The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, December 05, 1920, SECTION FOUR, Page 11, Image 71

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Inland Waters, Named and Unnamed, Are Interesting Study as to Courses and Included Are Tiny Basins
Where May Be Found Rare Trout and Wild Ducks in Great Flocks.
(This Is the 2Sth of tvren of article
by Mr. Hfcnnett on Oregon waterway. The
!!ith will follow at an early date; prelum
aoly the fund'ay following this article.
Headers of The Oregoriian would do well
to save thse articles, for when concluded
they wit' present the first authentic tabu
lation of our rivers, lakes and crceki.)
HAVING completed as nearly as
possible the streams In town
ships from the southern border
of Douglas county up to and includ
ing township 26 south, I will now
begin at the west end of township 26,
in the fractional range 9 west. There
are but two named creeks in the
range and they bothflow west Into
Coos county, in which county they
were charted.
In range 8 there are no named
streams flowing into another; in
range 7 the first is Hubbard creek,
which is formed by the junction of two
creeks In the northeast corner of
township 26, range S west. This is
Hubbard creek, five miles long,
which flows Into the Umpqua (or one
of its forks. I ca.nnot say which),
near the postoffice of Millwood, in
section 20. There is only 'one other
in the township Rock creek, three
miles long, which flows into the same
In range C there is a stream, Cala
pooia creek, 14 miles iong, which
flows into the-Umpqua very close to
the line between ranges 6 and 7, at
the town of Umpqua. That town is
in section 25. township 25 south,
range 7 west. But whether the stream
mentioned flows into the Umpqua
in that section, or in section SO, ad
joining it on the east, I cannot say.
Calapooia creek has two named feed
ers Coon creek, four miles long,
flowing in near Stephens, and Will
lams creek, i3 miles long, flowing in
two miles northeast of Stephens.
Other Creeks Described.
In range 5 there is one named
stream Cooper creek, 11 miles long,
flowing into the Umpqua near the
town of Wilbur. In range 4 the first
stream from the west is Long Valley
creek, three miles long, flowing into
one unnamed stream from the north
in section 9, and flowing in from the
south opposite that, is Banks creek,
four miles long. Two miles to the
east is tialt Lick creek, two uiles
In range 3 west there is no named
stream flowing into another. In
range Harrington creek, five miles
long, flows into Rock creek from the
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Jewish Residents of Portland Request Printing of Address "To Our Fellow Citizens," Received by Them
From New York Following Conference Participated in by Foremost National Organizations.
The accompanying address "To Our Fel
low Citizens," is printed at the request
of prominent Jewish residents of Portland
who received It from New York, where it
was drawn up at a conference called by
the American Jewish committee to discuss
the campaign of secret anti-Jewish propa
ganda in the United States:
This conference was participated" in by
the foremost national Jewish organizations
and authorized the Issuance of a public
statement in which the so-called "Protocols
of the Learned Elders of Zion" now being
circulated by secret agencies are con
demned as a forgery, and the charge that
bolshevipm is part of a conspiracy of Jews
and Freemasons to secure world domina
tion is denounced' as a malicious Invention
Inspired by foreign reactionary forces for
tha purpose of breeding suspicion and
hatred of the Jews and Freemasons in the
United S.ates in order to discredit "free
government In the eyes of the European
marges and thus facilitate the restoration
of Hbsolutism In government."
The signatories of the declaration which
is add'ressed "To Our Fellow Citizens" in
clude the following representative Jewish
organizations: The American Jewish com
mittee, the Zionist Organization of Amer
ica, the Union of American Hebrew con
gregations, the Union of orthodox Jewish
congregations, the United Synagogue of
America, the provisional committee for an
American Jewish congress, the Independ
ent Order of B'nal B'rlth. the central con
ference of American rabbis, the rabbini
cal assembly of the Jewish theological
seminary, and the United Orthodox Jewish
Kabbis of America.
DURING the war, by secret agen
cies, a document variously called
"The Protocols of the Elders of
Zion." "The Protocols of the Meetings
of the Zionist Men of Wisdom," and
"The Protocols of the Wise Men of
Zion," was clandestinely circulated, in
typewritten form, among public of
ficials and carefully selected civilians,
for the purpose of giving rise to the
belief that the Jews, in conjunction
with Freemasons, had been for cen
turies engaged in a conspiracy to pro
north in section 18. Miller creek,
three miles long, flows into Hock
creek in section 21, and Conley creek,
five miles long, flows into Rock in
section 29. In range 1 there are no
named streams flowing- into others.
