16 THE SUNDAY OREGONIA1S", PORTLAND, NOVEMBER 7, 1920 EDCCATIONAI.. MEN WANTED. "Wonderful Future. I LEAJtN AUTO AND TRACTOR i BUSINESS. I The coming year will be the blgswt : in the auto Industry. Everywhere there , -will be a demand for trained men. . OUR SCHOOLS SUCCESSFULLY TEACH "by practical experience every phase of ..the automobile, tractor, stationary and inirln engiri- tire vulcanizing and re treading, welding and, brazing, every branch of battery and electric work. ONLY FEW WEEKS REQUIRED, OUR GRADUATES GIVEN PREF ERENCE ' everywhere: ; UTtf LIMITED OPPORTUNITIES. LEA-DI.V3 AUTOMOBILE ASSOCIA TIONS indorse our school. The thoroughness of ur methods and the completeness of our equipment. TU BIGGEST AUTOMOBILE COXCBRXS wend their mechanics to our school for special electrical training. . These auto xnoblie conoems are constantly calling on us for graduates, because they know the type of men we turn out. DAY AND EVENING CLASSES KOYT RUNNING. Call or write TODAY for FREE Illus trated catalogue, which tells the com plete story. ENROLL NOW and save anon-cy. The Hemphill schools are absolutely . the largest chain of practical auto and , -tractor schools In the world, with branches In 16 cities in the U. S. and Canada. Beware of book schools .and enroll in a practical school where you cake the tools in your hands and get the reaj practical experience. State aid to former service men. HEMPHILL'S TRADE SCHOOLS, INC 707 Hawthorne Ave., Portland-. Or. ...AN EXPERIENCED teacher desires a llm ited number of pupils. Phone Main 7005. JREXCH Instruction by university student, Paris and London. Mar. 242. OREGON law school, Alisky bidg.. 3d and Mor. W. E. Richa.dson. sec. Main 077. I1 YOU want to learn the vulcanizing business, call 153 E. Broadway. I"1SK Teachers' Agency Journal bldg. Main 4S33. Teaching positions, free res. lATBS-FISHER Teachers' Agency Free registration. Main 674. Broadway bldg. .WANTED Hist, and Eng. teacher, $1500. Mr. Welles, N. W. Bank bldg. Main 8276. HELP WANTED MALE, PRICE clerk and stock keeper for motor car repair shop; active man, age 80 to , 40 years, with experience in stock keep ing, buying and selling, also some knowl- i 4lge of bookkeeping ; must be quick and , Accurate with figures and able to meet the public; permanent. Answer in own t llandwriting; state previous experience, marrid or single, reference. Address BP 742, Oregonian. RELIABLE man and wife without chil dren to take charge of farm; man must understand breeding and care of Btock ' and hogs, also be a capable farmer with , experience in the Willamette valley: the . -wife a neat, capable housekeeper, plain economical cook. State previous expe rience, age, wages expected, references; permanent position to couple who can qualify. AH 73. Oregonian. WE HAVE an opening for thoroughly ex perienced tea and coffee route salesman, , established routes; must be business . getter; permanent position with relia , ble house. Apply at once. If possible fclve us your telephone number. Ail Oregonian. HAN WANTED for warehouse and janitor work; give full partculars in answer; must come well recommended; 85 a ' month, with Vuel. light, gas, water and unfurnished apartment free. Answer AM 150. Oregonian. WANTED Young man stenographer: high school gradnate preferred: one that is willing to start at moderate salary and work himself into a good position. Ad dress, giving references and minimum wage. BJ 111. Oregonian. STEADY, reliable young man for general work In store; must be willing to start at small wages with chance of advance ment, with experience. Grand Union Ta Co.. 448 Washington- St. .WANTED (Bright youiwr man who wants to learn ad vertisiTVg business: $15 per week to start; exceptional newspaper opportunity: state age. references, etc Address BP 183. Oregonian. TWO young men with sales ability. Splen did opportunity for anyone willing to work. Complete Instructions and assist ance given. Reed-French Piano Mt. Co.. 12th and Washington. ' LUMBER and logging bookkeeper: must have general sawmill lumber office ex perience. State age. experience and give references. Confidential. BJ 105. Oregonian. WANTED All-around men's clothing and furnishing goods salesman; must have experience. Apply M1 Front Clothing Co.. li5 First st. " . MECHANICAL draftsman; boiler room and building equipment, $175; state ex perience and references. AM Ore gonian. WANT a carpenter to give me an esti mato for finishing a large garage now ready to finish. C. H. Rice, HllUboro, Or. Phone 351 X. HANDY middle-aged man to work on poul try farm. All winter's Job; wages lto per mo. See Butler,' Monday, room 207, city halL WANTED Thoroughly reliable, compe tent janitor, married, for high-grade ai-artment house of 16 unfurnished apartments. AK 154. Oregwnlra. WANTED 3 good! teams with heavy wagons to haul lumber all winter, .$3 10N0 feet, 3-mile haul. Phone 'Automatic 527-1A 839 Sherlock bldg. (WANTED Labor contract to .clean and paint 4 smokestacks. West Oregon Lum ber Co., Linnton, Or. WANTED Respectable man to care for furnace morning and night. 414 Sal mon St. WANTED First-class night man; good pay to right man. Apply Leslys Garage, 2ti6 K. 37th at. iiOYS with bicycles are making from $3 to $5 a day, 304 Pine st, Broadway 4808. ; . tTRONG boy, with grocery experience pre ferred; $20 per week.. Sngar store. Cen tral market. Fourth and Yamhill sts. ENERGETIC young man with $50 for big money-making business. W 149, Ore gonian. 3VANTED Good painter who understands painting wood and iron on launch, at 1006 Mississippi, or Woodlawn 5730. fcaOB salesman wanted: 100 miles out of city: $125. See Employment Secy., Y. M. C. A. . GOODretenograpner. not married, must be quick and accurate; wholesale district. O 160, Oregonian WAiVTED Experienced baker, $28 board and reem. Well equipped shop. AV 679. Oregonian. i'OUR $5 SALES Your commission $10; office necessity: results guaranteed. AlM 193. Oregonian. WANTED Janitor Tn office building, single man preferred: wages $80 and room to begin with. B.T 148, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and stenog rapher, $150; stenographer and clerk, $115. 301 N. W. Bank bldg. TEN MEN wanted to distribute circulars. Apply 7:30 to 8:30 this morning and Monday morning. Kelley Co., 88 ft 1st. WANTED Boy to drive Ford car and work in grocery store. Call 321 Third st. Monday morning. UIDDLE-AGED single man for clerk, split shift,, morning and evening; references. Call Dayton Hotel, Hl First st. WANTED Dining room maid In private family, west side, centrally located; references. F 134, Oregonian. TWO LIVE magazine men: quick money; extra bonus. Call "211 Stock Exchange bldg. today. 11 to 12. WANTED Marker, sorter, male, to take full charge; good wares Raymond Laundry Co., Raymond, Wash. WANTED Two operators for mortising machine in planing milts; apply at plant. Pacific Car & Foundry Co. FIRST-CLASS slaughter house casing man. 228 Aiaer st. WANTED Man to work in wash room 31st and Alder. STRONG boy to work in laundry. Apply Monqay A. i. Oregon ijtunary Co. HIGH school boy to assist la store after school hours. tfui 1st st. WANTED Man who und-erstands Fords to drive mornings. East 6175. BANK messenger, ambitious to learn; state salary. AG 136, Oregonian. HATTRHSS-MAKER at 2221 1st avenue c.,Vi Kpfittle. WANTED A man to clean and block bats. . - , Ta 1 at MAN WITH Ford, deliverjbread for bakery in rnmmlssion. AK 147. Oregonian. WANTED Bushelman and presser at As toria; good wages. av ot(. oregonian BUSHELMAN and presser to run shop lor winter. 