FOR SALE AtTOMOBII.ES. HERE IS SOMETHINQ FOR TOU TO THINK ABOUT. BELLING CSEI CARS. GIVING BOTH BARGAINS AND SATISFACTION.. We are selling used automobile with . standard factory -warranty, or are. Riv ing: 10 days' free trial subject to their being; returned and full credit given on any other used automobile. During: the last four yeara we have rebuilt Hudson automobiles and resold them with a warranty the same as a factory warranty on a new car. It pays for us to sell and you to buy a used automobile that you can rely upon. We -have opened a new store for the ale of used cars at 40-46 N. Broadway, which Is open until S F. M. FIRST A LIST OF ENCLOSED, CARS. Model O Overland sedan In g-ood condition, good tires, and repaint ed, all in fine shape S0O Chandler sedan, has been overhauled and repainted, nice family car, all In first-class condition 1500 1317 Hudson super-six. with a win ter enclosed top, jeAso has a touring- car top, has been overhauled and repainted. We will sell you this car with a warranty the same as given on new automobiles. .1250 Hudson sedan, now being: put through our shop. Will be rebuilt and repainted and sold with war ranty the same as given on new automobiles. Here is the bargain of the season 1750 Hudson limousine, all In fine con dition looks like new. TOURING CAR BARGAINS. 1917 Maxwell, fine condition, has been repainted; good tires. 400 1018 Maxwell 3 to select from. We have put them through our shop; now In first-class condition: also repainted; look like new, oo, 57 00 2 1919 Maxwells, fine up-to-date srmall cars, all gone over and made like new 6y0 1D20 Maxwell, almost new; a bar gain 800 Chandler chummy, all tn fine condi tion and repainted, a bargain, only 1050 1019 Chalmers roadster. In fine con dition 1100 1919 Chalmers light six, with hot spot, overhauled and repainted, all in fine condition 1250 1920 Oldsmobile roadster, almost new, fine running condition,' cord tires 1200 1920 Bulck roadster, almost new... 1400 1919 Essex, all gone over in our shop, thoroughly overhauled -and repainted; sold with a war ranty the same as given on new automobiles 12 5 Late Essex model, like new and with warranty; great buy 1330 1919 Ford truck, good condition. . 525 1920 Hudson super-six. has just been all gone over in our shop; is in perfect condition; now in the paint shop; will be sold with a war ranty the same as given on new automobiles 1950 1920 Hudson speedster, fn the best mechanical condition, everything in fine shape; will sell with a warranty the same u given on new automobile ...2100 OUR STORE FOR THESE! USED CAR BARGAINS AT 40-46 BROADWAY. C. L. BOSS AUTOMOBILE CO. XMAS SUGGESTIONS. Buy a good used car or trade for a better one We have some exceptional values. Ford Roadster $300. Chevrolet, new palr.t $350. 75 Overland S350 . . 4-cylinder Cole $500. Dodge like new $1000. Olds 8. new paint $1100. Velies. in fine condition, new paint and cord tires, $70. $1200. EASY TERMS. D. C WARREN MOTOR CAR CO.. &8 N. 23d St. Main 780. PACKARD 12. ONLY $1900. An excellent private car of fine appearance, cord tires, bumper and shock absorbers. This car has never been offered before. COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY. Washington St. at 21sU Main -244. ROADSTERS. 1919 Chevrolet roadster, best of condition, priced cheap. 19114 Maxwell roadster, priced cheaper. WELLER MOTOR COMPANY, Washington at lath St. LIBERTY 19 ROADSTER. THIS IS THE REAL, CLASS AND THIS ONE HAS NEW TIRES ALL AROUND AND ONE EXTRA mounted and spotlight, other extras; has been re--varnuihexi aud we will n e you the most liberal terms and take ?:tfo down, bal ance monthly and take car of late model popular make in trade. Open Sundays. MURPHY MOTOR CAR COMPANY, 16TH AND ALDER STS. USED RADIATORS for all makes of cars. All radiators are carefully gone over and made tight before sold. BURN ESS A MARTIN, 12th and Everett Sta. ni.nSMORILE EIGHT. 1918 Olds 8, the motor in this car has been overhauled not simply gone over, but every bearing taken up. Pistons and cylinders are like new; we can guar uni this car absolutely for quick sale. We have placed the price of $75; terms convenient. See it Sunday. A-l Auto Works. 525 Aider st. WE CARRY a full line of auto accesso ries, tire, tubes, iford parts, light globes, etc. Also do towing. Open day and night. LONG & SILVA. Phone East 6i40. 402 Hawthorne. FORD SNAP. Fine 1920 Ford roadster, splendid me chanical condition, spedometer, radius rod brace, electric tail light. Price $425. $125 down. $25 a month. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 3T.0 Alder st. 1919 FORD touring at a give-away price. Is In the best of shape all the way through. Will give easy terms and, sat isfy you In every way. Look at it and - take a ride If you are .at all in the f market at 523 Alder st. Bdwy. 3411. HUDSON speedster, almost new, d riven on pavement; usea pnvawiy, guarann-eo in perfect condition", 5 cord tires; lots of extras; might consider trade on smaller car. house or paying business. Oa rae. 43d and Hawthorne ave. A REAL SNAP. 1916 Chalmers touring car in perfect condition, overhauled, new top. new battery, excellent tires; will sacrifice for $350. Call Woodlawn 300 Sunday only. STUDEBAKER sedan. 19 model, prac tically new, fully equipped; will con ' slder touring car in exchange or sell on liberal terms; price $2350, discount tor cash. O 245, Oregonian. AUTOMOBILE Financing Co. having 3 sedans and 5 touring cars are selling same at extremely low prices. If you am going to buy a osur it will pay you to investigate. Terms. Marshall 702. J T-PASSKNGBR PAIGE BARGAIN. Late 102O model, used short time as demonstrator, S210O: $"0O down, balance In 10 mntbs: car fully guaranteed. Mr. Argo. Broadway 3 2M 0KU.N') ft n HO IN. Ud tfmr months, must sacrifice, run leys than 301 Ml miles. $3.'0 down, balance monthly. Particulars call Mr. Argo, 1119 BUICK. T-pasjicnscr touring, in firt rl;tin condition every way. This is u bargain ; terms If desired. - Gall Tabor Go a 7 Sunday or Knox at Bdwy. 113u dur Itltf the week. BIG USED CARS. PRICES STOCK RIGHT. No Misrepresentation. COVEY MOTOR CAR CO. MOTORS, gears, bearings, wheels, axle.