have a car. 509 McKay bldg. HELP W ANTEO-MALE. Help Wanted Salesmen. WINDOW TRIMMER, show card writer and advertising man for general store in large valley town. $2000 per year and bonus. Window trimmer for large drug con cern in state of Washington. Young lady wanted for doctor's of fice, to answer phone, general office and laboratory work, $75 per month. Exp. young man posting machine opr., bank position, out of city. Call Monday morning 9 to 10:30 P. M. CLERICAL HELP SERVICE. 431 Artisans' Bldg., City. THE UNITED STATES BEDDING CO.. ST. PAUL. MINNESOTA, desire a salesman to represent ua In Portland and tributary territory, in con Junction wUh Jlnes a'-ready represented. fatraight commission basis Good oppor tunity for live wire. ATTENTION REAL MEN! We want five energetic, ambitious men to represent us in the marketing of the best dividend-paying Security ever offered to the people of the north west; large earnings for the right men; previous selling experience not neces sary, but helpful. Call 702 Title & Trust bldg. WE WANT an experienced man with good 1 ciciciiccb, souna common sense and strong personality to work In Portland; large income and quick promotion for one who can qualify. This Is a real opportunity for a. man of refinement t married preferred) with an eye for the future; work highly dignified and con genial. If now employed it will pay you to change; our men are earning $60 to $300 per week. Call 1107 Spalding bldg. I0:S0 to 12; ask for Mr. Fox. WANTED EXPERIENCED SALESMAN orL-i.N kj, UIKKCX TO THE CON SUMER WILL FIND OUR PROPOSI TION A REAL MONEY MAKER WITH A BIG FUTURE; 125 GUARANTEED HOUSEHOLD NECESSITIES; IF YOU ARE REALLY INTERESTED SEE MR. STIPP AT 260H BROADWAY SOUTH, SUNDAY 1 TO 4 P. M. WEEKDAYS 10 TO 2 AND 6 TO 8. GLOVE side line, coast manufacturer fine men s ana women's dress gloves, ex panding territory, wants connect with ag gressive, refined young man calling reg ularly on dry goods trade, Washington, Oregon, Idaho; strictly commission : ex clusive territory; give age, experience, present lines carried, states covered and how often. DIABLO GLOVE CO.. Broad way and College. Oakland, Cal. GLOVE side line, coast manufacturer fine men s and women s dress gloves, ex panding territory, wants connect with aggressive, refined young man calling regularly on dry goods trade. Washing ton, Oregon. Idaho: strictly commission: exclusive territory; give age. experience, present lines carried, states covered and how often. DIABLO GLOVE CO., Broad- w-Ky ana ,ouege, uaKiana, cat. WANTED Salesman calling on furniture traae in fortlana and vicinity to handle our complete line of beds, springs, cots, couches, etc., in conjunction with lines already represented. Straight commission basis. Some established accounts. Good opportunity for live man. THE UNITED STATES BEDDING CO. St. Paul, Minn. SALESMEN Wide awake and caoabie. nanaie one 01 tne best cloth hat -ana cap lines In country; liberal commis sions ana bonus; exclusive territory: splendid opportunity or profitable and permanent connection; experience not essential. Columbia Hfadwear Factory. 241 "W. Van Buren, Ch cago. SALESMAN wanted to sell established factory lines direct to merchant: prefer one who has had experience selling hdw. or grocery specialties. The right man can earn $750 to $1200 -per month: refer ences required. Phone Main 30fil after In A. M. Monday for appointment, or write W. M. Clark Co.. Spalding bldg. WANTED Representative In Portland territory for specialty, selling to meat markets, grocers. restaurants. hoteis. Institutions and resldejices: strictly com mission proposition; established 3D years; only specialty men with a clean record who are able to finance themselves, need apply. AV 806. Oregonian. WANTED Experienced road salesmen to carry well -known ladies wear lines in Oregon. Washington and Idaho. One big millinery salesman