23 THE SUNDAY OTIEGONTAN, PORTLAND, NOVEMBER 1920 SIXTY CENTS DECLINE IN FLU MARKET Lower Prices Will Go Into Effect Monday Morning. WHEAT DROP REFLECTED mvu, large, extra, fancy, at 12. Takima valley Jonathans, extra fancy, medium to large. 13.30, fancy J 2. 00; Ark. Blacks, ex tra fancy, medium to large, 12.15, fancy $1.00; Delicious, medium to large extra fancy 2.0i, fancy $2.43 & 2.50. Other dis tricts, Homes extra fancy large 2,10. LIVESTOCK. IS STEADY AX CLOSE the 12.0 12.20 .... 11.80 .... 11.40 .... 11.00 .... 10.40 en4 d has been Family Patents Will Be Quoted at $10.40 Per Barrel; Millrun Is Also Reduced. A 00 -cent drop in flour prices will take effect Monday morning, local mills an Bounced yesterday. The best family pat ents will be listed at I1O.40, valley flour at I&.T5 and straights at $8.50. Bakers' flour Will drop to 10 a barrel. The flour decline comes as a result ef Che steady fall in wheat values. The new Quotation represents a drop of $3.35 a barrel from the high flour point of the year. The course of the market Is shown KB the following table: If ay T llfl.TU August 2 12.0S eeptemoer 23 October 4 October 8 ... October 23 .................... ajo vember 9 Sovember 15 eVfLHfeeo. generally is weak lining. The price ef miHrun at to $-i5 a ton. f, e, b. mill. There were no new developments In the srheat situation in the northwest. Buyers were not Inclined to Operate, and holders sa the country were not pressing sales. Bid prices posted at the Merchants' Ex bange were the same as Friday, $1.95 for bard white. $1.50 for other white grades, and 11.47 for red. The feed grain market remained quiet. Offers for oats were the same as the day Before and corn was also unchanged. De eember brewing barley and November feed barley were each down SO cents. Terminal receipts, in cars, were reported nor the Merchants' Exchange as follows: Wheat. Barley.-Flour.Oats.HaT. PorttandV Saturday ....... 41 Year ago 26 Total this week. 101 Year ago 222 Season to date.. 0713 Year ago 4449 Tacoma JYIday IB Year ago 20 Season to date. .2T10 Year ago 83 MODERATE DEMAND FOR TTJBKXY9 Cash Buyers Send One Price of 42 Cents to Country Shippers. A few shipments of dressed turkeys were received on the street yesterday. Some of them were taken by the local trade and others shipped out. Most sales were made at 47 cents. Cash buyers have sent bids Into the country of 42 cents and they be lieve this price will hold during the ship ping season. There was but little Inquiry for live turkeys, but other live poultry sold well at steady prices. Country dressed veal was weak with lit tle demand. Fork was steady, and un changed. Dank Clearings. Sank clearings of the northwestern cities yesterday were as follows: Clearings. Portland f.s, 043,400 Seattle b, 210.24a Tacoma 1,541,164 Spokane 2,4S3,Sii2 Clearings of Portland, Seattle 8 1 19 S 6 42 6 64 1B4 22 32 81 322 231 7U8 113 1743 307 747 ... 12 ... 3 S3 . 332 60 401 .'." .... 1O0 432 . v fo Trading om Last Day of Week at Local lards. There was no trading at the close of the week at the local stockyards. Prices In all linea were, therefore, nominal and the market, so far as the general feeling was concerned, was steady. .Receipts were 47 cattle. 2' calves. 200 hogs and 2518 sheep. The following are livestock quotations at the Portland Union stockyards: noice grass steers t Gooa to cuuica steers. ....... MeUlUm tO 1COO1 Jilrr, Fair to goou steers ........... Common to lair steers ....... Choice cows and heifers ...... iooa io cnoice cows, heifers. . Meaium to good, cows, heiters. Canuers ........... Bulls Choice dairy calves ...... Prime ligm calves Meuiium light oaives ..... Heavy caives ........... Best itteoers ............ Hogs Prima mixed ............ Smooth mixed Kuugb heavy at pigs Feeder pigs &ueep East-of-mountaln lambs . Valley lambs Feeder lambs Cull lambs Yearlings Wethers ...... Ewe 8.250 9.00 tt.