TITE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, ' PORTLAND. NOVEMBER 14. 102n KK.AL ESTATE. For Sale Fanm. YOUR LAST OPPORTUNITY In central Alterta and Saskatchewan are rlcn park lands open pratne ready for the plow, lritcrspt-rued with trees, which afford excellent shelter for stock. Here, frrnin growliitf, dairying- and livestock raising are being carried on success- ; fuijy. The country is idal for mixed I lrming. The .'aiukdian Facific railway is offering a large area "of these fertile lands In Lloydmin.ster and Battleford districts. This fertile land will become the home if thousands of prosperous Krwa the 'Aorld's prise wheat. Near' i'loyaniiiisrer the world's prise oats have Leen grown and butLer of the highest Qualiiy Is.made. A man can soon be come independent on a farm in this district. Xhtse lands can be bought now at en average price of shout IS per acre. You pay iov.n 107c. Ir land is purchased under settlement condition, no further payment of principal until end of fourth year, then lo annual payments. Interest Is 0 pr-r cent. M. B. THORN TON, Superintendent of Colonization. Canadian pacific Railway. lli .Ninth avenue E.. Calgary. Alberta. VOU CAN'T POSSIBLY MAKE A MIS TAKE IN HL'YlNli THIS 37 ACRES. Joins the main road a short way south of Beaverton; has R. F. IX. mail and cream route; groceries delivered twice a 'Wdek: no one could ask for better land. a.l well drained and yet lies aJmost ieei. ah under cultivation out about 4 acres, which is covered with small timber: will make wood for several years. Very good 6-room bouse with woodshed attached; large barn and plenty out buildings: just a. few hundred leet to school; mils to church; in thickly settled community; must have immediate action or p;ace will be taken off the market. Price is only $78ou and the cheapest place in this locality. ETtWART & BUCK, 815 Northwestern Bank bids;. 197-ACRE RANCH. Situated 4 Vi miles S. E. Estacada In Cpringwater district on main road; one mile from good church. school and store; unexcelled for stockraising- and dairying as ranch Joins big open range on south; 1-0 Acres in high state of cultivation with running spring water in every field; approximately 5 acres In assorted orchard; 6-room farm house; barn and1 new 100-ton silo; all new ma chinery; three 5-year-old finely bred 1-KKi-lb. mares, one l&OO-lb. horse: 25 cows, heifers and calves: everything ready to go right to work: this ranch 1 divided almost equally by main road. "Will sell ail or section on either side of road, with or without equipment and stock. NO AGENTS. See owner. -490 Tillamook street. Portland. Phone East 7307. HERE IS A REAJ. BARGAIN. 97 acres, located two and one-half fnilos out from Brownsville, one-quarter mile school; 40 acres in bearing orchard, six acres Royal Ann cherries, live acres pears, balance is Jonathan, Newtown, iBaldwin and Spltzcnberg apples in full bearing; seven acres timber, balance of place is farming ground except a few acres of pasture; barn lOOxby 45 feet, five-room house; spring water piped to buildings; trees about D years old. price SX00O; will take one-half cash and give terms to suit on balance at 0 per cent. This is worth investigation. L. B. MORSE. Agent, Brownsville, Oregon. STOCK RANCH. 900 acres. 12 miles from Vancouver, Wash. Oar Worth. price. 140 acres, cult....: J 14, 000 (10.SO0 TOO acres pasture 15.000 4. 500 Kew bungalow, cost 7.000 8,500 Barn, luOxlOO, cost 4,000 2,000 Other buildings 2,000 1.000 11 miles wire fence.... 7,0410 S.uOO 0,000 cords wood 30.0UO 7.500 Lok! 27,000 Is the price of all. and It only takes hi cash, balanca tt per cent. ilcCLURR & SCHMAUCH CO., Sod Railway Exca. Bldg. ON CAPITAL, HIGHWAY. 80 acres, all under cultivation: fenced with woven wire; best of soil; telephone, cream route, R. F. D. ; 1 mile to th grade school. Good 6-room house, large barn, 2 chicken houses, granary, silo. Fine family orchard. With the place goes 3 cows, 1 sow and pigs, 70 chick ens, new Fordsou tractor and farm equipment. The place is all plowed, ready to seed. Feed and ensilage in cluded at $SO0O with J5000 cash, balance 6 years at 7 per cent. Fine place; lo cated between McMinnvllle and Salem. John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. BEAUTIFUL, COUNTRY HOME. 67 acres situated la the Garfield fruit district, 55 acres In cultivation, this farm Is Ideal for raising fruit, grain or vegetables, large 7-room, house, with fireplace, telephone, etc.; good barn and other outbuildings; creek running near barn,- Uhich affords plenty of water for stock the year around;' fine orchard of choice fruit, near good school, church and grantee hall; R. F. D. mall; 2 miles to electric station; price $125 per acre on good terms. For sale by owner, S. . Wooster. E&tacada. Oregon. 120 ACHES IN GRESHAM DISTRICT. e'O acres of this Joins good gravel road; no better soil in the country; has good 7-room plAstered house, nice young or chard; larKe barn and outbuildings; good well at house and barn: running water In pasture. This is positively tha cheap eat place In this locality. Price Is only $117 per acre, which la less than raw land is selling for. STRWA HP Mw TT-lTTr 315 N o rthwestern Bank bid e. ItiO ACRES near Portland, weil improved, fenced and cross-fenoed. good house, furnished; large dairy barn and dairy house; good hog houses and other out buildings; plenty of feed and all farm ing equipment; norses, cattle, hogs and chickens; plenty of good water; near a small town. Will sell personal property and rent farm, or will seU altogether U. 8. Howland, 2S7 East Morrison. NO PATMPXT DOWN TWELVE YEARS TO PAT NOV. 14. 1020. it you capital to develop 40 acres near oiockioh, ai. t ah rich, level, pro ductive loam, under canal; excellent for alfalfa, beans, trees and vines; 12 years w v j - PAUL, P.09SIER. STOCKTON. CXLt. 8t ACRES. 11 miles south from coni-t house; all can be cultivated; 20 acres unaer cultivation; z acres family or chard: good graveled road: creek; lti miles to high school. 5-room house, ga rage, barn, chicken house. 5 acres standing timber. This is close to elec trlo line. Price J0300. $2000 cash. Some equipment Included with- the place. John jverguson, jernnger bldg. 4 SO ACRES of best wheat land In southern Sin katchewan. 3 miles from rallwav And elevators. This property in first-class con- aitlon, luny equipped, includes 12 horses, house, stables, granaries, machinery. Teeo. ana seea suiucient until 1V-1 har Test. $45 per acre; a real bargain. OWNER, P. J. KANE, 218 P. I. bldg., Seattle. THE CROP OF NO FLUCTUATIONS. This nlace has nearlv lOO acres n)An did alfalfa under good water svstera: 256 acres in all. all in cultivation: fullv quipped with good buildings and fair house: will sell at a price that is right on easy terms, or traae tor city property or tew acres noma on river or near Port land. Address P. O. box 3T15. A CHOICE LITTLE FAR XL 55 acres rich land in Yamhill county, an extra good dairy farm; only H mile from tha liveliest town in the valley; a good house, a new modern dairy barn; 5 acres in orchard, 40 tons hay, etc. Price $-00 acre: ,b cash, bal.'easy terms. ALLISON BILLINGS, 401-2 Dekum bldg. FOR SALE BY OWNER. 40 acres on Columbia boulevard, near Sandy road; every foot In cultivation; best of soil; 8 blocks from car line; as the city of Portland grows this property Is bound to be valuable for residence or factory sights: all free of Incum brances. Price $40,000, terms 6 per cent. Phone R. 230. INTERURBAN FARM HOME. 85 acres, 6-room house, well on back porch, fair barn, chicken house, etc.. orchard, all fenced, woven wire fence, an ideal proposition for a poultry busi ness and dairy. Address John C. Eul berg. 1142 Missouri ave., Portland. Tele phone Woodlawn 4521. FARM IN POLK COUNTY. 300 acres near Independence, station st corner of land, all In cultivation ex cept 23 acres: all fine soil and lies fine; good buildings. Will sacrifice for $113 per acre, one-third down. LYrEDDEMANN COMPANY, t13 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE Excellent stock ranch, nicely located, plenty water and range; house, barns, orchard, stock, fully equipped. Address J- W. Carson. Uridgevllle. Cal. C ACRES. $2800, 4-roora house, barn, hen nery horse, harness, tools, well: near electric. McFarland, Falling bldg. Main 3072. 