The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, November 14, 1920, SECTION THREE, Page 8, Image 56

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Continued From Fmge 7.)
attended the university. He was a
member of the Sigma Chi fraternity.
The bride was charmingly gowned
in the white satin dress worn by her
mother on her wedding day 22 years
ago. The dress was further enhanced
by a wedding veil, with lace bandeau
in front, the veil falling over the
train of the wedding dress. She car
ried an arm bouquet of orchids and
bride's roses.
The tea table was suggestive of
brides, with a dainty doll bride In the
center. Mrs. E. G. Brown and Mrs.
U. Lawrence Button presided at the
samovars and cut ices, while the
Misses Minna Ash, Carol Currey, Gen
evieve McClaren, Helen McDonald
and Wilma Oesterling assisted in
Out-of-town guests here for the
wedding were Mr. and Mrs. E. G.
Brown of Enterprise, Miss Genevieve
McClaren of Wallowa, Mr. and Mrs.
Krnest Wakins of Bandon, Miss Nina
Farley of Dallas, Mr. Walter Kennon
of Baker, Mr. Clyde Hunnicutt of
Portland, Mr. Harry Kuck of Pendle
ton, Mrs. G. Lawrence Dutton of Ta
coma and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Vohrs
ef Elgin.
Miss Helen . Hope MoGarry an
Dewey C. Gearin -of Newberg were
married Tuesday morning in St.
Patrick's church. Father Hampson of
McMlnnville was the officiating priest.
Miss McGarry 1s the daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. H. L. McGarry and Mr.
Gearin the son of Mrs. M. C. Gearin.
Miss Ethel Catherine McGarry was
bridesmaid and Basil Gearin, attended j
the bridegroom. The bride was lovely j
in a gown of blue broadcloth, trimmed
in seal ekin and a hat of cloth of gold
with a sealskin brim. The brides
maid was attired in brown duvetyn
with beaver trimming. Her hat was
of beaver and cloth of gold. A wed
ding breakfast was served at the Im
perial hotel after which the young
couple left for a short trip to New
port. The young couple will make
their home In Newberg.
Guests at the wedding breakfast
were: Mr. and Mrs. H. L. McGarry,
Misses Noreen and Ethel McGarry,
Mrs. M. C. Gearin, Grace Gearin, Fred,
John and Basil Gearin, Mrs. C. H.
Coleman, Mr. -and Mrs. William Sul
livan and son, William Jr., of Newberg;-Miss
Agnes Donnelly, Miss Mary
Feley and Miss Marguerite Kirby of
McMinnville, Mr. and Mrs. Clippinger,
Rev. . Father Hampson, Mrs. E. L.
Brown, Mrs. J. J. Brady, Mi-ss Louise
Breyman, Miss Marie Brody of Port
land, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Kanary and
Mr. and Mrs. 11. C. Macauley of
The Social club of Sunnyslde Order
of the Eastern Star will hold a bazaar
tomorrow In the Masonic temple at
Eaet Thirty-ninth and Hawthorne
FOSSIL, Or., Nov. 13 (Special.)
One of Fossil's most popular young
women. Miss Elsie Tipley, was mar
ried 1 Sunday, November 7, to James
Cannon of Mitchell. The wedding
took place at the home of the bride's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Tipley, of
Fossil. Only immediate relatives were
present. The ceremony wu per
formed by Rev. H. Kaye of Fossil.
Both young people have lived in
Wheeler county all their lives, where
they -have a host of friends. Many
parties and showers were given the
brtae-to-De just previous to the wed
ding. The young couple left imme
diately after the ceremony for Port
land, by auto. After a short boner
moon they will return to Mitchell,
wnere tney win make their home.
BEAVERTON, Or., Nov. 13. (Spe
cial.) Charles Essig, overseas vet
eran, and Miss Lottie Hunter, popular
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hunt'
er of this place, were united in mar
rlage at Vancouver last week. On
their arrival Mr. Esslgs many friends
and co-workers at the S. P. carshops
marched up to bis residence in a body
and presented him with a beautiful
silver service. A. L. Seydell made the
V presentation in a few well-chosen
A series of receptions are being
given for Dr. and Mrs. Harold Leon
ard Bowman by the members of the
First Presbyterian church through
the women's circles, into which the
membership of the church throughout
the city is divided. This gives the
pastor and his wife the opportunity
to become personally acquainted with
the members of the various circles by
meeting them at the homes of the
circle leaders. Receptions have al
ready been given in. Irvington, Rose
City Park, South Portland and on
Portland Heights. Two were given
last week, one in Laurelhurst at the
home of Mrs. John Stevens, and one
for those members of the church liv
tag north of Washington and east of
Twenty-third street, on the west side.
at the home of Mrs. George Law
rence Jr.
