TITE SUNDAY OREGOXIAN. PORTLAND. ' NOVEMBER 14, 1920 13 REAL. ESTATE. For Sale-Farnw. MODERN COUNTRY HOME 'FULLf STOCKBD AND EQUIPPED. 30 acres of the best loam aoll. all tillable. 21 acres in a high state of cultivation. 18 acres seeded to t.mothy and clover meadow, tim ber for domestic use. exceptionally well fenced, excellent water, fam ily orchard of assorted fruits in full bearing, berries and small fruits of all kinds. Good 8-room house, bath, hot and cold water throughout the house, fireplace, brick basement, built-in effects; barn, garage, chicken houses and parks, hog house and lots; $1000 pressure water system; water piped to all buildings, large concrete watering trough at barn, 3 good dairy cows, 1 heifer, good team, harness, new wagon, mower, rake. 8 plows, harrow, cult via tors, new grain drill, cream separator steam engine, woodsaw. About 20 tons of hay in barn, fine lot of potatoes, and small tools too numerous to mention. An ideal country home adjoining highly improved farms. 2 miles from electric car line, close to school, with ail rural ad vantages, 7 miles -from Vancouver, on good auto road, most all pave ment. Price $o00. Some terms. EXCEPTIONAL, BUY. 20 acres of the best loam soil. 17 acres in cultivation, excellent water, fenced and cross-fenced. 1 acre of Italian prunes in full bear ing, assorted family orchard, smalt fruits and berries and shrubbery of all kinds; 5-room bungalow, barn and necwary outbuildings; ex ceptionally well sheltered, natur ally adapted to Italian prunes, loganberries, potatoes, corn, oats and clover. Good air and soil drainage, in" a highly Improved district ; 8 miles from Vancouver, mile from paved highway. Price $2750. Liberal terms. PAVED HIGHWAY PRUNE AND HAIRY FARM EQUIPPED. IN CLUDING DODGE AUTO AND TRAILER. 80 acres of the best loam soil, no rock or gravel, 35 acres in crop, 30 acres more cleared, river bottom soil used for pasture, fenced and cross-fenced, 13 acrt'S in bearing Italian prunes in excellent condi tion, 2 acres of assorted orchard, berries, small fruits and shrubbery of all kinds, good 6-r. house, ali-o email house ; exceptionally good d-iiry barn fuUy equipped with modern conveniences. concrete dairy, new garage, concrete cellar, granary. Implement shed, chicken hous;, large park, hog house, 5 acres fenced with woven wire, ex ceptionally large spring piped to all buildingH, spring in chicken park and hog lot, large grape arbors, concrete walks around the house, together with almost new Dodge automobile and trailer. 7 dairy cows, 25 head of hogs, chick ens, 35 tons uf hay in barn, 3 acres In potatoes, kale, 2 wagons. 3 sets of harness, mower, rake, manure spre dder, 3 plows, 2 harrows. 3 cultivators, gas engine, disc, cream separator, scale, spray and pruning outfit, and ail nocessary small tools, kitchen range, heating stove, dining table, carpets, rockers, din ing chairs, bedroom suites, lino leum and cooking utensils, join ing best prune orchards in Clarke county, fi ne trout stream through place, in famous Kel:da prune dis- trict on paved highway, la minutes drive from Vancouver. Price $25,000. Liberal terms. MODERN DAIRY AND PRUNE FARM. FULLY EQUIPPED, ON PAVED HIGHWAY. 135 acres of the best loam soil, no rock or gravel, 05 acres in a high state of cultivation, balance in seeded down pasture, and f.ne grove of timber, exceptionally well fenced, some woven wire and steel gates; lb acres of Italian prunes, 8 acres in full bearing, orchard well fertilized, and in excellent condition, m )dern up-to-date prune dr r, 2 aires of assorted fruits, berries and small fruits of all kinds, good 8-room farm house, fireplact-, new modern dairy barn, fully equi pped with all con veniences, new 85-ton silo, garage, dairy, implement shed, hog houses and lot, chicken houses and park, spring water piped to all build ings; 10 excf Went Jersey cows, some registered; 7 fine heifers, 2 registered, registered Jersey bull worth $15(M; good heavy work horses, 2 brood sows, registered Poland China boar, some pigs, new Fords on tractor, new auto truck, 2 mowers, binder, new ensilage cutter, blower and feeder, new po tato digger and planter. 3 wagons, sulky plow, 2 dTag harrows, spring tooth harrow, 2 discs. 2 seis of harness, 4 cultivators, 1 riding cultivator, new 4 -horse drag saw. fanning m!ll. spray pump, tedder, grain drill, stump puller, gas tanks and all small tools too numerous to mention. Hay and feed of all kinds to winter stock, seed for all farm land. Tn.s is one of the best farms in the northwest, only 14 miles from 'ashinston street. Portland, 8 miles from Vancouver, oa paved highway. Price $3r.OO0. $-U,0uO cash, balance long time. Alfalfa lands ranging from 10 to 320 arres with fully paid up wa ter rights from $125 to $175 per acre. Railroad and river trans portation, can accept town prop erty or small farms on some of these tracts, 24o miles from Port land In the Columbia river basin. See us for further information. THOMPSON. SWAN 6c LEiS, 3d and Main Sts.. Vancouver, Wash,. S30-ACRE DAIRY FARM. Located 10 miles from Eugene, 2 miles from station. Has about 230 acres under cultivation. 1U0 acres pasture, most of which can be cultivated; big 9-room plastered house, dandy big dairy barn, also another good set of farm buildings. Improvements easily worth $10, Uou. Price $120 per acre. Will accept one-half to two-thirds in good property If worth the money. This Is an excellent farm, well located. ANOTHER 300-ACRE DAIRY RANCH. This la located about 10 miles west of Eugene, on Marshiield road, two miies from station and small town. About 2u0 acres of excellent river bottom land, with some oak brush ; 100 acres of fir timber, excellent for wood, and right on the road, and should sell for enough to pay for the land it Is on. Buildings consist of cheap house, a good barn and fairly good fences. The place has exception ally good possibilities on account r excellent soil. It Is a diamond in toe, rough. Will take in a small place or good town property as part payment. Price $00 per acre. 1C0-ACRE GENERAL FARM. Located about T miles from Cor vallls. on county road, about five miles from another good small town; fair Improvements; 130 acres- In cultivation, balance In timber pasture; has a nice creek across corner of the place; land lies well, with fairly good drain age. We offer this place for $100 per acre and will accept about one-half la good trade. KINNEY A COMPANY. CORVALL1S. OR. The Home of the Oregon Agricultural College. AN IDEAL DAIRY OR STOCK RANCH AT LOGGED-OFF LAND PRICE. Nearly looo acres; about 200 acres creek bottom. 50 acres cleared, includ ing 3-acre orchard, Al soil, no rock, ho waste land, lies well, U5 per cent plow land ; raise anything that w ill grow in the northwest. My nearest neignDor says ne nas the FINEST STAND OF ALFALFA in Oregon, on newly cleared land; plenty of running water, big pond for trout culture, water power for electric light and power; water piped under good pressure to buildings and barns. Lots of outrange. Only 2 hours' drive from Portland over Columbia River highway (hard surface all the way), 2 miles to to n, R. R. and Columbia river boats. For more particulars and plat, write J. B. Laber, owner, 705 Broadway bldg. Tel. Main 769 or 1183. FARM FOR SALE. Farmers, Attention : 12 4 acres near Slfton, Wash., 7 miles N. E. of Van couver, Wash., ail In cultivation, of it the best beaverdam bottom land, fine for truck gardening; new 4-room house; fine spring water; size 26x28; onion house, will hold 2000 sacks onions, fine, new, size 26x:iti bin, fully equipped, in cluding chickens. V tons of hay, cab bage, potatoes, beets, carrots, etc. ; fine Jersey cow and herd; aiso ton Stutie baker truck in fine shape. Price $7uoo, or will consider trade over $3000 Port land property. See us at once. It Is a bargain. Call A. H. Young, Woodlawn 4045. 