THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, - SEPTEMBER 12, 1920 REAL ESTATE. KEAl ESTATE. REAL ESTATE. KEAL ESTATE. REAL ESTATE. REAL ESTATE. REAL ESTATE. REAL ESTATE. For Salfr Houses. For Sale Houses. Kor Sale Houses. Per Sale Houses. 'or bale (Suburban Homes. ' J. A. WICKMAN CO. "Shortest Way Home." Tears of studv of local conditions. thorough knowledge of diBtrtcts, mruy witn values ana a spienam or ganization enable us to give you the! maximum service In HOMB BUYING. $J5U0 Let us show you this 5-room home on 50x100 lot. with imp. all in and included in price; six I irult trees; easy terms. 3000 Owner has Just reduced price! irom for quick sale; neat. I clean, attractive 5-room home; nice lawn, four fruit trees, chick en house; one block to Alberta! car, near Ola su; ZZOO cash will nanaie. $4100 Here is a wonderfully rood bu-v:l 6 rooms and sleeping porch down, I large attic lor two additional rooms if desired;- hardwood I floors, furnace, fireplace, buffet. I Iutch kitchen; in fine condition, I newiy painted ana decorated; ga-1 ruKe; large lot; require about I fiiju casn. ROSE CITT PARK. S4o00 Here is a home that you cannot I equal ior tne money Jn this de sirable section; 5 rooms andl breakfast room, large floored at tic, fireplace, buffet, hardwood I floors, Dutch kitchen, full ce-1 ment basement, wauh trays. $5300 Let us show you this attractive bungalow home of 6 rooms and bath, attic, fireplace, buffet, hardwood floors. full cement basement, wash trays, street im provements in and paid; liberal terms; vacant, move right in. EASTMOREL.AND HOME. t $6500 buys 9-room strictly modern home, near Reed college; hot water heating plant, hardwood floors, usual built-ins, 5 bed rooms; home built only six years; will sell furnished if desired; terms. HAWTHORNE HOME. $4200 Here is your opportunity to buy I an attractive well-constructed I home, surrounded by beautiful I homes, close in and near Haw thorne ave.; Btreet improvements I in and paid: 6 rooms and bath, I buffet Dutch kitchen; all large I rooms: terms. we have a num ber of desirable homes in this section. S7500 Never before have we offered I such a bargain in this class of homes; 7 rooms and breakfast room; finished In enamel throughout; hardwood floors, fireplace, sliding French doors to dining room, buffet, Dutch! kitchen, linen chute In kitchen I and second floor, dust chute. linen closet, attic for storage. furnace, wash trays, full cement I basement, fruit room. 80x100 cor ner lot, with alley; three blocks! to school, two blocks to car; I terms 6 per cent on balance. mortgage and all. WAT.VTTT PBK INVESTMENT. I8B00 Owner wants to leave Portland; larra house arranged as two 4- room flats, with attic, two bath-1 rooms, furnace, full cement base- I ment and 6 -room home on rear I lot: strictly modern except nara- wood floors: all for for S8900. and owner will throw In the I furniture; this la worth your In vestigation; terms. 17000 If von want a real home and! don't stick on white enamel fin ish, we can show you a beauty I finished in natural selected grain fir; exceptionally large living. iilninv room and entrance hall. Tiuteh kitchen, screened-in back I porch, three rooms and Bleeping I norch. also bath, second lloor. large floored attic; garage; fine I firenlace. buffet. full cement I basement, wash trays, furnace;! you can't beat it for the. money. T . A TIRRLHURST HOME. $7500 us show you this attractive 1 home of six rooms, exceptionally I larare bedrooms, hardwood f loora I ihrmtrhout. fireDlace. furnace. full cement basement, wash I trays. beautiful built-in buffet, I Dutch kitchen. garage; street I improvements paid; terms. Call and Inspect our photos of the best I home buys; we have homes In all sec-1 in and can please you. We list only I homes In good condition; homes that are .,h ha mnnpv. Don't wait for a house to be advertised that Just suits I vnn we unaouDieaiy ne that Is Just what you are looking for. OPEN SUNDAY. J. A. WICKMAN CO. "Shortest Way Home." 264 Stark Stl Main 1094 and 083. tot, . c--r-rjr. wv.IRHTS 47o0 CASH s:i-rn'om bunralow on corner lot; large ii.,,...- riinirn rooms (fir floors), 2 bed- . r' -iti ha.ih connecting: fine view of mountains; garage: on paved streets i unA. hif hnnement with con crete walls and dirt floor; fireplace and furnace: a. few minor repairs v... thi i tii rarest bargain xn town. located at 1048 Thurman st. Do not disturb tenants. Phone Mr. Mahoney for appointment. COE A. McKENNA CO., t2 Fourth St. Main 6S71. ROSE CITY BEAUTY $5500. Kitt-v K-rAnm liA-storv bunralow "with leeplng porch, large living and dining rooms, lovely hardwood floors, massive TlreDlace. buffet. bookcases, full ce- nui basement, furnace, wash trays. i finest construction and finish through I out; on 40th st. A r&al bargain; terms t aown, oaiance edoj jjuicius. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, 13 Cham, of Com. ' Main 6967. $33.V) J750 CASH. EAST 1-STH NEAR MORRISAN. 6-room Queen Anne bungalow, a, dandy close-In buy. See it now. Main 4S03. O. C. GOLDENBERG . Abington Bldg. "35 Yeaxa in Portland." ROSE CITY'S BEST BUNGALOW. AT THE PRICE. PERFECT IN EVERY DETAIL, OLD IVORY FINISH. BEAUTIFULLY DECORATED INTERIOR, OWNER MUST SELL. SEE IT MONDAY. ' NEILAN & PARKHILL. 519 Lumbermens Bldg., 5lh and Stark st. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. 5-room bungalow. built about two years, best of condition, very attractive, large closets, fireplace, full concrete fenjtement. 40x100 lot on a good street near Hawthorne ave., $4500 If sold this week. C. M. DERR. COE A. McKENNA & CO., 82 Fourth St. Main 4522. 1TOR SALE 6 rooms and sleeping porch. located on one acre in good suburban district. Just outside city; all kinds of fruit and berries; gooa grouna. gooa earaire and chicken house; has all mod- ern improvements, same as city: four Mocks from car. If interested, call Tabor 2960. , $0000 BUNG ALO W S 3 000. 5-room bungalow, very neat, fireplace and the usual built-in., full concrete basement. 50x156 lot. east front, nice lawn. Just east of Laurelhurst. C. M. DERR. COE A. McKENNA & CO.. 82 Fourth st. Main 4522. TERMS LIKE RENT. 1 Five rooms and large sleeping porch, ' corner lot, fruit trees and berries; 1 block from car and pavel streets; close to school and stores; Irving Park; price $26'r0. $i loo cash, balance $25 per mo. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 3Q5 Oak St. a ttr ACTIVE 4-room bunsalow. elassed- in front porch, close to carline, markets. ears ire. cniiaren s piaygrounas: yard bower of flowers. Only $2750. Reason able frms. ERNEST WELLS CO.. 605 Couch Wdg. Main 6K2&. Evenings and Sunday Tabor 3428. S74 EAST 39TH. BE THERE SUNDAY Afternoon. House open ; possession at once : one block north Sanuy boulevard. seven rooms, $5000. Jacob Haas, East 1364. WONDERFUL BUNGALOW HOME. ROSE CITY PARK. Large and roomy. 5 rooms, breakfast nook, large attic, strictly modern, full lot. all improvements in and paid; nice trees on 101 ana excellent location; low Trice, easy terms. 1 apor " $6500. Within block Fern wood chool. comer lot. modern --story, tt-room and. sleeping rxvrch ; garage. ' POINDEXTER. 208 SELLING BLDG. Main 1SO0, at 67 7L ROSE CITT PARK. A. N. MIKKELSEN CO. 02D AND SANDY BLVD. A SUNDAY SPECIAL. OXLY $5500. It's a B-room mnrlern hnnnlflW. an Ideal home, with fruit, flowers and nice iawn. uet us snow you this place. it snap for the monev. and the terms are $350 cash, balance to suit purchaser. cilice open Sunday. ' A. N. MIKKELSEN CO., 52d and Sandy .Blvd. PORTLAND HEIGHTS BTJNQA . LOW FOR $2000 LESS THAN COST. This beautiful bungalow is all on one floor; very artistic; 2 ce ment courts with flowers: 2 beau tiful stone fireplaces; Dutch kitch en with pass pantry; breakfast room, large living room, dining room, 2 bedrooms, furnace: corner lot with very artistic stone wall all around; winding cement walk from corner of lot, enters pergola and continues around house; paved streets: restricted district. This bungalow would cost fully $2000 more to build than we are asking for it. Price only $6400. Tabor 8089. No agents. "VERY SPECIAL" BARGAIN. 