189 Park st. HAND box nailers, piece work. Apply 1144 EXPERIENCED BUSHELMAN. BEN FUR CUTTER wanted. R, W. Drew, Ta- frrrt a W axh. WANTED Several carpenter to build barn in eastern Oregon. Call East 6933. WANTED Copper-plat printer. Irwin- Hodaon Co., 1X9 in. iota at. HELP WANTED MALE. MEN" AND BOYS PEEKING EMPLOT- . The place beet equipped to assist too In finding employment Is the Y. M. C A. Employers go there for help because they know the "Y" appeals to the best type of men and bova. Many firms have standing orders there for men with cer tain qualifications: perhaps you are Ilt- lor one of these places. . . Advisory a-nd employment servlcei aoso.utely free to ex-service men. All men seeking employment In cler ical, technical and commercial lines and those who are ambitious to better their ,. condition should see the Y. M. C A. employment secretary, room 307. WHERE THERE IS ALWAYS M- MA.ND FOR CAPABLE MEN." TRAP drummer, out-of-town dance or chestra, one night a week. Millwright, carpenter or laborer at top wages dur ing week. Want a man who can han dle orchestrations. Musicians' scale. Could also use a pianist. Location one of the largest mills in the country. Will begin to cut about the first of the year. AV Bt2, Oregonian. : THH MEIER & FRANK COMPANY requires the services of boys of 15 to 17 years of age for inside work. Apply Employment Bureau, sixth floor, Meiex & Frank Company. - WANTED All-round planing mill me chanic and foreman for retail planing mill IN SUNNY CALIFORNIA. Prefer married man, 35 or 40 years old: give age, experience and references in first letter; steady Job at good ray for right Party. Do not apply unless you are ca pable. Address box O 175, Oregonian.. TEN WIDE-AWAKE ex-service men for Portland and vicinity; article with merit and absolutely new; no canvassing or house to house work; one call will con vince you; apply Room 302 Labbe bldg., 227 H Washington st.. Sunday. 1 to f; evening. 7 to 9. Monday, any time. ENERGETNC young man, about 21 years old, to work in marking room of a wom en's apparel shop. Must be of good ap pearance and artistically inclined in or der to receive training and advancement for a better future. State full particu lars in letter. E 193, Oregonian. MAN AND WIFE to take charge of poul try farm under direction of experienced poultryman. Must be industrious and loyal. This Is a large proposition and will be eood thing for the right party. Give full particulars about self in first- letter. AK IDT, uregonian. A BUSINESS OF YOUR OWN Represent a reliable established oumpany in your territory. Experience n -ecessary. We help you succeed.' Some splendid open ings now for young, middle-aged or elderly men. Toppenish Nursery Co., Toppenish, Wash. V KV. TRIP TO VANCOUVER or -equivalent to trusty person devoting little spare time interest large organization. Write, stating occupatlon-v Merman "G," House 500 Hastings St.. East Vancouver. B. C. ANTED Soapmaker foreman expe rienced in the manufacture of laundry soap; one who can handle men and machinery. Write for particulars to box 1813, Tacoma, Wash. WANTED Energetic young man with some experience. ship brokerage, who can operate typewriter, fair knowledge office work jasmall investment required; splen dld opportunity. Call 414 Henry bldg. FIVE wide-awake hustlers for Portland and vicinity; no canvassing or house to house work. Apply Sunday between 1 and 5; evening, 7 to 9. 2274 Washington St., room 302. -Monday, any time. WANTED First-class Emerson dry-kiln operator for a steady position in Cal. furniture factory; only high-class man need apply. Good working conditions. S 147. Oregonian. WANTED Energetic young man. experi enced in exporting and shipping; smaU investment required; exceptional oppor tunity for live man in new firm; foreign trade. Call 414 Henry bidg. EXPERIENCED OFF-PRESSER ON COATS AND VESTS CAN FIND STEADY . EMPLOYMENT AT THE BROWNSVILLE WOOLEN MILLS, THIRD AND MORRISON STREETS. WINDOW TRIMMER MUST BE GOOD CARD WRITER. EMPORIUM. 126 SIXTH ST. HOOD RIVER leading store. requires services of a man with general store experience, particularly shoes; steady position. , on salary and commission basis. P. OS bo. H, Hood River, Or. HOOD RIVER'S leading store requires services of a man with general store experience. Particularly shoes; steady position, on salary and commission basis. P. O. Box H, Hood River. Or. PLASTERERS wanted for San Francisco. Work guaranteed. C. P. L A local 66. conditions. Wages $11 per day. 8 hours. Apply Francis O'Reilly, ISO Jessie St., San Francisco. Cal. - DAY PORTER By .a women's ready-to-wear establishment. Must be energetic and neat appearing. State, age, expe rience and references. AP 170, Orego nlan. - . SEVERAL men over 25 with fair intelli gence and good character to represent large corporation as salesmen. 406 Northwestern Hank bids. WANTED Team for hauling wood, near bcappoose, gooa nam ana money can be made on this job. Phono Main 6252. or call 322 Abington bldg. WANTED A-l sticker man accustomed to very particular work; have Woods high speed sticker; good wages. Write P. O. Box 201, Coquiiie, Or. WANT tiecutters, new camp on head waters Green river; good timber, steady employment. Write Standard, Timbr Co., Evaneton. Wyo. WANTED A 11-around foreman and mill operator for sawmill, JO, 000 capacity; gcod pay to capable man. AD 160, Ore gonian. WANTED Specialty salesman' for city work ; no nouse-to-house work ; must be hustler. Give telephone and age in an swering. Address AN 187, Oregonian. SPLENDID opportu-nity to earn money aoing clerical nome worn; spare or whole time. Write Chautauqua .Business Build ers, 895 East Second st., Jamestown, N. V. CLEAN-CUT young salesman; fast money- maKing"' proposition; no experience nec essary. Northwestern, 204 Hippodrome Theater bldg. PRINTER wanted, one who can feed job press preierreu; steady position, write, state salary desired. Roseburg News Review, Roseburg, Or. . FIRST-CLASS coatmakers wanted, union shop, eignt nours, gooa snop, good wages, steady work. Dahlgren & Erickson, Boise, Ida ho. MAN TO represent us In Arizona, New Mexico and Utah. Call G2& N. 23d t. Monday. WANTED Copper plate printer. Jrwlu Hodson Co., 115 N. 15th St. Help VI suited statesmen. ATTENTION. REAL. SALESMEN. . A large institution handling the best security ever 'ottered to the public de sires the services of live energetic, peppy salesmen: only those with ability and worth considered ; splendid opportunity for the right men. Call 702 Title & Trust bldg. MEN wanted for open territory in. Oregon to sell " Self Collection faystems to busi ness and protesMional people. $2.75 profit each $5 sale. Unlimited opportunity. Re orders credited. D. G. Gilford, state manager, P. U. box 2112, Portland, Or. EXPERIENCED health and accident agent; must bo producer and able to qualify aa district manager. Direct con tract, salary or commission - or both. State age, experience and references. BD 13Q, Oregonian. DISTRIBUTER wanted In every town for Speedollne; $300 to f50O per month, ex clusive territory, automobile free to workers. Speedollne Co.. dept. Stt, Dal las, Texas. SALESMAN WANTED Salesmen for big seller; $10 a day and up; sideline, pock et sample, commission. Address Pacific States Sales company, 1403 W. 1st ave., Spokane, Wash. . WANTED Men having house-to-house ex perience to sell Torrington vacuum clean ers. We show you how. E. . Knight & Co., 449 Washington st. ACTIVE young man for salesman; give age, references and telephone number; must have fair education and ability to make good. AG 156, Oregonian. WANTED An experienced furniture sales man; must furnish Al references. A good position for ambitious man. AP 321. Oregonian. ' WANTED A few good solicitors for a family necessity, used in every home; salary smd commission for partner who can make good. BJ 192. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED jewelry salesman; good references required. Permanent Job. 252 Alder street. WANTED Salesman who can sell by manufacturing concern. Call 62 N. 23d st. WANTED REAL SALESMAN. International for service. Broughton Motor "'sr Co.. 129-133 N. 10th st. AGENTS get in touch with us for a live Christmas specialty. AV 574, Oregonian. SALESMEN Wonderful opportunity, in ' come insurance. 