THE SUNDAY -OREGONIATT, PORTLAND, TfO VE3IBER 14, 1920 11 CITY NEWS IN BRIEF uiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiimiiiiHiimiiiiiiiiiuniii!iiimimiiiiiii!imniiiiiiiiiiiimmii City Editor Main 7O70. 6V-5 (Sunday Editor Main 7070. 6HO-95 Advertising Department. .Main 7070. 5W-95 feuperintendent of Bide . .Main WO. 5K)-85 AMC6EUEKIS. OBPHETJM (Broadway at Taylor) Vaude ville. Thl afternoon and tonight. BAKER Alder at Eleventh) Baker Stock company In "The Crimson Alibi." Thi afternoon and tonight. IjTRIC (Broadway at Morrion) Musical , comedy. Mardi Gra." Three shows ' duily. 2, 7 and P. M. HIPPODROME (Broadway at Yamhill)- Vaudeville and moving pictures. 2 to 5. 6:45 to 11 P. M. Saturdays. Sundays and holidays continuous, 1:15 to 11 P. M. PANT AGES (Broadway at Alder) Vaude ville. Three shows daily. 2:30. 1 and :0i. AUDITORIUM (Third! at Clay) Municipal concert. 3 P. M. Scons to Compete With Sfokajtb. The Boy Scouts of Portland have been challenged by the Spokane Scout to Secure more members than they do during the week of November 2 to December 4. The challenge lias been accepted In this reply: "Challenge accepted. Step on the gas If you don't want to get run over." In com pliance with a request from the na tional Scout organization all Scout councils are holding recruiting cam paigns. Already many new Scouts have been eecured in Portland, but special effort will be made during Spokane week, November 26 to De cember 4. A special prize of a week at summer camp at Wahtum lake is offered to the boy who brings in the largest number of members. Blind Musicians Appear Todat Francis Richter, blind organist and planiist; Miss Marguerite Carney, blind soprano and the quartet of the Port land Opera association will furnish today's popular concert programme at the public auditorium. This is ex pected to be one of the best pro grammes of the season. It will start at 3 P. M. Mr. Richter is one of the most noted organistd In the north west and Miss Carney is known as one of Portland's best sopranos. The Portland Opera association quartet is comprised of Klolse Hall Cook, Kath rine' Corrucinni, John Treharne and Mark Daniels. Tbey will sing the quartet from the opera "Rigoletto" (Verdi). Reed Bots Visit Eugenic. Thomas Brockway, editor of the Reed col lege Quest; William Stone, news edi tor, and James Hamilton, advertising manager, left last evening for -Eugene where a conference of editors and staff members of student body news papers representing almost every col lege and university in the northwest will discuss the problems of college publications. The conference began last Thursday, but the Reed represen tatives were unable to get away be " cause of the game between Albany and Reed. Mr. Hamilton will be dis cussion leader on the "Attitude of the Advertiser Toward College Publi cations." Anti-Zonino League Spends $1798. The campaign against the zoning measure defeated at the recent elec tion cost the Citizens' Anti-Zoning league $1798.95. according to a state ment of expenses, and disbursements filed with the city auditor yesterday by- Webster L. Kincaid, secretary. The donations for the contest came from 40 Individuals, the report shows. The largest item of expense was $913 for the obtaining of signatures on ref erendum petitions. Bishop Sumner Will Be Speaker. Oregon City will pay tribute to the men who fought and fell in the cause of freedom today at a gathering of all the churches at the Presbyterian church at 3 P. M. The Grand Army of the Republic, the Daughters of the American Revolution, the Wom en's Relief corps and the American Legion will attend in a body. Bishop Walter Taylor Sumner of Portland will deliver the principal address of the day . Church Club Celebrated. The Congregational club of