THE SUNDAY OREG ONI AN, PORTLAND, OCTOBER 3, 1920 9 REAL ESTATE. ONLY $rt500 for a swell, modern, up-to-date, splendid residence, practically in the center of the city, in central Hast I'ortland, in a fine residence district, close in on Kast Salmon st., about ltith st. High and sightly; everything fur rounding it inviting and delightful. Now as to the description of the house: We assert without fear of contradiction that this house alone cannot be built or re placed in its present condition, of which it Is firat class and practically new. as the saying goes, for a less price than $i00(i. Now the lot alone in this local ity should be very rheap at $2500. This makes a value of $10,500 for this prop erty. Walking distance. 2 blockM in the best direction north of Hawthorne ave the, beauty spot of close-in east side. The owner ia leaving at once; doesn't want -to rent. Take It Ht this immense FHcrifice for $G30o: Half cash will han dle It. M. J. CLOHESSY, AB1XGTON . BUILDING. ONLY $4oon Right acros3 the steel nridge, close into the business center, is a tl-mom house, modern and up-to-date. At the present time it rents for $35 per month. There is a full cement basement, laundry trays. Dutch kitchen, 2 toilets; the plumbing is nil porcelain, cement sidewalks and curbs; on Williams ave., between Halfaey and Clackamas; $1000 in cash will handle it. M. J. CLOHESSY, ABINGTON BUILDING. ONLY ?3500 for an 8-rootn house and a corner lot. Just south of Hawtborne ave., on 50th st. Th corner lot itself is one of the must desirable in this section, ly ing hieh. with a good view of the sur roundings. There is a concrete parage on the lot. naved street for 100 feet along the side of the lot. More cement work and cement smewaias on anu around this lot than any other lot in the distrii-t. The house -has a full cement basement with a fine furnace. No per non would undertake to build the house nlone for less than $4500. It has a fire place and is modern. There is a large gas rani;e, linoleum in the kitchen and bathroom. You get everything for the email sum of $3000. It's practically a gift, so clone in and on the car line; $1000 cash will handle it. M. J. CLO JiUSrfY. AB1NOTON BUILDING. ONLY $0000, in the center of the pity, on Kast Alder st., not as far out as ISth st. Here are two 5-room flats; a splen did looking place, basement for each flat and an opportunity for the investor to pro vide himself with a close-in fine home In a fine residential district and receive $40 a month or more rent from the other flat and at the same time making an in vestment in a location where property values will increase rapidly. Walking distance to the business center. You don't have to pay carfare. All of the Improvements in and paid for. The owner of this property is determined to pen, as he is engaged in business out of town. Here a chance to negotiate and drive r wonderful bargain. M. J. CLO HKSSY. ABINGTON BUILDING.. IN ALAMEDA PAR fC, on Kast 2flth st., is a very swell home, new and mod ern. Th house contains 7 rooms, full moment basement, fireplace, beam ceil- THIS IS WEST SIDK PROPERTY, Close in. practically in the center of the city, on Lincoln si., between 4th and 5th sts. You can take your choice of either of two good houses with big lot. One for $25oo. the other for $3500. A small cash ii.ivnvnt down of from $500 to $7M. This beats looking around for houses for rent and going out too far. where you h h ve to pay ca rf a re. These places a re close into the business center, walking distance; you don't have to ride and pay carfa re. Either of these places is a prcHt bargain. M. J. CLOU EiSS Y. A B 1NOTO.V BU1UDING. ONLY $5250. and this includes neartj all of the furniture, practically in the renter of the city, on the west side, near the Lincoln hiuh school, on Broad way. Here is a :i0xl00-ft. lot with a hoiio containing 7 rooms ; not a new house, to be sure, but we are not pricing the house for $1 value; the lot alone in this location, if any close-in property in Portland is worth a cent, this lot should be wort h. and cheap enough, for $75o ; on the best street of the City of Port land, of which three-quarters of it is business property up to within 5 or blocks of this lot. and on this street are the million dollar buildings. While we do not place any value in connection with this price on the house, yet it pays a monthly rental of $45. The owner does not occupy it. therefore her reason for offering it away under its value. We wonder is any person who knows a good thing will delay a moment in buying this special place? $3000 in cash will handle It. M. .1 . C LOli ESS Y, A B I N GTON BUILDING. SMALL HOVSK 3 LOTS. Nest t small house with modern conveniences and 3 very choice lots with abundance of fruit, her ries and grapes, and extra good garden with room for chickens. Located in good part of city, near two good car lines, and for sale chen p. Might give terms. Here is something good and a ba rgain. SAMUKL DOAK. 1202 Northwestern Bank Bldg. $ir,oo. 4 ROOMS. BATH AND TOILET, Elect, lights, gas, cit y water, sewer, full lot. nice lawn, fruit and shrubbery, si blk. to Monta villa car: i-n teres t on this investment at 7" would only be 3 per month. Where can a modern 4-room house be rented for this money? If you wi'l call on us our autos will be at your servu-e to inspect the property. M'VP US SHOW YOU. Phone Main Sf2. Res. Tabor 2724. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. KH7 Yeon bldg. BEAUTIFUL SUBURBAN HOME. GROUND 140x240. S-room double constructed residence with all modern conveniences, beautiful grounds with garage. An ideal home, located at iMlo Division st. This prop erty must be, sold. Take a look at it. We might take a small house as part pay men l. Let us show you. I'bone Main S02. Res. Tabor 2724. GtO. T. MOOKJS CO.. 10o7 YEOX BLDG. $:td5o. 5-ROOM BUNG A LOW. Large attic, fireplace, buffet and oth er built-in s. a real cosy place, prac tically new, two lots, in garden and fruit tre-s. Buy from owner. 1 live in the house, 3551 ti5th st.. near Powell Valley road. M t. Scott or Ha wthorne-ave. carline;;. IN VESTHJATK THllT ' Bra nd new hunga low, ready to move In. ; H. W. floors, fireplace, etc. ; near car, library, stores and churches; In one f the best suburbs in city. $5noO, $20O0 cash will handle. Sell wood 161 during ofrieo hours and Sell-wood 2155 evenings. Harry M. Huff. If MUSIC fur sale by owner; 6 rooms and sewing room, in fine shape, garage, fur nace, hardwood floors, full cement base ment, laundry trays, east facing. 50x100 lot. in Irvington Bark, 1 block and a half from car; irice $50ou ; a good ash payment down. 1270 E. 31st N. J KVIMITOX UL'.VOALO W. LOOK 1 LOOK ! Move right in. Well built. 6 rooms, nil oak floors, fireplace, garage. Owner will ka Nomine to suit. Open today be t ween 2 and 5. 4'.'i Kast 12th, near Mrazee. Kast 314. Main 8078. I'lEDMONT DISTRICT 1IO.MK. By Owner. Sacrifice: Large 7 -room houwe. 3 lots, alley, near Jefferson high und Catholic schools, a count ry home in the city ; $15oo. easy terms. 1415 Minnesota ave. RMS K CITY PA RK SNAP. 7-room modern, hard wood floors, fur nace, fireplace, sarase. close to Sandy : price on this house lo days ago was $H5oo; will sell for $5300. Call Main 't'.y.i or Tabor 63 P.). 6-KOOM modern house. 2 blocks from S. S. or Mt. Tabor car; hardwood floor, full - cement basement, sleeping porch, built in buffet and bookcases, fireplace; S52U0. Furniture for sale. 10S East 2ith. Phone Fast lit 17. LKTISTIC bungalow of G roo ms and re ception hall, attic, furnace, fireplace, ha rd wood floors, all built-in effects, f uil concrete basement, garage, paved street Price $5501). Terms. O. V. Bryan. 50S-U Chit mh'T of Commerce. Main l!tt;3. PRE-WAR PRICE. 7 rooms. Sunnyside. close in. hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace, hard -surface str-et. close to car, 50xlOO lot; this ts a real snap. Owner must sell. Main 7V31 or Tabor 5310. WILLIAMS car Ihie; for sale by owner, a ti-HKim house, Including furnitur'e. $250O; terms to suit. Phone Wdln. 5117. 