THE SUNDAY OKEGOXIAX, PORTLAND, NOVEMBER 21, 1920 17 EDUCATION Al, YOU CAN LEARN "WELDING. Competent welders are' more scar than any other craftsmen in the metal trades. And it is ad mitted that the metal traces are less liable than any others to re ductions in vases or scarcity of work. The trade s only ten years old and. r-retof ore. there have been no places giving any attention to instruction save as a side line In order to sell equipment, or as a means of getting ctheap helpers. By our method of Individual personal Instruction under experi enced teachers we will teach you -welding of all metals more thor oughly and in lea time than can be done in any other manner. Apply day or evening: at 427 East Ninth st., near Grant. ' COMMERCTAt SCHOOL OP WELDING. PE A DOCTOR CHIROPRACTIC. The chiropractic profession offers tne most unusual opportunities of any fie la in th world today. Know about Its great opportunities before decld.og your career, or if you are dissatisfied in your present position in life or u" a1Fmn capacity is not what you would. UKe u to be. investigate the great opportuni ties offered in this greatest of a. I pro fession CHJKOPKACT1C. A most ex ceptional opportunity to study chiro practic and to become a cniropractic physician Is offered at this time by our college: both day and night courses. ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND chiropractic physicians needed in tne United States today to supply the de mand of the minion- who have turned to this great method of healing their Uls. INVESTIGATE. Augmented Curriculum. Able Faculty, Clinical Faculties Unexcelled. For particulars address Dr. Oscar w. Elliott, president. - T vrv PACIFIC CHIBOPR . cOLLBHSi Park and YnD.auL Main 3014. Portland. Or. You cannot learn any part of this Pro fession tnrugh correspondence. LEARN automobile and tractor repairing and driving in America's largest and nn est system of trade Bchools. vV e also teach all branches of ignition, electrical and battery work, vulcanizing ana re . ,4 1 nraMi hr7ir and in struction on all types of marine and sta tionary engines and farm lighting plants You take the tools in your hands ana - get the actual practical shop experience. Tha u an r . v i l i ..hnnis turn nut thousands mpi(.iKf ni iFruHnates every year. Do yo want to Join this class of well . ,-,,.. i i.iDhiv nai men? State aid to former service men. Information and catalogue upon request. Uy, "a ovoninir iUssfs Hemohill Trade Schools, Inc., tu7 Hawthorne ave., cor- nfyr 2.11 th ARE YOU LOOKING FOR J RWTTRR .TOR? et Into the auto and tractor busi ness. A few weeks' training In our big. practical shops qualifies you for a Big Paving position in any branch of this business. Includes automobiles, trac tors, lire repairing, battery work, ma chine shop. Men of any age eligible. No previous experience necessary. "Splendid working conditions. You can earn room and board the few weeks you are learn ing. Unusual opportunities to locata in California. Ideal climate. 900 N. A. S. graduates holding highest paid positions in country. FREE employment. service. Write Now for your book of facts. Telia how YOU can earn big money in this business. It's FREE. NATIONAL AUTOMOTIVE SCHOOL. HIS S. KiRueroa St.. Los Angeles, cai. LEA RN AVIATION FROM THE FIRST AND ONLY EXCLUSIVE AERONAUT ICAL, SCHOOL IN THE NORTHWEST. A SCHOOL WHICH HAS 2000 MORJt PUPILS THAN ANY OTHER SIMILAR SCHOOL IN THIS TERRITORY. Big demand if you are a qualified man in aeronautics. ALL COURSES ARE FREE TO FED ERAL VOCATIONAL TRAINING MEN THE STATE OF OREGON ALLOWS S2& PER MONTH TOWARD EDUCATION AL -PURPOSES TO OREGON EX-SERVICE MEN. CATALOGUE ON REQUEST. ' DUDREY AIRCRAFT COMPANY. Portland. S24 Morg an Bldg . O re, g o a. OREGON law school, Allsky Dldg., 3d Ad Mor. W. E. Richa-duon. sec. Main 177. HELP WANTED MALE. PRICE CLERK and stock keeper for mo tor car repair whop; active man, age 30 to 40 years, of good appearance, with experience in stock keeping, buying and selling; alo some knowledge of book kfcplng; must be quick and accurate with figures and able to meet the pub lic; permanent. Answer in own hand v rltiug, state previous experience, give full particulars, references. M 205, Ore gonian. m WE WANT to contract with someone who owns 1 !,i or 2-ton truck; steady hauling. Will pay good price for service. You must have good reliable truck and no junk.. Address AL2U2, Oregonian. WANTED Young man with executive ahilltv. some knowledge of law and must bo stenographer, for large law office at Salem; Jiuti. oive pnone numDer, M 21i. Oregonian. BARITONE, tenor or soprano who can conduct chorus choir and sing their part in quartet; applications strictly conil dcntial; salary ."0 to $73. F 263, Ore gonlan. CHAl'KFEUR for private family ; must be of gd character, careiul driver and good mechanic; give references and full particulars in iirat letter, --u, ure gonlan. - . ENERGETIC young man for postlon-tvlth large corporation; must have a gooa education; references required. AE 211, Oregonian. WANTED By ex-sea service engineer. f.reman and janitor In office building or apartment nouse; gooa reierences. .n g-.neer. 419 E. Sacramento st. HAVE -0 orda of dry first growth fir wood; will give half for hauling; requires team and truck. O, U. oregonian. ELDERLY man on ranch, cook for one and do light chores. Call Monda after 5 evenings. 7u Islanders st. W' ANTED Dentist, registered, experienced operator, one of the best towns in Ore gon AV" 7S4. Oregonian. BOY. with wheel, to work after school and Katurdavs; must De 10. r eoerai xeie graph Co., Board of Trade bldg. TOL'NO man wanted to assist with work on small poultry place in the city. T '2- i , Ore g oniiin. SHEET metal workers and helpers wanted The W. G. McPherson Co., . l&th and Wilson sts. WANTED Experienced veneer man, one especially i ant; liar witn plant, operation and coats ut-aireo. A n. oregonian WANT mas to cut cord wood by contract will pay $2, 2ft a cord; lirst-rowth tim ber. i4 E. llUh sr. S. Phone Sell. 1H7S. WANTED Two good wood turners, pay from $6 to S per day. &29 E. Morrison St. ri. Mangom. SALESMAN, experienced or Inexperienced, by manufacturing concern. Call 62 J N. sua sireei. GOOD, honest sctioolboy to work for room. board and laundry and small pay. Wdlo. WANTED Japanese school boy to work for room and board and small wages mall lamuy. Marsnau 43m. WANTED Photo printer, studio exoeri ence. Call bet. 8 to 9. The Cann Studio, R0 Merchants Trust bldg. WANTED A-l Mfg. jeweler, steady work, good light. Ray F. Parker, jeweler. 101 Panama b!flg. PLANING mill bench hand, experienced In window frames. 2Uth and Nicolai. Kauta Manufacturing Co. EXPERIENCED lumber Invoice clerk and stenographer; out of town. Give local references. Address AL 2t4, Oregonian. CLEAN-CUT young salesman, good propo sition. Experience not necessary. 