THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND. SEPTE3IBEK 19. . 1920 BEAL ESTATE. For Kale -Huntra. DEKUM A JOHDAN. KOMK BARGAINS. S500 ROSE CITY PARK. 6-room bun ga If) w on E. 6th St., north of tandy below the bill. Large Mv Ing room and dining room with rood buffet. All wlylte enameled Dutch kitchen; firll cement base ment, furnace. Large corner lot. borne terms. $HH H A WTHOKNE AVE. 7 roomi and iarge sleeping porch; hard wood floors, buffet. Iutch kitch en, full cemeui bament, fur nace; -1 txHu lot: all klnda of fruit: all miDrovemann In and naid for. Only 9Vdi cun, Dai- A. nets like rent $4600 N EARLY NEW. 5 -room home. hardwood floors, handtome buf fet. Dutch kitchen; full cement bawmeut, furnace; 50x100 lot on hard surface street. 91000 cash, balance to lull. $220l ALBERTA. 5-room bungaIow, nicely f Inished and In good re-I-atr; Dutch kitchen, cement base ment. 9500 cash, balance like rent. DEKUM & JORDAN, 8-3-4 Chamber of Coni-merce Bids 4th and Stank fit. Main 2233. S-undays and Evening. Tabor 5922. TOR PALE BT OWXBR Beauti ful 5-room bungalow, S block from Alameda Drive; one of the most attractive residences In tWe district; completed less than a year ago and not bulit for sale purposes. Mahogany Interior, liardwood floors and right up to the minute. Co rv e n 1 en t gartig-, cement runway, lawn and f towers a'.i. In. Beautifully furnished, ori ental rugs, piano a nd up-to-dat furniture throughout which would cost at least 9350O. All ready to tep into. Will aell for $10.54)0. ien by appoimment only to one that 1b Interested and can -pay at lat half cash. Phone Tabor 4274. No agents. BUY TOUR HOME NOW. Hose City Park. $500 cash, balance terms, buys modern "-room bungalow, paved street, 50x150 tU lot; price 94000. $500 CASH. Easv trmi buys a 4-room BOxluO-ft. lot; price 92100. hOUBA, $300 CASH, balance easy terms, buys a 4-room houso near Union ave. N., fruit trees, etc.; price $1750. See Mr. Chrlstenson. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO Broadway 5o43. 410 Henry Blag. THE FINEST HAW. BUNG. Every conceivable con v.. cor.. 6 lapge rms., fine attic; clean like new; fine tapestry decorations, gorgeous bull t-Ins, best cement baa't. -plum-bin. e!t. fixtures, etc Furnace, fireplace, parage, paved sts. A complete home; noth ing lacking; now vacant: move in. Terms. G. C. GOLDENBETRO. Ablngtoa Bid. Main 4S03. MT. TABOR BUNGALOW. 5 rooms, has ga-s. bath and electric lights; cement basement, wash trays, liardwood, floors, fireplace. bullt-lns, white enamel bath. Dutch kitchen and bedroom. It is modern and up to date; .lot 50x1 0O feet, sidewalks in. 3 blocks from Base Line and 2 blocks to M t. Tabor carline. Price $3250: 91250 cash, balance 6 per cent, or rent end interest by the month. See Mr. Oliver, with HARGROVE REALTY CO.. 122 North Sixth. Broad-way 43S1. WE HAVE THE CASH To Buy a first-class 6- or 7 -room residence in good d Is trie t. Our client has requested us to find something for him Irving ton or Laurelhurst preferred. Telephone us and. we will inspect your property at once. Also 5-room bungalow. Rose City or Mount Tabor, f.'ouu. Telephone Main 802. GEO. T. MOORE CO. 107 Yeon bldg. BIGGEST VALUE IN IRV1NQTON. $0730 St 17 50. Eight rooms, modern, 4 bedrooms and sleeping porch, reception hall, large liv ing room, attractive dining room, eastern oal; flours, full cement basement, Fox furnace, fruit room, finished attic. Lo cated on 17th, near Tillamook. Inspec tion invited. Call owner. East 2430. $50O CASH and 90 per month buys a beautiful house near 21st and Oregom sts. This i-H a good buy and an opportunity to buy a good house on easy terms. The lot is looxlOo feet; the house is 6 rooms. Price $5ootV See M r. Graham. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. Bdwy. 5P43. 410 Henry Bldg. FOR SALE by owner, 6-room bungalow in good condition; all newly painted; futl basement, hot-air furnace, gas. electric ity, bath, lot 75x100, 15 fruit trees, many berry bushes and roes ; ony 3 blocks from car line, near school ; cash $1450, easy payments, 925 a month, including Interest. 1U7 Glenn ave. N. OWNER LEAVING CITY. Offers modern 6-room home, sleeping porch, furnuce. fire-place, most of the furniture, 5-OxlOO lot, flowers, fruit, lawn. 1 273 Missouri ave.. corner Ains worth. Mississippi ear to Alnsworth. Come and see a bargain. Phone Woodlawn 1603. 94500, some terms. $2300 BUYS cottage, 6 rooms and bath. 6 nice large frtilt trees, cement walks and auto shed. 110 East 33d north; take Alberta car to Killings worth. Owner, bacon department, Jones Market, or ?hone evenings. Milwaukie 4 7 J. C. apfer. SPLENDID VALUE! " Being thoroughly familiar with Pied mont properties we consider 1236 Cleve land ave. well worth the price of 90000. A strictly modern house of H roomp. BROWN & GRANT. 201-2 Kenton bldg. Broad way 3222. OWN KRS leaving city offer very good 6 room house near Columbia park, at 94000. $1500 cash, balance like rent. If you desire you can buy adjoining lots with fine fruit trees at nominal price. JOHSSON-DODSON CO. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 8787. FOR SALE By owner; good 8-room house. 1H lots, 10 large fruit trees, berries and garden ; house suitable for one or two f h millet: can. le.ct r Irit v. nhimblne1 K blocks from St. Johns car at Ports rnouth; price $1S23, easy terms. S46 Del'auw st. For SALE Near Hawthorne district: 7 room modern house except furnace; fruit trees, walking distance grade and high ononis; street paved and paid; very de sirable neighborhood. Price $4000, easy terms, 4See owner, 1016 Woodward ave. at 34th st. LAURELHURST. LAURELHURST? 7 rooms, fully modem, furnace heat, fireplace, hardwood floosa. In fact up to the minute; fine garage. $3000 cash will nar.ate same. O. A. SARLES. 733 Northwestern Bank Bldg. 4 ROOMS and bath, cement basement, only 924)0 cash, bal. as rent. This Is a com fortable little home In Mount Scott. Price $100. See the owner. 6627 54th ave. 8. E., or O. A. Pearce, 815 Chamber Commerce. Main 363S. A TITLE Insurance policy is a guarantee of the title to your home. When you buy your home have the titles insured. Better be safe than sorry. Title & Trust company. NEAR FRANKLIN HIGH 94500. Modern 5-room house with full attic, h. w floors, fireplace, large living room; full lot with plenty of fruit, close to car. HENRY V. GODDARD. 243 Stark St. NEAT LITTLE HOME. 4-room bungalow, corner lot. paved st $?ooo, $3oo cash, 923 month, including interest. R. M. GATE WOOD & CO., 165 4th St. LA L'RKLHl RST H OM E OWNER. Beautiful 6-room home with sun oar- lor. dwn and sleeping porch; all improve ments in and paid ; price $6500. Tabor OtM. MODERN 7-room house in heart of Sun nyslde ; owner will sell for 96O00 cash ; . this is an emergency bargain. V 45, oregonlan. -ROOM modern home. Piedmont, for sale; i- me no me cone in on east side; easy S-KOOM and bath. 30x100 lot. some small fiutt. located ::. west Jvlluatrlck. TOn ton. See the owner or O. A. Pearce, 813 Cnom. torn. Main stws. BY OWNEX Neat 3 -room cottage on Del- aw are st.. one mock from St. John line; lot 30x100; terms, Woodlawn 4379. lNOY new bungalow. 3 rooms and bath, remnnt basement, lot f)ixl0 ; 10 fruit tree, $20; Sim required, near S2d st. Houaaay ave. 1RVINGTON home, built to live in; seven rooms, modern, hot water heat, hard wood floors, white enameled finish. If Interest en call test t03ti. $6:;mi 2 HOUSES. 