THE SUNDAY OltEGOXIAX, PORTLAND. SEPTEMBER 19, 1920 K REAL ESTATE. LOOK AT THI9. NEW IRVINOTO.V BUNGALOW. IDEALLY SITUATED IN THE HEART OK IKVINGTON. Is this rxquialte little home: 5-room TYP ICAL CALIFORNIA BUNGALOW - BKAUTY; rooms are spacious and well arranged: a liveable living room with CHEERY FIREPLACE AND ART BOOKCASES: FRENCH DOORS LEAD TO ATTRACTIVE DIN1NO-KOOM WITH MASSIVE IIUKKET: THKRK S THE SUNNI EST BREAKFAST NOOK adjoin ing a model white Dutch kitchen; TAPESTRY WALL. PAPER. BEAUTIFUL INTERIOR FINISH; dainty light fixtures: HARDWOOD FLKS: '2 exceptionally large, airy bedrooms with roomy closets; cen tral hall lined with linen closets; cement basement with laundry trays; IT'S VACANT: IMMEDI ATE POSSESSION: price 7000 with easy terms; facing east on 12th, Just Till feet south of Siski you: a REPRESENTATIVE OP OWNER AND BUILDER WILL BE AT THE HOUSE ON SUNDAY today) to show same, from 10 A. M. to 12. and from 2 P. M. to 5. There are also two similar bunga lows prlred at SftloOO and SH850 each. THESE LITTLE BUNGA LOW'S ARE WONDERS. IT'S ADVISABLE TO SEE THEM EARLY. SUCH SNAPS DON'T LAST. Compare them with $soo homes and YOU'LL SEE THE VALUE. SEE THEM TODAY! HOUSE BARGAINS. 6-room house n-ar Columbia park and Lombard St. 92750. part. time. 6- room, sleeping porch, Holladay add.; very convenience: $500, terms. 7- room house, Hawthorne district, cor. East 2fith; $."i500; easy terms. -room strictly modern white enamel, oak floors, garage, corner on Clinton St.; nice district; t'."00, terms. 8- room. cor. lot. garage, near Haw thorne and E. 15th; Jtsnno. snap. 7-room house. Irvlngton. strictly modern, every convenience; large lot. ga rage: $400. F. W. TORGLER, 106 Sherlock Blrtg. THIS IS GIVING IT AWAY. House in Hawthorne, Richmond dis trict. House has first-class furnace, full cement basement, trays, fireplace, elec tric fixtures, built-lns of every kind, well painted and deoerated Inside and out. kept up as it should he. streets, sewer and sidewalks paid. New cement garage and runways. Lot DOxloO. House would cost you S7500 to build; garage cost :io0; streets, etc., $7O0; lot. $1000, making in all $9500. Whole price for this beautiful I dace Is $5500. any terms you like. This s a great snap. BRUCE GODDARD, B01-2 Couch Bldg. FINE home with one acre, Cleveland sta tion, Oregon City line. A bargain at teooo. 7-room house. 100x100 lot, Dwlght St., near Columbia Park; 3200, $00 cash. 2-flat building, each 5 rooms. bHth, furnace, fireplace: Salmon St.. near East 14th st.; Income $11)0 per month; $7250, a bargain. 6-room cottage, acres, hot and cold water, near station and city limits; price (2750, part cash. I. G. DAVIDSON. 81!) Chamber of Commerce. 8000 HOMES MISSING! TV PORTLAND! JUST THINK! BUT COME TO OUR GREAT DIS PLAY ROOM and see over looo PHOTOGRAPHS OF HOMES FOR SALE. PRICKS THAT WONT MAKE YOUR PURSE LIGHT! See FRANK L. McGUIRE. TO BUY YOUR HOME. ABINGTON BLDG. MAIN 106S. $8750 BEAUTIFUL I R VI NOTON -750, ' VirivT IV VIN'EST CONDITION. Seven rooms, strictly modern, full ce ment basement, launury irajn. iu; fireplace, bullt-lns. fine hardwood floors, 4..., n,.uiu nuinioil Kilver array, deco- -.. . .... iniMn white enamel finish In kitchen, bedroom and bath. papered with beautiful paper; lot 50x100; If you . ..nn..rhin.r nice fuke a look at this: torm.. Sunday. Marshall 5i3; week davs. Main 71IB7. Marlels or Williams, 820 Chamber of Commerce bldg. " DANDY FOUR-ROOM BUNGALOW .. puivinn lr.t iRriiH Harden space, very l. rire iraraae. with S-lnch cement floor and drain, large living and dining room, r.uloh kitchen, screened-in back porch with large cooler and laundry trays, ce ment basement with fruit closet, large and . dandv bath with Al I fixtures. A dandy lawn, small apple 1 tree, and lots of berries. $200 on time. or will sacrifice for cash lr sold u week. 67 E. 73d N. Tabor 4077. n.-,iin HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW r5500 RV.V. THIS TODAY. Six rooms and sleeping porch, first floor, one bedroom upstairs, fine base ment, furnace, laundry trays, fireplace, all kinds of bullt-lns. fine garage; all r.ntil- this Is really a won derful buy. as house cannot be built fori the price asked; liberal terms. Sunday, in ..-.I. -I I Ml..- weekdavs. Main 7V)OI. Marlels or williams. 820 Chamber of Commerce bldg. " 12375 VACANT V ACA NT 2 375. AND OLD-TIME HOME AT AN ni n-TlMR PHU'E. 7-room double constructed, plastered house, small basement, good plumbing, electric lights, gas. ground DSxlOO, sev- 1 fPit irali nd all kinds of berries. Can be bought on very easy tern and 4- - hBhi .Ktindav. Marshall out!; week days. Main 71)07. Marlels or Will- lams. 820 Chamber of Commerce bldg. THB CREAM PUFF BUNGALOW of the whole town, barring none; It makes your mouth water to look at It; Laurelhurst, near lake, park and club. Choicest and most desirable property In the city, with verv nosslble Interior and exterior fea ture Don't answer unless you mean 1 ,.inB Price la right for direct deal. J. H. KEATING. Bd. of Trade. Main I HOMESI HOMES! HOMES! 1000 HOMES FOR SALE. LARGEST HOME SELLERS ON THE PACIFIC COAST See FRANK L. McGUlM To Buy Your Home. Ablngton Bldg. Main 1058. unsE CITY DISTRICT. uttiA hnnnlow. 4 nice rooms. dutch kitchen, full basement, a little I home you'd be proud of. It's modern I . . Better see It today. It won't last long. Price 13150; 5oo down. easv. Phone Tabor Hi, m- quire 688 E. 75th St. N. tUOOO EASY TERMS. WHY PAY RENT? Lot 60x100, with 6-room house, sleep ing Bftrrh. hardwood floors, with all 1 modern conveniences. 10 Thurman, near -UhWAKEFIELD, FRIES A CO. 85 4th Street. IRVINGTON CHOICE HOME, finest of finish and workmanship, large living I firAnlarc. one-inch oak floors. model kitchen, breakfast nook, enamel fnh art rtaner. concrete porch, garage. Listed exclusively with T. B. Neu- hausen Co.. 830 N. W. Bank bldg. U ROOMS 9 XTodern. sleeDinic porch, attic, base- 1 want fnrnMPP. nrenlace. two toilets. bath.' fruit, roses, paved street, block to I uaw,hnrn rr at K. 22d. Walking dis tance. Bargain. Deal with owner. East 4T23. - BilSR PITT PARK. t rrtatr lU.itnrv colonial bungalow. K ini-e- rooms: real sleeping porch; oak 1 i mnin rooms: flreitace: bullt-lns; r.ew furnace; below the hill, on paved sts. I Price $5u00. SIOUU casn. oai.,ou. Call Tabor 1606. PRICE $030. 8-room celled cottage, city water, gas. fruit trees; lot wm.. v uuuatut triCt . .T X OEDER. A Grand Ave. N., Near E. Ankeny. ONE 5-room cottage, 1 block from Will- lams ave, zuou. it. One tt-room nouse ou raw $2600. SEE MNEHAKT, 603 Gaaco. Main 4564. BARGAIN. BARGAIN $4250, terms; near i ,. iinox- 5 moms, cement casement. tubs, no furnace; lot.i of fruit and ber ries. 1068 B. Main st., phone Main HoTf to see same. mvivriTnx ELEGANT HOME, near club; center hall, large living room, French doors, ivory finish, garage; $10,500. T. B. Neuhausen Co., 830 bldg. W. Bank a eipnipirv. hv Auner. XL acre and modern 6-room house; window shades,! screens, electric fixtures. gas range. I $5500. TERMS. Phone for appointment. Oak Grove 1 W. BEST BARGAIN IN CITY. Knn- 11000 cash: 11-room house on I Sixth st.. walking distance. Call Main I 4253. Mrs. Ry a n 11100 S50 CASH, balance $10 per month, buys 3-room house near car line, west side. Lee-Robertson Co., 413 Corbettl bldg. P u Durban Homes. OWNER NEEDS MONEY 1 Must sell li-acre with 5-room house.) west side. Priced for quick sate, $3250:1 $750 cash, batr terms. L, J. Lamb, ,413 1 t omen Ding. MCE suburban home, 8 a ere a lovely hade, running stream. Owner wants to sell at low price. Smith, 165 4th st. Room Si REAL ESTATE. Suburban HomM. HAVE YOU BEEN RIVER VILLA ACRES, the new suburban homesites located at Courtney, close to the station and car line, part of it fronting on the paved highway and part of it on the river frontage and the other part of it the richest garden land to be found? Do you know that this new tract of large homesites is being offered at & wonder ful sacrifice in tracts designated as half acres and larger? River Villa Acres Is the name of the subdivision and all you have to do la to go and look, at It or come to the office and we will show you the property. "You can find It yourself