THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, NOVEMBER' 21, 1920 19 V V FOB BENT. B3DIW. PORTLAND HEIGHTS HOME FINE VIEW. -Ko. 601 Mountain View drl-re. Tak "C C" car to Pattern road, walk ona block east and one block south on paved street. House will be open Sun day. 12 to 4 P. M-. has three bedrooms and double size sleeping porch. R' $So. immediate possession. After Bun day see agents. . , 260 Oak BEAUTIFUL LAtRELHBRST HOME. Two-tnrv strictly modern i-rm. house v.tth den, sleeping porch and garage, located in best section near park and car. center entrance, oid ivory finish. 40 It. living room, 4 bedrooms, attic. rented and in excellent condition l-o, with long lease to right parties, but must have 6 months in advance and balance secured. See my agent, R. H. Torrey. to day at 103 Floral ave. AT 916 HAIGHT AVE., near Williams ave.. we have this house, newly painted inside and outside, and will rent all but a couple ot rooms upstairs very rea sonable: the lot is full 60x100 and a very attractive home. Inqulr. ol RIELY & GUSTAFSON, 905 Yeon Bldg. FINE large house, east side, close In. near three car lines, partly carpeted and witn window shades, half block grounds, suit able for residence, school, sanitarium, small boarding house or rooming house. Wakefield, Fries Co.. 85 4th St.. or tele phone Marshall 2474 before 1:30 P. M. oo TJAT ASM STREET. Open Sunday after 10 A. M. Modern 7-room house, partly furnished, nice yard; good dist. ; close in. neai oar and school ;., $60. G. G. ROHRER, RENTAL, REALTOR, 301 Panama Bldg. 1 ppvw TrrVf MOTTRIC. . . .i nut Williams n vft rant loo ner month: will lease for 2 years, ao per month. , THE LAWRENCE? CO.. 212 Corbett Bids- Main 6918 B-ROOM house, gas range, gas radiators, .-I- BT.tnv water: partly fur nished, modern, $20 per month if pay R months tn advance. St. Theresa sta. 1 block east to sanitorlum, Oregon city car. ELDERLY couple wishing to make home for young lady (employed daytime) can i -i f.,rniahAH hunealow very rea- ,,, r-u Sunday 2 to 4 P. M. at 4010 64th st. S. K. or call Broadway 43I1S Monday. OREGON CITY CARLINE. t- huno-alnw. furnished, wa ter, gas, 1 acre ground, 8 miles out: rent $4o per montn. ' THS LAWRENCE CO. ?Vrbett Bldg. Main 6915. first-class condition: references required; JS0 per month. 4!0 Mm street. HENRY W. GODUARD. 243 Stark St. Furnished Houses. FURNISHED BUNGALOW. m.J.i..:;- V.nn.-alnw of five STaC.OUS v . p. j,-rh Mount Tabor rooms iwttticu iu , , - , i m vmnk n hleh school. This is a. very desirable home and the ti..HD. th furniture, complete. It is well worth your while to Inspect this; Kb? WANT TO PUT AT BOTTOM PRICES. SEE US. Mr. Kymmonds. COE A. McKKN'NA & CO.. K Fourth street. laln " "Vau A in Woodstock, near car nnrtiv furnished, with range and caa' plate; owner will be away for six mrtnii,- rnt 110 a month, including gas arid water. Call W. C. Aliens at Benson Polytechnic School during school hours. CICELY furnished S-room house. 2 hatha and toilets, modern, convenient for A families, upper floor rented, rent paid , to March 1, 11KH. lease extended if desired, fine residential location, near Broadway : car line. 10 minutes to Washington. K. 0th st. N. 412 trrtR pmvt Furnished 7-room house, in rii-Ht-olHSK condition, full cement base ..ww,...a u-ovh traVS. walkinfC UIH- . nrt flowers. Phone East . 3738 Sundays and mornings nJven' ings; week aays, n io irr t p.tct Partly furnished 9-room i i..,vnAH fifWit-R trs flreDlace. cas range, wood range, furnace, full cement basement. 2 tile baths; curtains and drapes for entire house; garage, $73 month. East 4817. , 6-ROOM furnished cottage, all modern conveniences; bath, gas. range and unA' Mt Krntt district. 2 blocks from carline. 25.niinutes on car from center f itv: $V per month. Call Tabor 6&0S for particulars. i i nv ha vine- i.rtre handsomely furnished hnmfl with all modern conveniences would like a congenial couple of busi ness people to room and board. Wood lawn 3031. t." t w. wniTSK RENT 5-room furnished to middle-aged or elderly couple for a initio- snr of aeed man. not an in valid. Phone Sellwood 3576 or 547 Rex avenue. ' t-iTRvicviFn ft-room house on west side. J fireplaces, piano. See Mr. Parke at rm f t .T MrCarthv. 5th floor Ablng- on hlrte.. after 2 P. M. Sunday. Rent $30 per month. NEW 5-ROOM BUNGALOW on Mt. Tabor, iiimtHhnri or unfurnished; garage; fur- r,ihrf. S75: unfurnished, $00. Tabor 92N0. WELL-FURNISHED 3-room house and tont hnnsii. 30 minutes out on red electric, good location $2-5 per month I for the winter. Art oregonian. A REAL HOME 5-room well furnished cottage, bath, electricity, gas, etc., large lawn. Call any time Sunday, 1278 East Taylor. MODERN furnished bungalow, charming Riverview location; gas. electricity and fireplace; piano and Grafonola; adults. I 1 .Tfl- R Oak urove. TO RENT Small furnished cottage, rent! SIB month, immediate possession. Apply! P-illinffs. 12S3 E. 8th N. Will not show Sunday. . fpTTt?"VTSiT kt house with rarajre: furnace. 11 sleeping porch; a comfortable home in good location. Telephone Sun day and evenings. .-7-pi. NEWLY furnished 5-room bungalow, $60; new furnace ana piano, auuna um. AVaverleigh Hts., 626 E. 28th St. SelL 2253. 3-ROOM cottage, furnished for housekeep ori.iit. nnlv 462 Flint St.. near vn'liamu ave. and Russell. Phone East 5571. OWNER wants to rent Rose City bungalow to party without children for room and hoard. A .jo. urfRO'imi'. 7-ROOM furnished house, piano, "went ide, close in reliable party. Main 322 baby grand reasonable to rnv pt.rtki.T f urnimhed. 6 rooms, mod ern, lot 126x52. near S. P. shops; $350 down. 41 Stock Exch. bldg. FURNISHED bungalow. 5 rooms, $50; can be seen after A. JU. aunaay. a.u jk. 87th. Tabor 68 1 5. T . A H1TC fine, completely furnished hous in i.Mrtri'M Addition for rent about Dec 1. Parties interested BJ 101, Oregonian. tip!str ARI.K 6-room furnished flat, walk ing distance, convenient to 2 car lines. East 1343. wirk'Ished 5-room house with raraire: will e there after 10 A. M. 486 E. 21st st.. near Division. FOR RENT 4-room modern Garden Home house, partly furnished, 522.60 , per month. Layman, Main Monaay. NICE 5-room furnished bungalow for rent the 2ftn in!.; ami raonin. vw. v,ary. 1219 Northwestern Bank oldg. x moxth 4-room around floor apart ment partially furnished; walking dis- tance. Main 6630. 6-ROOM furnished modern home, all con veniences. $35. Call after 12 Sunday. M. V. car. I'wo gJ. i itn st. r. FOR RENT Nicely furnished, newly dec orated 4-room cottage, near 37th and Hawthorne. IIP E. Main. MODERN 5-room furnished house for rent to adults. ftj'i wn st. a. TO BENT 5-room furnished house. Gantenbein ave. $27.50 4-ROOM furnished house. Market st. 520 Stores and Burfnem Place. FOR RENT Tn Blake-McFall bldg., opp. Multnomah hotel, 13.000 sq. feet (will divide). A very desirable combination of office, sales and storage rooms; both freight and passenger elevators, steam heat. SEE H, N. BURPEE, - Wilcox Bldg. Alain S63S. rOSt RUNT Stores. 281-2!r3 Haw thorne ave.. with large, light base ments Key at 271 Hawthorne. FOR RENT or will give lease, store with two large display winflows, good loca tion for hardware or clothing or any other business; west siae; rent reason- able. Call at 200 First st. FOR desirable space in fireproof ware house phone Broadway 3715. Security storage ana iraasier to., 4tn at., cor. Pine. STORE near First and C!ty, 7 06 Second st. $20. Apply 1-STORY fireproof building 80x65 feet, I wast side, $d. Inquire eOS Selling bldg. FOB BENT. Offices. DESK room with telephone and stenogra phic service. Phone Broadway a no. e curlty Storage and Transfer Co.. 33 4ta street, cor, rine. DENTAL suite in prominent office build ing, centrally located; win rent to - re sponsible party only. F 22, Oregontan. FOR RENT Concrete fireproof Duiming. 