a TIIE SUNDAY OREGONIAX, PORTLAND. NOVEMBER 14, 1920 i " t i i ii ii ii ii in ii ii ? " fRH ' , jr . iur;aiii nir n-fH-Hir wiiiiCfm n nm n-rmmmiini unmi mi. inriwiiimii rr i m n l.iwiiiiii I I iW v?, Ey J i'iii.v i; - -Jpt? : ; - M fe Met&if WW V - WK4 if ii "ii m, jr Afcjj- JSs- Srr " the benefit of the milk fund. Mrs. George L. Williama is president of the Parent-Teacher association ana Mrs. W. D. McWaters is chairman of the milk recesses. About 450 chil dren are served daily with half-pint bottles of milk in Couch school. The association does a large amount of social service work and for this and to help the milk station the benefit is to be given. Among the attractions will be the Mignon chorus of 35 voices directed by Miss Blla Hobery Tripp, George C. Graham attired in kilts, will sing Scotch songs. Miss Bertha Akins will play the accompaniments. The police auartet will sing. George Hotchkiss Street will present Levoff, soprano: Paul Gelvin, tenor; accom panied by Miss I. Bottom. Walter Jenkins will lead the community singing. A small admission will be charged and a good attendance is anticipated. At a recent meeting of all former American Red Cross canteen workers of Portland it was decided to form a social and philanthropic club com posed of these women. Since the canteen was closed many of these women have visited the various hos pitals and sanatoriums. where ex service men are patients, regularly. Their interest in the soldier Is. with them, a religion. For the purpose of creating a fund to provide for a few special ca'Ses that they, are Interested In they have decided to" give a benefit dance Monday night, November 22. The Pythian hall at Park and Yam hill has been obtained. By unanimous vote Mrs. Minnie Briggs Monroe was chosen chairman. She will be assisted by Mrs. Raymond Gill as Joint chairman. All former workers who wish " to join in this benefit are asked to get in touch with thes.e committee women. One of the most attractive parties of the year was that given Saturday by Beta Nu chapter of the Nu Sigma Nu fraternity. University of Oregon medical school. The dance was well attended both by members of the active chapter, the alumni, and their friends. The Portland Heights club house was tastefully decorated in au tumn foliage. A list of those present is appended Dr. and Mrs. Frank B. Menne, Dr. and Mrs. Harry Sears, Dr. and Mrs. George Dursei. ur. and airs. U. W. Millett, Dr. and Mrs. Harry B. Moore, Dr. ana Mrs. Raymond watkins, Dr. and Mrs. Bay. mond Staub, Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Fox. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Newcastle Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Barendrick, Mr. and Mrs. D B. Seabrook, Dr. Wilmot Foster, Joseph Bell, Harold R. Tregllgas, K. H. Prlndle, Albert W. Holman, Kaymond F. Knapp. Homer nasn, uiarence juorratt, Claire Ogle, John P. Pleroth. W. P. Hollenbeck, J. D. Leonard, Merle Moore. Albert Bowles. Al- vid G. Young. A. B. Peacock, M. E. Wil son, Roger Holcomb, Merle Margason Floyd South. Paul A. Workman, Kent Wilson, jonn M. Askey, Delbert Stanard, Morris L.. Bridgeman, Bert Woods, Harold M. Peery. The Misses Nellie Hemlirway, Erma Kelthly, Gretchen Smith. Helen Haller, Irene Bunnell, Marguerite Freydig. Elea nor Hodgins, Rita Hough, Sue Espy, Alta Hollenbeck, Erma Rice. Hazel Strief. Ver- da Cummings, Ledith Brown, Edith Strow- Driage. liana Minrios, Hazel Studer, Eliza beth McRae, Marion West, Ruth Watkins, May Albee, Kathryn Qulnn, Marlon Hilton, Marjory L. Rood, Helen Ballard. I,A GRANDE. Or.. Nov. 13. fSne- clal.) Salt Lake will in the future become the meeting place for a happy pair whose romance started during the war. When E. L. Wright of Ia Granae visited London in October 1918, with an aero squadron on his way to Prance he met Miss Edith Papworth. A-CorpToral Wright years before had been an L. D. S. missionary in Holland, he went to headquarters and there attended the English eoclal, where lie'met Miss Papworth. The wedding' will take place in Salt Lake City, after which the couple will make La Grande their future home.' WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY, Sa lem. Or., Nov. 13. (Special.) John (Continued Prem Page 5.) have its bazaar on November 30 from ; 10 to 10 o'clock, with a special lunch jan at 12:30. with Mns. IX. B Wake ' man as chairman. 