-. We wreck all makes of curs and . sell their parts at half price. David If tides Auto Wrecking Dept., 105-7 N. 11th bl FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. OWNER'S SALE. . Deal direct with the owner If you prefer. We will show you the cars and furnish you with the owners' address. These cars are priced at rock bottom and we have been instructed to sell. Every car is a bargain and in fine con dition. If you are In the market it will pay you to investigate. Our list In cludes the following high-class cars; all have been thoroughly overhauled in our own shops and are guaranteed to be In Al condition ; many have been given high-grade paint jobs: Paige Sport Paige Light six. Chandler Chummy. Grant 5-passenger. Oakland 5-passenger. Lexington Light 7-passenger. Cole 8 7 -passenger. Bulck 5-pass., light six. COOK &. GILL CO., INC., Bdwy. 8281. Open Sunday. Eleventh and Burnside. USED CARS. EASY TERMS. WITH NO BROKERAGE!. YOUR CHOICE OP MANY CARS OF STANDARD MAKE AT PRICES THAT WILL SURPRISE YOU. HERE ARE A FEW. CHEVROLET toaring $395 OVERLAND touring 450 MAXWELL touring 635 FORD coupe with starter.... 735 CHANDLER touring ... .1050 CHEVROLET, brand new, lota of extras 1100 FRANKLIN touring 1350 OLDSMOBILE sport model. . 1550 AND MANY OTHERS. DON'T MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY. OLDSMOBILE COMPANY. . Open Evenings and Sundays. Bdwy. at Couch. Bdwy. 2270. LATE MODEL PREMIER. This is the much talked of high grade car with aluminum motor, magnetic electric gear shift; a wonderful car. This car is a 191S model, has been owned by one of our prominent merchants here and exceptionally well taken care of ; car has all cord tires and one ex tra, and extra sedan top. The price Is very low and will take amaller car as part payment. A-l Auto Works, 525 Alder st. LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED. YOU BUY OR SELL AN AUTOMO BILE. WE FURNISH THE MONEY. OUR SERVICE WILL PLEASE YOU, OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO., 208 SELLING BLDG., 2D FLOOR. AUTOMOBILE OWNERS. Let us figure with you-on your work. We have the best equipped repair shop in the city and can take care of a:i your troubles, large or small. Overhauling our specialty. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. Could we offer you more? Auto electricians on starters, gen erators, lighting and Ignition. Batteries recharged; rebuilt and repaired. GUARANTEE AUTO REPAIR CO.. 2i0 Front St.. corner Jefferson, O. E. Depot Bldg. NEW CARS In quality and service, BUT at USED CAR PRICES. Standard built light sixes priced right. SHARP'S WAREHOUSE, 10th. Near Stark. FORD SEDAN. FORD COUPE. Sedan and coupe weather Is here. We have one of each priced right. WELLER MOTOR COMPANY. Washington at 15th St. SAXON SIX TOURING. THIS IS THE LATE MODEL AND WE WILL SHOW YOU A GOOD LIGHT SIX AT THE LOW price of 425. with $150 down, balance 1 year, and the car can be tried out to your perfect satis faction before you pay a dollar for it. Open Sundays; will give cash difference for '19 or 20 Ford with starter. MURPHY MOTOR CAR COMPANY. 16TH AND ALDER STS. FORD OWNERS. FORD overhauled $20 Rear axle overhauled JJ Valves ground, carbon removed 3 Magneto recharged . . 5 We hand-lap pistons, scrape bearings, etc., which insures a perfect-running motor. Genuine Ford parts only uaetL All work guaranteed. GUARANTEE AUTO REPAIR CO.. 20 Front St., corner Jefferson. DODGE BROTHERS. Will sell my touring car on terms, or trade in Ford as part payment. Phone Main 5484 Evenings. WHY PAY the price of a new sedan when by buying my Chevrolet baby grand demonstrator. - run but 4000 miles, you can save $t0? This car Is absolutely In first class shape in every way and will protect you from our winter rain and chill. Terms and would consider trade on late 490 Chevrolet. Dana, Fields Motor Car Co. Broadway 240. 14th and Alder. ONE REAL BARGAIN. 9 A 7-passenger Hudson with winter en closed top and new standard top. Thor--oughly overhauled; good tires; guaran teed mechanically as new car; best job of repainting; iooks like new, $ 1250; wiU tak (500 cash and your note for V balance. MANVILLE. EAST 8695. 1920 BUICK LIGHT SIX. Run only 5o0 miles, 6 tires, 3 are new, extra equipment; will sacrifice. 530 Alder st. STUDEBAKER fdan, good as new, run approximately bono miles, perfect condi tion mechanically. This car will be sold way under marKet value. Will con sider touring car In trade and substan tial discount for cash. No reasonable offer refused. Alain 2ib4. PAIGE BAR-GAIN. Owner must raise money quickly; $990 for late 1918 Paige liht 6: overhauled and painted: must have $330 cash, bal ance terms. mis car is wortn l.J.o. For particulars see Mr. Argo. Bdwy. 31 HARROUN roadster. 19 l Just the car for running around; all the speed you want, and say. put her on a hill nn.i pass 'em all. Will let it go for $500; temi-. -o ftiuer si. liqwy, 34 1L, twcivnuLrji touring. . ivtn. m good con dition ; must sell. real buy at $450, terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burn- DODGE BROTHERS. My touting car Is In splendid condi tion and X will sell on easy trrs. PLone LATE 131$ For f"aritpr. !n fir r-!M,-.-, will fticrlfVc! for f.175. need $175 ca-h". reft. Bw-y. NAHM demonstrator fport modl at a bar gain. Call Brondway 521. Mr. Krog. Portland Motor Car Co., loth and Burn .side sts. BUICK litis roadster. cord equipment, classic looker", has run 15,u0 milt; jut like new. for SU5o. Phone Sell. ol, '.H2 Woodward ave. FOR SALE Studebaker 1920 light six, 5 pass. ; in good condition; reasonable cash price. Main t)547. MICHIGAN bug; will make a good truck, or will trade for a Ford, or will sell reasonably. 731 Williams ave. 101 S FORD coupe; new body, good tires; wry cheap, terras. Kixst 4i FOR SAJJE AUTOMOBILES. AN OLD ADAGE. BUT WHEN OTHERS WANT TQL SELL. ' ' During November and December more used cars are offered for sale at large sacrifices In price than in any other two months in the year. BUT TOUR USED CAR NOW. We have a very complete stock of ears In condition which will please the most skeptical, buyer. Pierre-Arrow ft-3 8, rebuilt to a queen's taste Into the up-to-the minute car -. - -r . . J 1500 1917 Hupmobile br 4; runs perfect, new tires 1000 1918 Hudson. Just refinished like' new 1600 1918 National 6.. very fine ffbndltion 1400 1920 Paige 0, 7-pasa., like brand new i 1S00 1917 Hudson; runs fine; cord tires 120O 1910 Oakland, just brand-new tires 800' 1917 Bulck light six, five-passenger 800 1916 Hup, model N, very good shape 800 1917 Dixie Flyer, like brand new. 1300 ' 1917 Chevrolet touring, repainted, new top 400 1917 Reo 4, very fine condition.... 