so THE SUNDAY OREGONIAX, PORTLAND,- OCTOBER 3, 1920 BUSINESS OPPORTrTTIKS. 11 otels arid Auominc Uoutei, M. E LENT COMPANY. Leading Hotel and Apartment House Agenti. 603-24-25 Northwestern Bank Bldg. 2'hone Main 8r00 for Appointment. If you wish to buy or sell, conj in and talk It over. Fourteen years in this business In Portland enables us to locate: you right. apartment houses, three bargains listed exclusively v'lth us. 24 apartments, corner brick buildino. Just the place you have been look ing for, high-class furnishings. This is the first time offered; clearing $r00 per month; price $ll,Ooo; terms on this to reliable party. Come in for further particulars. i 30 APARTMENTS. ' ' One of the places that will clear you $700 per month, and nice apartment to live in: special price this week; price reduced $2ouu, as party is called away from the city; requires $11,000 cash. APARTMENTS. REQUIRES fl 2,000 CASH. Clearing $750 per month; automatic levator; furnished throughout; apart ments rent themselves ; close-in loca tion; all modern appointments: easy place to manage; you can't make a mistake In buving this. J5 APARTMENTS. Corner building, private baths, good lease. chap rental; price $t;5uO; re quires $4 ooo cash to handle this. THREE HOTEL BARGAINS. IIO-ROOM HOTEL. Ground-floor office, elevator. North west heat, clears around $700 per month; (10,000 cash required. 30-ROUM HOTEL. Rent onlv $luO; corner white pressed fcrick building; clearing over $350 per month: price $7500, with $4000 cash, balance easy terms. 35, ROOMS. Brick building, steam heat, hot and cold water In all rooms; if you have j.iOOO cash you can pay the balance monthly; cost you less than $5000. CLASSY PLACE. HOME AND INCOME. Beautifully furnished home of 36 rooms, some private baths; arranged in small apartments; old itory and ma hogany furniture; will net you $-00 and give you a beautiful home; So000 CeLsh to handle. MONET MAKER. $.1200 CASH FULL PRICE. Apartments, almost new building; nicely furnished throughout; a place to buy and sell again; clears $200 per month and expenses all paid. 21 ROOMS. $2150 PROFIT PER MONTH. All apartments, newly furnished; very clean; nice place for lady to manage; requires about $2000 cash; price $400. 20 ROOMS PRICE $2100. Very low rental on building; clears over $125 a month and living rooms; about $1000 cash required on this, t 3( ROOMS. AN IDEAL HOME. Besides your own home expenses you can save $SO per month; full price on easy terms only $12oo. . FOR BUYING OR SELLINO IOUK SMALL HOUSES SEE ' MRS. McCLAiN, WITH M. E. LENT COMPANY. MODERN APARTMENT HOUSES. 32 apartments 5 rooms), good lease, rent $275, good furniture, excellent rugs, every thing in first-class condition ; nets his "profits, best location; JToou down. 48 apartments (10 rooms), good lease, rent $I0; a perfect home place, gross income $1200, well located; $7000 will handle. v 2ii apartments (G4 rooms), 8-year rent $400, N. W. heat, finest loca tion; $12.0OO, terms. ' , 25 apartments (Ml rooms), good lease, rent $-HMJ, everything the, best, corner, nets $750 besides good apartment for own $18,000, terms. 30 apartments 76 rooms), 5-year lease, rent $475, automatic elevator, big in come, always full; $18,000; will take $SOou dhiwn. , ' 07 apartments (185 rooms), good lease, hardwood floors, beautifully furnished, location verv desirable; bargain for cash. 42 apartments ( 12S rooms), good lea;, rent, $tioo, automatic elevator, clears over $000. everything in splendid con dition; $25,000. terms. 24 apartments. Rood lease, rent $300, clears over $550 besides own apartment; $0nou down. 34 apartments, goq,d lease, rent $400, everything in excellent condition, nets $750 and own apartment; price $18,500, part terms. , 21 apartments, 3-year lease, rent $2-i0, clean and in good shape, nets over $300; $5UU0, terms. 10 apartments (70 rooms). 3-year lease, het-t ot furnishings, gross income $1500. This is a real bargain for cash. 15 apartments (32 rooms), lease, rent $75, brick corner, all on one floor, nets $250 besides own apartment; price $5000. Can have terms. Ten 2-room apartments, all have dress ing room and bath, lease, rent $115, fireproof building, grots income $3b0 and apartment; f-ISOo, part terms. MRS THOMSON, 020-21 Henry Bldg. PACIFIC AGENCY, INC., 014-20 Swetland BIdg. Corner 6th and Washington, ROOMING HOUSE. Modern In every respect, the best of location, 2-year lease. 40 rooms, net income $500 ; price $0000, $G000 will handle. HOTEL, 144 rooms, B-story brick with larga lobby, centrally located, $40u0. This is a wurkingman's ho tel; 10-year lease. APARTMENT HOUSE. We have a dandy apartment house, right In the heart of town; net income $340. Will consider a good modern bungalow in ex change; no junk. 1, PACIFIC AGENCY. INC, 614-20 Swetland Bids. THE GEISER. GRAND HOVtSI BAKER, OREGON. On acconnt of my health Just out from a two-weeks stay In the hospital. I will sell furniture and lease of this strictly modern hotel. The best known In eastern Oregon, at a sacrifice. &5 cham bers always fulL B. F. LEACH, Prop. HERE ARE KOME FINE HOTELS. 75 rooms, modern corner, brick hotel. Ground floor lobby. $ 15,000 cash handles. 70-room. fine corner brick hotel. Big money-maker. $12,000 cash handles. 68-ROOM dandy Washington-street corner hotel, private baths. $0000 cash hand les. 100-room high-class mod. hotel In fine prosperous Oregon town. $25,000. 55-room fine mod. commercial hotel, known from coast to coast as the lead ing hotel in good Oregon town of 10,000; big sacrifice account of sickness. NORTHWEST HOTEL NEWS, 715 Couch bids-. WELL located 00-room hotel, in white pressed brick building of four stories; ground floor lobby, elevator, running water, telephone system ; 42 rooms con nected with baths, clean walls, good furniture, linen plentiful and in good condition; good four year lease. This hotel is reasonably priced. It takes more than 520,000 to handle but it will easily pay for itself in a very short tune. See Mrs. Albaugh, with John Ferguson, Gerlinger Bldg. &PLEND1D HOTEL. More than 70 rooms-, fine heating plant, hot and cold water in every room, good transient district but can keep all rooms filled with permanent guests if desired; $8000 will handle this place and it will pay for Itself in a very short time. It has not been on the market for years and therefore the price is not inflated. See Mrs. Albaugh, with John Ferguson. Gerlinger BIdg, INCOME $120 A MONTH. PRICE $110O, $000 CASH. Here is a snap. 8 --room furnished housekeeping rooms that wiil bring you $ 120 a month besides 2 rooms reserved for your.-eli ; the rent Is only $25 a month and the lease runs for a year ; Located on Thurman street, in the fac tory district. Iet ns show you. Call 208 Chamber of Commerce bldg., or phone Main fiilSO. 10-RoOM APARTMENT HOUSE ON TAYLOR ST. House all full; fine furniture; furnace heat; clearing at present ' $125 per month; prico $1300; $000 down, balance easy. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., ' 305 Oak St. - ATTRACTIVE HOME. 12 rooms, close in, everything high r class, running water In most of the rooms, large, beautifully furnished rooms; reasonable rent with good lease. If you want an attractive home with a good income you need go no further. Mrs. A lbaugh, with John Ferguson, Gerlinger Bldg. 12 ROOMS, furnished, concrete building, factory district, east side. With little expense 7 rooms can be added and In crease income; steam heat, modern plumbing, rent $45; price only $12u(; mail payment down, or would consider light car. 603 Gerlinger bldg. Wood )wu 4117 or Main b2UL B CS1NES8 OPPORTC?ftTlE3. Hotels and Rooming-Hougrg. TRANSIENT HOTEL. One of the best transient hotel in Portland; 64 rms., modern brick building; center of west side dis trict; all completely and well fur nished, connected with Northwest healing system.. $12,000 wiil du business. , CLASS-A HOTEL. One of the most up-to-date ho tels in Portland, strictly modern and furnished with the very best of everything that goes to make it firstclasa; iocatiou is ideal ; 10 year lea. It will require $40,000 to do business. WASH. -ST. HOTEL. If you want a modern corner, brick hotel with beautiful lobby that will net you about $100O per mo., see me. Has 3-year lease. Cu be handled with $14,000. 