The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, November 14, 1920, Section One, Page 2, Image 2

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Big Interests Merging Into
Monstrous Combines.
Everything From Raw Material to
Manufacture and Sale of Prod
ucts Going Into Trusts.
(Copyright by th'Ke-W York World. Pub
lished by Arrangement.)
BERLIN, Nov. 13. (Special.)
Along- the pioneer path blazed by
Hugo Stlnnea a tremendous transfor
mation, tantamount to an economic
revolution with unforseeable conse
quences. Is rapidly taking place within
Germany's big industries and is
marked by numerous great new merg
ers, consolidations and interlocking
"community of interest" organiza
tions recently completed, in the proc
ess of completion and which are still
Instead of merely a "horizontal
combination" namely, tha combining
of several concerns of a kind into a
powerful pool or trust, Herr Stinnes'
big idea is the "vertical combination"
embracing everything from raw ma
terial production to the manufacture
and sale of highly finished products.
Herr Stinnes has already put his
Idea into actual practice, and other
captains of industry and finance are
eagerly following his , lead. These
new tranformations and combinations
are the talk of the Berlin bourse and
are responsible for the tremendous
boom in many mining and industrial
Leaders Expect Storm.
It eeems as if the leaders of Indus
try and finance have sensed the com
ing panic and storm, and were fever
ishly engineering these great inter
locking mixed combinations hoping
that these new organizations would
prove so strong as to weather even
an economic catastrophe. Herr 'Stin
nes is the logical pioneer in the new
development as the result of his co
lossal business energy and the ex
pansive force of his powerful inter
ests. One titanic new combine just en
gineered by Stinnes is accordingly
considered a classic model of what is
coming in Germany at an increasing
rate. Stinnes started by combining
two giants of the German mining
world, the Melsekirchen coal mining
concern and the Deutsch Luxemburg
Iron mines and works into the so
called "Rhine-Elbe Union," thus link
ing up coal, ore and pig' iron produc
tion. Next Herr Stinnes obtained control
and annexed to his "union" concern
the huge Bochuro Association of Steel
Plants, the biggest steel producers in
Germany. Stinnes further annexed
the Boehler Bros." company, makers
of world-famed tool steels. Complet
ing his ambitious plans, Herr Stinnes
lastly reached out and drew the great
Siemens and Halske and Schukert in
terlocking electric concerns into a
community of interest" with his
Rhine-Elbe Union under an 80-year
agreement. Stinnes' unique combine
thus embraces every phase of eco
nomic process, from basic coal and
Iron ore production to the manufac
ture and marketing of every conceiv
able product of Germany's highly de
veloped electric industry.
J.nis stinnes combine should prove
a powerful factor in world compe
tition, since the Siemens concern has
a great and highly developed foreign
sales organization. Another s'.gnifi
cant fact is that through his combine
Herr Stinnes is brought into direct
contact with big American capital, as
American interests, sid to. have been
the Western Electric company.' took
over some 30,000.000 marks of the new
stock of the Siemens electric concern
some time ago.
There is also a significant political
phase in the fact that Stinnes has
lined up into the closest economic
union , the leading industries of the
Rhineland, Westphalia, Bavaria and
Berlin. There is also an intimation
that Stinnes hopes to frustrate the
proposed socialization of the coal
mines by the organization of such
mixed combines as are not easily torn
apart once formed.
Following Herr Stinnes lead, it is
rumored that Germany's General Elec
tric company is seeking to engineer
an organic union with the upper Sile
sia group offcoal mines and iron and
steel work's. Stinnes' big rival cap
tain of industry, Kloeckner, is simi
larly consolidating and expanding his
Another Project Fending.
Another big pending project ' is a
close "bunion between the German
Kerosene corporation and the Ger
man Petroleum corporation, together
with an unnamed corporation, pre
sumably the powerful Dutch oil in
terests, as a preparedness measure
for participation In the world oil war.
Of peculiar American Interest are
the doings within Germany's aniline
dye trust which are projected to put
it in better fighting shape for seeking
to regain control of the world mar
ket. The pool agreement between
the eight leading aniline dye concerns
constituting the German trust which
expires In 1955 has been extended to
1993. Furthermore, a new 600,000,000
mark nitrate trust is to be organized,
financed and controlled by the ani
line trust for the purpose of taking
over the two giant nitrate plants at
Leuna and Oppau, where introgen is
extracted from the air and fixed ac
cording to the method of Professors
Haber and Bosch.
These plants are producing 200.000
tons, of nitrates annually, and are
now a part of the aniline trust s lead
ing member, the Radische Analine
and Soda factory, which is eager to
free itself from the sole responsibility
and capital burden of its nitrate en
terprise so as to regain its former
mobility and devote all its time, en
ergy and capital to its original ani
line dye field, hoping thereby the
better to regain its dominance in the
world market against the strong
competition of America and English
dye industries which sprang up dur
ing the war.
Eugene to Hear Stanfleld.
EUGENE. Or.. Nov. 13. fSDeclal.)
