20 THE SUNDxVY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, SEPTEMBER 10, 1920 "BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. HotWs and Rooming HouMft. HoTliLS. 74-ronm, modern, brick, lease, rent t50i, nm $700; take $4000 down. 7o roomi, lease, cheap rent, oil burner, gross income $P00; price sio.ooo cash. 76 roomi, modern brick lease, rent $27:i, bent locution; price $14.000 .'iS rownn, brick, modern, lease, N. W. heat, money maker; price $10,000, terms. t rooms .'i-year lease rent $.100 N. W. heu t evoo'thlnK in splendid condi tion, finest location; $13.0o. 0j rooms. graduated l-te. good loca tion, a money maktr; $M)uo. 40 rooms, strictly modern. 3-year lease, rot a large place but very good, takes $6000 cash. 2ii rooms, brick, can have lease, every thing in nice shape; $4000, terms. 34 rooms, all on one (Lour, rent $105, north tI Uurnslde; $4700. 72 rooms. In. W. heat, lease, finest location ; $1 3,ouo cash required. MRS. THOMSON, 620-21 HKNIty IH'ILDINO. SOME NICE LITTLTS BUYS. . 14 rooms. $1500. term, very close In, electric litchts, furnace and running water, classy little place fur home and $0o iiroi it each month. A Rood one. 10 rooms, benutifully furnished, piano, new sewing machine, electric vacuum cltantT, huge lamp, brass beds, niahog fcny furnishings, etc., $2U00; house has liarri v ood floors, modern. Dandy 1 ittle place, furnished beauti fully. $1300; running water la all apart ments, rent $40. Ictie. h rooms, $00o, over stores. 11 rooms, ltith and Washington sts. h rooms, on Halsey st. 8-room flat, west aide, $000. 32 rooms. White Temple district. Others all ov. r the city. UKT IN MY AUTOMOBILES and I will show you. J. BRUCE GODDARD, 501-2 Couch bid. ATTENTION. ROOMING-HOUSE BUYERS. S4 IL K. rooms, close In west side, fine location, fair furniture; will clear $o0 mo, A nat at $2750 aud $1100 cah will lmi3;e. 21 H. TC. rooms. close in west wide. J-ust painted inside and out. three-year Tnase at $00 mo.; will clear $275 mo.. $1000 cash wiU handle. THE BEST LITTLE BUT. 18 rooms. White Temple dist. ; 10 of the rrvnna extra -well furnished; 6 rooms un furnished. Price $1150; worth $1500. Call Miss Butler or Mr. Slmms. and C10 Cham. Com. bldg. Main 42' 517 4J H. K. ROOMS, netting better than $300 per month; somu private bath; $4aoo, $3250 cash. 22 sleeping rooms, medium place, close in. with lase; nets $100 per month; price $-000, with very easy terms. 15 H. K., very close in ; newiy deco Tated throughout ; rent only $40; only friiXM) cash, bal. $40 per month; net In come $ Utu per month; price $1000, giving b rooms for own p. 9 H. K.. water in all rooms, fin loca tion lor business; low rent; total income loS; nets $70 above rent and home be sides; this Is a bargain at $U0, WK HAVE OTHERS, LA KG IS AND SMALL. "WEST SIDE REALTY CO., 104 West Park. St. vt:s Kiit kusixess 18 good. loo-room beautiful, modern hotel, do ing tine business, in one of the beat lit tle cities in Oregon: 420.000. terms; this is a l:ne proposition. 70-room dandy Washington street no tel; clears $auU month; $21,000 cash nan 2-room smell corner brick; clears over J0iO month; 13,ooo cash. OS-room high-class Washington street Corner, fine place; $1HXKJ cash handles. "ii.i-rtnni hiwi-l' Hi nine room and lobbv ; good growing town; big pay roll; doing capacity business; line home; oouu, nan 4 ih(inv hotels exclusively with the Northwest Hotel News. 710 Couch bldg ci ti i MinM! in. fine condition, lease, clears around $170. which is big percentage on $3000 asked. ... 4, M K. rooms. White Temple district; can be made to clear around $220 per month; price $3Mo. 7 H. K. rooms in South Portland, near Shipvards ; dandy place. :or 1 i it Tv ri.f.ins rlnno In : elves nice lit tie Income and home for yourself; 7V. HEN K Y W. GOODAH1), 243 Stark Street. Main 831 bWELLEST LITTLE HOTEL IN POUT LAND. 55 rooms, nearly all with private baths, handsomely furnished; exceptional loca- .a fnnrlpst kind of Comer liriek building; 4-year lease; clearing hi.o month. Price 20.O00. Will take $10.ou0 cash, balance guod secur lty" A. J. DR FOREST ft CO.. T120 Henry bldg. Bdwy. 5300. cwin T. PT.APK. 12 rms., 3 sleeping porches, hardwood floors, steam heat, an new lurmHiiniKs, rent $60. This place is out oi me oiui narv: all housekeeping- For further in formation See MRS. KELLER. GEO T. MUOHE CO. 10Q7 Yeon Bldg Rft.HOfll FAMI I..Y HOTEL. Every modern convenience, including hot and cold water, steam heat, electric balls. etc two blocks off Morrison St. i wn v foil clears 4l0 month; rent 20o: good lease; price $7000; $0100 down. bal. $10t month. WOODCOCK, 200 Henry Blflg. n st .C.V.l'TVC ROOMS. nuhltc market. Rent $80 with len.se. Stove heat, electric lights; clears it. ftvor Dim hxnenseR. Good furnish Ings. Cloan. Just listed and a dandy buy at $2500. Some terms. J. K. liOWDKN CO. P15 Chamber of Commerce BMg. V I X- P. TRANSIENT HOTEL. (10-rni. fine corner bldg., prlvat hithH: trrnund floor lobby. elevator, ipivm beat, hot and cold water lit all rooms, splendid location. Price $13,000, SKI-; M d, KELLER. OFO. T. MOOKE CO.. 1007 Yeon Bids. loR SALE bv owner, nice 25-room hotel jnly hotel in town of 20O0, doing good 1'Uftinets; fine change for man with fam ily to make money; price $l1.0iu; will take in payment small ranch, some casn Valance terms. Ad-dress Lauf lUln hotel 1- oiett Grove, Or. FOR QUICK SALE. l int vnur hotels, auartment snd room irg l ouses with us. Your interests will always be protected. We have cash buy ers waiting for vour propositions. See MRS. KELLER. GEO T. MOORE CO. inn I Yeon Bldg. " ATTENTION ! 11 rooms. 2 kitchenettes, hot-water heat, electricity, solid mahogany furni ture In living and dining rooms; Nob Hill location. Kent only $40. Price $2250; might pive terms. Call Mr. Bow-den today lor further particulars. Broadway 4201. C. K. Itowden Co. ' $So0 NET PROFIT. 78-rm. apt. huuse, all private baths, sleeping porches, well furnished through out; rent on ly $?0O; long lease; selling ou account o Illness. See MRS. KELLER. GEO T. MuoHli CO. 1007 Yeon Bldg. " 35-ROOM APARTMENT HOUSE. .Brick building, hot and cold water, all modern rooms and bras beds, elegant furniture, 5 years lease ; house all full, clearing $300 ver month ; price $0000. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 300 Oak Street. DEAR LITTLE HOME. 6 rms. and sleeping porch, beautifully furnished, 3 rms. r.nted at $.(') each splendid location on 13th st. For fur ther particulars See MRS. KELLER. GEO T. MOORE CO. I007 Yeon Bldg. MOST attractive howl In city : every tiling clean and dainty ; large, light. omtortalle rooms, homelike and pleas ant. If you want a delightful home, as weil as a splendid income. 1111s is wnnt you art looking for. Sirs. Alhaugli with J ohn Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. "iF YOU WISH TO BUY' Or'sCI.L" business, hotel, rooming or apartment house of any kind, anywhere, eee F. Rierdon, R1TTER, LOWE A CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade B dg. We write ail kinds of insurance. S2 ROOMS H. K.. price $1S()0. part time rent $70, with lease, wual side, income 2O0. A. J. DE FOREST & CO., 320 Henry bldg. Bdwy. 5500. HOTEL SANDY up for sale. Fine bus1 ness: lit rooms: iots ground. Fruit, all kinds. On M t. Hood loop. Can't handle it. Se this at once. Geo. Beers, Sand Or. Phone 67. ROOMS, dandy corner location, west side. Kent $00. with lease; clears $175 month: $1200 mno.es. A. J. DE FOREST & CO., "2Q'Henrv bldg. Bdwy. COpO. WHEN YOU GET TIRED Having others trying to sell you out, rail up the old reliable J. BRLCE GOD DARD and get quick results. He know bow. 501-2 Couch bldg. Main 4507. 31 ROOMS for JOOOO. or with terms: steam heated brick building, with low rent and good tease; an exceptionally fine and at tractive p. are. with a good net Income. Try-I s Realty Co.. iw W. Park st. HOUSEKEE PI NO AP T S 21 rooms, very fine corner location. minutes walk to Meier & Frank, clears $ 1 00 a month and 3-room apt.; price $3000. Mrs. McLeod, Blacksione hotel. 