The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, November 14, 1920, SECTION THREE, Page 2, Image 50

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SOCIETY will be buiy with the
nisrtit borsa (how at the Pacific
International ihow this week,
when some of the most accomplished
Ben and women riders of the west
Will participate.
One of the largest teas of the week
-will be that planned by the Alpha
Phi alumnae members as a. benefit
.for the Industrial work of the Tounff
Women's Christian association. The
tea wilt be in the home of Mrs. C. J.
Bmlth. . ,
Several prominent women will ba
; patronesses for the affair end- rep-
'have been invited to attend. Tickets
are being- sold by the members of
Alpha Phi. . .
Mrs. G. L. Rauch. chairman, will
be assisted by a number of friends
and patronesses, including- Mrs. P. W.
Blanchard, Mrs. C. W. Twining. Mrs.
Edwin Seeley Parsons. Mrs. John
Raymond Holman, Mrs. C. E. Grelle,
Miss Gladys Bowen, Miss Christine
Korbes, Miss Grace Tucker and Mies
Gretchin Colton. Patronesses will be
Mrs. C. J Smith, Mrs. H. Ashly Ely,
Mrs. Allan Welch Smith, Mrs. A G.
Barker, Mrs. II. O. Colton, Mrs. J. B.
Montgomery, Mrs. A- E. Rocky, Mrs.
F. A. Douty, Mrs. Georgre F. Wilson,
Mrs. Frank Wilmot. Mrs. William T.
Wheelwright, Mrs. F. M. Warren,
Mrs. A. L. Veazie, Miss Adelia Pritch
ard, Mrs. John Pearson, Mrs. E. P.
Northrup, Mrs. W. F. Norman, Mrs.
Charlea T. Karam, Mrs. Charles A.
Morden, Miss Carrie Holbrook, Miss
Isabella Gauld, Mrs. Robert Farrell,
Mrs. James Failing, Mrs. John Ross
Dickson; Mrs. E. S. Collins, Mrs. Roy
Bishop. Mrs. Chrlss Bell, Mrs. William
II. Beharrell. Mrs. Isaiah Amos, Mrs.
"William C. Alvord, Miss Catherine
Burnside, Mrs. Ocean Jolly and Miss
Avis LobdelL
Forthe nig-ht- horse show many
oclety matrons will rive box par
ties. Dinners will precede the show.
The Hunt club will participate, and
the gay scarlet coats of the riders
will lend color to the attractions.
Among those who have taken boxes
for the night horee show are W. I.
Thompson, W. B. Ayer, Alma D. Katz,
C. E. Grelle, L. A Lewis, A. M.
Cronln, Edward Cooklngham. R. H.
Jenkins, Portland Hunt club; Natt
McDougall, Fred Martin, C. F. Adams,
ftOio 5rr ?erz- -srJ'z.
Julius Meier, S. P. O'Brien, Louis J.
Simpson, E. A. Stuart, A. C. Ruby,
F. S. Stimpson, Franklin T. Griffith,
F. A. Douty. P. Jackson, H. B.
Thormberry, Olds. Wortman & King,
W. D. Dickey, Max Schultz, J. Jones.
J. G. Kid well, R. B. Caswell, the
Northwest, Livestock and U. S. Na
tional banke. the Aberdeen Angus
and Mrs. L.' Allen Lewis, Mr. and
Mrs. Hamilton Corbett, Mr. and
Mrs. Walter B. Honeyman, Mr. and
Mrs. Cameron Squires, Mr. and Mrs.
Frank J. Cobbs, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred
F. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Alns
worth. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Adams.
Mr. and Mrs. Emery Olmstead. Colonel
and Mrs. Henry C. Cabell,' Dr. and
Mrs. W. H. Skene. Mr. and Mrs. Ed
ward Cookingham, I. N. Flelshner,
Hugh Hume. Mrs. G. J. Frankel. all
of Portland; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph W.