007 Vancouver ave. MODERN 6- room bungalow near Mt. Tabor park; must Sfil at once as I am leaving for east. Very easy terms. ' AJ 73. tresoiiian. 8-ROOM HOUSE, with garage, built about 8 years, west aide, near Nob Hill district. Owner in east. Price $ 16.000; some terms. B !, Oregonian. 0-KOOM furnished house, good west side location, furnace, gas, electricity. 2 fire places; price right, terms. Broad. 8123. Ineo. all of the built -ins. cement side walks in front and around the house; a fine concrete garage. VJxlS; $5500 in rash will buy this magnificent residence 1n one of the finest residence districts in the rity. M. J. CLOHKSSY. AB1NGTON REAL ESTATE. Vor Sale House VACANT MONDAY. ROPE CITY PARK. $1000 DOWN. 5-room. strictly modern bungalow, with sleeping porch and large attic, hdwd. floors, built-in-buffet, bookcases, fireplace, Dutch kitchen, full basement, excellent furnace, laundry trays, 1 blocks north of R. C. car, close to school ; 50x100 lot with sewer connec tions, paved street. You folks who are looking for a home and want to get settled at once, this property should appeal to you. Tb surroundings are good, the locality could not be beat and the price is only $4050, $1000 the first payment. Let us show you. Phone Main 8'2. Res. Tabor 2724. GEO. T. MOORE CO., l0U7 YEON BLDG. S140O. HOME IN SUBURBS. $:;oo DOWN. Be independent of the . landlord : let that rent money buy you a home of your own. We offer you a comfortable 4 rootn house with lights, gas and city water, large floored attic, on lot 65 x 1 20. If planted t marketable produce would bring you a neat income. Good chicken house and run. also woodshed ; owner non-resident, has put close price on property for quick sale. Pay $300 down .and moverkht in. LET US SHOW YOU. Phone Main K02. Res. Tabor 2724. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon bidg. 8 ROOMS. BUNGALOW NEAR FERN WOOD SCHOOL. To anyone looking for a good sized home near a good school, this prop erty will appeal to them. There are 4 bedrooms, 2 of which are on the main floor, hdwd. floors, very fine built-in buffet, fireplace. Dutch kitchen, full basement, furnace, on a beautiful corner lot with garage. Hancock st. just east of Irving: on. Streets paved, full price Viooo. If 2Doo is paid cash, we can arrange balance to suit. Let us show you. Phone Main S02. Rep. Tabor 27M GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 YEON BLDG. ROSE CITY PARK. Modern bungalow of five rooms and large attic. Furnace, fireplace, hard wood floors, all built-in effects concrete basement. Price only $45ott, easy terms. 50i Chamber of Commerce. Main l:G3 WHY RENT? ROSE CITY PARK. $500 CASH, BA L. LIKE RENT. New 5-room bungalow, never oc cupied; immediate possession ; com plete electric fixtures. window shades, floors polished, all built-ins, full cement basement. J. T. HARTMAX cryMPANT, No. S Chamber of rnmrnerct- Bidg. Main 20S. OVERLOOK BEAUTIFUL 5-ROOM MODERN BUNG A LOW. Sleeping porch and large floored attic, hd wd. f 1 oors. built-in buffet, full base ment, furnace, laundry travs, garage, r.nxioo lot. faeing east. 1 Vi blocks from Russell-Shaver car. Overlook is a re stricted district. Full price $50(10. first pa yment $ IJ50, ha lance $ii5 month with interest at l per cent. Let us show vou. Phone Mi In SOU. Res. Tabor 2724 GEO. T. MOORE CO., 10o7 YEON BLDG. $.100 DOWN. 5-room cnttasre, 50x HK lot. streets paved. 4 blks. school. 1 blk. car. 6 bear ing fruit trees, full price only $2250, $.VM down and the balance same as rent. Isn't this a better proposition than to be paying same amount of money to the landlord each month ? l.KT US SHOW YOU. Phone Main S02. Res. Tahor 2724 GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon bidg. HAWTHORNE. 5- ROOM MODER N BUNG A LOW. Fine attic, hdwd. floors, fireplae built-in buffet, Dutch kitchen, full basement, furnace, laundry travs. paved streets. 3 blocks good school, only $4500, $2000 cash, balance terms. Let us show vou. Phone Main S02. ReP Tabor "7 GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 YEON BLDG. A REAL BUNGALOW. $:tH."i0. Tf you are in the market for a bun galow at a reasonable .price, here's your chance. 5 rooms, in apple-pie order in side and outside, large attic, breakfast room, buffet, fireplace, two lots, fruit trees, grapes, berries; on 65th st. ; Mt. Scott carline. f J. J. OEDER. 4 Grand ave N.. near E. Ankeny. ROSE CITY PARK. 7-room house, fully modern, sleeping porch, 3 bedrooms. Dutch kitchen, hard wood floors, fireplace, furnace, full ce ment basement, wash trays. built-in buffet, garage, paved street, 1 block to car. $0.)O0. terms. Owner. 4.10 K 48th N. Tabor 4UUH or Main 3002. Or will trade for smaller bungalow. ROSE CITY PARK CARLINE. $45O0. B-room, 2-story house, hardwood floor in living room, dining room and recep tion hall; electric lights, full basement, corner lot. K. 58th and Broadway. .1. J. OKDKR 4 Grand ave. N.. near E. Ankeny. Uioxloo AND MODERN home of 7 rooms. 1 large bedroom on first floor, hardwood floors, fireplace, built-in effects, French doors between reception hall. living room, dining room; artistic fixtures Price $4N50. Easy terms on balance. O. W. Bryan, rmS-9 Chamber o Com merce. Main 10 6:i. IRVINGTON COLONIAL BUNGALOW. A DREAM. 6 beautiful rooms, sleeping porch. ra rage. all -oak floors, fireplace. French doors, artistic lighting fixtures, fillet net curtains, imported silk draperies, gas range, heater, linoleum included. $750. T. B. Neuhausen. KIO N. W. Bank bldg. FOR SALE 4-room house, good basement gas and electric lights; corner lot 50x100 dandy garden spot. fruit trees nnd berries. In Mt. Tahor district, $1250 Easy terms. Address 273 E. 58th st N.. corner Hassalo. Take Montavilla car. Tabor S7.i7. A SNAP $4t;no. A splendid home for your family 8 rooms, modern, fireplace, furnace, laun dry trays, .located near Benson Polv. and good grammar school; one block from car; good neighborhood. 734 E Burnside. Open today. East 2S71 NINE rooms, walking distance, block to car. modern, all improvements, good home or can be made into flats. Terms or trade for five or six-room bungalow. Real bargain. No agents. Owner. East NIFTY modern bungalow of five rooms and sleeping porch. Furnace, Dutch kitchen, full lot. near car. good district Price only S4TOO. very easy term. o! W. Bryan. 508-9 Chambt-r of Commerce Main 1 !;:!. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW STYLE H OM E. Near Thompson st. Unusual floor plan. 2 fireplaces. 0fk floors. Ivory finish, garage, $7250. Neuhausen. Main IRVINGTON REAL HOME. Built by day labor. Best of material plumbing, oak floors. Model kitchen' enamel finish. fl-f.piaee. garasre CALL AND PEE. 70 Fast 14th North. Main ( ren. r,ast .o agents. 1 BUNGALOW IN IRVTxTJtON?! rooms, ail one floor. hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace, garage, hard surface street. Broadway car; corner something choice; beautiful home Call Main 7131 or East 7504. ALAMEDA bargain 000. terms: large living room, fireplace, den, dining room, buffet, one bedroom down, 2 and sleep ing porch up. with or without furniture 02 East 30th st. North. Main 8078. HAWTHORNE bungalow, five rooms, fire place, floored sttio. bath, basement; $100 down, monthly payments on bal ance. Price $3500. John M. Payne Co.. Mnin 0012. IRVINGTON bungalow Water proof, solid cement, last a life time. Wonderfully built, very attractive. Selling for cost Investigate. Neuhausen. Main S07S A R-ROOM house, full basement. Lot 50 x 1O0 and 10 fruit trees. Very reasonable, on terms. Call at 14SQ Fern st. Take Woodlawn car. SMALL house. Portland Heights, beautiful large grounds, paved street, hard-sur-ftce : nrice rednced to $4200. Ueo M Reed Co., Spalding bldg. Marshall 3377! MODERN 5- roo m b u n ea ' o w , Monta villa" roe bushes, fruit and berries: f'ne shane no encumbrance; $2750. terms. Auto 224-40. UtOxlOO 5-ROOM PLASTERED! M500: vacant. Sellwood, 2 blocks car t-ioo cish: no mortgage. Sellwood 2706". BY OWNER Modern 2-flat building of4 rooms each. Near Jefferson high school. Woodlawn 8S5. EEAL ESTATE. For Sale -House. A. G. TEEPB CO. ROSE CITY PARK LISTINGS. ATTENTION. ROSE CITY PARK BUYERS. are going to buy In Hose