by looking for the big signs on the paved highway of River Villa Acres. $600 will buy a large homeslte, and this is less than half the price you can buy property on either side or across the street from it. One-quarter cash, the balance in easy payments. M. J. CLOHESY, AB1NGTON BUILDING. t0 TOTT WANT THIS RIVER-FRONT HOME FOR $-M0? On the west side, on the red carllne and right at the sta tion. The bung-alow alone no person can replace today for less than $7o00 and it may cost SS500. There are 8 rooms, large and roomy, laid out with modern taste. The bungalow Itself In Its construction Is very substantial and up to date, full cement basement, fur nace, electric lights, gas and city water. The front porch, facing the river. Is a charm alone. Every room plastered and , newly tinted: In fact, no up-to-date per son could make a single complaint In connection with the house. The river frontage In front of the bungalow la positively the best to be found on either the west side or the east side. Deep water right to the bank, good bathing spot; sand beach. Now with the bunga low you get this: one big acre of land, sll In garden, an abundance of fruit in full bearing of the best varieties, shrub bery, etc. If this one acre of land In this location Is worth $1 It is cheap at $.O00. AM right, here Is a conservative value of $13.M0. Take It all. every thing, bungalow, land and river front age for $floflfl. The owner Is a non-resident and orders It sold right away for this price. It Is ready to move into the moment you put- down your deposit. $20O0 cash will bundle it. M. J. CLO HESSY. ABIXGTON BUILDING. ONLY $.Voo On the Oregon City ear line, in th close-In high-class Lakewood suburban home district, just a station beyond Mllwaukie. Hf re Is all the land you want, with fine big "orchard in futl bearing with all varieties nf fruit, nice garden, native trees in profusion. "With the land you get also a most modern 7-room bungalow, up to date to the last word; full cement basement, fine fur nace, fireplace, every room plastered And newly tinted; all of the plumbing Is of the most expensive. No convenience In a high-class district In the citv but what this contains, city water, gas, elec- ) trie lights In the house and yard. It lsi on the car line and right at the station. You drive to It over the paved highway. You cannot build the house alone for a less figure than $7000. Everything goes for $nnoo. Half cash will handle It. This house Is ready to move Into the same day you buy it. M. J. CLOHESSY, ABINGTON BLDG. ONLY $7,-00 for 10 hig acres of land In the center of the high-class Multno mah district, on the west side and close to car line and station, close to city school. It is all In beautiful grove, mak ing It possible for you to retain such fine trees as you wish before destruc tion. One-half of the place can be readily sold for the price you pay for all of It. It is a stroke of good busi ness policy to buy this plac. No view on the west side In the Multnomah dis trict compares with It. All of It lies on the main highway. You could not se lect a more beautiful spot, nor one In which you could take so much pleasure In living there as this place affords. The terms of payment we will make as low as x.inu cash ana give you ail the time you desire on the balance. M. J. CLOHESSY, ABINGTON BUILDING. ONLY kfl.fOO. IN THE HIGH-CLASS MULTNOMAH dintrlct. on the west side, out the Capital highway, in the imme diate vicinity or this place, ana there 1ms been more development In the wsy of building fine residences of the bunga low type than any other section around 1'ortiana. Here are three big excep tionally attractive acres of land so high ly improved as to cause comment from passersby. Every Inch of these acres is improved to the height of perfection All of It lies along and fronts on the highway. It is close enough to the car line and station, only a short distance to city school. The view from every part of this land Is charming and every Kinn or rruit wnirn .grows in Oregon small or large, can be found on thli place In full hearing. There Is an un pretentious. Inexpensive fi-room bunga low, surrounded by shrubbery and flowers of even' description. There Is big barn and chicken house. You can have all of the city conveniences, in eluding city water, on this place. It certainly Is a pretty place to live and the owner is leaving The state and is In the frame of mind to sell It at the ear liest possible moment. A greater bargain in the purchase or this place may await you If you will only act quickly. "We have no authority to say so, but we surmise something like that. Good terms will be given In any. event on the purcnase price. M. j. CLOHESSY. AB ONLY $4100. and this Is some beau tlful. up-to-date, modern to the last word, very attractive 5-room bungalow on the west side, on the Oregon Electric carllne rignt at Kyan Place station, 17 minutes ride from the business cen ter, commanding a view unequaled. This bungalow contains all of the city con venlences, nothing they have In the up-to-date residence districts that this bungalow is without. City water, gas. electricity, two city schools not more than o blocks away In either direction The bungalow has f Ireolace. cement basement, nice lawn and shrubbery, fine garden, an Kinns or fruit In bearing. close to capital highway, in a nice dis trict, with all good and new Imurove ments. No prettier place to live could ne aesiren. x or a small family thl close-in suburban home fills the bill to the letter. $1000 cash Is all you need to transact business. Easy terms given on me naiance. jvi. j. CLUWlfioai, AB ONLY $3750 BUYS THIS one big acre, on the Base Line road, the naved high way to the Columbia highway; only 30 minuxes- arive rrom tne business cen- 1 ter; with this one big acre of land ! highly Improved, fronting on the paved highway, you get a brand new bunga low. 4-room plastered and tinted, city water, bath, toilet, gas, etc.. in the bungalow, a full cement basement, fire place, garage, chicken house, all va rieties of fruit. This Is some cute new home with lots of land and all of the city conveniences and only 3 blocks from electric car line and station. About half cash will handle It. M. J. CLO HESSY. ABINGTON BUILDING. ONLY $4500 BUYS AND PAYS In full for this, a river-front home on the river front at Mllwaukie. close to Oregon City carllne and station. Here Is a brand new. modern, up-to-date, very attract ive 5-room bungalow which has all of the city conveniences, with lots of land for garden purposes. The bungalow has a cement basement, fireplace, large liv ing room, 2 good-sized bedrooms with an Immense big front porch facing the river. The locality Is where you want It, with the best car service running in and out of Portland. This Is a de lightful river front home and It should please any person desiring a new, mod . ern bungalow with lots of land, and the price slow and within the reach of any person wishing such a home. To see is to buy It on the spot. It will require $3000 cash as the first payment. M. J. CLOHESSY, ABINGTON BLDG. WHAT'S THE MATTER WITH THIS rrt -u.)ut a. new bungalow, very at tractive, 5 rooms, all on concrete foun dation, with basement, city water In the bungalow, bath, toilet, all of the plumbing in. Its location is on Capitol Hill, with a view of city, mountains and valley, close to carllne and RtAtlnn rin enough to a city school and near the boulevard. All you need in casti to pay down Is $450, the balance may be paid v per morn n. m. j. UljOilESSY, ABINGTON BUILDING. ON NEWBERG HIGHWAY. 6 acres, half mils from Red Electric station, all under cultivation, best of soil, fine orchard of apples, prunes, grapes, cherries; 1 acre blackberries: 3 room house, electric lights, barn, chicken house, machinery and tools; price $6500, $4500 cash. John Ferguson, Gerlinger 'US- SUBURBAN HOME. Just completed, full basement, com plete water and plumbing system, wash trays, gas. electricity, furnace, com pletely furnished, even curtains and shades, $8500, half cash. Don't miss this. Will Thompson, phone Oak Grove IDEAL SUBURBAN HOME. Two acres, new 5-room bungalow, all nuilt-lns. fireplace, gas. all kinds of fruit, garage. wood house. 