ior biggest line on the coast. Big business will start in January so g-et in touch with us at once. 20S McDermott Bldg.. Seattle. Wash. DISTRICT sales agents wanted to distrib ute new automatic tire pressure gauge, Territory arranged. Must have some capita! and be capable of organizing territory through sub-agents; exceptional profits. write weuoer & JJoyle. inc., Beverly, Mass. SALESMEN in this territory real sales men, having regard ror trade; make good tilling Rainier auto polish : side line or an time; interesting proposition; state experience; only Al mn con sidered. Kainier Auto fauppiy Co., inc., 702 E. Pike St., Seattle. Wash. SA LESMAN Hasco luggage carrier for Fords. The tourist n delight, farmer's friend ; biggest Ford idea yet ; sure w Inner; sure repeater ; commission basis Btate territory and references. Hasco Mfg. Co., 152 1 V azee street, Denver, Colorado. WANTED Salesmen. The motion picture business is the fourth largest industry in the United States. Wanted, men to call on merchants and manufacturers. commission basis. Call between 2 P. M and 4 P. M., Sunday. Alexander Film Cc ?.() Burnsine st. THE HAYES LITHO CO.. Buffalo. N. Y requires the services of several capable salesmen to nanaie tneir exclusive line of copyrighted calendars and novelties In Oregon and Idaho; mention qualifi es t ions. Address C. W. Walton, 1532 First ave., Seattle, vv ash. OUR SIDE LINE of advertising fans bring live wire saiemn jjou. j.uiu monthly; samples light; all merchants prospects; easy to sell; liberal commissions. Fan Dept.. United Mates caienuar to., ctn clnnatl. SALESMAN by manufacturers well known brand cotton goods or every aesenptton white, colors, prints for retail trade. Cities and small towns; samples 30 pounds. Keystone Textile Mills, 640 Uroaaway, New yorn. WANTED AGENTS. AGENTS Best seller; Jem Rubber Repair for tires and tubes; supersedes vu Irani ration at saving of over 800 per cent put it on cold, it vulcanizes itself In two minutes and is guaranteed to last the life of tire or tube: sells to every auto owner and accessory dealer. For partic ulars how to make big money, free Fample. address Amazon Rubbec Co. Philadelphia, Pa., Dept. 79. AGENTS Start permanent btidrFs n Ing for company established 2-" years. "GLASCOCK TABLERA K, patented noth in g similar, wonderful new house hold article: retail price $1.50; needed in .every home; remarkable opportunity for iocted ranvanpers. GLASCOCK JUVENILE GOODS COMPANY, Dept. L. Muncie. Indiana. AGENTS "-Steady income. Large manu facturer of soaps, perfumes, toilet arti- cles and pure food products, etc., wishes representative in earn locality. Manu facturer direct to consumer. Big profits. Honest goods. "Whole or snare time. cash or credit. Send for particulars. Amerfcpn Products Co., 2910 American nifig.. Cincinnati, u. AGENTS wanted for patented gasoline lamps, lanterns ana lighting systems, for country homes, churches, schools and stores; safe, brilliant, economical; pump punt rignt into lamp ; can t De lost. Standard Light Co. of Cal., 1511 J street, San Diego, Cal. SELL latest auto Invention: no more rnin hlwrred windshields: mystic chemical felt keeps glass clear 24 hours: ste mountings, fits pockets, fast seller at $1 exclusive territory. Security Mfg. Co. Dept. 334, Toledo, O. AGENTS, either sex, kitchen specialty every woman wants; nothing like It in existence ; 200 per cent profit. Write pest Novelty Mfg. Co., 160 N. Wells Bt., Chicago. AGENTS Large manufacturer wants agents to sell hosiery, underwear, shirts dresses, skirts, waists, shoes, clothing. etc. Write for free samples. Madison Mills, sua Broaaway, New York. SALESMEN, either sex, can earn $5 o $1K ter day. Dignified, pleasant, easv. We require promise to devote ft hours per day first a a ays. arrerwardi you win want to. Geo. Columbia, Ft. Worth. Tex RIP, PROFITS selling Dunlex Transform era. .Every