Qity Park, we want you to inspect our listings. While we sell prop erties In other sections of Port land, we pay particular attention to Rose City Park. Our salesmen live in that district, we maintain a branch office at 50th and Sandy. We know the history of nearly every house In Rose City Park. Those who want to sell naturally list their property with us. Our past reputation for fair dealing Is a safe guide for you to follow, lake our acquaintance. Tell us frankly the kind of property you wish to buy and the terms you can meet. Give us an, opportunity to serve you. Understand, you will be under no obligations. Listed below are a few of our Rose City PA-rlc properties: ROSE CITY PARK. BUNGALOW WITH GARAGE. $4250. We -want you to .see this splen did bungalow, ideally arranged, fireplace, full cement basement, wash trays, etc. No mortgage to assume. ROSE CITY PARK. 5 Rooms and Sleeping Porch. $5250. Folks, here is your opportunity to get a splendid bungalow with hardwood floors, fireplace, built-in buffet, Dutch kitchen, cement basement, furnace, full lot, located one block from Sandy, below the hill ; reasonable price, very easy payments. ROSE CITY PARK. $5750. Folks. If you want a home that Is thorough lv built, exceptionally well arranged and Ideally located, we want you to see this splendid home, located on 44th street, north of Sandy. 5 rooms and sleeping porch, garage, hardwood floors, fireplace, built-in buffet, Dutch kitchen, furnace, etc. Let us show you. ROSE CITY PARK. SPLENDID BUNG A LO W $ 4500. Located near car. on 0th street. You wiM appreciate the real value here. The owner must sell. You'll profit by the circumstances. Let us show you. ROSE CITY PARK. 5 Rooms and Den $5750. Small initial payment. Here Is one of those real good-looking dou ble constructed bungalows you ex pect to find in Rose City. Excep tionally large living room with large plate-glass windows, hard wood floors. fireplace, buffet, Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook. etc. Corner lot with all assessments paid. See it today. ROSE CITY PARK. 6-Room Bungalow $7250. Here is a bungalow built about K years a go by one of Portland's best builders a man who has built some of Portland's finest homes. This particular bungalow has an exceptionally lartje living room, separated from dining room with French doors; hardwood floors throughout even to the closets. Nothing could be added to make this more complete. How to de scribe a finer home would b dif ficult. See it and be convinced. ROSE CITY PARK. 5 Rooms and Den $5750. And this one is a dandv. You just can't help but be "pleased here. Large living room. This Is one of those bungalows that particularly attract your attention' in passing makes vou take nqtice. Hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet, Dutch kitchen, cement basement, furnace, etc. You'll be delighted. ROSE CTTY PARK. 8 Rooms, 100x100 Corner. $0500. Really, words are Inadequate to describe the beauties and charm of this wonderful home property. The grounds are so well la id out. so v perfectly parked, that to conceive of enhancing their beautv would be impossible. The house Itself re flects the skill of the superior builder. Th rooms are exception ally large. The finest grad of oak floors throughout on first floor. We just couldn't say too much just couldn't over-describe this splendid bungalow. There Isn't a thing one would ask for that has been left undone. Of course, there is a garage. . BEAR IN MIND TF YOU WANT TO SEE PROPERTY IN RO?E CITY PARK. VOU HAVEN'T PEEN THE BEST HOMES THE ' BEST Bt'YS FNTIL YOI" HAVE SEEN OCR LISTINGS. WE WILL BE GLAD TO SHOW YOU AND -, VOU CAN REST ASSURED THAT YOU "WILL NOT BE URGED TO BUY. THE HOUSES THEM SELVES MUST MEASURE UP TO YOUR STANDARD OF REQUIRE MENT. YOU'LL BE UNDER NO OBLIGATIONS POSITIVELY. A. G. TEEPE CO., 270 Stark St.. near 4th. Main 3002. Open Sunday from 11 to 4. ) Branch Office, Roth and Sandy. (Open Sunday.) $5oA DOWN. WILLIAMS-AVE. CAR. 5 ROOMS $3500. Your money's worth in this double constructed 5-room comfortaWe home; fine bath, light kitchen, cement base ment, laundry trays. 50tc1(V lot. good garasre. paved streets, sewer In and paid, located south of Mason st.. nice neigh borhoood. 2 blks. t. shopping district and Williams-ave. car. This cozy home is in first-class condition and ca"n be bought on terms of $500 down, $20 per month. T.KT US SHOW TOU. Phone Main SO-j. Res. Tahor 2724. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1O07 Yeon bid. HALF BLOCK G LIS AN STREET. Well-built 5-room bungalow, built-in buffet, fireplace, Dutch kitchen, full basement, .furnace, laundry trays, beau tiful lot, Tri fine location, bearing fruit trees; full price, $3700, $1000 cash, bal ance easy terms. Let us show you. Phone Main 802. Res. Tabor 274 GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 YEON BLDG. ONLY $t)0 DOWN. Price $0100, terms. Beautiful Wil lamette Heights home. Need immedi ate money or would not consider. 6 rooms, hardwood floors, furnace, fire place, bookcases, window seats, also other bullt-Ins; large north and south porches; choice district: one block to car; wonderful view. 10S1 Vaughn st. Phone Sellwood 24o. $2700. HOUSE, LOT AND FURNITURE. 5-room house, electric lights, bath, full basement, house about 6 years old corner lot 50x100, fruit trees, all the furniture in house goes with it, and it is good furniture. In Woodstock, 2 blocks to paved street and carline. J. J. OEDER. 4 Grand ave. N.. near E, Ankeny. LAURELHURST. 8 room. Dutch colonial, brand new, just ready for wallpaper; elegant plumb ing, fireplace, gas fireplace in one bed room; hardwood floors, ivory finish, very handy Dutch kitchen, double garage large closet: easy terms if desired. The price Is right. I bought the material for this house a year ago. Owner and build- kj. r.Kiuna, J a Dor tJSU. iwVTVr.Tfiv or t t rtt v- . - Corner lot. very attractive, east of lath, complete in every detail. Finest of plumbing, oak floors, 2 fireplaces ivory' finish, art paper, beautiful light ing fixtures, Kara ge. SEE THIS. Neu hausen. 83o N. W. Bank bldg COME SEE THIS $2200 HOME. 6 cozy rooms and bathroom. Plumb ing, electric lights, gas. garage, ba-r gain. Terms. Take Mt Scott car (ex cept Sunday) to Laurel wood. See 6248 Uoster road. FOR SALE t$30O0. new bungalow, "large lot. garage, paved street, nice shade trees, shrubbery; a very pleasant little home: forced to sell account sickness Call Sunday. TO-'il Kjllingsworth ave. ROjsE CITY PARK bungalow, six rooms fireplace, furnace, hardwood floors, white enamel kitchen, cement basement full lot; below the hill. Price $6500; terms. John M. Payne & Co.. Main 0012. ROOMS, modern, fireplace, full cement bnsexnent. $2800. $5O0 cash. Owner 56 1 6 East 50th St. S. E. Woodstock car. I RINGTON HOME SACRIFICED. Immediate possession; 7 fine rooms sleeping porch, double garage; near 16th and Bra zee. Main 8078. East 304. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW 7.1xl0O. choice location, near car. Attractive floor plan. $7500. Neuhausen, 830 N. W. Bank bldir. .Main R07. IRVINGTON HOMES OUR SPECIALTY DON'T BUY BEFORE SEEING T. B. NEUHAUSEN CO.. MAIN R078 830-S32 N. W. BANK BLDG $2750 LE A V I NO CITY $2 TOO. 5-room modern bungalow, good base ment, fuJl lot. You had better look at Una. East 6372. REAL ESTATE. For bale -Houses. $5000 G. C. GOLDENBERO, G. C. GOLDENBERG, PRESENTS A HAWTHORNE BAR GAIN YOU'LL SAY THAT IT'S THE NICEST YOU EVER STEPPED INTO. tf large rooms, extra large living room, furnace, cement basement, laundry trays, fireplace, oak floors, gorgeous bullt-lns. standard plumbing, everything is just perfect. Corner OOxluO. Paved streets. Choicest variety of fruit trees, double garage and what's more, it's worth $7000. Quick sale. $3000. terms. G. C. GOLDENBERG, Abln-gton Bldg. Main 4S00. ROSE CITY PARK. SIX-ROOM BUNGALOW $5350. $500 DOWN, $45 MONTHLY. Hardwood floors In main rooms, fin ished in old Ivory, all buiit-ins, Dutch kitchen, cement basement, two blocks form Rose Cfty Park car line, close to good school; this is an exceptionally well constructed home and must be sold at once. J. L. Hartman Co., 8 Chamber of Commerce bldg. 