200 ACRES, near Portland, fine land, ideal for berries. Price $40,000; $10,000 cah, - balance to suit you. L. J. Lamb, 605 Corbett bldff. BEA L ESTATE. For Sale -Farms. SALEM. OREGON. . THE AGRICULTURAL AND IN DUSTRIAL CENTER OF THE WILLAMETTE VALLEY. 135 ACRES GRAIN OR DAIRY. On fine main road. 8 miles from Salem (paved most of way), and close to good town; 105 acres cul tivated, of which 25 is river bot tom; balance in fine prairie land. About 25 acres now In clover. Good 5- room house, barn, etc. Close to shipping station. A fine farm and a good buy at $17,500; good terms. FINE DAIRY, EQUIPPED. 86-acre farm adjoining city limits of good little city; SO acres cultivated. Good house, big barn, 2 silos, sheds, etc. With the place go 22 good cows, horses, brood sow. wagons, full list of farm Im plements, including hay baler, barn full of hay and feed, corn, grain, several acres kale and everything complete. Returns from this farm are about $7ui per month. Let us show you, 38 ACRES RIVER BOTTOM. hi -mile from electric station and close to school. About 4 acres of fine upland where buildings are located and balance Is river bot-. torn land of very best quality. About 18 aero under cultivation; 6- room house, good barn, sheds, etc. Few acres fine spuds, corn and garden truck; good team and harness, good cow, wagon and farm implements are included with the farm. A real snap at $5000; half cash. We have a large number of smaller farms close to Salem and the prices are right. Tell ua what kind of a farm you are looking for, the size, etc., and we will send you descriptions of such places. KINNEY & SMITH, P. O. Box 204. Salem, Oregon. ONE OF the best ranches between Red mond and Bend, 100, all in cultivation, all irrigated; will consider small home as part payment, some cash and balance in small payments ; stock and imple ments. Owner in town for a few days. Call Sellwood 1116. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WE SELL HOMES! 1109 homes sold to date this year! THINK I U homes sold on one day, November 3. Is your home for sale ? IT'S SOLD IF LISTED WITH US! We sell more homes than any other firm in AMERICA. We spend thousands of dollars advertising and are In touch with the MAJORITY OF BUiKRS. We inspect, appraUe and photograph your home within 24 hours after listing. 25 sales men with autos to work on its sale. Call or write FRANK L. McGUIRE To Sell Your Home. Ab Ins-ton bldg. Main 10G8. Third at., bet. Wash, and Stark. WANTED REAL ESTATE. If you want to sell your home, list it with us. This company specializes in the sale of bungalows and houses of the better class. We maintain a branch of fice at 50th and Sandy blvd., in addition to our downtown location. One day last week this company sold over $35,000 worth of homes in Rose City Park alone. It will pay you to get in touch with this office. Phone now. A. TfclEPB CO.. 270 Stark st., near -tin. Main 3092. Branch Office, 50th, and Sandy (open Sunday). 1 WANTED. A BUNGALOW. Must be strictly modern with 5 or 6 room; large living room absolutely necessary; good furnace and garage; lo cated -on paved street, convenient to car line in Rose City l ark, sjuunytide or Hawthorne district. Price not to ex ceed jj(J0. H W56. Oregonian. NOTICE. We buy, sell or exchange city or country property. See A. K. HILL CO.. -42 LUMBERMEN'S BLDG. REAL TO R S . LONO ESTABLISHED RELIABLE &EK VICE. I WANT to buy a 5-room or 6-room bun galow in Rose City Park or Hawthorne. If you have a good house and the price is right please got in touch with me. Give complete details in first letter; will deal with owners only. Address B 108, Oregonian. STRANGER wants Hawthorne bun galow to $4250; $500 cash. Main 4803. WE NEED CLOSE-IN 1MPKOV ED TRACTS. If you want to sell it coats nothing to let us know. Personal inspection and individual attention. J. C. CQRBiN CO.. 305-0-7 Lewis Bidg. OWNERS. TAKE NOTICE! I have good payment to make and want to buy a home costing from $2500 to $4500. Prefer to dtal dircctiy with owner. Call me. Tabor 915U. WANT modern, west side duplex or 2 family house from $40xm to SIuOO. Part cash or terms. Must locate at once. Miss Slocouib, 624 Henry bidg. Broad way 51 1 3. WANTED By builder, one or two nice lots. Rose City Park. Rossmere or Lau relhurst; must be reasonable. Give loca tion and price or no attention paid. Address Apt. 0, 606 Glisan st. WANT modem 5-room house by client who has $5O0 to pay down. Any good uistrlct. This means business. Cadi ttol Railway Exchange. Main 7U31. J. ROBBING & COMPANY. LIST your rooming house or apartment with JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 N. W. nank Blag. Main 3787. jUUDEHN bungalow, furnished or unfur nished. Initial payment 1919 light six St ude baker car, in fine condition. AM IT?, Ortfgoniau. WANTED Strictly modern 6-room house, corner lot preferred, from $40o0 to $5000. $1000 to $1500 cash; Hawthorne or other good district. 401 East 43d st. WANTED 10 acres, mostly all in Vultiva tion. near Bertha, on paved highway. E. J. GEISER, 417 Chamber uf Com merce. BY PRIVATE party. 5 or 6-room modern bungalow. In Rose City Park district. Tabor 6732. WANTED Ford car as first payment on five-room bungalow. Price $2200. Call Main 1)012 after Sun-day. Main 0012 WANTED Well-located lot in exchange for 14)20 Chevrolet auto. John M. Payne & Co. Main 9012. GOING to Los Angeles? Have fine lot there to trade. What have you ? BJ 181). Oregonian. WANT lot as part payment on new double constructed strictly modern bungalow. Owner and builder. Tabor 3825. WANTED Bungalow or house, good loca tion, for part cash and 3. good lots, to about $4000. East 6320. WANT 5-room bungalow, Hawthorne dis trict, good payment down. BO 167, Oregonian. WANTED 5-room house in Hawthorne district, price about $3500, with terms. E. J. Gelser. 417 Chamber of Commerce. bJiALL house, close in. Give full de scription, price and location. AF 161, regonlan. 73 EAST STAFFORD ST. Want to buy a lot in Fairport or Swinton Add., south of Lombard. A, E. Edwards. WHY WORRY? 1 can sell or trad? anything anywhere C. W Miileryhlp. Alder hotel. Main 52 7 3 HAVE 2 fine auburn hair switches and 10 puns, reasonable, not been used. Co lumbia 36J. WANTED A five or bungalow in It. C. SiX-room mniisrn Turelhurst or Irv- ington. Broadway Sir. 1 0 SELL your real estate, business or patent. write Northwestern Business Agency, Minneapolis. Minn. WANTED A modern 6-room house with sleeping porch in Walnut Park district. State price and terms. S 115, Oregonian. I HAVE CASH up to $3700 fer the best 5-room bungalow in Hawthorne district. What have you? AO 440, Oregonian. HOUSE that $50 down will handle. Call Tabor 2617 between 10 and 4 Monday and Tuesday. WANTED Houko in Hawthorne, 5to 7 rooms, for 10 acres, all improvements, . near Tlsard. X 130, Oregonian. WANTED One, 2 or 3 acres m or near Multnomah. R. Wilson. Yacolt, Wash. WANT lot. close in, to build 2-flaThouse-pay cash. F 141. Oregonian. THE BEST 5-room cottage that $2000 caan will buy. AG 126, Oregonian. - WANT 5 acres, imnroved, for $2200 cash. .i onn r erguson. ierunger Diag. WANTED Modern homes toselL Chas. Rir:gler A Co., 225 Henry bldg. WANT 5-room bunfllow. Mnntavilla way, Cb easy terms. BC 168, Oregonian, WANTED ft HAL, ESTATE. I WANT AN ACREAGE HOME. Have a large family and want to get away from the confined area of a town lot and five rooms. Can you help me? Must have a place of about 10 to 15 acres, near electric line and on hard surfaced roads. Must be Improved with good buildings and a real home. I can pay a substantial amount cash.but need some terms. Will pay what place is worth, but not more. Drop me a line and give full description and location. Mean business. Owners direct. Write Y 142, Oregon ian. WANTED TO BUY BUSINESS PROPERTY. Will consider properties $5000 to $25. 