7 lots; 1 block car, school : worth $s.on ; assessments paid ; trms ; fine neighborhood : going east. Sp- owner. cnamter Commerce bldg. 6 ROOM, gara-ge. corner lot: all improve mnts: cah or terms. Sellwood 2106. o.".,' 6-ROOM modern hou.e near Sandy Dva, reaioiiirUia itruio. xai ckxu. BE.l E8TATE. For Sale Houses. J. A. WICK MAN CO. "Shortest Way Horn." Tears of study of local conditions, a thorough knowledge of districts, famil iarity with -values and a splendid or ganization enable us to give you the maximum service In HOME BUYING. $2500 Let us show you this corner home on full SOxlOO lot, only 1 block to car, on E. 15th st.; 6 rooms and bath, full cement base ment; terms. $2075 Here Is a good S-room home with full basement ; macadam street and sewer in and paid ; this Is on Mason street, west of Mississippi ave.; terms. $2500--Only $330 cash required. We have sold three houses just like this. Only 1 more left 6 rooms, 4 and bath down, 2 up; full base ment, cement floor, wash trays; sewer in and connected with house; only 1 block to car. Don't delay. $3000 Buys 5 rooms and bath with full basement; neat and attractive; newly painted and decorated throughout; fine lawn, 4 fruit trees, chicken house; 1 block to car; $300 cash will handle. $3500 Buys close-in home near East Ankeny ; 7 rooms, full cement basement, wash trays; fireplace; macadam street, paid; terms. ROSE CITY PARK. We have been handling property in this desirable district since there were but two houses east of the railroad crossing at 37th and Sandy boulevard when Laurelhurst was a farm. We know the district and can put you In touch with the real buys. On some of these we can make very attractive terms, especially so If you are In a position to make large monthly payments. $4500 We have a beautiful bungalow, less than 3 years old. of 5 rooms and bath, with breakfast room, large attic, fireplace, buffet, Dutch kitchen, hardwood floors, full cement basement, wash trays; double constructed; terms. Vacant move right in. $5350 5 rooms and bath, with Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, hard wood floors. fireplace. buffet, large attic, full cement basement, wash trays; street improvements all in and paid ; terms. Vacant, move right in. $3700 If sold at once. Owner has re peatedly come down until he has made a price on this tnat reauy hurts; 5 rooms and sleeping porch down, one room and attic up: all kinds of bullt-lns; beau tifully finished in selected grain fir; full cement basement, wash trays ; terms. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. We have a number of attractive mod ern bungalow homes in this desirable district, from $4100 up. We Invite com parison on anything that we offer for ale. S7500 Tou may have seen some nice homes. We want you to see this one and compare it with any thing, anywhere, that you have seen at $12,000; 7 rooms and breakfast room, finished through out in enamel; strictly up to date. and built four years ago: i tractive 2-story type of home, the best of construction and ma terlal; terms to suit. LAURELHURST HOME. $7500 Let us show you this attractive modern home; hardwood floori throughout; .fireplace, buffet, 3 exceptionally- large bedrooms furnace; garage; Improvements all paid. You -will sure fall in love with this home. Too large for present owner, only reason for selling. We have homes In all sections. Let us know your wants; 29 sales in 16 days this month. Our sales come from the class of homes offered and not from expert salesmanship. We simply show you the homes and let you sell your self. Autos at your service. See our photos of the best home buys. OPEN SUNDAY. J. A. WICKMAN CO. 'Shortest Way Home." 264 Stark St. ' Mala 1094 and 683. EAST 42D AND THOMPSON. Up to date, aeven rooms and sleeping porch ; beautiful corner, COxloo; 900. $3000 down. An at tractive home. SUNNYSIDE BARGAIN. 8 rooms, basement, furnace, lot 60x100; six fruit trees; $4700. $1200 down. Sunnyslde 5-room bungalow ; a uice home; $4000, half cash. W. H. 8AWTELL. Tabor 1S11. ROSE CITY PARK. Twn hlnrks Roma Citv Park car. storv. double constructed. 6-room mod em bungalow, Dutch kitchen, hardwood floors, full cement basement, furnace, laundry trays, completely furnished for S405O. 1500 cash. If you don t need th furniture, we will reduce the price $300 and take 910OO as first payment. Let Us Show You. GEO. T. MOORE CO. 1007 Yeon bldg, ALBERTA AND MONTANA AVE. Closing estate; must sell few desirabl lots; improvements In and paid; near car line: also 2 modern houses, 6 and 8 rooms, on Montana avenue, near Jeffer son high ; sacrifice price, terms. WALNUT PARK. 113ft Cleveland avenue, near Killings' worth ; 10-room modern residence ; will sell or trade equity very cheap. Donald Macleod. 1001-2 Spalding bldg. EAST ASH NEAR 21ST. You can rent sufficient rooms in 10-room house, close to school and car, to pay for itself; everything in r:ne con dltlon; lot 60x121. with lota of fruit; ( splendid buy at $6500. HENRY W. GODDARD, 243 Stark St. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW BARGAIN". This Is a dandy bungalow, modern, full corner lot, located 4 blocks off Wood stock car line; price $2500. $750 cash, 925 per month. This Is a good buy. THE LAWRENCE CO., 212 Corbett Bldg. Main 6015. BY OWNER IN PIEDMONT. 7-ROOM MODERN HOUSE; EXTRA WELL BUILT, ALL VERY LARGE, AIRY ROOMS. IN BEST CONDITION; FIRST- CLASS LOCATION. NEAR JEFFERSON HIGH SCHOOL; $7500. AL 82, ORE GON! AN. CAN'T put you next to the impossible, but T can deliver some good houses furnished or unfurnished reasonably priced; have two especially priced, $55O0. $10,000 have small apartments and hotel and flats. Phone wants to Mar shall 16S4. FOR .SALE, $2750 6 rooms and bath. basement, garage, an Kinds or rruit in bearing, flowers, close to high and grade schools, newly painted and paperedout side and In. If you are looking for your money's worth, come and see 3330 54th st. Tabor 3205. GOOD 6-room house. East Taylor street, 2 biocKs irom .bunnysiae car, an improve merits In and paid, electric lights, gaa. full cement basement in xlrst-claas con dltion; price $3100, terms. P. N. LATHROP, 204 McKay bldg., cor. 3d and Stark. 6-ROOM bungalow with sleeping porch, full plumbing, all built-lns. fireplace full cement basement, 50x167 foot lot with Irult and berries; S40O0. 91000 cash. J OM IS SUN-JJUWSUrt CO. 633 X. W. Bank Bidg. Main 3787. FOR SALE CHEAP. $3000. Account sickness, new bunga low, lot 66xlOO, shade trees, flowers. shrubbery, small garden, very pleasant place, pavea street, garage. Act quickly 1031 Kllllngsworth ave. FOR SALE 3-room modern -cottage be tween 2th and 27th sts.. close to two car lines; elec, gas, full basement, lot 50x104; imp. in and paid. Call Tabor 1316. KENTON 5-t 00m modern bungalow, L. R. D. R. kitchen. 2 bedrooms, bath and breakfast room: on hard-surface street, 50x100 lot. good lawn and 'Mil basement; terms. Call Woodlawn ." THOMPSON. 620-21 HEN We have a variety of room modern bungalows vY BLDG. 3, 6 and 7 and houses. Call and see us. THOMPSON. BROADWAY EQUITY in modern 8-room house. 2 lots, price roodlawn district. $1000; total $300O. Main 5429. TITLE insurance saves time and money because no abstract Is required. Title & Trust company. 6-ROOM modern house. 