THE SUNDAY OREG ONI AN, PORTLAND, NOVEMBER 14, 1920 9 BKAL ESTATR. MARSHALL 1S98. TOTAL PRICE $3500. $1000 CASH. No. 227 Five-room bungalow and Bleeping porch, a very substantially built borne; bath, toilet, electric lights and Sp. graded streets and cement aide walks, extra good basement with laundry tray; only 1 blk. to cariine; lot 50x100. Total price $.15'H, $1u0o cash, balance $35 per month, 7 per cent interest. ROSE CITY. TOTAL PRICK $5250, $S30 DOWX. Wo. 272 New 5-room bungalow, hard wood floors. latent built -ins. Dutch kitchen, pretty fireplace, good plumbing, electric lights and gas. paved streets, cement sidewalk in and paid for. Total pri-e $5250. $.0 cash. bal. $40 per mo., Including 7 per cent interest. NORTH I R V I N f.TO.V. TOTAL PRICE $2504). "No. 2f4 Four-room bungalow, consist ing of living and dining room combined, kitchen and 2 bedrooms, full set of plumbing, electric lights and gas. paved streets, cement sidewalks and sewer all In and paid for. Remember this is onl 1 block the Irving-ton car: totaJ price oniy $L'rof. IMH) cawh. bat. to suit. The rt-ason this low is they wish to sell to Settle an twrtate. ROSE CITV. $500 DOWN. $500 DOWN. No. C7 Five-room bungalow, p'.ace is modern in every respect ; owner has bought another place and will sell this tor the ridiculously low price of $KOOM, $r.oo cash down payment, bal. the tame as rent. PRETTY" ALAMEDA. TRADE IN YOUll LOT. No. 256 Five-room bungalow, break fast room, hardwood floors, latest built 1ns. Dutch kitchen, furnace, fireplace, foil set of plumbing, large attic, good "basement, paved street, cement sidewalk and sewer, close to the Broadway car line. Total price $6S00, will take a good lot for first payment and some money, or $10OO down and bai. to suit. One of the best buvs In Alameda. LAWYERS TITLE & TRUST CO.. 2S5 Stark st.. near 4th. MARSHALL 1S9. FOUR-ROOM HOUSE. FURNISHED. "Pour-room bouse furnished. For the fm&i l sum of $13oo, you can own your o-wn home and completely furnished also. Party is going to Montana and wishes to sell quick; he has a practically new gas range costing $95, rug costing $S5, oak bookcase- costing $0, sewing machine costing $60. Located on a good cariine, bouse newly painted and in good con dition, electricity and gas; lot 50x100, all clear, $S50 will handle, bal. at $15 per month. WAKEFIELD. FRIES & CO., "Bd-wy. 29S0. So Fourth St. $400 DOWN ALBERTA. $1900 $40O down. Cosy 5-room little cottage home; living room, music room, dining room, kitchenette, white enamel plumbing, electric ity, gas. THINK. $400 down, MONTHLY TERMS EASIER THAN THE EASIEST KIND OF RENT. E. 9th st. FRANK L. McGHTRB To Buy Tour Home. A-bington Building. Main 1068. Third St., bet. Washington and Stark. NEW BUNGALOW, fitted up with every little convenience that is known, break fast table, broom closet, hardwood ' floors, buffet, cupboards, etc. Corner two lots, large garage; constructed to last; 2x10 joists ; warmly built of only the very best .material. One block from Twoy Bros. Graveled street. Price $4500, $2000 down and terms on balance if desired, by owner. A Carlson. Tabor 6415. 255 East 59th St.. near Gllsan st. 25-ACRE FARM SNAP. GOOD BUILDINGS. FAMILY ORCHARD. 4H0 CHICKENS. REEDVILLE DISTRICT. Owner is a woman, moving east. Your chance for a bargain. NEILA.V & PARK HILL, 219Lumbermens bldg., 5th and Stark sts. VIEW BUNGALOW. This Is a dandy little bungalow with a fine view which cannot be shut off. It has a large living room, 2 bedrooms, bath and kitchen al! on one floor. This is practically new and is undoubtedly a splendid value at $;50O. with a small Initial payment Mr. Symmonds, COE A. McKENNA & CO., S2 Fourth st. Main 4522. OWNER ML'ST SELL. Seven bright, sunny rooms and sleeping porch; modern, in every respect, excellent condition, good furnace, concrete base ment, laundry trays, 50x100 lot, new colony chicken house; close in. 1 block to Sellwood car; $4400. $1200 cash. Must be seen to be appreciated. 665 Reedway. Sellwood 532. BEAUTIFUL FURNISHED HOME. Right on Sandy blvd. ; beautiful 6-room modern bungalow ; has all the latest built-ins and garage, all improvements in and paid; this home can be bought with or without furniture; part cash, balance terms. East 661 ; evenings, E. 8038. $3700 . FOR CORNER HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. Paved street In and paid for; full ce ment basement ; house nearly new and clean ; H. W. floors, 5 rooms, large at tic; modern built-in conveniences. Price only $3700. reasonable terms. Call at 170 E. 38th st. or phone Tabor 1524. ' EY OWNER Good 3 -room and pantry piasterea nouse, wnn Dasement ; 4 lots ; barn, wood house and garage; 16 bear ing fruit trees, raspberries. ' strawber ries, grapes; ground in good state of cultivation; a good nome lor small fam ily; $2000 cash. 9701 58th ave. S. E. Might arrange some terms. IRVTNGTON. New concrete bungalow ; living room, dining room, 2 bedrooms, sleeping porch, all on one floor; best of construc tion, small upkeep. 3 blocks to Irving ton car ; has gara ge. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 8787. IRVTNGTON. HOME. $7500. $7500. Hall, living. library and dining all In fvory, hardwood floors, 4 bedTooms, ga rage; terms $1000, $50 per month. East 1347. IRVTNGTON. $7000. $1000 CASH. Beautiful home, 1 block from car. near Siskiyou, vacant, built 4 years, best ma terial, 7 beautiful rooms, modern to the minute; first floor with tapestry paper. MacDONNELL, EAST 419. BY OWNER Five-room bungalowHaw thorne district; hardwoos) floors, fire place, buffet, Dutch kitchen, range and gas water heater, floored attic, full ce ment basement, wash trays, large bed rooms, built-ins, paved street, lfi blocks to car; $4000, $1500 down. Main 4811. "A NICE HOME 6-room modern house, well built, full cement basement, in first-class condi tion, like new, garage, 1 blk. car; price $4500, $1720 cash, bal. $30 month, in cluding int. 6 per cent. R. M GATE WOOD & CO.. 165Vfc 4th st. 5-ROOM MODERN BUNGALOW. In splendid condition; 5xl00 lot; good location, on 6."th ave: $2600, $5u0 cash. R. H. CONFREY, iiiTTSR. LOWE fc CO.. 2P1-3-J-7 Board of Trade Bldg. A GOOD BUY " In clOFe-in property. 7 -room furnished residence, full lot. garage, fruit, many modern conveniences. $5250. easy terms. 69 East Alder st. East720. DEAL WITH OWN E R. New modern five-room California bun galow, selling at sacrifice, leaving town. Auto. 332-53. WOOD & COLE. BUILDERS. See us before you build your home. We guarantee satisfaction. Woodlawa 5348 W ILL sell for $15o equity on 6-room modern house, corner lot 5 Ox ISO, fruit, berries, chicken yard; 2 blocks from car. Tabor 6943. $3iH) FUT?NISHED 5-room bungalow, E 25th. near S. P. R. R. shops; 500 cash, bal. monthly. Phone owner East 3225 evenings. MY MODERN Alberta bungalow, close to car. completely furnished; $4600; my home is double constructed and" well Vollt, Automatic 319-21. Main 1377. LARGS ft-room bungalow, 2 halls. 8x11 tt of location, elegantly (urni.hoH' $S000. one-na:r cash 1040 E. ISth st. n' Phone Wdln. 772. LIST your property with Rose City Realty Co. - We are getting good results. East 66t. Evenings, East 8038. $4500 WttRT SIDE. 7 rooms, gas. bath, electricity; cement cellar. 2 hrepiaces; lot 50xlO0. Owner. 467 10th st. A ROSE CITY home at a sacrifice. Owner leaviTijc city. Location of the best. Broadway ii7. BUNGALOW 6 rooms, modern, sleeping porch, garage, close to car; $4000. terms R. W. Cary. 1219 N. W. Bank bldg. 6-ROOM bungalow, modern. In Hawthorne district. Phone Tabor 3639. 360 E. 43d st. , BUNGALOW Just bu:it for 2. 