The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, December 05, 1920, SECTION TWO, Page 19, Image 43

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    4 "
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V 4
FIRST-CLASS farmer and orchardist
wants position - thoroughly understand
all branches of farming and tree fruit
growing, stock, poultry, irrigation and
machinery. Can take at least one good
farm hand and milker to new place if
desired, as job I am on Is soon to be
finished; can handle boarders. AV 744,
.NOTICE Realtors, building contractors,
hotal manaeers and building owners, as
we have iuat flnmhed our fall wurk are
now offering the services of three com
petent painters at any reasonable day's
aRe for the remainder of the winter;
good references f urnished. For further
Information call Woodiawn 24i7.
Emoloyed. but with some spare time,
wlsht-s extra work; will open and close
Dooks, take trial balances and profit and
los-a and f inancial statements and de
vise and instil 11 IrTHce and cost systems.
Aduress N l.'-l. Oregonian.
WE REPAIR and paint roofs, clean gut
ters, paint fire escapes, water-prof
basement floors and walla, brick, or con
;rte. Prices reasonable, work guaran
teed. Root Security, Inc., 226 Board
of Trade bids. Main 571, Columbia 005,
Main 5044.
MAX AND "WIFE as cook and flunkey,
mall camp or sawmill. 20 to 35 men;
or wife will cook or flunkey and man
will work in mill : can come any time.
Write or phone 365 Ore&ham, Or., S. B.
A-l AUTO mechanic, expert on lgnitior
and trouble shooting: can tak care of
any kind of repair work, meet the pub
lic and handle men; would like steady
place with garage in Portland. Phune
Tabor S-I.
WA NTED Position as farm manager ;
specialized in orchard and registered
dairy work; only larger proposition con
sidered ; state size of farm and salary
la first letter. Position wanted for Jan.
1, 321. AV 729, Oregonian.
POSITION wanted by man and wife, ex
cellent cook and helper, large or small
gang or bridge outfit. Thoroughly expe
rienced In cleanliness object. AN 269,
HXPERT battery and electrical equipment
man Is open for position, in or out of
city; some experience as auto mechanic,
6 years in parae. Don Dean, 163 16th
st. Main 4933.
MAN, 40, active, clean, capable doing hall,
bed room, kitchen, dining room, janitor
work, etc., wants place In hotel or board
ing house, city or country. AB 275. Ore-
RESPONSIBLE truck drivers, experience
unnecessary ; investment of $500 re
quired; steady employment; salary $150.
Inquire Your Transportation Lines, inc.,
5 Gllsan st.
1 WAN T a position as Jog scaler; will
work In either Oregon or Washington ;
have had long experience ; let me hear
t aa soonas pobsible. AG 205, Oregonian.'
ROOFS repaired at any tine. rain or
nine, ail work jruaranteed; eave troughs
cleaned. Portland Roof Repair & Paint
Co. Main 6320.
MARRIED man wishes position as truck
driver or teamster; well acquainted
with the city ; drive all makes. N. A.
A!!ard. 300 Vancouver ave. Phone 327-7S.
BEAUTIFY your home with my landscape
gardening, shrubbery, rose bushes and
buibs. planted now for early spring
flowering. Woodiawn 4123.
EX-SOI.DIER. experienced delivery man,
would like ro contract for light deliver
ies with his own car. H 2S7, Orego
nian. YOUNG MAN, ex-service, single, wants
work; will accept any kind of manual
labor. Phone Main 27ft. from 12 to 1
1' .V.. nsk fur Victor Taompson.
li A U LING contract wanted for 5-ton
I'ai'ka rd trucks rand, p ravel, lumber or
anything Stenstroni Eros. (no sales
man ) Main 7 157. t; Broadway st.
PRINT K R All - around country printer
(except machine), non-union, wants four
to ejfcrht weeks' work. H.. L. Almon.
Philomath, Oregon.
M IDDLE-AGED man, single, neat, good
appearance. ueair-s work of any kind;
long in city, trustworthy, reiiable. AF
23. t, oregonian.
ing afternoon wishes to get work in
forenoon, auto driving, washing1 or any
thing: best references. Call East 2"SS.
Oi-TICK position wanted; experienced in
ban king, insurance, also some in auto
mobiie and i'arm implements. Telephone
Woodiawn 412$.
STATIONERY salesman wishes position,
outride or inside work; wiil consider
other line. C -'68, Oregonian.
AM THOROUGHLY familiar with city;
have Ford touring car. Can you use
me? Address AB 260. Oregonian.
YOUNG man, 3 years' experience, wants
garage work, day or night; don't mind
hours: references. F 252. Oregonian.
PRUNING, landscaping, lawns made or re
paired; work, guaranteed. Main 1602.
Main 613.
FH ONOORAPH repairing by expert. All
makes; work called for and delivered ;
prices reasonable. .Sell wood 1550.
YOUNG MAN, ex-service, married wants
position; willing to do anything. Phone
Sellwood 3447.
LICENSED chauffeui. ex-service man,
wants position; will work for board; age
23, drive any car. A J 274. Oregonian.
YOUNG man with good habits wishes po
sition driving car. Aut. 225-74 morn
mga. MARRIED man with motorcycle wants
work, special packages delivered. AH
257. Oregonian.
YOUNG man wants position In jeweler's
store ; seme experience in repairs. AJ
-11, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED orchard man wishes to
take charge, or rent on shares. AE 224,
CARPENTER, new or repair work, large
"r Biiia.ii iuu, -j(.imaiea cneerruiiy given.
AN HONEST Japanese scnooi boy 18 years
old, wants position; speaks little Ene
lish. Phone Tabor 1474.
WANTED Work by young man, 23; am
handy with tools, .work in machine shop
or factory. A 207, Oregonian.
JAPANESE, 39 years old. student, wants
work after school and Saturday. M 126
UK I Ota 1ST, 14 years' experience, not reg
istered, desires position in city or coun
try. BP 217, Oregon ia n .
WANTED Roofs to repair and gutters to
clean. Satisfaction guaranteed. Chester
V. Nutting. Tabor 1715.
( OOD experienced Japanese wishes a posi
tion as commission salesman among
Japanese. A K 290. Oregonian.
A MARRIED Filipino. neat appearing
man would Tike to work for pri ale
family as driver. AN 250, Oregonian.
WILL take contract cutting wood tor
clearing land Jf comfortable living place
i piovidVd. L 134. Oregonian.
YOUNG MAN, 20, attended college, wants
work w here one may advance BF ''01
FIVE first-class practical plumbers want
Kal -i"" r Inaii rtsnable charge
MARRIED man needs job. most any thing
Prfi rr d ranch or city; no children. K
.0, Oregonian.
YOUNG Japanese, boy detires position as
school boy in a nice family. K 251 Ore
gonian. WALL PAPER cleaned so aa to look like
new; satisfaction guaranteed. Louis E
Nero. Phone East 7927.
WANTED Reliable housekeeper For gen
tleman on farm near Portland. $20 a
month. AV 7S3, Oregonian.
PAINTING, tinting, papering, good work
reasonable. Sfellwood 1 :!!.
UNION pianist desires work with orches
tra. X 152, Oregonian.
PAINTING, tinting, mirror silvering, metal
p;ating.J30 Firat gt. Phone Wdlu. 0oA4.
EN HELP 203 STARK ST. M. 1548.
MAN WITH good education desires po&T
tion with law firm. A L 2rt0. Oregonian.
SALESMAN, with car, wants position, city
or outside territory. BF 280, Oregonian.
WANTED By carpenter any kind of re
palr or new work. Phone Aut. 519-36.
FIX IT Carpentering, repairs, Jobbing aU
V'nds; quick tervice. Call Wdln. 6018.
M AN with truck desires hauling of all
kinds. Call East 8620.
PLUMBING done reasonably by hour or
Job at right price. Tabor lllft.
POSITION by experienced middle-aged1
man, janitor or watchman. Tabor 8145.
YOUNG Japanese boy wishes position home
as school boy. Broadway 272.
CARPENTER, rough or finish, day or con
tract ; reasonable. Wilson, 92 N. 3d.