&a 7.25 5.70 1 t.2; O.UOiir 5.75 t.2os ti.75 o.2o w tt 25 4.25(y 5.25 2.50ui 3.25 5.UUW O.U0 13.0luia.UO ll.OOIOil2.UO y.vu vii.ou T.UO0 U.OO ti.75V 7.25 14 60 15.00 14. ooifli 14.50 lO.OOlu) 13.25 12.1MJM.14 tHJ 11. OOW 13.50 8.504K 10.00 8.5U .O0 B.OOW 8.50 cootie ti.oo Wtf 7.50 B.OOI0 0 60 2.2J .O0 Sixty Million Salmon Pack. The 1920 salmon pack of Alaska, British Columbia. Pugot sound and the Columbia river section will total 6,055,000 cases valued at approximately (00,000,000, ac cording to revised statistics. The Alaska pack accounts for 4.225.000 oases, .nrt British Columbia Is expected to aggregate ouu.vw cases, an increase over last year; whereas the Alaska pack shows a decrease. PORTLAND MARKET QUOTATIONS Grain, Flour, Feed, Etc. Merchants' Exchange, noon session: Wheat Hard white ......... Soft white ........... White club Hard winter Northern spring Red WaJla "... Oats No. 2 whits ... No. 2 gray .......... Barley Brewing Standard feed Millrun Corn" No. 3 B. T. shipment. No. It E. delivery.... Nov. ...SI. 55 ... 1.50 ... 1.50 .... 1.50 ... 1.50 ... 1.47 ...45.00 . ..43.00 .44.00 .44.00 .41.00 .41.00 Dee. J1.55 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.47 45.00 44.0O 45.00 44.00 40.00 49.00 Balances. tl. 701,561 722.07-3 152.45 703,111 and Ta coma for the past week and corresponding wees, m tormer years were: Portland. ...:i5.&,057 FLOUR Family patents, $10.40; bakers' u.iu nci, oaxers- Dluestem pat ents, 110; valley. 3.75; straights, $4.50; jaiL.i.i't.iiiJ r-rices f. o. b. mill: Mill run, $45 per ton; , rolled barley. $34 4(56: "" u ftfo. KnicD xeea sl per ton. CORN Whole, $53; cracked. (56 per ton. HAT Bn,.nir prices, f. o h Pnrtianrf. Alfalfa. (22.5023.50 per toa: cheat. (22i 23. clover. $23; valley timothy. $27 0 28: Eastern Oregon timothy, (30. Dairy and Country Produce. BUTTER Oubes extras. 50051c ner lb.: prints, parchment wrapped, in box lots, 59c per pound; cartons, 60c. half more; butterfat, buying price, 5354o per pound at stations; 57c Portland delivery. HNUa Buying price, case count, 70c; pullets. 60c: lobbinz Drices to retaile,. candled, 77 80c; selects. 82c. CHBESa Tillamook, triplets, 20e t. o. b Tillamook, lobbing prices, Oregon triplets. 29c; Washington triplets, 80c; Young Amor, leas, 82 4p33o. POULTRY Hens. 210l3oe: inrlnri 25e: ducks. 25 330: aeese. 25c: turkeys, live. 35c; dressed 47c. PORK Fancy, 21c per pound. VJ3AA, Fancy, 1920c per pound. 1820 1919 1U18 1S17 1918 1015 1914 1913 Itfli 1U 88.555. 2ti9 2U,9'.2,757 22.999,578 18,121,133 11,4:19.647 10,620,618 12,9S2J5 12,815,611 11,439,755 Seattle. $34,704,324 41,904,947 37,010. 2O0 28.852,4U4 22,924,498 13,101,265 11,589,963 W, 778.393 12.6ll.90S 10,062,447 Tacoma. I4,7T4,Oa5 4,963.125 6.158.337 4. 636. 860 2.748.42S 2.028.177 2.007.260 2.357,396 4,467,648 4.309.504 WALNUT CROP UNDER ESTIMATES California Yield 11,000,000 Pounds Below September Prediction. That the light tonnage of this year's walnut crop does not. Justify the prevail ing low prices which the public has been taking advantage of since the walnut harvest began is the opinion of Carlyle Thorpe, general manager of the Cali fornia Walnut Growers' association. Mr. Thorpe says the walnut grower knew In September that the 1920 produc tion was far below normal aad they had the courage to slash prices heavily, de- spite the fact that they sold last year's enormous crop with ease at figures 3Q per cent higher. Now it has been discovered that the new crop is fully 22 per cent lighter than was expected when harvest commenced, and the consumer is going to set the benefit of low prices for a short crop, when, according to the rules of marketing, the condition should be abso lutely the reverse. With 90 per cent of the new crop gath ered and 65 per cent of it shipped, the association finds that the production will be at least 11,000,000 pounds less than Its September estimate, upon which open ing prices for the crop were based. General Manager Thorpe advises the trade that future deliveries on No. 2s will have to be prorated on a 40 per cent basis. ADVANCE IN BUTTER ANNOUNCED, Prints Will Be Three Cents Higher Moo day Eggs Very Firm. Butter prices, as expected, will be higher $Ionday. A 3-cent advance in prints was announced by the city creameries and the buying price of butter fat will also be raised 3 cents. Prints in box lots will sell at bit cents and cartons at 60 cents, iiut ter fat will be bought at 57 cents delivered Portland. There was an active demand for cube butter yesterday in anticipation of the rise. Street stocks were closely cleaned up and p-.ucb. short held storage butter was also taken over. The egg market la In a firm position for all gif des. Fresh ranch eggs are abou: aft scarce as they will be this yea and canulet and hennery ega bring full proves. Storage eggs were advanced to 60 cents to the retailer for No. Is. May and June tgey sell' for 2 or 3 cents under this price. FARMERS' POTATO OFFERINGS SMALL Local Market Is Firm With Good Jobbing Demand. Farmers' offerings of potatoes were mall yesterday and with a good local de mand ''prices were firm. Jobbers asked (2 for the best Burbanka and (2.50 for Yaki ma Gems. Up to (1.50 was bid In the country for No, 1 Burbanka. The government bureau of crop esti mates, in figuring the United States po tato crop at 421,252,000 bushels, gives the following estimates of production in the largest potato growing states: Bushels. 