auto owner needs them. Save gas. Banish spark-plug, trouble. Ex elusive territory. Jubilee Mfg. Co., Sta. C, umana, jseo. AGENTS Raco No-Spring shock absorbers for Ford cars. They make good. Latest, best and cheapest Raco Mfg. Co., 6504 vventwortn ave., nicago, 111. CUT YOUR OWN HAIR Automatic hair. cutter, cuts while you comb; price 35c. Agents wanted. E. F. O' Regan, 516 H Union ave. N. 150 PER CENT profit; fast selling house hold, store and office necessity. Repeater. Free sample. Chapman Co., 1009 Dwight bldg., Kansas City, Mo. COUNTY rights for sale (cheap) for fast selling auto necessity; carry in pocket, big returns. B 200. Oregonian. SEND for free toilet soap sample antd $10 cash refund offer. Lac ass ia Co.,, Dept 610. St. Louis, Mo. WA NT E AG E NTS. THE WESTERN RUBBER COMPANY of Tacoma, Wash., a going concern, malt ing great progress, desires a few good representatives to sell stock. It 1b the livest stock on the market on the coast. We have had our factory filmed and you can arrange To take a portable machine along with you, exhibiting the moving pictures in the home or office of your prospective purchaser, literally taking the factory to him. Call at 003 North western Bank bldg. oMnday morning and make an appointment to meet an officer of the company to talk the mat ter over and see the pictures. We do not want down-and-outers out pood live experienced salesmen. STOP HERE: Agents, salesmen district managers. Brand new invention, selling like wildfire. Sell Speederator for Fords. Make any Ford run like Packard; stops stalling and bucking; put on quick, no tools or holes to bore; instant satisfac tion; listen make money quick. Helton, Utah, makes $300 every week. McAl lister, 111., made $12 first afternoon. Dane, W. Va, $53 week, spare time only. Hurry, write -quick for details and ex clusive territory. Address Perrln Co., 1078, Hayward bldg., Detroit, Mich. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. Mal and Female. WILLIAM PERSONNEL SERVICE, 504 Spalding bldg., the leading ofilco ana clerical help employment specialists) of the northwest; we can place high-class applicants in positions of all descrip tions; register with us and let us place you In the position that you are look ing for. THE WOMEN'S State Employment Bu reau furnishes competent oirice nelp free to employers: efficiency test given to applicants. Private interview room, Mrs. L. V. Scott, mgr. 329 Henry bldg. Broadway 4S37. HELP WANTED FEMALE. THE OLDS, WORT MAN & KINO STORE requires the services of experienced glove saleswomen; also experienced hosiery saleswomen. Apply superin tendent's office, 9:15 to 10:30 A. M. WANTED Expert fancy pressors. Phone East 625, Bdwy. Dye Works. SALESLADIES WANTED who are accus tomed to meeting and Interviewing tne public. We wil' train you In our work which will be pleasing and profitable to you if you possess the necessary quali fications. Apply MOTOR LOAN A&SO C1ATION. 2Q1 Artls an'i bldg. . WANTED Man and wife. Will give room and board to working man to tend furnace and wash car. Man who can drive car preferred ; w ife to do general housework and laundry, electric wash ing machine and electric mangle. Wages $5u per month. AC 2-S5. Oregonian. WANTED A refined iady, under 40 years of age, as housekeeper in widow. home; . & small baby to take care of; where a good refined home is wanted more than big wages; best of references given and required. F 100, Oregonian. WANTED 3 or 4 ladies of education and culture to interview mothers on the moral training of children. Will pay $40 a week to those who qualify. Preference given to ladies over 30. Apply 30& Cor bett bldg. EXPERIENCED OPERATORS OF CAL CULATING AND COMPTOMETER MACHINES N E EDED FO R IN V EN -TORIES. APPLY THIS WEEK AT &03 YEON BLDa. WANTED A woman about 40, unincum bered, for general housework In family of 3; must be neat and clean and