2 chicken houses, 50 chickens ; 2 paved roads to fortlana, mile iiuDer station; $3800, terms. Aoaress nox i txt, .Beaverton, Or. or phone Broadway 3052. OSWEGO LAKE HOMESITE ONLY $50O. Magnificent view overlooking Oswego lake, mapie ana aogwooa; water, lights, rock roaa. see owner, ouu concord bldg. x ana siarK. FOR SALE One acre, 5-room house, out room 10x12. garage 12x20. chicken hous 12x42, woodshed 12x16, all kinds of fruit; $2700. $4H cash. $15 month on balance 4330 lata U fi. HEAL ESTATE. Suburban Homn, OREGON CITY CAR LINE. Good 7-room, plastered bungalow, Basemen tN garage, good outbuild-nga. Three large lots, improved street. Fine location, near car. Only $3500. Strictly modern- 5-room bungalow, Choice i acre, plenty bearing fruit. Lovely grove, near station and river. Ideal country home. Only $4COO. Highly Improved five-acre home. One-third mile from station. Good soli. Good 6-room house, abundant fruit. Good outbuildings. $4250, terms. Choice 2 14 -ace tract, fine soil. One block to station. Only $2750. Four-acre tract will divide. Close to station; $650 per .acre. 1H acre home, facing on car line. Good buildings, plenty fruit and crop. Fine location, running water on place. Lights and gas, good well. $3500, Highly Improved 34 acre home. Strictly modern, six-room bungalow. Built-lns. hardwood floors, very neat, flonrl nut htitlrilrifFN n hiin1nt fruit. Bungalow would cost $5000. Only $6000. Phone 113-w BTTBIIRBAN HOME BEAUTIFUL. Here is one of the most attractive homes a heart could desire, built for a home, hut o w l n sr to business pressure twner must leave state; situated Just off Powell Valley road, about 9 miles from courthouse, the house Is well planned and very attractive; living room 18x30, fire place two very light airy bedrooms, kitchen. built-lns, fruit cellar, hot and cold water, splendid bathroom, Al niumblnsr. or vate water system, eiee trlclty and beautiful electric fixtures. If you are looking for classy suburban hr me. let us show you this place. Pries $4000. R. H. CONFRET, RITTER, LOWE A CO.. 201-3-6-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 5-ACRE COUNTRY HOME. MODERN 7-ROOM BUNGALOW. For $0W we believe this Is the best buy in Multnomah county. A handsome bungalow or 7 rooms ana steeping porcn. fireplace, all bullt-lns, lovely large kitch en, full basement, hot water heating system that, would cost $14O0 to Install, barn, chicken houses and chicken run: 5 full acres, 4 In cultivation, balance In pasture and fine grove of trees. Water pumped to house from spring by gas en gine. This place is easily worth $0000. Owner will sell for $HH"0 and asks only $lrOn cash, balance -long time. This will make a fine chicken ranch. Call us at once. Open Sunday. . COMTB & KOHLMAN. 2n8 rhamher of Commerce. Main 6S50. NICE SUBURBAN HOME. S acres, half mile from station, on graveled road, near Capitol highway. 10 miles from center of city: 4 acres under cultivation, 1 acre standing timber. 72 fruit trees bearing, lots of berries. 5 room bungalow with beat of plumbing, water-pressure system, septic tank, gas oline engine, fine chicken house, brooder house, fruit house. Place in fine condi tion and best of soil. Price $3700. large cash payment. Might consider well-located Portland home of 5 rooms. Person ally inspected. Photos at office. John Ferguson, Ger linger bldg. FIVE (5) ACRES On East 88th st.. east of Mt. Tabor, & acres of choice land, un der cultivation and fenced, with water main through center of tract. Ground Is rich, truck gar den in this year. Come In and let us tell you about this. Price $7000. WAKEFIELD, FRIES CO.. Broadway 2080. 80 Fourth St. MODERN HOME WITH PLUMBING. 4 acres, all under cultivation, 28 cherry trees, o prunes. 7 pears, 1 1 apples. quinces, grapes, 700 loganberries. 2000 strawberries and lots of garden: 8-room modern house with best cf while-enameled plumbing, good outbuildings, 200 chickens, Jersey cow, heifer calf. Incu bators and all crops. Located between Newberg and McMinnvIlle on fine road. right in small town, near the Willamette river. Price $454)0, $2000 cash, or con sider small buniralow up to $3000 Portland. Inspected by Brooks. Photo at office. John Ferguson. Gerlinger blag. FINE RESIDENCE AND 2 ACRES. A charming country home, H mile from electric station on hard-surfaced road between Oregon City and Port land; modern residence of 6 large rooms and sleeping porch, - living room JBx'jj. fireplace, bullt-lns. run cement baj ment, furnace, private water system. chicken houses, fruit, grapes and ber ries. A lovely suburban .home sold at cost; price $950(1, terms $3500 down. balance 6 per cent mortgage. LUEDDEM AN COMPANY. 013 Chamber of Commerce. OAK GROVE. Delightful 7-room modern bungalow j on irus -acre place. Large living room. dining room, kitchen and den on first floor wtih big screened back porch, lav atory adjunlngv 3 bedrooms and bath upstairs, fud cement basement, abun dance of fruit, 2 chicken houses, water I piped to runs and for Irrigation, on hard- surface, one block to car. This will measure up to your Ideal of a suburban home. Price 7200. FREDERIC C. PRATT, Broadway 1658. 210 Oregon bldg. A RETIRED man's suburban home, one j aero ground with fruit and garden; nice 6-roo.m bungalow with 2 sleeping I porcnes. property is in 41 conaition; beamed ceilings, built-in conveniences. Pretty fireplace, full cement basement, garage. Located at Gresham. Will sell for $3500, half cash, or will exchange for 5 or tt-room home in Portland If priced rig ht. See me on Tuesday. O. A. iPeurce. 815 Chamber of Commerce. Don't pnone. FINE SUBURBAN HOME. 4 acres. located on a rood macadam- 1 ized road, within 10 minutes' walk from All under cultivation and the finest kind of soli. Large bearing orchard. Good attractive 6-room house ; electric lights can be had. Price $3500, easy terms. Photos at office. Personally inspectea by Marsters, with John Per guson, Uerllnger bldg. FINE SUBURBAN HOME VERY REA SONABLE Two acres of good soil, all cleared, fruit trees, berries, chicken houses and yards, etc., 6-room modern house, all conveniences, not far from I Flrland station. Mount Scott car: $48l0: only $1700 down, balancs long time, or I will sell one acre separate. Call East I 8213. ACRES OF GROUND with large modern bungalow, beautifully situated on sight ly ground near Multnomah and Ryan stations on the Oregon Electric. One of the last large tracts left In this neigh borhood. An excellent speculation and a tine nome at the price. For-, navicu lars call on BEN RIKSLAND, 404 Piatt Diag., ij? r"arn st. ON OREGON CITY LINE. 4 acre, modern 6-room house, cement I basement, fireplace, (hardwood floors. sleeping porch, nice shade trees. TTTIs ! property is nicely located; good view and is a very attractive nome. Price marked I down to $6000.' GIBSON. 203 Stark. Marshall 1?. SUBURBAN BUNGALOW, ONLY $1200. Here's a dandy 3-room cottage with iouxmo, pipea water, lights, fenced. woodshed, 2 blocks t-o school. 85 min utes out on trig red electric; $200 down. tan you Dear it.' -ai duv uoocord bldg. wecon-a ana oiarK. ATTRACTIVE six-room modern bungalow I at japttoi iiii, close to station, school and highway, city water, fine plumb ing, den, fireplace, house is double con structed and in excellent condition, fine view; only $2650, on easy terms. Inquire! at station or pnone Marshall 1874. NICE COUNTRY HOME. Eight acres at Tualatin, in cultivation. small family orchard, new five-room bungalow, barn, chicken house; price TAGOART BROS., 1102 Spalding Bldg. PALATINE HILL. 8H acres In cultivation, abont 40 fruit trees In bearing, 3-room house,, small barn, chicken house, near Pacific high way, half mile to Rivera station, Os wego car line. Price $2800. TAGGART BROS.. 1102 Spalding Bldg. MULTNOMAH STATION $3000 $500 CASH. 6 rooms, sleeping porch, sere, ga rage, electric lights, basement, barn. Call E. D. Schomacker. Main 1038 or Main 440H. CAPITOL HIGHWAY, near Multnomah. choice V acre of ground with 132 feet frontage on the blvd.; 8-room house. A wonderful place for a home. Price $2000. Full particulars at 404 Piatt bldg., 127 jark st. FURNISHED bungalow, 4 rooms and sleep ing porch, modern, on S. P. Red electric line, 2 blocks from station. Will sacrifice If sold this week; for $2250. See Atchison, u-t neury utug. ACRE at Garden Home. Or.. 5 blocks de pot, 6-room semi-bungalow; gas, water, i fruit, garden, barn. aU outbuildings. good school and streets. Come and seo owner. w. b. unerton. NATURAL park of 80 acres, two creeks and springs, electric station on grounds; one of the most beautiful homesites In the vicinity of Portland. B 940, Ore- gonlan. ' : GARDEN HOME. 4-room house, 1 acre all In garden. I berries, near car and good school. Call! E. D. Schomacker. Main 1038, or Sun-1 a ay sveoing Aiain tvo. u REAL ESTATE. Suburban Homes. $2200 ALOHA STATION, Z acres. A - 4-room house, newly painted; large barn, chicken house, 14 full bearing fruit trees; very toodsoil; plenty of good water with pump at door. Only $700 cash, balance $20 per month. 