THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN. PORTLAND. NOVE3IBER 14, 1920 - II REAL E8TATK. ARB TOU LOOKING FOR A HOME ? LET US SHOW YOU LAU R E LH U R ST. Seven room.t, extra, large living room, large dining room, solarium, 4 bedrooms, breakfast room, tapestry paper, French doors, beautiful electric fixtures, hard wood floors, fireplace, full basement, Gasco furnace, automatic water heater, cement porch, garage, view lot- If you xe looking for something different, this it. ROSE CITY". Five rooms, living and dining room, aleeping room, breakfast nook, buffet, hardwood floors throughout, fireplace, cement basement, laundry trays, furnace, lot 50 a. 100. ROSE CITY. Three rooms, large living room, large bedroom, kitchen and breakfast nook ; lot 50x100. Very attractive little homes, reasonable. Call Automatic 332-47 or in quire of the owner, 1416 Sandy blvd. $.-,5oo $roo cash. SOMEONE WOL'LU BE DE LIGHTED TO KNOW OF THIS HOME. Eight large rooms, fireplace, all conveniences; 80x100 with fruit, etc. ; 2 blocks car at Ana bel; elegant range included; owner leaving. This is worth your while. Just phone us. Main 4H03. Ki. C. (JOLDENBKKG, Abington Bldg. - 35 Years in Portland. EEVKX-ROOM B UN G A LOW. $500 DOWN PRICE $3400. Owner leaving city sacrifices1 splen did large 1 Ms -story home: large rooms, built-in buffet. Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook. 4 bedrooms, fino bath, full base ment, excellent furnace, laundry trays, 1eautif ul lot, shade trees; located on Franklin hL, Waverly add.. Richmond car. walking distance Franklin H. S. $5u0 down puts you in possession at once. Let Us Show You. CEO ROE T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Icon bldg. GnOVELAND PARK. 13300 Close to Hawthorne car. conve nient to Franklin high; strictly up-to-date bungalow of 6 rooms and sleening porch ; hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace, built-in buffet, Dutch kitchen, full ce ment basement, wash trays, ga rage. Improvements In and paid. Easy terms. J. A. WICK MAN CO.. "Shortest Way Home." 261 Stark St. Main 194 and 5S3. Sundays C.1I Automatic 324-14. VERY ATTRACTIVE LAURELHURST BUNGALOW. Seven beautiful large rooms and sleep ing" porch, convenient floor plan and built-ins; best H. W. floors, furnace, fireplace and plateglass; tapestry paper, beautiful buffet, natural and enamel finish, Dutch kitchen, east frontage and 1 blk. to car line; best condition; sewer and pavement in and paid. Way below value at $6000 and terms". May be bought furnished. Call Tabor 7730 for appoint ment. No agents. $3250 MORTGAGE FORECLOSED $3250. A splendid 6-room home on corner lot with fruit trees, only 1 block from Killingsworth ave. car. ; living room, dining room, kitchen and large recep tion hall on lower floor. 3 bedrooms, bath and toilet up. $000 cash will han dle. See this quick. THE FRED A. JACOBS COMPANY. 1M Fifth St. Main 6o0t. $40-00 BUNGALOW with garden and fruit 100x150 ground, barn, chicken house. $0200 Bungalow, new, modern, corner. $7;00 Modern, 7 rooms and garage; 57th and Hawthorne; fine view of city. $VM00 Laurehurst, 8 rooms and garage. 7 oOO Hawthorne ave.. modern home. CHAS. RINGLER & CO., ' 225 Henry Bldg. 432G0 NEAR JEFFERSON HIGH $3250 A BARGAIN, ON TERMS. 7-rr-om well-constructed house, good basement, plumbing, electric lights, gas; house In good condition, near car, high school, car barns and just at the edge of Piedmont; hard-surfaced street, paid. A snap, on easy terms; immediate posses sion. Sunday, Mar. 5903; week days. Main 7lHi7. Mariels or Williams, 20 Chsm. of Com. bldg. I RV I XGT ON. Best part East 23d street North: en trance hall, very large living room, din ing room, kitchen 1st floor: 3 fine bed rooms, sleeping porch and bath second floor; large attic, full basement, furnace, garage, hardwood floors, white enamel finish. Shown only by appointment. PO IN DEXTER, 208 Selling BW. Main 1400. Residence East 0771. HAWTHORNE SACRIFICB OWNER. 5-room bungalow, newly painted, tint ed1, decorated, oak floors, usual built-ins. large, light kitchen, attic, nice veranda and hn.ll. cement basement, wash trays. corner lot, 3 blocks to car; streets all improved, paid; reduced from $43oO to $:;7.0. Key at owner's, 323 E. 3 th st. Tabor 8279. 50O WILL HANDLE THIS. "Whole price $16u0; lot 75x100; -16 full bearing fruit trees; house of 5 rooms; close to bank, store, school, etc Sell- wood district; a snap. See A. S. Dilley, with. BRUCE GODDARD, 501-2 Couch Bldg. ROSE CITY. 1 '4-story bungalow type: fln-e living room, atninj? room. Kitcneiu. x nearoom and bath 1st floor; hardwood, floors. 3 bedrooms 2d floor; furnace, garage. full lot: $t0O0. POIXDEXTER. 208 Selling- Bldg.' Main 1800. Residence East 6771. BY OWNER Terms, 5-room furnished house, newly painted outside, also pa do red and painted inside: gas heat, bath toilet, large garage, apple, pear, cherry and orune trees, bearing heavily. Lot 50xl0O; best car service, Sunnyside and Mt. Tabor. 1069 East Alder. Tabor 3 707 Sunday and even 1 ngs o nly. HOUSES AND LOTS. ALL SIZES. All Parts of the City. GET IN MY AUTOMOBILE And I Will Show You. C. S. Dilley, with J. BRUCE GODDARD, 501-2 Couch Bldg. HOME BARGAIN. TXSE IN EtA ST B URXSIDE, SIX ROOMS. FINE GARAGE. ALL RE CENTLY REDECORATED. FIXE HOME. GOOD INVESTMENT. $5000. 1VH DOWN. A REA.L SNAP. PHONE OWNER. 315-33. 6UXNYS1DE Owner leavinc? city, will sell in; ioveiy, moaern t -room home, corner, ortweeii both car lines. Extra fine car pets, range a.n4 about 10 or 11 cords of wood in. basement, all for $5500. Must on seen to be appreciated. H. H. Staub, 3Q27 Belmont. Week. Tabor 219. LAU RE LH UR ST. , 8 ROOMS, DUTCH COLONIAL. Just completed, double garage, two fireplaces, hardwood floors, beautiful decorations: terms if desired. N. O. Ek L lund. owner and builder. Tabor 680. IRVING TON , SWELL HOME GREAT BARUAiN (Joioniai style, beautiful fin ish. center hall, plate glass. vaDor heat. concrete porch. Large corner lot. Choice location. i.s.wo. uu.n't miss this. NEUHAUSEN. 830 N. W. BANK BLDG. 6-ROOM modern home, 2 blocks to car, full cement basement, 50x100. good chicken nouse; iu, x.hh cash, ren terms on balance. Wilson, with Inter' stale Land1 Co.. Main 5420. WEST SIDE HOME. $4500, on Main street, 7 -room comfort able home, in good condition; easy terms. w. y . cox, mock exchange. $5000. Walking distance ; 2-story, 6-room house ; furnace; easy term. ' POIN DEXTER, 2o8 Selling RWg. Main 1SO0. Residence East 6771. $4000 ROSE CITY, 6-room bungalow; fire place. Duiit-lns. n. w. uoors. Dutch kitch rn, cement basement,, furnace, garage. Mar. WILL sell my equity in a 4-room fur nished house, hardwood finished, cheap quick sale on account of sickness. Phone Sellwood 121. Call 770 East 8th St. 4-ROOM modern bungalow, Dutch kitchen, two bedrooms, large living room, bath, good basement ; price $2750. 641 Going street, oeiween iotn ana xnn. uwner. MT. TABOR bungalow, 6 rooms, sleeping porch, hardwood floors, fireplace, built ins. corner; bargain, from owner; can be seen Sunday. 274 76th st. MT 83 car. exchange! 34-ton new truck, cord tires: will take clear vacant lot or house equity part payment. Call Wilson. Main 5430. SU.VNYSIDE Special. $.1600. very good 7-room house on 36d st.. 2 blocks Bel mont st. Old-time bargain. H. H. Staub. 1027 Belmont. Week. Tabor 219. HAW TH O RN E B UNGXLO W. Five rooms, fireplace, etc., garage. Price $45-00, terms. John M. Payne & Co. Main 9012. BUY from owner, save commission; 5 room bungalow, lot 75x125; $2750, $1000 cash, balance $8.50 per month with in terest. Call Monday, Main 4277. (-KOOM bungalow, near Hawthorne ave., on 30th street, price $3750, $1250 cash, balance to suit you. L. J. Lamb, 605 CorbeU bids. KEAL ESTATE, For Sale- House. "SACRIFICE." S ROOMS AND NEW FURNACE, ("WOODLAWN"). EAST FRONT, FULL LOT, BLOCK TO CAR SCHOOL 2 BLOCKS). NORTH 22D ST. OWNER LEAVING CITY AC COUNT NO WORK, NEWLY PAINTED, TINTED, ETC. AM 156, OREGONI AN. ADDRESS GABRIELSON, OWNER, ; CARE 32 SELLING BLDO. PHONE MAIN 1136. (.SPECIAL PRICE THIS W fcJfc-K. S-JSM. S300 A O S5U0 t'Abtl, BALANCE EASY.) ROSE CrTY PARK DISTRICT. 