10 THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAN, rOItTXANI OCTOBER 31, 1D20 RBA. ESTATE. For Sale Acreage. ACTRBSL J besrt of aoll, no rook or rarei. Ilea Dearly Just rood drain age, alt kimie of trult, 6-roann bouse, hot and coid water, bath, elect.; good barn ami other outbuildings: place has Tine view; only 8 miles out, l nine rrora Bed Elect, ctatiotv; good auto road, 2 blocks of paved hignway; team of horpea. 2 cows, hoga and chickens, hay la barn and a tool and Implements Co with the place. A oergatn at and terms, or would trade for stocked and equipi4 farm aod assume wms difference. 8 acres right close to Oak Grove sta tion, lots of Ii-uit, grapea ana oemea, pood house, also imaker cottage and mtT-m h,.IM!nr nn vn P(vrnw of D'.aCC. This could ail be sold o-f-f In lots if desired. $10,000, easy term. 5 acres, best of land, no rock or gravel. Just enough Siope to drain, is all in cult., ri'gh on edge of G-resham; no buildings, tat place far below market value. $2iu0 and easy terms. 2 acres aiJ in curt.; 5-room modern mingalow, barn, chicken houe and hog house, cow, 2 hogs, sea era i dozen hens, I'ord oar; 7 miles from courthouse, paved road, choice locauoa, AW for f.VSOO and terms. Lota of others, all mlzem, locations and prices, both for tale and exchange. Tall madge Realty Co., Henry b.dg. HOME SEEKER3 2rrveittigate these tracts and you will eurely feel we.'l repaid for your time: 10 acr&a improved, close to HUlsboro, 4 mile from irewll station, for the very low price of $2100, terms. 10 acres, mostly hm proved, with fine lJtt.le stream (never goes dry. only 2 miles from Hillsboro; a fine 7-roora bun galow, enna-U bar a, chicken houe, etc.; a excellent rock road. Price $50U0. term a 1 acres', all In cultivation; large tarn; 4 miiea from city limits, near Base Line road; gas piped in front; 40 rods to school. A very cheap place at 4X), terms. , 1 also have seme excellent farm bar gains in Washington, Cuackamas and TamhiU counties, eult&bie for grain or ttock, at right prices, I wlU be pleased to tell you all about them. O. B. RIPPICT. 4HO Molvay Bldgl. 3d and Stark. Main. 6229. CHOICR TEH ACRES. Located In fine district, only short distance from city limits, all n cultivation, handsome 2-story modern house. Including hardwood floors, fireplace, two sleeping porches, fine barn, silo, chicken houses, garage and neat houee for hired help; fruit, berries, private water aystem. High and sightly; best soli, well drained and highly developed. Will make price and terms very attractive and might consider Portland residence as part pay. Here is a real bargain and a par ticular home for particular people. SAMUEL DOAK, 1202 Northwestern iiank Bide. FINE 2-AORE HP1HX.T IMPROVED KANCH. WITH MODERN 6-KOOM HOUSE" $000. Electric light, bath and toilet, hot and cold water, with pressure svatem, full cement basemient, fur naue. on hard surface road, 14 mile from Portland near Tuala tin and electric station; good barn oucbuilding. family orchard, rich, deep soil, fences woven wire; $:rouo cash, term on balance. Act quickly; such snaps don't last long. See SAM HBWEV at J. L. HARTMAN CO., 8 Chamber of Commerce Bid. NEAR HILLSBORO. IS acres, south of KeedviUe. Good graveled roa.d ; beat of soil; 10 acres un der cultivation; all can be cultivated ; 20 apple trnt-a, 5 cherries. 4 pears, 14)0 strawberry plants 120 loganberry plants, 2im raspberries. Oood 7-room plastered, bunsalow, cement basemi-nt; garage, barn, chicken house. Spring on place. Price $7oo. Sma.ll cash payment. In epected by Nelson, with JuilN i-'EKGU-MN, Gerl inger lilug. JsIcK l' ACRES Klu'lIT AT STATION. IlkrWKkN PORTLAND AND HILLSBORO. It Is a epltnuui 10 acres, very best laiwi, right at station, practicality new 7-tiuoin p.astered house, barn, outbuild In gd. fruit and berries. Price $0lHJ. -We- have scores of splendid 10-acre tracts from which you can select the one that sulUs, and we are bure we have just the one )ou want. HAR'l'ltUVE HEALTV CO, 122 N. utli St, Bdwy. 43S1. " ON L Y F E w"t H V. K K - FOURTHS AC H 12 TRACTS at ?10 down, 10 month; on Simpson, near 421. Why buy ordinary lots far ther out and raise nothing to eat, pay heavy tuxes and assessments? Watur to each tract; I will be on tracts to ri a y, be t we- n J 2 and 3 P. M. ; go ou t Killingsworth to 42d. thence block north. ft. W. CARY, 121'J Northwest ern Bank h!dg. 11 ACRKS $4."00. All In cultivation; 7 acres In prunes, 1 acre strawberries; 5-room house, barn, chicken house; on paved highway; elec tric station on place; 7 miles trom Vanrouvt-r, Wash.; this ia the best buy In the state; terms, or exchange lor city property. v MORRIS BUNut, G19 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. UO OUT K1LL1 NGrfWOItT H to 42tl, thence one block north to Simpson, totiay, between 12 and 3 P. M. ; see Stokes' fine farm, as fine acreage as lies outdoors; half acres or more, $.0 cash, $10 month; I will be there to show you. R. W. CARY, 1219 Northwestern Bank Bltlg. S()M RT RACTS WITH BEHR1KH. Opening Stokes' fine farm ; 1 will be on tracts today, between 12 and 3 P. M. Buy an aero and be independent; closer in than Lenta or Montavilla; no city assessments ; go out K il lings worth to 42d, thenee one Mock north to Simp pi.it. R. W. CARY. 121 Northwestern Bank bUlg. " "1- N BAR ORE'S HAM. A weii -i-n proved little farm, loaa ted en pixnl mad east o-f town; 11 acres un der cultivation. 3S acres in berries; good now bungalow, lurn, chicken house; pri vate w a! ex systnu. Price KHlDUlt fr KblClN'OTOX. (irham. Or " on" thk orroon Ei.Kcnm: near tireenberg. station : S acres, all In cultivation; small himw, spring water, good soil ; this is a big bargain ; price on ly $ :tu00 : rn-- h al f cash, bal .-m ee 7 per cent. GIBSON, 20S Stark st- Mar shall 12. 0 ACKKS of !anl, 20 miles from Portlar.-,!. 8 acres commercial orchanl just in full bearing next year; near street car line t o c it v : daily or eta. m an d mail rowe. "Wort'i $tVk; wl.J s?-l next S days for $vnv, cnsii or trade for bungalow. Phoae Mar. lOT, ownr. tViRKB Fl'LT. ACRES. J1210. $2o down and, $10 per month, close-to car line and pawd Base Line road, level wooded land, less than six miles from Mutual ilia. STRONG & CO.. 634 Chamber of Commerce Bid jr. "EEAUTiri'L POWELL VALLEY ACRE. I big acre, covered with beautiiul grove of trees, ideal t umraer home site, only i3.0, easy terms. k. ir. roNKHEY, PITT K H . I.O W K Vt CO. . 201-3-7 Board of Trade BMg. 5 AVUKS ON PAVED ROAD. Only 2S mi'es from city limits on rowel! Yailey road: lies level, all fenced, fine fr-oil. Price $:i2."0. terms. I A ' KDH KM A N N COM P ANY. I13 Chamber of Commerce. ACHE H OM E IN GRKSH AM. With good r-room p'.asier-d house, hot and cold water, wired for electricity, w ood house, garage, fine large chicken house to hold 5:M birds. Price $22iV) tKlDKS & SL KING TON, Gretham. Or GARDEN HOME. & ACRES. AM under plow, fine bungalow 8 rooms, gara-so, harn. chicken houte. young trees, 4 mile to stat-.en. Snap $t'.,'ie0. McDONELL. Kat 41t. DO YOU MEAN BUSINESS and want 2 acres with modern house. Ford car. cow, 2 pigs. 73 chickens, on hard-surface? CaV Sunday. Tabor G531; Monday, Main 703 1. ' A BARGAIN. 2 acres on paved road, good house, small barn, chicken house for 500 chick ens; price $HUX half cash, balance terms. Addresa Box 242, Sutherlin, Or. 10 ACRES, $1000; 20 acres. $1500. level land; $-00 cash, near elec. sta. on county road, fine timber, some cleared. Main K2. McKarland, Failing bldg. ft ACRES, cleared, 4-room hoifse, well, pump, chicken house, brooder, 9 milewi out. A bargain at $3000, terms. 42u Hcn-y bldg. Rdw-y. 504J. ' ,V5 ACRES. Ciose-in. tipar city limits on Barr road. chap at $2-2. for a quick sale. McIXn ell, Ea-n FOR SALE 5 acres with a small shack on It, V mile from Rockwood; price $1G00, S'.OO cah. E. McLean, U5 E. 18th st. Kast 4ht4. 