7 ROOMS. LOT T5X100. "SACRIFICE BY" NON-RESIDENT. NEWLY PAINTED. TINTED INSIDE AND OUTSIDE. READY TO MOVE RIGHT IN. LARGE LOT. FRUIT. JHVS. MODERN. GOOD NEIGHBORHOOD. PRICE $3350. ABOUT $500 CASH. BALANCE LIKE RENT. NO. 13:i0 ATLANTIC AVE.. 1 BLUClt TO WILLAMETTE BOULEVARD. ONE-HALF BLOCK TO . PORTLAND BOULEVARD. ST. JOHNS CAR, OFF AT PORTLAND BOCLEVARD. WEST 1 BLOCK. SOUTH ONE-HALF BLOCK. ADDRESS OWNER. CARE 302 SELLING BLDG. PHONE MAIN 1136 OR MAIN 1777. BRAND NEW JUST FINISHED. COLONIAL BUNGALOW. ROSE CITY PARK 487 E. 41ST. Artistic 5-room bungalow with garage. breakfast room, plate glass windows. swell beveled plate buffet, 13x16 eastern I oak floors, old Ivory finish, trimmed ma- nogany. tapestry paper, nice attic, iur- nace. wide cement porch, etc. Phone 1 owner. Tabor 1900. S01 E. 43d St. N. NEW IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. If vou are look t n fr for a real UD-to- the-mlnute bungalow, located at 490 East 23d St. North, you will appreciate I this home. It has five rooms and break- I fast room, oak floors throughout, fire nlAoe. furnnoe. everv ImmrinahlR built- in feature, plateglass windows, beautiful tapestry paper and ivory finish tnrougn- out. - The bathroom has tile lloor ana walls wtrh exnenslvA nlumblne and cabi nets; 50x100 lot with large garage ana cement runway. For appointment phone East 7593. J. E. Abrahamson, owner and I builder. $250 DOWN. 6 ROOMS AND ATTIC. Here is a chance to buy a comfor table home with a very small initial payment; lot 50x100, 4 blks. to school; 2 blks. Irvlnsrton car: full price $2850. The house is now renting for $20 per j month. You can pay the balance off 1 at same rate. Which shall It be $25 to the landlord or $2o to apply on a home or your own LET US SHOW YOU. CEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon bldg. CLOSE-IN SNAP. I have a very desirable six room house on Belmont near 30th which I will sell at a sacrifice. $4(O0. $10000 down, balance like rent. $40 per month. Phone owner. Tabor 2253. HOLLADAY ADDITION. Multnomah st.. walking distance, east side, near schools and churches: 2-story. 8-room house, 4 bedrooms, bath, elec tric lights, hardwood floors: full-siza concrete basement with the famous Gasco furnace; large garage. If sold this week can make special price and terms. POINDEXTER. 208 SELLING BLDG. Main 1800. Residence East 6771. WHY RENT? 2B0 VACANT VACANT $250. $2950 SEE THIS AT ONCE $2950. Six-room vacant house in Montavilla: good basement, plumbing, electric lights. gas, 80x100 of ground, four large fruit trees; $250 down will buy this; it is a shame to try to rent when you can buy like t-nis. bunnay. Marshall olm-i: week days. Main 7967. Mariels or Williams. 1-20 Chamber of Commerce bldg. A SNAP. This charming 5-room bungalow was ouiit lor a Home and is Ideally located near a business center, H blocli to car: every built-in feature; hardwood floors; excellent sleeping rooms; furnace: ga rage. This requires cash; $5000. HAWTHORNE REALTY CO.. Cor. 36th and Hawthorne. Tabor 7463. 43uu iKviAUTO.N bungalow. 6 rooms. furnace, fireplace, corner lot. paved sts.. Dig oargain. $5500 Piedmont, 6-rm. modern home. $7500 Mt Tabor, west slope, modern Dome; view of city. $9000 Laurelhurst. modern 9-r. home. $15.000 Broadway, near Jackson. 12 r. J'JOU rurn shed ft-r rMlaEp CHAS. RINGLER & CO.. 225 Henry bldg. $2750 MODERN BUNGALOW $2750. VACANT IN FEW DAYS. A REAL OLD TIME BARGAIN. 5 rooms and sleeping porch, one floor. -good basement, furnace, plumbing, elec- I inc ugnis, gas, some ount-lns, near car. hard surfaced street, easy terms. Sun- I day Mar. 5!M?3, weekdays Main 7967. Mariels or Williams. 820 Cham, of Com. otng. LOWER WESTOVER. 9-room house with fine view; 60xl00-foot lot; restricted district, west side. Bargain at $7000. Phone Tabor 3089. MODERN BUNGALOW. In Portland, on paved st. Also S20 acres of wheat and stock ranch in Wash- InVtatTl all f roo anil rlsi r 1 n 1 rr Vi 1- n noa to trade for a ranch stocked and equipped, within 100 miles of Portland. Value of both properties $10,000; want something or equal value, or nearly so; prefer to deal with owner. Submit what you have to Box 3S53. Portland. Or. NEW HOUSE, 2 LOTS. $4500) Neat bungalow, all modern con-" venlences except iurnace: attrac tive lawn: 2 blocks each to school and car; among neat homes; $1000 1 cash and terms; will sell one lot I and house. GEO. E. ENGLEHART CO.. - Bdwy. 5173. 624 Henry Bldg. IF YOU want a clean, nice home with I living: room, dining room, one bedroom and bath. Dutch kitchen finished in white, basement with laundry trays, nice 1 yaro. wnn lawn, i towers ana snruDhery, close to good car line. Price only $2500, luuu casn, oaianco ." per month. John Malone, 304 Oak st. Bdwy. 266 or I W OOQ. 4411. HOSE CITY DISTRICT .-room bunealow. 4 lots, assessments paid, lots of nice fruit trees, fine place for chickens and garden, close to car and school; $2000. terms. Mce little place; you won't beat It. Furniture for sale cheap. Ta- 7174 or t;ast itn North. IRVINGTON swkul HOME; hot water heat, two iirepiaces, oaK Iloors. ivory finish, artistic decorations. rnrnpr 111 000. Neuhausen Co., N. W. Bank bldg. . , - - ."iOO BUYS clean, newly painted modern 5-room cottage, nawtnorne district, close in; $500 cash. Hatfield, 231 Morri- son st. BEAUTIFUL HOMES FROM $3500 TO $45.00O. CAN PLEASE YOU. ZIM MERMAN, 18 CHAMBER OF COM MERCE. FINE 7-room . house, hardwood floors thronehout. large grounds; priced rea sonable, terms. Zimmerman, 818 Cham ber of Commerce. 6-ROOM bungalow. -2 blocks from Haw thorne car. Price $4600; $12o0 cash, balance $60 per month; on hard-surfaced street. Phone 310-38. GOOD 6-room house, nice hall, full base ment. compietepiumoing. electric lights, gas. 50x100 lot, near K tilings wort h-ave. car. $2600. Terms. Wdtn. 3796. $7500 IRVINGTON 8-room, strictly mod ern, new oungaiow witn garage; must sell. Phone 310-38. ALBERTA. 3 rooms, 50x100 lot. only $1600. $400 cash, balance easy. Woodlawn 1733. $350 DOWN. BALANCE AS RENT. 6-room bungalow; bath, toilet. gas, electricity; $2500. 804 SPALDING BLDG. FOR SALE 8-room house. 1042 Belmont C; vacant ci-ea-n. Tabor 6300. WEST SIDE HOMES. B-room bungalow on Portland Heights: lot 50x130: large living room. fireplaces, furnace, Dutch kitchen and many other features. Price $6400. Phone Tabor 3089. No. 854-R. 6-room house on Nob Hill. Cor ner lot, paved street; good neigh borhood. Price $5750. Phone Ta bor 3089. No. 829-R. 8-room house with sleeping porch on Portland Heights. Finished In white enamel: 100x100 lot; 8 bear ing walnut trees. This is -an ele gant home. Phone Tabor 3089. No. 780-R. 8- room Nob Hill home. Modern In every respect. Moderately priced. Phone Tabor 3089. No. 834-R. 9- room house on 23d St.. 60x100 lot. Paved street, lawn and roses. Price only $7000. Phone Tabor 3080. No. 820-R. 12-room Colonial house on 20th St. This is an elegant and strictly modern home; 100x100 lot. with double garage, beautiful shrubbery, etc. Reasonable price and terms to responsible parties, phone Ta bor 3089. No. 7S3-R. 11-room Old English home on Nob Hill. This place la nearly new; H. w. floors throughout: 3 fireplaces, numerous halls and built-ins: 2 large sleeping porches and is strictly up-to-date. Lot 100x100: garage. Price and terms upon application. Phone Tabor S0H9. No. 786-R. For appointment to see these homes Phone Tabor 3089. FIVE ROOM'S MODERN. WEPT SIDE. (FORECLOSURE PRICE.) READY TO MOVE RIGHT IN. EASY WALK OR TAKE 3D-ST. CAR, OFF AT MEADE ST.. GO EAST -TO CORBETT. NORTH TO NO. BR5. PRICE THIS WEEK $1990 (CHEAP AT $3000-). $"!90 CASH: BALANCE EASY RENT PAYMENTS. (SEWER. SIDE WALK AND PAVING ALL IN AND PAID). PAY RENT TO yOURSEIJT. ADDRESS OWNER. 