YOUNG man wishes employment any kind
for evenings. O 2S8. Oregonian.
Reasonable estimates. Auto.
PAINTING, paoerhanginj? and tinting:
good work, reasonable. Tabor 4367.
POSITION as chauffeur with private fam".
tly, now employed. Marshall 57o2.
4 FILIPINOS wish house or janitor
work. Phone 517-8IV
FIRST-CLASS bridge and structural drafts
man. C. I Smith. 173a East 11th St.. city.
STEADY, reliable man win work for board
and room. AG 22H. Oregonian.
ACCOUNTANT wishes spare, time work
labor (Oil
Capable young executive who
feels that the time has come to
reach out for bigger things, seeks
connection w ith progressive man
ufacturing. wholesale or retail
concern ; 17 years of widely va
ried experience plus extensive
travel and constructive study have
fitted me for really big work;
12 years in general dry goods,
wholesale and retail, 5 years in
newspaper advertising work, now
directing force of 15 people, in
cluding 7 salesmen ; old enough
to be adaptable and enthusiastic ;
Intensely loyal and a hard
worker; more interested in char
acter of concern I connect with
than in Immediate earnings,
though will expect reasonable com
pensation; I can inject "pep"
into your sales force and put
pulling power into your advertis
ing and correspondence. May I
not have an Interview? Address
V 258, Oregonian.
STEADV, reliable man will work for room
and board in private home; references if
required. K 25(1. Oregonian.
WANThU By young man. 22 years old.
work in restaurant or cafeteria. Phone
Tabor 1000. '
Fl RST-CLASS filer and sawyer wishes
work, capable of operating mill. Broad
way 4 til 5. 405 Davis, room 19.
FOR BRICK mason, chimney, boiler set-
ting, etc., and cement work. Call East
MAN WANTS position as hotel clerk, can
do typewriting. Write general delivery
pos toff ice. Ladhorg.
AN EXPERT pruner. fruit, roses and orna
metrtal. Tabor 1089.
CARPENTER, all work,
Phone Columbia 7-60.
ROOMS tinted, $'i and $4, good work and
satis factlon. Pfton.eM aln 688.
YOUNG Japanese school boy wants posi
t'on. AF 249. Orejtonian.
ELDERLY man would tend furnace for
sleeping room. AK 202, Oregonian.
BAKER'S helper. 3 years experience; ref
erences. Call Sellwood 2103.
CARPENTER, contracting remodeling, re
liable mechanic Broadway 2487.
Bookkeepers, Stenographers, Office.
ACCOUNTANT and bookkeeper, extensive
experience wishes part time work keep
ing books, preparing statements and
income tax reports. Reasonable rates
Satisfaction guaranteed. Main 2178. or
Auto. 234-14.
EXPERIENCED male stenographer! In
voice clerk and assistant bookkeeper
wants employment with out-of-town
sawmill. Permanent. R 2WU, Orego
nian. YOUNG man with 7 years banking ex
perience desires position with bank or
business house. Best references given.
C 2t4, Oregonian.
OFFICE manager, experienced in book
keeping, sales, stenography, systems,
desires responsible position. References.
A 2yi, Oregonian.
Al LOGGING and lumber accountant would
like position January 1. Accurate oper
ating costs. Systematizing. Reference.
A V 777, Oregonian.
ACCOUNTANT, bookkeeper, young, neat,
j capable, available at once : mdse. and
lumber experience; best local references.
S 211. OretsoniaTi. w
EXPERT accountant will audit your booTv
and get your accounts in shape for in
come tax report. East 5298.
CERTIFIED and experienced traffic man
aver wants position with reliable indue
trial hrm. AL 2US. Oregonian.
BOOKKEEPING or other clerical work ;
competent ; temporary or permanent ; in
or out city. A 282, Oregonian.
YOUNG lady wishes position in small fam
ily; am neat, refined, reliable, seldom
out eveniiiKb ; Kood plain cook ; fond of
children ; an excellent assistant in home
where the help is treated with consid
eration; references. L 2UM. Oregonian
WANTED To care for a home, owner go-
party. Can give references or security
ii irquucu. -x nunc ejuoi.
EXPERIENCED woman wishes day work
t, .-..).... it.. ,J .. .. mi... . i .. l'ii -. ,i
1 OUNG C. S. lady, employed, best refer
ences, wishes position aa companion in
C. S. home. Phone East 2010.
WANTED An experienced hairdresser and
manicurist for small town ; best of ref
erences required. O 145, Oregonian.
DEMONSTRATOR desires position,
snail 1U50, room 222, or N 2'J8,
WOMAN able to cook for small hotel to
work for own and husband's board and
room and small wages. 412 N. lUth st.
YOUNG lady music student wishes em
ployment for afternoon; no stenography.
Tabor 8328.
RELIABLE young woman wishes chamber
ma.d work. Mrs. E H. Oiin, Gen Del
LAD Y, with 10 years' experience as sales
lady a Iso a seamstress and alteration,
wishes position. Phone Tabor 1775.
GOOD laundress wants washing about 6
hours. Call Sunday and evenings after
7 only. Broadway 1842.
WOM A N, experienced, wants worK by the
day aa mother's helper. 430 Marguerite
ave. Tabor If 3 8.
YOUNG woman cook wants place to work
afternoons, pastry or cooking. Bdwy.
POSITION as housekeeper where can have
boy. school are: preference to manage
ment apt. East 50'J. room 2o7.
CLOTHES rouKh dried In fresh air or
ironed at home. Main it 132.
WOMAN wishes day work cooking or
housework. Apply O 285, Oregonian.
INITIALS and monograms embroidered.
Call Sellwood 7f-3.
WOULD like to care for children at ho
tels; references furnished. Sell wood lbJ'j.
LAD i' wants house-cleaning, washing, oth
er work; do gotd work. Woodiawn 63U5
MANICURIST, hotel or barber shop7AP
274, Oregonian.
LADY wants work by day. washing, iron
ing.. Wed and Fri. Tabor 18.
A RELIABLE middle-aged lady wlli take
care of children. 30c hour. Bdwy. 2Ko.
EXPERIENCED woman wants day work,
40c hour. Phone Main 5450.
RELIABLE young lady wishes work, will
ing to learn. AN 256, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED girl wishes work In a
dentist's office. Phone Marshall 133.
3-PIECE colored orchestra,
$15. Phone
WORK by day or hour, anything I can do.
Call Automatic 332-23. Mrs. Pours.
LADY with car wants position collecting
for reliable firm. B 2b2, Oregonian.
LADY desires employment by hour or day.
or helper in restaurant. B. 3862.
RELIABLE woman wants laundry w ork
to take home. Tabor 700i.
GIRL wishes position as cashier or an;
swering telephone. P U86, Oregonian.
WANTED---Work by the hour by clean,
capable woman. Phone 236-33.
GIRL wants work by the day or by the
hour. -Marshall 1348.
I COOK and serve Sunday and special
dinners ; references. Marshall Sft.
STRONG woman for houFecIeaning and
cooking; references. Marshall 8nn.
LADY will take (rood care of children
afternoons and evenings. Main 938.
DAY WORK, first three days a week. Call
W'oodlawn 52 f. 8.
YOUNG lady wishes work evenings for
room and board. Tabor 3432.
COLORED woman wants day work. Sell
wood 2020.
EXPERIENCED woman for any kind of
day work. Main 2856, apt. 5.
COLORED girl wants position, private
family, cook. East 7255.
WOM AN wants day work, 50c per hour,
carfare. Woodiawn 5867.
EXPERIENCED lady wishes work cook
ing or genera housework. Tabor 5720.
LADY wants day work, washing or house
cleaning. Tabor 6210.
NEAT woman wishes to care for sick by
day. Broadway 4695. Call room 19.
LAUNDRY work, cleaning, also taking
"care of children. Marshall 3028.
EXPERIENCED chocolate dipper, $25 and
board. 386V4 Morrison st.
EXPERIENCED elevator operator wants
work. Inquire Ansonla Hotel, - room 221.
GOOD colored girl wants chambermaid or
day work. Phone East 7429.
