JtEAL KSTATK. for Rale Acreage. CLARKE COUNTT. ACROSS THE COLU1EBU. From Portland. Best soil and water, fine paved roads. 40 acres. 30 acres In cultivation, good bui. dings, $6500, ft cash. '20 acres, all In cultivation, good bu.idings, ine water piped to hoi.se. good road., 6 miles Vancou ver; " $500, only cash, bal ance long time at t. per cent. We have farms of all sizes and prices. Stock .ranches eastern Ore gon to trade for tarms Willam ette valley or income property. ATKINSON k PORTER, 112 W. 6th. Vancouver, Wash, TWENTY ACRES. Just outside city limits, all In Rood 0tate cultivation; no rock or gravel, rich loam soil: everlasting stream water, food rock road, R. F. D., milk route, ortland pbone in house, 4 mi. school; 6-rm. bungalow, water piped in from ex cellent spring; 1 A. kale, balance clover, wheat, oats, several tons hay in barn, pienty vegetables and spuds in cement baeement; team, 6 cows milking, pigs, chickens and farm implements; owner has other business; must sell; terms. Bee me. 205 Montgomery st. Phone Auto. 514-71. 4-ACRE IMPROVED PLACE. STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. NEAK T1GAKD $3900. Only a (tone's throw from electric rtation on hard road; new 6-room house, new chicken house, barn, cement cellar, fine soil, all In cultivation. Raised 2Z5 bushels potatoes per acre this year; ring water; $500 worth of new furniture : good cow, 5 hogs, 20 chickens, all fr o900. Only $900 cash, including garden tools uid feed. See SAM HEWEY at" " J. HA RTMAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Main 208. FINE LOGANBERRY LAKD. Nearly T acres-, 2 miles east of city. n paved road. 3 blocks from electric tation; all under cultivation; 120 bear ing fruit trees, pears, prunes, apples, cherries, etc. ft logan and strawberries: small 5-room house, barn, garage, i chicken houses; price $4300, $1100 cash; creek by place. Personally Inspected. John Ferguson. Gerlinger bldg. 1 LOGO E D -O F F LANDS EASY TERMS. 19 aores with fine trout stream across It good road to station, 1 mile distant; rolling land, but mostly plow land when cleared, some fine creek bottom land, e-tore and school handy. Price $104o, terms $100 cash, balance to suit pur- kaSeLUEDDEMA.N COMPANY, 913 Chamber of Commerce. ACRE, adjoining Newberg, 1 acre loganberries, 1 acre strawberries. 1 acre Cuthbert raspberries. "23 large cherry trees, some pears, prunes, apples and grapes; "good 7-room. story-and-half bungalow: all city conveniences avail able; barn, chicken house. With the place goes all the equipment and house hold furniture; price $3500. on terms. John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. ACREAGE SNAP. lOH acres. 5 acres in cultivation, 1 acre in strawberries, other berries; fam ily orchard; fine 4-roora bungalow, small barn and chicken house, live stream ; 18 miles from Portland, on main high way. 1 block to electric station, store and postoffice, 2 blocks from school; $2800. easy terms. . L. Q. GERBER, 715 Swetland Bldg. ft ACRES, located on the main highway and at electric station, near Boring; all can be cultivated. 4 acres under culti vation; good fences, fine creek, cream route, mail route: good S-room cottage, with pantry and basement, barn, chicken house; price $2000, $1200 cash, balance at $200 per year at 6 per cent. Personally inspected. John Ferguson, Gerlinger bids. - 8 acres, all in cultivation. 35 minutes' cut : Joins electric station and pave ment; 4-room house, fireplace; elegant place. Out-of-town owner says make offer, might take residence in city. Complete information given at 403 Couch bid g. Marshall 3352. Sunday. Tabor 7640. J. B. ROCK CO. ACRES mile from station, Tualatin: all can be cultivated; 2 acres under cul tivation; good macadamized road; . mile to school: good sandy loam soil : price $1250, $4i5 cash, balance at $10 per month at 6 per cent. Personally in spected by Marstera. with John Fergu son. Gerlinger bldg. "We have over 500 small places near Portland. ACKEAGE bargain. 13 acres. 4 acres In cultivation, balance ..ciiv oieni-oH Ai soil. 3 blocks to elec tric station, store and P. O.. 1 block to school; new 6-room bungalow. with built-ins; fine new barn, cellar. out buildings, woven wire fenced. 18 miles out on main nignway, 3ou; Leniw. L. O. GERBER, 715 Swetland Bldg. irt ipora. nrwf TTnTTSK $1200.- $200 cash locates you on this nice tract only ft mile from station: 30 miles from Portland; land lies good, 1 nT-i pinnrr-d 2-room house and small barn; good spring. Price $1200; terms $200 cash, balance s-u mommy. LUEDDEMAXN COMPANY. 013 Chamber of Commerce. n ACRES. 15 minutes from Montavilla ,,T,-v t minute fmm Rockwood station, 4U miles from city limits in a long .Tnh nn hnth sfHps of a macadam road, beautiful home site; also fine tor acre tracts Good black soil, 6 acres clear. For quick sale. $4O0 per a., easy terms. Sllwood 771. Owner. 1 ACRE, 4 blocks from station, close In; all under cultivation; young orchard?, all kind of herries and currants; 3-room house; new garage, gas In house; the place is furnished; fine gas range, toois and equipment; price $2200 for every thing: SOtK) cash, naiance at per John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. 1 appkj irrni S.9't DOWN A v. 1 ilO n mnnth- InMtpd TIMT elOOtrlC station and paved road: lies level, some nice timber: ideal suburban home site, fine for chickens, berries, etc. Price $11 ."0. w LUEDDEMAXN COMPANY. 013 Chamber of Commerce. 1 ACRE, 4 blocks from Metzger station, under cultivation; good house.. 4 rooms plastered below; room for 2 or 3 room upstairs; 3 blocks to school; 5c fare; double chicken house; barn ; exception ally fine soil; price $16oO. $700 cash. Jnhn Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. ACREAGE SNAP. S acres, all in cultivation, close to car, just outside city limits; only $475 per acre; adjoining land has sold for $10-00 per acre. PRENTISS. 615 Cham, of Com. Bldg. PRI'VR AND FILBERT LAND. 23 acres. 2 miles to Amity, ft in cnlti . fenced. county road. Yamhill $400 down, bal. 6Cc. "fi Chamber of Commerce bldg. 2 ACRES, located 1 mile south of Stanley station; best of loam soil: 7 miles from center of Portland; city water and gas In Ftreet; fine graveled road: price $1050. $250 cash. Inspected by Marstera. with John Ferguson. Gerlinger bldg. FOR S.X S Close in on west side, im proved 10 acres. B-riora house, barn, out buildings, fruit, berries, good well, horse, wagon, bugsy. f-irm tools, chickens and wood. $30O0 cash; $2000 mortgage at 7 per cent. L 207. Oregonian. ROCKWOOD ACREAGE, u, acre. cloe to Rockwood station on Troutcale electric, all cleared. ideal place for small chicken ranch; $300; easy terms. Pee Mr Boehm, 209 Oregon b:d;. Broadway 1VS. . HALF ACRE, located at Jennings Lodge. A mile from station, ail under cultiva tion; some berries; graveled road'. 4-room house, barn, ch ick-en house, w ondshed ; the place is furnished; price $1150. all cash. John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. TEN ACHES, just outside city limits, good buildings, fruit and berries, now "bring inir In about $4O0 per year as dairy : wiil sell equipment and milk route If desired. Terms- AK 2-i, Oregonian. IO ACRES PRUNES. BEARING. On paved road near Vancouver, at electric station, $200 an acre. .N5 Cbam- her of commerce. jo.ain oj.j . .t.ast 146. BARGAIN 4 acres "of clear, level land, just out of city limits of Newberg on highway; price no agents. a. v aiiser. 125 Illinois street. .Newberg Or. S3VENTY acros. one m) la from electric lne, 12 mile from Portland, rear Linn tan rosrt. F'rst and second growth fir wood, amiut 5 arrs clear. I1?. t er acr. tt-rms it tirRirea: v l sa, I'rwyonian- 3 04 ACKS AT RfBT Jl'VCTION. Rich. U-I Lintl. covered with fine grove of fir and oak. 1'nce omy $."iSj per acre. $'- i.own ana $10 pi r monili Strong & Co., fiiU Chain, of Com. 5 ACR4--S near Bcaverton. 2? acres under cultivation, no buildings, m-ar school and paved road; $1000, $2Ti0 cash, balance straight mortgugf. Fteht-r. with Inter stale La n 1 1 Co.. Main y.49. SL:X FOR 1 acres, a-U cParid. ha." he.