THE SUNDAY OKEGOXIAN, PORTLAND, NOVEMBER 14, 1920 YOU Pocket the r of it I S?VK ,J fj Here's clothing for rrian and boyshorn of profit! Come to my store arid buy for yourself buy " for your boys, for now for Christmas " . . ' - - At the lowest prices of the year! No exaggerations in any of my ads! TED Boys' Mackinaws $18.00 Grade now S15 $13.50 Grade now S10 Boys' Sweaters y2 Price $4.50 Sweaters , $2.25 $3.00 Sweaters S1.50 Boys' Blouses $4.00 Blouses-now S2.50 $3.00 Blouses nov SI .98 $2.50 Blouses now S1.50 $1.50 Blouses now . . 98d Boys' Knicker Suits. Every Boys' Knicker Suit in the house, regularly $18, $20, $22.50, reduced Jj 85 S Every Boy's Knicker Suit in the house, regularly $25, $27.50, $30, re- 4-t t QC duced to . . . . l7.0i)' Every Boy's Knicker Suit in the house, regularly $32.50 anI S5::.. $24.85 BoysY Corduroy" Suits ' Boys' " Corduroy Suits, regu larly $12.50, "re- GC ff duced to . pVUU Boys' Overcoat Special Former price $13.50 to $16.50, 10 to 18 years, f- -j QgT reduced to .... i)XO0 Men's Furnishings and Underwear for Less , 120 . dozen Men's Heavy Wool Hose, regularly 60c the " pair, reduced to OOC Three Pairs for $1 100 dozen Men's Black Mercer ized Lisle Hose, regularly 50c the pair, reduced 35 C Three Pairs for $1; Men's Lewis Union Suits, reg ularly $6.50 and $7, reduced to $4;50 Men's Worsted Union Suits, regularly $5, re- fl QC duced to Men's Fiber Silk Shirts, every $7.50 Shirt in the or house reduced to. .O.OO Three Garments for $11 Men's Silk Stripe, Woven Mad ras and Russian Cord Shirts, regularly $5 and J0 A JT $6, reduced to jK3TbO Three Garments for $10 Men's Imported English Woven Madras Shirts, (f A EZ regularly $4, now J)t:0 v Three Garments for $7 " Men's Flannelette Pajamas, reg ularly $4.50 and iCC $5, reduced to pOoOO Men's Flannelette Pajamas, reg ularly, $3.50 and QP $4, reduced to Men's Flannelette Night Shirts, regularly $3 and Cy AC $3.50, reduced to. . tP.tO Men's. Flannel Shirts, blue gray and khaki-colored Wool Shirts, reg. $6.50 and $7, reduced to. ..... . $4.95 Gray and Khaki-Colored Wool Mixed Shirts, regularly $4 and $5, now reduced 45 MEN'S SUIT S Continuing My Sale of Men's $55 to $70 Suits $39.50 These are the greatest values sin.ce the war. Sale , will continue until all are closed out." Extra Special! Every Man's Suit in the House Cut to the Bone! Men's $100 Suits now $66.65 Men's $ 90 Suits now $60.00 Men's $ 75 Suits now $50.00 All Men 's Overcoats Reduced All Men 's Trousers Reduced All Men 's Fall Hats Reduced 1 5 x'vaW5 ..v.-.-.-a . i - v . v-'.v .v :f (.'... :v .--t r y v.. 4 ; B EN SELLING, Leading Clothier $gggi& 1- : I - t . . 3 WANT TO HEM) HOUSE SPEAKERSHIP FIGHT LOOMS AMOXO NORTHERN" SOXjONS. E. II. Guic, Howard Lucas and Robert Grass Candidates for Honors in State Legislature. (phone company, with headquarters at Sutherlin, Or. Under the new order, individual' business lines will cost $2.50 a month, while similar service in the residence Districts will be charged for at the rate of ?2 a month. Pro portionate rates will prevail for other classifications of service. The order becomes effective November 15. I cial.) Despite the fact that 65 mem-I hera of the 1919 legislature formed a. "round robin" and expressed their opposition toany effort to organize the lower body of the lawmakers be fore it convened, E. II. Gule. repre sentative of Seattle, Wash., started today on a tour of the state to get enough pledges to insure his election as speaker of the next house. Mr. Guie. who has been- speaker of the house- before, is looked upon as one of the most able parliamentarians in the state. Before he set out from Seattle it was reported that he had secured pledges of support from 15 of the 17 members of the King county delegation. He went to Spokane, Wash., and will visit all of the east ern part of the state before he returns home. Representative Howard Lucas of Yakima, Wash., and-Robert Grass of King county were both in Taeoma yesterday. Both are candidates for the speakership. Grass, however, if his first mode of campaign still ob tains, will make a fight for an elec tion at Olympia without a prelimi nary organization. But with Guie and Lucas already In the. field, and I both undoubtedly making every ef fort to organize the house in their own behalf. Grass will probably find considerable organized opposition to his candidacy the first week of the cession. It was gossiped about today, fol lowing the visit of Lucas and Grass to Tacoma, that suggestions . were made to Lucas to get together with Guie and settle the matter of the campaign for speakership without unnecessary friction or contest- It was the opinion, of Pierce county leaders that one or the other should agree, to drop out of the race now. Both Lucas and Guie are acceptable to the house leadership, and both were declared to be excellent debaters and eminently fitted for the position. COLLEGE AFTER LOAFERS Inattentive Students AVill lie Weed ed Out, Says Dean. OREGON AGRICULTURAL COL LEGE, Corvallis, Nov. 13. (Special.) This college is no place for stu dents who do not make the best of .their opportunities, and "every loafer will be weeded out," according- to Dean Covell, chairman of -the scholar ship committee, which Is'out to get resul-ts in ' a campaign for higher standards among students. . Every student who ' had unsatis factory marks In midterm grades for two or more subjects' will be inter viewed personally by the committee, and worthy ones will be allowed to make up work before November 17. At the first of this term 41 students were placed on probation because of low grades for last year. If theee same stud'erats are on probation at the end ot this year it is probable that they will be asked to withdraw from the college, according to Dean Covell. BOY, 17, HELD FOR CHIME CARL JOHNSON IS ANOTHER HUCKLEBERRY EINN. Attempt to Kill Family of Five De clared by Prisoner to Have ' Been Made to Get $200. NORTON, Kan.. Nov. .13. (Special.) Carl Johmson, . 