ORDERS taken for high grade fruit cake
anapium puaaing. .Marshall 1360.
RELIABLE cater ess would serve dinners,
lunches all week. Bdvty. 5672. -Apt. 42.
GOOD laundress wish en
day Woodiawn 3046.
5 or 6. hrs. each
DAY WORK cleaning. Eut 2tiL
SOME capital to Invest, ambition, good
education, business experience; these are
the asset of a young woman who wants
a steady position with a growing Al
concern. Give full particulars in first
letter. AC 258, Oregonian.
LADY, educated in France and England,
wishes position in family as governess
to older children or as companion help;
fluent French and English; good needle
woman, light household duties; highest
testimonials. B 260, Oregonian.
A REFINED, neat, middle-aged woman,
no family, would like housekeepers' po
sition for a couple or elderly gentleman
or lady; moderate wages and a fw
home privileges. Al reference. X 266,
UI R.L with some experience in picture
tinting wishes position in studio with
chance to learn retouching; willing to
start with small salary. L, 2o7, Orego
nian. LADY, past middle-age, unincumbered,
wishes light work, neat, economical, city
or country. Address Mrs. A. Sutton,
Silverton. Or.
GIRL capable of meeting public wishes
position in doctor's or flentist's office,
willing to start on small salary. A
2fl:. Oregonian.
LADY, age 25, with nursing experience,
desires position in doctor's or dentist's
office, English and French educa tion,
highest testimonials. B 267. Oregonian.
JjA D Y employed with daughter going1 to
school wishes care of refined gentle
man's home for room, and board. Mar
shall 2544.
LADY wants work in a comfortable home
like, quiet place for a few months with
wages: state all conditions in answer;
references exchanged. J 176, Oregonian.
WANTED By experienced saleswoman,
work in electrical store, with chance for
advancement; a good talker and dem
onstrator. AG 207. Ore gon lan.
WOMAN, experienced cook, wishes posi
tion with family in city or out of town.
Best of references. Call phone 540-30,
or 222 North 16th st.
MIDDLE-AGED woman of education and
refinement, desires position as compan
ion or light housekeeping. C 158, Ore
gonian. STRONG w oman wishes position in any
camp. experienced cook. Large or
small crew. Godd references. Call 2ii2
North 16th st. Phone 540-30.
LADY will care for small children while
mother is away afternoons and evenings,
or as companion to old lady. Bdwy
HOUSE cleaning and Ironing by man and
wife ; references" furnished. Call Sunday
from 9 to 1 ; weekdavs from 6 to 8 P. M.
Call Mrs. Morris. East 2373.
A WOMAN of refinement wishes to go as
companion to woman or child to southern
California; best references furnished. H
175, Oregonian.
MIDDLE-AGED lady wishes care of chil
dren afternoons and even in xs while
mother is absent; best references. Tabor
1530 .
EDUCATED woman, 50, supervising
housekeeper, where servants are keot;
only place of high standing considered.
N 155. OreKonian.
RESPONSIBLE woman will take care of
children afternoons and evenings. Auto.
ELDERLY lady wants housekeeping for
respectful widower, in or out of city;
wa gea f35. P hone Tabor 3SC7.
WOMAN wants position as cook for small
crew of men, 2056 Washington st. Mrs.
Martha Turner.
HAVE had some experience as tailor's
helper, wish position as helper to tailor
or dressmaker. Apt. 25, 60Vi Grand ave.
new. Will cail. 8518.
WILL care for children evenings, while
mother is away; references. Woodiawn
VERY experienced woman wants all round
day work first of week; expert laun
dress. East 2034.
NEAT, kind lady wants to go to Califor
nia as companion with nice lady; rea
sonable wages. Tabor 3266.
POSITION in doctor's or dentist's office;
capable, courteous, curse's training.
Woodiawn 1497.
YOUNG lady desires position as assistant
to dentist or physician. Marshall 1050.
l:oom 2 -'2- BF 207. Oregonian.
ELDERLY woman will exchange work for
sleeping room; must b walking dis
tance. J 281, Oregonian.
WANTED 3 or 4 smalt children to keep
by month at 1653 E. 8th st-. Sellwood
Sta., corner Tenino ave.
TWO YOUNG ladles who play violin and
piano witih a position aiternoons .and
evenings. Main 7086. f
LADY wants any kind of work from i till
3. except Saturdays and Sundays for $9
Monday,- Main 143.
EXPERIENCED telephone operator wants
position on private switchboard. Wdin.
6-t."6 mornings.
PIANIST wants position. Sellwood 2943.
WOMAN wants work by day. Wdln. 700.
Bookkeepers, Stenographer. Office
WANTED Position as stenogra
pher by young lady, 26 year of
age, 3 years' experience; the
success of the firm Is my first
consideration, watching of the
clock or the use of rouge has no
part in my qualifications. ' AK
Oregonian. 1
WANTED POSITION Have had office ex
perience and can do typewriting and
shorthand; am a high school graduate
and have had two years college . work.
P 300, Oregonian.
HIGH -CLASS dressmaking, suits, coats,
gowns; references; workmanship guar
ant6J; 50 cents hour at my home. Mrs.
Sterling. 450 Montgomery st. Phone
Marshall 8.
YOUNG lady with 3 years general otf ice
experience wishes position; can assist
with books and do some clerking. Call
Main 6142;
THOROUGHLY competent bookkeeper and
all-around office lady desires uerma
nent position. Phone Auto. 323-37 after
2 P. M.
CAPABLE office woman wuh k now ledge
of stenography and bookkeeping desires
work half day or until 3 P. M. M 276,
EXPERIENCED ethnographer wit h gen
eral office and filing ability desires po
sition; best of references. Call Wood1
lawn 4752.
WOMAN, experienced in general bookkeep
ing and stenography. good penman,
a.nts position, willing to leave city. C
155, Oregonian.
WIDELY experienced stenographer, com
mercial, insurance, wants haif day po
s. tion; mornings, also copying ,at home.
" W 241, Oregonjn.
YOUNG lady, experienced In general office
work, bookkeeping, desires position; use
svpe writer, etc. ; relerences furnished.
.V ain 4UNU.
girl, thoroughly experienced and capable
of assuming responsibility, desires per
manent position. E 203. Oregonian.
MIDDLE-AiiL'D lady employed part time
w ihes sit ua tion in congenial home to
assist for room and board.
441 1.
W oodlawn
COM PETENT stenographer and office as
sistant ; have recently filled position as
head of billing dept. Call Auto. 511-96.
EXPERIENCED Office girl and switch
beard operator desires position; best ref
erences. Main 5603.
JSXPK RIENCED bookkeeper and stenog
rapher w ishes position, accurate and
rapid, legal work preferred. E. 7283.
CLERICAL work for part day or home
work, first-class references, N 157, Ore
gonian. LAD Y wants clerical work for two hours
each day, good writer; had experience in
bookkeeping. B 263, Oregonian.
COMPETENT young lady stenographer de
sires position at once. Call Broadway
EXPERIENCED stenographer desires per
manent position, first-class reference.
Phone Wooalawn 3668 or 4261.
YOUNG lady with bookkeeping, filing and
cashier's experience, good at figures, de
s i r e s post t i o n. M a in 4tf33 No. 15.
YOUNG LADY capable of stenography
and general office work desires position.
Marshall 4400. apt. 506.
YOUNG lady, teaching experience desires
clerical or office position. D 262, Ore-
AN EXPERIENCED woman wants day
work. Phone East 5703.
WOMAN wishes day work.
matie 6'6-3.
Phone Auto-
W ANTED By young lady, office work or
doctor's office. AM 289, Oregonian.
TIMEKEEPER and payroll cierk desires
position. Main 4086.
YOUNG lady wishes general office work,
half day. Miss Clark. Main 3145.
YOUNG lady experienced in clerical work
wishes position. Call Woodiawn 6203.
Drees m&kers.
EXPERIENCED dressmaker wants work
by day; reference. Woodiawn 4411.
EXPERIENCED dressmaker wants sewing
by day. Automatic 223-58.
DRESSMAKING, ladles tailoring, chil
dren's clothes; reasonable. East 2478.
