The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, November 14, 1920, SECTION THREE, Image 49

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Editorial and Doings )
in Realm of Society
vol,, xxxix. -
NO. 4G
Double Trading Stamps on jMI Charge and Cash Purchases
?) Do Your Holiday Shopping Now and Get the Benefit of This Additional Cash Saving
double savings on every
purchase you make at this
store. We make this spe
cial offer to induce our cus
tomers to do their holiday
shopping early. Christmas
stocks are now at their
best in all departments.
The Standard Storm of the Northwest
Olds, Wortman & King
Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods -
Toyland Is
Let the youngsters visit
this department and see
the wonderful new toys,
dolls, games and novelties.
148 Women's High-Class Suits
In a Phenomenal Sale at
$ 39.50 Suits at $ 19.75
$275.00 Suits at $137.50
Second Floor The greatest sale of suits the garment store has
announced for many a day starts Monday morning. 148 beautiful
suits will be closed out at just half former prices. Braided, em
broidered and fur-trimmed models in the season's smartest styles.
Silvertone, velour, tricotine, bolivia, broadcloth, duvetyn, velveteen
and other materials. Many of these are exclusive models. Splendid
assortment of the newest shades and practically all sizes in the sale
Women's Suits
Double Stamps'
Given on All
Charge arid
Cash Purchases.
At Vo
Women's $39.50
Suits, special at
Women's $40.00
Suits, special at
Women's $45.00
Suits, special at
Women's $49.50
Suits, special at
Women's : $55.00
Suits, special at
Women's $59.50
Suits, special at
Women's $67.50
Suits, special at
Women's $72.50
Suits, special at
Women's $79.50
Suits, special at
Women's $87.50
Suits, special at
Women's $95.00
Suits, special at
Women's $100.00
Suits, special at
Women's $110.00
Suits, special at
Women's $125.00
Suits, special at
Women's $135.00
Suits, special at
Women's $145.00
Suits, special at
Women's $157.50.
Suits, special at
Women's $175.00
Suits, special at
Women's $310 ffT f(
Suits, special" at tOJLuO.liU
Women's $275
Suits, special at
Women's $98.50 Coats
Special $75
Second Floor Cordoval, Silvertone, Bolivia, Velour and Plush
Coats in a good assortment of the best colors. Beautiful garments
from our own regular stock. Full .styles with belted fronts, all
around belted effects and the dressy wrap modfs with large
sleeves. Full length and short styles with Raccoon and" Near Seal
Collars. All sizes from 16 to 44. Coats in this lot fl?7K ((
selling heretofore up to $98.50. Priced special at D 4 O.UU
Georgette Blouses at $10
Dress Skirts $14.98
Second Floor Georgette Crepe,
Crepe de Chine and Tricolette
Blouses in many beautiful
models. Beaded, braided, em
broidered effects. Also some
trimmed with French J" f
knots. All sizes. Special
Double Trading tamps. .
Second Floor Women's Dress
Skirts of Velour and Serge in
novelty plaids and stripes, plait
ed and gathered effects with
novelty pockets and belts. All
finished with deep hem. . Best
colors. Sizes 26 to T"I A QQ
36 waist. Snecial J-L4:.I0
Garment Store, Second Floor
$1 Wash Laces 59c Yard
25c Laces 19c Yd.
Main Floor Dainty Shadow
Laces in a large assortment of
patterns. Very suitable for trim
ming of party and dance frocks.
Regular $1.00 grades r Q
priced special the yard at 0t
Regular $1.25 grades f7Q
priced special the yard. at 7C
Fine Linen Cluny Laces, 50c
values 3o 75c values at 500
Pretty Laces for lingerie pur
poses and all. sorts of holiday
fancy work. Fine Filet Crochet
Laces edge and banc's - for
fancy work, camisoles, 1
etc. 25c values, yard at .-' K
Nottingham Bands, Fancy Nor
mandy Laces and Cotton Cluny
Laces in newest patterns. "Q
. 25c values specially priced J-l
New Art Layes-in many novel
and pretty designs for camisoles.