50x100, west aide, now ii lowu, umk for a garage. Phone Main 4013. 1550 SQUARE feet of office space for rent; wgi maite alterations to buu ten ant. Flledner bldg. - A NUMBER of small and large office rooms for rent. Flledner bjdg, FRONT office, modern. In Railway Ex change bldg. Apply room aia. -- DESK ROOM with phone. $5 a month. 22 Washington, room OFFICE room for rent. 1032 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 1492. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES PACIFIC AGENCY, INC. 514-20 Swetland Bldg. . Corner Fifth and Washington. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. OUT-OF-TOWN HARDWARE. Annual sales around $75,000 and on an increase this year. Will in voice around $32,000. EASTERN WASHINGTON. , Will Invoice around $16,000. , ON THE COAST. Will invoice around $30,000. ON PGET SOUND. Will Invoice around $12 (r?0 EASTERN OKBGON. vWill Invoice around $15,000. Also a general store, about $20,000. 9 ' y SOUTHERN OREGON. Invoice about $92,000. Invoice about $2.0t)0. Mouth, sales around $3000. IN AND AROUND PORTLAND. Invoice about $4000. Invoice about $15,000. Invoice about $10,000. We have the most complete list of hardware stores in and out of town that can be secured. PACIFIC AGENCY. INC.. & 14-20 Swetland Bldg. Corner Fifth and Washington. WANT MECHANIC (WITH $3uOU IU $5000). WITH SERVICES (CABINET WORK OR MACHINIST). GOOD PERMANENT INSIDE JOB. ESTABLISHED MANU FACTURING BUSINESS. STAND MOST RIGID INVESTIGATOR. ADDRESS A 276. OREGONIAN. IF YOU have $1500 in cash and are look ing for a nice little grocery siyre, id eated on Sandy boulevard, doing a nice business, has 2 living rooms in rear, has a year s lease at $22.50 a month, stock. gooa-wiu ana iixiures, aix gu East 661 or East -8038. m ABSTRACT PLANT Almost complete set of Multnomah jo. oases ana. sume stock and plats. -A "good chance to begin or complete an abstract business. inquire layior, oo uiiaui. ui vyuiu. Main 6843. " PARTNER WANTED. Auto top shop, auto trimmings, etc Prefer office man. This hs a growing business, making good profits now. You hnv in with experienced mechanic; $1700 required. Room 401 Dekum bldg. WANTED Someone to- finance an up-to- date chicken rancn ; you own mi - nish complete outfit; we win ao an ie work, divide net profits 50-50; 12 years practical experience and know how; will answer any questions. Bank references. H. K. Patterson, o- i olxi -n.y. GARAGE on Union ave., near Broadway; shop fully equippea; win sen an or ya interest, o-year icumb, xut iu'm gate this bfeore. you buy. McClure & Schmauch Co., S06 Railway Exchange bldg GROCERY AND CONFECTIONERY. i itt will Viu niilft - verv clean, east side, good corner store, doing about $50 day, 2 good furnished-living rooms, no fixtures to buy. rent $30, will invoice. SIMMS, 6lu rienry uiag. A GARAGE SPECIAL. lOOxlOO concrete building, choice loca tion, large steady storage. Owner called away. Will sacrifice. This is a money maker; low casn win nanuie t- xvuum 511 Railway Exchange. CLOSE IN, EAST SIDE. rnih and earrv. erocerv. $50 to $75 per day. stock about $3000; $1800 will handle: rent tU, two years icaae, wiu established, steady trade, can be in creased. Simms, 610 Henry bldg. PARTNERSHIP AUTO REPAIR SHOP. Reliable man to aitena to irout sell gas. oils, accessories, etc.. while owner expert mechanic is busy repair ing. Profits $500 month net. Price $1150. Room 511 Railway Exchange. TIRE AND VULCANIZING STORE, west side location. lull equipment macninery. stock accessories, etc. Profit $500 month. Price $2700. Room &11 Railway Ex change. HAVE you $200 to $500 to invest with services; must be able to nanaio saies nart and collect: can be made a large business ; new patent. AF 253, Ore gonian. SOFT drink and cigar stand. $1050 cash iowntown location. tveioner or smun- peter, with Interstate Land Co., 248 Stark st. Main 5420. GARAGE, west side, near Washington st.. Rtoraee about ssau. rent o. o-year lease: price $2500: a bargain. McClure & Schmauch Co., 306 Railway Ex. bldg, I '?-o"7 ', JnQr Bhr,n' an V cars steady storage, $650 required. Call room 401 Dekum bldg. HAVE two cash and carry groceries, doing $100 day and up; ana S4tnw. veip- per or Smithpeter, with Interstate Land to., 248 atarn si jaain SMALL cafeteria, serving only noon meal, riparinir xi.r to '(Mr net. oniv -o rent nrice $1000. Tail mad go Realty Co.. 619 Henry bldg p a rtmfr wanted for au to repair shop : $570 buys equal hall interest in tne tools, etc, including good service car. Call room 401 Dekum -idg. INDIVIDUAL brick building, suitable ga rage, paint shop. etc. ; welt SLde; b per month. "Phone Greene, Broadway 1676 Monday. $850 TAILOR shop in hotel, have a first class business: a am leaving city; see my agent; netting $20 a day. HARPER, 410 Railway Ex. Bldg. $250 BUYS a cleaning and pressing busi ness; line location ana cneap rent, witn living rooms; plenty of work and no competition. obi ci. AnKeny, cor. irstn. WILL sell my 2 trucks with business. Thi is steady tne year rouna; must nav $2000 to $4000 cash. Call at 445 E 11th st. POOL ROOM (4 tables), good location, no comneujion. t'ortsmoutn station. St. Johns Ar, $2300. Stock at invoice, about tSOU. 'terms, uoi. 7 a 1 . $450 TAILOR shop, heart business dis trict; tease; a men wortting; selling on account oi my neaitn. HARPER, 410 Railway Ex. Bldg. FOR BaT bargains in hotels, rooming houses ana nouses, see men rteaity jo. 13 wasmngton. eroauway oeyo FOR SALE Jobbing carpenter shoo. doing gooa uusiuess. Call Sunday. &44 Wash. sl. I A FINE milk route in a suburban town with all equipment; clearing $400 month. AV 721, Oregonian. CLEANING. pressing. snap, laundry agency; lease, u rent; oowntown. 189 Park st. CASH AND CARRY grocery; 3 roorrfc an V.nn. In nnnniHnn' 177S 'tU Oregonian. FOR SALE A restaurant, reasonable taken at once, see owner. 2.o 1st et. STORAGE battery station for sale cheap. 16.4 ti. iatn. jau jionoay. FOR SALE Cheap. good Front street commission business. Y 291. Oregonian $1000, TERMS, quick lunch room, AX lo cation, can tuns ainng oiag. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. SACRIFICE SALE CASH BUSINESS. fool, confectionery and cigar Dusiness, the best place in town of 30.000; large soda fountain, 14 pool and "billiard ta bles, 9 card tables, fine cigar and to bacco fixtures, swell front with beau tiful light effect; brick building, ground floor; best location in town; 5-year lease at cheap rent. This place is clearing over $10O0 a month profit; $S000. han dles, or want a partner with $4000 cash. See inventory and statement at office. A. J. DeFOREST & CO.. 320 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 5590. WANTED Business man with ability. open district sales office for old estab lished well-rated manufacturing firm. Wonderful opportunity for right party to connect with entirely new line of business without competition; $1000 to $3000 capital required. Should net at least $10,000 first year. Interna tional Machine Co.. 314 Wolf bldg. Balti more. Md. " PA TEXTS Write for free guide book and evidence of conception Diana; sena model of sketch and description of in vention for our. free opinion of its patentable nature; highest reference, prompt attention, reasonable terms. VIC TOR J. EVANS & CO., Hobart bldg., San Francisco, Cal. Main offices, 642 Wth st, W ashington. P. C. MOVING picture theater In rive valley town; thickly settiea community; u miles front Portland ; seats 250 ; com pletely i equipped, new tnotiongraph, stage, dressing rooms, two sets ectmery; no opposition; good reason for selling; a good paying proposition. Price, building and all, $4150; reasonable terms if de sired. Address AV 706. Oregonian. FOR SALE OR TRADE COUNTRY STORE. About $2500 stock, feed grinding mill and gas filling station; property for rent at $200 a, year; 'living rooms In con nection, i A. X DeFOREST & CO., 320 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 5590. FINE CAFE ON TILLAMOOK HIGHWAY. Doing -fine business year round, dandy place for man and wife. $1000, cash; 5 year lease, $60 per month, including 2 living rooms. NORTHWEST HOTEL NEWS 714 COUCH BLDG. i FOR SALE. Good paying mercantile business, or you can put In your own stock and rent the building. Thriving community, good transportation facilities, conven ient to Portland. - JOHN&N-DODSON CO., 33 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. POOL HALL AND SOFT DRINKS. 4 oool tables, fine back and front bar. good stock; free heat and water; rent nniv t 'Oi ct Mrine 300 ner month : old established place. Wo have several other good buys. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 305 OAK ST. FOR SALE Grocery store in one of the iivest towns in the Willamette valley, one of the best locations in the city; a thriving business; over $50,000 last year Stock and fixtures. $7000 to $9000. A good steady business. Owner must leave this climate. AV 694, Oregonian. WANTED Good live man to handle sales and financial end of going manufactur ing concern. The sale of our product is unlimited; only $1500 required; you should make that much every month within 90 diays after taking up this proposition. P. O. Box 2115. ' FINE PROPOSITION, BAR AND LUNCH. Dandy bar and lunch, eocated in large hotel, fine location, doing big business; $5500 cash; lease. NORTHWEST HOTEL NEWS 714 COUCH BLDG. WANTED Every man or woman looking for- an nnnnrt u n 1 1 v to better their pres- 1- ent position or income, write for "LOOK ING AHEAD." Address THE PACIFIC CHIROPRACTIC COLLEGE, .Park ana Yamhill, Portland, Or. FOR SALE Jewelry business In one of the best small towns in eastern Oregon, rmintv ea.t: uD-to-date fixtures; clean stock; invoice about j;t000; all work one man can ao ; win givo terms. t ww. Oregoniaji. - LOOK! Th best buy in the city; a ga rage for $3500. Now look!' Can you -beat this? Rent $65 per aonth on a lease. Storage 24 cars. Work receipts $60 to $120 per day. Get busy. 326 Artisans building. WEEKLY newspaper and job office in Pu irt Miind rilstriprt- The only office in 1 trturn of Hfllti Hnln Cr snlnrttd bUsIneSS I linotype, cylinder. Jobbers and lots of type. $2000 cash, balance like rent. Ad dress AV 70I, uregoman. A OARAGE SPECIAL. A modern concrete garage. 45 cars touft v Htoras-A. Rell eras. oils, tires, etc., 3-vear lease and a good location; for sale at invoice, no bonus. Boom 401 Dekum bldg. $6000 CASH buys third interest in two machine shingle mill in Grays Harbor '(miniv. huver mufft understand logging. For further particuJars address, giving references, AV 614. Oregonian. TRAPPER with experience wants to get in touch with stockman or rancner with view to locating and hunting coy otes for bounty, preferably in Coos or Curry county, u oregonian. CAUTION, BUYERS Before closing deal nr Gn.i PH iniprpst in esiaDiisneu rcttj estate business, get advice of Portland Realty Board, 421 Oregon puiiaing. Broadway 1002. GROCERY, cash and carry; sales $3000 a month; stock at invoice, suuu; wiu rent or sell fixtures; snap. A. J. DeFOREST & CO., 320 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 5590. VALE newsstand: cigars, tobaccos, con fpft ntiftrv. soda fountain, magazines. newspapers, school supplies, etc.; doing a good business; want change. Vale Newsstand, Vale, Or. NOTICE. If you have a business to sell, ft mat fprs not how bier or small, for aulck e suits list with Harper & Morris, 410 Ry. Exchange bldg. Main tu. A OARAGE AT INVOICE. A garage with repair shop, lathe, drill, -ooH RPrulcp nr. etc.. excellent location, clearing $500 month ; $2800 required. Call room 4Ui ueKum oiag. ANY BUSINESS or property sold quickly for cash, no publicity; oia rename, li censed brokers. Chicago business and Realty Exchange. 327 S. La Salle. Chi cago. ATTRACTIVE 24-Btory building. 8 nice clean livinsr rooms above store, inc.uatn Tt..r.h klt'hn hall and bath, full COtl crete basement, furnace. Phone Wood lawn 3277. FOR SALE Only blacksmith shop, rei rinr rftirt x lots, m (rood town & mnei south of Portland; $2500, terms. Charles And ersen. Box laa. uayton. uregon. A PlfiAR STORE. fisii rim rs maeazincs. etc.. takes i $20 to $ 30 day an d can be increased. Room 401 Dekum bldg. - fiROCKRY FOR MAN AND WIFE. Clean stock, good corner; living rooms; will invoice stock and fixtures, about $1400. 140 Shaver St. ' DANDY grocery business for sale; health makes sale compuwurj , awt.iv v m in voice $1600. This is worth investigating. Call East 3081. MANUFACTURING business Interest for sale with services in omco or tactory ; money fully secured; $3500. O 297. Ore gonian. BAKERY and delicatessen, close to school. This is reany tne Dest location ana money-maker on the west side. Look this up. Owner. 321 13th st. MUST sell my restaurant at once on ac count or sicKness; uoinjt gooa oustness; centrally located on Washington st. W 236, Oregonian. $500 REST., well located, doing good busi ness, OV JM.Bt, VCLl. CMJ i 1 1 iUl man and wife can't be beat. See Morris, 410 Ry. Exch. bldg. FOR SALE Business of first-class apart ment house, centrany locatea; a-x in vestment P 140. Oregonian. BARBER shop for sale, 6 chairs; must 50 sell at once; lOLving uie city. N. 6th St. ' MEAT CUTTER Xoung married man; must nave ouu to nivesi, booq position for right party. Apply 591 MHwaukle ct. PILES can be permanently cured without operation. -aii or wnio jr. uean, Morrison street. FOR SALE Well established taxicab and tOQrlng car wuru no hi iuwu ui iuuu population. Address AV 708. Oregonian. IF YOU want to buy a restaurant In con nection Wit ii nowi, isuuu uuBiueiw, gooa location, call Main 7776. FOR SALE Poolroom, cigars and soft- drink place. Aii nun - a uiuiu ave, uro cery store. MAN handy with tools to buy part or all second-hand furniture and repair shop. BF 197, Oregonian. A .FIRST-CLASS soft drink ' parlor and pool hall for sale; long lease and gooa business. Apply 103 N. 6th st. FOR SALE A small restaurant, suitable for husband and wife or two ladles. 171ft Second. FOR SALE or trade, small grocery. Oregonian. LEARN Akron, Ohio's method in vulcan it n g and retreading. Call 433 Stark. BARBER chairs, mirrors and supplies; great sacrifice. 86 Sixth St.. near Stark. BARBER SHOP FOR SALE. 293 Glisan St. FOR SALE Soft drink and clgar candy; good location. 63 N. 3d st. BARBER shop for sale. Perkins hotel shop. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. WHOLESALE BROKERAGE! BUSINESS. ; GRAIN. FLOUR. MILLFEED. Established 4 years Los Angeles, Cal., has 30 good live mill and grain accounts, also very highest class of customers anion)? whole sale takers and grain firms In Los Angeles territory. Have certified audit books covering 4 years 2 months. Account senior partner - ' wishing to retire from active busi ness and junior partner ' going to orient, will sell this established husinessvfor $20,000 cash, will bear closest investigation and Js rare opportunity for those desiring lo cation and paying business in southern California. AV 701. Ore go nian. . ' ; FOUNTAIN AND LUNCH BUSINESS FOR SALE AT ABERDEEN. WASH. Located on the main street in center of the- city, one door from corner, loca- . tion can t be beat Room zaxBS ana nas unexpired lease for two and one-halt years. Every Item is first-class in every respect and it s an opportunity of a life time to get into business right. Discount of $1000 will be made on today's price ot the outrit which consists of one nign class soda fountain manufactured by the Liquid Carbonis Co.; 1 new canonator, 1 six-note steam table, l ns heater ana 1 gas stove. Full stock fruits and syrups, all kinds of equipment, tables and booths. Our reason for disposing of this business that we own and operate the adjoin - lng store room as a drugstore and we wish to give our entire attention to our . fast-increasing drug business. Address Prlgmore A Sears, home office, Olympia, Wash. PARTNER wanted In a $12,000,000 Incor poratea stock comnany, just started ; in corporated under the state law of Wash ington; office 1227 L. C. Smith bldg., Seattle. Partner must have $8000 cash to pay for one-fourth interest in com pany; partner will be appointed as one of members of the board of directors and draw a salary as director of the corpora tion, and will be in charge of territorial management as an officer of the cor B oration. Here's a c nance of a lifetime if taken at once. Bank of California Will Identify. If you know a money- making possibility when you see it you will not let this get by you. If you have the. sum nf sftOOO to Day for a one' fourth rate rest in the incorporation. No further expense is assured you in the contract drawn up by the bank. If you wish, call at Imperial hotel at 6 o'clock in the afternoon. Call for W. Hampton, the president of the Hampton, inc. A RITTOH ER'S OPPORTUNITY. A building In East Portland with two stores and two Hats above. une store now j occupied by a grocery .doing big hujtirtMW rkt hop ntr-irA rr-if nnW OCCUDleu. Butchers have made good money In this location. The Income from this prop erty, exclusive of the store not occupied, la $55 Dfsr month, and could be easily increased. A butcher could take over this building for $1000 down and $50 per month, interest 6 per cent. The rental from the nronertv would Day the monthly installments, leaving butcher with his shop rent free. Will sacrifice building for H4T.00. This is h noDortUTUty Of lifetime. Think it over and communicate immediately with owner. N. Hi. isae, 2214 Dana st., Berkeley. "Cal. SHOE REPAIR SHOP. $300 on easy terms $300 Buys this hustling little shoe re pair business in South Portland; rent $6 per month; plenty of work. Owner leaving to visit .the old country. Lee's Exchange, 264 Vfc Oak st. . - OPENING with old established company for reliable man. who can invest ouu to $1500 to carry supplies to open office, organize sales force in Oregon and coast stutM for np mni-hinp ft verv merchant and factory needs. Costs $6, retails $15. Big proposition for right man. We pay expenses trip to Chicago to investi gate and close deal. General Manager, 17J N. Dearborn st., Chicago. ONE OFTHE LARGEST RESTAURANTS IN CITY, RIGHT DOWN TUW. GOOD LEASE. A fin MuiDment: rioinc a dandy bust-I ness; old-established place; outlit cost nvfT Sll Oim- urtll takft 59000 for all. I some terms; never before for sale; good I reasons for selling. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 305 OAK ST. LARGE manufacturing corporation wants capable men, open orancn oiiice, man aee salesmen. $30O to $2000 necessary; handle vour own money: exclusive rights ; patented article, money-making possibilities unnmitea; win pay ei nnaoq tn Baltimore if vou Qualify. Mr. Clemmer, salesmanager, 603 N. Eutaw St., Baltimore, Md. GOOD established men's furnishings and shoe business for sale; gooa location, about $1S.OOO stock; good opportunity for cash buyer U taken at once. Box 67, Kennewick. Was-fi. U A PARTNER WANTED. A modern concrete aaraire. located among the apartment houses, full of storage at good prices; sell gas, oils, tires, wash rack, auto repairing, etc. Prof lt nr enod now and $1250 Will buy equal half interest. Call room 401 Dekum bldg. CONFECTIONER X AND LIGHT GRO- PRRTKS with good lease and privilege ot more -.-ill tf.) all for $3300. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 305 OAK ST. " SOFT DRINKS A Ten CARD ROOM. West side, corner brick; 5-year lease at $95 per month: nice fixtures and gooa mm,r a vpt-; i? about S200O bus! ness perl month; price $4000. Call Marshall 1950 and ask ior apartment o. A SNAP. Produce house with cream etatton rnnerted brines Income of $350 to $400 a month, for sale; small amount of cap ital will taae possession ; win aiao b v possesslon of honey house. Inquire Fred Giseiman. facto, ur. - LISTEN HERE. FOLKS. We have some dandy good buys In small groceries and restaurants on easy terms witn. living rooms, aineront pana OI tne City. ee us oeiore iuublus a. ucoi. . HARPER & MOKrtIS, . 410 Railway Exchange Bldg T.onir The best buv in the city: a ga rage for $3500. Now look! Can you beat thl? Rent $65 per month on a lease, stowge 24 cars, general receipts $60 to $12Q) per day. ' Can you beat it? Call at 326 Artisan bl dg., Bdwy. and Oak sts. $1100 BUYS confectionery and iight lunch in gooa aim town on poumetn r ai u, Oregon Electric, Pacific highway and Willamette Aver; stock and fixtures in voice $2000. Money no object. Ill health forces me toselI; $60O cash. $500 when you please. Aaaress A v w. uresoniaa. PTfiAR STORE ON THIRD ST. r.nAd fixture, fresh stock and plenty of It; good lease; fair rent; doing a good business; an ior nup. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 305 OAK ST PARTNER WANTED. Wood and coal yard, owner wants Interested help; $2000 required. With live partner can clear $300 to $400 month for eacn. itoom uj. ueKum mug. vnn invftntnrs submitting- sketch or jiiodel of inventions to patent and earn dtvi- dends. Attorney Baff, Worcester, Mass., has trail-blazing prospectus. Sent free ' anywhere. . ' FOR SALE by owner, hardware stock In thirvinar town: dolnjr good business; all I clean moving stock ; invoice $14,000; rieht man could have part terms: no agents considered. -AV714, Oregonian. TO THE man or woman . with from $50 tn ".