EVENING gowns, suits and c o a ts made to
order, 627 .Morgan bldg.
I) res ma k era.
FIRST-CLASS dressmaking, tailored work
of all kinds all work neatly done, prices
reasonable. Mrs. Kelly, 752 Vancouver
ave. Aut. 816-06.
LADIES' and children's dressmaking and
tailoring, also alterations; will go out to
sew. Phone Automatic 622-11.
DR&SSES $5 up, alteration reasonable,
guaranteed. Mrs. F. Peters, 805 E. 7th
N. Woodiawn 4601.
DRESSMAKING and ladlea tailoring by
the day: tailoring a specialty. Wood
lawn 2172.
ENGAGEMENTS by day. thoroughly ex
perienced dressmaker, remodeling rea
sonable. Bdwy. 1567.
DRESSMAKING and remodeling, all work
guaranteed. Mrs. C. Richards. 257 Tay
lor street. Phone Marshall 1885.
Central bldg.,
reasonable prices. 311
10th and Alder. Main
RELIABLE dressmaking, fancy and plain
sewing, all kinds of alterations. Shop
375 Taylor.
LONG, experienced dressmaker by day;
alterations, house dresses. East 7665.
MAR. 5170. ROOM 9, 710 WASH. ST.
EXPERIENCED dressmaker.
st. Phone East 5082.
95. E. 12th
" NT dressmaking, plain sewing, or mak
ing over garments. Auto. 227-66.
WXPERIE7NCED dressmaker wishes sew
ing by day. Wdln. 1025. .
DRESSMAKING, alterations,
home. 408 Main. Room 6.
by day or
Mar. 3342.
EXPERIENCED dressmaker, 13 50 a day.
Call Tabor 6205, Sunday or evenings.
DRESSMAKING of all description at 790
Lovejoy, Main 606.
WANTED Plain .sewing, 2.50 per day.
Phone "Wdln. 6389.
FASHIONABLE "modiste late of San
Francisco; $3.50 per day. Tabor 4272.
FIRST-CLASS dressmaking and tailoring
by day. Call Tabor 3213.
DRESSMAKING, plain sewing, by day or
at home. Mar. 6046. v
WANTED Plain sewing and dressmaking.
Broadway 2034. Apt. 25.
PRACTICAL vnurse desires day or night
work in a doctor's office, or matron; can
speak English, Russian and German
Mrs. J. Bend-er, 870 East 13th at North.
Wdln. 301.
OBSTETRIC nurse would like a few cases,
no objection going into the country a
short distance. Phone 561-80, Room 306,
V enable hotel.
PRACTICAL, nurse, - unincumbered, with
hospital experience, wishes patient go
ing south, or will care for child; low
wages; references. AH 256, Oregonian.
PRACTICAL nurse will care -for elderly
people, or convalescents in her home,
special care of diet, best reference, rates
reasonable. Tabor 6188..
PRACTICAL nurse, unincumbered, with
hospital experience, wishes patient go
ing south, or wiil care for child; low
wages; references. AH 256. Oregonian.
PRACTICAL nurse wishes cases; confine
ment specialty. Tel. 844-J, Vancouver,
GRADUATE nurse, stranger In city, would
like cases; best of references; reason
able rates. Phone Main S145.
WANTED By trained nurse in quiet
hime, convalescent invalids or maternity
pnimr.s. 104 E. 76th st. N.
TRAINED and registered nurse wants pos.
In doctors office; M. D. prererrea. Auto
matic 617-24.
GOOD nurse will care for ill or elderly
people or do housekeeping or both. BC
244, Oregonian.
PRACTICAL nurse wants position; care of
invalid or children; reasonable. Wood
lawn 937.
UNDERGRADUATE nurse would like con
valescent patient from hospital. Phone
Wdln. 29T9.
WANTED Small boy, 2 to 5 years, to care
for in my home ; ref. exchanged. J 20 L
NURSE, going to Los Angelea will render
services for consideration. AN 261,
PRACTICAL nurse is available for two or
three weeks. Phone East 877.
WANTED position by practical nurse, best
reference. Tabor 8424.
EXPERIENCED nurse wishes case;
fii'ement preferred. Sell. 2418.
A HOME for 2 little children with gradu
ate nurse, hi. 8186.
EXPERIENCED practical nurse wishes
en g a gements ; best re lerences. Mar. 2328.
PRACTICAL nurse will take care of sick
and do work. Marshall 3028.
PRACTICAL nursing. Columbia 668.
POSITION WANTED By refined widow
laoy with 2-year-old girl, as general
housekeeper and cook on ' farm near
Portland or Vancouver, Wash., for men
folks only. Capable taking full charge,
thoroughly experienced; will cook for
5 or 6 men; permanent place desired if
possible. Will give good service. Want
good wages; nothing but business ans.
considered. Will go any time after
Christmas. AN 239, Oregonian.
WANTED By widow lady past middle
age, position as housekeeper for bache
lor or widower, country preferred. Can
give best of references and will expect
the same. No one only those with good
home' need answer. O 204, Oregonian.
YOUNG woman with l4-year-old girl
wishes position as housekeeper in home
or rooming house. 6404 E. 81st st. S. E.,
corner 64th ave. Phone" Tabor 6760 till
4 Sunday.
WIDOW, middle-aged, reliable and trust
worthy, wishes work aa housekeeper,
would not object to children, or would
cook for small crew of men J Address
D. E. L., Rainier, Or., box C.
REFINED elderly woman, good clean
worker, wants place where she can have
full charge,- where eon can room and
board while tn town, pi asant home more
than high wages. X 260, Oregonian.
WANTED Housekeeping position by hon
est reliable widow. Need money and
home. Phone Main 1375 or write 171
West Park st. Room 22.
SITUATION wanted by & lady as manag
ing housekeeper; experienced with ser
vants and care of children; $15 a week;
t reference. K 253. Oregonian.
HOUSEKEEPING on a ranch or cooking
for a few men, good cook and gopd
housekeeper, can give best of satisfac
tion. AV 791, Oregonian.
RESPECTABLE, neat young widow, with
boy 11, desires position as housekeeper
at once in refined home. Cail Marshall
3388. apt- No. 3, after 0 A. M.
NEAT lady wants to keep house for 1 or
2 men, no children; good home more
than wages; city or country. E. 280,
Oregonian. "
MIpDLE-AGED lady wishes position as
housekeeper in ci ty or country ; do not
object to children ; good worker. Mrs.
Viola Patterson, Winchester Bay, Or,
HOUSEKEEPING by widow with 3-year-old
boy for widower or bachelor, or cook
for small crew of men, city or country.
Call or write 221 Grand ave. S.
REFINED trustworthy woman would like
position as housekeeper. Phone East
WIDOW., with boy 11 wishes position as
housekeeper, city or country. Good,
economical cook. 126 Whitaker st.
CAPABLE elderly woman will do satis
factory housekeeping in good home for
living wages. AH 208, Oregonian.
COMPETENT middle-aged taidy wishes
housekeeping in - small family; adults
preferred; fair wages. N 253, Oregonian.
WA NTED Position as housekeeper for
widower by middle-aged widow. Room
314. Goodnough bldg. Main 5950.
YOUNG woman with boy are 9 wishes
position as housekeeper for 2 or 3 xen
tlemkn. H 243. Oregonian. '
WIDOW lady with a small boy wishes po
. sition as housekeeper for widower with
one or two children. P 141, Oregonian.
ELDERLY woman wants permanent
housekeeping, widower's home, in or
near city. V 181, Oregonian.
WI DO VV wishes position as housekeeper
for a gentleman; good home desired. AR
206. Oregonian.
CAPABLE, refined lady desires position
with pleasant people of means.. L 268.
R FINED, middle-aged lady wishes po
sition as companion, willing to assist
with light housework. Pbone Eaet 2173.
POSITION aa housekeeper or care of chll
v. dren; have girl 14 years. BO 220, Ore
gonlan. REFINED middle-aged ldy, alone, wishes
position, housekeeper, in refined widow
er's home. O 143. Oregonian.
YOUNG lady with 2H-yr.-old boy wishes
position as housekeeper for one or two
refined young men. N 150, Oregonian.