76-ROOM HOTEL. Modern fireproof bldg., transient location, fine lobby, long lease; rent $k)0 per mo. The carpeta and furniture are first-class. $15,000 will do business. 40 ROOMS 40. Strictly modern brick bldg.. ele gant furniture and carpets; long lease ; fair rent; good transient business. It takes $G500. F. RIERDON, RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. - ROOMS, 3 2 -room apts.( rest sleeping, finest transient location. 2-year lease, rent $150. all on one floor, splendid in come; $3500. part terms. 21 rooms H. K.., rent $60, everything In good shape, clears $150 and 8-roora apt. for own use ; $2800, part terms. 8 rooms, rent $50, good location, nice modern home with income; $1200, terms. 18 rooms, all apts., rent $70. furnace, elec., water and sinks In all apta.. clears about $150; price $2000, terms. 12 rooms, rent $60, N. W. heat, some private aths, hot and cold water In all $1S50S' your own apu and 15; Price 18 rooms, H. K., rent $00, furnace, elec, location the best, clears $150 and own apt. Price $2100, $1500 down. 24 rooms, -H. K., rent $00, right cen tral, clears $275; prie $3000, half cash. 10 rooms H. K., rent $35, nicest loca tion, real home with Income, well fur nished: price $1100, terms. MRS. THOMSON, 620-21 Henry Bldg. HEADQUARTERS FOR HOTELS, ROOMING HOUSES AND APARTMENT HOUSES. 85 room apartment, good lease, lease; terms $14,000 40 room apartment, good lease; terms 4,200 20 room apartment, good lease, terms 2.100 23-room transient, good lease,. terms 4,200 15-room transient, good lease, cash 1,200 34 room housekeeping, good lease, terms 1,600 40-room hotel, modern brick, lease, terms ? 9,000 We have others, all sizes. These are all well heated and good buys. Call U3 West Park st. 1 2-ROOM furnished apartments, on 14th st., close in, corner building, light and clean, furnace if desired, some large liv ing rooms with fireplaces, extra good furniture, no vacancies. You will say this is a good one. Circumstances re quire owner to leave. Price $2150, terms $14O0 down. 30 rooms, mostly 2-room apartments, steam heat, hot water, gross Income $300 per month and owner's apartment; rent $75, 1-year lease, no vacancies, close in, corner building; price $2760, terms $1200 down. 14 rooms, f urniKhd. tlcht hnmpVppn. Ing, on 17th st., no vacancies; price $050,4 .c mo iuu i own ; income J-4U, rent Sou. U. Y. EDWARDS CO., 07 Henry Building. SWELL, STRICTLY MODERN APT. of about 05 rooms, 2s and 3s; fine fur niture, lease long time, brick building, attractive, very clote in, west side; choice, 1 say. Large waiting list, about $700 net. And I say It is a pension; $10,500 cash. See me personally, as this is an exception. J. EUGENE HEDGES, 201 West Park. M. E. LENT COMPANY. B23-4-5 NORTHWESTERN BANK BLDG. LEADING HOTEL AND APART MENT HOUSE AGENCY. IF YOU WISH TO BUY OR SELL. COME IN AND TALK IT OVER; 14 YEARS IN THIS BUSINESS IN PORT LAND. ' EN ABLES US TO LOCATE YOU RIGHT. $235 INCOME PER MONTH. 19 rooms and two sleeping porches, also several kitchenettes, well arranged, elec, gas, etc.. all H. K., location fine, good furniture, clean; Just a nice pen sion; west side; $2U75, terms; two-year lease, rent $50. J. EUGENE HEDGES, 201 West Park 40-ROOM HOTEL, MODERN. CLOSE I N SN A P. This place is clearing $500 per month; good lease and cheap rent; price for all $0000. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 303 Oak St. IF YOU are looking for a homey home, see this attractive 7-room modern flat with fireplace; rent $40; walking dis tance, fine location; beautifully fur nished In wicker, ivory, moquette rugs, etc. ; 2 rooms rented, more can be rented; for appointment call Main 4240. 10 ROOMS and sleeping porch, single housekeeping rooms, clean and bright. Very different from the ordinary H. K. place. Good furniture, beds and rugs and very attractive quarters for owner. If you are looking for a pleasant home this will please you. Mrs. Albaugh, with John Ferguson, Gerlinger Bldg. IF YOU WISH TO BUY OR SELL business, hotel, rooming or apartment house of any kind, anywhere, see F. Rlerdon, HITTER, LOWE A CO, 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. -We write all kinds of insurance. 10 ROOMS of very nice furniture, most v house keeping, rent only $50, net Income $100 and owner keeps one apartment. THIS IS CLOSE IN, ONLY $1800. SEE J. EUGENE HEDGES, 201 WEST PARK. APARTMENT HOUSE. WEST SIDE. 51 ROOMS. On Fifth St., close in; hot and old Water; a sure snap at $3750-; some terms. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., "305 Oak St. 24 ROOMS in South Portland, one bath, three toilets, housekeeping, gas heaters in rooms. Plenty of factories In neigh borhood that keep the house full. Mrs. Albaugh, with John Ferguson, Ger linger Bid s SB-ROOM APARTMENT HOUSE. Close to 6th and Burnsidc; house all full and making money; price $4000; a sure snap. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 305 Oak St. 11 ROOMS, two H. K. suites4, balance sleeping: very fine location, good furni ture. This will go at a bargain as owner must get away. See Mrs. Al baugh, with John Ferguson, Gerlinger Bldg. 3 3-ROOM APARTMENT HOUSE. All newly painted ; some new rugs and furniture; house all full and mak ing money price $1500. some terms. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 305 Oak St. 40-ROOM apartment house; modern and extra well furnished; clears over $225 a month and three-room apartment. Price $4500. See this Monday. Mrs. McLeod, Blackstone hotel. $20,000 WILL handle one of the best apart ment houses In the city, everything of the best and in perfect condition, auto matic elevator. Particulars MRS. THOMSON. 620-21 Henry Bldg $4200 GROCERY, west side, on business corner: long lease: 6 living rooms; busi ness $2000 per month. This will stand investigation. See Morris, with Inter state Land Co., 248 Stark st. WORKINGMAN'S HOTEL 50 rooms, in dustrial district, clears $300: kitchen and dining room always full; $10 per week; $3000 handles; some terms. B 85, Ore gonlan. $15,000 WILL handle good north end ho tel, water In all rooms, call bells, cheap rent, good lease, clears over $1000. All particulars with MRS. THOMSON. 620-21 Henry Bldg. 20 ROOMS, housekeeping, running water in rooms, close in, rent $60. This brings in a good income and the price Is right. Mrs. Albaugh, with John Ferguson, Ger linger bldg. 21) ROOMS, H. K., 2-year lease, rent $125 water in. nearly all, elec, furnace, good income : could be more; a real bargain st $26.0. This won't last long MRS. THOMSON. 62Q-21 Henry Bldg. GOOD frame bote! on Alder Bt., gas, elec tricity. Northwestern heat. A good clean place: nets $300: $3500 cash will handle. Mrs. Albaugh. with John Ferguson, Gerlinger Bldg. NINE light housekeeping rooms, choice west-side location ; close In ; rent $45 price $S00. Burroughs, with Interstate Land Co., 248 Stark st. :i ROOMS, H. K.. good lease, rent $40 elec, furnace, water In most, good iu come and home; $2000. part terms MRS. THOMSON, 620-21 Henry Bldg. TEN ROOMS, housekeeping, fine corner clears $73 above rent; Slooo cash handles! .-orin west notei -ews. iio Couch bid f Oft beet bargain In apartment houses members of the Realty Board. y&lm Realty Co 245 Fourth BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. Hotels and Rooming; Housen. MODERN HOTELS. 