That finishes township 25.
Beginning again at the western line
of Douglas. I will take up the streams
in township 24 south, range 59 west.
Bear creek, four miles long:, is the first.
It flows into Lake creek in section 18,
and that is all. In range 8 west
there are none; in range 7 west there
is only oe. Yellow creek, which flows I
from the northeast. It is nine miles
long and flows into the Umpqua in
section 12.
Nameless Stream Haa Tributaries.
In township 24 south, range 5 west
there is only one named stream de
bouching. Cabin creek, in section 25,
township 23 south, range 6 west. It
flows past the town of Isadora and
flows into what seems to be Gassy
creek, near Oakland. It is nine miles
long. There are also in the same town
ship and range two other streams flow
ing down from the north, but I cannot
figure out the name of the stream they
flow into. The first. Pqllock creek,
flows into another stream near Oak
land. Pollock is nine miles long. Two
miles to the east is Bachelor creek,
six miles long.
In township 24 south, rang 4 west,
there is no named stream debouching.
In the next range to the east the first
named stream debouches into Cala
pooia creek, in section 31. It is Hinck
el creek, six miles long. Coon creek,
five miles long, flows into the same
creek in section 15.
In the range to the east, range 2
west, there are none, and in range 1
west only one. McKinley creek, seven
miles long, flowing into Canyon
creek, in section 26. In the same
township, range 1 east, there are no
debouching named streams.
Loon Lake la Described.
Beginning with township 23 south,
range 10 west, we find the first lake
taken In the county. Loon lake. It is
apparently a little more than two
miles long, from northwest to south
east, and from a quarter to a half
mile wide. It is a little mor-e than
four miles due south of the old town
of Scottsburg, a town that about 1859
60 was an attempted rival of Portland.
The waters of this lake flow into the
Umpqua through Mill creek, seven
miles long. It reaches the Umpqua
duce revolution and anarchy, by
means of which they hoped to attain
the control of the world by the es
tablishment of some sort of despotic
rule. Some months ago this document
was published in England. More re
cently it has appeared in print in the
United States and thousands of copies
have circulated with an air of mys
tery among legislators, journalists,
clergymen and teachers, members of
clubs, and indiscriminately to the
general public. The London Morning
Post has given out a series of articles
as a commentary upon the protocols,
in which the charge of an unholy con
spiracy between Jews and Freemasons
is elaborated, and bolshevism is char
acterized as a movement of, for and
by the Jews and is declared to be a
fulfilment of the protocols. These ar
ticles, whose authorship is not dis
closed, have now appeared in book
form under the title "The Cause of
World Unrest." During the past six
months there have been sent forth
weekly in Henry Ford's organ, the
Dearborn Independent, attacks of ex
traordinary virulence upon the Jews.
These assaults upon the honor of the
Jewish people are all Founded on the
protocols and On the discredited lit
erature of Russian and German anti
Semitism, inspired by the minions of
autocracy. Parrot-like they repeat the
abominable charges that can only ap
peal to the credulity of a stunted in
telligence charges long since con
ceded to be unfounded by all fair
minded men. Ford is employing his
great wealth in scattering broadcast
his fulminations, regardless of conse
quences. When the Jews of the United States
first learned of these malevolent
prints, they deemed it beneath their
dignity to take notice of them, be
cause they regarded them as a mere
recrudescence of medieval bigotry
and stupidity showing upon their face
their utter worthlessness. These pub
4. at j.
about three miles down below Scotts
burg. Loon lake and its tributaries are
famous trout streams. Its main feed
er, coming in from an easterly direc
tion and then north, is Lake creek, 21
miles long. It rises in section 20,
township 23 south, range 8 west. One
other named stream fiows into the
lake, Salamander creek, three miles
long. It rises in Lane county. The
lake is only a mile and a half east of
the Coos line.
There are no other named streams
in range 10, which Is only a half
township. In range 9 there are no
named debouching streams. In range
8 the first is Little Camp creek, four
miles long, which flows into Camp
creek in section 7. almost on the range
line. In range 7 Wagoner creek flows
into the Umpqua in section 30. It is
three miles long. None in range 7;
in fact no more debouching named
streams in townships from range 7
to range 2, the eastern lin of the
county in that township.
Klne. Trout Flsalas; Fooid.
