8 THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, ' PORTLAND, NOVEMBER 14, 192D LIFE SKETCHES BY ARTIST WHO SENSES SPIRIT OF THE DAY Si mm, mm v. I!.:! ."it ? V 1 ..si!l l 1 ffS&SExt j ltii Mis,.! 1 Those tiltra tactful ladles who insist that if you think your hands look a bit grubby well you'd, just better take tt good Jook at theirx! Rodney, who is calling on Katherine; and her mamma, has-just wondered, if it wou dn't be a pood plan if he could slip away end wash up before he has his tea, to which Mamma and Katherine make tactful rejoinder that their bands -arc "sinj-ply pot black"i PT - r. Among Us Mortals Tact - V; Br w. e., hill Copyrlrht. IMS, Kw York Tribuna Inc. 1 U LA J iTW H lis : v. 1 1 111 f 1 iff 5 1 (IflL III ST Harold has wandered into the wrong doorway of the best little girl's apartment, and he is going to need all tha tact at his command. He doesn't know quite whether fo say "Oh, Mabel, how wonderfvf you look to-night!" or "Ex cuse me!" and get out quickly. It's one of those dresses the back view of which suggests either ball room or bath. 4. The man who haw-hawed when the awk ward break was made explains that what he is laughing at is a joke he just happened to remember from theday before. - A ft mm-: mm The ulfletaclf a-baby has to stand for. "Look, Agnes,' look look at tJnele 'Waldo!' Oh, poor Uncle Waldo! See he's bumped Aw head against the mantel, arid he doesn't -0 -! If , K tea . 1 !?1 &y tM-'Mi uk-i mmm- ft? Humbert, the' ' waiter, tactfully flecks an imaginary something off the' adjoining table as he hands you your change, all in bills and vhalf dollars. - -.r -r- About a week before examinations ' Archie takes undue pains to ask teach er to suggest some nice authors for outside reading, some authors who wilt prove as delightful -reading as those the class have just been studying tfrs. Joe" King is ine of those peo ple who are al ; ways tactfully withdrawing bo , that a couple wh probably don't want to be left alone can be left to themselves. '"Two's . company. - ' Wn , is Mrs. Kine's slogan. . , - ( Oh, plae don't bother to touch itf Why, I'm going to thrpw this horrid Td dress in the rag bag anyivayl , I've always hated It!" The overturned frappe, nd the tact !ul reply from the victim who would like nothing better than to ' chew him up--seeing that it's brand new gownl - mm f I -W -lis 4 'Oh, my dear, yoa don't know how, J do envy you your sweet, cozy little flat . on R i g g s Street. We're simply camping out at the Kitz. and oh, how we hate it!" The lady with a great deal of money being very sweet and aetful to the lady with very little - aiir.'n;?5i.?f ? P8 aV w ml s25:l "We were just saying what remarkable weather we have been har ing, especially for November!" meaning that the absent member of the anvil -chorus has been discussed forward and backward prior lio her entrance into the drawing room.