1 bik. to car; ready to move In : can be seen ft! 110 East Baldwin, st. Wdln. UJ47. REAL ESTATE. lor Sale -UODSM, BEAUTIFUL SUBURBAN HOME. By owner, H acre, well fertilized, all kinds fruit, nuts and berries, good chick en house, nice lawn, a most beautiful 7 -room bouse built for a home; the very best material and workmanship money could buy; oak, floors, fireplace, fur nace, beamed ceilings, paneled dining room, all finished lumber, personally selected at mill: French mirror dour in reception hall, French mirror in buffet, large light closet, enameled kitchen and bath, large attic, full deep basement, laundry trays, gas plate, very best water system. The basement alone Is worth wttwr pipes never ireeze in this - - v,wii ciuciiu uuine mitt could be built. Words cannot describe the beauty both Inside and out. Grand view of mountains; 2 blocks west of Capitol Hill and Catholic schools. 2 bike, from Oregon Electric railway; winter's supply of wood and combination gas, coal and wood range goes with the p lac?',rtA, barain at $7000. Call Mar shall 4017. WEST SIDE HOME FOR $7500. Just think of it! $7500 puts vou in possession of a strictly modern 8 -room house on 2oth St., where the lot alone is worth more than we are asking for the whole place; only a few minutes from , the business part of town, excel lent car service. paved street; good neighborhood; H. W. floors throughout ; furnace, 2 fireplaces, shower bath, cloyed in sleeping porch; music room, finished attic, cement bailment. This is not an old house and is doubly constructed throughout. To see it today, call Mrs. Lucius. Tabor 3069. No agents. $5500 BRAND NEW BUNGALOW. HEART OF ROSE CITY PARK 561 EAST 60TH ST.- NORTH. $o500, liberal terms; just completed, vacant, brand new 5-rooin bungalow and large glassed sleeping porch, hardwood lloors. fireplace, bookcases and all built ins, novelty Dutch kitchen, elegant elec tric fixtures, shades, full enamel plumb ing, floored attic, full basement, cement floor, best of workmanship, double con structed throughout; also lined with felt, 0xl00 east front lot, splendid location, restricted, street paving and connected sewers Included In price (no cesspool). Others are asking up to $7500 for a bungalow of this character. See this to day. Owner on premises 10 to 5 dailv, or phone automatic 223-44 evenings for appointments; 1 blocks south of Rose city car. No agents looxioo Piedmont A POSITIVE BARGAIN. or $6100 we believe this beats any buy in this part of the city; one of the finest corners in Piedmont with shads and fruit trees; a thoroughly well-built home of 5 large rooms and bath, with room in big attic for 3 more bedrooms; fireplace, furnace, garage. P'.ease re member the lot is a corner, 100x100, and the street liens are paid; owner must have $o000 cash; immediate possession. COMTE & KOH LM AN, Sunday phone Wdln. 194. Main 600O. 2U8 Chamber of Commerce bldg. MT. TABOR VIEW HOME SACRIFICE. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. Well-built 6-room bungalow, modern In detail, all kinds of built-ins. Including good fireplace, furnace, full basement, laundry trays, 2 lots 9000 ft. sq. This house was built for a home and worth much more than price asked. Can give very reasonable terms. See Johnson, Interstate Land Co., 248 Stark su Main 5429. $1950 Modern 4-room cottage on corner lot; has large light living room and dining room, Dutch kitchen - and corner bed room and bath room; good basement and 4 kinds of fruit trees. 1 blk. to Lau rel hurst car; improvements paid. J. L, KARXOPP & CO., Main 675. 319 Ry. Exch. b.dg. PIEDMONT BUNGALOW $3500. Modern 6-room bungalow; fireplace with radiant fire; nice Dutch kitchen, cement basement, 50x100 lot, 3 fruit trees, garage, 1 block from car: $1000 down, balance like rent. See this to day. Mrs. Hall. 1155 Williams ave. vvam 00 1. 6-room house, lot 50x100, best garden soil, 7 assorted fruit trees, cow and chicken house, fine neighborhood, side walks and sewer in, price includes gas range, linoleum on dining room, kitchen and pantry; Monta villa car to 53d st., 3 blocks south to 1429 E. Davis st. NEW I RVINGTON. 631 East 18th st. North; 6 large rms., double garage, 2 fireplaces, oak floors throughout; beautifully papered, finished in Ivory enamel. Fine trees. Open today. See this for comparison of values before buying; $10,500. $1500 cash and $100 monthly. Mautz Building Co.. ow n e rs. $7000 R. C. PK. home. You'll take pride to own such finely located, double-constructed, well built, modern house; 8 rooms, large sleeping porch, full lot. Owner would consider R. C. lot as part payment. Loo this up. G 69, Or ego -nian. COM P LET ELY furnished 5-room bunga low, some built-ins, fireplace, . full plumbing, faces east; close to car; wood and briquets included in the price. Price $35O0. $750 cash, balance monthly. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. THAT VACANT LOT. Why not turn burden Into Income? We design ana build apartments, garages residences, anything; furnish plans and finance. Established 10 years. We offer SECURITY. SERVICE, SATISFACTION L. R. Bailey Co.. 924 N. W. Bank bldg STOP, LOOK, LISTEN. Rose City sacrifice, $12O0; $C50 cash, $15 month; 4 rooms, gas, plumbing, etc Also fce acre Mt. Scott, 5 rooms, garage, barns, etc.; $1000 cash ; 4 rooms, gas, plumbing, etc., nicely furnished. Owner, 61 B. 74th Bt. N., Rose City car. 2-ROOM HOUSE. Lot 80x120; splendid chicken house and scratching pens; on oth ave.: a bargain at $1700. terms. R. H. CONFREY, RITTER. LOWE & CO 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bl'dg. FOR SALE 6-room bungalow, bath, elec- inc iignis ana' gas, gooa. Dasement; a well-built house, corner lot. 50x100. 93500, good payment- down: terms. 580 E. Sth st. South. Inquire 631 Milwaukle street. Sellwood 1289. IRVINGTON Semi-modern house in ex cellent location. Three bedrooms and bath upstairs; five rooms and extra toi let downstairs. House newly papered and painted. Good garage. $3900. Own er, East 2295. WALNUT PARK HOME FOR $4500. 6-room home, 3 bedrooms, nice Dutch kitchen, full cement basement with laundry trays; alley, paved sts.; 5 fruit trees; 1 block to car See this today Mrs. Hall. 1155 Williams ave. Wdln. 351. FOR SALE 7-room bungalow, bath, elec tric lights and gas. Dutch kitchen, ce ment basement, laundry trays; 2 full lots on paved street. Sellwood car Tine. $4500 cash. 741 Milwaukie st. Inquire 631 Milwaukie St. Sell. 1289. FOR SALE 3-room cottage, electric lights, water and gas, lot 50x100. 2 blks. from cariine, 25 minutes' ride from town; apple, pear, prune and cherry trees, all bearing; quick sale $700. Call Sellwood 20S9. SOUTH PORTLAND BARGAIN. 7 rooms and garage, nearly new. full basement, street paved and paid. Price $2750. John Singer. 420 Chamber of Commerce bid g . M a I n 0478. SEMI- BUNGALOW. T Six rooms, full lot, one block to car Price $2650. W. H. ROSS. 1100 Northwestern Sank Bldg. BIG SACRIFTCE in 6-room modern Irving ton house. 1 block to Broadway; house like new and ready to move in; worth $7000; will sell for $5900; owner. M 1S5. Oregonian. BIG BARGAIN IN SUNNYSIDE. 7-ROOM MODERN RESIDENCE; fire place, furnace, corner lot; streets made and paid ; $1000 cash, balance monthly. TAGGART BROS., 1102 Spalding Bldg. HOUSE PLANS." "Distinctive Homes," illustrated book of over loo designs. $1; blueprints $10. DISTINCTIVE 1JOMES COMPANY 924 Northwestern Bank bldg. SIX ROOMS: SLEEPING PORCH Furnace, paved street, $4500 W. H. ROSS, 1100 Northwestern Bank B ! d g IRVINGTON dandy little horne TM Broadway; garage, $5000, some ' cash S50 per month. McDonnell, east 419. TH i REE-ROOM nouse on 67th ave.. cement basement. 22x12. Price $1000, J50 down basement. rrice siuoo :o and terms at 6 per cent. For particu- IRVINGTON bungalow type. 7 rnnm. ern, artistic, good neighborhood, twn rsst 4ioo. "t- A MODERN 4-room bungalow on a paved , street; near car ana school. Phon Tabor 3007. of call500 E. 41st st. South HOUSE, modern, fine location, for sale or rent. Aut. 227-66. lv or LARGE house, west side, for acreaea to $2000; bal. monthly. 