WOMAN, with child 10, wants housekeep
ing, city, country. Mar. 3492. 269 Mar
ket st.
RELIABLE woman, good cook and man
ager housework; good references. AJT
2 So. Oregonian.
WOMAN with girl 9 years wishes position
as housekeeper; can give best of refer
ences. Pjione Coi. P34.
DRESSMAKING. ladies' evening gowns a
specialty. 247 N." 12th and Marshall St..
a p l- 8" B radwy 3058.
COMPETENT, neat and capable widow
wilie housekeeping, U Oregonian.
THOROUGHLY competent cook desires
employment in private family. S 277,
CAPABLE Adventist lady with little girl
wants housework. A B 258, Oregonian.
POSITION by experienced cook, $73. J 206.
COMPETENT maid wants position in good
home. J 166, Oregonian.
Ho usee lean ing.
House cleaning, window washing,
carpet cleaning by expert workmen,
floors waxed, furniture polished
188 Chapman st. Phone Main 1157.
Information svnd
Rental Bureau.
Reliable, up-to-date lists of desirable
vacant houses, apartments and fiat
whn definite information pertaining to
Newcomers to Portland will find, this
bureau of great value in hel-ping them
get properly and quickly located.
Eighth Floor.
RESPONSIBLE business man with three
in family wants to rent modern Ave or
six-room house in good neignoornooa ;
win satisfy the most exacting landlord
that property will be given perfect care.
Telephone Main 5280.
WANTED to rent, 6-room house with
garden space, chicken house, etc.. not
too far from car line, or a small farm
near city; 1 will pay $5 to the one who
g;ives me information leading to my
finding suitable place. Call Main 1816,
or Y 158. Oregonian.
WANT 8 or ft-room house in Albina dis
trict, to $5000; wilT trade good grocery
store, doing fine business, invoice about
$4000 : pay difference in cash.
WANTED By Dec. 5 t 10. a 3. 4 or 5
room furnished house, with lights and
bath, near car line, east side, Mt. Scott
preferred. AN 200, Oregonian.
I WANT a 7 or 8-room modern house with
hardw ood floors, west side ; mean busi
ness; give full details and price. P. O.
box 843.
WANTED To rent five to seven-room
modern furnished or unfurnished house
in good location; will buy furniture.
Phone H. R. Eckert, Multnomah hotel.
WANTED TO RENT By couple, a small
modern furnished bungalow with garage,
near car line, with option to buy. Call
Marshall 1687.
WANTED To rent. 4 or 5-room hou&e,
cottage or bungalow, with 3 or more
lots ; caret ui, reuaoie tenants; must do
reasonable rent. L. 133, Oregonian.
WANT to rent small house, 3 or 4 rooms,
furnished or partly, must have chicken
house and some land. Write AF 205,
Oregonian. f
WANTED Furnished house with acre or
more ground suitable for chickens, close
. to car line. C 255, Oregonian.
WANTED by reliab!ecouple with gir7.
5 'or 6-room furnished house near school,
good location. Cafl Sunday East 4134.
WANTED On or before March 1, 5 or 6
room, unfurnished modern house by two
adults; 50x1 CH lot, east side; will lease;
references given. BC 241, Oregonian.
WANTED To rent furnished house or flat,
west side preferred; would buy some fur
niture if reasonable. Broadway 4205.
WANTED To rent at once neat 3. 4 or 5
room furnished cottage with or without
garage, H. M, Tucker. 1034 K. 13th
st. N.
WANTED Unfurnished 6-r. house or flat
or 5-r., with sleeping porch. before
December 15: adults. Call Sell. 3306.
FURNISHED house, by responsible par
ties, best of references. Phone Tabor
Sir, 3.
COUPLE want furnished iiouse; will take
good care; best reference East 6834.
COMFORTABLE cottage at Seaside
Christmas week. Tabor 3838.
WANTED To rent, small house on Port
land Heights. T 243, Oregonian
Apartments. T-
2 OR 4 ROOMS, furnished, "apt. or flat,
Jan. 1. by 'responsible couple with 8-year-old
boy. Address F. T. Sullivan,
Multnomah hotel.
WANTED Apartment or 2 or 3 rooms.
reliable couple, furnished or unfurnished,
bt f ore the 15th; clean and quiet. Main
S.MALfj. outside, warm, furnished apt. or
housekeeping room by young couple.
Call Main 2010 between 1 and 3 P. M.
WANTED by couple, small apartment,
housekeeping rooms or furnished house.
AJ 260, Oregonian.
WANTED 10 or 12-room vacant house.
Phone East 727.
YOUNG man wants room in private fam
ily, walking distance west side, that will
Instruct me in English evening lessons.
231 4 Market st., A. B. Chran.
WANTED by young man. room; must be
near Sacramento and Union ave.; would
like it modern aa possible. Phone
East 546. .
CITY -gentleman wa nts bedroom, private
family; walking distance. Phone Main
WANTED A good large comfortable fur
nished room, by young man. A lo3 Ore
gonian. 4
OR 5-ROOM furnished or unfurnished
flat. A 158, Oregonian.
Rooms With Board.
MAN WITH 4-year-old boy wants board
and room tn private family; prefer C. S.
home with young widow who can give
motherly care to boy. Phone Broadway
YOUNG man attending Adcox auto school
would like room and board in exchange
for work before and after school. Ray
mond Way. Wasco at. and Union ave..
cate Adcox auto school.
REFINED young married couple desires
room and board in private family by
Dec. 15, west side, south, walking dis
tance; must be reasonable. Marshall
YOUNG lady employed, desires room and
board iu private family in Irvington,
close to 10th and 3Iultnomah preferred.
Phone Mai
n 7632. fefter 1:30. .References
X 241. Oregonian.
WANTED By two young ladies sisters)
by December 35, board and room In pri
vate family, west side preferred ; best
of references exchanged. E 272, Ore
gonian. ROOM and board wanted for party who
has had slight paralytic stroke but is
able to walk about; will pay $50 per
months Call Main 63Q8 Monday.
BOY WANTS -room and board within
walking d (stance of Jefferson ; could do
some work for part pay. Call Wood
lawn 5964.
YOUNG couple employed wish room and
board in a modern home where home
privileges can be enjoyed and 5-year-old
stM can have very good care. Tabor 8606.
WIDOW, employed, m-ith two children, 2
and 4 vears. aesires a nome witn woman
who will care for children. X 284, Ore
gonian. YOUNG LADY, employed, desires room
and board with private family. Rose
City Park preferred. F 211. Oregonian.
YOUNG LADY desires board and room in
family with home prlveleges, west side
preferred. AM 206. Oregonian.
MOTHER. employed, with daughter
school age. want board in modest home
near school. S 218, Oregonian.
YOUNG man, steady ,to work for room and
board a few hours a day; going to school
at night. Room 83, Hood hotel.
ROOM and board In refined home by moth
er and young son, where child will be
cared for -during day. Woodiawn 1497.-
YOUNG LADY (Veslres board, room, con
genial family, home privileges. AM 05,
GENTLEMAN desires nice room and hoard.
E 172, Oregonian.
Housekeeping Roornft.
WANTED Steam-heated H. K. room,
close in. reasonable, bv all-winter ten
ant: single; refs. if desired. BJ- 256.
Oregonian. -
WANTED Unfurnished 2 rooms with
kitchenette or 1 room and kitchenette
.with'sleeping porch. Call Marshall 3SG2.
J. R. Moffatt.
GENTLE M AN wa nts furnished room or
apartment. X 262, Oregonian.
Business Places.
Building suitable for automobile repair
shop; might pay equipment of going shop
if priced right. Prefer residence district.
BF 2:6, Oregonian.
WANTED To rent a small warehouse on
ground floor, suitable for wholesale busi
ness, cigars and tobacco : or will share
warehouse with responsible party. Call
Tabor 559.
SMALL store building, suitable lor candy
Business Placet).