a good plain cook; no' laundering. A 250, Oregonian. WANTED Experienced switch board tele phone operator, capable or handling long distance and telegrams; some clerical work; must be competent; wages $75. THE HALF-RATE TUITION NOW IN EFFECT WILL BE DISCONTINUED AFTER DECEMBER 20. REGISTER NOW FOR NEW CLASSES. MILLER SCHOOL, 003 YEON BLDG. WANTED A nurse graduate, undergradu ate or practical; must be neat and agree able, not over 35 years, able to give massage; state experience and wages desired. BD 202. Oregonian. WANTED A refined woman to assist in the home; one who will be. an agreeable companion to our mother; washing ana nousecleaning done by outside help. Phone Tabor 3074. AMBITIOUS WRITERS, send for free, val uable, instructive book, containing many helpful suggestions on writing, selling photoplays, short stories, poems. Atlas Publishing company. 17 Cincinnati. GERMAN widower wants housekeeper; Catholic woman preferred. Woodlawn 5710. Take St. Johns car. get off at Emerald St., two blocks north, to 305 Baldwin st. Mr. A. Lap tic h. OLDS, WORTMAN & KING require the services of thoroughly experiencea aou ble-entry bookkeeper. Apply at superin tendent's office, between 9:15 and 10:30 A. M. WOMEN'S Protectice Division, located at room 303 Police Meaaquarters, 2u ana Oak sts., will furnish Information, give protection a nd assistance free to women ana giris. inter vie w coiiiiucniini. NEAT, kind, middle-aged lady to manage my home and look after my Invalid wife and 11-year-old boy; good home for right party. Ti)3 fc. oak st. GIRL for assistant in dentist's office. Should be mechanically inclined and ac curate In keeping records. Small salary to start. AK 21:0, oregonian. WANTED Girl for active work, not of fine, in business place. Experience not required. Apply in person. 421 East Broadway. HOUSEKEEPER wanted. 3 children school age, good place; woman m ust be un incumbered and able to take full charge. Address lock box T4. Parnpiace. ur. WANTED Good housekeeper and cook on wheat ranch in Gilliam county; small family; good wages. Call wooa lawn 6275. mot tke KEEPER for elderly couple in country ; good home and moderate wages: middie-agea woman preierrea, Call Woodlawn 6275. GOOD wages and unusual home for. a young, strong woman, capable, and a good cook, wno win uu "ti, uywewum, no launary. oeuwoou I'OUNG lady with drug experience must be good saleslady, steady posit iori for right person. Call between S-12 A. M. Fe:way Bros., lvtn ana aiam. cv- otTDi irvrF.n nffir assistant on calcu lating machine, adding machine and typewriter. Apply 718 Dekum bid Monday. WA NTED Several young ladies to enter profitable employment; $10 to 120 may be earned every day. Apply 809 Spald- ding bldg. Ask for Mr. Conway. WANTED Experienced, alert and polite young lady telephone exchange opera tor. Address in own handwriting with two references, w 24i. oregonian. WANTED Housekeeper for widower and boy of 7 ; good home: give facts con- i , i i ansu.Si- n 'nr. Ore gonian. EXPERIENCED staying machine operator trod nav. KtAiidv nosition. AnPlv F. C. Stettler Mfg. Co., east end of Steel bridge. ' ANY GTRL in need of a friend apply to the Salvation Army nescue nome, jviay fair and Alexander streets. Phone Main 34"rO. DM car WANTED A kindergarten teacher for Portland settlement center, ya.11 ai -u Caruthers. Phone .viarsnan pi - NEAT appearing lady for saleswoman, one who can sen: no omrrs neu appiy. J e welry store, jai aiqcf bu RELIABLE collection agency desires woman to solicit accounts; good money for h u s 1 1 ers. a ai . Oregon 1 a n. THE FLORENCE Crittenton Home Is ready to help any irl in distress. 955 East misan. jo. v East 316. APPRENTICE for dTessmaking, young girl, reliable, willing to learn. 