2.124, OOO 83,812.000 11,990.000 , 41.750.000 312,118.000 10,088,000 27,715.000 27.918.00O jj. : ii.i80.uuo STOCK SALES RESUMED POPUIiAR ISSUES REGISTER 5fEW LOW QUOTATIONS. Morement Xot Altogether Dae to Bear Pressure Bonds Heavy and Liberties React. NEW TORK, Nov. 13. The short ses sion of the stock market today was char acterized by continuance of the recent heavy selling movement, many popular Is sues registering new lows for the year, is some cases a much longer period. Prices reacted for the long account again, giving the bears a free hand. Not all of the -day's selling was of that sort, however, signs of more involuntary liqui dation being observed. Extreme (declines of two to five points in the more volatile issues were effected with little difficulty. Kails and shipping were relatively ' steady for a time, but even those shares, includ ing Southern Pacific and Reading, broke sharply at the weak close. Sales were 700,000 shares. Week-end advices regarding industrial and commercial conditions gave impetus to the market's extended reaction. The commercial agencies made pointed allu sion to the rapidity with which "price re adjustments" are proceeding, this being confirmed by drastic cuts in the Chicago markets. Advices from New England, the middle west and the south told of further cur tailment In the textile Industry and of acceptance of a 25 per cent wage reduc tion by the mill hands of a large cotton company in Virginia. The clearing house statement was de cidedly favorable, actual loans and dis counts decreasing almost $48,000,000 and reserves of members at the federal re serve bank Increasing to the extent ef (30,770,000, with a gain of about (33,500, 000 In reserves, bringing the excess to slightly over $32,000,000, as against last week's deficit. Bonds were heavy, all the liberty tssnes reacting on free offerings. Total sales, par value, (g,12.1.OO0. Old United States bonds were unchanged on call during the week. Sales. Am Beet Sugar 1.600 American Can 3.000 Am Car & Fdy 3,90 Am HAL Pfd.l.loo Am Inter Corp 7.70O American Loco Am Smt A Rfg Amerioan Sug Am Sum Tob Am Tel A Tel Ameri Woolen Am Z L. & S Anaconda Cop Atchison Atl Gf & W In Baldwin Balti & Bethle Steel B But & Sup Oop Cal Petroleum Canadian Pact Centrl Leather Chandler Mtrs Ches & Ohio Chi Mil ft St P Chic' go & N W 5,500 2.300 2.404 1,400 1,600 4,800 300 5. OOO 4.900 3. 600 Loco 2S.700 Ohio 12,700 5,300 7WJ 100 4.T00 8, BOO 3.5110 7,200 7.70O Fruits and Vegetables. APPLES Delicious, extra finer. S3.50 94; fancy. S3&3.76: combined fancy and choice. (2.75 62)2-50: orcliurd run. S3. 25: Jonathans, extra fancy, $23; choice, $1.50s2; orchard run, $1.6041 2; Northern Kpy, fancy. $2.40 orcnard run, $2 til 2. i5; Home Beamy, extra fancy, $3.25 ts3.50; combined fancy and choice, (2.504? orchard run, $2.3o; Winter Banana, extra fancy, (33.76; fancy, (3.7340; choice. (2.25 0 3.OO; Jumble pack, $2,000 .Je; .Ring, orchard run, $Lio(p2; Wag ner, orchard run, wrapped and packed, $1.25y2.7s. OTHER FRUITS Oranges. $3 11; lem ons, $-5s6 box; grapefruit, $6.5Omi9.50 per box; bananas, 12fe13Hc per pound; casabas, 3l&4o per pound; crapes, $ai3.23 per crate, 10fti.l5c per pound: pears, $30i 3.25 per box; huckleberries, 18 4? 22c per pound; cranberries, coast, $0.500 per bix; eastern, $1818.50 per barrel. VEU&TABLES Cabbage, 1 '92110 per pound; lettuce. $4 per crate: cucum bers, $1&2 per dozen; carrots, $1.75 per sacK; garlic, 25 a- 30c; tomatoes, $ per lug; beets, $2 per sack; turnips, $2.50 per sack; eggplant. 15o per pound: cauliflower, $1.75 &2 per dozen; celery, 75c$l per dozen; green peppers, 100 17V&C per pound; sprouts, 16 17 c . per pound; squash. 