501 Corbett bldg. THREK) salesmen. If hustlers experience unnecessary. Call 62 b IS. 23d st. HELP WANT JED MALK. Help Wanted Salesmen. WANTED SALES MANAGERS. ORGAN IZERS AND SALESMEN TO 6 ELL , THE SIMMONS BASIC SPRING FOR FORD CARS. v the most wonderful invention of the age! BIG SELLER AND BIG MONEY. Will double life of car. Double mileage on tires. Makes FORD car the easiest riding car In the world over rough roads. This is a winner for salesmen and now Is the time to secure territory. We have selling contract on patent for entire United States, and are starting to organize a selling force. Come in now and grow up with the organization. Won derful opportunity. Write or call on H. H. BURT,. Sales Manager, ' 523 Alder St., Portland, Or. THE KEMPER-THOMAS CO. of Cincin nati wishes to contract right now for valuable coast territory 1921 season with the highest grade salesman whose favor able attention is attracted to this ad vertisement. Products consist of the nAst exclusive art in copyrighted calen dar designs, blotters and cards for monthly mailing service, fans and en graved Tuletide greetings; backed up by a snappy and extensive line of advertis ing specialties and signs. The line is a favorite with the advertising trade; but order takers have no business with it and single trippers are not desired. The real "honest to goodness," high-power salesman will recognize In our liberal commission contract a true incentive. Address W. W. MERRIAM, district sales manager, 1119 Wasco St., Portland, Or. THE BLANCH ARD COM PANT.' AURORA. ILL. Manufacturers of a DeLnxe line of calendars, mailing cards, art blotters, greetings, advertising pencils ami nov elties; have territory open in Oregon for the 1121 season. The combination of this territory and line offers a real oppor tunity to a worker; experience in adver tising not necessary. Give full particu lars in first letter. WANTED SALESMEN. Men wanted, preferably those experi enced In advertising, securities or gen eral insurance lines, to grow with new department of the World's Largest Surety Company. Salary and commission paid to salesmen and a rapid promotion to managership to those giving evidence of unusual ability. Call 523 Corbett bldg., y to 11 Monday, ask f or Mr. Proctor. COAL FAMINE offers you chance of life time to build permanent business with greaNmoney-making scientific coal saver for all furnaces and boilers. Distributors having remarkable success. One writes, "It's a little wonder." Small capital needed, big profits. Beats all sellers. Efficient service, strong literature from home office. Great opportunity for cal iber salesmen. Write for "Revelation," Cfsco, lo Tenth. Richmond. Ind. STOCK SALESMEN ATTENTION, The most attractive proposition ever offered in Oregon to investors. High grade company officered by local bank ers. Experienced men will especially ap preciate the merits and selling points of our stock nd can make more money than with any other company. Call after 10 A. -M., ask for Mr.aKalney, 2d floor, Gordon bldg., 4th and Stark. WE A"RE J.n need of salesmen. If you are resourceful and can deliver the goods we have permanent place' for you on our sales force and you can earn from $50 to $150 a week. We are an old-established concern and our proposition is the best of its kind. If you can give good references and mean business, call at room 305, 12 -Tenth st. OLD-ESTABLISHED GENERAL WHOLE SALE HOUSE HAS VACANCY FOR AG GRESSIVE ROAD SALESMAN. FOR EASTERN OREGON TERRITORY; A KNOWLEDGE OF DRY GOODS PRE FERRED, BUT NOT ESSENTIAL. ONLY MEN WITH PREVIOUS ROAD EXPE KIENCE WILL BE CONSIDERED. X IS. OREGONIAN. WANTED IMMEDIATELY Advertising salesmen. Established line advertising signs and novelties. Exclusive territory. Expenses advanced. Liberal commissions Experience not ' essential. State age height, weight, road or business expe rience and give 3 late business ref erences. Stanford-Crowell Co., Ithaca, N. Y. SALESMEN to sell mining stock a com pany that has stood the acid test with many tons of silver ore already mined. Large dividends assured. Any salesman with ability can make a fortune. Prompt action necessary. Wire, write or apply in person. 707 Exchange bldg., v Den ver, Colo. SALESMAN wanted to represent national ly advertised staple line to call on the retail grocery trade in eastern Oregon. Must have good selling ability. Company car furnished. Man with home in Pen dleton, La Grande or Baker preferred. AV 68i, Oregonian. SALESMEN Experienced, to sell high grade lines of aluminumware from beau tifully illustrated catalogue; big demand; prompt shipments ; commissions paid weekly; part or full time. Write for par ticulars. Enterprise Aluminunv Co., l&U N. Wabash, Chicago. WANTED . IMMEDIATELY. advertising salesmen : exclusive territory ; expenses - advanced ; liberal commissions; expe rience not essential; give age, height, weight, business experience, three late business references. Stanford-Crowell Co., Ithaca. N. Y. WANTED Experienced drug salesman for wholesale drug house. Knowledge of wholesale business not essential, but would be an advantage. Good salary and every opportunity for advancement. Answer, giving references. AN 145, Ore gonian. WANTED Experienced drug salesman for wholesale drug house; knowledge of wholesale business not essential, but would be an advantage; good salary and every opportunity for advancement. Answer with references, BC 120, Ore gonian. SALESMAN We have best line of house hold appliances made, if you have con fidence enough in yourself to sell on commission see It. THE ELECTRIC MAID SHOP. 133 Tenth St. MEN OVER 25 years of age, experience not necessary, training free ; must be neat and ue good English. Call 404 Spalding bldg., between 10 and 12 and 3 and 5, ask for Mr. Stranahan. TRAVELING SALESMAN to carry as sideline the best stump affix ing machine made. Easy seller. No sam ples to carry. $5 commission on each sale. Address AJ 195, Oregonian. WHOLESALE no use desires services oi high-grade salesman to sell phonographs direct to user. The most beautiful talk ins machines on the market and large commission. Write for interview, confi deutial. AF 200. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED salesmen sell our high grade exclusive line, of calendars; only live wires wanted. Write for territory, send references. Smith-iHecht Co.. In dlanapolis, nd. SALESMEN can earn a day's pay for few minutes' work selling our E-Z ball gum machines from illustrations; $0 commis sion paid on receipt of orders. Ad-Lee novelty i;o.. uept. jo, unicago. SALESMEN wanted to sell Poison's patches, tubes and fan belts to jobbers and dealers. Special prices, liberal com mission. W. J. Poison Company, Kansas city, mo. FARM salesman wanted, must have a car, be familiar with the country sur . rounding Portland, capable of closing aeaiH ana oe wining to wont. Geo. K. Englehart Co., 024 Henry bldg. SALESMEN calling on furniture, rug and general stores, to sell three qualities Ax minster rugs; all sizes. Liberal commis sion basis and competitive prices. Fred. werner Jo., hranitrord ave., Fhila. SALESMEN Big money, complete line uniuue advertising sisns. distinctive cal endars, novelties; our line makes dollars wirere otners make pennies. Man on Novelty Co., Kenton, Ohio. SALESMEN Inexperienced or experienced. city or traveling, w rite xor list oi lines, full particulars. Nat'l. Salesmen's Tr. Ass n., iept. 1 4, Chicago, ill.