'Phone Main 208. HOW WOULD YOU LIKE To have a home of your own that would cost you nothing to live in? We can sell a 2-flat building where a person could live in one flat and rent the other for enough to pay interest on the in vestment. It is in the Sunnyside dis trict. 1 block from car. full price only S35O0, on terms. The building alone to day, would cost $12,000 to build. The lot is worth $2000. It is a bargain, well worth investigating. Let us show you. Phone Main 802. Res. Tabor 2724. GEO. T. M.OOKK CO.. 1O07 Yeon Bids. $6750 BEAUTIFUL IRVINGTON $G750. VACANT IN FINEST CONDITION. Seven rooms, strictly modern, full ce ment basement, launary trays, furnace, fireplace, built-ina. fine hardwood floors. Just newly painted a silver gray, dec orated inside, white enamel finish in I kitchen, bedroom and bath; papered with beautiful paper; lot 50x100; if you want something nice take a look at this; terms. Sunday. Marshall 5tt3; week days. Main 7067. Mariels or Williams, 82Q Chamber of Commerce bldg. $5300 HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW 5500 SEE THIS TODAY. Six rooms and sleeping porch, first floor, one bedroom upstairs, fine base ment, furnace, laundry trays, iirepiace. all kinds of built-ins; fine garuge; all city liens paid: this is really a wonder ful buy. as house cannot bo built for the price asked; liberal terms. Sunday, Mar shall oOHii; weekdays. Main 7167. Mariels or Williams, 820 Chamber of Commerce bldg. $3250 NEAR JEFFERSON HIGH $3250. A BARGAIN ON TERMS. Seven-room, - well -constructed house; good basement, plumbing, electric lights, gas; house in good condition ; near car, high school, car barns and just at the edge of Piedmont; hard-surfaced street paid; a snap, on easy terms; immediate possession. Sunday. Marshall 50H3; weekdays. Main 7t7. Mariels or Will iams. 820 Chamber of Commerce bldg. HOLLADAY HOME. Large residence, quarter block of ground, central hall, large living room and dining room, music room and li brary complete, butler's pantry and kitchen, ft or IO sleeping rooms and large sleeping porch, hot water heat, double garage. Full particulars upon application. MRS. HARRY PRICE CALMER, East 77ti. CABINET SHOP BARGAIN Business Too Hlg for O ner. MACHINERY ALL NEW Whole business bo had for about Invoice. PRICE $1500. You can get good will and shop full of business thrown in. It's a money - NEILAN & PARKHtLU 219 Lumbermen's Bids Fifth and Stark Sts. $27 50 M ODERN BU N G A LO VV $ 2750. REAL OLD-TIME BARGAINS. VACANT IN FEW DAYS. Five rooms and sleeping porch ; good basement, furnace, first-class plumbing, electric lights, gas, some built-ins, street hard surlaced, near car; this is cer tainly a snap and terms are easy. Sun day and evenings, M arshall 5ttt3 ; week days. Main 7007. Mariels or Williams, 20 Chamber of Commerce bldg. THIS IS GIVING IT AWAY. House, strictly modern, cost $7500 New garage with runway, cost 350 Lot cost, exclusive of improvem'ts looo Streets, sidewalks, sewer, cost. ... 750 This place cost owner, total $9550 Whole price for quick sale $55O0 $1500 down, balance like rent. Hawthorne-Richmond dist.. this side 38th St. BRUCE-GODDARD. 501-2 Concord bldg. I AM THE O W N E R. BEAUTIFUL IRVINGTON HOME. $ 0250 V A C A N T V A C A N T $ 0250. I NEED MONEY. Seven rooms, strictly modern ; base ment, laundry trays, furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors, built-ins: house in lin est condition, just newly painted and decorated; lot 50x100; if you -want a home in Irvington, see this; I will give terms. Call Tabor 8180- PIEDMONT 7-ROOM HOUSE. 2 Fireplaces Furnace. Garage connected with house. CORNER LOT. PAVED STREETS PAID Why pay $7500 for a poorer house when you can buy this FOR $5750. See It Monday. NE1 LAN & PARKHILL, 210 Lumbermen's Bldg. Fifth and Stark Sis. $2475 VACANT VACANT $2475. AN OLD-TIME HOME AT AN OLD-TIME PRICE. Seven-room double-constructed plas tered house, small basement, good plumbing, electric lights, gasv ground 05x100, several fruit trees and all kinds of berries; can be bought on very easy terms and is a bargain. Sunday, Mar shall 5063; weekdays. Main 7007. Mariels or Williams, 820 Chamber of Com. bldg. S950 HAWTHORNE BARGAIN $2!5u. MORE THAN WORTH THE MONEY. Six rooms, four down, two up, one bedroom and bath first floor; good basement, plumbing, electric lights, gas, fine 40x100 lot. all assessments in and paid; a snap, on easy terms. Sunday and evenings, Marshall 5003; weekdays. Main 7907. Mariels Sc. Williams, 820 ' Chamber of -Commerce. ACRES KENTON WAY. ALL KINDS OF FRUIT. JUST THE PLACE FOR CHICKENS. 1 acres, fair 6-room house, fireplace, good plumbing, electric lights, gas, all kinds of fruit and a dandy place lor chickens; only $5250, on very easy terms. Sunday, Marshall oittta ; weekdays. Main 7007. Mariels or Williams, 80 Cham ber of commerce bldg. $2000 FURNISHED HOUSE $2000. NEAR P EN S U LA R LuK. CO. Eigiit-room, well-constructed house, just off Willamette blva., near Pen suiar Lbr. Co. mills; plumbing, gas, etc.; several fruit trees, reauy to move into and can be bought on easy terms. Sun day, Marshall 5003 ; weekdays, Main 7yt7. Alarlels & Williams, 8 JO Cham ber of Commerce bldg. 440 EAST 21ST NORTH. 1 R V IN GTON BUN G A LO W. 8 rooms, living room 10x30. sun room, dining room, large kitchen, also bedroom and bath first floor; 3 bedrooms second iloor; full cement basement, garage, all curtains, drapes, linoleum and gu.a rante. MRS. HAKK Y PRICE PALJdER, East 7070. $48O0 ROSE CITY PARK $4800. NEW, MODERN BUNGA Lo W. Five rooms, one floor, good basement, laundry trays, fireplace, hardwood floors, all kinds of built-ins, large attic; terms. Sunday Marshall 5003; week days. Main 7007. Mariels or Williams, 820 Cham ber of Commerce. X-AURELHUKST BUNGALOW $7350. Practically new, six large rooms; hard wood throughout ; inlaid linoleum in the kitchen anu bath; best of shades and screens to windows; full attic and bail ment, grage, beautiful lawn and I low ers; leaving city ; phone for appoint ment. Tabor 4805. HAWTHORNE HOME. Lovely corner, 7 rooms, fine attic, double garage, finest shrubbery, excel lent location and condition. Appoint ment by calling MRS. HARRY PRICE PALMER, East 7970. ROSE CITY PARK. $5200 Story and half bungalow; 6 rooms and sleeping porch; oak floors, built-ins, fireplace, furnace; on paved street, 1 blocks to Sandy blvd; $1200 cash, balance $25 month and interest. Tabor 1606. SNAP AT $3500. BUNGALOW IS WOODLAWN. Five rooms, sleeping porch, fireplace, cement basement ; one block from car; $1000 cash, balance easy terms. Inquire owner, 1300 Grand ave. N., or phone Woodlawn 5503. FOUR ROOMS, FOR TWO. This cottage is in first class condition and will surely please you. Price $2000 on easy terms. Main 6882. Sunday morn ing; Main 5456 week days. WALNUT PARK. Large square house, fireplace, furnace, j splendid location: $075O, would cost, twice as much to build house. Will sell f on terms. Main 6882. Main 5456. ! NEAR Jefferson High 5-room modern house, furnace, fireplace, full cement basement, laundry trays, built-in kit chen; garage: paved streets; $3700, terms. 418 Koselawa ave. Wdln. 2240, REAL ESTATE. for Sale Homes. IRVINGTON SPECIALS. IRVINGTON SPECIALS. 94150O tt-room bungalow, 2 fireplaces, furnace, oak floors, corner, oQxIOa); shouid say it ia a snap. $4S50 6-room artistic home, every con venience, including range, linoleum. Broadway street. $520o -5-room bungalow attic, sleeping porch, furnace, fireplace, oak. floors, garage. 29th street. $5750 tt-room bungalow, a real dolt, all complete to the letter, cor. 50x100, garage. Brazee street. $590o 7-room Queen Ann. like new, sleeping porch, oak floors, F. and F.. large living room, built-ins, paved street, garage. G. C. GOLDENBERG. G. C. GOLDENBERG, Abln-gton Bldg. Main 4S03. FIVE ROOMS. MODERN, WEST SIDE. FORECLOSURE PRICE. READY TO MOVE RIGHT IN. EASY WALK OR TAKE 3D-ST. CAR. OFF AT MEA DB ST., GO EAST TO COR BETT. NORTH TO NO. 685. PRICE THIS WEEK $2250 (CHEAP AT $3000); $400 CASH. BALANCE EASY RENT PAYMENTS. SEWER. SIDEWALK AND PAVING ALL IN AND PAID. PAY RENT TO YOURSELF. CONSIDER AUTO OR MAKE OFFER. ADDRESS OWNER. 