JIIE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND. SEPTE3IBER 12. 1020 7 KEAL ESTATE. BEAUTIFUL NEW LAURELHURST HOME $8500.- Thls modern 1 M--story bungalow, two blocks from Laurelhurst park. built for owner, well co us true ted and beautifully finished, with expensive lighting fix tures, n hades and wallpaper; best lino leum in kitchen and bathroom, high grade plumbing, hardwood floors throughout, beveled plate g'as mirror door, plate glass window, French doors, attractive fireplace and bookcases. creens on doors and windows, large ce ment basement, laundry trays, best fur nace and every modern convenience. Oarage, sotod cement drive. Beautiful lawn, flowers and shade trees, lot 50.x loo. Cail 1233 EAST PINE ST. EAST UK FORTY-FIRST ST. ROSK CITY PARK. SUPER-ATTRACTIVE BUNGALOW GARAGE $7200. This attractive bungalow is located one block north of Sandy blvd., on 49th St., facing east. ThU beautiful home is modern to the very last detail. You couldn't imagine anything nicer they Just don't make em. If you are look ing for a HIGH-CLASS BUNGALOW see this one. A. G. TEEPE CO., 270 Stark at., near 4th. Main 3092. Branch Office 50th and Sandy. Open Sunday. 170OO FOR SALE by the owner, that splendidly built home at 1173 Commer cial el., third hou.se north of public library and Jefferson high. Garage on rear of alley. Every imaginable con venience built In. Large rooms, fire place, complete basement with furnace, three beautiful bedrooms above, bath and closets galore, sleeping porch. Price several thousand less than can be du plicated today. Kenton, MA or St. Johns car. Woodlawn 3110. No dealers. BY OWNER. $5500 Fine corner, modern house, large rooms, well arranged; can rent 3 rooms furnished for $60; gas. radiant fires installed; good cement basement and furnace; 5 min. walk from new P. O.; owner leaving city; will sell furni ture. This is an opportunity. Cor. Lar rabe'e and Halsey sts. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. $4200 for a fine 5-room, with attic, hardwood floors, fireplace, built-in buf fet and bookcases, hot water heat. Vi block north of car; $200 cash. bai. terms; H, S. street and sewer in. F. L. BLANCH A RD, 401-2 Swetland bitig. Phone Mar. 829. 4 ROOMS AND ONE ACRE. $37O0 for a new, modern bungalow, with hardwood floors. Dutch kitchen, gas and electricity, bath, toilet, basement and garage, on the paved Base Line road : $1500 cash. bal. terms. F. L. BLANC HARD. 401-2 Swetland bldg. Phone Mar. 829. THAT VACANT LOT. "Why not turn a burden into Income? "We design and build apartments, garages, residences, anything; furnish plans and finance. Established 10 years. We offer SECURITY. SERVICE SATISFACTION, 3,. R. Bailey Co.. Inc., 924 N. Bun k bldg. W. ROSE CITY PARK. New 6-room, 1 Ms-story bungalow, mod ern, up-to-the-minute, with hardwood floors, French doors, handsome buffet, Mueller furnace and gas water-heater; draperies, gas range and winter's fuel. Included in price of $0750; $3250 cash. 475 E. 52d st. north. Tabor 6468. A BARGAIN. 6-room modern hoube, full cement basement, furnace, laundry trays. 30 mlnute walk to center of city, paved street, close to 7 car lines; must be seen to be appreciated; some terms, no agents. Owner, 342 Eugene street. . VACANT MOVE RIGHT IN. 6-room bungalow, old ivory finish, real oak floors, tapestry raper. heating plant, garage, near car and school; first-class condition. For sale by owner. 350 East 45th st. Tabor 4299. Evenings Tabor 70O8. HOUSE PLANS. "Distinctive Homes," illustrated book of over loO designs, $1; blueprints and specif i cat ions, $ 10. DISTINCTIVE HOMES COMPANY, V24 Northwestern Bank bldg. HODERN. 8 rooms, 2 baths, 2 fireplaces. amule pantry, closets and built-in shelves and buffet, big view balcony, garage, paved street, ground 60x125 ; splendid in o untain view ; $7H0. 209 Oregon bldg. $1000 FOR A GOOD 2-room, on a fine lot. 35x100, only 3 blocks from car. with gas and electricity; $250 cash. bal. term a. F. L BLANCH A RD. 401 -2 Swetland bldg. Phone Mar. 829. A HOMEY home, 2 full lots, faces east on paved street, 5-room bungalow, modern in everv detail, run Dasement, in ex cellent condition; price $4150, terms. Ta bor t if o- 4 -ROOM house, good condition, good plumbing, electric lights, gas; acre of land, lots of fruit; large barn and chicken house; price $2800, $1000 cash. 21S E. 73d st. owner. ftrinoo 5 ROOMS and bath. 50x100 and alley, newly painted and papered, va- I cant. Easy mommy payments. Take cheap lot or auto. See owner. 746 1 Michigan, near Mississippi and Fremont. : ROSE CITY PARK. "We have several strictly modern bun galows priced around 55000. Let us fchow you before you buy. G. G. McCORMIC CO., Main 8220. "VERY ATTBAU l 1 v c; o-room house 00 18th street, between Thompson and Till amook; ivory finish; sleeping porch, aa- rage; $7800. For further information! phone East I8 or bast 4830. FOR SALE in Vancouver, 5-room house, ; good corner lot; three big cherry trees, 1 lour cords dry wood, some furniture: 1 price $1700; $500 mortgage, balance casu. ISlii C. St., corner i;un ana u. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. For sale, modern 6-room bungalow on car line; fireplace, attic, lurnace, beauti ful view, select neighborhood; $7000, terms, owner, main onoo. 1RVINGTON Modern 2-fIat building of 5 rooms eacn ; nrepiace, rurnace. beamed ceiling and sleeping porches. Pays 10 per cent net. trice asKed only $8500. J. J. Cahalin. 635 Chamber of Commerce. IRVINGTON BARGAIN ON 22D; REAL HOME; 2 BATHS, 2 EXTRA LAVATO RIES. 2 FIREPLACES, EASTERN OAK FLOORS THROUGHOUT; LIVING ROOM a'JXi'J. uakaui!. ll,&QQ. E. 419. 11100 4 rooms, 50x100 lot, electricity, wa ter, oaten t toilet, bearing fruit, walk ing distance, west side. Shown day or evenings. iuianu oooi lor appolnt- ment. 6-room house; hardwood floors In liv ing and dining room, K. hall, floored at tic, nou .Aiitnieuit. ' " FOR SALE BY OWNER Modern 5-room bungalow, lot 50x123. dasi vim dl., jJincoin, on Uawtliomp car jiiic. THREE-ROOM shack; pantry, closet, 50x 100 lot, fruit trees, berries; two blocks from car. Price $700. Phone Broadway 374. Ask for Mrs. Warner. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. 7 rooms, modern, built-ins, furnace fireplace, hardwood floors, view, corner lot, garage, iiiiumvciugnia paid. T. 6351. m ALAMEDA PARIC Modern o-room nouse. corner lot, 50 xl (to, 1 or sao uw er, f none Wood- lawn 4-m. U A LKIMi aisiance, west side. 7 rnnm bath, cement basement, gas electricity. I two fireplaces; lot ouxioo ; $50u0, naif cash. owner, evenings. -at iuth st. won SALE 6-room house, lot r.dii's nar car line; fruit trees and chirkn yard. 357 Morris, near Union ave. Inquire 3,M) i-tanion si. rnune n,. -1 1. VOH SALE Neat little, bunpaiow. beau tiful location, 1H blocks to Sellwood car, terms cash. 494 Rex avenue; ' phone Sel l wooaaiM. t 7-ROOM house, four bedrooms, hardwood floors downstairs, xun concrete oasement. furnace, garage, corner 101 ouxiuo. Own- ' fr, East 333. 7 v LOOKING for a home, see these 4 lots. modern 5-room bungalow, garage, chick en house and vara, irun; on good road. By owner, auuo o-'a street s.- k. t-ROOM house, suitable for 2 families, oak floors, enamel finish. furnace, garage. lot lOUx low; price nauu, ?iouu down, i phone w ooaiawn un. FOR SALE 4-room plastered house with basement, near smooi; ."-'u cash. 01 15 64i h st. S. E. Take Mt. Scott car. Lot and g.i rnen wit n roses. KVERY purchaser of real estate should have his title insured. Better be safe than sorry. ime t trust company. iVE RLOCK from Rose City Park 9-room house, $4000. Call owner. Tabor , 1335. 8-ROOM house, 1 blocks Broadway, I wanting uioidiiLc, J""". 4u Ht. .131 S' near HancocK. 7-ROOM Rose City bungalow; strictly modern, with view, garage. Marshall o-rtoo.il nouw, ioi, cast i'th st , near Benson school. Terms If desired. owner, w uuuiav. 