2000 BEAVERTON DISTRICT Five acres. 2 acres In full bearing or chard, berries. 3-room house, small barn ; several nice shade trees stand In the yard. Cash $1000, balance easy terms. Seven min utes to station. Ground worth $200 without buildings. $4200 BUCKLEY AVE. $4200. Two acres In a fine state of -cultivation 6-room, 2-atory brick house ; full cement basement, gas, electricity, garage, chicken house; 600 raspberry and 1S00 strawberry plants; 4 minutes walk to station on a fine st. and road; cash $1000, bal. like rent; selling on account of old age. HIGH-CLASS SUBURBAN HOME. 14600. Beaverton; almost 3 acres.. 8-room house, very attractive; bath with best of white enamel plumbing; good location; on fine macadam road; cash $1200; bal. terms. A. BEAUTIFULLY LOCATED COUNTRY HOME. $T.O0 10 acres, near Huber station, 80 minutes' drive to Portland; 4-room bur.galow. new and very neat; large red slOlng boarded barn ; garage, chicken house, family orchard; 1000 strawberry and 000 raspberry plants. .This Is an Meal spot on a newly built road, between the Oregon Electric and S. P. Cash $1000, Lai- terms SPLENDID VALUE. Do you want a suburban home? "W have some of the best to. select from. Se us. " M. E. DeJOICE COMPANY. 222 Henry Bldg. Broadway 1631. A REAL COUNTRY HOME. Ten miles from courthouse on paved Ttighway. 2 blocks from electric station. 5 1. acres h ighly improved ; one acre in heavy Dearing joganoerries, 1 w raspberries, 250 fruit trees, lots of small - fruit. 8-room new modern home, gas, phone and running city water piped all thi ough house, garden, lawn and barn. Two-car garage built to match house. 'Thii la a. real home for some one. Lo ganberry crop alone nets big return. Price $10 000. Terms. Walsh, owner, at Aloha stKtlon. on Hillsboro highway, or phone number Beaverton $50,000 SUBURBAN HOME FOR $25,000. This Is one or the choice places inou tary to Portland. Only a few minutes to lh huslness section of the city, with everv citv convenience and a wonderful hot water heated 7-room bungalow. This Is a nicture soot with full bearing do mestic orchard, creek on place and won darful native arove. If you want tn best there is In a high-class suburban home at half actual investment, avail yourself of an opportunity to Inspect this 1 a 7 1 V,lh. Limine at uii;e. . j. oui iu, weptem bank. , HIGH-CLA-SS MODERN HOME. ON RIVER ROAD. Consisting of 4 lots. 8-room thoroughly modern bunsralow. west front with unsur passed view or Willamette river; nara wood floors, splendid fireplace, gas, elec tricity, city water, large bathroom, best of plumbing, furnace, fruit trees and garden. A place of beauty and the best ot nome environments, rnce iu,ivu. R. H. CONFRET. 'RITTER. LOWE A CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. OREGON CITY CAR LINE. 1 acre with good 4-room plastered house, gas. electric light, garage and chicken houses. $3130. 1 acre. 5-rooin bungalow, f Ireolace. garage, bath. gas. electric light. $4200. zfc acres in n ik n in.iu ot cuitn nuun , 7-room house, modern or you may have Dart of the land with the house. 13700. .Having resiaea in tnis locality years am able to snow you many otner Deauti ful homes. Mrs. F. M. Youngs, Risley station. THREE -acre tracts, all In bearing, fruit and Jtarden: a. acre berries. V acre corn (over 10 ft. high). 09 fruit trees, all varieties; 7-room house equlojped with modern nlumbins;. city gas and phone; air-pressure water sys tem and sewer: dandy garage, barn. chicken park. 40 chickens. Jersey cow and pigs; good road, only t mile from city limits. All goes for $6500. Terms. Business compels owner to sen. A. Jrt. tu.. 426 Lumbermens Bldg.. 5th and Stark. NEARLY 14 acres on Canyon road, 10 miles from courthouse, all under cultl vation; near Beaverton; best of soil; 40 fruit trees, lots of berries, 6-room house. large barn, chicken house tor 01 hi cntcK ens; good rocked road; with the place goes 3 cows, team, set of harness, 40 chickens, complete line of machinery, 20 tons hay and potato crop. Offered it a real bargain. uniy x miie irom 1 elec trio- station. Inspected by Brooks, with John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. 10-ACRE PLACE NEAR SALEM. 7-room house and bath In good condi tion, air pressure- water system, 5 A. in orchard, assorted trees, good barn 24x30, chicken nouse, garage, z good wens. equipped with farm Implements and new Bceman tractor, with all necessary at tachments, $11.000 5V00 cash. R. H. UUNFKlSi, RITTER. LOWE & CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bljg. SUBURBAN HOME BARGAIN. V -acre on Johnson creek at Stanley station, on Gresham car line; just out side city limits; hard surface road; mod ern house. 0 rooms; 2 sleeping porches; bath. 2 toilets; also 4-room house rents Jtl2 month; Bull Run water, gas, electric ity, telephone. Must sell. Owner gone to Alberta. Sacrifice price $6200, half cash. Phone Eellwood 476 or 1714. HILLSDALE BARGAIN. One acre, 6-room house, porch, base ment, city water, gas. electricity, tele phone, bath, toilet, double garage, ce ment walks, some fruit trees, barn, chicken houses, near city limits on west side highway; price $4000, one-half cash. rest 6 per cent. Joe Gentemann. 16 hn First St.. Portland, Or. ieciriuiiy, xun nun water ,iocAiea within city limits, one block from city cars ana nara-suriace streets; all urv der cultivation, fruit and berries, etc. House without the land Is worth what we ask for the whole place; price only $6500. J. J. CO HA LIN, 635 Chamber of Commerce. GARDEN TRACTS. As low as $35 down and felO tier mo. Don't pay your rent money to the land lord. Put It Into a piece of land, build a 2 or s-room home and be Independent. City water, gas and electricity available. Close to car. Only a few tracts left on these terms. See ATCHISON. 204 Henry Bldg. HA LFA CR E. " Not a mansion, but a good, neat 4-room cottage, woodshed, chicken house, fruit all kinds; 10 minutes to car. -mile out of city limits. $12o5. Small cVsh pay ment, balance to suit buyer. SOREN PETERSON. 1102 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 8731. $200 CASH. " 5 acres on paved highway, this side of Oregon City, near Clackamas river. All under cultivation. Some fruit and shade trees. Good soil. Near car. Price $2rt00, easy terms. 6 per cent. JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger Bldg. IVi ACRES with new modern 5-room bun- faiow irontmg on improved blvd., only blocks from Multnomah station. Every modern convenience; large garage, choice gardening land. Owner com pelled to sell, hence the low figure, t4250. For particulars see BEN RIES iAND, 404 Piatt bldg., 127 Park St. 6-ACRE COUNTRY HOME SITE. On Beaverton highway. 15 minutes drive from courthouse; slopes up from highway; good orchard, about 2-3 In cult.; old bldgs. ; B. R. water, gas and electricity. Price $7500. HENRY W. GODDARD, 243 Stark St 10 ACRES with 7-room house and old out ouiiaings. on rocaea road near Multno mah station. Fine orchard, excentlona.1 view of mountains. The best buy in this wnoie district at saouu. uniy need $2000 See ATCHISON. 