62 rooms, fireproof building, 5 -year lease, rent $500, good furniture and car pets, gross income $2000; takes $12,000 down. A good one, with good lease and right rent; $8000 will handle. 65 rooms, good lease, rent Is cheap. N. W; heat, water in all rooms, call bells, too; gross Income around $2000; cash required $15,000. 62 rooms, 5-year lease, rent $400, fur niture and carpets in best of condition, nets $O0; price $13,000. 68 rooms (brick building), N. W. heat, lease, income very good, some private baths; bargain for cash or $0000 down. 70 rooms, good lease, rent right, good Income ; price $ 10,000 cash. 50 rooms, lease, rent $250. This Is good, dandy income ; price $S000, like cash. 50 rooms, all newly furnished, 5-year lease, rent $3UO, nets $000, lota of good linen, everthing in splendid condition; price $15,500. 28 rooms, all on one floor, lease, rent $135, nets $4O0; $4500, terms. MRS. THOMSON, 620-21 Henry Bldg. THESE HAVE BEEN REDUCED. 15 housekeeping, very close In. clearing $100 month besides 3 nice living rooms for self; easily worth the price; $1600, easy terms. 11 housekeeping, electric flights, nice close in location, very low rent, clearing $80 per month with pleas ant living- rooms for owner: price now only $110. with very easy terms. . 9 housekeeping, nice looking home corner, walking, east side location, gas. elec tricity and note the price for quick sale, only $550. WEST SIDE REALTY CO.. 164 West Park St. 48 APARTMENTS. Over 100 rooms, arranged In two and 3 -room apartments. 23 apartments have private baths, 4 public baths, very close in west side location; first time ever placed on the market. Gross income $1200, and with some cleaning and changing can easily be raised; rent $500, with lease; frame building; Japanese con sidered. Price $11,600, terms. C. E. BO WD EN CO., 815 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. t ROOMING HOUSES. 12 -room house, rent $60, price $1400, terms. 20- room house, rent $70, price $3100, terms. 21- room house, splendidly furnished, rent $110, price $4500, terms. 25-room house, rent $125, downtown; price $3200, $1000 down. 21-room house, rent $60, clears $175 month; prlco $2700, $1800 down. Ail the above good west side location. WOODCOCK. 200 Henry Building. GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY. An up-to-date 3-story brick hotel, lo cated in town of 2500 pop.; 45 r, com pletely furnished, incltrding piano; ground 100x135 ft., on Pacific highway, paved; this Is one of the biggest snaps listed; owner is in other business and tired of leasing; $19,000; $0000 cash to handle. See Mr. Barber or Rock at 403 Couch st. YOU CAN'T BEAT IT. 21 rooms, rent $110, excellent furniture and rugs throughout, most all H. K. apartments. 4 baths. Nob Hill location, clears $235 over all expenses and ex cellent 2-room apartment; for a high class buy it's the best in Portland at the price; $4000, $2500 handles. C. K. BOW DEN CO., 815 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. MONDAY SPECIALS. 21 housekeeping rooms, clears. ..... .$125 IS housekeeping rooms, clears 100 12 housekeeping rooms, clears 00 10 housekeeping- rooms, clears 75 transient roonas. downtown, clears 175 15 transient rooms, clears 100 We have several nice flats. We serva to please. BARNEY JOHNSON. 170 10th st. RIGHT DOWNTOWN. SO rooms, Vent only $80, good lease, fine corner bldg., mostly housekeeping, completely furnished, clean as wax ; making a handsome profit; $4000 will handle. See Mrs. Keller, GEO. T. MOORE CO., 1007 Yeon Bldg. 27-ROOM apartment, west side, clears $350 month, $4500; 23-room housekeep ing and sleeping, very high class, close in, always full, clears $250, $3250; 14-housekee-plng, west side, $000, clearing $100 a month. $600 cash will handle. SIMMS, 607 Henry Bldg. "WORKINGMAN'S PLACE. 20 rooms, all on one floor, good comer bldg.; right in center of business dis trict, rent only $50 month with lease; all housekeeping; net profit about $200; $1250 cash will handle. See Mrs. Keller, GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon Bldg. 80-ROOM APT. HOUSE. Brick building. Nob Hill location. 4 year lease, good furniture, well arranged apartments, all with private baths, tele phones am lifts; clears $000 a month; $17,000. part time can be arranged. A. J. DeFOREST & CO., 820 Henry Bldg. Broadway fiisno. NOB HILL DISTRICT. Swell apartment house, fine corner fcrick bldg., automatic elevator, furnish ings first-class-; all gas ranges and re frigerators Included; net profits over $650w For prices and terms See Mrs. Keller. GEO. T. MOORE CO., 1007 Yeon Bia-g. ROOMING HOUSE BARGAIN. $3500 42 rooms, running water, steam heat, brick building; no telephone in formation. You will have to hurry. COOVER & HOLMAN. 322-23-24 Failing Bldg., 3d and Wash. "We Do Not Misrepresent." JUST WHAT YOr ARE LOOKING FOR, 12 rooms, rent $60. Northwest steam heat and hot water, running water In all but 2 rooms, hot water all the time; in come nearly $300 month. Price $1000, $1400 cash. Pee Mrs. Keller. GEO. T. MOORE CO., 1007 Yeon Bldg. VERY COMPLETE. 21 rooms, beautifully furnished, all housekeeping, some private baths, sleep ing porch, swell location; net profit $250. For further particulars See Mrs. Keller, GEO. T. MOORE CO., 1007 Yeon Bldg. 12 ROOMS, hot water heat: rent $50. Nob Hill location, corner; makes nice home and income. Can be rearranged p nd sold for more. Price $1350, $1000 handles. C. T3. BOWDEN CO.. SI 5 Chamber of Commerce Mdff. APARTMENT-HOUSE SNAP. 10 apartments, private baths, nul It Ins, beautiful furnishings; brick bldg.; rent very reasonable. COOVER HOLMAN, 322-23-24 Failing Bldg., 3d and Wash. Ve Do Not Misrepresent.' LOOK AT THIS. Beautiful 11-soom house, elegantly fur nished, wonderful grounds and location: fine garage with large living room and fireplace. Price $2100. See Mrs. Keller. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon Bldg. 60-ROOM APARTMENT HOTEL. Fine location, steam heat, hot and cold water in nil rooms, lobby down stairs; clears $4O0 month, rent $200; price $7no, $4700 down, balance $100 per month. WOODCOCK. 200 Henry Building. - FOR QUICK SALE. List your hotels. -apartment and room-In-g houses with us. Your interests will always be protected. We have cash buyers waiting for your propositions. See Mrs. Keller. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1CV07 Yeon Bld-g. 30-ROOM brick hotel on Washington st.. in good location, fine furniture, good lease, low rent. Classy little house, doing fine business. Price $7000; good terms. TRY US REALTY CO.. 160 West Park. 8 ROOMS. Washington-st. location; rent $42.50; stove heat, electric lights; net $50 besides apartment. Price $S00. $425 handles. C. E. BO WD EN CO.. R1 S Chamber of Commerce bldg. 23 ROOMS, all H. K. : $.tOOO terms, low rent, extra good furniture : clears $20O per month and own apartrvnt. better than 50 on investment. White Temple district. TRY US REALTY CO.. 169 West Park. I NEED a live wire, a man or woman, with car to sell apartment houses. Call Sunday or Monday at 333 Railway Ex- 14 ROOMS. S1OO0, cheap rent. 1-year lease; good furniture, nice income. Swell little - home, in White Temnle district. TRY US REALTY CO.. 169 West Park. 40 R.. 3 S.. 4-R. APTS.. splendid condi tion; rent $235; $2500 will handle: fine proposition for couple. Call owne, Broadway 1429, mornings. 7-ROOM flat. $900. $704) cash: nice west side locution, cheap rent; excellent fur niture, furnace hat and a good income. TRY US REALTY CO 160 West Park. 33 ROOMS, some housekeeping, best of location, two years lease, fine monev maker. Sell on account of child. 