10 ROOMS H. K. ; rent $30, west side; $900 takes it. A. J. DE FOREST CO.. 3 20 H enry bldg. Bdwy. B5QO. WANTED Rooming houses, 13 to 25 rooms. I have cash buyers. Main 866J. H. W. Garland, 201 3d. IF lull are lookina for a bargain, a home and income of $200 per month see own er. S4 10th st. BUSINESS OPPORTCMTIE8. Ho tele anil ltoo ml rig Home. MRS. M. K. LENT. HOTELS AND APARTMENT HOUSES. 623-4-5 Northwestern Bank Bidg. Phone Main 80tl0 for appointment. If you wish to buy or sll come In and talk It over. 14 years in this business In Portland enables me to give you sat isfactory service. APARTMENT HOUSES. 23 APARTMENTS. Arranged in two and three-rom suites, corner brick building, west side location; nets owner $0041 per month: well furnished. If ou have $10,000 tills Is your opportunity to get the best little house on th market. 30 A PA RTM ENTS. REQUIRES $12,000 CASH. Here is n chance to get a medium size place clearing $7f-0 per month; cor ner brick building, automatic elevator; 4-room apartment for owner; 25 apart ments furnished, balance rented unfur nished; 4-year lease at reasonable rental. 34 APARTMENTS. Rent $4M) per month; this is a close in location, west side, clearing over $700 per month; requires $10,000 to handle. HOTELS. 60-ROOM HOTEL. Ground floor officft. elevator, elegant ly f urn if bed throughout ; private baths. Northwestern steam heat: caters to commercial trade; come In for price and terms. 50-ROOM HOTE L. AH light, outside, airy rooms; North western strain heat; rent $370; i-year lease; automatic elevator: 10 baths; price very reasonable; $7000 cash to handle. 30-ROOM HOTEL. Rent only $100; lease; all outside, large airy rooms; fine place for some one; ti ire p tronagc : income over $300 net every month: price $7000. SMALLER HOUSES. in apartments with private baths; brick build In ft; steam heat ; rent right, with lease; clears over $200; price $4200. NOB HILL ROOMING HOUSE. 18 rooms with 2 sleeping porches; a beautiful home and net income of $250: furniture, drappa and rugs really fine; 8 baths, double garage, lovely yard; rent $70; cash to handle $3000. 13 HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. Right downtown; clean and very at tractive; Rlwaya full ; rent $75; monthly Income $20; price $2600 with some terms. 12 ROOM3. Kob H1T1 location; rent $40; will clear $130 besides own apt. ; beautiful big yard; unusuallv good buv for $1700. $l'noo CASH. Several small places you can handle with about $1000 that will be to your advantage to Fee. Ask for Mrs. Mcclain, MRS. M. E. LENT, Main 8500. 52 1 N. W. Bank Bldg. ONE OF PORTLAND'S BEST. Nearly 200 rooms, nil completely end beautifully furnished, is con sidered one of the bent In the ity. 10-year lease, this place Is frond for a net profit, between $4000 and $0000 per month. Will require about $00,000 to handle. B2 ROOMS Ti2. One of the bent steam -heated hotels In the factory district, has never had a vacant room In the P years' running; good lease at $100 per month; good for $37.i per month, clear of nil expenses; price $3000; might make some terms. WAPH-ST. HOTEL. Tf you want ft modern comer, brick hotel with beautiful lobby that will net you about $10OO pr month, see me. Has 3-year lease, can be handled with $14,000. 70-ROOM HOTEL. Modern fire-proof bid?.; tran sient location. fine lobby. long lease, rnt S000 per mo.; the car pets and furniture are first class. $10,000 wllldo business. 40 ROOMS $40. Strictly modern, brlclc bldg., elegant furnitflre and carpets, long lea ye, fair rent, good transient businesH. It takes $0000. T FIKRPOy. BITTER, LOWE CO . 201-3-0-7 Board of Trade Bldg. MA GO ON & SPENCER. J?n Cham, of Com. Bldg. Main flt27. $4700 for modern furnishings andlenae of 35-rm. brick hotel: steam heat, hot and cold wat-r all rooms, has net in come about $30O. MODERN APARTMENT HOUSE. 10 apts.. private bn ths, steam heat; net in., $400. Price. SOT.Ou H. K. ROOMS AND APARTMENTS. 30 rms., stam heat, lease, rent $00. Net Income, $200. Price. $2000. 20 rms., part sleeping, shopping dlst , $2S00. Should clear $2o0. 10 rms.. near Bdwy.; a good home, and ticar every mo. rrice, fi.-u. 10 rms.. steam heat, extra good furni ture, a elassy home, with good income Price, $290O; good terms. 7 rms., well furnished, rent $33 and ?. in Co in e. I'rice, 5-r.ou. FOR LEASE. TTTE" HOTEL PALACE. In the prosperous town of North Bend, Coos Bav, Or. 81 heated rooms and large looby and one large, mooern store, U'xsu rt., con nected with the hotel for office and rooms. Only first class hotel In the town. .Kent i.u a month. 5 or 7 -year lease. Auurtbs, J. W. GUNN. 70 47th a-e., San Franrlsco. Cal. HERE are some small places that will give you an Income and a pleasant home 10 uve in: 8 rooms, rent $25, prlee.. . . . S 800 7 rooms, rent S 10, price 7 rooms, rent $00. price 0 rooms, rent Sou, price . .. l.OOO 8 OO . . . l.."no . . . 1 . 1 00 . . . 1.1 on P "i'-e prft-e to rooms, rent -o, 11 rooms, rent 530, 11 rooms, rent Sim. price 1.100 See Mrs. A Ibaugh, with John Fergu son. Gerlinger bldg. N. W. HEAT 12 ROOMS right downtown among the hotels, hot and cold water all rooms; part have pri vate baths; dandy furniture and very el.'an. Jut a rnv little den. Income $250 per mo. This can be bought for $li)00, with $1100 down. Rent $U0. Bet ter grab this. XEUGENEHEpGES, 201 W. PARK. 17 ROOMS. $4000, half cah; furniture and rugs, extra good steam beat and aM modern Improvements; reasonable rent with a tv.-o years' lease and a good net Incime. This should please 'the most fas tidious anil exacting buveirs Try-Us Realty Co.. 100 West Park" Street WORKIXGMRN'S HOTEL. Nearly 00 rooms in good transient dis trict, stove heat, clean and nr-nt, gool furniture and beds; nets $000; $01100 cash will handle, balance easy. Mrs. Al baugh, with John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. 13 H. K. ROOMS, newly decorated and tint. ed. very close In, clean from basement to garret; electric lights, toilet 2 floors: full of roomers; first time offered. Priced for quick sale $Jt,oo. with good terms. WEST SIDE REA LTY CO., UM West Park St. HOTEL FOR SALE. Brick, modern. 30 rooms. Big Bend wheat district. SG0O0 cash will handle, or would consider trade for ranch. W. E. Shrader. Harrington, Wash. APARTMENT house, fine brick building. 'ii ti ti luiui.MUMi. acruice this property, building, ground and complete furnishings, $4o,OU0. Snap. $S00O cash, balance nine years. No agenta. AL 31, Oregonian. CLASSY HOUSE OF 12 ROOMS right downtown, lease, furnace. This Is a business looking place ; nice yard, all outufdn rooms. $100n down takes it, bal. of $0cm on torms. Dead easy J. EUGENE HEDGES. 201 W. PARK. 7- ROOM house to rent. 0 rooms of nearlv new rurnlture for sale for $0O0; good west side location and nice olean home like place to live. Try-Us Realty Co.. 1G9 West Park street. REAL HOTEL BUY. 60 rooms, good rent, good Income Snap for $3000. Some terms. J . BOBBINS A CO. SOI Railway Exchange. Main 7031. 20-ROOM housekeeping house; low rent, fair furniture; owner must sell; price $1000. terms: bargain. Call lCoVi West Park st. Anderson & Clark. A HOME AND LIVING. 12-room house. (&I-7ft Corbett. 50x100 lot, paved street. Price $4000. Jacob tlaas, tuamocr or commerce. .Main 6127. 20-ROOiM rooming house. One location, good furniture, low rent, lease; fine place ; price $2SH0. terms. Call 163 H yest Park st. Anderson & Clark. ROOMING riouse for sale, located at 240 Park. 14 rooms, cneap rent, leaving city, must sell. WE HAVE hotels and rooming houses, all sizes. Call 163 West Park st. Anderson & Clark. WANT to lease, furnished, a hot-el or room ing house of 30 to 75 rooms. G. W. H. G 84. Oregonian. ROOM S. 2 blocks f rom Portland hotel ; rent $20. income $40; 3 rooms for ten ant; $600. 221 Sixth et FOR SALE 12 rooms, furnace, electric llphts. gas. running water in rooms, Al location. 