292 Larrabee. FOR SALE A home. 10'dA Corbett L In quire 800 Elec. bldg.. afternoons. IRVINGTON HOMES. McDonell. 500 East 14th N. East 419. IRVINGTON HOMES OUR SPECIALTY - " ' -mw UiUg, s2750 1000 down, terms. Lot r.rwinA 4-room modern. Fruit. Broadway Z87. FIVE-ROOM good furniture, phone svsn inga. Sdy. 4794. W9U HEAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. DANDY ALAMEDA PARK BUNGALOW. New. modern and beautiful five rooms and breakfast room, hard wood floors, built-in buffet and bookcases, cove ceiling and French doors, fireplace, finished in old ivory with tapestry paper, cement basement, furnace. Only $1500 takes it. easy terms. A real chance at $6500. FINE CHANCE IN LAUREL HURST. Five-room modern bungalow, hard wood floors, fireplace, all built ins, finished in old Ivory, tiled bath, full basement, furnace, ga rage, paved street, only $860 will handle this, easy terms. A BARGAIN ON ROY'AL AVE. Five-room modern bungalow, sleeping porch, hardwood floors, ' fireplace, lovely built-in buffet and bookcases, cement basement, fur nace, grand view and only 4 blks. to car; a fine home for $1000 down. A splendid bargain at $3800. LOVELY- MODERN 7-ROOM BUNGALOW. Hardwood floors, fireplace, built in buffet and bookcases, old ivory finish, 2 bedrooms and sleeping porch downstairs. 2 bedrooms up. Basement, furnace, hot-water con nections, garage, concrete drive way. Only $ I5m dow n and it is yours, easy terms. ATTRACTIVE BUNGALOW. Modern 5-room bungalow, hard wood floors, built-in conveniences, buffet, bookcases, etc.. cloakroom, f u'i 1 length beveled mirror, etc. ; white enamel kitchen with ail built-ins. full concrete basement: Int 100x150. cherry, peach, plum and shade trees; linoleum and gas range included In price of $6500, $1000 cash, bal. like rent. MODERN WEST "SIDE HOME. Seven-room residence, close in. walking distance, 4 bedrooms and bath upstairs, roomy attic to be finished into 2 or 3 large bedrooms, full concrete basement, good fur nace; only 2 biks. from Shattuck school. 4 from Lincoln high, whole price $6500. terms. WONDERFUL CHANCE ON WEST SIDE. Owner anxious to sell immediately and leave city, a completely and elegant furnished 7-room home, beautiful view, unexcelled five rooms, 2 bedrooms and bath down stairs, all hardwood floors. 2 bed rooms, sleeping porch and large at tic upstairs, large hall, fireplace and beautiful butlt-ins, cement basement. Fox furnace. Period furniture and finest furnishings. Will sell unfurnished if desired. A seldom found chance. See It. ROSE CITY PARK. Strictly modern Femi-bungalow, 6 rooms and den, hardwood floors, fireplace. built-in conveniences, full concrete basement, furnace, on paved street; $5000. terms. RTCHARD W. MAST, RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-S-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. Phone, Sunday 7 to 10 A. M. and 7 to 10 P. M. Wdln. 4300. WE WRITE ALL KINDS OF INSURANCE. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. A charming home with unsurpassed vie w ; large grounds; over 13,000 square feet, with abundant shrubbery, fruit and garden; house is of excellent construc tion, with large living room overlooking wide sweep of country; 4 large bedrooms on 2d floor; on 3d floor, billiard room, maid's room and trunk room; concrete garage. Priced far below actual value; it you like the heights, this is your op portunity; $15,500, with convenient terms. FREDERIC C. PRATT, Bdwy. 165S. Sunday Main 1614. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. 7 rooms and reception hall, cloak closet with beveled-plate mirror In hall. Large living room with fireplace and bookcases, dining room has buffet and bnilt-in window seats, best grade hard wood floors, -2 large corner bedrooms, bath and toilet and Dutch kitchen on first floor, 2 fine bedrooms upstairs, deep cement basement, furnace, 50x100 lot, with paved st. and sewer paid; fruit trees and berries. This bungalow is built to endure and can be purchased for only $5750 on terms of $ 150O cash. CLE VE LAND-HENDERSON CO. 306-8 Board of Trade Bldg. Brd. 4754. ONE OK PORTLAND'S best built and most complete homes, close In, car line on rear street, full view of mountains and city which cannot be obstructed; mahog any and white woodwork, oak floors, hot water heat, two maid rooms with bath, four bedrooms and two tiled baths, both tubs and showers, on second floor; heated sleeping porches; garage with en trance into house. Will sell with most of furnishings Would carry 40 per cent long time at 7 per cent interest if de sired and would take in small Irvlngton house on balance. Address owner. BF 21. Oregonian. . 0300 IRVINGTON $6300. This fine 2-story home is located near 20th and Knott streets in the best part of Irvington. It has 6 rooms and glassed in sleeping porch; ivory finish, oak floors, beautiful fireplace, Dutch kitchen, big basement. high-grade furnace, large ga rage, street liens paid. If you realized the good value here you'd hurry to see it. We believe it's the best buy lu Irv ington. - . COMTE & KOTTLMAN. Sunday phone Wdln. 194S. Main 6550. 2fkS Chamber of Commerce bldg. PRICE $7000 TERMS. Am leaving city and wish to sell my modern home with double parlors, en trance hall, dining room, kitchen, sleep ing porch, fireplace, first floor; 4 large bedrooms and bath second floor; cement basement, furnace heat, lot 50x150, well improved grounds, 1 block from 2 car lines and close to school. Owner. East 4277. SEE INSIDE this Rose City district modern home, $1000 cash, price $5500. worth $650O; easy payments. 6 large sunny rooms, music room, fireplace, furnace, hard wood floors, running water in bedrooms and the biggest closets you ever saw Y'ou really must "look inside'" this charming home. Full lot, garage, paved street. 735 East 43d North. IRVINGTON. Nice corner, well built home, with garage, all newly painted inside and out, excellent condition; owner can give possession in one week. Price , $7500; terms. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. EXCEPTIONAL BARGAIN. Two 5-room houses, electric lights, gas, bath, etc., on 50x100 corner lot, nice lo cation; both houses are rented, but party can live In one house and receive steady Income from the other. Price $2tOO. Reasonable terms. Call J. P. Zirngiebel. 549 Tacoma ave. Sellwood 140. $3200. For sale by owner, modern 5-room bungalow, full basement, large attic, floored ; lot 50x100, garage, restricted district, 1 block to car and pavement; $10041 down, balance easy terms. 1825 E. Flanders- Immediate possession. "ONE OF ROSE CITY PARK'S BEST. Modern story-and-half bungalow, just off Sandy, the new "Rodfe Way," on 40th street. Tasty yard, large garden, ma cadam driveway and expensive garage, which matches house. Price $6500. TeL Tabor 2372. $2500, $300 CASH, $25 MONTH, INCLUD- buys a 6-room house, large, light rooms, well built, lot and a half, 9 fine fruit trees, Vi block from Mt Scott car. Main 7141. BEAUTIFUL HOME. -Seven rooms, hardwood floors, fire place, furnace, cement basement, every thing modern, full-sized lot, street im provements in and paid. Price $4850, terms. Call Broadway 5487. SIX ROOMS. On car line, close in, east side; only $2850; easy terms. W. H. ROSS. 1100 Northwestern Bank Bldg. ROSE CITY PARK. If the price is right, your house is sold if listed with A, N. Mikkelsen Co., 52d and Sandy blvd. Tabor 2580. Open Sundays. ROSE CITY DISTRICT. Modern 4-room bungalow with bath,: Dutch kitchen, built-ins, all modern con veniences, street paved. By owner, 311-17. 