TJIE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, OCTOBER 10, 1020 21 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. Motrin mud Roorai ng Houses. 10 huuMS, rent $50, water In nearly all. flee, stove heat, gross income 1 150, cen tral location; flhoO, part terms. 14 rooms, H. K., lease, rent $50. elec, furnace or stove heat, lovely corner lo cation, fine furniture, new curtains, good teds; price $2000 cah. 14 rooms, rent $50, elec, furnace heat, gross Income $220, price $2700, terms. 8 rooms, rent $25, elec, stove heat, corner, clears $75 besides own apartment; $T00 down. 20 rooms, all H. K., rent $50, stove beat, clears HiU besides good apartment; price $1000. 14 rooms, H. K., all on one floor, rent $i5, furniture and carpets very good, iectrie.. Radiant fire places, good home ana Income, price $15uo, terms. 15 rooms. H. K., rent $00. lease, elec, furnace, gros income $10 and good fcumo, bargain for cai-h. H rooms, pood building:, rent $50, nets $7u over expeiibes; $tiuu will handle. 1 4 rooms, H. K., rent $50, gross In come 15, very clean, good location; $100 oovvn. 12 rooms, brick building, rent $30, all food furniture and carpets; $1!00, terms. U rooms. H. K., rent $50 ; dandy cor ner location, elfC, 3 fireplaces, new furnace, net Income over $i00 ; price $125o, part terms. M Kb. THOMSON. 62o-21 Henry Bldg. APARTMENTS. 107 rooms. 4t apartments, 23 private, 4 put lie baths; proas income $100 per month and van easily be raised; close-in west side location, frame building ; first time ever on the market : will lease to Japanese. Price $11,000, excellent terms. HOUSEKKKPING. 50 rooms, rent S12o, stove' heat, close In, west side location, clears $20 over tiie expenses. Price $3750. $.500 handles. HIGH CLASS. 21 rooms. Nob HiU location, furnace, electricity and the best furniture and rugs throughout; gross income $4o0 per month, 4 baths ; most all H. K. This la worth the money. Price $4000; $2000 bandies. WHITE TEMPLE. 15 rooms, rent only $40, stove heat, electric lights, nice a ppearing house, all H. K.. clears $lo0 over the expense and 3 -room, apt. Price $1500; $900 ban Ales. 12 ROOMS. Rent $40, near Washington and 10th, furnace heat, electric lights, exception al I ly well furnished ; all sleeping; net $100. Price $lsoo, $10uo cash. NOB HILL. Near Washington st., 13 rooms, fur Bare, electricity, excellent furniture and ruga throughout, exceptionally clean. This will give you an excellent apart ment and $100 oxer the expanses for our money. Price $100, $1400 handles. Main :n:is. C. E. BOW DEN" CO.. R15 Ckamher of Commerce Bldg. " MODERN APAHTMKNTS. 30 apartments, corner brick building, R-ear lease, -rent $470, clears over $700; " everything In good shape, automatic ele vator; price $ lS.OuO, best of terms. 34 apartments, lease, rent $400 ; house In excellent condition, clears $700; price $1U,000, part terms. 32 apartments, good lease, rent -4275; clt-ars over $0OO, could be more; good furniture and excel lent rugs, finest lo cation; price $11,000, good terms. 25 apartments, 3 years lease, rent $000 ; oil burner, automatic elevator, all in first -class condition, dandy income; price $17,000, some terms. 20 apartments, all well furnished, lease, rent $4nu; automatic elevator, clears $700. 1'r'ce $, $ 10,000 cash required. MRS. THOMSON. 120-21 Henry Bldg. COM P LET EST VARIETY AND BEST VALUES IN HOTELS. ROOMING AND A PARTM ENT HOUSES. O. H. SKOT HKIM COMPANY. Main 519 and Main 7011. HOTELS WHICH BEAT BONDS: rly 40 rooms ; transient ; letse ; close ; nets $400; $2OO0 cash. Price $0000. 30 rouina; nets $350; lease; classy. $0500; term;. 150 rooina; transient; low rent; good W. S. location. Price $T000; terms. Nearly 00 rooms; very close in; modern brick; N. W. heat; lease; $15,000; terms. Nearly 30 rooms; mixed; nets $250; close in. Pi ice $4000; terms. Fine, close-in transient hotel; nets $525. $10.0oo; terms. O. H. SKOTIIEI.M COMPANY, 332-333 Railway Exch. Bldg. Main 7511 and Main Miiy. ftO TRANSIENT ROOMS, right in the heart of city : a money -maker. $40oo cash, good terms. 40 H. K. In fine condition; lease, clear ing $450 per mo.; steam heat; fine west side location ; a solid bargain. $2700 cafh, bal. from house earnings. 15 H. K.; modern, close in, west side, clearing $100 mo. ; furnace, water in most rooms; can give very good terms on this one. HAVE OTHERS LARGE AND SMALL. WEST SIDE REALTY CO., 1 4 West Park St. FOR TRADE. A fine rooming house, completely fur nished, hot and cold water In all rooms. team heat, close in, clearing $200; frice $0000. for S or 10-room house, with arge lot; must be modern and not too far out. Will pay difference in cash. See Mrs. .Keller. OEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon Bldg. NEAR THE" COURT HOUSE. 14 attractive rooms, clean place, all hout-ekee-ping ; clears $Hho and owner's S-room a-pt. Can you equal it? $1000 cash. .1. EUGENE HEDGES. 201 W. PARK. Zl ROOM S, fine corner brick bldg., steam heat, all private baths. 12 apts., 2s and 3s. splendid furniture: net profit about o00 month; price $7000. $0Ou0 cash will handle. See Mrs. Keller. GEO. T. MOORE CO., Ioo7 Yeon Bldg. fcO- ROOM hotel, good condition, steam heat, running water: this house nets $U0o easily ; price not unreasonable; transferable to Japanese: some terms. Mrs. Albaugh, with John Ferguson, Ger linger bldg. ARE TOO BUSY to write ads of all our It.tinKs of hotels, apartment and rooming houses. If you want to buy. come in and look them over. New ones daily. MRS. THOMSON. A20-21 Henry Bldg. 0 ROOMS, single housekeeping, every thing in good order; eit her furnace or fiove heat; commodious quarters for owner; rent $0; $i70o will handle. See Mrs. Albaugh. with John Ferguson, Ger linger hidg. 43 ROOMS, part H. K. ; brick bldg.; hot and cold wa ter every room ; $150 rent, with lease; $3000 handles. A. J. Do FOREST & CO., 320 Henry Bldg. Broadway nSftO. fro-RoOM hotel on Washington St., steam heat, hot and coid water; 4 private baths, some 2 -room suites ; low rent and good lease; some terms. See Mrs1. Albaugh, with John Ferguson, Oer linger bldg. GARAGE. Especially well located, 100x100 build In?, good leae and rent, storing 60 cars; also sells second-hand rarr. some terms. Room 011 RaHway Exchange. OR HALE BY OWNER, 17 H. K. rooms, close In. east, walking distance, 1 block from Morrison ; clears $!0 a month ; low rent: price $700; terms.' Call 3S7 Taylor. 8 ROOMS. $1100 ; rnt $30; nice little place, provides good income; $300 handles. A. J. Me FOREST & CO., 32" Henry Bldg. Broadway 5590. APARTMENT house for sale; 1 rooms f rni!"h d for housekeeping ; good fac tory district on west side; deal with "wii'T. in oregonian. W hen you ant to buy in, or sell out. see me. J. EUGENE HEDGES. 201 W. PARK. Main 250f. lOR SALE Rooming house, 8 rooms, com p.eteiy furnished; went side; rent rea souable; rooms lull; $700. Oaner. N 00 t reonia n. JO ROOMS. H. K.. west side; $30 rent; $0oG A. J. le FOREST & r0., 3 0 Henry Bldg. Broadway 5500. I AC I several -mad rooming houses to seii. v a , t wi.i enjne at one and in place. Main 25tK. J Kl'i E N E HKlXiES, 2 1 W PARK west side garage. In antomobile row, clearing big money, best of reasons for sal : some terms! Room Ml Railway Exchange. 40- Kt OM modern hotel, fine corner loca tion, all n rvne floor. nic furniture. S000O terms. Northwest Hotel News, 714 Couch "VY A NT HI From owner. apartment or room ins nou.w . ttiujhi ur in Kooa fl ! strict ; 2 6 HO US EKE P7P1 NG room 5, $ 1 4K w Hi n.ana .e ; e: ea re mi.i; cjof in. BARNEY JOHNSON, 170 10th St. FOR best bargain In apartment houses sea members of tr-e Realty Board. Yates Realty . - . ".Mj rourtn st. BEST 4 4 -mom hotel in city; west side brick, good lease and doing fine Dusi- n e SB . Phone Hd wy. .s . uj A. At li- YOUR rooming house is for sale, call Main 3038. We can sell it for you. We will ca 11 ana inspect, v. . r-. now aen i o. 'uR SALE Rooms, house and apts., bun galows and houses. Call Main 4903. Miss Holman. 