WANTED to rent store and warehouse;
permanent location, at least 1 0Ox 1 X ft.,
with privilege of expansion; trackage
and nearness to retail trade desirable;
specify in full; decide Tuesday. AE 732
WANTED to rent, small store building in
the suburbs, suitable for confectionery
or grocery; living rooms in rear; rent
not over $20. Q 254. Oregonian.
COUPLE desire nicely furnished heated, 3
to 5-room flat December 30, close in.
W. S. Best of tare. V 234, Oregonian.
WANTED To rent. furnished fiat or
house, walking distance, where can
make my rent, X 154, Oregonian.,
Furnished Rooms,
Eaat Morrison at. at East Sixth.
The principal east side hotel, digni
fied and refined; 4-1.25 per day &nd up.
$6 per week and up.
112 N. Sixth, 2 blocks of depot.
$1 per day, $5 per week and up.
Hot and cold water, steam heat.
Free phone and bath.
Fifth and Washington Sts.
Attractive rates to permanent guests.
Commodious suites for families.
ROOMS for rent, walking distance. to busi
ness center, west side, well furnished,
clean, quiet place, furnace heat. 20S
17th st.
FURNISHED rooms for one or two gen
tlemen. Nob Hill, 21st and Johnson
sts. Phone Broadway 46S3.
HOTEL ARTHUR, 170 llth st. Nice mod
ern, clean rooms, at transient and per
manent rstes
HOTEL OCKLEY, Morrison at Tenth
Rates $1 a day up; wekly, $3 up; free
phone and baths.
ST. PAUL HOTEL, 130 4th St- Clean,
respectable, modern; transient. 91 up
Rates to permanent guests.
$1 DAT, $2.50 week up; clean, baths free
Hotel Cadillac. Third near Jefferson.
ONE NEAT. warm, sleeping room for rent.
1O0 North ISth st.
FURNISHED rooms for rent, walking dis
tance. 306 V Montgomery.
Unfurnished Rooms.
IN MODERN home, attractive living room
with fireplace. Sleeping porch, dressing
room. bath. use ot amine: room and
breakfast room with kitchen privileges.
THREE rooms, pantry and toilet, use of
wood heater and gas plate; electricity
and water, also phone; good car service;
ground floor. 4119 47 th ave. S. E.
Sellwood 16bl.
2 LARGE rooms In heart of business dis
trict, good for any line of business or
housekeeping rooms. 264 Alder st.
WANTED Christian young woman room
. mate, comfortable front room, all con
veniences; $3 per week. 341 Harrison.
ONE UNFURNISHED room with closet.
walking distance. 7.o0 per mon th.
' E. Sth st. South. Phone East 016.
THREE large, pleasant rooms, semi-modern;
white house; 1 block eaat Jennings
lodge station.
FOUR unfurnished rooms for rent.- Phone
East 1748.
10 PER MONTH, 3 basement rooms.
walking distance. 537 Montgomery st.
Furnished Booms in Private Family.
LA ROE? front room, furnished or unfur
nished, all modern conveniences. 65S
East Broadway. Phone East 324.
FURNISHED room for rent in a private
family; walking distance to town, 3u3
Cook avenue. Williams.
688 LOVEJOY ST. Nicely furnished room.
modern conveniences; references ex-
VERY ATTRACTIVE. well furnished
large room, with porch. 343 13th st.
Marshall 3042. References.
IRVINGTON or Broadway cars; elegant,
large room for one or two gentlemen,
with or without board. East 2462.
2 LARGE rooms in private family ref
erences exchanged. Gentleman pre
ferred. Auto. 236-21.
LIGHT front attic room, furnished, in
modern home, breakfast In room if de
sired, $18 month. 141 North 22d.
NICELY furnished rooms, close In, vea
sonablej'all home privileges. Mar. 3462.
7'H v Hoyt.
4 ROOMS, upstairs, kitchen furnished,
radiantflre heat, electric, bathroom;
adults. 1201 Herby st.
DESIRABLE, convenient sleeping room to
people employed; new. 341 11th; abjo
FURNISHED front room, reasonable, walk
ing distance. 401 Montgomery, between
14th and lotn sta.
NICELY furnished sleeping room, reason
able. In private home, east side. Rose
City Park car. East 70i5,
COMFORTABLY furnished room in a
swell private home, suitable for young
man. Price $15. 71 Trinity place.
COSY room in nice 5-room apartment for
party employed during day; rent reason
able. Phone Bdwy. 3493.
COMFORTABLE sleeping room for gen
tleman. Close to car barns. 820 E.
" Pine. cor. 26th st.
COMFORTABLE front room for congenial
man, close Multnomah club. Marshall
3295, evenings.
COM FORTABLE room for gentleman,
walking distance, $14 a month. 508 E.
Couch, near 10th. East 8400.
BEAUTIFULLY furnished room in private
modern Irvington home for business man
or woman; references. Phone E. 6422.
LA D Y wishes to rent room with break
fast In new bungalow in Alameda Park.
Garage convenient. Woodiawn C727.
YOUNG lady employed, to share furnished
house with two girls, equity $20. East
7061. nOM East oak.
VACANT Monday Steam
furnished front room,
12th, apt. 1.
heated, nicety
next bath, 205
REASONABLE Large. attractive room.
Ail modern conveniences. Near business
district. East 17S5.
NICE room In private family on East 28th
st., near car barn : all the privileges of
home. Call East 1003 before 12 Sunday.
NICELY furnished room near 22d and
Kearney; $15 per month. Apply at
709 Kearney.
FURNISHED room in private family, fur
nace heat, bath and phone; references.
Phone East 155.
2 LIGHT housekeeping rooms and one
sleeping room 140 E. 34th st.. after 1
P. M.
CLEAN single housekeeping room. $22.50.
120 N. 18th st.
LARGE room, well furnished, block to
car. 790 Lovejoy.
NICELY furnished front room to rent
reasonable. 410 2d st.
LA RGB front bedroom, suitable for two.
Close in, west side, furnace. Main 9308.
SLEEPING rooms, modern, private family,
close in. 15 East 9th and Ash.
FOR RELIABLE business wbman, room In
steam-heated west side ap Mar. 5730.
FRONT room for rent. 4S3 Union ave.
North. Call East 1 603.
FRONT room with fireplace, also small
room, young men, 160 N. 21st et.
ROOM suitable for one or two gentlemen.
42S Harrison st.
SLEEPING room for rent; home privileges.
452 5th St.
FOR RENT Nice home like room for one
or two gentlemen. 414 Salmon st.
TO GENTLEMAN Portland Heights. Tel
ephone Main 7955.
NEWLY furnished room, private home.
Overton St.. near 21st. Main 5046.
FURNISHED room, with use of kitchen.
401 Montgomery, between 14th and 15th.
LARGE pleasant steam heated bedroom.
240 E. ICth st. Phone E. 472.
NICE large front room for two gentle
men. 201 W. Park.
FURNISHED sleeping room for rent. Good
location. Pbone Tabor 7225.
SLEEPING rooms, light and clean. 855
Couch St., right off Broadway.
SLEEPING room in strictly modern apt.
CarmeliLa apt., 104 13ih and Jeff. sts.
FURNISHED rooms reasonable; gentle
men only. 18S N. 21st st.
1 HEATED room with breakfast. In Irv
ington home. Call East 5028.
ROOM in good home for gentleman; stove
heat if desired. 566 E. Madison st.
NICE front room for rent; young man;
reasonable. East 4454. .
NICELY furnished sleeping room, close In,
west -Me. Main 1356. '
STRICTLY modern rooms for rent. 440
E. 46th st. Ny half block from car.
ROOM for gentleman,
reasonable. 289 13th.
all conveniences;
i69 14TH ST. Choice room, modern, con-'
veniences. walking distance.
WELL-FURNISHED room, furnace heat,
walking distance. East 1269.
ROOMS for rent. 427 Clay. Mar. 954,
Furnished Rooms in privaTe Family.
IN - BEAUTIFUL Irvington home, very
large, well-heated front room, two ex
posures, garage, perpetual hot water,
one block from Broadway, finest loca-
' tion, email adult family, one or two
gentlemen. East 1200.
For man or woman employed, single
front room, four windows, furnace heat,
comfortably furnished, privileges of the
house, breakfast if desired, references
exchanged. Main 5739.