4: St. Stephens is to have a most at tractive Christmas eale on December i 2, In the assembly room of the Port land hotel. The famous Dinah dolls vwtll be among the articles that will ; to eold. i- Trinity has eet December 9 for its , bazaar at the parish house on Nine teenth street, Mns. George Sterling .' will be in charge of the apron booth; Mrs. H. Beverley, baby booth; Mrs. R. M. C. Whitlaker, dolls; Mrs. War ren Keller, delicatessen; Mrs. W. D. : Wheelwright, bags and fancy work; : Mrs. W. C. Alvord, general utility jfcooth; the altar sruild. candv. and th. mission guild will serve tea. 1'. -, m m m y. Miss Virginia Huntington gave a ' luncheon Saturday at the Portland hotel. Those present were the Misses ..Josephine Horrey, Penelope Gehr, , Pauline Bondurant. Ernestine King, '. Vftrv mrin. Unrnthw TV.H ii-1 v, ; : Short, Temple Ashby, Freda Runes, Solona Clary, Josephine Evans. Ruth -Bianaiora, .MaDei parrish. Evelyn ' Lawrence, Sarah Kadeau and Helena Pittelkau. . Mrs. Charles Rosenfeld and her daughter. Delphine, have recently re turned from a six weeks' trip to New York City. Many beautiful things were added to the trousseau of Miss Rosenfeld whose marriage to Robert Koshiand of San Francisco will be solemnized in December. The wed ding will be a brilliant event, many of the bridegroom's friends and relatives coming from California for the oc casion. Delphine Rosenfeld is one of Portland most charming society girls. ' Mr. Koshiand is the son of Marcus Koshiand and is prominent in busi ness affairs as well as socially. . Miss Frances Hare will entertain on Saturday, November 20, at the Laurel hurst clubhouse. This will be a festive . event for members of the younger "eet: Mr. and Mrs. Frederick M. Phillips of Condon are being congratulated on the birth of a son last Sunday morn ing. He will be christened Frederick ilarlon Jr. Armistice day events were num erous, but most of them were of a patriotic nature. The tree planting at St. Helena hall .at 11. o'clock wa one of the most notable. Bishop Sum ner was master of ceremonies and the alumnae was well represented. It is planned that each class be repre sented in the gardens of the school. Mr. and Mrs. George W. , Black (Florence Kohn) are being congratu lated on the. arrival - of a daughter bcrn last Tuesday at the Portland Maternity hospital. . . - Mr. and Mrs. John Le Doux, who are now on their wedding trip, will return soon to make their home in Portland. The marriage of Miss Edith Carver and Mr. Le Doux was an event of last Wednesday. The bride for merly lived in Liverpool. England, and was greatly admired for her beauty, her sweet voice and her charming personality. - The T. W. C. A. Christmas bazaar, under the auspices of the member ship committee, will be held at the association building, beginning Wednesday, December 1. Many charming 'novelties will ' be displayed and the "parcel post booth" id expected to cause a gale of merri ment. The Monday Musical, club will fur nish the programme for an entertain, ment at the Y. W. C. A. Friday, No vember 19. at 8 o'clock. The orchestra The Franklin Safety Self-Filling Fountain Pen A Bosom Friend That Can be Car ried in Your Vest Pocket, Without Leaking Flows Smoothly Writes the Bams $2.50 and up raAKKLrx POPJfTAnf FM CO.. Uuol&cUreiv. For Sale by AH Dealers. Blumauer-Frank Drug Co. Wholesale Distributors. is composed -of 31 pieces and a rare musical treat is anticipated. You are cordially invited to be the guest of the association at that time. -On Friday evening, November 