512 Selling bid g. 14-ROOM H. K., clearing"$l 50: price $1500 ; west side, close-in. Call Carter, Main 7511 or Main 61i. Y OWNER 22 " L K. rooms, stove heat, WAior la rooms. St-Vfc Hawthorne ae. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. Hotels a-id Rooming Houses. 12H-ROOM APARTMENT, modern fireproof building, best west side location, rent $i50, 5-year lease. Income over $2000 per month ; automatic elevator, priavte balconies, etc. One of best arranged house in town; clears $1175 per month; $15,ooo will handle. 115-room apartment, close-In west side corner, rent $000, 8-year lease, newly renovated and in fine condition ; big money-maker; price $20.0O0. 112-room apartment, west side corner, very close in, rent $BoO, long lease; auto matic elevator, oil burner furnace, etc. Very high class In every way. Clears over $1000 per month. Price $21,000, terms. 06-room apartment, only five blocks from Morrison street, one of the very best houses In Portland; good lease at reasonable rent, automatic elevator, pri vate balconies, etc. Beautifully fur nished, big money-maker; price $21,000, terms. SPECIAL BARGAIN. 20 Modern apartments. Nob Hill dis trict, completely furnished, absolutely clean throughout; clears $480 per month. Price $$0OO, terms. ANOTHER BARGAIN. 42 -room modern hotel, fine brick cor ner in heart of town, rent $250; all light, airy rooms, well furnished and unusually clean; clears $000 per month; price $8000, $0000 will handle. Must sell account sickness. YATES REALTY CO., 245 Fourth St. ONE CHANCES IN A LIFETIME, to get a well-furnished and equipped 40-room ho tel, with laundry room equipped for own work ; confectionery In lobby, con fectionery fixtures, good auto, 2 good Jersey milk cows go with the hotel; good lease, low rent, business runs $80 to $100 per day and better; located in a good live R. R. town. It's a first class proposition and a real money mak er. Price only $4500. Confectionery stock at invoice. C. J. CULLISON REAL ESTATE CO. 200 V Morrison St. 1 40 ROOMS, all housekeeping, steam heat, brick bldg., all outside, 3-yr. lease, rent only $75. Think of it! And it is a bar gain for $50O0. NEAR IT. DEPOT. 38 rooms, all transient, steam heat, lease, nice and clean. A fine" hotel, $S00, terms. 12 rooms on W. Park st.. nice clean, all housekeeping, good income and a home. 30-1-oom apartment in 3-room suite, all modern, with private bath, good fur niture, white pressed brick; lease, low rent. $400, terms. 401 STOCK BXCH. BLDG. MAIN 5385. ROOMING HOUSES. 10 rooms, housekeeping, built-lns and fine carpets and furniture ; clears $72 per month; $13o0, $050 cash. 10 rooms and two hall kitchens, built lns and excellent furniture; furnace heat; clears $230 per month; price $2700, $1700 cash and balance to suit. 21 rooms, housekeeping, in excellent condition; clears $200 a month; rent $60 per month; $2UT0, $1A50 cash. Thes are all close In on the west side. We have others which we will be glad to show you. Miss Charnley, with A. W. Estes. 905 Chamber of Commerce. Auto. 514-03. $4800 53SO0 DOWN. 4R-room housekeeping apartment, in come $425 ; rent $1 75 : stove beat. $7000 $5500 DOWN. 12 apartments, private baths, built-lns. $420O CASH. 10 strictly modern apartments, brick building, low rental. COOVRR fir HOLM AN, 322-3-4 Failing Bldg.. Third and Wash. "We do not misrepresent." M E. LENT COMPANY. 523-4-5 NORTHWESTERN BANK BLDG. LEADING HOTEL AND APART MENT HOUSE AGENCY. IF YOU WISH TO BUY OR SELL. COME IN AND TALK IT OVER; 14 YEARS IN THIS BUS TN ESQ IN PORT LAND ENABLES US TO LOCATE YOU RIGHT. SWELL LITTLE MODERN APT. Residential Nob hill district, close in; disappearing beds, water in all apts., fur nace and gas heat, electricity; has ga rage; rent only $40 month, clears more than $100 month and landlady's apt.; is ni and clean. Sell this week for $2150. on terms. B. F. KELLY. 715 Swetland Bldg. A MONEY-MAKER. Lovely apt. house, fine corner brick h?dg., automatic elevator. 24 apts.. all with private baths. some sleeping porehew. This place is clearing over all expenses $S00 month, $10,000 cash will handle. Pee Mrs. Keller. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 10O7 Yeon Bldg. FOR SALE 10 rooms of furniture; you can save enough money to buy yourself one year's supply of wood by buying direct from me: rent $45 with the assur ance Trom landlord of no raise in rent: located west side. 10 minutes walk to 6th and Morrison ; crood income : clean place. large yard. W OR. Oregonlan. HOTEL SANDY UP FOR SALE 19 well- rumtsnen moms., big dining room, sitting room, kitchen; about 1 acre ground, lots of fruit, extra confectioners, building that rents for $20 per month. This is a good-paying business on the Mount Hood loop road: price $6500, easy pay ments. Phone 67. Geo. Beers, Sandy, Or. BEST IN CTTT. frt rooms. 5-year lease. 43 private baths. Northwestern heat, elevator, beau tiful ground floor lobby: this hotel is elegantly furnished throughount; won derful downtown location. Pee Mrs. Kel'er. CEO T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon BMff. FOR QUICK RESULTS LIST YOUR HO- T K T j. APARTMENT OR ROOMTNO HOUSES, REAL EST ATE AND OTHER BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WTTH US. IF YOU HAVE A "BARGAIN, WE WANT TT: IF TOT WANT A BARGAIN. WE HAVE TT. TRY-US REALTY CO., 160 W. PARK ST. NIFTY SMALL HOUSE. Swellest 12-room houe in city, all housekeeping, hardwood floors, hot water heat. 3 sleeping porches, all fine furni ture and rugs: Income $175 month; $1050 will handle. Swell living rooms. See Mrs. Keller. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon Bldg. WE HAVE an absolutely modern 6-room houe. lot 50x100. swell garage. Haw thorne district. cloe In. will trade for a good rooming house and pay cash dif ference. Pee Mrs. Keller GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon Bldg. 40-ROOM BRTCK HOTEL. PRICE ONLY $3500. 40-room brick hotel, all filled, good lease at reasonable rent. Want to leave city. Must sell quick. See Mrs. Fulton. 285 Stark st. Marshall 1R98. WANTED To buy direetly from owner, no agents, hotel or apartment hons- ran pay $10,000 cash. Please give full partic ulars as to tocaiion. moms or anartments r firwt letter. BJ 36, Oregonlan. 11 ROOMS 11 Tn very heart of west sid, cheap rent, always full, clear $80 above your own rooms; price S95. pay $350 down. Peters. 15 N. 5th st. LEASE AND FURNISHINGS OP A WEST STDE APARTMENT HOUSE WT LL SOON HE FOR SALE. REASON ABLE RENT TO RESPONSIBLE PARTIES. MAR 3ft03. A BEAUTIFUL HOME. 12 ionms of par excellent f nrniMire; rent $0. snbrent lncom $137: $2000 rnsh required. Call my agent. Marshall 30f3. ATTENTION! - Before buying consult our list of ho tels. We handle the best In the city. See Mrs. Keller. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1O07 Yeon Bid g. WAVT to 1pa or buv coiintrv hotel (bat srmoo to SROOO cash will handle ; give full particulars. Northwest Hotel News. 714 Couch bldg.. Portland. 20-ROOM. west side, high-class apt. and sleenina- rms.. Hein and good, $3250 ; clears 3t2f5 month. SIMMS. 607 HENRY BLDG. ROOMTNG house. 1 4 moms, part house Vepinir. west side, near shipyard, rent f2n. Price $750. See BrroighM, with Interstate Land Co.. 24S Stark st. 17 ROOMS 17 On corner, large yard, cheap rent, al wavs full, dandv horn: a monev-maker; price $1105, terms. Peters. 15 N. 5th st. 2ft ROOMS, all transient- $1600; cheap rent, good fu-n'ture; $150 net income: north end district. tpv TTS REALTY CO.. 160 W. Park t. 12 ROOMS, all H. K dears $100 per month net. Chen rent, lense good, west side location. $900 handles this Call Pt f7 Taylor st. I A M a new comer and want a rooming or apartment house direct from owner. Call Main M57. 15 ROOMS. 3 baths, good loaae. $75 per mo., furniture Tiearlv all new. house just i-cT'ovaren. Main 01 7. WHITE TEMPLE district. 