10 A. FOR SALE 11 m. out; J !.' with $."iOO cash and payment on the balance. phone owner. Automatic 311-tfS. - MEN ICO The land of opportunity; now Im tiio urns to l&vetiate. Bdwy. &bd. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Acreage. SOME CHEAJP ACREAGE. 1-3 ACRE tracts, near Multno mah, Bull Run water, a beautiful view, macadam road. first-claj district. Price $500 up to $1000: $10 cash and $10 monthly. 1 ACRE In assorted bearing fruit rood soil, just outside city limits; an excellent buy. Price $1200, $25 cash, $12.&0 monthly. 6 1-3 ACRES black loam !!, spring water, in town of Scap poose; close to store and station. Price $415, $50 cash, $10 monthly. , 11.12 ACRES good noil, 1 miles west of Scappoose; land lies well; close neighbors; good view; price $800; $50 cash. $10 monthly. 10 ACRES, ltfc miles from Beav erton; good soil, fine creek, some 11 mber ; price $ loOu ; 9 iuo casn, $15 monthly. 20 ACRES. 5 miles south of Hillsboro; best of soil, all tillable, fine creek, small cabin; about acre cleared ; some wood. Price $1800, $100 cash, $12.5o monthly. FRED W. GERMAN CO., cnamoer of Commerce, ACREAGE BARGAIN. 10 acres, 4 acres in cultivation, fenced, live stream, family orchard, plenty ber ries; fine 6-room house, water system, all plumbing and full cement basement; good barn, chicken house 15x60, brooder house, water piped in barn and chicken house; 1 milch cow, 4 brood sows, 6 shoats, 200 White Leghorn hens; 3 blka. to electric station, 2 blks. to school, on main highway, 18 miles out; all for $4400, easy terms. L. O. Gerber, 715 Swetland bldg. BERRY AND GARDEN LAND. Ownr la moving away from Portland and will sell his 15 acres of rich land, 1 miles from Hubbard; 13 acres In cultivation; house with 8 large rooms; extra fine well, good ban, woven-wlre fances, soma fruit trees and berries. This Is an Ideal place and is entirely out of the white land district; no rock nor gravel; located on main county ro,, V Sacrifice price $3000, and $1000 will handle. JOHN E. HOWARD. 318 Cham, of Com. WELL-LOCATED FIVE-ACRE TRACT. 5 acres, located 4 blocks from Base Line road. East of city limits 4 miles. All can be cultivated; 34 acres under cultivation. Some bearing fruit trees, to blocks to car; place on good graveled road. Offered at a bargain. $70O cash, balance at $15 per month. Inspected by Nelson, with JOHN FERGUSON. OerllngerBldg. 5 ACRES Located 1 miles from Hills boro. On dirt road; all under cultivation: -acre strawberries, logan, rasp and blackberries; 4-mile to grade school; O-room house, barn, chicken house, woodshed with 8 cords wood. With the place goes 60 pullets, 24 hens, 1 cow, 1 horse, 2 hogs, 2 tons hay, small tools, cultivator and $150 worth of lum ber. Price $2675, $1550 cash, balance f7-?rr?TeaJat 6 per cent- Brooks, with JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger Bldg. OREGON CITY LINE. Two acres, located -mile east of Courtney station, near Oatfield road. 1 acre under cultivation, all can be cultivated; 1 acre onion land City conveniences can be had. $250 ca-sh bal ance at $10 per month, at 7 pr cent. Personally Inspected by Marsters, with JOHN gERGLONerUnger Bldg. POWELL VALLEY ROADi 33 ACRES. $425 PER ACRE. 30 acres cultivated, all level, fronting paved highway, west Barker road, 3 miles from city limits; real buy. ti6 BEAUTIFUL POWe'iX, VALLEY ACRES. 4 fine acres, covered with beautiful grove of trees, a rural residential park, lor $1400, terms. R. H. CONTRET, RITTER, LOWE & CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. $1-0 DOWN. $0 MONTHLY! s-acre garden tracts. west side, water an-d as. L. J. Lamb. t;5 Cor bett blug. Jloioftlfads Relinquishments. 300,000,000 ACRES government landf In Lnited S:ta. Send for free descrip tive circu.ar of our 100-page book "The Homesfceaer" ; tells where good farm timber, grazing land Is; or send $2.0O for book direct. The Homtbeekur, dept 3. Los Angeies, Cai. THE LARGEST exclusive homestead dealer on the Pacific coast. Good timber or farming tracts, ciose in; reduced copy of government map corrected to date, show ing open homestead lands, $2, by mail. M. J. Anderson, 531JRa.ilway Exch. bldg. CAN LOCATE you on a good homestead, Portland or lioseburg a is trie t, I arming or timber tracts; also have some good relinquishments. E. w. Helm, 317 Board OiTrado bkig. WANTED A relinquishment or home stead, with a sawmill or mill site; plenty of timber; in Washington. Ore gon or California. W. H. Phillips, 213 Main tt., Vancouver, Wash. FIVE homeatead, worth $10,000 each, on railroad; mile to schools, churches, four mills; $00 each location. 355i Hoiladay ave. Fruit and Nut Land. tOR SALE or trade, my equity of $1500 in 3-a-aere walnut grove near Oakland, Cai. WiLl consider automobile. O lo2 Oretron ian. For bale -Farm. TWO GOOD BUYS. SO ACRES. STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. 80 acres, all fine, rich land, w0 acres under high state of culti vation, more very easily cleared ; 1000 cords of wood; place fenced and cross-fenced; watered by fine well and trout stream; family ore hard in full bearing; good ti ro 6 m house; large barn, chicken, hog and outhouses, new siio and full of ensilage; 0 good cows. 2 now fresh, horse, harness, wagon, plows, drill, disc, mower, cream separator, ensilage cutter, gas en gine, ax-s, saws, wedges, sledges, etc. All kinds of crop, hay in the barn, etc. Price $1 1 .500; $000 cash, balance at 6 per cent. This piace is located 1 mile from country town with all rural ad vantages at the door, and 10 miles from Vancouver in the heart of thickly settled and prosperous community. MODERN DAIRY AND PRUNE FARM. FULLY EQUIPPED. ON PAVED HIGHWAY. lo." acres of the best loam soil, no rock or gravel, 05 aeres in a high state of cultivation, balance in seeded down pasture, and, fine grove of timber; exceptionally well fenced. some woven wire and steel gates: IS acres of Italian prunes. S acres in full bearing, orchard well fertilized and in ex . ce! ' ent condition; modern, up-to-date prune dryer; 2 acres of as sorted fruits, berries and small fruits of ail kinds; good 8-room farm house, fireplace, new modern d;ury barn, fully equipped with all conveniences, new 85-ton silo, garage. dairy. implement shed, hog bouses and lot. chicken houses and park, spring water piped to all buildings; 10 excellent Jersey cows, some registered; 7 fine heifers, 2 registered: registered Jersey bull worth $l5m; good heavy work horses; 2 brood sows. " refiistered Poland China boar, some piss; new Fordson tractor; new auto truck: 2 mowers; binder; new ensilage cutter; blower and feeder; new potato digger and planter; 3 wagons; sulky plow, 2 drae harrows; spring-tooth har row; 2 discs; 2 sets of harness; 4 cultivators; 1 riding cultivator; new 4Vi-h. p. drag saw; fanning mill: spray pump; tedder; grain drill; stump puller; gas tanks and all small tools too numerous to mention. Hay and feed of all kinds to winter stock ; seed for all farm land. This is one of the best firms in the northwest; only 14 miles from Washington street, Portland, 8 miles from Vancouver, on paved highway. Price $35,000; $20,000 cash, balance long time. THOMPSON. SWAN LEE, 3d and Main Sts. Vancouver, Wash. RANCH Ec. Fruit, stock and alfalfa, aJl equipped Call and see us. Srnall or large. Ali are fine. Easy terms. Office 91.13 Fr ter road. Automatic 261-11 or Tabor K. WILCOX & CO. 10 ACRES, $2000 ; 5 acres cleared, house, timber, near Tualatin, extra soil. Main ot2. McFarland Realty Co., Failing Bldg. 3 ACRES, cultivated, fenced, fine soil, house, barn, near bighwav. spring, fruit, berries, $12V. Main 3672. Mc Farland. Failing Bldg. 5-ROOM house, 8 acres cleared, well, orchard, barn, hennery, fenced, good road. Main 307X McFAriand, Failing Btdg. BEAT. ESTATE. For Pale Farm. CANADIAN PACIFIC RY. LAND. YOUR LAST OPPORTUNITY In Cen tral Alberta and Saskatchewan are rich park lands, open prairie ready for the