204 Hippodrome bldg. ,N ACTIVE, bright boy to learn the wholesale business, one who sticks and is ambitious. T 300, Oregonian. A NIGHT WATCHMAN, a good walker; give age and weight; references required. D 8. Oregonian. SPLENDID siabwood proposition for com petent man with truck. Call Main 8380 aner touay. CARPENTER and plumber to build my house. Will give cement work In ex change. Woodlawn 54S3. WANTED Fist -class machinist operator. Apply Morning Astorian, Astoria, Or. CARPENTER wanted. Opera House Laun dry, 243 Everett st. WANTED Janitor for office bldg. Give pnone nmnper. rt z s b, o rego man. YOlNG man assist a-nt to shipping clerk. Appiy f nerman. i. lay vo. WANTED A janitor for hotel. Call Wdln. 2-1S2-K today. BOYS with bicycles are making from 93 to o a nay, .sin- i"ine. Mawy. 4 Mi s. LKDMAKER Burnslde st wanted. Coast hotsi. WANTED Full At of plumbing, wiring ana piwing. vha x. .orruon at. HZXF WANTED MALE. MEN AND BOTS SEEKING EMPLOYMENT. The place beet equipped to Msist you in finding employment is the Y. M. C. A. ' Employers go there Cor help because they know the "Y'.ppeals to the best type of men and boys. Many firms have standing orders there for men with cer tain qualifications; perhaps you are fit ted for one of these places. Advisory and employment service is absolutely free to ex-service men. All men seeking employment in cler ical, technical and commercial lines and those who are ambitious to better their condition should see the Y. M. C. A. employment secretary, room 807. "WHERE THERE IB ALWAYS "DE- MAXD FOR CAPABUE MEN BUSINESS HOUSE HAS OPENING FOR man to travel, 21 to 27; high school training; not selling, but requires-- torce ful, dependable man who can make good and is looking to a future. Salary lo0 and expense allowance, extra profits. Will pay producer $00 weekly. Write Mr. Smithson. Hotel Multnomah. No tele phone calls. State quajincations, last em ployment. Give phone. THE OLDS, WORTMAN & KING STORE requires the services of an experienced drapery- salesman also furniture Bales man. Apply superintendent's office 9:13 to 10:30 A. M. LINOTYPE machinist-operator: ads and straight; 19 and 5; union; eight hours; .445; only A-l man wanted. State age, " experience, reference and. how eoon you can come. Or makeup and ad 'man, same salary and hours. Must be able to handle ad on eight-page nnlly. Eve ning Herald, Klamath Fallr Or. JANITOR wanted, man between 80 and 60 years oT age to do general Janitor work in automobile establishment and manu facturing plant; we want a man who is not arrata of work and who desire a steady job both winter and summer: state qualifications, reference and wage expected. O 2tM. Oregonian. WANTED A man and wife with team who can give reference, to take charge of small dairy and farm; must have ex perience in handling farm and. cows; will enter into contract on protit-sbaTing ba sis with right man; give full particulars, experience and nationality. O 222, Ore gonian COAST distributor for large eastern fac tory wants manager for store to be opened here. The business is legitimate and permanent, the goods are staple and the demand rapidly increasing. A de posit of $2500 is required, fully secured by merchandise. For interview, address BC 234, Oregonian. Give phone number. MEN IN FACTORIES WANTED. Men with influence in industrial plants among the workers will be offered a remarkably dignified profitable line of employment; make up to 250 a day. State where and when you could start. Write F 253. Oregonian. DO YOU want to earn money in your spare .time? We have wonderful offer to make ambitious men and women; no previous experience necessary; no money required; write today for plans. American Prod ucts Co., 489 American bldg., Cincinnati, Ohlo. NEWS REPORTER Have . permanent po sition on afternoon country dally for firm-class outside newsman; want mar ried man with severally ears experience, who has energy and enthusiasm; $40, with chance for advancement. Address AV 702, Oregonian. THE OREGON STATE MOTOR ASSN desiring to increase its membership for the purpose of being, of assistance to the automobile tourist during the year 1021, requires the services Of seveial live membership salesmen. '"Apply 273 Pine street. 1 1 WANTED- Experienced jewelry sales man; must be reliable. "Good 'position for thoroughly capable man. Write fully first letter, giving experience and references. Address 1497 Belmont st. Phone Tabor 439. TO YOUNG men- now employed but not satisnea with present position, I win give you free training in salesmanship evenings and if you qualify a position is open ofr you. Call Monday evening, 7:30. 404 Spalding bldg. A-.-1 FURNITURE and linoleum man; must be able to sell furniture and lay lin oleum; state - salary and? experience. Hackett-Uott Furniture Co., The Dalles, Oregon. WANTED A god, honest ooy, or would consider a man. io neip me uenver miiK and wash bottles for board and room and clothing and $15 a month, wages; out of city. AV 713.. Oregonian. WANT good man for general farm work. c no res, etc., ateaay place lor. reiiaoie man ; state age, wages expected; place Is miles from Tigard on Bull moun tain. Schmld, Kt. 1, Beaverton. OLD-ESTABLISHED Portland motor car ri mi desires tne services or an expe rienced retail auttomoblle salesman. Ap ply in own handwriting, stating expe rience. R 992, Oregonian. NOTICE I want to get In touch with a good Jobber. I have a good proposition to offer him Something new. Phone Bdwys 29i8 for particulars and appoint ment, call room 8. TOUNG man for Ford delivery, preferably living at home; must nave some sell ing ability and able to furnish refer ences. Good position to a hustler. C 97, O re go nlan. . THE WEST OREGON LUMBER COM PANY, Llnnton, Oregon, will want a force of construction millwrights begln nlng about November 23; must be com petent and bring tools. Apply In person. JANITOR for apartment house, married man, wire to assist (no cnnaren); hanay man with some experience; good pay, steady job,. In answering give phone number. AG 178. Oregonian. YOUNG man, who knows something of motion picture generating, for work close to Portland on circuit. 702 Spalding bldg.. 10 to 11 today. SEVERAL men over 25 with fair Intelli gence and good character to represent large corporation as salesmen. 406 Northwestern Bank bldg. WANT tiecutters. new camp on head waters Green river, good timber, steaay employment. Write Standard Timber Co., Evanston, Wyo. SOLICITOR wanted for cleaning and tai loring business; good substantial posi tion for dependable man. Woodlawn 000. 1374 Greeley. A GOOD rose a-rower for a modern srreen- house. Must have had years of expe-t rienc ana reierences. Hoiiywooa Gar dens, 1022 Second ave., Seattle, Wash. EXPERIENCED dispenser for bar In pri vate club. In reply state whether mar ried -or single, quote references and sal ary expected. C 151, Oregonian. WANTED A good reliable man for small dairy -and place; must (be a good milker (a. V. A. preterrea). Address T. H. F. Linnton, Oregon, Route 2, Box 44. ADVERTISING solicitors. Experienced only, weekly, monthly papers, bankers' month ly, Rand-McNally state pocket guides. ujyae, iu biock exenange oiag. ( WANTED First-class baker; must be an all-around man, French pastry, cakes and bread. Apply to chef, Panama Rest.. 109 Broadway. y WANTED Window trimmer and writer. Address L 234, Oregonian-. sign Help Wanted Salesmen. FIRST-CLASS opportunity" for experienced advertising representative on first-class local weekly magaxlne, regular or spe cial Issue work ; state experience and reference. BF 2, Oregonian. HAVE opportunity for good live salesman, age 23 to 30, willing to travel, profitable business, commission basis, expenses ad vanced; bring reference and proved qualifications. 824 Henry bldg. AUTOMOBILE salesman by old estab lished and substantial firm .carrying the best lines of cars on the market. A splendid opportunity for tbo right man. II 240, Oregonian. SALESMEN Commissions paid on receipt of orders. Tou can earn a day's pay in a few minutes selling our peanut vending machine from Illustration. Ad Lee Novelty Co., Dept. B-18. Chicago. SALESMAN WANTED Old established firm has opening In sales force for en ergetic, hard working salesmen; good opportunity for the right man. Apply 71i Corbett bldg. SALESMEN, rew specialty line; every business a prospect; good commission: pay each day. Call In person, room 246 Oregon hotel, Sunday and Monday, after 10 A. M. EXCELLENT opportunity for man of sales ability to get In business selling printing and direct- mail advertising. Call Monday. 427 Board of Trade bldg. W ANTED Automobile saleHman with ability and pep. to sell light car. one with previous experience preferred. C 63. Oregonisn. COMPETENT building material salesman: state age, full experience and salary ex pected. AE14, Oregonian. WANTED Ford salesman; good opportu nity for live man. Ford Dealex The Dalies, ur. MANUFACTURERS representatives for Oklahoma. Arsansas, Louisiana and Alabama. tail o-i J St. TOUNG man. salary an bonus, city work no samples; must be worker. L 239. Ore gonian. SALESMEN Wonderful opportunity, in come insurance. 