302 SELLING BLDG. PHONE MAIN 1136. AFTER 7 CALL MAIN 1777. GRAND AVENUE. 6 ROOMS AND ATTIC. This is not a new house, bnt very Comfortable and exceedln-rlv rhan at the price asked. $l0O. which Includes street, sewer and sidewalks, all paid for 1 block from Union avenue car; $258 will handle, balance $23 per month. You -probably rav at least this much rent every month. You canno"t pay bills with rent receipts, but the money paid each month on your home ail comes Dacx to you. LET fS SHOW YOU. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 10OT Yeon bldg. BEATJTrFTJL TRVIW,TOV PARK. $4200 R-R. NIFTY BUNGALOW. Just hearing completion, owner bu-ndlng hlmsel'f; you pay him for labor: has fireplace, buffet, f. c. basement, built-ins. nice attic: cor. 50x100, b!k car: $1000 cash. Oth ers aire asking $6000 for no better. G. C. GOLDENBERG Abington Bldg. Main 4S03. IRVINGTON BARGAIN. Have a new -modem It-mom pnUfilal I house on E. 16th between Klickitat and rremont. for sale At a bartraln TVIpa $1000 below the market. Owner, Rice I t;onstr-uctlon Co. Price $9230. Phone I $33541 VACANT VACANT $3350. IF TOU KNOW A BARGAIN SEE THIS AT ONCE. 6 rooms, modem, full hnnpmnf latin. dry trays, fine plumbing, electric lights. K. oui -in nutlet. liitfh panel dining room, lot 50x100, near car; house in good condition, full double con structed every way. This house would cost s.SioU to build. If you want a bar gain see it. Terms. Sunday Mar. 5963. rveen aays, Main J907. Mariels or Wil liams. 820 Cham, of Com. bide. COMPLETELY FURNISHED. $3200. 7-rm. rthl. nnat raaManM- 9 Wlr. irom gooa scnool: 4 blks. Sellwood air line iHrccnitl- lot: bearinsr frnlt trs: Paved street: all In f lrflt-rlK conHlHnn. This house is completely furnished with gooa grade furniture, ready to move in l any time. House rurnishings and ill can be handled for $500 down, bal ance same as nouse would rent lor. WHY PAT RFNT? GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon bldg. $150 CASH. si'oo Hawthorne house. 5 rooms, near! Hawthorne ave., E. 41st. st. $250 CASH. $2000 6-room house and 3 25x100 Iota. near Peninsula ave., north of Lom- Dara. GEO. E. ENGLEHART. Bdwy. 5173. 624 Henry Bldg. ATTRACTIVE LAURELHURST HOME. run SALE BY OWNER. 6 rooms and enclosed sleeping porch I In A-l condition, bofct construction, fine garage. j nis piace must te seen be appreciated. Owner can mil with machine at any time. The nHc i rlffht and terms can be arranged. Tabor X12.-o 4-rOOm Cottar T. attr 1lnTa iivl aim com water; ioc i;xHHt: fenced: garage: chicken house: also all the fur niture in house. The total nrlr rr ijuit-n. adic, aoout j.3 minutes wain 10 won lav ma car. J. J. OEDER, 4 Grand Ave. N.. near E. Ankeny. A LITTLE BEAUTY. 6-room bungalow in old Ivory through out; artistically decorated; all built-ins; breakfast nook; very best plumbing; finished attic; splendid garage: ex- e.icni. location ; cash : $000 HAWTHORNE REALTY CO . Cor. 36th and Hawthorne. Tabor 7463. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. This home is in Al condition: now vacant, reauy ior occupancy: 6 rooms iin an ouui-ins. space ior parace. Go look at i '-'00 E. Lincoln st. Substantial HAWTHORNE REALTY CO.. cor. dtUh and Hawthorne. Tabor 74ft3. BIGGEST VA LUE IN IRVINGTON 6750 $6750. Eight rooms, modern, 4 bedrooms and steeping porcn, reception hall, large liv ing room, attractive dining room, east ern oak floors, full cement basement. Fox furnace, fruit room, finished attic. iocaiea on i itn, near Tillamook. In spection invited. Call owner, East 2436. attractive house. Portland neignta, targe level grounds, good view, naru auriace. iree or a 1 soerfal it ments, very substantial, comparativelv ntfw, good condition; expensive place but a real nome and one that you will iinc . van jiaranai I 1 7. aq&0 MODERN BUNGALOW $2650. $300 WILT, HAVnr.V. nnn Five rooms, one floor, good basement, plumbing, electric lights. gas: a bar- ?aln- on "y terms. Sunday Marshall weekdays Main 7967. Mariels or I v- nam, or com, bldg. $4000" 7-room 2-story house, modem; corner rot jc,aHi A9in st and IS. Tay- iui , uuiucuiiiLe poFsession. . J. J. OEDER, urana Ave, in., near E. Ankeny. LAURELHURST. Corner lot, 100x100. fine view narV and mountains. Strictly modern 8-room I nouse, garage, not-water heat. POINDEXTER, 20S Selling Bid. Main 1S0O. Residence East 6771 WEST SIDE. 100x100, 10 rooms, 5 fireplaces, 8 baths, garage; a modern home, worth $25,000; price only $17,000. W. H. ROSS, 1100 X. W. Bank Bldg. 7-ROOM modern house rieht In Trvinff(nn I full cement basement, furnace A iHr I v. ,1 , tnAn:n . i , . .a . Lrciai uuuio, Pit:rjiii6 l i uii, iireD ace. a in- room buffet built In. Owner, 921 avier st. FOR SALE by owner. 9-room house in de- siraoie ne-ignDornooa. overton street: 3 rooms ana pantries downstairs. 4 sleep ing rooms ana oain on second. 2 on tmra: iu.i.i"r. u p. Oregon, an. ROSE CITY PARK colonial home. 7 rooms ana sun parior. in perrect condition, all In ivory enamel, excellent furnace, frill cement basement, corner lot 50x100. 44th ana iiiiamooK. IRVINGTON HOMES OUR SPECIALTY. I'Kjr r hu x iifciPOKhi SEEING T. B. NEUHAUSEN CO.. MAIN 8078. 830-832 N. W. BANK BLDG. " NEAR UNION AVENUE. 4 rooms, $1350, $400 cash, balance easy. v ooaiawn iia.s. 7-ROOM bungalow near Peninsula school. a iso . rooming nouses. Leaving Port land. E. 8325. Mrs. Frederick. PIEDMONT A REAL HOMK 12 rooms, worth $20,000; only $12,000, BARGAIN Six family flats. 3 and A pm each, close in, $7250, 1-3 cash; all rentedl 1 Aiain a tnt. $2600 5-ROOM bungalow, 1337 30th N. Open today. End Alberta car. FOUR-ROOM modern house, 878 Mississip pi ave, Wdln. 697. PACIFIC AGENCY. TNC. Suite 512 to 20 Swetland Bldg. 5th and Washington st. Marshall 1265. Marshall 3989. The Home of the Home Buyer. The Place with a Thousand Bargains. We are at your-service at any time. A live bunch of courteous salesmen. EAST IRVINGTON HOMES. No. 600 Price $12,500. One of the best houses we have had In a long time; 7 -room bun-, galow, 2-story type. The archi tecture of this bungalow you will have - to see to believe that we have such a place. Large rooms, 2 bathrooms, large special built ins. all kinds of shrubbery. lOOx 100 lot. If you are In the market for a home of -this nature, call us. We will gladly show you. IRVINGTON. No. 561 Price $5500, Cash. 2-story. 6 rooms. This is a. very good sort of a home and in a very good part of Irvington, 50x100 lot. It is very seldom that we get one like this at a price like thfs. NORTH IRVINGTON. No. 602 Price $4250, Some Terms. 5-room modern bungalow, large attic, fireplace, hardwood floors, full basement, 50x100 lot; also " garage. LAURELHURST. No. 398. Price $8500. Some terms. A regular 2-story 8-room home, large and beautiful rooms in this home, all hardwood finish through out, as weil as floors, screened in back porch, fireplace, furnace, everything that it takes to make - a home modern. A home like this in Laurelhurst is hard to find. Better look it up if you are in the market. WEST SIDE. PRICE $S1100. " CASH $"2o00. . No. 651. 11-room house. 4 rooms on first floor, large and very well arranged second floor, 4 rooms very well arranged to rent, third floor very gotxl also; if you are in the market for a real home you must see this; near 23d and Washington sts., no better loca tion in Portland for renting rooms; the wise buyer acts quick at the sign of a bargain; we are at your service. PACIFIC AGENCY, INC.. 514 to 20 Swetland Bldg. Marshall 39S9. Marshall 1263. A REAL BARGAIN. 