1001 Bdwy- bldg. w a YTir.n Stenographer for law office, commencing January 1; salary $75; state ex perience. -ft 1 zt. uregonian. WANTED Housekeeper, elderly lady, to care for 2 emiaren o ana years oiu. Phone wooaiawn au. BACHELOR would like lady to keep house for him: no objection to woman with 1 Child. J. o., DOX 101, Vancouver, wasn WANTED Woman to do dining room work ior nuaru ou - bana. w am. oui. NEAT-APPEARING young lady who can Sell nouse-to-nouse prwpoBiuon 01 merit. commission pasis. an auio. ait-w. EXPERIENCED girls to sew and em broider. Apply after noon. 203 Rlvoll Bldg.. ParK ana siara. vi t-a vteh Maid' for reneral housework small family, no children: Scandinavian preierrea. v,nu mornings, wain 10. m Tt.T Swiss or German, for general house work in country hotel. Call St. Charles Hotel. Mrs. wilier. SOPRANO, alto and tenor singers wanted for cnurcn cnoir wurn, au oa, urego nian. YOUNG woman dressmaker for first-class chop, one wua ciiy reterence. Avj 283, Oregonian, HELP WANTED FEMALE. MEIER A FRANK COMPANY, as In past years. Invites all former em ployes not now engaged to cail at the employment department, sixth floor, any time during store hours, to make ar rangements for work during the holi days; former inspectors, cashiers and salespeople may arrange convenient working hours if not able to work ail day. MEIER A FRANK. ' COMPANY. ATTRACTIVE TRAVELING POSITION. Open J an. 3, calling old' patrons of well-known firm ; territory on Pacific coast; will pay $20O monthly ; generous commission, bonus, with salary from be ginning; experience unnecessary; perma nent, pleasant work; requires refined, educated woman over 27; give age. ex perience, education. Mr. Hoover, 58 East Washington St.. Chicago. THE OLDS, WORT MAN A KING STORE requires the services or experienced cashiers. Must be familiar with Na tional register system. Apply superin tendent's office. y;15 to 10:30 A. M. TWO CATHOLIC LADIES wanted as salesladies; If inexperienced we train you; pleasant work; city or road terri tory : highest wages paid ; permanent positions; rapid advancement If you possess ability; A-l references required. 710 Spalding bldg., 8-9:30 and 4:30-6. EXPERIENCED "ready-to-wear" sales lady wanted by "The Mode. JWoise. lia ho. Interview Saturday or Sunday may be arranged by calling Main 53iti Satur day or East 32 W Saturday evening or Sunday. t THOROUGHLY experenced double entry bookkeeper, references required. jias, Wortman & King. Apply at superin tendent's office 9:15 to 10:30 A. M. NEAT young ladles for sales work, 617 Chamber of commerce. GIRL clerk wanted. The Novelty fihop, 340 Morrison st. GIRL for general housework In country ho tel. Call Kt. Charles Hotel, i ra. Winer. SINGERS and dancers wanted. Call Broadway 4876. WANTED H. S. G. to stay with two children during A mas week. Aut. ao-ed. HIGH school girl to care for children. 4 to o, afternoons. 00 E. Davis. EXPERIENCED chocolate dipper wanted. Stanols Sweets, 20-5 4th st. WANT competent woman or girl to care ror cniiaren. inone Columbia 7-1. Wanted Domestics, WANTED A girl for lia-nt housework, no w ashing, no cooking, must be a good worker: neat appearance; $40 month. Call Sunday afternoon only from 1 to P. M. 573 E. 12th at. North, cor. Knott st- WANTED Woman coofc, no children. pastry and salad work, mostly short or der house, country town, $50, room and board. Pioneer Employment Co., 14 N. 2d st. HOUSEKEEPER, middleaged, wanted by widower. Good home. No objection to one small child. References. AK 223, Oregonian. COMPETENT maid for cooking and gen eral housework, not over years: wages $00; city references absolutely required. B 244. Oregonian. SCHOOL GIRL or working girl to ex change services in household for room, board and remuneration. Call Woodlawn 2S25. WANTED Good woman or girl for gen eral housework in the country; small family; good home.' Write to Mrs. R. M. Rad-ding. Silver Lake. Wash. WANTED A middle-aged woman to keep house for invalid, jusl beginning to wane on crutches, and her son; $20 a month. East 6U23. WANTED Scandinavian girl for general housework in family of 3. boott wages paid. Mar. 2142. GIRL to assist with housework and help with children; electrical conveniences. 