-.o tn dennnit 1 have the best op portunity in Portland today for making money, witn deposit secure. i .xo, kjl e- gonlan. " PI.TTMRTNT, AND TIN SHOP. In good Portland- suburb, plenty of work, fully equippea, gooa aeai to re sponsible party. Owner going to Cali fornia- K 264, oregonian. A GROCERY SPECIAL. Cash sales $50 day, no delivery, rent $30 month, living rooms; will invoice $2000. Room 401 Dekum bldg. FOR SALE by owner, income- property. paying 20 per cent on tne investment. $6000. part terms.gNo agents considered. A V i is, uregonma. - , PARTNER with $6000 to $8000; must be experienced in lumber business; concern well established; this Is very attractive city proposition. O 2id, .oregonian. $14O0 GROCERY, well located, living rnnma In connection, nice, clean stock. . doing good business. Some terms. See H arper, 410 Ry. Exch. bidg. A SNAP Store, lot 52x100. soda fountain- light groceries, with living room. Must sell on account oi sicaness. xaoor tfuv. THEATER in lower Columbia highway town, must be sold this week. Main 5185. I. O. Holmen, Perkins hotel. ONE 2-CHAIR barber shoo doing good bus iness. Must be sold before December 1, E. E. SWENSON, Beaverton, Or. WELL-EQUIPPED blacksmith shop, small house, fruit and garden, cheap. Address "J. J. Walker, latayette, or. per day; close to Portland. $1800" will handle. Main- 9517 or S 156, Oreso-iaa, BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. LOOK AT THESE. A fine small grocery, all cash, bo delivery;' price $1350; rent $22; large living room. A good corner location; cash business, $40 to $50 per day, no - delivery; two living rooms; rent $40; a very good grocery; inventory, about $2200. An old established grocery; -5 living rooms, garage; rent for all $40; doing about $65 per day; will invoice. A good paying bakery and confec tionery, no delivery; doing about $40 per day; nice living rooms, garage; rent $40; price $1650; some terms. Other bargains in grocer iea See J. A. Bushue, 518 Chamber of Com. I WANTa" business partner with $)00 n crLnoo SramH tn ipln tii . develop a well-established and rapidly growing business. Your money will be securea hrr Ah jnmmiinnK n.!rpadv earned on business and by my personal stock in a successful corporation. I offer abso- Bn,m,.;v anH nnnnrtnnitV for both of us to make good, legitimate profits in a business that is now eaiaunaiu V... w.,l arlrlltlnnal fanit&l for el pansion. Address L C, care The Izzard Co., Times Bldg., Seattle, wasn. rxr-m ni? -rus lapnt and best retail gro cery businesses in western Canada for sale, located in caigary. a,uci over last year $312,000; showed good profit; reason for selling. HI health; splendid opportunity for right party. Price approximately $30,000. practically all cash. American buyer would make a profit of about 10 in transferring his money to Canada. Apply owner, AV 720, Oregonian. HARDWARE. FURNITURE AND , GROCERIES. We have exclusive-- stores in any of these lines- and we also have stores do ing a general business. They are at tractive and money-makers and you can ha've them here in Portland or in the beet towns in Oregon. Prices from $50)0 to $ 40,000. Weston & Co.. 1215 N. W. Bank bldg. ' HIGH-CLASS salesman wanted who can furnish best or reierences ble of organizing his own business. He can control the state of Oregon on an exclusive product with no competition. unst k. chio to finnnre his initial stock and future growth which has no limit for the right man. itepiy io j Oregonian, 742 Market st., San, Fran cisco. . raraoe In vallev town. 2o miles from Portland, on pavea nignway; eonertsiw K.iiM;nv au-rioA fAj. ftill of storage; strictly cash business; large line of tires nxifi rcownrlcn Rfst sraraKC In town, cen trally located. Will sell at invoico or inmr. n noo i-non for sellinir. Un less you meart business and have about $H000 to invest, don't answer. AV io6, Oregonian. WE HAVE IT GROCERY AND CON FirrTiONKRY. Soda fountain and full- up-to-date set of fixtures, dandy good Btock. casn-ana-KC(nAa- nir inrcre livine rooms. rent only $10 per month,; good lease; all lor xisoo. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 305 Oak Street: EXTRA GOOD CORNER. Cl"Ln nor Hav rash and carry bus! ness, and can be doubled, close in, east side, stock about $5000, fine fixtures, especially arranged to display stock ; can arrange some terms or exchange. One of the very best stores in Portland. Call Simms. 610 Henry bldg. DO YOU want a congenial, high-class and big-paying business with small invest--mant? ftr tnuontinn iust out., saving - 40 to 80 per cent in labor, and badly needed is it; a lortune in mis ior Write or call for full information. . J. Covert, Estacada, Oregon. vinviwp. PTrTTTTRH: HOUSES. OO I1AA will trot un u 1 1 TMCtiVfl DrODCJfl- tion; $10,000 for a good one, and $3o00 for a little one. Come in and talk it over; we can give you the truth about any that are for sale, Weston & Co., WEST SIDE CLEANING AND PRESSING. t- . niano n ca itvtns- roonii, furnished, rent $25 per month; gooa ease; dtolng a line business; an xor 'RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 305 Oak Street. CASH AND CARRY GROCERY. Close in, east side, busy street, doing $ tOO a day, can be largely increaaea, very line location mi - nese, invoice about $3500. aiilAls, biu nenry xmt. . TAILOR STORE, r-i-o in nst side location, steady established trade, full equipment, ma chine, etc.. seiectea nocn, '"r fixtures about $2000, rent $45, includ ing two liV'ing rooms, lease. Simms, 61U Henry bldg. t , OLD ESTABLISHED GROCERY. Established 12 years, doing $4000 to $4500 month, rent only $3a, "ving rooms', invoice stock about j $3000, fix tures $350. SIMMS, 610 Henry Bldg. ELECTRICAL business, only one in good territory, contracting ana Benerm ci tric store; will take in partner capa ble of - handling outside contracts or will sell entire business. r-artiuuitw a of Mr. Talcott, 51 N. 6th st. GROCERY AND MEAT MARKET, nnini! S3100 to $3300 cash and carry per month, 6 good living rooms, invoice about $3500. SIMMS, Oiu nenry xiuk. CANDY KITCHEN ON 6TH ST. tcip riAon niace. doing a fine business; rent $85 per month; good lease, all for $600. Ask us. rc,(S.-.Trxr-, n 306 Oak Street mnrirrn home and a' good business $20OO cash, oai. easy wnui, hi 7 change for acreage or something near city- I WOULD like to meet a few people with money to invest wu-- w ity is of the best, with good returns on your money. Amounts of $100 and up. W 278, JJregonian GROCERY. $1800. doing $400 to weeK. west siae. im;iu -:r paying $25 month. Keipper or Smith peter, with Interstate Land Co.. 48 Stark st. - CREAM AND MILK. -o--tnA uuntnd for this solid business. A fully equipped plant and good profits. Prefer office man; $4000 required, se cured. Room 401 Dekum bldg. WEVT SIDE. Walking distance. I rms.; bath and toilet, basement; $1800", $5o0 down. 301 Railway Ex. Main 7931. Sunday Wdln- 6018. ' SAW MILL, big money-maker, 13,000,000 available at 1.W iU.i ner mvc mon, Wash.; a good local demand for lumber; $6000 will handle, terms on bal ance; man a ger died. W 2Q7, O re go man.. cigars" AND soft DRINKS. Busy place. $25 day business. Rent $10. Manufacturing district. Room 511 Railway Exchange. , REPAIR GARAGE. Partner wanted, concrete building; can make good profits, $650 required. Room 511 Railway Exchange. m FINEST restaurant on Broadway, west side, doing over iou a uay ; wun Keipper or Smithpeter, with Interstate Land Co.. 248 Stark st. . WE NEED $75,000 more in our business. arnnll or larKS arDOunm i.-i,eHcu . "Safety first." with good returns; d i v i dends quarterly. L 2b4. Oregonian. CASH grocery, with living rooms; iow rfint S4 I aav DU81UCBS. about $1750. Room. 511 Railway Ex change. . - wii.T. xr-vr Xir.nO P.Y CHRISTMAS. Half interest for $500 in established business selling best novelty on maritei act quick; owner. E 85, Oregonian. A GOOD paying barber shop; will give one week s trial. -rice auo f - ply to J. A. Bushue, 518 Chamber of Commerce. . - joo00 HAWTHORNE district; rent $20, room in rear- aaicn ;v Railway Ex. Main 7931. Sunday Wdln. 6018. ' CASH AND CARRY. $1300 cash, sales $25; rent $22, rooms, some furniture. 