14 ojio BY OWNER, brand new 5-room modern close In; Miss. car. $4200. 301 Corbett hlri tr 6-ROOM bungalow In R. C. Strictly mod ern, half hlock car; price $7000; cash required. o 011, oregonian. 6 MALL, modern home, price $1800, terms; on Mt. Scott car line. 6220 97th st- S. E. Aut. 261-11. then 4712 LEAVING CITY Will sell my fine 7-ror thorougniy mouern no me, inx mu; rtne location. 829 C. of C. or call Wdln. 4266. REAL ESTATE. For Sale -Houses. ROSE CITY PARK. B ROOMS AND GARAGE $5250. This attractive bungalow is located at No. 605 East 64th st. N., one block north of Sandy blvd. We want you to see this and compare It with others you have seen at this price. Drive by and see for yourself what a beautiful home it is. It is even better constructed than it is good looking. There is nothing lacking in the way of modern improvements and conveniences that one would expect in an expensive bungalow. NOW VACANT. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 270 Stark st.. near 4th. Main 3092. Branch Office 50th and Sandy. Open Sunday. PLENTY OF ROOM HERE. 10-room house on 2(X)x2UU corner of fin level garden land. Jots of bearing fruit and berries; 400 feet of cement sidewalks, all paid for. House, first-class shape, but fruit 1 somew hat run down; only a little work needed to convert this into a $5000 prop erty; located right in city near Arleta school ; $3X50 is all it takes to buy it. and this on reasonable terms; house now vacant and you can move right in. Call owner for appointment, Sell wood '2842. DUTCH COLONIAL GROUND 60x132. ADJOINING LOT AVAILABLE AND VACANT:- UNOBSTRUCTED VIEW OF CITY AND MOUNTAINS, CLOSE IN ON CAR LINE; 10 ROOMS. 3 BATHS. HOT WATER HEAT, OAK FLOORS. MAHOGANY AND FIVE COATS WHITE TRIM. WILL CARRY 40 PER CENT FOR LONG TIME IF DESIRED AND ACCEPT SMALL HOUSE IN IRV I NO TON AS PAYMENT ON BALANCE RESIDENCE PHONE MAIN 3369. 346 E. 41ST ST. AND BROADWAY. Rose City bun pa low, 6 rooms, with sleeping porch, garage, hard wood floors, fireplace, furnace, hot water system, up-to-date built-in buffet and Dutch kitchen, laundry tray In kitchen, 2 in basement; lot 50x100; 8 fruit trees, roses and nice lawn, full basement. Come and see to appreciate. o46 E. 41st and Broadway North. Price $5750. $800 down, easy terms. FIVE-ROOM modern cottage, full base ment, 40x100 lot, near good school and between 2 good car lines, fruit trees, buy from owner and save $20o; price $2200, will take $5oo down and balance $30 per month at 7 per cent. Owner, 6803 Powell Valley, cor. 68th street S. E., phone Tabor 36o2. HAWTHORN E BARGAIN. Prominent corner on East 24 th and Hawthorne; 7 rooms, furnace, fireplace. both streets paved and paid; $70Oo. Be sure to look this up. it is exceptionally desirable. W. H. ROSS, 1100 Northwestern Bank Bldg. COLONIAL HOME. Alameda beauty ; living 16x25, with fireplace, French doors to dining, with large sideboard, Dutch kitchen, 3 bed rooms, hardwood floors, fine basement, best furnace. Going to Idaho. Only $4950. E as t 1347. A BARGAIN' Good 7-room house, 3 blka from school and carline ; full cement . basement, furnace, fruit and berries; st. improvements all in and paid; good neighborhood; on Y block for $4000, $soi cash, balance like rent. THE LAWRENCE CO., 212 Corbett bldg. $4250 ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW. Large living room, den with fire place, large dining room with buiit-in buffet, Dutch kitchen with large break fast room in old Ivory, three nice bed rooms and bath upstairs. 727 E. 72d st. N. Tabor 6844. Owner. HAWTHORNE $4000. A well-built 12-story 8-room house ; a wonderful lot, 50x100. with all kinds of fruit trees ; owner is in the east and the house is vacant. See It at 139 East Madison st. John S'nger, 420 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 9478. FOR SALE BY OWNER Lot 50x100. 6 rooms, plastered, sleeping porch, bath, 3-plece white enamel fixtures, garage, walks in and paid, cement basement, nice lawn, garden, city water, lights, gas, price $2500, $700 down, balance like rent, 6 per ecnt interest. Woodlawn 3646. MUST SELL MY 4-ROOM HOUSE, NEAR LA K L.1E AINU KCMUUL., 511x1 00-FT. LOT; THIS IS A OOOU HOMK FOR SMALL FAMILY; PRICE AND TERMS WILL INTEREST YOU. CALL EAST 6949, 5:30 TO 7 P. M., FOR APPOINT MENT. ALSO 7-ROOM HOUSE AT A BARGAIN. $10,500 WILL buy well-built 14-room home on lovely west sloe location, close in; suitable for two families or apartments. large grounds, an rurnisnea; move right in ; no dealers. Evenings or mornings, rxall n or n a r- Main At!iO rxr- fJH C nr. r V v change building. 300x100. "WITH 4-ROOM. $400 cash will handle this corner, with a 4-room house, with gas and electricity; 0 bearing cherry trees. r . L. BLANCH ARD. 401-2 Swetland bldg. Phone Mar. 829. $27O0 4500 CASH buys nice 4-room mod ern xurnished cottage, corner K. oth and Cora ave ; street paved and paid ; rood oak furniture . fine bathroom. launary trays; nouse ail in wmte enamel. Phone bast JJo. SIX ROOMS, MODERN. Hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace. paved Btreet, room for garage. Price f 4zou, easy terms. vv. n. KOSS, 1100 Northwestern Bank Bldg. ROSE CITY" PARK. Seven-room bungalow with sleeolne porcn, xurnace, nrepiace. nard wood floors, all built-in conveniences; $'2000 win nanoie, rest monthly payments Phone Fast 7973. $50 DOWN. . $50 per month buys modern 6-room brick bungalow, full basement, cement iruitroom. porcelain combination tray in Kiicnen. s tots. irun. oemes and srranes. Loiumoia 010. LARGE residence on Thurman street, close to new Montgomery Ward plant and near Willamette Heights bridge. Strictly modern, 7 rooms and 3 attio rooms, full lot; vjvmiu. inquire (iu landers st. Phone Main 4892. 2 HOUSES. 100x100 each. 7-room house. all modern conveniences, chicken coop and barn; 4-room house, sleeping porch; good chicken coop. Both close to school 750 Marion. Sell wood 23 3 4. NEAR BROOKLYN SCHOOL. 6-room house, lot 50x100, In good con dition; painted inside and out; new roof; tlOOO will handle. MRS. THOMSON. 620-21 HENRY BLDO. $1200 FOR A 6-room partly furnished, on a tine corner lot, uuxioo, only $200 cash, bal. monthly; a bargain. F. L. BLANCH ARD. 401-2 Swetland bldg. Phone Mar. 829. SMALL nouse, light, gas, water, toilet, 2V4 diocks irom moniaviua car, lots 01 irult, grapes and berries; $700 down, balance $15 per month, 7 per cent interest. To tal $1200. Tabor 0076. FOR SALE by owner; 5-room bungalow in fair condition, and garage; close to grade and high school, 4 blocks to car; price $1 !50, $500 cash, $30 a month. M312 54th st. S. E. ROSE CITY PARK. 5-room corner bungalow, classic archi tecture, old ivory interior, beautiful grounds, $6500, terms. Phone 326-99. BY OWNER in Piedmont; 4-room bunga low, white enamel; lot 45x300, near Jefferson high and car line; price $2850, terms. Woodlawn 4379. 3-ROOM house and 1-room building de tached on lots. rieniy 01 garden; V fruit trees, chicken yard; gas, electricity, water. Owner. 676 E. 79th N. FIVE lots, 3ux 1 25, 7-room boarding house and iurniture, ceuar. Darn and two chicken houses, located 50 miles from Lewiston, idano. fnone "labor 6478. $7950 CASH. Beautiful 6-room bunealow. elecantlv furnished. 1040 E. 18th street N., phone v ooaiawn ( (-. INVESTORS, see me to settle an estate: can give you a Bargain in houses close in. red v lerecK, 4U Front street. FOR SALE 5-room bungalow, S lots with it. $3ooo. a real nome, Back Columbia Fart i. x. i-oomis, ito i W ay land st. 4-ROOM house in Woodstock ave., fire place, gas. larjce ga-raen, iuw, terms Inquire 243 Stanton st. tf'OR SA LE 8-room house, nice orchard. line cnicnen para. ana garage, very cneap. rnone laoor odd. WHEN you purchase your home have the title insured, bet a title insurance poi. icty. Title & Trust Co.- LOVELY HOME. 8 rooms, near West Park close to Ladd scnooi; very low price of $7000: no dealers. Main 6030, evenings. 