686 E. 70th N. FOR SALE, cheap, dandy place, 2000 Portsmouth ave., or traae tor email house, close in, on west side, will give bargain, take a look. IRVINGTON New cosy 3-room modern, up-to-date bungalow; some classy little place; Marge lot, nice lawn; paved st. Terms. Owner, 971 Knott St. FOR SALE BYv OWNER. 7-room bungalow, located In the best part of Rose City Park. For-description - and price call Tabor 1310. FIVE-ROOM bungalow, lot 40x100, on paved cariine; some buU-t-lns, wash trays in basement, gas. electricity, large light rooms, price $2750, terms. Auto. 513-36. FOR SALE 6-room modern cottage and garage; hardwood floors: lot GOxlOO; walking distance; between two car lines. For information call owner. East 6979. BUY FROM OWNER. 7-ROOM modern house, acre of ground, fruit trees and berries, on car line, terms. Price $4900. Tabor 4766. REAL ESTATE. For Sale -Houses. PACIFIC AGENCY, INC. THE HOME OF THE HOME BUYERS, THE HOME OF A THOUSAND BARGAINS. We are open evenings and Sun days for the convenience of the worklngman. We have many cour teous salesmen with autos at your service at any time. If you are in the market for a home call us up. Marshall 3989 or Marshall 1265. IRVINGTON. No. 452. Price $6750, $3750 Cash. Beautiful 2-story 7-room home, located In one of the best parts of eastern Irvington. large rooms, 4 fine bedrooms, hardwood floors, as near modern as a home can be. full 50x100 lot with garage; also a few good-sized fruit trees. We call this one of the pickups that are hard to find in this district. ALAMEDA PARK, No. 537. Price $7000. Substantial payment down. Strictly modern 9-room home; full front porch, large living room, with massive fireplace, beautiful music room or den, 2 good bed rooms downstairs, Dutch kitchen, hardwood floors, full basement, furnace, 2 large bedrooms up stairs and a sleeping porch; 50x 100 lot. and about 5 blocks from school. We challenge you to beat this price. IRVINGTON. No. CC1. Price $5500, $1500 Cash, Do you want to live in the heart of Irvington, with a small pay ment down and a house at rock bottom figures? This place should suit most anyone of the ordinary taste; 6 good-sired rooms, fire place, full concrete basement, 3 nice-sized bedrooms, modern bath and full AOxl 0O lot; about 5 good sized fruit trees on this lot and nearly all the furniture goes at this price. Just think. $5500 and only $1500 and you can own a home in the heart of Irvington. SUNNYSIDE. No, 655. Price $6300, $2000 Cash, A modern 2-story 8-room house, very large rooms, 5 good-sized bedrooms, full basement and fur nace, 60x100 lot. All carpets on floors and linoleum on - kitchen goes with the place. A real buy for someone wanting a nice home close in. ROSE CITY. No. 434. Price $6750. About $2500 Cash. Here we have one of the best 6-room bungalows In Hose City; a full front porch, large dining room, fireplace, den, very nice sized dining room, with beautiful buffet, 2 large bedrooms on sec ond floor, with a modern bath, hardwood floors, full cement base ment and furnace, 50x100 lot and only two blocks off Rose City car. A pickup for someone. BRAND NEW. No. 359. Price $5375, Cash $1200. A re you In the m ark e t for a new bungalow? If you are It will pay you to call us up, as we per haps can suit you. This one has 5 rooms, full front porch, nice si zed living room, with ve ry ar tistically decorated fireplace; din ing room is very good size, with very nice buffet; kitchen white enamel of the Dutch variety ; 2 very nice-sized bedrooms and large closets; floors hardwood ; 2-3 ce ment basement wiUi cement floor, 50x100 lot. and 4 blocks off Rose City car. HAWTHORNE. No. 624. Price $5250, $2000 Cash. In Hawthorne ave. district and Groveland Park addition, handy to Franklin high and normal schools, we have a strictly mod ern 5-room bungalow with large attic, large enough for 2 rooms, full concrete basement, furnace, hardwood floors. Radiant gas fire place and gas water heater goes with this. . About 3 blocks off Hawthorne car and faces west. An ideal home for the most par ticular person. CONCRETE BRICK HOME. No. 679. Price $5250, $1000 Cash. Who wahts this artistically dec orated home, built of a fine high grade concrete brick, 6 large rooms, fireplace, 2 good bed rooms downstairs, large buffet, 2 good bedrooms upstairs, full 50x 100 corner lot and garage? The best buy we have had in a home of this class for many a day, and if you are In the market you had better look it up early. PIEDMONT. No. 641. Price $5400, $1500 Cash. Strictly modern 7-room bunga low, large front porch, reception hall, nice-sized living room and fireplace, 3 good -sized bedrooms, Dutch kitchen a rid rear porch ; full concrete basement and fur nace, hardwood floors and a full 50x100 lot; near Jefferson high and handy to normal schools. This home Is located in a good part of Piedmont and will not last at this price. WOODLAWN. No. 633. Price $2100, $500 Cash. Who wants this dandy little 4 roora bungalow, nice-sized rooms fend a 45x100 lot? A regular pickup for the renj. payer. ALBERTA. No. 615. Price $2500, $500 Cash, 4-room modern bungalow, double constructed, a 40x100 lot. A snap for this district, as we seldom get one at .such a price as this with such easy terms. Many others in this district on similar terms. ST. JOHNS. No. 623. Price $3100. Good Payment Down, Here we have a very nice 0 room bungalow, large rooms and full concrete basement, 100x100 lot; all kinds of fruit and flow ers, located right in the heart of St, Johns, In the coming manufac turing district of the northwest. Should be a dandy home for any one working in factories in this district. MONTAVILLA. No. 525v Price $3200, $500 Cash. "Who -wants this 80x125 lot with a dozen and a half large bearing fruit trees and a good well-built 7-room house, with garage? 3 blocks off car, 2 blocks from school; a very good, handy place'' for a man with a family wanting a young farm in the city. WOODMERE. No. 645. Price $2650, $500 Cash. This is a very artistically built 4-room bungalow, as near modern as you could make it. Full base ment, modern bathrooms, 50x100 lot, 1 block from car and near school. Good garage on this place, and the balance of contract is payable at only $25 a month, with 77c Interest. Why pay rent? This is only a few of the hundreds of homes that we have for sale in this district. Better call us up. PACIFIC AGENCY, INC 614-20 Swetland Bldg. Marshall 3989 or Marshall 1265. REAL ESTATE. For Sstle Houses. DEKUM & JORDAN. REAL HOME BARGAINS. $7950 LAURELHURST. 6 rooms and sleeping porch, thoroughly mod ern, hardwood floors ' throughout entire house, fireplace, full ce ment basement, furnace, etc. Splendid location on car line. All improvements In and paid for. This ts a snap. Must have at least $5000 cash. $6300 ROSE CITY PARK. Beautiful bungalow, - 7 rooms and sleeping porch ; large living room with hardwood floors, fireplace, book cases, dining room with hand some buffet, Dutch kitchen with breakfast nook, and every built in Imaginable. Full cement base ment, furnace. 50x100 tt. lot, garage. Hard surface street, lo cated on H. 49th st., belov the hi 1 1. Good terms. $5500 WAVERLY HEIGHTS. "Bun galow modern in every respect: a rooms and sleeping porch, hard wood floors, fireplace, full ce ment basement, furnace, laundry . trays, vacuum plugs in every room ; exceptionally good light fixtures; French doors leading on to veranda. All Improve- inents in and paid for. An :d?al home. $2000 cash. $5250 PIEDMONT. Bungalow, 6 rooms and den. Hardwood floors, fire place, bookcases, paneled dining room. beamed ceiling, bnffot, Dutch kitchen, full cement baxe ment, furnace, 65x100 Ic. 8 full bearing fruit trees. Good terms. See this, for It Ir positively one of the best ba stains in the city. $3500 WAVERLEIGH HEIGHTS. 5 room bungalow, modern. Full cement basement, furnace, laun dry trays, garage. $1000 cash, balance like rent, A splendid buy. $2000 WOODSTOCK. 