19, a social and musical event of interest will be an entertainment to be given in the Couch school auditorium for WEARING APPAREL Rugs, Carpets arid Hangings CLEANED OR DYED Phone East 7300 I Thinking about that Piano or c Phonograph for Christmas? There Is One Safe I Place to Bay Y TERMS I LIPMAN, WOLFE & CO. :0 F. W. PATT & CO. , LADIES' TAILOR Suits, Gowns, Waists ERVIN PRICES Since the abnormal advance in costs we have operated on a smaller margin of profit, but under no condition can we afford to lower our stand ard of quality. ERVIN English Rain Coats and. Overcoats, at the read justed prices, afford a' satis factory solution to the price question, because of their ex treme value. K. S. ERVIN & CO., Ltd., General English Tailors Established 1901 Second Floor Selling Bldg. Sixth and Alder Streets A Smart Skirt With Dash and Snap We manufacture all the different styles of pleat ing. We cut, seam, hem, accor dion, knife or box pleat, and all styles of pleated skirts ready to put on belting. SPECIAL $1.00 Eastern Novelty Manufacturing Co. Manchester Bldg, 85 j Fifth Broadway 2000 St. ILWJLlUUULAJJUULUiUUUUUUlJJU H'LXEBES CO Night Horse Show- Hand in hand fine horses and fine furs never fail to impress. of course you will attend, and will want to wear a Liebes Fur Goat or Fur Neck piece. So Important in Value You Will Most Surely Want One of These Fox Animal Scarfs Selling Tomorrow at a new LOW PRICE Record $49.50 Always dependable, stylish, serviceable and comfortable. In this assortment we give you Fox Furs right out of our regular stock. Each one measuring up to the Liebes high quality standard. Silk Lined Fur Lined. 61 -rs4r- .k Ever Refined, Stylish and Dressy Kamchatka Fox Pointed Fox Taupe Fox White Fox Black Fox Cross Fox Blue Fox (Dyed) Red Fox Hudson Seal Coats in a Remarkable Selling While They Last 86-inch Hudson Seal Coat Self Trimmed 36-inch Hudson Seal Coat, Beaver or Skunk Collar and Cuffs $495 $545 40-inch Hudson Seal Coat Self Trimmed 40-inch Hudson Seal Coat Skunk Collar and Cuffs $545 $585 Hudson Seal comes in many grades, many are inferior. These coats are made of selected quality Hudson Seal pelts secured, by a fortunate circumstance, at much under the regular market price. (Hudson Seal is seal dyed muskrat.) ESTABLISHED 166-4 BROADWAY AT MORRISON If it has a wringer it isn't a Laun-Dry-Ette. The Laun-Dry-Ette WHIRLS clothes wringer-dry in one minute and doesn't use a' wringer. No buttons torn off on washday. SEE OUR Electric Ironer, which "Sells for Less." Demonstration at Electric Maid Shop 133 Tenth St. Broadway 4024 "Let the Electric Maid Do Your Work." uiimiimimimmmmmmmmmmm I WOOLEN PRICES I 1 REDUCED J Get the Benefit of This Redaction SS on Your FALL SUIT. Finest quality of materials, hlsh- clasa tailoring, prompt service. I I, REUBIN 1 Ladles' Tailor 408 BUSH LANE BUILDING, . Broadway and Alder St. "BEAUTY IS ONLY SKIN DEEP" Tet It lends Inconceivable charm to any woman. All things, no mat ter how seemingly perfect, can be Improved upon. Every effort will be made to render efficient beauty service by the experienced oper ' , ators of the MARINELLO COSMETIC SHOP Phone Mar. 2207 for Appointment. 203-4 BROADWAY BLDG. . feu We Excel in DYl NG FRENCH DRY CLEANING, STEAM CLEAN ING AND PRESSING OF WEARING APPAREL OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, DRAPERIES AND CURTAINS CLEANED AND DYED Broadway Dye & Cleaning Works Corners Union Atc, Grand Ave. and Schuyler Street. West Side Office, 200 Broadway F. E. KREGLOW. Mgr. Corona Tl d The Mj "TrW Ml a Personal K 9iJ1jC Writing jft"fyW"L v Machine. ajRf ' f f 50.00 Iti .gtfjV peasb'co. r-'J' j Exclusive Distributers. 110 Sixth St. An Announcement Mr. II. Kreis, designer and fur rier, formerly with the Hudson Bay Fur Co., will announce in a future issue of this paper his new location. Every effort will be made to please his many friends and customers. . J nuiuuiuiiuuuiiiiiiiuiiiiiii