227 Broadway. Main 4U44. 0 ROOMS. $1100; $0O0 cash; good furni ture, low rent. White Temple district. Try-Us Realty Co.. IfiO West Park st. 14 ROOMS FOR $1000. WHITE TEMPLE DISTRICT. OWNER. M A IN 868. BARGAIN 6 rooms, good oak furniture, cose in. Cail after. Sunday, 644 4th. BL'SI NESS OPPORTC ' 1T1F.3. Hotels and Rooming Houses. SMALL MOBER-N APARTMENT. 3 1 rooms, private bathe with each apartment, hot water heat, excellent furniture and rugs, rent $176 with 3 years lease. west side location. Price $60-00, some terms. 21 rooms, furnace heat, electrfc lights. This Is a wonderful buy, considering net Income, furnishings and location. Price $4000. B0 rooms, irent $120, sove Iveat. elec tric lights, fair furniture. Clears $280 tt $300 per month over expense. Close In down town location. Pnica only , $3750, $2000 handles. 17 rooms, most all Bleeping, "vTMte Temple location, furnace beat, electric lights and excellent furnishings through out: nets $173 above the expenses. Price $3S00, $2000 cash. 24 rooms, rent flO. furnace, electric rights, good furnishintr: clears $20.0 over all expenses. Price $3600, $ltX handles. 15 rooma, rent $73. White Temple district, furnace, electricity, good fur niture, running water In part 01 rooms, nets $150. Price $3000, $2000 handles. 12 rooms. Nob Hill location, furnace heat, electric lights, nicely furnished, clean, clearing $UW over all expenses and apt, for owner. Price $1700. some terms. 12 rooms, furnace heat, electricity, TTst Park location; nets $91: good fur nishings and a good buy. Price $1700, some tennis. 10 rooms, rent .V. furnace, electric ity, excellent furnishings, better than the averaee make: lovely home Wl'tn incom1: Nob Hill location. Price $1200. $600 handles. ( ft rooms. 1 kitchenette, near "public market, rtove heat, electric alright; nets $70; needs cleaning up; nice light rooms, Price $1000. ft-room flat, rooms aH on one floor, excellent fumlsMngs and clean; rent $30; White Temple location. Price $S50 cash. C. B. BOWDEN" CO., 91 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. MONDAY 8PECIAT4. 21 housekeeping, clean, close In, clears $175. IS housekeeping, clean, close In, ' clears $10. 15 housekeeping, clean, close In, clears 140. 11 housekeeping, clean, close in, clears SOS. 12 housekeeping, clean, downtown, clear $80. 9 housekeeping, best of furniture, clears $.10. Ea-h of these has two to four nice liv Ing rooms for self; cah snd terms. Have good propositions In hotels, also. "BARNEY JOHNSON & CO., 1TO lOth St. Main 31 AO. 24 H. K. ROOMS in good faetorv district; gas heaters in rooms, rent $75. Price $1000; easy terms. 12 rooms. H. K. and sleeping; rerv fine location, good furniture. This will go at a nnrgain. 20 rooms. IT. K".. clean, running wa- I ter in most rooms, close in. rent 5;o. You can also get this at a bnrarain be- cmse owner is stk snd must gt awav. Mrs. A I ha ugh, with John Ferguson, Ger- linger llng. MONDAY SPECIALS. 10-room flat, TT. K., clears 0O. 0-room flat. H. K.. clears $0. fl-room flat. If. IC clears rent. 6-room flat, H. K., clears rent and some money. Those are all walking distance and clean. BARNEY .TOHNSON & CO., 170 10th St. MODERN" EVERY WAY. 8. rooms on "nst side. Low rent, long I ieu.se. Clears $3;0 per mo. Yea. steam heat, hot and cold water ench room. Just think of a 5-year lea.se. Brick bldg. Price $0000, with $3000 down. All sleep ing. T EUGENE HEDGES. 201 W. PARR. DOLL HOUSE OF A HOTEL. Ijike-new furniture. high-class, all- metal sprinws, easy mAttree, lovely curtains. All outside rooms. Lease, hon est rent. Splndtd carpets. Handsome Income. For particulars call personally. On Washington street. J. KITGENB HEDGES. 201 W. PARK. CORNER BRICK HOTEL. Good brick hotel, running water, good furniture, everything clean and In good order; 1-vear lease, can be extended; ground floor of fire; splendid income. Mrs. Albaiigh, with John Ferguson, Ger 11ngr bldg. 30 APT. WEST SIDE. This Is one of the het buys- n the city. Good lease, reasonable rent and a rrood money maker. Call at our office for parHrn'nrs. METZGER-PARKER CO. 200 Oak St. Broadway 5335. IF YOU have JTiO cash you can buy 5 rooms of good first-class furniture and rent one of the best located flats in the city; rent $65 Including heat and hot water. 2 rooms rented for $42. can rent more and still have nice amrtment for slf. Phone owner. Bdwy. 171I. 13-ROOM APARTMENT HOUSE. Walking distance: 10O0; house all full snd clearing fair money; can Increase this pIhco. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 305 Oak Street. $2000. 14 rooms, one year lease, elose In on Te.mhul. Some terms. Call for C. E. Scott, ,T. ROBBTVS CO., 301 Railway Exchange. Main 731. TRANSIENT HOI S E. I.aflles, here it is; IS rooms near depot; rent only $30; best transient bous" In city; If sold at once. $12!t0, nay $300 down. bal. as vou make it. Peters of ronrse. 1 N. 5th st. $770 1 1 ROOMS $775. All H. K.. fairly good furniture ; rnt $35. Electricity, gas ; nic bat h ; good west side location. Remember, the early bird catches the worm. Part frms. ,T. EI'GENE HEDGES. 201 W. PARK. 15-ROOM ROOMING HOUSE On corner, all outside rooms and good furniture; income $ 1 50, 2 years lease, rent $.; clearing sum per mnntn. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 305 Oak Street. $2200. 11 rooms, 5 H. K. rooms, bal. sleeping; electricity and gas. See c. E. Scott .T. BOBBINS fc CO.. 301 Railway Exchange Bldg. TRANSIENT HOTEL. 30 rooms, very centrally located, cor ner building, steam hat. money maker; price $4300. Mrs. McLeod, Blackstonc hotel. 10 ROOMS, $ 1 20?; 3 housekeeping, good furniture and a nice clean, homey pl-ace to live; centrally located in White 1 Temple district. Try-Us Realty Co., 109 , West Park st. CORNER apartment house, 1 4th st. ; nf at and clean ; 2-room ants.. good furnish $05; furnace: lnrs : income 23 ; rent $1300 will handle. G. Y. EDWARDS CO.. R07 Henry bldg. HOTEL OO rooms on Washington street : steam heat, hot and cold water In rooms. rrlvate baths, year lease, good location. Airs. Aihsugn, witn jonn Ferguson. Ucr- llnger bldg. MRS. M. E. LENT hotels, rooming and apartment houses. All size snd prices. 523-4-3 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Phone Main 8060 for appointment. 12 ROOMS. $1 700, part terms; reasonable rent with lase: a tilee looking, homelike place In White Temple district showing a good Income and pleasant rooms for self. Try-Us Realty Co.. 100 w. park st. FOR SALE 1ft rooms, part H. K. ; extra clean; 2 blocks of Portland hotel: price $2200; $11O0 cvish and balance easy terms. Owner. JOl 1 ayior 00- ROOM hotel, west side location, good furniture, low rent ; good money-maker; I price $4000. terms: bargain. (aii'JOJW West Park st. Anderson A: 1 larK. 22 ROOMS 22. Brick bldg. on one floor; rent $40; nl- wavs f u!l ; clears over i ui' per monm. Peters. 15 X. 0th st. Price $1000. terms. 11 HOUSEKEEPING rooms, good furni ture and very clean; rent $32.50; clears $70; close In; a splendid buy. Barney Johnson. & Co.. 170 Tenth street. HOUSEKEEPING 12 rooms, kitchenettes; good furniture: nice and clean ; always fu'l: $1400 cash; can't be beat. Bdwy. 2307. 40-ROOM hotel, brick, modern, fine west si tie location. One furniture, low rent, lease ; can be bought right. Call 103 V4 West Park st. Anderson & Clark. w i-TF.n 20 to 50 rooms, steam heat. west side; give good automobile, some cash first payment. BP 2d. oregonian. FOR best bargain In apartment houses set members of the Realty Board. 1'atea 8 H. K. ROOMS, very clean and In gdod location, walking distance. Dealers need not answer. Phone Main 3411. IF YOUR hotel, apartment or rooming house is for sale, see or phone White, S23 Chamber Commerce bldg. Main 7624. 28 ROOMS, transient hotel, near depot, 513GO; low rent and a good money maker. Try-Us Realty Co.. 1 00 W. Park st. WA.N'TED 25 or 30-room rooming house, transient or housekeeping, not over $250O, with lease. B 40. Oregonian. FOR SALE Furniture 24 rooms, all H. K., best location in city, always full; no agents. BP 16. Oregonian. 