1104 East Davis. EXPERIENCED girl for cooking and downstairs work; good wages; gooa home ; no furnace. Phone Main 2S33. WANTED A competent country girl to assist with general nouseworK; gooa wages; west side. Main 5217. GIRL to assist with housework and help with, z cniiaren; electrical conveniences. 11U4 East Davis. Tabor 5848. WANTED Strong competent girl for cooking and general housework. Man 6333. MIDDLE-AGED lady, fond of children. for housework, good Home and wages. K 9G, Oregonian. SMALL family wants woman for general housework. References required, pnone Main luOO. WANTED Housekeeper on farm: no women boss. Address AV 914, Orego nian. WANTED A girl for second work in pri vate family. Rer, required. 4-1 vista avenue. Main 4339. WOMAN for general housework. 692 Han. cock street. GIRL for general housework; must be good cook. loa N. 2-d st. GIRL to assist with care of child. 233 Grant street. LADY wanted to keep house for gentleman. Boyd Berry, Bend, Or. WANTED Girl to assist fc ith housewor4c and care of two children. Marshal! 1O10. GIRL for general housework, $40. East 1070. 487 Kast li4tn St. jN. WANTED Girl at once to help with gen eral housework. 143 Broadway. GIRL for cooking and down-stairs work. Marshall 300o. GIRL for upstairs work and assist with children. Marshall duuo. GIRL wanted for housework; no cooking. 706 Ulisan st. COMPETENT cook wanted; no washing. Phone Marshall 5266. GIRL to help with housework, $35. 461 i-iassaio st. 0. J. car. GIRL for general housework, good home. no cooking. 32s Jackson. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. WANTED Boy or girl for permanent all day work; running errands and shelving books; must be through eighth grade of school and over 16 years of age; wages $45. Apply Public Library, 10th and Yamhill sts. FOR A road show, 2 song and dance girls able to play piano, and one man or lady that can play on violin; jazz music. Phone Tabor 30it, Airs. .Miner, ior par ticulars. WANTED DRAMATIC PEOPLE, ALL LINES. CHARLIE STARR. MGR. LId- ERTY PLAYERS. PHONE SELL. P13t A FEW more people to work In motion pic tures. Call at Artland Film Co., 109 Second st. WANTED Lady agent for Rubnomora washer. 227 Washington, room 301.x HELP WANTED WITH INVESTMENT. MECHANIC WANTED WITH $2500 TO $5000. SPLENDID OPENING FOR YOU IN A PERMANENT, HIGHLY-PROFITABLE OPERATING MANUFACTURING EN TERPRISE. COMFORTABLE. HEALTH FUL WORKING CONDITIONS. PRE FER MAN EXPERIENCED IN CABIN ET OR ELECTRICAL OR MACHINE WORK OR INSIDE FINISHER. COULD PLACE GOOD FURNITURE FINISHER OR CASE WUKK MAPs Al UUUD "WAGES PERMANENT "WORK. AD DRESS MANAGER. D 147, OREGO NIAN. ESTABLISHED manufacturing corpora tion can use the services of a capable man with executive, selling or mechani cal ability who can invest $5000 to $lu,- 000 to proviae ior expansion or tne man ufacture nd sale of a household neces iiv This is a safe opportunity to dou ble your Investment the first year, with a. wide neia tor expansion, vj zaa, ere gonian HAVE excellent opening in well established collection business for young. live at torney; Investment preferred though not essential tor this connection; this is a bona fide proposition, as investigation will prove. j 00. uregonian. WANTED Manager for sales department. Article of merit. Must be able to handle salesmen. One who can invest $2000 for one-half Interest preferred. None but competent man need apply. AN ado, Orgonian. WANT man with donkey to take Inter est in good cordwood and logging propo sition. AH 284. Oregonian. AN EX-SERVICE man has a fine proposi tion for four ex-service men with $350 each. P. O. box WANT man with $500 to $1000 to take interest in good logging proposition. AH WANT construction foreman, go In on con tract ; must have few thousand. G 278, Oregonian. WA'NTED Partner for motion picture LIVE young man partner; $1500 with serv ices; large returns, Y 209, Oregonuin. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. COMBINATION SALES MANAGER, ADVERTISING MANAGER CORRESPONDENT. Capable young executive who feels that the time has come to reach out for bigger thinga, seeks connection with progressive man ufacturing, wholesale or retail concern; 17 years of widely va ried experience plus extensive travel and constructive study have fitted me for really big work; 12 years in general dry goods, wholesale and retail, 5 years in newspaper advertising work, now directing force of 15 people, in cluding 7 salesmen; old , enough to have seasoned judgment, younpr enough to be adaptable and enthu siastic; intensely loyal and a hard worker; more interested in char acter of concern I connect with than in immediate earninKS, though will expect reasonable com pensation; I can inject "pep" into your sales force and put pulling power Into your advertis ing and correspondence. May I cot have an Interview ? Address V 2oS, Oregon ian. STRONG, middle-aged man of good ap pearance, clean habits and willing, de sires position on any line, private resi dence or apartment house preferred ; wages no object for Ihe right place. O 220, Oregonian. WE REPAIR and paint roofs, clean gut ters, paint fire escapes, water-proof basement floors and walls, brick or con crete; prices reasonable, work guaran teed. Roof Security, Inc., 226 U-oard of Trade bldg. Phone Main 671, Maan 6044, Coiumbia (ki5. ATTENTION What proposition can yoo offer young man with business experience now employed on steamer running be tween Frisco and Portland ? Can aevoto three entire days every ten days to prop osition. Write S. Emanuel, S. S. Alaska, Ainsworth dock, Portland. WANTED A position that will pay me $100 a month and board; can drive any make of light truck or car and can keep same in repair; am handy with all kinds of tools, especially sol dering irons; no ''objection to leaving city. AB 218, Oregonian. SUPERINTENDENTS, mgrs., head Jan itors, store, office bldg., apartm't house; reliable man; have been doing janitor, elevator, furnace work, regular nigbt shift and part of day; now like half or 1 full shift. Main 1025, or addxeaa Y 22 H, Oregonian. CAN HANDLE office or sales end of busi ness or manufacturing concern and in vest from $10OO to $3000 in first-class proposition, prefer sa.f, conservative business to promise of large profits. A 23S, Oregonian. DRY GOODS. CLOTHING AND SHOE MAN. Now employed, reference from present employer, 10 years' experience, married, specialize on reducing stock. Prefer good school town. AV blO, Oregonian. RESIDENCE AND HOTEL WINDOWS CLEANED, Sl.SO PER DOZEN. PHONE VEK1BEST CO. MAIN 5407. PHARMACIST, REGISTERED, MARRIED, WISHES PERMANENT POSITION, CITY OR COUNTRY; YEARS EXPERI ENCE. WHAT HAVE YOU TO OFFEK? PHONE WDLN. 1773. FRANCIS. W0 COMMERCIAL. FARM work wanted by year; married man, 33; can overhaul combine, tractor, drive tractox, general farm work; east ern Oregon preferred. AE 200M Orego nian. IOUNG man, 20, high school graduate, now employed days, wishes evening em ployment; do anything, can driv car. Main 1375. 171 W. Park street, room 2, Weston ia hotel. EX-SERVICE MAN regular army, mar ried, wishes employment as watchman, caretaker or any position of trust: it can't be too lonesome for me. AP 207., Oregonian. POSITION of trust wanted by man well and favorably known in Portland ; ac customed to handling large sums of money. References and bond furnished. Address AB 259, Oregonian. AM LOOKING for work in Portland where it is unnecessary to epeak English ; I speak Bohemian and German ; wages 30 for 4a hours. M. Nemec. lSs E. 35th street. EXPERIENCED, neat-appearing young man. gooa mecnanic, wants euner a. position driving car for private family or a job driving truck; drives ail makes; best references. AM 203, Oregonian. FATHER and son want steady employ ment with reliable employer, who is in need of reliable help. If not qualified, would like to qualify while we work. Call Hurst. Tabor 0020. 