33-A. FARM. $13,000. near Portland; spring, fruit; 7-room house: sightly view; tools. McFarland. Falling bldg. Main 3H72. k irRK.I berry land. 4-room house. lvi clear, fenced. Wlllamlna 1 mile; $150 .ash. oal. easy. . n. j-narp, t3 3a mt LOGGED-OKF lands and small farms; run rtng water, good . soil, some with, Im-m.-vtnpnii. terms. J. R. Sham. SaUi Rt A BARGAIN 11 acres, close In. berrlen, orchard and buUdmgs, on paved road. roone caii ttv Si ALliL, section luuu un; roriiana stock yards 0 miles. IS. Lessard. St. BRA L ESTATB. For Sale -FftrnM. FOR SALE FARMS. Beautiful farm home of 10 acres with in the city limits of Eugene and on paved street; witnln walking distance of public school, high school and state university. TUis is a fine, large, beau tiful, well-built home, suitable for a re tired business man. Write us for par ticulars. 156 acres fine rolling land on highway north of Eugene: Oo acres under culti vation, balance In timber and pasture. Oood o-room plastered house and bath; barn, hog house, two chicken houses; family orchard; livestock, hay. farm 1m p:ements, etc. Price $14,000. terms. 120 acres black soil on good road. V, m ''e from highway between Corvallis and Eugene; 00 acres under cultivation, balance in. oak, ash and pasturo. Land Is fenced and drains well. There is a 6-room house In fair condition;, good barn and outbuildings. Pries $75 per acre. If you are Interested in Willamette valley (arm land between Salem and B-ugene. write us what you want and we will give you a list of properties which we have inspected. KINNEY & HYDE REALTY CO.. 021 Willamette St.. Eugene, Or. 220 ACRE'S 120 first-class river bottom loO cultivated, at station, on good road. 5 miles rrom Salem, 6-room bungalow, modern good outbuildings: price $123 per acre, $4 cash, balance at 8 per cent. 430 acres, 350 cultivated. 70 pasture. 30 timber, 10 in bearing Italian prunes, strict. y modern 8-room house with fur nace. 2 fireplaces, electric lights, electric power furnished direct from Portland, good water system; fine running water: aiso 1 mile of river front; best of barns, silos, equipped for dairy; close to good town. Price with stock and equipment. $'.)5,0O0. Without stock and equipment $JO,000. Very easy terms. 180 acres. 100 cultivated. 10 acres In prunes, 80 timber. DO acres sowed to fall grain; good house and barn, good well and springs, 7 miles from Salem, on rock road. Price $110 per acre Half cash in 8 years at 8 per cent. I. D. SOCOLOFSKY, SALKM. OR. FINE SOUTHERN PIANTATIOX for exchange for Income property In Portland, Or. Mississippi delta land con taining 2738 acres, looo in cultivation, numerous tenant houses and store build ing, 12 miles from Natchez. Price $00 an acre. Apply W. A. S. WHEELER, Katchez, Miss. BUT FROM THE OWNER. I have a large tract of irrigated lands situated In central Oregon, under the Ochoco project, which I am cutting into small holdings and am offering at very attractive prices and, on terms that can not help but appeal to tha man who wants a home. Small payment down and & years to meet the second, balance extended over a period of 20 years. This is an ideal alfalfa and vegetable dist., under one of the best irrigation projects in the state; soil a deep sandy loam; plenty of .water for domestic as well as irrigation purposes. Phone, write or call Sua N. W. Bank bldg. Main 4410. Ochoco Irrigated Lands Co. WALNUTS, berries, prunes and cherries; n oi my farm. 25 to BO acres. 1 miles from Springbrook, on the big- red car line, 24 miles from Portland, 2 miles from pavement; Just above frost line, overlooking Newberg and valley; no winter injury; about 11H A. prunes. lVk A. apples, 2 A. blackcaps, 1U A. straw berries. 13 cherry trees. 12 walnuts, grapes, 6 A. plowed land balance tim ber lot; 9-room plastered house, barn, other outbuildings: 3ti miles to New berg; will meet you at Springbrook any day but Sunday. W. Xi. Hull, Nsw-berg-. Phone 10A-62. THIS T3 POSITIVELJ ONE OF THE BEST FARMS I-N CA.NBI DISTRICT. Consists of 120 acres; lies on rood graveled road; 100 acres in high state of cultivation ;' 20 acres in scattering timber along creek; this is in excellent pasture; good 8-room house, 2 barns, all kinds of outbuildings, all In good condition; entire place is fenced, mostly with woven wire. Price is $1S0 per acre; good terms. This farm will stand closest inspection from every angle. 6TEWAKT & BUCK. 815 Northwestern Bank bldg. BETWEEN NEWBERG AND CARLTON. 63 acres, Chehalem valley, best of soil, 85 acres under cultivation, 10 acres prunes, 1 acre family orchard: 3 springs, 1 creek. 6-room bungalow. Barn 30x44; franary, workshop. With the place go Jersey cows, 2 heifers, chickens. 12 tons hay, seed for 1921 season, feed and machinery. Price $8000, $3800 cash. Fasy terms on balance at 7 per cent. Right on the main road and 14 mile, from school. Inspected by Nelson, with John Ferguson. Gerlinger bldg. YAMHILL. CO. farm, equipped; 104 acres, well located, five miles southeast of Mc Minnvllle; all rural conveniences; mile to school; 50 acres In cultivation, of which 35 acres Is rich river bottom land, rest No. 1 upland; balance of place tim ber and good pasture, orchard, berries; good G-room house, 2 barns, all out buildings. 4 horses, 6 cows, IS hogs, SO chickens, hay. grain, full line of ma chinery, small tools; acre potatoes, cow beets, 25 ricks of 18-ln. wood; price very low for a short time. Write R. A. LeKever. Dayton. Or. R. R. 1. box 58. WILL, TAKE SOME TRADE. Wonderful big farm of 450 acres on Willamette river; all rich, productive land; does not overflow; fine modern buildings, electric lights, etc. One of finest dairy and general purpose farms in the valley. Price $U0,000; will take some trade, balance 10 years, 6 per cent Interest. LUEDDEMANX COMPANY. 913 Chamber of Commerce. 120 ACRES, -west of McMinnvllle; 85 acres of crops; 75 acres can be cultivated; good soil, creek and spring, county road; 4-room house, barn, chicken house. Com plete line of machinery, all the hay. 12 milk cows, 1 bull, 6 head of young stock, harness and everything for $6500, $4000 cash. A rood stock and dairy ranch, lii miles to school. John Fer guson, Gerlinger bldg. 300 ACRES $03 ACRE In Yamhill county, deep rich soil; 200 .cres In cultivation. 150 more ready for plow ana ou in timoer; good nouse. barn, orchard, etc: a mile to school and V. mile to depot; a wonderful bargain at uj an acre; casn. uai. o per cent. ALLISON & BILLINGS, 4Q1- Deaum bldg. SMALL FIRM BARGAIN. 20 acres, 11 acres In cultivation, nicely fenced, family orchard, 2 good wells; good 6 -room house, 2 barns chicken liouae, garage. Electrlo station on place; 4 blocks to school, store and P. O. : 18 miles from Portland on main hitrhwav. $3100, easy terms. Lu O. Gerber. 715 pweuana umg. 20 ACHES, located 4 miles from TTMi- boro, on main rocked road, close to school ; every foot rood land : .nearly If V 151 . rllL luniii BUii. u?er J mill rnrrl of good standing; timber. Price $2400 small cash payment. Iand In this h- tlon Improved, sells from $300 per acre up. jonn r ergunon, uerimger bldg. xbu Anivr oi iajiu. bdoui u tide iand. wen imea, me oaiance first bench; an laeai uairy irm, situatea on estucca way, xiimiHooK io. ; pnee -:uu per acre S'000 down, the balance on time. M A Oige, R, 3, box H7, Sherwood, Or Rea, Stafford, Clackamas, Co. FOR SALE 105-A. Improved and equipped lariu, "aw u 'aivu, o miles to tnorn 11 mile south nf Stiiam t off paved road. Price $11,000, terms fnuuv ca.r ii, resi time io suit at 0 per cent No trade. George Feiokert. Jef- i arson, vr. - FOR SALE OR TRADE 100 -a pre alfalfa rancn. tmauna county, ur,; 80 acres alfalfa, rich bottom ground; 50 acres seeded to fall grain; all under water with n.ia-nr water rlaht. Fina ilair ... fliiO per acre; by owner. Telephone Main FOR SAL.13 By owner. Ideal datrv pflni, ) Btren. v.