T6 THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAN, PORTLAND, OCTOBER 31, 1920 WANTED MISCEIXAXEOrS. SPOT CASH FOR DIAMONDS. I PAY SPOT CASH AND THE HIOH T.ST MARKET VAtUE FOR DIA MONDS. NO AMOUNT 13 TOO LARuS FOR MB TO HANDLE. I AM 111SSIOXED BY A LARGE DIAMOND CONCERN TO BUY ALL, THE DIA MONDS OFFERED. Ill LOCATION 3 DOWN TOWN AND CONVENIENT. ALL BUSINESS 13 STRICTLY CONFI DENTIAL. ERNEST DEEDS 4U WASHINGTON ST. MAIN 3173. S12.50 TO J25.00. FOR SECOND-HAND SUITS AND OVERCOATS. CALL MBYEK. THE TAILOR. He pays more than anyone in tne city for suits, overcoats and shoes. Call Marshall 129 or 2o3 Madison srt. Bear 3d st. Will call ilav or evening. J8.50 UP TO $25.00. , GOLDSTEIN. THE TAYLOR, f VAJS HIGHEST CASH PRICE FOR MENS FUITS AND OVERCOATS. SHOES. ETC. BROADWAY 3U32. 1M5V4 HLB.NSIDK. CALL MB BETORE ANVBODY i.LSE. BETWEEN 2D AND 3D. CURS. FURS. FRS, Cienins; and alterutlons. any descrip tion. Use La France fur dressing lor Summer and save $100. Reasonable prices. LA FRANCE FUR MFG. CO.. 163 W. I'ark, bet. Morrison and Yamnlll. Main 632H. TJP TO $3-5 FOR MENTS SUITS AND OVERCOATS. We pay any price for men's clotbes. OHEGON CLEANERS AND TAILORS. 117 2d sU. N. W. cor. Wash, Main 9344, RADIANT-FIRE. CALX. EAST 7485 SUXDAT. 17.50 TO $25. J for men's used suits and overcoats. Call 4 Goldbaum the Tailor, for good results. 1 Will pay more and all it is worth for ! your cant off clothing. Phone Main 738. 167 Fl KST ST.. KBAR MORRISON. fift'E WILL, sell your fancy work, misfit or slightly worn suits, ureases, furs, etc i Only goods in first-class condition re I ceived. Come and see us at 200 Allsky ' bldg., corner 3d and Morrison, Auto. 218-41 event n gs. RANTED To buy a 2-horse power elee ,r trie motor, a small power grill cresp and emery wheel; also a welding and cutting uiparatua Landinper, 40 Vaa- couver ave. Phone East 030. WANT SHOTuUN OR RIFLE. Fay you spot cash, or 1000 useful articles to trade. NEWMAN'S BARGAIN STORE. 123 First. Main 4495. Tabor 6703. ti)UK SPECIALTY is buying men's cast-off ciotning; nignest casn prices paiu; win call day or night. - I'KOPLE'S SECOND-HAND STORE, - . Marshall 3223. 209 Madison. UP-TO-DATE liUYER. I pay the highest priced for second hand furniture, tools, rags, old clothing and all kinds of junk. Call Main 734 and 1 WILL. CLEAN UP YOUR HOME. RANTED At the Woodmere O. P. home. dishes that any one has to spare, es . pecially cream pitchers, saucers, vege- table and sauce dishes. Phone Tabor 4U03. WANTED RIFLES. SHOTGUNS. J Highest cash price paid for your rifle, r shotgun and kodaks. Hoc hf eld, 85 3d St. Main 35S1. JVANTKD AUTO CAMP OUTFIT, TEXT. LED AND GASOLINE STOVE; must BE IX GOOD CONDITION AND CHEAP I'OR CASH. WOOD LAWN 4441. H'ANT price and sample of Engles berried holly; can use 2 cars if right; none hut grower need answer. B. C. Bridgham, 3374 lGth street. San Francisco. Cal. JUASALLE students of business, letter writ ing and commercial Spanish, please write me ; mutually advantageous prop osition. AN 122, Oregon ian. WANTED The best and largest diamond $u."0 cash will buy. State size. H 200, Oregonian. WE BUY DIAMONDS. OLD GOLD, OLD jewelry fr cash; name your price. Bring or mail. .i23Vg Wash., bet. Uth and B d w y . AL1ES Let the Vogue Apparet Excnangj ceil your used garments and furs. 4uJ A.ibky bldg. Main 3132. "WANTED Winchester or Remington pump 12-gauge, reasonable. p. w. ivusco. East 8027. DESIRE to purchase second-hand Standard dictionary of facts. P. O. box 90. Cherry urovti, ur. WE PAY the highest prices for second hand clothing, ladies' and men's. Phone Main 32u7. Hen Adler. WANTED Diamond, 14 to 1-K., for cusii. uiu sizo anu price. is J 140, rogonhin. SiHUTViUN, Winchester pump, in good condition write 1)1 E. 34th st. r Reminet'on Tabor 3-U91 or WANTED GOOD STEAMER TRUNK; L-.-l JSCs ltiA5U.AULC.. WOOD LAWN 4441. MANAGEMENT of small hotel, apartment or rooming house; have experience; best oi reiercnce. it. lji. Oregonian. WANTED A late model of Woodstock or l nuerwooa typewriter; state price and pnone. - l, n, o-regonlan. ELECTRIC motor, 1-0 horsepower, sec- wiiu iiu.uu, siugio pnase. ouo iiath. Mr. WANTED One or two oil paintings, any , oiaie cMi price ana wnere seen H IS., oregonian. WANTED 2-story freight elevator, any ;k;li&'i 4SPOX CASH pnc paid for dl WANTED Gas radiator. Tabor 5S49. Furniture Wanted. MARSHALL 69SL I GE"TRTZ FURNITURE CO. WE BUY YOT1R HOUSEHOLD FUR NIl'l RB FOR SPOT OASU. ALL CALLS ATTENDED TO SAME DAY; HIGHEST J'KK CS t'AID. WE ARK THE OLDEST. MObT RELIABLE HOL'SE OF OUR JkLN.U PORTLAND. GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO., The Big Store. All under one roof. No branch stores. is.. FIRST ST. Remember, 2 doors from, Yamhill, CALL MARSHALL RRT A. A 9. GEVURTZ; FURNITURE STORE. BEFORE TOU PELL TOUR FURNT- T 1KB, UK SLRri AND C A LL U S. I'Ol'K CALL WILL BRING OUR W'VKR AT ONCE. WE PAY THE TOP PRICK FOR USED FURNITURE, CAR PETS. HUGS. ETC.: EVERYTHING IN HOUSEHOLD GOODS. WE ALSO BUY OFFICE FURNITURE. ALL CALLS ATTENDED TO THE SAME DAY. CALL MARSHALL 587. A. & S. GEVURTZ FURNITURE STORK, 205-207 FIRST STREET. BETWEEN TAILOR AND SALMON. CALL MAIN 300 IMMEDIATELY. WE PAY THE HIGHEST CASH TRICES EVER PAID BY ANYONE IN THE CITY FOR FURNITURE, CAR PETS. ETC. YOUR CALL WILL BRING THE BUYER WITH THE MONEY. KLINE FURNITURE CO., 102 FIRST ST., NEAR TAYLOR MAIN 3u9. CASH FURNITURE CASH. We need us-d furniture, stoves, ranges, etc.. to ship out of town. Will pay higher prir-s than other local dealers. I'm II us up for one nrticle or a hou.se full iind a courteous, competent buyer wilt vail. Main 7714. Rosenberg's Furni t u ri.1 e m- li a n ge. CASH FURNITURE C ASH. We need used furniture of all kinds, stoves, ranges, rugs. etc.. to ship out of town. Will pay higher prices than any local dealer. Call us for one article or a hou:e full and a courteous and com jpetent buyer will be promptly at your btrvlce. Mar. 20V 3. Crown Furniture Co. BE SURE AND LET US SEE your furniture and household goods be fore you sell. We are in the market for Fame and will pay Highest prices. PORTLAND FURNITURE EXCHANGE. SOS FIRST ST. MAIN 772s. BE WISE. CALL MAIN ROr.l. WE TU Y 1-: V E K YTH 1NG IN FUR K1TURK; WE PAY THE PRICE. yiHI 1HT ST., M. K. fUK. TAILOR. FREEMAN FURNITURE STORE. JiuUSfcSHOLD furnishings nd rugs for 6 rooms by piece or in quantity. Main 817w. WE NEED SECOND-HAND FURNITURE of any description; have the ready cash. Phone today. Main 4J-7 orltiti First st JilCDL'OKl) FREIGHT RATES lo all points on household goods. Pacific Coast For warding Co., tub. and Hoyt. Bdwy. 703. SELL US your furniture and rugs. Reliable Furniture Co., IMS 2d st. Main 730S. WE BUY' USED furniture. For" best results ca'.l Automatic ,17-71. or Fast 24(KV WANTKD Extra good dresser; no dealers. Call M:iin 7040. A HAUY kiddie-coup or crib. S 1 :i L Call Main Household furniture wanted, will pay cash. main 8332. EDUCATIONAL. 