000, with permanent, substantial Im provements. Give best price on terms or for all 'cash. Give location, income, net income, Assessed value, taxes, etc. Owing to my time for investigation being limited, accompany your offer with suf ficient data to prove desirability of fur ther investigation. AF 111, Oregonian. OWNERS, Irvlngton, Alameda, Laurel hurst, we have buyers for your prop erty. Past week have had several cor ner bungalow buyers, price y000 to $12,500. At this Irvlngton headquarters we have the calls. If you want to sell a good home, $5000 to $50,000, that's 'our successful business. K. T. STREET, Good Homes Realtor, East 8U4; reai dence, East 4280. RALPH HARRIS CO., SELLS HOMES. Since our advertisement that we would give a TURKEY with each place Bold before Thanksgiving, four big, tat birds are doomed to die. LlbT 1'uUK HOME WITH US for results. Ou listed Fri day sold Saturday. RALPH HARRIS CO., 827 Chamber of Commerce. WE CAN sell your home at once regard less of price as long as it U worth the money. We need your home now. List your lots, acreage, farms with us for im mediate results. "We photo and appraise your property free. J. A. W1CKMAN CO. "Shortest Way Home." 264 Stark St. Main 1004 and 583. HOUSE WITH LARGE GROUNDS. Cash for strictly modern 7-room house, with at least one good bedroom down stairs, on 2 or more lots, in good dis trict, near school. Must be good vaiue, not over $12,000. Give full particulars. No agents. C 05, Oregonian. STRICTLY modern Irvlngton residence for customer with the casn ; must be bar gain; might consider Laurel hurst or Mieights. POINDEXTER. 208 SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1800. RESIDENCE EAST 6771. WANTED A 5- or tt-room modern bunga low, have a late model car. bal. cash. If you have an inflated value upon your home don't anew er, but if you have a good buy and meam business, R 20O, Ore gonian. No agents. BROADWAY 4751. We Inspect your home at once; you . can sell. Just try ua for results. A. Gor don Koss, LNTLKcTATE INVESTMENT CO., 410 Henry Bldg. FROM OWNER 5-room strictly modern bung., not over $4000; full concrete foun dation, garage, close to car, Irvlngton or Hawthorne preferred ; good payment down; private. Main 5358 after 10:30 A. M. - WANTED. Five or 6-room bungalow in good dis trict, with all modern conveniences, hardwood floors, etc. Will pay from $3500 to $5000. Can me at Main 2233. STRICTLY modern bungalow, restricted district; have 6-o4 7-passenger Hudson touring car, good running oraer, as first payment. MAIN 1800. RESIDENCE EAST 6771. HOUSES WANTED. 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6-room houses wanted. Make the price reasonable and they can be sold. SMITH-WAGONER CO., Stock Exch. HAVE two parties wanting 5 or 6-room houses in either Rose City Park or Haw thorne. $4000 to $5OO0. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 N. W, Bask Bldg. Main 3787. WHETN selling your west side residences, fiats and business properties, see the man who makes a specia.ty of handling t.iat kind of business. JOHN SLNiiEK 420 Chamber of Commerce. Main tf478- CASH FOR YOUR BUNGALOW. Spot cash and quick deal lor bungalow In paved district. CLKvELAND-HENDERSON CO., 300-8 Board of Trade Bidg. Bdwy. 4754. WANTED To buy 6 or 7-room modern bungalow in good neighborhood ; must be in first-class condition and a bargain. No agents apply. Phone Bdwy. 3123. afternoons only. STRICTLY modern west side home for client with the cash; price no ooject If POINDEXTER, 208 SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1800. RESIDENCE EAST 0771. W.-iM strictly model n 6 or 7-room house on Portland Heights. Must be priced right, and close in. HENRY W. CODDARD, 243 Stark St. HAVE buyer for Irvlngton home from $5000 to $75oo. JOHNSOM-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bidg. Main 3787. M-ODERN 5 TO 6 ROOMS. EAST SIDE. Paved streets; about $4200, $750 cash, good payments; owners only; give i cation. AK la7, Oregonian. WANTED Six to nine-room house in dis trict bounded by Third and Fourteenth. Clay and Snerman streets. Phone Main 2233. WILL trade my $1500 equity in a 7-year-old prune orchard on the purchase of a residence not over $4u00. Phone Sew ard hotel, room 216. WANT 5 or 6-room house, modern, north or east of and close to Peninsula Park; not over $3000. HENRY W. GODDARD, 243 Stark "St. MORTGAGE of $1800, payable $7-5 month, int. 1Lo. will apply on nice, bungalow, good district, and asbunie up to 4oOO. call 201 W. Park. WANTED To buy for cash, small house and a few lots or will trade 40 acres in irrigation district at Madras, J e Her eon Co., Or. Phone Sellwood 86. WANT well located modern 5 to 7-room residence; first-class auto given as part payment. OTIS C. BECK, 625 Henry builuing. Broadway 5858. WANTED Strictly modern 5-room bun galow; easy terms; some money and high-grade automobile as iirst payment. Broadway 4840. WANTED Irvlngton home, must have large .iving room. I have 75x100 choic est corner in Irvlngton and $5000 .cash. AH 122, Oregonian. WANT best house. $4000 or $5000 will buy. must be near Laurelhursi or Irvlngton schooi or .Montgomery w aru new bidg. Main 4277. - WANTED A 6-room modern bungalow, about $3500. east side; $1300 cash, 6 per cent on oaiance; aosoiuieiy no agents. M 1-1, oregonian WANT lot or acreage in exchange for $450 equity in modern 5-room house in South Portland, or would sell equity. H 145, Oregonian. COLUMBIA grafanolo; new, inlaid case, cost $275 new: will trade for good unencumbered building lot. or what have you 7 Address bc 104. oregonian. WANTED Small acreage within 8 miles of city, preferably 1 to 5 acres improved; must be near electric line; terms. O 75, oregonian. WANT strictly modern 6 or 7-room house in Nnb Hi it district west of 23d; must be priced right. hi BNK Y W, GODDARD, 243 Stark St. HAVE buyer for Irvlngton home from 2 I UUU tO 1U.UUU. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. . Main 8787. 1 AM in the market for high-class resi dence; prefer view property, but will consider Irvington; can pay cash up to i it,uuu. is w i , oregonian. WILL pay cash up to $5000 for a Rose City Park home. What is yours like? AO 430, oregonian. WANT buy house, west side, from owner; will pay $70O0, half cash; confidential W 112, Oregonian. WANT C or 6-room bungalow, cash; owner oniy. rao-or iu. WANT a five or six-room modern bunga low In Piedmont. Broadway 387. Farms Wanted. WE HAVE BUYERS. For 4 Improved farms from 20 to 40 acres, ror a small larmi on lower to lumbla river, and 3 good houses in Port lend to trade for small improved farms. The closer in, the better the location and i.nDrovements. the lower the price, the better the terms, the quicker a deal will be consummated. If your farm is for sale bring In or mail a detailed descrip tion of same to E. A. LINDGREN. Savon Land Co., t3& N. W. Bank Bldg. WANTED 20 clear acres for orchard within 30 miles of Portland near .New berg, Forest Grove. Any place near good road. No improvements. $75 to $100 per, no higher. Stumps will do if close in and stump land price. G 187, Oregonian. WANT a good farm near Portland, from 160- to loOO acres; also wanting general farms in Yamhill, Polk. Benton, Linn - and Washington counties. Write J. B. ' Rock Co.. 403 Couch bldg. WANTED To buy farm from 40-60 acres, with inventory; must be good land, in good condition, near a milk route and not too far from town. R. Scherrer. 