-n in crop a number of years, surrounded bv prune orchards; has a small stream; no buildings, near Dallas. 320 Artisan b; g. 10 A CRJSS. a!) good level land, finest of soil, on mile west of Stafford. 2 miles euuthof Tual-Uln: price only $tino. Hurry. GIBSON, 2liS Stark. Marshall 12. K1CAL ESTATE. for Sale A crease. FINE 18 ACRES. Located on good roal. In splen did district, near paved highway and good station aid only a short distance- out from Portland, Extra good soil, all in cultivation, road on 2 sides, several very attractive and sightly building sites and could well be divided into smaller tracts. No buildings. This acre age belongs to a non-resident who wants the tnoney and has author ized me to cut' the price and sell the land. I am therefore pre pared to deliver this exceptionally Choice acreage tract at only SiuO Ser acre, and which is about oue alf the amount some lands are held at In that district. In my opinion' this is one of the very best acreage propositions and one of the beet buys I have ever of fered In close ra high-class Im proved acreage. SAMUEL DOAK. 1202 N. W. Bank Bldg. ACREAGE. ACREAGE. ACREAGE. S3 acres, $ -1 45. near Molino, unim proved. 23 acres level, brush and small fir; creek. $500 cash. $10 monthly. 40 acres. $1500, near Kalama; 4-room house ; barn; some cleared; on Kalama river, $200 cash. 5 yrs. on balance. 40 acres, $llio0, near Col ton. unim proved, easy cleared, all tillable, creek. $2O0 cash, $15 monthly. 40 acres, $2000, near Colton, 4H acres in cultivation, all fenced, unfinished bungalow, new barn, etc; creek, $500 cash, good terms. 40 acres $3200. near Oregon City, 7ft acres In cwvai'nn, shack building, some cordwood, spring, all fenced. $500 cash, good terms. FRED W. GERMAN CO.. 732 Cham, of Com. CHOICE 12 ACRES Located close In on paved high way, close to good station "and in fine district, will' be found this extra choice, well-improved prop erty, including a good house with modern conveniences, barn arrtl other buildings, and also fruit, berries and. grapes; here Is an ex tra good place, and extra good buy, and" might consider part in Portland property. SAMUEL DOAK 1202 Northwestern Bank Bldg. TOTAL PRICE $1000. 5 acres. 2 miles from Middleton. red electric station ; 3 acres under cultiva-, tion, 4 acres can be cultivated, balance timber: creek through place ; 11 prune trees, 4 pear, 3 apple, 2 cherries bearing, some young trees; rural route; 5-room box house, shed barn, workshop; mile to school; 14 mile dirt road: 20 miles south Portland ; $600 cash, balance 2 years. Inspected by Malone. John Fergu son, Gerlinger bldg. I HAVE IT. That ideal country home; ten acres, nearly all level; living stream, good soil; half under cultivation; some fruit; 700 feet to O. W. P. station; cheap, terms. J. B. Laber, Broadway bldg. Main 769. .Fruit Lands for Sale or Rent. APPLES, PRUNES. CHERRIES, NUTS, PEARS. v A rare opportunity to lease a highly developed fruit ranch on shares. No finer trees anywhere. Very rich red shot soil. In foot hills of Willamette valley 50 acres 10-year-old walnuts and cherries. 45 acres 9-year-old prunes and 15 acres 4 years old. 10 acres 9-year-old pears. ' 125 acres apples 8 to 12 years old. Jonathans, Ncwtowns, Rome Beau ties. Winter Bananas. - Placeweil equipped with ma chinery, teams and implements. Two houses with barns and out buildings. New packing house; water piped to buildings. Member Oregon Co-operative Growers' As- -sociation. Down-hill haul to R. R. Apply to owner. 425 East Mor rison street. Phone East 8407. MUST SELL. 20 acres. 12 acres in apple orchard. 6 acres in 4-year-old prunes and walnuts, also family orchard and berries; good new barn, old house of 14 rooms. 3 min utes' walk from city limits and carllne at Vancouver, Wash.; 7 miles from our office; price $18.0O0, 1-3 cash.' bal. 6 per cent. This year's crop over 4OO0 boxes; might take house and lot in Portland or Los Angeles at cash value up to $6000. Geo. T. Crow. 793 H Mis sissippi ave. Phone Wdln. 1201 or. Res,, Wdln. 2785. Filbert and Berry TRACTS EASY TERMS $200 per acre. Rich, sandy loam soil, 7 miles from Salem, on good road, expert horticul turists will furnish nursery stock, plant and cultivate for term of years. Write for particulars. FEARCY BROS., SALEM, OR, Homesteads, Kellnqo i&h meats. 800,000,000 ACRES government land In United States. Send for free descrip tive circular of our 100-page book. "Ths Honeseeker" ; tells where good farm, timber, grazing land is; or send $2.00 for book direct. The Homeseeker, dept S. Los Angeles, Cal. CHEAPER THAN HOMESTEAD 160 acres. 50 miles from Portland in Yamhill co.; 40 acres good level land. 2 creeks, cabin; considerable fir and cedar timber. $5 per acre. $500 cash. A. VV. Estes. 905 Chamber of Commerce. Auto. 514-03. CAN LOCATE you on good homestead in Portland or Roseburg districts. Frm or timber tract. 1 also have some god reunquisnments. v. i Ji.l.Al, si Board of Trade bldg. IMPROVED homestead. 160 acres, cheap: house, barn, furniture, stock and tools ra with place. Write for particulars. Prtx 32. Merlin. Or. For Sale Farms. 45 ACRES Here is a place that will meet the requirements of the man who is looking for an ideal home place, where location and environment are all that could be asked. This is the making of tle place you have dreamed about. 20 acres bear ing orchard, consisting of isartieti pears, prunes, plums, apples. Royal Ann cherries and other varieties; "open woods pasture adjoining, with water year round, near good scnooi, sou xtz very best, slightly rolling, good logan and blackcap land, plastered nouse, good. barn, no trades, Here is a fortune for the man who understands berries. Be tween $ti00 and $700 worth of personal property goes with the place. 4S000 will handle th:s deal. W. E. WHITE & CO., Newberg, Or. DAIRY FARM FOR SALE. NEAR GRESHAM. 80 acres excellent soli, all in cult! vat Ion, near the pavement, good build Ings, all electric lighted. large f dairy barn, big silo, private water system, all kinds of fruit; will sell with or without stock ana equipment at an absolute bargain. KRIDER & ELKTNGTON GRESHAM, OREGON. SPLENDID VALLEY FARM FOR PORT- LA.NU KiUSlDENCE. 80 acres of good soil, all under eultiva.- tlon, family orchard, splendid set of l.nilflinira Thio f - -- t . 1 and equipped. Located near Oregon Elec tric, 7 miles from Albany. Cash price id.nou. jispn: tatce two nouses 11 good. lbLAJlLllti V A X LAM' CO., 203 First National Bank bldg., Albany, Or. 50 ACRES 8 acres bearing prunes. 15 acres in appies, 4 ft acres cherries, balance In grain. good barn, prune drier, woven Wire ience, city water, creek, nouse oniy rair. Here is an ex eel lent farm. well located $11,000 will handle this place. W. XL. V 1111C fc Newberg, Or. SilALL FARMS NEAR PORTLAND CH EA P. McFarland, Failing Bldg. Main 3672. $looo Ih acres, cabin. 1 mile station. S2S00 3 acres, nouse, nennery. 53UOO 10 acres, house, hennery, baxn. j.t.soo IO acres, souse, orcnarc. well. $3000 10 acres, house. 7 aorej cult. vn y RENT t. hen we can sell you farmi In two wuiamoite vaney wun is io 2n, down, balance i crop until paid: som will even take a Mule p-op-rty as flrt M. V. PARSONS. O. SKOTHK1M COMPANY. 3U2 Railway Exchange Bldg. 11 ACRES, i mile from elect rio sin tlon ami tar, V1 mik-s out. good level land ; 4 acres cleared, balance easily cleared ; large barn, good well, on traveled road: $lf.."0; easy terms. Interstate Laud Co.. ' Main r.42;. SAC 11 IKICE 3S acres. 14 cultivated', more partly cleared, good building, good or chard, spring, $lS0O terms. &04 Spald ing bldg. ; - A GOOD farm on the I'ortland-Newb'jru highway for $14. Son. You want to s--this place. Call on W. E. White A Co., Newberg, Or. KKAL ESTATE. For Sale Farms. MARION COUNTY FARMS. No. 1. A real farm of 17S acres, 10 acres In high stare of cultivation, no better soil in state; 95 acres fine sandy loam; river bottom soil, 12 acres beaverC.