7 ROOMS completely furnished: clears rant with, income, must sell, l&s N. 18th, BFSIXE8S OPPORTUNITIES. Hotels and Rooming Houses. INCOMES INVESTMENTS HOMES AT PRICES WHICH ANYONE CAN AFFORD. ABSOLUTE SECURITY FOR TOUR MONEY IN ANYTHING RECOM MENDED BY US AS BARGAINS 25 rooms, also 3 cottages and 3 ga rages; rnt $00; electricity; H. K.; lease. Over $2KJ net. Price $2200. Terms. Close-in good home with 8 rooms to rent; excellent furniture, nice income, good home for small famMy; only $700. Terms. Exceptional Nob HiU buy 28 rooms, mixed; low rent, large net; class; per manent proposition; good furniture val ues only $40o0. Term s. 12 rooms, nearly all H. K. : also kitch enettes and hall suitable for additional room; furnace and stoves; rent $20; easy walking distance, west side; clean, and furnishings good; Income net $100. DIRT CHEAP AT S1000. Terms. SEVERAL 1, A R ( K APARTMENT HOUSE LEASES AND FURNITURE from $5000 up. Terms. O. H. SKOTHEIM COMPANY. 332-333 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 5100 and Main 7011. APARTMENTS. 23. modern brick, all furnished, rood lease, rent $300. nets $000; besides own apartment. s.uOU down. 20, modern; all well furnished; rent $40o. lease, nets $7K; $10.0uo down. 30. modern, elevator. 5 years' lease $10,000 will handle. You will like this 10 apartments, all nn one floor. 2 year lease; cheap rent, brick corner, nets $200; price $0000. part terms. 21 apartments, 7 unfurnished, steam neat, t-ycar lease, rent $20; oouu, terms. 1 4 apartments, few sleeping rooms lease, N. W. heat, good income; $12,000, terms. Several others, first-class In every way, witu good leases ana on terms. MRS. THOMSON, 620-21 HENRY BUILDIXO. 12 ROOMS on West Park st.. clean, with good furniture; can be had at a bargain. 23 ROOMS on west side. Al furniture. In 3 and 8 room apartment. Income $238, lease for 2 year; fibOO will Handle. 40 ROOMS located near First and Jefferson, rooms in good condition, long lease, low rent rooms are always full; $3000 wlU baa die. We have many other places, large and small. 401 STOCK EXCHANGE BLDG. 90-ROOM APT.-HOUSE. Brick buildlnir. Nob Hill location. 4 year lease; good furniture; well arranged a part men ts. a 11 w tin private nam a, rhonei and lifts: rent 5300 a month Clears from $ifOO to $1000 a month profit. Price $17,000, part time can be arranged. A. J. DE FOREST CO., 320 Henry bldg. Bdwy. 5590. LITTLE BEAUTY. 30 anartments. 2 and 3-room apts.. B-vear lease: automatic elevator; well furnished throughout ; net profit $000 month: would consider some trade up to $u000 on farm, acreage or city prop el t. This is a fine modern brick cor ner bldg; must sell on account of illness. See MRS. KELLER. -GEO T. MOORE CO. 1007 Yeon Bldg. ROOMS, fine furniture, beautiful loca tion. Ideal home for particular people tiiu; vI),a-P. ihh casn, oaiance easy. IO rooms, housekeeping, fine corner, porch, dtandy yard, clears $75, furnace neat: siuou casn nancies. Aoove houses are nice places and well locate a for aesinanie nomes. icxcioisive.!. with Northwest Hotel News. 715 Couch bldgJ 4 0-ROOM MODERN HOTEL. On Washington st.. corner brick bldg, Some private baths, good lease, big monev-miLker. This rtlace la well rur. nished and clean ; $sono cash required, balance easy monthly payments. A. J. 1 l-J r OUKSl' 2fc j ., 320 Henry bldg. Bdwy. 5000. A MONEY MAKER. BS-rm. hotel, corner brick bldg.. tiot and cold water In all rms.. steam heat swell down-town location, net profit $800; come in and get particulars. bKB 31 ItS. IvKilL,-. It. GEO. T. MOOUE CO, 1O07 Yeon Bldff, ROOMS, ail housekeeping. $05O; low rent and a good net income with a nice ant. for tlf : this should appeal to lone nerson that is looking tor an easy living and it is cheap for the price asked. rry-L Rea.ty to., io west Park street. WORKIXGMAN'S PLACE. 12 rms.. all on one floor: rent only $17 all furnished for housekeeping : clears over all expanses $100; fine place for old couple. Price $iouu. bee Al tin. ivr-L.ljh.rt. Ir'EO, T. MOORE CO. 1007 Yeon Bldg. A LARGE APARTMENT. Here is the trreatest chance in Port land to get a money-maker. $32,500, all cash, but will pay you a& i-do on your investment. Another good one for ti, uou. Let ua talk these over with you. Weston & Co., 1215 N. W. Bank bldg. CORNER BRICK. Apartment house. 24 all 3-rm. apts. first-class furnish ingf ; private baths and phone in all apts.; clears net profit $000 niontn; ?hjuu win nanoie; goou lease. See M U.S. JviiLLrJK. GEO T. MOORE CO. 1007 Yeon Bldg. F YOU want to selt your rooming house. no tel or apartment house, call ana see us, we have cash buvers for same. C. J. CCLLISUN REAL ESTATE CO., 200 V Mortibon fct- SMALL APARTMENT HOITSE. C3 rms.. all 2-rm. auts. ; 1 single rm. ; al; on one floor; corner brick bldg; steam heat: furnished throughout; runt only $70; net profit, $200; $3000 will handle. see .Mi-La. ivn.1. 1 r. . GEO T. MOORE CO. Jmi7 Yeon Bldg. 19 ROOM'S. $2700. 8 housekeeping, 11 sleep ing: reasor.Hb-le rent with ica.se; this is newly furnished and a close-in location on the rt side an-d a good money maker. Try-Ls Realty Co., 10'J Wwl Park street. D3-KOOM hotel, absolutely fireproof bldg.. beautiful ground rioor 10 buy, ei-rvator, tv ell furnished throughout, making big money ; price $33.OO0 ; liberal terms. SEE MRS. KELLER, GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1O07 Yeon Bldg. 20 APT. NOB HILL DISTRICT. This house has good lease a nd cheap rent and is clearing better than $800 per mo. METZGER-PARKER CO. 20t Oak St. . Broadway 5355 40 ROOMS, all transient, $0Oi; good terms, steam-heated umcK- notei; low rent. 3 years' lease, good furniture and we.t side 'location and a net Income of $000 a month. Try-L's R-ealty Co., lu'J West Park street. W ILL PAY SPOT CASH FOR YOUR HOTEL. ROOMING OR APT.-HOUSE. IF THE PRICE 13 RIGHT. WE BUY' AND SELL CHATTEL MTGS, A. J. DE FOREST A CO.. 320 Henry bldg. Bdwy. 5300. 58 ROOMS ON WASHINGTON ST. This is one of the best transient hotels In the city and ts a real money maker. Price $i;.ono. some terms. METZGER-PARKER CO. 2C9 Oak St. Broadway 5355 14 MODERN APARTMENTS. West side, corner brick building, good furniture and carpets : nice clean place. with good lease; $4too cash Tequired. A. J. De FOREST ec CO.. 320 Henry bldg. Bdwy. S590 I 14 ROOM'S and 2 kitchenettes; $230O; good terms, low rent and a large income; nice furniture and an attractive place; a good pickup. Try-Us Realty Co., 109 West Park st. 10-ROOM APARTMENT HOUSE. Good furniture, 5 gas ranges, house all full and cheap rent ; an lor 7 1000. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 305 Oak Street. 26 ROOMS, all furnished, mostly sleeping rms.. fine and clean ; right down town. $2000 will give you possession. SEE MRS. KELLER, GEO. T. MOORE CO., 1007 Yeon Bldg. LOST AND FOUND. LOST Friday afternoon, at ball park. taupe colored silk umbrella, crook han die. Return, 181 14th St., apt 6. Re ward. WILL gentleman who branded lorgnet te g'.a-ses to conductor on aroaaway car kinu.iy cam cast STRAY ED or stolen, white Persian cat, hair somewhat worn at base of tall; re ward. Main POal. WILL the person finding parcel contain ing nignt gown, on uppoi-aiornson car; please phone Marshall 1760. FOUND Two fountain pens In Sell wood. Owner may nave same oy identity nig and paying for ad. Sellwood 3170. LOST A valuable bunch of keys on 3d and Oak. inuer pi ease can cjeuwooa 3430, mornings. LOST Between Sellwood car and Couch st.. lady a lountain pen, goia nana, in itials L. M. C. Sell. 1413. WILL Mrs. Nelson call East 757 and ex change baskets mixed at Llnneman Jet. LOST 6 yards blue silk on 23d st. car, Sept. 16. Finder kindly call East 753ft. LOST An orange Persian female cat; re ward If returned. Call East 3067. LOST Small Beta Tbeta PI pin. Finder Call day. Marshall 4770; night. East 3708. LOST White-faced Boston null. Thursday near city hall. Reward. Main 4009. LOST A ring of keys on Vancouver car or In town. Finder please call Main 3811. LOST Small diamond to OOfl Bryce ave. m; pin. Return LOST A $20 bill near 5th and Washington. can &eu. o. IX) ST AND FOUND. THE following articles were found on cars 01 ine f. m. , Lj. & f . K.o.t epi. it: 6 purses, pencil 2 pins, key. bunch keys, pair gloves, 2 single gloves, 9 books, kodak. 