-.vwt-su, o-room house, barn. chlcKen house, etc. locaiH tt from Vancouver, 2 ml. south of Orchard station; price $5000. Joseph Morrow Vancouver, Vh. Route 4. puiiuidkh. " tc?riia ana can nan d I Interstate Land Co.. 248 Stark su Main "TWENTY ACRES AND PLEN'TT" IB 1W U va Vua a DOOK aDOUt Florida. It tells tha truth. Monthly pay ment, eay .terms. Sylvester E. Wilson. nA n till.". Orlnndn M B0 acres, sand loam, land level, all under cultivation; house and barn: reads; near paved highway. Inquire glty l li ctri . c"B' " c m eon Did JT. 84-ACRK lease. 45 plowed land, rest fine nAHture. creek through t. hp t. feed and lmplementa, will sell aa or IvUci uaica v.ic, vi . 70 ACRES at Seal Rock. mi from ocean: email uuuse; -ooa rencesi rood flowing spring; about 25 acres cleared This Is a bargain, 1600. Auto 622-08. value. Main 1180. 10 ACRES on main Una R. .R. ahnm en acres level. Will trade, for anything of REAL ESTATE. For Suie Farms. WELL, LOCATED FARM. Of 242 acres dark loam soil, all till able 135 acres under cultivation, S5 acres in clover, 20 acres good timber, balance ure; 1' springs, 2 wells, all fenced; lj-room house, electric lighted, all neccs:a.ry outbuildings, family or chard, located K mile from Lonaid on highway to Aurora. This farm Is one of the best In this section aud is & bargain at (1-10 per acre. Half cash, baiai.ee ti per cent. Personally in spected. - IL.KAL. FRUIT AND CHICKEN RANCH. 60 -acres 1 mile from Butteville, 24 miles from Donald, on good graveled road. Ten acres in cultivation, IA acres more (once farm) can bs easily plowed, about bo acres waste land, about 10 acres river bottom land. This ranch haa one of the best building sites In this valley and is a bargain at ?50 per acre. I1U0O cash, balance 6 per cent. TEN ACRES. ' Good 5-room house, barn, 2 wells, 6 acres high state of cultivation, balance wire fenced and cross-lenced; IVt miles! from Donald. Price f23v0, SiM) casn, balance tt per cent. A REAL, BARGAIN. 214 acres rine soil, -5-mlnute walk to electric station. Good five-room house, wood house, chicken and hog houee. Price IIUUU, flUVU cash, balance 7 per cent. ALBERT HARALA TU3Vi Missibsippi Ave. FINE DATRT RANCH. This choice bl-a.cn farm is only about an hour's ride from Port- -land, in fine farming district and near store and school; more than one-half In cultivation: Sue soil, running water, good .orchard, line vineyard, private water and llgbt systems, extra good house ana barn with many conveniences and necessary outbuildings. Extra well stocked and equipped, including farming tools and imple ments, team, about 15 milch cows and a number of them fresh; 6 hogs, fine lot of hay and grain In barn, fall wbeat seeded and place and stock In good condition and making money. Can make price and terms very attractive. Sea pictures. SAMUEL DOAK, 1202 Northwestern Bank Bldg. ONE SNAP FARM BUT. 97 -acres with 85 acres of best black soil In cultivation. 6-room house, elec tric lights, old barn, etc., located on macadam road. 24 miles from Tualatin or Sherwood. mile to Oregon Electric station. 15 miles from Portland; family orchard. This Is absolutely the lowest priced farm in this district. Price 10700, $1000 cash and good terms on the bal ance. Let us show you this place. TUALATIN VALLEY. 135 acres, all in high state of cultiva tion, fenced and cross-fenced, 5 acres as sorted orchard; house of 7-rm. and bath, water system with water piped to blags., good hothouse, granary, onion house. 2 barns. garage, etc.; Included are 3 horses, 4 cows, 1 bull. 2 calves, pigs, chickens and complete set of farming Im plements; place borders on Tualatin river, is on macadam road, 14 miles from Port land. Total price $35,000, $15,000 cash, terms on the balance. Let us show. you this farm. FRED W. GERMAN CO. 732 Chamber of Commerce. FARM HOME, CITY CONVENIENCES. A place with all the comforts of city such as sewer, electric lights, city water, paved streets; only 5 blocks from depot, good 8-room house, bath and toilet, barn, ma chinery shed, granary and ware house, 2-room cement floor milk house, silo, Fordson tractor, plows, harrow, team, d cows, hay and straw, place nearly all seeded, 115 acres in all with about half under plow; the value is on this place, only $l!O0 per acre. Including everything. F. L. EDDY, HITTER, LOWH & CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trad Bias. STOCK iiiiN APii? GENERAL FARMERS, ATTENTION! 000 acres, pronounced by O. A. C. authorities to be one of the very best general purpose farms In this state; on railroad. In very productive district; lOO miles from Portland: good Improvements; surrounded by lu.000 acres free open outrange, producing Abundant green feed throughout the year. Non-resident owner (young wom an) finds it inconvenient to properly handle, hence will sacrifice for $ou,000, the price to Include stock, equipment and feed. Good terms granted or de sirable exchange considered. Address OTIS C. BECK, 525 HENRY BLDG. 330 ACRES, 210 in cult., S a. young or- ohard. To llmDer, loo sown to wneat. A springs, 5-room house, fair condition, old barn, 40x00 granary and mach. shed, silo filled, there are three 20-acre fields, one 80-acre field and remainder of cul tivated! land lies in one field. Personal property: 7 horses, 15 cows, bull, 3 calves, 12 shoata, some small pigs, threshing machine and farm implements with plenty of feed and seed; price $35, 000, can give terms. W. E. WHITE A CO.. Newberg, Oregon 22 ACUKS, ALL -EQUIPPED, FOR $2300. UOOD 4-KUUJt HUUSE, Abb FURNISHED. - Barn, tool shed, hog and chicken houses, 2 cows, horse, buggy, harness, plows, all small tools, 20 chickens, hay for winter, 1 acre potatoes, winter gar den, small orchard and berries; 4 acres in cultivation, bal. in big fir and cedar timber; all good soil: 14 miles to Rlugefleld, Wash. $2000 cash, balance terms. STEWART & BUCK. 815 Northwestern Bank Bids;. FARMERS. INVESTORS. SPECULATORS, ATTENTION. 91 H acres choice, level land; 45 a. In cultivation, balance pasture and timber; two sets of dwellings and outbuildings; operated now as dairy, with luo cows: 13 miles Portland, at ry. station; paved road; price $20,000, $5000 cash: would take in house $40O0, -balance mortgage 6 per cent. This place has a future and is cheap at the price. R. M UATEWUOP & CO.. 1056 4th st. 20-ACRE southern Oregon ranch forY sale. mile tltjr llluiLa. line iwiii duli. u alfalfa, 12 in grain, balance woodland pasture and orchard; 2 wells, spring and creek through place; water piped to house and barn; 5-room-Jiouse with all ,. modern conveniences, including sleeping porcn and Data; targe Darn, granary. Implement shed, garage, tool house, 2 chicken houses and other buildings. Fine dairy or chicken ranch. $20uo cash, balance good terms. Owner, Frank Beswlck, Ashland, Or. R. R. Box 176. CANBV BARGAIN. 20 acres. 1 mile from Canby. part In cultivation; good 5-room bungalow, large new barn,, chicken house and other buildings. 2 good wells, fenced and cross fenced. Personal: 2 horses. 2 good cows, 1 heifer, 3 hogs, 50 chickens, harness, buggy, plow, cultivator and small tools, 4 tons of hay; priced for 10 days at $4500, $1500 cash. HESOAHu. COB A. McKENNA & CO., 82 Fourth St. 145 ACRES, 2 MILES FROM MONMOUTH. 2 acres of oak timber, balance under cultivation, good 6-room house, large barn, garage and all necessary outbuild ings, water piped' to house, family or chard and berries, woven wire fences. 50 acres in fall crop. This Is the best buy in the valley; price $14,500. Terms. WILLAMETTE VALLEY- LAND CO.. 203 First Nafl Bank Bldg ALBANY, OR. IRRIGATED LAND. 40 acres, located 4 miles northeast of Bend, Or. Paid up perpetual water right for 23 acres; 35 acres can be irri gated and cultivated. Good county road by the place; mile to school. A nice, level 40. well located. Small house on place. Price $1200, $500 cash. No trades. Personally inspected. John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. FARM NEAR PORTLAND. 43 acres within 10 miles of Portland, Beaverton district, all finesr land, well drained .and lies ideal for farming; all in cultivation except smalt wood lot; good buildings and fences; lots of fruit, berries, etc; on fine road close to school; will Include stock and equipment for op erating. Price $15,000. easy terms. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, 013 Chamber of Commerce. 30 ACRES, 2 a. blackcaps. 4 a. 1 and 2-year-old prunes, red and' black rasp berries, 4hi a. apples and walnuts. 4 strawberries. 3 a. corn, good barn. 5 room plastered house, bath and sink, ga rage, 2 wells: price $10,000; mortgage of $500O to run 5 years at 8 per cent. W. E. WHITE & CO.. Newberg, Oregon. $300 WILL HANDLE. 40 acres of logged-off land between Portland' and Astoria, deep, rich soil, no brush, good roads, schools, churches, store and postofflce; price $30 per acre on easy terms. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 683 N. W. Bank bldg Main 8787. NEAR San Antonio, Texas, 167 acres, CO in cultivation: all level, tillable iand; dwelling, barns. Implements, stock, etc.; on railroad; good water, healthy climate, local location for dairy, poultry, truck might interest physicians; no exchanger $00 per acre. Owner, D 118. Oregonian. 5-ACRE apple orchard for sale. iIalD61ii REAL E8TATK. For Sale Farm. , THIS SPLENDID 131-ACRE RANCH. 13 MILES FROM COURTHOUSE, WITH tlO.OOO MODERN HOUSE. Every foot rich deep soil, no rock, 125 acres In cultivation, fenced with woven wire, fine stream throuerh ranch, spring, well and water-pressure system for house and barn; family orchard, new 8-room modern house, hard wood floors, bath and 2 toilets, hot and cold water, electric lights, pipelesa furnace. full cement - basement; big barn, silo, garage, machine sheds. chicken house, hoghouse; in fact, the best and most complete ranch around Port land on hard road; price $30,000, will sell registered high-grade cows, hogs and equipment if de sired; reasonable terms. See Sam Hewey at J. L. HAKTMAN COM PANY, No. 8 Chamber of Com merce bldg. CLOSING ESTATE. " 2 BEST FARMS NEAR PORTLAND. 1. 00 acres. 8 miles out. towards NeW--berg, on hard surface and macadam: all cultivation but 3 acres: good build ings. A wonderful piece of land and a big producer. Now supporting 40 head dairy cows. $15,000, terms. 2. 60 acres, 1 mile east of Vancouver: mostly genuine Columbia river . bottom land in cultivation: on railroad, river and hard road; right In town; for less than $300 per acre. When uncleared, brush land Just above this sells as high as $500 and $000 per acre. Price $20,000. Both ranches have few acres fruit. The estate, long owning these, must turn off at once. Land to equal this is rarely for sale. You can be looking over either place in 30 minutes. W. E. WHITESIDE, with R. T. STREET, REALTOR. Office 600 E. Broadway. East 894. Res.. East 42S0. P. S. We have a snap in a well Im proved 40. a few miles west of Port land, at $0000. A THOROUGH FARM. HERE IS A BARGAIN FOR YOU. 39 acres near Woodland, wash.; is acres cleared, 6 acres in fine clover, an. exceptionally fine family orchard. In full bearing; SfTlrees of English walnuts Just coming Into bearing and 8 chestnut trees In full bearing: buildings consist or 7 room double constructed house newly papered and painted, in best of condi tion: hot and cold water, bath; two chicken houses, 2 hog houres and other outbuildinrs: 2 springs and creek, with water piped to house from sDrlng. with the place goes 3 cows, 2 heifers, 3 horses. 2 pigs, 40 chickens. 50 boxes of sppies and a quantity of extra fine potatoes, plentv of hay and a long line of farm Implements. Just think, all this goes for $3500 and $2500 will handle. Must be sold at onea. . JOHN E. HOWARD. 813 Cham, of Com. FTNE CLOSE-IN 30 ACRES. Located on good road. In fine district, onlv about SO minutes ride from Portland: all but some thing like 5 or 6 acres In cultiva tion and now seeded to clover: lasting runnins water and good soil: would make fine country home, good close-in dairy or loean berrv proposition. Here Is some thing extra good ana am prepared to offer nt a real bargain and will give terms. . SAMUEL DOAK. 1202 Northwestern Bank BWs. BEST MONEY-MAKING PROPOSITION ON COAST. 160 acres. 33 acres ""3'"!! and estimated to contain 50OO cor rts of wood; located only 11 mils from Port ' land: the biggest part of the road U paved and balance rocked. An n paralleled opportunity to make money at frevalllpe- high fuel prices and Is an Meal truck and trailer proposition. The price Is lowest of the low. only $10,000 for the -whole tract: the soil Is Al: worth yonr while to look Into this proposition; can arrange good terms of payments. K. A. LTNDGREN. Pavon Land Co.. 835 N. W. Bank Mdg. 190 ACRES. MOLALLA DISTRICT. 10 acres, located southeast of Ores-on City on W. V. R R 85 acres under plow. 1IH fruit trees, apples, prunes, plums, cherries.- few berries, good 7-ronm house, all personal property aid stock Included at price of only $10,500, $6r.00 cash. F. L. ETrDY, RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. IfiO ACRES 110 cleared, some timber and some slashed, level land, fair W. of four rooms, good barn. silo, chicken house, hog house, wagon shed, good well with gasoline pump, personal property. Mitchell wagon, new hack. Interest in 4-horse seeder, brood sow. 4 cows. 5 , horses and harres. slip Bcrnper, spring 1 tooth harrow. 16-foot tooth barrow, corn planter, 2 cult., iron wheel wagon, cart, mower, rake, riding plow, new chilled . i ninar mimnins engine and jsck.' 1-3 Interest in 6-hOrse. eng. and cutter, ueiavai " V feed grinder. Price 4.0OO. Terms. W. E. WHITE & CO.. Newberg. Oregon. - SPLENDTD 29 ACRES 14 MILKS OTTT. Just 14 miles out, in Washington countv; good hard road all the way; milk "and mall routes right bv the door; all in cultivation; perfect lying land. 4 "oom old house, splendid barn, on con crete blocks: outbuildings, orchard. Per sonal: 4 splendid Holstein cows, 2 heif er calves, team, narmts. ""cri" chickens, mower and ralte, disc, har row. p"ow. cultivator, about 20 tons t hav some oats: all goes for $6300. v Sash. baT.V4 years at Int Must be sold today. Albert Jfarala. 793, Mls slsslppl ave. Phone Woodlawn 1201. r' . n tn nxr-o 1 (-n T.- -j ,1 1 1 nr..-, ' i i. .......... 200 acres under cultivation, balance open pasture with some good oak tim ber, old set of farm bu.lrtlns. well at the house and barn, also plentv of water in the pasture, as the place borders on the Callapooia river: woven wire fnces. family orchard: this place is located on the new Pacific highway. 2 mjles north of Shedd. Or. You can't beat this for WIL?Km,VALT.ET T AND CO.. 203 First Nafl Bank Bldg.. MR HOMESEEKER. this means TOTX Th hft buy in the Kennewlck valley today; ST ac?.s:28 acres In a.fal.fa. 214 acres strawberries, 1 V4 acres grapes. H nrr In asparagus: family orchard; also SM Ttalisnrunrs'ln full bearing. Plenty machlnerr to run. place: horses: hens Good well, 6 H. P. auxiliary pumping outfit. 4-room house, barn; shod tres. flowers. A fine home $17,000. $5000 cash, balance terms to ' '""SQUARE DEAL REALTY CO.. Richland. Wash. 82 acres located south of Portlanr--1 mile? 1 mil from electrlo station. All can be cultivated: 5 acres of beaver dam land, of which 4 acres are under cultivation: M acre In strawberries: 12 fruit trees. Fine creek. New H-room house, barn, chicken house 24x00. 2 brooder houses. With the r0,? work team. 1 cow. 0 chickens line of JneVhlneVand bout 4000 "hbages Pome e'snfl!rg timber. Price $4500 for 'ell cash: nno on -terms. John Fer- (ruson, Gerlinger Ding. - " . . - W M I". - I rviv.-vii. 1276 seres 1100 acres In cultivation, balance bunch grass: good comfortahle . . . . . . n vtmrt. fnllv aiilnned: DUl.niT.gB ... -'--. tpactnr : point. 12 miles Arlington, i.mium y-o fir Price 0 per acre. $51,040. Rented to Oct , to oct, ,inn ,--. R. M OATEWbOD&CO..105V4 4th St. wot RATPl-'-Cows and dairy eoulpment. hav and feed, hors-s. Implements and lease ?n 80 acre-: 23 acres in cultiva tion, balance pasture: house and other bulldlnrs: orchard. Call or write No. 813 Alberta St.. Portland, Monday. NEAR "Oregon City hard road, near car. spring fine soil: adjoining land $300 per acre A bargain at $175 n acr. t-rms After Sunday. Tabor 3S70. 