THE SUNDAY OREGONIAH7" PORTLAND, OCTOBER 1T 1920 9. XXX fiV; l'fc:r - fcr4J V5k' ' " 4 - ,v ' jt I? k ? VigX v ' i - - ref": .il'-iifir. fk:..: t.v- . t: I' VI 5 1. b vt J Sir. iVrMteSfrtrlf!fz& affairs are Invitational, being limited to Kodana and their friends. The committee in charge are Jess J. Rich, Dr. Alfred Shut, Milton Margrolis, Harry Gevurtz. Shep Hochfeld, Harry Welnstein and A. Louis Paul. eon was served and several numbers for entertainment completed the pro gramm of the evening's business meeting. The next social evening will be October 28. r7 ft feOA COMLVG EVENTS. One of tbw event of the coming week looked forward to by the mem bers of the Elks' lodge is the opening dancing party which Is to be given Friday night at Chrlstensen's ball room. Eleventh and Yamhill streets. Arrangements have also been made for a few tables of cards as a diver sion for those who do not wish to dance all evening. This affair, which will be informal, will be the first of a series of dancing parties that have been planned for the winter season. The grand march will be led by Mr. and Mrs. George Lt. Baker at 9 o'clock. The Christian Endeavor society of the Piedmont Community Presbyte rian church will give a- Halloween social Friday evening, October 29, at 8 o'clock in the Sunday school rooms, to which all young people in the com munity and all Christian Endeavor members of the city are cordially In vited. There will be games, ghosts, fortunes, refreshments and music. The Kodans, the newly founded or ganization of the younger Jewish ele ment of Portland, will hold its first social event of the season in the way of an informal dance at the Irvlngton clubhouse next Thursday evening, Oc tober 21. The affair will include sev eral unique novelties which will be Introduced by members of the club. Inclusive of the usual prize dance. The Kodans are planning on giving a dance each month at the different clubhouses in the" city in addition to its usual line of activities. All of the Halloween eve a gala affair Is planned by the Rose City Park Cont inuity club at the clubhouse. Dancing will be the pastime of the evening. Each member is asked to bring a friend. The committee in charge has planned special features for the occa slon. Mrs. Robert N. Brewster will be hostess, assisted by Mrs. Arthur Laid law. Mrs. Frank Tauscher. Mrs. E. H, Miller and Mrs. C. E. F. Russ. Mrs. W. J. Vincent will entertain the past matrons of Corinthian chap ter. Order of Easter Star, at a bridge luncheon Wednesday at 883 East Fifty-fifth street North. e Peter A. Porter circle No. 25, Ladies of the Grand Army of the Republic will give an old-fashioned basket so cial next Wednesday at Baker's hall, Albina, and Killings-worth avenues. Women members are asked to "dress in old-fashioned costume and take a lunch for two. Friends are invited. The Laurelhurst club will dance on Thursday. The Laurelliurst club women's Af ternoon card party will be held at the clubhouse on Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Mrs. George Wentworth and Mrs. Charles Irwin will be the host esses. - Invitations have been issued for the annual convention of Royal Neighbors of America, which will convene at Lents October "2S, tt 1 R M. Accept- 1 ances indicate that practically every I city m this jurisdiction will be well j are: President, Mrs. Henrietta Ready; first vice-president, Mrs. Laura Fred erickson; second vice-president. Mrs. Ella Clark, and secretary-treasurer, Mrs. Nellie Redlinger. A tea will be given by the Will P. Dickenson Women's Relief corps and post at the home of Mrs. Zeller, 829 East Salmon street, Thursday after noon, from 2 to 5 o'clock. The October dance of the Travelers Protective association will be given at the Multnomah hotel on Saturday evening. Oct. 80. This will be a Halloween party and elaborate arrangements are being made for Hallowe'en decorations, in cluding pumpkins, goblins and other appropriate embellishments. Cider and doughnuts will be served for re freshments and, while lt will not be a masquerade party, the committee Is arranging a list of prizes to be given for those wearing the most unique Halloween costumes. The dance will be informal and these attending can come garbed in whatever is appropriate. The committee on arrangements Is.: Clyde Evans, chairman; Lou F. Fuller, Roy C. Slocum, T. J. Tobin, Earl Bunt ing. R. H. Brown and W. Q. Newell. The patronesses are: Mrs. Lou F- Fuller. Mrs. A. F. Burkhardt, Mrs. C. E. Bailey. Mrs. Stanhope Pier, Mrs. C. V. Wever and Mrs. F. A. Snow. The Laurelhurst club women's pro gressive unit will give a Halloween and hard-time party on October 30. This is for all club members. Marguerite Coterie will meet at the home of Mrs. Adams, 19S East Seventy- sixth street North, Thursday, October 21, at 10 A. M. A pot-luck luncheon will be served at 1 o'clock. Ail resi dent and sojourning Royal Neighbors and friends are welcome. V The women's organizations of Grace Lutheran church will give a "pink tea" on Thursday, October 21, in the church parlors at East Twenty-fourth street and Broadway. " The hours are 2 to 5 P. M. Rose City Park Community club will give a card party Friday, when bridge and BOO will be played. Mrs. George Carlson will be hostess. Mrs. Dale Campbell and Mrs. Frank Higby will assist. The Ladies of Macabees meet on the first and second Thursdays of the month at W. W. W. hall. Eleventh and Alder streets. A special programme has been arranged for next Thursday night in honor of the visiting knights and their wives. An Informal dancing and card party will be given by the