-i. All tiled and in fine shape; IS aves on bench in cultivation, nice stream on farm. This land will produc a heavy crop of anything you want to Plant on it. All fenced and cross fenced ; barn 43x60. 3 silos; Six room house, hot and cold water. Electric lighted. This farm fronts on "Willamette river, boat transpor tation. 1 mile to electric railroad, on good graveled road, -mlle to town. Owner wants to sell, or will .consider a trade of a well im proved farm from 10 to SO acres as part payment near an Evangeli cal Lutheran church, near Salem, Monitor, Sheridan, Blooming Cor nelius or Shefflin. Price lor this farm. $100 per acre; $14,000 cash, bal. 6 years at 6 per cent or con sider small place as above men Uoned as f irs-t payment. No. 2. A CHANCE OF A LIFETIME. 134 acres, 1 mile from Donald; 40 acres in cultivation, balance scattering timber and brush, part ly slashed; abundance pasture, 2 acres loganberries: fine creek on eart line. This ranch would be fine for dairying or grain ; a few small buildings. This is a money-, making place at $85 per "fee re. $o000 cash, bal. 5 years 6 per cent. No. 3. A fine home consisting of 61 acres, DO in high state of cultiva tion, bal. timber; running water on place; 11-xoom house, good bam and outbuildings: 1 mils from railroad and town. This farm is blessed with good drainage and is a snap for $0300. including ma chinery. $4500 cah, baL & years at 8 per cent. - No. 4. 42 acres, good 'soil, 12 acres In cultivation; 2 hi acres beaverdam; creek on east line; good, large - hop house, a 3-room house; only 24 mites from Donald. Price $U0 per acre. Terms. No. 5. A SNAP. GO acres. 60 acres good soil, finest building site in Marion coun ty; 10 acres in cultivation, 10 acres, once farm, now used for pasture; 20 good fruit trees; 8 acres river bottom soil. This tract is 24 miles from town, on a good road; only $3U per acre, $1000 cash, bal, 5 years at 6 per cent. - No. e. A dandy 40-acre farm, all In cultivation but 4 acres which Is fine timber; creek through timber. Fine drainage, family orchard. Good 10-room house: good barn, granary, machine shed, chicken houses, tool house. AH the ma chinery and 1 cbw for $700O, half cash, bal. 5 years at 6 per cent. These farms all personally In spected. J. G. GROFP, . Donald, Or. TWO GOOD BUYS. 20 ACRES. 20 acres1, located, close to paved high way, near Reedsvllle ; 10 acres under plow, bearing orchard, 10 A. In wheat, 0 A. in clover; 6-room and bath plastered house, nearly new, barn 16x32, chicken bouse, washnouse and store room this i an ideal small farm, only mle to tation. Price $7500. $3000 cash. 24 ACRES. 24 A., with just enough slope to drain; beautiful home site: 6-room house, near ly new barn, extra well-built, large loft. 2 springs and creek; place fenced, nearly all hog tight; fine chicken house, cellar with walls packed with sawdust ; 23 A. under cultivation; family orchard, ber ries, some furniture, stock and tools; his place fronts paved highway to Port land and in an exceptional good value at only $oo. S3auo cash. F. L. EDDY, BITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 420-ACRE DAIRY RANCH. All level first and second river bottom land, 30 minutes from Eugene. Lane county; the best of the Willamette val ley, Oregon: about 2O0 acres in cultiva tion ; well fenced and cross-fenced : two nodern dwellings; large barn with staJi chions for 50 cows; 2 silos; fine milk house; IndV; pendent water system piped to housa and barns; numerous out buildings; family orchard ; on splendid road, near paved highway; price $75 per acre; atont one-fourth cash and balance long time payments', crop, feed. seed, en silage, hors". cattle, hog, sheep, tur keys. chicKens. tools and farming Im plements can be bought right; no trade. UUDMAN & PENNINGTON. Eugene. Oregon. CONSIDER GARAGE EQUIPMENT. 30 acres, all under cultivation, fenced witn woven wire. All plowed, part seed ed. All rural conveniences. Telephone. Good 6-room house, large barn. 2 chick en houses, granary, silo, fine family or chard. Located on main highway be tween Newberg and Salem, 1 mile to Gth grade school. Included with place are d cows, l sow and pigs. 70 chickens. all necessary farm equipment Including new r ornson tractor, xeea ana seed Price $9000. $6000 cash. Consider clear Portland nouse up to $3000, or garage equipment to iuuu. Jotin Ferguson, uer uner o i u g. 323 ACRES SI ft. 150. Here Is one of the biggest bargains we have had" for a great while. 323 acres with about lo0 acres level, bal. rolling; Z or 4 acres beaverdam; about j.ju,uuo ieet togs; oearmg prunes to apples and 10 near trees: red nhn soil; about 22 acres under plow; 4-room house, 2 barns, prune dryer, 2 chicken houses; many other outbldgs. ; cows, r horses, goats, chickens, hay and feed Timber and wood will more than pay ror piace; every tning goes at only F. L. EDDY. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-0-7 Board of Trade bldt? LINN COUNTY FARM SNAP. 82 acres located lust 2 miles from the city limits of Lebanon, with some river bottom land. Almost new house and fair barry abou In cultivation, rest timber and pas ture. All equipped with stock and im piemen ts. and feed to last, for $7500 terms $3u00 cash, balance 5 years at per cent. C I. LEAVENGOOD, Lebanon, Or. ON OREGON CITY CAR LINE. Half acre, all fn cultivation, 14 young fruit- trees, loganberries, strawberries, 4-room house with fireplace, chicken house. vege tables. 2 blocks from Portland car, 20c fare; price $13O0, $030 cash, balance $10 per month. A C. HOWL AND. 8th and Main St. Oregon City, Or. MODERN COUNTRY HOME. 20 A.. fA miles from Newberg. on fln eraveled road. 19 acres under cultiva tion, 1 acre fir timber. Nice shade trees, 44 acres-prunes, 2 acres apples. 3 acres Enirlish walnuts. Ii4 acre strawberrie: 2Vi acres black caps. Good, nearly new, plastered house, witn complete plumb ing; barn, garage, chicken house, fruit house. Gas engine and pressure tank This place is stocked and equipped r rice jim.wu: -uuu casn. jonn Fergu son, uernngr Diue. Over 2000 farms for sale. FINE 200-ACRE FARM. , Located In the famous Warren district ' only 24 miles from Portland, on rock road ft mile west of station and paved highway to Portland, land lies practical ly level, no better soil anywhere; 80 acres In cultivation, living water and well; house and outbuildings; ideal for dairy, fancy stock raising, or general farming. Price $30,000, reasonable terms. LUEDDEMAXN COMPANY, 913 Chamber of Commerce. 30 ACRES. 11 miles south from courthouse: all can be cultivated, 20 acres under cul tivation. 2 acres family orchard. Good graveled road. Creek. 1H miles to high school. 5-rnom house, garage, barn, chicken house. 5 acres stAndtng timber. This Is clos to electrtc line. Price $C3O0; $2000 cash Some equipment Included with th pia.es. John I-rgTison, Gr linger btdg. TBTTRD N F A R"M. RIOHT ON HlfiH. V, AT. Over halt In euit., family orchid, modern city bun ga 'nw of 5 rooms, out buUolngs;' hay. oats, horses, cows and all implements Included in price of $350 per acre. y HENRY W. GODDARD. 243 Stark St. CAN YOU PAY $50 DOWN? Oa U acrts, on elect r'c line, near sta tion. hard-'iirf:tce road; work -nearby; price Jtioo ?5U down. DRAPER. 307 McKAT BLDG. Third and Stark. CALIFORNIA farms near Sacramento for ssffe. easy terms. Write tor li&z. E R. Waite, Shawnee. Oklahoma. ' FOR SALE Improved alfalfa ranch. 303, Hermiston, Or. REAL F STATE. For Sale-i-Farms CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY LANDS your last opportunity; in central Al berta and Saskatchewan are rtrh park lands open prairie ready for the- piow. interspersed with trees, whlcn nrtord ex cellent shelter for stock. Here grain ' growing, dairying and livestock -raising are being carried on successfully. The country is ideal for mixed farming. The Canadian Pacinc railway is offering a large area of these fertile lands In Lloydminster and BatUeford - districts. This fertile land will become the home of thousands of prosperous farmers. On similar land Seager Wheeler grows the world's prize wheat. Near Lloyamtn ster the world"s prize oats have been grown and butter of the highest quality is made. A man can soon become inde pendent on'a farm In this district. These lands can be bought now at an average of about $18 per acre. You pay down 10. no further payment of principal until end of fourth year, then IB annual payments. Interest is - M. E. Thorn ton, fiupt. of colonization. Canadian Pa ciftic railway, 119 Ninth ave. E., Calgary, Alberta. - A SHERMAN COUNTY WHEAT FARM. Here is one of the finest unerman county wheat farms consisting of 1697 acres. located right at station; 14O0 a. under cultivation. 