THE SUNDAY' OREGONIAN, . PORTLAND. NOVEMBER 14, 1920 .- " - - ' family now resides at Milton-Ernest, Bedford, England. Mr. Holmes Is a member of the British engineers' par ty which Is "studying Pacific coast woods and mill operations and next year will go to India to work for the British gxverniment. Mrs. H. H. O'Reilly entertained on Friday evening for a number of the younger girls and several cadets of Hill Military academy who were her guests at Portland Heights club a the younger .set dance. . a An attractive visitor here Is Mrs. John Valentine of San Francisco, -who is the guest of the I. J. Gordons. Mrs. Valentine was honored guest at a luncneon at the Portland Golf club recently. A brilliant subscription dance was given on Thursday evening in the Benson hotel. The crystal ballroom was the scene of the formal function which was one of the smartest of the year. The success of the' affair was due largely to the good management of the 15 young matrons who were patronesses for the ball. Many lovely gowns were worn and among the women admired were: Mrs. Abe Meier wore a stunning gown of black with diamonds. Black was worn by several, sequins and cut let being used with smart effect. Mrs. Marcus Fleischner was In black, be comingly fashioned. Mrs. Henry William Metzger was attractive in brocaded yellow velvet. A dashing gown of white satin, with contrasting effect in jet warworn by Mrs. F. N. Seller. A handsome gown of black velve.t with touches of cloth of silver was worn with distinction by Mrs. Charles V. Berg. Mrs. Harold Wendel was pretty In blue velvet. Mrs. Max Hirsch was another who was gowned in black, trimmed with jet. Mrs. Henry Ottenheimer was charm ing in black. Orchid taffeta was the material worn so smartly by Mrs. Jonah B. Wise, who was a picture of loveliness. Mrs. Roy Marx in cherry colored velvet was lovely. Mrs. Lloyd Frank in black lace over green kitten's ear silk was admired. Mrs. William Heller Ehrman was becomingly attired in gold colored velvet. Mrs. Ruth Schweitzer was pretty In black lace and silk. Miss Ruth Lowengart wore a Paris Ian gown of pink taffeta. " Miss Delphine Roaenfeld. one of the younger girls present, wore one of the newest modes in orange chiffon. Miss Irma Hart was attractive in light blue, attractively beaded. Miss Marion Sichel was charming in blue and green changeable taffeta. Mrs. Jesse Ettelson was gowned in a Paquin model of brown. Mrs. Louis Lang was attractive in blue and gold brocaded satin. Mrs. Julius L. Meier was distin guished and lovely in black velvet. Another who wore black was Mrs. Ludwig Hirsch. Terra Cotta used effectively for a girdle was combined with black in Mrs. Henry Keldman's gown. Miss Mary Louise Feldenheim-er was pretty in a chic model of pink, ef fectively beaded. Grange satin, becomingly fashioned was worn by Miss Frances Jacobs. Miss Enna Rothchlld wore blue taf feta. Mrs. Charles S. Cohen wore a be coming gown of blue satin. Mrs. A. Shemansky was in orchid brocaded taffeta. Mrs. Frederick P. Morey was a luncheon hostess on Wednesday at her. suburban home at Glenmorrie. Guests motored out for the afternoon and enjoyed bridge after luncheon. Luncheon guests were: Mrs. John Forrest Dickson, Mrs. Ellsworth Vachon, Mrs. Edward Hamilton Geary, Mrs. Ray Matson and Miss Lillian Moss. Mrs. A. J. Giesy and Mrs. Paul Glesy will entertain on Monday af ternoon at the Giesy residence on Portland heights, to welcome Mrs. William House, who recently has moved to the heights. The guests are nearly all residents of the heights district, who have been asked to meet Mrs. House. Mrs. Paul Giesy and small son. Jack, have just returned from a visit of two months in San Francisco. Mrs. William Ingold entertained at two dancing parties this past week for her daughter. Miss Delight In gold. The festive events were held on Friday and Saturday nights. For the former the guests included a number of students from Washing ton high school and for the latter several of the young girl friends of Miss Delight, and a score of cadets from Hill military academy were in vited. a a Honoring Mrs. Edward B. Shields Jr., a recent bride. Miss Alice B. Royer entertained last week with a prettily appointed luncheon at the Multnomah hotel. Miss Royer's guests were the Mesdamesi Shields, Raymond Assman and W. R. Johnston; the Misses Edna Monroe, Claire Kurrasch. Mollie Rhomberg. Florence Vickrey, Ambro zine Amers, Cora Kirkley and Sadie Michaels. Mrs. George T. Wlllett entertained n Friday for Miss Hope Avery of New York. A motor party was the feature. M!r Avery is a gifted ar- A Gift Suggestion The holiday season is approaching. Men usually find the choice of Christmas gifts a difficult problem. You can solve this by the choice of a luxurious and