p:ow. interspersed with tree, which af ford excellent helter for etock. Here grain growing, dairyln-jr and livestock raising are being carried on successfully. The cemntry is ideal for mixed farming. The Canadian Pacific railway is offer ing a large area of these fertile lands in Lloydminster and Battleford districts. This fertile land will become the home of thousands of prosperous farmers. On similar land Seager Wheeler grows the world's prize wheat. Near Lloydminster the world's prize oats have been grown and butter of the highest quality U made. A man can soon become indepen dent on a farm in this district. These lands can be bought now at prices aver aging about $18 per acre. You pay. down 10 per cent. If land Is purchased under settlement condition no further payment of principal until end of fourth year; then sixteen annual payments In terest is 6 per cent. Also thousands of acres of irrigated lands in Southern Al berta at $50 per acre, on which the com pany will loan $2000 for Improvements to approved purchasers, with twenty years to pay for land and loan. Reduced rates Issued to land seekers. Excursion party leaves Portland for Calgary, Alberta, on Saturday, Nov. 6. For further particu lars see Canadian vPacific Ry. Co.. 208 Railway Exchange bldg.. L. P. Thornton, district representative. YOU BARGAIN HUNTERS. 30 acres near Woodland, Wash.: 18 acdes cleared, 6 acres In fine clover; an exceptionally fine family orchard in full bearing, consisting of apples, cherries, pears, quinces, prunes and 80 trees of English walnuts just coming Into bearing; also 8 chestnut trees in full bearing; buildings consist of good 7-room double constructed house, newly papered and painted and In best of repair; bath, hot and cold water; 2 springs and creek; water piped to house from spring; 2 chicken houses. 2 hog houses and many other outbuildings; with the place goes 3 cows, 2 heifers, 3 horses, 2 pi gs, 40 chickens and a quantity of very fine potatoes, 50 boxes of apples, plenty of hay and a long line of farm Implements; Just think, this all goes for $5500 and $2500 will handle; must be sold at once. JOHN E. HOWARD. 818 Chamber of Commerce. $95 PER ACRE buys this 820-acre farm fronting on Willamette river; 200 acres In cultivation; about 20 acres good timber, balance pas ture. All fine bottom land ; will raise alfalfa. Small house, barn, family orchard; buildings are old, but serviceable. Good road to place. $10,000 cash, balance long time. If you are looking for a place that will make you money. In vest I gate this before you buy. See Mr. Farns worth, with H. A. DRYER. "THB ACREAGE MAN." 508-9 Lewis Bldg. Bdwy. 0081. FINE SOUTHERN PLANTATION for exch an ge for In com e property in Portland, Or. Mississippi delta land, con taining 2733 acres. 10O0 in cultivation, numerous tenant houses and store build ing; 12 miles from Natchez. Price $50 an acre. Apply W. A. S. WHEELER, Natchez, Miss. 24 ACRES located on good road 2 miles from street car. Near Oregon City ; 17 acres under cultivation; all can be cul tivated; spring and creek; water can be piped to house; large bearing orchard; new plastered 5-room house; other buildings. With the place goes large team, harness, wagon, mower, rake, oth er Implements. 50 chickens, 8 pigs, 6 acres wheat seeded and crop of potatoes. Will give good terms, or trade equity for small piece of land close to some good town. JOHN FERGUSON, Ger li n ger Bid K. 3.S0 ACRES, STOCK, FRUIT, DAIRY. Best proposition In Willamette valley. Large portion In cultivation; grood build Inp; some fine commercial orchard; 150 head of stook and all equipment; living stream ; very rich soil. The chance of -a lifetime. Owner Is an old man. alone and unaible to care for the farm; must sell, greatly reduced price; consider res idence in city as part. See pictures In my office.' R F. FEE-MOTE'R, 4)17 Ablngton Bldg. 11 ACRES fruit end poultry rancn by owner; 2-story h-ouse, hot and cold wa ter, bath; barn, brooder house, 5 cnicken houses, root cellar, woodshed: prunes, apples, cherries, raspberries and straw berries; 14 miles from Portland, near hard surfaced road; 450 White Leghorns, mostly March pullets, heavy layers; 4 large Incubators, 1 brooder. $49i0, some termji; no agents. Inquire North Bank Transfer Co., 8th and B sts., Vancouver. Wash. 43 ACRES. STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. 0 miles of Hillsboro, on rocked road, 23 acres In cultivation ; balance pasture and timber; several acres beaverdam; 5 room house, large barn; other out buildings, family orchard, 1 team, 5 cows, 5 hogs, chickens, etc; farm im plements and machinery; all goes for $00o0; $4000 cash, or . will tane home in city to $3500 and some cash? R. M. GATE WOOD & CO.. 165 4th St, 40 ACRES NEAR ST. HELENS. 40 acres, of which about 20 acres are under cultivation, about 8 acres clover, acre loganberries, strawberries, cur rants, goosberries, famAjy orchard, good plastered 6-room hou.-e, barn 2tix:t6 with shed 12x36, all farming implements are included at price of $0000, $3000 cash. F. L. EDDY, RITTER, LOWE & CO., 201-3-5-7 Board pf Trade Bldg. FINE FARM BEAVERTON DTiST. 43 acres near Beaverton. afl lies fine; best of soil and all cultivated: on good road, i mile from school; 5-room hout-e, good barn with room for 20 cows, other buhdings; stock and equipment for op erating. This is a s-pien-did fanm, within 10 miles of Portland. Price $15,000, easy ter sis. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY. 013 Chaimber of Commerce, "RICH BOTTOM-LAND FARM TERMS. 143 acres richest river loam: 90 acres cult., on highway in Salem district: all good land: buildings very good; owner making special price of $110 per A. and will include cattle, horees, machinery and equipment; will take Portland home as part payment. Mr. Johnson, with O. H. SKOTHEIM COMPANY, -332-3;i3 Railway Exch. Bldg. Main 7511 and Main 5190. 100 ACRES ALL UNDER CULTIVATION. Good 7-room house, large barn and all necessary outbuildings: well at the house and barn, family orchard, woven wire f exces; located 7 miles from Albany on good graveled road; we believe that this Is the best b iy in the county at $9000; terms. WILLAMETTE VALLEY LAND CO., 203 First Nat'l Bank Bldg, Albany, Oregon. 9S-A. FARM, ESTACADA. EQUIPPED. An exceptionally good farm, fully equipped, building's, stock and Imple ments; richest soil, running water, fam i'y orchard; 30 acres in cultivation. Only $8-000; owner coming to city, will take residence to $5000, $2600 mortgage, bal ance cash. R. F. FBE-VSTER. 4-17 Ablngton Bldg. FOR SALE SO acres in White Saimon valley. y& mile from eounty road. mile from church, school and postoffice. about 6 acres logged off. balance timber, oak ard fir; spring on plage and this all lies under proposed new irrigating ditch; $50 per acre if taken soon. Address Mrs. Evelyn Crowe.Godenda;e, W'ash. FOR SALE 80-acre ranch. 7 miles south of Redmond, 40 acres irrigated, 18 acres alfalfa. 15 more cultivated; house, barn. 3 cisterns, team, 2 cows, all kinds farm machinery, separator, 10 tons hay; price S5500. $3750 cash, balance mortgage; $1750 due April 1. 1923. 6 per cent. Mrs. Katherlne Frank. Redmond. Or., route A. ON PACIFIC highway In southwestern Washington, 243 acres; 125 acres In cul tivation, including all stock, farm ma chinery, crops; everything necessary; farm adaptable for 8 dairy ranches; run ning water on each part. Call at 462 North 23d st. Phone Marshall 1755. Even in gs. MUST BE SOLD 0 acres, stock, crop and equipment. 25 acres clear, fine tim ber, good orchard, good fences and buildings, lies hir and rolling, worth looking at: price 7500. good terms. H. Olsen, Beaverton, Or., Route 4. Box 47. 8 17-1 00 ACRES B eau t ! f ul h om eon Wli" lamette near Buttevllle. Has to be seen to be appreciated; easy terms. Write or see owner st 4SS East 12th st. S. Phone Sellwood .822. Call not later than 1 P. M. Sunday. FOR SALE By owner, ideal dairy ranch. 