The next township to the north,
township 22 south, borders for about
18 miles the north line of Lane county
and on the west the Pacific ocean. It
is range 12 west. The Willamette
Pacific railway, running from Eugene
to Coos bay, passes north and south
through this township and here we
find Clear lake and the northern por
tions of Eel and Tsiltcoos lakes, also
a small point of another lake. This
portion of Dougles and the adjoin
ing portion of Lane affords, in these
lakes, as fine trout fishing as there
is to be had on this continent, and
for duck shooting almost the same
can be said. Besides that, there are
a good many bears annually shot and
trapped in that vicinity and the deer
hunting is as good, there as in Curry
county, or almost. Many deer are
killed every year in and adjacent to
these lakes.
I have been through them and
around them many t'mes. I Relieve
when our country once more gets
down to a "peace and prosperity" ba
sis and the Southern Pacific starts an
advertising campaign. General Pas
senger Agent McMurray will attract
people to that vicinity by the thou
sand every summer.
I will not attempt further to de
scribe these bodies of water; that will
more properly come when I am chart
ing Lane county.
lications have, however, been-put in
circulation to such an extent that it
is believed that the time has come,
humiliating though it be to them, for
the Jews to make answer to these
libels and to the unworthy Insinua
tions and Innuendoes that have been
whispered ' against them.
Speaking as repreentatlves of the
Jewish people, familiar with the his
tory of Judaism in its various phases
and with the movements, past and
present, in Jewish life, we say with
all solemnity:
1. The protocols are a base forgery.
There has never been an organization
of Jews known as the Elders of Zion,
or the Zionist Men of Wisdom, or the
Wise Men of Zion, or bearing any
other similar name. There has never
existed a secret or other Jewish body
organized for any purpose such as
that implied in the protocols. T".ie
Jewish people have never dreamed of
a Jewish dictatorship, of a destruc
tion of religion, of an interference
with industrial prosperity, or of an
overthrow of civilization. The Jews
have never conspired with the Free
masons, or with any other body, for
any purpose.
From the time of the destruction
of the temple at Jerusalem by Titus
the Jews have had no political state.
For centuries .they were forced to
wander from land to land, to flee for
refuge wherever they might find it
against bitter persecution. They were
pent up in ghettoes. were "deprived
of even the shadow of civil or polit
ical rights and were made the objects
of every possible form of discrimina
tion. It la little more than 60 years
since the Jews of western Europe
became politically emancipated. Until
the outbreak of the world war the
Jews of eastern Europe, constituting
a majority of all the Jews of the
world, were not even permitted to
exercise the rights of citizenship in
lands where they and. their ancestors
had dwelt for generations. The great
j mass of the Jews were hampered In
every way in their, efforts toearn a
J livelihood. Far from desiring to gov
j ern the world, they were content
wuu mo uiui Luiuiy iu live. xuiiiz-
lcally they constitute less than 1 per
cent of the population of thte earth,
and more than one-half of them are
on the verg of starvation. The sug
gestion that, in their feebleness, they
have been planning In secret con
clave to seize absolute power and to
dominate the 99 per cent of non-Jews
upon the globe is a ridiculous Inven
tion than which even madness can
conjure nothing more preposterous.
Where is the habitat of these so
called elders of Zion, by whatever
name they may be called? Who are
these hidden sages? Whence do they
come? What is the nature of their
organization? The distributors of the
protocols are silent on that subject.
Whence come these pretended pro
tocols? There have been various ver
sions. One Serge Nilus, of whose
identity little Is known, a Russian
mystic and an ardent supporter of
czarism, claims to have received them
in Russia in 1901 In manuscript form
from a Russian officeholder, who
stated that the manuscript had been
originally obtained by a lady, whose
name is not "given and who, he eaid,
obtained them in a mysterious way.
In what language they were written
Is not stated. Where that manuscript
now is does not appear. Nilus as
serts that he submitted the protocola
to one of the Russian grand dukes,
who after examination returned
them with the despairing message,
"Too late." -Apparently there was no
room for them in the Russian ar
chives, and they suggested no task
for the czar's ubiquitous police to per
form. In 1905 Nilus published at
Tsarskoje Selo a second edition of a
mystical book, entitled The Great in
Little," the first edition having been
published in 1901. Into this later edi
tion he Incorporated for the first
time the protocols; which he claimed
to have had In his possession for four
years. In January, 1917. he pub
lished another book under the title
"It Is Near at the Door," purporting
to foretell "the coming of the anti
Christ and the kingdom of the devil
on earth." In this book he announces
that he had only then learned au
thoritatively from Jewish sources
(what they were is not explained)
that these protocols were nothing
other than a strategic plan for the
conquest of the world, of putting it
under the yoke of Israel, "the strug
gler against God," a plan worked out
by the leaders of the Jewish . people
during the many centuries of their
dispersion, and finally presented to
the council of elders by the prince
of exile, Theodor Herzl, at the time
of the first Zionist congress sum
moned by him at Basle in August,
1897. He, declared that the protocols
were signed by the Zionist reresenta
tives of the 33d degree of initiation;
they they were eecretly removed from
the complete file of protocols that
pertained to the first Zionist con
gress; that they were taken from the
secret vaults at the main Zionist of
fice, which, it is said, "at present is
located in French territory."