5-Koom Bungalow and Garage, 44100. Price includes winter's fuel now in basement ; owner leaving Portland and must sell. This Is your opportunity to gee a spienaia oungajow at a very i w price and on moderate terms. This at tractive bungalow is located near Sandy and with east front. No mortgage to assume. Hurry ! A. G. TEEPE CO., 270 Stark st.. near 4th. Main 3092. Branch Office, 50th and Sandy (open Sunday). $4500 VACANT VACANT $4500. MODERN HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. Five rooms, one floor; breakfast nook, full cement basement, laundry trays. fireplace, hardwood floors, all finished in white enamel : beautiful tapestry pa per; all city liens paid; east front; this certainly is a dream of a place ; terms. Sunday. Mar. 6963; week days. Main 7067. Mariels or Williams, 820 Chamber of Commerce bldg. 12000 FURNISHED HOUSE $2000. NEAR PENINSULA LBR. CO. 8-room well constructed house, just off Willamette blvd., near Peninsula Lbr. Co. mills; plumbing, gas, etc.; several fruit trees; ready to move into and can be bought on east terms. Sunday, Mar shall 593: week days, Main 71)07. Mar iels & Williams, 820 Chamber of Com merce bldg. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. 8-room STRICTLY MODERN bungalow on Glenn ave.. iwt south of Hawthorne; all city improvements la and paid; hot water heat, nice garage. Go and see this at 2S8 Glenn ave. It can be handled on $1000. MARIELS '& WILLIAMS. S20 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Sun,. Mar. 5903; week days. Main 7967. PARTIALLY FURNISHED 8-ROOM CORNER HOUSE. Near East 15th and Hawthorne; large! attic, full cement basement, furnace. fireplace; all in splendid condition; ga race. 50xlOO lot. for onlv $6250. $1800 cash. $17.50 monthly, balance time. The furniture that goes is worth o0O. A snap if you need house. F. W. TQRGLER, 106 Sherlock Bldg. NEW MODERN HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. SEE THIS BEFORE BUYING. $4750 LIBERAL TERMS $4750. Five rooms and breakfast nook, strict- I ly modern except furnace; hardwood floors and all built-ins: garage, all city improvements in and paid. Sunday. Mar. 5963; week days. Main 7967. Mariels & Williams, 820 Chamber of Com. bldg. ROSE CITY DISTRICT. Cozy 5-room bungalow, large living room, in tapestry paper, pretty fire place. Dutch kitchen, full cement base ment, Boington furnace; well built I home, double constructed and in fine shape; price $3850, $500 down, balance like rent. Tabor ii4. Suburban Homes. MUST BE SOLD BY MONDAY. Nov. 15, my modern bungalow and large tract of ground, consisting or acre, ail in fruit, berries, flowers and garden, just beyond Multnomah station. House is thoroughly modern and an ideal home. l have an exceptional opportunity to en gage in business and for that reason have reduced my price $1000. Come out on Sunday. Full particulars may be had at the office of BEN RIESLAND, on the boulevard. Edw. Bush, owner. BEN RIESLAND, Agent. 404 Piatt Bldg. 127 Park St. ! ! ! CAPITOL HILL SNAP! I ! Lot 160x1 lu and . new 7 -room modern bungalow ; beautiful built ins. full plumbing, gas. Just THINK! Only $5oo down! See F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE, To Buy Your Suburban Home. Abington Bldg. Main 1068. ! EXTRA CHOICE ! One acre with a five-room bun galow, garage, fruit and berries of every kind, chicken house and park; nice lawn and flowers. See F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE. To Buy Your Suburban Home. Abington Bldg. Main 10US. FIVE acres in Gresham, highly improved. soutn slope, good six-room house, modern in every wav : chicken houses. barn and garage, good orchard. on acre 1 of raspberries and a quarter acre of strawberries, one block from Shiller sta tion electric carline; this property will be sold at a price that will bear close investigation. Owner must sacrifice. Ad- -dress, route 4, box 7, Gresham, or phone ureanam out. HIGH-CLASS SUBURBAN HOME. 2 acres-, 6 blocks from station. Beaver- ton; line graveled road', near the high way, all under cultivation; lots of ber ries; new, modern 4 -room bungalow. witn sleeping porcn; run cement bai ment, gas, electric lights, city water; very attractive bungalow, $2O00 cash, balance at monthly payments. John Fer guson, oerunger bldg. TWO ACRES on fine road. 2 blocks from paved highway: close to station, red elec tric; good train service, low commutation rare; iota oi iruit. very sightly ground. Nice 5-room bungalow, garage, chicken house, city conveniences; some chickens and, tools; price S4O00. HIOOO cash. In spected by Marsters, with John Fergu son, oerunger oicg. THOROUGHLY FURNISHED MODERN 4- room bungalow, with large tract of ground, in fruit, berries and flowers; all the furniture, chickens, rabbits go with the place. Owner must move at once. For particulars call at the office of BEN RIESLAND. 404 Piatt bide.. 127 Park st., or at the branch office at 1 .Muitnoman, wnicn is always open. SIX ACRES, located -mile from station and city limit?: on fine macadamized road: lots of fruit; 4-room bungalow with complete piumoing. city water, gas; electric lights can be had: nice attrac tive place. Garage, chicken house. Price IojOO, naif cash, n tils is only 20 min utes out and 6 miles from courthouse. Near Milwaukie road. JOHN FERGUSON. Oerllnger bldg. ONE ACRE, located 3 blocks- from Metz- ger station. All under cultivation: ; fenced on two sides; good o-room house. chicken house and cow barn. 2 tons wheat, wood for winter, small payment commutation iare xi cents, inspected oy Marsters, witn jonn t erguson, Ger- linger bldg. $4500 BUYS MODERN BUNGALOW at Multnomah, with furnace, fireplace and every convenience, on large tract of ground facing improved county boule vard. Must be seen to be appreciated. For particulars call on BEN RIESLAND, 404 Piatt bldg., 127 Park St., or at his Multnomah office, on the boulevard. 7 ACRES RUNNING WATER. ONLY $1500. Almost 7 acres with clear spring prooK, spienaia son, open pasture, within 9-in tie circle or postonice, electric sta tion; $50 down, balance easy. Owner, 5O0 Concord bidg., a ana touirK. FOR SALE One of the best lots In M osier. Or. ; 4-room house, porches, basement, good garden spot. small fruits, good wire fence; all in good shape, for $1200; terms, $1000 each. Address Airs, uyina a. uiDson. Mosier, Or. , IDEAL suburban home, near car and school; 2 acres, 1 cleared, balance brush. fruit, berries; 4-room new plastered bun galow, gas, electricity available; $2900. $500 cash, $20 per month. Cletten, ; jqain aij. 1 ACRES, five minutes' walk from Jen nings boage; b-roora noouse, good well, lots of fruit trees and berries, srood I chicken bouse; all under "woven wire ience: ail goes tor -uw. JOHN E. HOWARD. 818 Cham, of Com. IN GRESHAM 1 acre, modern 7-room bungalow; Bull Run water, gas and elec tricity, full basement, grove and chicken pars, on improvea street; only $1500. This Is a snap. Brown Sc. Cleveland, uresnam. none ureanam ysi. CHICKEN I1ANCH -Almost flv anre- cultivated, fenced, well, barn, some fruit, no house; only 35 minutes out; at a sac rifice for $1700, easy terms. Call 500 ConcoTQ Diog.. oeconq ana stark. FIVE ACRES. $1000. within 9-mile circle of Portland, close to rock road, open, 2d growth; $50 down. Owner. 500 Concord Diag., ana atajn. 3-ROOM new unfurnished house, 100x100 lot. west side; $1000, $100 cash. S15 ner uiuu - twp wj v.vrueii Diag. $750 BUYS unfinished house on half acre iana, west oiue, tana. oai. tiu mo. 1 j. Amo, ouo oruett oiag. 11350 House, barn, spring, berrln fruit half cash; 3 fine acres. Main 3672. Me F a rlaod rteaity to., f ailing bldg. 2-ROOM furnished house on west side. $500. $150 cash, $10 monthly. L. J. i Lamp, no a I'oroett oiag. ARTISTIC bungalow. 