122 12th st. 29 ROOMf. $1600. all cash: rent $40; elec tric lights: good furnishings; north end, near depot. TtT T'S REALTY CO.. 169 West Park. 8 H. K. ROOMS, income &M)t besides two room apartment for self. Price $1000. Owner. 46 21st St. N. WANTED Rooming houses. 10 to 25 rooms. Pay moptly., cash. Main 3069. H. W. Garland. 201 3d. WANTED Apartment or hotel. direct from owner: will piy all cash for good buy. Call Main 4551. WANTED A small apt. house, 14 to 20 rooms, housekeeping only, on the east side preferred. J 83. Oregonlan. 12 ROOMS good furniture. $1200: rent $45 Call my agent, Marshall 3993, BUSINESS OPPORTTTN1TTES. Hotels and Rooming House. 126-ROOM apartment, arranged in two, three and four-room apartments, 5-year lease at $750 per month ; modern fire proof building in best west side district; automatic elevator, private balconies and all up-to-date conveniences; clears over $1100 per month. Close in. Inspection Invited. Price $25,000, terms. 1 12-room apartment, beautiful west side corner, rent $6O0 per month, long lease; each apartment finished like a bungalow; nothing else like it In town; ivory enamel tinish jewel safes, etc Every possible modern convenience; clears $10UO per month. Price $21,O0O, terms. l0-room apartment, swell west side dis trict, modern white pressed brick build ing, equipped with automatic elevator, private balconies, etc Elegantly fur nished. Big money-maker. Special price to right party. Look this up. 116-room apartment, close-In west side corner, rent $500, 8-year lease; will show nearly $luO0 - profit per month; price $20,0OO. 65-room apartment, west side corner, rent $25o, long lease, clears $300 per month; price $5000, CASH ONLY. 12 3 -room apartments, west side brick building, rent $125, semi-modern; big money-maker. Price Is right ate $3500, terms. 58-room modern hotel, best west side district, long lease, reasonable rent. Northwest heat, many private baths, etc Elegantly furnished and absolutely clean. Clears. $800 per month; price $15,000, terms. SPECIAL BARGAIN. Nob Hill apartment, arranged In 17 &s, one 2 and two single rooms, all with private baths, etc Completely furnished, rent $250, income over $800 per month. Price for quick sale, $85oo, some terms. YATES REALTY CO., 245 Fourth St. 14 ROOMS, INCOME $150. Modern, close in, H. K. Price $1500, terms. 11 ROOMS. INCOME $100. Some select furniture, all H. K.. $1100. 14 H. K ROOMS, INCOME $165. Close In, west side, modern, $1650, 1 terms. 14 BEAUTIFTJI ROOMS, income $180, classy, fine furniture, close in; only $2150. 21 H. K. APTS., INCOME $20O. Brick .building, modern, good; $3250. We have several choice apartment houses and hotels. Investigate our list before you buy. O. H. SKOTHETM COMPANY, 332-333 Railway Exchange Bldg. $70O NET 08 ROOMS. -TO rooms used for hotel. 23 used for apt., hot. cold water, steam heat, furnish with lease, brick bldg., elevator, downtown location. 40 housekeeping rooms, 3-yr. lease, brick bldg., rent $75, steam heat; A-l location, always full and a money-maker; $5000 and a bargain. 25 rooms, 2. 3, 4-room apts., lease, good location, has Income of $23S; has good furniture, nice and clean ; $1700 w 111 handle. 12 rooms located on W. Park St., nice, clean, low rent and very good furniture. Income $100 net and 3 -room for owner. 401 STOCK EX. BLDG. $1500 CASH 9 H. K. rooms right down town, clearing all expenses and a small income; this is positively the best fur nished rooming-house in the city for the money; exterior needs painting, but the Interior Is surprisingly cosy and attrac tive; velvet rugs, floor lamps, fireplace, piano, ivory and wicker furniture, etc. : this also includes winter's fuel. Call Main 4069. APARTMENT HOUSE. 93 rooms. 2 and 3-room apartments; rent only $350; all have private baths and phones; well furnished and clean; splendid corner brick bld-g. ; owners leaving town. Netting $70O month. $8000 will give you possession, balance easy terms. See Mrs. Keller. GEO. T. MOORE CO., 10O7 Yeon Bld-g. A MONEY MAKER. Lovely apt. house, fine corner brick bldg.; automatic elevator, 24 apts., all with private baths : some sleeping porches. This place is clearing over all expenses (80Q mouth. $10,000 cash will handle. See Mrs. Keller. GEO. T. MOORE CO., 1007 Yeon- Bld-g. 40-ROOM MODERN HOTEL. On Washington street, corner brick building, some prite baths, good lease, big money-maker. This place is exclu sive; very choice; $8000 cash required, balance easy payments. A. J. DeFOREST A CO., 320 Henry Bldg. Broadway 5500. LITTLE DANDY. 12 rooms completely and well fur nished for housekeeping, clearing over all expenses $00;. 2 rooms for own use; splendid location; rent only $35. Price $1600. See Mrs. Keller, GEO. T. MOORE CO., 1007 Yeon Bldg. BY OWNER One of the best money-makers on west side ; 15 rooms, nearly all H. K., easy walking distance, some new furniture, place for car, house newly papered and perfectly clean, low rent and economical to operate; clearing $130. Quick sale, $t550, terms. Call Tabor 30H3 or Broad w ay 1046. FINE HOTEL. 74 rooms, rent $515. lease. 6 private baths, 4 public baths, fine corner brick bldg., absolutely modern. Northwestern heat and hot water; clears easily net profit $1000; price $20,000; liberal terms. See Mrs. Keller, GEO. T. MOORE CO., 1007 Yeon Bldg. BEST IN CITY. 96 rooms, 5-year lease, 43 private baths. Northwestern heat, elevator, beau tiful ground floor lobby. This hotel is elegantly furnished throughout. Won derful down-town location. See Mrs. Keller. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon Bldg. SWELL LITTLE APARTMENT HOUSE. 18 rooms, modern, very best west side residential location; rent only $40 month; price $2150. on terms. B. F. KELLY, 715 Swetland Bldg. MODERN APARTMENT HOUSE. 1 2 apartments, private baths, built -In conveniences, brick building; rent $125; $5600 down ; price $7O00. COOVER & HOLMAN, 322-23-24 Failing Bldg., 3d and Wash. " W e Do Not Misrepresent." 12 ROOMS, rent $40. ideal west side loca tion, excellent furniture and rugs; all sleeping rooms, easily clear $lo0 over expenses. Price $1300. $1H0-. handles. C. E. BOW DEN CO.. SIR Chamber of Commerce bldg. APARTMENTS AND HOTELS. We have some attractive buys, central ly located, from 40 to 200 rooms, earn ing from $200 to $8O0 a month. If you are in the market you ehould see these. Weston & Co., 1215 N. W. Bank bldg. FOR RESULTS LIST YOUR HOTEL. APARTMENTS OR ROOMING HOUSES. REAL ESTATE AND OTHER BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WITH US. TRY US REALTY CO., 169 W. PARK ST. BY OWNER Must sell at once my nice 8-room H. K, house, close in on west side, good in every way, home for you and good income; only $750, with some terms. Call me today at- Main 7511 or Main 5109. Space for several cars; a good buy. 32 ROOMS, brick apartment house, with good furniture. This Is a nice, clean and attractive place, with an Income of $250 above all ex pence 3. Price $5000, with terms. 1 TRY US REALTY CO., 160 West Park. 24 ROOMS. White TemjMe district ; rent $90. furnace, electric lights; nets $256 over the expenses. Price $3600. half cash. C. E. BOWDEN CO., SIR Chamber of Commerce bldg. APARTMENT HOUSE 66 ROOMS. 25 apartments. 4 floors; 14 baths; hot and cold water; walking distance; price $12,000, some terms. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 305 Oak St. 8 ROOMS, $600, rent $30. nice little place, provides good Income; $350 bandies. A. J. DeFOREST CO., 320 Henry Bldg. Broadway S590. LOST AVO FOUND. LOST Saturday In downtown district, crocheted beaded bag ; finder phone Bdwy. 2351. REWARD A black leather handbag left on Sunnvside car Sept. 11. Cameo ring lost on street Mar. 1S72. FO CND Two stray cattle, one black, one blue roan, 1 mile north of Holbrook. C. Matthies. LOST One large moonstone brooch, east or west side ; finder please leave at 246 E. 61 st street ; reward. LOST A bunch of keys on ring; probably on the east side. Finder will be re warded. Phone E.