15 a. alfalfa; family orchard; 050 a. now planted in wheat; 2 houses, plastered ; modern stable for 125 head of stock ; barn cost over $20,000 5 years ago. Electric light plant, cold storage nlnnt. 2Ux00 parage with elevator; grain crusher,; licensed ware house, will hold 20.000 sacks; hog house, patent feeder, will feed 4 carloads at once ; fine well with windmill and gas engine; place all under hog-tight fence and cross-fenced ; stock yard on ranch. Price io per acre. very reaaonauie terms. F. L. EDDY, BITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. A HIGH-CLASS PLACE. 41 acres, located on main highway, 2 miles from good town, Clackamas boun ty. 30 acres under cultivation, all can be cultivated. Fine spring. 100 bear ing prune trees. U acre strawberries. some loganberries and f me family or chard. Good o-room house, barn, garage, chicken house, granary, storehouse. With the olace zo urood team". 2 cows, 1 heifer, chickens, hdg and Complete line of machinery, feed, etc. Price $8000, $3000 cash. Balance at 6. A very well Improved place. Personally in spected. Nelson with " John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. v Over 2000 Farms for Sale. 80 ACRES LAND OR TIMBER, SO acres. 40 can be cultivated when cleared; 4.000.000 feet of first growth fir timber, mile to shipping point on carllne; will sell all for $4200 or $3000 lor the Um ber. A. C. HOWL AND. 8th and Main St. Oregon City, Or. 140 ACRES, located 35 miles from Port xanu, j. mile from countv seat town. V, mile to school. Woven and barb wire fencing; 3 acres orchard, majority com mercial cherries; 50 acres under cultiva tion, 00 acres can be cultivated; lots of pasture; fine creek; small house, barn 40x60, chicken house, woodshed, 4 acres of beaver dam land fine for onions. Price $90 Jer acre, with 4 milk cows, 2 nelrers, 3 hogs, team, 20 sheep. Every thing in the way of equipment and piumuing equipment, cream separator. C- 1 erms on part. Feed included. .junn r erguson. Gerlinger bldg. 233 ACRF.fi A fine fruit and stock Tarm, located 6 miles from Salem, on a paved road ; no waste land, 20 acres of 6-year-old prune 21 head of cows, one Holstein bull. 1-6 head of good horsesT 70 head of goats, some calves, pigs and chickens. AM kinds of machinery; eight-room fully modern house (built for a home); barn and other outbuildings in first-class condition. The owner wishes to retire and will sacrifice thJs property for a quick ale. For price and terms address Laflar it La Mar ,406-7 Oregon building, Salem, Or 1000-ACRE STOCK RANCH. 000 acres with 300 acres under plow, 100 acres of which is bottom land, 330 acres open pasture. 330 acres saw tim ber, about 4 or 5 M. feet, plenty out range; 5 or 6 acres orchard; only 4,-miie to station; 10-room house and bath; 2 large barns, work shop, tool house; place all fenced, fine soil, well watered; an ex ceptional gbod stock ranch. Priced only $00,000 ; good te rms. F. L. EDDY, RITTE Ft. Lf W R Xr CC 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. ONE OF THE BEST BUYS IN MOSIER 40 acres, not a foot of waste land, lfl acres of 11-year-old apple orchard of standard varieties, has been well cared for, and shoutd return, the purchase price in 2 years, with Interest; joins main road and only few rods from school, price is $40W), has mortgage of $1300, will take automobile for part of equitv; reason for selling, owner is nearly blind1 v STEWART & JOHNSON. 315 Northwestern Bank bldg. 900 ACRES New Il-room bungalow, barns jiuxiw, suxioo; chicken, hog, sheep. goat sheds: red-shot soil, very little tock; orcnara; rencea ; spring, creeks, every 40 acres; 10O acres in cultivation. GOO can be; pasture brings $4000 year; splendid for stock; 30,000. cords stump age will pay for place; plenty ced'ar; 12 miles out: eood road nrfV t-7 aao half cash. White, 823 Chamber of Com- uu auks. or line river bottom land not suoject xo overciow, uo miles north of roruana. mne to grade and high school and good town; 22 acres under cultivation, balance in pasture; all can ue cuiuvaiea; i acre orchard; 6-room nouse, shed barn, chicken house. Some implements and furniture with place. Price $5000; $300 cash, or consider acre age near rortiana or house. John Fer guson, Gerlinger bldg. . TO THE man wmj la looking fot work, with real value as pay: I have 160 acres of land, 53 acres under the Ochoco ditch, all fine lying, not a rock, deep soil : ma in -traveled road between Mad ras and Prineville, Crook county, aainot range; schoolhouse across the road; will sell you the place for $500, $1000 cash, balance 5 years ; no interest first year, after that 7 ; no improvements. E T. Bailey, owner. Elgin. Or. 87 ACRES, 25 miles from Portland. In vaun. ;t in tin cou my ; county road ru ns through piace; located in Clear Creek valley. 40. acres bottom land, and bal ance in orchard and timber, 2 streams run through this place. Has an 8-room modern house, acetylene lighted, gravity water, hot and cold bath; close to school and church; a bargain at $170 per acre. 320 Artisan bldg. 20 ACRES, less road; ft mile from elec tric station. 13 miles from courthouse, northwest; all can be cultivated. Good county road that will be paved. 4-room double constructed house with some fur niture. Large chicken house for" 600 chickens. Price $2500; $350 dbsh. bal ance $50 quarterly at 7. John Fergu son. Gerlinger bldg. RICH SOIL. WATER. HOT SUN. Yes, we have them all, 40 or 80 acres best irrigated land In Oregon. Snake River valley. Bumper crops, ev ery year. Half mile to railroad. Can you beat it? -A chance to make a for tune. Alfalfa, potatoes, corn, fruit, etc. Some cash. Long time or some trade. PRENTISS. 615 Chamber of Com, bldg. MAKING A GOOD FARM. CLACKAMAS COUNTY. SPRINGWA TER DISTRICT. 80 ACRES. ONLY $4Ou0 WITH 5O0 CASH. SMALL HOUSE. BARN, SPRING, STREAM. ORCHARD. IO ACRES IN CULTIVATION. BAL ANCE FINE TIMBER, RICH SOIL, NO BOR 4514. FOR RALR Eleven acres. 10 under cultivation, on Clackamas river, one mile from Glad stone. faces on macadam road and hard surfaced pavement within V. mil? win make a dandy country home for some t OK sall lob acres. 3o under plow, 2 acres orchard; good 7-room house: barn granary and warehouse ; 1,5(10.000 feet saw timber; plenty outrange: $4000 or witn stocK ana implements, $4900. Chas. pen goon, owner, -viyrtte Creek. Or. 27 ACRES, VILLA AVENUE 4250 PER ACRE. Good- elevation giving fine view for ninra, B,,i" " "j uiiniig piece to be nigniy ueveiupttu. HENRY W. GODDARD. 243 Stark St FOR SALE 25 acres Jn the heart of Clarke county's prune district, with 18 acres In orchard, new $4500 dryer or exchange for 75 to 100 acres, close in. suitable for dairying; must be on paved' road. Box 7,-route a. Vancouver, wasa. 59 ACRES SEAL ROCK. " MfUt mtie oen. aoout acres Cleared: new 2-room house, wove it- wire fetmesv running ninn?: fTH'. Kofton, 563 Fourth st. Automatic 022-08. 20 ACRES ON HAHR KOa D. West ot Huckley ave.. small brush easily cleared. B. R- water, electric lights: $4K per acre. HENRY' W. GODDARD. 243 Stark St CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES near Portland. $50 to $500 per acre, emy terms, best soli; farms for sae, all sizes. McFarland. 20S Falling bldg. 40 ACP.es. near Brush Prairie, good room house and barn; small orchard: 11 acres In cultivation; ternis. 748 Reed st. LOGGED-OFF lands and small farms; run ning water, good soil, some with im provements; terms. J. R. Sharp. hSft 3d. FOR SALE UoO-acre grain and stock ranchi Willamette valley. 