301 Railway Ex Main 7931. Sunday Wdln. 6018. AUTO TIRE SHOP Vulcanizing,- etc Opening for active man wim profits and owner will teach buyer the business. Room 401 Dekum bldg. GROCERY and confectionery; splendid lo cation; doing aoout u uay, living rboms; invoice about $1300. Sell wood 33S6. $500 RESTAURANT, .well located on busy street, wen eyuippcu, '-"-"". ness; $250 cash, bal. easy terms. SEE MORRIS, 410 Railway Ex. Bldg. WILL place In some good garage on a per- rf TltAEe DRS B. Itlt-IllH. Ill HI ua, uiuluio. tools, garage and office , equipment. Broadway 5157. WANTED Man. with $500 or more to buy half interest in ana arive stage car. can Broadway 1866. - e- finn rnnm. clears and candy, bar gain ior a iivw wir-, jiuwu - action. t 9 xmru. a- DANDY cash grocery, good clean stock, 2 living rooms, uoing goou. uu-m--, yrwe $1700 casn. tou naw iuuihc ve. rirrer shon for sale. I want to sell ana tne price is ngnu . v. v. ure&uau, Gas to n. Or. CASH and carry grocery; $300. Tabor 66 lo. FINE cafe, too much work: exchange for 1 residence or sen wo, wregoDiaa, BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. PACIFIC AGENCY, INC.. . 014-20 Swetland Bldg. Corner Fifth and Washington. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. EAST SIDE GROCERY. Rent $40, 2 large rooms and basement. Price $5OO0 for stock and fixtures. Receipts $125 to $250 per day. EAST SIDE GROCERT CLOSE IN. Rent $45: stock and fixtures at invoice. Will go approximately $3500. Receipts $65 and better. I GROCERY, CONFECTIONERY AND LUNCH. Rent $35 per month, with lease. Invoice stock and fixtures about $1600; $1000 will handle, balance easy terms. CASH AND CARRY GROCERY. Rent $17. 2 rooms; invoice stock, and fixtures about $S-50. POOL HALL, CONFECTIONERY AND SOFT DRINKS. Rent $S5. with lease; price $4200. 1 large and 1 small card table; 6 pool tables; doing fine business; receipts $60 and up. DRUG STORE. 4 Close in on east side; transfer corner. One of the neatest andt best located drug stores on east aside; all newly equipped with fine fixtures, new fountain and cases. Filling 3OO0 to 40 prescriptions ' a year. This wiU Kand the closest investigation. Invuice proposition. WEST SIDE CONFECTIONERY AND FRUITS. Rent $60; corner location, across from park. This is close in and doing nice business. Price $3000 or invoice. WEST SIDE CONFECTIONERY AND FRUIT STAND. . . This is located on a busy corner and doing $100 per day and bet ter. Price $5000. Rent $150. with lease. SOFT DRTNKS. CARD ROOM. LIGHT LUNCH. Corner location on Washington st. Can be made one of the best money-makers in the city. Price $3500. Rent $200. with lease. CONFECTIONERY AND FRUIT , STAND. Rent 50. Price $1700; $1100 cash will handle. Close to Union sta tion. . GROCERY AND MEAT MARKET. Rent $50; 3-year lease; 6 rooms and garage. Receipts $125 and up. Price $5500. or hivoice. Ford de livery to be deducted from price if not wanted. $450. This is one of the best paying businesses in Portland. BUSINESS IS GOOD. We have 50 clients waiting for .locations, groceries, confection eries, pool ha lis. drugstores. If you want to sell and get quick action on your store, list it with us. Call Marshall 3989. We will send our lister to you at once. PACIFIC AGENCY. INC.. -514-20 Swetland bldg.. . Corner Fifth and Washington. BAKERY AND CONFECTIONERY. LIGHT GROCERIES. Fine corner on east side, close in, doing fine cash and carry busi ness; can increase business and run wholesale if wanted. Will in voice about $2300. Will sell all for $2000 and give terms to re sponsible party or take lot as part pay. Phone East 2374 for appoint ment todaj MANAGER WANTED. To take charge of a paying proposition. Men used to making . $500 per month can find a good business to go into: $2500 cash re quired and must be able to, ac cept and start work not later than the 23d of November. AO 732, Oregonian. - WANT S5000. TWO YEARS. fit! A RANTEB YOU DOUBLE YOUR MONEY OUT OF NET INCOME. A SPLENDID OPENING FOR EMPLOY M ENT IF DESIRED. FULLEST IN VRSTtOATTON INVITED. A RARE OP PORT UNITY FOR A HIGHLY PROF ITABLE CONNECTION WITH BEST PEOPLE ON EARTH. ADDRESS A 275, OREGONIAN. ROOMING and apartment houses, from lO to 45 rooms. prices range irom i;w to $9000. We list only those showing attractive net income. We Invite close inspection. I. G. DAVIDSON, 8t9 Chamber of Commerce. WOMAN without family who has house ol 8-10 rooms, modestly furnished, for a girls' boarding house, woman to have charge, board of girls to be guaranteed by responsible person, only women in terested In girls need answer; state age and experience. K 123. Oregonian. WE ARE expanding our business, old es tablished Oregon concern, doing over $70 000 year, exclusive money-making lines, paying salary $300 month; invest ment $5000 required; will stand strict investigation. A 277, Oregonian. DRUGGIST. We have a good location for drag store, fine fixtures, brick bldg., steam heat, good lease. See Keiper or Smith peter, with Interstate Land Co., 248 Stark st. Main 5429. " A NATIONAL organization has estab lished en office in Portland and offers connection for aggressive man of man agerial capacity, investment $1500 se cured. " Call, Bdwy. 2541 for appoint ment. . COUNTRY STORE. Near Portland, stock and fixtures and TT'nrrt delivery: $2500; this Is a money maker, doing around $100 per day. Cobb Bros.. 263 UaK St. HAVE you $7000 to invest In a lovely home in a wen-pay ins esiauiieneu Brocery business, in the suburbs of Oregon City This is a big opportunity. Call Tabor 6020. ' .t9Mrt stock, fixtures and building. onnrectionerv. in live urwun uiwii. win give terms to reliable man. 322 Failing bldg. $1400 GROCERY, fine location, living apts.; cash and carry; rent $22; receipts average ?.; neat, ciean, ULure u-n u uiuua, MO RR IS, 410 Railway Ex. Bldg. PARTNER $400 cash required, who has sales ability, exclusive, interesting and well-paying .business. Investigate. N 271, Oregonian. NEED -little cash, about $200, in good paying business; wjn pay gooa per centasre; money secured with stock. G 233 Oregonian. -ra rrkr hnn. rood location, fine fix tures. $250; rent $10. See Keipper or Smithpeter, with Interstate Land' Co., 248 Stark st. Main o-. FOR SALE y interest in taxicab for hi re and staee line business. More busi ness than I can handle alone, so want good partner. Write AL 300, Oregonian. GROCERY at Invoice, about $2500, apart ment house district, established cash and carry trade, can a jaumg oiag. FOR SALE 5-chair barber shop, . 3 tubs; good location ; tuw. uo w . otn sl, Vancouver, Wash. vt a xTTtr a PTITRER. legitimate going busi ness, wants partner with $5000, secured. AN 234, oregonianr BUTCHERS, attention, a good location for suburban butcher shop; no competition and well settiea. 201, uregoman. BARGAIN for $700 cash if sold at once. 8 r. rL. rooms, ii -arx. main $2M TAKES interest in good patent. AN aw, uresooiaa, - BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY. One of the finest orchards In Oregon I Is offered for Rata at a fieure way below I its value and on unusually favorable! terms. The place consists of 207 acres. I nf whirh 1(17 tra in KI-vMr nnars and apples, and 10O acres of farm land and i timber. The orchard Is In fine condition and the varieties are of the best. The t Is Miiinrjftd with fvprvthintc neces sary to oDerate. At lowest estimate this orchard should produce 50.0OO boxes! varlv Th owners mimt have money and will sacrifice for $50,000 for the 267 acres and all equipment; S10.00O will handle and eood trade will be considered See owner, 633 East 24th st. North. East 6344. . GARAGE. ' 30x130 ft. brick building, storaice space for 24 cars; shop 60x30 ft.. fully I equipped, such as 3 H.