46 acres. 20 acres cleared, 5-room house, barn, chlctcn house, etc, located 6 mi. from Vancouver. 2 ml south of Orchard station; price ?5000. Joseph Morrow, Vancouver, Wash. Route 4. 20 ACRES Located In Marion county. 2H miles from AumsviHe; 12 miles from Salem; small house. 2 sheds; some extra lumber; price $1350 cash. Owner will meet anyone at station and show the place. JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger bldg. 160 ACRES, $2400. 160 acres. 70 a. level, fl a. clar 1.500.000 ft. timber, family orchard, small house and barn. 8 springs. 1 mile from 125,000 capacity sawmill, station and school. Add. Otto Brotte, HU0orc( Or. BJCAL ESTATE. For Sale Farms. FARM BARGAINS. 40 acres, every foot in cultivation, Al land, no waste; about 15 acres bottom land; good 7-room house, water system, modern plumbing, good barn, modern chicken bouse, brooder house, garage, etc.; 25 tons of hay in barn, chickens, family orchard. This place Is fl miles from Hillsboro, 2 y miles paved road ; one of the best forties in the district; price $13.000 ; good terms. 124 acres, all in cultivation; A-l strawberries, family orchard, best of land; 5-room house, barn and other out buildings; 1 cow. 3 tons of hay, garden tools. Price $5000. or will sell 5 acres with improvements for $3500. We have many other good farm bargains. 21 acres, 16 in cultivation, balance pasture and timber; about 60 bearing ap ple trees; rolling land; creek. 6-room plastered bouse, good barn full of hay, chicken house, hothouse, etc., good well; on good road; good team mares, 6 milch cows, 1 heifer. 4 hogs, 60 chickens; po tatoes, kale and corn growing This is a nifty little place for $6300. half cash. R. M. GATE WOOD & CO., 165Vs 4th St. 20-ACRE home. 12 miles from Portland: asphalt and rock road; beautiful Staf ford district; 2 churches, store, school, 5 miles from Wllsonvtlle. Telephone, R. F. D., cream route ; new 7-room bungalow nearly finished; built-ins and bath room in white; new linoleum on dining room and kitchen; 14 Eng. walnuts. 11 cherry, 24 apple, 6 pears, 3 prune trees; 1 acre strawberries, also logans, currants. acre raspberries and grapes; 2 acres po tatoes, 8 acres seeded to clover, 1 a. pasture, balance ready to plow; 3 poul try houses, barn, granary, root house, 300 thoroughbred W. L. pullets ready to lay; 12 cockerels for breeding ; 600 -egg Incubator, 2 harness, single wagon. Jer sey cow, 1400 lb. horse, 1918 Chevrolet, about 100 bu. wheat, 5o bu. oats, 2 plows, cultivators, harrow, 4 tons hay, etc. 250 choice budded roses. No business on Saturday. Price $8000. Terms. Address C O. Perry, Sherwood, Or., Route 5 Phone Stafford 66L IDEAL 115-ACRE FARM. CITY WATER, LIGHTS. SEWER. PAVED ROAD. This farm of 115 acres Is located m the edge of large town in the best farm ing section near Portland; 8-room house with bath, toilet, city water, electrte lights, sewer, phone, front on paved road, good large bam will bold 25 head of cows, silo, milk bouse with cement floor, hot and cold water, straw shed full of straw, large granary and ware house, Fordson - tractor, plows, harrow, team horses, weight about 3000 pounds; also 14o0-pound mare and pony; 6 cow a and about 15 tons of hay in barn; price only $23,000, some terms. F. L. EDDY, RITTER, LOWE & CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. STOCK, MACHINERY AND FEED. 280 acres, mile from McCoy; 221 acres In cultivation, 40 acres now in red clover. Land all lies fine; has new plastered bungalow. 9 rooms, full cement basement, bath, toilet. ' hot and cold water, fireplace, a fine house; two large barns, all up-to-date hen house, water, silo. With 4 head of horses, hay, grain, drill, mower, rake, wagon and harness; no better land In Oregon. If you want an .up-to-date place see this for $125 per acre; easy terms. J. C. GILBERT. Ph. White GU11. McMinnville, Or. 80 ACRES STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. All under cultivation, good 6-room house with fireplace, bath, hot and cold water, etc. Large dairy barn, silo, ga rage and all necessary outbuildings, water piped to house and barn; 5 cows, 1 yearling heifer, 2 calves, 4-year-old Holsteln bull, registered Poland China boar, 8 pigs, 1 brood sow. 2 good mares and about 100 chickens. All necessary farm equipment except binder; located 7 miles north of Albany on good graveled road, V mile to school. 1 mile to R. It. station and trading point. If you want a good farm ready to start work on, see this before you buy. Price for everything $13,000; terms. WILLAMETTE VALLEY LAND CO.. 203 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. Albany, Oregon. ON THE PACIFIC HIGHWAY. South of Salem; 1 miles from small town, over 35 acres of good land; all can be cultivated; 20 acres under culti vation, balance In timber; nice creek, well and pump; 5-room celled and pa pered house; barn, chicken house, wood shed, granary, good bearing orchard of large variety of fruit. With the place goes team, 2 good cows, 2 heifer calves, 1 sow, 6 pigs. 45 chickens, 2 wagons, hack, plow, cultivator, cream separa tor, tools, 6 acres wheat. 6 acres oats, 6 acres potatoes, 3 cords wood and fruit. Price $520O cash, or will consider 6 or 7-room house near school for part. JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger Bldg. FARM on lower Columbia, joins small town; fifty (50) acres in cultivation, 30 slashed and seeded; good large house, large barn and other outbuildings, some Implements; 4 Tented houses, some lots Inside city limits; about 15 acres nearly diked ; water piped to house and barn ; also electric lights in both; overlooks Columbia river, up and down, very sightly; plenty of fruit and good gar den; about 35 tons hay and about same of roots goes ;lth it; all told about 130 acres; can be bought for less than $120 per acre; $6000 cash, balance by easy payments. Address J. Girard or owner, E. II. Watkins, Cathlamet. Wash. 120 ACRES, only SO miles from Portland on Willamette river; 100 acres in cultivation; house, barn, fine family orchard; on main county road. This is fine bottom land. Price only $15,000; cash, balance long time. See Mr. Farna- worth, with H. A. DRYER. THB ACREAGE MAN," 508-9 Lewis Bldg. Bdwy. 5081. 94-ACRE WILLAMETTE VALLEY FARM. This farm is locted on Pacific highway, 94 acres, with 34 acres under plow, bal ance pasture; two-story 8-room house, new; 2 barns 30x30 and 40x40; 148-ton hollow tile silo, large hog house, hen house, work shop, all new; material for ready-cut garage, all farm implements, 20 head sheep, 7 cows, team, 100 hens, 15 tons hay in barn; price for all only $16,500, S5U00 cash. F. L. EDDY. RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. R-AC RE RANCH, not far from Sheridan, Yamhill county; c-ouiKy road, spring, no waste land, all very near level, fenced, about 50.000 ties and lots of piling and cord wood; make attractive price and terms. 160 acres N. W. of Willamlna; running water, some rolling, fine for stock; about 100 acres fairly level land, some out range; only S10 per sere: make good terms, 226 Chamber of Commerce bldg. SEACH R EST BROS. 960 ACRES, EHUTTLER FLAT WHEAT RANCH. $16,000. Adjoining land held at from $40 to $75 per acre: over 700 acres can be put In crop now ; good buildings, fenced and crossed fenced, three wells, good roads and school right at the place; this is your opportunity if you want a real money-maker; can handle part trade and give very liberal terms. Johnson, with Interstate Land Co.. 248 Stark st. Main 5429. fYne FARM NEAR WARREN. 200 acres, ail level, tillable land; 80 acres uixier cultivation, balance fine pas ture and some timber; fair house and barn, well and spring, rock road 00 three sides, y mile to station and paved highway to Portland. The location of this property is hard to beat, and soil unexcelled. Price $30,000; terms half cash, balance to suit. LUEDDBMANN COMPANY. 