St. Johns cele brated Armistice day by giving an in teresting' programme in Congrega tional church on Thursday evening. The club has sprung into existence with a membership of Eg live wire people and is promoting the social life of the Peninsula district. Valuable Information. We supply permanent and comfortable" artificial teeth very aoon after extracting teeth painlessly by our nerve-blocking method. We place sanitary bridge work, and extract, fill, crown or treat teeth for pyorrhea, all without pain. Hartley. Kiesendahl & Marshall, 107 Journal bldg. Adv. Lecture on Russia Announced. Paul Turner will give the second lecture in the course on Soviet Rus sia tonight in Alisky hall. Third and Morrison streets. The subject will be "Anti-Bolshevik Conspiracies." Do Not Foroet to call up East I0 when you want the Salvation Arm auto-truck to call for cast-off cloth ing, magazines, newspapers, furniture tc Address 24-26 Union ave Majot John tree, district officer. Adv Modern office' systems devised and Installed. Our system experts at your service, no obligation. Over 400 stock forms to select from, at a saving Phone Main 1971. Pacific Staty. & Ptg Co.. 107 Second street. Adv. Have the time of your life by at tending Eureka council masquerade dance. Monday, Nov. 15. 1920; East Side w. o. w. hall, ssth and Alder Good prizes. Union music Admis sion 3a cents. Adv. Dissatisfied with your present po sition, income or surroundings? If so. write for "Looking Ahead." Pa cific Chiropractic college. Park and Yamhill. Portland. Or. Adv. Patients of Dr. Marie Equl will be taken care of by competent physician at room 6 LaFayette bldg., 313 Vs Wash, st Phone Main 3928. Adv. Doll Hospital. We repair dolls and replace all parts. The Toy & Novelty Emporium. 464 Washington at., bet. lath and 14th. Adv. Artificial Teeth. Best in methods and materials, best in results. Dr. E. C. Rossman, plate specialist. Journal bidg. Adv. For Lease. Three-room unfur nished apartment on 7th floor. 705 Davis St.; $100 per mo. Phone Main 2076. Adv. The American Church meets at 148 13th St., between Alder and Morrison, 8 P. M. Lecture by Dr. W. J. Wirtz. Adv. Pyorrhea can be cured. Consulta tion free. Drs. Smith. Long and Stevenson. 310 Bush & Lane bldg. Adv. t Vert beautiful antique mantel mir ror (Adam design) for sale, rare piece. Call Sunday 372 E. loth st- N. Adv. Antique high post, mahogany bed for slale. very old (rare piece). Call Sunday. 372 E. 15th st. N. Adv. Perfection Plaster Wau. Board. cheapest and best. - Timms, Cress & Co.. 124 Second at. Adv Hummel- Corset Parlors, 310-17 Buh & Lane bldg. For appointment, Main 5635. Adv. Lewis Stenoer. Morrison at Tenth, grind razors, scissors, knives perfectly Adv. Oriental Rcos repaired, wash -cleaned. Dinihanian. 46a Wash. st. Br 2870 AkSljei Printing Co. for qulc'k serv ice. 252 Wash. St. Main 6TX. Adv. Kkmmerer' Coal. Carbon Coat Co.. mine agents East 1133. AdT. French Dinner every day. 5 to 8 P. M-. $1. 738 Johnson st. Adv. Dr. Sandford Whiting has returned; Journal bldg. Adv. Dr. Frederick A. Kiehle has re turned. Adv. Safett Boxes. Jo daily; 281 Oak. Ad.V. -l t , . New; Beautiful Diamond " Mountings MORE and more, unmounted diamonds are being: pur chased, to be set in exclusive mountings. Jaeger expert diamond advice and expert diamond setting: service have just been augmented by the arrival of a great many new and unusually beautiful . mountings, in time for the holidays. Gold, white gold, or platinum In remounting diamonds we make allowance for the old settings. SOLITAIRE DIAMOND RINGS $50, $75, $100 to $2500 ' All mounted with rare distinction in the newer designs of gold, white gold and platinum. In viewing this group you will see many superb examples of jeweler's artistry. DIAMOND "STAR-SET" RINGS $50, $75, $100, $125, $150 Only at Jaeger Bros, in Portland can you secure the original Star setting that is successful in giv ing the stone the appear ance of being much larger than it actually is. CLUSTER DIAMOND RINGS $75, $100 to $350 Very beautiful, flashing rings, made up of a num ber of diamonds grouped in a single setting. These are popular among seek ers for unusually effective gift rings. DIAMOND-AND-PLATINUM BAR PINS $50, $75, $150. $250 up. nA well-chosen collection of advance designs that surpass in loveliness any bar pins you've been shown before. Make your selection now and we will hold the pin you choose until Christmas. JAEGER BROS. FOR PEARLS That has become a byword in Portland. Not a great many people can rely on their own Judg ment in the selection of pearls, while all Fort land knows Jaeger Bros, as Pearl experts. CHRISTMAS STOCKS OFFER INTERESTING CHOOSING NOW. Hake someone happy by starting a valuable Pearl necklace the Ad-a-Pearl way. . me gold cnalns nave two To eight pearis strung on them Other pearls may be added oh different gift occasions. Jaeger Bros, carry a special Ad-a-Pearl stock of separate pearls for this purpose. JAEGER BROS. 131-133 SIXTH STREET Oregonian Bldg. The hahjviark 1 JEWELERS i S niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiitii,...fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiimiiuiiimiir; Model Contest Attracts. Request for information received from the leading schools and colleges by the Portland Ad club indicate that the ship model and foreign commerce con test is going to be one of the big gest the Ad club has ever conducted. During the past week Information on the contest as well as entry blanks were sent to the Oregon Agricultural college, University of Oregon and Benson Tech, in all of which schools the contest committee is expecting to obtain a number of entries. Entries will not be ' received until Novem ber IS. Wisconsin Society to Mect. The Wisconsin State society of Oregon will holdHs monthly meeting Wednes day in Turn Vereln hall. Thirteenth street, near Main. The business meet ing, is set for 8:15 P. M. A fine musi cal programme has been . prepared after which there will be cards, danc ing and refreshments. The Wiscon sinites will meet hereafter In the same place on the third Wednesday in the month. . Meat FIiom 8c TJ. At Frank I. Smith's, 228 Alder street. Mutton stew, 8c Mutton eh'lder, 10c. Roast mut'n. 12c Pot roast. 12Hc Leg mutton, lac. Roast beef, 15c L.oln and rib mutton chops, 15c Roast veal, 15c. Boiling beef. 12c. Veal cutlets. 20c Sirloin steak, 18c Porterhouse and round steaks, 20c. Smith's very best bacon, 35c and 40c . Roast pork. 25c. ork chops, 30c P-i---k T.' "rnitVn is 228 Alder t. Adv. Mc?osx Will Hold Mabquerads. Large cash prizes will be distributed at the masquerade ball at Moose hall. Fourth and Taylor streets,- on Thurs day", November 18, for the best sus tained costume characterizations. The event, which is an annual affair, is under the direction of a committee composed of E. M. Fryermuth. W. C. H. Smith and Jj. F. Knowlton. - Swiss to Dismantle Fortress. , GENEVA. Nov. IS. Switzerland's strongest Alpine fortress, St. Maurice, is to be dismantled and converted into a tuberculosis sanitarium. It is at an elevation of 1000 feet and the several millions of francs spent upon it for defense, it is said, have made many improvements that may be utilized in Us new use. . Aged Italian Princess to Wed. ROME, The engagement is an nounced of Senator arch aeologist, aged 74, to marry the Prin cess Teresa Caracciolo, aged 65. the widow of Prince Marcantonio. . The senator is a widower, his previous wife having . been Ellen Rhodes of Providence. R. L Commerce Safe Deposit Vaults, 91 Third street. Both phones. Adv. Phone your want ads to The Oregon Tidan. Main 7070, Automatic 660-95. HAZEL WOOD Sunday Dinner $1,25 Cream of Chicken Corn Soup, or Chicken Broth in Cup Celery Ripe Olives Choice of '. - . Head Lettuce, Roquefort Dressing, or . f Shrimp Salad . - Choice of - - Leg of Spring Lamb, Mint Sauce j .. Roast Prime Ribs au Jus Roast Turkey with Cranberry Sauce - . .