240 Salmon St., Portland. IF YOU will sell your farm, within 40 miles of Portland, at a little less than true value, write F 24, Oregonian, WANTED REAL EHTATE, Farms Wanted. FARMS WANTED. WE are turning CASH buyers for farms and acreage away from our office every day because we cannot supply their wants. Why not let L'S sell YOUR farms and acreage for you? WE are the oldest and one of the most reliable firms in Portland. See Sam Hewey, at J. L. H ARTM AN CO., 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Main 208. FARM OR ACREAGE" WANTED. Have people wanting small farms or acreage, partially improved, with or without equipment. Close to Portland preferred. Places that are real bar gains will mean a sale. Must be on or near good road. Small payment down with large payment within year. Wo specialize In farms and acreage ; we pay over $10,000 per year tor advertis . r.g and are the largest dealers in this class c property in the Pacific north .west. John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. WANT farms in Clarke county, Washing ton. Clients waiting. w rite or call at once. J. B. Rock Co., 403 Couch bldg., Portland, or. Wanted to Rent Farms. . WANTED, TO RENT FARM. Experienced farmer wants to rent, with privilege buying, about 30 acres, good climate, preferably dairy, with stock. F. Ro tigers, 157 East 47th st.. X, Y.C. WANTTO RENT Farm, 75 to 100 acres half cultivated, with about 10 good milch cows, horses and equipment, by farmer; good references. P. JUuton, 735 Harold ave. WANTED Farm, 20 acres or more in cult. Pay cash. 1109 E. 20th N. Wdln. 4405. GOOD wheat ranch priced right with option to buy. Broadway 5157. WANTED To rent small farm near city. M 1U2, Oregonian. TIMBER LANDS. ATTENTION speculators! Now that Hard ing is elected and republican prosperity is in sight, your last chance to purchase timber cheap is at hand. I have 4HO acres of gooil saw timber only li miles from railroad town, cruised in 1012 at 14,500,000 feet. Over 150,000,000 feet timber tributary to this land. Price cash with land, $12,000. Owner Schiller, 324 Yeon bldg., Portland, Or. 120 ACRES TIMBER. In sections 3-10-11 in Tp. 6 S.. R. 8 west; 1 mile from the new railroad being built from Wil lamina to Bently ; about 4,000.000 feet: some hemlock, some pil ing, bal. first growth fir. Dandy loca tion; fine for investment or milling prop osition. The Spalding company are building the R. R. See owner at 403 Couch bidg. Price $6oOO. FoR SALE I have some fine tracts of timber for immediate operation; also several mills now in operation that can be had at bargain prices and some of them on good terms. Write or call on W. E. WOOD. " 220 Lumber Exrhan-ge Bids;., Eugene, Oregon. WB WANT a capable man that can man age a 30-M. mill and camp; everything ready to run ; 75 million timber: will make good proposition to responsible man who can take smalt Interest. , G 174), Oregonian 20 MILLION -feet of high-grade Douglas fir on E. Yz sec. 18, twp. 21 S., R 5 W.; good logging chance; no brush; 5 miles N. W. of S. P. railroad at Leona,, Or.; price $2.50 M. Terms. WOODCOCK, 327 Henry Bldg. FOR SALE 40-M. mill. 75 million tim ber. 25 per cent pine ; everything ready to run ; will make good terms wrth re sponsible par tie?: small payment, bal- anoe as cut. G 178.Oregonian. SAWMILL 10 M. ties contracted . good local market for all lumber and siab wood. See Harry Ball, 431 Lurabtr Ex. bidg. SUGAR pine. Joseph ine county. 160 acres fir and cedar. Douglas county. SOO acres good grade, very cheap for cash. Wood la w n 'Jii 5 1G5V es t Wa t ta at. 10 MILLION fine pine, half value; terms; good location. Venard. v2W Chamber Com merce. ABOUT 25 million pine tributary to Deschutes river. Well bunched. Charles Houck, 132 Chamber of Commerce bidg. 160 ACRES timber. Douglas Co., on rail road. Will exchange, what have you? R 124, Oregonian; 160 lCRES timber, Klickitat Co., Wash. Sell or exchange at a bargain. R 121, Oregonian. FOR SALE 12M portable sawmill; priced right. Box 43, Scappoose, Or. TEAMS to log on skid road, gonian. E 107. Ore- FOR RENT FARMS. FOR RENT 20 ACRES. 17 aczvs under plow, mile to electric line, 6-room house, tools furnished; hay and crop $400, 3 year leasa. 65 ACRES, of which 62 acres are under plow, berries, fami1 orchard; R-room house, modern stock-farming im plements, feed, etc.; about $4500. 80 ACRES, with 20 acres under plow, 800-acre pasture Joins, extra-good set build ings, 20 head cattle, mostly cows; team, farming equipment, feed; a bargain. $3500. $2000 cash. 88 ACRES. 38 acres under plow. 9 cows, hay, grain, farm implements, en silage, other stock at only $2000. lOO ACRES. 25 acres under plow, orchard, good buildings, 6 cows, horses, hogs, 10 acres clover, stock, ma chinery, only $1000. 120 ACRES. 40 acres under plow, close In on paved road; stock, crop, machinery about $250O. 1G0 ACRES, about 50 acres under plow, only 3 miles to city limits of Portland, on paved road; an exceptionally good layout at only $370O, $22o0 cash. 175 ACRES. - A dairy on the Columbia river, price Includes all farming tools, feed, 39 milK cows, besides much other stock ; this is a money mak er; only $12,500, $5000 cash Will handle. - 160 ACRES. 25 acres under plow, berries, or chard, fair buildings, stock, imple ments, feed; only $600. 140 ACRES. 90 acres bottom land, 50 acres under plow, 2 barns, all farming Implements, stock, feed, etc.; $2000. 320 ACRES. A stock proposition. 40 acres under plow, 24 head cattle, sheep, horses, hogs, 30 acres wheat; is a going place, rightly priced at only $3500. 330 ACRES. 250 acres under plow, share ' rent, tools, stock, feed and seed, will come to $30o0, at least $2000 cash. 210 ACRES. 150 acres under plow, you can purchase as much of stock and implements as desired, or take the place without. 155H ACRES. Complete dairy, including cows, horses, farming implements, build ings are extra good and location fine; price about $15,000, cash, 42 ACRES. The dairy has retail routo In Portland with income of around $28O0 per month; price Includes everything complete, truck, tour ing car. stock of the best to be had; will stand very close investi gation ; price $20,000, half cash, 100 ACRES. " Fully equipped dairy, bringing; better than $50 per day; only 2 miles from city, will bear closest investigation : you cannot beat this; price $22,500, cash, " B90 ACRES. Stock ranch, 50 acres under plow, 120O-acre pasture in addi tion; 33 head cattle, 14 head horses, hogs, 10-acre orchard; 3 year lease; price, feed, stock and machinery, about $4000. 74S ACRES. 400 acres under plow, balance can be very easily broken. This is in eastern Oregon in the wheat district, located on Columbia high way, good roads; reasonable rent and no personal property. r L. EDDY. RITTER. LOWE & CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. FOK RENT FARMS. FOR RENT. 140 acres. 40 In cultivation, of which 4 acres are in assorted orchard, bal.- good pasture, with running water all the, year: good 6- room house, fair barn, wilt give 4-year leaae. The following per sonal property for sale: 12 head of high-grade milk cows. 1 tarn. S and 6 years oid. that weigh 2800 !bs. : 1 team. 6 and 7 years old that weigh 2200 lbs.: 1 set new heavy work harness, new 3-inch wagon. 1 light wagon, 1 2-seated hack, 1 buggy, new cream sep arator, mower, rake. disc. 1 10 inch plow. 1 12-inch plow. 2-sec-tion harrow, feed cutter with gas oline engine". 