2$4jQ3c per pound; pump kin. Z4ae per pound. POTATOES Oregon, $1.76 2 per 100 pounds; Yakima, $2.50; sweet potatoes, 45aoVa per pound. UiNloNS Oregoii, (1.75W3 per sack; California brown, (22.25 per sack: pick ling, eQilOo per pound. Staple Groceries. Local Jobbing quotations; SUGAR Sack basis: Cane, granulated, 11 c per pound; best sugar. IIJ8O0 per lb HONEY New. (J.J04J1S per case. NUTS Walnuts. 22ty28o; Brazil nuts, 85c; filberts, 2125c; almonds, 26 0 30c; peanuts, 9&14o per pound; cocoanuts, (2 per dox. ; pecans, 824r3oc; chestnuts, 25 f 35o pound. RICE Blue Rose, lltte per pound; Jap an style. 11c par pound. BEANS Small white, Ac; large white, He; pink, 7fec; lima, lOfec; bayous. 11c; reu. oc per pouna. COFFEE Roasted, bulk: drums, 31 0 41c per pound; sacked, 22 if 27c per pound. SALT Granulated, bales, $3.4004.25; half ground, ton. Sua. $19.75; lOOs. $18.25; lump rock, 26.50. Provisions. Local Jobbing quotations: HAMS All sizes, 43 St 46c; skinned 429 48c; picnics, 27c; cottage roll, S5c LARD Tierce basis. 27Vc: shortening. 20 per pound. DRY SALT Short, clear backs. 26 30c per pound; plates, 22c. BACON Fancy, 4Ui50c; standard, 33 0 44c per pound. Oils. LINSEED OIL Raw, barrels, $1.24: drums, $1.31; cases. $1.39. Boiled, barrels, $1.26; drums, $1.33; cases, $1.41. TURPENTINE Tanks, $1.51; cases, S1.6& COAL OIL Tank wagons and iron bar rels, 17c; esses, 30037c FUEL OIL Bulk, $2.33 per barrel. GASOLINE Tank wagona and iron bar- rela, 29a; cases, 41 Vc, Chi R I A Pac 10.500 Chino Copper.. 3.700 Colo FI & Iron 400 Corn Products 5.400 Crucible Bieel T.20O Cuba Cane Sug 5.600 Erie 8.0O0 Generl Electric 9,100 Generl Motors 24.000 Grt North Pfd B.soo Gt No Or ctfs Illinois Central Inspir Copper Int Me Ma Pfd Interna Nickel Interna Paper Kan Cty South Kenne Copper Louis ft Nash Mex Petroleum 13.700 M:aml copper 1,100 Mid States oil Midvale Steel Missouri Pacif Montana Pow Nevada Copper New York Cen N Y N H A H Nor ft Western Northern Ok Pd & Pan-Am Petrol Pennsylvania. . Pitts ft W Va Ray Con Cop Reading Kep lr steei Royal D N Y Shat Ariz Cop Shell Tr ft Td Sin Oil & Rfg 12.100 Southern Pad 83.200 Southern Rwy 10,100 S O N J Pfd 800 Studebak Corp 8. OOO Texas company Texas A Pacif Tobacco Prdts Traneontl Oil Transconti Oil Union Pacific U S Food Pdts IT R Rtl Stores 600 2O0 1.800 3.800 2.800 1.100 3.00O 2,900 6. 7O0 2.700 3,800 100 1.41)0 T.70O 8,600 l.r.oo Pac 10.100 life 8.100 o.iOO 3,100 2.71m 1.400 21.700 6.6OO 4.4O0 100 1.000 4.800 1.600 1.9O0 6,600 5.600 4.70O 1,600 0.700 QUOTATIONS. Last High. Low. sale. 58 59 58 2 25 54 2314 1274 125 123 51 504 ,50 50 Vi 54 54 Vi 88 80 86 ' 64 5114 W 9 93 93 76"4 74 74 99 99 V, 99 V4 60 63!,4 65 7 6 7 Aft 45 43 85T4 84 V4 84 A 115 112V4 H4i4 10314 10O 100 Vi 40 l.i 38 3914 BOW, 69 59 ll2 lltt 11V 20 20 20 11TH 110 37 364 34 77 7.-, 78 63 62 62 36 S5 35 79J - 78 78 81 28 30 23 21 21W 81 H 80 S1K 77 75 75 107 103 106 65 64 64 14 13 14 122 120 121 14 14 14 84 82 S3 30 30 30 90 89 90 38 38 38 57 55 55 15 15 15 67 60 67 21 20 20 20 20 20 13 103 103 163 160 161 17 17 17 12 12 12 83 S4 35 23 22 22 60 60 60 10 10 10 T 77 77 . 26 25 28 6 94 94 89 87 87 3 3 3 77 75 75 41 V 40 40 29 ' 23 2S 12 12 12 92 8H 8S 68 66 67 ' 70 69 69 6 6 6 45 45 45 26 25 25 110 107 108 26 23 25 105 105 105 48 47 47 47 46 46 22 21 21 58 54 54 10 9 10 10 9 10 J21 120 120 88 85 85 62 61 61 TJ U U S Steel Pfd Utah i epper. . . westti 1 union West Clectrio Willys -Overld 65 82 106 55 87 44 8 63 81 196 63 87 43 7 63 81 106 53 87 44 7 8 Robber.. 3,100 S Steel. .. 31.500 0O 4,000 4oO 700 9.10O BONDS, U S Lb 8s...9S.50IA T A T cv 6s. 8S do lit 4S. .. ."B8.UO Atcn gen S ... ion do 2d 4s ....86.881D & R O con 4s 65 do 1st 4s. .. 88.50 N Y C deb 6s do 2d 4s....86.20!N P 4s do 3d 4s 88.50N P 3s do 4th 4iS. ..80.481 Pao T . Victory 3s . 00 4S U S 2s reg. .. do coupon U S 4s reg.. . do coupon Pan 3s reg. T 5s. ..98.00 Pa con 4s... .96.00 S P CV BS .'101 .101 .105 .105 '78 do coupon ...78 So Ry 5s U P 4s U S Steel 5s. 81V . 77 . 65 . 84 . 80 ,108 . 88 , 80 . 93 Mining Stocks at Boston. BOSTON, Nov. 13. Closing quotations: Allouez 20 Mohawk 60 Ariz Com 8 North Butte ... 11 Calu & Ariz... 61 Old Don 20 Calu & Hecla.,248 Osceola 26 Centennial .... 9 Quincy 41 Cop Range ... 29 Sup & Boston.'. 26 East Butte ... 9 Shannon 1 Franklin 2 Utah Con 4 Isle Royalle ..." 21 Wolverine 10 Lake Copper.. 