1'ISK Teachers A gency Journal bldg. Alain iMJ, eacaus position, ires retf EDUCATIONAL. MEN WANTED. Wonderful Future. LEARN AUTO AND TRACTOR BUSINESS. The coming year will be the biggest in the auto Industry. Everywhere there will be a demand for trained men. OUR SCHOOLS SUCCESSFULLY TEACH by practical experience every phase of the automobile, tractor,- stationary ana marine engine, tire vulcanizing and re treading, welding and brazing, every branch of battery and electric work. ONLY FEW WEEKS REQUIRED. OTJR GRADUATES GIVEN PREF ERENCE everywhere; UNLIMITED OPPORTUNITIES. LEADING AUTOMOBILE ASSOCIA TIONS , Indorse our school. The thoroughness or our methods and tle completeness of ouf equipment. THE BIGGEST AUTOMBILE CONCERNS -send their mechanic to our school for special electrical training. These auto mobile concerns are constantly calling on us for graduates, because they know the type of men we turn out. DAY AND EVENING CLASSES NOW RUNNING. Call or write TODAY for FREE illus trated catalogue, which tells the com plete story. ENROLL NOW and save money. The Hemphill schools are absolutely the largest chain of practical auto and tractor schools in the world, wit5 branches in 16 cities in the U. S. and Canada. Beware of book schools and enroll in a practical school where you take the tools In your hands and get the real practical experience. State aid to former service men. HEMPHILL'S TRADE SCHOOLS, INC., 707 Hawthorn ave.. Portland. Or. BE A DOCTOR CHIROPRACTIC. The chironraetic profession offers tne most unusual opportunities of any fieio In the world today. Know about its great opportunities before deciding your career, or if you are dissatisfied In your present position in life or its earning capacity is not what you would like jt to be. investigate the great opportuni ties offered m this greatest of a'.l pro fessions CHIROPRACTIC. A most ex ceptional opportunity to study chiro practic and to become a cn.ropractic physician is offered at this time by our college; both day and night courses. ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND chiropractic physicians - needed in tn United States today to supply the de mands of the millions who have turned to ihia great method of healing their His. INVESTIGATE. Augmented Curriculum, Able Faculty, Clinical Faculties Unexcelled. For particulars address Dr. Oscar W. Elliott, president, , PACIFIC CHIROPRACTIC COLLEGE. Park and Yamhill. Main 3014. Portland, Or. You cannot learn any part of this pro fession through correspondence. rnfi Td ir.nn a "MONTH. If you are not earning this much- why not? You are Just as good a man as hundreds of auto mechanics who make more than $100 a week. AH you lurk is the trainine a thine you aUlCKiy can obtain at the Adcox Auto and Aviation school, which holds the world's record, for eraduatine the largest per' centage of students who make good in a bier wav. Investigate enroll pay no money until you are convinced that we'll deliver the goods in your own particular case. Nothing could be fairer than this could it 7 Our big $1.00 catalog, num ber o. is free write for It or come and net a codv. To Ore eon ex-service men, our course Is free. Adcox Auto and Aviation School, Union ave. and Wasco st.. Portland. Or. FIRST AVIATION SCHOOL IN THE N. W. ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A BETTER JOB? Get Into the auto and tractor busl ness. A few weeks' training in our big. practical shops qualifies you for a Big Paying position in any branch of this business. Includes automobiles, trac tors, tire reDairina. battery work, ma' chine shop. Men of any age eligible. No previous experience necessary. Splendid working conditions. You can earn room and board the few weeks you are learn Ins. Unusual opportunities to locate in California. Ideal climate. UO0O N. A. S. graduates holding highest paid positions In country. rREE employment service. Write Now for your book of facts. Tells how Y'OU can earn big money in this business. Its FREE. NATIONAL AUTOMOTIVE SCHOOL. 81S S. Figueroa St.. Los Angeles. Cal. NOTICE TO AUTO MECHANICS. TOU CAN MAKE MORE MONET IF YOU LEARN AUTO ELECTRICAL WORK. We sneclallze in teaching Ignition. starting and lighting, armature winding and testing. In fact every phase of auto electrical work; special night class starts Nov. 1. For detailed information call evenings 7 to 9, ADCOX AUTO & AVIATION SCHOOL, UNION AVE. AND WASCO ST. THE COMMERCIAL SCHOOL OF -"WELDING teaches welding and brazing of all metals in less time than any other school. Competent welders are scarce and in demand. This is not a job shop taking this means of obtaining cheap help, but a school under responsible, com petent teachers, giving personal instructions to pupils. We have night and day classes. Apply to day, 427 E. Uth st., near Grant. LEARN AVIATION. EARN $75 to $300 WEEKLY. COMPLETE COURSES AND trslnlng In flying and mechanics. In structors all former govt, instructora NO BOND REQUIRED. FIRST AND ONLY EXCLUSIVE AERONAUTICAL SCHOOL IN NORTHWEST. DUD RE Y AIRCRAFT CO 224 Morgan Bldg., Portland. Oregon, AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL. Of course, you wish the best possible training. That means that you will Investigate this school, where you get thorough labora tory training and practically repair expe rience under experts. One high-grade Instructor per eacb 12 students. Auto mobile, tractors, vulcanizing. machine training. Ex-service men get Oregon financial aid. Address Automotive Schools. Oregon Institute of Technology, Sixth and Main sts.. Portland. MME. PATTEN AUDE. school of cosmetics, scientific treatment of skin and scalp. marcellng. ha ird reusing and manicuring taught by efficient teachers; day and night classes. Have several positions waiting for finished operators. Students may enroll at the BENSON IMPROVEMENT SHOP. Mezzanine Floor. Benson Hotel. WE teach you how to preserve your valu able teeth. If they need repair we fll. bridge, crown, remove nerves and tract teeth without pain by the mode a nerve-biockin method. DR. A. W. KEENE. DR. E. H. PREHN. Majestic Theater Bldg.. 351 H Washington st. ELECTRICIAN ? You can become an elec trical engineer by attending the elec trical engineering school of the Oregon Institute of Technology, day or night; practical laboratory training under ex perienced engineers; .ex-service men get state financial aid. Phone Mr. Two guod. dean. Main 8700. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE. Will teach you the trade in 8 weeks, furnish you a set of tools; some pay while learning. Positions secured. Ore gon ex-service men, the course is free to you. Write or call for particulars and catalogue. 234 Burnside st. POSITIONS ASSURED EVERY GRADUATE OF BEHNK.E-WALKER Business college, Portland. Enroll any time. Telegraphy, stenography, banking, bookkeeping, secretarial. Free catalogue. OREGON BARBER CO'VEGB will teach vrvi the trade in 8 weeks; scaln and ta, tn-asaee specialty; tools free; positions guaranieea; pa mi- learning; tuition reduced this term. -33 Madison. LEARN motion-picture operating, put yourself in line for a real job; classes every evening. Call room 31S Piatt bldg 9 to 1-. Tt ihtlaXD Barber College tarh. barber trade In eight weeks, pays while learning: good set of tools eiven? tlons secured; tuition reduced. 3tf N. st W ANT D BOOKKEEPERS TO QUALIFY GASCO BLDG. FRENCH instruction by student of Lon don and Paris, Parisian accent. Mar shall 'J402. LESSONS given in grammar grade studies backward pupils a specialty. Marshall 9S1. MRS. HANNUM'S school, shortnand. tyu lng; enter now. 230 Tillamook street. East 3N60. ROCKY MT. Teachers' Agency. Enroll fr. Frank K. Welles, ex -asst. state budl. Mgr.. N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 27&. LEARN TELEGRAPHY Railway Tele graph Institute. 