30 tons of hay. 6 stands of bees. 9 acres In kale. This place adjoins thousands of acres of fine free out-range for cattle. This place is located 4 V miles, from railroad station, mile to school. Pri. 3 $3500: $2000 cash, can arrange terms on bal. 162 acres, located 12 miles from Vancouver on good rock road. 4 mile from store. church and school:' about 80 acres of this In cultivation, balance seeded to pas ture; large dairy barn with stanchions for 50 cows ; 2 large silos, machine shed. 2 hog houses. 7- room house garage. W ill leave with the place 3 head of good work horses. 2. wagons, mower, rake. plow, cream separator and some household furniture. 17 head of cattle, 1 registered Jersey bull. Will sell 30 to 35 tons of hay. 15 to 28 tons of straw. 5 acres of potatoes, not dug. Price, includ ing first year's rent. $2500. Will give 3-year lease at $100 per month after first year. - If you are looking for a farm to rent we probably have one that will suit you. We aifo have 13 head of registered liolstein cows that are fresh that we will make a very attractive price on; 3 young HoUtein bulls, 20 head of 2-year-o.d liolstein heifer st See Mr. Blair with THOMPSON. SWAN & LEE. Third -and Main Streets. Vancouver. -Wash. FARM FOR LEASE. 450 acres, 235 acres under cultivation, balance good pasture and scattered timber, 3 large barns, one equipped for dairy, fine water system and electric light plant, hog house, chicken house, potato house, garage, rent $2000 per year. 05 acres of bottom land, all plowed, can be rented with this on crop payment. Personal property for sale, 6 heavy work horses, 3 colts, 3 cows, 117 head of sheep, 33 shoats. tur keys, geese and chickens, 2 binders, mower, rake, disc, corrug.tted roller, 4 sec. steel harrow, plow, drill, seeder, po tato digger and planter, riding corn cult., new Case traTstor, 3 wagons, 2 hay racks, scales, cream separator, feed grinder, 2i) tons hay, ail small tools and equipment for an up-to-date farm. Price SO 000. - This farm is located 4 miles from New berg. See H. A. DRYER, THE ACREAGE MAN." 508-9 Lewis Bid g Broad way 50S1. RANCH to rent. 1 Mi miles from town, mile from graded school; cash - rent. Stock and Implements for sale by owner. Ed Wolfe, Gates. Or. BY" EXPERIENCED farmer, furnished farm to lease on shares. Dairy preferred. State terms. References. H 159, ore gonian. NINE acres on highway within city, west side, some buildings, suitable for dairy or chickens, $50 per month. Frank L. Smith, 228 Alder at. y ACRE with 4-room cottage to reliable party; all. kinds of fruit and berries. 2 chicken houses and run; $20 a month. 5804) 53d ave. S. E. 4Mt ACRES city limits, 7-room house, city water, lights, gas. orchard. References. Answer Monday. BD 132, Oregonian. 5-ACRB farm for rent. Call East 4006. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. 14 acrea all under cultizatlon. 4-room new buivralow, 12x16 chicken house, city water and gas, 8c car fare. Price $3oo0, some- terms, or will exchange for 15 or 20 acres equipped. Will assume up to $2000. SEE BROWN & BIDDLE. 3-J4 Railway Exchange Bldg. EXCHANGE OFFICK SPECIAL. Modern 7-room house, 50x88. corner lot. streets paved on both sides. East 46th and Stark. Will take .old house or lota in as part payment. A. Gordon Ross, INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO Broadway 4751. 410 Henry Bldg. FARM FOR CITY. I have a 40-acre farm. 23 miles from Portland, fine soil, lair buildings, good water, about half in cultivation; an ex ceptionally fine orchard; school across road: price $5000; mortgage. $2000; want a home in the city and will assume, C 116. Oregonian. WANTS CITY PROPERTY. Fine big farm in Polk co., 1 mile from town, 050 acres, nearly all in cultivation, 35 acres prunes; good building, fully stocked and equipped; price $100,000. Will trade for Portland income property. LUEDDEM ANN CO. 913 Chamber of Commerce. - 120 ACRES timber. 20 miles Portland: 20 acres, all cultivated; fair buildings, near Vancouver; 10 acres cleared. 15 miles Portland. Good 5-pass, used car. good tires, self-starter. vVill exchange any part or all for Clatsop county lands or acreage and lots in Warreuton, clear lor cler. Baldwin, 225 Henry bldg. EXCHANGE FOR EUGENE PROPERTY. A 7-room mod. home on Sandy blvd. ; has hardwood floors, fireplace, full base ment, furnace; paved and paid. Price $5000. Prefer residence property. Sun day call Tabor Uu'Ju, Marshall 3352. J. B. ROCK A CO. APARTMENT WANT FARM. 60xliK) corner. 10 flats and stores pay his; $:;87 per monfeh. Price S 2O.0O0. Owner wiLl consider farm stocked to $12,-000. No equities considered. 301 Ka.ii way Exchange, Main 7031. Call for H. G. Eiplon. J. KOBB1NS & COMPANY. APPLES. I have a mighty fine apple orchard in the White Sa!mon-Lyle district, well im proved and fully stocked, on such terms as it will pay for itself, or wiil trade for city property. W. C. BCCHTELL, 1100 X.JV. Bnk. Bldg. I HAVE A STRICTLY MODERN 7-KOOM HOUSE IN IRVINGTON. Price is $7O00. I can use a smaller house and -will take a cheaper place in as first payment. This house is in linest condition. Let me know what you. have. AM 117. Oregonian. I HAVE a 400-acre wheat ranch in eastern Oregon, good soil.- old buildings; 2O0 acres summer-fallow; leased for 1 year. 4 crop; price $30 per acre: Incumbrance 440O0. Wiil trade and assume. What have you? A.$ 116. Oregonian. 4 CLoSE-IN lots, unobstructed "view of river; no incumbrances; 1U10 6-cy Under 5-passenger touring ear; total value $4000. Will trade for house. No in flated propositions wanted. Call Sun day evenings. Tabor 5876. ACTION. ACTION. ACTION Your vacant lots, your home or other city property. Try experienced brokers. A. Gordon Ross. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO. Broadway 4751. 410 Henry Bidg. WANT A HOUSE. I have a 113 Studebaker In first class condition; I atk $lO0 for it and will turn it in as first payment on a house. T 121. Oregonian. NEAR GASTON. 80 acres, 40 in cultivation, 7 in 10 year prunes; good house, barn, prune drier. Price $8500. Want city property. W. C. BECHTELL. 1100 N. W. Bnk. Bidg. MY EQUITY $3000 in 20 acres; 17 in cul tivation; house, barn, etc.. for 1 to 5 acres or Vancouver property with 5 or 6-room house. W. J. Wright, R. 5, Box 5136, Vancouver, Wash. NEW, modern, extra well located, west side business building; secured lease nets 7 per cent on price of $30,000; exchange to $20,000 considered. OTIS C. BECK, 5.5 Henry Bldg. PAYING grocery, residence and lots to trade for ranch. Clarke county. Wash., preferred, or near Portland; give full details first letter. AR 58. Oregonian. 320 ACRES House, barn, fruit; 10 acres cleared ; fine trout stream ; 5 miles to R. R., near Kelso. Wash. $20 acre, part trade, balance time. Tabor 4000. WILL TRADE my equity In large lot, 7 room house, cottage and garbge for small place clear and some cash.. Tabor 9279. HALF section wheat land, near Kah lotus. Wash., for Portland; fair, buildings, all cultivated, $20 acre; equity $3 TOO. Mar. 1265, 514 Swetland bldg. WANTED PORTLAND HOME FOR RANCH LAND. OWNER, B-S, OREGO NIAN. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Large nine room modern house, 3 lots, Mt. Tabor - district. $8750. See owner. 126 E. 60th. 10 ACRES almonds, just coming in bear ing, for Portland property. AC 144, Ore gonian. , J HAVE a lot in Brighton Beach, value $700; win traue lor a victruia. 386 H E. Morrison st., apt. 2. THREE lots, near car. to trade for chicken ranch, residence or grocery, or sell easy terms. AP 51. Oregonian. WANT Portland for Seattle lot, Salem lot. 5 acres near She 1 ton. Auto. 2 3 -OA. TO EXCHANGE KKAL ESTATE. PACIFIC AGENCY, INC., 514-20 Swetland Bldg. Marshall 3989 or Marshall 1265. EXCHANGES OF MERIT. , 14-ACRE FARM TO TRADE FOR LARGER FARM OF SAME VALUE. 