8 THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTTjAXD, OCTOBER lO. 1020 For Sale Huhm. BIHR-CAREY CORPORATION. REALTORS. MAIN 74S7. OPEN SUNDAYS. Before you select your home we should tike to liave you inspect some of our properties. We tub riiit the tol lowing and guaranteu that what we cay of them ia true: L A U R E 1 , HU RS T. $7100. This seven-room bungalow type house cannot be duplicated today for less than $S50o. it has two large bedrooms and sleeping porch upstairs, bain, toilet and bedroom down. largo living room with tile fire-place, Dutch kitchen, wonderful built-in buiiet, full cement base ment, laundry trays, furnace, hard wood floor-, pavement and www paid. Convenient terms. ALAMEDA PARK. $7000. Splendidly built and of a pleas ing style of architecture, this new bungalow has live well-arranged rooms and breakfast nook, large, living room with fireplace, attrac tive built-in buffet and innumer able other built-ins, Dutch kitchen, cement basement, furnace, laundry txas. hardwood floors, ivory Unish, garage, pavement and sewer paid. This place is easily worth $i500. Con veuieu t terms. IRVTNGTON. $tj4H0. "Wonderfully well-built, up-to-tbe-mintue new colonial bungalow of 5 rooms and breakfast nook; tile fireplace in spacious living" room, smart built-iu buffet and book cases, Dutch kitchen with more than usual built-ins, two light, airy bedrooms, hot water heat, hardwood floors, ivory woodwork, f u!l cement basement. laundry trays, pavement and sewer in and paid. This is a most excellent buy. $1000 will handle. CENTRAL EAST PORTLAND. $iO0. $S500 is a conservative valuation of this more than ordinarily well built house of eight rooms, of whii'h fwur are upstairs bedrooms. Built-in buffet. Dutch kitchen, iarge living room and den; cement basement, laundry trays, furnace, hardwood floors ; lot 5u by 115. u easily worth $4000. This house is on East 20th, near Salmon, and may be had tor only $000 down. ROSE CITY PARK. $4050. Substantial, attractive, strictly modern; less than three years old; 5-room bungalow on full lot, with pavement and sewer paid. The rooms are large and pleasingly ar ranged, consisting of large living 4 room with hreplace. two satisfac tory bedrooms, built-in butfet, Dutch kitchen, cement basement, laundry trays, furnace, hardwood floors, ivory woodwork. This place la easily worth $5000. Reasonable down payment will handle. HAWTHORNE. $3700. Double constructed house of six rooms, three of which are upstairs bedrooms; Dutch kitchen, full ce ment basement. laundry txaya; street Improvements in and paid ; $40 worth of wood included; a very attractive place. In tine neighbor hood, in A-l condition. It may b had on easy terms. BBLLWOOD. , $:5oo. Newly painted and tinted, very substantially built and attractive live-room bungalow on paved street with sewer. The bungalow is in a choice section of Sellwood and has excellently arranged rooms. Only $5O0 down. ALBERTA, $4200. Paved street, one block from car; two years old; extra well built and of exceedingly attractive appear ance, this bungalow has a good sized living room with fireplace, built-in buffet. Dutch kitchen, two large bedrooms, hardwood floors, ivory woodwork, cement basement, laundry trays. It is in A-l condi tion and may be had on reasonable terms. BIHR-CAREY CORPORATION, 211 RAILWAY EXCHANGE BLDG. THIRD AND STARK STS. MAIN 74S7. OPEN SUNDAYS. $11,000 HOME FOR $0850. In Kenton among nice homes we have for sale a wonderful stucco 7-room home with big double garage to match. This home is practically new and strict ly modern with oak floors, fireplace, all built-ins. beautiful glassed-in sun-room, 8 bedrooms and sleeping porch, tile bath, extra shower bath; a splendid cement basement, fruit room, laundry room, fur nace heat, 75x100 lot. street liens all paid. A builder will tell you the prop erty couldn't be duplicated for $11,000. Owner asks only $1250 cash, with im mediate possession. Mr. Newcomer, here's your opportunity. COMTE & KOHLMAN. MAIN 6550. 20S Chamber of Commerce Bldg. BEAUTIFUL SUBURBAN HOME. Ground 140x240. 8-room, double constructed residence, with all modern conveniences, beautiful gYoirnds with garage; an ideal home; located at I860 Division st. This prop erty must be soUl: take a look at it. We might take a small house as part payment. Let, Us Show Tou. GEO. T. MOORE CO., 10O7 Yeon Bide. MARION COUNTY FARM. We offer for sale 10 acres very fine land along Willamette river, south of Salem. The place has been well farmed and is up in fine shape; 65 acres bottom la-nd under cultivation. 25 acres upland, all cleared ; balance pasture with some oak and fir timber; good barn : country road and electric line across the place. To be sold at attractive figure. A. H. BIRKELL CO.. 217 N. W. Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114. BRAUT1KUL WOODSTOCK HOME. It has five eVtra large rooms, modem, bath, lights and gas, fine cement base ment; great big fine lot 6 2-3xlC8 ft.: good garage, beautiful lawn and pretty flowers, paved street, city sewer; handy to car, school and Franklin high school and Fome snap for $300o and the bonded street assessment. If you want a beau tlful little home see this. E. W. HUGHES. 507 Journal Bldg. Main 285S. HOME LAND FREEDOM Some Trade. Finest 5-room bungalow at Kendall station, with over o acres rich soils. making just the combination you want. Fruits, chickens, vegetables; also some persona! property included at $6000; will take sma II nun ga low as part trade. O. H. SKOTHEIM COMPANY. 332-333 Railwav Exchange Bldg. Main 5I: and Main 7511. WEriTOVER DISTRICT. Fine view, beautiful grounds, strictly modern residence; hot water heat. bedrooms besides maid's room and bath; largo garage, near car. Appointment only. POINDEXTER. 20S Selling Bldg. Main 100. Residence East 6771 MODBRN BUNGALOW $3850. $500 cash. $20 monthly with interest huvH ,i-room bungalow on paved street sower connection, bath, gas and electric lights, full basement with stationary tubs, concrete foundation. of a block from car. Be sure to see this. Fred W. German Co.. "32 Cham, of Com. NORTH OF HAWTHORNE. NEAR 42D. $2500 $300 To $450 CASH. 4 rooms downstairs and two up; fine . lot 50x00. hard surface all in. house ha gas and electric. Then $25 per month Ann interest. 1 his ts close tn. SftifTH-WAOOXER. STUCK EXCH H A WTHORN E $4200. $1700 cash. 7-room bungalow style house; fireplace, built- in bookcase, buffet, full cement base ment ; tOx 1 1 6-foot lot ; on hardsurfaced street, winch is Included in the pric ,TOH.SON-IODSON CO., 633 N. W. bank bldg". Main 37S7. 100x266 on paved street, gas. electricity available. 5-room bungalow, bath, chicken house, garage, fenced, ideal suburban home. $3150 $650 cash, easy tferms on bala'nce. Interstate Laqd Co., $4H Stark st. Main inw- $3000. PRESCOTT ST. CORNER. 5-room house and garage F.asv terms. HERMAN MOELLER. Gapco Bldg. Main 1480. T 02.1 CARUTHERS STREET CORNER. K-ronm bun ga low -type, furnace. fire plare. full basement; elegant view; $2000 -aPh will handle. HENRY W. OODPARD. 243 Stark St. $-K"0'M house. Peninsula district;, lot 1mi: $100; $375 down and bal. $20. rinding int. Call Bdwy. 1022. 5 Ox MODERN 5-room bungalow. Willamette H night. Cil owner Main 6414. REAL ESTATE. For Sale -Houses. LADD'S ADDITION. Completely Furnished. $8000. Located on prominent ctreet in this desirable close-in district ; 8 rooms and large steeping porch; well arranged; best construction; strictly modern. Automo bile accepted up to $2500. Hake offer. Unfurnished if vou prefer. t LADD'S ADDITION. ' Very Desirable. $10,000. Gray stone first story, -very pleasing architecture and finished both Inside and out with an elaborate use of materials seldom found in the most expensive con struction nowadays. 