: THE SITNT) AT OREGONIAX. PORTLAND 'NOVEMBER 14, 1920 ' P REPUBLICANS RULE Storey, ex-speaker of the house, will be available. He has served in the house a long time from Ada county. D. L. Young of Ada county also is listed among those who may be con sidered, as is also C. J. Hugo, representative-elect from Latah county. M. I. Kiger, speaker of the last house and a pre-convention candidate for governor, is not returning to the leg islature this session. DAHO LEGISLATURE Few Democrats and No Non Partisans in Body. NEW CHAMBERS FINISHED Lawmakers Meeting in 'January Will Find All in Readiness. Organization Plans Xow On. BOISE. Idaho. Nov. 13. The repub lican party will be in absolute con trol of the next Idaho - legislature, which convenes January next. The democratic party will be sadly in the minority and the Non-partisan league will not be represented by a member in either house. The result of the election was disastrous to the bour bons, but it was worse for the league. It lost out entirely. Out of a total membership of 98 in the senate and house, the republicans have 92 seats, 40 in the senate and 62 in the house. The democrats seated but two representatives and four sen ators and the non-partisans failed to get a seat. One of the four democratic senators is a recognized leaguer, but he ran as a democrat in the county from which he was elected. Never before in the history of the state has the republican party been in such complete control of both branches of the legislature. New Chamber Completed. The 16th Idaho legislature will have the honor of opening: the new legis lative wings to the state capitol, for which the legislature made a $900,000 appropriation, and which will be ready for occupancy when the legis lature convenes. The house, is located in' the east wing of the capitol and the senate in the west wing. Both are finished in marble and mahogany and heavily carpeted. They are among the finest legislative chambers to be found in the west. Lieutenant-Governor Moore, having been re-elected, by virtue of the office he holds will preside over the senate. E. V. Whitcomb of Lemhi county, re elected, probably will be president pro tern. He held that fciost during the last session. M. B. Yeaman, re elected to represent Bonneville coun ty, ia likely to be chairman of the state affairs committee,- the adminis tration mouthpiece in the upper house and clearly the most important chairmanship in the senate. Senator Teaman was one of the leaders in the senate two years ago. He was selected as chairman of the legislative audit ing committee, which during the past two years has supervised the audit of the books of all departments in the state and has recovered almost enough money to meet the total expenses, of the next legislature. Johnnton Speaker, Perfcap. Organization of the house is fully as important as that of the senate. While there will be a number of old members back at the next session, it Is considered more than likely that Peter . G. ' Johnston, representative elect from Bingham county and dean of the lower house in point of service will be the next speaker. His friends are active in his behalf. There will, however, be other aspir ants. It is likely that Charles D. SPENCER FUNERAL HELD i Circuit Judges Attend Services for Lawyer Who Killed Self. Funeral services for Schuyler C. Spencer, well-known Portland lawyer, who shot and killed himself Thursday morning after first attempting to kill his wife, were held yesterday morn ing from the Holman Undertaking company cnapel. Services were con ducted under the auspices of the Ma sonic lodge, with Rev. W. G. Eliot Jr. preaching the funeral sermon. The pallbearers were Ralph W. Wilbur, H. B. Beckett, F. C. Howell. H. J.;Oppenheimer, R. L. Maguire. M. E. Crumpacker and W. M. Davis. The circuit court was adjourned during the hour of the funeral service and the circuit) judges attended the service in a body Mrs. Spencer is now out of danger and is rapidly recovering. Business Property Sold. SALEM. Or., Nov. 13. (Special.) Hauser, Bros., who conduct stores in several cities in Oregon, today closed a deal whereby they came into possession of the business property formerly owned by J. L Thompson and the heirs of Eber Lafore. The consideration waa between $24,000 and J27.000. The building purchased by Hauser Bros, is modern in every particu lar and has been occupied in conduct ing their Salem business for several years. "IVinlock lo Hold Election. CEXTRALIA, Wash., Nov. 13. (Special.) Three councilmen, to suc ceed Otis Roundtree. N. G. Peasley and George Ruhl, and a treasurer, will be elected at the municipal elec tion In Winlock, Wash., on December 7. A ticket will be nominated at a caucus to be held on November 221 Frank Ness, present treasurer, has not been expected to have any oppo sition for re-election. Toledo lias Newspaper. CENTRALIA, Wash., Nov. 13. (Special.)-r-Volume 1, No. 1 of the Cowlitz Valley News made its appear ance Thursday ifl Toledo. Wash. J. E. Wells, who until recently operated a Job shop in Centralia, is the pub lisher. Toledo has been without a newspaper since the Messenger was recently sold to Farmer-Labor in terests and the plant moved to Centralia. Stock Perishes in Fire. WALLA WALLA, Wash., Nov. 13. Fire on the King Witt farm, north west of Prescott, near here, today destroyed a barn, 100 tons of hay, five, milk cows, a horse and harness for 36 horses. The loss is estimated at $10,000. Insurance had run out. Officers are investigating reports of incendiary origin. Washington Reports Forest Fires. ASTORIA. Or., Nov. 13. (Special.) Forest fires in western Oregon or Washington during the winter months are a' rarity, but the fine weather and continued east wind the last few days have been followed by fires in the clearings back of Cathlamet and Cape .Horn in Wahkiakum county, Washington. 20 WOMEN WANTED t We are now miming Apples at our The Dalles plant and need IMMEDIATELY the services of 20 women on a night shift of eight hours. This work will last 60 days. Wages are based on piece' work which affords an indus-' trious worker a splendid opportunity for making good money.-" . .. . .. We provide special brand-new houses for ; your occupancy. Apply at once to R. L. Thompson - Kong's Food Products Company Blake-McFall Building 45 Fourth Street, Portland Linoleum oargains A number of splendid patterns at a reduction. ; . Cork Floor Products Co. 202 Broadway at Taylor i i J - Hl . And that is important to know in these days of dumping last season's high price stuff on the market in the form of "sales." fffl lXSit ill : ' s -mmi m&L mmm: . SUITS We buy and sell clothes in such large quantities that our stock is always fresh. Our buyer is even now taking advantage of the pres ent market situation to buy the best quality of goods at prices that are ACTUALLY BELOW WHOLESALE. Think what that means to you, especially when these same high grade clothes are sold to you at bur famous upstairs prices- prices that are far better values, dollar for dollar, than the "spe cials" that are sensationally advertised on every side in a last endeavor to unload out-of-date stock onto you; and prices that are guaranteed to save you at least $10jover ordinary prices on any gar ment in any of our three great upstairs stores. Already we have hundreds of these wonderful values in stock, and more coming daily. This week's drawing shows a typical everyday scene as our large cases of clothes arrive. Wttich goes to show- ock is THIS Season's! The only, thing old-fashioned about our stock is the low prices we ask. Every gar ment in our three great stores is up-to-the-minute in styling, cut, finish, fit and fabric. And get this whenever you buy a gar ment at Fahey-Brockman's you" get the pick of our REGULAR stock and are not shown a handful of "dead heads" that have to be "specially priced" to hide their age. Our St CVERCOAt RMTO:AfS-- no , higher than Alterations Free Fit Guaranteed Satisfaction or Your Money Back RALEIGH BLDG., SIXTH AND WASHINGTON Fahey-Brockman Bldgc and Arcade Bldg., Seattle rAHEY" lpstairs Clothiers 33ug iipsfazrs anc sao $0 Elevator leading directly to our : great showing of exclusive models THIS SEASON'S I i ; t r.