4 packages basket. 2 bundles, glass tubes, gun, 3 lunch boxes, trav. bag. 5 suitcases, 4 umbrellas. Owners may obtain property at First and Al der streets. LOST or mislaid, policy No. So4(72. Issued ay tne renn .uutual Life insurance com pany, on the life or Katharine J. Kelley. The tinder will please return to the un dersigned. An application has been made for the issuing of a duplicate. Katharine J. Kelley, 70 East Salmon at.. city. LOST Saturday afternoon at north en trance to Washington park or on wasn ington street or Tenth street or on Twenty-third-street car, lady's circular gold brooch set with light imitation pearls; valued as keepsake. Phone Main 5245. Reward. LOST A green folder pocketbook with St jonni LumDer to. name on it: insiae some paper bills and a check with Relne Beden's name on it ; left in the ladies lavatory of Meier & Frank; reward; no questions asked. Columbia 1043. REWARD if returned, wilt the person who found lady's ruby ring and pearl ring In the ladles washroom of olds, Wortman & King on Sept. 10 please re turn to superintendent's office? No Ques tions asked. Valued as keepsakes. LOST Evening of August IO, on road be tween roriiana ana rsewnerg, iaay s win ter coat, long, mixed colors with gray effect. Finder please notify Mrs; K. P. Staples, -26G Morrison st. Main 3285. Reward. LUST Between corner SOth and East An- keny and 2hith and East Bui nalde, Thurs day. Jade drop ear-ring; reward. Return to J. C. Clarke drug store, 2Mb. and E. Burnslde. Call East 1630 or East 83 .SO. LOST Sept. 15 on TerwiUlger blvd.. a pocKet roiaing camera, vaiuea very highly as a keepsake from mother. Finder please call Marshall 1785. Re ward. LOST Left on D. M. ear Tuesday, Sep tember 14, small umbrella with mon key's head handle; silver band marked E. A. W. Reward on return to First National bank. LOST Thursday, from a B. 4e O. transfer truck, a black leather traveling bag, con taining leather case with toilet articles and woman's clothing. BF 11, Orego- ntan. LOST Route book No. 11 A. between Portland, Or., and Battleground. Wesh., either from Union ave. to Interstate bridge or on Fourth Plain road out or Vancouver. I BLACK bill .fold somewhere bet. Union ave. and Hawthorne and First and Alder sts.; contents valuable to owner; suit able reward; .will Identify. Call WUln. 6 1 05. WILL, person who took overcoat by mis take from Bohemian rest, please re turn 7 it oeiongs to Doy who works mere, orcall Tabor 7001. LOST Brown leather pocketbook. Initials J. S. F., Tuesday night between a car and Seattle train. Phone Tabor 6012. Reward. LOST Persian cat, orange coloi, chest white tint, copper-colored eyes, stubby nose: answers to name Peach. Am Ry.Exp. Co. LOST Thursday night, small white cameo head, unmounted, on street car or Sandy between 70th and 72d st. Call East 3443. Reward. WILL lady who picked up the lady's wrist watch in back seat of Pantages theater Thursday evening please can Alias t,d wards. Main 30 1 4 lieward. LOST Black umbrella, straight, gold tipped handle engraved "Tneodosia." be tween Lombard and Farragut or Wash burn. Sunday evening. Call Mar. 1 1 1 0. REWARD for return or Information lead ing to whereabouts of yellow Persian cat. strayed from SiU E. Ash street about September 3. Phone East 4001 WILL PARTY with Dodge car who picked up couple on tales City road Sunda Sept. 12. please write F. Jiggar, Forest Grove, Or. Left child's coat in car. WILL PARTY who picked up $5 bill In basement millinery dept., Meier & rranR s at 1 o clock Friday call VVdln. jnr i,nuy necus it. STRAYED Female brindle English bull dog; owner s name and Sacramento on collar. llo'd Rodney st. Phone Wood lawn 5S13. LOST Somewhere between Morrison and Broadway bridge, or in Pantages theater, lady's wrist watch. Phone Miss tawarus, .Main uu4. LOST Early part of June In or near Union depot, -karat diamond ring, size 4 rtewara. aj .t.i, tJrcRoman. LOST Delta Gamma sorority pin, small anchor-shaped pin set with pearls ; re ward. rnone r.ast 401U, LOST Two discharges. Please return to 614 4th St., city. Sirs. Carter. Lost clcse to Meier A Frank's. LOST One diamond ear screw, weight one karat. $300 reward will be paid for re turn or same, rnone Automatic 619-25. BUNDLE of bedding, lost on the Roose velt hill: will pay reward. F. J. Everett. 801 Kliilngsworth. LOST Sept. 14 new fawn-colored geor gette crepe mouse. Finder please re turn to 915 Thurman st. Reward. LOST Slender black and gold brooch on Flanders or 23d, I-riday night. Reward. Main 63B. FOUND Carrier pigeon with aluminum T., 1U10." tag containing "lb M. J. B. East 5606. LOST Small lady's Hamilton watch. Ini tials E. A. R. engraved on back. Phone Main 4030. Reward. LOST Receipt book, Mogul Producing Refining Co. Please not try r-ast i;( sy, J. M. Blake, 314 Grand avenue North. LOST White Scotch collie, nwile; left ear and eye brown. Answers to Rowdy. Phone Fast 7217. Reward. LOST Kodak, 1 - A autographic. Finder please return same to ii.ti lr'mont and receive reward. Woodlawn 1210. LOST A purse with gold chain. $2 and card, Mrs. M. P. $1.0O in stamps, a Ryan. Tabor i2lM. LOST Turquoise matrix cuff link; ward. 2M3 Washington st. FINANCIAL. LTBE7RTT BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED. YOU BUY OR SELL AN AUTOMOBILE WE FURNISH THE MONEY. OUR SERVICE WILL PLEASE YOU. OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO., 20S SELLING BLDG., 2D FLOOR. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. TITLE & TRUST COMPANY, TITLE & TRUST BLDO. BANKS WANTED. We have buyer for one or more good banks In Washington. Oregon or Califor nia; will act quickly. bive us iuu de tails. Timber Land Bureau. Board of Trade Bldg., Portland. Or. LIVESTOCK LOANS. 1 We have money to loan on sheep and hogs. F. E. BOWMAN CO.. 210 Chamber of Commerce. cattle, A $420 PROMISSORY note, drawing 8 per cent per annum. 10 monthly payments, ftrfct nmrnptit due Oct. 7. 1020: this note for $300 cash. Call East 7014. 11:30 A. M. to 1 P. M. CASH paid for mortgages and sellers con facts on real estate in Washington. Ore gon. H. E. Noble. 310 i.umnermens mag WE BUY first -end second mortgages and sillers' contracts. F. E. Bowman & Co, 210 Chamber of Commerce. PRIVATE party will buy contracts of sale and real estate mortgages. Tabor 1 30l. MONEY TO LOAN See Lawyers' Title & Trust company. 285 Stark st.. near 4th " Money to Ioan on Reai Estate. $400. $000. $;oo, $800, $1000, $1200, $iono, s-'OOO and up, lowest rates, quick action pay off $100 or more at any interest date. Gordon Mortgage 10.. odi nam ber of Commerce bldg. Main 13i0. LIBERAL LOANS. We loan our money on real estate. 1st nd 2d mortgages, contracts, livestock notes, etc. F. E. Bowman & Co., 210 Chamber of Commerce. Main 3026. MORTGAGE loans on improved farm and city property, lavoranie repaying priv lieges ; no commission or oeiay. THE OREGON MORTGAGE CO., LTD. 309 Piatt Bldg. Main 5371. FARM LOANS without red tape, delay or publicity. Amounts to suit. Willamette Valley Mortgage Loan Company, Aurora, Oregon. $300. $400. $300, $750, $1000 AND UP; low rates: quick action. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Cham, of Com. Main 6445. $1500 OR $18O0 to loan on first mtg. on chy property: liberal terms and no com mission charged. AG 38. Oregonian. MONEY to loan on real estate security at going rate of interest. Otto Harkson Real 1 ' Co.. 413 Cham, of Com. MONEY to loan on real estate. 