5 lots, barn, 2 chicken houses, all kinds fruit; nice home. Phone Tabor AM 4. $4300 FOR A 7-room house close In; tern al 62, Oregonian. , BEAL ESTATE. For Sale H ounce. THE HARRIS METHOD SELLS HOMES. r or -uhhi we have hot seen a more complete and cosy home than this 8 room bungalow, located on East Sumner street. There Is the daintiest little kitchenette one could want; full cement basement. $200 cash required. Walking distance of Jefferson high. Go see this one today. If you like, at 1180 Schiller street. A splendid 7-room bungalow, all newly painted and tinted, one block from WS cur line. This Is an excellent horn for $'-80u. Terms. For $300 cash you can buy this good little four-room house with bath room not equipped), cement sidewalks. Ga rage and shed. Lot 50x100. Total price only 912O0. Must be sold this week. W have a half doien good buys for 9100 and $150 cash down. We quote just one here. It Is a 5-room house which needs some repairs. The handy man will quickly realise Its merits. Total pries 92400. We have the best bargains obtainable in all residence districts. Phone Main 6024. RALPH HARRIS CO. 827 Chamber of Commerce. LADD'S ADDITION. . 369 HEMLOCK ST. A beautiful home, just put on the market, and located In one of the choicest spots In this addi tion. We are offering at a very moderate price, 6 bedrooms. large living and dining rooms, breakfast room, Dutch kitchen, beautiful sun room, electric fixtures and plumbing- the best money can buy; ga rage. Drive by and see this home. You will not be disappointed. Shown by appointment only. WAKEFIELD, FRIES A CO.. Broadway 29S0. 65 Fourth St. ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW. $5400 5 ROOMS AND GARAGE. Corner lot, east front, pavement In and paid, all floors oak, fin ished in old ivory and white enamel, built-in bookcases and buffet. Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, cement basement, furnace, fireplace and good attic: close to good school and car; terms, $10iK down, balance $52.50 per month. This is a rare buy and must go at once. J. L. HARTMAX COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Commerce Bide. Main 208. LADD AUDITION". Non-resident owner authorizes us to sell 2 houses on Ladd ave., one 0-room, one 10-room. Fire places, modern heating plants; each has 0x 100-foot lot, paved alley In rear. These places are exceptionally well built. Price only $7000 each. Easy terms If desired. See N. I. Famsworth, with H. A. DRYER. "THE ACREAGE MAN." 008-9 Lewis Bldg. Broadway D0S1. BUILD A FENNER HOME. You get better materials, a bet ter constructed home and save money. Send 10c for plan book showing pictures, floor plans and specifications of 72 modern homes. Investigate the Fenner way before you buy or build. Address Drawer W-4318. Fenner Mfg. Co., Port land. Or. NOTE THIS. GOOD 6-room bungalow; fireplace, easement. 5 minutes from steel bridge 920O0, 9350 caph, balance 930 per month wot rtrt; hbu.n, 1102 N. W. Bank Blrg. Main 8731. ROSE CITY PARK. 4-Room Bungalow. One story double-constructed. 4 rooms and sleeping porch, bath, Dutch kitchen, built-in buffet, full cement basement, 2 blocks school, 2 blocks R. C. carilne full price only $3250. Terms. Let T's Show You. GEO. T. MOORE CO. 1007 Yeon bldg, S300O $500 DOWN. Extraordinary bargain; 6-room modern bungalow; good neighborhood; very homelike place : ready for occupancy on v I 15 monthly payment. We have numbers of bargains. In varl ous neighborhoods, and can suit you In price and terms. free us. F. DUBOIS. S04 Spalding Bldg. NEAT 4-room bungalow and acre ground, water, phone, full concrete basement, rooms tinted, electric lights, gas. clt water, phone, full concrete basement furnace, garage, neat cow barn, 40 young fruit and nut trees, mostly bearing: nic view, 7 blocks east of Lents school, hard street. Elliott, owner, 1055 Division. $36410. FOR SALE By owner, a large 6-room house and two largi lots; bath, tolle and gas in house and basement; three outbuildings. 15 fruit trees. 2 large wal nut trees, a large lawn ; price $3200 small payment down and any good terms; take Sellwood car. 784 Tenlno avenue. IN BUYING A HOUSE. SEE THE EAST HAWTHORNE REALTY CO., Corner 49th St. and Hawthorne Ave. No. 1376. They are headquarters for Mt Tabor and Hawthorne properties. Pictures of over 10O houses. VACANT new 4-room modern bungalow- full lot; white enameled kitchen, all built-tns: 100 ft. from Union ave. car. $3100; $425 cash. $25 per mo. In terstate Land Co., 248 Stark st. Mai: 5429. LAURELHURST. Two dandy bungalows with garag that will Interest you. Call THE LAWRENCE CO.. 212 Corbett Bldg. Main 6015. FOR SALE BY OWNER Modern res! dence. 718 King's Court, head of Kin treat: 5 bedrooms, besides maid s auar tern, sleeping porch. 3 bathrooms. 8 separate lavatories, billiard room, large workshop, several good nrepiaces, goo- view. Main 2557. FINE MURRAYMEAD HOME. 7-room residence, almost new, many hLrllt-ins. h. w. floors, and all modern conveniences; a home that will appeal to von at signt: price uju. HENRY W. GODDARD, 243 Stark St. MODERN bungalow; living, dining room. two bedrooms, bath and kitchen: fine condition; full cement basement; 50x100 lot; west exposure. Mt. Tabor, near car; snap for a few days, 93750; 9730 cash, balance. $35 month. Aut 517-40. IMMEDIATE possession ; modern 0-room furnished bungalow ; comer lot; Im provements paid; near cor and school. S3000; $750 cah, rent terms on balance. Interstate Land Co., 248 Stark st. Main 542V 5-ROOM bungalow-style house, with sleep ing porch, built-in buffet, bookcases, fireplace, hardwood floors, full cement basement. AdxlOO lot; S43O0. SI 000 cash. JOHNSON-PODSON CO. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 8787. 9300 DOWN 920 PER MONTH. Four-room cottage, Sellwood district, three blocks to car; see this, it's a good buy; possession at once; price 91500. COBB BROS., 263 Oak St. $3300. 5-room modern furnished house, lot 100x100. lots of fruit and flowers; $100O cash, balance $30 month. 733 Glrard, cor. Haven. Phone Col. 760. ALAMEDA PARK. 6-room modern house on corner lot 50x100. with furnace, fireplace, all built- 1ns, hardwood floors downstairs; for sale by o w ner. w ooaiawn u. BUY from owner, no commission, fine 5-rm. cottage, close in, fine district, full basement. washtrays, -winters wood seme furniture. Come and see Sunday or evenings. 43 K. Lincoln. NEW 5-ROOM house, strictly modern; choice location; fruit-bearing trees; $2000, terms to suit buyer. Phone Mar. 146 or Mar. 1580. THOMPSON, 620-21 HENRY BLDG. Hawthorne and Koso City. bee -our bungalows in these districts. THOMPSON. BROADWAY 4880. FOR SALE Good bungalow, 5 rooms first floor. 2 In attic, fruit and garage. Yon can't beat this; $300 will handle If sold at once. 1041 E. 28th N. ALBERTA district: 7-room modern home: 2 lots;'nAr car. $3250; $105O cash. $30 per montn on oaiance. interstate Land Co.. 24H Stark st. Main A42. SNAP. 9500 Hawthome district. 5 room; modern, garage, cement basement, paved street, close to school, stores, car and cloee in; bal, easy, luw Arnold, REAL ESTATE, For hale -House. ONLY $6300 for a swell, modern, up-to-date, splendid, residence, practically in tae oenur of the city In central East Portland, In a tine residence uistncl, olob lu on East Salmon fa tree t, about 10th street. Jnigh. and sightly, every thing Burrounuing It inviting and de light ml. Now a.a to description of to is huuee. W asfavrt witnouc tear of con tradiction that tnls house alone cannot be bunt or r up laced In its present con dition, of w nua it is lirbt-ciabs and practically new, as the saying goes, lor a ies price mail 900U. Now the lot alone in this locality enould be cheap at 9250U. This mattes a valu of 910. 