913 Chamber of Commerce. SO ACRES RICH LAND". Nar Estacada on county road and R, F. D.; 10 acres in cultivation; fine spring at the house: trout brook through place; family orchard, goo barn; won derful soil for potatoes, prun-es. berries, etc.; 30OO cords first growth wood avail able to market. A splendid opportunity for a man to- start with stock. Cheap at $4000; easy terms. R. F. FEEMSTER, 417 Ahington B!dg FOR SALE 240-acre dairy farm Pacific county. Wash., plow land, woodland, pas ture, plenty water, good buildings; stock and equipment, on main highway, hard surfaced and paved, 2 miles to R. R. sta tions: small ranch for part. Write N. A. Munro, Menlo, Wash. FOR SALE By owner, 20 acres of land b miles from city limits. 2 blocks off 8"d street, all under cultivation, comfortable bouse, good school; a bargain; make your own terms. Phone Broadway 3384 TWENTY ACRES AND PLENTY Is the title Tf our free book about Flor ida. It tells the truth: monthly pay ments, easy terms. Sylvester E. Wilson, dept. G13, Orlando, Florida. ABSOLUTE sacrifice, orchard farm near Estacada. Or.; rich soil, unlimited water must sell; maki offer. John C, Jena Glendora. Cat 40 ACRES. 10 in cultivation, orchard. wa lei v 1 e ' cniCKeviia et-c Price si aw. . a. fedigo. CottaV. Grove, Or., 1 .sinn fin wtn t a - CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES near Portland. $50 to $500 per acre easy terms, best soil; farms for sale all sixes- McFarland. 208 Failing Bldg. GOOD paying farms: sizes and terms to suit, with stock and Implements. C J CulUson Real Estate Co.. 205& Morri son sC . REAL ESTATE. For Sale -Fi MARION CO, FARMS. A bargain !n a real farm f 807 seres, S35 acres In cultivation, 160 acres tim ber and pasture, running water on farm, buildings, 8-room -house, hot and cold water, electric Hehtd. first-class water system, bam. granarv and other build ings; will sell half If desired. A good farmer gets this farm can pay for it In a few years by crops: it's only $100 per acre; 1-8 cash, balance 5 years. 6. A FTNE FARM P.-ELOW VALUE. 178 acres, fine soil. 110 acres In high state of cultivation, balance timber and pasture: 80 acres fine river bottom soil; will grow anvthlng; can be Irrigated, 12 acres beaverdam. all clenred and tiled: farm Is well fenced, win sell 70 seres Including beaverdam. 40 half cleared at $160 per acre or 178 acres at $160 per acre, blouse ft rooms, hot and cold water, electric lighted, bnrn 45x60: 3 silos, wnter In barn. This farm la on the Willamette river boat transportation, , mile from, town, on good graveled road. The owner wants to retire; been on this farm over 15 years and in a good farmer, so this Is not a run-down farm. He will consider a small well-Improved farm from 5 to 30 acres In a community where there Is a Evangelical Lutheran church, near Salem. Sherwood, Bloom lag, Shefflin. Cornelius, Sandy or Moni tor. Will sell $14,000 cash, balance 5 years 6 per cent or trade on small place above mentioned and consider in first payment. A SNAP. Of 184 aeres. 1 mile from Donald, 40 aeres In cultivation, balsnce timber and abundance of pasture. This Is all good farm land. Two small houses. 2 acres In loganberries, creek on east line. This farm should sell at this price to any one who wants to make a good Invest ment. Price $85 per acre; terms. A DANDY COUNTRY HOVE. Of 6 acres, mile from school, chnrch nd store, on good gravel road, river front. 3 seres In berries, 15 bearing fruit and walnut trees, small vineyard, fine 6-room house,. basement 30x30, good well, small barn, good chlfken house, creek on east line, can be Irrtgated from creek or river by pump; pump, pipe, en gine all ready to Install. Personal prop erty; household furniture, 1 hore. 1 cow. brood sow. 20 chickens. 20 rabbits, new wagon, buggy, mower, garden tools, 8 toTis hav and wood saw; all for J60OO; $4000 cash, balance 6 per cent 5 years Here's a nice little country home of 24 acres, five room-house, well, wood house, hog and cnicken house; soil Is Al and Is only five minutes walk to Oregon Electric station and a store. This la a bargain; $1600; $1000 cash, balance 6. Some snaps. 42 acres. 12 acres In cul tivation, 2 acres beaverdam, balance timber and. pasture, $00 per acre. 60 acres, 2t acres cleared, balance timber and pasture, good fruit ranch. $.0 per acre, easy terms. I have acreage of 5 to 20 acres If you are looking far acreage or farm lan as It will pay you to come to Donald and Investigate. SEE J. L. GROFF. Donald. Or. SOMETHIVO OOOD TN STOCKED AND EQUIPPED DAIRY FARM. BOO acres a short way down the Co lumbia river: all equipped for dairying; has 25 (rood cows, 25 1 and 2 year olds, 2 registered bulls, 6 horses, brood sow; more than enough good machinery and tools to run the place; 2 mowing ma chines, rake, drill, manure spreader, po tato planter, 3 plows, harrow, disk.. 2 cultivators, harnesses, wagons, every thing one would want to handle a large place; 3 large barns, 2 houses, 1 set of buildings has spring water piped to house with bath, toilet, sink, etc. : has light plant, with llrhts In all buildlnes, railroad through place, with free trans portation, both passenger and freight, from this farm to boat landing. Come In and let us prove to you that this farm Is a money maker. Everything complete for $20,000, on good terms. STEWART tk BUCK, 815 Northwestern Bank blig. A PERFECT 80 ACRES TN ONE OV THE BEST FARMING SECTIONS NEAR PORTLAND. This !s In the choice farming district nar Canby, near the highway; hard road to the place; 80 acres, very richest dark mellow soil, lies perfectly; 60 acres In cultivation, balance timber and pas ture; modern 6-room plastered house, hot and cold watr. bath, large barn, 2 silos, numerous first-class outbuildings, fruit and berrin; in a beautiful coun try, right at school ; an elegant and prof! table home. Price, with consider able personal property, only $15,000. If It is around 80 acres you want, no one can duplicate our list. HARGROVE REALTY CO.. 122 North Sixth st. Broadway 4381. STOCKED AND EOT'IPPED JERSEY FARM. 143 acres, all under. cultivation, strictly modern 10-room bungalow with electric lights, hath and toil-t, large dairy barn with cement floor, all necessary outbuild ings; water piped to house and barn, barn equipped with litter carrier and milking machines, also large silo; 25 Jersey cows, 14 heifers and 3 horses ; binder, mower, drill, roller, plow, harrow, rake, fanning mill, feed chopper, gas en gine, ensila ge cutter and various small tools. This plnce Is located right at email R. R- town 6 miles south of AI bnnv. Price $31,000: terms.. WILLAMETTE VALLEY LAND CO., 203 First Nat'l Bank Bldg., Albany, Oregon. $6500. This Is the price of 30 acres, stock, with 3 horses, 1 cow and calf, 3 hogs, chickens, geese, farm machinery, such as plows, harrows, etc., 2 acres potatoes, 120 broccoli, mangels for cow feed, ground all plowed and partly seeded to fall oats, family orcharrl, also 70 peach trees, good 8-room house, barn 30x40, granary, chicken house. Ten acres of this Is fine bottom land: 300 bushels of oats and wheat. A place hard to beat at only $6500, $3000 cash. F. L. EDDY, RITTER, LOW E & CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 80 APRES NEAR ORESHAM. OFFERED AT A BARGAIN. This place is well improved, al! cleared and In cultivation: close to church and school ; good 7-room house, hot and cold water. bath," electric lights, private water system, large dairy barn, sflo, garage, granary, apple house, large concrete potato cellar and machine shed; fine lot of fruit and walnuts ; located close to Portland and the paved road ; the price is $25,000. which is just about the cost of the Improvements. K. RIDER A ELKTNGTON. G res ham. Or. 15 MILES FROM PORTLAND. 