-.'t ' Boast Leg of Veal, Dressing . V Roast Young Chicken, Giblefe Sauce ' , Baked or Mashed Potatoes Choice of String-less Beans Creamed Cauliflower Lima Beans. Buttered Asparagus on Toast Rolls or Bread and Butter ' French Pastry, Pudding, lee Cream or choice of Pie Tee, ' Coffee ' r Hot Chocolate Milk Hazelwood Plate Dinner 75c Cream of Chicken Corn Soup . Choice of Salmon, Halibut or ( - " Chicken Fricassee with Noodles or Roast Veal -with Dressing Strlngiess Beans, Creamed Caullflowev Mashed or Baked Potatoes r Choice of Pie, Pudding or Ice Cream .Tea, Coffee Milk or Buttermilk Hazelwood Vegetable Dinner 40c - Baked Sweet Potatoes Creamed Cauliflower Lima Beans Asparagus on Toast , Bread and Butte? Teav Coffee er Milk' THE azelcDOod CONFECTIONERY &RES1AURANT 388 Washington St. 127 Broadway e a. tt e-rri litmni for cash. Holman Fuel Co. Main 353. 660-21. Adv. Braiding, embroidery hemstitching. RoAth's. Morran bid. Adv. Y. M. C. A. SUNDAY AFTERNOON MEETING FOR MEN. 330 P. M. ' Topic for Discussion, ." "CONFIDENCE". Speaker HARRY W. 'STONE Mr. Stone has Just returned from the east, where he attended two great gatherings of national im portance. Hear him. Special Mnsle by " Y Orchestra. EAST 7931, TOWING Automobile Painting. - Best Equipped Shop in City. Repairing Chevrolet and Ford , Cars Our Specialty. COMMERCIAL MOTOR CAR CO. East 11th and Bnraslde. HELPING BUSINESS MEN TO DO BUSINESS is what every sale we make of this Byron Type . writer Cabinet amounts to. The Byron Typewriter Cabinet Cuts Stenographic Costs One-third vf'T j. . agjSMm.jtWMll.IULUMUii , I We Carry in Stock a Complete Line of CS-TABLES-CHAIRS in Oak and Mahogany Furniture Dept. 391 Stark St. (Near 10th) , Phone Broadway 434 Is Your Wife Irritable and Crabby? If your wife is irritable and crabby when you come home from your work, have her eyes ex amined. Many men and women become cheerful, jovial and more efficient in their work after they get. the right glasses they need, which can' be properly fitted by us. . WHEELER OPTICAL. CO. 2d Floor Oregonian Bldg. If ts-cff- LEOPOLD DESKS FOB THOSE WHO WANT THE BEST THEY CAN GET TELL CITY DESKS IN THE LOW-PRICE CLASS MACEY WOOD AND STEEL FILING CABINETS, SAFES AND SECTIONAL BOOKCASES. PACIFIC STATIONERY & PRINTING CO. 407 2d SW Bet. Wash, and Stark Complete Office Outfitters v i I an BURGLARS ENTER HOMES WHILE OCCUPANTS ARE OUT MOTORING YOU HAVE NOTICED THE PAPERS JUST FULL, OF SUCH HEADLINES GET WELL THOUSANDS OF SUFFERERS WHO HAVE FAILED to -et relief In any other way are Invited to investigate Chiropractic methods, which are permanently curing thousands. x THE BEST OF CHIROPRACTIC DIAGNOSTICIANS will thoroughly examine you. make a complete diagnosis of your case and direct your treatments. Cfclropraetfe Is the safe, sane, sure and modern science of curing and preventing disease. Cfclropractlc will permanently cure SS per cent of all diseases Clirpraetle removes the cause t health returns. The above service Is all free to you at the college building and may be had in private If desired. Private treatments -may also be had in college building by mem bers of faculty, either lady ot men practitioners. .' PACIFIC CHIROPRACTIC COLLEGE Corner of Park and TasahtlL Tel. Main 1014. HOTELS. i. r'-rrariHinf itiT'Yiir" -v" r"l 1 A ThereTl Be an Influx of Home Seekers to Portland Next Spring and the shortage of houses will be keener than