7-room, double-constructed through- I out. large well-arranged rooms, gooa basement, wash trays, good plumDing; nice, level luiixiwi lot witn cnicaen house and fruit trees: good neighbor hood ; excellent car service? to close an estate will take $3500. See Mr. Llbby. Large acre and neat 5-room bunga low, barn, chicken house, fruit trees, good roads, close in ; $2200. Very easy terms, bee Mr. Llbby. -A 5-room buncralow with flreblee. basement, large rooms, only $1950; $400 win nanaie: a gooa buy. bee air. Llbby. 1 INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. Broadway 5043. 410 Henry Bldg. ROSE CITY PARK. BEST BUY IN TOWN. $5800. Five large rooms, besides large rlass I breakfast ROOM (not a nook); 2 front entrances; bevel plate glass; large attic; full cement basement; hardwood floors; large llreplace: garage. Better tha anything you have had offered before; improvements all in and paid. Let us I show you today, SUNDAY. Phone ap pointment, Alain 022U. We have several other strictly modern homes in this and other good districts wnicn are real bargains. xou can see them today. G. C. McCORMIC CO., 243 Washington St. Main 8220. TO SETTLE AN ESTATE. We are authorized to sell to the high est bidder three houses located close In on the East Side. These houses are all rented and In first-class condition. Own ers will consider clear lots as first pav- ments. J? or further particulars see Air. xiuioert. ST. CHARLES REALTY CO.. Charles Lobby. 204 Morrison St. St. NEAR WESTMORELAND Block Car. 5-P.m., np-to-date bungalow, bath Dutch kitchen: built-in buffet fire place: laundry trays: 50x100 lot: 5 blks. school; full price $3500; pay $690 down and balance like rent. Why pay the landlord when the same money could be appiiea on a nome or your own? LET US SHOW YOU. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon bldg. UNION SAFE DEPOSIT & TRUST CO. $2750 $300 CASH, 6-room bungalow on HiHineue civu., oi. jQana uis- trlct. This bungalow Is right in the Industrial district, doubly con structed; can give possession on the 16th of the month, and will retint the rooms; a good range and some carpets go with the place. UNION SAKE DEPOSIT & TRUST CO. Broadway 943. 284 Oak St. $3250 MT.. TABOR HOME $3250. A beautiful 5-roora bungalow, cement I basement, fireplace, hardwood floors. built-ins, while enamel bath and kitch enette, lot &Ox H)0. 1 block of car: $1250 cash, mortgage $1000, balance! rent. Call for Mr. Oliver. HARGROVE REALTY CO.. 122 N. 6th. Broadway 4381. WHY TRY TO RENT? $2000 VACANT VACANT $2000. $250 DOWN WILL HANDLE. 6 rooms, basement, good plumbing. electric lights, gas. in best of condition. 1 block from car. See this today for bargain. Sunday Mar. 5963: week days. Main 7067. Mariels or Williams, 820 Cham, of Com, bldg. ROSE CITY PARK, 5 large rooms and breakfast room, large floored attic with two large dormers, fireplace and all built-in features, large closets, full base ment; in the best Rose City residence district: liberal terms. See owner at premises. 554 44th st, N., near corner I of Brazee. FOR SALE BY OWNER. Modern 5-room bungalow, double-con- I structed : Iruit ana berries; to appreci ate, must be seen. Owner will be on place between iz noon and 4 P. M. Sunday, Sept. 12. For good home call tt E. H4th st. SUNNYSIDE COTTAGE. 5-room cottage In good condition; west of 32d street. This little home can be bought for a cash payment of $300; price HAWTHORNE REALTY CO.. Cor. 36th and Hawthorne. Tabor 7463. I AM THE OWNER. VACANT SEPTEMBER 1. Seven-room well -constructed house; good plumbing: electric lights, etc.; large lot UOxlOO: all kinds of berries. Will sell for $2475 on very easy terms. Call Tabor 81 S9. $3000. Good 6-room house, lot 50x100; 627 Clinton st., near East 17th. For par ticulars and permission to look through house, see J. J. OEDER, 4 Grand Ave. N., near E. Ankeny. BARGAIN 8-room house, big lot, near car; bath, toilet, electric lights, base ment, garage and chicken house, $2500. Hal( cash, also 5-room bungalow, east lace, Duiii-ms, near car; move rignt in, $2500; $500 cash and terms. A. M. Se,arle, 1924 E. Glisan st. $3500 $500 cash, balance like rent, 7 nice rooms, two xuii tots, streets paved block to Sellwood car. Owner out of town and wants to make a quick sale. For particulars phone Broadway 943. 284 Oak street. MT. TABOR. FINES VIEW, LARGE LOT. 100x100. Modern 8-room house: terms. POINDEXTER. 208 SELLING BLDG. Main 1S0O. East 6771. $3100 EASY TERMS, 3 large lots, bearing fruit trees, good 6-room house, garage and chicken house. Johnson, with In terstate Land. Co., 243 Stark St. Main 5429. IRVINGTON Elegant home, near club old ivory finish, center hall, extra well built, beautnui large rooms, xseuhausen, Main 807S. BEAUTIFUL corner, six rooms, strictly modern, hardwood floors, furnace, fire place, line garage. bunaays or eve nings. 2.i is. oa St., cor. Madison. BARGAIN $300 down buys 4-room house two fine lots, covered with fruit trees. on irvington car line. t-rice 4nu. E. J. GEISER, 417 Cham, of Com. 4-ROOM bungalow with bath, large lot on West Side: $1500. $300 cash. $15 monthlv. -fto be rtson Co.. 413 Cor bett bldg. WHY PAY RENT ? , $900 Furnished 5-room cottar over looking W-illamette river. South Portland. Ohas. Ktngier Co., z-'o iienry bldg. GRAND AVENUE. K rooms. 50x100 lot. improvements in and paid; $2650. $6. VI cash, balance $25 an& interest. owuawu PORTLAND HEIGHTS EXCLUSIVELY. Modern 8-room house at 302 Vista ave., walking distance, near bridge, large living room with fireplace, hardiwood floors, splendid view porches, large sun- room, garage, hot-water heat, wonderful view, cannot be Beaten; all newly deco rated. Fine 8-roflm house nnv Tapani m Elizabeth street, llvinar room verv larsre. xireplace, large glassed-ln sleeping porch. extremely soiia construction. Dest heavy hardwood floors, cement garage with plenty light, water and drain; unob structed view of city; way below value. Up-to-date. well-arraneed lO-rAom , residence, ideal for children; very large living room, llbrarv. hardwood floors. large sleeping porch, 3 lvel lots, finely arranged grounds, garage; very reason- ia.ow price; must oe sola at once. If thease are not suitable for vou. I can show you one that is. BROOKE. MARSHALL 4S27. 541 Montgomery Drive., Corner Elm St. $8500 $8500. SPLENDID IRVINGTON. This beautiful home Is Ideally situated in one of the best home sections of exclusive Irvington: a 7-room ultra-modern home. 16th, near Brazee; all rooms finished In white enamel, . Insuring lasting beauty and sanitation. You'll find a pleasing sense of harmony that Is found in only one place, HOME. Spacious living and 'dining rooms, model kitchen, built-in labor-saving conveniences; 50x100 grounds. With nice shrubbery, shade trees, etc. We have many other splen did homes in Irvington. and would be glad to show them to you. See J. W. Crossley. manager high class home department (Sundays call Main 5073), with FRANK L. McGUIRE To Buy High-Class Home. Abington Bldg. Main 1068. CHARMING NEW IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. 7 rooms, extra large living room. Ivory woodwork and papered; hardwood floors throughout; tile batn ana expen sive plumbing; uasco iurnace; garage. 672 E. Sixteenth st. N. E. NELSON. TABOR 6334. OWNER. VACANT. VACANT. $2470 EASIEST OF TERMS (2475. WHAT IS YOUK KACL-Sii KQR RENTING 7 7-room plastered, double-constructed house, small dirt basement, good plumb ing, electric lights, gas; lot ujxiuu; an kinds of berries, grapes, etc., several fruit trees. If you want- a good com fortable house that is more than worth the money, see this at once. Sundays. Marshall 59t3; weekdays. Main 7967. Mariels or Williams. 