beautiful piece of fur that will bring happiness to the recipient for many years to come. We are making up the last of our supply of superior pelts, and you will find many new and wonderful wraps and fur pieces to choose from. UNGAR'S RETIREMENT FROM BUSINESS Sale of Fine Furs enables you to buy the highest quality of furs at a discount, in most instances, of 50 per cent. This means a real invest' ment to you. As the dale for our final retirement draws near, we are asking our patrons having furs in storage here to make arrangements for their removal as soon as is possible. ST3 MmunHiRiiniiinuniiiiniiuiiiiiitiiitmiHiiiiniuiiufiniuinuiiiiiiMiiitiiiittuifnitniminnintia tist. the guest of the J. N. Teals, who has a number of ber studies on exhibition at the art museum. Among other attractions at the museum are some 'beautiful and clever landscapes by Henry Wentz. Mrs. Fred Green entertained early in the week for Mrs. CUff Weathewax of Burlingame, who was her house guest. Mrs. L. CL Gilman was honored at a smart tea In Hood River early In the week with Mrs. Fordham Kimball as hostess. i Miss Mable Withycombe was hostess on Wednesday at the University club honoring Mrs. C. N. McArthur. The Portland Hunt club is planning a dinner dance for November 27. Reservations may be made by apply ing to J. A. Beckett. MaJn 1210; Mrs. W. U. Sanderson, Mallory hotel, or Mrs. C. E. Grelle, Marshall 4546. m m Mrs. Holt Wilson and Mrs. Howard Mather have gone to Honolulu, by way of San Francisco. a ' Friends of Mrs. M. H. Van Houten (Helen MacEwan) are extending their sympathy in the death of her hus band who passed away in New Mexico. Mrs. Van Houten is the daughter of Mrs. J. W. HilL The next party of the Friday Night Dancing club will be December 10. The club meets once a month in Laurelhurst clubl. -us. The party given last Friday was a delightful affair. The Fortnightly club members and their husbands were most delightfully entertained on Saturday evening by Mr. and Mrs. George Brown in their home, 491 East Eighteenth street North, at a dinner party. Decorations of chrysanthamums and autumn leaves were artistically arranged throughout the dining room. Covers were laid for 36. The evening was spent at 00. The marriage of Miss Ethelwynne Harris and Allen C. Hemphill took place on Wednesday night in the St. Stephen's pro-cathedral, with Rev, Frederick K. Howard, an old friend of the family, reading the service. Many friends assembled to witness the ceremony. The bride was lovely In creamy white satin crepe with a veil of filmy tulle and a coronet of orange blossoms. She carried white roses and bovardia. Nancy Nicolai, ber attendant, was a pretty picture in pink and white. The church was decorated In palms and white chry santhemums. The bride is a charm ing and popular girl, the daughter of Mrs. Arthur Harris and the late Arthur H. Harrts. She Ls the grand daughter of Mrs. Flinn and the late Father" John Flinn, a pioneer min ister of the northwest. The young couple will make their home in New Orleans. Saturday was alloted to the chil dren by the Livestock Exposition and Horse bhow. Everything was free to the children, Including a "calf frolic.'' a horse show and other numerous features interesting to the Commencing Monday A Week of Near-Holiday Economies in the Blouse Shop To 'further acquaint you with The Emporium's delightful Blouse Shop, so conveniently arranged to facilitate your selection, we have inaugurated a week's selling of blouses at price concessions that cannot fail to interest exery woman, particularly with Holidays so close at hand. Charming New Tie-Back and Overblouses-Values to $8.95 $5.00 (A few models are sketched above) , Truly extraordinary this selling of fashion's latest phases in tie back and overblouses developed in Georgettes and satins. In such sough fc-f or colorings as: Bisque, Scarab, Oriole, White, Flesh, Navy and Brown (dark shades predominating). An interesting assortment of smart styles many contrasting color combinations included. Miss May Albee was lovely in pale pink and carried pink roses. But love liest of all were the dainty flower girls, tiny doll-like little maids in pink organdie with sashes and ruf fles and veils all so bewitchingly fashioned. These pretty maids were Ann and Alice Morrow, Elizabeth Jane Bishop, Jean Allegrani and Catherine Ann Clark. Thomas Burmester Bishop, a manly fellow in a cream seree suit. with a courtly bearing, carried the I ring on an old-fashioned nosegay. Mrs. John Clark and Jack Loder pro vided music. A. B. Cavender gave his daughter in marriage. Mrs. Cavender was admired in a gown of Fekin blue satin. The rose room was a bower of roses and palms. After the Morrow-Caven-der ceremony the Stannard-Albee nuptials followed Immediately. Then