5-ROOM bungalow, near Franklin high school, lot iuuxiuw; garage; jiou, jsihj down, balance like rent. Call Tabor 8700. A GOOD IVi -story 6-room house, electri city, gas; gooo .Bargain. $4-nn, $1000 casn. easy terms. Marshall 4378. 7-ROOM HOUSE. A SNAP. ROSE CITY PARK. TABOR 9354. IRVINGTON HOMES. McDonell. 5O0 East 14th N East 419. TWO HOUSES and garage on 50x100 lot. .S03 N. 24th st. Main 6850. FOR SALE by owner, furnished bungalow 1029 E. Broadway. FOR SALE S-room house and. garage. 864 FOR SALE BY OW NER SR 5-room house, il Sellwood 1520. 6S8 Jriaroiq ave. v-a. S300O WEST SIDE 7-room, well-built house; modern; 50x100 lot. East 4921. MODERN 6-room bungalow. Willamette H el g n ts. i an ut. main Q44. FINE Alameda Park home. A sna $5750. 615 Chamber of Commerce at bldg. $2SOO 6-room modern house. close in. REAL ESTATE. -Houses. BUY YOUR HOME NOW. BUY IT THROUGH O. H. SKOTHEIM COMPANY. Real Surprises In Values. Open Evenings and Sundays. $2600 $600 Cash. WE WOULD BE BLIND IF WE DID NOT SEE THE VALUE OF THIS 1 hi story , six -room home, west side; only 6 years old; has ordinary modern con veniences; cement basement and garage; convenient location ; a real buy. See it. $3200 $800 CASH. "WE HATE TO DO IT INCUR THE LOSS ON THE MAN WHO IS COM PELLED TO SELL THIS four-room bungalow with bath; good east sld dis trict, lots of fruit and berries, paved and paid; full lot. $3300 THIRD CASH. A BANK PRESIDENT'S HOME AT A PRICE ANYONE CAN AFFORD, six rooms and bath, good as new condition; has lots of bullt-ina. disappearing bed in one room; some upstairs rooms; good location, east side. Pay for this on monthly Installments. $2300 $600 CASH. BAL. LIKE RENT. A TOILER'S RESTFUL OASIS; brand new bungalow with three nice rooms and bath : near R. C. dist ; handy kitchen with built-ins; well built and attractively finished. $4200 $500 CASH AND MO. PATM'TS. THIS BUNGALOW NATURALLY HAS A FEW KNOTS. BUT. HONESTLY. THAT'S THE ONLY FAULT YOU COULD FIND BRAND NEW; corner lot; five rooms and basement: built to last 50 years; yes. It has built-ins and usual modern features; good east side location. $4600 $500 CASH. WE MAY VIOLATE THE SPEED LAWS IN OUR EAGERNESS TO SHOW YOU THIS. Five rooms, strictly mod ern, located in R. C. Park; has just been finished; full lot. Built-ins; tapestry paper, hardwood floors ; a gem. $600 CASH OR LESS. BAL LIKE "RENT. THE HAPPIEST REALTOR IN PORTLAND THE MAN WHO SELLS THIS. In Jefferson high district, an ex ceedingly well-built home of ten rooms, really a duplex, suitable for renting half. Corner with retaining walls, big base ment with Al furnace; just redecorated; as substantial as if built yesterday; mod ern; arranged for renting rooms; you can pay balance of purchase price from income; price $5600. LET US ALSO WRITE YOUR INSURANCE. O. H. SKOTHEIM COMPANY. 532-303 Rallwav Exchange Bldg. Main 5199 and 7511. DESIRABLE ROSE CITY PARK CORNER. T am offering for sale, for the first time, my beautiful 7-room home, cor ner 61st and Tillamook. Have just re modeled it and now have a splendid and thoroughly modern home. The color scheme is mahogany and ivory tsroughout, giving a very attractive ap pearance. 1 have selected high-grade tapestry paper, which will blend with most furniture. There is not a small room in the house, yet they are not over-sized. You'll like the arrange ment, too. Front porch extends across entire front of house. Large reception room with winding stairway. Living room and dining room with large arch between. Kitchen has built-in features, is very handy and has expensive inlay linoleum just laid. Cozy breakfast room. Very large back porch. The second floor is very attractive. Large hall con nects the three bedrooms with the bath. Each room has very large, light closet My hardwood floors are the best money will buy. Furnace, full cement base ment. GOOD GARAGE. Nice lawn, lots of fine rose bushes, fruit trees and a garden. This is the best corner in Rose City Park. Two blocks to car, 6 to school. Open for inspection Sunday 10 A. M. to 4 P. M. 455 E. 51st N. Price $68U0; $4000 cash, 6'o on balance. Shown only by owner. IRVINGTON HOME. A splendid 6-room modern home on 50x100 corner lot ; all improvements In and paid; nice living room, dining room, Dutch kitchen and breakfast room down ; oak floors, finished in mahogany and tapestry paper; 3 fine bedrooms and 'sleeping porch up; nice fireplace, hot water furnace, large garage with hot and cold water. A substantial and at tractive Colonial home, like new. $9000. Terms. THE FRED A. JACOBS COMPANY. 104 Fifth street. Main 6869. READ! READ! $3300. THIS HOUSE COULDN'T BE BUILT NOW FOR $5000. Four blocks to Woodstock car a fine big 8-room home, 5 rooms including 2 bedrooms down ; 3 bedrooms and bath up ; fireplace, built-ins, full basement, 50x100 lot, some fruit. Just think of buying a fine big home of this kind for $3300. If you can pay $1600 down you'll get a wonderful bargain. See us at once. COMTE & KOHLMAN. 208 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6550. ENGLISH COLONIAL. IRVINGTON. Very exclusive 8-room modern home, almost new ; large living and dining room and reception hall, old ivory fin ish, Dutch kitchen: 4 light and airy bedrooms, 2 baths, roomy closets galore, full cement basement, furnace, full cor ner lot. Everything about this beauti ful home Is of the very best. Posi tively the price is right, $10,000, terms. For appointment call THE LAWRENCE CO. 212 Corbett Bldg. Main 6915. SIX-ROOM BUNGALOW. WAVER LEIGH H EIGHTS. $2000 DOWN. Strictly modern. hardwood floors, fireplace, built-in conveniences, 3 bed rooms upstairs, full concrete basement. 40x100 lot, on paved street; whole price SOdUU. RICHARD W. MAST. RITTER, LOWE & CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade BIdff. A BARGAIN for rash, on Alameda hill. beautiful i7Axioo corner, with nifty 5 room bungalow ; interior old ivory and white enamel and artistically papered hot water heat, fireplace. French doors from dining room on to sun porch, sleep ing balcony. Dutch Kitchen with inlaid linoleum, cement basement ; garage; six beautiful lira, anundance or roses, good garden; price bouo, can HZ-Zl. o Glenn ave.. N. NEAR WASHINGTON HIGH. A fine 6-room, with furnace, side board," wash trays and furnace, full con crete basement, on E. 18th. near Stark; only $4000. $1200 cash; this only 4 B from grammar and high schools; a bar gain. F. L. BLANCHARD. 401-2 Swetland bldg. Phone Mar. 829. FOR SALE Modern, with every conven ience and built-in, apartment house bungalow, 4 rooms, sleeping porch, back and front porches, completely furnished; line large garage, all kinds berries. vegetable garden, lawn, 100 roses and other flowers; fir. cedar and doe wood trees; hedge about place; 100x100; clear title; corner lot: $4700. Call 1566 Min nesota ave. Kenton car. ROSE CITY PARK. Strictly modern California bun galow, in perfect condition : six rooms, hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace, wash trays, 2 blocks car, lot 50x100; this is a beautiful home; price $5500, $1500 cash, balance 6 per cent. R. M. GATE WOOD & CO.. 165 4th st. WEST IRVINGTON. $4500. Modern 6-room residence, fireplace, full concrete basement, furnace, built-in conveniences, garage; $1000 down, bal. terms. RICHARD W. MAST. RITTER. LOWE & CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. AN ABSTRACT of title is not a guarantee of your title. It Is merely a history of your title. A title insurance policy is a guarantee of your title. Therefore when you buy property get a title insurance policy. so aDsiract required. iitie Trust company. ONE ACRE SIX-ROOM HOUSE. BELL STATION LOT OF FRUIT. House completely furnished, also cow, chickens, etc.; price S3000. cash 2600. balance 3 years: cheap car fare. You can work In town and live here. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EX. 5-ROOM bunga'ow-style house with sleep ine porch, fireplace, all built-ins. hard wood floors, full cement basement, full lot with some fruit. Can get immedi ate possession. Price $4300. terms. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. ON CREST of hill, lot 50x175, 8-room modern bungalow, hot-water heat In system, fireplace, large porches, frui trees and berries .grand view. Prici $7800, $5OO0 down. Call owner. Tabor 49. EAST 9TH. NEAR DAVIS. Good 6-room house with basement, walking distance, streets paved an paid for; price ?3.t00. HENRY W. GODDARD. 243 Stark St BUILD NOW. If you own a lot we will secure th money and build for you; terms tike rent. Uall and see us. Builders Realt Exchange. 621 Morgan bldg. Main 203," $1800. Beautiful new suburban bunrtlnw three rooms and bath, chicken house and runs, two lots, near Firland. Terms. Owner. 471 Alder st. Broadway 2564. 6-ROOM cottage, near car and schooi ; special. 2-3 cull. Tabor 4489. REAL ESTATE. FURNISHED 4-room modern bungalow. A good buy at $3275, with $1000 down. 4- room modern bungalow, very at tractive. Your money's worth for $2500, with $1500 down. Hawthorne. 5-room modern, good -looking houses, corner, new garage. Price right at $45(10, $2000 down. Hawthorne. . 5-room modern bungalow, doubly constructed, fine location, in good shape inside and out, new garage. Price $4200, $3000 down. Attractive well-built modern 7-room bungalow, large airy rooms. Price $5250. $2000 down. 7-room modern bungalow, everything good and up to date, 1 block to Monta vllla car. Good family buy for $4300. Half cash.' 2-story 6-room house, close to Penin sula Park, 50x100, in good condition ; some built-ins. Plenty of fruit trees, etc. See this for $3300. Only $600 down. 5- room modern bungalow, close to Jefferson high. Has everything. Built for present owner; doubly constructed; everything in fine shape. Price, includ ing carpet and linoleums, $4S50, $2000 down. If none of these suit, please call and see what we have. THOMSON, 620-21 HENRY BLDG. BROADWAY 4880. $3850 ON REASONABLE terms. 8-room. double constructed, strictly modern. 1 hi story bungalow; first floor, living and dining room, beam ceiling, dining room pannelled, built-in buffet and bookcase, fireplace, single pannel doors, excellent - combination gas and electric fixtures, bevel plate pannel In hall door, 2 bed rooms with large closets, 3 electric lights In each, also gas, white enamel bathroom and toilet, 3 electric lights and gas. spe cial nickel-plate fixtures, you could not ask for a better arranged kitchen, pass pantry and store room; second floor has 3 nice airy bedrooms with closets, extra toilet and store room ; basement, 34x40, fulljcement, wood lift, A-l furnace, piped to all rooms, laundry room with trays and gas, also vegetable room with large fruit closet, small chick-en house with run on back of lot, nice lawn, roses, etc., with maple shade trees in parking; this house was built by me for a home about 7H years ago and has been kept in fine condition, good reason for selling; 50x100 improved lot adjoining, in fruit, roses and lawn, can he had reasonable if de sired. 691 E .SOth N., 3 blocks south of R. C. car. Owner. Tabor 042. SPECULATORS CONTRACTORS READ I 11-ROOM HOUSE TWO LOTS 3 00x100 and 65x100. ONLY S1400 CASU. 1 1-room. 2-story, upper floor In apart ment renting $46 monthly : baths on both floors, full cement basement. Fox furnace, house stands on 100x100 corner. All kinds fruit on this lot; another 65x100 corner is Included In price; pav ing all in and paid. If you buy this we'll guarantee to rent the place for $100 per month; or live on one floor and rent the other. The price is $6800 and the location is close-in on East Main. COMTE & KOHLMAN. 208 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6550. Office Open Sunday. HOME BUYERS A PRACTICAL SUGGESTION. Pick up your phone now. or as oon as you can get the line, ask for Main 5199 or Main 7511. alvise us what you 'desire in a home, where you want It. about what price you want to pay, and whenever you are ready to go we will have an auto at your door; our repre sentative will show you every type of house or bungalow, new or old, you may wish to inspect; our list is care fully inspected and appraised, with photographs at office. Mr. Saunders, 'Own-Your-Home" department. Open Evenings and Sundays. O. H. SKOTHEIM COMPANY. 332-333 Railway Exchange Bldg. NO BETTER VALUE TN A " HOUSE. SPLENDID 8-ROOM HOUSE FOR $3800. This Is a splendid, especially well built, 8-room house, full basement and large attic; In perfect condition; best white enamel plumbing; two splendid lots with nice shrubbery and garage. On 55th ave., a main macadam thor oughfare and only two blocks to car. Price $3800. See Mr. Clark, with HARGROVE REALTY CO., 122 N. 6th st. Broadway 4381. MT. TABOR BARGAIN. 16500. This beautiful 7-room residence with grounds 73x100, on- paved street, has large living room with fireplace, dining room, kitchen and screened back porch larere front porch half way around bldg. Four large bedrooms upstairs, full con crete basement, furnace with hot-water connections. This should be seen to be appreciated. Owner is a non-resident and must sell at a sacrifice. Will give good, terms. RICHARD W. MAST, RITTER, LOWE & CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. VIEW HOME. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. A most beautiful 7-room view home. The rooms are large and cheerful. The view is exceptional. Large living room with fireplace, finished in white, oak iloors Dutch kitchen, large view porch, 3 larce bedrooms and servants' Quar ters, eood he at in it plant. beautiful grounds. A lovely home and a splendid buy. si-j.uuu. rerms. THE FRED A. JACOBS COMPANY. 104 Fifth street. Main 6869. BY OWNER 5-room bungalow, like new, on Alameda hill, white and old lyory enamel, artistically papered. Dutch kitchen with inlaid' linoleum, sleeping balcony and sun parlor, fireplace, hot water heating system, cement oasement; beautiful 57 xlOO corner lot. with six l?Vge fir trees ; garage, price 50O; '2o00 cash, balance reasonable: terms. Phone W,2 Glenn ave. N. $4150 DANDY BUNGALOW GA RAGE $4150. 5 rooms, just remodeled, hardwood floors, tapestry paper, fireplace, Dutch Kitchen. lull basement. all improve ments in and paid. $1000 cash will nanoie, -o per montn. bee THE LAWRENCE CO. 212 Corbett Bldg. Main D1S. MODERN 5 ROOMS. $3600. Corner lot 50x100, fruit and berries, full concrete basement, wash trays, etc On macadamised street and 22 minutes from business center on Woodstock, car. RICHARD W. MAST. RITTER. LOWE & CO., 501-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. ONLY $300 CASH. $1600 for a 5-room, on lot 85x140, with paved streets and sewer In and paid, on Powell, near E. 13th. This Is a fine buy for the money. Better hurry a little. F. L. BLANC1HARD. 401-2 Swetland bldg. Pone Main 829. FOR SALE Strictly modern 8-room country home, one acre ground, over looking Columbia river and city of Portland; paved streets and every city facility; price $8000; two miles from Interstate bridge. W. F. Edwards, owner. Phone Vancouver 5O0-J. Harney Hill, Vancouver, Wash. $4000 $1000 CASH. 6-room bungalow -style house with sleeping porch, built-in bookcases, buf fet, fireplace, full cement basement, large lot, f ruit and berries. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. IRVINGTON. T have a dandy 6-room bungalow on cor. 26th and Clackamas sts., No. 830. Come right out and see the biggest bar era in in Irvington after 9 o'clock Sunday. Come and make me an offer. Can give immediate possession. FOR SALE A large fl-room house and 2 large lots, bath, toilet and gas In house and basement, 3 outbuildings, 15 fruit trees, 2 large walnut trees; a large lawn. Price $3200, small payment down and any good terms. Take Sellwood car. 748 Ten i no ave. MODERN Rose City bungalow, 5 rooms, breakfast nook and attic; oak floors, fireplace, buffet, white enamel and old ivory finish; hard surfaced street In cluded: $4000: $19O0 cash, balance easy. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 "N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. FOR SALE A modern 5-room bungalow, cement basement; four lots; nice place for cows, chickens and ducks. Price $2900. B. W. Chadwick. 4219 Tenino, Errol station. Take any car on Estacada line. $100 DOWN ALBERTA $100 DOWN. LABORING MAN'S HOUSE. Payments like rent: $2000; 4 -room ceiled cottage, gas, electricity, paved street, good plumbing. 50x1Oo. near car. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EX. HAWTHORNE AVENUE. Good 6-room house with basement on lot 33x136; lot alone worth price we ask. $3000. HENRY W. GODDARD, 243 Stark St. FOR SALE BY OWNER 1U blocks from Alberta car, modern plastered bungalow. 4 rooms down and floored 2-room attic. Electric lights, full cement basement; $2600. half cash. 1033 E. 31st st. N FOR SALE Cooie and see this modern 7 . room bungalow at 41st and Lincoln st., 50xl00-ft. lot, easy payment: in fine con dition. Key at 1202 E. Harrison St., phone Tabor 8289. A TITLE insurance policy is a guarantee of the title to your home. When yon buy your nome nave the titles insured. Better be safe than sorry. Title & Trust company. REAL ESTATE. For Sale -Houses. DEKUM AND JORDAN. ATTRACTIVE HOMES. $9000 IRVINGTON. Beautiful home. weJI worth $12,0OO; owner leaving the city, must sell. The house is in splendid condition, very large living room with fireplace and book cases, an attractive dining room, with handsome buffet, French doors opening into sun parlor, hardwood floors. Dutch kitchen, one bedroom. , bath and toilet on first floor. 3 large airy bedrooms on second floor, full ce ment basement, furnace, etc. ; lot 50x100; garage: this is a snap; better see it. $7004 MT. TABOR. 8 rooms and sleep-' ing porch, large living room with fireplace and bookcases, light, airy dining room with buffet, den. breakfast room and kitchen on first floor, 4 bedrooms and sleep ing porch, bath and toilet on sec ond floor, hardwood floors, full cement basement, Marge .size Fox furnace. This is priced far be low real value, large lot 75x100; garage, fine fruits and berries. $0500 NEAR REED COLLEGE, 9-room modern home, hot water hea ting system, hardwood floors, fire place, buffet, large living room, dining room, den, Dutch kitchen and 5 bedrooms, bath, toilet, etc.; modern every respect; let us show you th rough. $2500 WOODLAWN. 6-room modern bungalow, full basement, lights, bath, toilet, gas. etc.; 5x100 lot. 3 blocks from car line; $500 cash will handle. $2500 ARLETA PARK. 6-room bun galow, lights, bath, toilet, gas, hot and cold water, basement, only one block from car line and school; $250 cash, balance to u(t. $1800 3-room bungalow, bath, toilet, lights, hot and cold water, cas. 3 lots. 100x150 feet; chicken house, garage, fruit and berries: 1 block from school; 3 blocks to car; $200 will handle. $1200 FULTON PARK. 4-room cottage. In good repair, 50x100 lot, 1 block from car line; $150 cash, balance to suit. DEKUM & JORDAN. 823-4 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. 4th and Stark Sta. Main 2233. , - ROSE CITY. Eletrant 6-room home. The last thought in modern construction. Corner. Price $9250. $5000 down. Newly-built bungalow. 5 rooms, styl ishly designed, well constructed, beau- I tifully finished. Price $7500; $2500 down. This is worth the money. 8-room home, all modern conveniences. tastily arranged. Price $8000, $4000 down. SnlendM 8-room residence. Has every thing. Built, for present owner. Will you see this? Price $8200, $4500 down. 2-story 7-room modern house, Cali fornia stucco, at trac lively designed. Beautiful built-in features. Everything in fine shape. A real good buy; $6000, nan casn.. m Tf these fail to appeal to you, please I call upon us and see what we have. THOMSON. 620-21 HENRY BLDG. BROADWAY 4880. A LIST OF HOUSES. $2500 $500 cash, $25 month; 5-room modern bungalow ; large attic, cement basement, nice built ins. lot 100x135. $2000 $400 cash, $25 per month ; 4 room bungalow, corner lot, paved street. $1500 $200 cash: three-room cottage in Woodlawn; elope to car. $1900 6-room cottage, Sellwood, close to car; very easy terms. $2500 Five-room modern cottage, ML Scott; lot 55x121 ; fruit and garden ; $500 cash. $4500 6-room strictly mod. bungalow. ' near Hawthorne, walking dis tance Franklin high; half cash. $47507 rooms, built for a home, just north of Piedmont, cor. lot; a real bargain, good terms. $3700 8-room modern, west side, ga rage, paved ; easy terms. $550O Calif, bungalow. R. C. P., strict ly modern, in perfect condition. R. M.' tjATE WOOD St. CO., 165 4th st. $5800 COMPLETELY FURNISHED NBA R JEFFERSON HIGH SCHOOL. This is a typical California bunealow with fireplace, all bullt-lns. full ceraent oasement and xurnace, wasn trays, ga- raee: there are 5 rooms and den music room, all beautiful big rooms. All J furniture, carpels, eas ranee, beds, bed ding, tableware, linen, winter wood and I briquets; everything goes with place at the price of $5800. Owner wants $1500 cash, balance easy terms. Remember I this bungalow is completely furnished tor nouseKeeptng. COMTE & KOHLMAN. 208 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6550 ROSE CITY PARK DISTRICT. 5-Room Bungalow $3400. HERE IS A BARGAIN, FOLKS! Just think of being able to buy a 5-rooin bungalow with fireplace, buffet, full ce ment basement, wash trays, etc.; 50x100 I lot. in this popular district lor S34h. Somebody will grasp this opportunity quickly you see if they don t, A. O. TEEPE CO.. 270 Stark st., near 4th. Main 8092. Branch Office 50th and Sandy. Open Sunday. TRVINGTON. A most charming 6-room home on 27th street N. Large living room, cove ceilings in dining room, exclusive porch. entered by French doors from living I room; built-in refrigerator in Dutch kitchen; 3 most cheerful bedrooms and very large glassed-in sleeping porch on second floor. This Is a real homy home and a splendid buy at $10,000. Half cash. THE FRED A. JACOBS COMPANY. 104 Fifth street. Main 6S69. ROSE CITY PARK HOME. 7UOO. 6-room residence. hardwood" floors. fireplace, sleeping porch, all built-in 1 conveniences, full concrete basement. furnace, garage, 50x100 lot. on paved street, close to car line and school; cash, Dai. terms. RICHARD W. MAST, RITTER,. LOWE & CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. WEST SIDE SNAP. $ This good, substantial, 9-room house will give you a home for years: you can rent sufficient room to make it pay for itself and as fortiand grows the lot wrll enhance In value; an investment you can't lose on. Lot 50x100 on 11th, near Montgomery. HENRY W. GODDARD. 243 Stark St. A BARGAIN. A 5-room ultra-modern bungalow near Franklin high school, bunt o years airo. that could not be duplicated today for ! $7500; positively one of the best-built 1 homes in Portlahd; 84x100 corner lot; $5250 for quick sale. One-half cash. THE LAWRENCE CO. 212 Corbett Bldg. Main 6915. $3600 $800 CASH. " 5-room bungalow; fireplace, hardwood floors, full cement basement, furnace. Owner leaving city; can get immediate possession. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 X. W. -Bank Bldg. Main 3787. FOR SALE By owner; good 8-room house, li lots, 10 large fruit trees, berries and garden: house suitable for one or two families; gas, electricity, plumbing: 3 blocks from St. John's car at Portsmouth; price $1825, easy terms. ier'auw si. A HOMB ready to move, right into, mod ern 7-room house, beautifully furnished. located in a desirable district, east side. within walking distance. Must be seen I to be appreciated, it is a snap at $7300. Vx cash, balance terms to be arranged. .1. tSUIl-.! V 4UB nfc.NK J BLDG. MT. TABOR. A bargain; 9-room house, $8700: hard wood floors, cement basement. 