Prices range from 500 to $1.45
New Art Laces
New Flowers in corsage, bou
tonniere wreath and bodice styles.
Latest colors 650 up to $4.95
Lower Prices Now Is the Time to Buy
Thanksgiving Linens
Substantial price reductions
Table Cloths, Napkins, Linen Sets,
Towels and many other things needed
for .Thanksgiving. Make your selec
tions now and get Double Stamps
an additional cash saving on charge or
cash purchases. Dent. Main Floor.
Linen Cloths
Finest qualify all-linen Cloths, size
2x2 yards. No napkins to match. 3
lines on sale at $15, $17.50, $20
Other Specials
in Cloths '
Linen Table Cloths with Napkinsto
match on sale at very low prices.
$14.50 Cloths, size 2x2 yds. $10.50
$18.50 Cloths, size 2x2 $13.50
$22.50 Cloths, size 2x3ds. $16.50
, Damasks
All-linen -Damask priced (IJO QK
very special' at the yard D.tJ
Mercerized Table Damask at 980
Mercerized . Napkins, dozen $3.75
Dinner Sets
"-Hemstitched Linen Sets Cloth and
1 dozen hemstitched napkins to match.
$95.00 set size 2x2 CO f(
yards 1 dozen Napkins D I mUU
$85.00 Set size 2x2 CE ff
yards 1 dozen Napkins
Sheetings Reduced
Main Floor
Main Floor Bleached and Un
bleached Sheetings in 2 14 -yard
lengths at special low prices Monday.
81-inch Bleached Sheeting, yd.. 550
90-inch Bleached Sheeting, yd. CO0
81-inch Unbleached, yard at 500
90-inch Unbleached, yard at 550
Comforter Batts
Stitched Comforter fl- OQ
Batts, sizes 72x90, 2!i lbs. D J-0
Bath Towels
Headquarters for plain and fancy
Bath Towels. Inspection cordially
invited. Domestic Aisle, First Floor.
"Black Silk Week"
The annual sale of black silks is one of the. year's most important merchandising
events and never fails to create great interest. This year we have planned to make
it bigger and better than ever. Thousands of yards of high-grade silks in all wanted
weaves will be disposed of at special prices. Black silks for all purposes on sale.
36-in. black taffetas, $3.50 grade $2.48
36-in. black taffetas, $4.25 grade $2.98
36-in. black taffetas, $4.50 grade $3.19
40-in. black Bownet's, $6.50 grade $4.75
36-in. peau de cygne, $3.00 grade $2.48
36-in. satin de luxe, $4.00 grade $2.98
36-in. Palette de Soie, $4 grade $2.98
36-in. black Ducheese, $4 grade $2.98
36-in. ' black Duchesse, $5 grade $3.98
36-in. satin Etoile, $3.50 grade $2.89
$5.50 black Haskell Faille, yard $4.48
$5.50 Haskell Victoria cord, yard $4.48
Plain and Fancy Silks
Special $1.89 Yd.