601 Corbett bldg. COMPETENT specialty salesmen. In person. 22l Stark st. apply SALESMEN for a real live article. $5 de posit required. 41 Stock SrXchaxige. UiSLf WANTED MALB Help WantedSalesmen, A REAL SALE3MAN can find a real opportunity with . THE BEAVER BOARD COMPANIES. " - This man has been selling In the Pacific coast territory and is familiar with such lines as lumber, sash and doors, paints, roofing or some other building specialties. . He is a clean-cut. energetic fellow between the ages of 25 and 35. He is am bitious to establish his future and re allzes the limitations of his present connection. - He - in an analytical bimln man rather than the old-time drummer: he believe In co-operating closely with his aeaier; ne Knows the ethics ol the buslness man and formulates permanent connections wiw aisr trade, .tie nan clean record. - i. We are the largest manufacturers of our kind In the world, the nioneem of our industry. We are greatly expanding our Dusintsa, wnicn maKen it necessary that we immediately enlarge our sales org am aa uoo. - - If this appeals to you and you have the qualifications write t fttir San Fran cisco office, 234 Rialto- building, giving full details of youraelf . with our assur ance that all communications wll'. be strictly confidential. . Your letter - with full Particulars. references, and nthr information, including your telephone number, will uecuro an immediate in terview, we have a genuine oppor .unity for the right man. . SALESMEN To sell during the season of iwi. Deginning January l. the no tea Shaw line of art and business calendars, fans, pencils, signs, leather and other high-grade advertising specialties. It Is a line of merit and worVhy of the best efforts of the most capable salesmen, therefore we are interested only in men who mean business and are s-kir" a permanent connection. Men with abil ity to call on banks and oiner n. business establishments. Liberal com pensation to thj right men. For par ticulars address .the haw Advertising company, Kansas City, Mo. HAVE you ambition? Do you desire to escape from your present condition of dependence, under which you have dif ficulty to make ends meet ? Are you willing to perform faithful and con scientious service to your fellow work men, not to a boss? Do you want con genial working conditions that will as sure comparative independence? If you are that kind of a man, we want you In the southern part of Washington. Pre vious experience not necessary, nor de aired. LISTMAN SERVICE COMPANY. -Box 645, Vancouver. Wash. WANTED First-class sales representa tive for city of The Dalles and terri tory east of Cassade range, 1n the state of . Oregon; line consists of exclusive art calendars. hiun-Krade leather soods." In door and outdoor metal signs, for adver- I tislng purposes: an excellent. oDnortunltv for real producers; necessity for adver tising never greater; earning possibili ties unlimited; a two and one-half mil lion dollar concern : make reservation now for the new year. Address the El- woo a .Myers company, western sales di vlslon, Springfield, Ohio. WANTED First-class sales representative for the city of Portland and territory west of the Cascade range In the state of Oregon; line consists of exclusive art calendars, high-grade leather goods, in door and outdoor metal signs for adver tising purposes; an excellent opportunity for real producers: necessity lor adver- tislng never greater; earning possibili ties unlimited. A two and) one-half mil lion-dollar concern; make rosersations now for the new year. Address Elwood Myers company, western sales division. fepringrield, Ohio. CAN YOU SELL SECURITIES? Then don't look' farther until you have investigated the merits of our ' company. The personnel is composed or prominent local DanKers wno active ly direct the affairs of the company. Liberal commission and active co-opera tion with our salesmen have enabled us to sell faster than any organiza tion In the city. For Interview address G 240, Oregonian. WE WANT an experienced man with rood references, sound common sense and strong personality to work In Portland: large Income and quick promotion for one who can Quality. 'in la in a real opportunity for a man of refinement (married preferred) with an eye for the xuture: worK mgniy aignmea ana con genial. If now employed it will pay you to change; our men are earning $30 to $300 per week. Call 1107 Spalding bldg.. I0:3Q to 1; ask lor Air. 'ox. WANTED High-class . and experienced salesman possessing confidence and per sistence, to represent etabllhed organiza tion, for work In Portland with retailers - ana small manufacturers, etc. rroposi ticn Indorsed.! by leading retailers asso . ciations. ana aemanas nign-ciass nan dllng. Remuneration by commission only. but the right mas can average $300 to $400 monthly. See Mr. LewLs, 202 Stevens bid g. SIDELINE MEN and specialty agents sell Greenwood s Approved .Business ana in come Tax Record to business, profes sional men; nationally advertised, sold on open territory: no experience quired; a business necessity; big money maker. Eighty thousand sold last sea son, is very business and professional man a live ' prospect. Greenwood Co. 712 Federal st.. Dept. 61, Chicago, III. SALESMAN If you could offer a business man nign-graae pencils with his aa im printed' in gold, in Quantities as small as a single gross, cheaper than lie buy his ordinary pencils, so be could use them himself or as an advertising nov elty, wouldn't you think you had a real live proposition? Easy sales; big com missions. Mr. Hobbs. sales manager. 25 Church St., New York city. WE WILL interview five salesmen who can come up to our standards; you must be men of the following qualities: Earnestness, force and rood character. To men of that caliber we can give the finest and cleanest employment: also the remuneration is the best. If you are that type of man, apply to 909 Wilcox bids., to 11:30 A. M. and 7;30 to 8:30 . M. MANUFACTURING concern can use three wide-awake, honest and energetic sales men : prefer those with automoolles; must be familiar with the auto trades; salary or commission basis. Apply Para gon wneei vvoras, wi aiain st. DO YOU WANT TO MAKE LP JO oU per DAY in handling one of the clean est security propositions backed by Portland men ? Outside territory If you can manage sales campaign ; write stating your references and wnen avail able. Address F 2oo, Oregonian. BALESMEN-Large clothing manufacturer otters exceptional opportunity to high- grade salesmen selling liberal proposition tr retail rlnthier. Dalrn take nti chance, no purchasing required. Liberal commissions. Highest reierences essen- tial. Kambcr Co., 708 B'dway, N. Y. SALESMAN to sell a high-class line of manufactured products, old company, large business throughout United fctates and Canada; will teach you how to sell: salary and commission. Call or write the w. sr. nawieign oo., oi union ave..W- rnone Automatic SALESMAN to sell Ford cars: good proposition to live man. Talbot & Casey, inc., 1 Grand ave IF YOU CAN SELL HOMES and want a flrst-ciass opportunity dealing with live prospects and photographed listings, with plenty of co-operation, good con tract, see Mr. Saunders. 