THE STJXDAT; OREGONIAX, PORTLA5TD. OCTOBER 17, 1920 1f FOR BENT. houses. $40 STRICTLY modern; hardwood floors, even in kitchen; bedroom with bath ad Joining; reception room, living room, dining room and kitchen all on one floor. "West Moreland on Bast 18th S. $65 Beautiful home In Beaumont, be low the hill on East 40th N. Best built house In the neighborhood; 3 bedrooms; hot-air furnace. METZGER-PARKBR COMPANY, 269 Oak St. Bdwy. 5355. Phone Sunday between 10 and 12 noon to East 4913. LARGE, modern residence, suitable for certain business purposes; 10 rooms. 10Ux 200 feet of ground. fruit trees, berry bushes, etc.; house has all modern con veniences; also some carpets and all Shades. Kent $100. PARR1SH, W ATKINS & CO., 10U lid st. 6-ROOM HOME GARAGE. Rent receipts are worthless; you can buy this f ine home witb $50O cash ; everything first class, modern, full lot. right on wood carline. Investigate. THK LAWKK.NCE CO.. 212 Corbttt Bidg. Main 6915. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. 417 GLENN AVENUE. Open Sunday, lo to 1 P. M. Modern 6-room bungalow with garage. New iy decorated, close to school. C G, RUHKER, RENTAL REALTOR. :;pl Panama Bldg. I'OK RENT To a carpenter, attractive unfurnished cottage. 6 rooms, at $25 a month, or 3-room part at $15. Can give some employment on piace. K ing's Heights car iine. Mrs. Lee Hoffman, route 2, box 4. holiday Bros. Transfer Storage Co. Bdwy. 4221. FURNITURE AND PIANO MOVING, Long-Distance Hauling. Storage, Packing and Shipping. Bollday liros. Transfer & Storage Co; 5-ROOM clean and cosy bungalow, attrac tively furnished, possession today 1" de tired to party buying furniture ; 25 per cent down, balance terms to responsible parties only; house rents for $15. Phone Tabor 8008. - 1RVINGTON DISTRICT. 360 E. 0th st. No. Modern 7 rooms and sleeping porch; good condition; close to car. G. G, ROHKER, RENTAL REALTOR, mOI Panama Bldg. TWO AND 3-ROOM cottages at -Oswego Lake; will rent for $10 and $15 per month respectively ; water and lights, garden place. Call 500 Concord bldg., and Stark. m 1800 DIVISION ST. Large 8-room modern house, sleeping porch, furnace, etc. ; ground 140x24b ; garage; $75 month. GEO. T. MOORE CO., 1007 Yeon Bidg. It' HEX YOTJ MOVE Use NORTHWESTERN ELECTRIC light service. Broadway B80. Auto. 6747. 6-ROOM house, not modern, near Will iams ave. and Beech st. ; adults only: $20. Phone WoodUwn 157b" Sunday. 10 to 5. HOTEL AND APARTMENTS. Brick building. 00 rooms. 3-year lease, profits large; $40O0 cash, balance month ly HOUSE FOR RENT, furniture for sale; 5 rooms, lower part of nice modern home for rent, furniture for sale; Sunnside district. Marshall 3372. tt H, 10TH ST. N. New stx-rooin, strictly modern bungalow: rent $75; or will sell; price $5250, $500 down, $40 per mo. lrvlngton c.r; unlocked today. East 4000. -ROOM modern house, with garage: 67th St., near Powell Valley, $35 per month. Must be responsible people. Call Ta bor 876. MODERN 6-room bungalow with garage, partly furnished, corner 44th and Han cock; rent $S5; will lease for tt months. ' all Tabor Mil. " TO RENT ln 3 years lease only. West Side home. modern. completely fur nished, $150 per month. Phone Main R072. 1010 Thurman st. SIX-ROOM house and sleeping porch. Large hen house and runs. Fruit trees on large Int. One block from car line. Call at 841 E. li'.'th at, -ROOM house, modern, corner, two blocks from Washington high school ; double garage, $75 per month to adult tenants. P l'.'J. Oregon ian. 441 EAST 13TU ST. N. Will lease $50 per mo., or will sell $4500 ; small payment down, balance like rent. SIS Chamber of Commerce. Main S052. I'OK KENT $1 0 pe.r month, water in cluded: old -fashioned 5-room house, close In. one block from fine school. 1027 Til ls iinook st. FOR RENT CJose-in 7-room, modern house partially furnished; fireplace and furnace. 720 E, Madison. Call 21S-15 or Wilwy. 4l6!. " 60S HAROLD AVE. 7-roorn modern house, large lot. paved licet. $35 niuntli. ;ko. t. mquke CO., 1007 Teon Bldg. Ft J K SALE or rent. Tabor view property, double, constructed ; 7-room house with psirage; reference required. Tabor 571.' MOVlN'i Piano, rurniture and long-distance hauliug a specialty. O. & W. Truck Service Co., 40 2d st. Phone Bdwy. 5121. 11- It OO M hwune for rent to people buying furniture, desirable home, boarding or "roomers, h. w. f., tile bath. Main 347S. o-RHM house, lot 100x100; gas. elec tricity and full basement. Call 2100 liul- ln day ave. LAIUiE 10-room house. Holladay Addition, tinted, etc., to suit tenant. Call East Itltt E. YAMHILL. 5 nice clean rooms for rt'nt. ir.ciut.itng piano. Furnihedl House. 1X It K EN T W e 11 - f u r rws bed home, Port land Heights, 8 room?, grand piano, ma hogany 1 urniture, electric washing ma chine, electric stove; $135 per month, tail Marshall 6o33, or write A 6, Orego nian. Nli'K, clean, homelike bungalow for rent; attractively furnished, ready to step into. Immediate possession to party buying furniture, part payment down, balance trms to responsible party only; house rents for $25. Tabor SuOS. $ROOM cottage for rent, furniture for sale, all Roltien oak : miners wooo ior sitle : h'no fruit. Take Woodlawn car A ins won h avenue, walk 7 blocks east. 2d bouse on corner north. 12S7 E. 1 2th North. Leaving city. W EST PIPE, EXCLUSIVE DISTRICT, HE A 1TT I FT fLY FlT li N t S H E D : 5 BED, n HATH ROOMS: STRICTLY MODERN: H A H D W OO D FLOORS, WHITE KNAMKI, Til HOUUKUUT. $200. K 1011. OREC.ONIAN. VERY classy Rose City park, ultra-modern buiifjulow; elaborately furnished; gara: 2 bedrooms; uu children; tU. Ait uit, i trHRotiian. . A- ...ISHBD house, 8 rooms, best residence locality. $150 pr month to reliable ten ants only. Address R. L. Macleay,- U. S. Rank bldg.. city. t ROOMS, com pleteiy furnished. 363 Hulsey st.. near Union ave. Call after 1 o'clock. Km RENT Nov. 1. 6-room nicely fur nished house with steeping porch. Main 47 li. HODKRN, nicely furnished S-room houM', will want room and board for three. Main H3S3, or East 014. JTRMSHEP 4-room house. 2 short blocks Woodlawn car; $30. W 106, Ore gon tan. ft-ROOM furnished house in Seltwood, S27.50. Including light, and water. Phone Ea st 6S40. 8- HOOM bouse. partly furnished, con venient to terminal. 910 N. Ivanhoe, St. Johns. 7-KOOM hou-e with gurMg. On paved street. WW car line. Sell wood 3.V7. UAN'T a couple to share 8-room furnished h'use in Hawthorne addition; must have rl crenels. Call Tabor ".ltil after 10 A. M. 6-K'HiM furnished house with ptano, no bfddins; no objection to children; wet ddf. $40 a month. Broadway 3054. KL'KMSHKU 4 or 6-room hou.e, sleeping porch and garaere: modern; no children: hIso wood lor tale. HQS Mllwaukie' st 7-HOOM house for rent, furniture for sale cheap: 2 rooms rented. Call East 782a. Mrs. M. Potts. Kli;ii T- ROOM house, furnace, newly fur niMted; renter to purchase all or part of urniture. 24 4 24 th North. FI KXISHUD house and $35 Dr month to couple w ho will bord children. AB 1 12. Oregonian. FL HNISH Eli HOUSE in good condition: modern, hot-water furnace, to reliuble adults with reiorences. 851 Northrup. N U'W l.Y furnished i'-room home, modern; choice location 3O0 E. 22d. East 1223. Fl'KNITCKE 6-room house for sale, house for rent or sale. Automatic 517-64. 4 -ROOM furnished house. 530 Market, near 16th st. $.10 COMPLETELY FCRN. BUNGALOW :n Richmond; new furniture. Sell. 651. FoR RENT S-rm. furnished house. Main 42.-4 $100. SM A l.L furnished house for rent. C41II Wri.n. SV".' 