54 Park ter race, Corvallis, Or. 1 SEAL KSTATK. For SaH -Farms, EUGENE. OR. KINNEY & HYDE REALTY-- CO. SNAP FOR QUICW ACTION.' Owner must dispose of this place at ohce on -account of sickness in ' family. 8-acre fruit ranch. 4 miles from Eugen-e; mile from paved highway, grade school, high school and church. Six acres of fine 10-year-old rherry trees. 6 apple trees. 6 walnut trees. 1 acre fine garden: 6-room house in fair con dition: good barn. 24x30. Will sell for $6250. mtK. JM000 at 6 per Cnt. Equity of $2250 must be cash. . Will sell household goods, live stock and farm Implements very cheap. S 52-acre farm. 4 miles frVm Junction City. mile from grade school and on graveled road. En tire place in cultivation. 200 acres now in fall wheat, vetch and cheat. .Land drains well. Is all fenced and cross-fenced with wo ven wire and board fence, which Is In good condition.'- A 2-story house with cement foundation bqt not completed Inside: 4 barns almost new. Several good out buildings. Price $80 oer acre, one third cash. Will sell just-as manjt" acres as desired if place is too large for you. 140 acres, near Eugene, on grav eled road, just mile to Pacific highway, grade school, high school and church; 100 acres in cultiva tion, ree dark loam which"" last year produced 87 bushels of wheat to the acre; 20 acres in pasture and 20 acres In second growth fir: six-year-old family -orchard: 2 story 9 -room double constructed house with full cement basement; only two years old. New barri. 42x 60. arrangedfor stock: silo, gran-i " ary. power house, chick ert house, hog house, double garage, disc, x drill, plows,. Case tractor. Delco light systejn. Price $235 per acre with terms. ' DAIRY FARM. 820 acres, six miles southwest cf Junction City on good gravel road: 210 acres in cultivation, of which 100 acres is now in fall wheat: 90 acres In pasture and 20 acres In oak and ash. About half of this sil Is doble. suitable for hay and oats, the balance is free m black soil. Fenced and cross fenced, mostly with woven wire. Family orchard and berries. An Old JB-room house in fair condi tion. Good dairy barn. 150x50. New silo, milk house, garage, poul try house and wood shed. Ever flowing creek. Owner will sell for $65 per acre on your own terms : take in smal fer place or city' property up to $4000. STOCKED AND EQUIPPED RANCH FOR PORTLAND RESIDENCE. 80 acres, just three miles off Pacific highway on gravel road. 7o acres in cultivation. 55 now in crops. 5 acres of pasture and 5 acres In-oak and ash. Land drajns well. Is fine blank second bottom with a trace of gravel. Fenced and cross-fenced with woven wire. Six-room bouse In fair condition :. two barns, one for stock, the other for threshing. Usual out-buildings; two wells, springs and creek . through place: silo of feed. 20 tons hay. 3 horses. 4 cows. 4 hogs, chickens and good farm im plements. Price $10,000. $2600 mtg. af5& per cent due In three years. Half cash or will trade equity for Portland- residence. KINNEY & HYDE REALTY CO.. 921 Willamette St. Phone 148. Eugene. Or. ALL FOR $25O0. 20 acres on main road, R. F. D., four miles Redfling, mile school ; 7 acres rich ' bottom land, irrigated; balance fruit or" pasture land, good pumping plant, plenty of water, creek, well, fair house, phone, barn, etc., fruit, horse, wagon, pigs, chickens, etc.: total .price 125O0. Come to Shasta Co. No Japs, fog, alkali, adobe, dust storms or cold, damp ocean winds; elev., 400 to 10.000 feet. I will show you good, level, improved, irrigated land, near cityi that grows garden truck, corn, oranges, etc., for only $50 per acre: range land $3 per acre. Seeing Is believing. Large stock -And dairy ranches, all prices. No op tions to agents who double my prices. Glenn Pettay, 1103 Pine St., Redding, California. STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. 54 acres. 22 miles from Portland, east 'of Gresham. Good rocked road. i4 mile from electric station. 74 acres can be cultivated, 25 acres under cultivation ; woven and barb wire fencing. fin large young orchard bearing, lots of berries; small house, barn 50x50; hog house. root house. With the place go - 1O0 chickens, brood sow, cow. horse and har ness, ducks, 100 saclcs grain. 10 tons hay. hay slings and fork and complete line of good machinery. Price for everythinR $7350, half cash. Good land In a district of well improved farms. John Fergu son, jeriinger bmg. HAVE YOU $3000?- T f mt Ttra enr a rro rt cm in nlaoe vnn on this les-acre farm located near New berg; 125 acres of bottom land, 10 or 12 acres beaverdam. 125 acres under plow. Dal. tlmtior. 'Z acres orchard, assortea fruit; good 5-room house, barn" 35xS0, cnicKen house, nognouse. some farm ma chinery: 3 horses; plenty of hay. grain etc.; fine road which will soon be paved; extra large silo just built, ensilage cut ter, in fact.-4 everything in A-l" shape. Price only 30,0O0, $3OO0.cash, bal. ea4y terms. F. L, EDDY. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. A BARGAIN IN DIRT. 73 acres of best of soil, 3 miles from Molalla. 2 acres in cultivation. 4 acres slashing, balance excellent timber. large ly eood oiiinK- timber, new 8-room nouse, new barn and chicken house, slightly rolling, ho waste, good stream of water for stock. Consider small tract r city (improved) property. What have you? Price 7OO0. O. B. RTPPET. 610-11 McKay Bldg., 3d and Stark. ONLY $2700 FOR 10 ACRES IMPROVED. i milk kum rAiriu niunvv ai. Near Vancouver; 4-room plastered house, cement -basement, good barn, chicken house, Tamily orchard just be ginning to bear; 4 ft acres In cultiva tion, balance old stumps, easy cleared ; some good trees for wood ; buildings nearly all new ; $1400 cash, balance terms to suit at 7 per cent. Main 2011. STEWART & JOHNSON, 315 Northwestern Bank Bldg. A FINE bargain and fine place, 40 acres, rich soil, 25 acres cultivation, balance slashed and burned, good new buildings, all fenced, team, harness, 4 cows. hogs, poultry, 1920 crops, wagon, implements and tools, 3 y miles electric station, game distance splendid busy town, bank, creamery, etc.. near Portland, fine lo cation, price $4S00, half cash, long time on balance. 6 per cent. C. "L. Becker, 312 Labbe bldg. 42 ACRKS, located lft miles eastpf Wood land. Wash. All fine soil..' 35 acres can be cultivated. 4 acres of standing tim ber, 9 acres in crops, balance slashed. 20 acres of pasture. Wire .fencing. 8-room house, shed barn, small prune dryer. Price $2050; $1050 cash, balance mort gage on the property at 5 due- Decem ber, 1022. Inspected by Marsters, with John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. 40 ACRES. 24 mi left from Portland, on graveled road. 25 acres nnder cultiva tion; all can be cultivated; -mile to school-; smalJ family orchard. Black, loam soil, 3-room house; double ch iok en house, root cellar: barn, garage. Price $4700 with disc plow, cultivator, $1500 cash, bal. easy terms, inspected by Nel son. JOHN FERGUSON. Gerlinger bldg. 170-ACRE farm, 27 acre under cultiva tion. 4 mi from state highway, house, barn, silo and all necessary farm im plements; will exchange for Portland hotel or apt. house property. Price $35,000. See MRS. BROWN with M. E. Lent Co., 524 N. W. Bank bldg. Phone Main 85C0 for appointment. FOR SALE BY OWNER. 197 acres. 14 miles' from Portland hotel, 3 miles off paved highway" which will be. hard-surfaced, 1 mile from good school; 170 acres In cultivation, 27 acres In timber, deep rich soil, all, tiled and drained: 2 good barns, some stock and implements. A 260, Oregonian. 24 ACRES, 4 acres cleared, some good standing timber, living stream, 'springs. Ideal loganberry land. 5-room house In good condition, ' small ' outbuildings, fenced, near station and school ; $2G50, ey terms. Interstatae Land Co., -Main 5429. SOMETHING FINE IN THE KENKE- nhfK. VALLEY. Forty-acre alfalfa ranch, all farmed: fair building, good well, half mile from poatolllce and station; price $14,0t0. ea.sy terms. Square Deal Realty Co., Kenne wick. Wash. ' SACRIFICE FOR FARM. 15ft acres, 100 acres In cultivation; house, barn. 10 acre? orchard. 