A R EH AB LE young couple can live for
$45 a month if willing tc share a good
home with adults, where wife will as
sist with housework and be a companion.
Cail Tabor 197.
LOVELY furnished rooms near Good Sa
maritan hospital, suitable for 2 nurses
in a room; all conveniences; quiet place
and a home. 703 Northrup st. Tele
phones. TO RENT Nicely furnished front room
in private family for one or two gen
tlemen, homelike and comfortable, all
conveniences, garage also if desired. Ta
bor 1346.
ATTRACTIVE large heated front rpom In
private family, 18 minutes out, 2 car
lines, in restricted 'district, for 1 or 2
ladies; breakfast and dinner; no other
boarders. Woodiawn 1176.
DESIRABLE room for business or pro
fessional woman in steam-heated, first
class apt., walking distance; references.
Marshall 2402.
FOR RENT To responsible parties, two
furnished rooms ; home privileges, use
cf piano; near Multnomah club, walking
distance. Main 6-s4.
NICELY turnishfd room, well heated,
within 5 minutes walking distance of
business center; suitable for two gen
tlemen. 38 N. 23d.
CLEAN, nicely furnished room, near
Multnomah club. Suitable for one or
two ladies or gentlemen employed. Au
tomatic 516-54.
NICE clean front room, first floor, com
fortably furnished, modern conveniences.
Gentleman preferred. References ex
changed. 408 College St.
A WELL- FURNISHED room to an em
ployed lady who wishes home comforta
and kitchen privileges; rent reasonable.
727 E. 72d N, Rose City Park car.
COSY, warm room, alcove, suitable for
two young men; breakfast and evening
dinner if desired; references. 414 Mar
ket st.
3 NICELY furnished rooms in private fam
ily, centrally located, for gentlemen;
references required. Apply 161 14th st,
corner Morrison.
FOR RENT Nicely furnished room fox
gentleman in Quiet family. r.20i-j Couch,
between 15th and 16th. Phone BJwy
A LA RGE, comfortable room. modern
conveniences, close in, east side; $10 per
monin. leiepnone tast I i t.J.
NICE front room suitable for man and
wife anyone room suitable for 2 men.
Call East 4127.
OUTSIDE furnished room, heat, hot water,
housekeeping privileges, walking distance-
Phone Main 40U5
LA RGB front rooms. heat. hot watpr.
bath; near car and garage; kitchen priv-
uet?pR, Manor js Kloral avenue.
NICELY furnished room for gentleman,
references Plenty heat, hot water, tele
phone. Fast 3 5 IKS.
Rooms YVitli Hoard.
Two of the best-known residential
hotels on the Pacific coast
American plan, with or without bath,
S2.50 a day up; rates by day or xnonto.
Meals served to transients.
NORTONIA HOTEL. Portland's downtown
b lgh -class faiJi hotel ; rooms en suit
or single, with or without board, for
f ami. lea and business men and women.
We give you ail the comforts of a itii
Rat onab'e rates.
JEANNE D'ARC Furnished rooms with
or without hoard, for busine g iris and
lady tourists, permanent or transient.
Special features within the limitation
of the minimum wage earner; $J per
week and up. 265 J 4th st. Ma in 4119.
NIC E room and good board In private
family. hoine privileges, 10 minutes'
walk to business district, 2 preferred. 273
14th st S.
3S0 Tenth St. For business girls and
students ; reasonable rates. Mar. 1251.
ROOM and board for business girls ; all
modern conveniences, walking distance,
J5 per week. Auto. 219-74. 12 E. 7th st.
ROOM, hot and cold water, steam heat
table board ; w alking distance. Main
6HS1. 332 10th st.
452 MORRISON, cor. 13th. Choice rooms
and board; modern convenience; walk
ing distance.
HEREFORD HOTEL. 735 Hoyt st.
ffont room with bath, touay.
ROOM and hoard for two gentlemen or
ladies who will share room. 349 Hall st.
IN PRIVATE home, all home comforts and
Rooms With Board Jn Private Family.
IRVINGTON Beautiful large rooms, sleep-in-
n iH 1 'J. A joiiIo xrnLmnl
board; laundry privileges, garage. East
ROOM and board In beautifully furnished
private nom, uilui tor hduhviuoii
couple em ployed; no other boarders
Tabor 7020.
LARGE front room with fine view of
river, with 2 meals, in cnarminp w mam
ette Heights home, one or two gentle
m en. $45 or $S0 per month. Mar. 746.
LARGE front bedroom In private nume,
nicely furnished ; modern conveniences;
good car service; gentlemen only. Auto
matic -30-07.
PORTLA ND nursery tn Irvington, under
supervision or graduate nurse, ooaru
children by week or day, also cared for
by the hour. East 7016.
T .A r v will board and room and give
monthly care to 1 or 2 boys or girls in
private modern home ; 2 blocks from
Couch school. Marshall o023.
MOTHER of girl 4 years oid wiil care in
her comfortable home for child. Hest of
character references given. 727 E. 72d
N. Rose City car.
ROOM, well furnished, with or without
boa rd, for young persons employed or
business man. rtiona wain. jiiu.
WANT children to board, good1 home and
mother's care; 2 blocks from school.
Cook ave.,
rent, ffentlemen preferred
near Williams. Woodiawn
NEATLY furnished room with board for
gentleman; walking distance; private.
564 Hoyt et. Broadway lOhn.
FIRST-CLASS board and room, privs te
home, west side; 2 men employed. $16
per week. 5G0V 5th street.
ROOM and board near S. P. shops. Hu3
Haig st., between E. 15th and 16th.
Phone Sellwood 3465; men only.
REASONABLE) room and board for 1 or
2 gentlemen; home privileges. Call after
1 P. M., 331 Market.
ROOM and board in refined home, west
ide. walking distance; home privileges.
Main 4462.
TWO FINE rooms with board, private
family, near Multnomah ciuh, for four
men. 231 Nartiila st . Marshall 2302.
BOARD and room, home cooking, modern
home, walking distance. 330 Halsey et.
E. 5560.
HAPPYLAND cottage, specializes in board
a nd care of children. tsell wood 1665.
fd bt. S. E.
NICE room, with board in Laurelhurst
home for 1 or 2 gentlemen. Phone
TAKE care of child under 3 years, best
of care. Sellwood 1352.
FURNISHED rooms for rent. 7S0 Corbett
st. Marshall 722.
GOOD room and board, couple employed,
or single; homelike. Woodiawn 2349.
PRIVATE home for children, day, week or
month. 714 Everett. Marshall 2162.
ONE LARGE double room with board. 407
Ciav st. Tel. Main 3S34.
LARGE room with breakfast and dinner,
in modern home. Tabor 1121.
ROOM board, private home. 371 Larch St.,
Ladd Add. East 5002.
A BOY or giri, room and board. Tabor
WANT two young men to room, and board;
comfortable home; west siae. Mar, -bits.
ROOM and board.
East 7419.
635 East HLh at, N.
A HOME for two little children with
graduate nurse. E. 61S6.
BOARD and room, good location, walking
distance, reasonable. asii.MJ5.
ROOM and board. $0 week, home privileges.
S04 Commercial st.
ROOM and board, reasonable.
Couch st- Phone East 80i9.
FOR ROOM and board at reasonable rate
phone Auto. 310-36.
CHOICE room. 2 meals if desired; home
privileges; waiKing aistance. tast
LARGE room with breakfast and dinner.
In modern home. lanor 1 1 1 .
CHILDREN receive good care In home of
refined, responsible woman. fceii. 2773.
ROOM and board. 574 Ladd ave., near
K. 12th ana Hawthorne, Last 0145.
Rooms WH h Hoard in Pri vm te Fain i I y .
A LARG E front room, large closet, near
bath, hot water all the time, walking
distance Irvin-ton carline; suitable for
two. Phone Eaat 5715 between & and
ROOM with board. Young ladies only.
Refined. ho me -like place, excellent
meals, steam heat, all conveniences, laun-
dry privileges. Large front room for 3
now vacant. 567H Olisan. Bdwy. 243 S.