2 Greene Can .... 23 Money, Silver, Etc NEW YORK. Nov. 13. Prime mercan tile paper unchanged. Bar silver, domestic, unchanged; for eign, 79 c. Mexican dollars, 60 c LONDON. Nov. 13. Bar silver, 63d per ouace. Money and discount, unchanged. Insrease In Excess Reserves. NEW YORK, Nov. 13. The actual con dition of- clearing house banks and trust companies for the week shown that they hold $32,206,180 reserves In excess of legal requirements. This is an Increase of $33, 512,970 from last week. Foreign Exchange Kates. Foreign exchange rates at clone of busi ness yesterday, furnished by Northwestern National Bank of Portland. The amount quoted is the equivalent In United States aollara. Country, foreign unit Rate. Austria, kronen ,,......$ .0031 Belgium, f rane . ........ Bulgaria, leva' Czecho-Slovakia, kronen Denmark, kroner England, pound sterling Finland, finmark ...... France, francs Germany, marks Greece, drachmas Holland, guildrs ...... Hungary, kronen Italy, lire Jugo-Slavia, kronen Norway, kroner ,r Poland, Polish marks ... Portugal, eacuaos Roumanla. lei , , Serbia, dlnara Spain, pesetas Sweden, kroner Switzerland, francs .... China-Hongkong, local Shanghai, taels ....... Japan, yen currency. .. 0622 .0110 .0107 .1315 $.38 .0222 .0585 .0121 .0895 .2975 .0020 .0352 .0070 .1315 .0O27 .1400 .0147 .02SO .1185 .1SS0 .1527 .6S115 .8550 .5073 NEW YORK. Nov. 13. Exchange, steady. Sterling, demand. $3.36; cables, $3.37. Francs, demand, 5,79; cables, 5.81. Belgian francs, demand, B.14; cables, 6.16. found ers, demand, 29.65; eables, 29.75. Lire, demand, 3.48; cables, 3.50. Marks, demand, 117; cables. 1.18, Greece, , demand. 8.87. New York exchange on Montreal, 10 13-16 per cent discount. Foreign Bonds. Furnlnhed by Overbeck A Cooke company of Portland. Bid. Ask. Russian Rs. 1921 19 22 Russian 5s, 1926 12 15 Russian 6a, 1819 23 26 Currency 50 60 French 5s, 1831 5 61 French 4s, 1917 .40 42 French 69, 192-0 5 - 58 Italian 5a, 1918....... 23 25 British 5s, 1922 ,.320 335 BritlEh 6k. 1927 ,..,,.315 825 BritiBh 5s, 1929 2S0 - 295 British vky 4s 235 250 British ref. 4s 22 242 Belgium rest 5a ....57' 59 Belgium prem 5s ...... 58 61 Germany. W. L. 5a 13 Berlin 4s 10 12 Hamburg 4s 11 12 Hamburg 4s 1. ....... 12 14 Leipsig 4a 13 15 Lei pais 5s ,, 13 15 Munich 4s , 13 14 Munich 5s , 15 17 Frankfort 4s 13 13 Jap 4s , 57 57 Jap first 4s 74 74 Jap second 4s 74 74 Paris sixes 94 95 Vi U K 5s. 1921 98 98 OREGON School Bonds District No. 57 POLK COUNTY 6 Maturities: 1923 . . . $5000 1924 . . . $5000 1925 ... $5000 1926 . . $5000 1927 . . . $5000 1928 . . . $5000 1929 . . . $5000 Maine Michigan .... Iowa ....... New York .. "Wisconsin . Nebraska Pennsylvania Minnesota ... Colorado . . . Apples Steady In Local Market. Apples were steady locally at the close cf the wek with a moderate demand on Ji-bbers. Sales in the country continue light, out a fair business Is dolug In cars In transit. Some cancellations of previous sales were repot ted. Wool, Cases ra. Eta. MOHAIR -Long staple, 2o per pound; short staple, 15e per pound. TALLOW No. 1. 8c per pound; No. 3, 5c per pound. CASCARA BARK Per nound. mil weight, old peel. 9o; new peel, 8c per pound. WOOL All graJes nominal. HOPS Oregon, 1920 crop, 85&38e per pound. Hides and Pelts. All prlcts nominal, swing te unsettled condition of eastern markets. Price to Net 5.75 to 6 "Robertson Zt Wnuig 207-8 NORTHWESTERN BANK 01. DO- HashauU Here's Cash for You. We pay high prices for high grade gold or silver ores, amalgam, concen trates, bullion, retort, etc Ship to us by mail or express In any amount or quantity. Cash sent you by return -mail. We also buy diamonds, plati num, new or broken Jewelry, watches. false teeth. Liberty Bonds, War Stamps, mercury, magneto points, and all valuables. Goods returned within ten days if you are not satisfied with the amount we send you, except when refining muEt be done to determine the value. - Ship us now while the high prices are prevailing. Pmall and large shipments solicited. The rthin . Urn a 1 n tr V. D.flnl.