1-297 14 acres. -10 acres cultivated, 2 acres In pasture, 2 acres In tim ber, good 5-room house, 2 barns, chicken house and other outbuild ings, good pumping system, all in best of condition, located near 42d Bt. Price $2u,ooO, or will trade tor a larger farm. 6 ACRES TO TRADE FOR PORT LAND BUNGALOW 1-290. 6 acres, all tillable, 4 acres in garden and orchard, 1 acres in grapes and 1 Va acres in loganber ries, good 8-room house, barn and chicken bouse, good, well with gas engine also all small farming tolls. Price $12,600, or will trade for Portland bungalow. 67-ACRE RANCH TO TRADE FOR PORTLAND PROPERTY. l-2i3. 57 acres, 18 acres under culti vation, 2 acres in family orchard, oaiance pasture an J"" timber, two good springs, also well at house, modern 5-roo.m house, barn fof 4 head of hortses, large granary, chicken house and other buildings. Located 8 miles west of Cottage Grove and within 4 miles of high way on good graveled road. Price $6000, or will trade for Portland property , 10 ACRES AT ROSEBURG TO TRADE FOR HOUSE IN PORT LAND 1-288. 10 acres, located 2 miles from Roseburg, with small box house. Price $2100, or will trade for house in Portland. 160-ACRE FARM TO TRADE FOR PORTLAND PROPERT Y 1-284. 160 acres, 30 acres under culti vation, balance in ' pasture with some timber, good 8-room house, barn and other buildings, water piped from creek!, located 20 miles trom Goldendale, within ba;f a mile of schoi. and church. Price $32(10, or will trade for Portland property. 480 ACRES TO TRADE FOR CALIFORNIA LAND 1-278. 480 acres, all In pasture, locat ed 7 miles southwest of Kenne wick. Wash. Price $1)600. Will trade for California land and as sume up to $2500. LEWISTON APPLE ORCHARD TO TRADE FOR PROPERTY IN PORTLAND 1-277. i 5 acres, all In 12-year-old apple trees, on good road, 3 miles south west of Lewiston, Idaho. Price $2u00, or will trade for Portland property. 2484-ACRE RANCH TO TRADE FOR PORTLAND PROPERTY. 1-255. 2434 acres, half in cultivation, balance pasture, 8-room house, in good condition, two old houses, 4 and 5 rooms each, one large barn and 3 small ones, 2 hophouses and a number of other buildings, good family orchard, located 4 miles southwest of Willamina on the Yamhill river, railroad station lo cated on farm. Price $24,850, or will trade for Portland property for part value. 60 ACRES AT GRANTS PASS TO TRADE FOR HOUSE IN PORT LAND 1-248. 60 acres, 5 acres in cultivation, 20 acres cleared, balance pasture, good 3 -room house, barn and well, small family orchard. Price $2500, or will trade for house In Portland. 68-ACRE DAIRY RANCH TO TRADE FOR PORTLAND IN COME PROPERTY 1-242. 68 acres, one acre In prunes. 50 acres under cultivation, 18 acres in timber, 60 assorted fruit trees, good 2-story 6-room house, large barn, chicken house, potato cellar, good well, also spring, located 2 miles from Tigard station and i mile of the highway. Price $23,400, or will trade for Portland income property. 90-ACRE FARM TO EXCHANGE FOR APARTMENT HOUSE OR SOME GOOD BUSINESS OPPOR TUNITY 1-238. 90 acres, all in cultivation, best of black loam, 45 acres in orchard, good 10-room house with full base ment, large barn, chicken house and other buildings in best of con dition, good well with gasoline pump. Personal property: 4 mares, 2 wagons, 2 cultivators, 2 sets of harness and other farm imple ments included in price at $18,000, or will exchange for apartment house. 34 ACRES TO TRADE FOR GOOD GROCERY STORE AND GEN ERAL MERCANTILE LOCATION. 1-234. 84 acres, 26 acres under culti vation, lo acres in pasture, trnod 7-room bungalow, barn, silo, chick en house, garage and other build ings, also good well and small family orchard. 2 horses, 7 cows, 11 hogs, 50 chicltens, wagon, mow er and other implements are In cluded at $13.0U0. Will trade for y the above. f 1H8-ACRE FARM TO TRADE FOR LARGE HOUSE THAT COULD BE MADE INTO APARTMENTS, OR WOULD CONSIDER ROOM- 1NG HOUSE 1-230. 158-acre farm, 90 acres under cultivation, 15 acres In timber, balance pasture, old barn and 2 springs, located 9 miles northeast of Salem. Price $12,000, or will trade for something suitable for apartment house. 160 ACRES OF RAW LAND TO TRADE FOR SMALL IMPROVED PLACE NEAR PORTLAND 1-212 160 acres with 2,000,000 feet of timber, mostly cedar, small house and barn, new Vaughn drag saw, team, harness and wagon, also small shingle mill of 20.0U0 capac ity. Price $6000, or will trade for small improved place near Port land, A REAL SACRIFICE: 1-257. Our client has several pieces of property and in order to get it In one place he will make a big sacri fice. 320 acres in Malheur county, Oregon, between Vale and Payette, 42.46 acres in Linn county, Oregon, close to Shedd, and 5-room house -with two lots in Portland. He will exchange all 3 pieces for a small Xarra in the valley worth $15,000, or, for a farm and some cash. STOCK RANCH TO TRADE FOR ALFALFA RANCH OR CITY IN COME PROPERTY 81-16. 12.000 acres good grazing land, 200O of which is tillable and raises plenty of roughness for winter feed. It is all fenced with good three and four barb wires and ce dar posts. Has 7-room house and tentmt's house of 4 rooms, good well and large elevated storage reservoir from which water is piped to all barns, house and cor rals. Has one barn 50 feet wide, 200 feet long, another 50 feet wide and 30u feet long, another 75 feet wide and 150 feet long, all with 3 foot concrete foundation. This place is located near Connell, Wash., and will sell or trade for $150,000. PACIFIC AGENCY, INC., 514-20 Swetland Bldg., Marshall 39S9 or Marshall 1265. TO- EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. A LFA LF A POT A TO E S STOCK. lOO-ACRE IRRIGATED FARM. Water right for 145 acres at a main tenance cost of $1 per acre for each ac tually irrigated. 145 of the 160 may be Irrigated; soil a deep, mellow, volcanic a-h; a perfect soil for alfalfa, clover, potatoes and grain. Fenced and cross-fenced; 2 houses, barn, road on 3 sides; 40 acres have been in clover and alfalfa, some timber; ex tensive outrange. 4 miles to good town with high school, hotels, paw mills, stores, and banks. A perfect title to both land and water right; this property is in Deschutes Co. A great alfalfa, potato, stock and daUy section. ' Price only $60 per acre; will take In come property to $WX. MaclXXES. 210 OREGON BLDG. WANT 1 or two acres in country, prelerably near water. Oswego lake or Willamette river, with modern 5 or 6-room bungalow. My house is modern. 6 rooms, furnace, fireplace, etc., paved streets, very good location and is worth probably $5000, has $2000 mortgage due in 2 years I will assume up to $5000 for a place tha t suits me. P'.ease de scribe your proirty and will arrange for Interview. Write K 53, Oregonian. FOR SALE Or will exchange for small improved acreage in gooa locality on road this side of Portland, about 20 A. with fruit and buildings; hill land, but good soil, mostly biack loam ; lies in table lands; half cleared, balance in good pasture, half timber, half stumps, easily cleared ; finest of living spring water, easy to pipe anywhere on p.aee ; three miies to town on Red electric, 5 minutes' walk to (lag station and shipping point: on good grave. ed road, 2 miles from new highway to Portland; milk rt., mail rt. and telephone line; school on place ; walking distance to tawmilia; price .imu. a at! r ess owner, urs. J. -iv. iiar geson. Gaston. Or. STOCK RANCH. STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. 