3 miles R. R 4-0 males Portland; present owner took property for mortgage and ' give you benefit of same.. Price $7000. Call Maln'.lol. COLUMBIA COUNTY RANCH. - 53 highly improved acres .adjolnln1; H P. & S. station: 7-room house, cooil buildings; one of best farms In western ngs; one of best farms In western n; price $20,000, torms 4nn Broad- jldg. Phone Automatic 522-57. Orego: MaX. Vl, REAL ESTATK. For Sale Farms. 320 ACRES,7 about 12 miles from Cor- vaius, on goou grav;i rua.", 6 miles from R. R. station, mile to good country school. This place lies well, with about 75 acres under p'.ow. some pasture and the balance timber with approximately 3 million ft. of good saw timber, with excellent saw mill site on the place. Good stream or living water the year round. Land lies level in creek hot- torn and some rolling hill sldo lands which are very fertile, raising gray oats in abundance. The fences are Just fair. A large barn and seven room dwelling on the place; good water at the house. There is timber and firewood enough on the place to pay for It. with Ideal marketing conditions: We will take some legiti- Tiat- trad, nr liberty bands on this property. Bonds taken at par. 1 Price $10,000. terms rea sonable. MILLER AND WALTER. Owners, Corvallls, Oregon. 100 ACRES, about 5 miles from Cor vallls, on kooq snvcicj road, mile to goqd coun trv rYitr,l. This place leva! . and rolling, with 70 acres under plow most of which is in the creek bottoms Balance of land timber and .rr rtitiir with enough good firewood for home use and to market. A var iety -orchard and some ber ries ror iamjB ut , house. barW eilo, mil house, and other out-build-logs. Good well and liv In creek rt the place. Al well fenced and ' cross fenced. This Is -a-splendid mall - farm proposition foi dairying and general farm ing. At the price you can t beat it. We will be glad to show you and you will be , convinced. Price $5O0O: some terms. MILLER & wALTlfitti -Corvallls, Oregon-. 1-80 ACRES, about 5 miles from rood i a cm tnnn nn fine travel road. y rnile to good rural school, place lies level and rolling, with some good bot ' torn loam soli, about 3?5 acres under the plow. 80 ' " acres timber, 65 'acres brush and pasture. Fair 5-room house, hot and cold water, good large bam. with steel tanrhlnru( for 8 COWS, good garage, silo, hog and. chick en nouses. riace i fnrt Excellent stream o' water through the place all year round. lamny orcnaru. tv, 1 - in n wonderful farm bargain but the owner liv ing In Washington is yery desirous 01 aii-piK He will take good Tacoma. wh.. nrooertv In on It as part trade. What have vftuT It will pay you to se this one. Price fftooo: some terms. MILLER & waltjsh, Corvallls, Oregon. EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY. 178 ACRES, STOCKED AND TTOTTT PPED One of the fines orchards In the Wil lamette valley offered at a figure that Is about one-hilf Its true value: only 27 miles from Pcrtland, paved highway to Kewbers and 4 miles on rock Jto ranch; 115 acres under cultivation, w -r-1 a i onnln bent varieties. 0 and 10 years old. all in hearing; 20 acres nearly cleared for pasture, bal ance oak and fir timber: woven wire fences: good, large. 8-room house and nntr- .mail nmiKP 2 larce barns, one for nnDle shed: complete water system, engine, pump and water toner, it. .a tVii-nuirH ola re. Included witn this is all the necessary equipment to operate a going-orchard and rarm. trac tanrinm A inr KTiraver. mowing ma v. ,r -o u 1 til tiva tors. 2 bar ' rr Q.f, Aioi-m fl nlowft 2 horses. harness and wagon, buggy. Mage -and numerous other articles: $10,000 wou-d not replace the personal property and Improvements, au tor -rx hoioncp terms. John E. Wilson. rew berg. Oregon. RICH. DEEP SOIL, We are Felling partly Improved farm8 within a radius or zti mites 01 axjdh DEEN and HOQUIAM. two very pros perous cities, from S5 to siwu an acre, H..An.Ki. A-TTt The soil Is rich and deep and produces enormous croos for which the marKft is unumne ii-ci-v fin a vc- tiar nop- Unimproved Ian can be bought at $20 to $40 per acre on remarkable easy terms, nameiy nu down and $10 a month at 6 per cent. Gravs Harbor is on verce o ruriMiin TT-re la vour opportunity, do not delay. For further Information, write at once TION CO.. INC. ABERDEEN. WASH. Zo a i"-r?Tpa r. iz. .mil f from town on mal; market 'road. Clackamas county. Or. 35 acres unoer cuiuvauwn, " a' be cultivated. Good orchard, place all fenced with woven wire. Fine- new 7 room bungalow with basement, entire house piped for plbmbing. Bam 42x30, chicken house, brooder house, hog house. With the place go team, hack, har ness, plow, harrow, spraying outfit. The buildings on this ranch are well worth $4000 Price $7200. $3000 cash. We want an offer on this fine ranch. The soil Is good. ft mile to school. Per sonally inspected., John Ferguson, Ger linger bldg. FARM NEAR PORTLAND. 62 acres, 60 In cultivation, near paved road, best soli in Oregon; fair buildings and fences. This high-class place for sale now at $15,000; best farm offered today. We can take you and show you the place and have you back in Portland In less than 2 hours? Tfclnk of It! A 62 acre farm only a few . minutes drive from the business center of Portland. Don't delay, It will sell to the first man who knows values. $15,000 Is the price. x NEILAN & PARKHILL, 210 Lumbermens Bldg., Fifth and Stark. WELL IMPROVED FARM AT SCHOLES ft FERRY. Consists of 105 acres, 00 In high state of cultivation, balance in pasture and timber; large, commodious house, water piped to house and barn; main road by the door. In one of the finest locations In Washington county. To see this place means you will fall in love with it No better soil in the state; only 15 miles from Portland; price $17,000, good terms. STRWART & BUCK, t 315 Northwestern Bank Bldg. DAIRY AND STOCK RANCH, t, SAUVIES ISLAND. CLOSE TO PORTLAND. WATER TRANSPORTATION. 555-ACRB TRACT. ALL CLEARED. 302-ACRE TRACT. ALL CLEARED. WITH IMPROVEMENTS. ADJOINING WILL SELL SEPARATE OR TOGETHJtlirt Al A HAnuAi.t. ADDRESS AL 254 OREGONIAN. on a rRRS. 2 miles from Raymond South Bend. Wash.; 4 acres under culti vation. 15 acres can be cultivated: small orchard; spring and creek; cheap 3 rrtm . hiiNft with hot and cold water; barn 30x36, chicken house 9x12; spring water piped to house. Included with nlace are 3 cows, 5 heifers, team of mrt. 3-vear-old colt, equipment, gaso nn. launch, hav and feed. Telephone In house. 3?rice $3300;' $950 cash. mile . to school. Personally inspected. John Ferguson. Gerlinger bldg. TT;Rt,noK In famous San Joaquin valley. Ideal climate and living "conditions; home of the Turlock cantaloupe. Wonderful orchard, vineyard district. Center for mire bred dairy herds. Poultry very profitable. Largest sweet potato curing plant In worm. crxcenent transports tion. Write for booklet, dept. 5, ' Cham ber of Commerce, Turlock, -Cal. ac-rrs eood level land, all cultivated aburfdanee of fruit and berries; paved road, all but 2ft miles, which is good macadam, only 14 miles from Portland; good 5-room house with water pfped In, barn 40x40 and several good outbuildings. Some farm tools and furniture Included In price or oniy j,uv, eay icrms. s , R. Jesse. 527 Corbett bldg. TWO 20-ACRE FARMS. AU clear and level as a floor, good house barn and family orchard on each; 12 miles from Portland, near paved higb wa v Bv car take Oregon Electric train at Jefferson-street station, get off at Durham, go ft mile west. U. I. Schechla, owner. APR V a. CLACK A MAS STATIC?" 30 A. In cnlU. 4 A. pasture. blak loam A-room house, barn and nuthnHd- Ins: ll'-s i'-vei and oii in.vln oau; $.30? per acre. HENRY W. GODDARD. 