- 1409. LOST A violin on Mount Scott car. 2d and Alder. Sept. 22. Please return to 6317 94th S. E. ; reward. . , LOST Platinum bar pin with diamond center, somewhere In west side vicinity. Call Main 5658. Reward. FOUND A lady's gold wrist watch. Call Main 301. LOST Small brown and white bulldog; licence lost from collar. Phone E. 4905. LOST A set of lower teeth; finder call Tabor 7957; receive reward. LOST White fox fur. Phone Nean West. Main 4559. 391 Harrison; reward. LOST Beaded bag. Portland hotel or the Famous: reward. Automatic 550-27.. LOST ONE YELLOW SHEPHERD DOG. REWARD. EAST 4S04. Si'RAYED from Macadam road, black Persian kitten. Main 4S68. FOUND Sum of money on E. 61st st Call Tabor 5792 Monday. LOST A flat brown pocketbook. Phone East 794a, . LOST AND FOUND. BETWEEN the Vista house and Hood River, a black walrus basf containing woman's apparel, also letter addressed to xj. a. cmiin. r inuer piease write Airs. L. A. Smith, 563 E. Morrison, Portland. Or., or call evenings, phone East 4053. Reward. THE following articles were found on cars of the P. K., L. & P. Co., October 1: 6 purses, pin, 2 bags, 3 pair gloves, tab let, book, 6 packages, basket, tabourette stand, coat, overalls, 4 lunch boxes, trav eling bag, 5 umbrellas. Owners may ob taln property at First and Aider sts. STRAYED FROM 1159 RODNEY AVE.. SEPTEMBER IS. FEMALE li KINDLE ENGLISH BULLDOG; BLACK FACE AND EARS, WHITE STREAKED CHEST. REWARD FOR RETURN OR A N V I NFORM A TION. LOST If the man from Vancouver In a Jeffery motor who found & small brown grip In rear of car bearing Initials H. A. S., last Tuesday, would Inform me where I could obtain it I would appreciate It. AP lo. Oregonlan. LOST A mink fur cape, Thursday, Sep tember 30, at or between Meier & Frank s store and E. 35th. Reward will be paid to finder for return. Feenaughty Ma chinery Co., 30W E. Yamhill st. $5 REWARD for return or Information of dull-blue wool scarf, red, brown and orange border on sides, taken from Owl lavatory. Return to Owi, no Ques tions asked. FOR ADOPTION, two bright boys. 6 to 10. into good families that will love and educate them as their own; very best of references given, both of father and mother; mother dead. L 7S, Oregonlan. LOST Between Madison st. and Trinitv Place, ladies' tortoise shell with gold lorgnette. Finder please call Marshall 10O1 or bring to 787 Madison st. and re- ceive reward. LOST Friday, Oct. 1. K. T. 32d, Shrine combination lady's pin, on Morrison it, between 10th and 11th, at Olds, Wort man AKing or In. Pittock block. Re ward. Main 7349. LOST Sept. 30, pair nose glasses; Swan strom printed In bottom of case; between Kearney and N. 22d st,. 23d st, car line or on Broadway between Wash, and Oak sts. Call Main 1640. Reward. LOST Downtown, lady's wrist watch and bracelet; initials A. G. D. ; octagon shape; finder please communicate with Broad-way 2823. Reward. LOST A billholder, containing name of C. L. Baker, a photograph, a $20 bill and some silver; return to 87 Russell St.; reward. WILL party who took working girls suit case off Tillamook train Sunday, Sept. 26. kindly notify 184 N. 17th St.. Port land, Or.; reward. LOST Friday, black beaded bag, with colored butterfly design ; keep money, but please return purse and contents. Adto. 50-27. LOST On public market Sat. between 5 and 5:30 P. M., a billfold. Please re turn to women's comfort station. Re ward. LOST Glisan St.. between 13th and 14th. Saturday, card case containing $25 in currency, etc. Finder piease call Broad way 1105. LOST About noon, between Union ave. and Broadway and 36th and Division, child's white lamb collar. Call Tabor 2931. LOST .Black sample case containing photographs of furniture; reward for return. Healy Bros.. 13th and Hoyt sts. LOST Child's red purse within 2 blocks of Broadway and Alder. -Phone Still wood 1033 LOST Silver mesh bag containing money, bills and checque, cor. 37th st. East and Hawthorne. Phone Marshall 6100 or 347 East 37th. Reward. LOST At 28th and Glisan, Saturday morning, black moire bag containing change, key and miscellaneous articles. Phone Auto. 312-93. Reward. WILL the party who found Bertha Cra mer's handbag return to Oregonian of fice or to owner. 6020 40th ave. ,8. E. ? May keep money. No Questions asked. LOST Man's overcoat in Park blocks be tween Harrison and Hall sts. ; reward. Apt. 5, 410 Harrison st. LOST Black cow with white face. Sept. 26. Call Main 9376, Walter Schall berger. Route 1, Hillsdale, Or. LOST On highway between Milwaukie and Oregon City. a roll of currency; liberal reward. BD 1, Oregonian. LOST 3 $20 bills, Sept. 28, evening, on Grays Crossing, near 6405. Finder call Tabor 7742 and receive liberal reward. LOST Library book with card. Billy Webb, 1227 Ivon. Lost on 2d and Y a m -hill. n orange female Persian cat. has a real Pekinese face; liberal reward fur return, dead or altve. Call East 3167. LOST White Ivory handled umbrella, probably on Yamhill st. Reward. Wood lawn 47. LOST Sept. 9, white male Persian cat, hair slightly worn at base ot tail; re ward. 1!7 1 Clay St. t'OUNU Purse containing money, on Pow ell st. Inquire room 1221 Chamber ot Commerce bldg. LOST Boston bulldog. Tabor 807. SPECIAL NOTICES. Miscellaneous. OX AND after this day, October 1, I wi.J not be responsible for any bills con tracted by my wife, Martha Lyon. V. M. LVOV. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN On and after Oct. 1. 1920, I will not be responsi ble for any bill contracted by my wife. Adolph Shieve. 742 E. st. FINANCIAL LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED. YOU BUY OR SELL AN AUTOMOBILE, WE FURNISH THE MONEY. OUR SERVICE WILL PLEASE YOU. OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO.. 208 SELLING BLDG.. 2D FLOOR. MONEX TO LOAN ON lilPKOVLD REAL ESTATE. TITLE & TRUST COMPANY. TITLE & TRUST BLDG. FOR SALE $1600 mortgage on good busi ness in Portland, bearing 0, payable 9100 per' month; will discount 10',o or accept liberty bonds at face value, phone Main 40ia. LIVESTOCK LOANS. We have money to loan on cattle, beep and hogs. F, E. BOWMAN CO.. 210 Chamber of Commerce. STOCKS AND BONDS. Stockholder must sell for cash SO shares common stock. Associated Engi neering Corporation. L btl, Oregonian. U0 SHARES high-grade, dividend-paying stock, paying 24 per cent a year; abso lutely good; dividends monthly. D 7S, Oregonian. CASH paid, for mortgages and sellers' con tracts on real estate In Washington, Ore gon. H. E, Noble. 316 Lumber'mens bids. WJ BUY first and second mortgages and sellers' contracts. F. E. Bowman A Co., feJ0 Chamber of Commerce. PRIVATE party will buy real estate mort gage contract of sale. Tabor Li."N. Money to Loan on Kenl Estate. CITY AND FARM LOANS. First and 2d Mtgs. and Contracts, No Delay. No Delay. No Delay. XI 000. S1500. S2000. $3000 and UP. F. H. DESHON. 615 CHAM. OF COM. (400. i00. SiiOO, $800, 1 1000. 11200. S1500. 92000 and up. lowest rates, quick action; pay off $100 or more at any interest date. Gordon Mortgage Co.. b3l Cham ber of Commerce bldg. Main 1370. LIBERAL LOANS. We loan our money on real estate. 1st and 2d mortgages, contracts, livestock, notes, etc. F. E. Bowman & Co., 210 Chamber of Commerce Main 3026. MORTGAGE loans on improved farm and city property, favorable repaying priv ileges; no commission or delay. - TUB OREGON MORTGAGE "O.. LTD. 30U Piatt Bldg. Main bJ71. 1co MONEY to loan on 1st mortgages, city property. EVANS. HUDSON & MEYER. 433 U. S. Bank Bldg. Bdwy. 2771. CIT Y AND FARM LOANS. TB1-STATE INVESTMENTS CORPORATION. 