4-ROM houe for rent. $10 a month; new furniture for sale. M9 Albiua ave. 8-ROOM cottage furnished, water, lights, $20. 11 N. Prescott. Call Sunday. NICELY furnished house , to responsible parties, $;.". "' East Salmon today. COSY 3-room cotts e, nlv adults. Wdln. 019. lOo I E. 4 La N, Cid FOB RENT. Furaifthed Houses. A DANDY 6-room house and baseme'nt; 12 minutes out. house not for sale, $25. Buy this furniture, oak and leather up holstered, fine condition, will last you a lifetime, for $30O lens than cost. Every thing complete. 231 Fremont. "Wood lawn 3653. FOR RENT West side 7-room house, good sleeping porch, completely fur nished; will lease for one year; no chil dren ; references required ; rent $85. HENRY W. GODDARD, 243 Stark St. Main 831. Monday. FIVE-ROOM cottage. 4 rooms furnished, bath, toilet, gas, elec. and water, ga rage, fruit, berries, flowers and chick en houses; will lease one year to adults with references, tenant to buy winter's fuel in basement: nice clean place. Ad- dress 105. Oregonian. . , 5-ROOM house, clean and modem. $40; no children; references. 4707 Forty-ninth St.- S. E. Woodstock car to Holgate. $60. 7-ROOM furnished house, garage. 6S9 E. Alder St., near E. Twentieth. E. 7820. St or and Business Places. OFFICE SUITES. The following desirable office suites will be for rent November 1 at very reasonable rentals. TWO 2-ROOM SUITES TWO 5-ROOM SUITES ONE 3-ROOM SUITE AND ONE LARGE SINGLE ROOM. Located in the heart of the financial district. Ideal for lawyers as we have a complete law library for the free use of tenants. See Superintendent, room 218 TEN TON BUILDING, or for appointment call Broadway 1769. FOR RENT In Blake-McFall build ing, opposite Multnomah hotel, 13.000 square feet will divide). A very desirable combination of office, sales and storage rooms; both freight and passenger ele vators; steam heat. SEE H. H. BURPEE, Wilcox iildg- Main 563S. LARGE, modern residence, suitable for certain business purposes ; 10 rooms, 100 by 200 feet of ground, fruit trees, berry bushes, etc.; house has all modern con veniences; also has some carpets and all shades; rent $100. PARRISH, W ATKINS & CO., 106 2d st. SMALL OFFICE AND SPACE FOR CAR FOR RENT IN AUTOMOBILE RE PAIR AND MACHINE SHOP. BOLTON SERVICE STATION. 10TH & COUCH ST. TWO UPPER floors. 50xlO0. 2d st.. near Morrison. Inquire Marcus Conn. .207 Stock Exchange bldg. t STUDIO for rent, suitable for music con servatory, t or particulars can jiarsaau 3521. 211 N. 23d St. FOR RENT A fine lodge hall. Sundays and Wednesday evenings. Call Main 1034. O. O. Baker, 310 Oregonian bldg. $35, STORE, 18x60, full basement; Holla day, near East First. Key at drug store. STORE for rei. Nov. 1, 248 1st St., bet. Main and Madison. Mar. 50S2. COR. STORE, full cement basement. 310 "Williams ave. near Broadway. 18 12TH ST.. near Stark. D. G. Woodward, agent, 104 2d at. NO. 18 12TH ST., near Stark. I. G. Woodward, agent, 105 2d at. STORE 20x50, 227 Clay St., between First and Second; $20. SMALL main floor space, very central. Bdwy. 3422. Office. A CASH BUYER. To sell your business quickly, quietly and without publicity, see or write ALLISON & BILLINGS. 401-402 Dekum Bldg. Established 1904. TWO ROOMS for rent in connection with drug store; separate entrance. Suitable for dentist's office, real estate office, etc Tabor 5243. ' 2 FRONT office rooms in, steam-heated brick bldg. ; fine location for doctor. Call 846 u. Mississippi ave. Sunday. Phone AVdln. 1240 .Monday. OUTSIDE office in Gasco bldg.,one room, part of suite with private entrance. A-l building. A-l service. D 130. Orego- nian. EXTRA well furnished office room at 517 Chamber of Commerce bldg.; a dandy location for real estate office; rent rea sonable. FRONT office, modern. In Railway Ex change bldg- Apply room 312. OFFICES-for rent. McKay Bldg., Third and Stark st. OFFICES for rent. Flicdner Bldg., 10th and Wash. St. . M iscrllaneouft. ONE-STORY brick building. 50x100. E. 7th a-nd E. Pine; suitable for warehouse. factorv or garage. Call 450 E. Oak. East 33M. FOR LEASE for long term of years. 1Ox 100. close in, west side. A 171, Orego- nia n. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. ON ACCOUNT of insufficient capital to conduct an advertising campaign and lack of efficient pales management, a manufacturing business, now a close cor poral ion. manufacturing meritorious de vices and controlling valuable patents, can be purchased outright for $20,000 cash. A great opportunity for an estab lished concern or any foresighted busi ness man financially able to handle tt. The most rigid investigation is solicited. Don't answer unless you have the money and mean business. Addresa Y 190. Ore gon inn. FIRST TIME OFFERED FOR SALE. First-class 20-room and boarding house: west side: worth $4000: for quick sa.le $3200: $2000 cash; netting about $250 pei month. C J. CULL1SON, 205 Morrison SU SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY. Here !s an exceptional chance for man who has knowledge of stove busi ness. W ill reciuire a man with per sonality and capital of about $0000. This is absolutely a safe proposition. A 17ii, Oregoniuu. COUNTRY STORE. Located in thick ly -set tied German community on railroad. 30 miles from Portland. Will rent good building and !i ntrr livlnff rooms and big garden spot cheap. $!SM0 for stock and fixtures or invoice: take part or discount for cash. Here's a place to make yourself independent. SIMMS. 607 HENRY BLDG. POOL ROOM. Rig 10-table busy corner; the very best equipment: cost nearly $12,000 to instal; clears $500 a month: vry low rent. Owner called away. $4500 takes It; some terms to good party. SIMMS. 07 HENRY B LDfl. HARDWARE STORE. $11,000 stock and fixtures. Old estab lished place doing good business; good clean stock; nice brick bldg.. reasonable rent. If you want a good one, this is It. SIM MS. fiU 7 M fi.N K Y tsi.i CIGAR STORE. Hlg downtown office bldg. This store never offered before today. Doing $40 to $i0 day. Good lease, reasonable rent. $2200. SIMMS. 607 HSNRT BLDG PARTNER FOR GARAGE. Modern concrete garage: 40 -car stor- B ri.vjar Ic.ijia : owner needs a Dart ner to sell the gas. oils. etc. and be handv in garage: good profits and small investment required. Call room 401 Dekum bldg. country GROCERY 3 living rooms. near cttv limits. Rent $35; lease, clears noo month. Fixtures $400. Invoice Luck $2000. A. J. DEFOREST A CO. 3 JO Henry Bldg. Broadway 5S90. CENTRALLY located; 39 housekeeping rooms witn lease, clearing over -uu per month; winter's fuel In; steam heat; $2700 cash puts you In possession, then your worries are over. Call at 164 West Park st. DOWNTOWN CAFETERIA. Doine $123 day; eood equipment, rood lease, fine location. Business can be doubled. Price $3500. some terms. SIMMS. 007 H ENRY BLDG. TAILOR shop, including Singer machine, irons, samples. eauipment to main clothes; fine opening for ladies' tailor and dressmaking; housekeeping rooms in connection, cheap. 04 Main St.. van couver. Wash, POOL hall, confectionery, soft drinks: do ing good business; 4 tables; has no on-position; must sWl at once as am leav ing city; make me an offer for cash. 112& Albina ave. CHANCE o fa lifetime for a man eana. bie to act as sawyer In mill, who is willing to invest s-uuu or more. J IBS, O' ego man. UNION cylinder and job pressman. 