434 Railway Exchange bidg. Night classes. YATES-FISHER Teachers Agency Free registration. Ma'n 6274. Broadway bldg. OREGON law school. Alisky bldg., 3d and Mor. W. B. Richardson, sec. Main 977. SCHOOL -or aduiu. Main .73 HELP WANTED MALE. MAKE MONET EM SPARE TIME. People are getting money every day for what they Know. If you know what a Gas-pyp-les furnace Is and what It will do, you will be able to cash In on your know!- edge, using a little of your spare time, say $100 per month. See Mr. Ross at EDWARDS COM PANY, fith &nd Oak sts. CARRIER wanted for Willamette Heights route. Appiy c-ity uircuiauon .Depart ment, 203 Oregonian bldg. PRICE CLERK and stock keeper for motor car repair snop; active man, age 30 to 40" yrs., of good appearance, with expe rience in- stock keeping, buying and sell ing, also some knowledge of bookkeep ing; must be quick and accurate with figures and able to meet the public; per manent; answer In own handwriting; state previous1 experience; give full par ticulars, references. AJ 136. Oregonian. THE OLDS. WORTMAN & KING STORE requires the services of an experienced salesman for white goods and domestics. Apply superintendent's office, ;15 to 10:30 A. iL TWO YOUNG MEN, ago 13 to 21 wanted by tailoring company to travel In Ore gon and California., permanent position, good salary and expenses, cash bond required ; experience not essential but must give character references and self description first letter. AM 1SS. Ore gonian. THE OLDS, WORTMAN & KING STORE requires the services of an experienced drapery salesman. Apply superinten dent's office, 9:15 to 10:30 A. M. STEADY, reliable married man for tea and coffee route In Clackamas county; established business to start with, steady position with opportunity to advance; applicant must have Ford or be willing to purchase one, furnish bonds and ref erence. Grand Union Tea Co., 448 Wash ington st. WANTED Local manager in each district, experience unnecessary jprofitable op portunity. We sell any correspondence course or educational books published for regular price. We buy used cor respondence courses. Economy Educator Service. 164 Broadway, New York. A BUSINESS OF YOUR OWN Represent a reliable established company in your territory. Experience not necessary. We help you succeed. Some splendid open ings now for young, middle-aged or elderly men. Toppenish Nursery Co, Toppenish, Wash, WANTED Two well-educated solicitors (book or insurance experience preferred) to handle educational equipment (not books, : guaranteed salary with weekly advance to party that can qualify. H 192, Oregonian. IF YOU have selling ability and can leave town today. It will be to your advantage to see me; must be used' to making big money and not letting It go to your head. See Chad wick, Washington hotel, lO to 12 today. WANTED EXPERIENCED MAN TO PAINT A W-FOOT SMOKESTACK 4 FEET IN DIAMETER: CABLES AT TACHED TO STACK. APPLY" 1117 YEON BUILDING, MONDAY. NOV. 1. PLASTERERS wanted for San Francisco. Work guaranteed. c p. l. A local ou, conditions. Wages $11 per day, 8 hours. Apply Francis O'Reilly. 180 Jessie at.. San Francisco. Cal. YOUNG MAN willing to do hard and heavy work out of the city for advance ment: ffood nosition and' fine oooortu nity; give age, reference and phone. T 162, Oregonian. WANTED YOUNG MAN. ABOUT 18, TO DO GENERAL CLERICAL WORK AT WAREHOUSE. APPLY MR. OATZKA, GENERAL ELECTRIC CO.. WAKE HOUSE 15TH AND MARSHALL STS. AGENTS WANTED An excellent propo sition ; high school students can make good money spare time. Aaaress j. Davis, care Y. M. C. A., Corvallis.Or. WANTED Painter, experienced in auto mobile body painting and finishing; enough work for several months. Apply l&th and Kearney, or phone Bdwy. 540 PIANO PLAYER who can piay for pic tures, college student preferred. Call at once. Home Theater, 1-2 Grand avenue. Theater opens at 1 o'clock. MAN, experienced in laundry work, able, with assistance of one woman to run a small restaurant equipment; state wages. AE 155. Oregonian. WANTED Young man for combination stenographer and clerk. Answer stat ing a&e, eocperience and salary desired. AB 61. Oregonian. ELECTRICIAN wanted ; first-class knob and tube wireman who is fast on old work ; no others need apply. Phone Wdln. 3791. W NT ED BOY FOR OFFICE WORK; MUST BE OVER 1ft YEARS OF AGE. A PPLY LANG & CO., 1ST AND AN KKXY. WANTED A good reliable linotype oper ator at once, night shift. ly hours. $45, union shop. Walla Walla Union, Walla Walla, Wash. WANTED Man and wife experienced in theater janitor work; references. Apply box N 185. Oregonian. WATCHMAKER and jewelry salesman wanted. Must have best references. 2o2 Alder. SOLICITOR wanted, first class, good op portunity. Arbor Lodge Cleaners, Woodlawn 600. 1374 Greeley. GREAT opportunity for an Al advertising solicitor to work on theater programme and art work. Apply N 183, Oregonian. CLEAN-CUT young salesman ; no experi ence necessary. Northwestern, 204 Hip podrome theater bldg. WAITED Flrt-elass fry cook. Apply in person afternoons. Clermont Tavern, Linnton. BAKER wanted, at once, to work in bak ery. Good wages. Address box 765, Newberg. Or. PICK and shovel laborers wanted. Port land Gas & Coke Co., 241 Flanders at Apply between 3 and o Jr. M. WANTED A man with tractor to plow about 25 acres on canyon road near Port It. nd. Main 7018. WA N TED Linotype operator. On able to- care for his own machine. HUB, Centralis. Wash. BUSHELMAN, experienced, alterations, re pairs, remodeling ; steauy position. Reichart's, Coryallis, Or. FIRST-CLASS advertising solicitor, a good proposition ror a live wire who can secure the business. AM 180, Oregonian. WANTED Man to work for board on ranch all winter; no milking. Tabor 4tM3. REGISTERED druggist wanted; state ref erence, experience and salary wanted. Geo. C. Blakeley & Co., The Dalles, Or. EXPERIENCED help in all departments. Apply in person at U. . S. Cleaners, 180 Grand ave. PIANO player, college student preferred, evening work; experienced only. East S4Vi. OaJI mornings before. 9. FIRST-CLASS grocery clerk who knows the business. State age, experience and salary expected. AJ 129, Oregonian. DICTATING machine stenographer fo good position out of town. The Edi phone. 5Q2 Oregon bldg. WANTED Man who can find corners and line of land; prospector preferred. Call Tabor 4003. LIVE young stationery salesman wanted; mention experience and- salary desired. X 172. Oregonian. WANTED Parties interested in the ad vertising business see ad. under Business Chances. A FARM hand for orchard and general work near Portland, steady job;- no milking, au t'regonian. MAN WITH truck to deliver short wood in city, caii tounaay. jaar. is.s. BOY as apprentice in printing office. Mer cantile Press, 205 Stark. WANTED Pal -to go ranching with, W 130, Oregonian WANTED Shoe week. W. M. repairer, wages S39 per nayes, rants rasa, or. FUR CUTTER wanted, coma. Wash. R. W. Drew, Ta- WANTED Helper in metal furniture fac tory. . Apply to inurmaa st. IF YOU want to learn the vulcanizing business, can ioa . croaaway. WANTED One first-class chef. 1 first class fry cook. M 165, Oregonian. AD SOLICITOR wanted. Apply Liberty theater, v ancouver, wasn. BOY to work in electrical shop. Monday 448 E. Burnside. WANTED Bushelman tailor. R. M. Gray, 306 Washington. WAN TJi D A Janitor Mzoo, HELP WANTED MALK. MEN WANTED WHO HAVE SERVED IN THE U. S. NAVY OR THE ' XT. S. MERCHANT MARINE AS SEAMEN OR PETTT OFFICERS. AT LEAST TWO TEARS TO QUALIFT AS ' MERCHANT I'ARINE OFFICERS. BIG DEMAND. PAT $200 TO $400 PER MONTH AND EXPENSES. WE CAN