TTIE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, NOVEMBER 14, 1920 7 Medlcr, -ex-'21 of Wasco, who was'gl active In many branches of student affairs during his years at the uni versity, became a benedict last week when he was married to Helen Rose of Salem, a Willamette graduate withj tne Class, xne marriage, wmco came as a distinct surprise to their college friends, was the result of a romance starting in student days. Medler last year was president of the varsity glee club, besides having earned awards in football, track and baseball. During his sophomore year he was a member of the university debate team and is a member of the Sigma Tau local fraternity. The bride served as secretary of the associated student body, as well as maid of hocor to the May queen. In her senior year, while previously she had been associate editor of the 1919 Wallulah, the Junior yearbook. The couple will live near Wasco, where the brldeeroom is manager of a large wheat ranch. PRIKEVILLE, Or., Nov. 13. (Spe cial.) Mrs. Ida M. Umbach of Lake View, worthy grand matron of the Order of Eastern Star, was enter tained by the local chapter Thursday evening. Mrs. Umbach is on a tour of the O. E. S. chapters of central Oregon and . will go from here to Bend. A delightful party was given at the Rose City Park home of Mr. and Mrs. Louis G. Apperson Saturday evening. The guests were all arrayed In cos tumes and after the gobl'n march all unmasked. The remainder of the evening was spent at 500 and games, after which refreshments were served. Honors were won at cards by J. A. Lathrop and R. H. Scott. Those present were Mr. . nd Mrs. I G. Apperson, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Apperson, Mr. and Mrs. La Verne Ap person, Mr. and Mrs. Hardy O. How ard, Mr. and Mrs. II. P. Davidson, Mr. and Mrs. R. Coe, Mr. and Mrs. Charles lliff. Mr. and Mrs. W. Hughes Boyer, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Becker, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Norton Newton, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Lathrop, Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Scott of Woodburn, Miss Laura Bonney of Woodburn, Miss Hanna Seifert, Miss Anna Borgeson, Wesley, Safford, Bob Hinkel, Ray Schieve, A. B. Allison. LA GRANDE, Or, Nov. 13. (Spe cial.) Quiet simplicity marked the wedding Thursday evening of Miss Helen Claire Currey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Currey ot this city, to Estley Roy Farley of Hermiston. The ceremony was performed at 6 o'clock before a bower of greens, pink carnations and orchid shaded chrys anthemums. Rev. E. J. Huston of the First Methodist church officiating. Preceding the ceremony, Mrs. George II. Currey of Baker sang "At Dawning," by Cadman, which was followed by the wedding march. played by Miss May Neil. The bride was given in marriage by her father and had as her matron of honor Mrs. Ernest Watkins (Alice Hill) of Ban- don, while little Mary Helen Watklfls carried the ring. Walter Kenyoa of Baker attended the groom. Following the ceremony a wedding Clipper was served, after which Mr. and Mrs. Farley left for a short wed ding trip in the east. They will make their future home in Hermiston, where Mr. Farley is engaged In the automo bile business. Mrs. Farley is a graduate of the University of Oregon, where she was a member of the Gamma Phi Beta sorority. After graduation she taught In the English department In the La Grande high school. Mr. Farley also Contlnued on TaK 8.) QuilfliRiininniminiuiiniiuiiTTniuiiuiiniiHiEiiiiiiiiiiiiriiiniiirmiuiiKiiitiD at Lower Every fur in out large and complete stock of Coats Capes Wraps Scarfs Chokers Stoles ; Radically Reduced 5 5 Hudson Bay Fur Qo. Reliable For Manufacturers, 147 Broadway. . fiiqnninuuiiiiuutitumiTuuuiinamfiiunrommmunninniniirainiHi5 It's Easy to Put on Flesh All you have to do it you are too thin and want to put on several pounds of solid "stay-there" flesh is to take a five-grain tablet of Blood-Iron Phosphate with each meal. This builds up the nervous system, enriches the blood and thus enables the vital ersans to assimilate th f lpsh-hi.ilH- lng, strength - making elements of your iooa wnicn now largely