202 Floral avenue. . CoGOPD-OFT" land. $30 an acre: we are building roads and -making other Im provements: yon can work out first pay ment. Call at once. Johnson-Dodson o n- TO- Ttank hid IT i;o . p.w ... , 80-ACRE farm, good house, barn, orchard, outbuildings, soring creek, timber; near c-hool river dork, stores and sawmill. IT.!?? ' sr.nn. Main 3072. McFarlanrt. 2Q8 Falling bldg. . ALFALA Choice alfalfa land under new government proiect, low altitude, abund ant water, large vlelds. terms. Geo. TToward. Ill N. W. Bank bid. Tabor 7R84. . . CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES near Portland. $50 tj $O0 per acre, easy terms, best soil: farms for sale, all sizes. McFarland. 203 Falling bldg. 320 ACRES ot wneat lana, nei land, near t.,rin.i.n Or. Building, well, farm Implements and some stock. n.asi Dijii. IS 156, Ore gon tan. ' EXTRA fine farm, 10 A., all cult.; 7-room nouse; trail, iicnuci j, "ui, wen; f'.IHMJ, Ores ham. McFarland, Falling bldg. Main SVI4, REAL ESTATE.. -Farms. BIG AUCTTON SALE OF COLUMBIA COUNTY LANDS AT 8 P. M. Saturday, November 27, In front of the RUTHERFORD REALTY COMPANY office, opposite the ' COURTHOUSE at ST. HELENS. OREGON. The land In this sale Is " that owned by the Dolman estate, be longing to non-resident heirs, who are anxious to dispose of these holdings. Land briefly described as ' follows: , 160 acres good timber land near Mist. Land lies well and is wa tered by a trout stream. 225 acres near Trenholm. This Is cut-over land and lies well and is well watered. 330 acres, containing the fa mous Bunker Hill spring. This land will be subdivided Into tracts to suit and sold for 4 cash, balance 4 years at 6 per cent. It goes to the highest bidder. Fur ther description will be furnished by " RUTHERFORD REALT? CO., St. Helens, Oregon. TOO-ACRE STOCKED DAIRY RANCH. With 2 sets of excellent farm build ings. 500 acres in meadow, trout stream through place, 46 excellent dairy cows, horses, wagons, farm machinery of all kinds and description needed to run a place of this size from a tractor down to the smallest garden tools lncluding'milk Ing machine and gas engine. This place lies almost level. 10 miles from Van couver on good auto road and in heart of best farming district of Clarke county and will have to be seen to be ap preciated. We are unable to give you full description of farm on paper. Price $75,000. Terms. EXCELLENT FRUIT AND DAIRY RANCH. 10 acres, 8 miles from Vancouver. 9 acres in cultivation, no rock nor gravel, 8 acres of commercial orchard, consist ing of peaches, pears, apples, piums. prunes, grapes, walnuts, filberts. Good 5-room house, good barn and other out buildings. Price $4750. Terms. We have farms stocked and equipped from the smallest to the largest and can sell you a place to suit you on your own terms. COLUMBIA INVESTMENT CO.. 407 Main St. Vancouver. Wash. 80 ACRES. STOCKED AND EQUIPPED, 35 MILES OUT FOR $5000. This Is a good farm, 40 miles out. 2 miles from R. R town; 8 acres. 30 are cleared: $1500 worth. of good wood: good 6-room house, good large barn, chicken house, workshop, fruit house, 150 bearing trees, also lots of berries and grapes; water piped from 'spring; 3 horses. 2 cows, 2 calves. 70 chickens. 15 tons hay. wagon, harness, plow, harrow, disc, rake, cultivator. Price $5000. 3."00 down. HARGROVE REALTY CO., 122 North 6th st. Broadway 438L PtTGET ISLAND. A small farm located on Puget Island down the Columbia river; the soil -Is unsurpassed for rich ness, as it is diked land, all under cultivation, berries of all kinds, family orchard; 1V4 -story, 4 rooms and pantry, barn, chicken house, 2 cows. 2 heifers, horse, chickens, farming implements everything goes at only $370O, $2200 cash. F. L. EDDY. RITTER, LOWE & CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg;. OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS. 11 The above remark is addressed to the man who Is looking for a genuine bar gain in a farm. Now listen: this farm is located 3 hiiles north of Newberg and contains 476 14 acres. Good house, 'barn, machine shed, granary, hog house, chick en house and other outbuildings; good well, also spring. 155 acres in cultiva tion: 100 acres open pasture, balance of land in timber; estimated to be 15.000 cords of wood: good soil. Would make an ideal dairy ranch. Adjoining land is priced at from $100 to $2."0 per acre. I am offering this ranch at the extreme low price of $40 per acre. GIBSON. 208 STARK. MARSHALL 12. STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. LOCATED IN CLARKE CO. 700 acres, 450 acres under plow, most ly all level, stream through farm; 9-room modern bungalow, 2 years old; barn for 100 head of stock: a 0-room old house, outbuildings, 40 milch cows, 2 reg. bulls, 10 calves, 150 tons hay, 1000 bushels oats, 10 tons cheat seed, complete farm ing outfit, from a tractor down to a shovel; one large Hood milking machine. Will sell with stock and equipment, $80,000, good terms. J. B. ROCK CO., 403 Couch Building. WHEAT RANCH. 200 acres, 130 acres cultivated, 60 a. in wheat- balance pasture; all fenced and crosa-f enced. Good 5-room bunga low, nicely furnished with all provisions In for winter; fine barn, granary, also 2 portable granaries, gas engine and tank, 150t-gal.' capacity: other outbuildings; also 4th interest in heading and thresh ing outfit, 7 tons hay. 100 bu. wheat, 4 horses. 1 colt. 1 calf, brood sow, 17 hogs, 30 chickens. All farm machinery and 5 pass. Ford car. There la also 4 -section adjoining leased. All for $13,500. Terms. C. W. Millershlp. Alder hotel. Main 5275. 106 ACRES, ALL UNDER CULTIVATION. Good 5-room bungalow with basement and bath. 4arge barn and all necessary outbuildings,- well at the house and barn, family orchard, woven wire fences, located 5 miles east of Albany, on good graveled road, m miles to school. See this before you buy. Price $12,700. Terms. WILLAMETTE VALLEY LAND CO.. 203 First. Nat'i Bank Bldg.. ALBANY, OR. PRUNE AND BERRY FARM. 20 ACRES-EQUIPPED $4800. Has Just the right elevation for suc cessful orchard; 1 Vt miles to town: 0 acres In prunes, 7 years old; 14 acres strawberries: good family orchard; 11 acres cleared land to be planted; acre wood lot: team, tools and other stock Included and plenty of feed; 4 room house, barn, spring on place, all for $48lM. D. McChesney. 3044 Oak. St. Broadway 2CJ. ' 80 ACRES. 3 miles from Sherwood on good road: 75 acres can ne cuitivatea; 50 acres under cultivation; some timber. Good 6-room house, barn 20x45 feet, 2 chicken houses, other buildings; best of soil ; family orchard: lots of rasp berries. Spring' and live creek. Price tl25 per acre, $2400 cash, balance for years at 6 per cent. A real bargain and one that should sell for more money John Ferguson. Gerlinger bldg. IMPROVED FARMS. Located in Butte valley, Siskiyou county, California, within one to 11 miles of S. P. rallrovd stations. Land ex tremely fe.tile and splendidly adapted to dairylnn and general stock raising. Farms offered contain from 80 to 500 acres. Price $40 to $80 per acre. Write, giving genera' idea of farm you wish. Full fntfirniai.c-n will then be furnished. H. M MtLONALD. Weed, Cal. STOCKED AND EQUIPPED." 40 acres extra choice level land, all in cultivation, running water. 7-room house, modern plumbing, barn, large chicken house, all tn good repair: 4 good cows, horsey 200 chickens, tools, etc : 18 miles Portland, good roads; Washington Co. Price $13,000, good terms can be made. - This is choice property. R. M. GATEWOOD $ CO.. 165M 4th St. Income-producing" farms at GRESHAM. THE BEST FARMING SECTION IN OREGON. On the paved highway, close to Port land. Some good bargains in stocked and equipped farms, suburban homes, chicken ranches and berry lands. KRIDF.R & ELKINGTON. Gresham, Or. 17 ACRES BE AVE RD AM LAND. 7 miles from center of Portland, on paved highway and at electric k.atlon. Afl in high state of cultivation; complete set of good buildings. This is one of the finest piaces in the state ot Oregon and one crop will nearly pay for it; reason able terms given. B. F. KELLY. 