PREPARE YOTJ FOR A GOOD POSITION IN A LITTLE OF YOUR SPARE TIME. EXPERT INSTRUCTION BT A MERCHANT MARINE OFFICER (NAVAL RESERVE OFFICER) WHO KNOWS HOW. ' ADDRESS NAVY TARD SCHOOL OF NAVIGA TION. P. O. BOX 754, BREMERTON. WASH. MEN AND BOTS PEEKING EMPLOY- MENT. The place best equipped to assist you In finding employment is the T. M. C A Employers go there for help because they know the 'Y" appeals to the best type of men and bovs. Many firms have standing orders there for men with cer tain qualifications; perhaps you are fit ted for one of these places. Advisory and employment service 1 absolutely free to ex-service men. All, men seeking employment in cler ical, technical and commsrclal lines and thost who are ambitious to better their condition should see the Y. M. C. A. employment secretary, room 307. WHERE THERE IS ALWAYS DE MAND FOR CAPABLE MEN." WANTED. Sales manager for very large fir opera tion shipping both car and cargo, fa miliar with distribution channels for ootn water and rail output; must be high-Class man! riv'A full ra.rttiula.ra in detail and salary expected. All replies Bii-icuy connaeouai. JL 140, oregonian. WANTTTD. General superintendent for one of the largest fir car and cargo, mills on the coast; must be A-l man, familiar with operation of such a mill; give full and explicit details and salary expected. All replies strictly confidential. BJ 162, wreguman, H WANTED Responsible truck driver for ireignt ana passenger lines running out of Portland. Experience not necessary. J1B0 per month salary, steady job. $500 cash in stock of company reauired: fully secured. Also manager for terminal, who has had transportation experience, under same conditions. Or will take in good -trucKs or -passenger cars. Your Trans portation Line, Inc.. 325 Glisan st. THE MEIER & FRANK CO. requires the services of a bakery helper; per manent position: aav worK. addiv em ployment bureau, sixth, floor, Meier & r rans to, A YOUNG man 1b wanted by a well-established company to assist in general of fice work; must be quick and accurate with figures and a good typist. A knowl edge of shorthand is desirable, but not essential. Reply in own handwriting, stating age, 'education, experience and salary expected; must be well recom mended. O 172, Oregonian, WANTED All-round nlanlnir mill me chanic and fireman for retail planing mill IN SUNNY CALIFORNIA. Prefer married man, 35 or 40 years old; give age, experience and references in tirst letter; steady job at good pay for right party. Do not apply unless you are ca- paoie. Aaaress pox u xm, oregonian. WANTED An experienced man. clerk for 1 general merchandise store at Hockinson Wash. : must speak and write Finnish and American language, accurate in fig ures and not afraid of work: state salary and previous employer, and how. long, in your own handwriting. Address Box i4, w oodiand, w ash. COMBINATION bookkeeper, stenographer and cost accountant; must be thorough experienced, all -round office man. win ing to assist on floor as salesman, as this Is a small place or business; steady po sition to man who can Qualify; give ace phone, references, salary expected if you expect a reply. is laa. uregonian. WANTED A competent married man to take charge of small suburban fa must understand throughbred Jersey cattle and be able to milk and care for from 4 to 8 head: this Is a (rood place for trustworthy man and wife. Address P. O. Box 347. Portland. WANTED Crew manager. Man having experience selling maps preferred; ter ritory, Idaho and Oregon; salary $40 a week to start: also some commission on business secured by crew. Apply GO 3 Oregonian bldg. JUST organizing a crew for Oregon and Jdaho. Prefer men who have had some selling experience. This is a wonderful proposition for map salesmen. Good salary and expenses to right men. Apply 603 oregonian bldg. ELLIOTT FISHER bluing machine oper ator wanted, steady employment to righ party; prefer man accustomed to call system. Apply Lowengart & Co.. Whole sale Millinery, iroaaway at tsurnside. WANTED Ambitious young men who wish to prepare themselves as INCOME TAX. specialists in the quickest pos stble time. Address P. O. box 942. Port land. WANTED Experienced bookkeeper: mus be neat and accurate. Man under 30 preferred. Answer in own hand writ In; stating age. experience and local refer ees. BJ 123, Oregonian. WANT tlecutters, new camp on head waters Green river; good timber, steady , employment. Write Standard Timber Co., Evanston, Wyo. WANTED Competent civil engineer for large railway logging operation ; must be thoroughly experienced in rough country; state experience, references and salary in reply. AV 578. Oregonian, WANTED Young men for the accountin department or a local corporation; must be adaptive and possess qualities that will . bring recognition; high school graduates preferred. Call Main 3 66. WANTED at once, printer-editor who- can set ads and is a good operator; stead position to right man; union shop; $39 position not strenuous; ideal home town. Tidings. Asniand. or. WANTED Salesman with imagination and abiltiy to sell special process advertisin display cards to big concerns In Port land ; excellent opportunity for right man. n isu, uregonian. WANTED Experienced life insurance man. one capable or managing office o; general agent. All correspondence wild be treated strictly confidential. K. 1&3, Oregonian. SABLE AND ARMSTRONG garage needs an experienced nignt man ; someone who wants a steady place and not tryin to see now mucn tney can maae lor no little they can do. SEVERAL men over 25 with fair intelli gence and good character to represent large corporation as salesmen. 406 Northwestern Bank bids. WANTED Men with drag saws to cut 16-lnch wood; winter's Job in good tim ber; level ground. C. C. Walton, Park- dale, or., tiooQ Kiver county. BR A REM EN-FIREMEN, ages 1S-30. $150- 1300 montniy; experience unnecessary; permanent employment; particulars free. AN EXCELLENT opportunity for a young man tneairicaiiy inciineu to secure good position witn one oi rortiana s leauin theaters. Apply -in-, oregonian. FIRST-CLASS PANTRY man. See man ager, 109 Broadway. Mel p Wanted Salesmen . TO SELL phonographs to home owners. Large commission. V rite for appoint ment, with references. Confidential. S 176, Oregonian. SALESMAN who can produce, cracker-jack proposition. Call 330 Burnside, near Broadway. SALESMAN to sell the Orpheus, the phono graph with the wonderful glass resonator. Factory and salesroom. 108 Grand ave. WANTED Experienced stock salesman wanted at 68 North Sixth street, for ground floor.work. EX PERIENCED millinery salesman, north west territory, exclusive line of trimmed hats. Elsie Trimmed Hat Co. SEND for free toilet soap sample and $10 cash refund offer. La cassia Co., Dept. filfl, St. Louis. Mo. WANTED Truck salesman for Stewart trucks. Laffaw Motor Car Co.. 47 N. 9th. AGENTS get in touch with us for a live Christmas specialty. AV 574, Oregonian. SALESMAN to represent us in central and ttouUiera states. Cail . 23d -t HELP W A NTE 13 MATH He Id Wanted Salesmen, SALESMEN. Let there be (Stransky) Light."" Specialty men amazed at results. Sell 10 to 15 daily to users at $5.50 each. Commission $2.25 each. Earnings $22.50 to $33.75 per day. Not sales but earn ings. Convincing proofs sent on request. Only men used to big earnings need an swer. We don't want peddlers, but spe cialty men. Those with auto earn as much as $40 per day. We don't promise a dollar a minute, but our proposition is unusual. STRANSKY MFG. CO., 261-267 Canal st.. New York, makers of the Stransky-Light, the largest selling commercial unit in the L". S- Adv. copyrighted, 1919.