750 1918 Ford touring, good shape.... 350 Gary one-ton truck, fine shape.... 750 Chevrolet light delivery 500 1919 Dodge delivery, 95 new. ... "1000 Bulck 4, 1918. delivery . 500 Chevrolet one-ton 21 -pass, bus 1600 ROADSTERS. 1919 Essex; 2 bumpers and spot light 1200 1917 Buick 6; very late one 850 Ford bug, classy car 450 SPECIAL OFFER. 1920 King 8, brand new 2800 1918 Oakland, best of condition.. 600 1917 Chevrolet touring : 325 Tou may assure yourself that our prices are the lowest and quality the best. For choice of selection and best value buy your used car fram a firm with a reputation, who gives you a written guarantee. We Give Liberal Terms. CONLEY'R USED CAR CENTER, 86 10th. Bet. Stark and Oak Sta. Conley & Arbuckle. Props, Broadway 1424. a G. BLEASDALE. For real value In a standard used auto mobile, compare these cars with others before placing your deposit: FORD touring, motor overhauled. ready to go 200 MAXWELL touring, new top. re painted, good tires 450 STUDEBAKER Six. this Is a hie ' bargain 450 MAXWELL roadster, fine mechan ical condition, new top and up holstering refinished. 3 new tires, 500 OVERLAND 85-40; lots of power. good tires; a snap at - 600 CHALMERS light six. fine hill climber, good tires 675 OAKLAND light six; this car Is the best buy in Portland 750 OLDSMOBILE light six. Rood tires. spotlight and side deflectors.... 975 WILLYS-KNIGHT 7-pasenger. the ideal car for rental 1150 MITCHELL CHUMMT. like new. refinished. good tires .......... 1200 STUDEBAKER light six. 1010. In perfect mechanical condition, ex tras : 1300 BUICK. 1920. light six. 6 cord tires. 3 are new; run only 5OO0 miles.. 1475 Several good bugs. C. O. BLEASDALE. 630 Alder St. -Broadway 1502. STUTZ. 1920 Stutz 6-pa.senger touring car. driven only about 5000 miles; practically new, yet purchased so that we can offer it you at a big discount. Now is the time to pick up such a car. Price $31)00. Terms can be arranged. COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY. Washington St. at 21sL Main 6244. LATE MODEL ROADSTER $425. Here is a bargain; new battery, one extra new tire that has never been on the ground; car has factory finish and looks first-class and runs the same way. We will teach you to drive if you are not used to driving; price' $425, with $150 down, balance easy monthly pay ments; give cash difference for late Ford with starter. Open Sundays. MURPHY MOTOR CAR COMPANY. 1CTH AND ALDER STS. 1920 HATNES, POSTIVELT PERFECT CONDITION, rulji bwuiri'bu. rivji, roRD TIRES " BUMPER. SPOTLIGHT, CHAINS, ETC. WILL SACRIFICE FOR Sl.-.mi CASH OR TRADE FOR U'JHT CAR. MAIN 3550 BEFORE 1:30 SUN DAY. 19 OVERLAND TOURING. This is theModel 90 and we will show you a fine light four ready to do your work and this model always is ready to srn. Has non-skid tires ail around. one extra. Low price of $550. with $175 don, balance easy. Take bonds. MCRPHY MOTOR CAR COMPANY, 1GTH AND ALDER STS. OAKLAND. Oakland light six at $600 is Just the car for you. WELLER MOTOR COMPANY, Washington at 15th St. T.ATR MODEL MAXWELL TOURING AT THE LOW PRICE OF $385. with $175 down, balance easy; take bonds; the car is refinished and looks and runs fine: full leather top and full set side curtains to match ; lots of tools and extra tire: come and try it. Open Sunday. MURPHY MOTOR CAR COMPANY. 16TH AND ALDER STS. FOR SALE August, 1920. Ford coupe, self-starter, 7-in. Anderson auto-relite. tire chains, new Brunswick Jlx tires windshield visor, dash light, regular Ford and many extra tools, good me chanical condition and finish excellent. Insurance can be transferred to you $7(H. $350 cash, bal. monthly payments. Tabor 4t7. 19 CHEVROLET TOURING at the low price of $5G5. with $lfi5 down, balance monthly. We will take your bonds and give you liberal terms on balance; car has been refinished and looks and runs as a new one would some extras. Open Sundays. MURPHY MOTUR CAR COMPANY, 16TH AND ALDER STS. 12-CYLINDER Hal., a powerful car, like now Tf von want a real car at a oar gain price, call Automatic 323-39; will consider Portland real estate as first payment. LIBERTY SIX. 1918. 5-passenger, In the best of me rhanical shape and will guarantee sam as factory, all good tires. A-l Auto Works, fl 2 5 Alder st. MAXWELL touring, 1918. good tirs. fine running order. A bargain at $500. with terms- 30 Grand ave. IN... near Burn side. vtib DVT.Y $-i0O vou can buv 193S Sr in' e baker G wih cord tires, rood shape. Call for Mann. East 5175 Sunday or Broadway FOR SALE cheap, mi 2 Cadillac, rood tires and mwhanicaliy right: exe-Hcn l'lth and Couch sts. Ask for Mr. Sniith! LATE1917 Mitchell V A-l condition, just Overhauled; new tires and top; bartraln. eas-y terms. 121 E. Water st.. corner Abler. East 3510. J-TOPS 'EM ALL." Oregon Auto Top Co.. Cor. 14th and Couch sts. -Bdwy. 44 OR. 1019 CHEVROLET delivery; had good care and i the best buy In Portland ; on'.y $:;75. with terms. Can be seen at Club g a r a ge. IS 5 Chapman st. FOR SALE or trade. 1917 Maxwell tour ins car, A-t condition, trade tor Ford roadster. 1241 E. Yamhill. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. BUT A USED FORD. The time to buy Is when the other fellow wants to sell. You can save money by BUYING NOW. 150 used Fords of all models are In cluded in our stock. It will pay you to look them over. Some are listed herewith: 191 Ford Touring 1915 Ford Light Delivery . 1917 Ford Light Delivery . 1918 Ford PhiU . . .$! . . .1S 1918 Ford Light Delivery f1? 1915 Ford Roadster l"5 HI7 Ford Roadster 3915 -Ford Touring 1916 Ford Roadster 1918 Ford Chassis 1916 Ford Touring .$H5 .$225 .$225 .$225 .$235 .$'35 .$205 .$325 ,$4f0 .$525 .$550 .$450 .$400 1917 Ford Touring 1919 Ford Roadster 1919 Ford Roadster t 1920 Ford Roadster, Starter, etc.. 1920 Ford Roadster, Starter, etc.. 1020 Ford Touring. Starter, etc... 1920 Ford Worm Truck chassis. . 1920 Ford Worm Truck chassis.. 1920 Ford Worm Truck chassis.. $575 1919 Ford Worm Truck complete. .$55 1919 Ford Coupe, Starter, etc. ...... .