The protocols as published bear no
signatures. The identity of J.he Zion
ist representatives by whom they are
claimed to have been eigrtad-ts left
untold. The location of the main
Zionist office and of the secret vaults
from which the protocols were secret
ly" removed remains a secret. It is,
however, a matter of history that
the first Zionist congress was pub
licly held by Jews who came from
various parts of Europe for the pur
pose of considering the misery of
their brethren in eastern Europe and
of enabling them to find shelter in
the holy land- Theodor Herzl was a
distinguished pournalist, a man of
true nobility of character. He pre
sided at the congress, all of whose
deliberations were held in the light
of day. The insinuation that there
was a 33d, or any other, degree of
initiation in this organization is mere
ly a malicious effort to bring the
Jews into parallelism with the Free
masons and thus to subject them to
all the fanciful and fantastic charges
that have from time to time been
laid at the door of Fremasonry, ob
livious of the fact that 15 presidents
of the United States, including Wash
ington, and many of the leading
statesmen of Europe and America,
have been members of that order.
Nilus and his associates belonged
to the Russian bueaucraey. In 1905,
through the Black Hundreds, that
body sought in every way to crush
the Jews and to prevent the liberali
zation of the government. The time
waa propitious for the perpetration
of a political forgery by a govern
ment that habitually resorted to the
employment of agents provocateurs, a
government which only a few years
later, against the protest of the en
lightened clergy of the world, inef
fectually sought to convict Mendel
Beilis on the charge o'f ritual mur
der. It is significant that one of his
prosecutors has been active in dis
tributing manuscript copies of the
protocols . throughout JLhe United
Irrespective of this history, bris
tling with suspicion, an alaysis of the
protocols shows that on their face
they are a fabrication and that they
must have- emanated from the bitter
opponents of democracy. They are
replete with cynical references to the
French revolution and to the con
ceptions of liberty, equality and fra
ternity. They uphold privilege and
autocracy. They belittle education.
They condemn religious liberty. They
assert that political freedom is 'an
idea and not a fact, and that the
doctrine that a government is noth
ing but a steward of the people is a
mere phrase. These are the very doc
trines that one would expect from
the protagonists of autocracy. Noth
ing can be more foreign to Jewish
thought and aspiration than these
brutal theories of reaction. That the
Jews, whose very life has been a
prayer for the blessings of libery and
equality, should hold them in con
tempt is unthinkable.
The. document throughout is farci
cal in its absurdities. In the Russian
original there is a passage, signif
icantly omitted from the translation,
to the effect that the English are the
descendants of the lost tribes of Is
rael and the British government is
violently attacked for its liberalism.
If climax there be to all this folly,
it lies in the idea set forth in the
protocols that "the world ruler ia to
spring from the dynastic roots of
King David" and that "the king of
Isreal will become the real- pope of
the universe and the patriach of the
international church," whatever that
may mean.
It is needless, however, to elaborate,
when one considers that the editor of
the London Morning Post, in his in
troduction to "The Cause of the World
Unrest," himself doubts the genuine
ness of "The Protocols,' and that the
anonymous author of that book, after
using them as hif text, is unable to
give them any higher certificate than
that they may or may not be genuine
Indeed, he goes so far as to say:
"We have said that this document
flashes a blaze of light, and so it does,
but whether this document is genuine
or not. whether the blase of light is
true or false, can only be judged by
internal evidence and - probabilities.
We may say at - once that Nilus ad
vances nothing h the nature of real
evidence to prove the document, and
that his account of how it came into
his hands consists of' assertion only,
without evidence to support it."
And yet a document thus discredited
by its sponsorsis made, the basis of
an indictment against an entire peo
ple. ". i ' N
(2) The contention that the genu
ineness of "The Protocols" is estab
lished by the outbreak of bolshevism
in Russia 12 years after their publi
cation, and that bolshevism is a Jew
ish movement, is absurd in theory and.
absolutely untrue in fact. As well
might it be said that aforged deed
is genuine because 20 years after its
date a relative of the person whose
name is forged is falsely charged with
being a disturber of the peace.
