THE ' SttXPAY' OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, NOVEMBER 14, 1920' it,- - as, seem Qycfimnti 1' 8 V 4 s 3 $ S . 5 f )V 1 3. .V' . s 4 af-ris f i . vjy&; , ft inf?rtvoocAX lndertvood 1ndorwoodMY 4 1 v wS1- 5fs i- - i r r (3 lntiertvood 9 lnderwood.MY indcrtvood 1 ndffrwvodArr V V 0.jftJ' 1 . " X I' WITH th new women voters about doubling the total vdte In New Jersey, election of ficials took no chances n not hav 'lnr accommodations for the ballots and provided barrels " In place-, of regrulation boxes. The photograph re produced here was taken In Jersey City. - Two California girls recently hiked across the continent to New York. They have now taken to bicycles and are on their way to Florida and Cuba. On Completing their Journey they propose to stpdy. Journalism in New York. The girls are Beverly Bayard (left) and Lorline Davis. , Confiscated whiskey worth many thousands of dollars was recently poured into the streets outside the federal building at Los Angeles, while Interested spectators looked on, forced to content: themselves with only a "smell." -.' There is a Roosevelt highway in Pennsylvania. It was dedicated on the anniversary of the late presi dent's birthday, October 27, and president's birthday, October 27, and Mrs. Roosevelt, the widow, was pres ent at the ceremonies- in Philadelphia. Photographed with her is Mayor Moore of Philadelphia. ' Jacob Charles Denton , wealthy mining man of Los Angeles, Cal., mys teriously disappeared June 3, 19?0. The mystery was partially solved re centry by the finding of his body, buried in the cellar of his palatial home, and arrests have followed. Samuel P. Bater of Philadelphia and Mrs. Louise Pitou Wolf, daughter of a New Jersey theatrical manager, were recently married in a "flying boat" up in the air. The event made Atlantic City sit up and take notice, as the first airplane wedding occur ring there. The world's record for ocean cross ings is probably held by Captain Ar thur R. Mills. He has made 1068 orussings of the Atlantic for the American line in 41 years of service, , steaming a total distance of 3,000,000 ' miles, equal to 128 times around the earth. He was decorated by France with the Legion. of Honor.. When Frederic H. Parkhurst, re publican, was elected governor of Maine by a plurality of 60,000 in Oc tober the event foreshadowed the re publican landslide of November 2 throughout the nation. The old Ku-Klux-Klan of recon struction days has been revived in the south, such an organization even obtaining a charter from a Georgia court. The night riders are chiefly concerned with terrorizatlon of the cotton growers in efforts to keep the price up. The burning of numer ous cotton gins is attributed to them. The group shown was assembled at Stone Mountain, Ga. f?9? K&ftr - i indertnood St UndarwoodMr V V" V.-' 2 tf T" tv X . :- ia s- Ira-- is " T fVe, : --r .., w' ' ' . -'.-it. iL!"-.,11 -v. - ' If tie t i .4 f ' 1 lndertvood & lndenmodAY - x ft ,- i; r Underwood S tnderwoodMY "4 Jf? act e f&J' iZr'f sargs . f 4 f Urrdortvood & IsndarwoodV K m t ii iiftfjiiiyiiii'trifytMiiTriTtfirriiNi'iriYmiii mil rtTiWfiViift-tsii.riT'f ilk ! XVJ Underwood & Underwxod.V Y . $ 8