8 room and 1 attic, rent $45. ireome over $100 and 3 "mw for self. Price $f50. Main 6127. $170,1 25-POOM H. K- apts, east" side", clears s1"o per month. s SIMMS. 07 HENRY BLDG. FURNITURE of 7-room flat, close In. good Income besides 2-room apt. for self. 2444 Broadway after Sunday. FOR SALE Rooming-house at 320 Front st. ; 14 rooms, all furnished ; for quick sale. $750. . FURNITURES of 12 rooms, clos in east side; $1200. Call Mar-hall 3993. BUSINESS ORPORTX'NITIES. Hotels and Rooming -Houa. M. E. LENT COMPANY. Hotete, Rooming and Apartment Houses. AH Sizes and Prices, 523-4-5 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Phone Main - &5(K for appointment. If you wish to buy or seiL come in and talk it over. 14 years in this busi ness In Portland enables us to give you satisfactory service. APARTMENT HOUSES. 30 apartments, white prejsed brick, corner building, oil burner, $7M month ly net income. Requires $8000 cash, to handle this. 34 APARTMENTS. All two rooms ; each apartment has prt vate ba th and drees tn-g room. Rent $00. This Is a good proposition and will stand closest investigation. Come in for special price and terms. 50 APARTMENTS. Clearing over $1H0 per month; white pressed brick buildting, corner; special bargain, and easy terms will handile this. A LITTLE BEAUTY. 24 APARTMENTS. Mostly all two room, with large kitch en and bath, corner brk:k building, all -furnished; clearing $500 per month. Rent $285. Price $11,500. about $7500 cash. This is the first time orfered. IO APARTMENTS. Price $42O0. Brick bldg., private baths, steam heat. Clears over $2i0 each month. Nicely furnished throughou t. HOTELS. 72- ROOM HOTEL. Price $1.2,00). Corner brick, In west side loca tion. Rent $3O0. Requires $8000 cash, balance monthly pavments. 60-ROOM HOTEL. Ground floor office. Northwestern steam heat, elegantly furnished through out; best Ftreet in city. Price $13,500. 36-KOOM HOTEL. Rooms rent by the month. Rent onlj $150; clearing $3.-iri per -month. You can't beat this for $7000. Must eeil quick. 31 ROOMS. Rent $175, including steam heat; right near Washington. Price $5500. 12 ROOMS, HOUSEKEEPING. Rent only $1'35; clears $100 monthly. Price only ' $1375, only $875 cash, bal ance monthly. 13 ROOMS, PRICE $1S00. $S0O cash, near Washington. Can clear $75; your own expenses paid; easy place to manage. 13 HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. Right downtown; clean and very at tractive; rent $75; monthly income $2o5. Price $2ft0O, with some terms. 19 HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. Elegantly furnished, very clean, hot and cold water in rooms; clear $250 per month; price $40uo. IV) ROOMS PRICE $1500. Here is a place for a home and $50 per month Income ; nice clean place ; must be sold at once. Other small places you can handle with about $1000 that will be to your advantage to see. A&k for Mrs. McCJain. MRiS. M. E. LENT. Main fyo$0. 524 N. W. Bank Bldg. HOTELS AND ROOMING HOUSES OUR SPKC1ALTT. 26 H. K. rooms close In, west side ; good furniture; rent is right; clear over $225 mo. Full price $20oo; good terms. 14 H. K. rooms, close in. White Temple dist. ; one or two-year lease if you desire at $50 mo.; clears $135 mo. Price $1050; good terms.. 20 H. K. rooms, close in, west Bide ; extra good furniture; rent only $100 mo. Clear income $li0 mo., and $1300 cash will handle. 7 H. K. rooms, good location; will make rent and $40 mo. clear. We have at present several good list ings in small hotels. If interested, call Miss Butler or Miss Moyer, with Simms, 517 and 510 Cham. Com. bldg. Main 4277. MA GOON & SPENCER. 626 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6127. 14-r. transient hotel, steam heat, price $2100: 4tt-r. hotel, steam heat, hot and cold water, elevator, rent $HH, lease, $7jOO, terms; 20 r., part H. K., $1050, part cash, close In; 30 r.. H. K.. steam heat, clears better than $200 per mo., for quick sale $2750. terms; 17 rooms. 13 furnished, $!MH), $50O cash; 14 r.. H. K., White Temple. $I5oO will handle: IO r.. Nob Hill, good home and amaii income. Come In, will be glad to show you ; ot hers. HEADQUARTERS FOR HOTELS. ROOM ING HOUSES AND APARTMENT HOUSES. 85-room apartment; lease; terms. .$14,000 40-room apartment; lease; terms.. 4.20O 50-rm. room'g house; lease ; terms 5,250 40-room hotel ; lease ; terms 0.0W) 20-room rooming house ; terms . . . 2,10o IS-room H. K. house; terms 1.700 12-room H. K. house: terms 1,300 These are all west-side locations, close in; they are all god buys. Call lti3Vs West Park st. Anderson & Clark. WANT A ROOMING OR APT. HOUSE ? HOW ARE THESE? 20 rms., west side, clears S225. .$2000 25 rms., east side, clears $150. 1700 38 rms., west side, clears $450.... 6000 lft rms., west side, clears $150.... SoO .30 rms.. east side, xlears $200.... 12O0 0 rms., east side, clears $00. 650 28 rms., east side, clears $20O. . . . 3250 We have others, terms to suit. SIMMS. 607 HENRY BLDG. $3700 $3000 DOWN 40 ROOMS. Modern rooming house, running water, steam heat. brick building. $6000 35 ROOMS. f Down town rooming house, running water, steam heat, brick building; very reasonable rent. COOVER HOLM AN, 322-3-4 Failing Bldg.. Third and Wash. , "We do not misrepresent." W'iLL trade for rooming house near same amount or will assume, my equity of $ 1700 on 84 -acre farm, 5-room house, new barn, large chicken house, orchard ; In small town, close to electric station, 27c car fare from Vancouver, just off the highway; price $2700. balance $1000, on easy terms. Address Orchards, Wash., route 1, box 157. FINE HOTEL. 74 rooms, rent $515. lease, 6 private baths. 4 public baths, fine corner brick bldg., absolutely modern. Northwestern heat and hot water; clears easily net profit $1000; price $20,000. liberal terms. SEE MRS. KELLER. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon bldg. 60-ROOM HOTEL, GOOD CONDITION, STEAM HEAT, running water; this house nets $600 eas ily ; price not unreasonable ; transferable to Japanese; some terms. Mrs. Albaugh, with John Ferguson, Oerlinger bldg. S ROOMS and garage, mostly housekeep ing; furniture new, clean, some ivory and willow ; also some f uel ; lease ; in come $120; can easily be raised to more; nice roomers; price $1200. Owner 124 E. 15th. Phone East 4504. PA RTN E RS C A N NOT AG R E R One of the best hotels In the city; 60 rooms in une conamon ; mn He full in vestigation; guaranteed money-maker. See Rock at 4Q3 Couch bldg. 52 ROOMS. 15250. close-in location. t trie lie-ht. (ras. Northwest hpat oh on n rent ; 2-year lease ; Income over $550 noova nil expenses; .toou will Handle. TRY JS REALTY CO.. 164 W. Park st 27 ROOMS 27. All on one floor on corner, rent $60, every room full and turns awav 20 reo pie a day: If sold at once. $1695, your own inrms. reiers, 19 I. otn St. 30-ROOM BRICK HOTEL SASOO $f5O0 cash. Washlngton-st. location, fine furniture, good lease, low rent; classy little place, doing good business. TRY US REALTY CO.. 169 W. Park st. 15 ROOMS, beautifully furnished, hard wood floors, fine location, clears $125 a month and two-room apartment; price -9uu. oee. jnrs. Aicbeoa, .macastone i o tel. ACCESSORY AND VULCANIZING Partner wanted for this busj' store: owner needs interested help; be will guarantee good profits; will give some terms. Room 511 Railway Exchange. 14 ROOMS, 2 kitchenettes: $2750, terms; nice furniture, including victrola, vacuum cleaner. This is a nice home and clear ing $150 a month above all expenses. TRY US REALTY CO.. 169 W. Park St. 9 ROOMS. $1000. cash, low rent; good furniture, close in location and a good buy. TRY TTS REALTY CO.. 160 W. Park st. PARTNER WANTED BY Lady, good paying hotel, close in, $5000 cash required, easy to handle. P. O. Vx 924. citv. 40 ROOMS housekeeping; fine location, cheap rent, lease; snap, terms; Includes fuel. Northwest Hotel News, 714 Couch bldg. FINE hotel proposition In live coast town; $2000 to handle, a money maker. Ad dress or call Charles Gross, 519 Y. M. C. A. 27 APTS.. close In. west side. H. K. apts., clearing over $350 per month, $4500, in cludes winter's fuel. SIMMS. 