- OOO T Among the transaction, at ship- bid.. Cleveland- Ohio:" Bank "rV Cnowledge vs. Guesswork This office gives valuable advice respecting improvements in fire risks, rate reduction and the formulation of forms that constitute broad protection. John Schibel Insurance Broker and Adviser Wilcox Bid?. Main 8020. Better Times are Ahead Provided yon arc giving some thought to the fu ture in terras of savings. If 70a ax not savins; all that you can comfortably spare and saving consist ently, you should make a determined start without further delay. There is nothing that gives more confidence than that little nest egg laid aside out of savings. We will afford the stimu lus by showing how yon can purchase high grade securities to yield front 7 to 9 and make payment with what you can save conven iently and regularly each month. Booklet describing the method of payment in de tail and helpful investment suggestions seat free upon application. Writm DepU PG-26 BiRRLEsRCLfiRKSnHfiHf 6 6 Brooi dwexy. - NtwYoxK. TXLEPHOHtSiMCTOK 49'4 OVERBECK & COOKE CO. Brokers, Storks, Bonds, Cctton, Grain. Ltc. 16-2 17 BOARD OF TRADE BLDG. MJ5MBER3 CHICAGO BOARD OP TRADE. MEMBERS Correspondents of Legsn A Bryan. , Chicago and ficm York. New York Stork Exchange. Chicago Stock Kxchnnga. Boston Stock Kxehange. Chicago Board of Trade. New York Cotton Kxehange. New Orleans Cotton Exchange. New York Coffee Exchange. Kew York Produce Exchange. Liverpool Cotton Association. TJ K 6, 1922 4 8 U K 5s. 1929 83 884 U K 6a, 1937 8T 87 is BATIO OF RESERVES IS INCREASED Gala of Six-Tenths Per Cent Is Recorded in Week. WASHINGTON, Nov. 13. The condition of the federal reserve banks was as fol lows at the close of business November 13: Resources Oold and gold certificates.. 180,814.000 Gold settlement fund, federal reserve board 409,075,000 Gold with foreign agencies. 77,244.000 Total gold held by banks. $ 656,133,000 Gold with F. K. agents.... 1.177.68H.000 Gold redemption fund 174.85s. OOO Total gold reserves 33,008,678,000 Legal tender notes, silver, etc. 17.133,000 Total reserves 32.1S0.011.000 fill Is discounted secured by government war obligations 1.180,977,000 All other 1,003,773.000 Bills bought in open market. 2s7, 854,000 Total bills on hand t3,072,BO4,000 U. S. government bonds.... 2ti.b63.000 U, B. victory notes tiu.000 U. S. certificates of Indebted ness . , z69.310.000 Total earning assets... Bank premises ........ Uncollected items and other deductions from gross de posits Five per cent redemption fund against federal reserve 'bank notes 12,090,000 All other resources 6,790,000 33,368.846,000 la.9T7.ouu 772,277.000 Total resources. ......... . .16,306,581,000 Liabilities Capital paid in ( 98.847.000 Surplus , 164,745,000 Government deposits 17,845,000 Xue to members' reserve ac count 1,801,864,000 Deferred availability items. . . 601,624,000 Other deposits. Including for eign government credits..... 23,708,000 Total (toss deposits ..12.447,041.000 Federal reserve notes In actual circulation 8,828,883,000 Federal reserve hank notes in circulation, net liability.,.. 218,080.000 All other liabilities... 101,893,000 Total liabilities .$6,858,581,000 Ratio of total reserves to net deposit and federal reserve note liabilities eombined, 43.6 per cent. Ratio of gold reserves to federal reserve notes in circulation after setting aside 85 per cent against net deposit liabilities, 47.9 per cent. STOCKS LOWER WITH COMMODITIES Losses of Five to Almost Twenty-five Points . During Week's Trading. NEW TORK. Nov. 13. Additional downward revision of values In the se curities market this week accompanied the further leveling at prices in the com modities markets. Losses of 6 to almost 25 points in a w.ide variety of stocks estab lished low records tor a period ef oae to three years. Heavy accessions te the country's un precedented gold holdings and return to this market of vast sums released from crop-moving centers failed to bring any relief to the strained monetary situation, save for a temporary .easement of demand loans. In the steel snd Iron trades, and more particularly in the textile and kindred Industries, the reversal made greater progress with consequent reduction of wage schedules, contracted payrolls and increased unemployment, several of the leading railway systems announcing fur ther laying off of employes.. The break In International remittances comprehended practically every financial center of Importance on the eastern hemi sphere, excepting the British isles. It ex tended to South and Central America, where serious trade dislocations threat ened the enforced rejection of extensive obligations with