204 Henry Bldg. FINE modern 6-room suburban home. 2 DiocKS east or evergreen station. Ore gon City car line; about one acre; beau tifully landscaped scenic point; private water system, gas, electricity, garage. juruen, ioanry nouse. -. p . Uveroauga, on ground, for particulars. ON THE OREGON ELECTRIC. Near Greenberg station, 8 acres all in cultivation, small nouse, spring water. gcod soli. This Is a big bargain. Price only $3000 L cash. Balance 7 per cent. uiDson, xoo Diaric. iiarsnail xi. CHOICE SUBURBAN HOMES and acreage, well located, near ra 1 n from $1800 up. Inquire 8d house north of Risley station, on uregon City car line, sign -Alder Brook. HAVE 2V acres of ground, fine large house, all city conveniences, hour from center of city ; not a commercial place, just an, Ideal bom, L 54. Ore go nian, COUNTRY HOME, CLOSE TO CITY. Good B-rra. house, cement basement, 1 l-A acres rich land, good chicken houses, barn, paved highway, only $2800 terms. Crockett Co., 203 Wash, bldg. FOR SALE by owner. 5-room cottage, cor ner lot TOiiou; iruii trees, Derry ousnes; two blocks to car. tic soou; terms. 720 Missouri ave. FOR SALE 2-acre modern suburban home. Broaaway z. u. a. isorton. FOR SALE 12 acres and beautiful sub urban home. Bdwy. 274, D. A. Norton, 4-ROOM bungalow and 6 acres in fruit. Call feuaaar mo rain g. . REAL ESTATE. Suburban Homes. WEST SIDE SUBURBAN HOME. A beautifully situated half acre with abundance of fruit of every kind, wal nuts and flowers. Chicken park and fine new garage. Located on hard surfaced street, two blocks from pave ment and electric station; only 25 min utes ride from town. 7-room cottage with bath, electric lights, gas, etc Reduced to $3500 for quick sale. Any good cash payment considered. We have two new listings near Oswe go lake which can be handled for small cash payments. One 1s an acre with double garage for $2000: the other a tract 100x120 feet, with 4-room cottage for $1200. Phone Main B604 Monday regarding any of the above places. RALPH HARRIS COMPANY, Sl Chamber of Commerce. MULTNOMAH THE PLACE. Beautiful 6-room bungalow, bath, fire place, water, gas, electricity. About 4 acre. Near highway. $3--00. terms. , Modern buns-alow. bath. 1-3 acre, on highway, fruit, fine view and location $4500. V, acre, new bungalow, fruit, near station. $3850, terms. Beautiful bungalows with, acre a re up to Sl.OlHJ. See me, NED BURKE, M Multnomah Station. Main lPQfl. REAL VALUE. Three acres of fruit and ber rles.i with good 6-room house, barn, chicken houses for 50O hens, all working; will pay for Itself in two years. $5S00: terms. 3 H acres at Aloah; bungalow, fruit and berriee; $1500. terms. See F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE. Ablngton bldg. Mam 1063. SUBURBAN HOMES, f? V. iPPI.R. OAK GROVE. OR. Four acres choice black land, 25 bear lnir fruit 'trees, lots of berries. 4-room house, barn, chicken house. On Oregon City car line. $430n. terms. Two acres all in cultivation. 40 bearing fruit trees, lots of berries, flowers, shrub bery, 6-room modern house, hardwood floors, furnace, gas, electric lights, full set plumbing. On Oregon City line. Price $8000. Half cash. R. M. GATEWOOD c CO., 165 hi Fourth St SAC R I FIC E MY ACRE H OM E. $3500 CASH. Four rooms and sleeping porch and the niftiest little bungalow you ever stepped Into; double constructed throughout ; cement foundation ; nice bath with shower, Dutch kitchen, fireplace, garage; acre of ground, on good auto road, close to station; located at Garden Home, on the Oregon Electric; flc commutation fare; have moved to California; see my representative at 242 Washington sL Phone Main 8220. Must have cash. SUBURBAN HOMES. We have the choicest selection, of suburban homes, something to suit each buyer. We have inspect ed these places and know them to be priced right. See FRANK. L. McGUIRE To Buy Your Suburban Horns. Ablngton bldg. Main 1068. VERY CLOSE-IN ACREAGE. Half acre, on west side, 60 fare, under cultivation, 12 fruft trees, 6 grape vines, logan and blackberries, no gravel or rock, good graveled road. 7 blocks from school, half mile from station, good plas tered, double-constructed house, cement foundation, gas. city, water, chicken runways and chicken house; price $2400. $500 cash. Maplewood station. John Fer guson, Gerlinger bldg. 5-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. In very desirable district, about 1 blooks outside of citv limits. In a well settled community; H A. of ground, large room 1 4xli0. fireplace, built-in buffet. Dutch kitchen, 2 bedrooms and fine larga sieeDlne porch, city water, gas, elec tncity, good plumbing, only $3000. Terms IL desired. R. H. CONFRET, BITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. MODERN STT? URBAN HOMES. "We have a number of good suburban home bargains on the Oregon Electric, anv kind of a Diace you want from "4 acre to 5 acres and larger; al?o some beautiful vacant acreage tracts for homesites. All city conveniences in the streets. Let us show you the best around Portland. . G. G. McCORMIC CO., 242 Washington st. Main S220. ATTRACTIVE country home on the banks of the beautiful Tualatin river, and only 12 miles from Portland. Contains about 20 acres of fine sediment soil, ' of which is cleared. Very fine country house and outbuildings. Short distance to carllne. Call and get full details regarding this ' fine home. All fur S 854i0 and terms. ERNE-T Wh.LLS CO., BOfl Couch Bids;. jtiai n itBi'.; n. ves., bunnaya, i aoor 1 1-8 ACRES. 5-room bungalow, with fruit. garden. berries. chicken houses for 300 hens: $2750; terms. See F. E. Marshall, with. FRANK L. McGUIRE. Ablngton bldg. Main 11x33 - IDEAL SUBURBAN HOME ACRE. One acre of land, all In cultivation, an abundance of fruit, beautiful shade trees, large 7-room house, pipeiess fur nace, bath, etc., all built-In a, laundry room, large porch on three sides, tvery thing In first-crass condition, on paved street. i. otai price swi'U. .ooo cash Fred W. German Co.. 732 Chamber of Commerce. NEAR BEAVERTON, OREGON. S acres, good land, all can be cultl vated, 3 acres under cultivation, woven wire fencing, orchard, 4-room bungalow, ready for lath and plaster, good barn, cnicKon nnust) hiiu omer Duuuuipin, jia j commutation fsre Kit minutes out. two carlines; price $2850, $050 cash. Person ally inspected. Photo at office. John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. 7 '4 ACRES, WEST SIDE, CLOSE IN, $500 DOWN. Four miles from 4th and Wash. Faces good hard road. About half under the plow. Lots of fruit. Shack, fair barn, No. 1 well. Bent of soil, free of rock nd gravel. $3500. J. C. CORBTN CO. " 805-6-7 Lewis Bldg. BUY A HOME. $ 850 House, garden, acre. $1200 HQUse, garden, i acre. $1200 Hduse, barn. 1 acre. $2500 House, barn, hennery. 5 acres. $:t.O0 Modern bungalow. acre. $:tM)0 Artistic bungalow, 1 acre. $6500 Al high-class home, 2 acres. Main S672. McFARLAND. Falling Bldg. FIVE ACRES. COLUMBIA BLVD. House, good well and other Improve ments: all fine cultivated land, verv sightly: will eell at a bargain for half cjh; city water and electricity avail able: no city assessments or gravel. Alberta car. R. W. CARY. 1219 North western Bank bldg. $175fJ EASY TERMS. WHY PAY RENT? Lot 28x100, with 5-room cottage. 503 East Grant street, between 11th and 12th. Walking distance. WAKEFIELD. FRIES & CO.. 85 4th Street. BASE LINE ROAD. 10 acres, all in cultivation, level land, small orchard, no buildings, will sell cheat) with terms. 4 acres on Base Line, new bungalow and garage. Phone Monday, .Marshall 2003. $5000 BUYS A BEAUTIFUL NEW BUN- ual.uw witn large acre or irround near Multnomah station on the Oregon Electric. Fireplace, furnace and built In conveniences. For particulars call -on Hh., JK 1 is .L. A:iJ, 4U4 1'iatt bldg., 1 Park st. COURTNEY, 14 ACRES. Bungalow, 7 rooms, lights, gas. fur nace. Drivate water svstem. beautiful trees, lawn and garden; 2 blocks east of station, tome and see it and you will say it Is worth the money. $6500, half cash. Phone l.-o-j, uak Grove. 1-ACRE ORCHARD. 