came congratulations, exclamations younger 1 0f surprise and good) w'shes and- the 7::. assembled in the Tyrolean under the direction of W. M. Ladd and Julius Meier. On December 22 the Heilig theater will be the scene of a play called "A Christmas Interlude," given by girLs who are now In Y. W. C. A. clubs, the girl reserves, the high school girls and the industrial girls who will co-operate with the Drama league to make this a success. Miss Genevieve Barnes has charge of the play itself and Miss Eileen Brong and Mm. Parson are helping in the production. The parts are cast and the girls are busy re hearsing. A double wedding was' an event of Armistice evening. The ceremonies were witnessed by a company of friends, who had been Invited to at tend the marriage of Alberta Caven der and Osborn B. Morrow in the Ben son hotel rose room Thursday at 8:30 o'clock. Rev. F. C. Stannard was the minister officiating, and his nephew, Delbert Stannard, who was en at tendant, and Miss May Albee, brides maid, were the two others who were wed. Miss Alberta Cavender was a lovely bride in white georgette made over soft silk. Her veil was becomingly arranged and her arm bouquet was of orchids and roses. Miss Dale Cro show of Roseburg was maid of honor. She was lovely in yellow tulle over yellow satin andr carried Ophelia roses. CHRISTEN SEN'S Portland's Recognized School of Dancing . 16S Eleventh Street. t CARRIE N. CHRISTENSEN, Manager. VICTOR CHRISTENSEN, Principal. ALFRED E. KELLOGG G. J. E. KOFELDT, Assistants. Mrs. Chrlstensen Is seeking a continuance of the generous patronage which has been accorded their dancing school for the past 11 years, and desires to announce that the work of the school will continue in the future, still upholding the high standards and Ideals, both In management and the thoroughness of the instruction given. Special Class Announcements: New class for adult beginners Monday and Wednesday, beginning November 22, 7:30 P. M. New High School Class for beginners (IS to 20 years), Saturday 4:45 P. M. ADULT INTERMEDIATE, Tuesdays and Thin- days. 7t30 P. M. AOl'LT ADVANCED, Tuesdays 9 P. M. LITTLE CHILDRE.V BEGINNERS 45 to 10 ynnl, 'rhnriMi ayn. 4 P. M. OLDER CHILDREN BEGINNERS tlO to IS years), Saturdays. 2 P. M. OLDER CHILDREN ADVANCED (8 to 15 years). Saturdays, 3:30 P. M. HIGH SCHOOL ADVANCED ( 15 to SO years), Friday, 7:30 P. M. HIGH SCHOOL INTERMEDIATE (IS to SO years), Saturdays 7 P. M. , BALLET COURSES ADVANCED, Wednesday 4 . P. IH.J Saturday 11 A. M. BALLET COURSES CHILDREN, Tuesdays 4 P. M. Ballet Glasses Miss Dorothy Lyon, Instructor . Mrs. Chrlstensen has engaged Miss Lyon, who has been an understudy of Mr. Chrlstensen for the past five years and has been a student of the Norma) Course conducted by the famous Ballet Master Stefano Mascagno, preparing to give thorough Instruction in this, the highest .branch of the art of dancing. ' Christillion Club First and third Mondays of each month 1'. M.t ior auuu memoers oi classes wniy Junior Assembly Last Friday of each month, 8:30 P. M., for members of high school classes only. Admission Seventy-Five Cents, including war tax. Private Lessons The entire teaching force of the school specialize in giving private lessons In Ball Room Dancing by appointment. Miss Lyon is also available as instructor in private lessons In ballet and fancy dancing. For further information call Main 6017 or office at halL Prices Children and high school classes, term of 8 lessons. efl.OO. Adult classes, term of 8 lessons, 97.00. Private lessons, half-hour, 2.50. One hour 4.00. Ballet classes, term of 10 lessons, SIO. Private les sons, half -hour, S3.00. room, where a supper was served, and dancing concluded the eventful pro gramme. Assisting in the dining room were Miss Lorna Ganong, Mrs. Grant Phegley, Mrs. Roy T. Bishop, Mrs. Steve Allegrani, Mrs. G. C. Stan nard, Mrs. Ben Morrow, Mrs. Carr Morrow, Mrs. Charles Marsh of Pen dleton. Among the out-of-town guests were Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Morrow of Seattle, Mr. and Mrs. Carr Morrow of Tacoma, Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Lee of Chehalis and Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Stan nard. Many handsome gowns graced the occasion. The floral decorations in the rose room and. supper room were particularly attractive. For Miss Albee's marriage Robert Treat Piatt gave the bride away, and Mrs. Piatt, sister of the bride, served as matron of honor. Mrs. Piatt had planned a large for mal wedding for her sister for Christ mas eve and had even ordered the cards engraved, but the surprise cer emony changed all plans. Mr. Stan nard is an interne at one of the hos- pitals and is popular among a wide $12.50 to $21.50 Blouses at $9.75 (Two styles