715 SWETLAND BLDG. 1148 ACRES. STOCKED. Oood 8-room house and outbulTdlngn, hear school and church, some good tim ber. This place is priced low for quick sale. You can start In to make money at once. Price f&3 per acre, terms. Set Mr Barber at 403 Couch building. J. B. ROCK CO. FARMS AND ACREAGE. Our farm department will probably get you results. A. GORDOX ROSS, INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. Broadway 4751. 410 Henry Bldg. 10 ACRES, $2000: half cleared: house; timber; terms. McFarland, Failing bldg. ' Main 3072. REAL ESTATE. For Pale Farms. GOOD FARMS WORTH MORS. 20 acres, all the very best of deep loam soil, no rock or gravel, all level, all well fenoed and cross-fenced, 15 acres In cultiva tion, 1 acre of green timber and balance is pasture and practically cleared, good assorted orchard; ex ceptionally good 7-rm. house: good large barn, hog house, chicken house and other outbuildings; the personal property consists of a team, harness, 2 buggies. 2 plows, 2 cultivators, 2 good cows, calf, 9 tons hay and all small tools. This place is only 3 miles from Vancouver near school and car line and Is a great bargain at $5000. $2750 casl". 80 ACRES EQUIPPED. About 20 acres In cultivation, which is genuine beaverdam. balance pasture and easily cleared: good house, good barn, well, hog house, chicken house and other outbuildings. Personal property consists of 4 fine cows. 1 yearling heifer and 3 young heifers. 5 hogs, chickens, 5 acres potatoes, mower, rake, disc plow, culti vator, good team, wagon, harness, cream separator, 10 tons hay and all small tools, lccated a short distance from small town. 11 miles from Vancouver. Price if sold soon $5300. Good terms. 80 ACRES EQUIPPED. 80 acres in cultivation, which Is genuine beaverdam. some timber balance paatureNind not hard to clear; good 6-room bungalow, very fine new Lowden barn, silo, hog house, chicken house, dairy house and all outbuildings, very fine heavy team, 0 hogs, 9 good dairy cows, 30 or 40 tons of hay. a lot of grain, wagon, harness and all kinds of farm tools and lmple menta necessary to run the place. The personal property and im provements are alone worth more than the price asked for the en tire place. Located near a good small town. 1$ miles from Van couver. Price $10,000, good terms. THE R. S. THOMPSON CO., 410 Washington St.. Vancouver. Wash. WHITE MAN'S LAND. 93 acres. Irrigated, 8 miles Redding: 12 acres bearing orchard, peaches, figs. cots, etc., grapes, strawberries; good nouse, rurnisned, shrubbery, shade, flowers,- barn, outbuildings, nettine- fence. running water. 50 hens. team, waeons. harness, all farm implements, tools, fruit trays, etc. r"rice only $4uuu, terms. Aged owners lived here 80 years. Widow's sacrifice, on Pacific highway and river, 1 mile citv, 100 acres rich 2-crop bottom land in cultivation, 90 acres Irrigated, 30 acres alfalfa (6 cut tings per year), orchard, vineyard, fine o-room modern house, hot water, bath Phone, electric llerhta. Rhruhherv. flowers. large dairy barn, full of alfalfa, good outbuildings, modern electrically operated dairy equipment, 24 dairy cows, $5o0 bull. 4 horses, 30 hogs, all farm ma chinery, tools. Ford, etc. High-priced market milk sold at ranch: big income. Everything goes, price $25,000. $6000 cash, terms or half of income. Come to 8hasta county, where grow tropical ii-uns in piain view or snow-cappea mountains, elevation 400 to 10.000 feet. where the sun shines. Good level, im proved. Irrigated land (raises garden truck, oranges, olives, etc.), $50 per acre, range land $3 per acre. Seeing is believing. Why starve on high-priced land, where only agents get fat? Glenn x-ettay, ixna fine st., wedding, cal. 80 ACRES 60 ACRES IN CULTIVATION. 20 acres good pasture. 10 acres slashed; fine family orchard, good .house and barn and other out buildings: good well with wind mill; water piped to house: all fenced and cross-fenced in fields of convenient size; near Ridge field. Price $10,000; crop and ma chinery can be bought, all or part. 27.8 ACRES. 24 ACRES IN CULTIVATION. Fine 6-room modern house. Del co electrlo light, water system; 2 barns; 12 acres In prunes (8 and 1-year-old); good chicken house, 40' chickens. 1 cow and 1 horse; hay in barn, some farm imple ments and tools. A. bargain at $12,000; one-half cash. balance payments; near Vancouver. Wash. ATKINSON & PORTER. 112 W. Sixth St.. Vancouver. Wash. DON'T OVERLOOK TWITS: niRniivQ A little farm in town, choice logan berry land: no trade, some terms. $3200. A choice 160-acre Alberta farm to trade for valley farm: might assume. A choice 100-acre farm near a good Duiiuui town, tine son, modern buildings house would cost S4non tn h..i fine round barn for 22 h end nt afnfU- 64 acres in cultivation, balance pasture and timber; over $1500 In equipment, including fine team of mares, a Jersey ivw, eow. Harness, wagons, saw, har rows, plows, disc, mower, binder, reaper, small tools, eta. Woven wire fences, family orchard, eras ene-lnn nnd won best bargain in the country; 150 per INDEPENDENCE REALTY CO.. Independence, Or. Box 93. 22 ACRRP STOCK AND EQUIPMENT. AIT In cultivation except 1 acre good timber "land: land lies fin rrir .n place, good 6-room house, barn, gran ary, cnicaen nouses, other buildings; spring water piped to house and barn: team. 6 milk cows, JVO chickens. 20 or more ions or nay, -z'Z sacks seed grain, crop of carrots, corn, nntiitnoi otr n i all necessary farm tools and Implements go with place; H-mile from school; im mediate possession. Price I7(KK): terms $r,000 cash, balance mortgage, or will consider improred acre close in aa part LITE DDR MA XNT COMPANY. 913 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. 130 ACRES, $18,000. STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. 100 acres, with 100 acres bottom land and level, 60 acres under plow, SO acres timber, berries, family orchard, deep black soil, 5 room plastered house, barn 40xftO with granary built in, cows, horses, chicken?, implements, etc.; all go at only .flS.OOO. $8000 cash. F. L. EDDY. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. CHOICE 40 FULLY EQUIPPED. WASHINGTON COUNTY. "Where the big crops grow; you may look the entire valley over for a better lying 40 acres or richer soil; It's not to be had. 38 acres in cultivation; 2-acre wood lot with running water; 10 acres line itana orciover; good it-room house, tile milk house, fine large barn and silo; 3 horses, 7 cows, 5 hogs, 100 chickens, drill, mower, rake, plows, warona etc. 25 tons hay. lot of ensilage. 350 bushels grain, kale and potatoes; everything for $10,500. On rock road xschon and store H-miie. u. oicjnesney, 304 H Oak st. ijroauway sod, 80 ACRES IN THE HEART OF THE t'LUVKK KELT. All nnder cultivation, strietlv modern ft-room bungalow, new barn and chicken house, good' well at the house, famiiv or chard and berries, woven wire fences, 40 acres weeded to clover, located 1 miles of R. R. station south of Albany, on good graveled road : this is a dandy little larm. trice inz-ou. rerm. WILLAMETTE VALLEY LAND CO.. 243 Firm Nafl Bank Bldg.. ALBANY. OR. 80 ACRES, located west of Cantrall Wash. All can be cultivated; SO acres unaer cultivation, oaiance in pasture and timber. Oood strong spring. Graveled road by the place. Best of Mack loam snil; 6 acres bearing orchard in fine shape, l mile to school. 8-room house, barn, fruit house, woodshed : well or back porch. Price $3700. $1175 cash. balance at 6 per cent. Installment mortgage. John Ferguson, Gerlinger 43 ACRES. STOCKED AND EQUIPPED 6 miles of HHIsboro. on rocked ronfl 2S acres In cultivation, balance pasture ana umoer; several acres Deavernam; ft room house, large barn: other out buildings; family orchard; 1 team. 5 cows, ft hogs, chickens, etc.; farm Im plements and machinery; all goes for $0000. $4Q00 cash, or will take home in city to .i.imu una some casn. R. M GATEWOOD & CO.. 105 4th St. DAIRY FARM. x S'.'O ACRES. Stocked and equipped. In the famous Tillamook dairy country; good house and buildings, milch cows, hogs,2H miles from cheese factory, stores. Will take some trade, cash and good terms on balance; $14,500. See Mr. Barber. 