Center Circle, Main Floor Colored plain Taffetas and Messalines Printed Satins
Printed Radiums Printed Crepe de Chine Striped Messalines atid Taffetas
Polka Dot Foulards Striped, Shirtings' Wash Satins in white, flesh and
pink Plaid Poplins in self color White Wash Broadcloths Natural Pon
gees Black Taffetas, Black Messalines and many other desirable fl" QQ
weaves. Values in the lot up to $4.00 a yard. Monday sale at--0
LINING SPECIAL Printed Venetian in the 36-inch width. Jt fTQ
Made especially for coat linings. Now specially priced, the yard
Double Stamps on Charge and Cash Purchases
$5.00 Haskell Pekin stripes, yard $3.98
10-in. crepe de chine, $3.00 grade $2.29
40-in. crepe de chine, $4-50 grade $2.98
40-in. crepe de chine, $6.50 grade $4.48
$4.00 crepe meteor, special yard $2.98
$8.00 crepe meteor, special yard $6.25
' $5.00 satin crepe, special g.t yard $3.95
. $5.00 Charmeuse, special a yard $3.95
$7.00 Rodyaire Tricolette, a yard $5.48
8.50 Personality satin, at yard $7.25
$12.00 'Faille back satin at yard $7.50
$10.00 brocaded Charmeuse, yard $7.75
1 l::
-III '
New Novelty
Main Floor Beautiful new Laces
for party frocks and gowns. Light
and dark colors in rich metal em
broidered effects. Large assortment
to select from. $7.50 to &A QK
$9 values. Special, yard Dr.J
Colored embroidered wool and
silk Bands, Medallions and Trim
mings, priced, yd. $1.25 to $7.50
One nice assortment of these
bands on sale at 25 reduction.
Metaliile; Cloth
$1.50, $2.00
Main Floor 36-inch Metaline Cloth
in silver, gold and colored effects.
Used extensively for under linings.
Extra values at yard $1.50 to $2
Metal Finish
Main Floor 36-inch lustrous Satin
Metal-Finish Cloth in silver, coral,
rose, steel and crown blue. Very
stylish combined with laces, nets
and crepes for frocks, yd. $G.5Q
Women's Knit
. Petticoats
Second Floor Women's Knitted Petticoats
in a wide assortment of patterns and colors
on sale at li. off regular prices 75c to
$7.00 Petticoats now priced 57 to $5.25
Outing Flannel
Second Floor Women's Outing Flannel
Petticoats in plain white, plain colors and
stripes on sale at - off regular prices.
Petticoats selling in the regular way at
98c to $1.98 now priced 73 to $1.49
Special Sale of Linoleums
Lowest Prices of the Year
S000 yards of highgrade Linoleum of
fered this week at great savings. We
have plenty in every pattern so buy all
you wish. Not remnants and odds and
ends. Double S. & H. Trading Stamps
given on charge and cash purchases.
$2.50 Linoleums
$1.39 yd.
Third Floor Granite Inlaid Linoleum
unexcelled for service. Full 6 feet wide.
Sold in regular was at $2.50. QQ
Special price for this sale, yd. 0 J-.OJJ
$2.25 Inlaid Linoleums in many attrac
tive tigured patterns. Priced AO
special for this sale at, yard pAteO
$3.00 Inlaid Linoleums this is our
best grade. Assorted colors CO "I f
and patterns. Special, yard at wiJLAj
SPECIAL NOTE Prices on linoleums
do not include cost of laying. Nomi
nal charge will be made for this work.
Printed Linoleums
$1.65 Printed Linoleums in many new
and attractive patterns. Priced
special for this sale at yard &A5 jt
$2.50 Inlaid Linoleum, in. a. good range
of very desirable patterns. 31 OP
Ruecial fcr this sale, vard at D-L.OJ
$2.75 Inlaid Linoleums in
patterns and colors. Priced
very special for this sale, yard
$1.50 Printed Linoleums in a large
assortment of patterns and C" AQ
colors. Special this sale, yard tD AU
Double Stamps With Charge or Cash Purchases
All Men's Shoes 20 Off
Dept. Main Floor
Unrestricted choice of any Man's
Shoe or Oxford in our stock this w,eek at
one-fifth off the regular selling price.
This special offer does not include men's
slippers. Double Stamps with purchases.
Men's $11.50 Shoes
At $9.20
Men's "Foot-Fitter" Shoes of dark
tan calfskin. Munson combination last.
Very comfortable. Full range fl?Q Of)
of sizes. Regularly $11.50 D.U
Men's $9.00 Army Shoes of high-grade
lotus calf. Made with heavy single
sole. All sizes in, this lot. On ?fl
special sale reduced to pair D t
Men's $12.00 Shoes of black vici kid.
Blucher cut with medium round toe.