5 rooms, bath, toilet, lights, etc. Facing oi 52d st. Hard surfaced. Large grounds. 150x85 ft. $500 cash, balance $15 and Interest per month. DEKUM & JORDAN. 823-4 Chamber of Commerce Bldg., 4th and Strk Sts. Main 2233. ROSE CITY PARK. One of the finest five-room bungalows we have ever offered for sale. located IOO feet off Alameda drive. Large, well lighted llvrn room with fireplace. din-In- room with beamed celling, spotless Dutch kitchen, rear hall, two bedrooms with bath between. Hardwood floors. 700 HOT WATER HEATING SYSTEM. "House double-constructed and BUILT to hst. House can not be built alone for $6."O0 today, without the lot or garage. Let us show vou and make your own - . comparison. $6500. terms. IF YOU WANT A CORNER we have a similar five-room buncralow. each room with a corner view, large living room with fireplace. French doors, hardwood floors, two fine bedrooms with sleeping porch adjoining. Old Ivory finish throughout. Well planned and com fortable. Fine furnce. This house cannot be built today for $6500 anI the corner lot. garage, lawn and trees are all yours at this price. GEO. M. STRONG A CO. 634 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. A DIFFERENT HOME! $8250. Of bungalow type, with living room 16x31. off which Is sunroom with French doors; also dining room with coloring In blue and black: large, light, sunny kitchen; 1 bedroom first floor, 3 on sec ond floor; bathroom equipped with set-In tub. pedestal lavatory, etc. Ful 1 cement basemen t, good ga rage. Excellent location. In heart of Irvington district. MRS. HARRY PRICE PALMER. East 7976. ROSE CITY DIST. Beauty: lovelvy In terior; big. big closets, and ruiiftUnc water In bedrooms; modern to the min ute: $1000 under value: onlv $1000 cash, rest like terms $5500. 6 rooms and music room or den; paved street Paid delightful neighborhood. 735 E 43d N Beaumont car. Owner. Mar. 746. $250 DOWN. $2250 buys 3-room cottage: Dutch kitchen, toilet, electricity; almost new; large woodshed, could be used as ga rage; $40 month with interest; better hurry. A. GORDON ROSS. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO., Broadway 4751. 410 Henry Bldg. NEW LAURELHURST BUNGALOW. Just completed; has 5 rooms and attic; the living room and dining room are in front; two light, airy bedrooms, kitchen with breakfast nook ; hardwood floors throughout ; has furnace, garage, lino leum on the kitchen and bath. Open in afternoon. "Owner and builder. Main 5231, East 6372. LAURELHURST BUNGALOW. Leaving for California, will sell classy 6-room bungalow, with garage, in best section, near park and car; built several years ago, for $8000: living room 16x30. French doors to dining room, breakfast room, 2 fine bedrooms, finest oak floors throughout, fireplace and good furnace; old ivory finish; terms. Tabor 407. 8-ROOM bungalow and breakfast nook ; modern in every way; large living room with fireplace, Dutch kitchen, large bed room: cement front porch and basement; double walls snd floors; 50x150 lot, north facing. 578 Killlngsworth ave., bet. 13th and 14th. $3500. FINE 7-room bungalow, nicely furnished, complete with mahogany piano, best of furnace heat: in one of best locations. Portland Heights district: $230O down or less and reasonable terms to reliable party. Call Marshall 950 between 10:30 A. M. and 5:30 P. M. ROSE CITY MUST SELL. 7 rooms, sleeping porch: modern; paved st. : non-resident has priced tnis for immediate sale at $50O0; $1150 cash. One block north Sandy blvd..-below hill: no comparison to fhis value. Jacob Haas. Main 6127. East 1364. A GOOD, well-built home, Schuyler street; lot 100x90; beautiful grounds, shrub bery, trees, flowers, near one of the best schools. Price $7500; terms. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 377. ' SACRIFICE IS RIGHT. ' 9-room Hawthorne bunga low; hard wood floors, large rooms; fireplace, ail built-in features, Dutch kitchen, 2 baths, 2 toilet. 50 by 100 lot, garage; near car. Mar. 3003. IRVINGTON COLONIALS Two of the most beautiful corners, about a year old ; you should see them sure; exclu sively listed with R. T. Street. Irvington headquarters, 606 East Broadway. East 894; res., East 4280. ON TOP of Mt. Tabor on Belmont st. 4 rooms, very good house, more than one lot. fine bearing fruit trees. Price $2400. Small payment down, balance like rent. McClure Schmauch Co.. owners, 306 Railway Exchange bldg. Main 10O3. SIX-ROOM COLONIAL. Corner, near Jefferson high, newly painted and tinted. Good as many new ones. Must sell quickly, moving to Cali fornia. $3250, terms. Owner. AJ 192, Oregonian. MT. TABOR DISTRICT. 6-room house, 'best of plumbing, first class finish : building and furniture in sured for $2000; $2S00 takes house and furniture: about 70O cash. bal. terms. Call my attorney. Main 7511. S4MM). "1" Five rooms and sleeping porch best part of R. C. one block to car. Every thing modern. $1000 will handle, bal ance terms. Immediate possession. Phone owner. East 2299. No agents. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Lovely corner home. $10,000. 2 new modern homes. S60O0. 1 modern home. $5700. Beautiful homes to $35,000. ZIMMERMAN. 818 Chamber of Com. LAURELHURS T $70,500. located on Floral ave. 8 beautiful rooms, .sleeping porch, a 11 built-ins. surrounding prop erty. Is $10,000 to $1-0.000 homes. Broad way 387. DOUBLE-HOUSE BARGAIN. 6 rooms in each, rent one. live In other: 50x100 lot; paved st. 791 and 705 Corbett st.. west side; $3250; snap. Main 6127. East 1364. KERN PARK Nifty five-room bungalow; grapes. cherries and roses; large screened-in front porch, glassed-in break fast room, full basement; at a barga.'n. Tabor 2782. $3500 5-ROOM furnished semi-modern, almost new, on Belmont. This is a snap. See J. P. McKenna for terms, Belmont at S9th. Tabor 6493. APARTMENT HOUSE. MONEY-MAKER. 4 apts., all rented, Irvington, no vacancies; Income $2160 per year, best investment; $14,500. E. 273. BY OWNER My cosy home. 3 rooms and bath: 5 fruit trees; barn: $1400; terms. Wdln. 5369. - CHANCE of a lifetime; 8-rm. house; make first payment, that's all; house makes all other payments. Cross. East 5371. f 210O $500 DOWN 5-room modern at Arleta. Broadway 'SHI. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses, ATTENTION. HOMESEEKERS! A 7-room bungalow, fireplace, built ins, good basement, paneled dining room: in fine condition: 100x100 corner: all kinds bearing fruit and berries; walnuts and grapes. Price only $3600. Terms easy." $4250 ROSE CITY CAR. A 6-room bungalow, fireplace, paneled dining room, beamed cellirrgs, built-ins. Dutch kitchen. Good basement, wash trays; piped for furnace: 1 bedroom and bath downstairs; 2 blks. Sandy blvd. Terms. $5500 ROSE CITV PARK. A 5-room, strictly modern bungalow, floored attic, cement basement, wash trays, built-ins, furnace, fireplace, Dutch kitchen, etc., floors, 50x100 lot: garage; near Sandy blvd.. on 50th st.; hard-surface st., and sewer in and paid. It's a real home and can be bought right. Terms easy. $6500 SUNNYSIDE HOME. An 8-room modern house, cement base ment, furnace, fireplace, large living, dining rm kitchen and den on first floor, sleeping porch and 4 bedrooms on second; also a large attic: garage. City improvements in and paid. If you are looking for a real home, priced right, let us show you this. $6000 IRVINGTON. ' A 6-room house In the very best of condition, attic, full cement basement, wash trays, furnace, etc. House is all finished in Ivorv and wliite enamel: tapestry paper. VACANT, immediate possession: rnxino corner; garage; street improvements in and paid. YOUR TERMS can be arranged. $4750 HAWTHORNE HOME. A 6-room house, with double sleep ing porch, furnace, oak floors, cement basement, wash travs, etc., Dutch kitchen: 