51 acres; 25 acres cultivation, bal ance pasture and timber; 2000 cords wood paying $5" per cord on ground : good house, barn, outbuildings, family orchard, small fruit. good water, 3 horses, S cows, 2 heifers, 2 calves, 4 hogs, 36 chickens, 25 tons hay, P0 bunhels wheat. 40 bushels oats, 50 sacks potatoes, 3 tons beets, turnips, kale and corn: gssollne drag saw. 1 gas en gine, separator", all farm implements; $0000; good forms; consider house and lot up to $3O00. r. W. Millership, Alder hotel. Main 5275. NEAR BULL RUN". 120 acres, located on main road, 3 miles from railroad town ; best of soil, 90 acres can be cultivated ; 20 acres under cultivation ; some standing tim ber; 5 acres of orchard, majority prunes. Good 6-room house, large barn, lots of other buildings; mail and cream route. Price $370O. some terms. Inspected by Brooks, with JOHN FERGUSON, Ger linger Bldg. - VERY CHOICE 15 ACRES, 5 MILES OUT, FOR $6000. Very choice mellow loam, and all in cultivation; lies perfectly; 15 acres; 1 acre prunes. 1 acre cherries, also assort ed orchard; 6-room house, fair barn, fruit drier. 5 chicken houses; price $6000; perfect road all the way and Just 5 miles from the city limits. HARGROVE REALTY-CO., 122 North Sixth st. Broadway 4381. " WTLLAMETTE VALLEY. We offer for sale one of the finest high-grade farms in this beautiful valley; 60 miles from Portland, electric sta, on place: excellent buildings, well fenced: fine water system. Farm In first-class shape; over 400 acres Attractive price. A. H. BIRR ELL CO.. 217 N". W. Bank bldg. Mar. 4114. FOR SALE 110.80 acres: 16 acres In bearing prune trees. 15 acres nearly ready for plow: good soil : rest good timber, five miles from Camas; good main roads, near school, store. One team horees. wagon, harness and other farm implements. Price $11,000; $5000 cash, balance terms. Box 55, R. F. U. 1, Camas, Wash. FINE FARM HOME. GOOD NEIGHBOR HOOD. 164 ACRES, near Hillsboro. on county road. R. F. D., milk route; 12 A. In clover, good house, two large sheds, lumber for barn and lots of outbuildings. $35O0. terms. DUBOIS, 80 Spalding bldg. IF YOU are looking for a farm, wheat, dairy or diversified, acreage or home. It will be to your interest to come to 50S Buchanan building and talk it over. Also some gooa exenanges. LOGGED-OFF lands and small farms: run ning water, good soil, some with im provements, terms. J. R. Sharp, 3 fid. REAL ESTATE For Sale F COLUMBIA COUNTY FARMS, on River, yflail and Highway. near ST. HELENS, THB INDUSTRIAL CITY. Which now has four large Industries and more building. It has the largest payroll of any town of Its sixe in the state. Is a good market for farm prod ucts. 25 A. 19 A. clear and under cultivation. ' All fine bottom land. Located 200 feet from paved Columbia river highway in Deer Island, which Is 4 miles from Su Helens, the county seat. Good grade school within short distance of place. Near store, postoffice .and depot. Fine modern 9-room house with full concrete basement. Fully equip ped with hot and cold water piped through house, bath, toilet, etc Blacksmith shop, garage and 11 kinds of farm machinery. Large bam with concrete foundation. Windmill and water system; 6 cows. 2 horses, some hogs and chickens. Everything goes for $8500. Half cash; balance terms. v Buildings worth mere than price asked.- Good orchard. S A In St. Helens on good macadam road ; 7-room modern with bath, toilet, electric lights. Running stream throuRh place. Good barn, garage and all necessary outbuild ings; 1 acre fine family orchard and fine one-year-old commercial strawberrv patch. This is a fine buy at $5000; $2700 cash will han dle; balance very easy terms. Box 46, St. Helens. Or. BEST 60-ACTtE BUT NEAR PORTLAND. Just 8 miles from the city limits, hard road all the way, no better 60-acre tract In the state, nor one that lies better; all In 1 high state f cultivation except mairTrrove In barn lot; no rock; sim room plastered house, large red barn, outbuildings, family orchard and 5 acrei splendid strawberries. In prime next sea son. Will put In 6 cows. hay. grain and Implements for only $15,000. If you want the bent and most denlrable, see this. HARGROVE REALTY CO., 122 North Sixth St. Broadway 4381. THIS FINE FARM ALMOST ADJOINS THE CITY OF PORTLAND. Consists of 80 acres. 40 In high state of cultivation; all the balance In good " pasture, but small piece of timber left for home use; good 6-room plastered house with full cement basement, spring water piped to house; large, well-built bam, machinery shed, garage and other outbuildings; with this goes 8 cows, bull, 1 heifer, good team. 60 tons of hay In bam. 200 bushels oats, 1 acres of kale. 2 acres potatoes, 13 acres In clover; all kinds of good machinery- The personal property and Improvements are worth $10,000, while the full price for every thing is onlv $18,000; good terms. STEWART & BUCK. 815 Northwestern Bank bldg. 35 ACRES. 8 mllesSo7Newport ; trade for small house. So. Portland preferred. vaL $1700; will assume difference. 6-room bungalow, lot 80x214, Capital Hill: take good lot part payment, $2000. 503 acres on Columbia river, 1V4 miles of station: 75 head, stock. Implements, 60 tons hay; will trade for Portland in come property, value $28,000. 3 acres, all cult,; 0-rm. house, hot and cold water, barn, everything extra fine; clone In; $12,000, half cash. 80 acres, S-rm. house. 18 aeres. cult., barn. $3000; want to exchange for sub urban home. Small houses and bungalows, all sizes and prices. Main 867. HOLMAN & LAWSON, 416 Cham. Com. 118 ACRES, 90 In cultivation. 10 acres in timber, balance pasture. All can be plowed, lies fine and Is No. 1 soil ; 6-room house, barn, hop-house, hen-house, family or chard, running water at one oor-nf-r of place: U mile to railroad, town and school. On good grav eled road. The owner is compelled to sell. Price $130 per acre; $2500 cash, balance terms. J. C. GILBERT, Ph. White 6011. McMinnville, Or. FOR SALE BY OWNER. KO-acre farm, located one-fourth mile off the Newberg highway, one mile from good toTvn on good graveled road; 12 acres In cultivation, 13 acres stumps, balance pasture and timber. 1 acre loganberries, 4 acres cherries; good 8 room house, hot and cold water, bath, gas lights, all personal property. In cluding one team, 2800 pounds: one horse. 1200 pounds; 2 cows and heifer calf, one hog. 3 dozen chickens, 1 ton potatoes, 7 tons bay and . farm Imple ments: price $8500; $8000 cash, balance easy payments, 6 per cent. Box 215, Dayton, Or. fc 56 ACRES OF GOOD SOIL FOR $7600. All under cultivation, good 6-room house, large barn and all necesssry out bulidings. well at the house and barn ; famllv orchard and berries, good fences, 2 cows, 3 horse. 2 brood sows. 11 pigs, 8 shoats. O. I. C. boar and 100 chickens. All necessary equipment except binder. Grain for f ed and seed In the barn ; also about 15 tons of hay; 2 miles to R. R. station and 1 H miles to school. You can't ooat this for the price; trms. WILLAMETTE VALLEY LAND CO.. 203 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. Albany, Or. 63 ACRES OF FINE LAND, ONLY 15 ML From Portland, on Good Auto Road. 30 acres in high state of cultivation; bnl. ea.sy cleared ; some good swale land-; will raise anything; there Is a good big barn. 60-ton silo, granary, large hog house, tool shed, good well and running water, windmill, no house on the land, but can rent one across the street until one can b built. This Is only $110 an acre, the 63 acres for less than $7000; some term, to suit. STEWART & BUCK. 315 Northwestern Bank bldg. 58 ACRES, ONLY $6VM). Nearly 58 acres, of which 2 acres are under plow, balance timber: 30 acres bottom land, 5 acres beaverdam. on rock road, only 2A miles from Hillsboro, paved hlhwav; iif-pfory 6-room house, just built; barn 60x100, will hold 25 head stock and 100 tons of hav; 3000 hushel granary; price only $0500, $2000 cash. V. L. EDDY. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 850 BEARTNG PRUNE TREES. 