15 years experience: references: will Invest . a i X 1 11 StIUV UiUUCJ. Au lllli VICfeUUlMI. BCSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. COUNTRY NEWSPAPER. Owner offers live conntry weekly news paper and job printing plant, located in live town in the Yakima valley, Wash ington. This has been run as a one man proposition, but man and boy could make it pay over $300 a month; present owner will work two or three days each . week for purchaser if desired. Will make good proposition to cash purchaser. For particulars address box A3 101, Orego nian. STORAGE BATTERY COMPANY. Dotal good paying business. One of the best equipped . shops In the city; good west scde location; must sell at once: If you aro interested it will pay you to Investigate. X 21. Oregoaiaa. A WELL established milk products com pany with two lines of unusual merit and general demand, desire a high grade representative. The applicant must be man of ability and with suffi cient capital to really become a vital part of an organization that has been wonderfully successful on a small capi tal and Is now preparing to expand. Districts to be covered are Oregon and Washington. Bank references will be given and required. Address A. H. Tasker, 712 Gasco Bldg., Portland. Or. THE RE are still some Oregon towns open in which men of ability can ac quire the -exclusive agency for a na tionally advertised automobile necessity. It is now used on thousands of cars throughout the state and is standard equipment on a number of the better known cars. The replacement sales each year are enormous. Some capital neces- sary but ability is the prime considera tion. Men familiar with the automotive industry preferred. Address factory rep resentatlve. B 117. Oregonian. TAILOR'S OPPORTUNITY. Well-established, prosperous tailoring business for sale- in a lively enterprising town of 3500; located in the best busi ness block, no comeptltion; failing health forces owner to a change to a dryer cli mate and will sacrifice; will rent the whole 2-story building with complete housekeeping facilities, bath, etc., for $25 a month and a lease. Write at once for particulars. AY 54o, Oregonian. SWELL POOL" AND" BILLIARD HALL. Brlckrbldg., rent $27. HO with heat and water, good lease, 5 pool and 1 billiard table, swell set fixtures and a good stock; doing a nice business; price for all. $2300. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 35 Oak Street. ESTABLISHED AUTOMOBILE BUSINESS Will sell half interest or all: excep tional opportunity for experienced auto mobile man with limited capital to han dle medium-priced standard make of car for Oregon and Idaho; splendid lo cation In heart of automobile row, with lease. Investigate immediately. AO 880. Oregonian. POOL HALL. BRICK BUILDING. RENT $20. FREE HEAT AND WATER. 4 tables, back and front bar. lots of high chairs and fine stock: will sacrifice for $2 OU0, pome terms; clearing ovex $300 per month. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 3X Oak Street. RESTAURANT and confectionery supplies for sale ; fixtures ; soda fountain, car bonator. glass ware of all kinds, pots, pans and cooking utensils. Gas range and plates, chairs, tables, show cases, scale, cash register, dishes, coffee urns, electric fans. Klees Sweet Shop, 2M1 Morrison St. Phone Mar. 3123. ORGANIZE your business as a declaration of trust and guarantee its legality; fur nish ten expert salesmen free who sell stock on commission. Save taxes, foes, penalties, reports to blue-sky commission. AO vice, literature ire. Aationa.1 organi zation Co., 12a W. Madison, Chicago,Itl. FIRST-CLASS restaurant business best location in city, including cement diock building and complete line of fixtures; also stock on hand with all winter's fuel, etc., for the sacrificing price of $Gooo. Steven's restaurant. o2 A St., Ashland, Oregon. $i;00 BUYS thoroughly equipped beauty parlor and stock ; a bargain, clearing IliOO per month ; rent. Including steam heat, hot and cold water, $40. SEE BROWN &. 8IDDLB, 324 Ry. Ex. bldg.. 3d and Stark. 'IF IT IS INSURANCE WE WRITE IT." REAL ESTATE BONDS NOTARY BONDS FIRE INSURANCE. SMITH-WAGONER CO., Stock Exchange. FOR SALE A good, retail bakery at Aber- aeen. in new Duilaing, on a prominent street; a good equipment, just the place for a man and wife. Must be seen to be appreciated. Address J. B. Uaynes, A brdeen. Wash. DRY GOODS store, well established, ex cellent location, tow rem, incj-uaing steam heat, shelvings, counters; must jell account health; rare opportunity Do not answer unless you mean business. Y 182, Oregonian, PICTURE THEATER In growing eastern Oregon town . on Columbia nignway, fully equipped, seats 300, 3-year lease, rent moderate, good paying proposition; terms reasonable. AV 540, Oregonian. WANTED A capable man with some cap ital to take charge or mill end or an excellent portable proposition, immediate action necessary. Lock Box S&. Menlo, wash. ANY BUSINESS or property sol quickly ior casn; no puDiicuy; 01a. reuaoie, licensed brokers. Chicago Business & Realty Exchange, 327 S. La Salle, Chi cago. t $325. Neat little millinery, welt stocked, good location, sacrifice for $325 if sold quick; fixtures alone worth $250. - Sell wood 1206. ON ACCOUNT of ill health, must sell cheap, confectionery and restaurant, all equipped, with lease, on Mt. Hood loop, corner Main and Powell ts., Gresham, Or. L. Hylton. JOB OFFICE for sale; best paying, best equipped l-man job plant in Portland; abundant material, established 6 years; continued illness of owner reason for selling. Address C 42, Oregonian. FOR SALE Store and dwelling; clean stock and rixtures; good living room with modern Dutch kitchen, bath, gas and electricity. Phone Woodlawn 377. GROCERY store, stock and fixtures, about $3000; doing $100 'per day cash; 50-fL front. 6-room house, large ya rd. 3-year lease: no agents. Phone Marshall 2!':iS. ONE FEED MILL, grinding all kinds of feed flour; equipment cost JSOOO; 6 lots. 2-story building : all $rMK). Inquire W. II. Oibson, Rainier hotel. A GOOD sawmill proposition; half Interest or whole ror sale; good timber ana good trade. Address News-Review. Rogeburg. $10,000 WILL control manufacturing prop osition; estaDiisnea, aoing Business; in vestigate. O 53. Oregonian. FOR SALE SMALL BEAUTY PARLOR, DOW IN lUVlt jJJA LKJn . A X 171, OREGONIAN. -w FINE restaurant, doing good business; rent $45. lease: price iiu, hiu flown. WOODCOCK, 200 HENRY BLDG. BARBER oh airs, mirrors and supplies.; great sacrifice. 86 Sixth St.. near Stark. 431. Oregonian. PILES can be permanently cur4 with at operation. Call or writ Dr. Dean. 24 M o rrison St. BAKERY, all retail, doing over $70 & day business; about $2000 will handle this. T 183. Oregonian. irow SALE Am leaving- city, will sell cleaning and dyeing business cheap for ' cash, iv iwi. oregonian. NEW INVENTION, best-selling proposition on the market, $1000 rqulr-d to handle. D. C. Wax. 31 N. 5th st. Bdwy. 2739. ADVERTISE IS words In TOO monthlies. $3; lOu weeKies, -' oik uaiiies, si.uw. C ope Agency, t- oma. jio. FOR SALE Confectionery, lunch room, opposite high school, building included, 7o0. 561 E. Stark. RESTAURANT for sale cheap If taken at once; going oui on account 01 sic Knees. 