302 SELLING BLDG. PHONE MAIN 113 OR MAIN 1777 AFTER 7. B-ROOM COLONIAL BUNGALOW. Adjoins Westover Exclusive Dist. Distinctive Willamette His. Home contains all the most modern conven iences, built 4 yrs. ; living rm. 15x3o, tapestry decorations. 5 bed ch., 6 coats old ivory finish, elegant plumbing in cluding separate shower bath, loads of built-ins, French doors, mirror doors, finest oak and maple floors, f. c. base't. ; an artistic home in everv sense; garage. OWNERS LEAVING MUST SELL. O W N E R S LEA VI N G M US T SELL. (FURNITURE FOR SALE IF DESIRED) Phone Main 3730. MR. HOME OWNER. If you had a fire tonight, would your Insurance cover the value of your prop erty? It would cost more to replace your property now than three or even one year ago. Increase your fire in surance to fully cover the PRESENT DAY value of w hat you own. IT IS THE WISE AND SAFE THING TO DO. Phone w. r. Mcdonald co.. Mar. 2391. Yeon Bldg. Ail kinds of insurance. Losses adjusted and claims paid direct from our office. $33 5 O, VAC A N T VAC A N T $ 33 5 0. .IF YOU KNOW A BARGAIN SEE THIS AT ONCE. Six rooms, modern, full basement, laundry trays, fine plumbing, electric Ugh ts. gas. built-in buffet, Dutch kitch en, panel dining room, lot 50x1 00, near car; house in good condition, full dou ble constructed every way ; this house would cost $3750 to build; if you want a bargain see it; terms. Sunday, Marshall 5I03 ; weekdays. Main 7907. Mariels or Wil liams, 820 Chamber of Commerce bldg. REACHING THE IDEAL. 93 acres, 85 a. under plow, 14 a. In clover, 50 a. ready for winter wheat ; living stream ; an 8-r. modern home, fireplace, bat h ; large barn, plenty out buildings; situated on a sightly knoll, commanding a fine view. 1 miles from good valley town on Pacific highway. This is one of the show places of t lie va! ley. The price is right so won't last long. Only $ 1 25 per acre, $5000 cash, terms on balance. See Rock, 403 Couch bldg. STRICTLY MODERN HOUSE. $4500. Fl ve large rooms. Room for three more in attic. FURNACE. FIREPLACE AND BUILT-INS. Can you beat it? This ad will sell iL $4500. N EI LA N & PARK HILL, 219 Lumbermen's Bldg. Fifth and Stark Sis. BUY FROM OWNER. This home is what every woman wants, a bungalow of 6 rooms with large It ving rooms extending across entire front, French doors leading to dining room, large buffet, excellent plumbing. Fox furnace; garage. You'll like this home, but unless you have half don't call or bother us. Free of encum brances. $0000. Tab. 9569, botween 6 and 9 P. M. $7000 TERMS. HERE, IS THE G R E ATE ST OF ALL BUYS IN BEAUMONT. 7 complete rooms. bungalow tvpe, rooms are 17x19. 15x1 7. has tspestry decorations. sleeping porch. all the built-ins, beautiful oak f 'oors. furnace, fireplace, garage, reception hall. G. C. GOLDENBERG, G. C. GOLDENBERG. Abington Bldg. Main 403. IRVINGTON BEAUTIFUL HOME. ON 23D NEAR KNOTT. A larte living room, solid mahogany and ivory, dining room solid mahogany, large breakfast room In eastern oak, a beautiful ball room, eastern oak. and odd windows: 4 lovoly bedrooms. 2 white tile fireplaces. 2 tile bat h roms, real city home. $1.0,000. McDonald. East 419. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW BARGAIN 6 ROOMS ALL MODERN Hardwood floors, furnace. fireplace, sun room:' on corner lot, near Sandy blvd. A real bargain AT $5000. This Is Your Chance. NEILAN & PARKHILL, 219 Lumbermen's Bldg. Fifth and Stark Sts. $5750 $5750. BEAUTIFUL GROVELAND PARK 7 room as complete a house as they make them. Very artistic. All the con veniences, built-ins galore ; furnace, fire place, full lot. paved streets garage; $1000 cash. Main 4s03. G. C. GOLDENBERG G. C. GOLDENBERG. Abington Bldg. "35 Yrs. In Portland." SEVEN-ROOM modern bungn low. non resident owner says sell for $2700, $1000 cash, large living room, well-lighted din ing room, big pantry, kitchen. 1 bedroom and bath, with fine plumbing, down stairs, concret e basement, garage, ce ment sidewarlk. peninsula district. 1 block to car; a real bargain. Ralph Harris Co., 827 Chamber of Commerce building. S 2 9 5 0 EASY TERMS $2950. NKAK ST. JOHNS CAR. Seven rooms, half cement basement, electric lights, gas. good plumbing; house in fine condition, all assessments paid; Immediate possession. Sunday Marshall 5903 : weekdays. Main 7967 Mariels or Williams, 820 Chamber of Commerce bldg. BIG ACRE 5-RM. HOUSE. ALL KINDS OF FRUIT Near paved road, .lust outside city. Owner moving east. House alone worth price. Buy it now for $2500 NEILAN & PARKHILL, 219 Lumbermen's Bldg. Fifth and Stark Sts. 6 ROOMS. nwly painted, furnished. 3 blocks Mt Tabor car. full line of plumb ing, gas. gs radiators, electric light; lots of fruit, no restrictions, can have cow, and chickens. House and - furni ture $2600, trms to suit. No mortgage to assume. Owner. Victor Land Co., 601 Worcester bldg. Phone Main 7276. CENTRAL IRVINGTON, $8350. House of 7 rooms nnd sleeping porch, central hall, lot 6x100. fine trees and shrubbery, splendid garage. Appoint ment arranged. MRS. HARRY PRICE PALMER. East 7976. $2050 MODERN BUNGALOW $2050. $300 WILL HANDLE S30O. Five rooms, one floor, good basement, plumbing, electric lights, gas; a bar gain on easy terms. Sunday Marshall 5963: weekdays. Main 7967. Mariels or Williams. 820 Chamber of Com. bidg. OWNER WILL SELL, modern 8-room house, corner lot 53x100. 4 nice bedrooms." large screened sleeping porch, sewing room, all built-in con veniences ; built for a home; movlnc to Salem: must sHl. Price $7500. 1ii?3 E. Salmon, cor. 3Sth. Phone Tabor 1164. $750 CASH. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. $545ti A specimen of perfection. Fur nace, fireplace, built-ins : everv conveni ence; near 41st and Sind v. Main 4S03. G. C. GOLDENBERG. G. C GOLDENBERG. Abington B'.dg. 35 Yrs. in Portland." LITTLE eray buncalow. vine covered. ON CORNER: larse living room, dining room. 2 bedrooms and sleeping porch; garage. MRS. HARRY PRICE PALMER. East 7976. CALIFORNIA BUNGALOW. This splendid little home must be sold within the next few days: fireplace. everv built-in : near ave. Terms. $3200. HAWTHORNE REALTY CO. Corner 36th and Haw. Tabor 7463. ROSE CTTY DISTRICT. Pretty little bungalow, 4 rooms, vine covered porch, nice bath, Dutch kitchen, garage, roses, f rul t. berri es. cozy little home for two. $2700, terms. Tabor 7174. 682 East 75th st.. N. SUBSTANTIAL, well constructed 7-room R. C. bungalow. $6850. $2350 down. $30 per mo. and interest; 4 bedrooms, every modern convenience, garage. Tabor 276. BY OWNER Neat S-room cottage, elec tric lights, water and toilet; lot 50x100. fine location, block off Sti John's car line. Price $1500. trma tosuit buyer. Phone Woodlawn 4379. 5-ROOM cottage. close rn : $2500, $200 down. $25 a mo. Tabor 6S0. WILLIAM AVE. Modern 5 rooms; price 92750; $750 handjea. Owner, East 7722. REAL. ESTATE. For Sale Houses. VERY SPECIAL" BARGAIN. 7 ROOMS, LOT 75x100; FRUIT. GARDEN. ETC. "SACRIFICE BY" NON-RESIDENT. NEWLY PAINTED. TINTED INSIDE AND OUTSIDE. READY TO MOVE RIGHT IN. LARGE LOT. FRUIT. ETC. MODERN. GOOD NEIGHBORHOOD. . PRICE $3650. ABOUT $500 CASH. (CONSIDER "AUTO." LIBERTY BONDS OR .MAKE OFFER.) BALANCE LIKE RENT. NO. 1330 ATLANTIC AVE., 1 BLOCK TO WILLAMETTE BOULE VARD. ONE-HALF BLOCK TO PORT LAND BOULEVARD. ST. JOHNS CAR. OFF AT PORTLAND BOULEVARD. WEST 1 BLOCK. SOUTH ONE-HALF BLOCK. ADDRESS OWNER, CARE 302 SELLING BLDG. PHONE MAIN 1136 OR MAIN 1777. ROSE CITY PARK. $500 DOWN. BAL. $43 MONTH. Five-room bungalow; hardwood floor In main rooms. Dutch kitchen, all bullt lns, cement basement, large attic, about 2 i blocks from Rose City Park car line on 59h st., in easy walking dis tance to school. J. L. Hartman Co., 8 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 208. LEAVING PORTLAND. MUST SELL, On account of ill health must sacri fice my 5-room bungalow with sleeping porch and attic, good bath, full base ment, fine 50x100 lot. paved street near XMvision st. ; full price $3500. $loo0 down, balance like you pay rent. Buy from owner and save commission. Must act quickly. Telephone Automatic 512-59. LOOK, ALBINA SHOP MEN! $2750 Small cash payment, 5-rm. house, bath, toilet, cement basement, st. paved and paid, 50x100 lot. $1500 Small 3 -room house near Alblna, Killingsworth car barns; full kot; about one-third cash, $10 month ly and 7 per cent interest, GEO. E. ENGLEHART CO.. Bdwy. 5173. J4 Henry Bldg. RICHMOND CAR. $3600 Extra good bargain: 5-robm house, basement, paved street; near E. 20th and Richmond car. GEO. E. ENGLEHART CO.. Bdwy. 5173. 