- WILL interview three real salesmen who can make good In an organization where ordinary results mean $50 to $200 per week. You must be a man of ear nestness, force and good character, who can prove fitness for association with business of high quality and absolute Integrity; to the man I seek an imme diate income is assured and quick ad vancement is certain. This Is an ex traordinary opportunity and should ap peal to the best salesmen In Portland. Oall 1107 Spalding bldg., 10:30 to 12:30, aBk for Mr. Fox. SALESMAN FOR OREGON-One order a selling the patented Easy Record cal endar to newspapers, retailers and banks in all cities and towns, unusual selling features; virgin territory; no competi tion with ordinary art calendar line; clean, pleasant selling. If you are bucking a hard game and want some restful, profitable selling on a commis sion basis, write now to Mercer Com pany. Inc. Ottumwa, Iowa. EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY FOR STOCK SALESMAN. Goinc concern rlirctH hv nrnmlrnt bankers, a strictly financial proposition operating in a very attractive field, really a department of banking; good commission and permanent nosition: can make from 1000 up per month if you are a producer; no delay in getting your commission, as it s ail paid when vuDscnption is turned -to. For inter view address N 177, Oregonian. SALESMEN wanted for guaranteed Ford cranK release; absolute protection against accident from backfiring. Manganese bronze black finish, weighs 24 ounces, attached in five minutes. Ford car and truck owners buy on sight. One sales man soia ooo in 3 months. Sells for $s. Satisfaction or monyeb ack. Big in come for live wires. Free descriptive matter. Ford Crank Release Co., 602 G American nan Diag., seattte, wash. SALESMAN AGER by largest distributors, all 1tn ttit-. chandise, sold by department, dry goods stores, establishing sales office in Port- ianu ior uregan. Twentieth century merchandising method, direct from fac tories to retail stores. Big men con nected with dry goods or ready to wear jobbers preferred. Wonderful oppor tunity for live wire. Bond for samples required. Communication confidential. Suite 401, 1270 Broadway. New York. LARGE manufacturing corporation wants cspable men to open branch office, man age salesman; $300 to $2000 necessary, handle own money; exclusive rights, pat ented article, money-making possibilities unlimited; will pay expenses to Balti more If you qualify. Mr. Clemmer. sales rnrfnager, 603 N. Eutaw St., Baltimore, Md. SALESMEN wanted; high-grade salesmen iur an internationally known line; terri tory open in Washington and Oregon. Here is an opportunity for high-grade salesmen on the score of compensation second to none on the market, and which costs you nothing to investigate. Call or phone room 407 Imperial Hotel, Portland. Mr. H. A. Wilcox, or write for appoint ment. SALESMEN wanted ; high-grade salesmen or an internationally known line- terri tory open in Washington and Oregon. Here is an opportunity for high-grade salesmen on the score of compensation second to none on the market and which costs you nothing to investigate. Call or phone Mr. H. A. Wilcox, room 407 -Imperial hotel, Portland, or write for ap pointment. SALESMEN Permanent position open for capable salesmen with large Cleveland manufacturer selling a high-class spe cialty needed by all retail merchants; we . will co-operate with you to earn larger commission checks weekly than you ever made before. State age and ex perience. Address secretary, box 170, sta tion "C." Cleveland, Ohio. SALESMAN for Portland and vicinity, acquainted with department, furniture, electrical and art stores, for high-grade line of lamps, shades and novelties. Will meet all competition In value and price. Com mission basis. Aladdin Studios, 130 W. 21st St., New York city. WE WANT men of energy who can quail- xy as to aDiuty ana character; mm who wish to better themselves in a perma nent organization with an opportunity of advancement according to their own efforts and where they can increase their earnings 120 per cent or more. Call be tween 9:30 and 11:30 A. M. or 7:30 and 9 P. M., 909 Wilcox bldg. ARE YOU A SALESMAN? If you can qualify as a producer in a financial line and can make an In vestment in the company, you can make a good steady income. If you only wish to invest without your services it will a iso pay you to investigate. Address O 166. Oregonian. STOCK salesman wanted to sell stock in a company wnich has passed the blue sky law of the state of Oregon. You can make $1000 per mo. with this com pany. An opportunity like this mav never come again. Investigate and be con vinced. See Charlie McLean, 432 Cham- ber of Commerce bid g. SALESMAN, willing to be taught how to sell a high-grade line of manufactured products, new plan, old company, well known throughout U. S. and Canada: ladies accepted; steady employment for the right party; salary and commission. Call or write the W. T. Rawleigh Co., 617 Union ave. N. SALESMEN wanted; a few live wire sales men to sell our line of celebrated cow boy boots either exclusively or as a side line to the retail trade. Have entire western territory open; commission basis only; state particulars In first letter. H. J. Justin & Sons, Nocona. Texas. SALESMEN (side line) working retail druggists; best line powder puffs man ufactured; factroy to retailer; 15 com mission; references, territory; confiden tial. Atterley company, Monadnock block. Chicago. SALESMAN For standard bank check covers, pass books, 12 sheet roll-top. art calendars, leather goods and advertising specialties; established house; good com missions; references required. Bankers' Supply Co.. Iowa City, la. SALESMAN To seUl house to house after Jioura, or in tne evening; money back article; you can easily earn $10 or more in a few hours each evening. Call 605 Lumber Exchange bldg. SALESMEN Commissions paid on re ceipt of orders; you can earn a day's pay in a few minutes selling our peanut vending machines from illustrations. Ad Lee Novelty Co., dept. B-1S, Chicago. SALESMEN who have had house-to-house experience to sell Torrington vacuum cleaners in city and country. Dan Frame, Hotel Carlton, 8 to 9 A. 5 to 6:30 P. M. DISTRIBUTOR wanted in every town for Speedollne; $300 to $500 per month; exclusive territory; automobile free to workers. Speedoline Co., depu 86, Dallas, Texas. SALESMEN Inexperienced or experienced city .or traveling. Write for list of lines and full particulars. Nat'l. Salesmen's Tr. Ass n., Dept. -4. Chicago, 111. SALESMAN for western coast, handle line of men s necawear as side line; lib eral commissions. Crescent Neckwear Co., 648 Broadway, New York. WANTED Two experienced piano sales men: salary, or salary and commission. Glen Bros. Roberts Piano Co., Salt Lake City. Utah. TO SELL APARTMENT HOUSES Exnert salesman with car; fine opportunity for action. Call 334 riaiiway Exch. bldg. Sunday f. ai. or aionaay. WANTED A salesman who can take a soda-water route; must be able to drive a Kimelkar, must nave good referencea 200 First st. WANTED REAL SALESMAN. Internationals for service. Broughton Motor thick co., l-'y-ui jn. loth st. WANTED Competent specialty salesman to sell store iixtures. Apply in person. 