5UO lor tnls property, and you can bet very I uoiiur go uiKi, warning Distance, two bloods, in the best direction, north of uawmornt avenue, ma beauty spot 01 ciofc-lji ea-44 aide. Tne uwaur la leav ing at onuw, iluunn't. want to rent, lake It at tnls iminens saurinc twr 9ubou ; halt cans will handle It. il. J. Ci-O-H.3Sx, Abington building. ONLY 94000-Rlght 'across the steol briage, clobu lu to the businesa center, is a 0-room, modern aud up to date. At the present time it rents for 933 per niontn. There is a full cement basement, Jauaury uaye, Dutch kitchen, a toilets, the plumbing is aii porcelain, cement siUewaiks and euros vu Williams ave., between Haisey and Clackamas; i0OU In cash will handle it. M. J. CLo HlisJb V, A 0 in g tun buiidiiitf. ONLY 93500 for an 8-room houte and corner lot. Just south of Hawthorne ave., on 5uth bt. The corner lot Itself la one of the most desirable In thu section, lying high, with a good view of iii surrwuuuutgtf. There ' itt a concrete ga rag-e on tun lot, paved street lor 100 feet along the side or the lot. More ce ment work and cement sidewalks on and around tnU lot man any otor lot In this district. The hoube has a full cement basement, with a fine furnace. No person would undertake to build the hoube alone for leas than 9 4500. It has a fireplace and is modern. Taere Is a large gas range, linoleum in the kitchen and bathroom. You get everything for the small turn of $350u. It's practically a gilt, so close in and on the car line; J1000 cash will handle it. Al. J. CLO HESSY, Abington building. ONLY $1600 buys a new hoube with a full lot, 2 blocks from the station in Capitol Hill, close to the boulevard; bath, toilet, gas and city water in the house; half caeh will handle It. M J. CLoHESSY, Abingtou building. ON THE WEST SI DK Only $6500. In the center of the Nob Htll residential district, Clowe to Washington street, walking diutance, no car fare to pay. Here is one of thoee substantial and modern residences in the right location, where thre are bo few similar places such as this offered for sale. A real pretty home, contains 6 rooms, a full cement basement, fine fireplace, sleep ing porch; in fact, all of the modern conveniences and equipments which go to make a comfortable home; nice lawn and Fhrubbery. The price is very much less than one would expect to buy a fine home euch as this Is in the locality in wnich it is. Half cash will cloee the ueai. jit. j. tbun fc,ss x , Ablngton bids. ONLY 91800. and this buya and pan In full for a good 6-room house, m6dern, with a corner lot, garage, etc. The lo cation is on the Mt. Scott car line, about 86th st. This is conceded to be way under Its value, as it can be readily seen tnat a o-room house with a corner 101 ior iauu is not the price of the house alone, and the corner lot should ue worm Bometnmg. Anyhow, you can buy both the house and the lot for 91800: 91000 cash Is all you need. M. J. v,.iivsn.cjoo 1 , AUliiglOQ ouiiaing. ONLY 96000, In the center of the city, on r-ast Aiaer sc., not as rar out as 18th st. Here are two 5-room flats, a splendid-looking place, basement for each jja.i .nu an opportunity ior tne Investor to provide himself with a close-in fine home in a fine residential district, and receive fiu a month or more rent froi ine other flat, and at the same tims making an Investment In a location where property vaules will increase rap idly. Walking distance to the business vrmer. iou aon t nave to pay car . 1 e, an 01 tne improvements in and paid for. The owner of this propert is determined to sell, as he Is engaged jii uunnitoa 1 ui low n. mere is 1 chance to negotiate and drive a won derful bargain. m. J. CLOHESSY, Ab lngton building. VERY ATTRACTIVE HOME. I ROSE CITY. " Seven rooms, hall and bath, lot 60x HO, large, front room and dining room, library, extra large Dutch kitchen. 3 large bedrooms, bathroom and large closets, hardwood floors, natural finish woodwork downstairs. built-in buffet and bookcases; upstairs white enamel, walls and ceilings newly tinted; fine Tiffany fixtures; full cement basement, hot water, heat, coenrete garage, with entrance to cellar; unobstructed view of Mt. Hood and city; linoleum on kitchen (and bathroom; possession November L; price $8500; halt cash. J. F. HILL. 698 Williams Ave. East 268. AN OPPORTUNITY OF THE RAREST KIND. The sole and only reason for selllnfr this houfa Is sickness. It has. all told, 18 rooms, 15 of which are arranged in one, two and three -room apts. bringing 980 per month, or 15 per cent on the in vestment. This, too, is from very low rentals. Its pleasant location on Wash ington street, two blocks from Laurefl hurst park, insures permanent revenue, aside from good home in which to live: clean, excellently kept? 5fxloO lot, paved st. ; furnishings sold away below cofft ; price for quick sale, house $tV00, $4000 cash. Bet. 35th and 36th. Wash. T& bor 39O0. TWO 5-ROOM COTTAGES. On Upshur St., near Montgomery Ward hldgs.; lots 25x100: can sell for $1600 each, 9500 down, balance same as rent. They are extra good places for the money asked. See us soon, as they will go quick. WAKEFIELD, FRIES & CO.. Broadway 20ao. 85 Fourth St. FOR SALE! BY OWNER, $6500. Nine-room modern home, near Red college; full cement basement, laundry trays, hardwood floors, hot water he: ing system ; fine place; all usual built Ins; cement runway for garage; on car line, close to best graded school ; alao will sell furnished : owner leaving clny. must sH at once; terma Phone SetJ wood 2850- MODERN 4-room house, steeping porch. one-halt acre ground, all In cultivation ; fine soil, no gravel; new garage, chickein houe and runs, family orchard; juift on o-:a St. i.nis is a real ouy at jouu. A. W. LAMBERT & SON. 120 Grand Ave., Cor. E. Alder. East 640. OA N T PUT YOU NEXT to the impos sible, but I can deliver you some gooc. homes, furnished or unfurnished, re sonably priced. Have two especial l: priced $5500 and $10,000; have srrual apts., hotels and flats. Phone wants ao MARSH. 1684. HAVE recently opened a real estate officje and my listings are new. Have houses in Laurelhurst, Rose City Park. Irvinif ton. Piedmont, Hawthorne, Mount Tab4r and St. Johns. If you have not fouril what you want, glv me a call. P. N. LATHROP. 204 McKay bldg.. 8d and Stark. 6-ROOM modern bungalow, sleeping porch. nne conauion; an rooms piasierea, nicety finished; 5 years old; good as new; aU ktnda buitt-ins. tun cement basemen tx cement sidewalks; must be seen to bfe appreciated; 2H blocks Alberta -cart 9soo. $1000 down. See R. B. Smith 1121 E. 24th st. woodlawn 3S01 S-ROOM BUNGALOW. Iarge rooms, modern conveniences tnree oiocks irom l nion ave., near Aino-i worth. Price cut for quick: sale to $4200j BROWN & GRANT. 201-2 Fenton bldg. Broadway 3222 SMALL HOUSES. We want several houses from $1000 to -m ana nave tne casn to pay for them. GEO. T. MOORE CO. 1007 Yeon bldg. A BARGAIN. Do you want to buy a 5-room bunga low with lots of ground for 95250 that would cost $7500 to build today? It's a wonder! See THE LAWRENCE CO.. 212 Corbett Bldg. Main 6015. 