8-room fine house, a4l kinds fruit; summer home for the city; hard-surface sts.; a rich mans proposition, all up to cate. McDONELL. EAST 419. READ THIS, BY OWNER Elght-room beautiful residence, ce ment walks, basement, gas, electricity, city water, large Income from fruit, chickens; car stops at door; near Powell roaa. x or particulars can l aoor v i OT, OSWEGO LAKE frontage. $400. $650. S750. $1000, $1200. Here's a fine selection right on the lake front ; piped water, electric lights, rock roads. Owner, 500 Concord bldg., 2d and Stark. For fraJe Hnsinees Property. BEST east side location for garage or any business building; 3 paved sts., 100 by 1 35. for sale; near 26th and Division. Write P. M 820 East 11th St.. City. FOR SALE by owner, H block Astoria waterfront property, $ 1 600. $600 cash, balance 2 years at 6 per cent. S 58. Ore gonlan. BARBER SHOP and pool room. 125 N. 6th su; $H00i best location la city. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Business Property. OWN AN interest In Inside city holdings. Ownership -ertiflcates in cenirauy lo cated 2d ave. Seattle real estate, leased to wholesale houses. Denomination $1000. The only way by which you can get all of the income. netting better than interest rate, and also the profits realized on the Investment. Oregon In vestment A Mortgage Co.. 222 Chamber of Commerce bldg. . BUY 50x100 S. W. corner Park and Flan ders, full l-sty. and basement concrete bull-ding, worth $10.00 or $15,000 Cid story can be added). faeln Park blocks, on trackage, across from new Chanalor Lyon 4 -story building, near depot and postoffice; fine for auto lines and specu lation. $30,000. Present Income $2400. Big future. P. O. box 3174 FOR SALE. 100x200 and 4-story brick buiMlner. on North 13th at. trackage, with room for additkm; 60 per cent saved. In coat of building by buying now. R. J. O'NEI-L. 717 Board of Trade Building. APARTMENT SITE ON WEST SIDE with Old BROADWAY, residence for $10.O0O. Choice lot on 23d near Thurman. with two old houses, good rental for $.1250 and terms. EARNEST WELLS CO.. 505 Couch Bldg. Mali CS2; Eves., Sunday. Tabor S423. 100x100 3D AND Jefferson sts.. Portlsnd; very choice, very cheap; a very rar op portunity. For owner, see J. J. Johcson, 314 Spalding bldg.. Portland. Or WHITE brick business block, modern de sign, monthly Income $265. Price $26,500. Terms. Inquire 540 Tacoma ave. .Sell wood 140. Homesteads, Relinquishments, 300,000,000 ACRES government land In United States. Send for free descrip tive circular of our 100-page book. "The ilomeseeker' : tells .where eood farm. timber, grazing; land is; or send $2.00 for book, oirect. rne. liomeseeaer, oept 3, Los Angeles, Cal. CAN LOCATE you on a good homestead; either farming or timber tracts, on or - near good roads. Timber close In and can be handled at once. Hours S:30 to o ana evenings 7 :au to v. ANDERSON, 631 Railway Exch. Bldg. 160-ACRH RELINQUISHMENT, 82 miles from Portland: Al soil, fine springs, lots or cecartimDer, handy to sblngLa xniil; MORRIS & BUNDY. 618 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. TILLAMOOK county, 2 miles from post- 01 1 ice ana store, rair buildings; good spring water; fine hunting, trapping and fishing. Would consider improved city lot or $3.rQ cash. AB 28, Ortgonian. 160 ACRES. 6 miles from good railway and Pacific highway, H mile to hard surface road; 0000 fwt of timber, mostly pine. 564 GMsan, Bdwy. 3510. FOR A HOMESTEAD or relinquishment location in the O. A C. land grant see Mr. Helm. 317 Board of Trade bldg. Fruit and Nut Land. FOR SALE or exchange. 26 2-3 acres 8 mnes rrom White Salmon, Vh. 5 acres of 3 0-year-old trees, Spltzenberg and Newtown apples and d'Anjou pears. Beautiful location, volcanic ash soil; good reason for selling. Write for par ticulars and price; very easy terms. FRED A. LEWIS, 425Q Harriet ave.. Minneapolis. Minn. PRUNE FARM 17 acres bearing, la acres lor grain ann ouu dings; purchaser gets 8-5tns of dried prunes net to him at the dryer; iarKe house and barn; water sys tem; paved road out of. Vancouver; if sold at once will take $13,500, terms, $5100 cash and $20OO out of this cmp; about 8 tons of hay goes. Phone Blue 77. Newberg. Or., or address White To. PRUNE ORCHARD. California. 10 acre, coming Into bear ing, modern bungalow, $&t00. AB 34. Oregonian. For Pale -Acreage. 60 ACRES. $240. FOR STOCK RAISING. Lien 7 miles of the town of Molalla, 2S miles of the Colton high school and store; about 11 acres in cult., more not hard to clear;, some good bottom land; about 35 acres of the place is all open land; not a thing on it; burnt off years ago; will make good pasture ; most of the place Is rolling land, fine for pasture; lots of outrange right at the place; one could run a big bunch of cat tie ; live water, good 4-room house, with water piped In It. good little barn about 24x34 ft., hog ho use, henhouse, woodhoue, cel lar, h acre fruit, all bearing; the houe needs papering Inside, otherwise is good as new; all painted; now listed; this Is not a dairy and grain farm, for stock. chickens or sheep only. It is 18 miles of Oregon City. Just think of it. on v $2400. for this place with $1,100 worth of improvements on It; can drive auto to it aU the year round; $1500 dows, bal. 67". E. P. ELLIOTT A SON, 7th and Main sts.. Oregon City. Or. 45 MINUTES OUT ON NEWBERG HIGHWAY TO THIS 7-ACRB COUNTRY HOME AND CHICKEN RANCH. Good 5-room house. 8 new chick en houses, new Incubator, new brooder, holds 500 chicks; poultry yards, woodshed, barn, plenty of water; 50 White Leghorn pullets, good jersey cow. soma oats, vetch and potatoes; family orchard; fine soli, good berry land; fences woven wire, H mile from good town, school, electric station. Pries $4500. Se SAM HEWEY, at J. L, HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Cham, of Com, Bldg. Ground floor. VIEW PROPERTY. We are offering 7 hi acres located on Clackamas Heights, a short distance from Oregon City electric line and only 18 miles from Portland. Wonderful lo cation for a suburban home. Has a grand view of the river, mountains and surrounding country. Part la ready to plow, balance in grove of beautiful trees; no underbrush. Cost owner $750 per acre: will sacrifice all for $2000. JOHN E. HOWARD. 818 Chamber of Commerce. ACREAGE SNAP. 9 acres located in the town of Sher wood on red electric, 10 miles from Portland, ah in cultivation ; 5 acres DiacKcaps, l acre strawberries, 1 acre in bearing orchard, l acre assorted ber ries, 1 acre potatoes, 6-room plastered oungaiow, earn, cnicaen nouse and era rage. House wired and electric lights and city water obtainable. All goes iui foouu ; xerms. JOHN E. HOWARD. 318 Chamber of Commerce. CLOSE TO HILLSBORO. 15 acres, located on a good ri-nvlri road 1, miles from red electric line; 10 acres unaer cultivation; 2D apple trees, 4 cherry tree. 4 pearj, 120 loganberries. 200 raspberries. 1400 strawberries; fine i -room plastered nouse, basement, barn, garage, chicken house. A fine piece of uinu wiiii attractive nome. frice $3000. $2500 cash. John Ferguson. Gerlingtr 80-ACRE DAIRY SNAP AT SACRIFICE. mues irom Tillamook on good auto road, partly in cultivation, balance fin pasture; some timber; good 7-room log nouse. oarn and outbuildings; fine spring can oe piped to house; near scnooi and cneese factory: this is a won. derful piece of land for the money; $1000 t vi "oiiiw irms ii sold at once. See me at Hotel Alder, room 214. Phone juain oo. rIVK or 10 acres near Clackamas river and fish hatchery; fine location for country or summer home; $400 per acre 12 acres on highway near Clackamas; 8 or more acres cultivated; small house and barn; $5250. 29 acres near Cottrell station on Mount Hood road; very fins; might exchange I. G. DAVIDSON, 810 Chamber of Commerce. $250 CASH PRICE $2350l Over half acre, with 4-room plastered bungalow, gas, city water, 20 hearing fruit trees; lots of berries: Woodstock trar. Just outside city limits l Hir-'i- Marsters, with John Ferguson, Gerlinger SELL, RENT OR TRADE. Three fine acres, nice house, equipped ur liih;ichb, ciii") in; running water. McREVNOLDS, 844 Salmon BL Main 8422. TVO Imnrnvfil n nrfm fft, ealo l t houses, fruit and berries; will trade for city property. fas U woo 8578. 1000 r ranceo a enue- ON TROUTDALE car line, 1 acre close to itocKwooa station, clear. 4H miles from cny iiiiuis, eaay terms; step lively. ooenni, urt-gon oiag. awy. 165S. CHEAP fsr $2500. house and acre, young i mi. u c. in, uu urcgon electric, near iuunnomaa station. Aiust sell a: once, u-ttn or terms, uau Alain 140. 