To celebrate the recent victory at
the polls, the Lane county repub
licans will hold a banquet at the
Hotel Osburn nextTuesday evening,
according to announcement yesterday
of Darwin E. Yoran, chairman of the
Lane county republican central com
mittee. Robert N. Stanfleld, United
States senator-elect, wlU be the
principal speaker and a number of
local men will address the assem
blage. Details of the programme of
addresses have not yet been worked
out, said Mr. Yoran yesterday.
Missionary Talks to Students.
Salem, Or., Nov. 13. (Special.) The
traveling secretary of the Methodist
foreign misslo.n board, Dr. O. D.
Wood, was a university visitor this
week, speaking at chapel and con
ferring with those students Inter
ested in devoting their lives to for
eign missionary endeavor. In his
address. Dr. Wood - gave a graphic
account of life In India, where he
served for several years as a
- ,
State and Local Rrancbes to Be
Formed in 12 States and 100
Cities of West.
DENVER, Colo.. Nov. IS. The con
vention of the National Park-to-Park 1
Highway association, with .nearly 100 '
delegates "Jn attendance, which closed I
. I V. . 't 1 , m 1 , .
for the 12 most westerly states in
raising 1100,000,000 for hard-surfacing
the 5600 miles of dirt roads that
serve as connecting links to form the
National Park-to-Park highway.
Stephen T. Mather, director of the
National Park service, officials of the
American Automobile association, the
Rotarians, Optimists and other west
ern organizations, participated. The
National Park-to-Park Highway asso
ciation was put on a oermanent or
ganization basis, and state and local
branches will "be formed In 12 states
and 100 cities of the west.
- Congress was memorialized to make
this a federal highway, roughly cir
cling nine western states, Colorado
Wyoming Montana, Idaho, Washing
ton, Oregon, California, Arizona and
New Mexico, and connecting 11 na
tional parka.
Representatives of the governors of
these states, as well as Utah, Nevada
and Texas, attended the conference,
which marked the close of the offi
cial tour dedicating this American
motor way, with the start and finish
.In Denver. The trip required 76 days.
noon and night meetings being neia
in towns on the route to arouse the
west to a greater appreciation of its
scenic, indus'triaf and agricultural
This wonder highway In the form
of a lariat loop embraces an area
greater than continental Europe,
touching In the course- of Its scenic
running noose, .Mesa Verde, Rocky
Mountain, Yellowstone, Glacier, Mount
Rainier, Crater Lake, Lassen, Yosem
ite. Sequoia, General Grant and Grand
Canyon national parks. A branch
road will some day connect Zion Na
tional park In Utah. 'Cheyenne, Great
Falls, Spokane, Seattle, Tacoma, Port
land, San Francisco, Los Angeles and
Denver are on the route.
Follows Repeated Colds "When Blood
la Impure.
Your body suffering from a cold
does not properly attend to digestion
and elimination. As a result your
blood becomes Impure, it inflames the
mucous membrane and brings about
that condition in which chronic ca
tarrh occurs and on which it depends.
. Purify your blood, make it clean,
by taking Hood's Sarsaparllla, and if
your bowels are not healthfully act
ive, take Hood's Pills. These medi
cines have relieved apd prevented
thousands of cases of chronic catarrh.
Economy is one of the strong points
of Hood's Sarsaparllla 100 doses In a
bottle. Why not get it today? Adv.
Tour Tha nksgl vims- Will Be More Pleasnreable Wits
4 . Music. This Model in Mahogany, While Any Remain.
$15 Cash, $2 Week, No Interest
With this model, the same as any other Brunswick,
every artist of the world will be at your command.
Never change a part; turn the Ultona, place the needle
or Jewel point, and play Brunswick, Victor, Columbia,
Emerson, Fathe and Edison records.
Without Any Additional Cash Pay-
ment You May Select Eight Dou
ble-Faced Records (16 Selections)
- -
CYTRA f All 10-inch Paths Records now IOc
LA I Jin All 12-inch Fathe Records now 00c
Closing Out the Entire Line. Choose at These Prices
Kegardiess of the Artist or Selection.
If You Are Coins to Install a Furnace, Get a
Good One! Before You Buy Any Other
Edwards Would Like to Tell
You About This
Homer Pipeless
Ventilator Furnace
To have healthful heat there must be at all
times circulation. That's why Edwards is recom
furnace, which has the never-failing
Thermo -Seal
Inner Lining
See how the cold air is "taken in" and "comes
out" "warmed and sterilized" after passing be
tween the firepot and the Thermo-Seal Lining.
Homer Furnaces have been installed in nearly
every section of the city perhaps there's one in
your neighborhood.
' Installed on Easy Terms
No Interest
AOood PkceTo Truth
lie ' :
Immense Surplus Stocks Must Go!
- Naturally a stock movement of this kind means "Lowered Prices." For
: thejse you are asked to look over the listings below :see the windows and go
through the store. ,
The biggest advantage is You don?t need "cash" to "cash' in" this is not
a 30 or 60-day payment sale the same liberal and personally arranged con
venient easy terms will be given just as though you paid full and regular
- prices.