Jenkins, Beaverton, Or.; Mr. and "Mr a
Louis J. Simpson, Marsh field. Or.; Dr.
and Mrs. W. L. Wood. Garden Home,
Or.; Governor and Mrs. Ben W. Olcott,
Salem. Or.; Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Hawley,
McCoy, Or.; Mr. and . Mr. William
Pollman. Baker, Or.; Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Brown. Carlton, Or.; Mr. and
Mra.Thomas Carmichael. Gaston, Or.;
Mr. and Mrs. John S. 'Baker, Tacoma.
Wash.; Mr. and Mrs. A D. Dunn,
Wapato. "Wash.; Mr. and Mrs. F, M.
Rothrock, Spokane. Wash.'; Mr. and
Mrs- F. S. Stimson, Seattle, Wash.;
Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Selway, Dillon,
Mont.: Mr. and Mrs. Henry Thiesen,
Sweetwater. Idaho; Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Elberg, Woodland,. CaL -
Miss Eliza Parker and Van An
derson will be married on Saturday
at 5 P. M. in Trinity church. There
will be no attendants. No card were
Miss Genevieve Thompson enter
tained last night for Miss Parker and
Mr. Anderson, at a dinner in Forest
An 'event of social interest for the
coming week will be a tea to be given
on Thursday, November 18, by Mrs.
J. Sherman CGorman at her home,
654 Seventeenth street. v
The tennis exhibition matches held
at the Pacific - International o n
Wednesday evening called to the at
show, which is to be society's big at
traction this week, will be staged in
that very same building and that
warm wraps will be a necessity.
FoV the horse show, which is in
reality a brilliant social event, one
should have a warm fur coat, that is
if one would be truly correct. The
big fur shops are showing Hudson
seal ' (dyed muskrat) models with
novelty.. A coat wrap 'el soft grace
ful lines is of Hudson seal with col
lar, cuffs and wide band of skunk.
Marmot, which is fashionable and not
so terribly expensive, makes a coat
that is 'stunning when trimmed with
a broad band of Hudson seal.
The natural muskrat Bobby coat Is
youthful, so also is the natural squir
rel that Is tranned in the northmost
belts of the same fur and with collar parts of Siberia. More luxurious is
and euffs of Kolinsky or of nutria, a lavish wrap of dark eastern mink
Then there are the smart moleskin which Is superb over an evening
models which are all of the one fur gown. But If one cannot have one of
or combined with some contrasting , these wonderfui coats there are quite
skins. A premier model Is -developed , smart and comfortable cloth cloaks
in civet cat with collars and cuffs j. and coats,' some plain, some fur
of skunk, which Is very dashing and trimmed. A dashing stole . gives a
becoming. Natural Siberian squir- fine finish to any costume for the
rel. fashioned . of perfectly matched horse show and whether one be going
pelts, is used in one of the newest to a dinner party or straight from
coats shown. Just now squlrref is horde to the show it will pay to tuck
tremendously popular. A mole vest I In the pocket of the auto a sweater I To celebrate their 40th wedding!
who a coat or Hudson seal. Is a new I to wear under the smart coat of I anniversary, Mr. and Mrs. J. Frank
cloth and a pair of spats to wear
over the trim evening pumps.
There will be a number of dinners
this week preceding the night horse
show and boxes that have been re
served for the week will be the
scenes of many box parties.
For the parties an afternoon or
evening gown will be correct, but
don't forget the wrap. Smart erge
costumes, Hickson or Collins models
will be quite the vogue for the show
or the trim tailor suit with an at
tractive stole or scarf of raccoon,
opossum, lynx, fox, taupe, cony, er
mine or beaver it matters not which.
Mrs. Rufus Holman was hostess
for a few young people on Friday
for her daughter, Miss Eleanor.