$550 191R Ford Sedan. Starter, etc $"0 1920 Ford Coupe, Starter, etc.... $735 Several Ford Bugs $250 to $500. EAST TERMS. We keep our store open Saturday even ing and Sunday for your convenience, UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE, Used Fords Exclusively. Grand Aye. and E. Yamhill Street. Large Stock Genuine ' Ford Part. OUR BUSINESS IS SELLING FORDS. But we have taken in a few other makes of cars at extremely low prices. 1916 OVERLAND Touring with starter $255 1917 CHEVROLET Touring with starter .$270 1918 VELIE Touring. wire wheels $825 191R MAXWELL Touring ....$170 1920 CHEVROLET Touring, nearly new $725 102O FORD Coupe Demon strator $725 TALBOT & CASET, INC. ' East Ankeny and Grand Ave. Phone. East 8118. BRAND NEW SKELTON. "This car has been run a mile; carries a full factory guarantee. Tills make of car is assembled with all high grade standard partq, motor 4-cylinler, 3 V& x5 ; 22 miles to the gallon of gas; Westinghouse starter, Borg & lieck clutch, Mun cie transmission. Warner gears, Hoskiss drive; tires 32x3: regu lar price $1545; our price $1295; on easy terms. A-l Auto WorKs, 525 Alder st. $250' BUICK ROADSTER. Starter, electric light, a nice little car for someon Sfe it at 430 Burnside s Ask for Mr. Jones. THE BEST Is none too good for you. El Tin six Is the car for you ; 1920 model priced low. WELLER MOTOR COMPANY, Washington at 15th St. 918 5-PASSENGER OVERLAND. In extra (rood condition. We are not in the tour ing car business, so are sacrificing this for immediate sale for $550. WENTWORTH & IRWIN. INC.. 200 Second St.. cor. Taylor. OLDSMOBILE light six; this car is in exceptionally fine condition, with extra equipment, $975. 530 Alder st. OAKLAND SENSIBLE SIX. Here is the real goods In the I!rit si and this one is refinished and looks and runs as new; has extra tire and rim and we will surprise you on the low price and take $250 down, balance one year at small sum per month to pay balance. Open Rundavs at Kith and Alder streets. MURPHY MOTOR CAR COMPANY. 1917 4-90 CHEVROLET touring, that will behave with the latest ones ; good rub ber and top, all accessories needed. There will not be a penny of expense to you on this car till late next year. Give it a trial; $350 and very easy terms, or a big discount for cash. 523 Alder st Bdwy. 3411. BARGAIN Essex tourtwg car, almost new. usea less tnan z.kju miles; o cora tires, spot light, front and rear bumpers, spring oilers, liability, fire and theft Insurance, etc.. valued on delivery this year ap proximately $2350. Must have money im mediately; will sacrifice complete for lli'M. Mr. Johnson, Main 3504. 191S OVERLAND COUNTRY CLUB. ' In good cond it ion. will sell reasonable for cash. Phone Woodlawn 1742 or call 967 Cleveland ave. PACKARD phaeton, 1-25 series car, in excellent condition mechanically, with good tire equipment; an exceptional buy for anyone desiring a high-class car at a reasonable figure; price $22 j0. Cai.1 Tabor 6473. S CHEAP FOR CASH OWNER. iniS Maxwell touring, fine condition, 72M) mi. , liosch ma;neto. Zenith car buretor; 2 new tires. Can be seen Sat urday and Sunday at 257 E. 32d. Tabor ItS4 for appointment. NEW CHEVROLETS. Buy from P. H. Dunn Motor Co.. Corner Milwaukie and Byvee Ave. Phone Seilwood 1393. Liberal allowance for your Ford Chevrolet and easy terms. LATE 1020 PAIGE ROADSTER. Must "sacrifice tor private reason; used only few weeks; price $1 0.S; can arrange terms. Mr Bennett. - Full par ticulars call Mr. Argo. Bdwy. 3281. SNAP, $550. 1919 Chevrolet touring, by private owner; In Al condition; 6 good tires and tubes; original finish ; can be seen a.t Main-st. garage, ana Alain. 191H FORD roadster, good shape, demount able rims and extra delivery body, $395; $100 dOwn, balance monthly. A-l Auto Works & Painting Co., 525 Alder st. FORD runabout, good condition, good tirea. A bargain at $275. 30, Grand ave. North near Burnside. f FOR SALE 1913 Marion car, good con dition, just the car for bug or delivery, $135, 7923 61st ave.S.E. OVERLAND, delivery body; 490 Chevro let; Ford touring, and Dodge roadster; In good condition. 511 Burnside. $1920 MITCHELL, bargain-. in city, ner Tenth. run very little ; 415 Glisan St., best cor- DODGE touring, in fine condition ; price $750; will giva terms or will consider Ford. Phong automatic 331-18. SAXON 6, oi; owner must have money; will sacrifice for $100 if sold at once. 415 Glisan sL, corner 10th. LATTl920 PAIGE, -B para.. $1500; see this car for a real buy; run 3000 miles. 1S4 Laurelhurst. Owner. Tabor 9110. FORD SEDAN, like new, with starter, shock absorbers and other extras; $000 cash. 210 Jefferson st. ' FIVE-PASS., 1918 Oakland 6; engine just overhauled; owner will sell reasonable and give terms. Main 3020. 1915 HUDSON 6-40. good shape and rub ber; $425, your own terms or'part trade. Main 93. or East 4853. 1915 CADILLAC 8 touring; touring, good shape. 91 Main 911. - 1910 Ford Nevada EUICK four, in fine condition, good tirs. A real buy at $575; terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near uurnwoe. BUICK ,light 6 D43, $00O, 5-pafsenger tour ing car; ii-m y tri r on i.t n a., J . n ;rr, room .V Palace Hotel. 13th and w-h. FOR D lourlne cars. 102, starter, $575. 1 :i1S line con ni ion ; jt ras. .150 . 1017, extras. $:;oo. Tabur 2454. Bdwy. OSS. MUST be sold this week, privately owned, hih -grade Hal 12, lines t condition. See tbis 111 youwant a bargain, lol 12th st. FORD touring, fine condi tion ; must sell A brirtin at $200. 30 Grand ave. North ner Burnside. Wl-J PUT steel teeth in your old flywheel crank shaft turning. H. B. Blade nu chine shop. 534 Alder st. Edwy. 20S1. CHEVROLET ('17) A snap, will handle; perfect shape. Sunday. Tabor 7n:ii. $325; $125 152 2d st. 1020 FORD TOURING CAR FOR SALE. 1135 E. 23d ST. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. AT THE COVET MOTOR CAR. COMPANY PLANT. .Our volume of new-car business depends largely upon the sale of used cars taken In trade. . Our vol ume of uaed-car business depends on and can be directly credited to the great confidence placed in us as the dealer. To attain and hold such confidence demands that a certain conscientiousness and hon esty of purpose must be displayed by the dealer In the necessary re building and reflni.shing of cars of fered for sale, as well as courteous attention to every detail that might portend the entire satisfac tion of the customer. 