226 Stark st. SALESMAN, experienced or inexperienced. by manuractunng concern. call 62 Norm -d sr. WANTED Active, industrious errand boy in wholesale house. Apply Detmer Woolen Co., 14 &tn st. WANTED Specialty salesman; salary and commission. Miectric oervice Co., i Tenth, can irom a 10 o xr. m. only. vv ANTED Salesman familiar with Port land retail grocery trade. Call 92 Union avenue oetore m a. sioncay. s A 1.F.PMEN. agents household necessity big f ieid : investigate. Portland Brush Works, lo Grand ave. SA LEGMEN wonderful opportunity, la HELP WANTED ALB. Help Wanted! Salesmen. SALESMAN WANTED. WE WANT A HARD-WORKING SALESMAN OF A STUDIOUS NA TURE. NOT AVERSE TO SOLIC ITING BUSINESS IX ENGINE ROOMS. LOGGING CAMPS OR SAWMILLS. TO ACCEPT A POSI TION WITH US. MAKING HIS HEADQUARTERS IN SALEM. THE TERRITORY OPEN IS THE CREAM OF THE OREGON DIS TRICT WITH EARNING POSSI BILITIES PROPORTIONATE DI RECTLY TO EFFICIENT EF FORT. WE PAY STRAIGHT SAL ARY AND PROVIDE TRAVEL ING EXPENSE IN ADVANCE. OUR LINE IS A NATIONAL ONE AND OUR SELLING POLICIES BROAD. IF YOU ARE NOT A REAL SALESMAN OF THE QUALIFICATIONS MENTIONED DO NOT ANSWER THIS AD. BO 135, OREGONIAN. THE KEMPER-THOMAS fO f PinHn nati wishes to contract right now for aiuiuic toasi territory iyi season with the highest grade salesman whose favor able attention is attracted to this ad vertisement. Products consist of the most exclusive art in copyrighted calen dar designs. blotters and cards for mummy mailing service, fans and en graved Yuletide greetings; backed up by a snappy and extensive line of advertis ing specialties and signs. The line is a favorite with the Hdvrtisinv trUH- h..t order takers have no business with it and single trippers are not desired. The real "honest to goodness high-power salesman will recognize in our liberal commission contract a true incentive. Address W. W. MERR1AM, district Bales mau-suf, iijj wasco st., Portland. Or. TRAVELING salesman who is now cover ing regularly the northwest territory to handle the exclusive sale of "Made in Oregon bank check covers, pass books, currency folders and advertising spe cialties. To the right man we have an tAL.-puuiiai oner whereby you can ac . joying interest in this growing business without any investment. We require only part of your time in each town at present. Must have good ref- iV. ; Ttt-iant o.. manufactur ers, 1003 Wabash ave., Portland, Or. 1 1 . . WANTED Toy of Carbo "U"U"G, uniLs, miniature represents. tions. life Size nrnHnpt. ,atar n cent building inventions; toy is superior and more impressive than Meccano, etc. k ly now- buildings later. Also ZT "Jy posts; reserve territory im mediately. CARBO, Morgan Park Sts-. T i I, r irst-cias experienced au to- Aw w . s-iesina-n to sell Buick and Chevrolet cars. Must be a producer. MUL in can maKe -big money in our une. Give qualifications and reference in first letter. Box 490. Marshfield. iriivnuuHl salesmen Wa n.rt Q . inore contract men for our oil-gas burner for cook stoves; weighs only 12 lbs. Gas in every home. Coal shortazA vn.ii portunity. Exclusive territory. Season J? " rry: vapor Gas Burner Co., .j ALES board salesmen We have the most attractive line of premium assortments n market today commissions $a , 'tl "rucr, wnn iuii repeat com missions. For a live, up-to-date propo- , iuuy. uamieid rg. Co., 4003 Broadway, Chicago. WANTED One of the" largest motor car firms in Portland distributing 4 lines Ul 's. o-esire tne services of an ex u'Ht-ea salesman. Answer in own udiiuwriimg, stating experience. Reply -iiiiutuLidi. j -, uregonian. HERE is an opportunity for you to take ud training in salesmanship. Will give free "B evenings ana tnose wno qualify "in e given position at end or course. can f:,i0 P. M. in room 404 Spalding "'"i .miuuay evening. EASTE RN concern wants two real sales men , auto required ; by working con sclentouaiy you can make $500 and more a month; onry. reliable men need apply: tate selling experience; give phone WANTED Specialty salesman callin on automobile and general merchandise tiaue inrougnout tne northwest; a live man can make good money. Territory . vtrntru mjw. ask i or Air. smitn, Aiuer, , uuwy. dtb, Jionday. LIVE SALESMAN wanted: m h n nr wnmun will give 100 Der cent commission- vt-tt hotel, garage and family a customer; a v. t iwo 6"-" uec wim every io order no fake. See party. 212 Railway Ex NEW sharp set of Roosevelt, Including his autobiography, just out; a few good salesmen wanted. Call Monday, between .i -.114 - r-. jo.., room t)&. Lumber Ex cnange Diag. SALESMEN Fig money. Harvest season, Holiday special. Strong sales board line Commission, $20; old reliable, well-rated! wuve to., oo cottage Grove, Chi EARN $25 PER DAY. .wanted Th-ree men to sell Perfection tires at half price. Experience not necessary. See salesmanager. Perfeo- Lion ure jo.. ioth and Stark. bALh.fe.MAiN Covering Oregon. Idaho . Wyoming territory to carry A-l side lin paying 0 per cent commission. Address - mv, oregonian. CITY solicitor and salesman. Main 2S20. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. Alsvle and Female. MRS. L. V SCOTT, formerly director of employment for women with the federal government, will secure employment for women i nail lines. Office 329 Henry bldg., cor. 4th and Oak sts. Bwy. 4537 CLERICAL HELP SERVICE. 431 Artisan bldg. Bdwy. 4499. All branches of exp. office help f ur ntshed free to employers; prompt service. MR. FARMER! " If you want any cordwood cut or land cleared, write us or call Bdwy. 5286. Star Employment Agency, 24 N. 2d st. EXPERIENCED office help furnished by Business Men's Clearing House, 1015 Wilcox bldg. Main 7496. EXP. STENO., $100; com.pt. oper., $90; typist, $75. 338 N. W. bank bldg. WANTED AGENTS. $6000 A YEAR Is your profit from 4 sales a day .Davidson sold 06 one week. No experience needed. The Aladdin light is a sensation wherever introduced. 5 times as bright as electric Won Gold Medal. Farmers have the money, they need this light and 9 out of 10 will buy. Also big opportunity in small towns and sub urbs. Excellent spare time and eve ning seller. NO CAPITAL REQUIRED. Sample on free trial. Write for agency proposition while territory still open. MANTLE LAMP CO., 78 Grand Ave., Portland, Or. ARE YOU A GOOD SALES ORGANIZER? if so, we are in need of first-class men to assist in putting over one of the greatest inventions of the ace. An article that will interest every automo bile owner and the accessory trade. No limit to the possibilities. We are opening the territory now. Ask for Mr. Smith. 522 Alder st, Broad w ay 3766. DO YOU want to earn money In spare time? vv e have a wonderful offer to make ambitious men and women; no pre vious experience necessary; no money re quired. Write today for plans. Amer ican Products Co., 473 American bldg., Cincinnati, O. AGFNTS Sell custom-made guaranteed raincoats; no experience needed. We deliver, collect. Big pay. Sample coat free. Temple Raincoat Co., box 135 C, Gardner, Mass. AGENTS, new gold letters for windows, best and cheapest; 10 cents brings 5 samples. PACIFIC LETTER CO., 2316 First Ave., Seattle, Wash. BIG PROFITS selling Duplex Transform ers; every auto owner needs them; save gas; banish snark plug trouble; exclusive territory; write quick. Jubilee Mfg. Co., 188, Sta. C, Omaha, Neb. AGENTS The American Lady Washer sells on sight at $4.50; agency worth fortune, get busy. American Washer Works, Colman bldg.. Seattle. Wash. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED Bachelor wants housekeeper, middle age. J. 191, Oregonian. WANTED A plain cook, hospital. Main S24T. small private WANT sewing machine operator (leather work). Morgan Razor Works. 212 fe 1st st. WANTED Housekeeper and cook. Address box oii, Lents station, city. NIGHT NURSE for sanitarium. Oregonian. T 138, EXPERIENCED receptionist, studio, 471 .Washington. Shorthill THREE good saleswomen, outdoor selling. salary or commission. 515 Dekum bld. GIRL wanted for light housework and baby s washing in apt, pnone Main 8999. WANT experienced chocolate dipper. Call East TTOti or uroauway . EXPERIENCED finisher on gowns. N. W. bank bldg. 30: EXPERIENCED waitress wanted. 26 N. 2d st. WANTED Operators and finishers on dresses. Eison, 453 V Washington st. GIRL for general housework in Irvington. East loby. HELP WANTED FEMAXJL ANY OPERATOR (Employed by the company) WILL TK YOUR APPLICATION. EARN $90O FIRST YEAR, Much Higher After That. $60 FIRST MONTH. Regular and Frequent Increases. Rapid Advancement. GIVE YOTTR APPLICATION TO ANY OPERATOR EMPLOYED BY THE COMPANY OR CALL AT Room 601, 6th floor. Park and Oak streets. Telephone bldg. THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE TELEGRAPH CO. WANTED THREE EDUCATED WOMEN FOR PERMANENT TRAVEL ING POSITIONS. Sales manager of successful nationally known Chicago corporation is in Port land at Imperial hotel to Interview three or four competent, well-educated women with view to adding them to our regular sales organization. Applicants must apply in person and must be over 27 years of age. have at least high school education, ires to travel extensively Preference given to those who are self- supporting and who have a sincere ue sire to succeed antadvance themselves experience unnecessary, as you will be given careful training. No investment; pleasant work with opportunity for ad vancement. Salary and railroad fare from start. Bona fide proposition that will pay $70 per week. Call in person between 10 A. ML. and 3 P. M. No tele phone calls. B. B. GOOCH, IMPERIAL HOTEL. MAKE MONEY IN SPARE TIME. People are getting money every day for what they know. If you know what a Gas-pyp-les furnace Is and what it will do, you will be able to cash in on your knowl edge, using a little of your spare time, say $100 per month. See Mr. Ross at EDWARDS COMPANY, 5th and Oak sts. BUTTONHOLE OPERATOR, Eperiemced gtrl for Singer button- nolo xnacnine. We can place a few good erx-petienoed operators on shirts and. overalls. Apply at office of Mt. Hood Factory, couch street, corner becona. EXPERIENCED TOY SALESWOMEN Apply Miss Gilbaugh, Picture Depart ment, itn floor. LIP MAN. WOLFE COMPANY. BY LA ROB WHOLESALE HOUSE EX PERIENCED FILING CLERIC MUST HAVE KNOWLEDGE OF SWITCH BOARD TO BE ABLE TO DO RE LIEF WORK. ANSWER STATING AOE, EXPERIENCE. EDUCATION REFERENCES AND SALARY EX- PECTED. X 13. ORBQOMAN. WANTED 3 or 4 ladies of education an culture to interview mothers on th moral training of children. Will pay $40 a week to those who qualify. Preference given to ladies over 30. For particulars address in own nanawnting . -id, ore gonian. THE NORTHWESTERN division. Amerl can Red Cross, needs graduate nurses to act as instructors of home hygiene classes throughout v ashington, Orego; and Idaho. Call in person or write to Bureau of Instruction, Red Cross, 315 University, Seattle. NEAT, reliable woman in good health for general houeeworK m country; plain, economical cook. 4 to o auuits in iam Ilyi good home. You will be treated as one of the family; $40 per month; rex erences. Apply 107 N. Broadway. WANTED Energetic young women wh are not afraid to meet the public to maKe yso a weea and commission, can Sunday between 12 and 2. 517-519 Cham ber oi Commerce bldg. PUBLIC stenographer, free rent and use of full eauipment for services: movin in new rooms opposite elevators: excel lent opportunity. Investigate. 306 Henry bldg. WANTED Office girl experienced in bookkeeping and some typewriting. Steady work. Salary to start $65. Apply after 11 A. M. 403- Phoenix bldg.. 5th and Oak. APPLICATIONS will be received from young women, aged 20 to 35. tor wood working factory at St. Johns; good pay and steady employment. A.B 392. Ore- gonJaa WOMEN'S Protective Division, located at room 303 Police Headquarters. 2d and Oak sts., will furnish information, gi-e protection and assistance free to womei and glrla Interviews confidential. $3.50 PER DAY paid one lady In each town lo distribute free circulars for Economy non-alcoholic flavoring; permanent po sition. F. E. ilarr Co., Chicago. STENOGRAPHER wanted by local whole sale house for temporary work, probably 4 to 6 weeks, salary $70 per month. Call East 5165 Monday morning. FIRST-CLASS cook to start work Novem ber 3 at small sawmill camp, 50 miles from Portland ; crew of 10 to 15 men. AR 51, Oregonian. WANT experienced maid for cooking and downstairs work. Must have references. Pay $85 per month. Call Columbia 721 Monday morning. POLYTECHNIC or hi-gh school girl to assist at the office after school. 3 or 4 hours. Heiler apartments, 2S04 Grand ave. WANTED Versatile young lady wtih good personality lor vaudeville act. will coach amateur. Give a ge and full de scription. BD 139, Oregonian. ANY GIRL in need of a friend apply to the Salvation Army Rescue Home. May fair and Alexander streets. Phone Main 3450. DM CAR. IF YOU HAVE THE ABILITY to sell apartment houses and have a car we can use you t once. Call at 333 Rail way Exch. Sunday P. M. or Monday. WOMAN over 35 for responsible position with permanent branch house ; largest business of the kind in the world. Not office. W 177, Oregonian. STENOGRAPHER, good salary and good future; state experience and phone num ber. AG o3, oregonian. WANTED Reliable housekeeper on farm. 4 men, no woman doss, ie, urego- man. NEAT young ladies for sales work; no ex perience necessary. Northwestern, 204 Hippodrome theater bldg. GOOD WAGES and home for services of retined may tatting care or e-montns-oid baby. Call 410 Harrison, Apt. 36. STENOGRAPHER, good salary and good future; state experience ana pnone num ber. AK 24. Oregonian. THE FLORENCE Crittenton Home Is ready to help any girl in distress. 955 East Glisan. "MY"' car. East 816. EXP. POWER machine operators. Apply Mr. Walker, 4tn rioor. urownsvuie wool en Mills. 3d and Morrison st. WANTED Experienced girl or woman for housework, good plain cook; references required. Mar. jjj'j.hj Nortnrup st. WANTED First-class candy saleslady for store. Appiy Monaay oeu ana l p. M. 2G9 Jefierson. WANTED Several girls to insert envel opes. Apply 404 Manchester bldg., 854 Fifth st. P.YPRRIENCED fancy hand Ironer wantfed: steady work, good pay; $18 to $20 per week. A i. oregonian. STENOGRAPHER with knowledge of Spanish. Appiy ib -iatt jidg. WANTED Girls for dining room work. S wetland . ow wornson. WANTED Experienced housekeeper. Call at 4UO ivy sireeu EXPERIENCED waitress wanted; good wages. -o -o KX-'ERIEXCED girl for general house work, no cooking. 735 Irving, near 23d, GIRL wanted. Third st. Penny Arcade, 26 North THREE good saleswomen, outdoor selling, salary or cummiMimi. urn mug. COOK wanted for fraternity at O. A. AV 577, Oregonian. WANTED Experienced cook. Mrs. Skene, Broadway iw. WOMAN to care for child during day. Call sunaay ii oa t. in. WAITRESS wanted. 