1 acre, fruit, garage; 430OQ, term lc Far laud, Faalics bi. REAL ESTATE. Suburban Homes. ONLY $3800 On the paved river highway. SliO leet fronting on tnis nignway ; loca tion at Milwaukie. Here is one big acre of land of exceedingly rich soil, on the carline and right at the station; 8 or 10 large English walnut trees in oearing; the best varieties of cherries in full bearing. Bartlett pears, plums, berries and other varieties of fruit in. abund ance. With this acre of land fronting on this highway you get a 7-room plas tered house, very substantial, not mod ern, neither is It new. It has ail tne city conveniences in the house, such as city water, gas, electricity, bath and toilet. Tne piummng is orana new. not more than a month old, and you know what that means to the house. It is close to stores, churches and schools. both grade and high. It is only 4 diocks from the river. The land alone is worth more than the orice asked. The car service is the best running in and out of Portland. It is the greatest bar gain offered on the highway. ioo in cash is ail you need. M. J. CLOHESSY, ABLNGTON BUILDING. ONLY $3950 FOR THIS ONE On the west side; you drive to It ver the Ter- w i Hi sre r boulevard and capital nignway, on a carline and only one block from the station; a suburban no me complete in every detail: a brand new. modern to the last word, 4 -room bungalow, every room plastered, and the rooms which are not provided with rich tapestry paper are newly tinted; fireplace and full base ment; all of this house sits on a con crete foundation: every city conven ience to be found' in a modern resi dence in Portland. This bungalow con tains such as city water, gas. electric ity, oatn. toilet, tTencn aoors. line floors, combination range and swell cur tains go with the place. You get also I more than a Quarter of an acre of land. all in garden, fruit of all varieties in bearing and coming into full bearing. close to a city Bchool. The location is ideal, commanding an excellent view of I the mountains and valley: shrubbery off every description of the best kind. - you cannot build the bungalow for tne price 1 we oner everything lor. only it nun- utey ride from 10th and Morrison sts. with 10c carfare. $750 cash will handle It with easy monthly payments. M. J. CLOHESSY. ABINGTON BUILDING. HAVE YOU SEEN THE NEW SUB URBAN HOME SITES at Courtney Sta tion on the Oregon City carline. of I .which you can have your choice of I either paved street front or river front age? This close-in tract has been laid out In large suburban homesites to meet the demands of those desiring- to live close to tne business center of Portland, i where you can drive over the paved streets and highways to the property ns well as being close to a carline with first-class service, and at the same time to make it possible foi the purchaser to ouy witn little money eitner for pres ent or future use a suburban home for half the price which it was possible to buy in this locality at any time within the last 10 years. $600 will pay In full for one of these large homesites in the best district on the Oregon Citv carline and only 20 minutes ride from the busi ness center of Portland. $la0 cash, the oatance on easy montniy payments. River Villa Acres Is the name of the tract. M. J. CLOHESSY. ABINGTON iLLJl-Kj. ONLY $3250 It fronts fh nonHgl highway. You drive to it over paved streets and paved highways; on the west side, close in, not as far out as Aiuitnoman. Mere la an 8-room house with city water on the highway in front: large Darn anu cntcken house. W ith the house you get about a quarter acre of jana. an in rruit and. warden snon in cash will handle It. M. J. CLOHESSY. ABINGTON BUILDING. ONLY $3800 mvii in full for hl- 4 diocks rrom the carline and station. it ou drive to it over the dhvpi! ntrf(ti and good roads. Here is a comparatively new 6-room bun e-a. low. everv rnnm nlnn. tered; a full basement, fireplace, every! city convenience in the house. It is moaern ana up to date in every t spect. This bungalow is of miph class and its construction is so sub- I stantial that any person will admit I upon seeing it that the bungalow alone cannox oe ouut ana replaced In its nres- Kui vuuuuion ior a less price than -uv. a. quarter or an acre of land, well improved: fruit of all varieties in full bearing: large chicken house and Chicken runs. The Inrntinn a oHmit- 72d St., close to Bell station. The owner desires cash immediately, hence his I reason ror matcing tnis great sacrifice. Ai. J. CLOHESSY, ABINGTON BLDG. DO YOU WANT THIS ACRES of the richest land, everv inch of it in cultivation, to be found In Multnomah county for $0000? You go to it the en tire distance from the business center or foruana over the paved streets and tne pavea roster roaa. More fruit of tne best quality and all varieties, nmnii ana large, in run bearing than you vuuiu c.ijetjL tu una. ji is on tne car ft. i g at tne station- Y set with the landa very comfortable 5-room 1 bungalow with a cement basement, fire place, etc. There Is a good barn with accommodations for 10 head of Rtnrir chicken houses with cement floors. $2O00 can win nanoie it. ai. j. CLOHESSY. ONLY $C.S00 and this is a perfect suburhan home In the right locality. 2 blocks from the carline and station, and all of It right" on the river nnvri hta-h. way, about 1 acres of land very highly cultivated, fruit of all kinds in commer- cial quantities, Bmall and large; grapes of the best quality and plenty of them; R'i6 uu vmcKen nouse up to date. iou unve to tne aoor and garage on paved streets and highway the entire distance. The car service Is the best running In and out of Portland every 30 minutes. With this highly improved big tract of land, all of it fronting on the paved road, you get a most complete and modern 6-room htineninw ? B full cement basement, electric lights, gas ,1U luinmiB water, xt nappens to be a rare. UD-to-date snhurhnn mmm in . locality of fine Improvements and very i refined surroundings, only about 4 blocks 1 from the river, good fishing and boat- I Ing, 3o minutes' ride from the business 1 twiner oi mia city. air cash will han- aie it. jaii ana lnauire nhnnt thi. M. J. CLOHESSY. ABINGTON BUILD- ! ! THIS IS THE ONE ! ! Splendid 12 acres near T1GARD, on the highway; a most delightful home: hardwood floors, electricitv gas, fruit, berries. EVERYTHING THAT YOU COULD AVISH FOR. very reasonable price and terms See F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE. To Buy Your Suburban Home Abington Bldg. Main 1068. V 1 acres. located ttt Wnlnn ctatinn Red Electric; all under cultivation; lots of fruit; good 5-room bungalow, small uarn, large new cmcKen house 16x104. oarage, w ltn the place go 400 fine white Leghorn chickens, 000 pullets. nne Jersey cow, tools and complete household furniture. Price $55O0 for everything; large cash payment. Half miJe from highway. 2 miles of Hills- uoro. nne. attractive place. Well located. x-eronai;y inspectea, photos at office. jn. rr.nvrL & lierllnger bldg. SOMETHiNfi nrtnn If you want a olace th m than pay for itself In a couple of years and can be made to produce three times iiiih in . HMon time, you snould invest!- I gate this 10 acres, near naved hlirh-iv only 5 miles from city limjts. with lo ganberries, strawberries and lots of tree xruit, nouse. nam ana chicken hous uniy .oo, terms. F. R. Jesse. 527 Cor- CHOICE SUBURBAN! wnf- 12 acres best soil, in cultivation. 7 room niouern oungaiow. nardwood floors, electric lights, water, fine horn buildings, beautiful view. 25 mimit electric line, hard-surface streets, 2 acres orchard. 1 acre each logan and rasp berries, acre strawberries. Price fii,uuv, mvorauio terms. WESTERN LAND CO., 511 Railway Exchange. ONE ACRE, MODERN HOME. fine acre of rood innrt k Mt plastered bungalow of 4 rooms, complete viuuiuiHh, mer ana gas: electric lights can be had; 1 blk. from paved -..v.f. wuiion. inis place has all the built-ins and Is well arranged. Price S3SOO. $1500 cash ; Inspected by JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger bldg. 10 ACRES In Milwaukie district, on car 1 nne, o-room oomtaiow, a rine suburban home, value $6000. mortea a inn Trade equity for Improved property in or near The Dalles; might put In more acreage iur u. larger aeaL. D 119, Ore- Igoiiiau. 