100x200. SET OUT to berries and fruit, some bearing: 2 V4 blocks to car; 5-room modern bungalow, fireplace", oak floors, $3100, 91SOO rash, balance easy. JOHNS )N-IODSON CO 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 8787. WE HAVE already examined the title to your property and can issue you a title Insurance policy without delay. Title & Trust company. TITLE insure nee Is the modern way of handling titles to real estate. Quicker, co tits less and no abstract required. Title & Trust company. ATTRACTIVE Portland Heights home. 6 rooms, strictly modern; fruit, berrie Owner, Marshall lU4tJ. REAL ESTATE. MARSHALL 1808. ROSB CITY. COMPLETELY FURNISHED. No. 210 5-rorm bungalow, hard wood floors, fireplace, full set of plumbing, lateht bullt-lns. Dutch Kitchen, screen, shade, cement driveway in for auto. Remember, this house Is dbmoletelv furnished with mahogan furniture. Owners feel quite surei they could borrow $1200 on this rfurnlture. so you can draw your own conclusion as to the value of ibis furniture. 'House situated on ifrt 50x100, only one block to Rose City car line. It is not often that) we have a price put on a complctj.-lv furnished houe of only 94750J 93250 cash, balance a long time. , RCjSE CITY. $4200. No. 203 01-room bungalow, good attl good set Plumbing, electric llghtr. gas. iDutch kitchen, latest built-Ins. been built five years. Hi blocks to Rose City car. 46x luO lot. Remember, the total price Is only 942M: J 11' 00 cash, balance terms. Patty buying the house will be extiected to buy winter's wood In basement. ROSE CITT- 9425. No. 1K7 fi-room bungalow, sleep ing porch, lattic. fireplace, full Bet plumbing, electric light fixtures, gas, grades streets, cement side walks. DuQch kitchen, latest bullt Ins. This fis an exceptionally fine home. ToJtal price 94725. 92500 down, balance long time loan. HAWTHORNE. VACANT. $4600. No. 188 New 5-room bungalow and garage, hardwood floors, fire place, u&ved street and cement tide walk in and paid for: place is vacant and readv to move into; price 94600. $1000 cash, balance 925 per month plus 7 per cent Interest. 1RVINGTON. 95750. No. T81 New 5-room bungalow and garage, hardwood floors, fire place, attic, latest built-Ins: In fact, this house Is modern in every respect. Here Is a chance to buy a home In Irvington for 95i50: $2000 down, balance on easy terms. BEACUT1FUL WESTMORELAND. $2500 DOWN. No. 206 This Is a very attrac tive home of 7 rooms and sleeping poroh. all bullt-lns. large recep tion hall, beautiful large lawn and flowers. several bearing fruit tree?. This house can be bought at a sacrifice. $25041 cash and terms will handle balance. This houe stands on exceptionally large lot, NEAR WALNUT PARK, 8 ROQMS AND GARAGE. No. 194 Has large reception hall, living room. den. Dutch kitchen and breakfast nook on ground floor, and 4 nice bedrooms and bath on second floor; also has " large floored attic: a dandy buy at 95500; 92000 cash. NEW BUNGALOW. $300 DOWN. Special New 3-room bungalow and pretty breakfast nook, large living room and dining room com bined, large bedroom and close, Dutch kitchen, full set of plumb ing very pretty fireplace, elec tric lights, good basement, ce ment driveway In for garaas. a lot 40x116. only two blocks to carilne; extra fine home for new lyweds or small family. Price 93250. 9300 caeh. balance only 935 per month, including in terest. NORTH IRVINGTON. LOT 100x100. No. 121 5-room bungalow, full set of piumblng. electric lights, gas. shades, bullt-lns. basement, lot 100 xKKi. right on the Irvlngton car line, paved streets, cement side walk, sewer. Total price only 94500. 91500 caeh. balance only $25 per month. Call at our office any day and see the many photos of homes which we are offering for sale. LAWYERS TITLE & TRUST CO.. 285 Stark st.. near 4th. Marshall 1808. 4-ROOM COTTAGE. VANCOUVER AVE., NEAR BEACH ST. Nice little 4-room cottage on Vancouver lot50xlOO. running to alley; plenty . ,. , i ir I m a rarular baTKaln iiunn- tormi. 9500 cash, balance $23 per month. J. F. HILL, 606 Williams Ave. East 26S. .... t.' v tk- r vrs M O NT H L Y. nice large rooms and a n-i.. 1 .lnna worth &bOUt half ttlil price. Many other GREAT BARGAINS. O H. SK OT HblM LUrA.i i, 332-333 Railway Exch.Rldg. Main oii'w B.HU iiu L n inniTRV I7NG A LOW. k h.dronmR. sleeping porch, Dutch vit,i,o bookcases, fireplace, furnace, n.mnt haaement. laundry trays, fur nlshed In high-grade taplstry paper, double constructed throughout. tai paper between walls, 4 years old; garage . i ri i f r-i i-t west of 3 2d St. i-.n Phnna 216-48 on Sunday. Here Is a well-built home at the right price. 3O0-8 Board of Trade bldg. tpvivr.TOX. NEW MODERN BUNGALOW, 6 RM .v-n DuV iiPiST ROOM. FINISH EE IS OLD IVORY AND WHITE ENAMEL. TP. EM H DOORS AND ALL BUILT-INS Virii-TIFT'L. TAPESTRY PAPER. Al nfrvnivn AND LIGHTING FIX i.,-t i. 'uiR t w non floors thru OUT GARAGE. SEE THIS TODAY AT K0 E. 23TH N. OPEN FROM 12 TO OWNER. WDLN 1398. LAURELHURST HOME. Large living room, tile fireplace, cosy dining room, china closet, reception hall, cabinet kitchen, hdw. floors. beBt plumb ing, full cement basement, good furnace, 3 large bed rooms, enclosed sleeping porch, plenty airy closets and built-in chests Al construction. For sale by owner at right price. Terms. Tabor 3O06. CLOPE IN. EAST SIDE. Very well-built eight-room house, thoroughly modern, hardwood floors, laundry trays, etc.. double constructed throughout. This Is on a paved street. In a first-class district: price $5000, $1000 cash. Fred W. German Co., 732 Cham ber of Commerce. SA500 S1000 CASH. Ttutlful home. Willamette Hgts., 6 rirs.. fireplace, furnace, hdwd. floors, all built ins. linen closet, cilna closet, book cases, 2 toilets, large porches N. and S. Wonderful view. Car 1 block. All im provements paid. 1U81 Vaughn. Sell wood 243. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. 5-room bungalow on 4Oxlo0 corner lot. finished In old Ivory and tapestry gaper; H. W. floors, buffet, cement asem'ent. wash trays and attic; only 3 blocks to -Hawthorne ave. Price $4300. Substantial cash payment. Call owner. Tabor 8802. i "ldT7TABOR PROPERTY ON CREST of hill, lot 50x133. 8-room modern bung-alow, hot-water heating system, flre niarf. larsre porches. fruit trees and berries, grand view. Price 9780O, $5000 down. Call owner. Tabor 4y6. LAURELHURST. 8 large rooms, just completed; double plumbing, Gasco furnace ; $0600, terms. 11N5 East Davis st. fMT. SCOTT cor.. Myrtle Park station. 1 equity for $1000; terma. Owner. Tabor M76. BEAUTIFUL IRVINGTON. Modern, brand-new 6-room bungalow, ready for occupancy; $5500; very easy terms. Dubois. 804 Spalding bldg. IRVINGTON WINDFALL. 10-room mansion, needing repairs. 601 r " ook. $4500, worth $0500. Open today. liFST HIS SHAGGY MANE UNDER A LAURELHURST ROOF LIKE THIS near the park, a five-room bungalow home: has all modern conveniences; RKAL ESTATE. For Sale House. EAST OF LADD'S ADDITION. NEW BUNGALOW $8250. Here Is a home so thoroughly modern, so exceptionally well arranged. It will commend Itself to thoee of you who are looking for something out of the ordinary; nothing could be added to make It more attractive; it Just couldn't be better built; hardwood floors throughout: the paper la expensive and In good taste; the bathroom fixtures are similar to those you find in the $15,000 houses; this can be had for $lO(0 cash and balance easy monthly pay ments. Of course, there Is a garage. Let ue show you. A- G. TEEPE CO.. 270 Stark St., Near 4th. Main 8092. Open Sunday Afternoons. Brauch Office. 