820 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. $250 AS FIRST payiment if sold at once lor a 7-room, -story nouse, rooms anu bath on first floor, 3 rooms on second floor that are fitted up for housekeep ing, enabling you to rent part of this house and. live in the other part; have party who will take the 4 rooms at $25 per month; there is a good, basement and the lot is 100x100; the price Is only $2750, with $250 cash, balance at 30. including interest at 6 per cent. Will be glad to show this house today. Take Alberta car to 21st St.. walk north to No. 1111. $3900 CLOSE IN. EAST SIDE $3900. FORECLOSURE BARGAIN. Seven-room exceptionally well 'con structed house, cement basement, fur nace, first-class plumbing, electric lights, gas; Tot 59x100; all bonded city liens paid; nice district; $2590 was loaned on this house a few years ago and was taken in on the mortgage; was con sidered worth $5000 at that time and is worth more today: terms. Sunday. Mar shall 5963; week days. Main 7907. Mariels or Williams. 820 Chamber of Commerce bldg. GRAND AVENUE. $1600. $300 first payment will put you In a very comfortable little 3-room house, neat and clean: on paved street: sewer connections, walking distance. Balance to be paid monthly same as you pay rent. Why give this money to the landlord and get nothing in return while every dollar paid on a house of your own comes back to you? Let Us Show You. GEO T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon Bldg. $2750 NEW. MODERN, VACANT $2750. TRY OWNING YOUR HOME ONCE. Four-room modern bungalow, just fin ished and never lived in; small base ment, good plumbing, electric lights and gas, white enamel finish, some built ins, large lot, near car; this is a cosy, nifty little place and terms are easy; don't move all your life; own your home. Sunday, Marshall 596.3; week days. Main 7067. Mariels or Williams. 820 Cham ber of Commerce bldg. 7-ROOM house, furnace, fireplace, full lot, garage; East Ankeny St.; gooa, honest value at $.00O. 7-room house, loOxlOO lot. fine lot of btg fruit tres; paved streets; fine view Mt. Tabor district ; convenient to car line; well worth $4r00; terms. 2-flat building, full lot, close In East Salmon ; 5 rooms, bath, furnace, f lre- place each flat; income $100 per month. $7250: $2250 will handle. I. G. DAVIDSON. 819 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. MT. TABOR PARK. BEAUTIFUL 12-ROOM RESIDENCE. Hardwood floors throughout, strictly modern : s bedrooms, z uatiis. s toilets 2 fireplaces, servants' quarters with private bath; very sightly location; grounds 110-136 feet; 1 block to Mt. Tabor car. Fuil price $16,000. Can be bought on easy terms. House alone could not be built for price asked; now va cant, can move right in. Let Us Show You. GEO T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon Bldg. $600 LOT 50x100, store building. $ 7,V Lot 50x100, 3-room shack. $1200 Lot 50xl0O. 4-room house. $1200 Lot 5Uxl00, 5-room house. $1200 Lot 50x100, 6-room house. $2600 Lot SOx 75, 6-room house. Terms on any above properties. WILLIAM G. BECK", 215 Failing bldg., 3d and Washington. $4500 VACANT VACANT 145(H) MODERN HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. rive rooms, one floor; breakfast nook, full cement basement, laundry trays fireplace, hardwood f loom, all finished in white enamel, beautiful tapestry paper; all city liens paid; east front this certainly is a dream of a place terms. Sunday, Marshall 5963; week days. Main 7967. Mariels or Williams, H20 Chamber of Commerce bldg. $3250 NEAR JEFFERSON HIGH $3250 7-room. well-constructed house, good basement, plumbing, electric lights, gas; house In good condition ; near car. high school, car barns and just at edge of Piedmont; hard -surfaced street said ; a snap, on easy terms; immediate posses sion. Sunday. Marshall 5963 ; weekdays. Main 7967. Mariels or Williams. 820 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. ANABEL STATION. Completely Furnished Bungalow. Double constructed 5 good-sized rooms, bath, Dutch kitchen, built-in buffet, lot 80x100; this property is owned by a non resident; was left on his hands com pletely furnished with good class of fur niture; will sell for $3350, $1000 cash, balance monthly. Let Us Show You. GEO T. MOORE CO., 1007 Yeon Bldg. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. 6-room bungalow, all on on-e floor, all built-ins; splendid floored attic, excel lent basement with Al Fox furnace: splendid lot with fruit, garage. This home i ideally located west of 3ttn st. ; good, cash payment. $4500. HAWTHORNE? REALTY CO., Corner 36th and Hawthorne. Tabor 7463. FROM OWNER. Good 8-room house, on lot 50x1 00, close in, between Sunnyside and Haw thorne car; electricity and gas. full ce ment basement, new furnace. wash trays, large sleeping porch, toilet up stairs and down, fine neighborhood, nice lawn, close to Laurelhurst park and grade school: $5000, terms. TABOR 5501. $2950 EASY TERMS $2950. NEAR ST. JOHNS CAR. Seven rooms, half cement basement, electric lights. gas, good plumbing: house in fine condition, all assessments paid ; immediate possession. Sunday, Marshall 5963; weekdays. Main 7967. .Mariels or Williams. 820 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. I AM THE OWNER. VACANT IRVINGTON HOME. I own a beautiful 7-room, strictly mod ern house in nice part of Irvington; house Js vacant and in finest condition. I need money and will give someone his money's worth; can be handled on terms. Call owner, Tabor 8189. PORTLAND HEIGHTS HOME. Modem 10-rooms, living room 12x25 ft., house finished in old ivory, hard wood' floors, large fireplace, furnace. garage, 14x2 It. ; Deautiiui grounds; some native trees. For quick sale owner will sacrifice. Owner. Marshall 24S6. CHEAPEST bungalow In Irvinfiton, $4700. Main 4154. A REAL HAWTHORNE! THIS IS SURELY GOING INTO BIG VALUE! 8-room splendidly modern home, on a valuable cor ner. Price only $7500. Just take a look and think ahead KOR A FEW YEARS. It means thou sands of dollars to the buyer. For this EXCEPTIONAL BUY see J. W. Crossley (Sundays call Main 6073), with FRANK L. McGUIRE To Buy Your Home. Abington Bldg. Main 1068. LADD'S ADDITION. 1 Block to Car. We have a client owning a very fine six-room, double constructed lesidence with 2 bedrooms and sleeping porch; fine bath. Dutch kitchen, built-in buifet; hardwood floors, fireplace and cement basement with fine furnace: corner lot. Full price including pavement and tewer only $5500; owner in need of money, will sell for $1500 down, balance inorth ly, house alone would cost price asked for the whole property. Let Us Show You. GEO T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon Bldg. $2750. $2750. $2750. TERMS. TERMS. TERMS. A brand new nifty 4-room bungalow only a block south Woodlawn car and 2 blocks east Union ave.. No. 431 Liberty St. Good neighborhood; large corner lot; macadom street; no assessments. Shades, electric fixtures, roont9 all decorated and linoleum on bath and kitchen tlrs. "Why an old run-down house when you can buy a new one at this price and move right In? Built and for sale by the owner; no commission to pay. Must sell this week. Step lively. Phone Tabor 95S6. Discount all cash. ROSE CITY DISTRICT. A dandy 4-room bungalow, lot 50x100. garden, garage large enough for 2 cars. 3-lnch cement floor with drarn: lots of berries: nice, airy living and dtnlng rdfcm, Dutch kitchen, modern, up-to-date bath, large airy bedroom: half basement cement, back porch, large cooler and laundry trays. Free of Incumbrances and no repairs necessary; $2800 on time or $2600 cash. 674 .East 73d st. north. Tabor 4077. WASHINGTON HIGH SCHOOL. 2 Blks. Sunnyside Car. lti-story dble. const. 6-rm. residence, 3 bedrooms, full cement basement, first class furnace. 