243 Stark St. l ACRES. mile from' electric station and car, 20 miles out. good level land. 4 acres cleared, balance easpy cleared, larire barn, good well, on gruve4fd road; $1650 Kasv terms. Interstate Land Co., Mam 5420. ' WATER FORD. Cal. Water ford irrigation district offers opportunities for the home ?reer and investor unequaled elsewhere. Write for ' Information, secretary Water ford1 Corim'inity Association, Waterford, l FOR SAT ,15 or rent, dairy farm 40 acres l ; J I uricft $4000. terms, or rent $2u0 year. Phone Wood law a t312. REAL ESTATE- For Sale Farms. 7 GOOD FARMS WORTH MORE. NO. 207. 86 acres, all level, all the very best of deep loam soil, 45 seres In cultivation,- some wood and bal ance good pasture, good young or chard of assorted fruits, extra fine almost new 8-room bungalow, fine new barn 56x80, concrete potato house, chicken house and all other outbuildings. The personal prop erty consists of 10 fine cows. 2 heifers, very fine team. 50 chick ens, wagon, harness, mower, rake, plow, disc, harrow, buggy, pota toes, hay, grain and all kinds of small tools. This place Is only 1 mile from a-fine town with bank, high school, stores, cannery, creamery, etc. On paved road, 15 mtles from Vancouver, and an exceptional buy at $15,000, $5000 cash. NO. 188. 80 acres, all fine deep loam soli, all Level and all In high state of cultivation and practically all seedeM to crop, all fenced and cross-fenced, mostly with woven wire, large bearing orchard of as sorted fruits and berries; very fine almost new 8-room modern house with full basement; extra fine large modern Lowden barn, also large bam for hay and young stock, garage, granary, 2 modern chicken houses. Implement house, hog houses. 2 large silos, pressure water system, Delco electric light ing system. The personal property consists of 11 extra good cows, s fine well matched team, several hogs, a lot of White Leghorn hens, new wagon, harness, drill, new Sampson tractor with plows, etc., hay, grain and all other tools and Implements necessary to run place of this size. Located! ft mile from a good small town. 9 miles from Vancouver. Price $26,000 will make very good terras or will ac cept good Portland property at t cash valuation. NO. 206. 27 acres, all level and all the very finest of soil, all In high state of cultivation, all fenced and cross fenced with woven wire and cedar posts, 3 acres in bearing assorted orchard. 600 young prune trees, 8 acres seeded to 'wheat. 5 acres In rye. 7 acres wheat and vetch; a beautiful 8-room lH-story thor oughly modern, almost new bun galow, with 8-ft. concrete base ment, stationary tubs, furnace, etc., a fine new large modern Low den barn, fine garage, a small dwelling' house. large concrete m store house, excellent well with pressure Jater svatem, very large 'modern chicken house, hog house. Implement house and other out buildings. The personal property is all the very best and consists of a 'beautiful large young team, 4 good cows, 800 purebred laying hens, i-hog, about 2 tons of hay, some iBtfaw, heavy wagon, 2 sts harness, gas engine, feed grinder, drill, disc. 4 ejilti vatorn. harrow, 3 plows, mower, rake, cream sta rator, a lot of potatoes, kitchen range and all kinds of small tools. This place is onlv 6 milps from Vancouver. 12 miles f ronaPortland, 1 block from school. 1 mile from station, and In a very fine eom . munity. The personal property'' and Improvements are alone worth the price asked. If you want a real farm home and a monev maker at a bargain price you will buy this. Price $16,000. Very good terms. ' THE R. S. THOMPSON CO.?. 410 Washington St., Vancouver, Wash. SALEM, OREGON. A CITY OF LARGE INDUSTRIES AND IMMENSE PAYROLLS. 60 ACRES. $7000. 8 miles from Salem, In fine fruit section; 20 acres under cultivation, and balance is pasture with lots of fine, straight timber; good stream of living water, 5-room house, fair bam. Will trade equity of $3500 for grocery stock, con fectionery or good property. 100-ACRE DAIRY, EQUIPPED. . Partly tide lands, near the coapt. 5-room house, with electftc lights, large barn, chicken house, etc. 8 cows. 2 horses, about TOO chickens. 25 ducks, farm Implements and feed are included with the farm. Price $10,000, very best of terms. 86-ACRE DAIRY. EQUIPPED. Adjoins limits of nice little city not far from Salem : 80 acres un der cultivation, good large house, large barn and 2 silos: about 20 cows, 'horse. shoatE, all farm Im plements, including hay bailer, and all hay, mlilfeed, grains. 2 sUos full of feed and everything com plete In full running; everything included with the farm at $18,500. about half cash. This farm re turns the owner more than $700 per month and is a fine income property. KINNEY & SMITH. P. O. Box 264, Salem, Oregon. REAL FARM and REAL HOME. 60 acres, located reasonably close to Portland and good station on electric line and In fine farming district. Best oil, practically all in high state of cultivation, run ning water, high and sightly, Af fording good drainage and fine view. Fine orchard. including prunes, pears and cherries, and choice lot of loganberries and strawberries. Attractive 2-story modem house, including fine basement, fireplace, electric lights and private water system; good barn and other buildings. Miht include stock and equipment and hay and grain In barn. This Is ' on of the best improved, most highly developed and desirable farms close to Portland. Will make price and terms very at tractive and might accept good Portland property or close-in im proved acreage as part payment. Here is some-thrng tbat looks good. Is good, pays Well and is priced right. SAMUEL DOAK. 1202 :N. W. Bank Bldg. A MONEY-MAKER. 37 acres levei land, free from rock andgravel. with 1400 cords of first -growth timber ad ahout 600 sords of second-growth timber; lies Vi mile from paved rond, a bout 8 miles from Vancouver. Price $4000, $1200 cash, balance to suit at 6. We have a number of good dairy propositions ranging from 40 acres to 0OO acres, with or without stock and equipment. If you are look ing for a farm, see our lists before buying. COLUMBIA INVESTMENT CO., 407 Main st., Vancouver, Wash. A MONEY-MAKER. 89 acres east of Woodland. Wash., 18 acres in cultivation, 6 acres of the fin est clover you ever saw, large family orchard of all kinds of fruit, a number of English walnuts just coming into bearing. 8 wonderful chesnut trees, heavy producers; good 7-room double-construct ed, newry paperea ana paintea; natn- room. hot and cold water, large barn. 2 chicken houses, 2 hog houses.- other I outbuildings, 2 springs and a fine creek; 3 extra good cows. 2 heifers to freshen soon, 3 horses. 2 pigs. 40 chickens. A large quantity ot apples and potatoes. Barn full of hay and all kinds of farm implements. Owner moving away and will sell all ror .aiu, x-jnmi will handle. JOHN E. HOWARD. 318 Chamber of Commerce. FOR LESS THAN PRICE OF LOGGED -OFF LAND. It's really a farm of 1015 acres: 260 acres creek bottom, about 50 cleared. 3 in orchard; all good soli, no rock or waste land, 00 per cent tillable : pond. water power, water piped to buildings and barns; 2 miles to town. l-t. r., boat landing and Col. river mgnway; only '2 hours' drive from city right into ranch. Would make ideal dairy, stock or fruit ranch. Whole tract only $15.00 PER ACRE. 1O0O acres morfe adjoining, easy trms. J. B. LABER. Broadway Bldg. M. 769. 0 ACHATS. 2'4 m!W from good town. ' Clarke county. Wash. 5 acres und-r cultivation. all fine soil. 65 .acres can h cwlttvutWl. Qood balldJnrs; larwe cMciten h.-.v L'.xCOr.. ro..r.. ,V.r r.f", chickens. 11 dMry cows, high-grade bull, 7 yearling he if crs. other young stock, 3 horses. 4 hogs. cre:m separ; tor and cnmpl'le line of machinery nd feed. 20 miles from Portland, 1 mile to school. Prle SS500 for everything. $3500 cash. Might consider Portland house. John Krrcusnn. Gerlinger bldg. 40 ACRES of choice land In Clarke Co. on good highway partly planted to prune orchard, which must be sold cn acct. of age of owner. Will tnke smp 11 place In or near Portland or Vancouver as pay ment m the farm and give Vng time omV ei.sy term9 on tne balance. All stock, hay and Implements go w 1th the p' ace I for $K5O0. Call on Ben Rieslaud, 4414 Piatt bid., 127 Park SU REAL ESTATK. BBNTON COUNTY, WILLAM ETTE VALLEY. FARMS ARB NEAR OREGON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. 