business interests in this country. The note of qualifier! optimism counded One Hundred Inyestment Bargains in Railroad Bonds In a circular prepared by one of the greatest .bond au thorities in this country, which we have just had printed, the bond situation is not only "thoroughly covered, but there is a list of one hundred bar gains in high grade railroad bonds yielding as high as Ten Per Cent Among this list are many unusual investment opportuni ties, and inasmuch as under lying factors are now favor able to rising bond, prices, a selection of these bonds would unquestionably result in excel lent market profits, in addition to an attractive income return. The circular will be sent without obligation, together with a booklet describing a convenient method of purchas ing the bonds. - Ask forPG-55 EL M. fuller & Co. SO Broad St New York i of B.T. New Ysrk. UMrost PtU sriree' YIELD 9 Exempt From AO Dominion Government Tax WE OFFER SUBJECT TO PRIOR SALE AND CHANGE LN PRICE YIELD 9 The Unsold Portion, City of EDMONTON PROVINCE OK ALBERTA 6 General Obligation Gold Notes Price: 95.04; Yield 9 A TRIBUTE PROM THOSE WHO KNOW Two Hundred and Sixteen Banks, Trust Companies and Bond Houses In California. Washington and Oregon have subscribed to blocks of the Edmonton Notes, after investigating the surety and resources behind the issue. by the federal reservo beard respecting future conditions was shared by conserva tive banking interests, which, however, again stressed the Importance of limiting credits to essential projects. For the first time since the early au tumn, no new capital Issues were an nounced and the trend of the bond market suggested that latest events had prompted increased caution on the part of Investors. Swift Co. Stocks. Closing prices of Swift A Co. stocks st Chicago were reported by Overbeck Cooke Co. of Portland as follows: Swift Co J Swift International J Libby. McNeil A Libby National Leather Eastern Dairy Proeraeo. CHICAGO. Nov. 13. Butter, firm: creamery, 40 62c Eggs, higher. Receipts. 2333 esses; firsts, 6Ta68c: ordinary firsts. 8861c: at mark, cases Included, 67664c; stand1 ards, 6870c; storage packed firsts, 701,4? 71c; refrigerator firsts, 82ig53c. NEW TOSS, Nov. 13. Butter. f.lrm, un changed. Eggs, steady, unchanged Cheese, firm, unchanged. Naval Stores. SAVANNAH. Ga.. Nov. IS. Turpentine, nothing doing; last sale, November 8. at $1,12; receipts, 6M barrels; shipments, 10 barrels; stock. 15,792 barrels. Rosin, dull; sales, none; receipts. 2704 barrels: shipmenta 23 barrels; stock. 58 -567. Quote: B, O, E, F, G, U, I, K, M, N, WG, WW, 811. Canadian Storage Stocks Largs. According to a report from the bureau Dated September 1. 1920. Due September 1. 1932. Denominations, SlOO, KOO and ftlOOO PRICE SUBJECT TO INCREASE WITHOUT NOTICE FINANCIAL STATEMENT Gross assessed valuation v $86,605,715.00 Vale municipal property (not including; publio 11.030,376.00 . 9,488.997.00 767,773.00 3,046.763.00 utilities). Net debenture debt... Revenue from public utilities (above cost of operation) Net local Improvement debt (rate payers' share) In addition to being General Obligation Notes, these are secured by long-time debentures totaling $2,594,420. Principal and semi-annual Interest CM area 1st and Sep temiber 1st) payable in TJ. S. Gold Coin In New York City or at the offices of Morris Brothers. Inc. Legality approved by Malone, Malone 4 Longr, Toronto.. Telephone or Telegraph Orders at Our Expense MORRIS BROTHERS, Inc. "Ths Premier Municipal Bond House," PORTLAND, OR. MORRIS BLDG. over"." 309-11 STARK BROADWAY 2151 Quarter Other Offices at Seattle. Tacoma, ' Million Century. Wash., and San Francisco, Cal. Dollars YIELD 9 -t SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES . YIELD 9 of statistics there were In the month of October, more than 23,000,000 pounds of creamery butter, 20.000,000 pounds of cheese and 13,000,000 dozens of eggs in storage In Canada. Dried Fruit at New York NEW TORK, Nor. 13. Evaporated ap ples dull. Prunes, easy. Peaches, quiet and steady. IIIIIIIBIIBBIDBI.IIIIIIBBBBIBnBQBBBBIQ. $6,000,000 CITY OF BERNE (SWITZERLAND) 25-Year 8 Sinking Fund Gold Bonds Dated Nov. 1,. 