332 Railway Sx- cnange oiag. juubi nave auto.. WE DESIRE an experienced salesman Ore gon territory, high-grade line. water proof, clothing and automobile coats; straight commission. If qualified, write full record, flrsf letted. Goodyear Water proof Lo., .Minneapolis, aiinn AUTO AND TRUCK, salesman who can produce results ; out-oi-town employ ment: 20 miles from Portland. Guaran tee and commission basis. In answering tve run particulars as 10 aDiiity. n.. rerKins, niusooro,' ur. DISTRIBUTER wanted In every town for Speedoiine; i3in to sow per month; ex clusive territory; automobile free to I workers. bpeedotine Co., ' Dept. 86, Dallas, Texas. WANTED A few live wire salesmen: money-getter; state and county rights to the right parties. It will pay you to call at 631 Thurman st. N. Call 10 A. M. to 5 P. M.. room S. SALESMEN wanted In every county to sell tne tuasy BOOKKeeper to merchants. Write for terms. The Easy Bookkeeper, rtvvi zo:n ave. j. w ., Seattle, u. . A. SALESMEN. Inexperiapced or sxperlenced. city or traveling. Write for list of lines. fun particulars, jxat 1 salesmen Tr. Ass'n, dept. 274. Chicago. III. SALESMAN for city and country territory for the most rapidly selling auto acces sory on market: fits ail cars: Hberal proposition. Mr. Lovett. 445 stark st. SALESMAN, conversant with meats and candies, for Willamette galley territory. Write me. care Ho Biigh, Salem, Won day. rienrytiaii. WANTED Live automobile salesman to aell Chevrolet: have good territory will make good man a good proposition. .tsert xiaax, anoy, uickoq. HELP WANTED MALE. Help Wanted I REPRESENTATIVES WANTED. MANUFACTURING CORPORATION IS ESTABLISHING DISTRIBUTION AND SERVICE CEN TERS IN AUTOMOTIVE AND POWER aJIELD. ' EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY FOR HIGH-CLASS MTTN WITH BANK REFERENCES. - ADDRESS. ATTENTION MR. COOPER, 2530 N, BROAD ST.. PHILADELPHIA, PA. WE WANT three of the best sales men in the city to handle she best se-curity ever offered to the people. No water or promotion In the or ganization. Big earnings, for the right, men. None but the right men wanted. Call 702 Title & Trust bldg. between 10 and 12. ; ,. WANTED SALESMEN Yes. SPECIAL TY salesmen. NOT prune peddlers. who classify themselves "good mixers for future trade." but rather REAL men who can "get the name on the dotted line and the check in one operation: an in come or 100 weekly will soon looK SMALL to a "live wire;" no others wanted. Commission PAID DAILY. Call Monday and .Tuesday. 403 Railway Exchange. 9 A AI. to 3 P. XL SALESMEN will make big money during 10121 selling our new line 12-sheet cal endars, art calendars, art leather goods, fietal and wood signs, hats, caps, aprons, herrao meters, yardsticks, card and palm fans. etc. Our proposition .is most at tractive and cotumbutuns very liberal. Write today for Oregon territory and commence work December 27. State full experience first letter. Novelty Ad vertlslng Co., Coshocto p. hio. WANTED Reliable salesman. " Men who are never satisfied but always want more. ifead carefully and If this is your caliber answer; If not, no time to waste on aeaa one or men wno want to borrow money. Business clean cut. High cash for live ones only. Money as you never saw It before from the start. Call 404 Spalding bldg., between 10 and 11 and a and 4. Ask for Mr. Shan- ahan. . FORD SALESMAN WANTED. - We have oositlon ooen on our Ford selling force that offers an excellent opportunity to a tnritty young man wild. selling ability; good future; Ford sales now normal. Call for Mr. Wright or Mr. Odgers. GO North Broadway, at Da vis St. JOHN BAUM GARTH COMPANY. RANDOLPH AND OGDEN. CHICAGO. Established manufacturers of exclusive calendars and adv. specialties, want an able salesman for Portland ami vicinity. Commission basis; big opportunities. Act now ; start work immediately, oioaing territorial contracts now for 1921. A SPECIALTY salesmen familiar with plumbing and mechanical lines can make connection with established con cern covering; the Pacilic coast terri tory; commissions weeKiy; spienaia op portunity lor advancement; give reier- ences first letter. O 221, Oregonian. SALESMEN Experienced, sell high-grade lines of aluminum ware from beautifully Illustrated catalog; big demand; prompt snipmentn; onmmisninns paia weeKiy; part or full time. Write for particulars. enterprise Aluminum Co.. lso jNorth vv Roasn, tjmcago. SALESMEN with cars, men who want to take on something big and prepared to handle same-: area test automobile neces sity ever out; wonderful opportunity for oig money ana territory, uan wees: a ays. f.-L'o.-utx aitg. oo., oil: Mcitay Diag MEN WANTED outside Portland to sell Self-Colloctlon Systems to business and professional people; sells for $E. agent maxes $z.o; great possionities ror nus tiers. D. G. Gifford, box 2112, Port land. Or. SALESMEN Silk, to call on jobbing trade with high grade, exclusive uuvetyn. ex perienced man to cover' this territory. State specificially territory covered. Box 800, 1350 Broadway, New York City. WANTED AGENTS. $6000 A YEAR is your profit from 4 sates day. Davidson sold UU one week. No experience needed. Aladdin light Is sensation wherever Introduced; 5 times ss bright as electric. Won gold' medal Tested and recommenaea by 3D leading universities. Farmers have money, they use this light and 9 out .of 10 will buy. Also big opportunity In small towns and suburbs, excellent spare time ana even nr seller. No capital required. Sample on free trial. Write Mantle Lamp (Jo., 78 Grand ave., Portland, Or. AGENTS Make $;0 weekly taking orc-ers for fast-selling Goodyear raincoats; hun dreds of orders are waiting; $2 an hour for spare time, we deliver ana collect. W'rlte today for agency. Goodyear Mfg. Co., 7338 Goodyear Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. AGENTS Establish business of your own; there is big proilts selling soaps, per fumes, toilet preparations, fond products, etc., exclusive territory. Write quick for particulars. American Products Co., 478 American Diag., Cincinnati, unio. WANTED Exclusive county agents for the American Lady washer, sells on sight at $5. 50; agents getting rich. Write, se cure your territory immediately. Amer ican Washer Works, 323 Oolman build in g, Seattle, Wash. , AGENT can make $10 a day selling to the thousands who want them Hoxneed, the hose supporter without elastic. Send 25o for samnies ana Dronosit on. - boxneea Co.. 800 Pacific bldg., San Francisco, Cal. A BUSINESS OF TOUR OWN Make sparkling glass name pi a tea. numbers, checker boards, medallions, signs: big Illustrated book FREE. E. PALMER, 201 Wooster, O. BIG PROFIT3 selling Duplex transform ers; every auto ownea needs them. Save gas. isanisn sparK piug trouoie. cx elusive territory. Write quick. Jubilee Mfg. Co.. 288 sta. c, Omaha. Neb. WANTED Good solicitor for students- In art picture work; new laea, no competu, tion. So to 815 per day easily made: lady or gent. Outfit furnished. Call automatic 624-19. AGENTS Largo manufacturer wants agents to sell hosiery, underwear, shirts. dresses , skirts, waists, shoes, clothing. etc. Write for free samples. Maaison Mills. 503 Broadway. Isew ork. CHEWING- GUM Sell to dealers; profit able business bunt up quickly; spearmint and novel popular pacaages. write to day. Helmet Co., Cincinnati. O. MANUFACTURER'S agent In districts out of Portiana. staple article, usea con tinuously in every household. Mr. Cochrun, 247 Start AGENTS, learn about nrofits supply In perfume to families dt aaaressing L,eixier & oo., t3 waiton, at. l.ouis. io. SEND for free toilet soap sample and $10 cash refund offer. Lacassla Co., Dept. 610, St. Louis, Mo. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. Male and Female. WANT MECHANIC (WITH $3000 TO WfTH SERVICES (CABINET WORK OR MACHINIST), GOOD PERMANENT INSIDE JOB. ESTAHLlSHbL) MANU FACTURING BUSINESS. STAND MOST RIGID INVEPTIGATON. ADDRESS A 278. OREGONIAN. MRS. L. V. SCOTT, formerly director of employment for women with the federal government, will secure employment tor women in an lines. urnce av Henry bldg., cor. 4th and uaK sts. Hdwy. 4537. FIRST-CLASS maid. Out, r0 K. B.; one waitress, hotel, out; two waitresses, res taurant, out; two ladles, hospital work man and wife. out. 801 Raleigh bldg. 327 Washington st. CALL AND sao us for office and clerical positions. Hlgh-ciaes positions secured for high-class applicants. Williams' Per sonnel service, 0U4 bpaiaing oiug 1 WANTED Fir,t-class bricklayers for out of town work. For details apply 010 Oregonian bldg. WANTED Toung man. 18 to 20, for work in large manufacturing plant. Apply aiu Oregon Diog. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED A-l stenographer, must have lumber experience, fiiu; give phono Number. M ys, uregonian. DRAPERY sewers wanted: must os ex perienced and capanie or doing high class worx. rnone aeiu d-iv. WANTED Girl or woman for general housework, nice room ana good wages, c.n.11 Taoor ."Tr4. j PIANO lessons given for sewing, laundry and houseworK; references. 31am 3018. NEAT vouns ladles for sales work: no ex perience necessary, su nippoarome oiag. WANTED Experienced finishers. 205 Columbia bldg. WAITRESSES for Thanksgiving week, al Be&sias notei. seanme. vr. WAITRESS wanted at Pillsburys Beaaery. 100 W. FarK St.. corner atars:. EXPERIENCED farm cook, small crew. AF 240. Oregonianf WANTED A girl to wait table. Rosebud restaurant. 49 3d N. A LADY to sell toilette articles or as partner. BL) aai. oregonian. WANTED Marker and sorter in laundry. Call Tabor S04 after l:dU P. Al. Sunday. HELP WANTED FEMALE. MEIER & FRANK COMPANY as In past years Incites all former em ployes not now engaged, to call at the employment department, sixth floor, any time during store hours to make ar rangements for work during the holi days. Former Inspectors, cashiers and salespeople may arrange convenient working hours if not able to work ail aay. - MEIER & FRANK COMPANY. FORMER SALESPEOPLE AND CASH IERS OF LIPMAN. WOltFIS COM PANT not, now engaged who wish to work full or part time through the holidays are inVlted to report at the employ men tbureau before 10:30 A. M. LIPMAN WOLFE St COMPANY. , THE OLDS, WORTMAN & KING STORE requires the services ol canay sales women. Must be thoroughly experi enced. None other need apply. Apply superintendent's office 9:15 to 10:30 A. M. THE OLDS, WORTMAN & KING STORE requires the services oi experienced cashiers. Must De laminar wnn na tional register system. Apply superin tendent's office it; 15 to 10:30 A. M, WANTED Middle-aged intelligent woman as housekeeper In fine home by marriea co utile awav all day. Saturdays. Sun days and evenings off; no children, any one wanting a good home and small wages win appreciate tnis; give reier ences and full description. In first letter. AN 246, oregonian. WE CAN use two more saleswomen be tween the ges of 30 and 45. to sell our BOOK OF KNOWLEDGE. Demonstrat ors and teachers preferred; must have good references; pleasant and remuner ative work for those who Qualify. It will pay you to investigate. 132 Tenth St.. room 305. WOMAN TO TRAVEL FOR LARGE FIRM Not selling. Leadership essential; sal ary $140 and expense allowance; ad vancement. Will pay capable woman $200 upward. Must be educated, aggressive; nrefer ex-teacher. Write Mr. Smlthsen, Hotel Multnomah. No phone calls. State education. Give telephone. WANTED Middle-aged lady to keep hnniiDK f w nrk 1 n ir man light WOrK. a home and some wages; in answering this ad send seii-aaaressea envelope, jusl giv ing house and street number, no name. o. Ai. smith, i-iii center st, uregou Or. Come out Sunday morning. 21st. WANTED Experienced jewelry sales lady. Good oositlon ror "one tnorougniy capable and reliable. Write fully first letter, giving experience and references. Address 1497 Belmont st. or phone Ta bor 9459. STEVDORAPHER AND PRIVATE SEC RETARY, experienced young lady, must oe expert in snort nana; iumoer on ice, mm a 11 tfiwn In vallev : nermanent Posi tion ; references with reply required. AV . 712, Oregonian. MF.MR W, R PARKNT-TKACHER ASSOCIA TION, visit mothers of little girls in tntwrnat rinmAiitin art r rtosltion 2 months, ' salary $120; must be active and well .educated woman. Give particulars, tel ephone. S 253, Oregonian. DEMONSTRATOR wanted for window dis play; experience unnecessary; good ap noRrancR and wardrobe essential; In an- Bworin? p i v a re. complexion, height. weight, etc.; short hours, good pay. BJ 1S3, Oregonian. WE REQUIRE a dependable young woman stenographer, experiencea in lire aia rpntrnl insurance : must have initiative, Kif rpilflnce and pleasing' personality. Splendid future with us It you make good. Y J.u4, oregonian. wnXfAK to embroider Initials and mono- - grams; must be thorough. Jacobs Shirt Co.. Raleigh oiag. EXPERIENCED chambermaid for steady nttaitlan In email orivate hospital by De cember 1 ; salary and board ; must be neat and xurnisn rex.ere.nces. iu xo, ur gonlan. WANTED Neat and accurate typist Tot temporary work only; must oe swiit ana able to turn out first-class work. State your price per hour. AE 230, Orego nian. DANCER Wanted, young lady assistant teacher and exniDition aancer; nee in structions, good salary. Call Monday. De Honey's academy, 23d and Washing ton. WILL guarantee a salary of $1500 to a young or ,miaaie-agea woman or Lair education to assist in educational work. Address P, O. box 2110, giving telephone number. ESTABLISHED branch house needs two competent women or mature years ior permanent work, whole or part time; not office. AH 218. Oregonian. FIVE capable women who mean business for outdoor selling; spienaia proposition for Xmas gifts. Training given it inex. perlenced. S 245. Oregonian. WANTED Women to work on steam tables ana carving stanus. -up Lunch Room, Broadway and Washing ton st. James Larson, manager. SCHOOLTEACHERS WANTED to handle a money-maKing proposition as side line among friends; very attractive and profitable, write -j-. urggviuaii. Dir. vrtrt ?. Can you act? Have you naa experience in muuou P'ium work 7 it so, appiy Anmiiu rum 109 2d st. w a vteD Reliable housekeeper with small child on tarm to kouk ior one two men; state wages. BJ 260, Orego- nlan. STENOGRAPHER, beginner not afraid to help on doom or m . "lc"Jr'x" . perienoe and salary wanted. BF 189, Oregonian. ' WANTED Girl ushers ot under IS years nf n vf must Da unoex a ll. inctiea. See head usher. Star theater, Monday morning. WANTED An experienced duress maker to take charge OI a iirst-ciass remuaeung shop; must be competent and have jood taste. Apply ai central umg. wT.TKn FMrst-claas lady marker am cotter. Must oe a laai cnecer. wagas $2S per week In a good town near Port land. AV 698, Oregonian. ANYGIRL In need of a friend apply to the Salvation Army tescue Home, Aiay fair and Alexander streets. Phone Main 34-50. ' DM car. - ELDERLJT woman for plain housework. for elderly people; no waamng or dk ing; near the city; wages $30. Call East asuo mornings. 3 WOMEN to renew orders of patrons well t ifiert w rn t nn rincpsa 1 cu 1 rr.D arations. Every article guaranteed. 61S Dekum block. Main Z4ua. WANTED An elderly lady to do light secretary worK tor a permanent oome. Call Tabor 4ua. WANTED Saleslady experienced in drugs and coniectionery. .appiy at xoox oauuy blvd. GIRL for office work in garage, small wages to start, uau iast . axter iu A. M. Sunday. WANTEEK-Business college girl who has afternoons free to assist wim cniiaren and houseworK. aaar. 000. A YOUNG girl wanted to do light OTTice and delivery worx. at ao uregt' nlan bldg. F.YPRRrEXCED marker and sorter steady work, opera nouse wtunary, xa EveretL - LADIES to sell Arnold's strip bluing: no experience neuemiij . mini b uiuuvy with spare iirnw. in. thic FLORENCE Crtttenton Home is ready to help any girl in distress. 9 East Glisan. "Mr car. East iq. l "R P". tt I N 5D hlrh school girl assist with housework; family 2: good home and wages. S51 Northrup st. WAITRESSES for Thanksgiving Week. Apply manager seasias aoiei, ceasiae, ore gon. w a MTF.n Photo printer, studio exoeri ence. Call bet. 8 to 9. The Cann Studio, 502 Merchants Trust oidg. WANTED Woman for pastry and general cook; also gin to wora on lountain, noon and evenings. 