-P. motor, lathe. drill nress. motor stand, emery stand. rectifier, acetylene welding outfit, air J compressor. .Reliance vulcanize r. chain i hoist and all necessary small tools, ac- (snFiR ft nil nffir-e fixtures comolete: 4- year lease; rent $110 per mo. ; Chevrolet agency; price Phone 902 Camas, Wash. E. R. HOUCK. HARDWARE. Going, profitable hardware business In live, growing town, not far from Port land, invoice about $15,000. with or with out several pieces of income real property some cash and balance trade; store is 1 doing a good business, best of reasons for selling. Tallmadge Realty Co., 619 Henry bmg. - BUSY LITTLE STORE. ONLY $1800. Suitable for couple or single man. light groceries, candy and tobacco, no delivery, fine location, steady trade, sales $50 per day, rent $15; has sub poptoffice . netting $25 per month, re quiring little time. Simms, 610 Henry bldg. DOWNTOWN CIGAR STORE. Prnmlnant nffiro hultrlinf location, do ing $40 day, rent $50, long lease, invoice ! about $2200. Here's a clean cash busi- ness, good for $300 to $350 clear profit montniy. SIMMS, 610 Henry Bldg. n"P.H A I P TVTF.RRST. Tn nM-ifA.hif.hed office business, swell furniture; 4 salesmen at present; clear ing over $500 per month; no experience! needed: man with common sense; money! fullv MPr-urert? offio center of city on ground' floor; do not answer without you ' mean business; $1500. F 29. Oregonian. CHOICE modern brick building, with con - fectionery, equipped with a $3800 soda fountain; high-class fixtures, 5 furnished apartments. 5-year lease, apartments bring $1S2 per month. Price . $ 1 000. rent on building $75 month. Keipper or. Smithpeter. with Interstate Land Co., 248 Stark St. Main 5429. ' RESTAURANT ON WASHINGTON ST. , tsmoa rlpnn. uo-to-date place, doing a fine business; rent $02.50 per month, with lleht. brick hide., all for $1050. We also have other fine close-in west side restaurants. Let us show you. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 305 Oak Street. WANTED Lady with some money to take part in a new moving picture enter nriR. MiiRt havA ability ajid of a type that wiU film well. Travel pictures . featured. Half interest to right party. AM 202 Oregonian. two HOPKRY stores, east aide, one re ceipts $85 per day, rent $14 per month, his i a. hararain: S25O0. or will Invoice: Ts: f r.r faints SlOO ner dav: rent $50 per month, including all fixtures. 5-year leasee; stock will Invoice about $3000 to $:vr00 McClure & Schmauch Co.. 306 Railway Exchange Bidg., Main 1503. WEST SIDE CORNER. Cash and carry, $75 and better per day, groceries, confections anc. school supplies, invoice and fixtures about $3000, a rw.. rtripnt h nil MA (ii strict. rent $35. In- oliidine laree basement. This is well J established business.. Simms, 610 Henry bldg. MILLINERY AND NOTIONS, ti uiiiH0rs in h well established store. good business all the year and with hard work can De maue mm in.s- uuaiuM. inu -- -nnniH fa n bp had in connec tion. Weston & Co., 1215 N. W. Bank bldg. VAMUIT.T, MARKET. Good store location in busiest block on the street for lease, long term. SIM MS. 610 Henry Bid g. B a sineas Opportunities W anted. WE HAVE cash buyers for hotels, rooming and apartment houses; also cigar, fruit stands, or any small business. We get quick action for you. If you wlah to sell call La Monte, PACIFIC AGENCY, INC.. 514-20 Swetland Bldg. Marshall 3989 or Marshall 126o. WHO HAS a profitable business that I can purchase all or half? I have the cash up to $5000 to purchase any kind of business that will indicate the price a -ioht ntt when and where I can see business or no attention given. Ad dress AF 237, Oregonian. . ; WANTED to buy, good telephone system t ii' f-n- n-e on: must be Brood I paying plant and good prospects f or 1 laiger business. o. fi ui, port. Texas. --. - PARW "RTTYER. To sell your buniness quickly, quietly and without publicity, see or.winc ATi.lrM Jtr 'RTT.T.TNC5S. 401-2 Dekum Bldg. Established 1904. WANT A GROCERY. We have many clients who are look-in- for erocery stores. Call Main 90o2 if you want to sell. Cobb Bros Oak st. - 63 PARTIES desire to purchase all or Part interest of successful business whicb win Rtand closest investigation. O 300, Oregon ian. HAVE $2000 to $3000 and service to invest I ith a rename gouvs uunncM facturing concern furnishing money se- curity. C 296, Oregonian. p t wit t v... ntn t-rf aid accessory busi ness for cash, up to $7000; must stand strict investigation; west side. AE lo9, I Oregonian. LIVE established business up to $10,000; ..Moni a mnnuiaciurniK. reiaii. u j goods or variety store considered. AC 228, oregonian. WANT to buy a good grocery, prefer living rooms. Will pay casn. o agents. Give full particulars iirst. letter. V .16 2, Oregonian. I WANT to buy a grocery direct from owner; win pay caou, .- living rooms; give price and location and I will call. A 35, Oregonian. WANTED To buy a soft drinK, confec tionery ana cigar uumuwo. w gonian. WANTED To buy apt. or rooming house. close in, near a. nuiuamo 01 Monday, Mar. 1426. wir t Vv,. cmiiti confectionery, lunch or delicatessen: mur-L w- . vu -- cash. p 266, oregonian. BARBER, experienced in pool, cards and conlectionery, waiuo 04.'. , " try town. Pay cash. T 22. Oregonian. HAVE client with cash for barber shop. Call Manager interstate ina .u.p Stark st. Main 5429. . , ESTABLISHED grocery from original owner preieireu., owv -- -.w. Oregonian. it -c -tiB-t with cash for barber shop. Call manager jiuiiaw Stark st. Main 5429. $1000 TO $2000 TO INVEST In good manu facturing DUS1IICB9. ""V-'V-Jl w ferred. BD 29, Oregonian. . IF YOU want to sell your business call Manager, mam j.a. WANTED Going business, downtown dis trict, UP tO 91 U.WV. acj 1 Q", 1 WANTED Two or three chair barber Shop. rt n, urtguuiau. 6cATION FOR CONFECTIONERY AND j LUNCH. ix -0. UiiriuuiAiv "Hotels and Booming Mouses. n.. iini'cpL-irRPIVfl rooms, newlv fur Wastiinirton: Income 450 a montli; mia. rented: 25()0 will handle. this before buying. Phone Bdwy. 2937. .Bargain hunters. ot mnrrxK nil on one floor, rent $0. on corner, all full, people on waitiner list, ifSold at once $1705, easy terms. Peters, 15 N. 5th St. 10 KOOUS 9 H. K., 1600; low rent; good income; nice furniture; splendid furnace. " This is an all-around nice place in "White Temple district. Try U Realty Co., 169 West Parle st. 1 ROOMS 16. Dandy place, well furnished, large yard on corner, faces park, cneap rent, all for 145, easy terms. Peters. 15 N. 5th at. T 3-ROOM apts, J2650; nearly new; strictly modern: everything; first class; nice neighborhood. This is a good one. ry j US Realty CO., XP w rarn at. HAVE strictly modern home to trade for rooming house. What have you? SEE MRS. HAUG. , S12 Henry Bldg. Broadway 8487. 13-ROOM rooming house, west side; good furniture; owner leaving city; prico $800; terms if Bold this week. Call l3Vi W. Park st. Anderson & Clark. HAVE half day's time; desire t connect with reliable firm selling rooming houses: wide acquaintance; references. id. b7, Oresoniaai, BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. Hotels and Rooming House. M. E. LENT COMPANY. Hotels, Rooming and Apartment Houses 1 oi.