To say that the Jews are respons
ble for bolshevism is a deliberate
falsehood. The originators of bol
shevism were exclusively non-Jews.
While It is true that, there are Jews
among the bolsbevists, notably
Trotsky, they represent a small frac
tion of the Jews and -f the followers
of bolshevism. Lenine, who belonged
to the Russian aristocracy and has not
a drop of Jewish blood in his veins,
was the creator as he has been the
motive power behind the Soviets.
Tchicherin, who has conducted their
foreign affairs; Bucharin, Krassin and
Kalinin, all non-Jews, are, with Le
nine, the brains of the communist
The bol&hevist cabinet, known as
the peoples' commissars, consists of 20
members, of whom Trotsky ard
Sverdlov are the only Jews, aad they
are Jews merely by birth. Of the cen
tral committee of the communist
party. Including Trotsky, there are
four Jews out" of 13; The so-called
extraordinary commission, whose
function it is to supress opposition to
the bolshevist regime from within, is
directed by a triumvirate consisting
of a Pole and two Letts, none of whom
is of Jewish origin. Although Trot
sky is the bead of the war de
partment, his general staff is com
posed exclusively of non-Jews.
In '"The Cause of World Unrest" a
list of 50 names is given, most of
whom are classified as Jews and bol
shevists, in order to establish the
thesis that "nearly all of the bol
shevist leaders are Jews." An exam
ination of the list shows that ten of
the Jews included in the list are the
leaders of the antl-bolshevist move
ment in Russia; that & number of
those who are classified in the list as
Jews are not Jews at all; that a large
proportion of those classified as Jews
are men who are so obscure and hold
positions so inconspicuous that
whether, or not they are Jews is not
only uncertain but unimportant. They
are certainly not leaders.
On the other hand, the leaders of
the menshevikl, who are the sworn
foes of bolshevism, are to a large ex
tent Jews. Among the chiefs of the
constitutional democratic party of
Russia, who are strongly opposed to
the Soviets, are Vinaver, Sliosberg,
Pasmanik, Karainka, Landau and
Friedman, all prominent Jews. Among
the leaders of' the peoples socialist,
the sociairst revolutionary, and the
menshivik section of the social demo
cratic parties, bitter opponents of the
bolsheviks, are a large number of
Jews. The leading anti-bolshevist
newspapers, which of necessity are
published outside of Russia, have
Jews upon their 'editorial staffs. An
overwhelming majority of Russian
Jews have been ruined by tlie coercive
measures of the Soviets. They have
submitted to the confiscation of their
property and are undergoing un
speakable hardships. The orthodox
Jews, whose numbers preponderate,
remaining loyal to the faith of their
fathers, regard the bolsheviks as the
enemies of all religion, and, there
fore, hold the doctrines of bolshevism
in abhorrence. With comparatively
few exceptions the Jews are looked
upon by the bolsheviks as belonging
to the hated bourgeoisie and as fa
voring capitalism. The Zionists, who
constitute a numerous and important
element of, the Jews of Russia, have
been denouncedby the Soviets as
counter-revolutionary, and many of
them have been cast into prison and
threatened with death Zionists, we
repeat, who are the followers of
If the Jews are to be condemned
because of a Trotzky, -who has never
in the slightest degree concerned
himself with Judaism or the welfare
of the Jews, then there is not a' peo
ple that has ever lived that might
not with equal right be condemned
because in Its membership there were
men who are alleged to have advo
cated hateful doctrines. The Jew has
traditionally stood for religion, law.
order, the family, and the right of
property. It is, therefore, the height
of cruelty to charge him with respon
sibility for bolshevism, when its doc
trines, should they prevail, would in
evitably lead to the destruction of
Judaism. It is especially a brutal
charge when one considers all that
the Jew has suffered from the op
pressive and discriminatory laws of
Russian autocracy and from its ef
fort to suppress every aspiration that
the Jew had for freedom. It is a
great tribute to the patriotism of
the Russian. Jews that, in spite of
the indignities that they had to un
dergo, hundreds of thousands of them
fought under the banner of the czar,
loyally and gallantly, and in large
numbers laid down their lives in the
allied cause. The rosters of the army j
and navy of the United States contain
the names of tens of thousands of
Jews born In Russia who served so
faithfully under our colors that they
gained the unqualified approval of
their officers, and proportionately
many of them were awarded decora
tions of honor by a grateful country.