40- Ull&a-n st. PARTNER Ladies' and Gents' photograph galiery. no rent, reara uaexpenucca 107 S first street. PARTNER In portable sawmill and two 1 t a n I n c a wanted. Tabor 3069. ADVANCE man with mon-ey wanted to take a Hawaiian snow on me roao. Call Min ito. room ON ACCOUNT of my health I have to sell my dandy ilttie miwmery store at e Mississippi ave. uiBiH. INCOME property' In a growing town, pay ing 15 per cent on the Investment. Price $4000. Answer, a v o-n. uregonian. JOB PRINTING business and plant, steady work: good two-man shop; $1500 cash. AG 57, uregonian. POOL room (4 tables', confectionery and lunch counter: $2500; stock at Invoice about $MK. owner. Columbia 751. IF YOU want a good grocery at the right rice, phone Jaain oi $700 SALES contract for sale. Woodlawi house: will discount lOTo. East 6557. RESTAURANT for sale; doing fine busi ness. WiH consider terms. 282 1st at. GOOD restaurant, cheap rent, lease; $1200, terms. See Monday, 1W N- 6ih st. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Consisting of7 groceries, hard ware, shoes and furniture, in a very live town with big payroll and great future, on Columbia river (down). Sell at invoice about ,$000; daily sales average $176 per day. ALBERT HARALA 73a Mississippi Ave. FOR SALE Grocery and feed business. . long-established, first-class farming and dairying community, some logging camps and mills, sales last year over $06,000: stock will invoice around $6000. We hold property, consisting of large . roomy store building and three ware houses at $3KH; fixtures and a 1-ton Ford truck, in first-class condition, at $100O. This is an ideal location for some one wishing to establish a department store. Come and see for yourself or write Neeley & Simmons. Oakvilie. Wash, GET IN on a co-operative basis to oper ate a factory; will need about 6 men and 14 women to start work and furnish money for material and rent of build . ing; I' have fully equipped plant and trade-marked article. For particulars write .L, Marten, The Dalles, Or. Box 6G3. ' CONFECTIONERY AND CHECK ROOM. oTH ST.. ON CORNER. GOOD LEASE. Close to Union depot, doing $H5 per day in confectionery besides $10 per day In checkroom; he' owns the build ing; will sell the whole business, etock, fixtures, leae. ' building for the small sum $2000. $1550 cash. bal. easy. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO. 3-OG Oak Street. PATENTS Write. for free guide book and evidence of conception blank; send model or sketch and description of in vention for our free opinion of its (Patentable nature; highest references, prompt attention, reasonable terms. VIC TOR J. EVANS & CO.. Hobart bldg.. Sau Francisco. CaL Main offices, 642 9th St.. Washington. D. C . 4-TABLE POOL HALL, BRICK BLDG.. - Corner; soda fountain. wall cases, candy cases, high ch al rs, good s toe k, a swell location for a live man; owner too old to handle; give me $17X and I will walk out. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 3v5 Oak Street. NO WILD IDEAS. SOUND BUSINESS. Have opportunity to purchase at In voice established business and want part ner with executive ability to take ac tive part; small investment required and balance can be paid from earnings of the business. Y 130. Oregonian. SWELL RESTAURANT ON UNION AV3. TRANSFER POINT. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. Fully equipped and doing a fine busi ness; rent only $o0; 3 years' lease; a read business and snap for $2500. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 305 Oak Street. DENTAL OFFICE for sale in good small eastern Oregon town. All new, fully equipped. Have to give up practice on account of ill health. . If you want a good paying permanent location investi gate immediately. Terms cash. Answer, AV 550, Oregonian. SWAP A repair shop and garage In Tilla mook City for a 7-seated car of late model, prefer a Bulck 21-49 or Stutx Big Six. What have you? Write, phone or come. Value $1890. Square Deal Re pair Shop. Phone Bell. 73-J, Tillamook, Oregon, $750 CLEANING AND PRESSING SHOP $7-50. Hoffman press. Singer machine, in fact, a 1 real location and swell busi ness; rent $20; old-established place. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 305 Oak Street. SPLENDID orportunity to buy a Ls r.- geies jams ana preserves ractory. num ber one order. first-class materials, boilers, kettles, peelers, slicers. motors, etc.: good lease and location. Fur parti culars write 323 North Los Angeles eveet. Lob Angeles, Cal. Price SS000. WE HAVE a very attractive business op portunity ior one who can sell an auto mobile necessity. About $0O0 required for stock. Exclusive territory. E. Piston Ring Co., 804 West Pico, Los Angeies, Cal. FOR SALE or trade. A-l auto rename shoD. moaarn ana up-to-date equipment, do ing good business, located on west side in automonne district; will trade tor property or take good auto as part pay ment aj iiu, oregonian. WANTED Every man or woman looking xor an opportunity to better their pres ent position or Income, write for "LOOK ING AHEAD." Address THE PACIFIC CHIROPRACTIC COLLEGE. Park and Yamhill, Portland, Or. FOR SALE bv owner, a nrst-clftsa crocerf store taKing iu a day; books to prove the business done for 3 years; stock and nature. or win invoice, man and wife can handle; this Is a real bargain; owner retiring. Phone Marshall 2187. FOR SALE Sellwood Sweet Shop, hlgh- ciass conrectionery ana cigars", old-established business; good lease and income irom ouiiding covers ail overhead ex perse. 161 E. loth st. " DKUGGIST to buy a good business comer on easy terms and start a store. Gen eral line can be handled. Will give ngnt party a good deal. Call Sunday, 1031 Killlngsworth ave. WANTED Partner mfg. business, unusual opportunity, siuuu required; worth in vestigating, have plenty of raw material put no macmnery. write . M. Ar nold. Scotta Mills. Or. DRUGSTORE, splendid corner location. good business. invoice So 000. No com petition. Other business forces sale. See this before the other fellow buys it. W 104. Oregonian. CAUTION, BUYERS Before closing deal 01 so-canea interest in established reai estate business, get advice of Portland Realty Board, 421 Oregon bldg. Broad way iua. BUSINESS property at New berg. Or. Good corner location on main business st. Good 2-story storebullding and 5-room modern house, a his is a sacrifice at $o0O0. From owner, 'lerms. 11 1st at.. New berg. Or. GROCERY and delicatessen, good east side location, rent ::u, lease, living room. Hurrougns, witn interstate .Land Co., 24 Stark st. ON ACCOUNT of other business will sell confectionery and cigar store at a eac rifice. Good west side location; over head expense small. AC lu, Oregonian. J0O BUYS transfer business, lM--ton Pan- hard truck, otTtce fixtures, etc. SEE BROWN & BIDDLE. S24 Ry. Ex. bldg.. 3d and Stark. , FOR SA1 ,E Truck line on dandy good haul. This is your chance, truckmen. Inquire at 67 N. 2d st. Phone Automatic R 16-91. for Cannon. $1050 , BUYS well-equipped 5-chair barber shop, right downtown; rent $80. SEE BROWN & BIDDLE. 324 Ry. Ex-Bldg- 3d and Stark. BLACKSMITH and shoeing shoo, money maker, doing good business; will show returns. $laO cash for Quick ale AV ooi, oregonian. $110O CAFETERIA , west side. well equipped, living room ; terms. See Bur roughs with Interstate Land Co., 2-48 stark st. RESTAURANT for sale or lease; well lo cated in gooa town in- ramous Yakima - valley. J or details write x A. Courter, owner, prosser. Wash., box 404. BLACKSMITH shop for sale; electric equipped ; plenty work. Doherty Broa Koseourg. ur. r.onn nlaee for barber shoo In nw hnfirf. ing. good location, will fix to iuk tenant. 