624 Henry Bldg. Suburban Homes. MULTNOMAH. That most charming of all suburban sections about Portland, lying only 5 miles from the courthouse along the Capital highway, which is the extension of the Terwilligcr boulevard, is the place for your home. Here all the comforts of the city are available, together with the freedom and res-Uul environment of the country. I specialize in this section. Can give you anything you want in a home-site. We still have a few bungalows, ranging In size from 3 to 0 rooms, with tracts of ground from to 5 acres. Our office on the boulevard is open every day of the week, including Sun days, and evenings by appointment. Mr. Edwin Gale in charge. Call him at Main 1207 and make appointments to meet him or call for you in the city ii h his machine. We are at your service BEN RIESLAND, Specialist in Multnomah Property. 404 Piatt Bldg. 127 Park St. 100 CASH, $15 PER MONTH, OR $50 CASH, $20 PER MONTH Buys a dandy 4-room house, woodshed 6 fine bearing fruit trees. 15 minutes to car line, just outside city limits; total price $625. SOREN PETERSON. 1102 N. W. Bank Bidg. Main u7ol. BEAUTIFUL MODERN HOT'SK Hii.K ACRE OF GROUND. ABUNDANCE OF r Kl'l r, BERRIES. GARDEN; HOUSE COULD NOT BE BUILT for price asked for whole property; situated in Park Rose on Rose City line; 6-room house with sleeping porch; full cement base ment, laundry trays, furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors, built-ins: house double constructed in every way. It you ned a euuuroan nome see tnis, it is a real bar gain; place for chickens, rabbits, etc. ; quick possession. Price is only $5200; can be handled on terms. Siindsv. Mar. 5:63; weekdays. Main 7967. Mariels & vv imams, gcju Uham. of Com. bldg. 4-ROOM house and 3 acres, lo minutes 1 torn car line; good well, in good con dition: $2950, terms. Brand new 4-room house and one acre of land; gas and city water; $1 95(, only $250 cash;- JO minutes to car and schooi; move in tomorrow. K. H. OONFREY. RITTEH. LOWE & CO., 201-3-5-7 Hoard of Trade Bldg. AT EVERGREEN. $2650 BUYS a 5-room plaetered hous with a full basement and 1 acre of ground, mostly in cultivation, a number ot cnicken houses, some berries, good kitchen range, gas In house. $300 will handle. JOHN E. HOWARD. 318 Chamber of Commerce. CHOICE HOME. 2 acres In cultivation, 40 bearing fruit trees, berries and large variety shrub bery, o-room moaern house, H. W. floors, furnace, finished in old ivorv: This is an exceptionally neat, clean place. A real home. Oregon City car une. near manon. rice JMUOU, hair cash R. M. GATE WOOD & CO., 165 V 4th st HEALTHFUL COUNTRY HOME ON THE BANKS OF THE TUALATIN. 20 acres of fine sediment soil, wonderful improve ments, a classy country home with pro- auciive lacmties ana only 12 miles from Portland. ERNEST WELLS CO. C05 Couch Bldg, Main 6S29. Evenings. Sundays Tabor 342S. NICE COUNTRY HOME. 4 acres in cultivation, very best of DiaCK land ; zi bearing fruit trees in good condition; lots of berries and small fruits; 4-room cottage, barn, chicken house. On Oregon City line. Price nair casn. R. M. GATE WOOD & CO.. 165U 4th st EIGHT acres, 12 miles from Portland. an gooa sou, cultivated and fenced, 4OO0 strawberries, 400 raspberries, fam ily orchard, five-room plastered bunga low, barns, chicken houses, etc., good well, along macadam road, near Tuala tin. Price $4 MOO. TAGGART BROS., 1102 Spalding bldg. CAPITOL HILL HOME. New 6-room house, with acre of grouna. o uiocks irom Japitoi Hill sta tion. This place is in first-class condi tion and you can move right in. Price $2000. $150 cash, $20 monthly. Fred W. German Co., 732 Chamber of Com merce. 5 ACRES RUNNING WATER. ONLY $1185. Over 5 acres with clear spring brook splendid sou. open pasture, within 9 m;ie circle or postomce; electric station $50 down, balance easy. Owner, 500 Con cord bldg., 2d and Stark. MULTNOMAH STATION bungalow and acre; modern throughout; city water. gas. electric lights, furnace, breakfast nook ; on automobile road ; for sale by owner: must have $50O cash, balance can be arranged. See OWNER, 204 rienry Diag. Phone Bdwy. 2448. EXTRAORDINARY One acre, new barn and chicken bous, wmati house, large sleeping porch, fruit, large garden; spot cash price. $950; SO min. to town. Mrs. L. M. Johnston, Lake Grove: S. P. train three blocks from lake; acre 52, back road. 10 ACRES with 7-room house and old out buildings, on rocked road near Multno mah station. Fine orchard, exceptional view of mountains. The best buy in this whole district at $8500. Only need $2000 cash to handle it. Phone Bdwy. 2448. See ATCHISON. 204 Henry Bldg. FINEST two acres, modern home. 7 rooms, hardwood fuoors. cement basement, fur nace, fireplace, built-in 9. berries, barn. 1 block electric, view Oswego lake, broad veranda. terms. Mala 3G72. McFarland. Failing bldg. CAPITAL HIGHWAY TRACT 132x140 ft. with small bungalow, a beaut if ui place for a country home. $2000. BEN RIESLAND. Offices: 40-4 Piatt Bldg. and Multnomah. Or. FOR SALE by owner; beautiful home on paved highway overlooking Clackamas river at Gladstone, includ ing nearly one acre of ground, beautiful trees and shrubbery; house modern throughout. J. F. Hodge, Gladstone. INSIDE ACREAGE. A real home of over 4 A. well-Improved, close to Union ave. 2-A. fuil bearing fruit trees: 2-A. fine garden land. For full particulars write owner, R. D., box 400, Portland. FOR SALE Cheap, by owner, a fine 2 acre tract, modern house; 6 blocks south Huber station. See and talk it over with J. A. Davis, owner. Huber. Or $35O0 BUYS A fine little artistic bunga low at Lake Grove, modern and 1 acre of ground: terms. Main 3672. McFarland, Failing bldg. N EW 3-ROOM bungalow, acre of ground ; very reasonable tennis. Call owner. Ta bor 332. REAL ESTATE. Suburban Homes. 2 ACRES, one block from Base Line roaa, on fine graveled road, 6 blocks from car. close to city; gas. city water, electric lights within 6 blocks. I60 ap ple trees, 0 cherries, 18 rows raspberries. 300 feet long; 2 rows loganberries, 3 rows currants, 1 row blackcaps, all la fruit, bearing: price $30O", including ap ple crop; $1000 cash. Also 1 acre ad Joining this on the pavement for $1200, with city water. Might consider city house of 5 rooms. Personally inspected. NICE SUBURBAN HOME. 5 acres, half mile from station, on graveled road, near Capital highway, lu miles from center of city; 4 acres under cultivation, 1 acre standing timber. 72 fruit trees, bearing; lots of berries, 5 room bungalow, w ith best of plumbing, pressure water system, septic tank, gas oline engine, fine chicken house, brooder house, fruit house, place in fine condi tion and best of soil; price $r700, large cash payment. Might consider well lo cated Portland home of 5 rooms. Per sonally inspected, photos at office. MODERN HOME WITH PLUMBING. 4 acres, all under cultivation. 26 cher ry trees. 5 prunes. 7 pears. 12 appU-s. quinces, " grapes, 700 loganberries, 2000 strawberries and lots of garden : S-room modern house, with best of white en ameled plumbing; good outbuildings, 200 chickens, Jersey cow, heifer calf, incu bators and all crops; located between Newberg and McMinnvllle, on fine road, right in small town, near the Willam ette river. Price $45oo, $2000 cash, or consider small bungalow ut to 3000 in Portland. Inspected by Brooks, photo at offioe. SPANISH LOG BUNGALOW. 1 Ms acres of fine soil, with lots of fruit. 