4 bedrooms and bath second floor: 2 finished rooms third floor; many charming features you must see to appreciate. Price about half what It would cost you to replace it today. AX INSPIRING VIEW. Close In. $sroo. On east side, overlooking river, west em hills and city. Commodious, strictly modern residence of 12 rooms; three fireplaces, two baths, eight bedrooms on second and third floors. Surrounded by other homes of character. This splendid home la too large for preeent owner and is certainly a bargain at the price. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. Owner must sacrifice new 5-room Irv Ington bungalow, absolutely modern, all built-ins; floored attic; cement garage. Consider small car or clear residence lot part payment. Make offer, LADD ESTATE COMPANY, 246 Stark St. Marshall .1454. ALMOST H ACRE. Bearing Fruit Trees. Very cosy, modern 4-room bungalow, bath. toilet. Dutch kitchen. electric lights, gas. full cement basement, fur nace, ground 115xli53 fet: 6 blocks to car; full price only $2750, cash payment $t00. More land with bearing fruit trees oan be secured with this property if d-eslred. Here is a chance to get into a home of your own. Can raise enough fruit and vegetables to pay in terest on your Investment, also save the money you would pay the landlord. Can move riht in. Iet Us Show You. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon BWg. $6100 ROSE CITY PARK $6100. No better buy in Rose City Park than this handsome bungalow of 6 rooms and sleeping porch. In the large living room is a big fireplace; in the paneled dining room is a built-in buffet: in the kitchen are built-in conveniences. There is 1 bedroom and bath also on lower floor: on the upper floor are 2 bedrooms, sleeping porch and bath. There Is a full cement basement with high-grade fur nace and wash trays. There is a good garage. The lot is 50xlOO. with street liens paid. Please remember there are 2 complete baths, one on each floor. Take our word for It. this is a good buy. Owner must have $2000 ca&h. Phone us for appointment. Comte & Kohlman. Main 6550, 20S Chamber of Commerce Mdg. CONTINUOUS SEARCHING FOR BAR OA1.N8 LKD TO THIS DItSTOVKRY Among the finest in Rose City Park, a delightfully harmonious 9-room 1 V4 story bungalow, pleasing as a dream of love. Nearly new; large corner setting of two lota; every modern, bewitching nume-ioveri appeal including auto matic water heating, hardwood through out; paved and paid ; fine fruit plant Miffs, shrubbery and flowers almost oriental. Photosranh nf thi nnd nil our listed homes. Jf you can build this jor -ijuu or trie price asked, for all. you should find yourself a busy . man uurmg me next m years. Terms. O. H. SKOTHEIM COMPANY. 332-333 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 5109 and Main 7511. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. VACANT. An attractive. THOROUGHLY MOD ERN home, entrance hall, living room with fireplace, dining room, pass pantry, kitchen, two bedrooms, bath and sepa rate toilet on firt fionr fn Mnnil floor, two bedrooms, large attic, lava tory, sleeping porch: large light base ment, fine furnace, laundry tubs, fruit room ; beautiful view from large porch. Nearly lOOxlOO ground; most convenient location, choice neighborhood. Price $10,500, some terms. Sunday 2.1a In 4OO0, wee aays isroaaway io. $500. Balance like rent, buvs a new 4-room Piedmont bungalow. Dutch kitchen, just finished; gas, electric lights. good plumbing, basement, walks in and naid: two blocks to two car lines; $3250, easy terms. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. Five rooms, just finished: Dutch kitchen, gas. electric lights. fireDlace, furnace, floored attic, full cement base ment, trays; Improvements paid : $4200. $1510 will handle. For these and others see Mr- peik. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. Broadway 4751. 4-10 Henry Bldg. BEAUTIFUL WHITE BUNGALOW. And two fine lots, on 45th ave. It has 5 rooms and attic, good basement. modem bath. Ugh ts and gas, beautiful lawn with lots of fruit, flowers and garden: hard surface street, handy to car, school and Franklin high school. It is a beautiful home for $3500, $1000 cash, balance monthly payments. You can't help but like this if you want a preiiy mue home. see E. W. HUGHES. 5Q7 Journal Bldg. A I. ITT I. K DREAM 4-room hnntrnlnw with line glassed-in iront porch, abundance flowers In yard. This is in Mt. Scott but on fine macadam street and near markets, drug store, garage and car line, children's playground and schooL Big snap at $2750. $1000 to handle. ERNEST WELLS CO.. 505 Couch Bldg. Main 6829. Evenings, Sundays Tabor 3428. A DANDY little house and 2 lots, chicken nouse ana runs, for $ 1700 and worth every cent of it. Terms. 5-ROOM HOUSE, $1600 Close in, newly painted inside, only $400 cash. R. H. CONFREY. RITTER, LOWE & CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 4 ROOMS $1950. Full lot 50x100, with alley at rear; hard surface street, good plastered 4 roora house with full plumbing, con crete foundation ; convenient to two car lines, schools. Cash $250, balance: on rental basis. A. H. BIRRELL CO.. 217 X. W. Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114. IRVINGTON. Strictly modern home with double parlors, entrance hall, dining room, kitchen, fireplace first floor; 4 bedrooms, sewing room, bath and fireplace second floor; large finished attic; full size basement ; parage. POINDEXTER, 2AS Selling Bldg. Main 1800. Residence East 6771. ROSE CITY PARK. Modern 5-room bungalow, large rooms, all built-ins. large attic space for three rooms: full basement, nice lawn and flowers. Price -only $4200. . John Malone. 503 Gerlinger Bldg. Main 8201 or Woodlawn 4417. Have photo of this place and many others at office. REAL SNAP SEE THIS. Nice corner on Skid more st. in good district. Convenient to high school and grade school. Attractive 8-room house (4 sleeping rooms). All street work paid in full. Price $3500. Only $500 cash. A. H. BIRRELL CO.. 217 N. W. Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114. ELEGANT 4-ROOM COLONIAL BUN GALOW LAURELHURST. Finished attic large enough for 2 rooms, h. w. floors, concealed bed and many new builr-Tn features: furnace. fireplace, good lot and all Improvements m ana paia; easy terms. Price $5200 HENRY W. GODDARD. 243 Stark St. $400 CASH OR A GOOD LOT. Owner does not need this fine large IO- room modern home near Jefferson high: has reduced the price for ouick sale and will take a good lot as part payment.. 1 ou can pay tor t his rro rents; ensy terms: price $5500. Call Main WJfJ toa-ay or Monday. SUNNYSIDE HOME. E. TAYLOR AND 35TH. -rtOO $500 CASH AND $30 MONTH. Hall, living and dining room, kitchen, 2 bed rooms, one floor, also bath, toilet, gas. electric, basement. SMTTH -WAGONER CO.. STOCK EXCH. $300 BinS a good bungalow-style house in Alberta : 7 rooms and sleeoine norch. built-ins. laundry trays, full cement base ment : half bik. to car; all double-constructed. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 N. W. bank bldg. Main 37S7. $22-50. 6-room cottage. E. 6th st. Al CONDITION. 50x100 lot. Very easy terms. HERMAN MOELLER. 1Q25 Gasco Bldg. Main 1480. SUNNYSIDE DISTRICT $2200. 5-room plastered house, with bath ; sewer connections, gas and electric lights, hard-surface street, full basement, concrete foundation, on E. 20th st., close to carllne. $500 cash. $25 monthly. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Cham, of Com. w"aVKRLKY'hT3. DISTRICT $3 1 50. 