go to waste. Folks who have tried it state they rot only tut on flesh but it also almost invariably increases their sir6ngm, energy ana enaurance. you can get enough Blood-Iron tablets for a three weeks' treatment of The Owl Drug Co. or any other druggist for only $1.50 and it's so uniformly suc cessful that your druggist, a man you know. Is authorized to refund your money if you don't like it. Bet ter get a package today and begin to erei stronger ana cannier, as well as better looking. Adv. Ilome .Office of VIT-0-NET DR. GEJfEVlBVK LOCKE, . P. 47 Morgan Buildlnir, Portland, Oregon. , Phone Main 395. . Ylt-O-Net Baths and Massages at office or at your borne by skilled Ylt-O-Net Norse. There Is no disesse Ylt-O-Net will not help. 'Ton do not nave to wait for results. Satisfaction is guaranteed from the first treatment. Hundreds of Tatients wlU testify to the effective ness of Tlt-O-Net. Call M. 393 for Appointments NISBETH'S niDRO-ElKCTRO and MECHANO. THERAPKITIC Treatments by appointment only. Nervous, chronic and rheumatic eases Electric Light. Fteam. Bake Oven and Ehower Baths and Packs: all forms of modern Electro Curative Appliances, Pro phylactic Gymnastics and Massage Office and Treatment Rooms. 633-835 Pit- Beginning Tomorrow CHILDREN'S BOOK WEEK "More Books in the Home" CHILDREN'S BOOK WEEK is not just a date on the calendar. It is a great national campaign to arouse new interest in juvenile reading. Behind it are organizations which seek the welfare of the boy and girl the Boy Scouts of America, the Girl Scouts, the Y. M. C. A., the Y. W. C. A. and every library and school in the country. So, beginning Monday, opening day of Childrens Book Week, and continuing until Saturday, the MEIER & FRANK Book Shop will be especially devoted to children and children' s books. Miss Millard, Children's Supervisor of the Public Library, or one of her as sistants will be here every morning.' They will be glad to consult with puzzled parents or friends of children as to what books the little tots want and should read. There will be informal talks about the dif ferent types of books for the child's library and" illustrations will be given with books in inexpensive and fine editions taken from the shelves of the Book ' Shop. It is a wonderful opportunity for the Christ mas shopper to make a great success of her or his book gifts for children, because Miss Millard and her assistants know what children of all ages most appreciate. A Message From Miss Millard (J It would be well when buy " ing children"s books to ask the bookseller for those rec ommended by the public li brary. In these days of list3, of recommended titles, no one however untrained In chil dren's literature should be at a loss where there is a public library. Lists in any subject may be obtained. f! It is truly in the- power of book buyers to raise the character of books by demanding- what Is best not what is expensive, but what is elevat ing. It is a matter of increas ing satisfaction that publishers are giving their attention to the importance of presenting the best old books in dress at tractive to the young readers of today. Q The edition in which a hook for a child appears is a matter of greater importance than is realized. It is not purely an aesthetic considera tion but it has a very practical bearing on whether the book will be read or not. The pleas ure of reading is greatlyi in creased by a book which is made up of frood paper, clear print, beautiful illustrations and good binding. ' CJ Gift books should be select ed with the greatest -care. Books worth buying are those that may be read over and over again. First of all the taste of the child should guide one in selecting his gift. It means a very great deal to a child to have made In his early years the acquaintance of the few best books written for him. Through the deep for ests of books which are pub lished for children may this short list serve in some sort of way as a safe trail. JESSIE HODGE MILLARD, Children's Supervisor, Public Library. Suggestions from the Children's Book Store "Mother Goose," by Fanny Cory. .A large volume with - innumerable text illustra tions and many page pic tures in full color. A "Mother Goose" that satis fies all the favorite rhymes and jingles are In cluded "A Frog He Would a-Wooing- Go" "Rock-a-By Baby" "Tom, Tom, the Piper's Son." etc. Price 92.50. "Uncle Remus," by Joel Chandler Harris. All chil dren love Uncle Remus and his thrilling stories. Illus trated with highly original pictures which delight children by the hour. A large volume with full pages and marginal. A most attractive addition to the nursery library. Price $5. "The Babes in the Wood," by Fanny Cory. An estab lished child classic which little people love to read over and over again. Fas cinating illustrations and full page pictures in full color. Price $1.50. "Little Boy Bine," by Fanny Cory. A favorite child book of rhymes and Jingles. Shown in full col ors Many jingles jn this beautiful volume. Price J1.50. "Robinson C r u s o e," by Daniel Defoe. A story every child should know. A beautiful volume with highly colored illustrations and big print. Price 95. "Stories From the Life of Jesus," by Caroline Kel logrg. Sixteen Bible stories told for little children. Six teen full page pictures by H. Speakman. Price $1.50. "Why the Chimes Rang," and other stories, by Ray mond MacDonald Alden. Comprises "Knights of the Silver Shield." and nearly a dozen other equally well known stories which de light the hearts of young people. Attractively illus trated. Price $2. "The Boy Scouts Tear Rook." edited by Franklin Mathiews. The biggest boys' book of the year. Price $2.50. History for the Children "Pilgrim Stories," by Mar garet Pumphrey, 75c. "The Stories of the Pil i"lm," by Margaret Pum phrey, $1.25. - "Young People's History of tne JPilsrrimn,'' by William Klliot Geffis, $3. "On the Trail of the Pio- em," by John T. Farls. $3.50. "The Men Who Found America, by Frederick Winthrop Hutchinson, $2. "A Nursery History of the Catted States," by Lucy .Lombard! Barber, $2.50. Other Desirable Books for Children Illi j men for Kindly Children." by Fairmont Snyder. Illus trated by John B. Gruelle. Price $1.35. Siorirn of Mother Goose V11-, lce." by Madge A. Bigham. Price $1. "The Goop Directory," by Ge- lett Burgess. Price 85c "GoMey G e e y Gamaev Series." Illustrated by Blanche Fisher Wright. Price 75c. xRaa-a-edy Ann," V r I e 4 I y Kalry" and other stories, j by Johnny Gruelle. Price $1.35. "Wild Flower Children," by Elizabeth Gordon. Illustrated by Janet Laura Scott. Price $1.35. The James Whttcomb- Riley Header." Illustrated by Ethel .., Franklin Betts and Will Vawter. Price $L "Bird Children." by Elizabeth Gordon. Illustrated by M. T. Ross. Price $1.35. "Japanese Fairy Tales," by Teresa Pierce Williston. Il lustrated by Sanche Ogawa. Price $1. . "Kna-ene Field Reader," by Alice Harris. Price 90c. The Gia-arleqalrka," by Miriam Potter. Illustrated by Tony Sarg. iPrlce 75c "Snnny Rhymes for Happy hlldren," by Olive Beaupre Miller. Illustrated by Car men L. Browne. Price 75c. "Tales nf I.lttle Cats." by Car rie Jacobs Bond. Illustrated by Katharine Sturges Dodge. Price 76c. "J ark and the Beanstalk." Il lustrated by-W. F. Stecher. Price 75c The Little Red Balloon." by . Caroline Hofman. Illustrated by Rachael Robinson Elmer. Price 75c. "Billy Bunny's Fortune," by Klizabeth Gordon. Illus trated by'Maginel Wright Enrlght. Price 75c "Over the Rainbow Brldn-e," by Louis Marshall Haynes. Il lustrated by Carmen L. Browne. Price 75c "The Adventnrea of Saoey Rabbit and His Friends." by Jeanette E. Perkins. Illus trated by Hugh Spencer. Price $1.25. "Stokes Wonder Book of Fairy Stories," "Stokes" Wonder Book of Bible Stories," "Stokes Wonder Book of Mother Goose." Illustrated by Choate and Elizabeth Curtis. Price $3. "Tolland's Blether Price $2.50. Geese." "Child's Garden ot Verses." by Ruth Mary Hallock. Illus trated. Price $1.50. "Mary Frances Cook Book," Sewing Book, Hemstitching, etc., for children. Price $2. Burgess books for children: "Bed Time Animal Stories," 70c; "Old Mother West Wind." $1.20; "Green Mea dow Series," $1.60: "Bird Bsok," $3. "At Back of IS'erfh Wind." by Jessie Wilcox Smith. Price $3.00. "Rsns Brtnker," by Enright. Price $3. "Robin Hood," by Wyeth. Price $3.00. Bubble Books at $1.25 Popular Harper - Columbia Bubble Books with stories