4-ROOM PLASTERED HOUSE and 1 acre for only $1950; $250' cash, oai. line rent. R. H. CONPRET. RTTTER. LOWE & CO. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. I two T?rof hnn . o close to car and school, plenty of fruit. city water, gas and electricity, easy terms. Office 9133 Foster Road. Aut. ::ttiii, or laoor x-o. iv. wucox & Co. CHOICE SUBURBAN HOMES and acreage, well located, near crH from $18O0 up. Inquire 3d house north of Risiey station, on uregon city car- Mne. sign "AiaeT MrooK. NEAT 3-room bungalow. Evergreen di- trtct- flreolace. 100x100. gas. eler ilfiOrt $750 cash, bal. contract, $20, interest 6 per cent, vau - waj&. uruva. REAL ESTATE. Suburban Homes. $200 MA PLE7WO OD STATION, close to MULTNOMAH, on Oregon Electric. 5-rom bungalow and sleeping porch. chicken house, garage, woodshed, city water in house, gas, electricity, acre with several fruit- trees, excellent view, located on fine gravel road, city car fare if you buy monthly ticket. 5 min- utes walk to station; small cash payment down, balance terms; only 6 miles from Portland $3300 HUBER STATION, in Beaverton district, 2 acres, 4-room bungalow, semi-modern, with big spacious liv ing and dining room, built-ins, fruit and pantry room, new white enamel plumbing, bath, hot water tank, city water piped! into house, gas, with fine lighting fixtures, modern chicken house with woven wire fencing. The soil is the best and the place is nicely located on a good hard surface road, close to electric car line; cash $1000, bal ance terms. Owner anxious to sell. $4000 M.APLDWOOO STATION, close to MbiTUMAli, on Oregon eiectri. Eight-room, 1 -story bungalow, double constructed; almost new, with Dutch kitchen, . built-ina, baths, with best enamel plumb ing, plastered; good basement, fine modern screened chicken house; gas. electricity; one-third acre; 14 full bearing fruit trees and berries. This Is the best home in MAPLEWOOD and only lacks a few features of being modern; city car fare if you buy a monthly ticket. You will need to act quickly if 'you wish to secure this beautiful home. Cash $154)0, bal. terms; 6 miles from Portland. $5200 -ALOHA STATION. 6 beautiful acres, 6-room nouse, very attrac tive big barn, chicken house ; COMMERCIAL ORCHARD, full bearing: also fine vineyard, which has yielded a splendid crop this year. This ranch should bring in fruit alone $500 a year if well cared for; located on a good gravel road; only 30 minutes drive to Portland: 5 minutes' walk to station; cash $1000, bal. terms. TTia ahrtVM a ra nil Tfrsrn a.1 1 V ftDDTaiSPd and photographed. We have some of the best to select from, oee us, oilic ope" Sunday. M. E. DE JOICE CO., 221 Henry bldg. Broad-way 1631. ! LOOK! A REAL SNAP ! ! $400 DOWN ! A nice 4-room Swiss bungalow; gas. electricity. 50xlOO lot. close to car. A SNAP. $1600 $400 down! LOOK AT THIS. Wo have hun dreds of splendid suburban home bargains. See F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE, To Buy Your Suburban Home. Abington Bldg. Main lOOS. "STTRTTRRAN HOMES." arr in r-niti vatinn : 25 bearing fruit trees, lots of berries, 4-room nouse, nam. chicken house; Oregon City car line; $3000, half cash. m a. o T-ot. in ruitivntinn lots of fruit and berries. 4-room house, barn, outbuild ings; Oregon City car line; $4000, half cash. , 1 acre, improved, fruit, grapes, berries; 7-room modern house, elec. lights, gas. modern plumbing; Oregon city car line; t4'nO h 1 f pfl sh . R. M GATEWOOD & CO., 105 4th sU MULTNOMAH. Don't forget to see Ned Burke before ouying your nome; no nas wme uo-uu Bargains, a nne i -room uuhrjiivw, lino- hnKoment bftam cellinir. fireplace, furnaoo trn i otp. Z acre Of KTOUnd I bearing fruit of all Kinds, ask to see mis bargain, lerma. . A dream of a 4-rm. bungalow and 1 acre of ground. 2 blocks from depot; $2350; and a host of others. Multnomah. FIVS BLOCKS FROM CAR. ?t n rw. on rood county road, three Tnii east Orearon City: very convenient to car, good soil, fine wen; iana unuer high state of cultivation, good 5-room plastered house, small barn, chicken house, woodshed: price $3500, $100 cash; only 40 rods to school. John Fer guson, Gerlinger bldg. Additional land joining this may be naa on easy terms, 7-ROOM PLASTERED HOUSE. 3 ACRES RICH LAND. This is a house with an income. Lots of Fruft. Paved road to Portland. Price $2400. $500 Cash. Balance like rent. NF.ILAN" A PARKHILL. 219 Lnmbermens bldg., 5th and Stark sts. EASTERNER or westerner, your chance 0f the vear. 12 a., beautiful south slooe and view, all in cult, fruit and berries; fine 7-room mod-em bungalow, h. w. floors, fireplace, full cement basement. nhnna o n H etw water flVHtem and lixrhrs. fine big barn and chicken houses; 30 min. drive to Portland'; just off pave. ment: $12,500. incl. some personal prop erty, etc., $5750 cash. AP 19H. Oregonian. TWO ACRES near Powell valley road on fine graveled road; l rruit trees, some horrid- rnnd 5-room l las tered house; garage, chicken house for 300 chick- n With the Place iro 1 Jersey cow 30 chickens. Price $3200. $1200 cash. In spected by Marsters. This is close-in property. JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger bldg. LAKE VIEW SUBURBAN HOMES. fi rooms, sleeping porch, reception hall, hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, cement basement, modern In every de tail, with 1 or 3 acres, right at Bryan station, Oswego line; easy terms. For particulars see owner on property, or phone Oswego 352. N. Lauryy. owner. CAPITOL HILL, $2750. 4 rooms, m ode rn , 4 a ere, $50O cash. RYAN PLACE. Bungalow. S rooms, modern, acre, $fS5O0. S3500 cash, balance easy. ri. u. scnomacaer. Main 1038 or 440S. SALE OR TRADE. Make this your home and watch the value advance. serviceaDie Dunaings; acres, all cleared, on paved highway and electric line, near cny iu; Consider small house aoout $uuu. J. E. SHEARS. 213-14 Henry Building. ONE-HALF acre just outside city Ijmits everviiuuK in me way ui imiu m 5-room plastered bungalow. complete Plumbing, gas, city water. Large chicken hrttiRA with runwavs. brooder house. A very attractive place. Price $300O. $1500 caih; 8c car fare. Personally inspected. JOH N FERGUSON. Gerlinger bldg. SUBURBANITES! We have hundreds of personally in nected suburban homes in every outly ing district In Portland. We're open every evening and Bunda". If you want a suburban Home, see F. C. Marshall with FRANK. U. CUUIKE Abington Building. Main 1038. ONE ACRE, southwest of Multnomah. 1 miles, close to the highway, ail under cultivation : strawberries, logan, rasp, and blackberries; 8-room plastered house, garage, barn, chicken house; price $3500, $500 cash, discount for cash. Inspected by Nelson, with John Ferguson, Gerlln ger bldg. FOR SALE New 5-room modern bungalow on Ts acre at Lake Grove; 2 minutes walk from Bryant station, on S. P. red cars: house has large living room, size S0xl5. with large fireplace: 2 bedrooms, dining room, bathroom, kitchen with breakfast nook. Price $3S00. Phone Os wego 432. E. Ph 1 1 1 ips. AN ELEGANT HOME. 2 acres in cultivation, lots of fruit, walnuts, berries, garden, 6-room mod ern house, h. w. floors, gas. elec. lights, finished In old ivory, near ry. sta. Oregon City line and river. Price $8000, terms. R. M GATEWOOD & CO., 165 4th st. CAPITOL HILL. H acre and 4-room bungalow; bath, bnilt-ins. wash trays, water and gas; $3650, $500 cash. R. H. CON-RET, R1TTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. FIVE ACRES on fine graveled road, 2 blks. I from pavement: 44 acres under culti vation; a-acre timber; right at station. Oregon City line, near Oak Grove. A fme piece of land. Price $2750, $500 cash. Personally inspected. JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger hldg. ONE ACRE AND HOUSE. Near Milwaukie; lots of fruit and ber ries; $1850. Mt cash. R. H. CONFRET, RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. ONE ACRE, 8 blocks from 7c fare; graveled road', an una-er cultivation, -room plas tered house, city water, gas. electric lights, telephone: price. $2850, $650 cash. Inspected by Marsters. with John Fergu son, Gerlinger bldg. Main 8529. SUBURBAN home, $650; 2-room cottage with 1 1-3 acres nne son, locatea on rock road, within 9-mile circle of courthouse and close to Oregon electric station; $100 gives possession. Call 500 Concord bldg., 2d and Stark GENTLEMAN'S country home, 5 acres. beautiful park estate, mnes rrom Port land; no agents, dfeal direct with owner, p. O. box 10O8. city. AT TTGARE 5 acres, all in fruit and ber ries; 6-room house, barn, chicken houses, horse, wagon, buggy, farm tools, wood. i. 1-U ures oxuaw REAL ESTATE. Suburban hornet. $100 CASH, $20 PER MONTH. HALF ACRE. 3-room house, woodshed, chicken houses, gas, water. 