1920. Due Nov, 1, 1945. Coupon Bonds in - denominations of $1000 and $500, registrable as to principal only. Principal and interest payable in United States Gold Coin without deduction for any Swiss Government or municipal taxes, present or future. The City of Berne, the capital of the canton of Berne and the Swiss Confederation, is one of the four largest cities of Switzer land. The city in 1919 had a population of 110,000 and has eteadily grained in importance as the seat of the Federal Gov ernment and of various international associations, such as the postal, telegraph and railway service. , There will be a sinking fund created sufficient to retire 2 of the issue annually the first five years, 4 annually the next ten years and 5 annually the last ten years. Bonds are purchasable n the open market up to 107 and interest for the first five years and are callable as whole or in part at 107 at any time after 1925. The total value of the taxable property of the city is estimated at $229,000,000 with a taxable income of $23,700,000. The total debt approximates $18,900,000, of which $3,570,000 is floating debt. The credit of the City of Berne has always been very high. The purpose of the present loan is to retire the floating indebted ness of the city and the balance is to be used for municipal enterprises. Price 99 and Interest, Yielding: 8:10. BOND & GOODWIN GOVERNMENT, MUNICIPAL AND CORPORATION BONDS 231 United States National Bank BIdg. ' Portland WE WILL SELL 300 Beaver State Motors. .. .. .$ .PS 225 Prest O Graph Bid 200 Perfection Tire A Rubber. 1.37 50 Amer. Llfeograph. . , 17.B0 10O0 Alaska Pete A Coal 13H lno Western Rubber I.... 5.00 100 Portland Ry., 1. A P- pfd. 11.50 SO Alaska Steamship Co 30.00 50 Commonwealth Fin. Pfd.. 75.50 100 Diotogrnph Products 3.50 fino Baker Bteam Motors.. 05 '.4 1000 Queets TradiPg., 10 WTLI, BUY 85 Pacific States Fire. 10 New World Life Insurance. 50 Paolfic Alaska Nav. Co. 50 P. L. Traction. Lt. A Pr. IOO0 Amalgamated Mines Ore. 2000 Duthie Oil Co. 60 Chilcat Oil. 1O0 Portland Ry. Lt. Pr. Co. 20 Portland Gas & Coke, Pfd. fW) Areo' Alarm Co. 100 Heels Mining. Liberty and Victory Ponds In any amount at market. . s Our private leased wires to all cities of Importance enables us to execute almost instantly orders oa any security, whether listed or unlisted; also grain, cotton and provisions. ' Herrins Rhodes incv ESTABLISHED 1896. STOCKS and BONDS Mailway Kxrhanro Bid.. Main 83. Member ChicaaVQ jtiou-i of Trade. Legal for Savings Banks and Trust Funds Tax Exempt City of Enterprise, Oregon 6 Improvement Bonds Denominations $500 Maturities from 1926 to 1930. Price 99 Yielding approximately 6.13 to 622 Biyth Witter. & Co. ' UNITED C0VERWUUT JtUWIQPAl. AMD COKTOttHOfl BONDS YE0N BUILDING, PORTLAND, ORE. . Telephone Main 8183 -.San Francisco Seattle New York Loa Angeles WE OFFER AND RECOMMEND the following External Sterling Bonds as afford ing an unusual investment opportunity: Kingdom of Norway 3 STERLING BONDS OF 1888 $335.00 for 200 (973.33) Kingdom of Denmark 4 STERLING BONDS OF 1912 $450.00 for 200 ($973.33) Government of Argentine A STERLING BONDS OF 1896-1900 $455.00 for 200 ($973.33) These bonds are all the external obligations of the issuing country and are payable, principal and interest, in Pounds Sterling at the current rate of exchange. They, are seasoned loans of countries of unquestioned financial integrity whose credit and standing were benefited rather than harmed by the recent war. In the best financial opinion Sterling Exchange will increase steadily in price as conditions become more normal, and as English Exchange goes up these bonds will become increasingly val uable. E L Devereaux 5c(ompanV Full details upon request. INVESTMENT BONDS 87 Sixth Street Broadway 1042 Pnrflanfi. Orpfrnn m , , IBBHBtnBIBiaBIBIBBIBBBiaBIBHBIDBBiBBinfliDaBBBIDBIBfliH 1 , We have moved to our new location on Fifth street near Stark on the ground floor of the Lumbermens building, where we have ' provided extensive quarters for the conduct of a general bond investment business. We have provided a number of private con sultation rooms, the tiae of which we are pleaded to tender to our friends- and clients. iaBEEBBi Freeman Smith & Camp Co." Phone B'way (740 I ! I ! I ! I I I I I ! 1 ! I ! I ! I I I ! 1 1 1 1 I I n ii i j 1 1 M M II -I! 1 1 II M II tl II II H II II 11 II f I Li ti ii ti n ti ti ii ti ti ti ti ii ri ii u ii ii ii ti ii ii ii ii n ti ti ii g)Mr points were: At Wenatchee, btay erences. Adv.