577 Washington st- ELDERLY LADY, very little work; more lor companion, vv oou iawn oiao. MAKE money a 1230 SOth ave., t home In apaa time. 'LM.1I1U, -.!. CAPABLE girl for general housework and cooking. Appiy owi r tappers st. WANTED Experienced receptionist fsr photo studio. Boxrt:8o. oregonian WAITRESS wanted, 4 to 12 P. M. Butte rf-faurant, 246H Burnslde St. EXPERIENCED finishers and helpers on gowns. 3412 rHortnwsstem mnn Dldg, GIRLS wanted at once. Columbia Paper Box CO., -'iJtn ana noiiaaay. WANTED Norso girls. Apply 1064 Wood ward av., or pnone si.-d. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED TWO EDUCATED WOMEN FOR PERMANENT TRAV ELING POSITION. Sales manager of successful nationally known Chicago corporation Is in Port land at Imperial hotel to Interview two or three competent. well-educated women with view to adding them to our regular sales organization; applicants must apply In person, must be over 27 years of age, have at least high school education and be free to travel exten sively; preference given to those who are self-supporting and who have a sincere desire to succeed and advance thexn- - selves: experience unnecessary, as you will be given careful training; no in vestment; pleasant work, with opportu nity for ad vaucement ; salary' and rail road fare from start; bona fide propo- . sitlon that will pay $70 per week; call In person between 10 A. M. and s P. M. Monday. Tuesday or Wednesday; ao telephone calls. IMPERIAL HOTEL LADY of refinement and culture, who finds it- desirable to enter business world. Well-known firm wants cost representative, to call on old patrons. Will afford Income of S20O monthly. generous commissions, bonus with sal ary from beginning. Must be unen cumbered, well educated and over 28. Send brief description J. JR. Sbuman, Garland bldg., Chicago. WANTED SALESWOMEN who are UN AFRAID to call upon business concerns and who refuse to take NO for an an swer saleswomen, NOT "order takers women who can stand PROSPERITY of $100 weekly commissions PAID DAILY. Two orders a day will ASSURE this Income, Call Monday and Tuesday 9 A. M. to 3 P. M. 403 Railway Ex change. - HOUSEKEEPER Experienced for farm. Must be able to cook for few men oc casionally, otherwise am alono. Start about middle of week. State particu lars, also wages expected. Sclrmid, Rt. L Beaverton. ' MOTHERLY and refined woman to take care of 6-year-old child and housekeep ing and cooking for family of five. Call at 228 N. Ifcth sL. side entrance, before 11 A. M. WILL GIVE room, board, all living ex penses to couple for woman s services in cafeteria. Call 385 E. Burnstde week 15 ays, 20 Grand ave. North after noon Sunday. - . BARITONE, tenor or soprano who can conduct chorus choir and sing their part In quartet; applications strictly confi dential, salary $50 to $75. F 263, Ore gonian. WANTED First-class dinner cook; must be able to take full charge of Kitcneni cafeteria experience preferred ; state previous employer. T 221. Oregonian. YOUNG woman wanted for cooking In light lunch rooms. Hours s to 4. Appiy 89 Broadway between 4 P. M. and 11 P. M. - WANTED All around cook for cafeteria. Call Boiler's cafeteria. 14& m si., or call Eas,t 4400 Sunday. T.AnTKS Axnprlpnmd in sellinsr books. Call Detween z ana cunnny n. hotel. Call for Mrs. Miner. WANTED Competent cashier. Must also he tenogTapner. tiive experience references. BF 262, Oregonian. WANTED Cashier. $16 and board. Ckll afternoons at Ericksons. 2d r. d st. Wanted Domestics. EXPERIENCED "maid .for general house work m family of 2 "adults ana 1 email child; prefer maid enjoying part care of child; small new house with all modern conveniences, electric washing and Iron ing machine, gas furnace, etc Tabor 4552. EXPERIENCED nursemaid with ref erence. 251 King at. Phone Main 60. WANTED 3 or 4 ladies of education and culture to Interview mothers on the moral training of children. Will pay $40 a week to those who qualify. Preference given to ladles over 30. Apply 309 Cor- bett bldg. . WANTED Neat middle-aged lady to keep house for bachelor; nice home for right party who Is looking for a home more than for wages; no children. Call 1522 Lancaster street, Sunday, between 6 and 8. evening. Take Kenton car to Darby. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK IN NEW BUNGALOW; 8 IN FAMILY: ALL MODERN ELECTRICAL CONVEN IENCES; NO COOKING; GOOD WAGES. CALL EAST 3547, OR &G5 E. 18TH STREET NORTH. WANTED Two friends or sister, one must be good cook, do washing ana downstairs work, other ironing, serving upstairs work and help with children; wages $50 each. Give address and an swer. AP 291, Oregonian. . COMPETENT girl for cooking and some housework, laundress ana ceiiar ooy kept-, two in family, west side. Call Sunday after 12. 653 Johnson st. Phone Broadway 2813. ELDERLY widower will give nice home and board to young woman erapioyeu, for light cooking evenings and mornings, for one. No phone calls. R 208, Orego nian. - WOMEN'S Protectlce Division, located at room S03 Police rieaaquariers, ;u anu Oak sts., will furnish information, give protection and assistance free to women and glri. Interviews confidential. A SCANDINAVIAN wants a middle-aged houseaeeper, one uil .wjuu iei steady position and - good home more than big wages. Will csjll. Address T 230, Oregonian. " COMPETENT young girl or woman to care for sleeping cniia occasional evenings; Rose City Park district. 1403 Wisteria ave. Tabor 9382. - GIRL -or woman for general housework; no cniinren; no . iurnate, w. tv 450 Call mornings. 1095 Westover road. Call Main 2392. WANTED Girl for cooking and general houseworK; must nave reierences; goou wages. Wdln. 4622. Call at 953 Bryce ave. . ', WANTED Girl with some experience to assist witn general nouse wora, sina.11 family, good home. 708 Marshall. Main 5169. , WANTED An efficient maid for general housework; none otner neea.' appiy; goou. wages. Call East 3199. GOOD wages and home for competent houseglri. ISO otner neea cu. aulu. 527-60. . $15 A MONTH to school girl for plain COO King ttllU. "Olll niut uSuv -1 ww-. -r w- . Main 9314. WANTED Woman or girl for general houseworK ana cooaing. smaii lamuy, no children. Phone Marshall 4391. rtrt. for aeneral housework in thorough ly modern name; gooa come, gooa wages. Automatic azo-ai. COMPETENT Elrl for general housework. family adults; reasonaoie wages. u E. 15th N. WANTED Reliable woman or girl to help with house worK; gooa aome. . av.n st., Richmond car. WANTED A girl assist with house work; no objection to scnooi girt. ai 10th st. - tan trOn rnmc who will assist with house worK. mam --rv - cb ' Marshall. ' GIRL to assist with general housework; no washing or cooKing. oav ovejoy. Apply mornings. GIRL or woman to sssist with housework; no-washing; a cniiQTen; goou wages; references required. Main 50S0. WILL give woman or girl home and small wages lor care 01 enjiuren wnne moiotr works, tjan evenings. o a. Asn st. YOUNG girl to assist with light house work; reasons. Die wages, wain. suw. GIRL for general housework; wages S60. Call Main 2571. WANTED G irl for housework In small family. Main guai. WOMAN to cook plain Thanksgiving din ner. Main wi4. . WANTED Girl to assist with cooking and houseworK. marshal! quo. EXPERIENCED waitress wanted. :d st. A CAPABLE girl for general housework. family or ft; gooa wages, mast dtu. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. OXE OF THE BEST. 'Location ideal. Good furniture. 5-yr. Iahrp. at 1500: netting over 8700 ner mo, 64 R. of 3, 2, 1-room suites. Will stand Inspection. Mar. 33.iZ. 4'M cuch bld.g SALESMAN wanted, -man or woman; salary or commission; cir or wmiory 11 pre ferred; a good side line. Call 212 Rail way Exehango bldg. WANTED Bookkeeper and general of- Tlce worker. Apply tiurKe hud co. Front and Overton streets. YOUNG men and women for light work good pay; few boys and glrla for afte school. w -Ua. oregonian. COUPON solicitors wanted. Studio. 