8 minutes to car. TOTAL PRICE $900. TWO ACRES. 6-room house, fruit, nice grove of native trees, beautifully ar ranged, on paved road, 7 minutes to car, just outside city limits; $2600, very easy terms. SOREN PETERSON, Main 3731. 1102 N. W. Bank Bldg. WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR PROP ERTY AT MULTNOMAH, on the Ore gon Electric, only 5 miles from the center of Portland. We have all kinds of vacant tracts for building and many homes with modern conveniences. Our office at Multnomah is open Sun days and weekdays Mr. Kennemer in charge. He can be reached by calling Main 1207. We wish to show you Multnomah and shall be glad to take you out at your convenience. For particulars call at either the Mult nomah office or city office at 401 Piatt bldg., 127 Park st. Main 880. BEN RIESLAND. Operator Exslusively in Multnomah District. HERE IS A FINE SUBURBAN HOME. EAST OF 82D ST.. ON POWELL VAL LEY PAVED ROAD. Nearly 3 acres, all Improved: dandy 5-room bungalow, fireplace, polished floors, built-in buffet, dandy kitchen, other built-ins, garage, electric lights, good barn, fine Jersey cow, 2 hg fat hogs, 40 chickens, lots of winter garden, potatoes and kale, some fruit and ber ries, also good Ford car: will sell furni ture if wanted, price $5750. $25O0 cash, bal. terms at 6 per cent. This is less than a city home. STEWART & BUCK. 315- Northwestern Bank Blffg. ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A HOME T WE HAVE TRACTS OB ALL SIZES. Improved and unimproved ; also at tractive homes, both city and suburban, at bargain prices on easy terms. Make your home near Milwaukie and avoid cold cast winds ; fine schools, beautiful river views. We have three automobiles at your service. GEORGE T. PARRY, PHONE 19. Justice of the Peace. Office Ground Floor Bank Bldg. Milwaukie, Or. Will Show Property on Sundays. For Sale Business Property. CLOSE-IN property on quarter block at E. 15th and Schuyler: 9 -room house, hardwood floors through out, gas furnace, in excellent con dition and location ; suitable for home or apartment. MRS. HARRT PRICE PALMER. East 7976. 5Ox2O0, WEST SIDE, on Thurman street. near 20th. Improvements consist of a goodf 7-room house and u. 2-story build ing; d stores below and o Jarge 3-roora apartments with bath; Income $180 per month; price $15,000. cash. McClure & Schmauch Co., 'o06 Railway Exchange oiag. WAREHOUSE BARGAIN. Close-fn west side warehouse bargain. More than half block at less than a half block price. 110x200, very well lo cated, at a low price and your own terms. R. F. Bryan, 509 Chamber of Commerce. CORNER 3d and Taylor, fine business lo cation, income, priced reasonably, good terms. Zimmerman. 818 Chamber of Commerce. CORNER stone flat and 2 cottages. $7500: consider some acreage. AC 156, Orego nian. MODERN white brick bldg.. monthly in come ;o. i-rice ?7,ow, terms, inquire owner. 549 Tacoma ave. Sellwood 140. For Sole Acreage. 20-ACRE FARM NEAR GRESHAM. Located on good road, close to school. all good soil, 10 acres cleared and in cultivation, good small house, barn, chicken house, good house, well and creek, plenty of wood, good woven wire fences, 35 bearing fruit trees. - Price only $3800. KKIDER & ELKINGTON, Gresham, Or. 6 ACRES, joining Newberg, 1 acre logan- perries, l acre strawberries, 1 acre Cuth bert raspberries, 23 large- cherry trees, some pears, prunes, apples and grapes; good 7-room story and half bungalow, all city conveniences can be had; barn, chicken house. With the place go all the equipment and household furniture. Price $5500. on terms. JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger Building. CLOSE TO CITY LIMITS. 1 acre, 2 blocks from station. Gresham line, all unaer cultivation, city water, gas. 5-room house, garage, chicken house. woodshed, some young fruit trees. Price $1600, (600 cash, balance $10 per month at 6 per cent. Inspected by Marsters, with JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger Building. 5 ACRES AT GARDEN HOME. $6500 TERMS. 7-room modern bungalow: water, elec trie lights, gas, garage, barn, chicken house; and lies sloping to south; all ider plow; some fruit trees and small iruit. McDONELL, East 419. 5 ACRES, $1500. About 1 mile from end of Mt. Tabor car line, lies fine, unimproved ; this is half what land is selling for in this dis trict ; terms. MORRIS & BUNDY, 618 Chamber of Commerce bldg. ' 20 ACRES FOR $2500. Between Gresham and Sandy on good road ; lies perfect, no rock, rich soil, about 6 acres in cultivation, buildings. some orchard ; it's worth more ; $8O0 cash, balance at tVc. u. McChesney 304 Va Oak st. Broadway 260. SNAP CHEAP ACREAGE. 600 acres, cut-over land, good gravel road through tne place. Price S30OO. 301 Railway Exchange. Main 7931. Call lor H. G. Jtpton. J. BOBBINS & CO. ACRE HOME IN GRESHAM. " With good 5-room plastered house, hot and cold water, wired for electricity. wood house, garage, fine large chicken house to hold DUO birds. Price Sl'UOO. KRIDER & ELKINGTON, Gresham. Or. FARMS AND ACREAGE. Our farm department will probably get you results. A. Gordon Ross, INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. Broadway 4751. 410 Henry bldg. 10 ACRES, fenced, 5 cleared $1500 20 acres level, 12 cleared, box house, 35O0 40 acres good soil, lo cleared c2.j Snmp terms: all near good roads an 15 to 18 miles of Portland. BF 195, Ore gonian. ONE ACRE and new 4-room house, water in. gas available, o mnes rrom Port land, good road, close to car; price S1950. 300 cash, balance easy terms. John Malone, 503 Gerlinger bldg. Main 8201. y ACRES, $2500; at end of Hawthorne ave. line; iineiy situatea tor & nome; 11 cultivation: best of soil and $500 pe acre below anything in vicinity. Owner. 910 Chamber of Com. Phone Mar. 1585. 53 ACRES. Close to city limits, on Barr road, 10 acres ready for plow, balance brush, fine for berries; cheap at $225 per acre. CORDWOOD TIMBER. IKOO cords best first-growth timber. close to station on Gresham car line. Price $1100. KRIDER & ELKINGTON, Gresham, Or. TWO FULL ACRES. $850. Abutting electric car line at Ruby Junction; 23 down ana iu per monin. GEO. M.. JSiKUil yj., 634 Chamber of Commerce bldg. 40 ACRES good level land, mile from elec trie line, 12 miles from Portland; good level hard-surfaced road: will divide.' X10O per acre, terms. Aaaress x Oregonian. HALF ACRE FOR COST OF LOT. Fine tract, all cultivated, level, hard surface street, near car; vau, terms. A. H. BIRRELL CO., 217 Northwest ern Bank bldg. Marshall 4114. apwfs l i vl n snring. 75 oer acre about 12 miles Portland, one mile elec trie station, a Dargain. Aoaress i Woodward ave., or 305 Pine st. ONE ACRE, large 5-room bungalow, fruit, gas, city water, electricity, near school ; 3500. Interstate Land Co., Main 5429, 248 Stark st ONE ACRE, all kinds of bearing fruit, 8 room house, gas. water and elec ; near Garden Home, $2O00, terms. Main 6882, Main 5456 weeKQays. 