-i-Z4 w. iJanK ing. , Phone Main 8560 for appointment. If you wish to buy or seil, come in : and talk it over; 14 years in this b'Ai- -ness enables us to give you satisfactory . service. APARTMENT HOUSES. 34 APARTMENTS. Here Is your opportunity to get a place unequaied in location. Ideally ar- -ranged for renting to desirable tenants. . , Close in, west side; requires $11,000 ca-h. Price on application. MS-ROOM APARTMENT HOUSE. Corner bldg., hardwood floors, auto matic "elevator, ciearing over $6M per month. Can be had on terms, $10,000 first payment. Price $!7.HK. 30 APARTMENTS. Best buy on the market. Corner brick , bldg., automatic elevator, arranged in . two and three-room, each with bath and dressing room. Requires $10,000 cash. Special price for quick sale, as owners ' are leaving the city. SO ROOMS. Small apartments, brick bldg. Clrse In. west side location, good for I6O0 mo, the year around; fine for man and wile. Special price for quick sale. $10,000. 24 APARTMENTS. 2-ROOM APTS. Beautifully furnished, corner brick: very clean: clearing $500 per mo.; $SOO0 . cash required. Price $1 1.500. 36-ROOM HOTEL. White pressed brick corner bldg.. steam heat, hot and cold water and large closet in every room. Clearing $400 per month. Rooms rented by the month. Price $7500. 60-ROOM HOTEL. ; Large, airy rooms, private baths, ele vator, downstairs lobby; Northwestern heat; long lease. Clearing S700 per month. Price $14,000. ROOMING HOUSES. This department is under the personal management of Mrs. McClain. 36 rooms in fine location. Rent $65: fin nace or stove heat ; now clearing $320. Price this week $4300, $2000 cash will' give possession. 21 H. K. rooms, west central location., .rent $60: furnace or' stove heat; clears easily $185. See this, tor quick sate. $25V0. - 16 H. K. rooms, clean, attractive 2- room apts. Furnace or stove heat. Rent only $55; good corner. Can clear nearly $200 a month. Price $2200 cash. $1200. A beautiful corner home in Nob Hill.! rent at $65;- with -3-year lease; elegant -furniture; light rooms; flrepiaces, run ning water; $2000 cash to handle.. 10 rooms In modern house; rent $50; this will make you a lovely home and . clear about $40 besides. Price $1350, ' cash $650. GOOD HOTEL PROPOSITIONS. ft2-room very superior iass hotel, fine lobby, dandy location, big money maker, -a real hotel; $27,500, terms. High-class hotel, fine location, swell , lobby, one of Portland's best hotels; : $30,000 cash handles. 55-room hotel, high-class permanent ' ( tenants, big money maker, strictly mod-" ern, 3-year lease; $17,500, easy terms. 42-room modern residential hotel, well located, select tenants; $9500, terms. 60-room hotel, nice modern ouse well furnished. Industrial district, - year lease; $10,500, terms. have a lar.e list of cood hotel propositions. If you wish to buy or sell come and see us. We will treat you -right. SOME GOOD COUNTRY HOTELS. 42-room commercial hotel. eastern Oregon; good town, near Pendleton; $5500. Lease at $100 per month. 30-room hotel, good payroll town, new buiiding, near largest sawmill in Ore- gon; new pulp mill going up: this hotel will alwavs do good business. Sickness compels sale. $2500, half cash ; 5-year lease, $60 per month. Photo this office. - 24-room hotel, good coast town. ai-. wavs full; 5-year lease, $75 month;. $3200. Terms. NORTHWEST HOTEL NEWS 714 COUCH BLDG. HOTEL PALACE UNFURNISHED. In the prosperous town of North Bend, Coos Bay, Or. Hotel established over 10 years. 31 heated rooms and large lobby and a modern front store 20x80 feet con- ' nected with the hotel for office and -reading room. Back part may be used for living rooms. Only first-class hotel in the town. Rent $150 a month. 0 or : 7-year lease. Also 68 steam heated rooming house, Portland. J. D. O'DONNELL. Spalding Bldg., Portland. Or. i. WORKING MEN;S BOARDING HOUSE. More than 50 rooms In good factory J district, easy walking distance from - L Morrison St.; large lobby, well-equipped dining room and kitchen: very reason able rent with lease; can be made a good,- paying proposition ; $1700 cash will handle. Mrs. Albaugh, with JOHN FERGUSON, Gerllnger Bldg. 11 HOUSEKEEPING rooms, close in on 11th St., nicely furnished; reasonable rent; clears over $100 a month; price $1950; reasonable payment down. Main 3469 today. IF YOU WISH TO BUY OR SELL business, hotel, room or apartment house of any kind, anywhere, see F Rierdon, RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. We write all kinds of insurance. 5x,OOM atartment house, best central, -t side location, in White Temple dis- trict; all winter fuel in. Clears S22i per month. Best bargain in city. Deal direct from owner. Ill health reason for cfliiinr Price $4000. Easy terms. Call Marshall 982. FOR QUICK SALE list your hotels, apartment and rooming houses with us. We have cash buyers, waiting for your propositions. See Mrs. Keller. GEO. T. MOORE CO., 1007 Yeon Bldg. 4 SLEEPING rooms, four 2-room apts., "lease 13 months; rent $200; gross in- r A conn- -lfrric llsrhts. cas. watT - and call bells in every room; $6000, $3500 t cash and terms. 326 Artisans' bldg. 70-ROOM brick hotel on Washington st. for $18 000. This is a nice place and .doing a Rood business. See thin one. it "... is a good buy. Try Us Realty Co., 169 -v W. Park st. 18 ROOMS IS. Brick bldg., running water, rooms rent " $25 one room pays rent. location cannot be 'beat, all for $1395, terms. Peters. . 15 N. 5th st . XOO HOTEL and restaurant combined. doing a good business, fine location, well equipped throughout; $1000 cash; will SEE HARPER, 430 Railway Ex. Bldg. v 8 RMS.. BOARDING, 7 persons, pays $42.50 per month; 2 meals daily; income SOO 50 good furniture, Ciassy iooaing .rouse; fitr rent; $750. Hurry up. J. EUGENE HEPGKS, 201 W. PARK. 10 ROOMS 10. Heart of west side, always full, on corner, has. never changed hands, if soli at once, $750, easy terms. Peters, 15 N. 5th st. : WEST SIDE apartments, completely fur- , nished with good oak furniture; cor-, ner. 50x105; must nav- v-o.... balance terms; owners. Main jau. HOTEL 60 rooms, brick, long lease, cheap rent, clears $450 month, new furniture;-$7500.- consider some exchange. Chas. .. Ringler & Co., 225 Henry bldg. ., GROCERY BARGAIN. Justthing for man and wife, rent $10;:,1 has groceries, notions, dandy fixtures, all ?or $65. Peters. 15 N. 5th st. , - I '' Bide that is a sood one. maklnjr a fine . Income at low rates: always full; 4300 will nanaie. . f ROOMS $1000: terms; good furniture;;. nic and clean; reasonable rent: good lo cation on west side. Try Us Realty Co., 19 W. Park st. ROROOM apt. house for $6000: good bldg.; f' west side location; nicely furnished and -clearing way over MOO a month. Try ' . Us Realty Co.. 16 W. Park. FOR SALS BY OWNER. v 18 neat and clean rooms, close in. wt ' side, with good furniture and a two-year 7 lease. Call Broadway 1354. THE BEST rooming house in . city; over 1U0 rooms. For information see Ernie . at 72 N. Third St.. 8 A. M. to 4 P. M. FOR best bargain In apartment bouse '" members of the Realty Boar. Sal Realty Co.. J245"ourth st. -j 90-ROOM apt. house, clearing $700 month, for sia, uuo; casn. viiii jmu t turn s Try Us Realty Co.. 169 W. Park st. LIST your hotels, homes and business a chances with Bach Realty Co., ilifn Washington t. Broadway 5696. SEE ME FOR BARGAINS. LIST WITH ME FOR RESULTS. J EUGENE HEDGES. 201 W. PARK. - I READ M- BULLETIN BOARDS AND THEN GET FACTS I.N" OFFICE. J. EUGENE HEDGES, 201 W. PARK.