607 HENRY BLDG. CALL MAIN 7511 TODAY OR MONDAY and secure Information regarding good close-in residence with furniture for sale at ssoo: terms: rent $35. ROOMS. $1000. very cheap rent- good Income, nice yard, good house, close in, an all around good place to live TRY US REALTY CO.. IftO W. Park St. 0 RMS.; $1500. $10OO CASH, low rent, good Income, nice furniture and a clean, home like place. White Temple district. TRY US REALTY CO.. iflW W. Park St. 24 ROOMS. $100. cash; rent $60, income $3-50 per month. This is a money maker if handled right. TRY US REALTY CO. 160 W. Park St. 12 ROOMS with or without boardf furnace and bath; all the comforts of home; fuel included : terms. Broadway 2RS1. I WANT small bel for eastern buyer. Call and see Saner. TRY TS REAL '1 CO.. 130 W. Park St. WILL pay cash for furnished aot. or H. K. rooms of 14 to 25 rooms. Main 61i. HUSINESS ORPORTTNITIES. Hotels and Rooming Houses. SEE J. BRUCE GODDARD FOR GENUINE BARGAINS IN ROOMING AND APARTMENT HOUSES OF EVERY SIZE. $1150 Buys the cleanest and best-fur-, furnished little residential apart ment house on the west side; some terms; beautifully clean, running water, lease. $2250 Is the initial payment necessary . to buy downtown rooming and apartment house with North western heat; immaculately clean and new; piano, electric vacuum cleaner, etc. ; best lease In Port land ; clears $225 month besides providing good home; easy to run. $3500 For new 26 rooms on Washing ton street ; clears $200 month; easy terms. It's good. $5500 Northwestern heat, beautiful, new and clearing better than $400 per month above every expense: splendid lease; $3000 will handle this. $S000 For 00 - room strictly modern apartment house with North western heat; 3-year lease; mar ble and hardwood floors; others ask $15,000 for no better places than this one. $2300 Newly furnis-hed 1 rooms, close to White Temple; terms to suit, $5350 For new, strictly modern apart ment house on east side. $1050 For 15 rooms that needs clean ing The above are just a few of the many good bargains I have to offer. Why not buy ih rough an office where you are assured that there will not be any after trouble and you will get a square deal. Three Automobiles at Your Service. BRUCE GODDARD, 501-2 Coach bldg. APARTMENT HOUSE. ?K5 rooms. 2 and 3-room apartments, rent only $050, all have private baths and phones, well furnished and clean ; splendid corner brick bldg., owners leav ing town. Netting $80O month. $8000 will give you possession, balance easy terms. See Mrs. Keller. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon Bldg. WEST SIDE APARTMENT HOUSE. $48,500. Including furniture, and one of the best buys in Portland. Takes $18,500 cash, balance ten annual payments at low rate of interest, or can arrange easier pay ment if necessary. METZGER-PARKER COMPANY, 269 Oak Street. Broadway 5355. A MONEY-MAKER. Lovely apt. house, fine corner brick bldg., automatic elevator, 24 apts., all with private baths, some sleeping porches. This place is clearing over all expenses $SO0 month. $10,000 cash will handle. See Mrs. Keller. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon Bldg. '4) ROOMS. H. K., finest location, elec, stove heat, rent $120. gross income $500; price $37T0, cash $2500 down. 25 rooms (brick building), good lease, rent $140, elec, running water in all rooms, downtown location, splendid in come; price $40t0, half cash. MRS. THOMSON, 620-21 Henry Bldg. RIGHT DOWN TOWN"., 30 rooms, rent only $S0; good lease, fine corner bldg., mostly housekeeping, completely furnished, clean as ax ; making a handsome profit; $40001 will handle. Pee Mrs. Keller. GE O. T. M OO RE CO.. 1007 Yeon Bid g. TWO STRICTLY MODERN APART MENTS LONG LEASES; BIG MONEY MAKERS: IF YOU HAVE 10 TO 2-0 THOUSAND AND WANT TO MAKE BIG MONEY, OALJj AND GET FULL PARTICULARS. ONE OPERATED NEARLY 8 YEARS WITHOUT CHANGE. J. EL'GENE HEDGES, 201 W. PARK. WORKING MAN'S PLACE. 20 rooms, all on one floor, good cor ner bldg., right in center of business dis trict, rent only- $50 month, with lease, all housekeeping, net profit about $200; $1250 cash will handle. See Mrs. Keller. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon Bldg. 68-ROOM HOTEL. Good lease and reasonable rent. This hotel is well furnished and in first-class condition and is clearing better than $500 per month; $7000 cash and balance at $150 per month. METZGER-PARKER COMPANY, 269 Oak Street. Broadway 5355. NOB HILL DISTRICT. Swell apartment house, fine corner brick bldg., automatic elevator, furnish ings first class, ail gas ranges and re frigerators included; net profit over $O50. For price and terms See Mrs. Keller. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon Bldg. LOOK AT THIS. Beautiful 1 1 -room house. elegantly furnished, wonderful grounds and loca tion, fine garage with large living room and fireplace; price $2100. See Mrs. Keller. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon Bldg. LOST AND FOI X1X LOST on Oct. 7, cameo brooch, white fig ure on dark background, setting out lined in pearls; reward. Call Sell wood 2717. LOST Thursday, Boston bull terrier, male, perfect white markings, mahogany and black bodv. Phone 321-31 or 1333 Thompson st., cor. 4Mth. Liberal reward. $1200 10 ROOMS, close in. nets $90 a month, rent $40. This Is sure a money maker. See Mrs. Norrie. with Harper flr Morris. 410 Railway Exchange bldg. LasT Coral and ruby brooch, crescent shape, on fair grounds at Gresham or between there and Fountain; liberal re ward. Tabor 4507. LOST at Vista house. Columbia highway, e-rav suede handbag. lined with blue. coin purse with $25; reward. Call Tabor LOtT At Uresham fair Thursday after noon, child's brown sweater. Return to i;"l7 N. W. Bank bldg. Phone Main S4V Reward. HAS YOUR neighbor got a Boston terrier dog within the last three wee-as 7 Mine was stolen; 95 reward for information. Phone Tabor 5001. LOST Saturday morning, near Bdwy. and Alder, a green bar pin valuable ai keep sake. Suitable reward. Phone Marshall HU1. 7S7 West Madison. FOUN 1) A small package containing money, on Morrison bridge: owner Jos ing same answer, giving full particu 1 ars. J u, uregonian LOST Sept. 9, white male Persian cat, v, : 1 . ni --- a t Ha e nf ta i I til) reward. 271 Clay st. PARTY finding wishbone leaf pin, dia mond center, lost June 24, 1919. phone East 5336. Liberal reward, no questions. KINDLY return package containing 1 squares of linen, picked up on Irvington car sept. t. to qui riu SM ALL black purse, about $15 and key, between 12 and 1 P. M. Friday. Call Main 7084! FOUND Two dogs, one brown speckled body, brindle each side of head ; white Spitz iemates. o"y niugr hi., room 1 w 1 ui- oartv who received steamer trunk, delivered by mistake by Union Transfer Co.. notify owner at Marshall 114. LOST In Woodard-CIarke basement, small brown alligator skin purse; keep; reward. East b.V2 . LOST Black taffeta sash Thursday, be tween 31t and Brooklyn and Division. Sell. 256. LOST A wrist watch on Columbia high way. Mrs. Nellie Felrh. Scappoose, Or., care Warren Const. Co. LOST Oct. 3. on road from Portland to Hillsboro, child's muff. 061 Tibbetts St., Portland. Sell. 3760. Reward. DEPUTY CONSTABLE star, Multnomah county. Owner can have same by pay Ing for this ad. AR 47, Oregonian. LOST White female setter: collar M. I. Lang ley. Forest Grove: reward. Call L. L. Langley. Tabor 9333. LOST Llewellyn setter, black and white, near ML Scott. Reward. Main 1361, Newell. LOST Grip on west side, containing log gers shoes and shirt. Return 4b2 E. Harrison and receive reward. LOST A gold wrist watch on Thursday morning near Ladd school. Call Leotta fcimith. Main 219M. FOX TE RRIER puppy aoont mo. old, black and brown marking in forehead. Bdwy. 1771. Reward5. LOST A small otter fur on. West 21st St. Finder please return. Reward. Mar shall 422. FOUND Orange Persian cat. Ash ttt. 648 East LOST Squirrel neckpiece on Oswego local or m Oswego. Thurs. Tabor 2303. 