Two others are scheduled for this
week, the circles of which Mrs. I. M.
Walker, Mrs. Henry Waller and Miss
Finley are the leaders, embracing
the Sunnyside and Mount Tabor dls
tricts and all that part of the city
lying south of Hawthorne avenue on
Mrs. C. W. Hine. 955 . East Taylor
street, Monday evening.
The west side circles, of which Mrs.
Horace Butterfield and Mrs. Fred E.
Cooper are the leaders, will unite in
a reception Tuesday- evening at the
home of Mrs. Butterfield, 811 Kear
ney street. All members of the
church and congregation living within
the boundary lines of these circles are
urged to attend.
The Laurelhurst club's fortnightly
card party was held at the club
house last Thursday evening, with
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bofinger as hosts.
The high scores in bridge were: Mrs.
C. G. Wentworth and George W. Gear-
heart; In BOO, Mrs. W. M. Rice and
A. L. DuPuy.
Miss Imogens and Miss Roberta
Coryell entertained at a dancing party
early in the week. The guests were:
Margaret Burch, Lelah Bird, Mabel
Woodworth. Lena Ikuta, Marie Rous-
seau, Kenneth Sawtell. Lawrence
11 . The Heart of the Bigger Life . I-
H ra Prtlond for i j
U tvr j'ls'S? Every Member of the Family v '
Fishburn, Robert W. Womack, Fred
Beers, Frank Bird, Carroll lkuta and
Jack Coryell.
Miss Thelma Payne, who has been
extensively feted since her return
from the Olympiad, was guest of
honor at an original supper-dance
given Tuesday evening by Mrs. Aman
due Pfaender and Mrs. Christian M.
Dyrlund, at the former's home on
Willamette Heights. 1 The programme
included a mock leap-year proposal.
a parody on the marriage ceremony
and certificate of matrimony, an elab
orate wedding breakfast and indi
vidual toasts in rhyme to every guest
present. The nuptial theme was car
ried out in the floral decorations.
place and dance cards
Miss Payne was agreeably surprised
upon opening her bridal gifts to find
a copy of "With All of My Heart,'
a love song written about herself and
also dedicated to her. The words and
music were composed by Marion Les
lie Dyrlund, who will soon again en
tertain for Miss Payne with a musi
cale, at which "With All of My Wearf
will be sung by Mr. Hoffman Four
other selections of Mrs. Dyrlund'
also will be presented.
Miss Payne was charming in an
evening gown of sheer black lace, en
livened by an artificial corsage of
Why Westover Terraces is
the Ideal Home for the
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Aside from its wonderful scenic setting and the gorgeous
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Westover is within a few minutes ride of the shopping
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It offers the convenience of easy accessibility to and from
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For Daughter
Westover gives a horaesite where any girl should be proud
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For Son
There is Macleay Park, Washington Park and the woods
at hand for hikes. A swing down the gently sloping
boulevards takes him to the big clubs, the aviation field or
baseball and football fields. -
For Grandmother and Grandfather
Westover provides a wonderful home a place where they
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the right to enjoy the fruits of life-long accomplishments.
There isnt any residential district
like Westover. Nor can there be.
See V;
Westover Terraces
Then see Harold Jungck, Secretary
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variegated buds in harmonious Frertch
tints. The guests Included Mr. and
Mrs. Henry von Groenewald, Mr. and
Mrs. Joseph De Boest, Mr. and Mrs.
John Cody, Mrs. Payne, Mrs. Ger
trude Leslie. Mrs. Burnett Goodwin,
the Misses Irene and Virginia Pem
brooke and Helen Hicks: Messrs. John
Kimmel. Walter Hoffman, Fred Heitz
hausen, James Sheehy, Amandus
Pfaender and Christian M. Dyrlund.
Miss Orlena Wollett will be married
In the early part of December to
George O. Nelson, formerly of this
city, but now in the lumber business
in Scotia, Cal. The bride-elect is the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Wol
lett of this city.
Several social affairs have been
given in honor of Miss Wollett. Among
them was a shower at the home of
Miss Ethel Nelson. Miss Wollett re
ceived many gorgeous gifts. Miss
Gertrude Kunz favored the party
with several vocal selections. Cov
ers were laid for 24. The table was
beautifully decorated in yellow and
white chrysanthemums, with ribbons
to correspond.
Saturday night a number of friends
gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
J. H. Connet. 388 Glenn avenue, in
honor of their daughter, Lucille whose
engagement to Collin Camplan was
Covers were laid for 18. The eve
ning was enjoyably spent in games
and dancing. The wedding will be
an event of the near future.