49 3d St. N. $HKM LUNCH counter In "public market, long lease, $40 day business. See Bur roughs. Interstate Land Co.. 248 Stark st. FOR SALE Soft drink place in working district, inquire 1 iortn 3.6th at. but. 10 A. M. and 1 r. Al. r.RVRRAL mdse. store, dolnsr SlOO dpv. $ 1800. Main 0517 or AV 638, Orego nian. $15,000 STOCK of hardware, less than 40 miles from rortiana, aoing a good, busi ness. AV 646, oregonian. DRUG STORE. $2500 handles it; invoices' $320O; rent $25; sales gu. a iZif, u re go n tan. LIVE vnum man. DartTier. fast m on making proposition; small investment required, xl. 1&0, uregonian. RESTAURANT for sale: doing good bnsl. ness; must sell at once. 375 E. Burn side. corner l. nion. -cast uo. SHOE SHOP for sale; am going to Eu rope, will sell reasonably cheap. 748 irst Bi ana rorier. t UK tiAi-.r x-c imir - 1 i'cr mop, m. gooa up-to-date and complete outfit. 10R So. mwt Kf .Inhn. Phnn. Pnl 1 rvfr FOR SALE Large, well-paying cafeteria; long lease; splendid location. B 113. tiregonian. RESTAURANT for sale cheap; have other business. Appiy owner, brand ave. 44 W. 6TH ST.. PORTLAND. BAKERY for sale; cash business; living room in eminccuuu. m v imama ave, RESTAURANT doing good business tor sajle cheap. 42 oitsan st. BARBER shop for sale. 25 Sth et., OP- posit-e city nan. TAILOR shop. Including A -Hoffman press. 6-j- casn. ah oregonian. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. PACIFIC AGENCY, INC.. 614-20 SWETLAND BLDG., COR. STH AND WASHINGTON. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. CAFETERIA. RENT $50. PRICE $450. ING NICE BUSINESS. DO- CAFETERIA. BROADWAY LOCATION. PRICE $1760. $1200 WILL HANDLE. DOING $125 DAILY. CAFETERIA. RENT $25; 2-THAR LEASE; LA RUW ROOM AND BASEMENT. PRICE $3750. RECEIPTS $125 AND UP. 60 CHAIRS, WELL. EQUIPPED. OWNER WANTS TO RETIRE. GROCERY, CONFECTIONERY, CIGARS, TOBACCO & FRUITS. NICE CORNER LOCATION. CHEAP RENT; LIVING ROOMS; SOMETHING YOU COULD NOT DUPLICATE. CLOSE IN ON BAST SIDE. PRICE $1600. YOU WILL HAVE TO HURRY TO GET THIS ONE. WEST SIDB GROCERY. RENT $60 : 5 ROOM S, A LL MODERN; GARAGE: GARAGE RENTED FOR $4. ROOM $25. PRICK $4200. LUMP OR IN VOICE. THIS IS A REAL STORB AND A REAL LOCATION. DOING $75 PER DAY CASH AND CARRY. EAST SIDB GROCERY. RENT $40. WITH LEASE. DAILY RECEIPTS $125 TO $250 DAILY. THIS IS ONE OF THE BEST STORES ON EAST SIDE. LUMP OR INVOICE $5000. EAST SIDE GROCERY, CLOSE IN. LIVING rOM3 CAN BE AR RANGED. $800 FOR FIXTURES AND INVOICE STOCK. THIS STORE IS DOING A FINE CASH AND CARRY BUSINESS. PRICE FOR ALL ABOUT $3800. GROCERY, BAKERY, HARDWARE AND PAINTS. ROOM 72 ',4x50 WITH BAL CONY. STOCK BETWEEN $0000 AND $10,000. WILL CONSIDER BUNGALOW UP TO $5000. RENT $S5 PER MONTH WITH LEASE. BAST SIDE GROCERY. RENT $60.0. WITH LEASE. INVOICE RECEIPTS $225 DAILY CASH AND CARRY STOCK WILL RUN ABOUT $7000. FIXTURES INCLUDED. WILL CUT AS MUCH STOCK DOWN AS YOU WANT. HAVE OTHER BUSI NESS. IF YOU WANT A REAL BUSINESS LOOK THIS ONE OVER. RESTAURANT. MTLWATTKTH. OR., FINE HOME RESTAURANT. RENT $2.. 2 LIVING ROOMS: 8 FURNISHED ROOMS UPSTAIRS. PRICE $1000. RESTAURANT. RENT $100. LEASH YEAR AT TIME. PRICE $2000, TERMS. DO ING $0 PER DAY AND UP. 48 SEATING CAPACITY: GOOD BA.KB OVEN. DANDY NEAT PLACE; DOWNTOWN LOCA TION. SWIMMING POOL AND CON FECTIONERY. NEAT LITTLE PLACE: ft-TR. LEASE AT $40; DOING $40 PER DAY AND UP. PRICE $3000. SOFT DRINK, CARD ROOM, CIGARS A N'D TOBACCO, LIGHT LUNCH. WASHINGTON ST. LOCATION. THIS CAN BE MADE A WINNER. PRICE $3-r00. ONE OF THE BEST COR. LOCATIONS ON WASH INGTON ST. PACIFIC AGENCY, INC., 514-20 SWETLAND BLDG., COR. STH AND WASHINGTON. Doing $90 to $100, table 'and 'counter vuiua, -w tc7 t c tun uanuie nice iy busy corner, low rent. Price $1400, some terms. SIMMS. 607 HENRY BLDG. RESTAURANT, nice location, everything i-umpittLt;, rent iree to .November 1 Xine for man and wife; '$600. NORTHWEST HOTEL NEWS, 714 COUCH BLDG. A P A RTN ER WAKTTT.n For an office business; references some Of leading Portland business firms; buyer must be reliable: $1400 required. rdiucuiara room JJeKUm Dlag. BARBER SHOP. Around & shipyard, only $10 rent per month. Owner wants to leave town on account 01 siCKness. 47 1st st. S. $775 DANDY little restaurant, well equipped, averaging $HO a day. $50 cash, bal. easy terms. Morris, 410 nHiiway rjii.n. omg. FOR RKNT A ontni bakery, equipped with Edison electric oven. Long lease, reasonable rent. Main $.r-0 LIGHT grocery, corif. and soft drinks; ulose in; living acts. Receipts $25 a rfv Some terms; leaving city. Harper, 410 GOING GROHRRV BTftBB! Best Portland suburb; well stocked; will sell building or rent. Marshall WANTED Good live butcher tn An meat market in connection with grocery . uwi corner on east ' Side. T. reienon, j.o r.. ELartc. $2150 WILL buy contract for $2250, pay able $40 per month. 6 ner cnt intt secured by modern bungalow. C. J uuisoa xvou jl. s La. 1 e jo.t zuo)fr Morri- WA NTED Motion picture theater, have xrnnn r-m sh At- noA 1 . $00O0, or both for good theater. Phone Main 5478 after 5 P. M Sellwood 35 L C T f '11 1 llcnn D..I 17 . r- A GOOD restaurant, well located, making money. If in the market call and see us. iwi west, x'ara st. Anderson Clark. A STORE for sale, Oleoua. Wash., e&n-v. Ing general mdse.. small stock, rhran. For information write Geo. Bertrand. v anue kolu, w route ISO. Z, SOLE rig h ts to sel 1 products of local in corported company; attractive prospect nominal investment: investigate. 415 mock rxenange omg. BAKERY SNAP. Fully equipped, fine fixtures, bis stock. $30 to $40 daily. Also living rooms. All ior kuu. .-viarsnau de. I&OO COFFEE and doughnut stand on mar ket; lease; $35 a day; wholesale and re- tall. 350 casn, bal. easy payments. narprr, iu nauwiy cxcn. Diag. 1 FURNISHED room with or without board. 10G6 East 11th it N., block irom Aioena car. SACRIFICE small restaurant, nice for 2: living room, good location. Call at 340 Front st. DINING room for lease, good hotel, near Portland; $to montn. Northwest Hotel News. 714 touch oiag. A SUBURBAN grocery; sales $100 day cash; no delivery; 5 living rooms. Call room 401 jJeKura oiag. PIANO repair man with small amount cash: a dandy opportunity; answer quick. L l5, uregonian. A RESTAURANT for $500; good place for man and wire; z nice living rooms. Room 401 Dekum Diag. GROCERY doing fine business; Invoice about $4000: terms, a snap; this store is close in. fnone auio. ou-iw. GROCERY for sale; will exchange for lot and House. u aiopt st. , GOOD location for barber shop; baths in connection; now running; low rent. Call 10 N. 2d st. GROCERY STORE FOR SALE. 816 SANDY BLVD. EAST 4063. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. CONFECTIONERY. CIGARS AND TOBACCO, LIGHT GROCERIES. This is a fine business section, corner store, doing a nice business. Must be sold by Monday night. Party owning same gone east on other business. A neat, clean little business with living room, equipped with everything but bed, and one of the finest locations for a light lunch or restaurant in the city, 15 blocks from any eating place. Rent $22.50. Will sell in lump $2400 or Invoice. If you will come and look this over we can deal. See owner at 777 Mississippi Sunday; no later than Monday eve ning. PACIFIC AGENCY, INC, 514-20 S wetland Bldg. GROCERIES. If you want a grocery east or west side see our lists of over 50 stores, the cxeam of the city. We have what you want. Prices run from $1000 to $12,000, every one doing good business. We don't list any other kind. Many have nice living rooms. SIMMS. 