We have refrained from commenting
on the libels contained In the Dear
born Independent. Ford, in the fnl
ness of his knowledge, unqualifiedly
declares "The Protocols" to be genuine
and argues that practically every Jew
is a bolshevist. We have dealt suffi
ciently with both of these falsehoods.
It In useless in a serious document to
analyze the puerile and venomous
drivel that he has derived from the
concoctions of professional agitators.'
He Is merely a dupe.
What is the motive of those who
have set in motion this new onslaught
of antl-semltlsm? It is the motive
that again and again has actuated
autocracy and its adroit supporters
that of seeking a scapegoat for their
own sins, so that they may be enabled
under the cover of a false issue to
deceive the public.
It is an attempt to drive Into the
solidaflty of the citizenry of our coun
try that has been its pride and Its
strength the wedge of discord, by
arousing suspicion end inciting overt
Roscoe Hurst Reada Words Written by Dr. C. E. Cline at Burial Cere
monies, Declaring Adequate Justice Cannot Be Done in Brief Space.
r '
The accompanying tribute was read1 at
the funeral of S. B. HuBton. Portland1 law
yer, last- Thursday. It was written by
Dr C E Cllne, but read by Roscoe Hurst,
as Dr. Cllne wa recovering .from Injuries
received in an automobile accident and
was unable to attend the funeral: .
IT IS impossible In the brief limit
of this note to do Justice to this
man; for he .was a man. I first
met Mr.. Huston In the postoffice at
Hillsboro, Or., where "we had both
gone for the morning mall, soon after
my appointment trlere as pastor of
the Methodist church, 25 years ago.
His . simple frankness at this first
meeting appealed to me as a man
worth knowing, and during my pas
torate of two years there our ac
quaintance, though he was not a
member of my church, grew into
friendship, which, after hla coming
to Portland a few years later, became,
I may say, of a more than ordinary
Since' his . coming to . this city 15
ytars ago I have been in the habit
of calling occasionally at his office
for a friendly vis't, during which
times I came to know the real man.
His ability, interest in public af
MedicrJ Science shows why Spinach and
Carrots with organic iron ofteri so surprisingly
increase one's strength, vigor and endurance.
This big burly man lying on the floor OUGHT TO BE ASHAMED OF
HIMSELF but his blood is thin, pale and watery and he simply hadn't the
strength and endurance, to "go up against the little fellow. When there is a
great deficiency of iron in the blood you often have shortness of breath or palpi
tation of the heart and you may THINK. YOU HAVE HEART TROUBLE.
The reason for this is simple: THE IRON IN VOUR BLOOD TAKES
THE OXYGEN from your lung-s and carries it to every part of your body.
OUT OXYGEN you may have shortness of breath; you heart flutters on some
slight provocation and sometimes there is A FEELING OF SUFFOCATION
OR DIZZINESS, the same as if someone shut off your breath, so no wonder
you lose so much of your bodily vigor, strength and endurance.
Scientific experiments have proven conclusively that a secret of the strength,
of iron in the blood. Without iron your blood loses its power to change food
into living- tissue and nothing you eat does vou the proper amount of poodi
.1 ... . .1 . v. . ,
jww uv Ult lull BUCIUUI UUl Of H.
LETES have learned the value of plenty of plain,
coarse foods in their training as such a diet helps supply
their blood with iron.
THERE ARE 30,000,000,000,000 RED BLOOD
Nature pot plenty of Iron In the husks of grains and the
skins and peels of vegetables and fruits to enrich your blood,
but modem methods of cookery throw all these things away
hence the alarming increase in recent years in anaemia iron
starvation of the blood, with ail its attendant ills. Whea you
get up feeling tired In the morning; when you find yourself
nervous, irritable and easily upset; when you can no longer do
your day's work without being all fagged out at night; when
your digestion all goes wrong, or you have pains across the
back and your face looks pale and drawn, do not wait until
you go all to pieces and collapse in a state of nervous prostra
tion, or until in your weakened condition you contract some
serious disease, but consult your family physician and have
him take a specimen of your blood and make a "blood -count"
of your red blood corpuscles or test the iron-power of your
blood yourself by adding plenty of spinach, carrots, baked
apples or other iron-containing fruits and vegetables to your
daily food and take organic iron with them for a while and see
bow your coaaiuon improves
Thousands of people have surprisingly Increased their strength
energy and endurance ia two weeks time by this simple experiment!
But in making this test be sure that the iron yon take is organic iron
and not metallic iron or mineral iron which people usuallv take.