arc shown at the left) A wonderful group of all that's newest in Blousedom, lovely Georg ette Crepes, Crepe de Chines and Tricolettes in white, flesh, navy, brown, bisque and new blues. The more elaborate blouse for dress wear, as well as the trimly tailored blouse is represented, in overblouse, tie-back and waist-line effects. $8.50 to $10.95 Blouses at $7.45 (Two models sketched at the right) One hundred particularly charm ing blouses in either the waistline or overblouse effect. Unusual val ues these, that suggest early selec tion. Of georgette crepe, crepe de chine, satins and tricolettes a splendid variety of tailored and dressv blouses in white, flesh. navy, brown, bisque and black. Nor Is the Full-Figured Woman Overlooked During Economy Blouse Week, for Here Are Blouses 46 to 54 at $5.95 The full-figured woman will .find in this assortment a blouse" distinctly designed to meet all her requirements. Of georgette in white, flesh and navy trimmed with dainty embroidery, fine laces and tucks. Square, round and V necks. . $325 and $3.45 Voile Blouses $2.00 Dainty voile blouses of excellent quality attractively trimmed with fine lace edg ings, insertions and tucking effects. Long or short sleeves and all styles of neck or collar. m mmnn JLtflLJ ' Z-SWETT CO 1 1 II 124 12 128 SIXTH ST, JUST OFF WASHINGTON Hand-Made Philippine Under garments $3j95 and $4.95 Of sheer, finely woven fabrics, exqui sitely hand embroidered and daintly scal loped edges these lovely gowns and chem ises suggest themselves for holiday giving. At $3.95 and $4.95. circle of friends.' His bride is a lovely girl and possessed of many friends. They will live in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Morrow will be at home on his ranch near Medford. Mr. Morrow is a member of an old fam ily, an overseas man, a Stanford grad uate and! fraternity member. . . . Mrs. A. Hooks of Seattle was a vis itor in the city on her way home from Nogales, Ariz., and southern Califor nia this past week. She has been vis iting her sons, Lieutenant-Commander Harold Rooks, U. S. N., and Cap tain Lowell Rooks, U. S. A. While in the south Mrs. Rooks attended the wedding of Captain Rooks and Miss Martha Carolyn PhilUpps at Nogales. The bride is a charming society girl, daughter of the former U. S. consul to Mexico. Captain Rooks 13 a popular officer of the 25th infantry, an over seas veteran, who served as captain in General Pershing's honor guard. (Continued on Page 4.) THE ART OF PUBLIC SPEAKING Elocution, Dramatic Art. Interpretation, Gesture and Poise. Class Lessons if Desired. MAY LOUISE WILSON Intructor STUDIO. 853 PITTOCK BLOCK. Broadway 3204. ijiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiif iiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.iiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiBiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiititi ' Women s High Quality Shoes FOR LESS MONEY! We are taking our loss now giving you next season's prices TODAY I EE Choose now from this stock of high quality footwear save money! H -at $8-85 Oxfords, Pumps, and Boots Brown and, black leathers. All sizes. Values to $14.50. -at $H.85 Boots, Pumps and Oxfords Brown and black leathers. All sizes. Values to $17.50 Perfect Fitting AIway Personal Service I HOME Of j Complete Lines Charge Accounts Invited TOS. I. MILLER FOOTWEAR Srn&rt Shoes for Women j Morrison Street at Park rriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiirniniiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiitiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifs Pasquale Amato and the Steinway piano Pasquale Amato, famous baritone of the Metropolitan Opera Company, will be heard in concert at the Heilig Theater on Wednesday, November 17 direction Steers & Coman, The piano will be the Slcintoay. rf: H HE art of a great singer is limited strictly by the in strumental company it keeps. Pasquale Amato, world-famous bari tone, is accompanied on the Steinway piano. In consequence: Amato, no matter what artistic heights he reaches, is certain of the companionship of an instrument whose voice is as superb as his own. Sheman,felay"&lGOi Sixth and Morrison Streets PORTLAND Opposite Postoffice SEATTLE TACOMA SPOKANE SIRS. FARRELL Expert Operator Superfluous Hslr, Moles. Birthmarks Removed by Electrolysis 427 Plttock Bloek Telephone Broadway 4609 (Diplomas from Boston, Chicago and State Medical Board.) , COLONIAL DANCING CLASS Modern Steps Taught With the Grace and Dignity of Colo Dial Timed by ALT A KASTHAM TRAVIS of the National Dancing- Masters ' Association. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS HALL - I'ark St. at Taylor. TEVKKY SATURDAY Admission 75c each, including ' lea son and social It to 11:45 F. IX,