1AJST Necklace, gold chain, uncut pearl, pendants. Reward. Phone Tabor 8184. LOST Lady's Shrine pin on 23d st. or near Multnomah club. Phone 514-60. LOST Dark overcoat. Sat. evening at Salem fair. Phone Tabor 2463. Reward. LOST White Persian cat. little girl's pet. 162 E. 13th, East 6495. Reward. LOST 'White hound puppy, 3 biack spots, tan face. Sellwood 19Q3. FOUND A lower set of teeth. Phona Main 7736. LOST Silver fountain pen Initialed E. J. F. Finder please all Broad wa y 558 7. LOST English Fennel bulldog. Will pay reward to 75 Park at. LOST A platinum lavaliiere. 2 small dia monds. Phone Tabor 2476 LOST in Kenton, a pair of gold glasses with reel attached. Wood law a 22 uQ. , IXST AND FOUND. who found my monkey? lost a monkey Thursday, october 6, in irvington dis trict in the vicinity of 25th . st. n. and e. broadway. will answer to the name of "jenny." finder please call east 6s74 and receive reward. THE FOLLOWING articles were found on cars of the P. R I, A- P Cn Ort Rr 5 purses, pictures, toy kitten, pin, 4 books, 5 packages, traveling bag. suit case, rope, mop handle, 2 lunch boxes, basket, wire clippers, 11 umbrellas. The owners may obtain property at First and Alder streets. 50-ROOM APT. HOTEL. H. and C water in every room; lobby office and parlor downstairs, splendid heating plant, electric belis to all rooms; splendid west side location ; rent $2(H). good lease; price $6feoo. $43O0 down, balance $100 month. WOODCOCK. 200 Henry bldg. LST7Lost a weok last Thursday, a uunuie 01 launary, supposedly on Porter street; finder please return to New System West Wash. Reward. This loas will have to be paid for by driver if bundle is not returned. LOST Friday, a Gamma Deita Phi pin set with pearls and one small diamond: name engraved on back. Finder please return to room 010, Oregonian, or phone Tabor 887. Reward. LOST Gray handbag (Parisian). with Bieei, prooaoiy at Henson note); contained purse with money and pair glasses; generous reward. Phone Main 2 62 6. LOST. Week ago. brown silk umbrella, white and yellow handle, in cafe, street car or depot; gold chain, gold dollar at- tached. Call Main 2530. LOST Saturday on north side of Yamhill market, between 2d and 3d sts., fancy , beaded bag, containing $65 in bills and some change; also other personal eC fects. Liberal reward. Wd!n. 6ilt. ONE LARGE lady's hand bag containing auout iv ana iounuin pen; lost some wnere between 23d and 26th on John son or Lovejoy sts. Return same for re ward to 790 Lovejoy gt. LOST On street car or in down-town dis trict, ragian overcoat, dark brown and yellow stripe, with Seattle trade-mark on inside pocket. Finder call Wdln. 5101 ; reward. LOST Thursday, Boston bull terrier, male. periect wnite markings, mahogany and black body. Phone 323-31 or call at 1333 Thompson St., cor. 48th. Liberal re wara. LOST Black cotton parasol with gun metal crook handle, on Yamhill mar ket Friday, poor woman. Finder leave at Oregonian. LOST Sunburnt pin of pearls, opal center. ruoy Between each, point; valued as keep sake from mother who is dead. Phone Main 385. Monday; reward. LOST Black leather pocket book in li brary lavatory, or dropped between li brary and Meier & Frank's. Reward. Main 3305. LOST One 80x34 Miller tire en route to 01. jonns net ween Broadway bridge and Portsmouth st. ; reward. Mar-hall 5752. No. U56561. LOST Between Union depot and First and Taylor, lady's gold wrist watch, Wal tham movement; a keepsake; reward. Phone Mr. R. D. Young. Beaverton. Or. FOUND Friday, money. Owner may have same by describing. Automatic 221-87. SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposals Invited. CALL FOR BIDS. Notice Is hereby given that sealed bids will be received by Balcuna Coal & Coke company, a corporation, office at Ray mond. Wash., up to the hour of 8 P. M.. October 1S. 100, for the driving of a tunnel 300 feet long with 2 feet height between hanging and foot wai Is 6 to 7 feet; tools, machinery (now at the tunnel) and powder is to be fur nished by the company; also a complete blacksmith shop and outfit for the ue of the successful bidder. Tunnel is on an incline of 22 degrees. These bids to be on lineal feet driven. A certified check In the sum of 5 per cent of the total amount of the bid must accompany each bid. The board of directors re serve the right to reject any and all bids. For further information call Maiu 7043, Portland, Or. Dated at the office of the company this Sth day of October. l!20. BALCUNA COAL & COKE CO.. Tbos. E. Hotchkiss, Sec. Phone 82-J. Miscellaneous. NOTICE. Examination for the degree of certified public accountant of Oregon will be held at the public library. 10th and Yamhill sts.. Portland. Or., on Tuesday and Wednesday, Nov. 16 and 37, from 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. Questions will be asked in theory of accounts, practical accounting, auditing and commercial law. Candidates are requested to file appli cations with the secretary as soon aa possible and not later than Nov, 5. ac companied by the statutory fee of 25. OREGON STATE BOARD OF AC COUNTANCY. By ARTHUR BE R RIDGE. Sec. 610 Worcester block. Portland, Or. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. This is to notify all persons dealing with Mrs. S. M. Clement that I am no longer responsible for any debt or bills contracted by her. the said Mrs. S. M. Clement having heretofore left my bed and board. GEO. L. CLEMENT. MR. G. A. BRACKENBROUGH will not be responsible for any bills after Oct. 6. FTNANCIAL. LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED. YOU BUY OR SELL AN AUTOMOBILE. WE- FURNISH THE MONEY. OUR fciBRVICE WILL PLEASE YOU. OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO.. 20 6 S ELL1 NO B LDG ., 2D F LO O R. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. TITLE & TRUST COMPANY, TITLE & TRUST BLDG. WANT secured loan of $25.0O0; pay interest and bonus on profits; profits this year 25 per cent ; our company is large pro ducer of staple food products; security mortgage on plant; machinery and equip ment cost $125 , 000. AN 54. Oregonian . LIVESTOCK LOANS. We have money to loan on cattle, sheep and hogs. F. E. BOWMAN CO., 210 Chamber of Commerce. 100 SHARES dividend-paying stock, 24 guaranteed, worth $15o ; will sac rifice: no agents or shoppers. C 1U2, Ore gonian. CASH paid for tuortgages and sellers con tracts on real estate in Washington, Ore gon. H. E. Noble, 316 Lumbermen bldg. pRnTTEA rtt' pa y s cash forcon- TRACTS OF SALE. REAL ESTATE MORTGAGES. TABOR 1353. WE BUY first and second mortgages and sellers' contracts. F. E. Bowman &. Co., X10 Chamber of Commerce. $lOO0 SECURED NOTES for sale; liberal discount and 10 per cent interest. AR 87. Oregonian. $2000 contract, 7 per cent on 7-room house, discount (75. Richards. 325 Main. Money to Loan on Reml Estate. $400, $500. $600, 1 S00, $1000, $ 1 200, $1600, 1200O and up, lowest rates, quick action: pay off $100 or more at any interest date, uoraon Mortgage jo., bl caam bor of Commerce bldg. Main 1370. LIBbJRAL LOANS. We loan our money on real estate. 1st and d mort (races, contracts, livestock. notes, etc. F. E. Bowman & Co., 210 Chamber of Commerce. Main 3026. iOKTGAGE loans on improved farm and city property, favorable repaying priv ileges; uo commission or aeiay. THE OREGON MORTGAGE CO.. LTD. 30 Piatt Bldg. Main 5371. CITY AND FARM LOANS. TRI-STATB INVESTMENTS CORPORATION. 801 U. S. Nat i. Bank Bldg., Bdwy. 2013. $300. $400. $500, $750. $1000 AND UP; low rates; quick action. Fred VV. German Co.. 732 Cham, of Com. Main 6445. $1000. $5000, ON improved city or sub urban property; reasonable rates. East 632. MONEY TO LOAN. CITY PROPERTY. OREGON BOND &. MORTGAGE CO., 208 SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1 SOO. TO LOAN, by private party, iu sums to suit, $8000 at 1 per cent, on good real estate security. AK 59. Oregonian. MONEY to loan on real estate security at going rate of Interest. Otto & Hark son - Realty Co.. 413 Cham, of Com. MONEY to loan on real state, 7 per cent. Geo. P. Len U 717 Corbett bid g. MONEY TO LOAN See Lawyers' Title & Trust company, 285 Stark st., near 4th. SEE OREGON INV. MORTGAGE CO.. 222 Chamber of Commerce. 