Bungalow Davenports
This handsome Duofold, that'll be on the job 24 hours each day, is a real piece of
living-room furniture and will open to a comfortable bed at night has steel-link
spring built underneath the seat; Frame is solid oak, upholstered spring seat and
back are covered with brown leatherette.
Others Priced Now at
Easy Terms No Interest, regardless of the one you select.
Solid Oak Arm Chairs and Arm Rockers
Upholstered With Genuine Leather Regular $24.00 to $42 0
$23 $2722 31
These Rockers and Chairs are all finished in hand-rubbed golden wax. Beautiful colonial and straight
line styles (not a freak or undesirable one in the lot). A number of Old Ivory and Brown Wicker
Rockers and Chairs, upholstered with cretonne, are being shown also on the third floor at the same
prices and on the same proportionate saving. v -
Exceptional "Three -Piece Suite" Bargains!
$110 Three-Piece Solid Oak Set, with
genuine leather auto-cushlon seats and
cane backs Settee, Arm Chair and G7gS Cf
Arm Rocker P I UrOV
$120 William and Mary Period, in
Jacobean finish. Solid Oak Set: also
genuine leather auto cushions Settee, tQf
Arm Chair and Arm Rocker JOH.OU
$265 Overstuffed Suite of three
pieces Davenport. Chair and Rocker
all built with fireside wing backs and
covered with rich brown leather- J 1 Trt Ct
ette. now 3li79J
$448.50 Mahogany-with-Cane Suite of
three p 1 e c e e luxuriously upholstered '
with beautiful tapestry (circular pil- tOQQ Cf
lows included) 1J6OO.JU
-$470 Three-piece M a ho g a n y-with-Cane
Suite, upholstered with velour.
This Is elaborate and a wonderful tOQ 1 7C!
value at A f 9
Easy Terms No Interest, Re
gardless of the One You Select
Reflect a True Thanksgiving
Beautiful Queen Ann Period Table
and 6 Chairs Similar to Illustration
Walnut or Mahogany
This Is a most exquisite suite real gracefully lined
Spoon-Foot "Queen Ann" a suite that conveys the -artistic
talent and quality of workmanship as produced by the
creative masters of old. Yours on easy terms no Interest.
Solid Oak Dining Chairs (dark wax finish) .' a 4.95
Solid Oak Dining Table (dark wax finish) S8J5
$85" Special Model"
Kitchen Cabinets
Not only does the SELLERS place in ARM'S REACH
practically all the cooking utensils and materials
used in preparing meals.
Not only does it enable you to sit instead of stand,
to reach Instead of walk, and to SAVE a great amount
of work, worry and waste.
But convenience positively unobtainable in any
other Is built right Into these Sellers cabinets.
Big Bargains
For Your Bedroom!
now at .
now at .
Continuous Post Brass Bed.' $49.85
Continuous Post Brass Bed $41.50
Stub Post Brass Bed $37.75
Stub Post Brass Bed $31.50
Kronlund Spring-filled Tuftless Mattress...., ..$37.50
Empress 48-lb. Filled Cotton Mattress.. $16.90
Interlink Steel Bed Springs $9.95
Walnut finished Suite of five pieces 5 00
Flake White Enamel Suite of five pieces jCC 00
An Assortment That Is Next to Unlimited The Mighty
Arms on the Big Wall Rack Which Sway Back and Forth
Will Show. Tomorrow Morning on Quality Rugs, Such
Lowered Prices as These:
"Lifetime Ware" 99 Pure
Aluminum Utensils
Your Unrestricted Choice at
Other Kitchen Needs at Lowered Prices
Genuine Wilton Rugs
On such well - known brands as "Akbar,"'
"Mahal," "l.akewood," "Bisrelow," "Imperial
Bangor." "Shah Abbas," "Sedan," "Kabistan,"
"Hartford Saxony'' and "Karnack."
-.61 '
Sixes 8.3x1 0-, Were SI 10.00 to S1B.1.O0
Now $85.75 to $139.75
Sizes 9x12, Were 11S.OO to 17.',.0O
Now $89.75 to $145.00
Inlaid Linoleums, per S1. yd,. 1.DS and Print Linoleums, per sq. yd $1.29 and 1.43
Inlaid Linoleums (4 to 13-yd. remnants), -Congoleum and Prp.LinoIeum, per square
per square yard.., , S1.45 yard TOc and S9c
Easy Terms, Regardless of What You Select
In a Profusion ef Patterns and Colors, at
$44.85, $49.65, $56.75 & $62.75
$34.75, $39.50, $43.85 & $49.75
Ten-Piece Guernsey Cooking Sets....,
arwelve-Piece Pyrex Copking Set
Forty--two-Piece Dinner Sets,...,,,.,
Fifty-Piece Dinner Sets...'...,
, ,.fl.S
-- f 505
. , tlS.45
AGoodPhceTo Trad&-'
Genuine Leather University Handbags
$K.30 $0.85 $1 0.95
as y Terms - Vo Interest
V lltTZrTerms - No MW2