607 HENRY BLDG. I HAVE option on control of . best small nug. proposition in Portland; very large profits, tremendous future and easily bandied; I can't handle it alone and wouid like good active partner to go in with mo who can put up $1000 to JL'OOO along with same amount from me; don't answer unless you have the money and have got some personal snap. This Is too good to lose. B XiiU Oregonian. FACTORY REPRESENTATIVE. With exceptional contracts and an es tablished and paying business, auto motive accessory lines, must return east. I have secured eastern sales contract for same company and offer for sale my business here, including stock on hand, a lea and sub-agency contracts, etc. Will net $0,000 this year. Buyer must be capable of convincing factory of busi ness and salea ability; $2o00 will handle. WANTED Man with ability for business manager ana president of a new corpor ation at a satisfactory salary to be mu tually agreed upon; must invest at least $3000 In business: references exchanged; 1 can show you a clean-cut proposition and big, money maker. Give address and phone number; Investigate. Ad dress E ltf. o regonian. SWELL Nob Hill home with Income; fine zurmture and rugs; 14 rooms; some housekeeping; strictly modern; 2 baths; Immaculately clean throughout. If you are looking for a desirable place to live and have an income besides look this over; only $1800 cauh. bal. easy terms. Call 164 West Park st. WEST SIDE REALTY CO. A PORTLAND corporation handling an xciusive paten tea quick-selling article of merit wishes to get in touch with four or five men with salea ability; our proposition requires an investment of from $100h to $5000. is absolutely legit imate, with compensation far above the average; references exchanged. X 173. Oregonian. ASSOCIATE wanted for one of the best growing businesses in the city to help me financially; investment secured and good prodts assured; pleasant and health ful occupation for partner if wanted. See me any time Sunday at 410 Prescott st.. one block east of Union ave., or after 5 P. M. week days. ACTIVE partner with mechanical or busi ness experience to buy naif interest at Inventory In a well established electrical vulcanizing storage battery and general repair shop; only small capital required and will give terms on balance. 855 Mississippi ave. Woodlawn 6019. Kea. Woodlawn 4954. MOVING PICTURE HOUSES. $3500. $4500. $47oO, $0000. $10,0O0, $15. OO0 : all u Durban houses in this city. making good money, some of these can be had for part cash, balance weekly. If you have the money and would like a gooa ousiness. nere is an opportunity. Weston & Co.. 1215 N. W. Bank bldg. FOR SALE I have as ood a milk route as there is in Oregon; short way outsiae Portland, distributing 115 gallons; milk is crotten on ranch one block away; good paying customers; clearing over $-'00 a month. This is a good chance for two men; must sell by rov. x. av o4U, Oregonian. DRTIO STORE WANTED. Will trade $3100 equity in modern 6 room bungalow ; would cost over $5000 to build ; would rent for $40 or $50 per month; for drug store will assume some and pay some cash. J 110, Ore gonian. BEST eaulnoed restaurant In this local lty. aoing gooa ousiness. inree year lease, $45 per month; must sell on account 01 oroaen leg; win mane price right on easy terms; will stand Investi gation; no agents. Broadway 2186. Call between 11 A. M. and 6 P. M. only. HOSNER A HOSNER. WILL BUY. SELL AND EXCHANGE BONDS. SECURITIES. STOCKS. CON TRACTS. WHAT HAVE YOU? CALL FOR INFORMATION KEGARD1NU ANY INVESTMENT. 60S McKAY BLDG. PHONE MAIN 4823. 43 HOUSEKEEPING rooms, all In 2 and 3-room apts., central jy locatea; iun au the time: with fuel for winter In: will give 3-room apt. for self and net $240 per month besides; $2250 cash secures this bargain, bal. as you make it. Call at 164 west farK st. TAILOR shoo, including Singer machine, irons, earn Pies. eauipment to make clothes; fine opening for ladies tailor and dressmaking; housekeeping rooms in connection, cheap. 704 Main St.. Van couver, w asn. -TON Republic truck and business for sale; $300 down, equity on balance; $50 a month. Have other business, cannot attend to both. Car can be seen at Arrow Garage, between 10 and 12 Sun- flay. 3M1 N. 3rt St. TRUSTWORTHY man for packing, ship- Dinar dept.: can't depend on hired help while 1 am out selling. Small invest ment necessary to become part owner. Assures you good income. Call Sunday 3 to 1. fti. ua tiernnger oiag. WANTED Ladv capable of receiving fe male clientele in medical Institute: must have $1000: legitimate profits: Insur ance; fully explained at interview. Ad dress l 1112. , Oregonian. A GARAGE SPECIAL. Modern bulldine; 35 cars steady stor age; plenty repair work: gas. oils tires, etc.; profits large; $1250 handles . it. Call room 401 Dekum nidg. GROCERY Busy east side location, brick bldg., rent $45, with heat. Fixtures. Sacrifice sow. invoice stocK 5:sw. A. J. DeFOREST & CO. 320 Henry Bldg. Broadway 5590. PARTNER FOR TIRE STORE. Auto tires, vulcanising, etc.; $700 buys equal half Interest; gooa profits, ana will teach buyer the business. Call room 401 Oekum Didg. BUSY WEST SIDE CARD ROOM. Soft drinks and cigars, doing a fine WU sines, clearing over ttHj per month. Good lease, low rent. $4500. some terms. SIMMS. 607 HENRY BLDG. FOR SALE The leading confectionery and magaxtne comer in a fast-growing town. - SO minutes from Portland. Exceptional opportunity. Bargain hunters do not answer, av e-o, oregonian. WILL aell 30 shares common stock Asso ciated Engineering Corporation, makers or Kadio pipe less rurnace ana onooKum logging blocks; owner must sell. Bdwy, 1827. YAMHILL MARKET FRUIT STAND. Large space, good lease, rent only szuu. fnre ti'uu. SIMMS, rU i KISWKI UliUU, Concrete garage, 3-year lease; 40 ears for sale at actual invoice; no bonus. US.ll room vi xse&ucu uiug. ox ACCOUNT of my wife's health I will sell my automobile truck and trac tor business, located In one of the grow ing coast towns witn a Dig iuture. a V 556, Oregonian. A PARTNER WANTED. Handy man with $500 can buy equal half interest In concrete garage; 22 cars steady storage, auto repairing, etc Room 4U1 ueaura, oiag. OWING to the fact we are unexpectedly called away will sell our tire repair and vulcanizing business cheap. Call between 1 and 4 today at 000 j&. Ash st. INVOICE. Grocery doing $100 a day cash busi ness. Location can t be beat; living apta. Morris, iu rcaiiway cxcn. oiag. A VERT attractive rrooosi tlon can K made a man of practical business ability ana initiative wno nas ziu,or0 to Invest. Investigate. Y 189, Oregonian. HERE IS YOUR CHANCE Half interest. lady or gentleman; $5000 monthly business; Investigate, deal with owner qirect. an Manama Diag. l FINE investment. 4 flats, east iridn. modern, close In. Terms. Nets 12 per Cent Bra owner. nenry oiag. A FULLY equipped restaurant, doing good 1 it A A 1 V.klll BPTn TV TOUR TTiinwa BRUCE GODDARDT 501-Z COUCH BLDG BARBER SHOP for sale, very reasonable price. aiJuariBBL CASH grocery, eleaa etock. cheap. 