Organic iron is like the iron in your blood and like the Iron in spinach
lentils and apples, while metallic iron is iron just as it comes from
the action of strong acids on small pieces of iron. Organic iron
- may be had from your druggist under the name of N mated Iron.
Nuxated Iron represents organic iron in such a highly, concentrated
" iicauwaKu w m approximately equivalent ( ii
acts not only against those of Jewish
origin but also against Freemasons,
In the hope of discrediting free gov
ernment in the eyes of the European
masses and thus facilitate the restora
tion of absolutism In government
in Russia under the bureaucracy, and
the ammunition with which the cam
paign is conducted has been furnished
out of the arsenal of imperialistic
Germany and by those who are seek
ing to r" store the Hapsburgs, the
Hohenzollerns and the Romanoffs on
their former thrones. Ancient hatred
and unreasoning prejudice' and a fail
ure to understand and know what the
Jew reaily"is, are likewise responsible
for the readiness w".h which these
falsehoods have been accepted by
those who are ever willing to believe
evil of their fellow-men.
We have an abiding confidence in
the spirit of Justice and fairness that
permeates the true American, and we
are satisfied- that our fellow-citizens
will not permit the campaign of slan
der and libel that has been launched
against us to go unreproved. There is
enough for all of us to do in the great
task of building up our common coun
try and of developing the principles on
which It is founded. Let -not natreo.
and misunderstanding arise where
peace and harmony, unity and broth
erliness, are required to perpetuate all
that America represents and to enable
ali men to know that within her wide
boundaries there is no room for In
justice and Intolerance.
The American Jewish committee
Bv Louis Marshall, president; Cyrus
Adler and Julius Rosenwald, vice
presidents; Isaac W. Bernhelm, treas
Executive committee Samuel Dorr.
Abram I. Elkus, Albert D. Lasker, Irv-
inir Lehman. A. C. Rathesky, Horace
Stern. Oscar S. Straus, Cyrus u. Sulz
berger, Mayer Sulzberger, Isaac JL and A. Leo Weil.
The Zionist Organization of Amer
ica By Julian W. Mack, president;
Jacob de Haas, secretary.
The Union of America Hebrew con
gregations By J. Walter Freiberg,
president; George Zepin, secretary.
The Union of Orthodox Jewish con
gregations By Herbert S. Goldstein,
The United Synagogue of America
By Ellas L. Solomon, president; Charles
I. Hoffman, secretary.
The provisional organization for
American Jewish congress By Nathan
Straus, president; Morris Rothenberg,
chairman; executive committee, Ber-
nard G. Richards secretary, Stephen
S- Wise.
The Independent Order of B'nai
B'rith and the anti-defamation league
By Adolph Kraus, president.
The central conference of American
rabbis By Leo M. Franklin, presi
dent; Felix A. Levy, secretary.
The rabbjnlcal assembly of the Jew
ish theological seminary By Max D.
Klein, president; Samuel Fredman,
The united orthodox Jewish rabbis
of America By Philip Klein, presi
dent. fairs, fine judgment of all public,
professional and business men in our
city and, state, with high Ideals for
his profession and especially so of
domestic life; his interest in veterans
of the civil war,, with his knowledge
of politics in the state, made him, for
me at lent, a charming -companion.
In all this it was plain to be seen
that Mr. Huston never moved in, the
line of least resistance.
He was the very soul of kindness,
with tastes all of the uplifting order.
He had a mind trained to be cautious,
accurate in thdught and precise in
Its' conclusions. During the late
world war, as all our people know,
he was an ardent patriot, freely giv
ing his time and money to the many
war and Red Cro3S drives. In busi
ness "and private. life he was a true
gentleman. His genial personality,
wholesome nature, sympathetic and
kindly manner greatly endeared him
to me, and in his death I am per
sonally bereaved.
His force of character, ; fine In
tellect and sterling Integrity . gave
him, as a lawyer and as a man, high
standing in our city and state.
Another thing I feel qualified to
say of him is: Through extensive
reading he had acquired a knowledge
of the great writers of the past, I
V icy
organic Iron content)
to eating half a quart
spinach, or one auartof
green vegetables. It is like taking extract of beef Instead of eating
pounds of meat. Always Insist on having genuine organic iron
NUXATED IRON. If you are not feeling Quite up to the mark tele
phone for a package today. In tablet form only; Look for the letters
N. I. on every tablet. Your money will be refunded by the manufac
turers if you do not obtain perfectly satisfactory results. For sale by '
all druggists.
which gave him a. well stored mind
fronv which he spoke, not pedant
ically, but interestingly, and at times
eloquently. ,
Though Mr. Huston was not a pro
fessed Christian, not a member of
the church, he clearly distinguished
between right living and a mumble
of words. He did net believe in an
Invisible being working against the
best interests of man. He believed
the aveiage man not so much a sinner
us a fool in not rightly Judging what
is best for himself and others.