403 Coucn DUiiam. J. B. ROCK CO. UMATILLA COUNTY ALFALFA RANCH. ICO acres, a bargalnt price $125 per acre; 80 acres in alfalfa, volcanic ash soli, gooa location, gooa wen, fair build ings. Address box 584, HerroUton. Or. 600 ACRES logged-off land, near good town ana Loiumoia river; line son, run' ning water, fine for stock or berries price fii per acre, easy terms, aj 14 Oregonian. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Farmn, BENTOV COUNTY. WILLAM t ETTE VALLEY. FARMS ARE NEAR OREGON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. 185 ACRES THE BEST BUY IN BENTON COUNTY. This Is fine second-bottom farm, located on good road; all Hps fins and about 1 "0 acres In cultivation, with the balance In pasture. There are no hills or white land. See the fine grain, clover and potato land .and wonderful garden growing on the place. This land will raise any crop adapted to the valley; has all kinds of family fruit and several acres English walnuts. The place is well fenced and cross-fenced with woven wire; also corrals for stock. Good, large dairy barn, larg'e horse barn, granary, black smith shop, double garage, ma chine shed 20x70, new hen house 20xo0. several smaller hrn houses; hog house, scales, 10-room farm house, water tower and closed tank ; well, gas engine, light and water systems. Builrtirjrs are not at all fancy, but are good, sub stantial buildings and handily ar ranged. The place is priced very low at $100 per acre, and we can E ive reasonable terms. You can't beat this farm anywhere in the valley for the price. Don't fall to see it. 160 ACRES ADJOTNTNG THE ABOVE FARM. This fine piece of land Is prac tically all cultivated, has no waste land, but Is all of the best qual ity; lies fine, is well fenced, raises clover, wheat, oats, corn and other crops; has fine new barn, silo, machine ahed. well, but no houpe. This is a real bargain for $100 per acre. 39 ACRES OF RIVER BOTTOM. Dandy small farm, located only mile from electric station and less than that from Bchool; has 4 acres of fine upland, where the buildings are located, and about 14 acres of bottom land in cultiva tion, the balance of the bottom being in pasture and some scatter ing timber. This la the real sandy loam bottom soil; has a good crop of spuds and corn growing on the p'ace now, which speaks for itself. House is old but neat, fine barn, usual outbuildings. 2-acre orchard, county road in front of the plae. Thin place has real value and in cludes the spuds and corn, hay, etc. All for $3000, with very good terms. BENTON COUNTY STOCK RANCH. 750 acrea, located about IS miles from Corvallis and 3 miles from the railroad station ; has county road through the place; there are about 150 acres of farm land lying in one body, which Is all cultivated, and fenced Into different fields; there are about 400 acres of open hill pasture and 2t)0 acres timber pasture; timber will cruise about 3.000.000 feet or more. Place ts nearly all fenced, in good condi tion; has nice creek, which never fails; also many springs in the pastures. The house is rather poor; has 4 rooms; good-sfzed stock barn and some outbuildings. The place has and will pay better on the in- est men t than nine out of ten places being offered for sale. You can have the advantage of the l."0 acres for farming and a lot of pas ture for your stock, besides; come down and see the fall grass now growing on the place; and we can sell It for only $22.50 per acre and can give reasonable terms. 50 ACRES STOCK AND EQUIPMENT. Locaed on county rosd; has 45 acres cultivated, fine family or chard, good 8-room house, large, good barn, hen house, shop, hog house, etc. With the place gos cows, horses, hogs, hens, hay, feed, mower, rake, plow, wagon, culti vator, other machinery and some household goods: everything goes for $7000, and this land Is good ; no hills or flat land, but Just roll ing enough to drain well and. from all standpoints It is a real home farm. KEXN'ET ft COMPANY. CORVALLIS, OR. The Home of the Oregon Agricultural College. COLUMBIA COUNTY FARMS NEAR RIVER, RAILROAD AND HIGHWAY. 50 acres abont S miles from St. Helens; half under cultivation ; good 1 0-room house, large barn, silo, blacksmith shop, farm machinery and dairy outf If. : fine 2-acre orchard; 17 head cattle, 3 horses and some hogs and crop go with place at $13,000; terms. 90 acres near Tide creek, overlook ing Columbia river and paved highway; one mile off highway: 20 acres clear, l' acres rough, balance pasture; fine modern 7-room house; stock and equip ment go with place; 10 acres in wa ter right; being sacrificed at $0u00; $2500 cash, balance terms. 10 acres with fine spring stream, located near Deer island and paved Columbia river highway; beautiful mod ern 5-room house with living room 20x30, with fireplace; sleeping porch; complete set of white enamel plumb ing; 2 garages: water piped Into house; fine mineral spring on place. This is an Ideal country home or good chicken ranch. House alone worth price asked of $3500. Can be had on very easy terms. For particulars write box 40, St. Helens. Or. CAN YOU DUPLICATK THIS? 40 acrea, all tlllnble, surface nearly level, finest soli ; 23 cultivation. 8 acres mostly small timber, balunce pasture, finest grass, fine, free outrange; place well fenced, spring, 50 fruit trees; new 6-room house, barn, outbuildings ; span 2400-lbs. mures, harness, waxon. buttiry. single harness, saddle. 2 cowh. 4 2-year-olds. 4 spring calves, partly heifers, brood sow, 7 piga, poultry, abundance hay, vegetables, etc.. Implements, some . new, on main auto highway, near school, store, etc.. beautiful river. mile. R.are offer. Price $400. $2200 caaii. balance G years, . C. L. BKCKER. 312 T-abbe h 1 d g. REAL LAND. These 20 acres are located along the Columbia river and soil cannot be surpassed, beautiful location, once seen, never to be forgotten, with view of river and mountains, good road, good buildings; you will have to see this to appreciate it; priced right. F. L. EDDY, RITTER, LOWE & CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. MR. DAIRY OR STOCKMAN, LOOK. 160 acres on coast, all cleared. In grass, 50 acres creek bottom ; stocked and equipped ; good buildings; price $10,000, half cash. 320 acres, 12(1 acres in grass. 85 acres creek bottom; team. 14 pixs, farm tools; on highway, on coast: price $14,0oo. 375 acres, 123 plowed, 3 big barns, orchard, on good road in the famous Umpqua valley; $12,000, half cash. For full particulars of the afove places call J. K. Lowe, 1765 Derby sc Automatic 326-01. $G000 -1 MILE FROM SHERIDAN. Cr. 20 acres under cultivation; 3 acres in strawberries; about 2 acres in raspberries and loganberries. Good 8-room modern house and barn, well water and outbuildings. Will sell stock and machinery. (Ask lor Mr. Thoinmen. ) J. A. WiCKM AN CO.. ''Shortest Way Home." 2C4 Stark St. Main 10U4 and 5S3 Sundays Call Automatic 324-14. List Your Farms With Us. 8,000.000 FEET GOOD TIMBER. Ill acres. 30 acres under cultivation, some pasture, balance timber. good 8 room house, large new barn and all necessary outbuildings; water piped to house, family orchard, good board fences, located 1 miles from R. R sta tion west of Corvallis, sawmill right at corner of the place; price $50u-0 reason able terms. WILLAMETTE VALLEY LAND CO.. 203 Flr.st Nafl Bank Bldg.. ALBANY. OR. 200 ACRES DOWN COLUMBIA 24 miles from Portland, on rock road, -mlle from highway and station: all level plow land, no overflow; 80 acres under cultivation. One of the finest farms in Warren-Scappoose district; no rock or gravel; fair buildings, family orchard, spring water. Price $30,000. Terms. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY. 913 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. STOCKMEN. ATTENTION! For information relative to OREGON OR WASHINGTON STOCK RANCHES call personally or communicate with I have some extra good propositions to submit. O. B. Rippey. 