40x140 lot; 1I kinds of fruit trees, city improvements In nd paid. PRICE ONLY $4750. $650 down, balance like rent. VACANT. $7000 WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. ir?Lou are desirous of living on THE WEST SIDE here you are a 6-room bungalow, sun porch, sleeping porch, all built-ins. oak floors throughout, full cement basement, wash trays, furnace, fireplace: Ivory finish, tapestry paper. Dutch kitchen, mirror doors, etc. Large garage; city improvements in and paid. Easiest kind of terms. RUM M ELL & RUMMELL, 274 STARK ST. SMITH-WAGONER CO SEE THE YELLOW fcLrCN. EAST TAYLOR STREET SNAP. $3800 7 rooms, good basement, wash trays, furnace, fireplace, large hall, front and back stairs, good location, walking distance, fine street and all paid; nice lot. Only $300 cash. FIVE-ROOM HOUSE. On hard-surface street, nice lot. some fruit trees, best of car service. Has gas-heating system; $2700 will take this, with some $300 cash. FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE $2000 100xl3O lot. some 26 fruit trees, nice hedge around place, chicken sheds and grape arbor, berry vines, etc. About $300 cash will handle. FIVE -ROOM MODERN "BUNGALOW. t'-7r0 House is modern with cement basement, bath, toilet, etc.. nice lot, terms, $600 cash, bal. monthly. SEE THE YELLOW SIGN." STOCK EXCHANGE BUILDING. SMITH-WAGONER CO. BUY FROM OWNER. T am leaving the city soon and wish to dispose of mv splendid twostory, 7-room home in ROSE CITY PARK. My home is in the PINK of condition and is one of the best corners in Rose City. It Is tnocpugnly modern. The rooms. Incnid ing closets, .are all large and lipht. Pa pered throughout with fine tapestry pa per; all woodwork white enameled with mahogany finish. GOOD GARAGE. Splendid lawn, rose bushes, fruit trees snd garden. Two blocks south Rose City Park car line; six blocks to school; best neighborhood. Will let responsible party make his own terms. If you want a good home and a good dai come out today between 11 A. M. and 4 P. M. and talk to the owner direct. Price $bo00. Tocn Hon 455 East 51st st. North. LAURELHURST BEAUTY. Eight rooms, breakfast room and en closed sleeping porch, beautiful hard wood floors, handsomely decorated walls. fireplace. 3 sets French doors, plate glass windows, lots of built-in features. Including' cedar cabinets In bedrooms. long beveled mirrors in bedroom doors. elaborite tile bath with foot tub and shower, full cement basement, hot-water heating plant, double garage, large errounds. fruit and selected shrubbery, Owner has over $13.H(iO in this property. but will sell for $12,500; good terms it desired. LUKDDEMAXN COMPANY, 913 Chamber of Com. Main 6967. WBSTOV E R H ETC HT6 HOME. Magnificent new Georgian colonial home, built of hollow tile and stucco, on double lot. with unobstructed view of city, mountains and river; every new feature, including brocaded silk paneled walls, hand-painted solarium, 12 sets of French doors. 3 tile baths, double ga rage, gas. hot-water heat. R. H. Torrey, owner. Tabor 407. CALIFORNIA BUNGALOW $600 down, balance arranged: 6 rooms, hardwood floors, fireplace, full base ment, 50x100 corner; 1 block to Union ave.. close to Woodlawn school. A snap, $4200. A. GORDON ROSS. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO., Broadway 4751. 410 Henry Bldg. SNAP rnoxl40. nine-room modern hosne. Dutch kitchen, breakfast room. 5 bed rooms, sleeping porch, full concrete base ment, all kinds of fruit, -nut tree and berries, double garage, etc. A good buy at $7800. Prartically any terms. Fur niture at $2300 additional. Close to Stark st. 46 E. 61st st. Tabor 1442. FINE semi-modern 1 0-room house, within walking distance of west side business center, 2 blocks from Union ave. and Broadway car lines, corner lot, full ce ment basement, good furnace, wash trays, etc., fine cement garage ; $6500. $25O0 cash. Address owner. V 165, Ore gonian. NEAT 5-room cottage on sightly location, near Reed college and creek; partly new; corner lot with fruit and berries; gas and electricity; $1700 cash or $1850 terms. 1130 Tenino ave. and 37th st. Eastmoreland car or cars to Berkeley station at First and Alder sts. ALAMEDA PARK. I own a lot 100 ft. from Broadway car on which I will build a bungalow to suit; will finance. C. J. JOHNSON. 313 Henry Bldg. COMPLETELY furnished 5-room cottage; gas and electric lights, good basement, beautiful lawn, fruit, grapes, chicken house, 50x1 00 lot. Price $3200 ; terms. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 N. W. Bank Bldg Main 3787. BROADWAY 4751. We inspect your home at once; you can sell, just try us for results. A. Gor don Ross, ' INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO., 410 Henry Bldg. 7-ROOM house on Fargo St., near Union ave. Price $4500, mortgage $2S0O bor rowed money 6 per cent. $1000 will handle, balance like rent. McClure & S'-rrmauch Co., 306 Railway Exchange bbd-z. $2250 $1000 CASH. Modern 5-room cottage, cement base ment, splendid lot. between 2 car lines. In Piedmont district, real bargain, must be sold this week; see it today. Call Woodlawn 4083. ROSE CITY PARK CORNER. Swell, nTv. modern bungalow. E. 43th st. All Improvements Jn and paid. Large rooms, every convenience, extra in de sign and taste. $750 cash. good terms. See this today. Tabor 8292. 44TH ST.. Close to Rose City Park car; 6-room modern bungalow; full lot, all Improve ments in and paid. East 661; evening. Bast 8038. IRVINGTON $5750. 6 rooms, full cement basement. Boynton furnace, 3 bedrooms. 50x100 choice corner; street liens paid. IS THIS BARGAIN ENOUGH ? R. T. Street, East 8U4; res.. East 4280. A NICE 5-room bungalow on 41st at., with all built-in effects, bath, electric lights, gas; 50x100 lot; place In very best of condition; price $3000: $750 will handle. JOHN E. HOWARD, MS Cham, of Com. BY OWNER Only $4250; neat 5-room bungalow, large bath, Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, hardwood floors, fireplace; east front; $S00 down, balance easy payments. 401 E. 37th st. MY HOME for sale, Willamette blvd. 490; 7-room bungalow, good and clean, you can go In tomorrow. Call 695 Flanders St., Marshall 375, morning or evening, $3250 MODERN 6-room bungalow, 1 floor; fireplace, built-ins, paneled dining room, full basement, 50 by IOO lot, 2 blocks to car and store. Mar. 3993. $1850 4-ROOM cottage, gas, elec, cement basement, cor. lot 50x100, 8 blks. of car. See J. P- McKenna for terms, Belmont at 39th. Tabor 6493. an ft-ROOM house in Laurelhurst for the price of a 6-room. Call owner. Tabor 1 ' DANDY 4-room bungalow with garage. $2i00. Very easy terms. Stid Wasco st. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. HOME BUYERS ATTENTION! Tears of specializing in Portland real 1 ? J B,nd ,ePecia!ly in the Rose City , iark district, has made us experts ; on values. Does It not stand to reason tnat when we have in many cases sold tne vacant lot on which stands the nome now for sale we are in a better position to advise you regarding the value than many others? Deal with an old, experienced firm. Call and inspect our photos. ...ort ROSE CITY PARK. $4-50 Here is a dream bungalow four rooms and bath, with laree attic; real artistic 4-room bungalows are very scarce. Hardwood floors, fireplace, full cement base ment, wash trays, built-in buffet, Dutch kitchen. Terms. -o-rrt ROPE CITY PARK. $o-50 Strictly modern 6-room 2-story type home. Hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace, built-in buf fet. Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, laundry trays. Can give some terms. ROSE CITY PARK. $u350 New. attractive bungalow home: 5 rooms and large attic for 2 additional rooms if desired: hard wood floors. fireplace. buffet. Dutch kitchen with breakfast nook; finished in enamel and attractive paper; full cement basement, wash trays: improve ments in and paid. Can arrange terms to suit. ROSE CITY PARK. $5500 Buys 5 rooms and attic: furnace. fireplace, all built-ins; hardwood floors, full cement basement, wash travs; only 1 block to car: full 50x1 0O lot; improvements In n nd paid ; garage and fruit. Terms. ROSE CITY PARK. $5500 Let us show you this 7-room semi-bungalow ; 1 bedroom and bath down, 2 and sleeping porch up: fireplace and Rector heating system; garage; fruit trees and shrubbery; terms; only 1 block to car. ROSE CITY PARK. $6300 Here is an attractive bungalow home of 5 rooms and large attic; furnace, fireplace, attractive built-ins, full cement basement, laundry trays, hardwood floors. This is close to the Rose City Park school and 1 Mr blocks to car. Can make terms. ROSE CITY PARK. $6750- Buys 5 rooms and den a 1 story bungalow type home; strict ly modern ; hardwood floors, fur nace, fireplace, usual built-ins. full cement basement, wash trays: below the hill. In choice part of Rose City Park : street Improve ments in and paid. These are only a few of the choice homes that we have for sale in this desirable district. Salesmen with autns a t your service at all times. Let us show you ; it places you under no obli gation; we simply desire an opportunity to show you our desirable homes ; we will leave the rest to you. T. A. WICKMAN CO.. 'Shortest Wav Home." 264 Stark St. Main K04 and 5S3. Sundays Call Auto. 324-14. LAURELHURST COLONIAL CORNER. Beautiful 7-room colonial home, lo cated on oversize corner In park section. 1 block from car; built for home three years ago and never offered for sale be fore: center entrance hall. French doors to 30-f t. llvln g room ; French doors to elaborate dining room: paws pantry. Ideal kitchen, breakfast room, finest oak floors, papered walls with old Ivory finish : 2 tile fireplaces. 3 larcre bedrooms with dressing rooms and sleeping porch: ga rage, fine lawn and lots of sh rubbery. Priced much below actual value. Terms. Tabor 407. $3000. On account of owner leaving city we nre offering a beautiful modern home. This is a very low price and should sell quickly. 5 rooms and bath, full ce ment bawment. furnace, paved ptreet. good garage, cement floor, half block to car line, short walk to school and stores. A smalt payment will handle this. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main S77. ROSE CITY HOME. Modern bunirn low. all built-ins : very neautifn' kitchen, bath and two bpd- rooms first f'oor; 3 bedrooms, sleep! n porch and toilet second floor; desirable for laree family; convenient to school wonderful value, $6500. See this. $1500 cash. A. GORDON ROSS. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. "Broadway 4751. 410 Henry Bldg. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. Strictly modem 6-room bungalow, all on first floor: large attic, cement base ment, furnace, fireplace, built-in fea tures ; paved street : convenient to both grade and high schools ; close to stores, car. etc. Everything in first-class con dition and a great bargain at $4500. Good terms. R. M GATEWOOD & CO.. 1654 4th st. SEVEN ROOMS AND MODERN. This is the best buv In town and with in walking distance from business center, 2 blocks west of Union and only 2 short blocks from Broadway ; 7 fine rooms, hardwood floors downstairs. large fire place, full cement basement, fine fur nace and larire sieepine porcn; s.i.(Mt reasonable terms. Address owner. V 164, Oregonian. STRAWBERRIES! lOOO plants; 5-room modern bungalow: lot 200xl0,I. one block from car. 2 blocks from school : walking distance Ken ton. You will embrace this: act now; price $55O0: terms. A?k Mr. Mahoney. COE A. McKENNA & CO.. 82 Fourth St. Main 4522. Evenings and Sundav. Columhia 638. A MODERN 6-room Rose City Park bun galow, fireplace, hardwood floors, French doors, beam ceiling, bookcases, Dutch kitchen, all built-in conveniences. full cement basement, large attic. Fox furnace. double constructed srarage, paved street all paid. Fru!t and shade trees. Owner. Tabor 673. A BARGAIN ROSE CITY. 7 rooms, sleeping porch, bath, lavatory bullt-ins. hardwood floors, large front and rear porch, full cement bnsement and furnace. 100x100 lot. garage and ce ment runway, shrubbery of all kinds. 10 fruit trees and chicken run: prme XioOu, Call owner. Tabor 529. 634 E. fiflth st. N. NEAR THE ALAMEDA DRIVE. $7500. TERMS. Substantial 7-room residence, modern in everv rewpect: nrepiace. bookcases, built-in buffet H. W. floors, garage; Unrhr rooms sleeping porch, full cement basement, furnace, laundry trays ; near car. Mar. IRVINGTON By owner, modern 7-room in pink of condition.' Inside and out extra large living room, four good bed room, bath: second floor; attic: garac. fireplace, furnace;, lot 50x100; . $7500. E ast 864 V. FOR SALE, bv the owner, new 6-room house, 11 66 E. 15th snd Reedway. one block to Sellwood car; electric lights, good plumbing, full basement; sewer ki. all pn Id ror. r,asy terms ; smn 11 nav ment down, balance as rent. Price $27'0, 4-ROOM house, furnished, ready to mo v into; gas, water, elec. lights; $1500, '4 cash. bal. $15 mo.. 6 per cent; will con sider sm!I toxirlng cfr as part first pay ment. 330 ootn st. . tu. NEW STRTCTLY MODERN CORNER BUNGALOW. 7 ROOMS. 1 FIRE- PL4CES: EVERYTHING UP TO DATE SEE OWNER. 635 FREMONT ST. WOODLAWN 630. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. 6 ROOMS. This fine, modern home, choice comer on E. 37th st. Hot water heat. Must close det1 soon. $4350. Good terms. Tabor 82i2. 1240O 5 ROOMS, bath, toilet, gas, elec: streets, sewers, one block of car. See J. P, McKenna for terms, Belmont at 3ytn. TaDor win lasre gooa ora. ST. JOHNS. 5-room house, 40x100 lot, close In, 1 block to car: $10O down, $15 month. Price $1450. Phone Woodlawn 3221. FOR SALE or trade, a 6-room house, mod ern: 120x124 lot, with garage; will trade for 5 or 6 acres; terms. Apply 5515 66th st. S. E MT. SCOTT. 6-room modern house, 6005 a tt o t: A J on . v- 1. a nve. o. iu . uuu. " iihhilii. Including Int. Call owner for particulars. Tabor 520. MONTAVILLA, 10-room bungalow, mod ern, furnace, wash trays, chicken house, room for garage; full lot. Tabor 1321. Owner 2115 E. Yamhill st. 2-FAMILY bungalow, 9 rooms, strictly modern: fireplace.' built-ins, furnace. 2 baths: 50x100 lot. garage; located in the bes part of Hawthorne. Mar. 393. IRVINGTON $6000. Six rooms, well built, thoroughly modern ; large living room, 1 bedroom Is same; garage., R. T. Street, East 894. Res., East 4280. 6 ROOMS EXTRA LARGE LOT. Neat, modern home, close to school and car. A real snap. $2750. Easy terms. Tabor 8292 ROSE CITY Near club house. The most beautiful new modern 8-room colonial ' home. Hardwood floors throughout. 9540L 25O0 and terms. Broadway 387. SUNNYSIDE New. modern bungalow for sale. $5000. Will take good lot as pert payment. Terms. Owner. Tabor 4265. - 9-ROOM house. 