50th and Sandy. Open Sunday. BRAND-NEW BUNGALOW. Just completed ; has combination liv ing and dining room, 12x20 feet, polished oak floors, built-in bookcases, buffet and window seat, swell elec trio fixtures and window shades; wall kalsomined. woodwork eggshell gloss enamel, two sleeping rooms, one has large screened openings, with storm curtains ; about the swellest little Dutch kitchen you ever saw. enameled throughout, com plete bathroom, with best plumbing, all white enamel, good basement, with ce ment floor and cement shelves all around; lot 50x100; east front: one blo-k north Alberta car. E. 19th st. N., No. 1095; price 93500, with terms; owner. IRVINGTON HOME. HERE IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY to secure one of lrvlngton's most pleas ant modern-priced 6-roum homes: large living room, oak floors, fireplace, fin ished in old Ivory; most cheerful dining room. - oak floors, with built-in buffet; Dutch kitchen ; 3 fine bedrooms and sleeping; porch up, with tiled bathroom: hot-air furnace ; 50x1 0U lot; garage; all Improvements In and paid; $7noo. term Let us show you this real home at the right price. THE FRED A. JACOBS CO.. 104 Fifth St. Main S9. HAWTHORNE B V N G A LO W V AC A NT- OPEN. 850 E. 45TH ST.. NEAR CAR AND SCHOOL. 6 rooms. Ivory finish. taoe.try paoer. oak floors, fireplace, built -I na. cement basemen t. trays, heating plant, garage. paved street and sewer. NEW BUNGALOW. 94150. $7541 CASH. 5 rooms, breakfast nook. Ivory finish tapestry paper, oak floors. fireplace bufiet. Dutch kitchen. " cement base ment, travs ; 1 block to Hawthorne car. W. D. RODABAL'GH. 1046 Hawthorne ave. Tabor 4209 MOUNT TABOR. 14250. Large 5-rm. double -const rue ted bun galow with attic, Dutch kitchen, built in buffet, fireplace, full cement base ment, fine furnace, laundry trays, beau tiful lot 5PX00. 4 bearing fruit trees, garage, 2 biks. Sunnyside car. This bun galow Is only 3 years old and in first class condition. Could nut be built lor price aked. Terms. Let Us Show You. GEO. T. MOORE CO. 1007 Yeon bldg. EAST IRVINGTON 96000. Here, really, is one of the best buys we've listed for eome time: An 8-room home with one bedroom down and three on upper floor; hardwood floors, fire place, furnace heat, wash trays, big full basement, garage, corner lot. street ileus all paid If you'll pay 920O0 cash you'll get a tine home at a low price. CO M 1 n. KUttbMAA, 208 Chamber of Commerce bldg. M. 6550. Open Sunday. ROSE CITY PARK $5500. 5 rooms and sleeplnjr porch, hardwood floors, tapestry wallpaper. fireplace, built-in buffet and bookcases, xuu ment basement, furnace, wash trays paved street. This house is double con sfructed and built of best material throughout; $2000 down, bal. like rent. LUEDDEM ANN COMPANY. 013 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6067. LADD'S ADDITION COLONIAL SOhOO. 6 rooms. hardwood floors. fireplace. furnace; 2 biks. from car line, line uis trlct, paved streets, excellent construc tion. Here is a good purchase. Call Mr. Mahoney, COE A.' McKENNA & CO. 82 Fourth st. Main 4522. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. 6-ROOM BUNGALOW GARAGE. $4750. Here It Is. folks. New bungalow; hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet. Dutch kitchen, etc. ; assessments paid; easy terms; let us show you. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 270 Stark St., Near 4th. Main 3092. Office Open Sunday Afternoons. ROSE CITY SNAP. $4750. A real doll house 5 rooms with hard wood floors throughout; furnace, fire place, including beautiful - mahogany fur niture; furniture alone worth $ lOOO, In cluding Vlctrola. You must hurry, will sell Monday. J. BOBBINS A CO.. 801 Railway Exchange. Main 7031. $15.000 PORTLAND HEIGHTS $15,000. Choicest location, grand view; 8 beau tifully decorated rooms with tapestry paper and delicate tints ivory wood work; 2 sleeping porches. 2 view porches: den with fireplace: French doors be tween rooms; maid's quarters down. THE FRED A. JACOBS CO.. 104 Fifth St. Main 6-S60. PIEDMONT $4000 8 rooms 1n good neighborhood, on lOOx 100 lot, paved street, one blk. from car line, furnace, concrete basement; $1000 down. Call Mr. Mnhoney, COE A. McKENNA & CO. 82 Fourth St. Main 4522. BY OWNER $ 55.000. fine corner, modern house. 6 large rooms, well arranged, gas. Radiant fires Installed, good cement basement and furnace. 5 minutes' walk from new P. O. If you are looking for property with a future, this Is your opportunity. Cor. Larrahee and Halpev ts. PIEDMONT. A lovely 100x100 corner, 1 block from r; beautiful shrubbery and flowers; all improvements In and paid: large 7 room home, furnace and fireplace. See this at once; 910,000; nice terms. THE FRED A. JACOBS CO., 104 Fifth St. Main 6860. R-HOOM BUNGALOW 92650. A neat little 5-room bungalow on 50x 100 lot, full basement, furnace, close to car and school. Price $2050. to appre ciate, one must see it. LUEDDEM ANN COMPANY, 013 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6067. HAWTHORNE. Six-room house with hardwood floors, furnace and fireplace. All city liens In and paid. Price 94250; terms easy W. H. ROSS, 1100 Northwestern Bank Bldg ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. 5 nic rooms, all hardwood floors, fine basement, furnace, trays, corner lot. faces east: paved sts.: price $4150, terms. THE LAWRENCE CO.. 212 Corbett Bldg. . Main 6f15. t7.-,00 PORTLAND HEIGHTS $7500. Location and view alone should sell this 7-room home; not a new house, but a good one. Price less than value of lot. THE FRED A. JACOBS CO.. 104 Fifth Ft. Main 6S69. ALBERTA. 928505 rooms, bookcases, buffet, fireplace, built-in kitchen, good bath, full basement. laundry trays, block to car; terms. JOHNSON-DODSON CO. 633 N. W Bank Bldg. Main 878T. HAWTHORNE. Cozy 5-room cottage; on paved street, all paid. This is a nice little home; $280O: 91AOO cash. THE FRED A. JACOBS CO.. 1A4 Fifth St. Main 669. SUNNYSIDE. A splendid 6-room home with den and sleeping porch; (root hot-air fur nace: $4000; $1000 cash. THE FRED A. JACOBS CO.. 104 Fifth S t. Main 6869. ' ROSE CITY SNAP. $6250. Six-room stone house, hardwood floors, hot -water heat, aood location, fireplace. garage: a real snap. Call Sunday, Tabor 5319: Monday, Main TW31. n.ASSV three-room modern bungaiow. just completed ; fine location. Just east of Trvinirton. on paved street; dandy llttl place. Come early; owner leaving town. Call at hoa. I'll Knott st. thvtt.TO 7-room bunaalow : bedroom hoth downstairs, furnace, fireplace, full basement; snap. $55oO. Zimmerman, S18 Chamber of Commerce. BARGAIN lOOxlOo southeast corner E. 17th and Broadway; $7500; good old house; great speculation. " NOW'VACAKT-tSftoh" Six-room house, newly-painted, in fine ha p e. c sutn ana Hurnsiae. open. EVERY purchaser of real estate should have his title Insured. Better be safe than sorry. litis et lruwt company. IRVINGTON 7-room nifty bungalow, very complete, all conveniences, fruit, garage. Zimmerman. 818 Chamber of Commerce. T.OVRI.Y 7-room home, modern: eras ieat $5250, terms arranged. Mornings, Tabor 195. MODERN 5-room bungalow. Willamette Heights. Call owner. Main 5404 8-ROOM house. restricted district, nice grounds. 