42 acres, located 1 H miles east of Woodland, Wash. All fine soil, 35 acres can be cultivated; 4 acres of standing timber, 9 acres in crop, balance slashed; 20 acres of pasture; wire fencing. 8 room house, shed barn, small prune dry er. Price $ 2940, $ 1050 cash, ba lance a mortgage on the property at 5 per cent due Dec. 1922. Inspected by Marsters, with JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger Bldg. A CHEAP LITTLE FARM. 39 acres in Polk county ; 1 6 acres in cultivation, 3-rm. bungalow, barn, team of horses, wagon, 40 goats, 60 chickens, 10 tons hay, 4 acres In prunes; the land Is good; on county road. 3 miles from a good town; price $3600; will arrange terms. ALLISON A BILLINGS, 401-402 Dekum bldg. 20-ACRE FARM NEAR GRESHAM. Located on good road, close to school: all good soil ; 10 acres cleared and in cultivation; good small house, - barn, chicken house, wood bouse, well and creek, plenty of wood, good woven wire fences. 35 bearing fruit trees; price only $3800. KRIDER ELKTNGTON, Gresham, Or. 40 ACRES, COL. HIGHWAY. Our cllant owns 40-acre farm on good road just off Col. river highway, over half under cultivation; fair set of build ings, running water. A good property, convenient to Portland. PRTCE ?75O0. A. H. BIRR ELL CO., 217 "N. W. Bank bldg. Mar. 4114. IF YOU want a real farm, see the large adv. of two farms In "New Today" columns adjoining, in this paper. These belong to an estate and are BUYS. R. T. STREET. CAPABLE producing $30,000 annually, 31 acres rich, peat loam, 30 feet deep, all planted, double cropped, excellent for potatoes, celery, asparagus, beets, onions, beans and corn; free unlimited water; excellent drainage; farm buildings; road and boat landing: $8500; terms, includ ing share crop. Paul Bossier, Stockton, Cal. A BARGAIN 160 acres, over 100 cleared, first-class soil, 2 miles from Dallas, Polk county, on main road and railroad, flag station on place, near school; surrounding land held at $125 per acre; will sell for $65, half cadh, balance at 6 per cent. Wm. Holl, owner, Washington bldg. 40 ACRES Some In cultivation, balance pasture; 4-room house, good barn, out buildings, good water at house, plenty of outrange: $2000; good terma C. W. Millership, Alder hotel. Main 5275. 25-ACRE COAST FARM, $6000. Ten-room house, barn, orchard well, creek, spring; on main county road, near the ocean and three beach resprts. Own er, room 18. 15 Fourth u REAL ESTATE. For Sale Farms. SMALL FARM BARGAINS, 20 acres all very fine soil, all level, all well fenced and cross fenced; 8 acres tn cultivation, bal ance seeded to pasture: family orchard: almost new 6-room house, good barn, well and outbuildings: some furniture, etc. Located 3 miles from a fine, small town, on paved road, and 15 miles from Vancouver. Price $3200; $1200 cash, I alance on or before 5 years at 6 per cent. "25 ACRES. All excellent soil, all level. 15 acres in cultivation; plenty of wood ; balance fine pasture; good 6- room house, good large barn, well, and all necessary outbuild ings; complete equipment may be purchased with place if desired; located H mile from a good, small town, on main county road. 10 miles from Vancouver. Price $4500. Good terms, 30 ACRES EQUIPPED. All the very finest of land, be ing mostly all beaverdam, ail level, about 20 acres in high state of cultivation, balance pasture and easily cleared; all well fenced and cross-fenced ; good 4-room house, good large barn, well, hog house, chicken house and granary; the personal property consists of 4 good dairy cows, 4 heifers, good team, wagon, harness, 10 tons hay, 5 tons straw. 5 hogs, chick ens, mower, rake, disc plow, cultivator, cream separator, 5 acres potatoes, all kinds of small tools. This place is located 1 4 miles from a good town and 11 miles from Vancouver, is a money maker and a bargain at $5300; very good terms. 60 ACRES. An the very best of deep loam soil, all level, all fenced and cross fenced; 40 acres In high state of cultivation and the balance la practically ready to plow; good o re hard o f asso r ted fruit, good 7- room house, fine large Low den barn, alio, hog house, chicken, house, well, stream and outbuild In ks. The personal property con sists of 3 fine cows, 2 heifers. 3 hogs, chickens, mower. wagon, plow, harrow, hack, cream sepa rator, teed cutter, root cutter and small tools. Located a short distance from a good town on paved road, 15 miles from Van couver. This place is at least $4000 below actual value, but owner Is a non-resident and must sell. If you want a good farm at a bargain price you will buy this. Price $S40O, good terms. THE R. S. THOMPSON CO 410 Washington St., Vancouver, Wash. SALEM, OREGON. THE AGRICULTURAL AND INDUS TRIAL CENTER. OF THE WILLAMETT E VALLE Y. FINE 88 ACRES. All river bottom land of the fin . est quality except 4 acres of fine upland, where the buildings are lo cated. About 18 acres under culti vation; some open pasture and Borne brush and timber; 6-room house and good barn; few acres fine spuds, corn, about 6 tons hay In barn: good team and harnas, good cow, wagon and farm imple ments are included with the farm, Place is located i mile from elec tric station and close to school. An excellent farm and Is a genuine bargain at $5000; half cash. -''FINE DAIRY, EQUIPPED. Adjoins city limits of good little city not far from Salem ; bti-ncre farm with 80 cultivated. You should see the fine kale now grow ing on the piace; good large house, good barn, 2 silos and all necessary sheds, etc.; 22 good cows, horses, brood sow and shoats; wagons, corn planter, plows, harrows, culti vators, hay baler, rake and com plete dairy outfit, including steam bottle washing plant; - everything goes with the farm; $18,500, about half cash. The returns for Sep tember were well over $750. 1C0-ACRE BARGAIN. 1O0 acres cultivated and 60 acres timber; 10 acres in Italian prunes 1 year old; 90 acres summer fal lowed and in fine condition for fall seeding; nine-room plastered house, barn, etc. On rock road and close to Pacific highway; 7 miles from Salem. A real bargain at $105 per acre. Half cash. FINE 238 ACRES. 130 acres of dandy (rood soil un der cultivation and the balance is pasture and timber; considerable fall grain now sown; also 25 acres seeded to clover. Good large house with bath, toilet, etc.; spring water piped Into house, also fine spring in pasture. Good barns, machine shed, chicken house, broodnr house, etc Farm is located on fine main roads and is close to school. Hay in barn, straw, 150 bushels gray oats, 25 bushels of wheat, 50 chick ens, hog, young Jersey cow, 10 sheep and 25 bushels spuds; every thing is included with the farm at less than $70 per acre. Fine terms. Immediate possession. KINNEY & SMITH. P. O. Box 264. SALEM. OR. A REAL BARGAIN. Widow forced to sell one of the best tracts of garden land near Portland, 75 acres ; a bou t 8 m i les from the city limits, fronting on good county road and electric lino; about 65 acres In cultivation, the balance can be. Every foot of the land lies fine and the best of garden land soil; 15 to 20 acres of this place Is the best of onion land. Same kind of onion land has sold as high as $1000 per acre. Balance up to $500 per acre The poorest of this land will grow the best of asparagus and other vegetables. About 3 acres in asparagus, which crop has yielded up to $10X per acre. Onions grown on this place yielded up to $800, cu cumbers up to $700, horseradish $000, cabbage, cauliflower and other vegetables proportion. Good 8-room house, barn and other outbuildings. If sold within 10 rlrvrs we will cut the price down to $2ro per acre; $12, 000 cash, balance terms to suit at 6 per cent. C J. CULLTSON REAL ESTATE CO., 205 Morrison SU 25 ACRES, FULLY EQUIPPED. RIGHT ON ELECTRIC LINE. FOR $6000. This Is a good 25 acres. Just 20 miles out Gresham way, and right on electric line; 25 acres, 18 cleared, balance pas ture and timber, with living spring. This Is splendid soil, good 6-room house, good barn, numerous outbuildings, lots fruit and berries. Personal: Team, 3 cows, chickens, hog, incubator, imple ments. Price $6000, easy terms. Can suit anyone in tracts around 20 acres. HARGROVE REALTY CO., 122 North Sixth st, Broadway 43S1. BETWEEN NEWBERG AND CARLTON. 