5 2-5 lots; garage, chicken house; abundance fruit. Owner, 2H W Killings worth. REAL ESTATE, ' For Sale Houses. ONLY $4100. and this place on East Sal mon street, close In. a cornor quarter block, cement sidewalks and paved sts., an abundance of fruit In fuii bearing of the best quality, valuable property. The grounds are large and nicely im proved and with this you get for the price a very substantial (modern enough for anybody, at twice the price,), 0-room plastered house with basement and every other necessary acquisition; a garage ou the property. This place is within walk ing distance, you might say, and only 3 blocks from either the Hawthorne or Sunnyside car, in a fine district as well, where the quarter block alone should, be cheap at $6u0 In this close-In loca tion and directly east of the center of the city from Washington street. It Is an Unusual offer for Kiich a low orice. Jf you were to build a house today this size it would cost more than $6000, and the corner quarter block alone is cheap at $60oo, so here is a $12,OOU value which you can grab for $4100, $1500 cash is all you need. This great bargain should not .stand open one day. M. J. CLOHBSSV, Ablngtou building. Only $4000. right across the steel bridge, close in to the business center, Ih a 6-room houe. modern and up-to-date. At the present time it rents for $35 per month. There is a full cement basement, plumbing is all porcelain, ce ment sidewalks and curbs, on Williams avenue, between llalsey snd Clackamas. lom in cash will handle it. M. J. CLOHEjsSY, Abingtou building. Only 9600O In the center of the city, on East Alder St., not as far out as iKth t. Here aro two 5-room flats, a spleiuiid-looking place, basement for each flat and an oppoi tunll y for the inves tor to provide himself with a close-in fine homo in a line residential district and receive $40 a month or more rent from the other flat, ami at tho ranio time make an invest men t lu a location where property values will increase rap idly. Walking distance to tho business center; you don't have to pay car iare. All of the improvements in and paid for. The owner of tho property Is de termined to sell, as h is engaged in business out of town. Hero is a chance to negotiate and drive a wonderful bJfr gain. M. J. CLOHESSY, Abingtou bldu. Only $7350 for a swell bungalow in Irvington, in the swell part of Irving ton, 2 blocks from cither car line, Broad way and Irvington. Here is one beauti ful corner lot, 110 fevt In depth, line garage. The bungalow on this corner is perfect, classy, up to Uuto, new and modern Inside and outside. Very attrac tive, very substantial, planned and laid out with guml tit sic, all the anointments connected with the bun galow complete, beautiful lawn and shrubbery, all streets paved, every Improvement made and paid for; hardwood oak flours, fine base ment a nd turnace. The interior fin- ' ished in old ivory of perfect imitation. The walls are of the richest tapestry. There aro 5 pleasant rooms, with south and cast exposure, besides 2 large fin ished rooms in the attic. This home is one that should be hard for the owners to part with, but it is tor sale and all it requires to be paid down is $3110 cash ; the balance you can let stand as long as you desire. M. J. CLOHESdV, Abingtou building. Only $2p0 pays In full for this, a very fine-appearing 5-room. cottage with all of the city converiences In the house, 011 a corner lot, full size, oOxlOO feet. The location Is good, Lteing only two blocks from the car line, close to a big school, all streets paved within 2 blocks of vthis property, cement sidewalks and curbs, grocery, drug and meat market within 2 blocks, several fruit trees In full bearing on this corner lot. You cannot replace the house today for $3000, sav nothing of the cornor int. $:i."0 cash will handle it. M. J. CLOHEdSY, Ab ington building. $ ISO per month, these two big apart ment houses, on a corner lot, on a prin cipal business street, close In to Mor rison street, pays. This is what we call gilt-eItfo, close-in, downtown, valuable property, with an Income as permanent and to be relied upon lor all time to come in this location. The buildings are large, very substantial and in first-cla-ss condition. Iteing so close in on the west side. It is semi-business prop erty and no Investment in the city of Portland could be safer. The owner is disposed to sell this valuable property at a price way under its value, and other property in the way of house or bungalow will be considered as part payment in exchange to the amount of $.1(100. Now then, you people who want close-in, everlasting big income-paying property, take notice and call at this ol f ice and learn something to your ad vantage. M. J. CLOU ESS Y. Abiugton building. Only $5250, and this Includes the fur niture, for a downtown cluse-i n aoxluo foot lot with 7-room house which brings a rental of about $45 per month. This is a snap and the location is one of the best on Broadway; the west side, the principal business street of Portland. It is in the next block to the Lincoln high, 4 blocks from the city audiioruim. Tho lot alone should be worth in this loca tion $."00. The house we place no value 011, while It is coniiortabie and always a good rent payer. It is old and not modern. How could you expect any thing elne? It Is sufficient to eay that you are getting In value in this property twice what we ask Tor it. That ought to be enough. $2HM cash will handle it. M. J. CLUHESSV, Abingtou building. Only $4500, on 6th St., only 8 blocks from Morrison st., one block from the Lincoln high, 3 blocks from the city au ditorium, downtown property, on the west side. Can you comprehend the fact that anything like this couJd be offered for $4500? $1000 cash is all you need and the halauce In monthly payments. Tho huse has 6 rooms, with modern plumbing. The lot is 25x64 feet. All we ask the price for is less than the value of the lot. M. J. CLOHESSY, Ab lngton building. ARTISTIC BIT NG ALOW. $4500. 5-room bungalow, Al condition, hardwood floors throughout, has all the modern built-in features. Just one of those attractive bun galows you can't help but like, paved streets in and paid, 1 block to cariine and close to school, 49x100 ft. lot. J. L. HARTMAX COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Commerce lldg. Main 2 US. 1049 CLEVELAND AVE. PIEDMONT, 7 ROOMS. Corner home, central hall, finest furnace, excellent location, best of construction ; large lot and fine trees; can be had either furnished or unfurnished and ul a most at tractive price. MRS. HARRY PRICE PALMER. EAST 7976. ALBERTA. $1250 1-room bungalow, 50x100 lot, some fruit and shrubbery. $2200 6-room and bath, OOxluo lot. $2400 6-room and bath, 50x100, paved, street. $2500 1-room and bath, garage, 50x100, fruit, paved street. $2600 5-room and bath, 50x100, paved street. $2700 6-room and bath, 40x100. $2$0O 6-room and baXh, traniA. 3 1-Cc $3150 5-room and bath, loirxldO litt. These can be bought Ironi $4uu to $10oo down, balance like rent. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. STRICTLY MODERN HOME. West side, walking distance and north of Washington street; 9 rooms, 4 bed rooms on second floor and maid's room on third; the interior finish in this house will appeal to the most discrimi nating buyer. Price $lo,00O; terms can be arranged. BROWN & GRANT. 201-2 Fenton Bldg. IRVINGTON HOME. $70OO. Attractive 2-story b-room home in very desirable section, never offered be fore; entrance hall, large living room, den. puss pantry, convenient kitchen, hardwood floors, fireplace. : large square bedrooms and steeping porch on 2d Hour, maid's room in attic, full cement base ment, furnace, trees, shrubbery, room for garage; terms. Tabor 407. WILL consider car and $2H cash first payment on this neat little home; ! bedrooms, large kitchen, living rooto., bathroom and pantry; 50x1 00 lot; nice fruit trees ; Immediate possession ; pricn $2400. balance $20 per month at 0lo. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 305 Oak St. ROSE CITY PARK. (40OO 5-room strictly modern 2-story bungalow; sleeping porch, garage, large living room, fireplace, bookcases, built-in buffet, h. w. lloors. full cement base ment, furnace. 50 by IOO lot. Mar. V.W.S. IRVINGTON SACRIFICE Owner leaving; must sell fine home on 17th nr. Brazee; 7 rooms, sleeping porch, oak floors, art paper, garage. East 391. Main 8078. $"3000 SIX-ROOM house, modern except heat; terms. 44 E. 72d. Taborl677. $1750 $500 CASH, rooms, lot 50x75, $20 per month. 4 corner. Bdwy. 3S7. R. C. MODERN 5-room bungalow and ga rage, $4o9; very eaty terms, labor 2630.