501 is. 3 nortn. labor ZBOu. REAL ESTATE. For Sale House. BEAUTIFUL HOME. Head of Irvlngton in Alameda: center hall, with French doors to living, dining, library and breakfast room; 3 bedrooms, 2 sleeping porches, two baths; all ivory finish ; now vacant ; 1 11,500. East 1347. IRVINGTON Nearly new 6-room bungalow and large breakfast room. hardwood floors t hroughout. beaut If ul tapes try paptr; select hardware and electric fixtures, bat h room with tile floor, pedestal fixtures, gasco furnace. garair. lartie cement porrh, faces east, rooms all on one floor. Shown by appointment only. Price 9ooo, half cah. J. L H ART MA N COMPANY. S Chamber of Commerce BMg. Main 208. LAURELHURST HOME. 8-room strictly modern home: hot wa ter heat, fireplace, hardwood floor, en closed sleeping porch and 5 bedrooms, of which two are on first floor: breakfast room, all bullt-lns, plate glass windows, fine norchei. full cement basement, trays. large lot with enclosed bark yard, fruit. double garage, near school. l nls is very fine home; price $12,500, terms $550 down. LUEDDEM ANN COMPANY. 913 Chamber of Commerce. Main 0967.- ALL THIS FOR $4200. Fine 1nxl20 corner virh fruit and gar den: splendidly constructed lii-ro houwe. the very best of material and workmanship, coat $6.i00 to build on low market few years ago; oak floors on en tire lower floor, hardwood finish; base ment Is a wondei, high, light and airy, with laundry trays and furnace. This is a chance of a lifetime to buy a fine, big residence at a vry low figure. Only $4200 with easv terms. FREDERIC C. PRATT. Bronrtwny 165K. 210 Oregon bldg. COMPLETELY FURNISHED. 93350. Double-constructed. 5 good -sized rooms, bath. Dutch kiti-hen. built-in buffet; lot SOxloO. 6 beurlmr Iruit trees: owned by a non-resident ; must eeil furniture and all; 910O0 cash will handle. Let t's Show You. GEO. T. MOORE CO. 1007 Leon bldg FOR SALE BY OWNER. 5-room bungalow on corner lot: cement garage. fLne hot-water heating svutem f ire d lace, fine combination range ir kitchen, large cement ba-meiu. large unf iniKhed attic, white enamel kltch and bath, screened back porch. Onl v 93400 for quick sale; $20m cash. liervl Terrace. Montavilla depot car to H5th and E. GUsan. 2 blocks south. Come before 1 P. M. Sunday or any time Mondav. FOR SALE. A BARGAIN. Must sell at once my 6-room house ; 50x1 OO lot, garage, fruit trees, concrete driveway; 3 blocks from cur linr; house in best of condition; price $3750; you can handle for $1250 down, balance on easy terms. Phom Broadway 3347 after 6:30 1. M. : Broadway 327S during day. Ask for Mr. Dodson, or sett houso at 982 Minnesota ave. $12.000 PORTLAND HEIGHTS VIEW HOME $l2.uuo. English type; 4 rooms down. 4 bed rooms ind sleeping porch second, fin ished room In attic; view porch; porch living room in Ivory mission, dining room light, and natural upstairs; garage; must be sold to raise money. THE FRED A. JACOBS CO.. 104 Fifth St. Main 069. 927 Mt. 4 ROOMS AND BATH. BRAND NEW BUNGALOW. EVERYTHING COMPLETE. 431 1-1 BERTY ST. LARGE LOT. EASY TERMS. ONE BLOCK SOUTH WDLN. CAP.. 2 BLOCKS EAST UNION AVE. FINE NEIGHBORHOOD. OWNER. TABOR 05M1. $24,Omi THE ALAMEDA $24,OuO. This is probably the best-bull f. most beautiful grounds and most ideal home in Portland; the very best of everything is here; grand view; hot-water heating svstem ; everybody admires this place ; being offered for sale because owner Is leaving city. THE FRED A. JACOBS CO.. 104 Fifth St. Main 6K09. ROSE CITY- PARK. $5250. An honest bungalow, beautiful lawn; the living room is large, dining room wit h bu fet : all modern conveniences ; 2 nice bedrooms : also kitchen ; a real bargain ; don't delay. J. BOBBINS & CO.. 801 Railway Exchange. Main 7931. LAURELH U RST. One of Laurelhuist's newest and most -ta.-tix.-o himiriLlows: 8 I'.ght and airy rooms, splendid view, finished in old ivory and white; floor eastern oak; -lend id furnace and fireplace; a good buy at $l25o. Terms. THE FRED A. JACOBS CO.. 104 Fifth St. Main 6860. wiri r. mviVGTON HOME for sale; beautiful bru k and shingled rtn enrnpr lot. with garag and everything completn and up to dat; a thut has attracted mor notice than anv other In Irving-ton; price $13. non with reasonable terms. John D. Wilcox. 414 Pittock block. A FORCED SALE. S35HO. A home containing 7 rooms. large i 1 nnT-,.v ftrfn'mv. furnace, full basement. 50x100 lot, located on Weldler st.. between E. 20th and K 81st st. Easy , F V. Andrews & Co., V4 Plait bldg.. 127 Park st. Marshall 6025. r-i .nmr i v WEST SIDE. Good 6-room house nn 5th st.. right h.ninxit i-pnter: nrice $50410. terms ui trade for 5-room bunga low In good district up to $4km cash difference. THE LAWRENCE CO.. 212 Corbett Bldg. .via in MODERN Rose City bungalow. 5 rooms, l. f ., nnrtlr ntid ftttlC. Oftlt floors, flrenlace. buffet, white enamel and old finish hard surface street in eluded- $49oo. $1000 cash, balance easy. JOHNSON-DODSON O. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. BEAUTIFUL Rose City cor.. 1 blocK handv ii ivrf moaern. ud-io-ihc-iiiuiui. .-.v... W.1...1 . nAt-n nn in the minute. rooms and sleeping porch, garage under nr.t-rv: nrlca $75O0. from, owner, moor o " rtHern bungalow, corner lot. east front, built for home: owner leaving city. For inspection pnune .a. . Plea do not answer uniess uilcishsm no nwerts . ncii'TY FOR $3A00. Six rooms, all on one floor; hardwood finnri hn rd -stir f aced street; a real home and a real snap. Call J. BOBBINS & CO.. R01 Railway Exchange. Main 7P3T. 8-ROOM bungaiow ; fine location. large ltvlntr room, ainmg room, . larg bedrooms, bath downstairs rooms up. 288 Glenn ave. thorne. two bed near Haw -.ttit l RVIVGTON $400o. Six rooms, hardwood floors, furnace tr.i,, corner, beautiful view; rea snap. Call East 7504 Sunday. Monday. Main 7031. FOR SALE Beautiful new 4-room Cali fornia bungalow; breakfast nook and good basement; not finished, but clean and classy; price $1430, easy terma 1043 Mississippi ave. $r,00 WILL HANDLE THIS. Seven-room close-in house. 5Oxl0O lot; very close in. walking distance; full rl si300: lot wrth $2000. Jacob Haas. Chamber of Commerce. Main 6127. ROSE CITY 374 E. 80th St. N. : open Sunday afternoon : see this bargain ; It's there ; 7-room modern. $5000; terms. Main 6127: residence. East 1364. SOUTH PORTLAND BARGAIN. Six-room splendid house, fine corner; lot 50x100; at 795 Corbett st. ; got to be sold to settle estate. Jacob Haas. Chamber of Commerce. Main 6127. FOR SALE Modern 6-room house, sleep ing porch, all built-Ins. double construct ed full basement, restricted district. 'a.l after Sunday A. M. Owner, Tabor 727S. WHEN you purchase your home hav the title insured. Get a title insurance poi. icty. Title A Trust Co. FOR SALE at a bargain. 4-room furnished bungalow: bath, gaa and lights. Wl E 74th st. Tak Mt. Tabor car to 76th st. CLOSE your real estate deal quickly through title insurance. o aostract re- f quired. Ttlt?e A Trust company. J " IOOsIOO--5 ROOMS $1500. Sellwood. corner lor ; some fruit; $.".00 ca-h, balance easy. Phone Sellwood 27 uG. REAL ESTATE. For Sale -Hnuses. WHY PAY RENT when you can own such as these on veri easy payments? 5-room double-constructed bungalow, many built-in features, large floored att ii; with dormer window s. full cement basement with trays, furnace, etc. All st. Improvements In and paid, desirable location, on Madison near 43d. one block, from Hawthorne car. Possession October 1. Price 94000. reasonable cash payment, easy terms. Also a 5-room double-constructed house with for two larg rooms In attic brlcK waited basement, fine condition, abundance of fine fruit and berries : lot lOOx 135 ; a splend id bargain, very bewt car service. 2 blocks from Union ave. on Emmerson st. $3500, on very eay payments. Also a splendid furnlehed 5-rm. bunga low, 50x100 lot, with tarage; only $3600. Auto service. O. B. R1PPEY. 610 McKay bldg. Main 622l. $30O DOWN. Five rooms and attic. 