- SALESMAN for direct soliciting ; staple article, fine for holiday trade; big money for energetic worker. Call Monday af ternoon, i jo voroett Diag. WANTED The best phonoeranh jwIm. men in the northwest for the best prop osition ever oiierea you. Apply to Mr. cook, on 5ucnanan Diag. SALESMAN WANTED Experienced in advertising. - displays and card writing experienced in special , sales -preferred Good salary. 515 Chamber of Com. bJdg. SALESMAN for western coast, handle line of men s neckwear as side line; iib , eral commissions. Crescent Neckwear Co. , P4s tfroaawny, .New V ork. SALESMAN Calling on furniture and de partment stores to sell on the side do mestic and imported floor coverings. Territory riynts. .pox j-iua, fnuadeiphia. WANTED Two experienced piano sales- men: salary, or salary and commlsjiion. Glen Bros. Roberts Piano Co.. Salt Lake Jity. utan. WANTED AGENTS. WORLD'S GREATEST AUTO INi'EN--TION No more storm-blurred "wind shields; mystic felt works wonders; one rub keeps alass clear 24 hours.: ntooi mountings: fits pocket; Vetter made $75 first day. becunty Mfg. Co., dept. C-, uicuu, yj. - AGENTS Learn about profits suonlvfn perfume to families by addressing Leffler WANTED AGENTS. WANTED On salary or commission, re sponsible, intelligent men or women in all parts of the west to handle a sate and big-yield investment. Earnings now 24 per cent. In near future wiil be in creased to sensational figures from new production. A going concern, with able management and tangible assets, with a remarkable record of growth and fu ture. A company anyone can feel proud to be identified with as a stockholder. For full ' particulars address F. F. Lischke, 40i Railway Exchange bldg., Portland, Or. EVERY HOME ON FA RM . IN SM A LL tuvv.n or suourb needs ana win ouy wonderful Aladdin mantle light; five times as bright as ewctric; tested and recommended by government and leading universities: awarded sroid medal: 4 sales ' a day means yearly income of $00Ou; no experience neeaea : excellent spare lhhw and evening seller: NO CAPITAL RE QUIRED. Wrrite quick for distributor's proposition and lamp for free trial De fore territory is taken. MANTLE LAMP CO., 87 Grand ave., Portland. Or. - SELL our 0000-mile guaranteed new tire; not reconstructed or seconas; Diana new, nationally avertlsed; 30x3 sells for $13.95; others, range according to size; no investment or experience necessary; big money-maker. Klass-Worth Co., 303 Michigan ave., Chicago AGENTS Make $50 weekly taking orders for fast-selling Goodyear raincoats; nun dreds of orders are waiting; $2 an hour for spare time. We deliver and col lect. Write today for agency. Good year Mfg. Co., 7338, Goodyear bldg., Kansas City, Mo. v AGENT can make $10 a day selling to the thousands who want them Soxneea. tne hoee supporter without elastic Send 25-c for samples and proposition. Soxneed Co., SOO Pacific bldg., San Francisco. Cal. AGENTS Sell discount certificates for 25 cents and keep 24 cents.- lour credit is good for $5 worth. Write for them. No money required. R. R, Daves, Green field, Ca ' AGENTS Large manufacturer wants agents to sell hosiery, underwear. nina, dresses, skirts, waists, shoes, clothing, etc. Write for free samples. Madison Mills, 503 Broadway, New York. AGENTS Sell custom-made guaranteed raincoats. No experience needed. We deliver, collect. Big pay. Sample coat . free. Temple Raincoat Co.. box 13a x, Gardner. Mass. - SOAP AGENTS See our line of soaps be fore doing anything else, write toaay for catalogue. American Products Co., 474 American bldg., Cincinnati, O. 150 PROFIT Fast-selling household. store ana orrice necessity; repeater; ireo sample. " Chapman Co., 1009 Dwight bldg., Kansas City. Mo. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. Male and Female. MRS. I. V. SCOTT, formerly director of employment for women withthe federal government, will secure employment for women in all lines-. Office 329 Henry bldg.. cor. 4th ancV Oak sts, Bdwy. 4537. COOK on ranch, 3 men; dining room girl. $40. room ana Doara out; a cooks, cen eral housework. waitress, restaurant, city. $18: kitchen help in boarding house. 301 Raleigh bldg.. 327 Wash: at. CLERICAL HELP SERVICE. ' 4Z1 Artisan bldg. Bdwy. 4499. All branches of exp. office help fur nished free to employers: prompt service. WOMAN cook for 8 men, $90 and board. Call Sunday morning. .ueianey 8 em ploy rnentSeryicel5i2st:a YOUNG man as bookkeeper-stenographer. with old established firm; a ween. 1015 Wilcox bldg GENERAL merchandise man must know shoes, out-of-town position. Apply at once 431 Artisans bldg YOUNG man window trimmer and sales man, out of city; $12$ to ioOi 101a Wilcox bldg. EXPERIENCED office help furnished by Business Men's Clearing Housa, 1015 Wilcox bldg. Main 7496. SEC. AND office mgr., $150; secretary. $130; stenographer tor Honoium, 301 N W Bank bldg. EXPERIENCED Japanese pantryman. Call at 434 N. 2d. Phone Bdwy. 2330. HELP WANTED "FEMALE. WANTED Bright, alert girl. 18 to 24, as file clerk; preference given one with special experience in fil lng.x but must be neat in ap- pearance anu accurate in work. , Good opportunity for advance ment. State age in application, also amount of experiencevsnd references. Address BD 1S4, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED SHIRT OPERATORS. We need experienced girls on differ ent parts of shirts. Experienced operator on Singer but ton machine. Apply at Mt. Hood Factory. 233 Couch street, corner 2d. BRIGHT young woman. familiar with typewriter and general clerical work: preferably one who has been associated with printing., advertising, engraving or newspaper work; person with any knowledge or desire for . copywriting will have more of a future. AL 157. Orego nian. ; . WANTED PRIVATE EXCHANGE OP ERATOR; MUST HAVE EXPERIENCE IN MERCANTILE HOUSE. BD 186, OREGONIAN. NOW that election is over, confidence will be restored and normal prosperity is as sured. We need lady agents at once. Call at room 803 Spalding bldg., and investigate. Any day this week. Geo. E. Dustan, manager. WANTED A young woman to take up permanent work with educational! asso ciation. Must have pleasing personality and accustomed to meeting public. AK 159, Oregonian. WANTED A young woman to do educa tional welfare work. Splendid opportu nity for disengaged graduate nurse. May travel if desired. AK 156, Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS tailors wanted; must have references ; good wages to right party ; If convenient apply today. Aronson, 312 Central bldg. WANTED Woman to make salads; none but experienced apply. Call Monday. Pollyann Cafeteria, 10th and Alder sts. WANTED Stenographer, one who Is fa miliar with the automobile business. Sunset Electric Co. SOLICITORS wanted; big money. Catholic ladies preferred. Call Main. 5G73, room 6, or write AN 114, Oregonian. TWO SALES WOMEN. Wonderful oppor tunity. Income insurance. Salary and . commission. 403 Railway Exchange. FEATHER worker wanted, experienced on hats or rancy leathers; top wages. Hart ness Plume Shop, Park and Yamhill.. SCHOOL girl or woman to care for child afternoons. Phone E-ast 426. 24th and Burn side. YOUNG woman wanted small boarding house; right party. at 1773 Derby; good wages to EXPERIENCED jewelry saleslady; must have gooa references; no others need apply, reux uiocn as Washington st, WANTED Girl for general office work that can take dictation. Lane. Miles Stnndish Co.. ao Oak st. A PLEASANT home with elderly people for young gin woo is nervous patient. Y 136, oregonian. NEAT young ladies for sales work; no ex perience necessary. Northwestern, 204 Hippodrome i neater omg. THE FLORENCE Crittenton Home is ready to help any girl in distress. 955 East Glisan. "MV" car. Kast 316. WANTED First-class experienced wait , ress. We furnish room and board. Alex andra Court, 53 Ella st. WANTED Lady on prune and berry ranch to work by month or on shares. Call Tabor 8ti9. RELIABLE middle-aged woman to help with a small family, tor particulars call Woodlawn Jnti. f WANTED Kitchen helper for small instl tutlon. Call Broadway 3404. EXPERIENCED waitress wanted. 