2 fire places, garage, fruit. 3 lots. Take clear property as first payment. Automatic ARE YOU PROPERLY INSURED? Too late to adjust matters after the fire; better let our fire appraiser call and adjust the matter now. BETTER INSURED THAN SORRY ' SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EX. FOR SALE 8-room house, 7123 37th ave. a V. - Hiin narlor. h If on In r rwirh modern; two lots, garage, poultry-house ; $5500 furnished; $4500 unfurnished; $1000 will handle. Call on owner. 425 Mohawk bldg. HOLLADAY ADDITION. For sale by owner; I have two mod ern homes, one 7 and one 8 rooms, on E Third and Wasco sts. Will eii one or both ai a reasonable figure. Phone E. 4291. FOR SA LE or trade, for good Portland property. Piedmont preferred, 2-acre place: good location In McMinnvllle; 2 houses on place ; a good home bargain. Mrs. S. A. Olson. Box 263. McMinnvllle, Oregon. ; ABOUT four-fifths of an acre, all in cul tivation, and good 3-room house, .on 65th st.. close to Hawthorne car. A mlahty good buy at $3500. See Atchison?- 204 Henry bldg. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. Six -room modern bungalow, furnace, garage, etc. ; price $4300, $1500 cash. 330 Glenn avenue. IF A working man and want home in an industrial center of Portland, call 2180 Willamette boulevard, St. Johns, Easiest terms, CLOSE your real estate deal without an noying details by using a title insurance policy. No abstract required. Title & Triutt company. KEAL ESTATE. For Sale House. BIHR-CAREY CORPORATION. REALTORS. MAIN 74S7. OPEN SUNDAYS AND EVENINGS. Our large listing of desirable homes in every section of the city has been selected with care. We have hundreds of photographs on display. V isit our. display room before you select your home. ' ROSE CITY. $4900. Five rooms, full lot, pavement, sewer, built-in buffet, Dutch kitch en, full cement basement, furnace, fireplace, laundry trays, gas, electricity, screens, shades, linole um, trees and shrubbery; 2 years old ; old Ivory finish, hardwood floors, Al condition : very attract ive, splendidly built. Convenient terms. ROSE CITY. 1 0Ox 1 00. $4200. $soo win take this double-constructed bungalow of latest design, tl is on a lot 100x100, with all kinds of fruit, shrubbery and ber ries. Cement basement, laundry trays. 2 good -sized bedrooms, best of plumbing. Dutch kitchen. This house is o years old. In Al condi tion, fin neighborhood; one and one-half blocks from car. See this. Only $30 per month, interest in cluded. NEAR PENTNSULA PARK. $3650. Seven-room bungalow, on full lot, 1 block from car; 3 bedrooms upstairs and 1 down, cement base ment; laundry trays; garage and fireplace. This bungalow is In a restricted district, within walking distance of Jefferson high school. It Is well built and very attractive; $800 will handie. . MINNESOTA AVENUE. ,$3200. $500 down will buy this modern double-constructed bungalow of 5 rooms, 2 of which are large bed rooms: built-in buffet, Dutch kitchen, best of plumbing. 5xll 0 lot, 3 blocks from car. This ts near Bryant street. This is good value. ALBERTA. '. $3200. Five-room bungalow on full lot, 2 blocks from car, can be handled for only $400 down; 2 large bed rooms, built-in buffet, Dutch kitchen, cement basement. This Is a substantially built and attract ive bungalow. NEAR COLUMBIA PARK. $3000. This splendidly constructed 5 room bungalow is on a full lot, 2 blocks from Columbia park. 2 blocks to grade school and 1 block to car ; 2 large bedrooms, cement basement ; laundry trays, best of plumbing; only $500 down. PENINSULA, $2900. Substantial bungalow-type house of 5 rooms, all on one floor, 2 large bedrooms, 2 .blocks from car and school. Cement basement, laundry trays; Al condition; kitch en range and $50 worth of wood; included. $400 down. HAWTHORNE CAR LINE. $2200. Franklin high school, a fins new grade school, lots of fruit trees, new plumbing, fresh paint and kalsomine all combine to make this 6-room house a very at tractive bargain. Three large bedrooms; full lot, Hawthorne car line; vacant. Exceedingly good terms. BIHR-CAREY CORPORATION. 211 RAILWAY EXCHANGE BLDG. THIRD AND STARK STREETS. MAIN 74JS7. OPEN SUNDAYS AND -EVENINGS. $9000. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. Fine living room and haU, large dining room, also breakfast room, large sleeping room and bath on. first floor, 3 fine sleeping rooms, also extra toilet and lavatory on second floor; finest shrubbery; ce ment garage. Appointment arranged. MRS. HARRY PRICE PALMER. EAST 7976. ROSE CITY DISTRICT. Account of death in family elderl people, owners of this place, need chanee: 8-room absolutely modern bun ealow and garage. Every convenience, fine corner, on one of the finest drives in the city; nothing needed, but move right in; well worth the funuu, but tor Ket the KEAL value and tr you are REAL buyer and ready I promise you REAL value here, and any reasonable offer will be appreciated. Owner, Auto matic 310-26 before 10 A. M. or after 5 P. M. No other time. ROSE CITY PARK DISTRICT. 7-Room "Bungalow $4750. Located on 57th street, about three blocks south of Rose City Park school. Here is an exceptionally well built home. Hardwood floors, fireplace. Dutch kitch en, full cement basement, French doors, double set of plumbing. Ideal home for a large family. Reasonable terms. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 270 Stark st.. near 4th. Main 3092. Branch Office 50th and Sandy. Open Sunday. FURNISHED SNAP. 4 rooms and floored attic, neatly fur nished. all clean and neat, ready for housekeeping, modern bath, toilet, elec tric lights and gas, full basement, beau tiful lot with fruit, flowers, garden and chicken house, and a fine snap; only $2500 for complete outfit; $L000 cash, balance easily arranged. See E. W. HUGHES, 607 Journal Bldg. 6-ROOM modern bungalow, sleeping porch, in fine condition, all rooms plastered, nicely finished, house 5 years old, good as new ; bath. Dutch kitchen, all kinds of built-ins. electric, gas. fine fixtures: berries, roses, lawn: must be seen to be . appreciated; full cement basement, laun dry trays, cement sidewalks, (traveled street; 2Vi blocks Alberta car; lot 4Ux 100; price $3800. $1200 down: with two lots. $4200. See R. B. Smith. 1121 E. 24th st. N. Woodlawn 3H01. FOR SALE A SNAP. f-room double-constructed house, full cement basement, fine Quaker furnace. laundry trays, inlaid linoleum in kitch en, every window and door screened, lot 50x110: all kinds of small fruit and flowers; garage; 2 blocks from Rose City school. This home is a bargain ; $3800, $1300 down and $35 per mo Owner leaving city, can give possession at once. Call Tabor 5245. IF YOU are looking for a gilt-edged in vestment, a real foreclosure bargain, we have It. 100x120 with 3 good houses on It Paved street; sewer ail in and paid for. Price for all $6750. Half cash. On Eugene street. 3 blocks north of Broadway. McCLURE & SCHMAUCH COMPANY, 806 Railway Exch. Bldg. ROSE CITY BUNGALO W $5250. Modern, 5 rooms, hardwood floors, fireplace, old ivory throughout, con crete basement, 50x100 lot; $1250 cash, bal. terms. RICHARD W. MAST. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201 -3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. CENTRAL SUNN YS IDE. 5-room plastered cottage, nearly fur nished, complete, has new gas and wood combination range, cost $175; price $2600, $500 cash, balance $30 per month, including interest. See Mr. Vail, with A. W. ESTES, 905 C. of C. HAWTHORNE HOME. A well-built 6-room home, with den. sleeping porch and furnace ; very clean and cosy. A good buy $4000; $1000 cash. THE FRED A. JACOBS COMPANY. 104 Fifth street. Main 6869. LOOK AT THIS. 8-room house on S. E. corner of East 22d and Clinton sts. ; furnace, fireplace, newlv painted and tinted ; price $3800, immediate possession can be given. U. S. MTG. & INV. CO.. 605 Yeon Bldg. LAURELHURST. 