6-room house, recently renovated, good furnace, co-ner lot. 50x100; large assorted bearing fruit trees; close in. i block to car. $200 cash. $35 monthly. Fred W. German Co., 732 Cham, of Com. $20O HAWTHORNE district. 46x100; 5 rooms, modern, cement base em nt. g?a rar. paved street. close to stores, c!ool, cars and close in; terms. Owner, Arnold. PORTLAND HEIGHTS S350O. Good 7-room residence on 3 beauti ful lots, furnace, fireplace. A good buy. HENRY W GODDARD. 243 Stark st. 4-ROOM house, 50x100 lot and chicken ran: $1000. $250 cash. 7302 Rochester St., Lrrol Height t, . KKAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. BIHR-CAREY CORPORATION, REALTORS. MAIN 7487. r OPEN SUNDAYS. These homes have been appraised and we guarantee that every one of them is priced considerably be low their real value. We have a large number of them in every sec tion of the city. ALBERTA. $3300. Good-looking bungalow with ga rage on 52 by 10O lot, two blocks from car; living room, den. dimng room, Dutch kitchen. bedroom, enclosed sleeping porch, full ce ment basement, laundry trays, fur nace, seven cords of wood in base ment; lots of flowers, shrirbbery, fruit. Only $500 down. MT. TABOR. $2800. Commanding a sleeping and a never-to-be-shut-off view of the city, across the street from Mt. Tabor Park, surronuded by expen sive homes, on a full corner lot, with pavement and sewer in and paid ; one block from the car; this 5-room bungalow has two bed rooms, living room, dining room, Dutch kitchen, cement basement, best of plumbing. $7oO will handle. WOODLAWN. $2750. One block from the car, on a full lot, this new bungalow may he had for only $500 down; two nice bedrooms, Dutch kitchen, com bination living and dining room, cement basement, best of plumb ing. This is a very good value. HAWTHORNE. $2750. $300 down will take this well built, newly painted five-room bungalow with its two large bed rooms with connecting bath, living room with fireplace, built-in buffet, Dutch kitchen, cement basement, pavement and sewer. A real buy. ALBERTA. 6 Rooms $2500. Substantial 6-room house with three large bedrooms, two of them being upstairs; cement basement with pipeless furnace ; two blocks from car. Convenient terms. PENINSULA. $1S50. $li50 down will take this substan tial 5-room house on paved street and car line. Two good bedrooms, living room, dining room, kitchen. God place for the money. CLOSE I.N. $1750. On a lot worth $2000. with pave ment and sewer in and paid, a five room house with two additional rooms upstairs; good plumbing, gas and electricity. Only $150 down. MT. SCOTT. 100 by 120 $1700. $200 down, with small monthly payments, will buy this four-room house on large piece of ground, on corner, with large orchard and ' garden, with street Improveemnts paid. This Is at least $500 under value. MONT A VILA. $1250. Five rooms, two good-sized bed rooms, living room, dining room, kitchen, on full lot. This house is of inviting appearance and well built; easily worth $1SOO; $200 will buy. PENINSULA. $2250. One block from car. 50 by 105 lot ; five rooms downstairs and two up, there being four bedrooms, cement baoement, laundry trays, fireplace. This is good value. Small down payment will handle. 03D STREET S. E. $2700. -Well-built and noticeably attrac tive bungalow, 5 years old, on 84 . by 114 lot; two very fine bedrooms, ' Dutch kitchen, large combination living and dining room, best of plumbing; fine neighborhood; only $500 down. BIHR-CAREY CORPORATION, 211 RAILWAY EXCHANGE BLDG. THIRD AND STARK STS. MAIN 74S7. t OPEN SUNDAYS. $500 DOWN. Williams Avenue Car. 5 Rooms $3500. Your money's worth in this double constructed 5-room comfortable home fine bath. light kitchen, cement base ment, laundry trays. 50x1 0O lot. eood garage, paved streets, sewer in and paid, located south of Mason st.. nice neighborhood ; two blocks to shopping district and Williams ave. car. This cosy home ia in first-class condition and can be bought on terms of $500 down. $25 per month. Let Us Show You. GEO. T. MOORE CO. lAt7 Yeon Bldg. $4500 RENTED FOR $75 A MONTH. ..Something new under the sun rental income paying for two homes. On E. Ash, two fine large modern homes under big rental income, making a splendid investment: price and special terms, $12,000; big grounds, garage, fruits, flowers, shrubbery: also another fine large home on east side, priced at $4500; rented at $ 75. $10OO cash. Home owner ship has become an investment. O. H. SKOTHEIM COMPANY". 332-333 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 5109 and Main 7511. FURNISHED. NIFTY. NEAT. CLEAN. Good well built 4-room cottage: it has floored attic, good dry basement, bath, toilet, lights and gas. beautiful lot with fruit. flowers. garden and. hick en house; handy to Pacific car shops. 5 blocks to Montavllla car line, 9 blocks to Mt Tabor school Only $2500 for complete outfit, half cash, balance easily arranged. See E. W. HUGHES. 5Q7 Journal Bldg. Main 2S58. BUNGALOW DUPLEX. Where you may occupy a modern tittle home of your own and receive interest on your investment at the same time. Corner lot 50x65. streets im proved, good oar service and altogether a very attractive property. Price $4250; terms. A. H. BIRRELL CO.. 217 N. W. Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114. MOVE IN TODAY. Six rooms newly tinted, hardwood floors ' polished, clean and attractive; paved street: furnace, fireplace. Almost new and entirely modern. Price $4000, terms easy. W. H. ROFS. 1100 Northwestern Bank Bldg. - LAURELHURST HOME $10,500. a very attractive, modern 7-room heme with sleeping porch, very large living and dining room with music room adjoining ; artistic in all appointments ; large lot. a truly oeautimi home. HENRY W. GODDARD. 243 Stark St. KENTON DISTRICT. Classy little 4-room bungalow, ron- crete foundation, cement laundrr trava nice yard, plenty flowers and shrubbery: one DiocK irorn csr. rice SJMm. lib era! terms. John Ma lone. 503 Gerlinger m iif. main n r 1 . wooQiawn 4411. slnnysiue sisjak Kee this at once, $3500, with $20O0 down, very good 7 room house, extra fine lot, 4Sxl00; close in, between Hawthorne and Belmont, H. H. Staub. 1027 Belmont. Week Tabor 21. ROSE CITY DISTRICT. Bolow the hill. strictly modem 7-room house, one bedroom and bath first floor, hot waoer heat. POINDEXTER. 208 Selling Bid. Main 1S00. Residence East 6771. WEST SIDE HOME. " Twelfth-street corner with fine home ia excellent condition; running water several bedrooms; basement with fur nace; fine gara?e. Price $12,500. Terms. HENRY W. GODDARD. 243 Stark s1 SIX-ROOM house, furnace, fireplace, hard wood floors, garage ; near 2 good car lines; -ihi. enpn. Dai. terms. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., H33 N. W. hank bldg. Main 3787. 5-ROOM bungalow, lot 87x200. chicken houses.0 chickens, 20 bearing f ruitf trees. $2600, y cash; immediate Dosses sion. Interstate Land Co., 248 Stark st. Main 5429. BY OWNER 5-room modern bungalow. 4 room furnished ; Hawthorne district; $4rOO, $1000 down, easy payments. Ta bor S363. W a V FJ house at 1645 East lth st.. 7 rooms, some fruit, rented for $16 month: price $120O; want $600 cash, balance $20 mo. Act quickly. L. B. Morse. Browngvi 11, Or. FOR RAIjR Hy owner, three modem 3 room bunyalows: pavirs. newers and idwalks all in: free from incumbrance: $-i.'.oo. terms. 41.1 Skidmore. cor. Kth. IRVINGTON HOMES. McDonnell. uIO j&aat 14th N. ut 41S. KKAL ESTATE. For Bole Houses. CRACKER JACK EXCHANGES. NEW ONES. $2O00 OREGON ELECTRIC, commut ing distance to Portland, 10 acres, tim bered, CLOSE STATION, clear of incum biance, for house, lots, large machine or hotel. $6500 Beautiful 8-room house, ROSE CITY, below hill, close to Sandy. Take small house to $3000. $500 cash, balance easy Consider improved acreage. $0000 23 dandy large lots. ROSE CITY DISTRICT, clear except street as sessments, fine for building cheap houses. Trade for good equity in home. Improved small farm or wheat ranch. $6500 UNSURPASSED ACREAGE. 