301 U. S. Natl. Bank Bidg. Bdwy. 2013. MONEY to loan on roal estate up to $3000; will divide Into smaller sums. Lofsren, 100 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Broad way 402. IloOO TO $1800 TO LOAN on first mort gage; liberal terms and no commibSiunAS MONEY to loan on real estate, 7 per cant. Geo. P. Lent. 717 Corbett b:d. MONEY TO LOAN See Lawyers' Title& Trust company. 28 Stark et., neax 4th. bEE OREGON 1NV. MORTGAGE CO.. 22 Chamber of Commerce. 4th and Stark. PRIVATE party, money to loan; no com mission. Tabor 3453. MORTGAGE LOANS. 6 and 7 per cent. Louis Saloman A Co.. 408 Selling bldg. X5O0-$5000 ON IMPROVED city or sub urban property: low rates. East 6321. I HAVE $2-00 in gold coin. I want S320 currency instead. AF 1, Oregonian. PRIVATE funds to loan, S10OO up. A. K. Hill. 426 Lumbermens bldg. S2000 TO LOAN on dwelling. Geora M 1 Ked Co., Spalding bids. Mar. FINANCIAL. Money to Loan en ResJ Fsttv RESIDENCE LOANS. 7, five-year period. You may pay S100 or any multiple thereof account principal, semi-annually and reduce In terest on loans under $3000. INSTALLMENT LOANS. Will loan 60 value house and lot at T. You pay one-half of 1 Per cent account principal monthly. For exam- f!e, $2000 loan, you pay ,10 monthly and nterest; you have privilege of paying SI0O or any multiple thereof monthv. Interest reduced accordingly. NO COM MISSION. BUSINESS LOANS. Five-year period, 6. Excellent re payment privilege. MORTGAGE LOAN COMPANY. Main 8304. 407 Yeon Bids. IF X10.00O INVESTMENT WOULD PAY YOU 10O NET MONEY SECURE (UNDER OWN CON TROL), WOULD YOU CONSIDER IT 7 OF COURSE YOU WOULD: WELL, LET ME TELL YOU ABOUT A LEGIT IMATE HLGH-CLASS INVESTMENT WHICH I BELIEVE WILL NET YOU BETTER THAN 100 AND DO IT WITHIN A YEAR (MONEY REQUIRED $4KM CASH AND SlOOO PER MONTH FOR SIX MONTHS). PROPOSITION WILL STAND MOST RIGID INVESTI GATION. ADDRESS O 05. OREGO NIAN. CITT LOANS. NO COMMISSION. On Improved property, or for improve ment purposes. The best and easiest method of paying a loan Is our monthly payment plan. $32.26 per month for 36 month, or $21.24 per montn for 60 monthJ, or $13.17 per month for 88 months pays a loan of $1600 and interest. Loans of other amounls in same pro portions. Repayment privileges. EQUITABLE SAVINGS A LOAN ASSN., 242 Stark St.. Portland. Or. MORTGAGE LOANS. On real estate security, any amount from $500 up on improved city or farm property. THE LAWRENCE CO MP ANT, 205 Corbett Side. Main 6915. A. 1815. SEE US TODAY We loan monev on real estate; lowest ratea; long time, abort ume; montniy payments, pay as yon can; aums to suit; contracts. 2d mortgages, liberty bonds bought. 725 Gasco bldg., 5th and Alder. CELLARS-M URTON CO. $60.000 To LOAN in aums to suit on city, suburban and farms. Building loans a specialty. WILLIAM Q. BECK. 215-216 FAILING BUILDINO. THIRD AND WASHINGTON. FARM LOANS. Insurance company money to loan at lowest current rates on Willamette val ley farms, no commission, no delays. DEVEREAUX MORTGAGE COMPANY, 87 Sixth St.. Portland. Or. MORTGAGE LOANS. Any amount, low rates, promptly closed. Attractive repayment privileges. A. H. BIRRELL CO.. 217 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Marshall 4)14. A 4118. REAL ESTATE MORTGAGES AMOUNTS $2r0 TO $2500. We can generally tell you the first day whether your loan is accepted or not. We want your good loans. SMITH -WAGONER CO.. STOCK EX PH. MORTGAGE LOANS. FARM AND CITY PROPERTY. 6 and 7 PER CENT. INSTALLMENT LOANS. NO COMMISSION UNION ABSTRACT CO.. 83 4TH ST. HENRY BLDO. MORTGAGE LOANS on farm and city property. Prompt and helpful service. Liberal repayment priv ileges. Lowest rates. WESTERN BOND it MORTGAGE CO. HQ Fourth St.. Portland. Or. FOR SALE. Portland,, Gas & Coke Co. preferred stock. 7ro interest payable quarterly, in terest due Nov. 1; quick sale, $U8 a share. Y 26. Oregonian. X30O. $400, $500, $750, $1000 AND UP; low rates; quick action. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Cham, of Com. Main 6445. MONEY to loan on real estate security at going rate of interest. Otto & Harkson Realty Co.. 413 Cham, of Cora. Money to Loan Chattels and Salaries. PORTLAND REMEDIAL. LOAN ASSN. MONEY AT 2 PER CENT. ESTABLISHED BY PORTLAND BUSINESS MEN TO PROTECT BOR ROWERS. LOANS MADE ON DIA MONDS. WATCHES, JEWELRY. VIC TROLAS. PIANOS, LIBERTY BONDS AND FURNITURE. 894 STARK ST., NEAR 10TH. CARRIE MYERS HERMANN. Mgr. PORTLAND REMEDIAL. LOAN ASSN. DO YOU NEED MONEY AT LEGAL RATES, QUICK SERVICE? YOU CAN GET IT TODAY. LOANS MADE ON AUTOMOBILES. FURNITURE. PIANOS. V1CTROLAS. REAL ESTATE. BONDS. ETC It your payments are too largo on your automobile or furniture contracts, we will pay them up and advance you more money if needed. We make a spe cialty of these loans and leave the se curity i;i your possession and you can repay us In small monthly payments '. WE ALSO MAKE SALARY LOANS to salaried people on their own notes. Kates reasonabje. Private offices. Ail business strictly confidential. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANT. (LICENSED). 806-307 Dekum Bldg. Marshall 8286. S. W. cor. Third and Washington. SALARY LOA!TS CHATTELS. WH LOAN MONEY, on short notice to salaried or worklai men on their ow.n notes. Weekly, seissV monthly or monthly payments. iaca transaction strictly confidential. NO MORTGAGE. NO INDORSES. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. We also loan on household furniture, pianos, etc.. without removal. CALL AND INVESTIGATE!. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT CO (Licensed.) 218 FAILING BUILDINO. MONEY TO LOAN, on diamonds, watches. Jewelry and bonds, legal rates; all goods held 1 year VINES JEWELRY STORE. 114-116 Third St., corner Washington. Main 6646. MONEY TO LOAN on diamonds., jewelry, legal rates; articles held a year; etao lished lHbH. Dan Marx & Co., 263 Wash. QUICK money to salaried people, without indorsee or security; Investigate: confi denUaU 316 Cham, of Com, bldg. HATHAWAY Loans on ptanos and furni ture; legal rates. 208 Washington bid,. Loans Wantea. WANT lirst mortgage loan of $2250 on Laurelhurst home to take up present mortgage; want the money for either 3 or 5 years at 7 interest. Brokers don't answer. HC 711. Oregonian. I WANT to borrow $2500 or $3000 at 7 interest on one of Rose City Park's fin est bungalows. A. tG. TEEJE CO . 270 Stark st. Main 0!r2. FOR GILT-EDGE 7 and 8 mortgage bonds in local concerns see Oregon In vestment A Mortgage Co., 222 Chamber of Commerce bldg. WANTED A loan of $4000 for 3 years on equipment and crop of 3O0 acres of Columbia river bottom land, clone to city limits. East 6703. WANT loan on bungalow and two acres at Multnomah station of $1500; wilt pay 8e interest, but nothing to an agent. A E 7:3. Oregonian. HAVE $1000 secured note. 7 per cent, on Tine farm; will sell same at discount as I need the money. East a 00. Victor Fredericks. WANT $20,000 loan on up-to-date furniture factory near St. Helens. 10 per cent in terest. Plant cost $65,000. AR 3, Ore gonia n. DESIRE about $.1000 loan for final pay ment and improving my modern 8-room residence, double corner. K 85. Oregonian. ANYONE knowing the present address of Mrs. A. E. Chapman please send same to a friend. AV 512. Oregonian. TEN PER CENT Interest and big dia count for $100O in secured notes. E 82, Oregon ian. WANT $7000 at 7. west side, business and apartment bldg. Johnson. 248 Stark st. Main 5429. 5iH( WANTED quickly: bi2 necuritv nn - chattel mortgage: will pay 10; princi pals only. AG 740. Oregonian. WANTED Loan of X1200 on Improved city nian. LOAN $3200. 7. first mortgage. Rose City. $S0rt on second residence; private parties only. Automatic 313-23. WANTED To borrow $.'!00 on real estate. Write M 01. Oregonian. $t.50. 