214 E. 45th st. WANTED By man and wife, a job on farm where both can earn; am experi enced in farm work. Write E. W. Shields, 166 N. ISxh st.. or phone Bdwy. 1707. EXPERT painting, tinting, enameling and paper hanging done at pre-war prices; finest of work and best material used. Auto. 643-49. TO THE PEOPLE of Portland Friday night's storm has spoiled a Tot of treea You can have them pruned and saved. Call M ain 7 3 S3; m EXPERIENCED man who could take charge of farm or dairy. Married man no children. Write Dundee, Or., R. F. D. No. 1. box 79. CANNERY MEN. ATTENTION. First-class, experienced processor an cannery superintendent desires position. Box 7S. Forest Grove. Or. REGISTERED pharmacist wants position; will do relief work; young man. first class references. Room 334, Ramapo hoteL BY MARRIED man, position on farm; years experience with stock and general farming : no children. 1V27 V Belmont, apt. 7, or Tabor 2263. REGISTERED druggist wishes out-of; town position ; young man, 10 years experience. D 22, Oregonian. HONEST young man. 20. needs any kind of work; can drive any make of truck and know city. L 274, Oregonian. EXPERT draftsman. 12 years' experience, best references. Regules. 1035 Multno mah street. YOUNG man, 28, single, neat appearance, wishes work of some kind all or part time. AJ 256, Oregonian! YOUNG man. in need of work, at once; able to take job as cornet player in or chestra. E 258. Oregonian. BENSON student, third year, capable, wants work Saturdays. Phone TJfcor 53S2. ABSTRACTERS. Do you need a professional abstracter and title examiner? AL 244, Oregonian. SINGLE man, 25, wants position packing, shipping or receiving ; efficient, experi enced and best references. E. 5950. BOY 1G YEARS wants place on ranch; do chores, go to school. Marshall 1299. Room 12. DENTAL college student wishes work eve nings after 5:13 P. M., Saturday after noons and Sundays. K 266, Oregonian. PAINTING, kalsominlng. best material, lowest price; work, guaranteed. Sell wood 2700; PAINTING, tinting and paper hanging for reasonable day's wage; work guaran teed. East o WORK wanted mornings or evenings by man employed afternoons, G 214, Ore gonian. PAINTING, calsomining and paperhang ing. Prices right. All work guaranteed. East 113. THOROUGHLY experienced chauffeur, good local references, desires situation, all or part time. Main 4278 mornings. YOUNG man wants work as window trim mer and card writer Saturdays. Broad way 4074. AUTO mechanic, ten years' experience, will repair your car at -your home for 75c per hour Call Tabor 1231. FOR YOUR architectural designing by expert residence work, call Main 7805. 204 Ml U st. BUTLER- Swiss-French, for private fam ily; best references. AK 25S, Ore gonlan. MAN WITH two-ton truck wants any kind of hauling; reasonable prices. Woodlawn 4709 BOY, 16, THROUGH grammar grades, wishes position as office boy. Main .ill". NEED licensed electrician to Install those base plugs, electric light outlets, etc. 7 Call East 5S5. 3170. WANTED Wood to cut or land to clear. .B. A., 721 I Main 786. RELIABLE building contractor; plans and estimates iree. iDor MARRIED MAN. 39, wants any work. 367 75th st. N. BY MIDDLE-AGED man, work as night watchman or janitor. East 1503. CARPENTER wants work by day or con tract. Marshall 30S6. Carl F. West. t PAINTING, papering, tinting, good work. Reasonable. Sell. 1399. PRINTER, ad and job, desires a change. permanent. E. F. W.. 126 KUh st. X. PLACE to fire or do light work for board and room. K 212, Oregonian. YOUNG Japanese schoolboy wants. position, 4 North Third iro4. Harokcdo. i j