7 per cent. Geo. P. Lent. 717 Corbett bldg. SEE OREGON INV. MORTGAGE CO.. 222 Chamber of Commerce, 4th and Stark. MORTGAGE LOANS. 6 and 7 per cent Louis Calomaa & . Co., 403 Sig bldg. FINANCIAL. Money to Loan on Heal Estate. RESIDE NCR LOANS. T, five-year period. You may PST $100 or any multiple thereof account principal, semi-annually and reduce In terest on loans under $0000. I NSTAI.LM EXT LOANS. Will loan rt0 value house and lot st T. You pay one-half of 1 per cent account principal monthly. For exam ple, $2000 loan, you pay $10 monthly and interest; you have privilege of paying $100 or any multiple thereof monthly, interest reduced accordingly. NO COM MISSION. BUSINESS LOANS. Five-year period, 6. Excellent re- payment privilege. MORTGAGE LOAN COMPANY. Main S30S. 407 Yeon Bldg. CITY LOANS. NO COMMISSION. On improved property, or for Improve ment purposes. The best and easiest method of paying a loan is our monthly payment plan. $32.26 per month for 30 months, or $21.24 per month for 60 months, or $15.17 per month for PS months Pays a loan of $1000 and Interest. Loans of other amounts in same pro portions. Repavment privileges. EQUITABLE SAVINGS & LOAN ASSN.. 242 StarlT St., Portland, Or. MONEY AT 6 PER CENT to build small bungalow on lot you own or have partly paid for. or to buy a lot anywhere in the city or any suburb; pay bark $10 to $20 per month or yearly payments; plans f uynlslted. PHONE Main 8100. BUNGALOW .BUILDERS. 230 Stark St. Portland. Or. MORTGAGE LOANS. On real estate security, any amount from $00 up on improved city or farm property. THE LAWRENCE COMPANY, 205 Corbett Bldg. Main 6015. A 2316. $60,000 TO LOAN In sums to suit on city. suburban and farms. Building loans a special ty. WILLIAM a. BECK. 213-216 FAILING BUILDING1, THIRD AND WASHINGTON. FARM LOANS. Insurance comoany money to loan at lowest current rates on Willamette val ley farms, no commission, no delays. LEVERE AUX MORTGAGE COMPANY. 87 Sixth St.. Portland. Or. REAL ESTATE MORTG A G E S. AMOUNTS $200 TO $2500. We can generally tell you the first dav whether your loan is accepted or not. We want your good loans. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EXCIT. MORTGAGE LOANS. Any amount. low rates, promptly closed Attractive repayment privileges. A. H. BI RRELL CO.. 217 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114. A 4118. MORTGAGE LOANS. FARM AND CITY PROPERTY. 6 and 7 PER CENT. INSTALLMENT LOANS. NO COMMISSION UNION ABSTRACT CO.. 83 4TH ST. HENRY BLDG. MORTGAGE LOANS on farm and city property. Prompt and heJpful service. Liberal repayment prlv- l.esrra. Lowest rates. WESTERN BOND & MORTGAGE CO NO Fourth St.. Portland. Or. CITY AND FARM LOANS. First and 2d Mtgs. and Contracts. No Delay. No Delay. No Delav. $1000. $1000. $2000, f.fooo and UP. F. H. DESHON. 615 CHAM. OF COM. Money to Loan Chattels and Salaries. Money to Loan Chattels and Salaries. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN. MONEY AT 2 PER CENT. ESTABLISHED BY PORTLAND BUSINESS MEN TO PROTECT BOR ROWERS. LOANS MADE ON DIA MONDS. WATCHES. JEWELRY. VIC- TROLAS. PIANOS. LIBERTY BONDS AND FURNITURE. 394 STARK ST.. NEAR lOTHv CARRIE MYERS HERMANN, Mgr. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN. " DO YOU NEED MONEY AT LEGAL KATES. QUICK SERVICE? 1UU CAN GET JT TODAY. LO A X S MAD E O N AUTOMOBILES. FURNITURE. PIANOS. V It'IIiULAS. REAL ESTATE. BONDS. ETC. it your payments are too large on your automobile or furniture contracts. we will pay them up and advance you ' more money if needed. We make a spe cialty 01 these loans and leae the se curity in your possession and you can repay us In small monthly payments. WE ALSO MAKE SALARY LOANS to salaried people on their own notes. Kates reasonable. Private offices. Ail business strictly confidential. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY. ( LICENSED. 306-307 Dekum RUlg. Marshall 32. S. W. cor. Third and Washington. SALARY LOANS CHATTELS. WE LOAN MONEY. on short notice to salaried or worklnc men on tneir own notes. vveemy. semi monthly or monthly payments. Each transaction si rictiy con rid en rial. NO MORTGAGE. NO INUOKSER, ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. We also loan on household furniture. piauos. etc., without removal. CALL AND INVESTIGATE, COLUMBIA DISCOUNT CO.. 1 Licensed. 218 FAILING BUILDING. MONEY TO LOAN. on diamonds, watches. jewelry and bonds, legal rates; all goods held 1 year. 114-110 Third St., corner Washington. Main 004. DON'T SACRIFICE Liberty bonds. Pri vate party will stake you; long time; no commission or expense. ti per cent. A R 11. oregonian. MONEY loaneo. on autos, pianos, furni ture, bonds and all kinds of securities. Legal rates. W. A. Hathaway, room 2o8, Washington bldg. MONEY TO LOAN on diamonds. Jewelry. legal rais; articles neia a year; estab lished ish. JJan Marx & Co., i'S3 wash. UL'U'K money to salaried people, without lndorsers or secuuty; investigate; confi dential. 316 Cham, of Com. bldg. HATHAWAY Loans on pianos and furni ture ; legal rates. 2is w ashlngton bldg. GEO. HARVEY loans mony on house hold goods; legal rates. Tabor 3 806. lxmns Wanted. HAVE CLIENTS WANTING $900. $10OO. $ 1 2uu ann uu, 1 Vc. years; expenses paid. Sidnty G. Lathrop, 516 Abington D . d S- $3000 WANTED on $7500 modern residence. also very best moral security, win pay 7 per cent, no commission. AG 73, Ore- gonian. WILL discount $0000 mortgage 67, on Im proved west side property; 2H years to run; will discount so it win pay buyer '? ; principals only. 1 iu, oregonian. ONLY $1000 from private party for 2 or 3 years at 1 per cent; security, cottagn and corner lot; east side, close In. J 67. oregonian. FOR GILT-EDGE 7 and 8. mortgage bonds In local concerns see Oregon In vestment & Mortgage Co., 222 Chamber of Commerce bldg. H AVE house In Rose City Park ; no in cumbrances; wish to borrow from pri vate party ji.uu ior tnree years at e",. A. .;, oregonian. $20,MtO W A NT ED at lO on 320 acres; highly developed farm near Portland; yrar mortgage. T 4'j. Oregonian. WILL pay lO-i on $4O0 for mortgage on $9000 home, gontan, or Main 5i75. : yearn, first L 29, Ore- $5mh WANTED at 10 on 160-acre In come farm near Port, and ; rents $00-0; 5 years. N 31. Oregon last. WANTED $18. OOd loan on Willamette valley farm. Phone East 1719, or write I. W. Krebs. 664 Williams ave. $1500 ON PORTLAND residence property; Income $. per monin. nerniao aioener, 1O20 Gasco bldg. Mam hmi. WILL pay Sn for $400 loan on good real I estate s c-urlty; no commission. Call I B roadway 244S. WANTED Loan of $0000 at 7 per cent on property worth $10,000. Phone Tabor 9373. $20Od, 7 PER CENT, 3 years, on new mod ern bungalow, Hawthorne district. Broad w ay 5040. WANT $soo. 2 years, 7 per rent, on 2 lots In Larurel hurst. Main ama. SEE OREGON INV. & MORTGAGE CO., 222 Cham, of Com., hourtn and stark WANT $70uO on west side business prop- ent y ; no com m i ss I o n . L 27. O rego n J a n. WANTED To borrow $S0O on propertv worth $10OQ at 7 per cent. Tabor 4927. $50-$00K) ON IMPROVED city or subur ban property; lowest rates. East 6329. $70O WANTED on five-room cottage, one year, h'; no agents. L ..-t, Oregonian. $140O NOTES, due OO days, good; will dis. 5'. BF ; ab&olutely Oregonian. $00 FOR one year at 10 per cent Interest; am pie SetUl llj. i-i.-i ' wirs'iiimii. WANTE D At once. $800 on house and lot paved street. Tabor 3b9. FINANCIAL Losnii TYsvoted. LOANS WANTED. $300, interest Sr. secured by residence lot MlHams avenue. $00, interest secured by 15 acres lend in cultivation. $30tK. Inter eat fcvo, secured by Pied mont home. $3200, interest 8. secured by 7-room house near laurelhurst. See Mr. Graham. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO., Bdwy. 3o43. 410 Henry Bldg. SSi FIRST MORTGAGE bonds of local packing plant, maturities 5 to 0 years st ' par and accrued interest; denominations $000 to $1000. For sale by Oregon In v. As Mortgage Co., 222 Chamber of Com merce bldg. NOTE BUYERS. $2000. $3000. $10,000. cohort-term, well-secured notes st at tractive rate of Interest. Mr. Reld, Gor don bldg.. 4th and Stark. A 32, Oreo nian. . $8500 5 YEARS AT 7. 