For semi-dress wear. All PQ Zf
sizes in this lot.. Special, pair D7.v)U
$16.50 Strong & Garfield Shoes of vici
kid. Two style toes. Combination
last. Complete showing of QJI Q Ofl
all sizes. Special this sale D-LO.U
Men's $16.00 Laced Shoes of brpwn
vici kid. Englisli or medium (J" O Of
round toe lastT All sizes DA.Ol
Men's $14.00 Shoes of Cocoa brown
calf. Modified English toe, C- "1 Oft
blucher or plain lace pair tDAA.AivJ
$11.00 Cordo Calf Laced PO Of
Shoes with Neolin Soles, pair D.O.OU
$13.00 Gunmetal Shoes C"I fl Afl
with high, wide v toe, pair
Men's $14.50 Shoes of dark tan calf.
Brogue last with pinked wing tip. Very
nobby for young men. One t flfi
of our best makes. Special
Sale of Women's Boots
Women's Laced Boots-of brown or
black kid: Latest lasts with Cf A
welted soles. $14 to $17 grades 0J
Women's Oxfords in our very best
makes. Black or brown kid. Latest
style heels and toes. Regular C?Q f(
$12.50 to $14.00 grades, pair DJJJ
Great Sale White Enamel Ware
Housewares Store, Third Floor
The thoughtful housewife will have her kitchen well supplied with cooking utensils for the holiday
season. Here is a sale that offers high-grade triple-coated White Enameled Ware at remarkably low
prices. This ware is sold as "seconds' but most factories would class them as "firsts." See and judge
for yourself. Everything needed for the kitchen in this sale Coffee Fots, Tea Pots, Covered
Kettles, Covered Sauce Pans, Double Boilers, Lipped Kettles, Baking Pans, Stew Pans, Covered Buckets,
Sauce Pans and hundreds of other articles. Double Trading Stamps with charge and cash purchases.
$1.45, $1.7 0 QO
ind $2.20 values 'OK
$3, $2.40, CJ-I AO
$2.30 values O-L.tO
$3.70, $3.25 (PI QQ
$3.20 Values DJL.UO
Buy Oven Glassware
For Your Thanksgiving Baking
Fire-proof Oven Glassware is sanitary, easy to clean and serv
iceable." We show a complete stock of Pie Pans, Bread Pans,
Cake Dishes, Casseroles, Baking Pans, etc. Dept., Third Floor.
8-inch Pie Plates at CO
9-inch Pie Plates at 750
10-inch Pie Plates at $1.00
Bread Pans, size 5xl0
inches, priced now at $1.50
Bread Pans, size 5x9 inches,
priced for this sale at 900
Square Cake Dishes at $1.20
Round Baking Pans in 9-inch
size. Priced at only $1.20
Round Baking Pans in 9
inch size priced at only $1.35
Casseroles with covers 7
inch size priced at only $1.20
9-inch Casseroles only $2.00
8Vz Square Casseroles $2.40
Coffee Perculators $2.59
On Sale 3d Floor
Third Floor Aluminum Coffee Percolator like
sketch. Made with seamless body and fire
protected handles. These are of excellent
quality and are to be had in the pop- (IJO CQ
ular 6-cup size. Priced special at D&Ou
Headquarters for Thanksgiving Cutlery.
Carving Knives, Butcher Knives, etc
Double Trading Stamps with purchases.
Third Floor Oval Shape Sheet
Steel Roasters, self basting and
sanitary at very special prices.
$2.00 size for 81b. turkey $1.48
$2.75 size for 12-lb. turkey $1.98
$5.00 Aluminum Roasters for
12-lb. turkey special at $3.98
9-inch Aluminum Fry C- ?Q
Pans priced special at 0i.J
10-inch Heavy Cast AO
Aluminum Fry Pans at iDO.rtO
Food Choppers
Universal Food Choppers elimi
nate waste and cut down living
expenses. Regular $2.50 g- QO
size. Special sale at Dx.0