1 1 DODGE BROS. MOTOR CARS. We have a complete line of re built and refinished 1016, 1017, 1918, 1919. 1920 cars In touring, roadster and sedan models. Prices at this time unusually attractive. 1919 HUPMOBILE touring ..$1250 1917 MAXWELL touring ... 325 1019 Model U0 OVERLAND . touring ; . fc 600 1818 DODGE BROS., panel delivery 1050 914 OVERLAND delivery, & good one 276 - 1920 FORD coupe 750 1918 FORD touring, '17 radi ator 300 1919 PAIGE touring, a fine car 1300 1015 HUDSON 6, model 154, x wire wheels, cord tires; priced' only 600 1918 CHEVROLET touring, excellent shape 600 1914 rebuilt FVJRD roadster, fine-looking car 250 THE FOLLOWING CARS ARE AT THE BROABWAY USED-CAR BRANCH, 2S-30 N. BDWY. t 1919 STUDEBAKER. West inghouse equipped $2000, 1914 STUDEBAKER 6 tour ing; snap . .. 600 1919 FRANKLIN touring, a beauty . ; 2100 1918 CHANDLER touring .. 1250 1918 CHEVROLET delivery . 550 . , 1D18 CHEVROLET roadster, in nice shape, specially priced for a few days at 525 1918 FORD sedan, newly painted 675 1013 model 90 OVERLAND reduced to 600 CADILLACS. The standard of value of a used and refinished Cadillac motor car ts based upon Its successful Opera tion as a new car. "The seal of public approval is forcefully evU denced in the great demand for these rebuilt cars. One 4-pass, and one 7 -pass, type 57 car Is now completed and ready for your In spection. ' We are open Suhday. COVEY MOTOR CAR.CO., Washington St. at 21st. Main 6244. BDWY. USED-CAR BRANCH, 28-30 N. Broadway. -Main 0244, FORD OWNERS. CHEVROLET OWNERS. . s Motors overhauled 20 Rear axle overhauled 6 Valves ground, carbon removed,.... 3 Mairneto recharged 5 we nand-lap pistons, scrape bearings, etc., which insures "a perfect-running uioior. oenume rora pans only usea. ah. wui m. ifuaranieea. THE REASON the Ford engine starts "hard and fh lights are dim is because the MAGNETO is weak. Have It RECHARGED BY UNIVERSAL AUTO REPAIR CO., 210-212 Jefferson. Main 7044. HUDSON. 1919 7-pas.enger touring car In perfect condition will be out of paint shop in a few days. This car was taken in on a new Cadil lac s and we feel is arf excellent car for the sum of $1750. Terms to suit your convenience. COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY. Washington St. at 21su Main 244. BUICK PRICES GUARANTEED AGAINST REDUCTION. BUICK. BUICK. x can save you over $440 on a car Kuaranteeu line new. wiU) Cora tires and other extras; 102O model demonstration. you take no chance and get a car that i guaranteed ; investigate this; now is time buy; take a tip. CaiJ salesman. Automatic 324-36 evenings. Bdwy. 11 30 .days. 18 DODO E TOURING. THIS ONE HAS COltDS AND OTHER EXTRAS AND IS IN FINE RUNNING CONDITION AND WE WILL SHOW YOU THE BIGGEST BARGAIN IN '18 DODGE that has been offered In this city this year; price $775, with $:mo down, balance monthly and we will take Victory bonds at full value. Open Sunday. MURPHY MOTOR CAR COMPANY. 10TH AND ALDER STS. ' HATNES TOURING. Refinished. looks and runs like new, a real car, backed by Haynes quality and service. Bdwy. 1614. 531 Wash ington st. IF YOU are booking for a Dodge touring bargain, see my car at the White ga rage. New top, with plate-glass, slant ing windshield, new battery, new tires, good mechanically. Have purchased a larger car. Must sacrifice. Price $875. 386 Couch st. LIGHT SIX BARGAIN. B-Tassenger flight six 1917 Chalmers, motometer, 8-day clock, 0 almost new tires, 8 tubes, side wind deflectors. In Al condition all over. A real bargain. $725, small payment down, easy terms. Owner, 434 Mill st. Phone Main 413. CHALMERS WIRE WHEEL ROADSTER This Is a late model Chalmers light six; everything first-class; wire wheels and one extra; a sweet running car and a very classy ro;uistT at a very low price. A-l Auto Works. 525 Alder st. $950. Must sell 1019 Veilio, new paint, moto meter,' bumper, 2 new "cord tires, car driven 7500 miles, 6S8 East Goth st. N. Tabor 6645. FOR SALE Studebaker 4 touring car; good tires, new top, new battery, electric starter and generator; excellent mechan ical condition. Price $250. Call room in Angeja notei. A litis BUICK. 6-cyI.. model E-49. for i:;o; nne snape and looks like new come and see it. Howard Auto Co., 14th ana Dana sts. ask for -Mr. M ontgomery MD8 BUICK roadster In wonderful condi tion;. car must be seen to be appreciat ed. Call Tabor 6037 Sunday or Air. Knox at Bdwy. 1130. during the week. 1918 STUDEBAKER, panel top. delivery; a good running car at a small price, all good tires ; $450 terms. A-l AUTO WORKS. 525 Alder St. 1020 BUICK 5-pass.. good tires, spotlight, bumper and extras; good condition; $500 casii. balance, $8.50. terms. 1248 East Morrison s. FOR SALE $2500 equity in good 34 ton truck, or will trade for good light auto. O 248, Oregonian. OLDS S. taken on debt; good tires, new battery: insured for $750; must be aold; $700. terms. Stored at 87 10th st. 1918 GRANT six. fine running little six. $450; easy terms. A-l Auto Works, 525 Alder st. 1915 HUDSON even-passenger, good me chanical condition, five good tires, cheap for cash, from owner, Wdln. 5518. FORD panel delivery car. good condition, good tires; cash or terms; leaving town Address AE 284, Oregonian. FOR SALE) By owner. 5-passenger Reo touring car; good condition. 301 Fargo FORDS REPAINTED. $18 for tnnrln nr,H roadsters. Robinson -Smith Cd., 610 Mad ison sc. $100 BUYS my Baby Saxon bug; electric lights, starter, top; good running order; am leaving city. Auto. 215-91. 1920 HUPMOBILE roadster. 95 per cent ' new. some accessories; a bargain for a quick sale. 415 Hancock st. $200 CASH buys Chevrolet 490 touring, me- cnanicaiiy urst cjoss, guaranteed. 531 Alder. 1917 CHEVROLET touring. In very good shape ; new top, $350 and terms. Call Seilwood 3166. T BUf FOR SALE or trad for motorcycle. 20 E. 6th. 1912 CADILLAC, fin? snip. equ!rpl with 4-cyI. Kellpgg tire pump, $2u0. SelL 2 (in ft. TOABY (rrand Chevrolet iwrtan sacrlf i ; IIko n"v. 851 $550 BUYS 1919 Chevrolet, looks and run like new, terms. East 17S. DODGE sedan, late model, first-class con dition. Call Woodiawn 1354. BA RG A IN Ford touring for sale. Sunday. "3 E. 25th st. N. Call CYCLE car (small auto sale or trade for motorcycle. K 275. Oregonian. 