The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, November 21, 1920, SECTION FOUR, Image 61

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Pages 1 to 12
Dramatic Photoplays, Clubs.
Music and Real Estate
V OL. A.A.X1X.
NO. 47
Rue de la Paix Chocolates for Thanksgiving Incomparable! $2Street Floor
Those Thanksgiving, Favors
Judging by the number of these pretty and
unique Thanksgiving Favors which we have
already sold, lots of people are losing no time
in preparing for the dinner and accompanying
festivities. Our immense stock is at its height
right now. Select the ones you want while the
varieties are still Complete.' Street Floor
For Your Thanksgiving Dinner ,
Order your mince and pumpkin pies, fruit
cake, English plum pudding, cakes and pastries
NOW ! Our bakers are busy all the time.
They like to know beforehand just what you
want so they can bake them for youto a queen's
taste. Eighth Floor
Special Thanksgiving Luncheon, 35c
In the Tip-Top Inn, Wednesday, Nov. 24th
consisting of roast turkey with oyster dressing
and cranberry sauce, celery hearts, rolls and
butter, tea or coffee. . ' .
- Eighth Floor
For Other Lipman, WoZfe & Co.
News See
Pages 2 and 3, This Section
eJ "Merchandise of cJ Merit Only"
A Grfeat Sale of 20,000 Yards of Needed White Goods
Exceptional! Imported
Beaded Bags
Every woman who has wanted a
handsome, beaded bag one that would
really stand out as something unusual
but felt she could not afford it, will
be delighted to find these beauties at
$7.50. Made with draw strings and
metal frames rich beaded designs in
rare colorings to ornament the loveliest
afternoon and evening gowns. At
$7.50 they are, unrivaled.
Actual Reproductions
Street FlooT. .
Lipman, Wolfe & Co.
Lovely Silk Nets
Specially Priced
$1.98, $2.65 Yard
Misses will be particularly interested in the dew-drop
silk net -so exquisite for evening gowns in turquoise, pink,
black, yellow, orchid and white. $1.98 yard.
And every woman planning a gown for dinner or evening wear
will wish to see these plain silk nets of finest quality in the most
flattering new shades; 72 inches wide $2.65 yard.
Second Floor- Lipman, Wolfe. & Co.
Our Entire Stock of Silk and Wool
Poplins at Half Price
Choose from the finest weaves in the wanted shades and
save one-half! ' Second Floor Lipman, Wolfe & Co.
Actual Reproductions
An Extraordinary Offering
Novelty Blouses and
Over - Blouses
At $8.75
We wanted a big special , of fering for women to begin
the second week of our gigantic sale; yes, one that would
indeed spell "pre-war prices' to women who know.
We selected many of our most charming blouses; blouses that
were selling for a great deal more; in fact, blouses in style and
quality of material that sold a short time ago for almost twice as much.
-Many attractive styles," fashioned of a fine quality of georgette,
satin or crepe de chine, vivaciously and piquantly made, are included.
They are fetchingly braided and embroidered. Some trimmed with
filet lace or gleaming tinsel. Again, there are many ultra-smart
tailleurs in exquisite shades of Aztec, oriole, bisque, brown, taupe,
navy and jade. ,
Third Floor Lipman, Wolfe & Co.
Including both Imported and Domestic, such as the celebrated
r "Tootals" Plain Voile
At Less Than Regular Prices
; " In Many Instances at About Half - Price
Here is a SALE of sales an event of first importance- an occasion that means money saved and splen
did standard White Goods such as , v
Plain White Voiles, Imported and Domestic; Imported
White Batiste, White Piques, Nainsook and Long Cloths
every yard of which is perfect quality, taken from our regular stock at prices WHICH WE HAVE
Every item is a wonderful special that has not been offered to the public for years.
1 0 Yards Princess Nainsook
$3.90 Piece
- Fine grade, full 36-inch Nainsook, perfectly free from
dressing. This is our regular . Princess Nainsook, which
we ordinarily sell for much more than $3.90.
1 0 Yards Regal Long Cloth
$3.50 Piece
Thirty-six inch, fine, soft-finished Longcloth, free from
dressing; especially desirable for children's wear and night
gowns. Made expressly for Lipman, Wolfe & Co.
1 0 Yards Regal Long Cloth
$4.90 Piece
One of our finest grades fine-combed yarn Longcloth.
Beautifully finished ; 36 inches wide. A wonderful special.
2000 Yards White Voile ' -
at 35c a Yard
A good grade of chiffon finished voile, all taken from
our regular stock, wide selvage edge. Splendid for waists
and dresses, and a truly beautiful grade for curtains ; 39
inches wide. . -
1500 Yards White Vile
at 49c a Yard
Our fine two-ply Voile that has sold for a great deal
more. Fine weave and the correct finish for waists and
dresses; 40 and 45 inches wide.
1 200 Yards Imported Voile
at 98c a Yard
This is the celebrated and world-known "Tootals" plain
Voile, manufactured in England. Every home-sewer knows
the fineness and wearing quality of this voile.
300 Yards Imported Voile
$1.39 a Yard
This is our finest grade imported Voile. A beautiful
quality offered at less than wholesale cost. Popular for
waists and graduation dresses; 40 to 42 inches wide.
500 Yards,45-In. White Batiste
at 69c a Yard
A beautiful soft-finished, sheer, mercerized material.
Much in demand for the making of fine underwear and
also for children's wear. "The very best value in the sale.