2 biks. Irvlng ton car. 4 blocks school ; 50x 1 1 0 lot on which t h ere now stands a vt ry coin -furtable 5-rm. house. Here is a chance to make 9 5O0. The owner is an old bachelor, has no nfcl for the housie, has plenty of money and if wilting to take $300 down, balance 920 month and Interest; no mortgage on the place. Why pay the landlord more money when you can apply $2o each niunin on a home of jour own? Let Us Show You. GEO. T. MOORE CO. 100" Yeon b'.dg. 1 R V I N i TON HOM E . A grand, 'w ell-a rrnnged and substan tia H y buil t 7-room home, with den and main quarters built on lines of Knghsh colonial; entrance into large living room, and den wtth large fireplace; on the left dining room, a nd kitchen to right-hand nlde of hall : beautiful oak floors down; 4 bedrooms up; finest hot-water heating plant. The arrangement of t his home is most desirable; splendidly lighted through French plate glass with rov ceilings: located on beaut if ul lOOx in corner ; all improvements in and paid ; $17,500: terms. THE FK ED A. JACOBS CO.. 1H Fifth St. Main 6K69. 95250 ROtE CITY PARK $5230. 7-ROOM BUNGALOW. $1000 DOWN. This is one of our beet listings. We'd strongly advise you to see It t-day ; 3 rooms. Including den or music room don n. 2 rooms on upper floor, hardwood, floors, firepla-e. massive built-in buffet, bonkkcastts. dutch kitchen, full cement basement, furnace bent, garage. What more can you ask for $325n? Pay $1000 cash and move In at once. Comte fit Kohlman, 2oS Chamber of Commerce bldg. M. 6550. Open Sunday. WEST MT. TABOR. 6-ROOM BUNG ALO W $ 4 1 00. Folks, we want you to s-?e this. Here Is a nifty bungaiow; living room tnda en t ire width of house ; hardwood, floors, fireplace, buffet. Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, cement basement, furnace-, etc. : you never w ould expect to buv such a home for so little money. A. G. TEEFE CO.. 270 Stark St.. near 4th. Main 3002. Office Open Sunday Afternoons. BEST BUNGAOW BUY FOR PRICE In cltv: 2 excellent lots; 5 sulendld rt-oms !nj bat hroom : high-grade full plumbing. eetrlc lights, gaa. beam cell ing. Dutch kitchen, cement Moored base ment, laiindrv trays, wood hoist, bearing f rtii ts. poultry equipment : paid cement walks; choice location; must sell: only 92750 $65o down. Take Mt. Scott car to Laurel wood. Inquire t except Sunday) t24 Foster road. G RAND 7-ROOM H OM E. An exceptional home in one of Port land'? best dlst rtcts : large rooms, hard -wood floors, old ivorv finish, sleeping porch, fine basement, furnace, trays, ga ra ge. new paint and. finish thrnughout; full lot; all improvements paid; price $7MM. terms. This home will plea&a yU THE LAWRENCE CO., 212 Corbett Bldg. Main 6015. 'AN ATTRACTIVE HOME. Contalninlng 8 rooms with attic full ba-ement. 3 fireplaces, located 270 E. h M net ween Ha wt home ave. and E. Madison st. This property Is offered for immediate rale at $6onn and can be handled on reasonable t-rms. F. . An drews A Co. 6th floor Piatt bldg.. 1-7 Park St.. near Washington St. Phone Ma rshai! 6023. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. SIX ROOMS $4350. EASY TERMS. Splendid home: six large rooms, fur nace, etc.: full lot; easy payments; let us show you. A G. TERPB CO.. 70 Stark Near 4th. Main 30ft2. Branch Office. 50th and Sandy. Open Sunday. . NO REASONABLE OFFER. WILL BE REFUSED, for the 7-room home, full basement, fur nace 50x100 lot. 10-ft. alley In rear! lo cated S22 Commercial st. bet. Falling and Shaver sts.. on Russel -Sha ver car line ami within three blocks of Union and Mississippi ave. car lines; !r;; schools. Owner week days at 604 Piatt bldg, 127 Park st.. near Washington st. Phone Marshall 6H25. ALBERTA HOME BARGAIN. 7 large, light rooms. 4 sleeping rooms and bath upstairs; large closets in each room: full basement; ne-wly painted anl Unted throughout; good furnace; lot 50x KM fine surrounding: close to car, school. tc. Price $4500. H cash, bal ance long time. a, R. M. GATE-WOOD & CO.. '? J FOR SALE J4000. casn ?"; '-; s feet, on corner; -romi .......- bouse, on choice corner, not modem but wired for electricity: 10 choice assorted bearing fruit trees. 1 70 feet raspberries, some logan and some strawberries 4 large grape vines. Near new St. John s park. No exchange. See owner, M,-f.r st.. St. Johns. 637 IMixloo LOT. r Ki u trees. Mirun-. -, Plenty of garaen Fpact. ,7 ' ' chicken house. 5-room bungalow In Tine condition. electric lights. gas. full plumbing, cement basement and laundry trays- price onlv 3Hmi. $1(oo cash. JOHNSON-DODSON CO 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3S7. WHY PAY BIG RENT? Five-room cottage, large corner lot; fmit. raved streets, fine nelghpornooo , close in, two car lines: terms. Crockett Co.. 203 only S2KO0; Washington bldg. MODERN ROSE CITY BUNGALOW, m-stodv. 5 light, airy rooms and ing porch: full lot. garage, furnace, fire place and H. W. floors, sewer end pave ment I nand paid, fiult and shade tre. p-ce $5(M0 and liberal terms. Tabor BEAUTIFUL ROSE CITY. OWNER LEAVING. w 7-room bungalow . hardwood floors large living room, finished In whit-j pnnmel ; iurn nuio iront; eo.. - - - Vi ..n also for sV FIFTH AND JACKSON. q tv corner. 2 houses; price $75O0; favorable terms. Goldschmldfs Agency. 5o5 Stock Exchange bid Main 43S. FOR SALE 6-room new house. rea roorn closets, hardwood floor, laundry trav" b!g basement, electric and gas. 2 1 blocks from Rose City school. Some cah. easv terms. Phone Sunday Tabor 7351 weekdays Marsh. 43TS. eTmn i-'oriTY In good 5-room celled house, $1chlck?nT- houses.Kiust outside r.ty 11m 3. cltv water, gas. H-acre. well fenced flue soil all kinds fruit, berries, roses, lawn. Will take good used car as part pay ment. Tabor 5S43. S7500 INCOME 14 PER CENT. r wn, 4-room flats, one sleeping porcn . white enameled, hardwood floors. flre- Irv- nUrPS. Rector gas nemer. in'..vy. lngton & Northrup. W. Bank bldg. Tin cTWFRT $4200. Fine P-room bungalow, full basement, large porches, plenty of fruit large and sir all roses, etc.: a wonderful buy. HF-7WGOPpARD.243 Stark St. ROSE CITY bungalow. 340 E. 41st N.J. garage; 6 rooms and sleeping porch, furnuce. fireplace. Dutch kitchen, built in buffet and every convenience; ?5750; $500 down. Tabor 1390. FOR SALE CHEAP. eMnv. hmme. garage. 50x100 lot. on 7e car line; must sell this week; on easy trma or cash. See owner. S. A. i nomas. Rlnt and Sellwood sts.. Milwaukie Or. WEST ST DE HOME. Modern two-family flat building: live i one and let the other; have an in ome; near Lincoln high school. 349 LESS than rent, 5 rooms, bath, basement, gas electricity, for less than building cost: close In, 2 carlines. 64 East 27th street South. MODERN 5-room bungalow. Montavilla: roeebushe fruit and berries: fine sbaoe: no encumbrances. Price 9200. Phone 4 -4 O . owner. 5 ROOMS $1750. Alberta district. Don't to see 433 Sumner St.; Just vacated: $450 do b'tqnce $25 a month. Including InteretT. 4-ROOM. attractive house at W.o E. 2Sth st S.; IS lots, garage, pergola porch, newly painted and . papered; $200; $500 down. E. M. Kellogg- Milwaukie. Or. 5 ROOMS. 100x200 $225(,. Sellwood, modern plastered house; owner must sel". ; $1000 cash. Sunday, Sellwood 2T06. CLOSE your real estate deal without an noying details by uMng a title Insurance policy. No abstract required. Title A Trust company. NIFTY little home near car. 3 rooms and bath; $10O0. 4O0 cah. balance monthly. .TOHNSON-DoDSON CO. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. -Iain 3737.