5 ACRES. Inside city limits, all In cultivation cheap at $ia00. This Is on Division at. BARGAIN $500 down buys 10 acres rich eon near luuiaun, part Clear and som fine timber; price $1500. E. J. GEiSER 417 Chamber of Com. $3000, HOLbhJ. barn, 16 acres, some timber Newberg. Attractive location. Main 3072, Mcrananq tte-aity wo., r ailing bldg. 8 ACRES at Tigard: good sandyloam "sol ait ciear, in cultivation, no waste, no nuiiuinge; a gooa ouy. teeilwood 52. O-N B-haw acre, Mt. Scott di&tJrlct; cit water and gar; JJXi. some Mh ani terms, iiala 6710,, Cali ater 5 I AL BEAL ESTATE. For Sale -Acreage. SUNDAY SPECIAL. THE HIGHEST OFFER TAKES 0 ACRES. Located 7 miles from Gaston, Or., and 5H miles from Forest Grove by section line; only six tracts left of a subdivision of 20-acre tracts. This one will go to the highest bidder regardless of what the offer Is. This Is tract No. 7 of the subdivision; has some timber; good spring, mostly brush land and easily cleared. Soil Is aU the very best, no rock or gravel. No better land in the state, fine for fruit, walnuts, etc. Get information at once. Have arranged transportation, $3 round trip, leaving Portland 10 o'clock Sunday morning. If you buv will refund money. Make reservations by phone by 9 o'clock bun day. If you have a car loin us, A. W. ESTES. ' 905 Chamber of Commerce. Phone. Automatic 614-3. GOOD 10 ACRES NEAR ESTACAJDA. in acrM K nrrM in cultivation, sandy loam, family orchard. 4-room house, barn ana otner outbuiiaings: inciuaeu. in j.ri in l row. i brooii s.iw. ciiickens. hack cultivator, garden; U mile to school and Price $2500, on good terms. S. E. WOOSTER, Estacada, Or. T .Cld AVRPBRT IfREAOR. Have secured option on best ground that lies outdoors; close to city car line, beautiful home slten I will plant loganberries, giving best or care till July. 3U years expen ence as fruit grower, iulce manufactur er. moral and financial ree ponsiblllty ; guarantee fulfillment of contracts. Do you wish further details o this worth while Dronositlon ? F. A. Breck, Mfg. Breck's Loganberry Juice, 8H4 East 42d st. North. Tabor 278 or Main 6173. 2 ACRES. 1 blork from Baseline road, on rine graveled road, 6 blocks from car. close to city; gas. city water, electric lights within six blocks; 160 apple trees, 6 cherries. IS rows raspberries 300 feet long. 2 rows loganberries, 3 rows cur rants, 1 row black caps: all in fruit, bearing. Price $3000. including the apple crop, $1000 cash. Also 1 a re joining this on the pavement for $100, with city water. Might consider city house of 5 rooms. Personally Inspected. John Ferguson. Gerlinger bldg. 11 ACRES. 3S miles from Portland, on red electric, on Pacific highway, near school. store ana church: - acres prunes, d-room house, newly papered and painted Inside end out; large rooms: woodshed, small barn and chickeu house; good spring water: Ideal for chickens and rruvt ; price $250O. $1m to SIOOO cash, or will trade for St. Johns property. For par ticulars call at 42. E. Buchanan, &t. Johns car, or rail Col. 631. INCOME-PRODUCING FARMS AT GRESHAM. THE BEST FARMING SECTION IN OREGON. On the paved highway, close to Port land; some good bargains In stocked and equipped farms, suburban homes. chicken ranches and berry lands. KR1DER & ELK iNGTON. Gresh am. Or. Tele p hone 17-N. BEAVERTON ACREAGE. 15 acres, j mile from Beaverton. wtth fine house of 7 rooms, fireplace, concrete baement, bath, toilet and hot water tank, 2 large green houses with air-water system; aio a small house and good barn; only $6u0 per acre; will give eood terms. F. L. BIANCHARD. 401-2 Pwetland Bldg. Marshall F20. FRUIT FRUIT FRUIT. Acres, half acre?, city water to each tract. Opening Stokes' fine farm, 42d j and Simpson, 8 blocks due east of Ken- ned y school. Plant an a ere to fruit inn add to your income. Keep cow. chit-k ens, be independent. Special offer, $2 payments. See me on tracts. Friday. Sat- vruay ana sunaoy afternoons, tnis ween. R. W. Cary, 1213 N. W. Bank bldg. Main l4. 10 ACRES IMPROVED $SnO. Located mile, from btatlon and only 1 80 miles from Portland; 1 acre cleared, nearly all good tillable land, fine soil ; good 2-room house, woodshed, spring at back door. Price $S0O; lerma $0U0 cash, b&iance to suit. LUEDDEM ANN COMPANY, t13 Chamber of Commerce, AT OREGON CITV. 2 acres. ; mile from station; all culti vated; 1000 strawberries. 70 loganberries. i acre potatoes, lots of other fruit: room house, barn, chicken house; rocked roau ; zurniture, crops, tools and every- I thing Included. This Is close to pay roii. luiio. nan casn. joua F erguson, terungf r bldg. FINE BERRY PROPOSITION CLOSE IN. Ten acres of the finest soli, for berries. to be had anywhere. It is on good road and only five minutes walk to the Newberg highway and ten minutes' walk to 1 igiird station on the O. E. R. R. Only $300 per acre : can you beat ItT S3. . t I - 11. -N 1 lM. 615 Chamber of Commerce bldg. 101-i ACRES AT CLACKAMAS. 4 miles from city limits, by paved road, all cleared and has been cultivated : 7- room house, barn and some outbuildings. ramiiy orchard, close to school and sta- 1 tlon; $2250 cash, balance on time 6 per cent. BROWN A GRANT. 201-2 Fenton bldg. Broadway 3222. FOR SALE 6 acres. 84 miles east of Est a carta TO acres cleared, fair house and barn. 2 I rreeas, l spring, lots or cord wood on place, 1 horse, 1 wagon, 1 set double harness and crops for $3500: terms, half cash. Write or Inquire at postoffice for w. Lt. &cnui, Jrtaraaa. or.. Route No. 1. FOR SALE LOGGED-OFF LAND. Write for map of western Washington ' showing location, price and terms. Over 10.000 acres sold last year at our low price. Easy payments offered to actual settlers. WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER CO., Tacoma. Wash. 20 ACRES FOR S2o0 DOWN. Located 30 miles from Portland, 1 1 nines rrom station ; an good plow land. siightly rolling, fine soli, easy clearing. I i.iuu; terms uu cash, balance euU purchaser. LUEDDEM ANN COMPANY, 913 Chamber of Commerce. 5 ACRES at Canby. Or.. i mile from town,! on tne main west side Salem highway; 4 acres under cultivation. 1 acre in brush and small timber. 2 acres of loganber ries. 1 'a acres strawberries; new 5-room house. This Is exceptionally fine soil. Price $3000. $1500 cash. Brooks, with jonn r erguson. oemnger oidg. 15 ACRES, 1 mile from Hillsboro. all cultivation, wen lenced, good 6-room plastered nouse, barn and other out buildings, all kinds of fruit and berries. H mile to electric station; price $5000, casn, oaiance to suit. MORRIS & BUNDY. 618 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. " TWO ACRES. IMPROVED. Located In Rockwood acres adlolnlns Mllwaukie. Tnis Is a beautiful sightly tract. nigniy improvea witn z nouses; llguts and city water. Apyiy to owner. zi isortnwestern nana tiiag. NEAR MT. HOOD LOOP. 10 acres, all clear, fenced and fair 1 buildings. Crops, machinery, chickens, horse. 3 hogs. 3 cows and heifer; alt for 3;'UO; sm;io casn. nai. 3 years, 6. H. S. EDDY, Sandy. Cr. Phone 61. 2 ACRE3 FOR $50 DOWN and $8 per month; located near electric station and paved road. lies level, some nice timDer; nieai suouroan homeslte; rine ror cniCKeng. perries, etc. Price mk: terms .u cagfi and monthly. 4 ACRES, east of Rothe station; 14 acres cultivated, all can be cultivated : wire fencing. good macadamized road ; 12c commutation rare. Oregon "lty line; good son. .trice i'mu, ruo cash. John Fer guson, Ger linger blog. Aucs. at end of tiawthorne av line. In cultivation: finest soli : !27on Th Is is $500 per atrre below adjoining prices v j v per tent on ior casn ), owner, 910 Cham, of Com. Phone Marshall LIS 3. ACREAGE from $1600 for 10 acres with 3-room house, near Portland to 360 or more acres, priced right. See White. R23 Chamber of Commerce bldg.. before ouying. Aiain 5 ACRES. On Oregon City line, only $600 an acre: In fine state or cultivation, near station. $1000 cash. III Thompson, r"hone ua throve io-m. BUY OF OWNER. SAVE COMMISSION, IV acres, well improved, walking dis tance good town high school. 