4 blocks Wnshington H. S.: sewer and pavement in and paid for walking distance to west side; $1000 cash Wl 1 handle. balance Sill month: lull price $420o. Would rent for more than J the monthly payments. Let Us Show You. GEO T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon Bldg. $5500 HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW $3500 SEE THIS TODAY. Six rooms and sleeping porch, first floor, one bedroom upstairs, fine base ment, furnace, laundry trays, fireplace, all kinds of built-ins, fine garage; ail city liens paid; this Is really a won derful buy, as house cannot be built for the price asked; liberal terms. Sunday, Marshall 59:i : weekdays. Main 7967. Mariels or Williams, 820 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. EASIEST KIND OF TERMS. $24M A REAL BARGAIN $2400. CERTAINLY CHEAPER THAN RENT. Seven-room bungalow type; basement, good plumbing, electric lights, ga&i lot 441x120; some fruit and berries: near car; this home could not be built for the price and the terms are very easy. Sun dav. Marshall 5963; week days. Main 7967. Mariels or Williams, 820 Chamber of Commerce bldg. AN EXCEPTIONAL BUY. TO CLOSE AN ESTATE. 6-rm. modern residence: 1 hlk. to Btreet car: Waverly Heights; in per fect condition; this belongs to an estate and must be sold at once at the very low price of $4200; only $1200 down, balance terms. LET US SHOW YOU. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon bldg. BY OWNER 6-room house, newly fin ished throughout, white enamel kitchen and bath. Including Inlaid linoleum, full cement basement, furnace, wasn trays, splendid garage with cement runway, paved street, one block from car, la minutes' ride from town; fruit, roses. lawn. This Is my own home and must be seen to be appreciated. 0O0 Grand ave. north. Woodlawn 3671. $2250. 7 ROOMS. DOUBLE CONSTRUCTED. 3 bedrooms, bath. Dutch kitchen, ce ment basement, 80x100 lot; close to good school : owner has left city with in structlons for us to sell. Can make good terms with payments no more than rr.t. An easy wav to get rid or the lundior Let Us Show You. ' GEO T. MOORE CO., 1007 Yeon Bldg. IRVINGTON HOME for sale by owner five rooms downstairs with one finishe-d a-nd one unfinished room- upstairs; newly papered, tinted and old ivory woodwork; hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, ga rage, etc.; corner lot: only two blocks from 1-5 th st. or Broadway cars. Price $7.i0O ; about one-half cash. Will also sell part or all of furniture. AH 89, Oregonlan. ROSE CITY house, beautiful 6-room bun galow, including large breakfast room, Italian and enamel finish, tapestry paper, hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace and garage. Enough said you can see it's modern. Oh, yes! there's a 26x14 liv ing, room across front ; location above hill. Tabor 7736 can tell you more about it. Price $5800 and terms. $oo. XEAR FRANKLIN HIGH SCHOOL. 6-room, double-constructed residence, paved street, close to school. 1 block Mr; mighty good buy; owner in poor health, will sell on most any kind of terms. Va cant, can move right in. Let Us Show You. GEO T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon Bidg. BEAUTIFUL WESTMORLAND. 5-room and reception hall bungalow, large attic, old ivory finish, furnace. fiTeplace and hardwood floors, cement basement, built-tns; in fact, completely modern; near Bybee ave.; liens paid. Price $.250 and terms. Don't miss call ing Tabor 7730 for appointment. It s a peach. ROSE CITY PARK. $5GV Colonial bungalow, 5 rooms and real sleeping porch, hardwood floors in main rooms, new furnace, fireplace, ce ment basement, 3 bearing fruit trees; below the fail, on paved st. Tabor 16O0; terms. N EW VAC A NT C A LI FORN I A B UNG A LOW. 4 rooms, modern, bath. Dutch kitchen, white enameled, all built-ins. 2 bed rooms, full lot. i& block to Union ave.; $3100; $423 cash, balance like rent. In terstate Land Co., 24S Stark at. Main 5429. GREAT BARGAIN. Beautiful home close In on East Madison street, near 15th, 11-room modern house, in good condition; street improvements in and paid. $6O0O: half cash, balance to suit. Taggart Bros., 1102 Spalding bidg. $250 CASH 3 rooms, with water and gas; this is a cute little place, nicely painted and in fine condition; partly furnished only $1150; go see it: 5023 77th st. S E Mt. Scott car. O. A. Pearce. Chamber of Commerce. Main 3638. HAWTHORNE. Six rooms ; hardwood floors, furnnr fireplace: all improvements paid; only $4250. W. H. Ross. 1100 Northwestern HSLTIK bldg. $2R50 PIEDMONT $2850. Can you Imagine buying a 4-room bungalow- mod.. In fine condition in this dist. for above price with only $500 cash ? Well it's a fact. Be the first to see ana buy. Mar. aar2 or Tabor 3090. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW, strictly modern, hot water heat, beam ceilings, paneled wa!ls; clinker brick porch and fire place: corner, two lots, garage: $7000 for quick sale: part cash. Owner leav- lng city. J4.")4 re. Madison. Phone 222-S3 aix iisi is arawing close when I must go to .Mexico. ror a quick sale I will offer this week my suburban, highly iraprovea nome wun acres ror $8750. If interested call Main 974. Mon day. LAURELHURST BUNGALOW. 7 rooms and sleeping porch, strictly modern, near car and school: owner go ing on acreage; $6500, with terms. Call Aiarsnaii x.inz. 5-ROOM house for sale, corner lot. paved st. ana wains: rnncreie basement, laun dry trays; $3 -rfiO; $1500 cash, balance easy, rtaipn ACKiey Lana Co., 527 Cor bett bldg. $75A DOWN, balance like rent: rood, mod ern home; 5 rooms, newly painted, close in : aiso one lurmsnea. ;ia Cherry st. near William ave.: vacant. FOR SALE or trade for Portland property 7-room modern house with 5 lots blocks rrom car line. St. Johns. AE . uregonian. .dw rtv tv, unnnisnea bungalow near station at Maplewood. on 100x100 lot -$1100. .$150 cash. $15- monthly. Lee- rtopertson i o., eornett bldg. BY OWNER Alberta new modern 5-roo bungalow. breakfast room, hardwood Tioors. xireplace ana built-tns; lot 50x100 xruu trees. wooatawn 44.. $1250 TO ;j houses, baths, large lots. 72d ave. and 60th st. S. E. These are sure nargains. Kenwood im5. IRVINGTON mansion, need in sr fom pairs. $450O; worth $6000; somebody's winainn. .iiriiii Ttnii. ALBERTA. 5-room bungalow on 100x100 lot. $3200. $800, cash, balance easy. Woodlawn 1733 A 6-ROOM house in beautiful Roumere. (5500. East 7149, CLASSY WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. Distinctive IVi -story bungalow type home: splendid 50x190 cor ner at 31st and Vaughn sts.; 7 rooms, thoroughly modern and very desirable from every stand point; spacious living rooms, 35 feet in length, with artistic fire place, paneled dining room, with buffet: large view porch, hard wood floors, four pleasant, airy bedrooms, full cement basement, with furnace and laundry trays; 150-foot asphalt street (paid); this Is an exceptionally beautiful corner, with garage; one block to ajar; fine view; this is excep tional value at $6950; look at it today. See J. W. Crossley, man ager high-class home department (can be reached - Sundays, calling Main 5073). with FRANK L. McGUIRE To Buy Your Home. Abington Bids. Main 1068. ItfTOO BEAUTIFUL I RVINGTO.N su.oo. VACAM 1 n r L .n r. L v w . w 1 . . - - . Seven rooms, strictly modern, full ce ment basement, laundry trays, furnace, fireplace, bulll-ins. fine hardwood floors, just newlv painted a sliver gray, deco rated Inside white enamel finish in kitchen. bedroom and bath. papered with beautiful paper; lot 50x100; if you want something nice take a look at this; terms. Sundav, Marshall 596!'. week days. Main 7967. Mariels or Williams, S20 Chamber of Commerce bids. WEST SIDE HOMES. Lucretia, near Washington, mod"-.n. ern $S0OO Hall street, 8-room house and fur- nace - 5000 Broad wav. neat w-room cottage, hot water heat 4000 Filth street, corner lot. 2 hous.-s.. oO0 GoLDijCHil I DT'S AGE.SX-'Y. Main 438S. Stock Exchange Bldg. BUSINESS MAN'S HOME AT GRESHAM. 4 acres in (iresham. cultivated: fruits of various kinds: good drainage; good road; 7-room modern house; hot-water hejtt; barn, garago. poultry house: Bull Run water, Portland gas. electric lights; fine for family of Portland business man. A. Myers, First State bank, tiresham. Or. KOR SALE BY OWNER. J5.MI0 IRVINGTON $5509. 