102 FORD sedan : just well broken in; speedometer. Call Automatic 215-S0. WILL sell new Ford bug. worth $50 fo $25u cash. Call East Oilfl, t l,,oo 1019 FORD touring. $.'150; over - hauled. 274 Holladuy. apt. 20. - FOR SALF AUTOMOBILES. TOURING AND ROADSTER FOURS AND SIXES LATE MODELS. BUICK ROADSTER SIX. THIS ONE HAS SIX TIKES AND HAS BEEN REFINISHED BUICK COLORS AND WILL RUN anl look to please you. Open Sundays all day. Low price, $3a0 down, balance easy. BUICK TOURING LIGHT SIX. This one has cords and refinished and will make you think it just left the fac tory; full leather top and full set of tools and extra tire. Low prjee and take $350 down, balance monthlyT BUICK 'IS TOURING FOUR. Here is the most popular car that ever was on this market or any other one for that matter, and we will show you some class when you see this Buick four touring; all corn-pie te and ready to go. Low price and take $275 down, balance monthly. BUICK FOUR ROADSTER. HERE IS the '18 Buick four roadster; they will all want this one and you W'I too when you see it; has been refinished and looks and runs Just as good as any car couid. We have low price and will take $275 down, balance monthly, and give service. BUICK FOUR C-37 TOURING. THIS IS THE BIG FOUR AND THIS ONE IS SURELY A GOOD ONE; IT HAS WORLDS OF EXTRAS Including a set-f seat covers that cost $85; it has been refinished and looks as fine as any new one you ever saw. Have low price of $005 on this one and will take $250 down, balance easy; take late light car In trdde ; we are open all day Sundays and you can come and try them; take bonds. MURPHT MOTOR CAR COMPANY, 10TH AND ALDER STS. BIG REDUCTION IN USED CARS. 1919 Paige, 7-pass., wire wheels. .. .$1550 1917 Hrfp sedan, new tires 1150 1918 Veiie touring 8.",0 1910 Oakland 6 touring . 875 1020 Baby Overland . . . 775 1018 Dodge roadster ' 1020 Maxwell roadster, extras 65 1917 Buick roadster, extras 650 1916 Oakland touring 475 1920 Ford coupe "50 1918 Ford coupe, starter 6o0 1020 Ford touring, starter 500 1919 Ford touring, starter, tires.... 4O0 1918 Ford touring, new tires 3",o 1917 Ford touring, extras 825 1016 Ford touring, dandy 225 1915 Ford touring, extras 200 1914 Ford touring, extras l-0 Ford bugs, al kinds. Many other bargains too numerous to list here. 50 cars in stock. VRANSON'S USED CAR EXCHANGE, East 437U Union Ave. and Belmont St. USED CAR BARGAINS. Model D-55 Bulck. 7-pass.. $750. 191S Studebaker. 7-pass.. 1500. li17 Hudson, overhauled. $1000. 1010 Liberty, looks like new, $1055. Pierce 30. 5-pas.. $1100. 19 18 Buick. $1150. 1919 Nash. 5-pass.. $1350. 1920 Gldsmobiie.- run 7000 miles. $1250. 10 IS Hud.on. wire wheels. $1350. 1910" Cadillac. $1500. Second series twin six Packard. 7- pass.. $2250. Third series twin six Packard. 7- pass.. $3h00. We have many other good bar gains too numerous to mention. Will b ojjea evenings next week. PORTLAND MOTOR CAB. CO.. COR. TENTH AND BURNSIDE. Broadway 521. , Y,OU OWE IT TO YOURSELF to see these cars before you buy. One purchaser ?aia . before he bought, there must be some thing wrong, L never saw such bargains. 1918 Maxweil touring $393 Overland S3 touring 203 Dodge touring 4H5 191ir Chevrolet roadster 19IS Chevrolet touring 3U3 1917 Studebaker touring 1016 Buick Louring f (i75 1918 Overiand touring 475 1018 Overland roadster 3'J". 1917 Oldsmobile e:ght 65-0 FRANCIS MOTOR CAR CO.. Grand and Hawthorne aves. East 3770. CHALMERS HOT SPOT. This is the touring model and is in fine condition and refinished ; will look like new to you; has six tires, two brand new t hat have never been on. and other extras; low price and we will take $20 down, balance monthly, or take Ford or light car In trade. Ta'ke Victory t-onds at full value. 10th and Alder strt. MURPHY MOTOR CAR COMPANY. FORD touring, S tires, 4 new. 4 good; 8 colls; mohair top and top cover; de tachable seat back, electric head and tail litrht; platti glass in rear; a!l in good shape; $200. 454 11th st. Main 742-T: Call Norton. Automobiles Wonted. AUTO WANTED. WILL CONSIDER AUTO -IN GOOD RUNNING ORDER UP TO $7r.O ON A 7-ROOM HOUSE ( AH-BOR LODGE DISTRICT) ; NEWLY TINTED, PAINTED, ETC. LARGE LOT, 75x100. 1 BLOCK TO CAR. SCHOOLS, ETC. NEAR BY. hi BL"CK TO PORTLAND BOULEVARD. PRICE $K750. EASILY WORTH $4750. TAKE A LOOK 1:30 N. ATLANTIC AVE., NEAR PORTLAND BLVD. CALL OWNER. MAIN 1136. OR SUNDAY CALL MAIN 1777. SEE OWNER. 302 SELLING BLDG. A HOUSE FOR A CAR, I own a 7-room house in Mount Scott district; house is double constructed and plastered; small basement, good plumb ing, electric lights gas, built-in kitchen; lot is 05x100. with all kinds of berries and fruit, chicken house; house is now vacant. Price is $2850. I need a car and will take one as first payment up to about $1000, balance monthly. BC 282, Oregonian. ; X AUT6 WANTED GOOD RUNNING ORDER. $450 FIRST MORTGAGE AND A LIT TLE CASH FOR AUTO IN GOOD ME CHANICAL CONDITION (PAINT DON'T MATTER); NO JUNK. PiiONEV MAIN 113G OR T 140. OREGONIAN. CASH FOR CARS. i If yon- need money and have a low price on your car for all cash in your hand or wish to borrow money on your cap or are about to lose it through not making the payments, bring it to me and I will pay cash. 10th and A!dr sts. MURPHY MOTOR CAR COMPANY, WANT to trade a Buick roadster four- cylinder, 1917 model, In first class condi tion, and o0 acres of timber in Douglas county for a high class roadster not older than a J910 model. Address J. D. Gordon, Newberg, Oi WANTED From private owner, a Dodge coupe; must be in good condition and at a reasonable price; dealers need not apply. C. L. Stover, 100 N. Broadway. Bdwy. 4184. HAVE $1100 equity In $3000 bungalow, 052 76th st. N. Will take light car as part payment and balance cash. Pay ments and mortgage $30 per month, iri .cludine interest. Tabor fi!8. WOULD iike to purchase a used 1019 or 1920 Cadillac or Apperson ; must be in good condition and reasonable price AV 772. OregonTan. WANTED Best automobile $400 to $000 will buy. Give full description and price in first letter. Address Box 32, Route No. 2, Hillsboro, Or. WILL pay cash for a 1020 Ford road, or tour., looking for a bargain. Do not reply unless you want to aaciciflce. AK 201. Oregonian. , WILL exchange two valuable view lots, close in, on west side, for. house equity or good late model -touring car. Sell wood 1206. V WANT good light car and $050 cash for clear deed to 10" acres land on main line R. R. 015 Chamber of Commerce bids. WILL trade some good young work horses and some fresh cows for automobile or lot. Call at 630 E. 24th at. Woodstock car. NEED lighter car; will trade my new Chevrolet sedan for Ford roadster or touring car. Call Main 0(82. WILL PAY $250 cash for a Ford roadster. 