30 ACRES unimproved bottom land, near Hockinson, wasn., oy owner, yv. n. iuqk, 303 Russell St.. roruana, -r. 80 ACRES nnlmprovced land 9 miles north of Wasnougai, waso., io per acre. J N. Richards, SL'O jviain st. - on SALE 7 acres cleared land. mile from Reidville. M. W., 793 Belmont street. $500 CASH 20 level acres, timber $1850. li-OR RENT, or for sale on easy terms, 5 acres la rt o east side. East L9o& REAL ESTATE. For Sale Acreage. REAL COUNTRY HOME. Between 1 and 2 acres, on graveled road, 1 block from electric station, in small town east of Gresham. All under cultivation, 35 fine bearing fruit trees, cherries, pears, prunes, apples, 4 acre strawberries, loganberries, Cuthbert raspberries, close to church, school, store and garage; fine 6-room plastered house, cement basement, piped for plumbing, wired for electric lights, double con struction ; a well arranged home ; barn, chicken house, large woodshed, garage. Price $35O0, $500 cash, balance at 6 per cent, monthly, quarterly, semi-annually or annually. Personally inspected, photo at office. JOHN FERGUSON. Gerlinger Building. 11-ACRE IMPROVED RANCH, GOOD 5-RM. HOUSE; ELEC TRIC LIGHTS, ' SHORT DISTANCE OF PORTLAND; ONLY $55l0. Good 5-room house ; electric lights, can have city water; barn, other buildings; good rich, deep soil, family orchard, 6 acres in cul tivation, good wood and pasture, hard road to Portland; located at station and town; board walk to bouse from station. See SAM HEWBY at J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY". 8 Chamber of Com merce bldg. OVER SIX ACRES, located V mile from 5onita station, 12c car fare, all under good fence, county road, creek on the boundary line. This is all the finest kind of black loam soil, 4 acres under cultivation, balance In timber; new 5 room plastered bungalow, with all the built-ins, fireplace, chicken house for 200 chickens, brooder house 12x24, barn 1 6x24, 50 bearing fruit trees, loganber ries, strawberries, raspberries. With this place are 2 good cows, 60 chickens, tools -and equipment; $2000 cash and long time on the balance. Personally in spected. JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger Building. FOR SALE. SACRIFICE. 160 acres, 3 hours drive from Port land, 25 or 30 acres bottom land in mead ow, rest bench and hill land; 1500 cords wood on place, water piped to house and barn, lots of fruit and berries, old house, fair barn and outbuildings, 1 team, 5 cattle, 30 chickens. Incubator, cider press, separator; $5000 cash, or $6000 on terms. Write owner, Anna Haller, Wood land, Wash. KXCKLLKXT LAND AT 30 PER ACRE. On Columbia river, between Portiana and Astoria; 7200 acres of logged-off land just put on the market in small tracts; deep rich soil, slighlty-rolling. good transportation, schools, church, store, postof lice, warehouse and docks. Select now while you can get choice tracts; easy terms. Arrange to go Sun day or wednedsay. JOHNSON-DODSON CO- 633 N. W. Bank Bldg, Main 8787. 33 ACRES, on rocked road, that will be pavea; a miles from Oregon city, mile to school ; 6 acres under cultiva tion, creek, 10O bearing fruit trees, ap- Pies, prunes, cherries, pears and small fruit: good 8-room house, piasterea; barn 60x70, hoghouse, woodshed. Price $7500. $1000 cash. Or consider well located Portland house up to $5000. JOHN FERGUSON. Gerlinger Building. FOR SALE BY OWNER. 60 ACRES IN THREE TRACTS. One 20 with good buildings, on rock road. -as in the house. One 23 acres with good buildings. equipped with stock if desired, all kinds of fruit and berries on both places. Another 17 acres, partly improved but no buildings. Terms. Write R. 4, box 52, Beaverton, Or. ACRES, located on the main highway and at electric station, near Boring, all can be cultivated, 4 acres under culti vation, good fences, fine creek, cream route, mail route, good 3-room cottage with d antrv and basement, barn, chicken house. Price $2000, 1200 cash, balance at 200 per year at 6 per cent. Person ally inspected. JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger Building. COUNTRY HOMES. -- 5 acres extra choice level land In cul tivation, nice family orchard. 5-room house, barn and outbuildings, 10 miles out. paved road, near ry. sta., on west side. Washington county; price $350O half cash, or 124 acres same place $5000; half cash. R. M GATEWOOD & CO., 165 4th st. FOR SALE LOGGED-OFF LAND. Write for map of western Washington showing location, price and terms. Over 10,000 acres soia last year at our low price. Easy payments offered to actual settlers. WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER CO., Tacoma, Wash. i.lOO WILL HANDLE. 40 acres of loggedcoff land between Portland and Astoria, deep, rich soil, no brush: good roads, schools, churches. store and postof f ice; price $30 per acre on easy terms. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 6G3 N, W. Bank bldg. Main 3787. V. ACRE, located at Jennings Lodge. 4 mile irom station, an unaer cultivation. some berries, graveled road, 4-room house, barn, chicken house, woodshed The place is finished. Price $1150, all cah JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger Building. BEAUTIFUL POWELL VALLEY ACRES, 2 acres out Powell valley roaa: gas, electricity and phone available; only $ 1 00, easy terms. R. H. CONFREY, RITTER. LOWE & CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. ROSE CITY PARK acre cheap, $1500; on E 7 2d st., 6 blocks N. or sanay roaa, 265 ft. N. of Prescott st. ; 16x24 houee, Bull Run water; fine soil, mostly in gar den. Peter Ertz, owner, fnone wooa lawn 5907. TWO ACRES with good 2-room house. close to Gulls station. Good well, plenty of fine water, chicken houee. soil is of the very best; no gravel. Only $1250. See Mr. Boehm, zva uregon Diag. Bdwy. 1658. 3 ACRES, between Portland and Mil wau kie, 7c iare, an unaer cultivation, iinest arden land, graveled street, city con venlences, small house. Price $2425, small navment down. JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger Building. BERRY LAND. 5 acres, all cleared, exceptional good soil; this is close to new Mt. Hood loop and Gillls station on Bull Run electric nrlce onlv S1S45. easy terms. See M Boehm, 209 Oregon bldg. Broadway 1658, 5 ACRES. NEWKURST PARK. Near Base Line road; $2000; very easy terms. R. H. CONFREY. RJTTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldpr. FOR S X T "RV OWVFR Five acre of blackcap raspberrieS 1 acre strawberries, bouse and lot : all In Sherwood, Or. Price $5000, part terms. Address box 133 or call at bank, Sher wood. Or. 2 ACRES, located 1 mile south of Stanley station, best or loam soil, t miles irom center of Portland, city water and gas In street, fine graveled road. Price $1050, $250 cash. Inspected by Marsters, with JOHN FERGUSON. Gerlinger Building. OUT POWELL VALLEY ROAD. One big acre, covered with beautiful grove of trees, for only $350, easy terms. R. H. CONFREY. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201 -3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. OWN 5 ACRES FREE and an income. Send for free maps and information. Box 203, Toyah, Texas. 7 ACRES near White Salmon; 5 acres well cultivated: 20O fruit trees, water for ir rigation; house 18x28; price $2250; $750 down, terms on balance to suit pur chaser WOODCOCK, 327 Henry Bldg. SUBURBAN HOME SITE. One acre out Powell Valley road for $350. on easy terms. R. H. CONREY. . RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 9 ACRE'S, large timber, fir, some cedar, close to new Mt. Hood loop and Gillis station on Bull Run electric: excellent soil. Snap for $1800. easy terms. See Mr. Boehm, 209 Oregon bldg. Bdwy. 1658. FOR SALE 5 acres, all- clear, 3-room house, near Orenco, Or.. 20 minutes from station, 5 minutes to school, $1650. Own er, H. Jeibmann, Orenco, Or. Steady employment if wanted. 20 ACRES on Barr road, west of Buckley avenue. B. R. water; reduced from $600 to $400 per acre. HENRY W. GODDARD, 243 Stark st. LOGGED-OFF land, $30 an acre; we are building roads and making other im provements; you can work out first pay ments Call at once. Johnson-Dodson Co., 633 N. W. Bank bldg. CLOSE-IN ACBTEAGE: $10 CASH. $10 month; city water; no city assess ments or gravel; inspect these 'beautiful ttCW. CART, 1219 X. W. Bank Bldg! OWNER must sell one acre with seven room modern house, fruit trees, grapes, loganberries and blackberries, on paved street and car line; price $6000. with terms. Tabor 4766. FOR SALE or trade for late model Ford, 4 acres. mile from Cathlamet, Wash., level, good spring, partly cleared, good terms. Price $500. Lock box 938. Port land. Or. for SALE by owner, 20 acres, high state of cultivation. Irrigated, 1 ml. N. Canby highway. K. k., moaern oias., ait city conv. Call or write H. L. Yandergriff, Caaby. Or. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Acreage. ACREAG E. ACREAGE. ACREAGE. 20 acres, $1800. near Hlllsboro, small cabin, land all tillable. y acre In cultivation, good creek, $100 cash, $12.50 monthly. 33 acres, near Molino, unim proved, 25 acres level, brush and small fir, creek; $50O cash, $10 monthly. 40 acres. $1250, near Colton. un improved, easy cleared, all tillable, creek; $200 cash, $15 monthly. 40 acres, $1500, near Kalama, 4 room house, barn, some cleared, on Kalama river; $250 cash, 5 yrs. en balance. 40' acres, $2000, near Colton. 4 acres in cultivation, all fenced, unfinished bungalow, new barn, etc, creek; $500 cash, good terms. 40 acres, $3200, near Oregon City. 7 acres in cultivation, shack buildings, some cord wood, spring, all fenced; $500 cash, good terms. FRED W. GERMAN CO., 732 Chamber of Commerce. CHOTCE TEN ACRES. Ten acres, very sightly, all in cultivation; fine soil ; extra good two-story house with full base ment, 'hardwood floors, fireplace, sleeping porches and private water system; extra good barn, accom modate 20 cows, laj-ge silo, chick en house, neat four-room tenant house, nice young orchard, abun dance of berries and located in fine close-in district. Make price right and terms reasonable. This is one of the very best and choicest close-in acreage proposi tions, with much merit; is a real home and a big bargain. In fact, in our opinion, buildings cannot be duplicated for price asked for entire property. Consider some trade. SAMUEL DOAK. 1202 Northwestern Bank Bldg. HANDSOME 8-ACRE HOME. 6 MILES FROM CITY LIMITS, FOR $50OO. 8 acres, all cleared, lies perfectly, no rock, best soil ; 6-room pla. tered house, rock foundation ; nice red barn, numer ous outbuildings, very choice, prof ita bio orchard, lots prunes, bearing English walnuts, 1 acre strawberries, 2 cows, chickens, hay, grain, implements; price $5000. half cash. Just 6 miles city lim its, right at stores, schools and churches, in best community. We have scores of small acreage homes to select from. HARGROVE REALTY CO., 122 N. 6th at. Broadway 43SL GOOD BUY IN ACREAGE. 3 acres, highly improved, in thriving young town only IS miles from Portland on the Red electric ; only few minutes' walk from the station; place all in high state of cultivation: one acre in line young bearing orchard, about one acre iu all kinds of berries; nice six-room plas tered house. good bam, garage and chicken houses; house wired for elec tricity, which is obtainable. There is can nery In the town, which will take all your fruit. This place is a snap at $3300. Terms. JOHN E, HOWARD, 318 Cham, of Com. DEAL DIRECT WITH OWNER AND BUILDER. ACRES, located 3 miles from Hlllsboro, on dirt road, all under cultivation, acre strawberries, logan, rasp, and black berries; H mile to grade school: 6-room house, barn, chicken house, woodshed with 8 cords wood. With the place go 60 pullets, 24 hens, 1 cow, 1 horse, 2 hogs, 2 tons hay, small tools, cultivator and SI 50 worth of lumber; price $2675, $1550 cah, balance $75 year at 6 per cent. Brooks, with JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger Building. BIG ACREAGE SNAP. 13 acres, partly In cultivation, all level, good soil, 3 blocks from electric station, store and postof fice, 1 block to school; new 6-room bungalow, bath and built ins. new barn, modern built, new cellar. chicken houses, woven wire fenced ; 18 miles from Portland ; $3000, good terms. L. O. GERBER, 715 Swetland bldg. 7V ACRES, nicely improved, good soil, all in cultivation, 3Mt acres in berries, good new bungalow, plastered and well fin ished, good barn, chicken house and park, water piped to house and barn. price $4700, on good road in Gresham nign scnooi district. KRIDER & ELKINGTON", Gresham, Oregon. 5 ACRES, y mile from station at Orenco. All can be cultivated, under culti vation, creek and spring, 25 apple trees. cherries and pears ; acre loganber- ries, some strawberries and raspberries 8-room house, 2 large chicken houses. 3 incubators, brooder house. Price $3150, half caph. Marsers, with JOHN FERGUSON'. Gerlinger Building. 4 ACRES ON CARLINE $3900. 5-room bungalow, electric lights, choice lot of fruit and berries, 35 minutes' ride good auto road, 4 blocks station ; first class land, nice barn and outbuildings non-resident owner, possession at once ; some terms. T. McChesney, 304 Vi Oak st. Broadway 2ho. TWO ACRES FOR $50 DOWN and $8 a month ; located near electric station and paved road; lies level, some nice timber; ideal suburban homesite, Tine for chickens, berries, etc.; price $bOO; terms, 5.o cash, monthly. LUEDEM ANN COMPANY. 913 Chamber of Commerce. $1600 ONE ACRE $1600. Metzger station. 4-room cottage and 1 acre, cleared and nearly all in cultiva tion; good well, running creek, fine place for chicken or duck ranch; pay sauu aown ana it s yours. kzslw me ana I'll be glad to show you today. Mr. Kohlman, Main 3872. $500 CASH, balance easy monthly pay ments, buys 3 acres near Buckley ave nue, all in cultivation: 3-room house: 4 mile from electric station. Price $3000. ee -ir. rarnswortn. wun H. A. DRYER. "THE ACREAGE MAN." 50S-9 Lewis Bldg. Broadway 5081 5 ACRES, 3 mile from station, Tualatin all can be cultivated, 2 acres under cul tlvation. good county road. I acre straw. berries. mile to school, best of sandy loam son. nne ror locan or otner Perries. Price $1225, $470 cash, balance at $10 per month at per cent. JOHN FERGUSON. Gerlinger Building. 6 ACRES, 5-room modern bungalow, chick en house : mostly cleared ; only $3.00, $1500 cash: will consider home in Port land for about $1500. This Is a bargain don't fail to see us about it. BROWN & CLEVELAND, Gresham. Phone 981 Gresham. 10 ACRES. $600. Unimproved, right at electric sta tion, fine trout stream, soma fine bot tom land. 22 miles from Portland; $350 cash, balance to suit. MORRIS & BUNDY, 618 Chamber of Commerce bldg. $3500 BUYS 25 acres land, 1 mile from Multnomah station on good road: easy terms can be arranged, see Mr. Karnsworto, with H. A. DRYER. "THE ACREAGE MAN." 508-9 Lewis Bldg. Broadway 5081, 40 ACRES. $1050. 2 acres In cultivation, small house, 23 miles from Portland, o miles from elec tric line; $300 cash, balance to suit. MORRIS & BUNDY. 618 Chamber of Commerce bldg. ACREAGE SNAP. 10 acres, all in cultivation, 1 fi miles from Yamhill, in the heart of the best fruit and berry country; $1300, $200 down, balance easy. L. O. GERBER, 715 Swetland bldg. 11 V- ACRES. 26 miles from city, on elec. car. 14 miles from station. 10M- acres in cult.. 4-room house, well at door. mile from school, on hard-surface road: price $2000; take $1100. bal. terms. Miss Hoiman, 416 Cham, of Com. 4 ACRES FOR $14O0. Out Powell Valley road; beautiful coun try home nte. R. H. CONFREY. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 30 ACRES, 3 miles from Beaverton, good soil. 2n acres cuitivatea, balance brush easy cleared, spring, small creek, land rolling, farm adjoining worth $3O0 per acre ; good road. o. w. AXesselheiser, 408 Henry bldg. FOR SALE 10 acres, all improved; 6-rm house, barn, fruit, berries, plenty of wood, horse, wagon, farm tools; on good road between Greenburg and Tigard. w 13H. oregonian. 53 ACRES near city limits on Barr road; 10 acres ready for plow, balance small brush; half price for quick sale; $225 an acre. McDONELL, East 419. lo" ACRES $3000; short distance east of city, new Barr road and Buckley ave.; level land, good soil, city water, near; will divide. Owner, 910 Chamber of Commerce. Phone Marshall 1585. BEAUTIFUL HOMESITE. 