1700 Union ave. is. BCSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. V A N COUV ER, WASH. FOR SALE My old-established gro cery store, with rooming house In con nection, on principal paved street, first one from ship yard emploving nearly 4000 men, right where everybody has to pass. This store Is good for $125 dally sales, mostly cash, the 10 rooms not over $60 per month with practically no extra work. I have never tried to push the business to -the utmost, my wife and I doing all the work, but the amount of business can be greatly increased. I will give any bona fide prospective buyer the privilege of examining my books, get behind the counter for a week or as long as he wishes, to con vince himself jum what there Is to this proposition. But I will not waste my t im e on any bod y who does not mean business or who cannot put up the necessary cash, as I do not have to and have too good a stand to sacrifice anything. If you really want a profit able, going business it will give me pleasure to go Into details with you. The only reason my property is on the market Is because both of us have been in the harness a long time and need a rem. The price Is $7000 for gi-oundsi build ings, furniture, also fixtures and stock, well over $2oOO It will take $4500 to c!ose the deal, balance long time. If you know anything about Vancouver and its future, you will not have to be told that now U the time to InVest there. Address. . BOX GIM. VANCOUVER. WASH. HIGHLY successful wholesale busi ness for sale. Selling strictly staple merchandise in universal demand by every class of trade both by large consumers and merchants for resale purpose. Our factory connections enable us to both buy and sell cheaper than all our competitors, bar ring none. Small overhead, large turnover. Will sell as a prosperous going business free from all Indebtedness at invoice plus $50O for good will, factory connections and organization ex penses. Present earnings $iOO monthly net. Average earnings $100O monthly net. Total price $3iH. An excellent bus-iness. Logical reasons for selling. Will stand any test. For ap pointment telephone during business hours. Main -4027 or call at-123 First mt. PARTNERS CONE OR MORE). NEED $10,000 (SECURED). ($20O0 CASH. $1000 PER MONTH 8 MONTHS). WILL GUARANTEE DOUBLE YOUR MONEY. Or give you liberal interest in a val uable operative gold property, over 8000 feet of tunnel; 50.000 tons available ore free gold now can be measured up: splendid water power, ideal conditions for economic all-year operations. Your Investment money required to complete lower tunnel on ore and believe this will prove property worth over a million dol lars. This - is an investment (not a gamble). Next congress will pass bill allowing premium on gold production. We have a mine now. not hunting one. Let me tell you the facts and show you jiropcrty. i-oi selling; stocK. J Ad dress J. C. Prestel. 302 Selling bldg.. or nhnni Main tl4R 1 A. "REAL" INVESTMENT. A SYNDICATE OF PORTLAND HIGH CLASS BUSINESS MEN JUST RE TURNED FROM PERSONAL INVES TIGATION OF OIL OPERATIONS IN TEXAS AND THEY REPORT OUR LEASE O. K. SURROUNDED WITH REAL OPERATING WKI.l.S An TELEGRAM TODAY ADVISES A NEW WELL (ABOUT 1 itO RiRRF.i.m ii'sT completed near us. which gives us guarantee of 5 oil sands un der 17o0 feet and adds great value to our lease (not much gamble to it). will you join us WUH A fKW HUNDRED DOLLARS IN SYNDICATE UNITS AT Sinn PRR UNIT (NOT SELLING STOCK) TO AS- lOT US UKILL1 7 GUARANTEE YOU SQUARE DEAL. LET US TELL YOU OF THE GREATEST OPPORTU NITY OF A LIFETIME FOR HIGHLY f KUr i 1 AbLl b.M h,KPHlSK ON A BUSINESS BASIS. ADDRESS AJ 61. OREGONIAN. C. & H. STORE BARGAIN'S Confectionery and grocery $2650, $1309 oown. Light grocery and home-made pie shop, $1000. Cash-and-carry grocery, east side apt. district, invoice about $350o. Home-made candy and refreshment parior, exceptional nxtures. $4750. Bakery and confectionery, S 2 4 "0. Soft drink, and card room. S21U0. Bakery, confectionery and restaurant mat can t De neat; siu.uuo casn. COOVER & HOLM AN, 322-3-4 Failing Bldg.. 3d and Wash. "We do not misrepresent." $55O0 RESTAURANT, downtown loca tion. $o500, restaurant. cafeteria, down town. $900, restaurant and cigar stand. $75O0, hotel, 60 rooms, new furniture. $h."(H). greenhouse, good location, city. StiiNW, tie mill, valley, sell interest. iriAS. mxuutLH ar 00., JJ Henry bid. SPECIALTY MANUFACTURING BUSI NESS NEEDS LIVE - PARTNER TO TEND TO HOOKS AND OFFICE. $2000 NEEDED. INVESTMENT WELL SECURED. CALL 328 EAST MOR- -KlSOiN sr. MUST SELL TODAY. Showcases., back and front bar, cash register, scales, mixer, many other store fixtures, 1'JvO East Glisan. 10 to 2 fcunaay. HARDWARE STORE or general store wanted; may consider C-C grocery. owner reply at once witn details, m 173. Oregonian. GENTS' furnishings, haberdashery wanted; must be good place; write me. D 172, Oregonian. GROCERY store for sale; doing good cash Dusiness. Gall sen. 14SU. Stocks and Boa da. WILL PURCHASE stocks and bonds of all kinds; also worthless stocks. What nave you 7 E Oregonian. BnialnesA Opportunities Wanted. WANTED To buy carpenter shop on west stae, without tools: or win rent space for same. 16x30 all required; south of Washington st. preferred. R 192. Ore gonian. YOUNG MAN, good education. general business1 experience and a moderate amount of money would like to buy out or into some legitimate business. AB lov, Oregonian. MECHANICAL engineer with some can. taJ wouM like to get in wi-th auto re pair shop w nere tie can learn the busi ness or be working partner. T 101, Ore gonian. WANTED Grocery and confectionery . in residential aistriei irom owner; any thing up to $2000. C. E. Hale, Main 3528. CAPABLE, energetic office executive with few thousand to invest desires connec tion with prosperous institution. W 199, oregonian. X AM LOOKING for 10 or 20 H. K. rooms that $1500 will handle must be on west side, wnat nave you t tall Misa Will iams at .roaa way L'&tM. STOREROOM downtown for llaht lunches. Might buy going place if snap. State price, location, run particulars. V lau, regonian. HAVE $2000 to Invest with services in some established mercantile or mfg. business; principal only. Answer fully In your first letter. H 115, Oregonian. A MACHINE SHOP. Fine location, fully equipped and do ing big business; $1 7no will handle it. Call room 401 Dekum bidg. WANTED Clean grocery store in good apt. district., not over $liiIOO. Bargain ior casn. xso agents. . ieave addresa TaBOr OU77. WANT&D From 4 to 6-chair barber shop answer all particulars in the first letter. Mr. F. A. Balber, 226 Grant street. t'ortianxi, ur. WANTED Cash-carry grocery, with liv ing rooms, szouu to invest. Most stand full investigations. B 140, Oregonian. BUSINESS man would like to bur out- right or half interest in some legitimate business up to $5000. A 1(7, Oregonian. WANT small confectionery that man and wire can Handle witn about $&oo. North west Hotel isews. 714 Couch bldg. HONEST man has $500 to $1000 to invest witn services. w iua. oregonian. WANT to purchase cigar stand in good location, v 'JJ.t oregonian. CIGAR stand, down town, for cash or good location xor one. r . u. iiiias. faiace hotel. Ho tola and Rooming Hoiues. APARTMENT LEASE AND FURNITURE, On west side, bisr apartment Dronoal- tion and a good money-maker. Price 13.000. will traae xor iarm near Port land. LTJEDDEMANN COMPANY, 613 Chamber of Commerce. 18 ROOMS RENT $25. Brick building, running water In 'rooms, fair furniture; workingmen's dis trict: when full clears over $lo month; for $945, your own terms. Pet era, of course, 10 rs. oin mi. LIST YOUR PLACE. a with 401 Stock Exchange Bldg. for quick sale. Main ..iv. ana we win can. 10 ROOMS, H. K., elect., furnace, walking distance. j&ar. ov, BUS! NFS 3 OPPORTUNITIES. Hotels . and Rooming-Moaaee. . 41 ROOMS t. Mostly housekeeping, good lea?, rent $150. This is 5 minutes' walk from center of business district, west side; price $4000. some terms if necessary. Stem heat; will net you over $300 per month. 