by Ralph Mayhew and Burgess Johnson, nursery rhymes and games set to music 1. Bubble Book 2. Second Bu-bble 3. Third Bubble 4. Animal Book 5. Pet Bubble 6. Funny Froggy 7. Happy Go Lucky 8. Pie Party v 9. Merry Midgets ' 10. Little Mischief 11. Tippy Toe. v Let's have Portland go over the top in the Children's Book Week! Let everyone buy a book for some child's Christmas this week whether we buy at this Book Store or some other let's buy a book somewhere. Book Store f j 9KBBnaBn9B3nmffnBfiTsmnmaannnnmaBHBBml "lIZHI" s Trie Quality" Storb op Portland SM. D. Mail Orders Filled 34 Shopping Days Till Christmas No Matter Where You Shop, Shop Earlj ' Additional Meier & Frank News Other Meier & Frank Advertisements on Pages 12, 13, 14, IS and Back Page of Section 1, This Paper. Additional Meier & Frank News Already the Meier & Frank Jewelry, Leather Goods and Toilet Goods Sections have a holiday air. The very special preparations made for this holiday season have been realized in the most satisfying selections of the sorts of things that people will want to choose for themselves and. to give their friends. As elsewhere in the Meier & Frank store, LOWER PRICES will be noted on this splendid merchandise prices that promise speedy and sure restoration of all the old joy of Christmas shopping. It is none too early to inspect the displays. Bags Of Infinite Beauty and Variety Velvet Bags An assortment that leaves nothing to be desired in point of completeness, quality, vaxi- . ety, value. Every conceivable shape. Some with covered frames, others with metal frames, still others with drop frames. Twill back, Merrimac and chiffon velvet. Black, brown, blue and taupe colorings. . Fitted with coin purses and mirrors, with or without tassels, some with vanities. Specially priced at $1.49, $2.49, $5.95, $6.95 and up to $35. ' Beaded Bags Our reputation for leadership in this impor tant realm of fashionable accessories is fit tingly upheld in these holiday displays. Thanks to our prevision of the part that beaded bags would play and to the efforts of our buyer in foreign parts, we have ready such a showing as has not been known before on this coast. Exquisite imported beaded bags in beautiful color combinations. Each bag in a different design. All hand made. Beautiful crocheted bags in drawstring effects and models with imitation shell or silver frames. An unutterably lovely assemblage at prices from $5 to $200. Tooled Leather Bags and Canteens The fact that such bags can be had at prices so low as $1.95 to $7.50 each is itself evidence of gratifyingly lower prices here and now. We have these tooled leather bags in a new ehade of brown, moir? lined, with stationary coin purse and mirror. Canteens have full size mirror and three fittings. Velvet Calf . Bags Fashionable new accessories in a pleas ing gray of particular appropriateness and charm when used with squirrel furs. We have these velvet calf bags in a wide variety of shapes and sizes. Prices range from $8.50 to $37.50. New Beaded Effects on duvetyn, silk, velvet and mocha in rich browns in grays steel beads on black new French pouch bags some finished with beaded fringe. $30 to $55. Jewelry Treasures Here for Every Seeker Pearls (Man Made) From France Our own importation. The finest assort ments as to quality, the best assortments as to values ever shown in Portland. Wax filled beads in white, cream and irides cent colorings 16-inch, matinee and opera lengths. Indestructible beads, showing per fectly matched graduation, in a beautiful creamy tint. Guaranteed for service. $2 to $100. Indestructible necklaces from $15 upward. Cherry Red Beads A wondrous assortment of thescniuch wanted inexpensive, bright red necklaces in a variety of sizes and lengths. r Priced at $1.25, $1.50, $1.75, $2 to $5. Women's Elgin ands Waltham Watches We have them in solid gold and gold filled cases. 7 and 15-jewel movements. Priced from $17.50 to $95. f We have a complete stock of Swiss watches. 