610-11 McKay Bldg., Third and Stark sis. Main 6229. REAL ESTATE. For Stkle Farms. SOME EXCEPTIONAL BUYS IN CLARKE COUNTY FARMS. Stocked and Well Equipped, 39 acres of the very best of soil, -:- acres cleared, balance good pasture with plenty of wood; Irtrge i-room house with basement, rirst floor plastered and newly knisomined; (rood barn, silo filled with corn, garage, summer kitch en, chicken house 10xr4 with 2 acre park enclosed with woven wire fence, hog house, 2 wells and a third being driven. This place la Ideally located, 8 miles from Portland. 2 miles from paved road and electric line, mile from 2 churches, and railroad station right across road; morning papers delivered at 6:30; all stock and equipment and household goods go, including 4 good cows. 2 heifers with calf, 2 calves. 6 pigs, team, about 100 chickens, harness, mower, rake. 3 plows, 1918 Ford touring. separator, wagon, hay rack, new Ottawa woodsaw, feed grinder, 2 harrows, disc, culti vator, lots of small tools and household goods. 75 bushels oats, 50 bushels spuds, 12 tons hav, about 2 acres family orchard and berries. we consider this a very good bny at $12,500; $.0O0 cash, balance long time at or will trade for hotel or room lug house if priced right. BARGAIN. 4'4 acres of very fine soil, 20 acres cleared, being best o? bot tom land, balance upland with some timber and cord wood; good house and fair barn. 4 tons hay, 4. chickens, one cood Jersey cow, springs in pasture; land adjoin ing this is selling at $00 an acre, but we are authorised to accept $12.j an acre for a short time only. TKRMH $2000 CASK, BALANCE 6',?. You can't beat it. ELWELL & WATTS, 8th and Washington Sts. Vancouver, Wasu. Phone 23G. FINE STOCKED AND EQUIPPED FAIU1 BARGAIN. SO acres, all best of deep rich soil, well drained, 55 acres in cultivation, balance timber and pasture. 15 in clover, fall wheat in; good 7-room house, large farm, garage with cement floor, pU-nty of other good out-buiidings, all kinds of fruit, 4 good horses. cows. 1 heifer, 1 bull, sow and 6 pigs, chickens and all kinds of tools and implements, lo cated in first-class district, about 30 miles out: $17,000 and terms; would take in small improved acreage as first pay ment. 6." acres, all in cultivation but about one acre, good dark, deep, rich soil; located about 80 miles down the valley. 10 miles from fine county seat town, on good graveled road. H mile off paved highway, R. R. station just across the road ; modern bungalow, rt rooms on ground floor and 3 up, full concrete basement, fine barn with concrete floor, water pressure in both, plenty of other good out-buildlngs; only $14.0M) and only $1.0:1 cash will handle, balance long time at 5 per cent; this is a fine place on easlrst of terms. Have lots of other farm and acreage bargains, both with and without stock and equip in en t. both for sale and ex change. TALLMADGE REALTY CO., 610 Henry Bldg. MILK DIRECT TO CONSUMER. This fine dairy farm of 114 acres joins a prosperous town in Yamhill county with a hi if demand for good milk. H0 acres Wiiliamette silt loam, river bot tom, the best clover soil in the state. Well drained, easy worked and highly productive. The residence pf 7 rooms has every city con venit nee, even to sewer connec tion The barn will care for 24 cows. Milk house, hot nnd cold water, silo, granary, warehouse, poultry and hog housr ?. With the property are tractor and all Implements and tools, 6 cows. 3 very good horses, wagons, harness, etc. Hay, feed. Owner called east and will sell for $200 per acre. Terms can be ar ranged. If you want a money-making farm with citv , conveniences see this. MaclXNES, 210 OREGON EUILDIXG. J90OO NEAR PLEASANT HOME 18 acres 18 miles from Portland; paved st. direct to place: new, attractive bungalow style home of 6 rooms with fireplace; houe alone worth $4OO0. Fair barn. 20 acres cleared and unfier cultivation; part of balance has been slashed ; Johnson creek runs along one end; another small creek that sometimes goes dry; no wa.ste land. This is an exceptional bay for someone who wonl d keep about 10 or 12 cows. This place can be made worth $15,000 in IS months time by party who will give same proper a t tent ion. (Ask for Mr. Thommen. J. A. WICKM AN CO.. "Shortest Way Home." 2M Stark St. Main lot'4 and 0S3. Sundays Call Automatic 31M-14. List Your Farms With Us. AS GOOD A BUY AS IN THE WILLAMETTE VALLEY. 67 acres in lane county, 60 acres In cultivation, $00uo, terms. Four-room house and good barn, with piped water to both from large spring. Fine Jersey cow, 35 White Leghorns, O. A. C. pullets; 400 year-old prune trees ready to put out ; 5 acres of 2-year-old loganberries. Good family orchard. Good fences. Place 1 V miles from Southern Pacific main line depot. 12 miles from Eugene. Good roads. For other particulars phone owner, Main 11)39. 84 ACRES STOCK AND EWUIPM KNT. Located In Clarke county. Wash., near Pacific highway ; 55 acres In cultivation. 25 "acres pasture, easily cleared ; 4 acres good tim her, well, spring and brook ; 0 room house, large barn and other build ings; good team. 2 milk cows, 7 hoxs, all necesrary farm implements and tools; some furniture. Price, $10.540; half carh, b:i lance 5 or more years. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY. 913 CHAM BE it OF COMMERCE. 05 ACRES on the Capital highway, nt Sherwood; 45 acres under cultivation; n 11 can be cu Itivated. Some fruit trees. Creek on place. 5-room house, 2 barns, chicken house The place is stocked ; 5 cows, 5 heifers. 15 tons hay. Offered nt bargain with very (small payment down Only 15 mil eft from Portland ; paved road all the way. Inspected by Nelson, with John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. A ONE-MAN FARM. AT C LACK A M A.S. 14 MILES FROM PORTLAND. 20 acres, all equipped and. all under cultivation ; 24 0 chicks, stock, furniture and new Ford car. This is the finest little country home that you ever saw and price is right. $ toon cash will han dle. Balance nt 6 per cent on long time. METZGER-PARKER CO., 2C9 Oak street. Broadway 5355. 40-ACRE farm in Clarke countv. Wash.; beautifully situated : has (rood bear in g prune orchard : good improvements. PreFent owner compelled to sell on ac count of old age. It Is an exceptional baraaln at the price of $500. and can be purchased on easy terms. For par ticulars call on BEN RIESLAND. 404 Piatt Bldg.. 127 Park St. S3 ACRES, -on rocked road, that will bo paved- 2 miles from Oregon City; mile to school; 0 acres under cultiva tion; creek; 100 bearing fruit trees, ap ples, prunes, cherries, pears and small fruit. Good 8-room house, plastered ; barn 60x70, hog house, wood shed. Price $7500, $1000 cash ; or consider well lo cated Portland house up to $5000. John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. EXCEPTIONAL BARGAIN'S. 85 acres adjoining station. Washington county, some cleared, buildings galore, creek, 1000 cords fine wood. $1700, terms. 23 acres, near Sherwqpd and highway, 15 cultivated, orchard, good buildings, creek, timber; $5500, terms. 804 Spald ing bldg. FARMER'S HOME. 145-acre ranch, 2fe miles from Under wood, Wash., 30 acres cultivated, 40 acres slashed, balance heavy timber, no rock; 4-room house, barn, on good road; $100 acre, good terms. A. GORDON ROSS. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. Broadway 4751. 410 Henry Bldg. 51 ACRES, 5-ROOM HOUSE. CLOSE TO PORTLAND; GOOD ROAD. 22 acres cleared, balance slashed and burned. All farming Implements, tools; team. 5 cows, 3 calves, one brood sow, chickens, etc. A real buy. For $G0oo. borne terms. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 305 OAK STREET. NEAR MOLALLA. NEAR MOLALLA. 250 acres, 100 under cultivation, bal ance pasture; also some saw timber, running water,, young orchard, good buildings, only $00 per acre. Call Owner. Main 4S03. IS ACRES. S-ROOM HOUSE. 8 acres cleared. mile to station; all fenced, woven wire; 25 minutes' drive to town. A real snap. Price $2500. $750 will handle. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 3Q5 OAK STR E ET. FOR SALE1 18 miles from Salem, 440 acre stock and dairy farm, ISO acres creek bottom land, 80 in cultivation, good buildings and running water piped to all of the buildings; good terms, A F 143. Oregonian. 000 ACRES, , extra fine buildings. This 1 is an A-l ranch; fine water. AF 144, i Oregonian.