471 Washington St. ShorthUl HELP WANTED WITH INVESTMENT, EXPERIENCED mill foreman with S1000 to 2uo to take Interest In and charge of well-established concern in city. M 227, Oregonian. A PARTXER-wanted in a good profltabl excellent future. Call 227 V Washing tou lu, OVd, HELP WANTED WITH INVESTMENT. AN ESTABLISHED business for sale, car rying a stock of goods that supplies all business houses; will sell or half in terest and you take full charge; suitable for man or woman. ' Will sell at Inven tory price, stock on hand about $400; rent $20 per month, in center of busi ness district. D 140, Oregonian. RELIABLE young man wanted to repre sent Portland company; not an auto mobile company, but business experience In marketing same, or motors, would - be valuable; $1000 required. Robertson, Si' 5 Morgan building. HAVE Immediate openings, either sex. for , capable general manager, also secretary, in established corporation; investment $1000 or more required. P. O. Box 95ti, - Portia nd. WANTED Partner in going restaurant; good money maker; investigate for your self; too much for one. D 97, Orego nian. WANTED A man to cut cordwood and after we market It to split 50-50. Don't answer If you haven't tools and enough jnoney to handle. Main 1721. ' SALESMAN wanted to handle the sales and collecting end of a new business Just patented ; have full control ; must Invest $200 to $500. AN 242, Oregonian. YOUNG MAN. LIVE WIREwlth $M0 cash, can secure half Interest in going office business. Must be hustler. U Xb-, Oregonian. WANT man to take charge of auto repair nop; small investment required. oil Chamber of Commerce bldg. MAN WITH light truck to handle fruit direct to consumer. Good proposition for live man. Phone Woodlawn otu. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. AUTO ELECTRICIAN. T have the experience and knowledge and I do perfect work; I absolutely guarantee my work to my employer. If you want a man who delivers th goods on electrical and battery work an swer this ad. AL 245. Oregonian. WILL PAINT YOUR HOUSE $50 to $100 cheaper than you expect to Ray. a years' experience, best materials and workmanshtn or no nav. Make me prove it. - Estimate tree. Phone Main 8220 or Main 9318. PARTY with brand-new one-half -ton truck wants to contract with ruliabi concern for hauling, city or country work; prices will be satisfactory mu tually. Address AM 210, Oregonian. YOUNG man wants farm work where mother can have emnlovment as house keeper or general housework. Please call or write 92 Grand ave., apt. SI. AM 214, oregonian. COUNTRY printer wants situation in coun try where he would have opportunity to practice on linotype, and to this end would be willing to make sacrifices; can come at once. k. astd. oregonian. YOUNG man wants evening work, from 4 to 10. and ISaturaavs. Oall lor w men. Adcox school. East 7445. Sunday call East 4045. PHARMACIST, REGISTERED, YEAR'S EXPERIENCE, WISHES POSITION; CITY OR COUNTRY. BRAUNS, 640 COMMERCIAL. WANTED 50O cords or more wood to cut: have gas drag saw and cut must e good timber. Call or write C. C. Clarke, 4710 65th st. S. B., city. BOOKKEEPER and general office man wants work, any kind, over 6 years ex perience banking and commercial work. A 300. Oregonian. MAN wants work, willing and reliable. Arthur, Automatic 217-94. Box V 282, Oregonian. m LET ME paint, tint and paper your home for reasonable day's wage. East 8798, after 6 P. M. YOUNG attorney, who can do general of fice work, would like position of a legal nnture. K 2it2, Oregonian. PRINTER All-round country printer wa'tits steady position at once; married. J. F. Collins, Pomeroy, Wash. WOULD like to hear from someone who has cordwood to cut or go partnership. W 277. Oregonian. WANTED By a willing man, middle aged!'' work on farm; can do some milk lnsr. or choreman. Y 246, Oregonian MAN WANTS work taking care of fur nace, etc., for board and room, or all day work for pay. W 276. Oregonian. ELECTRICIAN and telephone expert would like any kind work evenings. BD 230, Oregonian. EXPERT painting, paperhanging. tinting and painting done very cheap; first class work. Tabor 9172. WANTED Position as storekeeper and commissarv man; can give good refer ences. Address 308 Glisan st., city. PHARMACIST would like relief work any portion of day or night; reliable. AH 217, Oregonian. POSITION wanted by engineer, civil, or structural or irrigation project. Ad dress P. O. box 53. Lents. Portland. WANTED By two young, husky men. some worK in city; not airaia 01 wars:. Address M 209, Oregonian. YOUNG married man needs work ; will do anything. onaries iaie, - Aiarsnaii 5594. WISH, position for myself and new half- ton overland trucK, witn rename nouse. Phone -Sellwood 3744. BAKER, good cakes and pastry; mlddle- ageu, marriea. wisnes position; city pre ferred. 701 Savier jt. REGISTERED druggist wants position; young man. 10 years' experience, xirst class references. R 140, Oregonian. WANTED Position In American restau rant to learn dishwashing, xl zzo, Ore gon ian. CARPENTER builds your shelving, coun ters, saves you money. Manny, sen wood 2421. CARPENTER contracts new building, al terations; save you money. Manny, sen wood 2421. CARPENTER, new or repair work, large or small jod; estimates caeenuuy given. Blaco. Main 1665. WANTED Position as millwright or mill foreman; best 01 reierences. x- 100, Oregonian. ' " MlDDLE-ApED , man would like Job as clerk in cigar stanai; can lurnua ret., bonds. S 154, Oregonian YOUNG man wants work In sign shop where tnere wouia ue cnancn to iearu showcard writing. O 135, Oregonian. v n r ' y n married man wants emnlovment as steam engineer or uiuer wur. a. 246. Oregonian. YOUNG man wishes position with reliable firm; experiencea aiong sates line. 165, Oregonian. NOW 13 the time for pruning of your trees. jau warn ijjq. FOR CARPENTER and mason repair or new worK, iast li. nes. 11 nouney. BUTLER wishes position, good Portland and Chicago reierences. juarsnaii oui. HOUSE painting, decorating of all kinds. Signs; liit years expeneaco. inuur wnTTT.n HIca to learn bakinir. mnklnar. Call AUtO. Q---oa umwecu gnu j. f . ji. JAPANESE boy wishes position aa school- YOUNG married man wishes position as electrode weiaer; nave uu 9 yeaw vjl- BRICKLAYER Furnaces. boilers, fire- places, anytning in uric, wwrn, cuat oQj;, FOR brick mantels, chimneys and boiler settings can cwi. 1 ROOFS repaired and reshingled. thall 107; WANTED General house-cleaning and window-wssning. .mr oiw. WANTED Employment as a janitor or p o rt er. - xanor p"3. . ROOFS patched and reshingled; gutters repaired. wiwu -wi. BOOMS tinted, 3 and 4; good work and Sl.tlSiaCtlOn. Jl. -nn-xvcia. Alain (i.lK$. WE TINT them for S3. Satisfaction. Out Side painting, papornm- xiuwy. o.-o JtALSOMrNING. painting, piaster patching: reasonable. Main 2865; CHAUFFEUR wishes situation, all or half day. -n ai -nnK-S' HEADQUARTERS AND KITCH FIRST-CLASS plumber wants Jobs, large or small. East 4852. PAINTING, tinting, mirror silvering, metal plating. :i39 Fjrat st. rnone wain. .. JANITOR, married, no children. Mar- shall 677. . . EXPERIENCED man wants farm work; 3ft: married. AG 187, Oregonian. CARPENTER, contracting, remo-leling, re liable mechanic Broadway 2487. PLUMBING done reasonably by hou PIirt right price. Tabor 1116. FOR CEMEM worK, uri uia or irami yjrage D. STEADY, reliable man will work lor board " nd room. AF 140. Oregonian. WAVT hauling for 2?4-ton truck and trail! er" haul anything. AK ISO, Oregonian. FarPKNTEB Contractor, builder; Job work! Bellwood 27U3! . SEWER connections and Call Columbia Sll. cement work. truck. S ton. with freight body, tor hire. Phone Broadway 133. CARPENTER. CONTRACTING, BUII. ING. JOB WORK. SELLWOOD 1507. PA1NTXNG. tinting; prices reason bl; work guaranteed.