1020 model What have you. Give full particulars, as au. urcgoaian. SHETLAND pony, bu-gy and harness cash. For good used cr. Z'JS Graua FORD TRAILER WANTED. Muu be cheap for c-h. SMITH -'V ACOKPP 'Q.. 3TQ-K EXCH WANTED 1 1- r 'I roadster and touring Must be in guud cumli- car lot casn. tion. Cal Tabor M22S. W N T S ED A N Wan t I i20 sedan. Dod ge or better. T 223, Oregonian. HAVE diamonds, want auto ; will take car that ne'-jJs repair. M;iin 647;. WANT light passenger car; have ilht truck; trade even. V.3 Oberfin st. W A N T Kii rd or Chevrolet chassis antl some cash for Ford touring. Tabor 1412. CASH and seller's contract on 7-room house. Buick preferred. Tabor G4.'t7. TRADE two ou,t-of-town lota for Li;ht rodster. Wdln. a5i. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. Automobiles Wanted AUTO WANTED. CONSIDER CAR IN GOOD RUNNING ORDER UP TO $5U0 AS FIRST PAYMENT ON SPLENDID" (5 rooms and furnace) HOME (VERNON) BLOCK TO ALBERTA CAR. 2 BLOCKS TO SCHOOL. NEWLT PAINTED AND TINTED, AT 3 5 00. REALLY WORTH $45m. READY TO MOVE RIGHT FN. ADDRESS OWNER. 302 SELLING BLDG., OR PHONE MAIN 113tl. WILL give cash for a Ford. Marshall .147L Motorcycle. DO TOU WANT A HARLET DAVIDSON BICTCLE FREE T Just guess the nearest to the cyclometer reading on the bicycle in our window and you will get it free, December IS at 4 o'clock. Only one gu?sa to each person. You may be the lucky oil We have complete line of TTar-ley-Davidson bicycles and motor cycles. Terms If desired. MOTORCYCLE & SUPPLT CO.. INC., 200 3d St., cor. Taylor. HARLET-DAVIDSON SERVICE BICYCLES. SPECIAL SALE CHRISTMAS BICTCLES. We are going to sell 25 bicycles at greatly reduced prices, these re ductions ranging from $9 to $13. We positively withdraw these prices as soon as these 25 bicycles are sold. You cannot equal these prices In Portland If you intend buying that boy one for Christmas. Place a de posit on one of these 25 specially priced bicycles. They are on dis play in our windows; you will have to hurry, as these prices apply on 25 bikes only. DAYTON CYCLE CO., 36 Third st, cor. 3d and Ash 9ts. BICTCLES. $10 DOWN, $2, A WEEK ALL HIGH-GRADE MAKES. STRINE CYCLE CO.. INC., FOURTH AND TAYLOR T3. PHONE MAIN 1191. : 1 USED MOTORCYCLES. SAME AS NEW. f ' All rebuilt' and guaranteed. About 20 in all, will be sold next week at 23 per cent off former prices. s INDIAN MOTORCYCLE & BICYCLE CO., Main 6139. 204 Third St. FIVE Ha Hey-Davidson motorcycles, with side cars and tandems, model lil.S, will beuiold by Capt. L. A. Wilder at Clack amas Ptine Range, Clackamas, or., ije ceinber 12, at 1 P. M. FULLY equipped 1020 Henderson, in per fect coti'lition, for 'State or trade lur iate Ford trucii. Woodlawn 0137. INDIAN motorcycle with sidecar, $100; will sell sidecar separate. Union De pot g:irag. ii road way and Huyi. Uu 1'uiiC ".LE and parts. al. maitei. East Side Motorcycle Ci.. 44-46 avenue. CLEVELAND MOTORCYCLE In good con dition. $-5. Hyatt Ta.king Machine Co.. 35ii Alder st. FOR MOTORCYCLES AND BlCXCLES TR i" US 04-2n AD ST. MAIN 513.. ONE late model Cleveland motorcycle for $t5. Sunday only, call Bdwy. 2200. EQUITY in new Indian motorcycle, cheap, inquire 3b3 3d or phone Main 7220. 1020 HENDERSON, and Tlil S sidecar, $350. terms. Call Woodiawn 0057. Auto Tiret and Accessories. RECONSTRUCTED tirns in all Kizys from 2fx3 to 37x5 ; your odd sine is always here ; out-of-tow n orders receive prompt attention; largest used tire dealers in the city. Washington Tire Co., between 14th and 15th. on Wash. Open Sunday. AUTOMOBILE owners, repairmen, garage men. Send for free copy American Auto mobile Digest; contains- illustrated, help ful, instructive in formation you need daily. American Autumouile Digest, 217, Cincinnati. MOTOR ITST Drive in safety, in rain. fog, snow; Aliens Windshield Cloth keeps g;ai clear; trial size llc silver. J. W. Foley, 13oS So. Hlii, Los Angeles, Cal. FOR SALE New Maxweil top, complete with a:l side curtains; new Maxwell wind shield complete. Call Tabor 310. NEW 34x4 tread tire and tube rim com plete; maice me an oteir. oo ooa st., or Mar. 220(1. BARGAIN Two 32x4 and two 3Sx4V Non- Skids ana no ttres at o- i. buta st. S. The Pari Cleaners. INCLOSED winter top for 1117 Oakland 6, uimost new, at a Dig sacruice. Auto. 328-52. V GOODYEAR. 30x3 Vt Non-Skid tires; cost $17.50 each; take $10. Phone Wood lawn - 2 . 2 NEW U. S. Nobby cord tires, 3-5x5; cost $00 each, sell lor u. Stark st- Automobilcs for llire, AUTOS FOR HIRE. with or without drivers. lay or niht service. COUCHMAN GARAGE 19th and Couch. Bdwy. 30sI. Remember our number. Broadway 3696. NEW AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS. O V E R LA N DS. H U DSONS. LOW NSDALE OARAGE. BROADWAY 4U8 15TH AND WASH. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS. New 1920 models, reasonable rates. 132 12th st.. between Washington aud Alder. Broadway 840. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS FOR HIRE. L L SULLIVAN'S FASHION GARAGE. Mar 232. 1 0T H AND YAM HILL. A 1 13$ ALT H OF & BENNETT. CARS FOR HIRE WITHOUT DRIVERS. ARMY GARAGE. THIRD AND TAYLOR MAIN ltm. 1020 5-PASS. BUICK FOR HIRE. DRIVER BROADWAY 3547. FOR SALE TRUCKS AND TRACTORS. IF YOU need a good 2-ton truck with body and top call Tabor 7105. Owner canot make payments. His loss is your gain. 1-TON INTERNATIONAL truck, just over hauled and painted; also a team horses for sale cheap. No. 40 N. 1st st. Phone Broadway 3007. WOODSAf, Stover 4-horse power engine, mounted on Ford 1-ton truck; all com plete and reasriy to run; terms. Call East 303. Monday. MUST sell a 2 -Ion truck, almost new. at ha!f price. Will take f lisht car in exchange and give terms! See truck at Eagle Garage at Lents. Auto: 601-1 1. 