8 acres. level, all cleared, on bluffs of Wil lamette, OREGON CITY, magnificent view. $4000 equity for home, hotel, stock goods, clear lots or acreage. THIS A$ EXCEPTIONAL $10.000 GROCERY STORE, fine sub urban district, $4000 to $60o0 monthly business. Will Invoice around $S0OO, not Including fixtures and truck. Consider good clear house as part payment. $12,500. GARAGE BUILDING, fine east side location, present lease runs out shortly, mortgage $4500. Consider good hcuse. $14.000 Magnificent home, large, beau tifully landscaped grounds, ROSE CITY. Clear property to $7000, some cash, bal ance mortgage. $15,000 Garage, concrete building. 80x 315, In fine district, Portland, has fine storage business and machine shop. Con sider good acreage or house to $5000; some cash, bal. mortgage. lS.50O 160-acre farm near Yamhill, fine buildings and other Improvements, $10,000 for city property; mig-ht consider some good vacant. S30.00O WALNUT FARM, 100 acres just coming in bearing, ISO acres more. t0 of which Is cleared, for city income property or wheat ranch; a wonderful farm. All the above mentioned properties have MERIT and CLASS. ERNEST WELLS COMPANY. 505 Couch BIdgr. Main 6S29. Evenings and Sundays, Tabor 342R. WEST SIDE SACRIFICE. One of the best residence comers on West Park street, improved with excep tionally good modern home of 0 well- finished, sunny rooms, all kinds of ciosets. run concrete basement with ex cellent heating plant. This desirable residence fronts one of the best park blocks in the city; the Increase In ground value for apartment liousa Durnoses will more than equal any depreciation in the house. This property is to be sold at once at a sacrifice price. Telephone for n appointment to see it. O. W. Bryan. Main 1003; residence Marshall 863. 609 -namoer ot commerce bldg. 7 LARGE ROOMS. $2625. Non-resident must sell 7-room house with bath and built-in buffet. 60x1 fiO lot. facmg east: 1 blocks St. Johns car. nesr Ainworth and Atlantic sts. : $2o down, balance monthly. Splendid chance for a large family with very uuie investment. Why pay rent? Let Us Show You. GEO. T. MOORE CO., 1407 Yeon Bldg. AN INVITATION. "We Invite you to accompany us In our autos for the purpose of inspecting the beautiful Irving-ton homes just com pleted by the Title & Trust Co. A full page ad describing them behiir in this issue of the paper. Phone and we will call for you. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 37S7. FOR SALE: $3300; 6-room house. 100x100 feet or more of land, one long block from car line and paved street; good school, business houses, churches, etc.; fruit, strawberries, grapes, loganberries and garden land for family use; flow ers, ornamental trees, chicken house and run ; good location and home ; have ' o change climate and want to sell, in quire at 173 East 75th st. N. 0ner. BEAUTIFUL MODERN HOME AT SACRIFICE. In Rossmere, close to Sandy blvd. ; hot water heated, flreplAce, living room and dining room beamed and paneled, hard wood floors, bufet. attractive lighting fixtures; one bedroom and bath on lower floor, three bedrooms on second ; im mediate possession. Owner and builder, East 41S4. BY OWNER. My beautiful new Walnut Park bunga low for sale; 6 rooms and sleeping porch, oak floors, enamel woodwork, all built ins, double construction; best of car serv ice, near Jefferson high; also grade schools. 'Price $65O0. CALL AUTO. 316-8. HAWTHORNE HOME. 8-room bungalow, living, dining and two bedrooms and hath down, two bed rooms and bath up, hot water heating plant, garage with cement driveway, fine lighting fixtures, f vHl cement base ment and wash trays; beautifully deco rated. For appointment, call 234-01. TWO-FAMILY HOUSE $3R50 CASH. Located on the west side, near 14th and Columbia sts., 13 rooms, 2-family house, 2 complete sets of plumbing; lot 37x100. Income $44 monthly; a real value. Fred W. German Co., 732 Cham ber of Commerce. OWNER WILL SELL DIRECT. Modern bungalow, 727 E. 72A st. N. ; large living-room, den with fireplace, dining-room with built-in buffet, Dutch kitchen and breakfast nook, 2 nice bed rooms and bath upstairs; price $4200; terms. 727 E. 72 d st. N. Tabor 6S44. ONE-ROOM SHACK $830. Dandy 50x100 lot with some fruit, shingled roof, woodshed, gas and wa ter. 14 block from car, St. J. car to Bur- rage, north to lio.v Go look, then see SIDNEY G. LATHROP, 516 Abington bldg. (Sign of the Horseshoe). WEST SIDE BARGAIN $500 CASH. On Market St.. 6 rooms; splendid home; $3750. O. H. SKOTHEIM COMPANY, 332-333 Railway Exchange Bid. Main dlOO and Main 7511. A BEAUTIFUL BUNGALOW. On a fine lot 65x100. east frontage In Rossmere. Will be built according to your own design and sold to you on any reasonable terms. Apply 424 E. Alder. EAST S4TH STREET. Modern 5-room house with full sized attic, h. w. floors, fireplace; near Frank lin hich and car; a beautiful home for only $4500. HENRY W. GODDARD. 243 Stark St. A UR ELH U RS T. Eight large rooms, just completed, dou ble plumbing; terms to suit. 11S5 E. Davis. $3500 $500 CASH. Hook this up. It sounds gooa. jtu acres. 40 cuitivaiea. 10 acres choice timber, fenced, large spring, 5-rm i house, barn, outbuildings, near Hood Rier. See V. E. Clow. 1131 Belmont St., cor. 38th st. Auto. 223-39. FOR SALE BY OWNER 7 big rooms. bath, good neighborhood, gas. elect., furnace, wash trays, cement basement, 50x100, on paved st. Price $40O0, terms, or will trade on a .farm. 542 Marguerite ave. FOR SALE 2-room house, with some jjui It-ins. sleeping porch. woodshed, garage, gas. water, electricity; nice lot. with 9 bearing fruit trees; 1 blks. from Rose City Park carline. Price $1100. Applv 1168 E. 2fith N. Phone Wdln. 3270. CLOSE IN. WALKING DISTANCE. Six-room modern house at East An keny ; splendid condition ; must be so J to settle an estate. Price $3500. JACOB HAAS. Main 6127. East 1364. $2300 5-Room cottage, bath, toilet, gas, electricity, cement basement, lot 50x100. H. S. street, sewer; liberal terms. See J. P. McKenna Belmont at 30th, Tabor 6403. FOR SALE Commanding view, overlook ing Spokane, prettiest city in Washing ton: lot 50x120. 4-room house, near car line, reasonable price. Address Porter, 80 Aqueduct st., Akron, O. A REGULAR BARGAIN in 2 houses on one lot. E. 27th and Pine. Will sell this property for $21 00. good terms. See owner at 511 Merchants Trust bldg., cor. Oth and Washington sts. $1600 5-ROOM cottage, gas. electricity, bath. toilet. besement. H. S. street. sewer. 3 blocks of S. S. car; liberal terms. See J. P. McKenna. Belmont at 3th. Tabor 6403. MODERN 6-room house, newly painted. furnace, lot 100x100. garage. $4350. $1000 cash. bal. Interstate Land Co,, 218 Stark st. Main 5420. 2:;on FOR 5-ROOM house. 1 block to car Imp. sts. Photo at my offle. 1131 Bel mont, cor. 33th st. Auto. 223-39. V. E. Clow. COMFORTABLE 6-room cottage and large lot. on paved st., all improvements paid. Will sell furniture If desired. Phone Tabor 1408 Sunday for particulars. FOR SALE A snap. By owner. 4-room hcuse and bath;, white enamel plumbing; newly done inside and out; partly fur nished. $2350. 1138 E. 15th N. 6-ROOM house, close In. lot SOxlon. price $700. $5O0 caflh, bal. 655.. Seaman, with Interstate Land Co., 248 Stark at. Main MJ9. , PORTLAND HEIGHTS 2 7-rdom. very modern homes. 