12 c car fare, 40 minutes out ; lots of shade trees, nice ground and pergola : attractive bungalow with large living and dining room, 1 bedroom and Dutch kitchen on first floor, large room up stairs, good electric light fixtures, fine fireplace; price S3300. half cash. Ad joining this place is also 1 acres of loganberries that can be had very rea sonable. This is close to electric sta tion. 3 acres, only 3 blocks from Metzger station, all under cultivation, fenced with wire; 6 apple trees, I cherry, bu ries for family use. 4-room cottage, 2 rooms plastered, 2 ceiled: chicken house, barn, good soil; price $2100. $5oo ca&h, worth $3000. In-spvcted by Mars tors. 1 Over 5 acres, west of Gresham 3 miles, near Llnneman Junction, all under cul tivation, the best of soil, no gravel, good buildings, 3 Hr acres bearing straw berries that should net the grower over $200o for the 1921 season. A 11 kinds of other fruit, stocked and equipped ; Im mediate possession, good clear title and abstract. Offered fcr .hort time at a bargain. Inspected by Brooks. OREGON CITY LINE. At Concord station, exceptionally fine half acre, with lots of fruit and berries, good 5-room bungalow, fireplace, best of floors, sleeping porch, on good gra -eled road and near the pavement ; i;ne new garage. A very nice, attractive place, offered at a real bargain. Photos at office. 2 acres, on the paved highway, near Beaverton. all under cultt vat ion. lots nf fruit of every kind, good 5 -room plas tered house, garage, chicken house, pav, citv water available; some chickens hp1 tools; price $ 4000, $1000 cah. Nice placp. JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger Building. Over 500 small places close to Portland. $2200 A LOH A ST A TION. 3 acres. 4 -room house. new ly-pa it: ted. larce barn, chicken house, la tn i'y orchard, full hearing: very good soil, plenty of good water with pumps h t the hack door ; on ty 1 0 minutes waik to station and close to macadam road, $700 cash, bal. $20 per month. $4200 BUCK LEY AVE., near station. 2 acres of good soil. 6-room double wa 11. 2-story brick house, full cement basement, gas. elec tr ici t , garage, small barn, chicken houe, excellent wel 1 : 00 raspberry and isuo strawberry plants; 4 min utes wa: k to sta 1 ion on stone road; cash $1000, bal. like rent. 3 4 ACRES NKAR PKAVKRT O N . 7-room houje. semi-Dutch kitchen: Lath with best white enamel plumbing ; khs. garage, woodshed, family orchard, ber ries. This is a well-built home with many attractive features; located on a fin gravel road. Frico $4500, imsh $1200, bal. terms. Do vou want a suburban home? We have "some of the best to select Irom. See us. M. K. DE JOICE CO.. 222 Henry bldg. Broadway SUBUR BA X HOM E. Three acres, biock from Ryan sta., on the Oregon Electric, facing on im proved county blvd . highly improved with aJl kinds of fruit and berries. Lars thoroughly modern S-room house The ground is traversed by a beautiful creek fringed with natural shrub? and trees. A good sised modern barn fare on the highwav; this would also serve as an up-to-date garage. If you are looking for something classy in the w v of a country home close to good suburban car service, do not fnil to investigate. There is extraordinary value in this property and it must be see a to be ap preciated. $.9500. BEX K I BS LA N D . Exclusive Sales Agent. 4t4 Flatt Bldg., 127 fr'ark St. Ot see Mr. Ga.e at the office at Multnomah . Or. NICE 4-ROOM BOUSE AT MAPLEWOOD. Completely furnished with gas range. 2 be1s and all other household furniture; on 50x120 lot; 2 chicken houses, rabbit hutches for 100 rabbits; 12 does. 1 buck gj with the place; some fruit and berries; all for $16O0; $500 cash. bal. $25 month and 'merest, near the street car line; Sc fare. STEWART BUCK. 315 Northwestern Bank BMg. M oKE M U LTN OM A H B A 1 I A I N S. Fine 5-room bungalow, ail built-in con veniences, fireplace, city water, ga. oiirtr litrhts- acre of ground- Kea sonable price of $HM). Finest buy in this neignoornooa. Cosv litt.e 3-room bungalow, colohad-e buffet, white enameled kitchen. fine view. Price $1450. All kinds of property, all kinds of prices. Come ann see ,ea urKe, aiuh nomah. Main Uo:t. MODERN BUNGALOW. A beauty, brand new. 2 acres of land, garage, full basement, fireplace, all built in effect, electric lights, water system. erand. sweeping view of ail the snow capped mountains and surrounding country; located at Evergreen. Oregon City car line; price $5500. $10oo will handle. JOHN E. HOWARD. 31 S Chamber of Commerce. SUBURBAN BOM E. Nearly an acre of choice black land In cultivation. lots of fruit. hemes, grapes and fine garden spot: 7-room house, modern plumbing, hot and cotd water, gas, electric lights, barn, chicken house and runs; close to Courtney sta tion, on Oregon City line. 30-minute service; price $4200. $220O cash, balance two years. 0 per cent. R. M. GATt-WUUU c u -.. ii..i -nnri. ONE ACRE, cultivated, 17 choice fruit 'trees; house attractively finished: beau tiful electric fixtures; best plumbing, modern bath, sewerage, new inlaid lino leum in bathroom. Paid up electricity 2 years; winter's wood, hot water heater, window drapes and rods. Large gamee, lawn and shrubbery; 2. miles from city limits; just off Powell valley road. Auto- matlC tni-i 1. non. -.. - siiWTRHAN HOME BARGAIN. 4-acre on Johnson creek at Stanley station, on Gresham car line; just out side city limits; hard surface road; mod ern house. 0 rooms; 2 sleeping porches; bath. 2 toilets; also 4-room house, rents $12 month; Bull Run water, gas, elec tricity, telephone. Must sell. Owner Kone to Alberta. Sacrifice price $0200, half cash. Phone Sellwood 475 or 1714. BEAflKUL SUBURBAN HOME. i acre and modern 7-room house, sleeping porch, cement basement, laun dry trays, fireplace, built-ins. Ivory fin ish, massive artistic porch, pergola en trance, lovely shade trees, two blocks to Island station. Oregon City car line. For quick sale, price down to $0000, $2000 cash. bal. terms. GIBSON, 208 Stark. Marshall 12. 5-ACRE tract of ground with large, mod ern bungalow, close to good electric sta tion and" on improved county blvd., with in 4Vfc miles of the city of Portland. An Ideal suburban home. For particulars call on BEN RIESLAND. 4M Piatt Bldg.. 127 Park St. ALMOST 6 ACRES $1I5S. Lies- on Tualatin highway close to Oregon Electric depot: level and fenced on three sides; some beaverdam; just the place for berry or chicken ranch; 50 down gives possession. See owner. 500 Concord bldg.. 'Jd ana fc-tarK. Near Greenberg station, 8 acres all In cultivation, small house, spring wa ter, frond soil. This is a big bargain. Price onlv $3000 cash, balance 7 per cent. GIBSON. 20R Stark. Marshall 12. SUBURBAN home. 2H acres. All city conveniences. all kinds of fruit and shrubs, landscaped grounds. V.'Ul give terms or will trade for city property. trice 1 1 .uoo. m uresonian. JH1CKEN RANCH Almost five acres, cul tivated, fenced, well. barn, some fruit, no house, only 35 minutes out: at a sacrifice for S170O; easy terms. Call 500 Concord bli' festsnd ssd Star. REAL, ESTATE. Suburban Homo. ONLY $1900. and this Includes the fur niture, with a quarter of an acre of land, 100 feet of It fronting on the boulevard on tho west sde in Capitol Hill, only 17 minutes' ride from the busings center: every city convenience in this little bungalow, such as city water, gas and electricity, 4 rooms; the bungalow is an inexpensive one but very comfort able; it has an up-to-date bath and toilet, nice lawn, bir garden with ail kinds of fruit in full bearing, flowers and t-hrubbery, only one block from the city school, only 3 blocks from the sta tion and carline: you drive to it over the t'apital highway; this is most emphatic ally a great bargain for a suburban home for such a little money with every con venience, in the right locality; $luo0 bus everything; it is necessary that you shall have nearly all of this price In cash to buy with as the owner is a non-resident and wants to cash In. M. J. CLO H ESS Y, ABINGTON BUILDING. ONLY $4000. on the west side, close In. being only 17 minutes ride from the business center of the city, on a carlino and right at the station; here is a beau tiful up-to-date. modern to the word, unusually attractive 4-room bunca low, concrete basement, fireplace, fine porch : everything in this little bunga low that you could wish for, city water, gas and