6. ON 4-ROOM house. ML Scott line. East 6329. $3500, 7. ON NEW bungalow, strictly modern; principals. East 6329. WANTED From private partv, 11500 on house and lot. 621 Gasco bldg. LOAN $35ft on fine Laurelluirst home valued S11.0OO. AG S3. n'". SEE OREGON INV. & MORTGAGE -0 22 Cham, of Com., Fourth, and Stark! FINANCIAL. Loans YT antra. S250 WANTED FOR 3 YEARS AT 77.. $3000 on 50x100 garage. $2500 on 2 -family flats. $1500 on 5-room house. $1250 on 5-room bungalow. 4-Q Henry bids. Broadway B540. FIRST - mortgages on Improved Portland real estate for sale. Call and see our list. MORTGAGE GUARANTEE COMPANY. title & Trust Bldg. $3500 FOR 2 OR 3 YEARS on 1-story . brick garage, west side, at 7 per cent; income on property is $100 per mo.; value of improvements, $so00. See Mr. TkIHs. Wakefield. Fries ; Co.. 83 4th st. EXCEPTIONALLY good loan: $5000 for 3 years. 8. on small apartment building, west side: from private partv onlv; will pay expenses, but no comniissioru Ad dress AJ 740, Oregonian. WE HAVE some good real estate contracts and mortgages, payable In monthly In stallments and bearing 1 Interest which we will discount at 5. F. E. Bowman WANT $1000 loan on farm for 3 years. 222 Chamber ot Commerce, 4th and Stark. PKRSONATj. 100 CHIROPRACTIC SYSTEM. (Camouflage and adjuncts foreign to this principle only sdd time and immo olate expense to later despair). , Dr- McMahon. Macleay bldg.. Port land, a chiropractor of experience, a past amateur, a 100 per cent chiropractic specialist, with highest testimonials from Pat'entJ from eastern states, iamiliar with the best; also from western and local patients having unfortunately had than 100 per cent chiropractic else w here, with, of course, corresponding dis appointment in delaved relief. .7Lta aDd wnien are fully satisfied riii my 100 per cent chfropractlc Jiii 2ph!r' Ion" experience and superior SKiu demonstrated In consultation, ex aminations; easy, careful adjustments, rates, and finally results. r. . KITenth year In this city, l-nronlo cases, one or two. taking- time, 31 adjustments. $25. patients Improving, but slowly, ex tended time. 31 adjustments, $13. Acute cases. fever, lumbago, any eoubtins Thomas, tta less time, less expense. Phone, can, wire, write. t ai? ofc. 4th and Wash. New Home. 647 East Salmon St. HEALTH NO MEDICINE NO KNIFE , , DR. J. SMITH. Divine Healing and jrugless Physician. I am not a chiropractic or osteopath. I neither break your back nor crush, your nerves. I use a more passive sys tem and get wonderful results-; 90 per cent of the worst cases can be perma nently cured, such as rheumatism, dis eases of the stomach, atonic dyspepsia, chronic gastric catarrh. constipation, diarrhoea, rupture, congestion of the liver, gall stones, heart disease, dropsy, varicose veins, neuralgia, headache nervous prostration, paralysis, all lornis et Vitus' dance, writer's cramp, mental atfections, stiff joints, sprains, curva ture ot. the spine, congestion of the lungs, consumption, croup, pleurisy, lum bago, deafness, running of the ears, and all diseases of women and chi:dren. Many operations avoided by my treat ment. Consultation free. 30S Alisky bldg. DR. GENEVIEVE LOCKE. D. P.. 447 Morgan bids. Phone Main 395. Vlt O Net Magnetic and Electrical treatments: body massage; also factory representa tive for the Vit O Net Magnetic Health Appliances. Vit O Net means nw life and vitality, keeps the blood stream pure and establishes a normal circulation -aids in perfect nutrition, this accom plished surely and positively, a cure Is effected and health results. Vit O Net cleanses the biood, absorbs the Inflam mation from the affected organs and the nerves are stimulated In a natural way. For all chronic and nervous dis eases and ailments own a Vlt O Net in your homo; use it daily and be 100 per - cent efficient. RAINCOATS. MEN WOMEN CHILDREN. Standard Rain-coat Co. of New York (builders of the finest grade weather garments in the world). 40 vears in Britain and America: representatives here for a week; will show samples; made to measure: 50 patterns, lo stvies, $il to $15. Save from $10 to $35. Iron clad guarantee. Cal. Mr. Beeslev o, Mr. Hammer. Mar. 2oOO tHotel Ock'levl, who will call on you at your convenience. No obligation. WHY BE FAT when I can reduce your w-efght a pound a dav or more sareiy, expensively and permanently-, without drugs? No wrinkles or flabby flesh as a result of this way of reducing and vou may have all you need to cat three times a day. Write for FREE lislorma tion to ELIZABETH MARSHELLE. Obesity Specialist, 231-2 Vale Building. Seattle. Washington. DR. H. U CHANDLER. CHIROPRACTOR. Graduate of the Palmer School of Chiropractic. Acute and Chronic Diseases House and Emergency Calls 647 Morgan -Hldg.. Wash, and Bdwy. ' MARSHALL aoftl ACCOMPLISHED AT LAST Fain les dentistry, by the nerve-blocking method, without alter effects. I make X-ray examinations of teeth. I specialize in first-clafs dentistry at rea sonable fees. Lady attendant. Mar. 3205 DR. A. W. KEENE. Majestic Theater Bldg.. 351 V4 Wash. GRADUATE MASSEUR AND MEDICAL GYMNAST Massage. Swedish corrective exercises, medicated baths, steam, racks, electro, thermo treatments; lady attend ant. Albert S. Llndhlom, 777 Irving st. Phone Main 53.15. Evening and home treatment by appointment. INFORMATION Ask about anvthing you wish to know, great or small, hiph or low; prompt replies, fees ai-cording to service desired. Write Western Informa tion Bureau, 404'.i Washington St., Port land. Or. ANYONE havln? Information of Walter Warren please communicate with Box tl37. Portland. Was In Cheyenne. Wvo.. in 1919: went to Seattle 11119. Tast heard of in lumber camo of CalLf. MOVING PICTURE ENTERTAINMENT ANY WH E R B. ANYTIME. SI'OT LIGHT mi.OR EFFECTS F O R DANCES. SERVICE FILM & SUPPLY CO.. 393 OA K ST. PYORRHEA TREATMENT Costs les to day because we teach you to help your self: wonderful results follow the truth t". Smith Long, dentist. 310 Bush &. Lane bldg. GALLSTONES Free hook tells of im proved method of treating Inflammation of gall bladder tfnd bile ducts. Write loday. Dr. Paddock, box 0Q2O1, Kansas City, Mo. MEN AND women Free trial treatment your home for baldness, falling hair, dandruff: use own preparation; leaves hair clean: guarantee results. BF 92 Oregonlan. STUDENT wants to buy a human skull: state price and phone number in IctLar to K 100. OREGONIAN. v WRITE a song, poem; love, mother, home, comic, any subject. I compose musi guarantee publication. Send words to day. Edward Trent. 793 Reaper block. Chicago. "NO SWET." the best article on the mar ket for perspiration under arms; saves your clothing: does n-ot destroy linen as those In-ferlor remedies do; money back If dis-atisfied. 6l7 Raleich bldg. AlKS. C J. WEHHER announces she is not the person she has been represented and has no relatives In this country but son. daughter and grandchildren. GOING EAST SOON 7 Any gentleman go ing to Omaha or Sioux City via I.ns Ar.geles before Nov. 1 can reduce ex penses by writing P. O. box 444. GENTLEMAN going to Kansas City with in next few days can save part of car fare by calling 211 Stock Exchange bids, today from 12 to 1 o'clock. MATHILDE ARNESEN. medical gvmnnst graduate from Norway: scientific mas sage, steam bath. electricity. 305 Columbia. Main 2S39. Ladies onlv. EMBROIDERY painting tausrht and or. ders taken: hat and coat bnnds painted: i Initials: stamping done cheaply. Ci)7 naieiun niox. LADY would like to get In touch with another lady going to Chicago shortly Phone Marshall 1140. C. W. SHAW. 712 Hoyt st. cor. 22d ; reiid- 8 P. M. Main S214. "IMMORTALITY Restored to Humanity, lectures Tuesday evenings. 4,'tl Chani her of Commerce bldg. Collection. DR. MINNIE A. JENSEN, chiropractic physician. 240 Park St. Phone Auto matic 517-52. SULPHUR steam bath, violet ray; Improve your system. Mrs. Rollins. 420 Clav Main 8359. 