1 block to car: $5750 and $.rSr0. easy terms. Zimmerman, S18 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE by owner, a bargain : 6-room house, with furniture or without: on paved st. r,3 E. 21st st. N. FROM owner, r-room bungalow at bargain: tprms. or will exchange for 5-acre subur ban home. Tabor 7810. . ' " SELLWOOD DISTRICT. (l-room bungalow, modern, wash trays, fruit trees. 61T Tenlno avs. REAL ESTATX. For Sale Houses. A REAL BUY. A 9-room house, cement basement, hot water furnace, fireplace, etc.. ail large, airy rooms; 100x100 corner: citv im provements in and paid: on East Salmon st.. close In. This is not a new home, but Is a wonderful buy. Terms easy. PRICE ONLY $4750. $3600 NEAR LADD ADD. A 5-room house, full basement, floored attic, sleeping porch, all in fine condi tion; nice bath and all good sized rooms: city improvements in and paid: terms. $3600 $3600; $3O0. A 7-room bungalow, fireplace, good basenvTit. bath, etc.: paneled dining room. 100x100 corner; all kinds of bear ing fruit and berries. Price only $3600. subject to small bonded liens. Terms easy. $5000 HAWTHORNE HOME. A 6-room house, furnace, fireplace, all built-ins. full cement basement, etc. : hard surface street and sewer in and paid. VACANT IMMEDIATE POS SESSION. Terms to 6uit-you. 15250 ALAMEDA PARK. A 6-room Queen Anne bungalow, hot water furnace, fireplace, all built-ins: everything in the very best of condition: hard surface street and sewer In and paid: lot 50x100 ft. If you are looking for a dandy little home that can be bought right, let us show you this. FURNISHED BUNGALOW. A 5-room tftrict!y modern bungalow, full basement, wash trays, furnace, fire place, oak floors, all built-ins. Dutch kitchen; furnished complete for $6750; give terms. BROADWAY HOME. A 6-roorn house, furnace, fireplace, built-ins. cement basement, wash travs. etc.; IVOxlOO lot. RIGHT ON EAST BROADWAY, close in. Price only $4730: includes all city improvements: terms. LAURELHURST BUNGALOW. A 6-room strictly modern bungalow, full cement basement, wash trays, fur nace, fireplace, all built-in effects, oak floors: large sleeping porch, etc.: 50x100 lot: itarace; beautiful lawn and shrub bery. PRICE $SOO0; terms. RUMMELL & RUMMELL. 274 Stark St. LAURELHURST BARGAIN $12,500. For this money there Is no finer or more complete home in the city: S beau tiful rooms, sleeping porch, breakfast room, elegant tile bath with foot tub, shower and other elaborate fixtures: hot water heating plant, hardwood floors. 3 sets French doors; large grounds, fruit trees; fine double garage which con forms with the house in architecture. Non-resident owner paid over $13,500 for this home when building materials were cheap. Seeing is buyiug; you can't lose. Good terms If desired. LUEDDEM ANN COMPANY. 913 Cham, of Commerce. Main 6967. ROSE CITY PARK. Bungalow, with fine system hot-water heat. Hardwood floors, fireplace, Dutch kitchen. Dining room with beamed ceiling. Bedrooms with bath between. Perfect condition. Garage. Just off the Alameda. Immediate possession. Price $6850 ; terms. A real home and a BARGAIN. STRONG & COT. 634 Ch. of Com. Bldg. Main 25S7. $1600. 4 ROOMS. BATH AND TOILET. Electric lights, gas, city water, sewer, full lot, nice lawn, fruit and shrubbery. 1 Vx blocks to Montavllla car. Interest on this investment at 7 would only be $0.33 per month. Where can a mod ern 4-room house be rented for this money? If you will call on as, our autos will be at your service to inspect the property. Let us show you. GEO. T. MOORE CO., 1007 Yeon Bldg. VERY attractive 4-room house with sleeping porch, ail modern con veniences, Vz -acre ground ; plenty of fruit and berries; new garage; chicken house, close to 82d st. pavement; $1000 will handle. A. W. LAMBERT & SON, 120 Grand Ave. East 640. HOUSE BARGAINS. $2850 buys a fine 4-room cottage lo cated on 26th street convenient to two car lines. House has large attic which could be finished off Into several rooms. Full basement with cement" floor and laundry trays. Bath, walls newly tinted. Nice yard with five fruit trees, grapes, berries, roses and shrubbery. $300 will handle. Balance easy terms. JOHN E. HOWARD. 318 Chamber of Commerce. SPECIAL IRVTNGTON VALUE. 621 E. 19th st. N.. B rooms, all oak floors, enameled and papered throughout; 3 years old, just painted Inside and out ; garage ; tiled bath; 2 fireplaces; $2000 cash, balance $75 month, including in terest. E. J. MAUTZ, East 5U31 or Broadway 5522. BARGAIN IN LADD'S ADDITION. Beautiful home of 6 rooms, den and sleeping porch, located In heart of this fine district; large living room, ure place, tapestry wall paper, full cement basement, furnace, garage. Owner here from California, must sell Immediately, Price only $7300. LUEDDEM ANN COMPANY. 9!3 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6067. TEN IRVINGTON HOMES. These beautiful bungalows modern to a detail: lots 60x100; two have 6 rooms. Price $12,000, with $2500 down; the others 7 rooms; price $10,000 with $2000 down. These superior homes built by the Title A Trust Co. Let us show them to you. We can sell either one or ten. THOMSON & THOMSON. 620-21 HENRY BLDG., BDWY. 4880. FIRLAND. 5-rm. dble. constd. bungalow. bath, built-in buffet. facing east; 6 blks. school, H blk. car. Full price only $25oo. Pay us $050 cash, balance $20 month. House now renting for $25. Why pay more to the landlord than you would on a house of your own? Let us show you. GEO. T. MOORE CO. 1O07 Yeon Bldg FOR SALE On beautiful Wisteria modern 5-room bungalow, furnished or unfurnished ; very large living room, hardwood floors, all modern conven venlences; built only one year; a real beauty and a bargain at $7500. includ ing automobile. gaS, heater. Inlaid lino leum, curtains, etc., or $8500. including all furniture, which is new and up to the minute. Mrs. Snow, Marshall 3089. LAURELHURST BUNGALOW. Save commissions and come right out to 1125 Wasco st.. near S7th. and see one of the nict little 6-room bunga tnv. vnu vfr Raw. We MUST go to California soon on account of business unH tnmtnn wHl Bet a KTOOd bUY YOU muit have at last $2500 cah. DON'T DELAY, for this will not last long. xiv winw n.ARS VIEW BUNGALOW for furnished or unfurnished. This f..iiv mAricrn five-room bungalow Is vtirMuro nnri a wonflerful location: the lot alone is worth what I am asking for the property. Have gas heat, no fuel to handle and I have the best heating vatm vet discovered. Drop into my office and see nictsre of the place. G. A. Sarles,- 733 Northwestern Bank. PIEDMONT 7-ROOM MODERN, o FIRRPLAOKS FURNACE. Rooms newly papared. Corner lot. Im provements paia. Lenior im. r .u.n-.i. isT.in is the nrice. Garage connected with house. Immediate possession. , Kjfr.ri.AN PARKHILL 219 Lumbermens Bldg. 5th and Stark St. T?rSE CITY BUNGALOW. Strlctlv modern tells all there Is to t ah 1. corner lot 50x100. garage. Price $0000. Half cash. Phone my agents. Broadway 4880. THOMSON & THOMSON, 020-21 Henry Bldg. " 22D NEAR HAWTHORNE. a wvnma nnii i. Dorch. very large li ing room, fireplace, furnace, large back porch with lavatory, windows in closets. carpets mciuuou , HENRKYrw.eGODDARD. 243 Stark St REAL HOME 7 rooms, hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace; 2 lots: bearing fruit, shrubbery . 1 diock ci mic, v ... . fI orice X3HOO; 00 cash immediate oossession : furniture If de sired. Sellwood 110 today or Monday uiwTHnRXE BUNGALOW. cnr,,.r lot Mlxfitf 2-3. New garage, all fmnfnv.mpntl In and paid; 5 rooms. bedrooms: very Rood looking- place. Price S4Mm; take flouu "own. THOMSON. 620-21 HENRY BLDG. i r uTvr.TON- HOME FOR SALE. Fully modern 8-room home In choice nrt of JrvtnKton: everything up to date:'i?ood parage; If you desire a irood high-class home look this up at once. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. Lot 50x98: new garage. 5 rooms, '. KrrwimB. built-ins. double constructed n trance from basement to garage. Well built home. Price $400; KPod terms. THOMSON, 620-21 HENRY BLDG. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. CALL MARSHALL 1S98. By paying a few months rent in ad- I vance , and the balance by the month you can soon own your home. $500. No. 238. New 4-room bungalow." very pretty design, fireplace, plumbing, base ment, lot 5Oxl0O. This is on 45th St., Just off of Sandy blvd.. the best part of Rose City. Price $3750. $500 cash, balance $35 per month including interest. $1000. No. 213. 5-room bungalow and garage, hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace. Very modern, lot GOxlOO. Price $5250. $1000 cash, balance $40 per month including interest. ROSE CITY. No. 247. 6-room bungalow and sleep ' Ing porch, fireplace, basement, paved street, only 2 blocks to Rose City car. Price only $4200. half cash, balance $25 per month. ROSE CITY. No. 236. -room bungalow. hreakfaH nook and garage, furnace, paved street, vernsnrioilern. corner lot 50x1 00, 2 blocks to Rose City car. Price $6500. $2000 cash, terms to suit. HAWTHORNE. No. 243. 6-room and garage, fireplace, plumbing, all citv improvements in and paid. for. onlv 2 blocks to Hawthorne car, lot is 45xJ0. Price only $420. $20o0 cash, balance a lonp time mortgage. HAWTHORNE. No. 233. 6-room bungalow, garage, hardwood floors. Fox furnace, fireplace. This house Is modern to the lst detail, lot 50x100. Price $0300. $3wOO cash, balance to suit. MOUNT TABOR. No. 221. 7-room bungalow, large attic, all street improvements in and paid for. only 1 block to carline. a large lot 67x100. total price only $475o, $1250 cash, terms to suit. CLOSE IN. No. 226. Pretty 5-room bungalow, just new ly painted Inside and out. lots of extras go wit h this place. Total price only $2500. $750 cash, balance about $35 per month. No. 245. A good 4-room house. 20 minutes' walk to Albina shops. 15 min utes' walk to Jefferson high school, good substantial home on paved streets, lot 50x100. Total price only $2430. $450 cash, balance Just like rent. WEST SIDE. $5O0. -Mo. 214. One of the best buys on the west side, big 8-room house, modern, has good garage, paved streets, close to carltne. Total price only $3500. $500 cash, balance to suit. LAURELHURST DISTRICT. A 5-room house. $300 cash and $35 tup mnnih will Hrtril A 5-room houe. $5uo cash and $40 per month will handle. LAWYERS TITLE & TRUST CO.. 285 Stark street, near 4th. MA RSH A LL 1 S!S. JUST COMPLETED. Five-room double-constructed modem bungalow between Alberta and Broad way car lines; living room with fire place, bookcase, seat and magalrw case, nr.led dininsr room with plate rail; Dutch kitchen, all built-ins, breakfast nook, table and benches. 2 large airy bedrooms, clothes closets, bathroom, full set Al plumbing; inside and outside en trance to cement basement, wash trays, beautiful electric fixtures, hardwood floors In living and dining rooms, other floors finished imitation oak, all rooms nicely tinted and finished in ivory. Very large front porch, east front ; cement 'walks. Real bargain for $3850. Terms 1 M: blocks south of Alberta car. 003 E. 2bth N. Phone Auto. 322-04. ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOWS. Come and Have Your Choice. MODERN 5-room, $4200. Terms. MODERN 5-room, $4250. MODERN 5-room. $550O. MODERN 5-room, $500. MODERN 5-room, $650O. MODERN 8-room. $7000. Terms. 1 erms. Terms. Terms. Terms. HAWTHORNE AND SUNNYSIDE BUNGALOWS. MODERN 5-room. $3500. Terms. MODERN 5-room, $4O00. Terms. MODERN 5-room, $4200. Terms. MODERN 5-room, $4850. Terms. MOD. Irvington rt-rm., $5500. Terms. F. DUBOIS. 804 Spalding Bldg. IRVINGTON HOME. 6 rooms and sleeping porch, neatly arranged reception hall, wide portiere opening between living room and dining room, built-in kitchen, light and con venient ; rear stairway, good plumbing, full cement basement, furnace and fire place, large attic. IOO foot front, choice trees, shrubbery and roses. Price only $7500, terms. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 37S7. i-BLOCK EAST GLISAN ST. 5-Room Bungalow. Bath, Dutch kitchen, built-in buffet, fireplace, cement basement. furnace, laundrv trays ; facing east ; H block car; full price $3700. Pay $1000 down, balance monthly. Let Us Show You. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 10o7 Yeon Bldg. $2000 $450 CASH. Whv trv to sweep back the ocean with a broom? Rents are going to be high ; act on that Impulse, buy this home. 6 rooms, gooa vv. a. location just built. O. H. SKOTHEIM COMPANY. 332-333 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 51W and Main 7511. APT. HOUSE SITE. HALF PRICE. 100x100 lot. 4 block, on the N. E. corner of 13th and Ash sts., an 8-room house In good condition with modern nlumbinsr. street work all tn and oald for. Total price $4.V0, tooo cash, $25 monthly. The assessed value of this property is $4400. Fred W. German Co., Cham, of Com. 8-ROOM BARGAIN $4700. Just the thing for large family or boarders, right on tne cur line. min utes walk to Broadway bridge, big basement, house in good cond It ion. Siix 100 lot (alone worth price . 4.15 W1I1- iH.m.1 ave.. ner Hancock. K. Y u. LATHROP. 51tt Abington bldg (Sign of the Horseshoe). IRVINGTON. Fine corner lot lOOiclOO; strictly modern residence. hardwood floors throughout. 4 bedrooms and large slwep in norch. garage. POINDEXTER. 208 Selling Bldg. Mam lsmj. Residence- fc-aat il READY TO MOVE RIGHT TN. ONE ACRE K-ROOM HOME. Completely furnished, also cow. chick ens, etc., cheap carfare; work in city and live here. Price x:swh. cash sr.du. bat ance lone time. Finest fruit trees. SMJTH - WAGONER CO.. STOCK EXCH. EAST 31 ST AND STARK. Don't pay rent when a email payment down, the rest like rent, will buy a good 6-room house with streets paved and paid. HENRY W. GODDARD. 241 Stark St. ROSE CITY PARK BARGAIN. Beautiful home, trimmed in solid oak. , three fireplaces, tiled bathroom. Gawco lurnace. iour oearooms. line location anf a home that anyone cou.n oe proud or JR'J.'tO. Phone owner. 31 5 ROOMS and sleeping porch, bath and toilet, gas and lights. $lsno. sunn cash, balance easy terms. Seaman, with In terstate Land Co.. 248 Stark st. Main r42. A SNAP IN SUNNYSIDE. ft-room residence, with fireplace, fur nace and other conveniences: $1KW rash, balanre monthlv. TAGGART BROS 1 102 Spalding bldg. KOH SALE bv owner, on 43d ave.. 7-roo house, 4 lots, sleeping porch, built-in conveniences, furnace, electric Iighta, ga rage, chicken house and fruit trees. A r-al bargain. P.ione 218-50. FOR iALE By owner, shingled 4-room house, large clothes closet, pa n try wit h sink, electric lijrhts. lot 40x120. $l."no, cash or terms. Woodstock car. 6223 62d sve. S. E- 6-ROOM bunpalow. 80x125. full basement, fireplace, near car and school. $3700, $1000 cash. $25 per month. Interstate Land Co., 248 Starkst,Main 5429: ROSECITY71"4EAl?Tr.ITH NORTH. Block north of Sandy boulevard. 7 rooms, fully modern ; price $5000. terms. Owner on premises, or Main 6127. A A-ROOM house, full basement. lot &x 1O0, and 10 fruit trees; very reasonable on terms. Call at 1486 Fern st. Take Woodlawn car. SOUTH PORTLAND TWO HOUSES. 791 and 7t5 Corbett St.. 100x100, cor r.er, $7250. See these big values. JACOB HAAS. Main 6127. East 134. BY WIDOW leaving for east. 8-room house, 200x100, fruit trees, garden, near high school. $3300. Corner 46th and 50th ave. LET'S GO Choose our home from V. E. Clow's larye selection of photos at 1131 Belmont st., cor. 3Sth. Phone Auto. 223-30. His cars are a. your service. FOR SALE Beautrful home. 6 rooms. 