It's no small thing to be a good
mother, and, although Mr. Huston's
mother died while he was yet a mere
lad, he often in our conversation re
ferred to her, saying as I remember:
"Her memory has been the chief
blessing of my life, as well as the
source of a great part of all I have
attempted or hope to do hereafter,
and I shall never forget how she
drew me to her breast with a prayer
to God for my well being the first
morning I started as a mere - child
to school." At this the stalwart man
and able attorney burst int sobs,
while his frame trembled with emo
tion. Manly man, of simple, honest char
acter, broad-minded, openly unpelflch,
generous and helpful, winning his
way on earth and going out of the
world worthy of that eternal life
Bonded Whisky to Be Turned
Over to Institution.
YAKIMA, Wash., Dec. 4. (Special.)
a gentlemen s agreement ' among
city officials recently that bonded
whisky thereafter seized in raids in
this city would be turned over to the
management of St. Elizabeth's hos
pital for medical purposes, instead of
being destroyed, has drawn a stern
rebuke from the Yakima Women's
Christian Temperance Unior., which
has filed with -the city commission a
written protest signed with 117
names, declaring that liquor, whether
bonded or not, should be destroyed
while you sleep
.Take one or two Cascareta occa
sionally to keep your liver and bowels
active. When bilious, constipated,
headachy, unstrung or for a cold, up
set stomach, or bad breath, nothing
acts so nicely as Cascarets. Children
love them, too. 10..25. 60 cents.
' i
it& V'rSM
mm mmm
TXfcv UA hA - Vafr. , q
may prov no match for an ac
tive small man with the "stay
there" strength and endurance
that comes from blood rich in
iron. The reason why is explain
ed in the accompanying article.
"and the prohibition law thus be car
ried out."
Officials said that no bonded
liquor had been taken since the agree
ment was made, and therefore none
had been turned over to the hospital.
They declined to declare' whether or
not the protest would be heeded.
Idaho Schools Need More Funds.
MOSCOW, Idaho, Dec. i. A meet
ing of the Idaho state board of edu
cation to consider tudgets of state
educational institutions will be held
in Boise December 6, according to
announcement by Dr. E. A- Bryan,'
commissioner of education. "We will
necessarily ask of the com'ng legis
lature larger appropriations than
those granted for the last biennium,"
Commissioner Bryan declared, "owing
to the depreciation of money and to
the fact that the state schools, par
ticularly the university, are growing
His Piles
Now 88 Years Old but Works at
Trade of Blacksmith and Feels '
Younger Since Piles
Are Gone. . -
The oldest active blacksmith in
Michigan :s still pounding his an
vil in the town of Homer thanks to
my internal method for treating
II r. Jacob Lyon. Homer, Mich.
I wish that you could hear him
tell of his many experiences with
ointments, salves, dilators, etc, be
fore he tried my method. Here ia a
letter Just received from him:
Mr. E. R. Page. Marshall. Mich.
Dear Sir: I want you to know
what your treatment has done for
me. I had suffered with piles for
many years and used suppositories
and all kinds of treatments, but
never got relief until I tried yours.
Am now completely cured. Although
I am SS years old, and the oldest
active blacksmith in Michigan, I
feel years younger since the Piles
have left me. I will surely recom
mend it to all I know who suffer
this way. You can use my letter any
way you wish and I hope it will lead
others to try this wonderful remedy.
lours truiy,
There are thousands of afflicted
eople suffering with piles who
ave never vet tried tha one sensible
way of treating them.
Don t be cut. Don t waste money
on foolish salves, ointments, dilators,
etc.. but send today for a Free Trial
of my internal method for the healing
of piles. "
No matter whether your case is
of long standing -or recent develop
ment whether it is occasional or per
manent you should send for this free
trial treatment.
No matter where you live no
matter what your age or occupation
if you are troubled with piles, my
method will relieve you promptly.
This liberal offer of free treatment
is too Important for you to neelect
a single day. Write now. Send no
money. Simply mail the coupon but
do this now TODAY.
E R. Page.
947D Page Bldg.. Marshall, , Mich.
Please send free trial of your
meinuu to;
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