6-ROOM HOUSE IN ONE OF TlfE CHOICEST LOCATIONS IN IRVING TON: $1250 CASH AND No MONTHLY PAYMENTS: INTEREST PAYABLE QUARTERLY; NOW RENTED AT $50 PER MONTH. INQUIRE FRED H. STRONG, HOTEL CLIFFORD. PIEDMONT DISTRICT HOME. BY OWNER. Largo 7-room house, faces east, 3 lots, alley; every kind ot fruit and berries, fin-e shrubbery; barn, chick-en, ga rage; near high and grade schools; a country home, in the city. 1415 Minne sota ave. 9-ROOM BARGAIN Furnace. fireplace. sleeping porch, basement, ail conven iences, full lot. irutt ana roses, an im provements, block to Hawthorne car at East 22d, walking distance. Snap for quick sale. No agents. Owner. East 4723. j;j4t0 $S00 CASH. 6-room modern house, splendid condi tion, built-in Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, wash trays, furnace. nice lawn, paved street, all assessments paid; immediate possession; $34QQ. Tabor o712. $3500 A 5-ROOM bungalow on Belmont, lot 50x100. We can show you more bar gains in two hours than you can find in two months. See J. I. McKenna, al most 14 years on Belmont at 39th. Ta bor 6493. J EFFERiSON HIGH, 6-room bungalow, like new, double constructed, full con crete basement, furnace, 5Oxl00 lot. one bik. to Willamette blvd.; 10 minutes to high school; $35on, ail cash.; No. 75 W. Sumner. O. A. FEARCE, Cham, of Com HERE YOU ARE! Beautiful large modern residence, on 4 block, will sell half its value; from owner, save commissions. For particu lars call Columbia 794. $300 CASH, balance terms, buys 4-room house. 1S7G iierkley, near Portsmouth. Suburban Homes. MODERN HOME WITH PLUMBING. 4 acres, all under cultivation: 28 cherry trees, 5 prunes. 7 pears, 12 apples, quinces, grapes, 7CO loganberries, 20i)0 strawberries and lots of garden. S-rooin modern house, with best of white enam el plumbing. Good out buildings ; 21)0 chickens, Jersey cow, heifer calf, in cubators lind all crops. Located be tween Newbrg and McMlnnville on fine road, right in small town, near the V 11 lamette river. Price $4500. $2000 cash or consider small bunga-Iow up to $30u0 in Portland. Inspected by Brooks. Photo at or rice. JOHN FERGUSON. GERLINGER BLDG. YOU WON'T SACRIFICE a single city convenience on this delight ful suburban home, only a few miles out on hard surface road ; 5 hi acres all in high state of cultivation. Dandy homelike bungalow with spacious living room and large fireplace ; cemfnt basement : hot water heat; sleeping porch. Small house for help, barn, garaKe, chicKen house plenty fruit and berries. A complete suburban nome, easily set r-suppor ting Price $12.0oo, with good terms. FREDERICK C. PRATT. Broadway 1658. 210 Oregon Bldg. OREGON CITY CAR LINE. 1 acre with good 4-room plastered house, gas, electric light, garage and chicken houses, $3150. 1 acre, 5-room bungalow, fireplace, garage, bath, gas, electric light. $42U0. 2V, acres in hlKh state of cultivation 7-room house, modern or you may have part or the land with the house, $500. Having resided in this locality 1 years am able to show you many other beautiful homes. Mrs. r . M. i oungs, Klsiey station. SUBURBAN HOME BARGAIN. -acre on Johnson creek at Stanley station, on tires ham car line; just out side city limits; hard surface road modern house 6 rooms; two sleeping porches; bath, two toilets; also 4-room house rents $12 month; Bull Run water, gas, electricity, telephone. Must sell, Owner gone to Alberta. Sacrifice price $6200; half cash. Phone Sellwood 476 or 1714. HIGH CLASS HOM E. On Oregon City line ; 6-room modern house, good plumbing, private water system, beam ceiling dining room, large living room, three bedrooms upstairs gas. electricity: abundance of fruit; 1.45 acres ot grouna ; on ly .t.ou. R. H. CONFRKY. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade BldfT- P A LATIN E HILL BARGAIN. 34 acres, all cleared with about 40 fruit trees in bearing : 3-room smal house, small barn, chicken house : abou half mile to Riveria station and Pacific highway. s:8oo. t-rms. TAGGART BROS.. 1102 Spalding bldg. FIVE-ROOM SUBURBAN BUNGALOW. Located at Oswego lake, on macadam road, one block to car; this is a new bungalow on about one-half acre of ground and a bargain at $3000, on terms to right party. Particulars G. A. Sarles, 733 Northwestern Bank bldg. FINEST 2 acres, modern home. 7 rooms. hdwd. floors, cement basement, iur nace; fireplace, built-ins; berries, barn; 1 bik. elec. View Oswego lake, broad veranda. $1500 cash; bal. 6 per cent. Main 3672. McFarland. Failing bldg. BARGAIN Bargain near S. S. and Haw thorne car and sunnyside scnool, rooms, lots of fruit and berries. 1068 East Main. Phone Main 8078 for ap pointment. HOMESITE $500 Lies on rock road; won derful view or Oswego lane; pipea wa ter, lights, boating, fishing; $50 down, $10 per month. See owner, 500 Concord bldg.. Second and Stark. FOR SALE Homes in Newberg at bar gain prices; 100x200 rt. paving paid ; only $1250. Old house and good barn; worth twice the money. See White & Co.. Newberg. Or. 5-ROOM HOUSE. $2750. Corner lot 50x100. paved street, full basement, good plumbing, small pay ment down, bal. monthly. 420 Henry bldg. Bdwy. 5549. MY TIME is drawing - close when I must go to Mexico. For a quick sale I will offer this week my suburban, hichly im proved home with 2 acres for $H750. If interested call Main 974. Monday. 8-ROOM HOUSE. ONLY $3500. Think of It; on paved st., corner, 56 xlOO. garage, small payment down. bal. monthly. Call 420 Henry bldg. Bdwy. 5549. CHICKEN ranch Almost five acres, all cultivated, fenced, fine well, barn, some fruit ; onlv 35 minutes out ; at a sacri fice for $1700; easy terms. Call 500 Concord bldg.. Second and Stark. 1 4 ACRES wit h new 5-room house on west side: price $3500. $500 cash, $25 monthly. Lee Robertson Co., 413 Cor bett bldg. BEAUTIFUL 8-room home on one acre of ground; garage; on Capitol highway. Geo. E. Fetron. West Portland Park, or Hillsdale, route 2. $3300. Terms to suit. IRVINGTON home sacrificed ; ideal for family with children ; near car and school : modern, garage. Neuhausen Main 8078. $1000 LAKE GROVE acre, house, garage, trees, $400 cash. McFarland, Falling bldg. FOR SALE by owner, scenic suburban five-acre tract. Call Marshall 1457. HALF-ARE, small house, furnished, $S50. Alain 3672. McFarland FaiUns bids. HAVE YOU SEEN RIVER VILLA ACRES, the new suburban homesites located at Courtney, close to the station- and car line, part of it fronting on th paved highway and part of it on the river frontage and the other part of it th richest garden land to be found ? Do you know that this new tract of large homesites is being offered at a won derful sacrifice in tracts designated a half acres and larser? River Villa Acres is the name of the sub-division and all you have to do is to go and look at tt or come to the office and we will show you the property. You can find it your self by looking for the big signs on the paved highway of River Villa Aors. $600 will buy a large homesite. and this is less than half the price you can buy property on either side or across the street from it. One-quarter cash, the balance in easy payments. M. J. CLOHKSSY. ABINGTON BLDG. DO YOU WANT THIS RIVER FRONT HOME FOR $ti500? On the west side, on the- Red carline and right at the sta tion. The bungalow alone no person can replace today for less than $7500, and it may cost $8500. There are 8 rooms, large and roomy, laid out with modern taste. The bungalow itself in its construction is very substantial and up-to-date, full cement basement, fur nace, electric lights, gas and city wa ter. The front porch, facing the river, is a charm alone. Every room plastered and newly tinted; in fact, no up-to-date person could make a single complaint in connection with the house. The