15 and 17-jewel movements. Solid gold and gold-filled cases in ton ne an, cushion, octagon and round shapes. These from $17.50 to $75. s New Enamel Lockets From Paris The latest nouveaute. Dainty French lockets of enamel on sterling with ster ling chains. . -. Newest thing in necklaces. $10 and up. Colored Bakelite Necklaces These, too, are Meier & Frank importations. The new shade of green, also amber colored bakelite necklaces in a perfect ruby red. Graduated beads of striking brilliancy in 24 to 28-inch strands. Unconscionably 'light in weight. Their popularity is steadily growing. Moderately priced $9 to $18. Diamond-Cut. Crystal Beads In tourmaline color, two shades of blue FOR MEN The world's best watches, Wal thams, with 7 to 23-jewel movements. 12 and 16 sizes. Thin model Wal-thams-Maxine, Classic and octagon shapes. Railroad movements in the Waltham Vanguard, Riverside and Crescent St. Also the Bunn special railroad watches. Elgin, Howard and Illinois watches, including the 7-jewel radium dial Elgin strap watch, thin model "Streamline" and "Autocrat." $13.50 to $200. and rose, in amethyst and amber colors. Glittering clear crystal beads of unusual charm. Moderately priced at $15, $20 and $22.50. Diamond and Platinum Jewelry One who has in mind the purchase of Jewelry of this character can place the utmost assurance in this store. That it Is an advantage to the purchaser to buy here is no less marked because of the splendid assortment of carefully chosen merchandise and the moderate prices to be had, but, and more particularly, because of the assurance one has in dealing- with a concern of the kown reliability of Meier & Frank's. We offer larger and finer selections of platinum and diamond Jewelry than ever before. Diamond rings from $10 to 11000. We specialize platinum wedding ring at 40 to 60. Toilet Articles Of Ivory Pyralin A combination of pleasing and artistic ap pearance with amazing durability has placed this Ivory Pyralin far ahead of other toilet wares in popularity. Bristles in the brashes are of the very best quality, not the old fashioned soft inferior grade. Mirrors are of beveled plate glass. Combs are finished completely. Assortment includes ail the wanted pieces in hair brushes, combs, mirrors, puff boxes, hair receivers, manicuring articles, trays, etc. Ivory Pyralin Prices Are Moderate Combs from 65c to $2.50. Hair brushes from $4 to $12. Mirrors from $4 to $14. Puff boxes from $1.40 to $3.50. Hair receivers from $1.40 to $3.50. Nail Files from 65c to $1.50. Buffers from $2.35 to $3.50. Trays from $3.50 to $5.50. Sets from $25 to $100. Perfumes and Other Wanted Toiletries The World's Master Perfumers Have Contributed to Our Stocks. Hudnut Violet Sec toilet water, $1, $1.85. Hudnut toilet water, $1. Three Flowers toilet water, $1.50. Da Barry toilet sets, $7.50. Mai d'Or toilet sets, $7.50. Three Flowers extract, $2.50. Perfume sets, popular odors, 3-p'ce set, $3.50. Violet Sec, 3-piece set, $2. Roger & Gallet Violet de Parme toilet water, $1.45 to $2.45. Vera Violet toilet water, $1.75. Indian Hay, $1.75. Extracts, $2.25. , Violet de Parme soap, 75c. Vera Violet soap, $1.35. ' D'jer-Kiss Extracts $1.75 to $3.50. Toilet water $1.75 to $2.75. , Sets $3.25 to $7.50. Combination vanity rouge and pow der $1.25. Soap 50c. Main Floor. From La Belle France U Or de Monte Carlo extract $8. Tete a Tete extract $15. Mimosa $8.50. Nuit de Chine toilet water $17. Parfum d' Argeville extract $15. Reve Bleu extract $25. Le Secret des Dieux $20. Chypre extract $5. Venus extract $8. Vaillance d' Horty extract $7. Coty Toilet water $9.25 to $36. L' Origan extract $9.25. , Face powder $2.25 to $4. Tut Quality" SToAe of Portland oubigant Ideal extract, $4.25 to $8.25. Ideal toilet water, $7.25. Ideal face powder, $5. Ideal Talcum, $1. Quelques Fleurs extract, $5.25 to $19. Quelques Fleurs toilet water, $8.90. Quelques Fleurs bath salts, $2.50. Quelques Fleurs face powder, $6.25. Quelques Fleurs talcum, $1. Rigaud Mary Garden extracts, $1.25 to $5.50. Mary Garden toilet water, $1.50 to M-25. Mary Garden sets, $7.50. Lilas de Rigaud, $1.25 to $4.25. Lilas de Rigaud sachet, $1 to $1.75. Un Air Embaume extract, $3 to $10. Un Air Embaume toilet water, $6.50. Compact rouge, $1.25. Violet Ambre Royal extract, $3.50. Ambre Royal toilet water, $2.25. Ambre Royal face powder, $2.50. Ambre Royal soap, $1.75. Main Floor. Bead the Dregoniaa classified ads.