is AtYburNessstand THE SUNDAY OKEGONIAN, PORTLAND, NOVEMBER 7, 192 " I n For the Best Title- to this - Picture: cincL Gibson YES, oi prize, one thousand dollars given away 1st $500.00; 2nd prize, $300.00; 3rd, $200.00 and the best part of it is that everyone has an equal chance. Democrat or Re publican, pro or anti, married or single it doesn't make a bit ol difference. Perhaps you have never even seen x LIFE no matter, this is for ) everybody. , For twenty-two years readers of LIFE have been winning prizes by giving titles for pictures. And they've had so much fun out of it, in addition to the money they've received, that this time it has been decided to let the other people who haven't yet had any fun out of LIFE, try a:hand. Think of it! $500.00 in cold cash for writing from one to ten words. Isn't it worth trying? Air idea you' already have in mind may be the very one that will strike the judges as being the best. Even if you get the smallest prize offered that alone amounts to $200.00, Rules of Contest All that is necessary is to send in your titles before the closing date.. The titles are limited to ten words but if you can put your title in five or even three words, do so.- Brevity is usually the soul of v wit. Titles may be originals or quota tions. Send in as many titles as you want. Send in the first one that occurs to you now. Later you can send in others. Jot down your tide or tides on any sheet of paper, sign your name and mail to the Contest Editor of LIFE. The final award will be announced in LIFE as earfy as possible after -the close of the contest Checks will be sent simultaneously with the an nouncement In case of ties, $500 ($300 or $200) will be awarded each .winning contestant The contest is now open. It will close at noon on November 30th, 1920. Remember, all you have to do is to write your title on a piece of paper, sign your name and address and mail it to Contest Editor of LIFE, Dept. 133, Box 262, C P. O., New York, N. . Y. Send in a tide to-day then others, if you think of better ernes. Money Saving Offer ; Of course you know LIFE, the sprighdy weekly magazine of fun with its many pages of brilliant humor and satire in picture and text the maga zine which has dominated black and white pic torial art in America. LIFE has more regularly contributing artists than any other paper in the world. ' It is the only magazine to whom Charles Dana Gibson, America's greatest black and white artist, contributes. To enter this LIFE Contest, you have no entrance fee to pay whatsoever. And LIFE will co-operate with you in making it easy for you to land one of these big prizes by reprinting in its pages in the next few issues the pictures and win ning titles of previous contests, besides the present contest picture will be reproduced in a way that will show up the details and facial expressions much better than can a newspaper cut. You can buy LIFE at your newsstand, 15 cents a copy, but in order to be sure of getting it weekly if your dealer is sold out you can accept this special offer and save money at the. same time. Just mail the coupon below enclosing a' single dollar bul and you will receive the next twelve issues which also includes the 25c Christmas number. This means that you get $1.90 worth of LIFE for only one dollar. Perhaps you will be the winner in this $ 1 000.00 contest. Mail the coupon nowthis offer may be withdrawn at any moment Special Dollar Offer Here's where at least one dollar buys Its old-time 100 cents' worth and more. Sign your name and address below and mail this coupon to-day with a dollar bill. A $1000.00 For the best titles to the above picture, Life will award prizes as follows:, . First Prize $500.00 (Also tko original of the Jmrniug, autographed by Mr. Gibson) Second Prize. . . Third Prize .$300.00 4200.00 - r , LIFE y 14 West 31st Street. f ' New York, N. Y. . . I accept your special offer. Life for three months (12 issues), bill is enclosed. Address. p. o. Send me A dollar Please write plainly)