70-ROOM HOTEL. Fine corner brick building.' good west side location and modern, leave at very reasonable rent. This pi ace shows a profit of $600 per month over all expense and can be bough t for $ 12,000 ; about $60OO will handle It. 74-ROOM HOTEL Beautiful lobby, every room com pletely and well furnished. This Is on one of the best streets In the city and a good transient hotel; lease for 3 years; $14,000 wiil do business. SMALL HOTEL. This ts on of the bett 40 rooms n the market today: steam heat, hot and cold water In every room, several private baths; it ts com. p!etely and well furnished, lease; $6000 will handle. 11 ROOMS 11. Furnace heat, good lease, cTofe In. downtown location; a very good buy and $1000 will handle it. F. RIERDON. RITTER. LOWE & CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. We write all kinds of insurance. SOME FINE COUNTRY HOTEL PROPOSITIONS. o 5 -room modern commercial hotel, best town in eastern Oregon. 10.000 pop ulation; every room rented transient, clears over $000 month: sickness com pels sale; big snap. Photo at this office. 51-room working man's hotel, near Portland, good business. leane; rent $ IOO per month; $4000. terms; includes win ter's fuel. 42-room hotel, good live town, doing capacity business; $H000, terms. 8-year lease; $100 month; fine proposition. 36-room hotel, good town, big business, snap, building, ground and furnishings; small payment down ; sacrifice account sickness. 40-room hotel, near Portland, good town: $3000 cash handles building, ground and furnishings. We have several others exclusively listed. NORTHWEST HOTEL NEWS, 714 COUCH BLDG. APARTMENTS. 30 rm.. clearing $20.i. rent only $75. good lease: $27i0. $121K down. 20 rooms, west side, walking dis tance, clearing $50. very clean, high class furniture. $32TrO, includes winter fuel. 40 rooms, right downtown, running water, steam heat; clears over $400; 3 years lease; $6000. terms. See our big lists. We have good money making houses only ; priced from $900 up. SIMMS, Phone Bdwy. 2S72. 607 Henry bldg. DOWNTOWN APARTMENT HOUSE FOR SALE OR TRADE. 3S rooms. In one and 2-room apartments: apartments all taken. Net Income $;V0 per month. In cluding 3 roonjs for self; will sell or trade for nice residence or farm; price $6000. Ask for Morrin. Mar. 126o. WELL located 0-room hotel in white pressed brick building of 4 stories; ground floor lobby, elevator, running water, telephone system, 42 rooms con nected with baths, clean walls, good fur niture, linen plentiful and in good con dition. Good 4-year lease. This hotel is reasonably priced. It takes more than $20,000 to handle, but it will easily pav for itself in a very short time. See Mrs. A ibaugh, with John Ferguson, Gerlinger 33-ROOM apartment house, all on one floor. "ci uran uuiiuidk, sieam neat, an outside rooms, in --room apartments. 1 single, completely furnished, rent only $75 with lease, fine place for elderly ccuple to handle. Price $0000, $3500 gives you possession. SEE MRS. KELER. Geo. T. Moore Co. lou7 Yeon Bldg. GOOD hotel in transient district, fine heat ing piant. not and cola water in every room. This place has not been on market for years. $8000 cash with your possession and income will pay balance; all ex penses and a small fortune in a short time. Mr??. Alhaugh with John Fergu son Gerlinger bldg. ROOMING HOUSE OWNERS. If you want to sell In a hurry, call up Peters. Broadway 402. No matter how small amount of money the buyer has. we pay you cash and take the mortgage ourselves. We pay most for chattel mortgagea DO YOU WANT About the best modern rooming house of around 70 rooms in the city; good for $00; clear for month. Price $12,500; some terms. B. F. Kelly, 713 Swetland Bldg. LITTLE DANDY. 12 rooms, completely and well fur nished for housekeeping; clearing ovev ail expenses $00; two rooms for own use; rent only $35. Price $1600, some terms. Pee Mrs. Keller. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon Bldg. FIFTEEN ROOMS, sleeping, furniture far above the average, clean and attractive: also good appearance outside, lawn and flowers. If you want a nice place to livs and an Income of $100 above all ex penses, you need go no further. Mrs. A Ibaugh, with John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. FOR QUICK SALE List your hotels, apartments, and room lnjr houses with us. Your interests will always be protected. We have cash buy ers waiting for your propositions. SEE MRS. KELLER. Geo. T. Moore Co. 1007 Yeon Bldg. WHITE TEMPLE DISTRICT. Equal to 18 or 17 rooms; income $275 net $1 75 ; high grade furnishings; rnt $60; if you want a classy, place, bring money for the deposit; you're looking for this place. $260t cash. J. EUGENE HEDGES. 201 TV. PARK. IF YOU WISH TO BUY OR SELL business, hotel, room or apartmext house of any kind an vw here, see F. Rierdon, RITTER. LOWE & CO. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. We write all kinds of insurance. HOTEL. 52 rooms, not so nifty, but a money maker; rent $1 50 with lease; some housekeeping apts.; nt profit $400 month. Price only $40oo. Pee Mrs. Keller. GEO. T. MOORE CO., 1007 Teon Bldg. WE HAVE hotels and rooming houses, all sizes, for sale. Also if you want to sell your hotel, rooming house or apartment, list with us. We have buyers. Call 163 k West Park st. Anderson Clark. 15 ROOMS, White Temple district, walk ing distance, clears $150 month; $600 handles. Get busy. Sacrifice for Mon day sale. A. J. DeFOREST Sc CO. 820 Henry Bldg. Broadway 6590. BRICK. 14-ROOM HOTEL. CENTER OF CITY. Steam heat, fine furniture, house al ways full, rent $50; clears $150 per month; price $2000. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 3-5 Oak Street. W-ROOM APARTMENT. Two-. 3- and 4-room suites. Low rent, good location, nets $275 per month, the best returns for the money of anything on the market. $2500 cash handles. Mrs. Alhaugh, with JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlingftr Mdg. IF YOU can't find a house to live In why not buy the furniture of a comfortable 7-room house that will pay your en Lire expenses and give you a good home? I'll show it to you. Mrs. Alhaugh, with John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. Sfl ROOM HOTEL, close In, west side. CASH, or exchange for modern home in Portland, or Improved acreage near Port land. L. D. Nodurf t, real estate. Z35 Fifth street. Main 851. or P. O. Box &45. 50-ROOM hotel, close In, west side, steam heat, good furniture, good lease; price $5250; terms; bargain. Call 1 63 V West Park st. Anderson A Clark. BEAUTIFUL 14-room house, elegant furn iture, hardwood floors, takes in $237 a month. Price $2S00, $1SOO will handle. SEE MRS. KELLER. Geo. T. Moore Co. 1O07 Yeon Bldg. 9 ROOMS FOR $9O0. Good furn. ; close In ; w. side; g-t next, and buy this ; haif cash. J. ETTGENE HEDGES. 201 W. PARK. 18 ROOMS. H. K.. clearing $175 month; $1000 will handle. Furniture AL A. J. DeFOREST CO. R20 Henry Bldg. Broadway 45Vl IF YOU are looking for a rooming or an apt. house. 1 have a nice list; can be had! on easy terms. Mrs. Gentry, 410 Railway Ex. bldg. FOR PALE Furnishings of 12 rooms, all winter's fuel in; will sacrifice. Broadway 2S81. FOR best bargain in apartment houses see members of the Realty Board Yates Realty P., 245 Fourth t. ROOMING houses and apta See Holmaa & L&nson, 416 Chamber of Com. iAK.BER SHOP Cor sale at 101 & N. 3d. r