-" Tabor 8077. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. BT COMPETENT bookkeeper, city or country, general merchandise, printing, bakery and other experience; references. AC 212, Oregbnian. CHAUFFEUR and mechanio of the high est gradt American, desires position: have handled cars 20 years without an accident. Keep up my own car and drive with consideration for others. Hansllk, Tabor 9043. SPECIALTY salesman with 15 years road experience selling retailers and JoDOrs wishes new connection December 1. Fa miliar with grocery lines, office special ties and machines. No investment propo sition considered. C 209. Oregonian. GOOD man and wife not afraid of work; neat Dotn in appearances and work; good proposition for right couple. Attractive unfurnished apt. and some money; must have own tools. No children. Main s272 between 5 and 6 P. M. Sunday. SALFasMANAGKRS and organizations Wouid you Invest $100 per month to try out a f :rst-class salesman 7 Successful past 8 years with stock tires and autos. Can show you I am No. 1 in every respect. NT 237, Oregonian, EX-WATER tender, U. S. navy, 8 yrs' ex perience, married, with family living la Portland, wants situation as water ten der or fireman; would consider looking after heating of apartments or hotel. BJ 262, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED farmer with family of tnree wants woric on xarm to Oct. 1. 1921 ; understand Case tractor; would also consider sublease proposition. AS 241. Oregonian. WOULD like position as a bandy man around a gentlemen's place or janitor; am thoroughly experienced In gardening. George Geer, care Y. M. C. A,. Portland, Oregon. WANTED Evening or early morning work by young man going to Adcox Technical school; can drive any make of car; have had grocery experience; best of references W 2i2, Oregonian. YOUNG married man, capable of taking charge of concrete road construction, knows a lot of engineering, or could keep time. Employed at present but desires to ch ange. AV 7 10, Orgonlan, WANTED A place of trust or position as watchman by married man with 12 years' police experience, London, Eng land (American citizen), have good city references. AG 1S9, Oregonian. BY MARRIED man, no children, perma nent position on general stock farm, large place preferred, years of expe rience, at liberty December 1, capable of taking charge. AV 719, Oregonian. WANTED By man and wife, work of any kind, both good honest workers, will leave city. Write us or call at room 10, City HalL apts., 247 ft 5th at., Port land, Or. SALESMAN of Initiative and) ability is open for any kind of clerk or sales posi tion; will start at reasonable salary to prove himself Al references. X 23 L Oregonian. DISCHARGED soldier, good clean, ener getic married man, age 2ft, would like position; would accept anything where advancement Is assured. Call Mar. 30U8 or address G 247, Oregonian. A STOUT boy Ryears old would like place to work for room and board and where he can go to school. T 04, Ore gonian. , ONE or two small sets of books to keep evenings by experienced accountant; best references; reasonable rates. ' K M4Ore gon ian. JAPANESE man and wife wish job- aa janitor or any kind of work for house keeping room and some wages. Phone UroH way 1258. HARDWARE salesman wants position here in the northwest; good retail and whole sale experience; can take charge. X 190, Oregonian. WANTED Work cleaning windows, wax ing floors, staining, wall paper cleaning, etc. ; references. Call Broadway isU5, all day Sunday. ' FIRST-CLASS carpenter and builder will do your repair work or build new from start to finish. Address W. H. Dalryni ple, Box 124, Lents, Or. GOING to Los Angeles, young man. mar ried; automobile salesman, would drive car or take down to sell; best of ref erences. Marshall 1141. - CHAUFFEUR will drive party to Callfor nia, for expenses; familiar with ' all makes of cars; careful driver. AR 192. Oregonian. MARRIED MAN, 10 years with one firm, wants inside work; not looking for big wages, but permanent work. H, 221, Ore gonian, POSITION WANTED By linotype oper ator and all-round Job man, 6 years' experience, 15 months on machine, union references. AV 717, Oregonian. GENERAL blacksmith and acetylene weld er wants job or will rent or buy shop. Address A. J. Adamek, 80S E. 8th sU, Albany. Or. MECHANICAL draftsman, rive years' ex perience in mechanical and structural work; best references. E. B. Sullivan, 340 19th st. N. Auto. 515-80. BOY wants work on farm for room and board and some wages. Box 25 Arleta WANTED Work In saw or planing mill by two young married men; can do any tlitng. Phone Sellwood 3070. CAPABLE, reliable schoolboy, 13 years. wants worK ana name in i-ua scnooi district. O 20rt, Oregonian. ' CARPENTER, first class, wants work, fac tory, hotel or joDoing; reasonaoie waes. Wilson. 02 N.. 3d. YOUNG man of good character would in vest $.00 with services, ju Bio, urego nian. EXPERIENCED cabinetmaker, young man, has 6 good reierences, wants em pio ment. AR 2H0, Oregonian. JANITOR work wanted in apartment house by miauie-aged man; can ao re pair work. T 2Uo, Oregonian. TILE setter wants work, new or old, by hour or job; expert on urepiacee. la bor 3026. COOK Man and wife want Job, wife- to cook, man for waiter or outsiae worn; experienced. BC 235, Oregonian. ELDERLY man wants light Job work of day work; well experienced ; prefer pri vate family. Phone E. 7429. WALL PAPER cleaned so as to look Hka new; satisfaction guaranteed. Louis . JaU Nero. P hon e E a st 792 7J FLOOR WAXING, WINDOW CLEANING, PRE-WAR PRICES. MARTIN. MAIN WINDOW trimmer, .how card writer, -now employed, wishes change. S 225, Ore gonian. POSITION wanted by experienced poultry and dairyman, wages or shares. Tabor 554. J 210, Oregonian YOUNG married man wishes work; caa give references, chauffeur preferred. Mr. Manning. Main &52U. EN-SERVICE man wants position as fire man, 8 to 12 rM.i good references, AC 222, Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS filer or sawyer wishes work, capable of operating mill. 495 Davis, Broadway 493. HOUSE painting, papering, kalsomining, day or contract. All work guaranteed. Eaat 1911. M ' ' . AN ELDERLY man would like a place to work inside for the winter; some wages; refs. T 261. Oregonian. . EXPERIENCED milker farm hand AH 212, .Ore- wants position on farm, gonlan. W ANTED Short Jobs of any kind, trim or cut down trees, gardening, painting-. Ta bor 7850. " WORK wanted by comeptent colored Jani tor, theater or office bldg. by contract; have 2 women and '2 men. Eagt b7:m. wmm.E-AGED man handy at all kinds of work, will exchange work for room and board or room. O 257. Oregonlao. MAN WILL, spend winter on dairy (U"m for experience or nominal wages. -.Address Oregonian. AUTO .mechanic wants work at once, -will drive lisnt aeuvery irucn, ihiwouw 117 8. Oregonian. , WANTED Position in Ford repair ehop by experienced Ford mechanic. Wdio, 3tH8. - WORK, wanted for a 2-ton truck by coa tract or hour. Call Tabor 8247. YOUNO colored man wishes Janitor" or Job with prlvat. - family. Bdwy. ati8T. EXPERIENCED middle-aged hotel dork desires position. P 1:17, Oregonian. PLACE wanted by watchman. In or out of city. H 224, Oregonian. : - EXPERIENCED barber's helper would like to have steady position. Kant i884. ELDERLY man would tend furnace- for room and board. K 200. Oregonian.,: WANTED1 Job driving truck or team. Phone Main 6002, apt 4. ; a"9TEADY. reliable men wants employ ment at anything. M 206. Oregonian, - POCI.TRTMAX, practical, wants work, oa poultry farm. R 300. Oregonian. IWANT agency for nursery stook. Etox 63. R. 8, Vancouver. Wash. WANTED 2 or S hours' work morning or evening, bonded. Auto. 237-09. PAINTING, TINTITJO, PAPERING. GOOD WORK. REASONABLE. SELL. 130U,;