17 years old, shoved a grimy coffee pot back on a small stove in the county jail here Friday, parked a pair of over large feet en cased in wool stockings 'in a ledge of the stove and recounted unemo tionally his attempt to kill a family of five- person. Johnson is held In default - of a $1000 bond for attempting to extermi nate the famMy.of "Jack" Heiser man. a farmer near Almena. two weeks ago. Jle confessed to wound ing a daughter and the grandmother. He said he had been hired by Elmer Heiserman, a son, to kill the entire family, a reward of, $200 was prom ised if the latter's sister, father, mother.' brother and grandmother were killed, Johnson says. Heiserman was arrested following the shooting, but released on $1000 bond furnished by his father. Johnson gave the single suspender upon which the safety of his over alls depended a twitch, tightened the nail, acting as a support, and grinned through- the bars. "Don't see why they should keep me here when Elmer Is out on bond," he said. "He's-the one that suggested the shooting. He promised me $200, but I aint seen none of it." The boy's eyes shone bright as he contemplated the small fortune. The bullets which he fired through the window caused slight flesh wounds to Faye Heiserman and the grand mother. The bullet which struck them dropped from the wound when phy sicians bared the arm to dress "It. The youthful prisoner is a (second Huckleberry Finn made to order. His whole being savors of the outdoors; a sturdy body encased In overalls, a blue denim shirt opened at the collar exposing a neck unmarred by a hard collar, a large mouth with straight teeth set wide apart like rows of miniature tombstones and a tattered cap pulled at a rakish angle" over his left eye surmounts a head of un kempt hair to which a comb has ever been a stranger. . Suit for Taxes Authorized. SALEM, Or.. 'Nov. 13. JSpeciaL) The state treasurer's office today in structed Walter Evans, distrift attor ney of Multnomah county, to file suit against the heir of Anne Dono van, who died in Portland In 1909, to recover inheritance tuxes on property valued at approximately $75,000. Under the law, according to the in terpretation of the state treasurer, it is necessary to sue for inheritance taxes within five years after interest accrues, or the tax is presumed to have been paid. In case Mr. Evans is successful the state will recover between $1500 and $2000. Portland's largest exhibit of wrist watches is at Friedlander's, 310 Washington, street, between Fifth and Sixth. Adv. Telephone Increase Granted. SALEM. Or., Nov. 13. (Special.) The Oregon public service commission today issued an' order granting an Increase in tates to the Calapooia Tel- Positively the Greatest GOITER TREATMENT Ever Discovered. Prof. Kembritz" Remarkable M)ITEU REMOVER Eliminates an Operation. Treatrarntu Free Call 434 E. Morrison St. Phone East 6992. J. K. STERN LADIES' TAILOR SPECIAL PRICE IN FALL STYLES " " DOST XV A IT TIU LATER, . 447 ALDER ST. I Do You Really Want I to Save? I HERE'S A SURE WAY See What You Need Listed in Five Meier & Frank Ads on, Pages 12, 13, 14, 15 and Back Page, This Section v There's Money in It for You "... ' . "Remick's for Records' IPeir Get Yours Now! Week Columbia Grafonola No. A-2 -Regardless of size, when a ma chine bears the name "Co lumbia" you know its merits as an instrument are unques- tionable. For close quarters an'd easy handling this small Columbia Grafonola we especially recommend. v $3250 Columbia Grafonola JO. C-2 This model Grafo- nola is similar to the above, except that it. is slightly larger and has hinged cover, dusfc- prooi and more ornamental in ap pearance. A full-toned instrument with quiet, . easy-to-wmd motor. $50 Columbia Grafonola Jq J). 2 Tlis machine is, in all essentials, the "big" Grafonola reduced to stand table or portable use. Full size motor and sound chamber a fine, . . ' .very capable machine, the results of which are up to those of the very largest phonographs made. $75 "Remick's for Records" I " J ULP t 1 ' - 1 Two Days More TODAY raw iisl Mil VI liliwlllilf A. COMELDV DRAMATMAT- WILL SHAKE "YOUR. RIBS LOOSE- Also Scenic Pollard Comedy Mutt and Jeff A ll James Gordon .HOBO CARUSO . In Box-car Melodies NOW ALL WEEK COMING TUESDAY 4 DAYS ONLY "A FULL HOUSE" ' ALL STAR CAST A gambler in love, he tried to discard a queen. But she wouldn't quit the a game! And when he won her heert and was,, about to flash a diamond well, you'll say the queen jazzed his-cards! A COLD DECK, STACKED WITH SHUF FLES OF LAFFS K Today and Monday II