Watson will entertain on Wednesday
evening In their home on West Park
Lieutenant H. C. Holmes, formerly
of the British royal navy, is In the
city, a guest at the home of his uncle,
F. H. V. Andrews. Mr. Holmes' mother
will be remembered by Portland soci
ety folk as Miss Alice Andrews when
she lived here with her brother. The
Thinking about that Piano or I
Phonograph for Christmas? S
There la One Safe I
Place to Buy ' ' J
association and Columbia River Wool
Growers' association.
The patrons and patronesses in
clude Mr. and - Mrs. W. B. Ayer, Mr.
and Mrs. .Charles H. Carey, Mr. and
Mrs. William Ladd, Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Robertson. Mr. and Mrs. A. C.
Ruby. Mr. and Mrs. Coe A. McKenna, tentlon of all the society women. In
mr. ana wri. vjuy w. laioot. Mr. attendance the fact that for the horse
!!jj:H be sure your garb (3:;Hjjj
!h Ik is above criticism Siijjl
;R Our designers are - Siljj'
ill; rics merit "their liffjilH-
;ii ft !li!W!iil!
-TailorM to Men and
NonbwMterB Bank
33 u BnJIdlnK. j!
and Visiting Cards
til Morgan Building.
Auction. Bridge Teacher
And Now Here Go Furs
Into Our Prosperity Sale
You may
open an ao
count and
have- these
heatxtlf ul
furs charged
if Jjou Wish.
Our prices
are the same
for cash or
Fox, wolf, Jap cross fox and lynx.
All beautifully 'linecf and wonder
fully attractive. Priced from
$16.50 to $198.50
French Coney, Jap minx. Kolinsky
dyed Marmot Colnbination capes
of moleskin and squirrel. From
$52.50 to $395
at Tenth -
We are determined to make our Pros
perity Sale one to be remembered. We
started with dresses, then added coats,
hats and blouses and now, right at
the time you want them most, we an
nounce .
25 Reduction on
Every fur is includ
ed. But be sure and
make your selection
quickly because
furs are too scarce to
keep on sale more
than a few days.
Marmot, French Coney, sealine, with
either raccoon or skunk collars.
Majority of these models are 36
inches in length. From
$169.50 to $221.75
There are a few sealine coatees to
select from ranging in pries from
$98.50 to $149.75
"The Gray
Tile Corner"
tiC. V - ftk
Added to
ana oresss
Our Prosperity Sale
We wish we had more of these stunning coats and dresses we have sketched,
because their stylish designs and extremely modest prices mean that they will
go all too quickly. Our Prosper
ity bales are being widely wel
comed and this offering is only
further proof of the Eastern's
effort to create sane prices and
sane buying.
Coats . . $45
Hats . . . $9.50
Blouses $8.00
f 17
The Coats
They are here,, these long expected coats
of velour, silvertone broadcloth, polo
cloth and plushes. Some trimmed, others
plain, but all faultlessly tailored and
right straight from New York, where
our resident buyer purchased them after
the market was broken. All the K
popular colors DxJ
You Will Find Blouses
That formerly sold at much higher prices, but they are
offered in our special Prosperity blouse sale. Tou may
choose from a bfewltchlns array it geortrette blouses in
flesh, white and tan. Embroidered or lace trimmed, long
or snort sleeves, some tucKed tronts, frilled
collars and cuffs. A limited number, but espe
cially priced at
Street Dresses
It may be serge, satin or crepe meteor,
with lacey filet and some gay embroid
ery inspired by the peacock's colors
and then again it may be tailored to a
degree of simplicity; but whatever is in
It, it is a "find" at such an agree- flJO fT
able price Otl
Model Hats
Plain and feather trimmed, large and small, some tailored.
There are 36 hats included in this sale, and you save
$5.50 on every one of them. All colors and no (JJQ Krt
two alike tDI.UU
You know, of course, you may open a charge account with us. The
price is the same whether you pay cash or use our "Cheerful Credit"
plan. You may pay in convenient periods of weekly, semi-monthly
or monthly payments. ' -
at Tenth Street
"The Gray
Tile Corner"