35 North Fifth st. HILP WANTED FEMAIK. EXPETtl NOD SALESWOMEN FOB. W AIM S. STATIONERY ANT GENERAL DEPARTMENTS. Apply employment bureau before 10:30. LIP MAN, WOLFE & CO. TRH OLDS. WORTMAN & KING STORE requires the services of experienced cashiers; must be familiar with National register system. Apply superintendent's office, 9:15 to 10:30 A. M. VANTED Ambitious young woman will ing to worn, ny an educational associa tion. Must have at least high school education. Good salary. Permanent. May go to California if desired. AL 149. Ore gonian, COOK on ranch for 3 men, $40; house- Keeper, out, S40; girl, general nouseworn, $75; dining room girl, $50, room, board; kitchen helper and dishwasher, $13 wk. 301 Raleigh bldg., 327 Washington St. NEW, SNAP Set of Roosevelt, including ms autooiograpny ; just out, a rew gooa saleswomen wanted. Call Monday bet. 12 and 4 P. M. Room 203 Lumber Ex change bldg. WANTED, about Nov. 20, neat young lady fully experienced in confectionery work; must have Al reference. Address AV 604, Oregonian. YOUNG WOMAN to work evenings In light lunch room; one who can do some pantry work. Klee's Oasis, 8; Broadway. Call between S and 11 P. M. WANTED By experienced stenographer and cierK. outside position. couecngj high-class work preferred. AR 1S Oregonian ELDERLY woman wanted to care for 2 children, 4 and 10. while mother woras, in exchange for board and room and $15 per month. Call Sellwood 1905. WANTED Girl or woman who does not object to children to assist with house work in modern bungalow; home privi leges. Phone East 6041. STENOGRAPHER Must know book keeping, filing and the keeping or cost and time records. Appiy at once 431 Ar tisans bldg. TO SELL phonographs to home owners. Large commission. v rite ior appoint ment, with references. Confidential. S 175. Oregonian. WANTED A companion to take care of elderly ladv, ana ooara. t w esc Jessup. Take St. Johns car, get off at Concord st. WANTED For general office work, rapid typist and good penman. uive experi ence and salary expected, BC 10S. Ore gonian . WANTED Lady cashier for restaurant and men's resort. Hesse Cafe, 3d and Ankeny. GOOD hustling advertising solicitor, one who can. get the business; good prop osition. D 181, Oregonian. WANTED A student to assist in gen eral housework. 718 Patton road. Marshall 1318. YOUNG lady for assistant In dental office. State experience and salary expected. L 114. Oregonian. m TWO LADIES for house-to-house canvas sing; no selling. Call reom 305 132 Tenth street, between 10 and 12 Monday. WILL give school girl nice home In ex change for light services. Call between 8 and 2, Woodlawn 5814. WANTED Night cook in small lunch room. Must be experienced. Call after 11 A. M. 229 N. 23d sL WANT housekeeper to cook one or two meals a day; no laundry; small wages. BO 107. Oregonian. WANTED A competent stenographer for law office; no beginners. State experience and wages wanted. AN 12ti. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED 'Help in all departments; apply in person at U. S. Cleaners. 180 Grant ave. HOUSEKEEPER, cook for 2 men. country home near Portland; good home, small wages. BP 736. Oregonian. WANTED Competent dressmaker for Monday; Cay wood's. 87 10th. Auto. 529-OS. . WANTED 'Parties interested in the ad vertising business; see ad under Business Chances. WA.NTED Woman pastry cook and kltch-, en help. Elks club dining room. J. Bnz zolari. . WANTED Girl to care for birds and sell at bird counter; ask for Duke, Routledge Seed & Floral Co.. 145 2d. Wanted Domestics. WANTED Middle - aged lady to keep house for myself and four children. 3 boys 14, 16, IS yars old, and one girl. 12- have a modern home In every way; must be good cook and neat nouw keeper, economical and in good health; I will be at the Hotel Seward Sunday afternoons and evenings. Address Lee F. Smith, route 2, box 75, Hood River. Or. GIRL for general houseworK; country place ; nice noma ior a. komu km is thoroughly reliable and honorable; must be fond of children and willing to give good help in return for good wages ; reliable references required. Write P. O. box 607, Kelso, Wash. WANTED Housekeeper for widower with two boys 1 to i years om. u or bread baking; a sensible, reliable woman who can assist with telephone and ofice work; permanent to right party; state wages. James Henderson. Cascade Locks, Or. WANTED Girl or woman for cooking and assist with general worn in pnvai maternity hospital or one who would like to learn maternity nursing. Good wages while learning in return for serv ices; no washing. Call after 12, 78b E. Yamhill. East 2091. WANTED Girl for cooking and down stairs work ; no laundry wora ; goo wages; must be experienced and furnish, references; no other need apply. Wdln. :oo. COMPETENT woman or girl for general houseworK, small iamu. iii"b'"i wv. wages right person; must be good cook. Phone after 10 A. M., Marshall 604. RELIABLE woman or girl to assist with housework. Good nome u wages. Apply 805 E. 20th sL N. Tako Broadway car. ' MAID for downstairs work and cooking. in new modern nome, vn. , laundry; wages $50. Call Monday Broadway 48i5. WANTED A high school girl to assist with children in a nice nume, board and some wages; west side. Phone Main 230Q. , . GIRL for general housework; no furnace. Call between JO ana i tr. j. v.i o apt 1, 24th and Northrop sts. Marshall 1075. WANTED Trustworthy woman' to do housework: no washing: one who is fond of children. Tabor 7354. WANTED Reliable young woman to as sist with general no use worn., iiw Phone East 7668. WANTED A school girl to assist with housework, 3 adults in family. 63 Hancock. East 650. YOUNG woman to assist with housework, no laundry. Good home- Call 300 Cook ave. or phone 317-09. A SCHOOL girl 14 or over to assist with housework and care for child for good home and small wages. Call Sell. 284 1. EXPERIENCED girl or woman for general housework and cooking; adults: no fires; good wages. S59 Marshall st. Main 3442. NICE home, reasonable salary, for as sistance with home and two children. D. A. Norton. Bdwy. 274. Fenton bldg. COMPETENT woman for cooking and downstairs work. Apply mornings. 183 North 20th st. WILL give man and wife good home. Wife to care for home, everything furnished. No salary. Call 295 West Park. GOOD girl for general housework; no washing; good wages; must like chil dren. East 3900. WANTED Elderly lady for light house work.4 Phone Marshall 782 after 6 P. M., or all day Sunday. . YOUNG girl to assist wtih housework, small family; $25. Apply 5 E. 24th st. N. Broadway car. East 1979. EXPERIENCED second girl, good wa Mrs. Geo. Warren, 407 Vista ave. iit 8233. EXPERIENCED girl for general house work, no cooking. 735 Irving st., near 23d. . SCHOOLGIRL for house work In family of 3. Woodlawn 0075. References required. WOMAN or girl for plain housework in small home. Phone East 57i3. GIRL wanted for general housework; cooking. Apply 770 Northrup st. GIRL, general housework; good wages if com petent; teach if willing. E. 4Q8j. gTrL for upstairs work and to assist with child. 23d and Fl an d ers. Mar. 1 633. GENERAL East 5:.1 housekeeper wanted. WANTED Com ie tent cook. 4T.3 Vista ave.. Portland Heights. Main 2736. HOUSEKEEPER wanted by widower with 2 children. J. Berry, Bend, Or. CAPABLE person for second work. Apply 741 Everett st. WANTED Experienced girl for house work; good place. Y 148. Orego nl u