26 N. 2d st. Phine Broadway laH2. WANTED Dancing teacher. Morrison. Call 231 H EXPERIENCED waitress wanted at the Oregon resturant. 1J3 Grand ave. WANTED Graduate nurse for permanent hospital position, iuain imh. WANTED A private exchange and expert enced operator. Phone Tabor 3882. JAPANESE woman for general housework; go home n ignis, xaoor WANTED Exp. waitress; no Sunday WUrH. ll'l i-N. OU 8U BANK bookkeeper. Burroughs machine; state salary. AG iJ, Oregonian. STENOGRAPHER with bank experience state salary. AG 135, Oregonian. LADY wanted for real estate; must be a live winx .Apply oia ienry bldg. WANTED Experienced dressmaker help" er. Call Main 1789. EXPERIENCED waist finishers wanted. Max, wt fliers .music oiag. WANTED Girl for general Phone Tabor 572L. housework. HELP WANTED FEMALE. OPPORTUNITY for two qualified women wno -nave sales ability and are iree to travel extensively.- Are you satisfied in your present place or are you possessed with the ambition and desire to get into something which offers you a future and will pay you according to your ability? Our salespeople are earning from $200 to $300 per month and up. If YOU are QUALIFIED we will pay you a 'salary from the start. Our experience has taught us how to pick the qualified woman. We know how to train her after the selection la made. We have successfully trained hundreds- Answer following questions briefly : Name, ad dress, phone number, age, free to travel, education, can you furnish references? How soon can you begin work? No in vestment except your time and brains. AE 176, Oregonian. WANTED Bright, active, accurate and neat-appearing girl, 18 to 23, for telephone switchboard in office of banking firm: one capable of operating typewriter with some clerical experience; given preference; excellent op portunity for advancement: saiary commensurate with abil ity. Application must be made , , in own handwriting. Address BF 177, Oregonian,. EXPERIENCED WRAPPERS. Apply'vm- work. LIPMAN, WOLFE & CO. DANCEOt wanted, young lady, weight 105 io io, neigni o tt. a to d ft. t; neat and graceful appearance; as assistant teacher and exhibition dancing partner, free instructions, good salary and chance to become a real professional dancer. Call at once at De Honev's Dancing Academy, 23d and Washington. ."o phones. WOMEN WANTED To trim apples In cannery. Was sell Packing Corporation. Sell wood 1924. Take Sellwood car, get off at Tacoma st. WANTED 3 or 4 ladies of education and culture to interview mothers on the moral training of children. Will pay $40 a week to those who qualify. Preference given to ladies over 30. For particulars address in own handwriting 3u9 Corbett bldg., between 2 and 5. NEAT, trustworthy woman to keep house for a lawyer-widower with 3 children. One looking more for a home than high wages; no objection to Scandinavian or German girl. Give particulars. AP 175, Oregonian. WHOLESALE house desires services ot iB"-sraae saleswoman to sell phono graphs direct to user. The most beautiful U. 'king machines on the market and large commission. Write for interview. Confidential. AF 195. Oregonian. WANTED Women foV general -sewing. ootn hand-made and electric machine; must be experienced and able to turn out fast work. Apply Monday. Mr. J. G. Fowler, Army Retail store, 5th and Pine. WANTED School girl or woman to as sist in housework for room, board and good wages; good home for. the right party. Apply 024 E. 24th st. N. Phone East 2254. ARTIST'S model wanted ; must possess HuauuLiuuiiB requirea oy nature oi tne position; requirements are light and pay remunerative; give personal descrip tion. AK 195. Oregonian. RESPECTABLE bachelor brothers want respectable woman housekeeper on farm; one with son 14 to 16 preferred. . Pickard Bros., Marion. Or., or Sellwood 789. Portland. LADY STENOGRAPHER with knowledge cf bookkeeping; must be accurate. An swer in own handwriting, stating experi ence, references and salary expected. if 20, Oregonian. WANTED Lady to care for 1-year-old boy 8 hours a day while mother is em ployed ; no washing; food furnished; must be close in on -west side. Mar shall 4012. APPLICATIONS will be received from young women, aged 20 to 35, for wood- working factory at St. Johns; .good pay and steady employment. Afi 392. Ore gonian. lOLNG woman for cashier, wrapper and . general office work in men's clothing and furnishing goods store. Hours o A. M. to 6 P. M. State salary expected. AN 1 S-t, Oregonian. GOOD home, some 'wages, to lady or high oi-Biuueni, iime worts; wanted pref erably for companion to lady and boy aged 4 years, who are alone until mid -night. Automatic 320-23. 12S1 E. 30 N LADIES to distribute circulars, take or ders for new food product; 4 to $5 a day at the start. Write today. America? Products' Co.. 47o American bldg.. Cin cinnati. Ohio. WOMEN'S Protective Division, located at ropm 803 Police Headquarters, 2d and Oak sts.. will furnish information. bIts protection and assistance free to womea and glrla. Interviews confidential. STENOGRAPHER wanted. " with Iom"e bookkeeping -experience; state experience definitely in both stenography and book keeping, also salary expected. Write AH 154, Oregonian. WANTED A fancy dancing teacher for Oriental and Spanish dancing and tech nique. Summer's Dancing Academy, 83 5th st., 6th floor. WIDOW to keep house for widower with 2 children in school, aged 14, 15; no objec tion to one small child; moderate wages. AP 10S, Oregonian. GIRL wanted for office work; must un- cersiana a uttie aoout running type writer. Oregon Motion Picture Co., room 322 Fleidner bldg. 407 Wash. ATTENTION, women! I can use 6 capable women over 25 years of age, experience not necessary, training absolutely free. Call 8290, ask for Miss Hall. YOUNG girl to learn the tailoring busi ness, good wages 'to start. Apply, ready for work, Brownsville Woolen Mills, 3d and Morrison. ANY GIRL in need of a friend apply to the Salvation Army Rescut Home, May fair and Alexander streets. Phone Main 3450. DM car. WANTED Refined housekeeper for bach elor with father: small modern home: I give age, full particulars and phone p number. H 134, Oregonian. WANTED Lady solicitor to canvass offices ana ousiness nouses with well-known of fice appliances. Good commission. AR 169, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED power machine operators on shirts and butchers' coats. G. T. Grellner, 464 Union ave. N. Phone East 5389. EXPERIENCED jewelry saleslady; good salary; permanent position; all appli cations confidential. AK 197, Orego nian. TWO WOMEN of mature years for agree able wok, which is also remunerative. Whole or part time. Not office. BF 16"), Oregonian. GIRL in office mornings to occasionally answer phone; no other work; small wages. BJ 112, Oregonian. Wanted Domestics, GENTLEMAN desires to engage respect able wo-man for housekeeping position In the country. Give- brief personal details. AV 50O, Oregonian. tGOOD plain cook and assist with general ' housework, good "home, good wages. Ap ply 855 E. 29th N., take Broadway car. GIRL or woman for general housework, no children, no furnace, wages $50. Call mornings, 1095 Westover road; Main 2392. WANT woman or girl to help with house work, 4 or 5 hours every day; Alt. Ta bor district. Call Tabor 1982. NEAT, reliable girl to help with house work, refined, comfortable home. In Ala meda park. Woodlawn 4647. WANTED A girl to assist with general housework; good home, small family. Tabor 2669. WANTED Competent maid for general housework; no laundry. Marshall 5619. 778 Flanders st. WANTED Reliable woman, capable of taking, entire charge of small house and of young children. Phone Tabor 6252. GIRL or woman for general housework; smau lamuy, goou nome. cau oao jbJast Anlyny. XPERn EXPERIENCED second girl, good wages. Mrs. Geo. Warren. 