2 large lots, lots of fruit. The owner. BC Oregonlan. IRVINGTON Strictly modern 8-rm. be tween Knott and Braxee, East 5920. KEAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses.' YEARS of study of local cond it ions, a thorough knowledge of districts, famil iarity with values and a splendid or ganization enable us to give you the maximum service in HOME BUYING. Just a few of our home buys: $2000 Buys 5 rooms and but h on lot OxlOO; variety of fruit and a neat. e'ean. attractive home, nt-wly painted and decorated. Terms. $3000 Eight rooms and bath on full 50x iuu lot, close in. just west of Mis-1 slswippl ave. car; large fruit trees; terms. SUNNYSIDE HOME BARGAIN. $3000 Let us show you this 6-room home In tine cond it ion jujjt off Belmont st. and west of 36th ; easy terms. NEAR EAST ANKENY ST. CAR BARNS. $350O You would never ex pert to buy this close-in 7-room home for -o ntt le money; hreplace, full ce ment basement, wash trays., st. imp. In and paid. Term. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. $3500 Let us show you this nifty 5-room bungalow with Hreplace. .buffet, Dutch kitchen, full cement base ment, wash trays; new and never occupieu. ierms. $4350 Beautiful. artistic bun ga low, strictly modern, w 1th breakfast nook, hood over kitchen rap ge, .Dutch kitchen, built-in buffet, h rwd. floors. Hreplace, full ce ment basement, wash trays; fin ished in enamel and tapfstrv pa per; only one block to Hawthorne ave car. Easy terms. $4650 5 rooms and sleeping porch, all on one floor; hd wd. floors, hot water heating system. built-In bullet, Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, wash trays; st. imp. in and pd. ROPE CTTY PARK. $5250 Let us show you this 5 room bun galow with hdwd. floors, hreplace. buffet, Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, wash trays. Easy terms. $6000 Buys a beautiful 5-room bunga low, douVie constructed and ex cept tonally well built : furnace, fireplace, built -Ins. full cement basement, wash trays. We have any immby of desira ble homes in this section. $7500 Here Is a fine 6-room home with sleeping porch, breakfast room, also dressing room on main bed room; strictly modern: 4 years old and In perfect condition: fin ished throuphout In enamel: fur nace, fireplace, built-ins of all kinds, full bacement. wash trays, fruit room. etc. This will compare favorably with homes selling at $12,500. Terms. Calt and inspect our photos of the oest nome buvs. Autos at vniir servio It places you under no obligations. We like to show our homes. We will lt you do the res. We are not afraid to let you make comparisons with anything for sale at similar prices. Wo will not urge you to buy. Let us show you. "THE SHORTEST WAY HOME." J. A . W ft" K M A N CO.. 264 Stark st. Main 1W4 and 5S3. Sun. call Automatic 324-14. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. $Sono Kull width columned front porch, private reception ball, liv ing room with fireplace and hard wood floors, large paneled dining room with hardwood floors and massive built-in buffet, white Dutch kitchen. douhle white enamel plumbing, two laree airy bedrooms; upstairs consists of large living room, dining room and kitchenette, extra larse sleeping porch enclosed in glass vth can vas curtains on rollers. This place could not be built for price asked a nd you have a close-in lot on hnrd-surfaced street thrown in. Will rent for $100. Terms. SEE J. LOGIE RICHARDSON, with FRANK L. McGUIRE. ROSE CITY PARK. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW AND GARAGE. $(.500; artistically designed, purchaser can make selection of electric fixtures, tapestry paper and window shades. completed with furnace, all built-ins, on paved street, everything paid; $1000 cash, balance arranged. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Commerce lldg. Main 208. ROSE CITY PARK. $4500. For sale bv owner, mv 7-room m.n!rn bungalow on Tillamook street, near 35th. close to school and car line, in one of Portland's best restricted residential dis tricts; open fireplace, new furnace, full cement basement. stationary laundry tubs, white enamel plumbing ; bedrooms, bath and kitchen finished in white enamel ; street improvements in and paid. Cash $2500, balance long, easy terms. 1052 Tillamook st. Tabor 34 bU. $4200. STJN N YS IDE BUNGALOW. We offer you for quick sale a beau tiful bungalow of 5 lar?e rooms and attic. Dutch kitchen, built-in buffet, fireplace, full cement basement, new furnace, laundry trays. 50x00 lot with good garage, convenient locat ion. west of 45th St., 2 blocks Sunnystde or M t. Tabor car; $1200 catsh takes this splen did bargain. Must act quickly. Let us show vou. GEO. T. MOORE CO., 10O7 Tcon Bldg. 10-ROOM house on E. Ankeny st., modern fn every respect. 2 fire places, furnace ; a st rictly up-to-date home in a very nice neigh borhood; best of car service. Price $8500; terms. A. W. LAMBERT & SON. 120 Grand Ave. ROSE CITY AND ONLY $4100. This price remind us of the 25-cent meal arid the 10-cent gasoline; 7 fine large, pleasant rooms, modern ; 0 years old and perfect condition ; naar Sand v. Call today if you are eager to get some thing bargainous; den, 3 bedrooms; near car O. H. SKOTHEIM COMPANY. 332-333 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 5190 and Main 7511. 9-ROOM BUNGALOW in one of Portland s best residence districts : every modern convenience ; . ground lOOxlOO, beautifully Improved with shrubs and fruit trees; large, up-to-date garage. This is an ideal home; must be seen to be appreci ated; can give easy terms to respon sible party; only particular people need apply. Full particulars on application at 404 PLATT BLDG.. 127 Park st. ROSE CITY PARK. Strictly modern 7-room house, hard wood floors, fireplace, hot-wa ter heat ing plant, cement garage; lot 5oxll0 on Wistaria ave. One of the finest views In Rose City Park; In A-l condition. This must be sold. Make us an offer. Main 8U51. VERY desirable. we 1 1 -arranged 7-room bungalow in Piedmont ; hardwood Honrs, furnace and fireplace, built-in features; lot t5x too; four fruit trees : near J eff er son h iph. Ch tholic and public schools : price $5250. $2500 cash. bai. mortgage. AL 71, Oregon ian. $1250 ONLY $050 cash, mlcht take less; 4 -room b irngalow on full 50x 1 OO 1 ot. east front: 7 fruit trees, pood lawn ; only 6 per cent on balance. JOHN-SON-DOISON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main S7S7. FOR SALE By owner, new bungalow white enamel finish : raraire : naved st. : large lot, shade trees: some furniture if desired; -on account of sickness will sac rifice, fsuiM. :au tounaay, J030 Kill ingsworth ave. $3150 7-R OO M fairly modern on BeT mont;.$500 will handle. Don't fiddle around If this sounds good. Hurry to my office. 1131 Belmont, cor. 3Sth st. Auto. L'23-30 V. E. Clow. . PETTYGROVE. NEAR 23TX Fine 6-room house with basement and furnace, all modern conveniences; a dan dy west side home and close In HENRY W. GODDARD. 243 Stark St. $3000 AIMOST new. 5-room bungalow, large attic, 2 blocks of car. H. S. street, sewer paid, lot 50x100; splendid location'. See J. P. McKenna, Belmont at 30th. Tabor 6493. IRVINGTON. 50x100. imp. paid; 9 rooms, sleeping porch, furnace, fireplace; a snap at S4300; good terms. Zimmerman. 818 Chamber of Commerce. Main So.YJ 6-ROOM house, excellent buy, near Bank of Kenton; modern; paved street. Call Wd,n- 4711 Monday. Price $3.SH). 7-ROOM house for sale, $4500; $1800 cash, balance time. AE 80, Oregonlan. 1 BUNGALOW Unfinished Interior, big lot, I $100 down, $25 month. AC 61, Oregonlan. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. FOR HOM ES 1 N NORTH EAST PORTLAND. SEE US EASY TERMS- $4800 7-room 2-story, furnace, paved street. Irvington. $4St0 5-room, very pretty bungalow. Overlook. $4200 5-room brand new bungalow. Walnut Park. $3100 7-room 2-story lOOxlOO. Walnut Park. (3700 rt-room 2-storv 0x.tOO. four blocks from Jefferson High. $.'. 00 5-room pretty bungalow 2 blocks from Jeff, High. For the man with a snutll purse, but wanting a home, e can suit vou in lo cation and price; some as low as $loo down. $lfnf 5-room cottage. lot 100xl2. $ roo 4-room cot ta ge. pavt-d ( orner. $14.'0 l-room cottage, lots of fruit. $13nO 6-room plastered, bath, toilet, electricity, gas. etc. PHOTOS AT OFFICE. Go. Crow, with Albert Hjrala. 703 u Miss ave. Wdln. 1201. or res. Wdln". 27 S5. ROSE CITV PA UK. Beautiful 5- Room Hungalow. Garage $5S. Five larjre rooms nml glass hrr.ikf.ist room on pround floor: 1 r.ce floored attic; good garaue; hardwood floors fire place, fine buffet. Dutch kitchen : full cement bailment, fine furnace; paved street; an attractive bungalow and a real bargain; JJ5h cash will handle; bfg discount for aTl cash. LISTEN Mr. Rose City Uuyer. we can show you a duzn strictly moiiern bunga lows In this popular district; any kind of a place you want, from 5 t N rooms, with prices ranging from $42lH to $7.".0ti. IRVINGTON On E. 12th we can show you the bije-rest bargain In an S-romu strict ly modern bungalow ever offered in Portland; 5 large rooms and s-leepinsr porch downstairs; 3 big bedrooms and sleeping porch upstairs; fine earace; full finished basement with fine lur nace. f ru it and laundry rooms, irsta n t an ecus hot-wa ter heater; fine .txritce; finest of shrubbery; better than new and in perfect condition. Vor:h real'y about $lo..VM; owner will sacrifice for jm. half cash. ;. G. McTORMIC CO.. 212 Washington St. M.iin R2"Jn. ROSE CITY T.VRK. $1000 DOWN. S-room, strictly modern bungalow with sleeping porch and large attic, hard wood floors, built-in buffet, bookcases, fireplace, Dutch kitchen. full base ment, excellent furnace. laundxy trays. 1 blocks north of RC car, clove to school, 50x 1O0 lot with sewer con nections, paved street. You folks who are looking for a home and want to get settled at once, t his property should appeal to you. The surroundings are Kood. the locality could not be bt at. and the price is only $41).o; $1000 first pay ment.. Let us show you. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon Bldg ROSE CITY PARK. $5200 ONE-HALF CASH. A modern tt-room house. 2-story, built four years ago. oak floors down stairs, leaded glass buffet and bookcases, fire place. A I furnace, full cement base ment. 2 blocks to R. C. P. car; bargains like this are scarce in this restricted location. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Main 2oS. WILL TAKE LOT IN TRADE. ROSE CITV PARK. This liamiwme 2-stnry home has a bifi, beautiful living room 19x34, lovely tapes try paper, tirepla.ee. all built-ins in kitch en; the rooms on lower floor are finished In Ivory; on the upper floor nre 3 beauti ful bedrooms and bath; in the concrete basement is a high-grade furnace; tlie l-t Is 50x100; the location is this side of 44th nt. ; the price of this lovelv home is $0000, on terms. Will take lot value not over $1000 in trade. If you are lock ing for a 2-story type of home you'll make a misrake.jf vou don't ee this. COMTE & "KOHLMAN, 20S Cham, of Com. Hide. Main 6550 ROSE CITY PARK. ON 4STH ST., 6 ROOMS. $5500; 5 rooms and real sleeping porch, hardwood floors tn 3 rooms, furnace, fireplace and built-in ef fects, 50x100 ft. lot: 'on paved street, 2 blocks to Sandy Hlvd ; $1000 will handle it. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANV. 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Main 208. ROSE CITV PARK. A beautiful 1 ' 5 -story bun ga low. has lurge living room with artistic fireplace, den with wardrobe and toilet, living room has large buffet (all hardwood floors in these rooms.. Dutch kitchen. 2 berooms, bath and storeroom upstairs, full cement basement with Mueller fur nace and gas water he.i ter ; $25(M Vath will handle. 475 E. 52d street N., Ta bor 640S. $3S00 BUYS A NEW. MODERN, up-to-date 6-room buncalow on Glenn ave. N. a deliphtful residence sect hm. Owner Is leaving the city and offers his place at this price for a n uick s le. Rooms a re large, bip fireplace, every conven ience. You could not begin to build tho house for the money. For particulars call on BEN RIESLAND. 404 Platt Bldg. 127 Park St. HAWTHORNE $41O0 for this 2-fami(v. buneaWw-style house : 5-rooms on main floor, hard-wood floors, fireplace, buffet, bookcases. built-in kitchen. beamed ceiling m dininc: room, full cement basement, some fruit; paved street: all Ileus pa id. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank BUlg. Main 377. $20O CASH PRICE $lj:io. Go look at southwest corner of Oth and Sumner sts.. 476 Sumner; notice the nice lot. with paved street. I f you are a handy man you can make this a nice little home. It's a snap at $1200. Pay $U0O ami move in tomorrow. Phone Wdln. U4S Sunday. M. 055O Monday. 200O ARTISTIC Portland Hts. cottage. 1 4x2b living room with beame led ceiling. JT Wonderful kitchen a nd sleeping porch. view. Paved street paid. Sacrifice. I louse No. w ifl Council Crest drive. Mock to car. I came to Portland to sell; $500 will handle. See Mrs. H. P. An drews, City Hail apts. Main 6476. 4 - K OOM H O USE. COM PL ET K L V VV R . Lot 50x10 feet; Sc fare; all for $ltio0; only $."oo cash and J25 monthly pay ments; gas range and all other furni ture for $160o. Think it over. STEWART & RUCK. 315 Northwestern Bank Bldg., or Woodlawn 1031. I RV I NO TON $ 1 5.O00. 2 beautiful homes, 2 haths. 2 fireplaces, best eastern oak and mahoeany throiiKh out. These homes cost $20,oo0 to build about 3 years a go. Mr DON ELL. EAST 410. LOT 50x100, Xi blk. from Union ave.. with 1 -room house 1 2x1 ? on rear, gas and water; basement 20x3O dug for anot her house, sidewalks in. price $025, $400 HENRY W. GODDARD. 243 Stark St. CORNER 14th and E. Broad wa y. 8-rootn house, fine 1 oca t ion for m u ch needed eating place and delicatessen: business I oca t ion reasonable. Zimmerman. M H Chamber of Commerce. A L A M EDA V IE W BUNGALOW. Five laree rooms and hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace, built-in refrigerator; tills is a beautiful place; sacrifice. Phone for appointment. East 707S. $27R5 3 ROOMS, furnished, cem en t base ment, gas, electricity, hath, toi'et, laun dry tra ys, H. S. streets, nice lot : terms. See J. P. McKenna. Belmont at 3;th, Ta bor I!3. " IRVINGTON S N A P. Want offer for 75x!oi and modern 7 room bungalow on 10 th. near Bra zee ; convenient to car and school. Donald Macleod, 10l-2 Spalding bldg. SPLEN DT D 5-room modern home. East Belmont, close in. $3500, terms. TWO-STORY fi-room modern home. East Ankenv. close in. $"750, terms. F. DUBOIS. 804 SPALDING PLUG. I R VI NGTON SS5U0. New bungalow at 50O E. 25th st. N, Open today. McDONELL. E A ST 410. AND O-ROOM modern houses, near Sunny-side dietrict : t wo business blocks, good income property. Owner, Tabor 12S1. N EAT. substantial 6-room bungalow, re painted : fine, corner. 7 Ox 1 10 ; dozen fruit trees: $2150. terms. Owner, Thum&on, Mohawk bldg. ROSE CITY buagalow, 100x150; $3250, terms. A mighty pretty little place for two people who like cardening and flow ers. 602 Slwt. near Siskiyou. Tabor 8t.s;;. M.rn M OnRR 7-r(m buncnlnw. now r car: $.V0 down. White. S23 Chambejy?Nj "ommerce. LOT 50x1 o0. 3 rooms and bath. new. E. Pine and 55th sts. Trice $2400. Terms. Owner, Auto. 21-224. A 1 1