Those present were Mr. and Mrs.
Connet, Mrs. Theodore Carlson, Mrs.
Kellogg De Witt. Mrs. Milton Ed
wards, Manche Langley, Eunice Park
er, Vera and Edna Camplan, Gretchen
Hancock, Ruth Douglas. S.t e 1 1 a
Frances and Florence Smith, Joyce
Savage, Rose Kennedy and Paul Con
net. i
Mr. and Mrs. Harry E. Coleman
were hosts last evening to a dozen
friends, who during the last week
have been entertaining with dinners
and teas in compliment to Mrs. Mar
shall, wife of Judge Marshall of
Louisville, Ky who has been visiting
In Portland. The dinner was given at
the Hotel Portland and the table was
decorated in chrysanthemums.
Mrs. C. R. Zehtbouer was hostess at
a prettily appointed luncheon given
Wednesday afternoon at the Hotel
Portland. Covers were placed for
eight at the daintily appointed table,
The members of v the Minnesota
State society who were in charge of
the harvest party given on Novembe
10 are to be congratulated. A large
number of new folk were present.
The prize for the corn guessing con
test was won by Ed Paulson. The
society made plans to provide at
Christmas time for a deserving, needy
family of ten. The big Christmas
party to be held on December 8
Portland social turnverein hall is in
preparation. All former Minnesota
folk and their friends are Invited.
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Cuniff Jr.,
celebrated Armistice day by giving a
dinner for 12 overseas friends of Mr.
Cuniff. who served in the l7th field
The Marigold "600" club met on
Tuesday with Mrs. J. M. Phlpps. Miss
Donna Washburn apd Miss Alberta
Palmer, attired as maids, served. The
guests present were: Messrs. and
Mesdames F. I. Marshall. C. O. Samaln,
A. W. Robins, A. Haynes, Bergman, H.
F. Mclnturff. H. Terwilliger, J. M.
Wings of the morning!
Start your day right with a cup of
really good coffee. .
Enjoy its delightful fragrance and
rich smooth flavor.
Get the invigoration and set-up it
gives you for the day's work.
Buy one of the two or three fine
coffees packed in vacuum-sealed tins
(the only way to get the full rich flavor
of fine coffee.)
Your money back if you don't like
Schilling Coflee
Phlpps: Dick Danhouser. Mrs. L.
Gilkison, Charles Haldors, William
The card honors fell to
Mrs. Mclnturff and C. O.
Royal circle held its meeting on
Wednesday night. A shower was
given to Neighbor Venus Pheifer and
the newlyweds, Mr. and Mrs. Mullany
and Mr. and Mrs. Westly Sunderleaf.
were presented with wedding pres
ents. The presentation speech was
made by Mrs. Margaret Wertheimer.
Miss Grace E. Trestrail of Piedmont
entertained on Friday night with an
attractive musical, in which the fol
lowing participated: Grenville Mor
gan, tenor: Alice May Phelps and
Grace Trestrail, soloists, and George
Baker, pianist. Basil Roteeger, who
recently returned from Florida, was
palmist for the hour of merrymaking.
A party that is being anticipated
is the dance and card party to be
given under the auspices of the Social
club of Portland chapter No. 97, Or
der of the Eastern Star, at the Pyth
ian temple, West Park and Yamhill
streets, on Friday evening. December
The committee in charge consists
of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Fries, Mr. and
Mrs. J. S. Roark, Mr. and Mrs. W. G.
Wharton. Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Wheat.
Miss Anna Dudley, Mr. and Mrs. J.
W. Simmons, Mr. and Mrs. tdwin
Qulsenberry and Mr. and Mrs. James
A. Miller Jr.
A delight'ul entertainment and
dancing party took place last week
t the Krattiger residence in Ladd a
addition. Refreshments were served
by the Misses Caroline Krattiger and
Marguerite Dake. Those present
were: Misses Margaret Bolton, Myr
tle Gullil'ord, Auguste Eschle, Hazel
Stien, Eva Roche, Hariet Wells, Elsie
Solmbrook, Clare Solmbrook. Amy
Warren and Auga Minos, and Messrs.
L. Krattiger, C. Zenger, Herbert
Zenger, J. Schnieder, Lloyd Perkins,
Cecil Harnack, John Phlaybak, Al
Lowes, Clifford Plsdal. Alfred Scharr,
William Arbies, Ted Lybrook and
George Klynski.
Mrs. A. Kunz and Mrs. P. J. Camp
bell entertained a few of their friends
Wednesday afternoon in honor of Mrs.
Clarence Jordon of Oakland. Cal.