23 acres and modern house, close in. near Lents, value of property about $20. 0H; gilt-edge loan. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EXCTT. WANTED S2000 LOAN. Cn v t side co; uer. Income $00 per month, vblue itiOoo NfclLAN . 1'ARKHTLT. 219 Lumherinens Bldg., Fifth and Stark. FIRST mortgages on improved Portland rai estate for sale, can and see our U.t. MORTGAGE GUARANTEE COMPANY. Title & Trust Bidg. WANT $400. $300 and $l00. 3 years at t per cent. Have $U0 contract pa -able $30 per month with 7 per cent in terest, to sell at discount. 324 Rall way Exchange. LOAN of $1500 from private party 011 bungalow; good security; no commis sion. Tabor 74G3. $1500 FOR 8 years wanted to build home; good security. S 75. Oregonlan. PrTROXAL. 100 CHIROPRACTIC SYSTEM. (Camouflage and adjuncts foreign to this principle only add time and Imme diate expense to later despair). Dr. McMahon. Macleay bldg., Port land, a chiropractor of experience, a past amateur, a 100 per cent chiropractic specialist, with highest testimonials from patients from eastern states, familiar with the best; also from western snd local patients ha ing unfortunately had less thai 100 per cent chiropractic else where, with, of course, corresponding dis appointment In delayed relief. Men and women are fully satisfied with my 100 per cent chiropractic philosophy, long experience and superior skill demonstrated In consultation, ex aminations; easy, careful adjustments. rales, and finally results. Eleventh year In this city. Chronic cases, one or two, taking time. o 1 ad ustments 'o. Patients lniDrovinx. but slowly, ex tended time. 31 adjustments, $15. I Acute cases. fever. lumbago. any 1 doubting Thomas, etc.. less time, less expense. Phone, call, wire, wrtte. Main Office. 4th and Wash. New Home. 647 East Salmon St. PREVENT DISEASE OF GUMS. Do jou know that tartar scales. Im perfect fitting crowns and bridges, over hanging miiugs, irritating gums, ail con tribute to pyorrhea, pus of gums, in flammation of gums, loosening of teeth and finally loss of teeth? I specialize In flrtt-clafes dentistry; X-ray examinations. DR. A. W. KhEXK. Majestic Theater Bldg., 301 H Wash. St. SPECIAL EDISON TERMS. We 1iave received a shipment of the new Edison Chippendale phonograph. which are exact duplicates of those Uted In Edison tone tests. These are priced nt $2i0 and we are making spe cial terms of $25 down, $lo monthly. over two years to pay while enjoying the new Edison. Hyatt Talking Jda--hine Co.. 3.o Alder. A.N" V READER of this paper suf faring from goitre (big neck) can get posit Ive in formation on how to cure it st home ithout the least trouble or discomfort. There is pleasant surprise In store for you if you win write. No charge what soever, -tea others ; it win uc.p us ail Address Dr. Rock, Box X-737. Milwau- kee. Wis. ' MRS. ROBT. F. LOCKE, professional nurse. 447 .Morgan oiug. lt-o-Net electric magnetic baths, electric treatments for rheumatism, neuritis, skin diseases, ner vousness, sleeplessness and all Impurities due to Improper elimination. Treatment rooms lor ladies, gentlemen and child ren. THE METROPOLITAN SYSTEM of treat ment will relieve ail dis-eaaes. snd Hoo of the worst cases can be permanently cured. Come and see. Consultation free. SOW-e Alisky bldg., 3d and Morrison. DIVINE HEALING. Wonderful results, drug less phvslclan. Dr. Joseph Smith. 200 AUsky bldg., 3d and Morrison sts. Main 40S. FEBVET & H ANE BUT. leading wig and loupe maKers; imesi sujck numan nalr goods, halrdresing. manicuring, face and scalp treatment, am Alder. Main 540 WILL lady who picked up the lady's wrist watch In back sea t of Pantages theater Thursday evening please call Main 3074? V w a rd . &EE OfcOK'ifci KUt..bl fciirv. veteran optician, eyes tested. g. asses fitted, broken lenses duplicated; no Inflated prtf-es. 226 Morrison st. $1 GETS borh fet fixed up at Dr. Eaton's the uninoruLMn 1 anu aki.h bclst., who doesn t hurt you; 9 yrs. here: exam, free. Globe bldg. .11th & Wash. Bd w. 2S24. AM DRIVING to San Francisco in Bulek ron dster a noii t Oct. I . require one con genial passenger; fare cheap; references rp( u ; red. nc 1 oregonia n. ETHEL ADAMS Treatments for dan druff and failing nair. manicuring. 4011 Broadway uiog.. cor. Morrison; his. II to 8. Sundays 12 to 3. NU RSE going to 'Frisco and Loa A ngeles Wed. will transact any Business or ac company patient. AE 19. Oregonian. NO CURE, no pay; falling hair, dandruff; hair grown on oiu iuhus; laaies or gents. 314 Macleay bldg. C. W. SHAW moved to ilJ Hoyt St., cor 2d; reaoings nany. circiej .vionaay ana Wednesday. 8 P. M. Main 4338. MASSAGE, baths, kidneys, constipation. rheumatism. ur. r,ma orensen, a rug less phys.. 503 Panama bldj. Main 3QSft T.Arv rnlrr east would take care of child or eldenv person or transact ousinesa for part expenses. Main 6O01. SULPHUR steam bath, xlolet ray; Improve vour pvstem. .-urn. noiiinn, tiaj. Main S309. 10 A. M. to 8 P. M. nit intTATR nurse treats lumbago, etc. Hours 2 to n or oy moiiiimrnu rnone Main HH. unices Ja-. 1 mrq st. tcit.P treatment. facial massage, el trlcal treatment. iirm u 1 o no. mas sage. Ethel Burke. 304 Dekum bldg PILFS can be permanently cured without operation. j . Morrison sL 1 ALL KINDS of chronic diseases treated successfully at oiu imriianan oug W as h 1 n gton st. between 4th and 5 1 h. VTT-O-NET MAGNETIC AND VIOLET RAY THKAl Jir,. i!?. o''L'i jiA.BA'ir, DAILY. 400 MORGAN BLDG. M. 7570 SUPERFLUOUS hair removed forever bv bldg-. rtttn ana v ubiuqh ir. Ttr von re tired and nervous, have aclentiTic oo "'"i" - son. 427 Morgan bldg. Main TOBACCO or nruff naDlt cured or no pay; SI lr cureu. mi, ou uerba Co.. V 3i4. Baltimore. Md. OPALINE. Mrs. Summers remedies for women. - ".u.n. Main 0470. IF YOUR feet are sore, see ir. p.tnei a. Sacrv, pedicuring ana manicuring, i-ppn evenings; tf00 Raleigh bidg Mar. W ANTED To bear from parlies who A r n gainst proniouioii r:iu sum AN 3H. Oregonian. WANTED To get In touch with someone who is moving nout-eno.o gooi 10 or near Caldwell, Idaho. C 73. Oregonian. SUPERFLUOUS hair, moles, warts removed by 1 0 needles memoo; inai 1 r"e. .1 osie Flnley. 514 Bush ft Lane bldg. Main 636ft. A-l MASSAGE for rheumatism, etc. 415 Buchanan omg. Jimn c.nv. LAWYER $35 cases not opposed. 62 S 8. LADY would like to meet party going to California oy auio. a .n oregonian. EXPERIENCED hair switch making. 675 E. o-d st. .n . 1 aoor 00 -j. DESN"T Tom, Dick or Marry pay you? S'oe v lereea. collections, ueaum bldg. PILES CAN BE CURED without operation. Free booKiet. u. hox j h.. I PERKINS National Herbs. 809 Morgan bldg. 1 none -Mam JUNICIDE will cure rheumatlem or money back. 4"H l.'fKum mog. I RUPTURE CAN BE CURED without an operation. r re oooki"i. f. . rtox 1 10a. A-l MASSAGE for rheumatism, etc, 415 Buchanan bidg. Aiain ..itt. EYES tested free; spectacles guaranteed Dr. Belding. 24.