1 000 Yards White Pique
at 49c, 69c and 85c a Yard
Three items in White Pique. These include both imported and domestic brand?.
this sale. Desirable for dresses, skirting and also for baby carriage robes.
Second Floor Lipman, Wolfe & Co.
Offered at exactly cost price for
Fine Wool Tricotines and Gabardines
Offered at a Deep Price Reduction
The best tailors for women use just such
fabrics as these; soft, pliable weaves in
suiting weights so plastic that they can be
shaped into just the effect you desire yet
- Second Floor Lipman, Wolfe & Co.
56 Inches Wide
firmly woven of the long-fibered Australian
wool to insure permanent good lines and
longest wear. Navy, brown, taupe, beaver
and black.
Here Is an Amazing Silk Sale!
Offering Such Splendid Fabrics
As Chiffon Taffeta, Chinchilla and Mountain
Creei Satin, Silr Shirting and Others
At Prices Familiar Several Years Ago!
In the first place these are Silks from our regular stock -not a single yard has been bought for sale pur
poses some of them offered at prices that are below today's wholesale cost. Those familiar with silk prices
during the past two or three years will be agreeably astonished at the following reductions : "
35-INCH CHIFFON TAFFETA In ivory, flesh, new
rose, old rose, flame, coral, apricot, sky, orchid, jade,
turquoise, nasturtium, gold, mais, .tan, light gray, pearl,
steel, taupe, Copenhagen, delft, Hague, duck, peacock,
light navy, midnight, brown, myrtle, reseda, plum and
black. Thirty of the very best colors. It will pay
you to make your selection
$1.98 Yd.
SATIN A very new weave ; heavy crepe effect. Dull
on one side and satin finish on the other. Heavy as
wool, soft as crepe, rich as the finest satin; in black, mid
night, navy, seal, medium brown, IZ QC 7V1
taupe, bronze, wine and peacock 00 X UV
printed for kimonos, etc Beautiful tfk -4 "7"y1
new patterns in soft, serviceable silk. J. J S X vl
SILK SHIRTINGS In two weaves jersey and granite
crepe. The ' jersey weave comes, in white with white
satin stripes. The granite crepe,
white ground, with beautiful col- rf -4 Ff "T J
ored stripes . .7 l)X7 X CI
CREPE SHIRTINGS Heavy quality, with beautiful
satin stripes of blue, tan. purple, green, etc ; all fast
colors. They're Christmas specials and at this price
represent a real Christmas 2 35 "Tci
silk and the very prettiest prints we have ever shown.
Dainty designs, popular for lamp shades or linings.
Wonderful new patterns, the kind "3 C 71
you will need for gift-making. . pjmj3 I Q.
Second Floor -Lipman. Wolfe & Co.
A 2tual Reproductions
Beautiful Model Hats
Marked for This Sale at
'a P'lenomenally Lore Price
Hats that will charm you with their smartness, their
originality and rich materials. " -
Each hat is an original creation, expressing the exclusive
ness of all our high-class millinery. In this sale are such
well-known makes as
Joseph Warshauer Coldlor and others
Charming dress hats, made of fine quality Lyons velvet or duvetyn
and velvet combined, piquantly trimmed. The tailored models are
made of the highest grade gossamer hatters' plush in smart shapes,
trimmed tailleur fashion.' In colors, also the popular black.
Every hat in the sale originally "sold for a fourth or a half
more. '- - Third Floor Lipman, Wolfe Gr Co.
Wool Body Leggings
For Infants
A price that represents a saving of nearly a fourth on
every pair a worth-while economy you will agree.
White Knitted Body Leggings, made with or without feet, for
little tots one and two years old.. These are from our regular stock
and offered at this small sum for Monday only.
Infants Wool Hoods Very Special at $ 1 .25
Beautiful Wool Hoods, made with turned-back effect, a strip
of pink or blue wool and a dainty strip of white silk, and silk ties.
Fourth Floor Lipman, Wolfe & Co.
Children's Stamped
Dresses at Half Price
Sizes 2 to 12 Years, Slamped and Ready-made
Made of cotton crepe in pink, chocolate or white, or brown and
tan suede cloth; blue.'lavender and pink gingham; cream art crash.
With a few additional stitches they may be made into beautiful
dresses for the litde girl. Stamped in the very newest patterns;
suitable for gifts.
Stamped Smocks
Special $9.95
Of crepe de chine, in beaver
shade, made up and designs
stamped on sleeves, front and
peplum, for wool and bead embroidery.
Stamped Smocks
Unusual at $2.95
Of cotton crepe, in white or
peach; ready made and stamped
with a simple design for embroid
ery stitches. ' .
Stamped Negligees
Reduced to $4.95
Made of silk and cotton
mixed art cloth; ready made
and stamped with lazy daisy
pattern; can be finished with
wool or silk.
Stamped Smocks
Exceptional at $1.89
Pacific Package Goods at Half Price
. Popular goods, so well known that they need no introduction.
The packages contain the following stamped articles, ready-made
and working cotton: Gowns, Negligees, Novelty Blouses, Shirt
waists, Baby Pillows, Carriage Robes, Gertrudes or Skirts, Rompers
and Children's Dresses.
pink, tan or green art cloth;
ready to wear and stamped for
Wire Lamp Frames
Special at 50c
Of a size suitable for daven
port bases or for table lamps.
Eighteen inches square or fancy
round with scallops ; 16, 18 and
21 inches.
Made of rose crepe,
Select your lamp shade materials and let us teach you to make
a beautiful shade with one of these sale frames. Free instructions .
daily. Fourth Floor Lipman, Wolfe & Co.