Those present were: Mrs. C, Jordon.
Mrs. D. C. Resser, Mrs. J. Kunz, Mrs.
R. Kunz, Mrs. R. Knapp, Mrs. G. Am-
sptger, Mrs. F. Renick, Mrs. J. H.
Davis, Mrs. E. L. Cronkrite, Mrs. R.
Kinser, Mrs. Chilton, Mrs. Burmeister,
Mrs. C. Pfhender. Mrs. T. Satterwhite,
Mrs. A. Kunz and Mrs. F. J. Campbell.
The honors at "500" were carried
off by Mrs John Kunz. Mrs. T. Satter
white, Mrs. E. L. Cronkrite, Mrs. R.
A merry party was given at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. James Forbes
In Mount Tabor, Saturday afternoon in
honor of their sons, James and Lewis.
The party was a costume affair en
ioyed by 35 little foks. Thope carry
ing off the prizes were: Marjori
Ersted. Louise Hayden. Kathleen
Hayden, Katberine Keho, Betty Wat
ktns. Jimmy Ersted, Kenneth North,
Thomas Bianchard, Bobby Lewis,
Junior Nelson.
Those present were:
Louise and Kathleen Hayden, Katharine
Keho, Billy and Dorothy Lavt. iiernlco
Healy, Donald Little, Louise feck. Junior
and Virginia Nelson, Jimmy and Marjorie
BJrsted, Helen Pettlt, Tom Taylor, William
McCarthy. John A Elinor Poorman, Mu
zetta and Vivian Blair, Catlln Lawton,
Fred and Jane Cookman, Katherlne Gai
braith, Carl Garbe, Kenneth JCngllnh, Vir
ginia Green. Hetty Watklns, Thomas
Bianchard, Henry Aldrlch, Dorothy Will,
Gabriel Coovert, Kennlth North, Bobby
Wlllts. Mrs. Loyal McCarthy, Mrs. Kenneth
Poorman, Mra. J. L. Will, Mrs. Jack
Willis. Mrs D. E. Galbralth, Mrs. F. W.
Cookman, Mrs. H. W. Aldrlch, Mrs. R. D.
Watklns. Mrs. J. C. Green, Mrs. W. P.
Bianchard, Mrs. W. C. North, Mrs. W. C.
Garbe, Mrs. Hayden. Mrs. A. C. Holmes,
Mrs. Joseph Keho, Mrs. W. C. Davis, Mrs.
Thomas B:alr. Mrs. Lloyd Lawson. Mrs.
Frank Heaty, Mrs. C. H. Peck, Mrs. J. K.
Neison, Mrs. A. J. Krsted, Mrs. Jamea
Pettit, Mrs. C. W. Taylor. Mrs. J. C.
English. Mrs. James Forbes, Misses Chris
tine Forbes, Gladyce Ellsworth, Elizabeth
Miss Christine also entertained with
an informal dance in the evening.
Those present were: Kitty Mae Stock
ton, Marjorie Wells, Edyth Flora,
Florence Johnson, Jen Laughlin. Lu
cille Hutton, Gretchen Colton, Gladyce
iMlsworth. Ed Strowbrldge. John
Hunt, Lester Lomax. Bert Whitney,
Verne Reudy, Earl Johnson, George
Fouts and William West.
The home of Mr. and Mrs. C. H.
Briggs, Forty-second street S. E., was
the scene of gay festivity when Mr.
and Mrs. Briggs and Mr. and Mrs. G.
W. McCormack gave a novel autumn
party last Saturday evening. The
invitations included:
Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Thompson. Mr. and
Mrs. Carl Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Ellis.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Armstrong-, Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. MoCormack, Miss It. L. Thompson,
Mrs. Viola M. Parks, Varner MoCormack.
Jess Talbert, Miss Edith Charters, Miss
Hannah McQueny, Don Anderson. Miss
Mildred Hanna, Mr. and Mra. L. H. Cos,
Miss Pauline Wilson. R. W. Burke.
A Girl Reserve rally will be held
November 26 at 8 P. M., in Washing
ton high school. A number of Reed
college girls are assisting In the T.
W. C. A. Girl Reserve work.
Dr. and Mrs. Milton A. Stratton
have announced the birth of a daugh
ter, born to them October 15.
The Laurelhurst club ladles after
noon card party will be held at the
club house next Tuesday afternoon
at 2:15 o'clock. This affair is for
members and their friends. Mrs. J. P.
Buchanan and Mrs. Esbenshade will
be the hostesses.
The Laurelhurst club will danoe
next Thursday evening and the party
will be confined to members only.
The Laurelhurst clnb mm'
the east side will meet at the home of,