-vj Aider st. Main, iv.2. GoITRE. enlarged glands : cure yourself. A. R. Stracnan, route o. i-iinsnoro. or. FRIMEDA BALM, formerly c.illed Balm of Figs. 44 3:.d. sen J i : mornings. I WILL Melville Oddle. formerly of Uelo- I I Bine, r""" " " --- - LA DIES, try my depilatory. Also agent wanted. AO L Oiego&iaa. , "PERSON A I GET WELL. FREE. FREE. - FRFP1. Every day. from 10 A. M. to 5 P. M , snd evenings from 6 to 8, and Sundays from TO to 12. THOUSANDS OF SUFFERERS WHO HAVE FAILED to get relief In any other way are Invited to Investigate Chiropractic methods, which are permanently curing hurulreds eveiy day. THE BEST OF CHIROTRACTIC DIAGNOSTICIANS will thoroughly examine you. make a complete diagnosis of your case and di rect your treatments WITHOUT ANY COST TO YOU WHATEVER. CHIROPRACTIC is the safe. sane, sure and modern science of curing and preventing disease. CHIROPRACTIC will permanently Cure l0 pr c-nt of all diseases. CHIROPRACTIC removes the cause health returns. The above service Is all free to you at the college building and may be had in private if desired. PRIVATE TREATMENTS may also be had in college building by members of the faculty, by either lady or men prac titioners PACIFIC CHIROPRACTIC COLLEGE, Corner of Park aud YamhilL Tel Main lol4. HOSPITAL In connection with college. Will handle out-of-town, patients at a most reason able rate In order to show what Chiro practic can do. Ull. O. W. ELLIOTT. President. E 1 1 H E D Fl A N E W HEALTH BUILDER Ephreda ts a harmless herb ua.d i n treatment of ail kidney diseases, dropsy, stomach and inte&tinal disorders. Kphreda is a germicide and tonli. cleansing the stomach, liver. kldne s and Intestinal organs. Ephreda relieves gas snd acid condi tions of digestive organs, has mot won derful effects on rheumatla conditions, 16 days' treatment. $2. 50. EPHREDA CO.. 202 ALISKY BLDG. MM E. PATTENAUDE, school of cosmetics, scientific treatment of skin and ecal p. marcel Ing, nalrdresslng and manJcuirin taugat by efficient teachers: day and Bight classes. Have several positions waiting for finished operators. SludenL may enroll at the BKN'SOX IMPROVEMENT SHOP, Mezzanine Floor, Benson Hotel. CANCER. Those suffering from cancer wishing to receive free Information regarding the cure of same In Ho weeks without a eurglral operation will call at 180 Russell st. this next week only. DR. H. L. CHANDLER, CHIROPRACTOR. Graduate of the Palmer School of Chiropractic. Acute and Chronic Diseases. If ouse and Emergency Calls 47 Morgan Bldg., Wash, and Bdwy. MARSHALL 3164. ATTENTION, LADIES. Buckram net and wire hat frame: s large assortment to choose from; c ean ing. blocking of ladies' and gents ha;s of all kinds. La France Hatters. 372 s Morrison, bet. Park and West Park SCALP treatment, shampooing, massaging and manicuring. Beautiful lln of hair switches at remarkably low prices. La dles' and gents' work done. Ssti l.. k. Morrison, suite 311. Sunday, 10:30 10 3:00 P. M. MME. CORA TALK BETLL, chiropodist, podiatrist, many years' experience in Chicago. 506-0O7 Swetiand bldg., Fiftti and Washington, Portland, Or. Phone Main H 10. RHEUMATISM and stomach troubles vleld to Lang's Mineral Wonder when ail" else fails. A pure mineral, not a drug Pack age $ 1. Recommended by thousand Portland Dist. Co., 314 Stark. Portland WANTED Every woman to know the vuiue of Princess powders and creams. R. moves tan and summer freckles. LVhuty brx. three months' supply, special $2 26. 515 Dekum bldg. THE METROPOLITAN SYSTEM of treat-11- ent wili relieve all diseases, and in- of the worst cases can be permanently cured. Come and see. Consultation .'ree SdN-tt AUsky bldg., 3d and Morrison. ALL tne latest remedies sold at the Clem enson Drug Co.. 2Q Morrison St.. St. Charles hotel corner. At this drugstore you aet lust what you call for. , We ha vi no subntltutea TAKA R A ANTISEPTIC POWDER Is a cleansing, healing germicide aud Invig orating douche, a great aid in leucor rhoea and female disorders: 5o and $1 per box. Portland Hotel Pharmacy. LEARN beauty culture, night school, T to o'clock : 5 expert special teachers; woik day tllne. learn good a trace evenings. Sanitary Beauty Parlors. Marshall 1702. INDEPENDENT Bible Spiritualist Church society ' teaches spiritualism, all about vour spirit friends. Meetings Sunday, Thursday. 8 P. M. 44t E. 12th t comer E Sherman. Sellwood car. GRADUATE NURSE gives body massage. steam baths, vibratory and electric ma sae, 2d floor Swetiand bldg,, room 213. Main 1765. Open evenings till 9 o'clock. Phone for evening appointments. THE METROPOLITAN SYSTEM of treat ment w:li relieve aJl diseases, and (' of the worst caBes can be permanently cured. Come and see. Consultation free. 3fcS-0 Alisky bid., 3d and Morrison. WRITE song, poem; hve, mother, horns comic, any subject. I compote music; guarantee publication. Send words trdav. hid w. Trent, 792 Reaper Block. Chlca.o. SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposals Invited. IN THE superior court of the state of WaFhingtoii, in aud lor the county or Clarke. H. F. Hayes, Walter Christ Ian son. Wal lace Mcintosh. F. N. Morgan, Kay Ward, C. W. Holmes. W. Topping, Fred I. Norton, F. O. Maasle, 11 11 rry Frcy and C. Simon, plaintiffs. .No. 7976. vs. Frigid Engineering Corporation, a. cor poration, et itlli. def ndants. NOTICE OF SALE. Pursuant to order of the above enti tled court, notice is hereby given that the undersigned reeeUers of the Frigid Engineering Corporation, a corporation, will, on the th day of October. 1920. sell to the highest bidder for cash oil the tangible assets of the eald Frigid En gineering Corporation, whether as do scribed In plaintiff's complaint or In inventories filed, and Irrespective of their nature or location. Such sa le will be privately made upon sealed bids, which, will be accepted up to 12 noon of said day; bidders must accompany bids with certified check payable to receivers t the extent of 5 of sum bid, tho same t4 be forfeited for failure to comply there with. Such sale will be made subject to .confirmation by tho court and re ceivers reserve right to reject any and all bids. Success! ul bidder shall accept said assets subject to the rights of Port, hind Machinery company of Portland, Oregon, under their four conditional sal a agreements BU130, BU363. B1I643, B1195, upon which there Is an approx imate balance of $09oo due; also sub ject to the rights o( Vancouver Na tional bank of Vancouver, Washington, under trust deed recorded In Book 134 at page 537. securing promissory note for $12,000. dated January 31, I92i, and two similar notes dated August 9. M2K f -r $ 1 000 and $:,.OUO. all bca ring Intervst at the rate of H per cent per annum; also subject to the rights of Lloyd Dubois under bill of sale recorded hi Book F of Bills of Sale at page ."::;. peiuring four promissory notes d: td May 7. 12 and 29 and June IO. 192U. for $40011. $200O. $2000 and $30o respectively, arid accrued interest at 8 per -ent .r an num; also subject to rights of Van couver Lumber company under Its me chanics lien for $407.21 ; alo subject to taxes due the state of Washington. Above references to instruments are to records of Clarke county. Washington. Inventories on file In the above entitled matter. Bids aforesaid may be left with M'.-Master. Hall &. Schaefer. Vancouver, Wash., attorneys for receiveres, or ad dress direct ly to the recei its at 1 2t6 West 13th St., Vancouver. Washington, with proper notation on envelope. Ref erence is hereby made to aforesaid In ventories on file with the clerk of SJiid court and in the office of said r clivers. JOS. P. MAHfHAU D. F. CRANDALL. Receivers Aforesaid. Dntel September la. 19JQ. NOTICE OF SALE OF IRRIGATION DISTRICT BONDS. Notice Is hereby given that sealed pro posals will be received until the 20 th di.v of Septembtr. A. D.. 1920. at the hour of 2 o'clock In the afternoon, for tlis purchase of Two Hundred Thousand Dol la. s $200,000.00,1 worth of bonds of the Langell Valiey Irrigation district of Klamath county. Oregon. Safti bonds to draw Interest at the rate of six per cent per annum, pa y able semi-annually upon the first day of July and the first day of January of each year uutll the ma turltv of said bonds. Said proposals will be received by the board of directors of satd irrigation dis trict and should be directed to the sec retary of the Iingell Valley Irrig.ion district, care of Ferguson. Fletcher A Mifflin. No. 16. Loomia building, Klam ath Falls. Or. The board of directors reserve the right to reject any or all bids ofered. A. L. WISH A RD, Secretary of the board of directors of Langell Valley Irrigation district. M Keel laneoits. TH E RESTAURANT at 3S0 N. 27 ..h hB this day been sold; present bills withta five dav to Brown & Diddle. 324 RY. EXCH. BLDG., Dated SepL 18,