river frontage in front of this bungalow is positively the best to bo found on either the west side or east side. Deep wnter right to the bank, good bathing spot, sand beach. Now, with the bungalow you get this: One big acre of land, all in garden, an abundance of fruit in full bearing, of the bent varieties, shrubbery, etc. If this one acre of land in this lo cation is worth $1.00, it is cheap at $5000. Ail right, here is a conservative value of $13.fo0. Take it all, every thing, bungalow, land and river front age for $6500. The owner is a non resident and orders it sold right away for this price. It Is ready to move into the moment you put down your deposit. $2000 cash will handle it. M. J. CLOHESSY, ABINGTON BLDG. ONLY $r500 On the Oregon City car line, in the close-in. high-class Lake wood suburban home district, just a sta tion beyond Milwaukie. Here is all of the land you want, with a fine, big or chard in full bearing of all varieties of fruit, nice garden, native trees in pro fusion. With the land you get also a most modern 7-room bungalow, up-to-date to the last word; full cement base ment, fine furnace, fireplace, every room plastered and newly tinted; all of the plumbing is of the most expensive. No convenience in a high-class district in the ciy but what this place con tains, city water, gas and electric lights in the house and yard. It is on the carline and right at the station. You drive to it over the paved highway. You cannot build the house atone for a less figure than $700O. Everything goes for $5500. Half cash will handle it. The house ts ready to move into mo buio day you buy it. M. J. CLOHESSY, ABINGTON BLDG. ONLY $7500 for 10 big acres of land In the center of the high-class Mult nomah district, on th west side and close to carline and station, close to a city school. It is all in beautiful grove, making it possible for you to retain such fine trees as you wish before de struction. Only half of this place can be readily sold for the price yoa pay for all of it. It is a stroke of good business policy to buy this place. No view on the west side, in the Multnomah dis trict compares with it. All of it lies on the main highway. You could not select a more beautiful spot nor one in which you could take so much pleas ure in living there as this place af fords. The terms of payment we will make as low as $1500 cash and give you all the time you desire on the balance. M. J. CLOHESSY, ABINGTON BLDG. ONLY $6500, IN THE HIGH-CLASS Multnomah district, on the west side, out at Capitol highway, in the imme diate vicinity of this place, and has been more development in the way of building fine residences of the bun galow type than any other Beet ion sur rounding Portland. Here are three big, exceptionally attractive acres of land so highly improved as to cause comment from passersby. Every inch of these acres are improved to the height of per fection. All of it lies along and fronts on the highway. It is close enough to carline and station, only a short dis tance to city school. The view from every part ot this land is charming, and every kind of fruit which grows in Ore gon, small or large can be found on this place in full bearing. There is an unpretentious, inexpensive 5-room bun galow, surrounded by shrubbery and flowers of every description. There is a barn and chicken houses. You can have all of the city conveniences, including city water, on this place. It certainly is a pretty place to live and the owner is leaving the state and is in the frama of mind to sell it at the earliest pos sible moment. A greater bargain in tha purchase of this place may await you if you will only act quickly. We have no authority to say so, but we surmise something like that. Good terms will be given in any event on the purchase) Mr.1CJ. CLOHESST ABINGTON BLDG. ONLY $4100, and this is some beauti ful, up-to-date, modern to the last word, very attractive 5-room bungalow, on the west side, on the Oregon electric carline. right at Ryan place station. 17 minutes ride from the business center, commanding a view unequaled. This bungalow contains all of the city con veniences, nothing they have in an up-to-date, high-class residence district that this bungalow is without. City water, gas, electricity, two city schools, not more than 5 blocks away in either di rection. The bungalow has fireplace, cement basement, nice lawn and shrub bery, fine garden, all kinds of fruit in bearing; close to the Capitol highway, in a nice district, with all good and new improvements. No prettier place to live could be desired. For a small family this close-in suburban home fills the bill to the letter. $1100 cash is all you need to transact business; easy terms given on the balance. M. J. CLOHESSY, ABINGTON BLDG. ONLY $3750 BUYS THIS one big cor ner acre, on the Base Line road, the paved highway to the Columbia high-' way. Only 30 minutes' drive from the business center. With this one big aero of land, highly improved, fronting on this paved highway, you get a brand new bungalow. 4-room plastered and tinted, city water, bath, toilet, gas, etc.. in the bungalow, a full cement base ment, fireplace, garage, chicken house, all varieties of fruit. This is some cute new home with lots of land and all of the citv conveniences and only 3 blocks) from the electric carline and station. About half cash will handle it. M. J. CLOHESSY, ABINGTON BLDG. ONLY $4500 BUYS AND PAYS In full for this, a river front home on the river front at Milwaukie, close to the Oregon City carline and station. Here is v brand new, modern, up-to-date, very at tractive 5-room bungalow, which has all of the city conveniences, with lots oC land for garden purposes. The bunga low has a cement basement, fireplace, large living room, 2 good-sixed bed rooms, with an immense big front porch facing the river. The locality is wher you want it, with the best car service running in and out of Portland. This is a delightful river front home and It should please any person desiring a new modern bungalow with lots of land, and the price is low and within the reach of any person wishing such a home. To see it is to buy it on the spot. It will require $3000 cash as the first payment. M. J. CLOHESSY, ABINGTON BLDG. WHAT'S THE MATTER WITH THIS for $2650? A new bungalow, very at tractive, 5 rooms all on a concrete foundation, with basement, city water in the bungalow, bath, toilet, all of the plumbing in. Its location is on Capitol hill, with a view of city, mountains and ' valley, close to carline and station, close enough to a city school and near the boulevard. All you need In cash to pay down is $450, the balance may bo paid at $25 per month. M. J. CLOHESSY, ABINGTON BLDG. NICE 10 acres on Base Line road, near city boundary; all cleared;- about SO fruit trees; no buildings; only $4500. Third cash, bal. -easy. 527 Corbett bldg. MULTNOMAH Station, modern 7-room bungalow on highway, concrete garage and basement, 2 lots, fruit and berries, $5500: some terms. Owner, Main 3K4. 4 ACRES, good house, orchard; bargain, $3500: worth' $4500; mile elec. depot. Better see this: 7 miles city limits. Main 3072. McFarland. Failing bldg- NEW, MODERN 5-room bungalow, lOOx 120. at Oswego; fare 8c from Portland. Will sell on very easy terms. Phone East 6753. Near depot. WA NT ED 3- or 4-room cottage on easy terms. Lee-Robertson Co., 413 Corbett bldg. IRVINGTON bungalow, $6750 ; terms ; best buy in Irvington; all oak floors; 6 moms, S. P.. garage. Neuhausen. Main 8078. FIVE acres. Capitol highway, house, barn, orchard, big hennery; srenic: $2500. Main R672. McFarland. Failing bldg . HALF-ACRE with 5-room house. west side, for $1850; $300 cash, $15 monthly. T,e-Robertson Co.. 413 Corbett bldg. IRVINGTON Good home near 21st and Knott, 8 rooms, garage; move right in; $7500; terms. tseuhauen Main S073. 6