4th and Stark. MORTGAGE LOANS. 6 end 7 per cent. Louis Saloman & Co., 408 Selling bldg. $1000 ON city Improved, value $000i Ad &ins 821 Chamber of Commerce. FINANCIAL. Money to Ioan on Ileal Estate. RESIDENCE LOANS. 7, five-year period. You may pay $100 or any multiple thereof account principal semi-annually and reduce in terest on loans under $5000. INSTALLMENT LOANS. Will loan 60 value house and lot at 7. You pay one-half of 1 per cent account principal monthly. For exam ple, $2000 loan, you pay $10 monthly and interest ; you have privilege of paying $100 or any multiple thereof monthly, interest reduced accordingly. NO COM MISSION. BUSINESS LOANS. Five-year period, 6. Excellent re payment privilege. MORTGAGE LOAN COMPANY, Main 8308 407 Yeon Bldg. CITY LOANS. NO COMMISSION. On improved property, or for improve ment purposes. The best and easiest method of paying a loan is our monthly payment plan. $32.26 per month for 36 months, or $21.24 per month for 00 months, or $15.17 per month for 96 months pays a lon of $1000 and interest. Loans of other amounts in same pro portions. Repayment privileges. EQUITABLE SAVINGS & LOAN ASSN.. 242 btark St., Portland, Or. MORTGAGE LOANS. On real estate security, any amount from $500 up on improved city or farm property. TUB LAWRENCE COMPANY. 205 Corbett Bldg. Main 6915. A. 2S1R. SEE US TODAY We loan money on real estate; lowest rates; long time, short time; monthly payments, py as you can; sums to suit; contracts, 2d mortgages, liberty bonds bought. 725 Gnsco bldg. ,5th and Alder. CELL A RS-MURTON CO. $00,000 TO LOAN in sums to suit on citv. suburban and farms. Building loans a special ty. WILLIAM G. BECK. 21R-216 FAILING BUILDING. THIRD AND WASHINGTON. FARM LOANS. " Insurance company money to loan at lowest current rates on Willamette val ley farms; no commission, no delays. LEVEKBAUX MORTGAGE COMPANY, 87 Sixth St., Portland. Or. " MORTGAGE LOANS. Any amount, low rates, promptly closed. Attractive repayment privilgees. A. H. BIRRELL CO.. 217 Northwestern Bank Bldg Marshall 4114. a. 411. MORTGAGE LOANS. FARM AND CITY PROPERTY 6 AND 7 PER CENT. INSTALLMENT LOANS. NO COMMISSION UNION ABSTRACT CO.. 83 4TH ST. HENRY BLDG. MORTGAGE LOANS, on farm and city property. Prompt and helpful service. Liberal repayment priv ileges. Iowest rates. WESTERN BUND & MORTGAGE CO.. M) Fourth St.. Portland. Or. CITY AND FARM LOANS. First 2d Mtgs. and Contract No Delay. No Delay. No Delay $1000. $1500. $2000. $3000 and UP. F. H. DEHHON, 615 CHAM. OF COM. Money to Loan Chattels and Salaries. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN. MONEY AT 2 PER CENT. ESTABLISHED BY PORTLAND BUSINESS MEN TO PROTECT BOR ROWERS. LOANS MADE ON DIA MONDS, WATCHES, JEWELRY. VIC TROLAS. PIANOS, LIBERTY BONDS AND FURNITURE. 394 STARK ST.. NEAR 10th. CARRIE MYERS HERMANN, Mgr. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN. DO YOU NEED MONEY AT LEGAL RATES. QUICK SERVICE? YOU CAN GET IT TODAY. LOANS MADE ON AUTOMOBILES. FURNITURE, PIANOS VICTROLAS. REAL ESTATE!. BONDS. ETC. If your payments are too large on your automobile or furniture contracts, we will pay them up and advance you more money if needed. We make a spe cialty of these loans and leave the se curity in your possession and vo can repay us in email monthly payments WK ALSO MAKE SALARY LOANS to salaried people on their own notes. Rates reasonable. Private offices. Ail busi ness strictly confidential. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY. (LICENSED.) 306-307 Dekuin Bldg. Marshall 3286. S. W. cor. Third and Washington. SALARY LOANS. CHATTELS. WE LOAN MONEY on short notice to salaried or working men on their own notes. Weekly, semi monthly or monthly payments. Each transaction strictly confidential. NO MORTGAGE. NO INDORSER. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. We also loan on household furniture, pianos, etc., without removal. CALL AND INVESTIGATE. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT CO. t Licensed. ) 218 FAILING BUILDING. MONEY TO LOAN on diamonds, watches. jewelry and bonds. Kgrtl rates; all goods held 1 year VINES JEWELRY STORE. 114-116 Third St.. corner Washington. Main 0610. QUICK money to salaried people, w ithout indorsers or security; investigate; confi duiitial. 3H Cham, of Com. bldg. MONEY TO LOAN on diamonds, jewelrv, legal rates: articles held a year; estab li.shed 18SS. Dan Marx & Co.. 23 Wash HATHAWAY Loans on pianos and furnl rr; iegai rates. 208 Washington bldg. Lotuis Wanted. WANT loan of $S00 on 10 acres near sta tion on Oregon Electric. Timbered. Worth $2000. Will pay 8 and give party making loan benefit of brokers' oommission. AH 45, Oregonian. WE HAVE some good real estate con tracts and mortgages, payable lu month ly installments and bearing 7 interest which we will discount at 5. F E. Bowman & Co.. 210 Cham, of Com. bldg. MILWAUKIE PROPERTY. $000 wanted on 100x100 lot. new 3 room houe, with lights, gas. bath and concrete walks. 624 Henry bldg. Bdwy. LOAN of $2400 wanted. Will secure you with merchandise in warehouse and guarantee you $tio0 profit in less than iixty days. AK 52, Oregonisn. 35oO ON 10 ACRE Improved farm with modem new house: close to Portland; valued at $1200; will pay 7 per cent lntere?t. Answer C 185. Oregonian. FOR GILT-EDGE 7 and 8 mortgage bonds In local concerns see Oregon In vestment & Mortgage Co., 222 Chamber of Commerce bldg. 1 WANT $10O at 7 interest, fully se cured; private parties only. In answering give name, address and phone number. UF 42. Oregonian. WANT $10,000 loan at 7 per cent on im proved farm near city li mits ; conserva tively worth $45,000. 222 Chamber of Commerce oing. WANT loan of $5000 on west side income property from principal direct; will pay 8 per cent and expenses of loan, but no oroaerage. Vj i, oregonian. WANT loan of $1250 on bungalow. 3 years, 8 per cent, private party. F 1G, Orego nlan. WANT $3500 loan on 10-room house close in on west side: lot alone assessed at yfiOOO. 222 Chamber of Commerce bldg. $ooo WANTED on west side residence, 7 rooms, modern. Oregon lnv. & Mortgage "p.. - - - namoer or commerce bldg. $9000 LOAN wanted: real estate security worth $150,000; your Interest rate is satisfactory. BECK. 525 Henry bldg. WA NTED to hear from party that will loan $3oo on $12,000 security. Address H. Osterholm. Ballston. Or. WANT loan of $3000 on modern 8-room resldenre; prefer private parties. B 116, Oregonlan. $3500 WANTED from private party on near-In west side property worth $11,000. Main 6127. East 1364. INSTALLMENT rea'ty contracts, well se cured, $800 to $2000; reasonable dis count. East 6320. WANT $4000, 8 per cent, income property, 160 acres, value $16,000. AM 82, Ore gonlan. $eOO CONTRACT, good real estate security. Close In. Discount 15. AG 739, Orego- $350O LOAN wanted on Portland Heights residence; principals only; no agents. P 1, Oregonian. $3000 ON new, strictly modern Rose City bungalow; principals only. East 6329. WANTED To borrow $2000 on 70 acres land near Portland. AM 0O, Oregonian. SEE OREGON INV. & MORTGAGE CO, 222 Cham, of Com., Fourth and Stark. $T500. $SOO ON city Improved. E. W. Ad ams. K21 Chamber of Commerce. WANT fin, 000 on 360-acre farm, value $O0,0O0, 8. AK 48. Oregonian. WANTED $750, Al security, 1 year. AK 51. O regon ian. LOAN wanted on improved Irvington prop erty. $25H); Se. Y 111, Oregonian. LOAN $3200, Rose City residence, first mortgage; private parties. Auto. 212-2d. FINANCIAL. Loans Waxitea. OWN AN Interest In Inside city holdings; ownership certificates In centrally lo cated 2d ave. Seattle real estate, leased to wholesale houses ; denominations $1000; the only way by which you can get all of the income, netting better than interest rate, and also the profits real ized on the investment. Oregon Invest ment & Mortgage Co., 222 Chamber of Commerce bldg. FRANK L. McGUIRE. with his years of experience and expert knowledge of values, is In a position to safeguard your every interest in loaning your money. Hundreds of applications for loans. Of fice of personal service. Let us loan your money. See J. Logle Richardson, manager of loan department. Abington bldg. Main 10iS. $700, St $700, goj, $700. 