8 larjre rooms, just completed; double plumbing. Gasco furnace; $0600. terms. 1185 East Davis st. 8-ROOM Irvington residence, strictly mod ern in every detniL corner lot, with beautiful shrubbery, etc., garage; one of the most desirable residences offered for sale in Irvington; price $13,500. PARR1SH. W ATKINS & CO., 1U6 Second tit. REAL ESTATE. Marshall 1898. ROSE CITY. S420O - No. 23. 5-room bungalow, rood attic, good set plumbing, electric lights, gas. Dutch kitchen, latest built-ins: been built five years, li blocks to Rose City car: 4x 100 lot. Remember the total price is only $42uO; $1200 cash, bala-nc terms. Partv buying the house will be expected to buy winters wood that is In the basement. ROSE CITY PARK EXTRA SPECIAL. No. 173. 6-room bungalow, .lust like new. very best part of Roe City; has hardwood floors, fire place, all the latest built-ins. hot water heating system: by paying $500 additional you can have thia house completely furnished. Total price S4750; without furniture $4250; $1750 cash, balance $50 per month. Including interest. LAURELHURST. No. 193. Beautiful 7-room home, hardwood floors, fireplace, furn ace, 4 bedrooms upstairs, every bedroom door is paneled with French mirrors, all latest bullt lns : house has music room with built -in music cabinet, in fact, this is a modern home In every detail. Will be shown by appoint ment only. SUNN YS IDE. NEAR LAURELHURST PARK. No. 199. 7-room modern house and attic, hardwood floors, furn ace, fireplace, cood plumbing, gas, screens, shade, paved street, ce ment sidewalk, lot 50x100: house can-not be duplicated for about $00O. Owner has good reasons for selling st $7500. half cash, balance on long time. IRVINGTON. 100x100 CORNER. $15,000. No. .. ISS. Beautiful 10-room house on & fine comer in the very heart of Irvington. close to Broad way car: has exceptionally la.rge living room and other rooms In proportion. 2 baths and other ex tras whi-h most houses do not have. The owner has placed a very low price on this property, and If you are. looklntr for some thing choice you will do well to look this over. $5000 cash will handle. Shown by appointment only. IRVINGTON SACRIFICE. 8-ROOM COLONIAL. No. 202. Has beautiful larce living1 room, . dinin-jr room, den. pass pantrv. kitchen a nd extra toilet on first floor: three fine bedrooms, sleeping porch and bath on second floor, very fine base ment, good furnace and laundry trays; 75x100 exound wit h nice lawn and shrubbery, very large garage. Owner of this property has no use for it and is offering it at a very low figure. Shown by ap pointment. 5000. No. 194. 6-room house, consist ing of living room, dining room, kitchen. 3 bedrooms. attt bard wood floors, furnace. f i renin ce, full set of plumbing, pretty burlt lns. good cement basemen t. ira raare. paved street. sidewalk, sewer. Remember this place has only been built four years; 4 blocks to grade school, about 7 blocks to hijrh school. Total price only $5000; $1500 cash, balance to suit. LAWYERS TITLE & TRUST COMPANY. 285 Stark Street. Near 4th. Marshall 1893. , $750 TWWN. fl-ROOM NEW BUNGALOW. fn MT. TABOR : place occupied only few weeks; hardwood floors In main ronn. old ivorv finish throughout, built-in writing desk, buffet ; Rood fireplace. Dutch kitchen, full cement basement and furnace. This is a restricted resi dence district and very attractive. The balance may be handled on monthly payments. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. S Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Main. 208. IRVINGTON. Here is your opportunity. A mos cheerful and charming 6-room home 5ox 100 lot, with Karage ; all improve ments in and paid; large living room fireplace, finished in old ivory and oa floors: dininir room In natural; Dutc kitchen, 3 nice cheerful bedrooms, sleep ing porch, tiled bath up. A most beau tiful home and we recommend as splendid buv. $70OO. Terms. THE FRED A. JACOBS COMPANY. 104 Fifth street. Main 6869. SUNNYSIDE HOME. S6750. Close In, modern 8-room resfdenc fireplace, sleeping porch, 5 rooms an den, including 2 bedrooms downstair: 3 bedrooms upstairs, furnace, concre basement, garage, corner lot ooxl on paved street. 1 blk. from car; $25oo cash, bal. termn. RICHARD W. MAST, RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. SOMETHING good in Woodlawn; 8-room modern bungalow, 2 blocks of Union ave, tributary to 3 car lines, walking dis tance Jefferson high, close to grade school, double constructed, f ul 1 cement basement, laundry trays, built-in book cases, buffet, hardwood floors. Dutch kitrht-n. full plumbing, $1000 cash. $4500 total price. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 N. W. Bank Bid sr. Main 3787. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. Near A ins worth avenue and 3 blocks east of Piedmont, rooms all good size, has furnace, fireplace, Dutch kitchen, f.nished in white enamel; good attic, two more rooms could be finished ; 55 x lOO lot. Price $4200, $1000 cash, bal ance easy terms. BROWN & GRANT, 201-2 Fenton Bldg. Broadway 3222. BRAND NEW LAURELHURST! Clever 5-room bungalow of unusual design and beauty, with " garage, located in the heart of Laurelhurst. Full lot with all improvements in and paid. Price $7500, terms. For full particulars see THE LAWRENCE CO. 212 Corbett Bldg. Main R915. FOR SALE BY OWNER. 5-rm. cottage, electricity. g;is. plumb ing, sewer connected, ha rd -surface sts., all paid. Price $1500; $:;oo cash. 7-rm. bungalow, sleeping porch. Dutch kitchen, fireplace, lots built-ins. garage, full lot. nice fruit. 4500. Will make good terms. Phone Tabor 146. YOU WANT A HOME. 7-room home with bath, full basement and fireplace and Xurnace : 2 good lof s, bearing fruit trees. For ouick sale will take $30OO; part cash. bal. terms. In quire 1513 East 9th st. N. LAD D A VENUE NEAR HA WT I lORX E. Beautiful 7-room bungalow in the pink of condition: modern- to the minute; verv fine garage; shown by appointment: price $7250. HENRY W. GODDARD. 243 Stark St. $125(1 4-ROOM house and lot 4"xl00; elec tric lights, gas. hot and cold water, patent toilet and garac. $mo cash, easy terms for balance. 3526 69th st S E Tabor 6n56. 7-ROOM modern house. 4 bedrooms, parlor. a i n 1 n , ro om. n.ncnen, pantry, pas. elec tricity, basement, furnace ; lot 58x1 00. near Or k ley Oreen school; cash and terms. "Woodlawn 3773. DESI R ABLE 6-room house near oar and school; paved streets; pood garage: pas and electricity; winter wood and coal for sale by owner; leaving city. i 572, Ore gonian. COURT ORDERS PROPERTY SOLD. Sellwood 2 strictly modern 6-room houses, full cement basement s, wash trays, almost new, paved etreel Mar shall inJL. $4700 CASH. 7-room hous. two lots, garage, good location. i4i w 1 iwau kie sr. ("all 2 to 4 K. M., fiepi. i, or pnone el, Tjv;. WE HAYK fureaay examined the titie to your property and can issue you a title Insurance policy ithout delay. Title & 1 rust com pa iiy. CLTE 3-room house for sale, light, gas. water, 1 mi , 9 ihdm. .vnr. per momn. oouiawn car to 10m, ttj Junior Btreet. YOU WANT to sell your home? See or phone us. THOMSON, 620-21 HENRY BLDG BROADWAY 4880. SEE THIS 6-room house, garage, excellent location, price ftiP.00. East 209 SUNNYSIDE Owner; 6-room houfits. Some bull l -i.ua. 1000 . Salmon. REAL ESTATE. ONLY $6300 for a swell, modern, np-to- a ate splendid residence, practically in the center of the city in central East Portland, in a fine residence district, close in on East Salmon street, about 16th street. High and sightlv, everything surrounding, it inviting and delightful. Now as to description of this house, we assert without fear of contradiction that this house alone cannot be built or re placed in its present condition, of which it is first-class and practically new, as the saying goes, for a .leas price than $8000. Now the lot alone in this local ity should be very cheap at 12500. This makes a value of $10,500 for this prop erty and you can bet every dollar on that. Walking distance. 