Camelia Social club next Thursday night at the Pythian temple. West Park and Tarn hill. The committee in charge in cludes Mrs. W. E. Burks, Mrs. Jessie Coggeshall and Misses Blanch Kleeb, Ruth Zanders and Julia Ruddell. Patronesses will be Mesdames Jennie Crawford, Mayme Howatson, J. C Roswell, Mary Toucey, Ella Johnson, Catherine E. Stephens. Elizabeth Lomax, Flora Hopkins. Mae Mettler and Miss Nellie Lathrop. Myrtle Chapter Social cltfb will give another of its very successful benefit card parties Tuesday afternoon, Oc tober 26, at Pythian temple. All Eastern Stars and their friends have been invited. The Daughters of Isabella will take an active part in assisting at the Knights of Columbus bazaar. The en tire second floor has been turned over to them and various booths will be arranged therein. By far the most prominent will be the fancy-work booth, to which each member of the Concluded on Page IT.) Beers, Alice Freland, Roberta Coryell, Imagene Coryell, Marie Rousseau, Lela Winters, Marparet Burch, Mrs. Frank Womack. Mrs. Fred Beers, Frank Womack, Robert Womack. Fred Beers, Fred Beers Jr., Gilbert Brown, David Downing, Francis Womack, Eugene Winter, Florin Lounsberry. Ben Butler Relief Corps served a dinner to the post and corps at its last meeting and a pleasant social time was enjoyed by all, including several guests from other posts and corps. At the next meeting Tuesday, Oc tober 19, at 2 P. -M., the feature will be an address on Abraham Lincoln by Rev. C. E. Cline. All interested are cordially Invited to attend. m m ' Mrs. A. H. Labbe entertained with a luncheon Wednesday, honoring Mrs. Ray C'arnes (Helen Wyman), who is a sister-in-law of the hostess and a recent bride, from Prinevllle. Other guests honored were Mrs. L. R. Stone, Mrs. E. M. Guard, Mrs. M. Monroe and the Missea Eloise and Grace May Mon roe. Mrs. Lance Bell entertained with a miscellaneous shower in honor of her cousin. Miss Harriet Connolly, bride elect, last Saturday afternoon. Those present were Mrs. George Connolly, Mrs. C. C. Wise, Mrs. J. Dixon. Mrs. Frank Connolly, Mrs. Jennie Carr, Mrs. A. Beery. Mrs. C. M. Bequette, Mrs. Bell Gurr, Miss Marion Connolly, Miss Grace Connolly, Miss Harriet Connolly and the hostess. Mis3 Con nolly's wedding to Samuel Nizic was sui event of Thursday morning at the Holy Rosary church. Orphia temple, 17, Pythian Sisters, Installed the rank of sisterhood upon Mrs. Goodman and Mr. and Mrs. Gets Thursday evening, and have 14 new auplicants for membership on the books to be initiated next month. The hall was beautifully decorated with roses and palms In honor of the presence of W. J. H. Clark, newly elected grand" chancellor of the KniEhts of Pythias lodge of Oregon, and he was presented with a bouquet of pink rogetnirig. A delightfol lunch- ! IIM IIS . B 128 SIXTH ST. JUST Off WASHINGTON mHimmiimiTmimmmmmmmi! j j The First Style Requisite - ij il l ankle well clad in beautiful i jj fx hose is tKe first necessity exacted J I hy &ood taste. TKe essence of hosiery I l llluUl charm is offered in Holeproof. Finely l , ' "woven of threads that hrin& out the fashionable sheen. Tints to match If the &own. In service, Holeproof is all If one desires. Accurate in size and II shape. Dependable f Or lon& wear. if For Men, Women and Children II in Pure Silk, SUk Faced and A -' Lusterized Lisle. A.U desirable s shades. HOLEPROOF HOSIERY COMPANY - 'waB'f Wisconsin . - " R SSB MEIER & FRANK COMPANY See the First Section of This Paper for Our Four Full-Page Advertisements Shown for the First Time Monday the New FROLA SET CORSETS FRONT-LACE MODELS, FROLASET front-lace corsets have won for themselves an enviable reputa tion. Frolaset models are expertly designed so that they fit the figure of the small, medium or large woman. They are fashioned of excellent materials pret tily trimmed and give the appearance of far more expensive corsets than they really are. This shipment introduces the new so-called "Vamp" model to wear with low-back gowns. It is made of brocade and has elastic gussets in front and back so that it is very comfortable for dancing. Other models of brocade are devised for large women who tend to embonpoint under the arms and who need careful corseting at that point. Then there are models with large hip space and having elastic tops to.make them pleasantly com fortable. Junior corsets are an important part of Fro laset planning; new styles will be presented Mon day especially suitable for growing girls and deb utantes. Frolaset corsets are to be had with medium and very low busts, with long or short hips and in plain or brocaded flesh pink materials. They are made exceptionally well and the bon ing is of superior quality. FIVE TO TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS Corset Salons "The- Quality" Storo! Portland? Third Floor 2S6 Wa&hinKtoa Street imtnnmtnTmTTmtTTntir??TmTmmtt;tl, I C. C. Bradley Co. SM Washington St. Neu Park. iiinniimmiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiMHuimnmm : U3(Mi J SZ WMhinctoa a Sixth. Tinmmmummnnnnmniiminimiimli LENNON'S nimtmtmnnimmTmnnnmtmmtnii MorriseH at Fourth HinumtmnmwmmTmumtmnmiTnH Ol. Sichel 331 Washington st. newr broad way. t...Htiinnm!ininmnmnt!iHHHHimii 1 We Excel in DYEING FRENCH DRY CLEANING, STEAM CLEAN ING AND PRESSING OF ' . . , WEARING APPAREL OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, DRAPERIES AND CURTAINS CLEANED AND DYED Broadway Dye & Cleaning Works Corners Union Are Grand Are. JL fLm and Schuyler Street. F. E. KEEGLOW. Mgr. n bras up q PHONE YOUR WANT ADS TO THE OREGONIAN, Main 7070 A 6095 ' 1