8. 6-room bouse in course of construc tion, w ill have complete plumbing ; the owner estimates that the house will be worth -$25O0 when finished. The appli cant is a carpenter and Is doing his own work, and part of the money applied for will be retained until .completed. Fred W. German Co., 732 Cham, of Com. W ANTE D ev erai p ar A es with money to take an interest in purchasing a 3GO acre tract of fine agricultural land 25 miles south of Portland on paved state highway; land very Fuftabie for subdi viding into small tracts; a wonderful opportunity to make easy and quick money. Cobb Bros., 263 Oak st. 8 PERCENT first mortgage bonds of local packing plant, maturities 5 to 0 years at par and accrued interest ; denominations $500 to $1000; for sale by Oregon lnv. & Mtg. Co., 222 Chamber of Commerce bldg. LOANS WANTED $SO0 to $1000. a well improved 7-acre place on Portland and Newberg highway, valued st $4500 ; will pay 7. See SAM HEWEY at J. L, HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Commerce bldg. 1000. $1500. $2500 ON PORTLAND resi dences. Herman Moeller, 1025 Gasco bldg. Main 14S0. PERSONAL. THE METROPOLITAN COLLEGE, 30S-0 Alisky Building, 3d and M orrison St.. offers snecial lnductments. Men and women, read this special offer. In 6 months' time The Metropolitan system of Drug! ess Physicians guarantees full course of instructions, including text books and diploma, and placing the stu dent in a position whereby he or she can earn from $5000 to $15,000 per year. A good paying independent business with short hours. The only college of its kind in the northwest and ahead of all other treatments, systems or methods. Note. This offer is special, and only lor a short time and limited number, in cluding special tuition. The student be gins by actual practice. Take advantage as this of ftr is limited. ARE YOU SICK AND AFFLICTED? There is help for you. My system works upon the nerves, muscles, verte braes, veins, arteries, tissues and brings blood action to the sympathetic system which functions and controls and forms the entire network upon the heart, stum ach, cranium, eyes, nose and throat. In fact the functions of the sympathetic system sends motor impulses to invol untary muscles, conveys sensation from internal organs of the body, controls the heart actions and secretion, and eery disease or ailment of any form known to medical science can be cured by the proper adustment of the sympathetic nerves, of which l am a specialist. DR. J. SMITH. 30S-9 Alisky Bldg., 3d and Morrison. Consultation free. Tel. Main 3277. TO THE SICK. Why suffer longer when there Is a cure at hand ? A famous pack cure now in Portland Tor the lirst time, cures rheumatism and numerous of ner ais eaes. Draws all the poison from your system, stimulates circulation. Results are quick and lasting. Many have traveled hundreds ot miles to taKe tn i cure. Open evenings only. 6 to 10. Sundays, 2 to G I'. M. Cut this out. Dr. Stewart, drugless physician, 305-6 Swetland hidg. Marshall 3l4. W H Y BE FAT when I can reduce your weleht a tiound a da v or more safeij inexpensively and permanently, without drugs? No wrinkles or ttabby-flesh as a result of this way of reducing and you may have all you need to eat three times a day. w rue ior r ii.t iniorma tion to ELIZABETH MARFHELLE. Obesity Specialist. 231-2 Yale Building, Seattle, Washington. MRS. SHOPPER had been to all the best suit departments in the city, out noin-ln- -h tried on looked riirht on her. It was her corset wrong corsetry; spoils your good lines and accentuates your poor ones. We have more than one hundred and fifty styles and the same courteous treatment whether you buy a $2.50 or a $35 model. Buy your lntl mate feminine things at a woman's shop. Kathryn Coffield's, 374 Morrison street. ANY READER of this paper suffering from goitre big neck can get positive in formation on how to cure it st home without the least trouble or dlscom fort There is a pleasa.nt surprise in store for you If you will write. No charge what soever, l ei lotners ; n n i n-'i - i Address Dr. Rock, box X-737, Milwaukee, Wis. DR CORA YALE BELT-. CHIROPODIST PED1ATRIPT. MY PRACTICE IN CHI- i-mt KxTKXDKH KKUAi i:c rw jin.t HAVE 1 R A CT IC ED I N P O R T L AN I VWW TWO YKS. . K.fKKIb.N(. r. COI NTS. ROOM 5IMV7 SWETLAND BLDG.. 5TH AND WAiSHlNOTON STS. MAIN 1445. GENTLEMAN FROM WICHITA. KANSAS Will you see the lady from Nebraska whom you met Thursday noon carrying a red rose. Interested In butdness prop osition. Home Sunday afternoon and any evening after i o cloCK. ua nome f n day evening. PYORRHEA. What Is it? What causes It Is It preventable? Can it be curea: jx ami nations free. C. Sl IT H LONO. Dentist. 310 Hush & Lane Bldg. ai.t. the latest remedies sold at the Clem- non Druar Co.. 0O Morrison St.. St. Charles hotel corner. At this drugstore von Met lust what you call for. We havi no substitutes. LADIES going to Los Angeles October 20 want reliable mechanic or driver, who thoroughly understands a Ford and wanting to go to Los Angeles. Share e x p e n s -s. AK ft-, uregonian. LESSONS Complete training in beauty culture: all branches, by competent, qualified teachr from the east. Phone Mrs. Snyder. Main 1S5. 302-3 Broad way Hidg. $10 R H WARD for address of Hert Burgo working in mnis in vnc. or dress M. Burgo, 3834 17th .. San Fran cisco CAPABLE Jewish lady, good cook, desires no objection to leaving city. A 122, an contemplating trip to Denver or vi- ....... ...v. ; tVi-na. k V 11 (iff. gonlan IK i ul are UM8UIO w.- 'iu 1 -" physical exercise, try body or vibrator .' A.V i 1 1 : 11 ui vnnr bom Tm - br 7101 LADIES and girls looking for good service able rain hat, any style; also bags to match, come to Andes' Hat Shop, 13th uuhrohiKIIY. uaintinc: taught one les.son )rrUrs titken. Pillows, coat, hat bands, stamping, patterns for sale. tt07 Raleigh bldg. IV ANYONE motoring to San Francisco or southern Caliiornia can lane one gen tleman passenger call Marshall lu50, room jn. KKLlAbLK. sinirle. middle-aged man go ing to San Francisco soon, desires to make part ot expenses. a ure gonlan. WOULD you give a boy. 10, a home and a monther's love who Is in need of the above? C H9, Oregonian. GENTLEMAN going to Kansas City can defray part of expense by communicat ing with 493 Market st. GENTLEMAN goinr to Kansas City this month call at 2X Stock Exch. building Monday. Save transportation. WOULD take a few patients for chiro nraetic treatments. i7 month. Tabor 7 OSS. WILL adopt bright boy of six sunmers Into a good family; mother deau. C CANCERS, tumors treated without uwe of knife; exam. free. 143 B. ISth st. Dr. Ooldift Rygg. cancer specialist. East 2.34. C W. SHAW, 712 Hoyt st.; readings daily; "circles Monday. Wednesday, 8 P. M. Main 8214. DR HAYNIE irives chiropractic, steam baths, massage; vibration and electric. -T r Swetland Bldg. Main 175. LA DY going to Chicago before Oct. 31 1 will save money by writing AO 6i, Ore gon tan. DOESN'T Tom, Dick or Harry pay you ? See Viereck. collection-. Dekum bldg WI LL accom-moda te one person on!y bv auto, Fresno via S. F. Automatic 51-61. CAN SAVE money for lady going to Chi cago. AO 52. Oregonia n. ANYONE goin east in near future please call Tabor 2170. LI DA JACKSON Facial, scalp treatment, manicuring. 322 Fliedner bldg. PARTY going to Chicago communicate with N. K. Graves. 