840 acres, 200 acres in cultivation. 80 acres irrigated, "flume,' 60 a. altalfa, 500 acres can be cultivated, bal. pasture. lots of outrange at 40c per head, 6-room new house, barn, silo, fully equipped tractor, threshing machine, 50 head o cattle, KM) tons alfaila and silage; De- scnutes Co., Or., 10 miles Henu; prict $31,000. $10,000 mortgage. $ iOUO cash $17,000 city property or Willamette val ley farm. This is a going ranch. R. M GATE WOOD A CO., lS5Va4th E t. ltto ACRES with about one million feet of hrst-growth timber; half of land easily cleared. About 40 acres can bo piowed. All good grazing lann. pie my of water; 30 miies north of Portland, four miles to river and railroad, down grade: no improvements: $10 per acre; will trade for small bouse in suburbs or Improved acreage .lust outMue city lim its, or would consider house and lot in vaJlev town. Will not consider anstning without fruit, after 5 P. M. Phone Tabor 481)4. 56000 CASH AND i ACRE FOR FARM , acre, all set out to choice fruit trees in full bearing, also abundance of berries of all kinds. The fruit on thla place will support a small family. It uin h phirkpin house, cood 6-room bungalow, improved street, and is only 1 block from Hawthorne car. Owner will give this place and $6000 cash for a desirable farm near Portland. Ralph Ackley, 527 Corbett bldg. nwVRR MUST GO FAST. Will take your lot and some cash, balance terms, on this 15-acre furrn. 10 acres in loganberries, fun bearing; moa ern buildings, on Pnciftc highway H mi. juice factory, $2000 contract on tips and all personal property ; if you a.- n t rpol hnnie and mone v-inaker. P'C this. Price $15,000. Owner, 47 K. 53d st. Tabor 4727. SUNNY SOUTHERN IDAHO. 160 acres, alfalfa ranch, fully equipped rnnri hiiildinc-s. near aood R. R. town end county seat; good water right, end fine stand of alfalfa. A money-makvt for right men. Only $20,000 for land and equipment. WU1 trade for city in come property. Johnson, with Interstate Land Co., 248 Stark st. Main... 542'.). GENTLEMEN country home, about 30 acres, up-to-date modern 8-room house, has its own water system, fine barn, 2 miles from Tigard, about minutes oy auto from rourtn ana wasningi-on bib. iri. xii soo. Will exchange for Port land property. McClure & Schmauch Co., SuG Railway Exchange bldg. Main 1503. 12-ROOM home, strictly modern, located near Sandy biva. in me oesi pan ui Rose City Park. This place is clear of incumbrance and the owner will trade It and $4000 cash for a good farm of 40 aures or more. Call at 627 Corbett bldg. and see Mr. Ackley if you have a - farm to trade for this. P O R T L A N pTffOPE R T Y TO TRADE. Good west side Income property, cor ner, showing big net returns; price $05 000. Owner will consider west side lot or land to $30,000, some .cash, bal ance 6 per cent. LUEDDEM ANN CO. 913 Chamber of Commerce. 5-ROOM modern bungalow on a large lot. near Firland station, to trade for farm of 20 to 40 acres. Well built and only 2 blocks from the car. Price $2500. Own er will trade and pay some cash differ ence for a farm near Portland. If you want to make a quick deal, call and see Mr. Ackley, 627 Corbettbldg: MY EQUITY of $1550 in 7-room modern house except heat, 2 excellent corner lots, with chicken run and shrubbery, near Franklin high, one block from car ltn; to exchange for not less tbn n two acres improved, near car line ; Oregon City preferred; will assume. AC 135, Oregonian. " FARMS TO TRADE. Two well Improved places within 40 miles of Portland, near good towns; price $18,000 each. Will trade one or both for city property, or wheat farm. LUEDDEM ANN CO. 913 Chamber of Commerce 413 ACRES, half in cult., modern bldgs., water piped from targe spring, splendid fencing, near paved road to Portland, water to irrigate 50 acres, many springs. Price $35,000. Exch. for income clear for clear. N 112, Oregonian. OWNER will sell or trade equity of $2650 and lease of 43-room apartment house; good wet side location, price $-iuuu. netting $240. for modern 5- or 6-room home to $3o7ti in rtty or good VaiUy town. Phone Main 0529 WILL exchange modern 3-roora house with sleeping porch, gas furnace, in Rose City Park distriet.ne block (rem Sandy blvd.. value $4000. Tor small house valued from $1500 to $20U0; easy payments may be had on balance. W 100, Oregonian. WILL EXCHANGE 10 acres suitable for esjiall fruits or chicken ranch, i mile from Orepon City carline on Oatfield road, some cleared, n? buildings, for small house up to $25 ; would consider small house up to $25O0; would consider FOK EXCHANGE Quarter section, good farm, wheat land or mixed farming, with spring; 5 miles from town, Saak.. Can ada. Will exchange for houue and lot, small fruit ranch or automobiles. H. D. Garlock. gen, del., Portland. WANT suburban home, about 5 acres, well Improved, on 15c car fare, or small farm; have D-room mod. bungalow close in flat; will rent for $25; separate en trance; good location; or will Bell $4000. AN 1 60. Oregonian. TO TRADE or sell, 16J acres good land in western Kansas, will take city pi op erty or good automobile as part ex change W. L McAtee. Phone 144, For est Grove, Or. $2000 BUYS neat 4-room modern bunga low, lot 50x100, 1 blk. St. Johns car and pavement, or trade for house with more ground or grocery store. Owner, 1 Huron Bt. LOT IN Laurelhurst, sewer and street paid, value $16i0; will trade for prop erty with small modern house in or near city near car line. Y 114, Orego nian. EXCHANGE Tract of fine bldg. lots. Foutheast cor. 43d Division sts.. value $1S 000; want income property; will as sume J. H. McMahon. 2606 East 43d. Tabor 5361. WILL trade my Republic 1918, 1 truck with express body and cab for first payment on small house. Frank Slat tery, 320 Henry bldg. Bdwy. 5500. FINE cottage on east front lot, West moreland, beautiful place; sell or ex change for Los Angeles. Owner. P. o. Box 2064. FOR EXCHANGE for southern California, 4 section 7 miles from Goldendale with 1)00 M timber. $1800. C. E. Bailey, I-5 Vista St., los Angeips. 5-ROOM bungalow, sleeping porch, 2 fire places, cement basement, garage, fruit, east front lot; sell or exchange on small ranch. Owner. P. Q. Box 2064. $TsoOMORTGAGE, payable $75 mo., int. 7 pej- cent; wiil trade for acreage near Portland; will assume. Call 21 W. Park. 40 ACRES under government ditch, Her mwton. for Portland property. AC 142, Oregonian. LOT IN Laurelhurst as payment on home or will take car as part payment. Tabor 7221. LOT at 39th, Multnomah streets (Laurel hurst). for equity in modern home. AC 143, Oregonian. WILL TRADE 2 lots In exchange foi 1919 model Buick, Olds or Don go, 5 pasienger. Owner, Broadway 2505. 820 ACRES timber in Lincoln county for Portland home. AC 141, Oregonian. WILL exchange Astoria property for Port land property. East 70U0. TO EXCHA.V6K REAL ESTATE. EXCHANGES REAL MERIT. Irvington, $M0ov$ 10,000 home; want -better home. Portland Heights. Los Angeles owner of improved busi ness lncoiA properties here. wishes trade down there where he lives. San Fra nctseo owner of vacant valu able corner near new poatoffice here, wants trade. Seattle owner, wonderful home here worth $30,000, wants Seattle large, costly home or business or other property up to big valuation, say $100,000 or more. Around San Francisco, want good home or business property; trade won derful large home here $25,000. Will apply giwd Irvington vacant cor ner on medium-size house. Owner, large farm near Newberg. fine buildings. wants home, Irvington or Portland Hts., $10,000 to $20,000. as part. Want Seattle residences. $.inOO to $50,000, and business properties for many parties living in Seattle o wiring Portland realry. R. T. STREET, East $94, res. E. 42S0. A SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SNAP! I have a splendid hlgh-claas home or apartment house site right In the cenrer of Saa Diego. The lot is level (100xl00, faces on paved street and is free from all Incumbrances. There is absolutely no location or environment tnat will sur pass this splendid piece of property any where in Wan Diego. The assessed valua tion Is $S0OO. This is far below present market values in this neighborhood. Will sell or trade for f irst-clas Port land or suburban property of about the same as-sesst-d valuiti on. What have you to offer? J 141, Oregonian. HAVE dandy 5 acres, 2 miles this side of Hillsboro. 