407 Vista ave. Main . 8233. GOOD girl for general housework ; no washing: good wages; must like children. East 3900. YOUNG woman or girl to assist with house work; no laundry; good home. Call at 200 Cook ave., or phone 317-09. GIRL wanted for general housework: no washing or cooking. Main 1714. 144 N. 23d st- WANTED Girl for housework with oppor tunity to learn nursing. Apply 1095 Will iams ave. WANTED Reliable woman as housekeep er to go out of city; small family. 353 Harrison St. HIGH school girl to assist with housework. $15. 480 East ISth street North. East 971. A MIDDLE-AGED woman who under- stands- coo King, juain 4 HELP "WANTED FEMALE. Wanted Domestics. . WOMAN, middle-aged, for general house work, neat, refined and pleasant nature, must not be more than 50 years, one who understands children and likes them; country, place, good home and permanent position to the right person; wages $ou a month. Mrs.' Robert H. Barr. P. O. box 6Q7. Kelso. Wash 1 rig to n, - WANTED A refined middle-aged woman to assist with light housework for a couple and 20-months-old baby. Good home for right party. Call Tabor 4929 or 40 E. 39th N. Take Rose City car. WANTED Reliable woman for housekeep er; small family; go to Klamath Falls; 'wages $i0; electrical conveniences. Phone Mar. 794. 353 Harrison sU. apt 30L Call before noon. RELIABLE woman who wants good home and pay for light housework ; family 3 adults; husband and wife engaged dur ing business hours. Phone - today, after 1 P. M., Tabor 4652. Monday. Main 4939. WOMAN between 35 and 50, who wants good home on farm and some wages, to help a little with the housework. Ad dress Frank Illingworth, Garibaldi. Or. GOOD, neat, capable woman or girl for general housework; three grown people ; good home for right party. LendeVl Stock & Poultry Farm. Elmira. Or. GERMAN widower wants a housekeeper. Mr. A. Leptich. Wdln. 5712. Take St. Johns car, get off at E. Merald st. 365 itiaidwin. GIRL for general housework in smaU fam ily, west side, no children; must have good accommodations. Call Marshall 104!2, Sundays or evenings. HOUSEKEEPER between 35 and 40 years of age, light work and permanent place. Address Aurora. Or., P. O. Box 102. WILL give elderly woman good home and wage la exchange for light services. Call 8401. , SCHOOLGIRL oc girl for all day to help with care of 2-year-old boy; good home and pay. Main 7555 or 706 Marshall st. WANTED A high school girl to assist with children in nice home; room, board and wages; west side. Phone Main 2300. RELIABLE grirl or woman for general housework, must tmderstand and like ch i 1 dren. Wages $60. 675 T h ompso n. A YOUNG girl to take care of baby. 595 Fifth street. ' WANTED Experienced cook; 2 in fam ily. Mrs. Henry Goode, 667 Irving st. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. BOYS AND GIRLS EVERYWHERE EARN BIG WAGES AFTER SCHOOL SELLING STAPLE ARTICLE USED IN EVERY HOME. CALL AT 247 H STARK ST. OR SEND ISC FpR SAMPLE. SALESMAN wanted to sell article used in the home, factory, garage, in fact every place of business; sells on sight; inex pensive: our salesmen are making uo to $15 per day; 212 Railway Exchange. PROFESSIONAL AND AMATEUR acts for clubs and theatrical work: state particulars and phone number. AM 144, Or3gonia7i. ' WANTED People of all tvoes to work in motion pictures. Call 109 Second st, third floor. HELP WANTED WITH INVESTMENT. AUTO PAINTER (MECHANIC) WANTED TO JOIN HALF INTEREST IN OPERATING THE BEST PLANT TN PORTLAND. WELL EQUIPPED. SPLENDID LOCATION (established nearly 10 years). CHEAP KENT, .HIGH CLASS WORK. ABOUT $15iH CASH WILL HANDLE. HALF INTEREST (ABOUT $750 CASH). ADDRESS OWNER AR 116. OREGO NIAN. . RELIABLE young man to represent Port land factory, either Wa shington, Ore gon or California; experience unneces sary if mechanically inclined; investment required. Portland Assembling Plant, 825 Morgan bldg. ADVERTISING offers a wonderful future; established company wants salesman, of fice man, lady stenographer to join us as co-operative partner; small invest ment. Address AR 119, Oregonian. VOUNG man, all you need is $50 and a. uttie ambition to get into tne big money- making business. Call at 741 iJ. lth st., between 9 and 12 A. M. for particulars. LIVE young man partner, fast money- making proposition; small investment required. R 171, Oregonian. WANTED Partner with some means to invest in a paying business; 75 per cent prorit. a re 11. uregonian. WANTED Partner for small hardwood eav .-mil, from xno to $1000 required. Sellwood 3682. 615 Clinton st. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. DISHWASHER, middle-aged, wants per manent job; clean, quick. BC 172, Ore- gonian. YOUNG married man, with Ford car, wishes position or truck driving. BD 168, Oregonian. i EXPERIENCED turbine engineer, power plant and stamship experience ; will go anywhere b.j i oregonian. STEAM heating engineer, familiar with all kinds of fuel, can furnish local, ref erence. ' BJ 107. Oregonian. CARPENTER wants work by day or con tract. Phone Marshall 30S0. Call F. West. MII'DLE-AGED married man like position as watchman or some light, inside work. Al reference. am. 140, oregonian. FOR SALE CHEAP Coal heater. Oak Home Junior, in good condition. Phone Tabor 5951. FINGER-PRINT expert open for engage ment Wed. afternoons. AL 158, Ore gonian. SAUSAGE maker and meat curer wants position in csty, or will form partnership. 212 Wash, st. WATCHMAN with, first-class city refer- tnces, experience In oil burning boilers. wants position tsu it a, oregonian. WANTED Posttion to drive Ford fruck or f to work in warehouse: best references. c.o. Clarke, xaoor 7SSo. BRIGHT, strong H. S. lad, 15 yrs., wants wotk arter scnooi ana at. Kef., given. store experience, ja irana ave. N. CHEF, first-class work, married, wants po sition in cafe, restaurant, club or Motel, In or out of town. AN 184. Oregonian. ABSTRACTERS. Do you need an experienced abstracter ana tuie examiner c t Oregonian. GOOD interior painter and decorator wants wotk Dy aay or contract. Call Aut. n i-ia. Al SHOE salesman, ex-military police married; best of references; city. Phone uroauway rtoom v. iui r Ln.Msri pamt, tint ano paper, we wi n put on ior reasonable day s wage work guaranteed. East S798. EXPERIENCED motion-picture operator. work in or out of city. 495 Davis st. JAPANESE cook wants position In nri vate family or. house work. Automatic HOME for fatherless boy. Seventh Day Adventist, where he can work and go m n cunwi , n-gic jfcurM. cast 11(0 YOUNG man with Chevrolet car wants employment for self and car. Tabor HOT-WATER coils made and first-class work reasonable, in 'the city. Bdwy. 716. installed anywhere BOY WITH wheel wants work after school AJ 162, Oregonian. MAN wants work driving his own truck. A Li ia-f, uregonian. PAINTING, tinting, renewing; good work. reasona lmc ccimuvu j .?.'. HOUrtS painting, decorating of all kinds signs; 25 years' experience. Tabor 266. TRUCK 2 -ton. with freight nWT 13S. WANTED Position, as clerk in hotel. AE RELIABLE man, as 33, wishes employ ment evenings after 6:30. Tabor 48-12. ROOMS tinted, $3 and $4, good work and BailSiacuuil. x nunc Jiaiu woo. MAN WISHES work, will do any kind of work. Taoor SHINGfLERS When you want shingling done call wooaiawn duo. WANTED Hauling of any kind., for 4-ton truck wltn trailer. -Automatic 322-74. FOR ALL KINDS of brick work, contract or day s work, a. 7b3. PAPERHANGTNG, painting and tinting; good work; pricesright. Marshall 2403. TRAVELING salesman with office experi ence, fnone aaarsnaii xii. BRICK contractor, all kinds o brick work fireplaces, boilers, garages. Tabor 6398. WANTED Position as helper on truck. Auto. 3J9-od. For CEMENT work, brick, tile or frame garages. Call iv J3b3. PAINTING, kalsomining and papering; all work guaranteeq. n.a3t ii. ALL-AROUND young colored man wishes Job, nicrnt or aay. aawy. 3607. COLORED man wants job In hotel barber shop. Woodlawn 6261. FIRST-CLASS plumber wants jobs large or amati, any wnere. aasi 1 PHARMACY student wishes work evening. a aturuaj. buuuuut. nam v. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. POSITION WANTED AS SALESMAN A- GER CR SALESMAN FOR A. GUUU LIVE MANUFACTURING CONCERN IN PORTLAND OR OUTSIDE BY A YOUNG, MARRIED MAN OF EXCEL LENT ABILITY AND A GO-GET-'EM TYPE; USED TO HANDLING BIG BALES; HAS EXCELLENT REFEK ENX'ES AND ALSO BEST CONNEC TION IN CANADA AND EASTERN STATES. APPLY VV 154. OREGONIAN, OR INTERVIEW. fil5 BENSON HOTEL. YOUNG MAN FORCED TO GIVE TJP BLTSINESS ON ACCOUNT' OF 4Atv RUPTCY IS LOOKING FOR A PERMA NENT POSITION ON A FARM. .WILL ING TO WORK . HAl1 AND WILL START AT A REASONABLE SALARY. BEST OF REFERENCES. ADDRESS NICHOLAS Li COOAN, CARE A. C. DAYTON, ATTORNEY, NORTHWEST ERN BANK BLDG., PORTLAND, .OR. YOUNG attorney, admitted to practice , In Oregon in iu, general omce experience, desires to connect up with some large business firm, where a legal education would be to the advantage of both par ties; am well acquainted with the lum bering game and if inducements are right will go anywhere. AJ '200, Orego nian. WANTED By man and wife, job on ranch. small camp or caring tor apts. ; man good at cafenter work and concrete; wife will cook for small outllt. Write or call room 19, City Hall apts., 247 5tn st., Portland. EXPERIENCED machinist and engineer wishes steady position with some firm to demonstrate, install, repair or dis mantle machinery of any kind; reliable and steady; have full equipment of tools. E 190, Oregonian. EXPERT marine, gas and Diesel engineer anu maemmpt wishes steaay position . will consider position with auto or trac tor repair shop; have tools. F ISO. Ore gonian. MECHANICAL and electrical engineer. technical gradual and Is years oroaa experience in electrical, water power, steam and sawmill experience. AV 669. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED machine tool grinder. tool crib and operation man. depenoaoie. not picking the job; will take anything fo establish . permanent connections. Woodlawn 3573. YOUNG married man. family to support, wishes position, preferably with whole sale house; good writer, swift with fig ures: would tackle most anything. What have you to offer? E 164, Oregonian. WANTED A position in a grocery store; win work ror the first- montn ior ou and board ; can give reference. Address 1766 East - 15th st Sellwood, Portland, Oregon. . HIGH-GRADE auto salesman, retail and territory, trucks and cars; only saiary based on commission and expenses con sidered. L 124. Oregonian. MECHANICAL DRAFTSMAN. experi enced refrigeration engineer In both op eration and design, desires position. C 147, Oregonian. ' EXPERIENCED steam fitter and plumber. who understands sprinkler system, wants position; sawmill town preferred. W 183. Oregonian. AUTOMOBILE man; ten years' exp. parts and office, handling stock, shipping, cor respondence, claims, also sieno. and bookkeeper. AR 179, Oregonian. EX-CHIEF petty officer U. S. navy de sires position, experienced . machinist, automobile engines, marine engines and welding. S 1 S3, Oregonian. SITUATION wanted, salesman, possessing ability, force and personality wants to connect up with good concern desiring above qualifications. F 187, Oregonian. HANDY mldVi I eag ed m am of s t ead y habits, reliable, wants light work of some kind; wages no object. S 186. Ore gonian. YOUNG married man would1 like day po sition In garage; 2 years' experience in repair shop. Phone Main 6288. 5O0 Jef ferpon st. EXPERIENCED middle-aged man would like position to drive and care for truck, any kind. Phone Main 628S. CARPENTER Builder, repairing, remod eling; built-in work a specialty. Tabor 2-345. CHAUFFEUR wishes position evenings and Sundays; can do own repairing. to ltu, Oregonian. BY ELDERLY MAN. any light work; city or country; no milking. AM 19i. Ore gonlan. ALL-AROUND painter, 33c first hour, or tinting room i.es. .fjion-e wooaiawn 6084. CARPENTER, new or repair work, large or small job, estimates cheerfully given. Blanco, Main 1 bb.. COMPETENT Japanese wants position with private family as chauffeur and to assist aoout estate. Automatic 0-1-1-1 EX-SERVICE man desires position of any kind; can furnish bond, rrank Rhyier, East 8325. WILL DO ANY KIND OF COMMON LA BOR BETWEEN 4 P. M. AND 12 P. M. G 162, OREGONIAN. I HAVE a good two-ton truck for any kind of work; steady job preferred. Call W oodlawn lOb. ALL-AROUND mechanic wants position driving truck or garage work. Address 704 W ashing ton st., Vancouver, Wash PHARMACIST desires to have a position in a retail arug store, an aay or part oi , a aay. At n, uregonian. YOUNG MAN attending business college wisnes place to worn ior room and board Call Broadway 3790. room 3. CHINESE wants position private family cook, .or country hotel. AE li7, Orego nian. " MAN WITH some knowledge of automo biles wishes position garage. AR 156, Oregonian. MAN WITH years of experience wants po sition second engineer, mil 1 right helper or head nreman. ak i;j, oregonian. COOK, experienced. Japanese, desires' sit uation in small family. Address AN 155. Oregonian. CAPABLE mechanic wants work ; 3 years in machinery ; references. .Phone Wood lawn 5193. INVESTIGATOR wants position, has had 10 years' experience in major cases. Ad dress uave Monroe, oo otn st. xm. GENERAL office man. correspondent, steno., bookkeeper, .exp. tires, autos ana supplies. c lb9, Oregonian. EX-SOLDIER. 23. married, wishes station ary tiring, oil; 2 yrs.' experience; good assistant ior cnier. t,aii Main At'.ra. YOUNG man attending trade school will work for room and board. Phone East 7445. JANITOR and wife, best of referenr. want position in apartment house. Phone Marshall 4'J83. EXPERT painting, tinting, paper-hang ln.g done very cheaply; perfect work-ma-nship. Tabor 9172. PHARMACIST. REGISTERED. 20 Y E .YRS EXPERIENCE. WISHES POSITION. DRUGGIST. 64Q COMMERCIAL. BTLDER'LY man; can milk, handy with car penter tools ; wants work as choreman. AN 200. Oregonian. DRUGGIST, registered, experienced, wants position. AN 189, Oregoniap. WANTED Plowing for ir a traitor Phone Aut. 320-48. COLORED cook or janitor, private fam ily " PAINTING. TINTING. ' ' Reliable estimates Auto. 522-08. JAPANESE couple wants position in pri vate family at housework. Aut. 529-10. "YOUNG man 21 wants clerical position; 3 years' railroad experience. East 1374. PAINTING, tinting, paper hanging" Auto" matic 324-28. WANTED Job driving truck or helper. Phone Main 6602. apartment 4. YOUNG man wishes work any time for M Kits t-ri AT? 1 77 lro0nn i m n CARPENTER Will do your work riKht, new or repairing. Phone Columbia 760. PAINTING. tinting, decorating. Phone Woodlawn 2497. YOUNG man wishes position as automo bile mechanic. Phone East 7295. JAPANESE boy wants position as house boy. AN 156. Oregonian. ACCOUNTANT wishes1 set books to keep In spare time. AR 158. Oregonian. A-l BAKER's helper, not afraid of work; will go anywhere. E 165, Oregonian. IF YOU want good carpenter work done In a hurry call Woodlawn 772. CARPENTER. new and repair, all branches: now Is the time. East a3!6. CARPENTER. CONTRACTING. BTTILO 1NG. JOB WORK. SELLWOOD 1507. FOR CEMENT cesspool and sewer work, call Main ISIS; ask for Miller. A BOY, sole support of mother, must have work. Call E. 8651. A STEADY reliable man will work for room and board. L 154, Oregonian. CARPENTER, contracting, , remodeling, reliable mechanic. Broadway 2487. CEMENT work, Js time to have done now, and garages- Tabor 6070. WANTED Truck hauling . of . any kind. - Call at 500 Commercial st. PAINTING, tinting; prices reasonable; work guaranteed. Tabor 8077. ELDERLY man wants position as janitor or watchman. R 139. Oregonian. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. SALES promotion man just arrived from tnicago wisnes to connect witn responsi ble concern m Portland or vicinity as advertising or mail order manager. Ex perienced in most all phases of advertis ing, merchandising and mail order work,' and has made a record in selling mer chandise through mail ; 56 years old; splendid health, abundance of energy and ambition, and can furnish the best vt references. Would start on reasonable salary with bonus on increase in sales. P 125. Oregonian. SALESMAN, COLLEGE EDUCATION, 12 1.A1-L SSALfc-S, UFPltK AND FAC TORY EXPERIENCE; MARRIED; AC CUSTOMED TO RESPONSIBI1JTY: RE CENTLY DISCHARGED FROM ARMY AND pESIRES TO LOCATE IN PORT LAND. BUT WILL GO AN YW H E R E. PERSONAL INTERVIEW SOLICITED. r-ES'P REFERENCES. All 162. OREGO NIAN. YOUNG MAN, 26 Tears old. with K ' ; ears' legal training and 8 years " auditing experience desires position with reliable firm; capable of exec utive post. Has position but desires change. Address B 651, Oregonian. SALESMAN 10 years' selling experience. men s lurmsnings, doming, also general grocery and specialty line, well edu cated, possession executive ability, will consider moderate compensation to start with to prove capabilities. AE 110, Ore gonian. POSITION wanted by Al shoe man. experi enced In meti s, women s and children s shoes; also experienced in fitting foot appliances "for all foot troubles: would consider position in .or near Portland; best references. BD 3t0S, Oregonian. LIVE STOCK- " Position as either buyer or seller of livestock; thoroughly experienced; ref erences furnished from eastern- stock yards. Y 133. Oreonian. LANDSCAPE gardener, experienced. wisnes permanent position on private place, near or about Portland. Willing to do other work about house. N 147, Oregonian. CARPENTER Experienced; first - clats building. remodeling, repairing, shingling-; can furnish plans the way yoi want them. K. Granum, 135 Killings worth ave. COOK Experienced, steady, age 46, rie- Bnes position in smaii commercial notes, boarding house or institution ; is Rood baker; wages $100 and up per month. N. Kenstrup, 148 E. 3d. Phone East 212. WILL. PAINT your house for much less than you think it will cost; best mater ials and workmanship or no pay; 25 years experience. McCormlc. Main 9318 or Main 82-0. CHAUFFEUR would like any kind of au tomobile work, good mechanic, singie, age 26, good city reference. A 151. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper desires small set of books to keep evenings v income tax and monthly statements prepared. BF 167, Oregonian. TEACHER, 10 years experience, wishes school, rural or city, in Oregon. 1 op waues. 591 Highland st., or phone Wood lawn 6320. POSITION as floor man in cafeteria or night clerk in second-class hotel, or work in garage after 4 P. M. Call 395 E. Davis. E. Price. MAN AND WIFE, experienced cooks, wsnt work in hotel,, camp or boarding house. F. Hafncy.S 629 Everett st. Phone Broadway 353. ROOF jftTBXTlOX. Leaky roofs patched,' gutters repaired, chimneys reflaslied, reshingling. Phone Wood lawn 3598. EXl'ERIENC e"d janitor or niglfl clerk v.-a n ts position ; can give best of refer ences. Phone Broadway 2339. Frank Linde. STEADY, reliable, mlddeeged man has had many years experience, would like work to do; chores or care for chickens; reasonable wages. AG 183, Oregonian. TWO young men wishing 3 hours work evenings to enable them to get through si-hcol. Call Monday, Main 8700. Mr. Dciisdale. YOU' NO man. 7 years experience as grocery clerk, would like opportunity as grocery salesman; give me a triai; good references. AR 137. Oregonian. AN EXPERIENCED lawn and landscape man wants lawns to make new or re paired; al.so all kinds of prunin-g- Main 10!2. Res. Main613: WANTED Position in office as bookkeeper or cashier; have had 12 years' experience ra i Iroad traffic and one year as book keeper. Phone Woodlawn 5036. WANTED Work by experienced man in restaurant or cafeteria; can work range as second cook or salad man. a AJ 19, Oregonian. ' RELIABLE, middle-aged man would like janitor work In apartment houie; has had some experience; reasonable wages. AG 182, Oregonian. YOUNG MAN. 26, at P r ese n t employed, wishes clerical or salesman position; live wire and labor saver. Give telephocs. O 162. Oregonian. SUCCESSFUL salesman (college graduate) desires to connect with hipli-grade firm; has occupied executive position. BF 114. Uregonmn. EX PERT arch fitter and salesman : twe diplomas; wages secondary "considera tion, want permanent place ; will shuv w hat 1 can do. AM 151, Oregonian. MACHINIST Good all-around, active- and reliable, capable of doing light black smith work, desires work. AR 132. Ore t'onlan. WOODCUTTING wanted ; have dragsaw prefer short length. Particulars, N 130. Oregonian. ENGINEER, 33 years' experience, wants position as stationary engineer for heat- WANTED Hauling job withM-ton Max well truck and trailer, in or near Port land. Phone Aut. 331-2S. YOUNG man of ability wants position as salesman on commission or salary; city or count ry. Ad ress F 35, Ores o nian. JAPANESE . wants position as bus boy or dishwasher; have good experience. Call Auto. 526-26. EX PERI ENCED driver, any car, would like position as chauffeur or in garage; be st of references. AM 152, Oregonian. YoUNG married man. with machine shop experience, wants work of any kind. AP 1 73, Oregonian. EXPERT furnace cleaning and repairing; gutters cleaned and repaired. Call Lean ard. Auto. 326-51. CONTRACT wante-1 to buck a-nd spilt cordwood. Address Ralph Smith. Scap- poose. Or. . FOR CEMENT WORK PHONE WOODLAWN 5483. BAKER wants work, bread or rolls. 533 Johnson. Boo k U ecper. Stenographers. Office. EXPERT lumber accountant and auditor will be open for temporary engagement about Nov. 15. Might consider perma nent position with right firm. B 178, Oregonian. GOOD competent operator with hlph school education and cieriral office ex perience desires position. AN 152. Ore gonian. t EXPERIENCED bookkeeper, accountant, with local references, desire permanent position with substantial concern. Phone Main 3326. BOOKKEEPING, accounting, days or even ings, reasonable rate, satisfaction tfuar teed or no charge, Cal I 317-81. PUBLIC accountant will keep your books, prepare statements, cheaper and better than hiring bookkeeper. Main 9323. COMPETENT bookkeeper desires position all or part time; best of references. Uli 167, Oregonian. wiLL devote four hours a day to expert bookkeeping and accounting. Woodlawn 3421. BOOKKEEPER, competent, extensive ex perience, good penman ; temporary or permanent. N 171. Oregonian. YOUNG married man wants general cleri cal or asst. bookkeeper's position, 10 years' experience. Phone Col. 1328. AC-COUNT A NT wishes work during spare time. Phone Sellwood 30S1. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. YOUNG lady will care for children eve nings and Sundays. Main 7837. ' MENDING, darning, care of children. Tel ephone 221-43. WILL care for one or two children,- schoel age. Refined home. Auto. 234-17. RELIABLE woman "'ants day work. Phone Woodlawn 542S. demonstrator. ref. iast -ix. LADY would like light morning work.. Call from 2 to 12. Woodlawn 3439. EXPERIENCED laundress by day or hour. Phone Marshall 35Q9. .. COLORED girl wants maid work tn hotel or apt. Wdln. 3729. GIRL wants housework in small family. Call Woodlawn 3374 in the morning. pan ion ; best references. East 82 EXPERIENCED child's nurse wishes sit uation. Phone Tabor 1980. EX PERI ENCED woman would like day work. Tabor 4174. , ' VERY experienced woman wants All-around day work; expert laundress. Kast 34. 4