185 ACRES THB BEST BUY IN BENTON COUNTY. This Is fine second-bottom farm located on good road; all lies fine and about 150 acres In cultivation, with the balance In! pasture. There are no hills or white land. See the fine grain, clover and potato land and wonderful garden growing on the place. This land will raise any crop adapted to the valley; has all kinds of family fruit and several acres English walnuts. The place is well fenced and cross - fenced . with woven wire; also corrals for stock. Good, large dairy barn, largo horse barn, granary, black smith shop, double garage, ma chine shed 20x70, new hen house 20x50, several smaller hen houses; hog houses, ncales, 10-room farm house, water tower and closed tank ; well, gas engine, li ght and water systems. Buildings are not at all fancy, but are good, sub stantial buildings and handily ar ranged. The place Is priced very low at $100 per acre and we can give reasonable terms. You can't beat this farm anywhere in the valley for the price. Don't fall to see it. 160 ACRES ADJOINING THB ABOVE FARM. This fine piece of land la pra.e tlcairy all cultivated, has' no wate land, but Is all of the best quality, lies fine. Is well fenced, raises clover, wheat, oats, corn and other crops; has fine new barn, silo, machine shed, well, but no house. This is a real bargain for $100 per acre. 39 ACRES PF RIVER BOTTOM. pap.dy small farm, located only 4 mile from electric station and less than that from school; has acres of fine upland, where ' the buildings are located, and. about 14 acres of bottom land In -culti- . vation, the" balance ot ' the bottom, being in pasture and some scatter ing timber. This Is the real sandy loam bottom soil; has a good crop of spuds and corn growing on the place now, which speaks for Itself. House is old but nejyt; fine barn, usual outbuildings, 2-acre orchard, county road In front of the place. This place has real value and in cludes the spuds and corn, hay, etc. All for $5000, with very good terms. B E NT ONx COUNTY STOCK RANCH. 750 acres, located about 15 miles from Corvallis and 8 -miles from the railroad station; has county road through the place; there are about 150 acres "of farm land lying In one body, which ts all cultivated and Tenccd into different fields; there are about 400 acres of open hill pasture and 200 acres timber pasture ; timber will cruise about 3,000.000 feet or more. Place ts nearly all fenced, in good condi v tion; has nice creek, which never fails; also many -springs tn the pastures. The house is rather poor; has 4 rooms; good-sized stock -barn and some outbuildings. The place has nd will pay better on the In vestment than nine out ot ten places being offered for sale. You can have the advantage o,' the 150 acres for farming and a lot of pas ture for your stock, besides; come down and see the fall grass now growing on the place; and we can sell it for only $25 per acre and can give reasonable terms. Will accept some trade. 50 ACRES STOCKAND EQUIPMENT. Located on county road; has 45 "acres cultivated,- fine family or chard, good 8-room house, large good barn, hen house, shop, hog house, etc. With the place goes cows, horses, hogs. hens, hay, feed, mower, rake, plow, wagon, culti vator, other machin'Jfe' and some household goods: evrTry thing goes for $7000. and this land is good; no hills or flat land, but jus? roll ing enough to drain well and from all standpoints it is a real home farm. KINNEY & COMPANY, CORVALLIS. OR., The Home of the Oregon Agricultural College.. 100-ACRE IRRIGATED FARM, $.15 ?c,R ACRE ft CASK. Deeded water right for 145 acres, al lowing 8.9 feet to the acre. Lies perfect for irrigation; soil deep, - mallow, volcanic ash; a perfect soil for alfalfa, clover, potatoes and grain. Fenced and cross-fenced; 2 houses, barn; road on two sides; 40 acres have been in clover and alfalfa; some timber; extensive outrange. 4 miles to good town with high school, hotels, stores and bank; In Deschutes county, on good road; in Bend-Raymond district. Perfect title to land and water; you will make money on this place whether you farm It or fix It up and re-sell. The place belongs to absentee owner, hence low price. MaclNNES, 210 OREGON BLDG. ESTATE MUST BE SETTLE. 140 acres, located 1 miles from electric station, on main highway, 2ft miles from paved highway, all In cultivation but about 20 acres, 7 acres of which is tim ber, about 60 acres choice river bottom land and about 60 acres first bench land. Bottom land well worth $125 per acre and upland well worth $80 an acre, but the whole place. In order to' settle the estate, can be bought for $80 an acre. The buildings are old but livabler 8-room house, old barn, good granary and new chicken house. This is a snap for some one. BUR NAP & BLAKELY. Corvallis, Oregon. STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. 23 acres, all In cultivation, except 1 V acres, which Is easily cleared, 4 acres In clover, 1 acre in kale; 5-room house, modern barn, 6 chicken houses, 1 brood er house, 2 good wells, family orchard; all kinds of berries and grapes; 400 lay ing hens. 1 young 1400-Ib. horse, fine cow. 1 mower, 1 wagon. .1 disc harrow, 1 plow. 1 buggy, 2 incubators. 1 Kresby brooder stove. 1 set double harness, 350 bushels of oats and wheat. 3 tons hay, 7 tons straw; '4 blocks to station, store and postoffice; 20 miles from Portland on main hichway. ?60no, terms. L. O. GERBER, 715 Swettsnd Bldg. 30 ACRES, 14, mile from county seat town, 1 mile to high and grade school, good graveled road, wire fencing, 10 acres of good commercial orchard. R acres for potatoes and grain. Small house, bam 20x40, chicken house, apple , house. Included wHh place. 1 horse, harness, wagen, 1 cow, 1 pig, rabbits, power orchard sprayer, plow, harrow, etc. Price J 2000 without equipment. $351)0 with stock and equipment. $10O0 cash. Easy terms on balance 6 per cent. 54 miles from Portland east. Will con sider house or rooming house. John Ferguson. Gerlinger bldg. IRRIGATED pTrm! 160 acres, near Sisters. Or.. 120 acres irrigated, in thickly settled district, good water rferht, lose to state highway and school, daily mail, telephone, ad joining ranches held at higher prices. Price of this place $15,000. Will sell with small payment down and liberal terms; or will consider other property In part or whole if located In Portland or Willamette valley. This ts a good place and party means business. U. S. MORTGAGE & INV. CO., ' 605 Yeon Bldg. HILLSBORO BARGAIN. 34 acres, 2 miles south of Hlllsboro, on main county road ; 25 acres in cul tivation, good house, fine barn : extra good family'orbard of all varieties of apples, also plums, quince, pears and cmhapple trees: also 100 Royal Anne and Lambert cherry trees; plenty of grapes, logan and red raspberries, cur rants b nd gooseberries, also aspara gus and rhubarb. This is an extra fine place. Price $0000: some terms. JOHN E. HOWARD. 318 Chamber of Commerce. a 20 ACRES, located 4 miles from Hillsboro, on main rocked road, close to schoof. Every foot good land, nearly level ; silt, loam soii. Over 100 corrts of .good standing timber. Price $2400. small cash payment. Lnd tn this section im proved Mt from $KOO per acre up. John Frr-ti-n. 0fj!nr-i bTar. 40 ACRES. $100. terms 12 mlls from Cottage Ofoy. on hard rnirfce roed, tlon. alt Kinds of fmlt; 3-room furnished bou.se. ba rn. chicken house, won! shed. 2 horss, 4 cows, brood son-. 50 chickens, wagon, buggy, harness. P. Gore. London route. Cottage Grove, Oregon. ioAniEs t i m berTxea RRkEnviLL Two mile R. of Reed vtlle. eood sol J, esfy down-bill haul: make good cord wood proposition : $!5 per acre. HENRY W. GODDARD. 243 Stark St. GOOD paying farms, sixes and terms to suit, with stock ar.d Implements. C. J. Cullison Heal Estate Co., 205 , Atorri son st Write for list. 3 ACRES, olf cultivated, 2 small houeJf, barn, spring, $1000. McFarland, Fall ing building. 1