2 rail roads. miles of Portland; $0000. term! If taken at once. T 37. Oregonlan. BY OWNER Two acres, cultivated, fine rull. 2-room house, woodshed, well and ruit; 5 min. to Ore. Elec. Sta., loc com. fare, ioo casn. t. .tirackett, Hills dale, or., route -. under cultivation, nice small house and chicken house, beet of soil, creek through place;, price muu, zou casn. John Fer- guson. Uerllnger Diag. 10 ACRES. $a0O0. In Hazelwood. short d!s tance east 01 city; tsuii liun water; will divide: for all cash. 10 per cent less. Hart. 910 Cham, of Com. Main 153. SACRIFICE Choice 15, near Vancouver, good buildings, surroundings; Ideal loca tion; $40OO. 141 East COth st. N. Eve nings. Tabor 7Q55. $0 ACRE 312 acres: Portland 26 miles; good place for stock ; good soil. E. O. ljeftSnrd. St. Helens. Or. ACRES, ail cleared, at Beaverton, on terms of $500 cash and $20 a month. See Atch'son. 204 Henry bldg. $265 5 ACRES. Improved. fruH and be ries, near ililwaukte; terms. East 6320. REAL ESTATE. -Acreage. FARIvROSH ACRES IN THE NEW TRACT. Fins land for berries, onions, celery and all kinds of garden truck, also excellent soil for flor ists; very easy terms, $85 to $125 down, monthly payments only $is to $25 per mo. Nearly all of the tracts cleared except a few wild rose bushes ; 2 and 3 acre tracts only $550 to $050 per acre. The corner of Tarkrose is just 6 miles from the Burnslde bridge. park rose has a new 14-room school, with high school branches; also church and stores. $650 per sors Ons fins 8-acrs tract, $06 down, balance $20 psr month. This is one of the few tracts unsold that border on the drainage canal, and is a very de sirable tract. $700 per acre 2-acrs tract, only $97 down, balanco $20 per month. This tract U a corner tract and Is on the main road leading to Sandy boulevard. Ground all cleared. $950 per aers A fine tract and not far from Sandy boulevard: 2i acres ready for the plow. $107 down, balance $20 per month. PARKROSE Is reached ny Ranflv boulevard (Columbia highway), or take Rose City Park car to Park rose car. PARKROSE BRANCH OFFICE at end of Parkros car line. Tabor 2904. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Main 2 OS. BE VUTIFITL SUBURBAN TRACT, 45 ACRES. ON THE HEIGHTS AND SLOPINXl HILLS OF WEST I. INN. Near Pacific highway, about to be paved, and opposite Oregon City ; 1'3 miles from courthouse; mostly cultl- attd. with deep rich soil; partly wood ed, with springs and runninir streams; unsurpassed v lews : city water ; new grade and high schools; dally deliveries. SELF-SUPPORTING HOME OR IN VESTMENT AND srBDT VISION INTO 1, R. 5 AND 10 ACRE TRACTS. t ormerlv valued at 4'Ui per acr. SACRIFICING 45 ACRES AT $U.O00. Other properties in this territory. which early development will greatly In crease in value. MRS. HELEN R TURNER, lOOfl SPALDING BLDG. Office Main Residence Main 72TL? COLUMBIA BOULEVARD ACRES. $275 cash, $25 per month, c-nys an acre sll In cultivation, fronting on Columbia boulevard; Bull run water, electric lights; 6 block from 2 city carllne.. Price only $1400. See Mr. Farnsworth, with H. A. DRYER. "THE ACREAGE MAN." 608-0 Lewis Bldg. Broadway 5081. 1 ACRES, 14 miles from center of port- land, northeast of Oregon City: all can be cultivated. 5 acres under cultivation. balance in heavv standing tanner; 4- room house. fireplace, barn, 2 large chicken houses, one of the finest orch arris, variety of fruit, over an acre. i acre potatoes and other vegetables, i-'rics $225. $ROO cash. Personally Inspected. John Ferguson, Gerlinger bid c. ACRES. HALF ACRES $2 pavmentn. Cnme out today and OUT fine larg Italian prunes 8 and 4 cent pound. Opening stokes Tine Tnrm. 4J-1 ina Simpson : Alberta car. rMant an acre all kinds fruit, raise chickens, add to your Income. See me on tract today. R. w. Cary. I'Jiu is. w. isanK umg. Mnln 1643. THREE ACRES. Btx-room house and chicken house. barn, fruit and berries: right at station of Fairvlew. 12 miles east ot city. Price $4500, terms easy. W. H. ROS3. 1100 Northwestern Bank bldg. $2700 27 ACRES, bouse. barn, creek. springs, miles irom rornanii. 2nno 5 acres. Base Line rond. $1200 5Va acres, good land, fine cord wood. $2500 10 seres. ReedvIUe. Can save you monev on acreage. CHAS. RTNOLER. 225 Henry PlflR. 5-ACRE CHTCKEN FARM. All In cul tl vation, 4-room house, goofl barn, several good chicken houses and equipment, plenty of good fruit anil berries, right on the now loop highway. Price $37o. Very easv terms. K RIDER A ELK INGTON. Gresham, Or. " 5 ACRES FOR $1650. In high state of cultivation, best nf soil and level; within 1 mile of stntli. about lO miles from business center of Portland. R. H. CONFREY. RITTER. LOWE & CO., 201-3-3-7 Board of Trade Bldg. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. 240 acres one mile north of Monmouth, the state normal town: located In the best farming st-ctlon of the Wtllarnett valley; all level and In cultivation; must be seen to appreciate the snnp; owner must sell. See me at 302 Spalding Bldg. Monday and Tuesday. GOOD 20-ACRE FARM south of Gresham. all fine soil, creelc and well, fair house, barn, chicken house, on fine road in the Gresham high school district. Trice $3750. KRIDER & ELK INGTON. Gresham, Or. 14 ACRES CLOSE IN. Only 10 miles from our office, i mile car line, on fine road; every foot In cultivation ; good 6-room plastered house ; good ham and silo; Immediate possession. $6000. D. McChesney, 304 Oak st. Bdwy. 266. DO YOU want f f ne p! ace for poultry or berrv ranch? I will sell at a har e's tn nil or ta rt of m v 4 -i -acre olace. all under cultivation; big barn; goooi modern home: on hard-surface street; lots of fruit on place; only $0500 for all. 6029 52d st. S. E. Sellwood 1242. $4500 FOR 29 acres, only 35 miles o. W. Of ortiana, on rannc mgnway, wun good 5-room bungalow; has fine spring, woodshed and barn: H mile from town, church school. P. O. and R. R. station. F. L. BLANCHARO. 401-2 Bwetland Bldg. Marshall W2ft. RESIDENTIAL PARK. 2 acres, covered with beautiful gro-yW of native trees, for $700. $150 cash, easy terms; gas. electriciv available. R. H. CONFREY. HITTER. LOWE & CO., 2"l-3-S-7 Board of Trade Bldg. PARK ROSE. Nice 3-room house, finished with plas ferboard: gas, citv water. 4 blocks fronf Sandy blvd.; full lot. Price $1150. $4oO cash. Photo at office. John Ferguson. Gerlinger bldg. SCO ARFS in sec. 7. T. 2 S. R. 4 E. splendid iv . sit ua tea : j z srres cieari ; bet of farm larnl : worth three times th price asked. Price $25 an acre, $4000? down. bal. trrrs. WOODCOCK, 200 Hnry bMg. lO ACRES on Improved road, running water, orchard, street car tnTotign place, 15 minutes ride from Portland; suitable for ho ranh or anything else. Owner, 1194 Milwaukle st. CHICKEN RANCH Almost five acres, cul tivated, fenced, well. barn, some rrult. no house, only 35 minutes out; at a sacrifice for $l"O0; easy terms. Call 500 Concord bldg.. Second and Stark. 10 ACRES. U mile south of Dallas. Ore gon; ail cleared: fioo rrult tree.; appT ippTes. $13o6 pears and cherries J'rlce AF'. down. bal. terms to suit punch n spr. WOODCOCK. 20Q Berry liMg. FOR SALE Good ranch home or site for mm or mctory, on n. r. raiiroac; 2H acres; $32O0. Address owner. 1027 Narregan, Medforfl. Or. FOR SALE 30-ncre tract 3 mile east ot Hood River. Dr., on roan to ppt; .nnp for cash. Call Broadway SOlU or Broadway 4060. 7.6 ACRES logged-off land. located m miles west ot pcappoose. oiumoia countv. near county road; no trade. p. Walker. 605 E. Morrison st. East 401. t20 ACRES logged-off land, some tillable; running water, good stock range. $0 per acre, terms. J. R. Sharp, 557 Sherlock, building. 2 ACRES snd good 4-room house, all out buildings, good well and fin.e orchard, Buckley ave. and Foster road, snooo; $10iX down and $20 monthly. Tabor T-SS. FOR SALE acres adjoining Parkdaie townsite; lh A. In 6-yr. trees; good, bouse, balance In potatoes: $."0o0, cash price. Jim Samj, Parkdale. Or. 5 ACRES, only $550; located In beautiful Tualatin valley ; partly fenced ; some trees ; $.r0 down. $10 per month. See owner. 6O0 Concord bldg., 2d and Stark. WANT 10 acres near Portland with pood house on good road; no agents: pay $2."vno cash : cleared ; near school. E 71, Ore gonlan. 20 ACRES, $20 down and $10 per month. 909 CUamber ot Coin. bldg. Aiein 3465. I