68 acres, Chehalem valley; best of soil; 35 acres under cultivation: IO acres prunes, 1 acre famSy orchard, 3 springs, 1 creek, 6-room bungalow; barn Box44; granary, work shop. With the place goes 3 good jersey cows, 2 heifers, 12 tons hay, chickens, seed for 1021 season, food and machinery. Price $8000, $3MJ0 ca.sh. Easy terms on balance at 7 per cent. Right on the main road, -mile from school. Inspected by Nelson, with JOHN FERGUSON. Gerlinger Bldg. 122 ACRES, 3 MILES FROM LEBANON. All under cultivation, 4-room house, large barn and all necessary outbuild ings, well at the house and barn and creek through the pasture; family or chard, woven wire fences; this is all good soil slightly rolling; 1 mile to school and 3 miles to high school. Price $105 per acre: terms, or will consider Fortland property as part payment. WILLAMETTE VALLEY LAND CO.. 203 First Nat'l Bank Bldg., Albany, Oregon. LOGANBERRY RANCH. 12 ACRES, $7UOO. Located in loganberry section, with 6H acres of full bearing loganberries, family orchard, extra good loam soil, only '4 mil to postoiflce, school, etc., well built 8-room houee, also chicken house and small shed for cows and horses; price only $7000, $2000 cash. F. L. EDDY, RITTER, LOWE & CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 13 ACRES, some cleared, creek, cabin. 1 mile sta., $15O0. Main 3G72. McFar land, Falling Bldg. WILL pay cash for 50x100 lot in Laurel hurst; prefer north of Glisan. Must be a bargain. AH, 743 Oregonian, REAL ESTATE. For Sale Farma. 12-ACRH RANCH. TEN. MILES FROM PRJNEVlLLE. OR, 340 ACRES UNDER CULTIVATION, COMPLETE EQUIPMENT. 310.OOO dwelling house, power house with motor and full JuT al?yth1?br5rm,barn nd ataff!.?111"- ct feeding aiatfarrn; all corrals watered by R5f ff.OU,nd PJplna: 8-nt fr.es. ng; all fenced and cro-fenced- easy erma PrlC W. B. STREBTER. S02 Tltl. A Trout Bid.. Portlud. Or. .VF COUNTT .cre; 5 mil Tom Van jenced and crow-Ienced : 20 aere-i ?''y f cord wood; Rood 6-room 4? . hi i, rn '40x40- ha atA"'nodil."nt iwopwtr to pried -00. per we. but w. ar. au- EM"" 2250 Cash. aln to Bolt. Intereat 6 Per Cent. fool f.r. 'w"nn-n-aS ST LIP 7l&B1.,'?1etEr ?ei? - 1 Tler- . Aan-vni.. Marlon Or H" t" NO BETTER 40 AcSiT"i?5AS -v., ,h PORTLAND. 51w full r"J: J-- Pl'red honae. 52S-! -"rasrtJiSSt pVr". mJlea from " ' J"t 19 1-2 North Sixth et. Broadw. An,, 13t APHVa : . mil VV i-aw cultivation, an "illey- n.Fort" Grov.'!- from 5cre- ln any quantity. Term. v.ry llbefaL PUOnal opportunity for little!'. TS,ark county. Wash.. 00 acre, near clltit?ornUnd- 4 ?" hiKh .fatef in. ' on:. gooi Imildinra, family or Lrat d Water- A barium at Jll.wo; STURM-KEFER CO 9-n tt..v Realtors. fAl-T'"'1 rt-. cniSalmon. Main 245S 40 ACRES of choice farm land bet. Van" hX,nd3SM' fa-'nl 'mProyei T.y.en?yofaCoThr0f,ruarineSarlPyrUan, -,0,h,and hlBh stata ofcuTtWatlon -.,00 yonns prune trees ready to set out : !-ebruary"V.rd"nRa "ft li toes etin 'lo' PS S' ""PCflne pota toes etiil in ground ; hor.es. cattle ma chinery, laree supply of hay. n fact sell ' 'd and "ust BeiL tor particulars see 404 Piatt bldg. . 127 Park St. THE irtjTifJAN' PLACE FOR S10O PER ACRE. Located only 1 mile from Van couver on the Colurahla river bot- h?h iarnidy Joa soil: Vieaty of hirh lar.J: hay. frrain and firm ing; abundance of pasture for 7 cows. This ian, of the best dairy- or stock ranches around RJ.1""? a tne price- Call and Kalph Aciley. 57 Corbett bldgT 21.,ACJ'ES 'seated 3 mllea from Yamhill. -0 acres under cultivation: 5 acres of prunes; runnlns water; exceptionally bun"Jow- 5 r0'"- Mastered: ftre shed ' .fi'l "e'i; nary, machine the P ei " hous!i. The buildings on the place are worth over $30(10. With iVt b,n"c!s' yun stock, cream sep arator, all household furniture, potatoes Vrt?";.t:Vit- nly V4 -mile t5 school" trice a.0U for everything. 3n00 cash Jn?r."Tted by Nelson, with JOHN FEIt f.l&O.X. Gerlinger Hlrt. AS GOOD A BUT AS IX THE WILLAMETTE VALLEY. S7 acres in Lane county. 60 acres In cultivation, tiKm). terms. Four-room J1,?Ui6kHnd BOO,d harn- wrth P'Ped water to both from large spring. Fine Jersey 4?m'vi V," -no- O. A. C. pullets: 4H0 year-old prune trees ready to put ?UtU' ?cres ot 2-year-old loganberries. Oood family orchard. Good fences. 1 lace 1 miles from Southern Pacific main line depot, 12 miles irom Eugene. Good roads. For other particulars phone owner. Main !!::). FIVE MILES FROM CITY LIMITS 3a acres, on good rocked road, near foster roau; 1 miles from electric sta. All can be cultivated: 22 acres under hii,-h state of cultivation; 1 spring and creek; 1 mile to school; 2 acres as sorted orchard: 2 acres of berries' -room house, plastered; barn, chicken house, hog house. Price S7000, on terms 1 he place is well stocked and equipped, which can be included at a very rea sonable price. JOHN' FEHGUSON, Grlingrer Hldg. ' FAR M. 200 acres, on the ML Hood loop road, close to Sandy, Or.; 60 acres ln cultivation, 100 acres pasture. 40 acres timber; oil fenced and cross-fenced; run ning water, good barn, fair house, good family orchard, lots outbuildings; all p-ood land; can be subdivided; price fiO an acre; will consider less for cash. Write G. Boers, Sandy. Or. FARM BAROAIX. 50 acres, 20 A. in cultivation. lots of cordwood, bal. easy cleared; fair build ings, family orchard, plenty grapes. 14 acres in clover, live stream. 4 mi east of Oregon City on gravel road; $3700. easy terms. L. O. GERBER. 71 li Swetland bldg. COLUMBIA BLVD. FARM. Good barn, fair house, well, fruit and other improvements; phone, lights and city water available; no city as sessments: all fine rich land; will sell 5 to 20 acres at sacrifice for half cash. R. W. CARY. v 1219 Northwestern Bank Bldg. FOREST GROVE DISTRICT 50 ACRES. All level, cultivated, strictly modern buildings of all kinds, excellent condi tion: i mile paved road and electrio station. Owing to conditions will sell, approximate cost of bldgs. 628 Cham. of Com. RANCH SNAP. 4B6 acres, 100 in cultivation, a little over 25 miles south of Portland; splen did stock and dairy ranch, to be sacri ficed at $25,000. This includes full equipment of stock and implements. Ad dress P. O. box 1110. FOR SALE or trade. 212 acres, southeast of Scio, $G0 acre: 100 in cultivation rest in pasture, timber; barn, outbulldinans; ft springs, fenced; deal with owner, fca will get a bargain. Call after 0 P. M. or write Mrs. Marie Posvar. 600 E. 18th st. Sellwood loa. OFF FOR CANADA as soon as we can fill a sleeper. Can show you extra rood investments in farm lands. Talk this over with us at once. ATKINSON & PORTER, 112 W. Cth St.. Vancouver, Wash. FOR SALE 160 acres at Hood River, Or., near new loop road; 20 acres cleared, water, county road. telephone. Saw timber. Three miles from station on Mt. Hood railroad; $20 per acre. Will take automobile in part payment. Address T. E. R-. P. O. box 647. Hood River, Or. 320 ACRES, 5 miles west of Yoncalla, 80 acres cultivated, creek bottom, balance all clear except 80 acres; haa house, 2 barns and outhouses; water piped to house; price $S000; half cash, balance terms. Address Box 242, Sutherlin, Or. 10 "ACRES near Pacific highway; house and outbuildings; fruit, berries, chickens, cow, implements, etc. All for $2S:0, terms. F. K. Jesse, 627 Corbett bldg. Main Ttl41. $1300 CASH. SACRIFICE. 1G0 acres, fine Harney valley land; good water, fence and other Improve ments. Motor route A. box 180. Port land. FOR PALE 8Vi acre of river bottom land 15 miles trom Salem. AR 122, Oreconiaa,