1 mile to station, on O. E., all under cultivation, 5-room houpe, not modern, small barn, chickt-n house, hog house, woodshed with 6 cords wood. $l-i0 worth lumber, horse, wagon, tools, k) chickens, acre all kinds ct berries. 10.000 strawberry plants ready to set out, acre spuds, some other vegeta bles. This will make an ideal berry and chicken ram-h for someone. $2500; $1500 cash or trade, rest long time. I want small uouso and lot in town or small im proved place, not over 5 miles from town; must be on or very near to rock road ami car line. Send full details first letter. Would alao consider car to $750. DC 165, Oregonian. ALFALFA RANCH. 160 acres, about 50 acres bottom Imnd, 25 acres in alfalfa, balance of bottom land mostly in pasture, grass, water to irrigate, 6-room house, good barn, fine" drinking water out of windmill well, good funces, horses, cows, turkeys, chick ens and hoKS. Full set of machinery to run place. Plenty of hay to feed stock. On railroad, on highway. Vt mil to good school This place is located on Willow creek on Heppner branch about 0 miles from Arlington. Price $1 l.OtMi. Will take Portland residence up to $6000. Personally inspected. McClure & Schmauch Co., 306 Railway Exchange bldg. ATTRACTIVE EXCHANGE. House and for lots, with ga rage and fruit, to exchange for small, close-in improvu acreage and will assume. Might include another house and three lots on extra good proposition. SAMUEL DOAK. 1202 Northwestern Hank Bldg. 100 ACRES with nbout one million feet of first-growth timber; half of land easily cleared. About 40 acres can he plowed ; all good grazing land, plenty of water; 30 miles north of Portland, four miles to river and railroad, down grade; no improvements; $10 per ncre; will trade for small house in suburbs or improved acreage Just outside city limits, or would consider house and lot in valley town. Will not consider any thing without fruit. After 5 P. M. phone Tabor 41)4. WHEAT FARM. 1 240 acrea in eastern Oregon, 1 1 00 acres tillable, half in crop, good build inga, well and gas pump: 16 head horses and full farming equipment. Price $45.000 ; take building in any good val ley town, or valley farm to $30,000, bal ance mortgage. LUEDDEM ANN CO. D13 Chamber of Commerce. ' SPECIAL ATTENTION. I have several flrst-clats going stock and wheat ranches for trade. Some of them one-man places, others larger, most of them stocked and equipped. W. C. BBCHTWLL, 1100 N. W. Bnk. Hlrtg. 3000 ACRES stock and hay ranch. 1000 acres meadow grass, under Irrigation. 000 acres alfalfa land in cultivation, part now seeded to grain, 2 miles to It. R., on county road, good bldgs.. and many of them. Price $35 per acre. Exch. for income property. N 113, Ore gonian. 8-ROOM BUNGALOW $6000. Thoroughly modern first-class in every respect, in fine district; lot 62 xlOO, price $6000, clear of encumbrance ; will exchange for good acreage home to same value; must have -plenty of fruit. See Mr. Stephens (Fred W. German Co.), 732 Chamber of Commerce. WANT warehouse or other building suit able for factory; will exchange extra choice 43. acres 12-year-old walnuts near Carlton, worth $20,000. No mort gage. Might consider income property to $40,000. Otis C. HECK, 525 Henry Hldg. m FOR EXCHANGE 000 acres. Goodnoe hills 3 miles from railroad sta. ; Geer, Klicki tat county. Wash. Good house, barn, 6 miles hog-tight fence; general farm, fine for apricots; value $110,000; will take some property, bal. mortgage. T. C. Harnett. Hotel Portland " INCOME PRO PEHTY. Fine brick apartment house, good cor ner, west side; a bargain at $0.5.000. Will take farm or city property up to $25,000. balance cash and mortgage. LIT B Dl EM A N N CO. 813 Chamber of Commerce. CHEAP LAND. 160 acres at Crescent, Or., all level, small house and barn: some cleared, bal ance pine timber ; splendid fishing and hunting; $15 per acre. Want lots or automobile. W. C. BECHTELL. 1100 N. W. Bnk. Bids. WISH to exchange for a good east side city lot, not far from carline, my 5 passenger late 1919 Chevrolet, in fine condition, run OoO miles and only pri vately. Tires practically new. State par ticulars. W 140. Oregonian 80 ACRES. Douglas county, Oregon, on R. R. and Pacific highway at station, fine springs. 30 acres improved, value $;tm0; exchange for house and lot Owner. P. OBox 2064: im ACRES, highly Improved. 7-room modern house, near Oregon Electric sta tion, $8000; exchange for Portland home and pay difference. Zimmerman, 818 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED To sell 120 acres of land with timber on it near White Salmon, Wash., or trade for 5 or 6-room bungalow In Portland. Write full particulars to M. W.. 713 Belmont st. HAVE 654 7-passenger Hudson touring car to trade for good equity, or first payment of modern bungalow. POINDEXTER. 208 FEl.MN'G BLDG. MAIN 1800. RESIDENCE EAST 6771. " ESTATE MUST BE CLOSED. Modern brick apartment on close-in corner; leased two years. Price $40,000. I'art exchange considered. OTIS C. PECK. 525 Henry Bl d er . FOR SALE or exchange for acreage near Portland, my 3-acre walnut grove n-ar Oakland, Cal. ; value $21(H: would con sider auto, late model. J 139, Oregonian. ST. J OH N S0 R r EN'IN SU LA DISTRICT 2-story houe with 2 bedrooms. Must have b:ith and toilet. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. Stock Exch. 6-APT. HOUSE; want car or property near San Francisco; house pays $ir0 per month when repaired. Full particulars. Ownuri only. AN 174, Oregonian. N. W. CORNER E. 64th Ptreet North and Hassalo. SOxlOO. concrete curbs and side-walks, free and clear, for good Ford car. 400 Henry bldg. Broadway 4975. FOR SALE, or will exchange for sub urban property, new 6-room modern bungalow, garage, corner lot, one block from Rose City car. AF 142. Oregonian. 33 ACRF.S land. $230 per acre. 10 miles from courthouse, will trade for city prop ertv. ff-Uing houses preferred. Phone East 7155. TWO GOOD lots, bearing fruit trees, street improvements in ; block from carline; In exchange for close-in 5-room bunga low. Call owner. Broad way 2505. MISCELLANEOUS clear city properties to $17" 0OO: will assume mortgages on any good Income property up to $300,000. oTiS C. Br-CK, 525 Henry Bldg. FOR EXCHANGE 1rt arre. all improve ments, on good road between Green burs and TlKrd, for smaller place or house in Portland. S 141, Oregoiaan. $1S0Q MORTGAGE payable $75 mo.. Int. 7 per cent; will trade for acreage near Port'am; wL'l asVnme. Call 201 W. Park. POINDEXTER, 20S SELLING BLDG. . TWO FINE houses on E. 12th. now rent ing for $10 ) per month. SMI or exchange for smaller properties; $ 15,000. Owner. P. O. Box 2064. WILL take in trade one or two lots in pool district on six-room modern home. Tabor "'2 WILL TRADE two lots in Salt Lake City, Utah, for Portland property or automo bile. D 117. Oregonian. TO EXCHANGE Lot close !nforhoua in need of repairs. Ult. 4-U)L