1 Mi -TON" TRUCK attachment, will attach to an make car; no reasonable oitcr refnxed 3$ E. lth st. LOTS at Eajuport. N. Y., and $ly-$N'. frr l- truck. E 2f8. Oregon Ian. Loni Inland, faq or SELL OR TRADE a new tractor : will take atitninoniie, ,i;r.rri..r. a v l; bonds. -Main 35H0. lTON 1020 Ford truck for fn!. For fur ther in form a tion see J oe Sc bailor. 0th and Irving His. SELL- or trade a new tracer: will auiomobti-e, diamonds or liberty bonds. , M:i";n 3. MM. FORD truck for pneumatic tire; P. r r a d w a V 1 21 ". Mie. l!2fi Call 4o model, with N. 0th. or FOR S A LE 'ii - ton Republic truck, pneu matic tires; prire S;oo rash, or $r,r( on time. Phone Antoaw tic 21 , -Ti'.i. ALMOST new Cleveland tractor clinap. East 1705 or 404 Va East Morrison sl, FOR SALE TRUCKS AND TRACTORS. fWE BELIEVE our renewed GMC to be the best used truck bus to be had because: (1) They have a very hijfh resale value. (2 We have th- facilities for giving the beat service t be had in the northwest. (3) Each used GMC sold by us is checked, repaired and Inspected under the personal supervision pf the president oX our firm. -ton GMC. without body, $750 lH-ton GMC. pneumatic tires, $1050. 2-ton GMC, has been used so .little that it can scarcely b told from a new truck; $2450. 3-to'n CMC; has seen less than five months' actual service; $24.V. 1-ton Republic, overhauled, re painted, in lirst-clatfS cond U Jon,: $1250. 1-ton Bulck; tires ar mew. the truck is overhauled and in t&a very best of shape; $750. Two 1-ton Fords; body, cast windshield and side curtains; yjur choice $350. WENTWORTH & IRWIN. INC., 200 Second St., cor. Taylor. THE CONFIDENCE off the public Is price less, tnereiore we are extremely care ful in stating thecondition of any used truck. We have some that have been rebuilt throuKhout and are priced so that they are bound to move, others ready to work but not rebuilt, and by making a few adjustments yourseit you have a good used truck at a very lovr price. 4-ton Packard, rebuilt throughout. For wood hauling or any heavy duty work this cannot be beaten. 2-ton Nash, rebuilt throughout, electric lights and starter. This truck is only one year old, has new tires on rear and good in front. 2-ton Federal, tires 73 per cent new. Has cab and is a good buy at $1000. Think of this! Dodge roadster, over hauled, new top, new paint and tires good. $450. ' MACK-INTERNATIONAL MOTOR TRUCK CORPORATION. 10th and Davis Sts. Broadway 690. TRUCKS! TRUCKS! ALL SIZES AND MAKES THE FOLLOWING ARE TYPICAL OF OUR STOCK - 1918 Ford delivery, all com plete $325 -ton Republic, body, com plete with cab and wind shield 575 -ton White, body, complete. 675 1 -ton Republic, covered body. 1550 j 2-ton Republic 1S50 GRANNING & TREECE, 542 Alder St., cor. 17. Bdwy. 1723. IT WILL PAY YOU TO INVESTIGATE THE USED TRUCK BARGAINS WE ARE OFFERING. 2-TON WHITE. Overhauled in our shop; new tires, a good paint job and ready for real hard work. -TON G. M. a Model 16. Completely overhauled motor, runs like new; better look it over. The price is right. i-TON REPUBLIC Splendid mechanical condition; ex press body, with top and windshield. 1-TON REPUBLIC Goodyear cushion tires, a real snap If taken at onoe. -TON TRUCK. With Continental motor. TImken rear axle; a good truck to do hurry-up haul ing at the farm. DODGE DELIVERT. MAKE US AN OFFER. TERMS. THE WHITE COMPANY, Park and Pouch. Portland, Or." THESE trucks are Just what we repre sent them to be and don't forget we are back of our owners 100 per cent. 2-TON FEDERAL. Something good and the price Is right. 4-TON DENBY. If you are looking for a heavy truck you do yourself an Injustice if you don't see this one. 1-TON DENBY. You can't go wrong here. 3 '4 -TON G. M. C. Priced right, runs right and U right. 2 Vz -TON DENBY. -An excellent truck for hauling wood All these trucks are completely over hauled. DENBY MOTOR-TRUCK COMPANY OF NORTHWEST. , 10th and Dnvia st.s. Bdwy-. 3848. SAY. if you want a in. we have It: 'Yellow Chassis' come 1-ton Republic rebuilt JS0O 2-ton Republic 900 2-ton United Republic, rebuilt 850 2 to 6-ton United Republic with $ailer. MACK-INTERNATIONAL MOTOR TRUCK CORPORATION. lOih and Davis Sts. Broadway 69 0. FOR SALE A caterpillar tractor with a thre-bottom 14-inch gang plow; also a lour-Diuioin -inrn aisc plow, ana a j 0 foot cutaway and a 10-foot, IS-inch disc; all in good condition. Price $1200; -would take part trade. Address J. D. Gordon, N fcwberg. Or. WE HAVE five used trucks from 1T4 to 5 tons capacity for saie at a big sacri fice. $2ro to $Su0 will handle, balance easy terms. Open Sundav 11 to 4. MOTOR SALES CORPORATION, 10th and Flanders Street. FORI) truck, a real bargain at $275. 7flt0. East AUTO REPAIRING. AUTOMOBILE OWNERS Have your car put in Al shape at your own garage by an experienced mechanic and electrician; prices very reasonable; estimates gladly furbished. Phone Main 1040. YOUii auto repaired at your home; relia ble Service. Tabor 106 or Automatic 625-33. AUTO repairing by a man of 11 years experience, JI per hour. Phone East 5370. GARAGES. FOR RENT Stalls In good garage, dead or live storage; aiso transient; reason able rates. Open day and night. Tow ins and accessories. Hawthorne Garage, 44Z- Hawthorne ave. East S24L HALF interest in garagre, good location, price reasonable Ca 11 at 504 E"erett ne Broadway 860. BUILDING suitable for garage or auto repair shop: have first-class equipment. E 250, Oregonian. A PORTABLE garage with floor and run way. $5U. I'll o ne 237-10. PRIVATE garage for rent at 540 E. 20th st. N. Phone East C250. LARGE private automobile stall. 24th and Ilalsoy. l'hone E. 801. j OARAGE fir r-nt. Call East 8794. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED A banjo; from private party who wishes to -ell at reasonable price. Phone East 2533. SAFE Will pay c&i.a for good ecouii hand office safe. D 2-S5, Oregonian. WANTED Rector grw radiator; mil ... r-f-'A r.-.ndt1f. Pi'n M2-33. ; A V E yon ond b-:r-:cd holly for 5a so call up Wood'liiwn JIM I. W ANTED CAGE OK PERCH FOR I'AR i;i iT. MARSHALL 153. WANTED Sellwood' range and a heater. 2'.5 buv ss wood-:iW or sawing p:: E Joy, Ortg-jnian. WAN TED Columbia chainless h;e ' franrr. a.i W miawn .m-. . VNTKI Cojister or auto. Alu.t Linditloii. AF Oregniiian. V ANTE i) A st. co lid -baud. bench. TUe. .Pk-ue K. o.2.