electricity, and with tho bunga low as complete as It is you get a lare piece of land hichly Improved wit h fruit of all kinds coming into full bear ing, flowers and shrubbery, and the gar den is a joy to behold; it is all there now and if you act soon enough, you can enjoy the benefit by pa the ring the har vest ; this is in thi close-in. hi ph -class Multnomnh district, only 5 blocks from a city school ; for a small fa mily. you need not look further. M. J. CI.O II ESS Y. ABINGTON BUILDING. ONLY $4500 BUYS AND PAYS in full for this, a river-front home, clothe in to t h busi news ce n t er of the c i r y . with a brand new buncalow of 0 rooms, com plete and very classy. French doors with glass knobs outside and inside, a living room looking out into the river that will charm you with amaz'inent. a fireplace of extraordinary attractive net!, full conerete and cement basement; with this perfect bungalow you get all for the price a big quarter acre of land, river frontage, biij garden and all for only $450; it will be necessary fnr you to ha ve at least 20n0 cash in order to talk business. M. J. CLOHESSY. ABING TON BUILDING. TIOW WOULD YOU LIKE TO HAVE THIS? Three big acres of land in tho pi-ik of cultivation, all of it fronts on the highway; you drive to it owr the Terwilliger boulevard and Capital high way to the Kate; its location is such as it seems and will convince any person who sees it that it has no peer, there fore, it is peerless in com partson wit h any or her suhuT ha n home in t he high class Multnomah dist rict ; n view from any other place is comparable to it; all varieties of fruit, irra pes, etc.. in full bearing, flowers and shrubbery in more than abundance; there is a small bunca lnw of 5 rooms, not of an expensive character but com fort a hie and cozy ; there Is m barn and chicken houses: you t"n have city conveniences, including city water in the house ; riose to city school, ca rline and station : it is only a short spin over t he boulevards ; t ha owner is 1 --a ving t he state a nd is de termined to S"I1 it at a grea t sacrifice if necessary; this suburban home js in a district where The property sells in good or bad times readilv. M, J. CLOHESSY, A B I N G T O N BUILDING. O X T . T $3250 AND TUTS PLACE FRONTS on the paved Capital highway, not as far out as Multnomah, with more than a quarter acre of land, with all varities of fruit in full beannc and lots of it ; you get a lo a pood S-room houso with larK" barn, chicken houses, etc.; the view from t his place ii exceedingly grand: city water on the street in front; it is offered at this low price for a quick sa le and all you need is $ 1 1 no in ca sh. the ba la nee von ca n pa V a t $25 per month. M. J. CLOHESSY. ABINGTON lil'lLI'ING. ONLY $2450 FOR A NEW BUNGALOW of 5 rooms, very attract i ve. a II on a concrete foundation with basement, city wa ter. bath and toilet; location is on UHpito! Hill, with a view of city, moun tains and valley ; hard to bea t ; cloS" to city school, boulevard, carline and station; all rady to move into; all you need is $450 cash, pay the balance $25 per month; you cannot build the bunga low a lone for less price tha n $:inti0 ; a bisr lot Koe.s with it M . J. CLOH ESS Y, ABINGTON BUI LDI N G . "Nl.T S3750. ON THE BASE LI N K RO a D. t he paved hiuh way. 25-minut ride from the business center: here i.i one big corner acre of land, well Im proved, fronting on the paved hirh wa y ; it is a corner and wit h t he la nd you get a bra nd new 4-room plastered and newly tinted bungalow, full cement ba semen t. city wat-r, gas. bat h and toilet; there is a garatre and chicken houses, as well as some fruit on tho place; this is Rettjnc a suburban homo on the relehr.itod highwav pretty cheap. M. J. CLOHESSY, ABINGTON BUILD ING. CLOSE-TV SUBURBAN HOMESITHK, on t he Oregon City carline. at Courtney stat ion. pa ved street front and river frontage, what is known as half -acr and one-acre t ract s ; you may have your choice of river f ronta ge or paved hich wa y front ; t he river f ronta k of thse honiesltes is the best to be found be tween it a nd t he business center, deep water with sand beach ; these home sites are offered for sale at an immense) sacrifice; nothing in this section can be bouKht for at least twice the price we are asking for any of these home sites; this propcrt y has been placed on t he ma rkt to sell a nd not to stand on t he price as to its t rue. value ; w have just so much time to close out these homepites and the district in which they are located ts the best on the Ore gon City carline; some of them are lo cated 2 blocks from the station; all of it is close enouch to the station; you can take your choice of the garden land or take that which has nice trees; some of it has fruit in full bea r i n g. a large amount of grapes on some of theso homesites; you can buy one of thes lare homesites for StitiO on such terms as $150 down and the balance in easy mo nt hly payments ; this is River Villa acres : drive out to see the tract, easy to find, on the pa ved river hi eh way ; the big signs on the property you can see; don't delay as the opportunity tn buy such property as this when it in alt sold will never come atrain to vou at the price. M. .T. CLOHESSY, ABING TON BUILDING. ONLY $2150. this is a suburban placi with a store which en.1os good business and a dwelling combined; there are 5 living rooms, all plastered, electric lights outside of the store part, a basement under the w hole bui Id ing ; the location Is such as will recommend it to any person desiring a close-in suburban home with more than one -half acre of land, all of it on the carline and right at the station with the car service the best running in and out of the city; to replace the building alone today could, not be done for a less price than $.t5oo and it la practically new; the land lon in this location is cheap at $1500. all lit garden, some fruit; you drive to it over a paved highway to the front door of the store ; it is only 15 minutes' ridt from the business center; if you did not choose to occupy and run the store you have a good home outside of ft and th store wilt readily rent for a bip interest on the investment, but this property means a business for a man and wifa and family as well as a very convenient, desirable, close-in suburban home. 1 1 happens to be an extraordinary oppor tunity for a very little money, as $2fiM pays In full for store, dwelling and land located on tho phi tf orui of the station, where you can get all of your freight and express unloaded at your door and you have a large settlement to do busi ness with. The car service is every 30 minutes, coming and going. This propo sition should not be offered more tha n once, as it is a rare thing to find th combination at this low price which this place combines. You must have all o the cash to transact business. M. J. CLOHESSY. ABINGTON BLDG. AN ARTISTIC HOME. With striking exterior and very con venient room arrangement, on car line, 25 minutes' drive from business cciuc r of Portland ; panoramic view of sur rounding country. including 4 snow capped mountains; Bull Run water, a ;' 5 splendid rooms, fireplace, bath; acrt warden and lawn, young fruit trees and berries ; house completely furnished, in cluding Brunswick talking machine, for omy $4uU0. R. H. OONFREY. HITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-H-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. CHOICE SUBURBAN HOMES and acreage, well located, near carline. from $1800 up. Inquire 3d house nortta of Klsley station, on Oregon City car line, sign "Alder Brook." For Sale Business Property. TWO-STORY corner brick build ins, prac tically new. income tioo per month, will bring more; JS50O; $2500 cash. I must sell on account of my business be ing out of town. No agents. Wood law a 51'OH. DRUG STORK, doing nice business, corner location, in good neighborhood. Other business compels sale. See this. BJ n, Oregonian. FOR SALE Chili parlor mony maW-s-r ; will teach busmess. 10S N. 3d st.. near Oiisan. FLAYER rio. Ludwtg, an excellent bargain. Marshall 15-45 or S10-S7.