ever. The really-desirable locations in the city are scarce. -The homes erected by the Title and Trust Company on East 18th street, between Klickitat and Fremont, are ideally located. Nice neighbors, nice surroundings, make them worth many hundreds of dollars more than in other, parts of the city. $10,QOO TERMS Title and Trust Company QUALITIES IN BURS . DOCTOR There la No Secret la the Fol lowing! SHARMANN BURS are: good burs. They brlneyou more net earnlnga Consider the Price. For Sale at Our Depot. OREGON DENTAL SUPPLY CO. 315 Selling Bldg, Portland, Oregon. Phone Your Want Ads to THE OREGONIAN Main 7070. , Automatic 560-95 Portland and the North west's finest hostelry. Rates $2.50 and Up Splendid grill and fa cilities for entertaining private parties. Portland, Oregon WHAT IF YOUR HOME WAS BURGLARIZED TODAY! WOULD tomorrow and the year to come be clouded with remorse by the loss of treasures that nothing can re place? Silverware, jewels, heirlooms, gifts and rare collections could , you state their value to you in dol lars and cents? IF FIRE suddenly came, where would it find your personal letters, mementos, photographs, your inven tory of household goods and such private papers as you keep at home? Keep your valuables in The SAFE-CABINET installed in your hme,vhere it will be instantly accessible and conven ient to use. There are sizes of THE SAFE- CABINET especially suited for home use. Other sizes for office use. INVESTIGATE. ' "EVERYTHING FOR THE OFFICE' Printing Engraving Bookbinding 7 W IT I Fifth and Oak Streets Marshall 080, Automatic 5S5-4S NOTE. We want to call your attention to Christmas Cards. Although our stock is larger this year than before, you will be disappointed if you let your selection go until the last minute. Place your order NOW for December delivery. " sn JUST A FEW LEFT , of our De Luxe RADIANTFIRES but none of the other styles. There will be No Cut in Prices but very likely a slight advance as our prices are always based on actual cost plus actual overhead. Portland Gas & Coke Co. rpWO of the most homelika I hotels in Portland, located fa the heart of the shopping and theater district. All Ore gon Electrie trains stop at the Seward Hotel, the House ot Cheer. Excellent dining room in connection. The Hotel Cor nelius, the House of Welcome, Is only two short blocks from the Seward. Our brown buses meet all train , Rates and ni. W. C Calbcrtaoa. Pros. WHEN YOU GO TO SAN FRANCISCO ZZ HOTEL STEWART On Geary St, Just off Union Square, Close to everything worth while. Good accommodations at moderate rates. Breakfast, --SOc, 60c, 75c; Lunch, 75c; Dinner, S1.25 (Sundays, tl.50). Muni cipal car passes the door. Stewart Motor Bus meets principal trains and steamers. It is advisable to make res ervations in advance of arrival. HOTELS. Qhe Ambassador- Santa Barbara. Cat Where It's Always June The Ambassador, a hotel of distinc tion and individuality, combined with, the charm of Santa Barbara and its old world atmosphere, make a par ticular appeal to the discriminating traveler. From every window you may look out upon the great Pacific and mountains that dip into the sea. Golf, mountain climbing, horse back riding over famous trails, polo, deep sea fishing, bathing, and splendid motor roads that lead to places of1 historic Interest. Write for booklet. , The Ambassador Hotels System ' Ambassador, Santa Barbara; Amba. -sador. New York; Ambassador, At- -lanticCity; Ambassador, LosAxtgeles; ARCADIAN GRILL Multnomah Hotel A feiitittit Internationally known for the quality of the food sad the excellency of the aerrlce. The Famous Multnomah Orchestra Dancing; evening (except Son day) e to 8, to 12. Concert Snnda-y evening's 8 to 8. taw ,333225" M Main 7070 THE OREGONIAN A 560-95 Phone Your WANT ADS to k