40 to 60 acres or less. Let me 'show "you something good; mostly in cultiva tien. 615 Chamber of Commerce bldg. 10 A.. $3500, NEAR Portland; 6 cleared, creek, barn, timber. McFarland, Fail ing bldg. REAL ESTATE. For Sale 8a ACRES 6 ACRES XN" CULTIVATION. Good 5-room plastered house, fireplace, water in house: has barn, chicken house, family or chard of assorted fruits, logan berries and strawberries; stock and implements. A bargain at $5800, terms. 3 ACRES, ALL IN CULTIVA TION ; 4-room house, good well, chicken park, domestic orchard of bearing prunes, apples, plums and 8oo strawberry plants; 4 miles from Vancouver; 300 yards Iro a car line; $1500. $5500. 20 ACRES, ALL IN CULTIVA TION; good buildings, extra fine water piped to house; orchard, good road, 1 mile to school. 6 miles to Vancouver; only $2000 cash, balance 5 years at 7 per cent. ATKINSON & PORTER, 112 W. Sixth HU, Vancouver, Wash. HAVE dandy acre. 2 ml. this side Hllls boro, 1 ml. to sta. on O. E. ;all under cult.; 5-r. house, not modern, small barn, woodshed with 6 cords wood, chicken house, hog house, $150 lumber; acre all kinds berries, 10 M strawberry plants ready to set out, acre spuds, some other veg. This will make an ideal berry and chicken ranch for someone; $2500, $1500 ca-sh. rest long time. Will consider trade for R. E. in or near town, or car up to $750. Give full details firat letter. Address BC J 66, Oregonian. 40 ACRES, 15 "miles fromPortland ; 18 seeded to fall wheat, 1 in oats, 10 ready to seed, bal. timber and pasture. Good 6-room house, barn and other buildings. Fine family orchard, all kinds fruit and. berries, 3 horses. 2 cows, farm machin ery, 7 dozen chickens, 2 miles from Ore gon City, sidewalk, to town. Price $12, O0O. $5000 cash. bal. terms. This Is in a high state of cultivation and a fine place to live. For this and other places see J. A. Bushue, 518 Cham, of Com. $2700 27 ACRES, Skyline blvd.. 12 mtlf Portland; Mi cultivated, fine soil, crock, springs, small house, barn. $2000 2 acres Garden Home, 6-room nouse. $4500 Garden Home, 1 acre, good home. $6000j ll'a acres, modern home, cul tivated. S2500 10 acres, IteedvlMe, CHAS. RINGLER CO.. 225 Henry Bldg. NEAR BEAVERTON, OREGON. 5 acres, good land, all can be culti vated, 3 acres under cultivation, woven wire fencing, orchard, 4-room bungalow ready for lath and plaster, good barn, chicken house and other buildings, lie commutation fare. 30 minutes out, 2 car lines. Price $2850, $050 cash. Personally inspected, photo at office. JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger Building. WELL LOCATED 5-ACRE TRACT. 5 acres, located 4 blocks from Base line road, east of city limits 4 miles. All can be cultivated. 3 2 acres under cul tivation, some bearing fruit trees, 6 blocks to car. Place on good graveled road. Offered at a bargain, $70O cash, balance at $15 per month. Inspected by Nelson, with JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger Building. 20 ACHES EASY TERMS. 1 MILES CENTER OF PORTLAND. At Damascus: faces malu highway, rocked to paving: 1 7 acrng cleared. 8 acres bearing orchard; spring: fine soil: gentle south slope, ideal for berries. Sightly. $4000; terms. J. C. COR HI N CO.. 305-6-7 Lewis Bldg. Homesteads, KelinnuiKhnients. 300.000.000 ACRES government land in u nitea states. Send for free descrip tive circular of our 100-page book. "The Homeseeker; tells where good farm, timber, grazing land is; or send $2.00 for book direct. The Homeseeker, dept 3. Los Angeles, Cal. CAN LOCATE you en a good homestead, rornana or Koseburg district, tarmlng or timber tracts ; also have some good relinquishments. E. W. Helm, 317 Board . of Trade bldg. THREE homesteads worth $10,000 each, on railroad, mhe to town, school, churches. 353 Holladay ave. HOMESTEAD relinquishment eastern Ore gon at a bargain. OdO N. -0th st., Salom. Oregon. Fruit and Nut Lands. 23 ACRES, one of best commercial appl orcnarus l aaima valley, snowing Dig income; good water right, line district; sell on ea-sy terms or exchange for stock general merchandise, commercial hot el or city income, some live Oregon or Cali fornia city. Further particulars address LUM PE, 7008 Jones ave. Northwest, Seattle, Wash. 76 ACRES, shot soil, f ln for walnuts, prunes, apples, pears, cherries or logan berries, 20 miles south, near paved high way, no rock, fine spring; 200O cords of wood', milk and mail route. $S0 per acre, terms: adjoining land held for $250 per acre. See Willlt. tax d-ept.. Court house. MUST sell to closa an estate. 30-acre bearing orchard; monthly income of $-100 cash aside from fruit. For particulars ad dress F. K. Olleman. Han ford. Wash. LARGE, bearing pear and apple ranch In southern Oregon; will subdivide or con yider part trade. Box 99S. Hoieburg. Or. For Sale Farms. NO BETTER FARM IN OREGON 23't acres, everything goes. Six miles from Salem. Just off paved road. Eight-room strictly modern new bungalow, fine out buildings. 20 acres beariug prunes, 1 70 acre in crop, 60 acres of timber, nearly all fir and oak, all latest farm machin ery and implements go: also 900 bushels of oats, 40 tons feed, 70 tons silage. H head cows, 2 Holstein bulls, pigs, lOO chickens, 6 head horses. Hpace won't permit to tell everything, but it'st th biggest bargain ever heard of. Writ or wire us for full details it can't last long. Laf lar & Laflar, Oregon bldg., Salem, Oregon. GREAT BARGAIN IN A FARM. 68 acres highly improved, $Gooo. easy terms, or will trade good house and barn, fenced, level black soli, one mtJu of live town with cannery, on auto mobile highway in Willamette valley; has 4 acres loganberries, family or chard and prune orchard; plenty wood; water piped from natural spring to house and barn. This is good. See A. F. Dlllen, with J. BRUCE GODDARD, 501-2 Couch Bldg. FARM AND STOCK RANCH. Why pay the big price for good land when you can be convinced after seeing what I have for less than half you pay closer to Portland? Read this; 403 acres one-half mile from Brownsville, Or.; about 200 acres under cultivation, the balance is fine pasture; some tim ber, good buildings, graveled road, sightly location ; price $85 per acre; StioOO cash, balance ten years, 6 per cent interest. L. B. Morse, agent, Brownsville, Or. ALBERTA HOMES WANTED! We want ALBERTA HOMES. Have hundreds of buyers waiting. IT'S SOLD IF LISTED WITH US; 25 salesmen to work on Its sale. See FRANK L. McGUIRE To Sell Your Home. Abington bldg. Main 1063. 27 ACRES. Close to Cedar Mills, about 85 min. drive from heart of Portland, 4 acres potatoes, 10 acres cult., 4-room houe. good barn, large chicken house, running creek, wonderful soil; 2 cows, tearu horses, 300 chickens; all equipment, hay, grain, straw. A bargain. $6750. Any reasonable terms. A. Gordon Ross, INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO. Broadway 4751. 410 Henry Bld.T. 40 ACRES. NEAR GRESHAM. WILL TAKE HOUSE AS PART. Faces Mt. Hood highway, macadam ized and paved to Portland: 5 miles from Gresham. mile electric station. Slightly rolling, red shot to black: no waste land; streams. well: SO aertta under plow. 6-room bunealow witn fireplace, garage, barn: $9000; terms to JUiC. CORBIN CO., 305-6-7 Lewis Bldg. MR. RETIRED FARMER, ATTENTION ! How would you like to go back on the farm, but still live In town? I have a beautiful 120 acres Joining town; fine buildings, stock and Implements; on paved road; practically level, all tiled, 95 acres cultivated, creek and big oaks in pasture. For particulars, ad dress AV 696, Oregonian. 10 ACRES ON S. P. ELECTRIC. On main county road, near station; About 8 acres in cutivation and In com mercial fruit; $200 down. 8 years time on balance. Draper. 307 McKay Bldg., Third and Stark streets. $350 DOWN ON 3S ACRES. Good soil, about half In cultivation: 2 good springs, all fenced; price $60 per acre. $350 down, 8 yrs. time on balance. Draper. 307 McKay bldg.. Third and Stark streets. . 500-AC RE, well-improved farm under Irri gatlon; fine buildings. Price $50,000, one-third cafh, balance to suit, or would take city property in exchange, Ls J. Lamb, 605 Corbett blOf.