5'J Rural ave. PERSONAL. GET WELL. FREW. FREE. FRFB. Every day, from 10 A. M. to B P. M., and evenings from 0 to 8, and Sundays from 10 to 12. THOUSANDS OP SCFFFRERS WHO HAVE FAILED to get relief in any other way are Invited to investigate Chiropractic methods, which are permanently curing hundreds every dav. TIIE BEST OF CHIROPRACTIC DIAGNOSTICIANS will thoroughly examine yon, make a complete diagnosis of your case and di rect your treatments WITHOUT ANY COST TO YOU WHATEVER. CHIROPRACTIC is the safe, sane, sure and modern science of curing and preventing disease. CHIROPRACTIC will permanently cure 95 per cent of all diseases. CHIROPRACTIC removes tho cause health returns. The above service is all free to you at the college building and may be bad iu private if desired. PRIVATE TREATMENTS may also be had in college building by members of the faculty, by either lady or ait-n prac titioners. CHIROPRACTIC COLLEGE, Corner of Park and Yamhill. Tel. Main 1014. HOSPITAL tn connection wtth college. Will hsndle out-of-town patients at a most reason able rate in order to show what Chiro practic can do. DR. O. W. ELLIOTT) President. 100 CHIROPRACTIC SYSTEM. (Camouflage and adjuncts foreign to this principle only add time and Imma diate expense to later despair). Dr. McMahon. Macleay bldg., Port land, a chiropractor of experience, a past amateur, a 10O per cent chiropractic specialist, with highest testimonials from patients from eastern states, familiar with the best; also from western and local patients having unfortunately had less than 100 per cent chiropractic else where, with, of course, corresponding dis appointment in delayed relief. Men and women are fully satisfied with my loo per cent chiropractic Philosophy, long experience and superior skill demonstrated in consuiiatlon, ex aminations; easy, careful adjustments, raLes, and finally results. Eleventh year in this city, cnronlo cases, one or two, takln ttnoa. 31 adjustments. $25. Patients improving, but slowly, ax tended time. 31 adjustments, $15. Acute cases, fever, lumbago. any doubting Thomas, etc. less time, les expense. ' Phone, call, wire, write. Main Office. 4th and Wash. New Home. 647 East Salmon St. EPH RE DA NEW HEALTH BTTILDER-Use-d in treatment of all kidney dis eases, dropsy, stomach and Intestinal disorders. Relieves gas and acid conditions of di gest ive ornans, has most wonderful ef fects on kidney and rheumatic conditions. Sixteen days treatment. $2.50. FPHRKDA CO.. 202 ALISKY BLDO. ACCOMPLISHED AT LAST. FainletkS dentistry, by the tierve-block-Ing method, without after effects. I ma ke X-ray examinations of teeth. I specialize in first-class dentistry at rea sonable fees. Lady attendant. Mar. 3200. DR. A. V. KEEN E. Majestic Theater Bldg.. 3"1 Wash. DR. H. .. CHANDLER. CHIROPRACTOR. Graduate of the Palmer School of Chiropractic. Acute and Chronic Diseases. House and Emergency Calls f.47 Morgan Bldg.. Wash, and BdW MARSHALL 3i)G4. FEET FEEL GOOD? If they don't, either your shoes don't fit or you have foot troubles. Let our foot special is t. Dr. In galls. exa mino your sliocs and feet free. He wiU show you a wav to relief. KNRSHT SHOE CO.. Morrison, near Broadway. LA DI ES. ATTENTION. Buckram and not hat frames In a 'I te latest styles; hats made of your own materia Is and retrinimed in our work room at a very reasonable price. L.a France Hatters. ;,72 u Morrison, between Park and West Park. FRED H E I UE. stock-ranch worker, last heard from at Preseott, Wash.. Vl 5 ; also aroutid Pendleton, Or. A nybody having Information please write hi mother. Mrs. Frank Fiedler. 1507 Henry street, Berkeley. Cal. " AN ELECTRIC CABINET BATH. Shower and massage ; Individual service. 1 r. J. C. M. Ironside. 300 Broadway bldg. Graduate nurse assistant. Main 50- KHEl'MATLSM and stomach troubles yield to Lang's Mineral Wonder when all els fails. A pure mineral, nut a drug. Pack age $1. Recommended by thousands. Portland Dist. Co., 314 Stark. Portland. TAKAKA ANTISEPTIC POWDER Is a cleansing, healing germicide a nd Invig orating douche, a great aid in femaM disorders; fiOc and $1 per box. Portland Hotel Pharmacy. ' IF YOU s re troubled with dandruff, fall ing hair or baldness, try my free dem onstration treatment with new product in vour home or office; I grow hair on bald heads. Address box 707. city. GA LIjSToN ES Free book tells of im proved method of treating inflammation of gall bladder and bile ducts. Write today. Dr. Paddock, box UW201, Kanea City, M . m ;p-:IAL treatments given for baldness, st-alp troubles, falling hair or dandrufi. tali Wood lawn 1305 for appolntmenU The Ekilee Company, 800 Union ave, N. FEB VET Ac HAN E BUT, leading wig an toupe makers; finest stock h uman ha' goods, hairdressing. manicuring, face an I 1 s.-it !p treat mc nt. mt-i . .i u $1 OKI'S both feet fixed up at Dr. Eaton's the CHIROPODIST and ARCH SPLST.. who doesn't hurt you; 8 yrs. here; exam, free. Globe bldg.. 11th & Wash. Bdy. 21SL V IF TIRED OR SICK, TRY MY ELECTRl "! MAGNETIC OR VIBRATORY BOD C MASSAGES AT 415 BUCHANAN BLD'J. MAIN e3G0. . IF YOlT are tired and nervous have scientific electric body mapsage. Dr. Ovldia Larson, 427 Morgan Blug. Mai-i 1W9. SET. GEORG E RU B E NaT EI N, Vetera-, optician, eyes tested, glasses f itte-, broken lenses duplicated. No Inflate! prices. 22, Morrison St. ELECTRICAL treatments Vlt-O-Net m a r -netic baths. for all chronic ailment i. scientific body massage. -450 Morgi' bldg. Main 7579. SULPHUR steam bath mas-age, violet rvy and vibratory treatment. 4 2d Clay. Main H35. IO A. M. to 8 P. M. M -SAGE. baths, kidneys, constipation, rheumatism. Dr. Elna Sorensen. dru less phys.. 50S Panama bldg. Main 50S i. SCALP treatment, facial massage, e 1c tri al treatment, stea m bath and ma: sa ge. Ethel Burke. 304 Deknm bldg. REV MRS. J- C. SCHORI teaches spir: unilsm. Meetings Tus., Thurs., S P. M. 441 K. 12th. cor. Sherman. Sellwood ca r. PILES can be permanently cured withoi t operation. Call or write Dr. Dean, 234 M'-rrison at. BEHRENS & STET'ER, face, scalp trea - tt en ts. manicuring- 230 Fliedner bid -;. Broadway 10 S 5. SUPERFLUOUS hair removed forever I multipl'-needle method. 504 Swetla: bldg.. Fifth and Washington sts. STANTON MILLINERY, where stvien charm and prices pie 310 Selling building. YOU have sore feet see Dr. Ethel Sacry, pedicuring and manicuring, A M to 8 P. M. 6W5 Raleigh bldg. DR MINNIE A. JENSEN, chiropraci o physician. 240 Park st. Phone Aut-ni-atie 517-52. SCI KNT1F1C home treatment for tub ; -culosis ; rtop it before too lat e. Mye. a Contract Co., box 32:2, Portland. Or. IE YOU are tired and nervous, have a scientific body massage. Dr. Ovid'a Lar son. 427 Morgan bldg. Main Hi SUPERFLUOUS hair, moles, warts remov d by 10 needles method; trial free. Jo e Finley. 514 Bush & Lane bldg. Main fi:i ETHEL ADAMS, scalp treatments, mani curing. 40G Broad way bldg., cor. Morn son; hours 11 to S. Sundays, 12 to 3. GR A DU ATE nurse treats lumbago, et Hours 2 to 5 or by appointment. Phoi.t Main 1041. Offices 3uS-C. Third st. TOBACCO or nnuff naon cured or no pnv-; $1 if cured. Kemecy sent on triaL Su perb a Co. W 3i4. Baltimore. Md. OPAL1N-. Mrs. Bummers' remedies tot women ; positive relief. 24 tj Lincoiru Main 47Q. , LID JACKSON, facial, scalp treatment. manicuring. 322 FlUdner bldg. WILL call at your home and give electr o treatments or hand massage. Tabor 71n I. GOITRE, enlarged glands; cure yours! A. R- Strachan, route 5. Hillsboro. Or. PILES CAN BE CURED without opera Uo-i. Free booklet. P. O. Box 1105. PFRKINS National Herbs. 859 Morgan bids. Phone Main 5Q55. JL'NICIDE will cure rheumatism or mony back. 40S Dekum bldg. RUPTURE CAN BE CURED without operation. Free booklet. P. O. Bnx 1H' EYES tested f rer ; spertacles guarantee X, Dr. Belding. 245 V Alder st. Main l-2- PRIMEDA B A lSl formerly called Bal n of Fig-. S44 E. 33d. Sell. 2213 mornlm s. WANTED Address of Ruby Gordon. Ho 2 Oregonian.