ROOM and board; modern home for young
man; willing to share room w ith con
genial young man; separate beds; rva
gonable rates Phone Mar. 2781.
ROOM and board for 2 gentlemen In
Laurelburst home. If you are looking
for something out of the ordinary se
this. 1002 E. Flanders, Auto. 223-23.
LARGE front room with board, suitable
for man and wife; also room suitable for
two men with board. East 4127. 621 East
Stark st.
ROOM and board for refined young gen
tleman $ homo privileges; modern con
veniences, walking di.Lance. 710 jE
Furuiohed A port me nts.
Lovely furniture, strictly modern 4
rooms, no better in Portland; you'll like
It when you see it. We have Just fin
ished fixing up and making new. "The
Columbian," llth and Columbia. Phone
Main 1011.
Fifth and Columbia Streets.
Five minutes' walk to Meier & Frank's
store ; good surroundings, strictly ..mod
ern, 2 and 3 -room furnished apts., out
side, with French doors and balcony.
Permanent and transient.
Elegantly furnished, frent. light, airy
room and bath for refined bachelors ;
also lovely suite and single rooms for
bachefbrs or ladies employed. References
required. Mar. 230.
Party leaving town.
To sublet for three months or winter,
lovely 3-room apt. and bath, partly fur
nished ; 10 minutes' walk to Broadway
and Washington; 60 a month. BJ yi.
WILL sublet my well and personally fur
nishe4 exceptionally large 4-roora. apt.
to elderly couple; best west-side loca
tion; 75. References required. B 17U.
3-room furnished apt. with 3 Jw ap
pearing beda and an outside balcony j
adults only. Call Main 3SS3. Price J SO.
NICELY furnished 2-room apartments,
kitchenette and private bath ; easy
walking distance; S37.50; 24 E. 8th. st.
N. Phone Eat 8472.
WANTED Employed lady to share inex
pensive apt., went side, walking dis
tance, C. S, preferred. Mar. 56, lira
R y 1 a n d .
WANTED Young lady to share small fur
nished house 'with employed young lady.
For interview call at room 203 city bail.
Marshall 4100. Local 103.
FOR RENT A nicely furnished apartment
with garage. For further information
call Tabor 73S.
VERY desirable furnished apt.. $30; also
sleeping room, basement, $10; walking
d i s t a u ce. 30 3 W. Park. Marshall 50S.
$40 THREE rooms. 2 closets, bath, newly
furnished; no other roomers; walking
distance. 615 East Couch t.
BUSINESS woman wishes to share apart
ment with other business woman. Main
3 ROOMS, partly furnished. 12- 1010 K.
Everett and 76th St., 1 block south MV
YOUNG Catholic man to share apartment,
one who does not smoke. R 14U, Ore
gonian. IONIAN COURT, 18th and Couch sts. 4
room modern furnished apt.. $i0. adulta
Phone Broadway 2761. Reference.
3-ROOM furnished apartment, steam heat,
free phones, 27th and Pnndy blvd. ; 1
block from 2 car lines. 843 Nelson st.
FURNISHED 2 -room apartment in ex
chantte for Janitor service. Lincoln
Apartments. 4th and Lincoln.
ATTRACTIVE apartment and rooms, un
furnished or partly furnished; walking1
distance. East 7014.
ATTRACTIVE, furnished five-room apart
ment. Nob Hill district ; adults only.
Mar. 1854.
2-RM. APARTMENT. 1 single room. 469
Jet ferson-J eannette Apts.
BACHELOR apt., 5 rooms, rooms taken
care of. 713 Kearney. Main 15C3.
UNION AVE. andK!UIngsworthJ 1 23.,
all complete; concrete building.
2-ROOM apartment. Heat, light Zud g4
$32. 341 Harrison.
FOR RENT One 2room apartment, ilar-
shall 102
DCXXISON APTS.. 10271. Belmont; 1 fi
room apt., furnished.
ONE-ROOM apartment with. private batn.
Heat: $35. 745 Hoyt.
2-ROOM apt., nicely furnished, 422 Jef
ferson. Main 6746.
FINELY furnished apt.. $62; adults only.
705 E. Salmon.
ROOM and board in private family for
lady employed. Wdln. 424 5.
2-ROOM apt. In modern apt. bldg.
4730. 274 N. 21st St.
V it furnished Apartments.
16th and Montgomery Sts.
Very attractive new 5-room auart
ment. white enamel wood work, ria-rd
wood floors and French doors. These
apts. have high elevation and beauufui
view of the mountains.
PORTLAND HTS. apartment, 5 rooms,
steam heat, fireplace, Janitor service;
rent $100; no cliuixen; references ro
aul red.
glO Cham. Com. Bldg. Main 302g.
FIVE-ROOM apartment ivory finish, ons
of the best In city, hardwood, floors;
rent $35; must buy hangings, almost
new; bargain. Address box O 273. Ore
FOR RENT Unfurnished apartment in
Laurelhurst. llKxJ Holliday ave. at S3d
st.. 4 rooms and bath, with tea .t and
water; $5.
NEW TWO-ROOM apt. Rents $22.50 and
$25. Apply b53 Dckum ave. Take
Wdln. car.
THREE-ROOM apt unfurnished, team,
heat and private bath. $35 per mofti-.
Corner of 2Hh and Upshur at.. 875.
UN F U RN 1 SH ED apartment," 3 rooms said
bath, t o2. 50. Corner Park and Hail.
Main 7375.
THTtEE uuXurnished rooms, modem con
veniences, fine for 2 persons. 444 Horn
street, cor. Dupont.
ATTRACTIVE unfurnished 3-room apt,
with sleeping balcony, to nice, Quiet
couple; vry clean. 317-07,
UNFURNISHED 2-room apt., new. clcaj
light; first floor; Phone Tabor 9373.
5ROOMS, modern. 10 mln. walk tt busi
ness center. 601 GHsan st.
4 and 5-room modfern flat, hard-snrfaea
street, fv. Morrison, near 30ih Terms.
Thone Tabor 8H50 or
TAGGART BROS., 1102 Ppaldlnj? bid.
6-ROOM modern flat. Hawthorne; rent
$30; immediate possession to party buy
ing linoleum, stove, table,' carpet, water
heater; total $150; call between. 3 and
4 Sunday. 256 V E. 43d Bt.
12-ROOM house, all sleeping rooms, furni
ture for sale; first-class. $2750, terms.
Smith peter, with Interstate Land Co.,
24S Stark et.
FOR RENT Unfurnished upper flat, four
rooms with kitchenette, modern, rnt
reasonable. 915 E. Kelly. Phone Seil
wood 1073.
FOR RENT 3 modern, partly furnished
rooms, including light and phone; up
per fiat, at 702 E, tKh sL Call at
E. 14th st.
3--ROOM beautifully furnished flat in
cluding 'piano ; 'furniture for ale or wiU
rent. $?5 per month. 147 llth gt.
6-ROOM flat on Sandy for rent, furniture
for 5 rooms complete lor sais. aii
Smlthpeter, Mam w4.
SIX LIGHT, clean roomath; 10 minutes
walk to pobtoiiice; auuits. duo Colum
bia ft.
FLAT, 6 rooms and sleeping porch, gas
heat, n magnificent vfew; vacant soon. $0QL
Strong & Co.. 634 Chamber of Com.
FIVE nice, airy, light rooms, heated,
lights, -as, telephone, furnished. Phone
East 8023.
CHOICE 5-room flat, aduRs, $90.
Kearney st. Marshall oviO.
MODERN 4-room flat at Willbridge. Lat
MODERN 6-room unfurnished flat tor rent.
$ to. 3l Clackamas gt.
FURNISHED lower flat In privata borne.
Call Tabor 1631.
PARTLY f urnifhed Irvington flal tor
rent. 340 E. 16th N. ; adults only.
BACHELOR apt., 5-room flat, rooum taken
care of. 713 Kearney, near 22d.
2 AND 3-ROOM suites, private entrance.
302 Columbia, arter 10 a. al
FnrnUhed Flats.
FOR RENT 7-room flat to party buying
iw sOillA-jtn Main AOML
f !
p.. -