2 blocks, in the best direction, north of Hawthorne ave.. the beauty spot of close-in east side. The owner is leavinsr at once: doesn't want to rent; take it at this immense sac rifice for 63on. Half cash will handle It. M. J. CLOHESSY, AB1NOTON BLDG. ONLY $1900 You must have $1000 cash to even talk about it. Here is 50x200 feet, all in garden and fruit, beau tiful lawn, cement sidewalks and curbs. 2 blocks from the paved street and on a good street of its own. which wi 11 be paved right away, in a good neighbor hood, on East 58th street. Now pay at tention to what you get for $1900 one of the cutest, nice appearing, complete in every respect bungalows, every room plastered, bath, toi iet. city, water, elec tricity, gas and another well constructed nice. Iare 2-roomed house complete, a woodshed with cement floors, a fruit room plastered, with cement floors; a ga rajfe. all of th-se buildings, and they cer tainly could nt be replaced today for less than $3noo alone, say nothing of the land. Everything so far in and paid for. You pet a clear title to all of this for the small sum of $1900. $1000 cash you must have, the balance as you desire to pnv it. M. J. CLOHESSY, ABINGTON BUILDING. ONLY $4000 Right across the steel bridge, rlose in to the business center. Is a 6-room house, modern and up-to-date. At the present time it rents for $35 oer month. There is a full cement basement, laundry trays, Dutch kitchen. 2 toilets, the plumbing is all porcelain, cement sidewalks and curbs, on Williams ave., between Halsev and Clackamas. $.1000 in cash will handle it. M. J. CLOHESSY, ABINGTON BUILDING. ONLY $3500 for an 8-room house and a corner lot, just off Hawthorne ave. on 50th st. The corner lot itself is one of the most desirable in this section, lying hiph with a good view of the surround ings. There is a concrete garage on the lot. paved street for 100 foet alon g the side of the lot. More cement work and cement sidewalks on and around this lot than any other lot in this district. The house has a full cement basement with a fine furnace. No person would under take to build the house alone for less than S4500. It has a fireplace and is modern. There is a large gas range, linoleum in the, kitchen and bathroom. You get everything for the small sum of $3500. It's practically a gift, so close in and on the carline. $10oo cash will handle it. M. J. CLOHESSY, ABINGTON BUILDING. ONLY $1600 buys a new house with a full lot. 2 blocks f rem the station in Capitol Hill, close to the boulevard ; bath, toilet, gas and city water in the house. Half cash will handle it. M. J. CLOHESSY, ALINGTON BUILDING. ON THE WEST FIDE Only $6500. in the center of the Nob Hill residential district, close to Washington street; walking distance, no carfare to pay. Here is one of those substantial and modern residences in the ripht location, where there are so few similar places such as this offered for sale. A real pretty home ; contains 6 rooms, a full cement basement, fin fireplace, sleeping porch: in fact, all of the modern con veniences and equipment which go to make a comfortable home; nice lawn and shrubbery. The prica is very much less than one would expect to buy a fine home such as this la in the locality in which it Is. Half cash will close the deal. M. J. CLOHESSY, ABINGTON BUILDING. ONLY $IS00 and this buys and pays In full for a Rood 6-room house, mod ern, with a correr lot. garRe, etc. The location is on the Mt. Scott car line about 86th st. This is conceded to be way under its value a it can be readily seen tnnt a 6-room house with a corner lot for $lSn0 is not the price of the house alone and the corner ic-t should be worth something. Anvhow. you can buy both the house, and the lot for $18no. $lo0 cash is all you need. M. J. CLOHESSY. ABINGTON BUILDING. ONLY $1400 And this Is some snap! A good 6-room house with 3 lots, in the best psrt of M r-nta villa business section, onl v 100 feet from the cr line on East Glisan street. The house has bath, toilet, city water, gas, electric lights and several large fruit trees in full bearing. You are practically on the paved East Glisan street. Everything in and paid for. No better loeatien in the Monta villa district, nor one more convenient. About $ioo cash will handle it. M. J. CLOHESSY. ALDINGTON BUILDING. ROSE CITY PARK. 42D AND THOMPSON. Up-to-date 7-room house with sleeping porch. Complete in every respect. Roses and fruit. Fine corner lot. $t;soo $30Ort DOWN. Nenr Jefferson high school, six room brick house, modern. 50x1 00 foot lot. This is a genuine bar gain. $4500. $15i0 down. Sunnvside, 5-room bungalow, newly 'painted and tinted: first class condition. $4OO0. Half cash. W. H. SAWTELL. Tabor 1811. COZY BUNGALOW LAURELHURST. 5 dandy rooms, large living and din ing, cozy den with fireplace. Dutch kitchen. 2 nice bedrooms, fine bath, ce ment basement, good furnace and all modern conveniences: garage. A very imposing bungalow and one you would be proud to call home. All improve ments paid. $7tn0. terms. TH E LAWRENCE CO. 212 Corbett Bldg. Main 6915. NEW 6-ROOM BUNGALOW. HAWTHORNE. $4800. Hardwood floors. fireplace, built-in conveniences, 3 bedrooms, concrete base ment, corner lot 60x100; $1000 down, bal. terms. RICHARD W. M AST. RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201 -3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. ' H-ROUM 1 1 O U S E . 66x1 10-FOOT LOT. Lots of- Fruit. IN PERFECT CONDITION, BIGGEST SNAP OF KIND ON MARKET TODAY. $2650 TERMS. SEE IT MONDAY. NEILAN - PARK HILL, 219 I.um hrn-tens Bldg.. 5th and Stark. ROSE CITY PARK. Just a clever and cozy 5-room bunga low, with real breakfast room ; oaK floors, fireplace, furnace, all the built ins, corner lot ; all improvements in and paid. Owner leaving city and of fers at a real buy. $5350; $1750 cash. THE FRED A. JACOBS COMPANY. . 104 Fifth street. Main 6869. A REAL BARGAIN. Bungalow in the center of Piedmont. 7 rooms, modern and in excellent con dition, hardwood floors, fireplace, fur nace, nice lighting fixtures and all kinds of built-ins, convenient to good, car serv ice, schools and Peninsula Park. Price $6000, terms. BROWN & GRANT. 201-2 Fenton Bldg. ' Broadway 3222. TWO HOMES FOR SALE. TV HEART F BEST IRVINGTON DIS TRICT. LOT IOOX150; HOUSE BUILT INSIDE PORT ORFORD CEDAR. COM PLETE. ONE CORNER LOT 60X100. FINE OA RAGE. HOUSE FURNISHED OR NOT. MUST BE SOLD. PHONE MARSHALL 16S4. LEAVING CITY. SEE ME TODAY. WILL SACRI F1CE MODERN HOME. BUILT FOR COMFORT AND CONVEN IENCE: I'LL SELL ON TERMS AND SAVE YOU MONEY, TOO. CALL 123l SANDY BOULEVARD, PHONE TABOR 3S5. RICHMOND. By owner: 5-room up-to-date bunga low, built 1 year; double constructed ; hardwod floors, all modern improve ments, cement basement, fine lawn and shrubbery : paved st reds, a !1 assess nien ts paid ; lot 50x1 00. Will sell f ur r isiL'd if so desired. Ideal sniai 1 home. Phne Aut. IMS--:. A TITLE insurance policy is a guarantee bv a responsible company that you wi 11 not suffer loss on account of the title to your real estate. When you buy real estate get a title linurance policy. No abstract required. Title & Trust com pany. ALBERTA. $-1750, 5 rooms, bookcases, buf fet, fireplace, built-in k itch en. good hath, full basement, laundry trays, block to car. Terms. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 133 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 5787. ROSE CITY PARK. S6O00. 50x100. corner lot with 7-room bunga low, modern in every respect, built about four years ago; 2 bedrooms first floor; 'j bedrooms and !. porch on 2d floor. HENRY W. GODDARD. 243 Stark St OWNER leaving cjty. offer modern home 6 rooms and sleeping porch with most of furnishings at $45(t0; a real sacrifice. Come and see it. I. C. Clodfelter, 1253 Hi&douri ave. Wdlu. 16.03. D