10 A. M. to 8 P. M. WANTED Address of Henry M. Johnson, formerly citv market inspector, his wife or heirs. Address C09 Junior st. WILL Howard please come home or write at once. M. seriously ill. HERMAN ZASTROW. please call Fred Grasnman at the Empress hotel. JACK Everything Is fixed. Wire me will send all information. Irene. ' LIDA JACKSON, facial, scalp treatment manicuring. 322 Fiiedner bldg. TRY OCR methods of modern dru!e treatments: we get results. Main" 2007". WILL some member of Court Pacir:c L O. F., please call Sellwood 833?. PERSONAL. GET WELL. FREE. FREE. FRWB Every day. from 10 A, M. to B P. M.. and evenings from 6 to 8, and Sundays from 10 to 12. THOUSANDS OF SUFFERERS WHO HAVE FAILED to set relief in any other way are Invited t Investigate Chiropractic methods, which are permanently curing hundreds every day. THE BEST OF CHIROPRACTJC DIAGNOSTICIANS will thoroughly examine you. make a complete diagnosis of your case and di rect your treatments WITHOUT ANY COST TO YOTJ WHATEVER. CHIROPRACTIC is the safe. sane, sure and modern science of curlns and preventing disoase. Chiropractic -will permanently cure 95 per cent of all diseases. CHIROPRACTIC removes the cause health returns. Tho above service Is all free to you at the college building and may be had la private If desired. PRIVATE TREATMENTS may also be f"d in college building by members of the Taculty, by either lady or men prac titioners. Pacific chiropractic college. Corner of Park and Yamhill. Tel. Main 1014. HOSPITAL n connection with .college, will handle out-of-town patients at a most reason able rate In order to show what Chiro practic can do: DK. o. W. ELLIOTT. President. A-VTXON LADIES Ladles, what ANSWER rr""ins rn follow neck svstem o1ot,hlns! Th Metropolitan system of drugless phvsicisn can remedv 1'.,;? lRUUS? No MED1CLN& gone Vr."". nd tn i;owness is ""' Results A well-developed bust r?e tr1mT ?d, """Iratioo. NOTICE Hoxie, Kan., and Marion. Kin -rr,. have etud.ed law and may havi lonS e?t.P,rtla' r' Mo"?cen"; died! r?lVe,17 l? ,etUe- "n;st to locate that effect-d,Ad',,,,S'i'v formation to . Prfn;.evfne-inAUtea AUte- PHl?.fD-'ET HEALTH BUILDER, ease- Hreatment o " kidney dis afsoraersf P"y ,tomacl a intestinal re?tlv Vo";BM 2a acM conditions of dl fertV, ?.1a"s has mo" wonderful ef sfx?eVn dl1 a"'c,c.ondi"E El'HREDA CO.. 202 A LI SKY HT.nn fn'rAVOK- "ch001 " cosmetics, sc.entilic treatment of skin and scalp Sushi'"---- ha'rd,ressln manic" ins ifh. eft'clent teachers; day and wfuine FT?,' Have 'erai Positions may'enrouraftnthheed Perat-, BENSON IMPROVEMENT SHOP. MeszajimaFloqr. Benson Hotel. THE METROPOLITAN SYSTEM of treat" o"fe,;n.Wi" r?"eve " leases and "S ?ured anbe Permanently trv u,- . t0 hard; lf others r-aill rtry exl'ert nerve, eyeologist: chil- nrst- omni"JWar Kla"es: consult us COIne nd see. Consultation fi-H 2m3:f7ISk' b'dB" Sd and ""isoS: LADIES, ATTENTION. hf1? . a.m.a,nd net nat fames In ail the latest styles: hats made of your own materials and retrlmmed In our work room at a very reasonable price la FR,i?Jr.tHrK.IUBl ."'ofK-ncn worker, las't , .. k ricucoLi, Wash lyiv also around Pendleton. Or. Anybody having Information piease write his mother, Mrs. Frank Fiedler. 1507 Henry street. Berkeley. Cal ' AN ELECTRIC CABINET BATH. Shower and massage; Individual service. TtiA ' Iro,lside. 3"9 Broadway 7. I s- Graduate nurse assistant. Main ALL the latest remedies sold at the Clem enaon Drug Co.. 200 Morrison St.. St. Charles hotel corner. At this drug store you get just what you call for We have no suoiititutes. RHELMAT1SM and stomach troubles yie'd to -ang-s Mineral Wonder when ail el-e fai.s. A pure mineral, not a drug. Pack i Recommended by thousands. Port lan d Dist. Co.. 314 Stark. Portland. WANTED Every woman to know the value of Princess powders and creams. Removes tan and summer freckles. Beauty box. three months" supply special $2 26. 515 Dekum bldg. y " TAKARA ANTISEPTIC POWDER ii a cleansing, healing germicide and Invig orating douche, a great aid in fema e disorders; iOc and $1 per box. Portland Hotel Pharmacy. GRADUATE NURSE give, body massage, steam baths, vibratory and electrio mas sago. 2d floor Swetland bldg.. room 215. Main 175 Open evenings till 9 o'clock. Phone for evening appolntmenta SPECIAL treatments given for baldness, sca'.p troubles, falling hair or dandruf' !ra" vlfdiVn 13'"'5 for appointment The Ekdee Company, feoo Union ave. N. DIVINE " Wonderful results, drugless physician. Dr. Joseph Smith. 209 Alisky bidg 3d and Morrison sts. C28-02. FEBVET & HANEBUT. leading wig . toupe makers; finest stock human hair goods, hairdresslng, manicuring face ,nj scalp treatment. 819 Alder. Main 64. ar-n, ut,unua iv i i i veteran optician, eyes tested. glasses fitted, broken lenses duplicated; no Inflated prices. 22B Morrison l. miiatea $1 GETS both feet fixed up st Dr. Eaton's the CHIROPODIST and ARCH rdiSt who doesn't hurt you; 8 yrs. here- exam! free. Globe bids..! 1 1 h A Wash. Bdw. 2?iit tlHEL ADAMS Treatments fn, druff and falling hair, manicuring 40" Broadway blug., cor. Morrison: hra, 'll t b, Sundays 12 to 3. INDEPENDENT Bible, rpirltualist Ic church society will demonstrate spiritualism. Meetings Tues.. Thurs.. 8 P. - AL 44l E. 12th. cor. Sherman. IF TIRED OR SICK. TRY MY ELECTRIC MAGNETIC OR VIRRATORY BOD f MASSAGES AT 415 BUCHANAN BLDG MAIN Soiiti. A CURE FOR EPILEPSY. I have discovered a successful "and In expensive treatment, absolutely privaia lOBACCO or nnuff nnnit cured or no pay $1 if cured. Remeay sent on trial. Su perba Co.. V 34. Baltimore. M d. OPALINE. Mrs. Summers' remedies for women; positive relief. 240 Lincoln. NO CURE, no pay; falling hair, dandruff: nair Kiuu ii ud,u neaas; ladles or gents 314 Macleay bldg. or uiciilCK baths. kirinevw . , . . 1 rheumatism. Dr. Elna Sorensen. dmr. less pnj.. . mas. Alain 50n. spil.P treatment. facial mao. tncal treatment, steam bath and" mI suge. Ethel Bu:ke. 304 Dekum bigg. SULPHUR steam bath, violet ray; Improve your s-ystem. Mrs. Rollins. 420 Clav iiain s:;5i. 10 A. M. to 8P M. IF YOUR feet are sore, see Dr. Ethel A Sacry. pedicuring and manicuring evenings. 605 Raleigh bldg. ,M:lr. :t,7li PILES can be permanently cured without operation. Call or write Dr. Dean. 234W Morrison St. - 9 lT-O-NET MAGNETIC AND VIOI FT RAY TREATMENTS. BODY MASSAGE DAILY. 450 MORGAN BLDG. M -- CANCERS, tumors treated without use of knife: exam. free. 143 East lst, at Dr. Goldie Rygg. cancer specialist. BEHRENS & STEUER. face, "scalp treat' ments. manicuring. 21.0 Fiiedner bio SUPERFLUOUS hair removed forever 7J multiple-needle method. 504 Swetland hint. Fifth and Washington sts IF YOU are tired and nervous, have a scientific body massage. Dr. Ovldla Lar" son. 427 Morgan bids. Main 1900 SUPERFLUOUS hair, moles, warts removed by in neeuie. ......u. iree. Josie Flnley, n pusn ai une bldg. Main B.lttt GRADUATE, nurse treats lumbago etc Hours 2 to 5 or by appointment. Phone Main 1049. Offices 3U8-C. Thlrdst. SCIENTIFIC home treatment for tuber culosis: stop it before too late. Writs Box 3292. Portland. Or. PILES CAN BE CURED without operation. Free booklet. P. O. Box 1105. PERKINS National Herbs. 859 Morgan bldi. Phone Main 5955. JUN1C1DE will cure rheumatism or monii back. 408 Dekum bldg. RUPTURE CAN BE CURED without" an operation. Free booklet. P. Q. Box 1105. GOITRE, enlarged glands; cure yourself A. R. Strachan, route 5. Hillsboro. Or. " MOTHER and son would like to go to Los Angeles by auto. H 94. Oregonian. iYES tested free; spectacles guaranteed. l)r. Belding, 245'A Alder St. Main lt92. PRIM EDA BALM, formerly called Balm of Figs. 814 S. 33d. Sell 2213 momlncT AURELIA ERTKSON. please write to W m. O. Cline. 6771 Hollywood blvd. Ca.. EXPERIENCED hair switch making 67-S K. i-2d st. N. Tabor 5679. DOESN'T Tom. Dick or Harry pay yon I tee Viereck, collections, Dekum bldi. J 4